Fall 2019 Magazine

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P R E S I D E N T ’ S


Investing in Our Students







Dear Alumni and Friends of Simpson:


This issue follows on the heels of a very successful homecoming. Not only did our alumni and students enjoy a memorable weekend, our community celebrated the public announcement of the Simpson: Imagine the Impact campaign. Making the celebration even more exciting is the fact that we are well on the way to achieving our goal of $25 million by May 31, 2020. The campaign focuses on three primary areas. First, funds raised for enhancing our teaching and learning spaces will create a new home for the teacher education program in Dunn Library and update the laboratories and classrooms in the Carver Science Building. Second, we seek to increase Simpson’s endowed resources to $100 million. Every dollar from the endowment that supports scholarships and operations is one less dollar we must charge in tuition and fees. The third primary focus of the campaign is annual giving. Thanks to the generosity of so many of you, I am pleased to report that each of Simpson’s last three annual funds are the top three in the College’s history. Similar to the endowment, these gifts mean that we can support our students in ways without relying on tuition and fees.

6 FACULTY PURSUITS Jesse Wilcox Seeing a Different Angle Simmons to Step Down New Trustees Faculty and Staff Award Winners 9 CONTINUING & GRADUATE PROGRAMS 10 CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE 11 FEATURE STORY Imagine the Impact

21 EXTRA! • Educational tools enhance STEM programs • Programmers Shine • Making an IMPACT • Debate National Champions • Interim Senior Vice President & Dean • Online program among nation's best 25 TOURING THE YEARS



The Simpson Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Send correspondence to alumni.office@simpson.edu.

THE MAGAZINE Jay K. Simmons Simpson College President Produced by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations Bryan Geelan ’07 Marketing Communication Director Devin Perry Virtual Media Specialist








On behalf of our entire Simpson College community, I thank all of you for making our public launch of the campaign such a success. As we work toward the conclusion of the campaign, please help Simpson and our students by making your contribution to the College that has done so much for so many of us. Your support for and investment in our students underscores why Simpson makes such a difference in so many lives. In closing, permit me to express my thanks for the warmth and support the Simpson family has extended to Jenné and I for the last six years. We have greatly enjoyed this time with you and working together to advance the Simpson Experience. Please help us successfully conclude the campaign so our next president will enjoy the same support and success all of you have so generously extended to Jenné and me.

Contributing Writers Bryan Geelan '07 Michelle Johnson Zach Newcomer

Office of Alumni Relations Andy English ’05 Director 515-961-1547

Photography Luke Behaunek Austin Hronich ’19 Coby Berg ’20

Office of College Advancement Bob Lane ’81 Vice President 515-961-1549








JIM '54 AND LILLIAN REED ’54 MET DURING THEIR SOPHOMORE YEAR AT SIMPSON COLLEGE. THE COUPLE BUMPED INTO EACH OTHER IN CLASS THANKS TO AN ALPHABETICAL SEATING ARRANGEMENT THAT PUT HIM—JIM REED—IN THE SEAT NEXT TO HER—LILLIAN RYDEL. THEIR RELATIONSHIP BLOSSOMED AND THE COUPLE WAS MARRIED THE SUMMER BEFORE THEIR JUNIOR YEAR. THEY RECENTLY CELEBRATED THEIR 66TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. The Reeds are true Simpson Sweethearts, and their love for each other can only be matched by their love for the College that brought them together. That love is illustrated by the couple’s generous giving history, most notably the Rydel-Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund.


The scholarship has been awarded for the past 16 years dating back to 2003.


Twenty-five students have been awarded the RydelReed Endowed Scholarship for a total of 55 times.




To date, the scholarship has provided nearly $600,000 to students in need.

Their overall experience at Simpson became the motivating factor for giving back. Once Jim’s career began to flourish at Arthur Andersen LLP in Chicago, the couple decided it was time to contribute to Simpson, though Jim admitted early on “the amounts were embarrassingly small.” Though the amount of their first gift may have been small by their standards, it got the Reeds into the habit of giving—something they’ve been doing on an annual basis for 49 years. Over that time, the Reeds have found many ways to give back. They’ve given monetary gifts to the Annual Fund and specific campaigns. They’ve given time and talent through Jim’s involvement on the Board of Trustees and on alumni boards in Chicago and New York. But nothing compares to the impact of the Rydel-Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Both Jim and Lillian grew up in Central Iowa and largely based their college choice on proximity. But upon graduation, the couple benefitted from more than just a short drive home.

The Rydel-Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund currently goes to four or five students per year. There are few restrictions put on the scholarship. “The only requirement is need,” said Jim, who looks forward to his annual trip to campus from his home in Arizona for the Annual Corporate and Endowed Donor Appreciation Luncheon. At the luncheon, he gets a chance to put faces to the names of the students directly benefitting from the scholarship.

“We came away from Simpson with the feeling that, number one, we had gotten a good, liberal arts education,” said Jim, whose finance career took him to large firms in Chicago and New York. “Number two was the opportunity to grow as human beings through a widerange of extracurricular activities.”

Jim remembered one such meeting when a student shared that she was the first in her family to go to college. She wouldn’t have been able to attend without the scholarship because her family needed help. “That was gratifying,” he said, “to know there was somebody in college that helped you realize your money was in a good place.”

Jim graduated with a degree in business administration and Lillian graduated with a degree in home economics. Both were active in various programs throughout their school years, most notably Jim’s involvement in the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Jim said he was able to develop leadership skills and learn the importance of being an involved member of a community.

That’s just one of the many examples of how the scholarship has benefited students over the years. For the Reeds, giving back has been a rewarding experience, and they encourage others to do the same. “I think everyone should start the process of giving back,” Jim said. “One-hundred dollars is the way to get started. Keep it up, year after year, and you’ll find that it’s a good thing.” n




Jesse Wilcox Wins Science Teaching Award BY A M E L I A S C H A F E R ’ 2 2

JESSE WILCOX KNOWS HOW TO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION. One of the newest additions to the Simpson College faculty, Wilcox—assistant professor of teacher education—recently won the Distinguished Science Teaching Award presented by the Iowa Academy of Science. The award recognizes contributions Iowa professors and teachers have made to scientific research, science education and general service to science.


Wilcox’s teaching methods are unique, as they are mostly researched based. In addition, he tries his best to make sure each and every student feels welcomed in the classroom. Wilcox came to Simpson from Drake University, where he taught teacher education from 2016-18. Prior to that, he spent two years at Grand View University.

-Jesse Wilcox

For Wilcox, one of the biggest benefits of working at Simpson is the College’s emphasis on individual students. "Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of teaching is really caring about each student and working to get to know them as a student and as a person. “I think the faculty want their courses to be rigorous and meaningful for each student, and the staff is very friendly and helpful.” 6 SIMPSON COLLEGE

The Iowa State University alumnus also believes in treating students with kindness and respect. He said if the students aren’t comfortable with the faculty, then they won’t perform their best. “Students must feel safe in the classroom before they can effectively share their ideas, engage in activities, be comfortable being wrong and think at deeper levels,” he said. “I believe teachers can begin to create safe environments by effectively interacting with students.” Wilcox particularly enjoys working with Simpson students as he feels they are eager to learn and passionate about what they do. He also enjoys the teacher education department. “My department has been wonderful. I think we all share a similar vision for education and all want the very best for our students. I’ve also enjoyed getting to know other professors and staff members from across campus. It’s great to have so much expertise surrounding me.” Other Simpson professors who have won the Distinguished Science Teaching Award include Dr. Ron Warnet in 2011 and Dr. Pat Singer in 2017. n

students enthusiastic from their first year, helping bring up the number of students interested in research," Subramanian said.


Entering her second year at Simpson, Subramanian is conducting her own research alongside her students. Her research is focused on the molecular basis of motility in Tetrahymena, a genus of free-living ciliates commonly found in freshwater ponds. “I can’t do the research without these accessories,” she said.

THANKS TO THE GENEROSITY OF KAMIE ’92 AND GARY HAYNES ’90, BIOLOGY STUDENTS AT SIMPSON COLLEGE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO UTILIZE A PAIR OF STATE-OF-THE-ART MICROSCOPES IN THEIR COURSEWORK AND RESEARCH. THE GIFT FROM THE HAYNES FAMILY HELPED PURCHASE MUCH-NEEDED ACCESSORIES TO ENHANCE THE DEPARTMENT’S CURRENT COMPOUND MICROSCOPES. The recently acquired accessories include two new cameras, a new lens for increased magnification, a new computer and new software that is compatible with the cameras. With the enhancements, the microscopes have the ability to do high-speed video micrography, fluorescence micrography and bright field microscopy. That all translates to added benefits for upwards of 100 students in biology, biochemistry and beyond every year. “The beauty of having these accessories is that they can be used by more than one class,” said Aswati Subramanian, assistant professor of biology. Typically reserved for research in advanced level classes, utilizing technical equipment like the microscopes in entry-level courses as well can “make

As a ciliate, Tetrahymena is characterized by the presence of hair-like structures that allow it to move in the water. “That same structure is what we have in our bodies,” Subramanian said. “Our brain, kidneys, etc., are all lined with those hairlike structures.” The microscopy made possible by the new accessories allows Subramanian and her students to actually see the structures moving, which was not possible before. “Studying those proteins and genes within the single-cell organism will give us a better idea of what is happening in human beings,” Subramanian said. “To be able to see the hair-like structures and how they move, we can tell if there is something wrong with them or if there is something telling about the waveform.” Subramanian came to Simpson following the completion of her PhD and post-doctoral research at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The cellular molecular biologist was drawn to the College in part because of its unique approach to research. “The kind of research I’m interested in doing is not done in isolation,” she said. “I love to teach research as well and bring it to the teaching lab.” Students began reaping the benefits of the microscope accessories this fall. In the future, Subramanian believes the possible uses of the microscope can extend beyond the biology lab. “I can think of multiple projects that can come out of those microscopes,” she said. “The strength of liberal arts colleges is the ability to see things from different angles.” n


JAY SIMMONS TO STEP DOWN AS PRESIDENT The Simpson College Board of Trustees announced on Aug. 8 that President Jay Simmons will step down from his current role once a successor is named. Simmons will continue to serve as president through the transition. “I’m honored and thankful for the opportunity to have served the Simpson community,” said Simmons. “As I enter my seventh academic year, I believe it’s the right time for a new president who can focus the campus community on Simpson’s next chapter.” During his tenure, Simmons has led several financial and academic-related initiatives that have been vital to the future success of Simpson College. This includes the launch of the Simpson Promise, which covers the full cost of tuition for qualified students from Iowa.


“I want to thank Jay for his leadership and dedication -President Jay Simmons to the College,” said Terry Lillis, Chair of the Simpson College Board of Trustees. “His commitment to higher education reflects the ideals we strive for as a college.” Under Simmons’s leadership, Simpson has remained one of Iowa’s top private colleges. In addition, the College was recently ranked 15th in the nation by EDSmart, a scholastic ranking specialist, for its online programs. Simpson was the only college in Iowa to make the list. “I am proud of what we have accomplished at Simpson and I know the College is well-positioned for a strong and vibrant future,” commented Simmons, who said he plans to seek other opportunities in higher education or corporate leadership. Simmons is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern College, earning his MA and PhD in political science from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He was hired as the 23rd president of Simpson College in June 2013. n


NEW BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEMBERS Virginia Croskery Lauridsen—The worldrenowned classical musician and former faculty member at the College joined the Board of Trustees in Fall 2019. She currently serves as president-elect for the Des Moines Metro Opera, chair of education for the Civic Music Association, on the board of overseers for Opera America and on the advisory board for the Des Moines Symphony Sound of the City Campaign. As a performer, she was a winner of the Third International Pavarotti competition and an original cast member in the first national tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s "Phantom of the Opera." Steven Alan Ramsey ’11—The Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Kansas City and 2011 Simpson graduate joined the Board of Trustees in Fall 2019. Following his graduation from Simpson, the Kansas City native attended the University of Notre Dame Law School, obtaining his juris doctorate degree in 2014. Focusing his career efforts in his home state of Missouri, Ramsey has worked for Governor Jeremiah Nixon, clerked for the Missouri Supreme Court and worked for the Missouri Attorney General’s Office. He also volunteers for Anytown KC, Missouri Boys State and Kansas City’s professional sports teams. n

FACULTY AND STAFF AWARDS ANNOUNCED Between 2019 spring commencement and the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year, Simpson College presented seven individuals with faculty and staff awards, including: Judy Walden, associate professor of history, Distinguished Teaching; Allison Wolf, professor of philosophy, Distinguished Research; Sharon Wilkinson, former professor of French, Exemplary Teaching; Jesse Wilcox, assistant professor of teacher education, Distinguished Jr. Faculty; Amy Doling, professor of biology, Campus Leadership; Elyse Morris, area coordinator and music adjunct, Staff Student Impact; Ellie Olson, associate dean for counseling, health & leadership, Staff Service to the College. n





THE RIGHT THING TO DO IOWANS WILL NEVER FORGET THE CHILLING EVENTS OF NOV. 2, 2016. THAT MORNING, THE STATE AWAKENED TO THE NEWS OF TWO DES MOINES-AREA POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. URBANDALE POLICE OFFICER JUSTIN MARTIN ’15 AND DES MOINES POLICE SERGEANT TONY BEMINIO ’01 WERE GUNNED DOWN WHILE SITTING IN THEIR PATROL CARS. Like most everyone else, Terry Handley ’09 learned of the shootings through the media. Then he learned that both officers were graduates of Simpson College, a place near to his heart. “Even now it makes me choke up,” said the retired president and CEO of Casey’s General Stores, Inc. “I immediately said ‘we’re going to do something.’” Handley grew up in Central Iowa, graduating from Ankeny High School in 1978. At age 21, he began his career at Casey’s and worked his way up the ladder. He climbed to the level of director of marketing by 1989 when he decided he wanted to accomplish his personal goal of earning a college degree. “It seemed to me that a college degree would be important, but also it was one of those personal objectives that I had yet to fulfill.” Positive word-of-mouth advertising from friends led Handley to investigate Simpson’s evening program. He enrolled and began taking classes at the West Des Moines campus, which at the time was located at Valley High School. His goal was within reach. Then he got another promotion, one that required extensive travel. So he figured he’d put his classes on hold. And he did. For 17 years. During that time, Handley and his wife, Nancy, had three children. He continued to climb the ladder at Casey’s. And by 2006, he was the chief operating officer. His life hadn’t slowed down—he and Nancy had twin eight-year-olds and a twelve-year-old, he was the board president for Youth Homes of Mid-America and was in the process of founding the Bondurant-Farrar Education Foundation—but he decided it was time to re-enroll.

The late nights, early mornings and missed ball games paid off in 2009 when Handley earned his bachelor’s degree in business management. “I look back at that time and think ‘wow, that was hell,’ but it was great. I never second-guessed the reason why I went back.” He became president and chief operating officer in 2014 and took over as president and CEO in 2016, a position he held until June 2019. Once Handley discovered that Officer Martin and Sergeant Beminio—the officers slain on the first Wednesday in November 2016—were both Simpson graduates, he immediately approached the charities and contributions committee at Casey’s and proposed establishing a scholarship honoring the fallen officers. “I said I wanted to establish a scholarship in the name of each officer for $25,000. Nobody even blinked. “It was such an emotional reaction but it was still the right thing to do, and I’m damn proud we did it. I wouldn’t change that for anything.” In addition to his contributions through Casey’s, Handley and his wife fund their own $25,000 scholarship for students in need, they contribute to the annual fund and Terry is chairing the presidential search committee as a member of the College’s board of trustees. For Handley, the reason to give back is simple. He realized as a board member for Youth Homes of Mid-America that no amount is too small. “The old cliché that every dollar counts is completely true,” he said. He noticed that small contributions by many can add up quickly. “I would encourage everybody that $10 or $20 goes a long way. If you and 10 or 20 others give something, it ends up being a lot of money. You can have a huge impact.” n


Simpson Youth Academy (Eric Rucker)

C H A P L A I N ’ S




Simpson Youth Academy BY M A R A L E H E W B A I L E Y ’ 0 6 , C H A P L A I N

“TELL ME, WHAT IS IT YOU INTEND TO DO WITH YOUR ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE?” THIS IS THE QUESTION—FROM POET MARY OLIVER—THAT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE MET WITH AS THEY ARRIVE AT THE SIMPSON YOUTH ACADEMY EACH SUMMER. The Simpson Youth Academy (SYA) brings teens from throughout the Midwest to live and learn on Simpson’s campus for nine days during the summer. The program gives students a taste of college, allowing them to live on campus, take classes with Simpson professors and be mentored by current Simpson College students. Scholars also take mission trips during that week to see how organizations are responding to a variety of social issues like poverty, care of creation and interfaith dialogue. Participants plan and lead worship services. They meet professionals in various fields who are impacting their communities through service and they live alongside peers from diverse backgrounds, learning to collaborate across difference for the common good. Finally, after the summer ends, each scholar receives a mini-grant that they use to plan and implement a service project in their local church or community. We do this work to help young people discern their vocations. In other words, we help them explore the question “Where does my deep gladness meet the world’s deep need?” As a college rooted in the United Methodist tradition, committed to social justice and moral responsibility, we help students understand how

their faith and spirituality are a valuable resource as they discern vocation. The SYA began as a dream to design a program that would engage high school students in the types of questions and programs we offer to our college students. It was led by the question, “How can we help high schoolers better develop an active faith to support them in their college years?” With generous support from the Lilly Endowment, we have discovered that Simpson College is a great fit to host this program. In its first three years, SYA has gathered and supported 55 young people who have returned to their communities as leaders motivated to create change. We have partnered with 10 Christian denominations in the process, working with over 100 clergy, non-profit leaders and community partners. We have seen some of these youth continue on to attend Simpson College, bettering the campus community with their leadership! As we continue this work, we are more and more convinced that young people have gifts and power that can heal our communities right now, not just in the future. We would love to partner with you to empower youth for leadership. If you know current 10th or 11th graders who might benefit from SYA, please contact us to nominate them for this important experience. It could change a young person’s life! n Rev. Mara Bailey '06, Simpson College Chaplain Eric Rucker, Director, Simpson Youth Academy


WE C AN DO TH I S. TOG ETH E R. Simpson College proudly announces Imagine the Impact, a comprehensive campaign designed to enhance the teaching and learning experience and grow the College endowment to $100 million. Through this campaign, Simpson College is boldly and confidently moving forward with renewed purpose. 11 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

IMAGINE THE IMPACT Every gift matters as Simpson prepares for the future of teaching and learning

“The past couple of years have been challenging in higher education,” said Bob Lane '81, vice president for college advancement. “But this college is resilient. There is a determination to get back to being the best. It’s time. We are calling on every single individual who has ever felt Simpson’s impact to join us in moving it forward.” During the initial “silent phase” of Imagine the Impact, which began in 2016-17, more than 3,000 donors stepped up with nearly $20 million. With the search for a new president under way, Simpson board leadership recently decided to revise the campaign goal and timeline to $25 million by May 31, 2020. Doing so enables a new president to close out a successful campaign and strategize next steps for college fundraising efforts. It also creates a sense of excitement and urgency for the remainder of the campaign, which kicked off publicly with events during Homecoming 2019. The silent phase has been anything but silent on campus. Exciting renovations in Carver Science Hall began almost immediately in 2016. Two general classrooms, a biology lab and chemistry lab have been renovated to-date. All of this speaks to increasing growth in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Two general classrooms now feature room setups and furniture more conducive to teamwork and group projects. New lighting and ceilings were also installed. One classroom has been outfitted with wireless projection, so professors and students can project content from their laptops for engaging instruction and discussion, without the cords and cables. Biology and chemistry laboratories also received facelifts. Highlights include new furniture and room layouts, improved lighting, and impressive technology upgrades. The chemistry lab now features exhaust hoods over each student work station to provide increased safety and flexibility in experimentation.

“We now have spaces serving more than 300 students daily that are more collaborative, with high- and low-tech devices to match pedagogy of today’s teachers and tomorrow’s learners,” said Dr. Jackie Brittingham, professor of biology and division of natural science chair. “We have also integrated features in all new spaces to address needs of students with disabilities or accessibility challenges.”

The Imagine the Impact campaign will also include adding a third floor to Dunn Library, which will be the new home of Simpson’s Teacher Education Department. This innovative new space will include three methods classrooms, accommodating 24 students each. Furniture will allow for flexible room setup to encourage collaboration and teamwork. Classrooms will have leading-edge audio and video technology. A specialized STEM classroom will be equipped for handson learning, with deep sinks and table tops with chemicaland heat-resistant surfaces for experiments. Also planned are a curriculum laboratory with current literature and hands-on materials, a large open student space with comfortable furnishings, and four additional interdisciplinary classrooms to be shared with all academic departments. Faculty offices, a lounge and plenty of storage are also part of the third-floor design.

“Our graduates will teach in classrooms that are more innovative, high-tech and collaborative than ever before,” Professor of Education Barb Ramos said. “They need to learn in an environment that reflects that. This new space will not only better prepare our future teachers, but it will help attract students and top-notch faculty to our program. This addition will give Simpson a competitive edge as a leader in teacher education, especially among small, private colleges.”


gives generously and loyally to Simpson College, but his love of small liberal arts schools officially began at his alma mater, Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Ind. “There are strong similarities between the two schools,” Rohm said. “I love the small liberal arts college experience. It is second to none. Both Wabash and Simpson deliver that experience passionately.” Rohm was raised by two working-class parents who put themselves through college in the 1920s. He and his siblings understood a college education as an expectation—the next natural step after high school. Rohm's degree is a “gift” he claims has served him all of his life, in every aspect of his life. He also holds a master’s degree from the University of Michigan.

Exciting renovations are planned for the first and second floors of Dunn as well. These floors will be completely modernized and redesigned. There will be plenty of spaces for students to gather and interact, as well as quiet nooks to read or study. The Center for Academic Resources will receive a new look, along with other faculty and staff offices. The new space could potentially include a small coffee shop and outdoor terrace.

Rohm and late wife Joy first began giving annually to the Simpson Fund with a $500 check in the late 1980s, after Rohm began serving on the Simpson Board of Trustees. As their capacity to give grew, so did their gifts to the College, including a sizable gift to the current Imagine the Impact campaign. A significant contribution to the Kent Student Center and Rohm’s longtime career at Principal resulted in a space that now bears his name — the Rohm Mezzanine in the Principal Financial Group Black Box Theatre.

Imagine the Impact has also been growing Simpson’s endowment. This positions the college to more assuredly face the future of small colleges in Iowa and navigate the everchanging landscape of higher education.

“I have no better way to describe my philanthropy other than joyful,” Rohm said. “The older I get and the greater my capacity to give becomes, the greater the joy I experience from giving.”

A strong faith has been important too. His Christianity has been the foundation of what he calls an “attitude of gratitude.” Rohm said he has been careful not to become “too proud of himself." He keeps humility and gratitude, not entitlement, at the core of his giving. “I also have to credit my giving mentality to a long list of philanthropic individuals and families I’ve had the distinct pleasure of knowing since Joy and I first moved to Des Moines in 1958,” he said. “Joy and I were so in awe of this generous and accepting community. As a younger man, they influenced me more than they know.” Those connections are partly responsible for fueling Rohm’s call to serve at Simpson. While working as a senior executive at Principal Financial in the 80s, he was “recruited” to Simpson’s board as a result of his business relationships. He gladly accepted, serving on and chairing many committees. He was the president of the board from 1993-99. Rohm retired from the board in 2005 and was granted honorary life status in 2006. Rohm was also given an honorary degree—doctor of humane letters, LHD—in 1999. When asked what advice he might have for alumni who are considering giving but aren’t sure if/when/how to start, Rohm says “just start. Become a regular, annual giver.” “I urge young Simpson alumni especially to think about those faculty who saw something special in them,” Rohm said. “Give in honor of that. Because that is what it’s all about; living up to your potential as a professional, but most importantly, as a person.” Rohm, who is held in high regard by the Simpson Community as someone who has truly met and exceeded his potential, currently spends his days in retirement in sunny Scottsdale, Ariz. His connection to Simpson College remains strong, as does his legacy of generosity that enables others to fall in love with the small liberal arts experience, just as he did. n

“As we open this campaign to the public, we’re giving all who love this place a chance to permanently connect to it,” Lane said. “A chance to truly change the face of teaching, learning and campus culture. That’s pretty special.”





TERRY ’69 AND CHERYL HINMAN ’70 ALUMNI COUPLE’S ENDOWED FUND “PAYS IT FORWARD” Terry Hinman ’69 was the oldest of nine children. Cheryl Meyerhoeffer Hinman ’70 (Cheri) was the oldest of seven. Both first-generation graduates of Simpson College, the Hinmans fully understand the challenges of financing a college degree. It’s one of the reasons they established the Pay It Forward Endowed Fund. They were further inspired when the College announced the Simpson Promise program for qualified students from highneed Iowa families. “We would not have been able to attend college without scholarships,” Terry said. “We felt an obligation to ensure the same opportunity for students today.” The Hinmans reflect fondly on their time at Simpson. Cheri studied music and went on to teach the subject and sing professionally. She credits her music background for the success she found in software sales. “Through teaching and performing, I learned to stand confidently in front of a crowd and hold people’s attention,” she said. “As a student under Dr. Lekberg and Dr. Larson, I also learned to excel under high expectations at Simpson. My degree and the skills and confidence that came with it are a gift I’ll forever cherish.” Terry double majored in history and political science. He thought about running for Congress, but decided on law school, practicing 15 years before going to work for a venture capital company. That’s where he learned the world of software and systems implementation. In retirement, Terry has learned how to trade stocks. “We just never stop learning,” Terry said. “Cheri and I are products of Simpson professors who challenged us to do more than we thought we were capable of.” And they have. Now the Hinmans are paying it forward, making college a reality for many first-generation students.

“When we look back, there is a pathway that led us to this point,” said Terry. “Simpson College was a critical part of that. We are in a position to help young people learn to make good decisions in their lives that could lead them to the same success we have experienced. This fund is our way of doing just that.”

MARY JOYCE BAKER PICKETT ’62 ALUMNA’S ENDOWED FUND MAKES LEARNING GLOBAL This fall, many Simpson College students will begin the semester thousands of miles from home, immersed in a completely new culture. The study abroad experience is something Mary Joyce Baker Pickett ’62 would have “jumped at” as a student in the 60s. The excitement of a new adventure and her love of international travel compelled Mary Joyce and her husband, Leroy, to establish the Mary Joyce Baker Pickett Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Fund. “It is so important for students to be exposed to different parts of the world,” Mary Joyce said. “Students should experience and understand other cultures; it gives them a new and valuable perspective of their own culture.” Throughout her life, Mary Joyce has been able to satisfy her curiosity and grow her passion for international travel with trips to Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Turkey, Panama, Costa Rica and 15 European countries. And, of course, all 50 states. The Picketts heard about a scholarship at another institution that was solely for students wanting to travel abroad. Endowing their own similar fund enabled them to be more focused and intentional in their giving. “I had some very good years at Simpson,” Mary Joyce said. “I developed so much as a person. I owe Simpson for that. At the end of my senior year, someone from the alumni office invited seniors to join the Alumni Association. I remember them saying that it wasn’t 'so important the amount you give, just that you give,' and I have given in different ways since that day.” n



ALUMNI TURNS 40 AND MAKES EVERY GIFT COUNT Travis Rychnovsky ‘01 loves parties. So it only made sense he celebrated his 40th birthday with one. He invited 260 people, but touched the lives of thousands—because this party was anything but ordinary. Rychnovsky knew he didn’t want the typical hats-hornsconfetti kind of party. He wanted something more meaningful. Rychnovsky and wife Jenise decided to throw a party themed “$40K for 40,” a nod to Travis turning 40 and his ambitious goal to raise $40,000 for three charitable causes important to their family. Simpson College was one of them. Travis talked his idea over with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. The Foundation agreed to administer all of the funds from the party. Travis and Jenise personally delivered their donation of more than $13,000 to Simpson. “While serving as a young trustee on the Simpson College Board of Trustees from 2013-16, I got a glimpse at the real economics of the college,” Rychnovsky said. That’s why he chose to give to Simpson’s annual fund. His gift would be applied to the areas of greatest need, reaching the most people. “I come from a town of around 400 residents in Southwest Iowa,” he said. “I learned very early to think bigger. Also, working for a company like the Foster Group, where leadership and culture are both deeply rooted in giving back, inspires me daily to never limit myself in impacting others.” Rychnovsky said Simpson College is where he first learned to look at things creatively—adding it is only fitting the college benefits from the results. n

RETURN TO CAMPUS SPARKS GIVING SPIRIT Pat DeMouth ’82 hadn’t been back to Simpson’s campus in a while, but it wasn’t because he didn’t enjoy his time in Indianola. As a non-traditional student balancing adult life with a full class load, he felt supported by the faculty and staff. He followed his first wife to Simpson, played football for a year and was a house parent for the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. To this day he has nothing but fond memories. The problem was, life got in the way. Then his former high school football coach, also a Simpson alumnus, invited DeMouth to see a Storm football game. That provided the nudge he needed to reconnect with his alma mater. The man providing that nudge was John Mills ’50, DeMouth’s football coach and athletic director at Saydel High School in Des Moines. “He was very influential in my life,” said DeMouth, who also played basketball and baseball in high school. He shared a common bond with his high school coach: Simpson football. Mills was an all-conference quarterback for the Redmen in 1949 and is a member of the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame. DeMouth was a member of the football team more than 30 years later. While DeMouth was re-connecting with his mentor, fond memories came flooding back. “Just being on campus brings back a lot of memories,” he said. “It was fun to see all of the new buildings and the improvements that have been made.” His reconnection with Mills and the success of his business, PDM Distribution Service, led DeMouth to reconsider his giving practices with the college. “I enjoyed the Simpson experience so much, I had the ability to give back and I wanted to do something to honor Coach Mills,” he said. DeMouth started the endowed John P. Mills Championship Fund and contributed to the football coaches’ office in his name. Mills passed away in 2018 at the age of 92, but his Simpson legacy lives on thanks to DeMouth’s contributions. n




Former Central Michigan University assistant coach and University of Northern Iowa AllAmerican Dylan Peters has been hired as the head coach of the Simpson wrestling team. He becomes the 18th coach in program history, taking over for Nate Hansen who resigned after seven seasons.

THE PHILANTHROPIC MINDSET While Denny Whalen ’75 was busy on the Simpson practice field, his wife Jane ’90 was just starting her working career as an employee at Warren County Bank in Indianola. Still a few decades away from her ascension to the role of president and majority owner of Midwest Project Partners—now Aureon Consulting—Jane remembers her first big raise. She went from making $2.00 per hour to $2.25. It was at that first job that Whalen’s mentor, bank president Gene Smith, gave her a bit of advice that stuck. “He said it was always important to give back to your community, no matter the amount,” she said. She embraced that advice and made her first significant gift—a humble amount, she admits, looking back. “Our first giving experience was to the Indianola Public Library. It was $250 over a three-year commitment,” she chuckled. “It seemed significant to us.” Whalen’s giving spirit has grown throughout the years— something she calls the “philanthropic mindset”— as she and Denny have evolved into generous donors to the Simpson Athletic Department. Notable contributions by the Whalens include the Whalen Gateway, a significant piece of Buxton Stadium’s exterior facelift in 2010, as well as supporting the creation of the Whalen Academic Suite, a part of the recent renovation to the Fitness Center.

The Gateway is Whalen’s favorite project because it also “adds to the entire campus,” she said. Whalen’s family ties to Simpson run deep. Denny was a football team captain as a senior, a letterwinner on the track and field team and the first to introduce Jane to the institution. Their son, Jeremy ’99 was an All-American football player and wrestler for the Storm and is in the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Their daughter-in-law, Nicci ’98, played basketball and currently serves as an Associate Professor of Exercise Science and Chair of the Department of Sport Science and Health Education. And though not an alumnus, Jane and Denny’s daughter, Erin Freeberg worked in the Advancement Office. Whalen’s affinity for the College lies in her ties to the athletic program. She believes in the holistic approach it provides to student-athletes.

“I strongly believe that participating in athletics at Simpson allows student-athletes to develop and enhances work ethic and leadership skills, which prepares them for their future careers in a way that is above and beyond the classroom. Additionally, I believe successful athletic programs truly enhance the Simpson experience, which helps develop committed alumni. My family is an example of that.” n


During his stint with Central Michigan, Peters helped coach 10 NCAA qualifiers and one All-American. An accomplished wrestler himself, Peters was a two-time All-American and four-time national qualifier for the Panthers. His 38 career pins stand as the fifth-most in UNI history. Peters posted an impressive career record of 195-1 at DenverTripoli High School in Denver, Iowa. He won three state titles and qualified for the state tournament four times. n

REUSCHE, SCHMITT EARN POSTSEASON HONORS Softball player Kayla Reusche ’19 and junior baseball player Truman Schmitt were honored for their performances on and off the diamond following the 2019 season. Reusche, who graduated with a degree in psychology and minors in public relations and criminal justice, earned a spot on the 2019 Google Cloud Academic All-District 8 First Team. The infielder from Waverly, Iowa maintained a 4.0 GPA during her career while balancing participation in two sports. In softball, she batted .280 with 30 hits and 12 stolen bases in 2019, all career highs. She also played the No. 1 position for the women’s tennis team. Schmitt had a stellar junior campaign for the baseball team, pacing the team with 53 hits, 14 doubles, five home runs and 25 RBIs for a .390 batting average. The catcher and designated hitter from Hinton, Iowa led the American Rivers Conference in batting average, home runs, doubles and slugging percentage (.647) on the way to second team all-conference honors. He also earned a spot on the American Baseball Coaches Association/Rawlings Central Region First Team and the D3Baseball.com All-Central Region Second Team. n



The Simpson College “S” Club inducted four former student-athletes into the College’s Athletic Hall of Fame at the annual Red & Gold Celebration, held the Friday evening of homecoming weekend at Kent Campus Center. The Class of 2019 includes: All-American men’s track and field thrower Nickolas Andersen '99, All-American women’s basketball player Carrie Larson Kuhlmann '09, women’s basketball and soccer star Whitney Franker Lawler '09, and two-time all-region men's golfer Michael Martin '05. Additionally, longtime cross country and track and field coach Keith Ellingson was inducted into the Coaches Hall of Fame for his successful tenure from 1986-2001. Also honored for their contributions to Storm Athletics were former professor of religion Jan Everhart receiving the Dick Buxton Award and Double “S” Award winner Ric Coy ’88. n






E X T R A !


RECENT ALUMNUS REPRIORITIZES TO GIVE BACK TO THE SIMPSON FUND “Who would have thought drinking a beer would lead to being profiled in the Simpson Magazine,” said Joe Sorenson ’12.

The Sorensons hope other recent alumni will reflect on their time at Simpson and realize just how much the college contributed to their accomplishments.

But when that beer resulted in the realization that it was time to give back to Simpson, that is exactly what happens. “I remember getting my first phone-athon call while I was at El Bait Shop having drinks with friends,” Sorenson said. “I hung up after talking to the student, saying ‘there is no way I can afford to make a contribution right now.’ However, after I sat there and thought about it (while enjoying a few more beers), I was spending more money at the bar that night than the student asked me to consider as a gift to the college.” Joe and wife, Molly Swenson Sorenson ’12, are now members of the Associate President’s Society (membership is for graduates within the last 20 years and requires a minimum annual gift of $500). They give back because scholarships made Simpson accessible for them, and they believe it is important future students have the same opportunities.

“We hope recent graduates will sit down and think about some of their priorities. We believe if they think hard enough, Simpson will rise to the top and they’ll say, ‘even if it is $10, $50 or $100, I can do my part in giving back.’” Sorenson challenges recent alumni to make a recurring gift on the SC Cares Day of Giving in the spring. Setting up a monthly gift to be automatically charged to a card makes giving more feasible for recent alumni. “A $10 monthly gift becomes $120 for the year, a $25 monthly gift becomes $300,” said Sorenson. “You don’t really notice the money leaving your account, but you do notice you’re part of the Simpson Community and helping students realize their dreams.” Curious about making an impact as a recent alum? Joe Sorenson is happy to share his thoughts over a beer sometime. A growing number of recent alumni are impacting Simpson today! Join them. Visit www.simpson.edu/GIVE. n

“Although we don’t know the people who gave to help us attend Simpson, we feel like contributing to The Simpson Fund is a way of thanking those donors,” Sorenson said. “Being a part of it really means something to our family.”

2019 Alumni Award Winners Announced Held annually, the Simpson College Alumni Recognition Reception honors our notable alumni for their professional accomplishments, loyalty to Simpson College and humanitarian spirit. This year, the Simpson College Alumni Association recognized the following award recipients: • Paige Riggs Fiedler ’87 (Alumni Achievement) • Dr. Donald Gray ’65 (Alumni Achievement) • Dr. Thomas ‘Fritz’ Viner ’69 (Alumni Achievement) • Kevin Hughes ’13 (Recent Alumni Achievement) • Garrett Piklapp ’04 (Recent Alumni Achievement) • Honorable Richard Clogg ’71 & Christine Sieff Clogg ’71 (Alumni Loyalty) • Dr. Everett Laning ’53 (Alumni Loyalty) • Nile Ramsbottom ’66 (Humanitarian) • Morgan Castenson ’23 (Alumni Board Legacy Scholar) For a list of past award winner and to nominate an alum for recognition in 2020, please visit: https://simpson.edu/alumni-andgiving/alumni-awards. n 20 SIMPSON COLLEGE


STEM PROGRAMS A significant aspect of the Simpson Experience focuses on experiential learning. It’s one thing to learn concepts and theories in a textbook, but quite another to see them play out in the field. Thanks to a pair of generous grants from Corteva Agriscience (formerly DuPont Pioneer), Simpson purchased a johnboat and upgraded the current greenhouse facility. The enhancements will impact hundreds of STEM students while allowing them to receive the type of hands-on experience employers crave.

Getting on the water

In 2016, the Board of Trustees for Des Moines Water Works alleged that 13 drainage districts within the Racoon River watershed didn’t act in compliance with the federal Clean Water Act. The lawsuit, along with Iowa’s infamous impaired water sources, have transformed water quality into a hotbutton topic both in the state and the nation. In response, the number of Simpson students interested in studying the issue has increased exponentially over the last 10 years. Until recently, those students were limited to studying water near shorelines and docks. Enter the Grizzly Tracker 1750. The johnboat—characterized by a flat bottom and typically used for hunting and fishing—will allow students to get off the shore and conduct more in-depth research in practically any body of water, from the Mississippi River to Lake Ahquabi. “In order for the things you talk about in a lecture or read about in a textbook to come alive and make sense, you have to immerse students in that habitat,” said Clint Meyer, associate professor of biology and environmental science. “You can talk about a river but if all you’re doing is looking at a picture, it’s not the same as if you’re out taking measurements in that body of water. The perspective that will be added will be pretty incredible.”

Remodeling the greenhouse

The Jennings Greenhouse located inside Carver Science Hall was in bad shape. It lacked modern devices to control temperature and humidity, leaked moisture into the classroom below and couldn’t adequately control light exposure. The result was a growing season not unlike the one that could be experienced outside. Plans to refurbish the space became reality in 2018, transforming the greenhouse into a vital asset for the entire campus. “The greenhouse enhancements really rejuvenated our excitement about conducting research projects that require an indoor component,” professor of biology Ryan Rehmeier said. “It’s really opened up what we can do for our students, particularly when it comes to research.” The remodel included replacing the glass panels, upgrading lighting, installing a new heating and cooling system and improving the ventilation system. According to Rehmeier, practically the only thing remaining from the original is the frame and the space itself. “It was a complete overhaul,” he said. “It is brand new in the way it feels and maintains a stable environment. It’s actually a useful space now.” The enhancements have already allowed biology and ecology students to conduct more in-depth research, but the benefits don’t stop there. Rehmeier has used the greenhouse as part of an outreach program with local elementary schools and other faculty and staff have given their personal gardens a head-start during the winter months. n


PROGRAMMERS SHINE AT REGIONAL COMPETITION A TRIO OF SIMPSON STUDENTS TOOK FIRST PLACE AT THE MIDWEST INSTRUCTION AND COMPUTING SYMPOSIUM (MICS) PROGRAMMING CONTEST HELD APRIL 5-6 AT NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY IN FARGO, N.D. Drew Roen '19, Nathan Magalhaes and Max Folkers—known as the Flat Earthers—topped the field of 64 teams by solving 7 of 8 problems within the three-hour time limit, winning by a wide margin. The next closest team didn’t solve its sixth problem until the final minutes of the competition. Though programming is typically a solo venture, associate professor of computer science Mark Brodie stressed the importance of teamwork and communication in a competition in which resources are limited. The teams of three work on just one computer and don’t have internet access.

“You’d think that taking the best three students and putting them together on a team makes the best team. No. The team that has collaborative leadership...learning who does well at what, who needs help with this...that becomes key,” Brodie said. The Flat Earthers led the field for a majority of the competition. They moved into first place by solving their third problem in just 25 minutes and extended the lead from there. Roen, Magalhaes and Folkers finished without an incorrect submission, a rarity in an event featuring problems with a high degree of difficulty. As a whole, Simpson placed three teams in the top 15, more than any other college or university in the field. n

MAKING AN IMPACT A GROUP OF SIMPSON COLLEGE STUDENTS PRESENTED THEIR SOLUTIONS TO A RARE AND FATAL BIRTH DEFECT KNOWN AS HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME (HLHS) AT THE PRESTIGIOUS INNOVATIVE MINDS PARTNERING TO ADVANCE CURATIVE THERAPIES (IMPACT) SYMPOSIUM LAST SPRING IN EAU CLAIRE, WIS. Simpson accounted for one of just two colleges in the state of Iowa invited to attend. Through a partnership with the Mayo Clinic Health System, the co-curricular program encourages creative solutions to critical health questions through collaboration between undergraduate students and medical professionals. Faculty sponsors Dr. Jackie Brittingham and Dr. Aswati Subramanian accompanied 12 students who represented a cross-section of multiple disciplines and grade levels. Students ranged from sophomores to seniors studying everything from physiology, cellular and molecular biology, to embryology and developmental biology. The teams spent months researching their solutions to HLHS. They submitted a written hypothesis describing their solutions and designed a poster to present at the symposium. n 22 SIMPSON COLLEGE


NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOR SECOND-STRAIGHT YEAR THE SIMPSON COLLEGE DEBATE TEAM IS ON TOP AGAIN. For the second year in a row and third time in four years, Simpson won the Pi Kappa Delta National Debate Championship, held March 20-24 at Hofstra University in New York. As a whole, the program garnered its highest overall finish in team history in combined speech and debate sweepstakes, placing third. The speech team also had its best finish, taking ninth. Among Simpson’s top individual performances were national champions Kelli Ruth and Foxx Harrington (Open Parliamentary Debate) and Michael Roets and Geoffrey Van Deusen (JV Parliamentary Debate). For head coach Spencer Waugh, this year’s win was surprising compared to the 2018 championship. The competition was stiffer and a few events didn’t fare as well in the preliminary rounds. But when it counted most, his team stepped up. “I’ve been coaching debate for 20 years and we’ve never done as well on the final day of competition as this team did,” Waugh said. “We only lost two debates. I’ve never coached a team that did that well.” The debate team finished on top of a field of 77 colleges and universities across the country, besting powerhouse Boise State University for the championship. As the final standings were announced, Sarah Baker '19 feared the team may not have even placed in the top 10. Then Simpson’s name was called.

“It was really shocking but we were all super ecstatic,” said Baker, a senior from Omaha, Neb. and member of the team for all three debate national championships. “It was a really good note to go off on, especially to win the title two years in a row.” The debate win spoiled a possible sweep for Boise State, which won the speech competition and the combined speech and debate sweepstakes. Over the years, a rivalry has grown between Simpson and Boise State. Simpson first won the debate championship in 2016, then Boise State won in 2017 before Simpson’s back-to-back titles. “It’s always fun when a school our size beats Boise State,” Waugh said. The growth Simpson’s speech and debate program has experienced under Waugh has been nothing short of amazing. The program formed just eight years ago with a handful of students and didn’t compete at its first national championship until 2013. Since then, the team has developed both depth and a reputation as one of the best in the country. “It was hard to imagine a school the size of Simpson being able to compete at a national level,” Waugh said. “Those first few years, we were only traveling with four, five, six students and competing in a single style of debate.” Seeing Simpson among the top teams may have been a surprise in the early years, but that’s not the case anymore. “We are now known as a force to be reckoned with on the circuit,” Baker said. “People know we aren’t an underdog anymore.” n


INTERIM SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND DEAN APPOINTED SIMPSON COLLEGE WELCOMED DR. CHERYL JACOBSEN IN JULY 2019 AS THE INSTITUTION’S INTERIM SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND ACADEMIC DEAN FOR THE 2019-20 ACADEMIC YEAR. JACOBSEN BRINGS A WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE TO THE ROLE AS BOTH A FACULTY MEMBER AND AN ACADEMIC DEAN, INCLUDING NUMEROUS STOPS AT SIMILAR INSTITUTIONS THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF IOWA. Most recently serving as interim provost and vice president for academic affairs at Grand View University, Jacobsen provided general oversight of academic affairs and consultative services to administration. Prior to that, she spent 14 years at Loras College, including the last 10 as provost and academic dean. In that role, she implemented numerous initiatives, including the addition of two undergraduate majors and the

development of master’s programs in business analytics and STEM education. She also directed two strategic planning initiatives. Jacobsen began her career as a professor in history, English and interdisciplinary general education at Wartburg College. During her time there, she was involved in a wide range of faculty leadership activities, including a presidential search. During a sabbatical and professional leave, she served as the Senior Fellow on a Mellon Foundation Grant to the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, with matching grants to two other liberal arts colleges’ consortia. In that role, she worked with over 40 colleges on faculty and staff professional development related to study abroad and study away. Jacobsen has authored articles in numerous professional publications and is an accomplished presenter at national conferences and meetings. Her work with the Higher Learning Commission spans more than 20 years and includes extensive work with accreditation. She received her bachelor’s degree in English from St. Olaf College, her master’s degree in humanities from Arizona State University and her doctorate in American Studies from the University of Iowa. n

In an effort to be better stewards of our resources, we have transitioned to an online platform for our Class Notes portion of Touring the Years. We invite you to visit simpson.edu/classnotes to view the wonderful accomplishments of our alumni. If you wish to receive a printed copy of Class Notes, please contact andy.english@simpson.edu. To submit accomplishments and updates to be included in future editions, visit simpson. edu/alumni/update.

Simpson recently earned a No. 15 national ranking as one of the best online colleges for 2019-20 according to scholastic rankings specialist, EDsmart.

Simpson is the only Iowa college or university to make the list. The University of Michigan came in at No. 1, followed by Villanova University and the University of North Florida.

Simpson boasts the most affordable evening and online education in the state, a key factor in its lofty ranking.

Using data gathered from the National Center for Education Statistics and Payscale.com, Simpson scored 92 points out of a possible 100. EDsmart estimates that Simpson’s online program provides a $151,000 return on investment.

EDsmart took several attributes into consideration when ranking the best online colleges, including efficiency, convenience, academic reputation, course materials and scholarships. According to the company website, the EDsmart ranking “aims to help students find affordable, quality schools that provide a high return on investment.”

Simpson offers online bachelor’s degrees in business management, management information systems and marketing communication. The school also provides an online master’s degree in criminal justice. n




Courtney Lange ’15 and Seth Albers ’17, May 4, 2019, West Des Moines.

Laura Herbst ’05 and Craig Doerhoff, Jan. 19, 2019, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Jordan Hubka ’16 and Shanie Keimig ’16, July 21, 2018, West Des Moines. Trent Lindenman ’16 and Nicole Brand ’18, Oct. 6, 2018, Oskaloosa.

Alison Jepsen ’08 and Eric Richardson, June 8, 2019, Boulder, Colo. Michaella Calzaretta ’12 and Chad DeMaris ’12, June 11, 2016, Muscatine.

Nicole Harms ’14 and Richie Mulbrook, Sept. 30, 2017, La Vida Loca Winery, Indianola.

Jazmin Rubel ’14 and Cullen Morrison, Sept. 29, 2018, Cozumel, Mexico.

• Beckett Lee Groenendyk, Oct. 15, 2018, to Nicole Anderson Groenendyk ’06 and Ryan Groenendyk, Pella. Joins sister Ally (11) and brothers Easton (8) and Kasen (4). Julia Hanna Huberg, Dec. 16, 2017, to Heath Huberg ’05 and Rebecca Salmen Huberg ’06, Raleigh, N.C.


Meagen Kirts ’13 and Tyler Lloyd ’13, Aug. 10, 2019, Grinnell.



Elizabeth Burgus ’18 and Nicholas Kibby ’18, May 26, 2018, Polk City.

Births/Adoptions Sage Rafika Van Ast, March 16, 2019, to Paul Van Ast ’90 and Tammy Tosounian, Altadena, Calif.

Ziva Zachariah Kahler Froimovitz, Feb. 19, 2019, to Sara Kahler ’04 and Matthew Fromoivitz, Long Beach, Calif.

Amy Frakes ’15 and Reid Ryan ’15, Feb. 8, 2018, Davenport.


Molly Josephine Peterson, June 29, 2018, to Grant Peterson ’06 and Jenny Peterson, Urbandale.

Eleana Belle White, Sept. 8, 2018, to Nick White ’10 and Kelsey White, Des Moines. Jaxon Louis Hamilton, July 20, 2019, to Jacob Hamilton ’10 and Amber Vrbsky Hamilton ’10, Des Moines. Joins brothers Blake and Kaleb. Nolan James Whitney, April 11, 2019, to Allison Lane Whitney ’10 and Joe Whitney, Ankeny. Jonah Nelson, Nov. 18, 2018, to Danae Tuhn ’11 and Eddie Nelson III, Beaumont, Texas.

• Benjamin Andrew Steinberg, June 17, 2018, to Lindsey Harnack Steinberg ’12 and Jacob Steinberg, Indianola.


Hazel Marie Kruger, April 24, 2019, to James Kruger ’11 and Laura McIlravy Kruger ’13, Indianola.

Lyle Smith ’48, May 17, 2019, Indianola.

Richard Wade Newman, Oct. 17, 2018, to Heather Weeda Newman ’10 and Kyle Newman, Alpharetta, Ga.

Dr. John Wallace ’54, Feb. 11, 2019, Fort Worth, Texas.

Kinnick Mulbrook, April 15, 2019, to Nicole Harms Mulbrook ’14 and Richie Mulbrook, Ankeny. Blake Edward Van Maanen, July 10, 2019, to Seth Van Maanen ’18 and Sara Moore Van Maanen ’18, Omaha, Neb.

Mary Hacker Butcher ’43, Sept. 16, 2018, Knoxville. Rosemary Van Sandt Sherer ’43, June 13, 2016, Newburgh, Ind. Roger Hansen ’50, Feb. 1, 2019, Carroll. William Gorman ’51, Mar. 8, 2010, Lady Lake, Fla. W. David Englund ’52, April 28, 2019, Mattapoisett, Mass.

Jack Patterson ’54, May 8, 2019, Aurora, Colo. Perry Wilkins Jr. ’54, June 9, 2019, Seattle, Wash. Jeanne Stewart Shively ’55, May 14, 2019, Monroe, Wash. Ronald Riekena ’56, Mar. 11, 2019, Osceola. Janet Augustine Siefkas ’56, June 21, 2019, Louisiana, Mo. Wallace Molby ’57, Feb. 26, 2014, Gautier, Miss. Rodger Trenary ’57, Mar. 26, 2016, Eureka, Calif. Leon Blake ’58, Mar. 10, 2019, Indianola. Lee Visser ’58, Sept. 14, 2018, Cedar Rapids. Phyllis Bierbaum ’58, Aug. 3, 2015, Fort Collins, Colo. George Brown ’58, Sept. 21, 2016, Saint Louis, Mo. Paul Berry ’59, May 9, 2019, Rochester, N.Y. Robert Kennett ’60, Feb. 3, 2019, Bloomington, Ill. Edwin Mains ’60, Jul 29, 2015, Eddyville. Jim Huffman ’61, Feb. 2, 2019, Hot Springs, Ark. Paul Lutz ’61, June 6, 2012, Zanesville, Ohio. Bryan Toney ’62, Dec. 2, 2018, Kellogg, Minn.




Kendall Goodrich ’63, Mar. 27, 2016, Elizabeth, Colo. Larry Stewart ’63, June 5, 2019, Wooster, Ohio. Charles DeVore Jr. ’63, June 24, 2019, Indianola. Patricia Potter Stover ’64, Mar. 14, 2019, West Point, Neb. Robert Lowell Mark ’64, Apr. 7, 2018, Leon. Dr. Robert Lorey ’65, July 21, 2019, Keokuk. Kathleen Kosinski Simon ’66, Mar. 10, 2019, San Juan Capistrano, Calif. Sharon Davis Lee ’69, Sept. 7, 2017, Petoskey, Mich. Richard Benson ’73, May 14, 2019, Bella Vista, Ark. Amy Schwarz ’77, May 15, 2019, Long Beach, Calif. William Saunders ’82, Mar. 14, 2019, Sioux City. John Trullinger ’82, Aug. 13, 2019, Mount Ayr. Ron Joslin ’83, Feb. 20, 2019, Blaine, Minn. Steven Hawhee ’84, Mar. 7, 2019, Omaha, Neb. David Gethmann ’84, Sept. 21, 2018, Chicago, Ill. Bradford Sheren ’87, Oct. 18, 2014, Creston. Gary Fridley ’91, May 22, 2019, Carlisle. Nicholas Damm ’03, Apr. 16, 2019, Clear Lake. Tiffany Moyer ’03, Sept. 26, 2016, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Dr. Anita Zahs ’05, Mar. 20, 2019, Davenport. Former Faculty and Staff Marjorie Goodwin, Mar. 1, 2019, Indianola. Ross Leeper, Apr. 11, 2019, Indianola.



1 2 8 14

Admissions November Fall Visit Day Cheer Visit Day Simpson Guild Piccadilly Auction Iowa History Center: Linda Clemmons presents Dakota In Exile 15 Start Up Storm 4.0 – High School Entrepreneurial Competition 15 Sports Science and Healthcare Professionals Visit Day 15 Admissions After Dark Night Visit 15-17 Simpson Productions Presents Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” 16 STEM Visit Day 17 Simpson Men’s Basketball @ Drake University 22 Simpson Productions Presents 10-Minute Play Festival


Farnham Galleries: Guest Artists Reception & Talk - Karen Gergely & Catherine Reinhart (works displayed 11/11/19-12/5/19) 7 Simpson Guild Breakfast with Santa 7 Simpson Youth Academy (SYA) Lessons & Carols Dinner 7-8 Festival of Lessons & Carols 12-14 Simpson Guild Tour of Homes 14 December Commencement 14 Christmas Recess Begins


Simpson Productions Presents Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance 14-15 Softball St. Louis Weekend 14-22 Spring Break 20 Farnham Galleries: Guest Artist Reception & Talk – Randy Richmond works displayed 2/17/203/26/20 20-28 Softball Spring Games in Clermont, Fla. 27 Access Simpson (Admitted Student Day)

APRIL 1 2 4 9 17 17-19 18 18 18 22 23

Campus Day Leadership Day for High School Students Simpson Guild Style Show Honors Forum Lecture: Dr. Barry Franklin Junior Visit Day Simpson Productions Presents Festival of Short Plays 50/50 in 2020 Midwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (MUMS) Mathematics Program Reunion Simpson Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR) Honors Convocation Research & Creativity Symposium

1 1

Spring New Student Orientation Classes Begin





Simpson Productions Presents Doubt: A Parable by John Patrick Shanley

Farnham Galleries: Guest Artist Reception & Talk – Andrea VanWyk (works displayed 1/13/20-2/6/20)

Baccalaureate Service Farnham Galleries: Senior Art Exhibition Reception (works displayed 3/31/20-5/1/20) 2 Commencement 4 Football Junior Visit Day

Calendar events are subject to change. For complete details and updates, view the full calendar online at http://events.simpson.edu/calendar/. 26 SIMPSON COLLEGE


701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 simpson.edu


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