Simpson College Style Guidelines

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Simpson College sub-brands

Creating a consistent image for

Simpson College identity guidelines

the Simpson College Identity System A consistent identity is essential in establishing a strong institutional presence in our community, state, country and the world. To ensure consistency, the Office of Marketing and Public Relations has developed this official set of identity standards by which the College can visually define itself. Each College area that produces visual communications is expected to comply with this policy. While this manual outlines new and important standards to follow, it still leaves ample room for flexibility and creativity. Every administrative and academic area must comply with these standards so that Simpson College is readily identified in a clear and consistent manner. This manual answers some of the most frequently asked questions about visual identity standards. If further assistance is necessary, please contact Simpson’s Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009

The Simpson College logos and their use

Simpson College identity guidelines

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Simpson’s Identity System

System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Choosing the Correct Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Elements of the Identity System

The Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Logomark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The College Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The College Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Using the Logos

Proper Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Official Identity Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Official Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sub-branding and Event Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Improper Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Simpson College Athletic Logos

Storm Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SC Monogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Obtaining the Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Office of Marketing & Public Relations 701 North C Street, Indianola, Iowa 50125 Š 2009 Simpson College

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


about simpson’s identity system

identity System overview

The consistent and proper use of our logos not only strengthens recognition for Simpson College, but it also projects the College’s reputation to all of its stakeholders. The College’s system of logos are: The Nameplate. The primary visual representation of the College, the nameplate should appear on all marketing communications. The Logomark. The Nameplate, in combination with a rule and the College Mark (maple leaves) form the College’s Logomark. This mark is reserved for formal use on items such as stationery and business cards. The College Seal. In use since 1860, the seal is the most carefully reserved component in the identity program. Limited to very formal use, the seal is to be used on official documents only such as Commencement and Baccalaureate certificates. The College Mark. A pair of silhouetted maple leaves, the College Mark is an identity support element. It cannot serve as the sole identifier of Simpson College. Athletic logos. The Storm logo and the SC monogram are reserved for the promotion and identity of the athletic department and teams. The Simpson College logos and configurations detailed in these guidelines are the only acceptable graphic identification for the College and its programs and departments. Except for a very few exceptions, no other logos, symbols or type treatments should be developed or used to represent the College.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


about simpson’s identity system

Choosing a logo

The name Simpson College and its accompanying nameplate, logomark and seal are elements of the Simpson College Identity System. In addition, the words Storm and the accompanying athletic logo are the identifiers of Simpson’s athletic program. These names and logos provide distinctive visual symbols which, when used properly with other elements of the Identity System, establish consistency and continuity throughout visual communication efforts. Visual communications for the College can be external (that which will be seen by the general public, including prospective students) or internal (that which will be seen only on campus.) Internal communications will typically rely on the nameplate or less formal wordmark for identity. External marketing communications will use the nameplate, but formal external communications may use the logomark or seal. Visual communications are further defined as any visual material paid for in part or wholly by Simpson College. The Office of Marketing and Public Relations can answer your questions about the visual standards or offer assistance in producing attractive, accurately written and effective communication materials. When planning a new communication, you may wish to contact the Office of Marketing and Public Relations and a staff professional will arrange a time to discuss your communication objectives, budget and schedule.

internal use


most uses




very formal


Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


elements of the identity system

The nameplate

The Simpson College nameplate is the preferred identifier of the College and should appear on all Simpson College communications.

Simpson College Nameplate

The nameplate consists of letterforms customized for Simpson College. The nameplate should never be altered in design or be typeset. Always use a digital file for reproduction.

Horizontal version

The Simpson College wordmark is a form of the nameplate without the word College. Except on exclusively internal forms of visual communication, it is not to be used as a sole identifier for the College. In external communications, it is primarily used in place of a headline or magazine flag. Vertical version

One-color applications The nameplate should appear in solid black or Simpson College Red (PMS 201). It also may appear in Simpson College Gold (PMS124) or reverse to white when it appears on a solid dark background. It may also be stamped in gold foil. The nameplate also may be reproduced in any single color of one’s choice when official identity colors are not being used. It should be the darkest color available. For more information on official College colors see page 9.

Two-color applications for wordmark with outline Only the wordmark can incorporate two colors simultaneously, through a contrasting outline. When two colors are used, both the outline and wordmark are to use official identity colors, of black, white, Simpson College Red or Gold.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Wordmark with outline


elements of the identity system

The Logomark

The Simpson College logomark is a presentation of the nameplate reserved for use on College stationery, business cards and formal communications.

Simpson College Logomark

The logomark should never be altered in design or be typeset. Always use a digital file for reproduction. Horizontal version

One-color applications The logomark should appear in solid black or Simpson College Red (PMS 201). It also may appear in Simpson College Gold (PMS 124) or reverse to white when it appears on a solid dark background. It may also be stamped in gold foil. For more information on official College colors see page 9.

Vertical version

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


elements of the identity system

The College Seal

The official seal of Simpson College has been in use by the institution since 1860 and is the most carefully reserved component in the Identity Program. Reserved for formal use, the seal should be utilized in a limited capacity – official documents and functions only. Examples of such events include Commencement and Baccalaureate, academic certificates, etc.

Simpson College Seal

The College seal should not be used for marketing Simpson College at large. Although distinct in certain aspects, all seals tend to lend themselves to a similar design; therefore they do not provide the instant recognition that the Simpson College logo allows. Permission to use the seal should be requested from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. If permission is granted for use, the seal can be printed in solid black, Simpson College Red (PMS 201), metallic gold or silver (PMS 871 or PMS 877), or can be stamped in gold foil. It also may be reversed out to all white on a solid dark background. The College seal should never be altered in design. It should never appear smaller than one-inch across. Exceptions can be granted by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations for special situations. It must never be printed as a screen of a color or placed in the background of text.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


elements of the identity system

the College Mark

The Simpson College mark, the maple leaves, is a supporting element in the Simpson identity system. Though not a complete logo, it must still be handled with the same respect given to the other components in the system.

Simpson College Mark

The mark can be used as a stand-alone graphic element or may be used with the nameplate. The mark may not be used as the sole identifier of the institution or replace the Simpson College nameplate or logotype. It may only be used in the Simpson official colors, or screens of those colors. In addition, guidelines for the use of the Simpson College mark allow the mark to: • Appear as a single supporting graphic element • Be screened and used behind type • Appear as a varnish or die cut accent • Be tilted • Appear as an outline The mark may not: • Be redrawn in any way • Be repeated to create a pattern or the appearance of multiple leaves • Be used as a bullet or other typographic element • Be used as a button in web applications • Appear in a color other than the official identity colors (see page 9) • Appear as a solid or screened graphic combined with an outline

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the logos

Proper Logo use

Area of Isolation An area of clear space around the entire nameplate or logomark enhances the presentation of the Simpson College identity. This Area of Isolation must be provided for the nameplate to achieve maximum visual impact. Do not place type, imagery, edges, folds or any other visual element within this area. The amount of space surrounding all four sides of the nameplate or logotype is equal to one-half of the height of the nameplate’s large capital letter P.

area of isolation


Only the College mark of maple leaves is allowed to violate the Area of Isolation. That graphic element is part of the identity system, and may appear with the nameplate.

Minimum Size Neither the nameplate nor the logomark may appear in sizes where the capital letters are less than .125 (1/8th) inch high.

Only the College mark is permitted within the clear space.

minimum size .125 inch high

.125 inch high

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


uSing the logoS

offiCial identity Colors Simpson College red The principal identity color of Simpson College is red. When possible, this color should appear on any visual communication. In most cases for text, the Simpson College Red should be used as an accent color with black, since black is a more legible text color. The formulas for the Simpson College Red are dependent on what form of media is being employed. The formulas for the Simpson College Red are: Pantone® color: PMS 201 Process formula: 25C/100M/77y/20k* RGB formula: R:158/G:27/B:52* HTML color # 931A29 Simpson College gold The secondary identity color of Simpson College is gold. Variations of Simpson College gold are not permitted. Gold is a secondary color, and is not to be used on official College letterhead or business cards. The formulas for the Simpson College Gold are dependent on what form of media is being employed. The formulas for the Simpson College Gold are: Pantone® color: PMS 124 Process color: 8C/34M/100y/0k* RGB formula: R:235/G:171/B:0* HTML color # EFB402 basic identity colors Both black and white (used as a reverse) may be used with or as a substitute for the official identity colors. * These are the recommended PMS color equivalents (See “Definitions of Terms”).

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009

Note: The colors reproduced in this manual were created using process colors.


using the logos

Official Typography

Consistent use of typography helps create a cohesive Simpson College visual identity. adobe garamond family

Two type families have been selected for our graphic communications: Adobe Garamond and Gill Sans. These two type families complement the Simpson logos and are readily available. They should be the primary fonts used in any Simpson College visual communication. Adobe Garamond is a traditional serif typeface with many weights available. Gill Sans is a sans serif typeface that also includes a set of condensed fonts. Together they allow for flexibility in design while helping to establish a consistent, professional image.

abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Adobe garamond RegulaR

gill sans family

abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Gill Sans Regular

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the logos

Proper use of the logo in sub-branding Customized identities that are designed to promote special events such as Admission Open Houses, Alumni Weekend, Homecoming or Family Weekend may be used to illustrate and enhance certain visual communications. Such event graphics may contain pictorial/graphic symbols in combination with the nameplate, as long as proper logo use rules are followed. Event graphics can be used on any visual communication, except official office stationery or business cards. However, limited-use stationery that is created to tie-in with a timed event such as Homecoming will only be permitted by permission of the Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009

Example of approved event graphics

2 0 0 9


using the logos

Improper Logo Use

Any deviation from the accepted logo designs—no matter how minor—can undermine our identity and create potential confusion. Be certain to use only the artwork supplied by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Provided artwork may be enlarged or reduced proportionately to satisfy design requirements; however, it may in no other way be altered.

Simpson College don’t typeset

All previous Simpson College logos are discontinued. Under no circumstances can previous identities be combined with the new nameplate or logotype. NEVER typeset or attempt to recreate a Simpson College logo. They have unique letterspacing and character weights.

don’t compress or extend

They should never be expanded, condensed or altered in any way. The logos should not be tilted. Except for the outlined wordmark, or the combination of a nameplate and college mark, the Simpson College logos cannot print in two colors, and should never be used in colors other than the Simpson College Red, Gold, black or white.

Simpson College don’t outline or print in two colors

The logos must never be printed as a screen of a color or placed in the background of text. don’t screen

don’t tilt

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College athletic logos

Storm athletic logo

Intercollegiate Athletic logos are the exclusive marks that represent the Simpson College Storm. The primary Storm logo is reserved for the promotion of Simpson’s athletic programs and should not be used to market Simpson College as a whole. Individuals outside of the Office of Athletics should request permission to use the logo from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations with the understanding that it will only be granted if its use is promoting athletics at Simpson.

Storm Athletic Logo

two color

When printing either the primary athletic logo in two colors, the logos should be printed in PMS 201 and PMS 124. For full-color process printing, the CMYK formula for Simpson Red and Gold should be used. (See page 9) For one-color printing, the logo may be produced in solid black, solid PMS 201 or solid PMS 124. It should never appear smaller than one-inch across. It must never be printed as a screen of a color or placed in the background of text.

two color with nameplate

one color

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College athletic logos

athletic monogram

Intercollegiate Athletic logos are the exclusive marks that represent the Simpson College Storm.

athletic monogram

The secondary SC logo is reserved for the promotion of Simpson’s athletic programs and should not be used to market Simpson College as a whole. Individuals outside of the Office of Athletics should request permission to use the logo from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations with the understanding that it will only be granted if its use is promoting athletics at Simpson. In certain situations and applications, it is not possible or aesthetically pleasing to use the primary Simpson Storm logo in its entirety. In such situations, the secondary Simpson SC logo can be used in lieu of the Storm logo. Questions about the usage of the SC logo can be directed to the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. When printing either the secondary logo in two colors, the logo should be printed in Simpson Red (PMS 201) and Simpson Gold (PMS 124.) For full-color process printing, the CMYK formula for Simpson College Red and Gold should be used. (See page 9)

two color

One color

For one-color printing, the logos may be produced in solid black, solid PMS 201 or solid PMS 124. It should never appear smaller than one-inch across. Exceptions can be granted by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations for special situations. It must never be printed as a screen of a color or placed in the background of text.


Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College identity guidebook

How to obtain the Simpson College logos The Simpson College logo and/or nameplate are provided as artwork making it unnecessary for the user to have special fonts. As art, the logos will preserve their clarity when enlarged to most any size. Artwork may be sized larger or smaller as needed as long as the proportions remain intact. When using the logo in a very large format, a special file may be required to maintain clarity. Please contact the Office of Marketing and Public Relations for more information.

logos are available on CD from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations

The Simpson College logo or nameplate may not be used by any off-campus group, individual or organization not associated with Simpson College without approval from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Commercial use of any College logo is subject to licensing standards.

SimpSon College logoS and templateS

The elements of the Simpson College identity system, for PC and Mac uses, are distributed via CD or email through the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Logos are available in spot color (one and/or two color PMS), RGB, Process, (also known as 4C or CMYK) and black versions. In addition, the following file formats are available. EPS Format This is a vector format and the preferred file format for use in print publications. These logos are in spot color, and process builds. TIF Format Process-color, rastorized logos, used in specific printing applications. JPG Format Recommended for use in word-processing software (like Microsoft Word), Web and presentation graphics that use RGB screen resolutions.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College sub-brands

definitions of terms

(as used in this manual)

academic/administrative areas – defines all facets of the Simpson College campus. This includes all departments, offices and divisions of the College. external audience – is defined as one that is physically located off campus and will receive the communication through means such as publications, newspaper/magazine ads, Web sites/electronic media and advertisements. internal audience – is limited to and defined as one that will receive the communication through a poster or flyer that will be posted or distributed only on campus or that is published in a campus publication such as the “Simpsonian.” Pantone® colors – refer to color measurement systems that have been created to communicate and achieve accurate color for a variety of technologies. Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone Inc. PMS (Pantone® Matching System) – is a standard color system that is used in both the graphic design and printing industry. They are numbered solid ink colors. process colors – are basically four ink colors (CMYK or cyan, magenta, yellow, black) that can be used in different formulated combinations to create an entire palette of colors. For example, a photograph that appears in full color in a publication or newspaper is created in process colors. RGB colors – refer to the color palette (red, green, blue) that is used in different combinations in electronic media to create colors. RGB color is seen on monitors of televisions and computers. HTML colors – is a numbered system for colors used in creating Web sites.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College sub-brands

color equivalents – refer to color formulas that have been created to simulate PMS colors. The process, RGB and HTML formulas presented in this manual best match the official identity PMS colors. These color equivalents may differ from the formulas recommended by Pantone®. eps, tif and jpg formats – are file formats most commonly used for graphics. The Simpson College logo and Simpson College logotype are available in these formats. eps and tif files are most commonly used in print communication while the jpg format is most often used in electronic files or Web sites. While special software programs are necessary to open these files, these files can be placed and used in many programs without the original software in which they were created. pdf formatted files – allow a user to view and print a document without the original software in which they were created but do not allow the document to be altered. sans serif font – is a typeface set of characters that do not have flourishes (serifs) on the ends. This manual uses a sans serif font, as opposed to most newspapers that use a serif font for their body text. end-user – is the audience that a Web site was intended to reach.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


The Simpson College collateral guideLines

Simpson College collateral guidelines

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 About Simpson’s Identity style

Style Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 What if there is no template available? College Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Other Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 important information

Photo and Video Manipulaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Using the templates

Electronic Letterhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 E-mail Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PowerPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Name Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Obtaining the Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Office of Marketing & Public Relations 701 North C Street, Indianola, Iowa 50125 Š 2009 Simpson College

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College collateral guidelines

the Simpson College style overview To aid college staff and faculty in producing day-to-day internal materials that meet the Simpson College identity guidelines, templates have been provided for the most common documents. The templates are available on a CD or by contacting the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. They are not to be redesigned in any way. If edits are necessary, please consult with the Office of Marketing and Public Relations prior to publication. Internal communication projects are those intended to be seen only by the Simpson campus community, including students, faculty and staff. These projects may be produced without the direct oversight of the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. The campus copy center will be able to meet most internal printing needs, including copying, folding, collating, stapling and trimming of publications. The materials will be reproduced on a digital one-color copying system. External communication projects are those paid for with college funds and are to be viewed by an external public. The Office of Marketing and Public Relations must be involved in the production process for these projects and approve their content and design before dissemination. These projects can include, but are not limited to, print (ads, brochures, newsletters, magazines, posters, booklets, flyers, direct mail pieces, flags and banners, etc.); radio; TV and Web advertising; on-campus signage; videos; CD-ROMs; slide shows; billboards; and multimedia presentations.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the templates

What if there is no template available? The Office of Marketing and Public Relations is able to handle the production of any communication material outside the scope of these templates. Material that does not have a template, and must use the services of the Office of Marketing and Public Relations includes: College Stationery. Formal correspondence material like letterhead, envelopes, and business cards and informal correspondence like note cards and note sheets must be ordered through the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Examples of College stationery available for order are: Letterhead #10 Business Envelopes Business Cards Note cards and matching envelopes Note sheets

Firstname Lastname ’XX Position TItle

701 North C Street • Indianola, Iowa 50125 • 515-961-1624 • 800-362-2454 • fax: 515-961-1870 e-mail:

Note cards and personalized notepads are now available for order from the office of marketing and public relations

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


uSing the templateS

Web sites. External college Web sites are managed and maintained by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Edits or additions to the sites are handled by designated content managers overseen by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. advertising or marketing material. Advertising or marketing that is external (seen by the public or prospective students) must go through the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. This includes but is not limited to brochures, ads, videos, and radio or television commercials. permanent Signage. Signage, indeed any item with a shelf-life of more than six months, must be ordered through and/or approved by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Special logos. Any logo which incorporates the Simpson College logotype, logomark or college mark, and does not expressly follow the Identity Guidelines, must receive approval from the Office of Marketing and Public Relations prior to use. Social media. The Office of Marketing and Public Relations oversees the official facebook fan pages for Simpson College and Simpson College Athletics, the Twitter feeds @simpsoncollege and @stormsports, as well as the Instagram account simpsoncollege. Examples of official simpson college web page and twitter account page


Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009

important information

Digital Manipulation of Photographs or Video The digital manipulation of photographs or video footage for use in materials marketing Simpson College will only be permitted if necessary for corrective measures. For example, corrections of color balance, lightness/darkness contrasting, and sound, among other techniques, are often necessary to ensure that quality photographs or video footage are being used. However, photographs or video footage should not be manipulated to the point where the alterations change the meaning of a photograph. Removing individuals from or placing them in photographs or video footage, changing the appearance of individuals in photographs or video footage, or any other manipulation that changes the meaning of what actually happened in the photograph or video footage are unacceptable practices. Please contact the Office of Marketing and Public Relations at (515) 961-1606 if you have questions or concerns.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the templates

electronic letterhead

The official letterhead for internal use incorporates the Simpson College logo and is available to the College community. This is the official design, as approved by the President’s Cabinet. It provides a consistent identity for the College, and all academic and administrative areas are expected to comply with its usage. Its one-color format guarantees consistent color presentation. Letterhead approved for individual office information must include the address of the College; telephone number and fax number. Additional information, including e-mail address or the College Web site, may be included.

Simpson College letterhead for electronic use:

Month, Day, Year

Dear [Name]: Begin letter here.

________________________________________________________________________ 701 North C Street • Indianola, Iowa 50125 • 515-961-6251

________________________________________________________________________ 701 North C Street • Indianola, Iowa 50125 • 515-961-6251

There is a first page and second page template on the CD with formatting guides

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the templates

E-mail signatures

Campus staff and faculty are strongly encouraged to use an e-mail signature in all e-mail correspondence through their account. This is a standard business practice and its proper use helps reinforce the Simpson identity.

e-mail signature

Firstname Lastname Individual’s full title Simpson College Indianola, Iowa direct: 123-456-7890 • optional: 123-456-7890

contact information should be set as above in 9pt arial. The name should be bold and the title regular weight, in black. All other information should be set in regular weight, grey (50% black). Signatures should align left.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the templates


Two themes have been developed for use in Microsoft PowerPoint. Styles are established within the templates. These templates use Arial and Georgia, so they can run well on any computer. You are free to use any template that seems appropriate for your use.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009

powerpoint templates


using the templates

Name Tags

A standard format for temporary name tags with an adhesive back is available. Such name tags should be used for special events and meetings where visitors to the campus will be present. The name tags are a standard size formatted to be compatible with laser jet printers. There are eight name tags to a 8.5 x 11 sheet. This template is best used with Avery labels #5395.

Permanent Name Badges The Office of Marketing and Public Relations also places orders for permanent name badges for members of the faculty, administration and staff. The standard format is shown below. Name badges are made of white plastic with a red engraved logo and black lettering. Magnetic fastenings are included; however, pin fastenings are available upon request. Permanent name badges must be ordered through the Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

Simpson College name tags

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Firstname Lastname

Names are designed to be set in gill sans bold, 28 pt.

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


using the templates


There are two official certificate templates available on the CD, which can be printed on white card stock in black and white or color on your in-house printer. Offices, departments and individuals requiring specialized certificates can contact the Office of Marketing and Public Relations for assistance with designing and printing.

Simpson College certificate

Certificate of

Achievement This is to certify that

Firstname Lastname has successfully completed [name of achievement] on the [day] of [month], [year]. __________________________


Certificate of

Appreciation In honor of outstanding performance and dedication, we proudly present this to

Firstname Lastname for his/her ongoing effort and excellence in [name of appreciation] on the [day] of [month], [year]. __________________________


Names are designed to be set in adobe garamond, 40 pt. secondary information sets in adobe garamond, 14 pt

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Simpson College collateral Guidelines

How to obtain the Simpson College templates The templates described in this guide book are available on CD through the Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

templates are available on CD from the Office of Marketing

Templates are available for use with the following software:

and Public Relations

Microsoft Word (.doc) Electronic Letterhead Name Tags Certificates Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) PowerPoint Presentation Templates SimpSon College logoS and templateS

Simpson College Identity Guidelines, 2009


Indianola, IA •

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