Sino Forum vol.1 Dec 2012 for E-reading

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SINO Forum 赛诺论坛

Pushing the Elephant Up the Stairs


Role Playing in Learning


Success Through NLP


What do Facilitators do

December 2012 Vol.1

Editor's letter Dear Readers, Welcome to Sino Forum, this is our inaugural issue and I believe it is a fine introduction to some of the great talent I have seen hard at work in China in the fields of Consulting, Training, Coaching, and Facilitation. The ideas presented within this issue make a strong argument that China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are seeing exciting growth in original ideas in our fields and that growth is matching business growth in Greater China. HR practitioners will find plenty to think about and some new ideas to explore within these pages. I look forward to hearing your feedback on the ideas shared within these pages, whether through e-mail, LinkedIn, or Weibo. Find the right link below to let us know your thoughts. 欢迎来到赛诺论坛,这是我们的创刊号。我希 望籍此能让更多的人认识到那些我在中国所遇到的 致力于咨询、培训、教练、辅导领域的有才之士。 这一期所探讨的话题让我们发现这些领域的基本概 念在中国大陆、香港和台湾都获得了令人振奋的发 展,并且这些发展能为大中华地区企业的成长带来 更好的帮助。 人力资源从业人士也能从这数十页中发现许多 值得思考的地方和一些值得探索的新思想。我期待 与您通过邮件、LinkedIn 或微博来交流关于您对这 期内容的想法。请在后面找到相应的链接,让我们 知道您的看法。

John Dorris 陶宏梦 December,2012

Copyright © 2000 - 2012 Sino Associates Global Limited. All rights reserved.



Table of Content Page

1 Current HR Challenges Consulting 咨询 2

Pushing the Elephant up the stairs: The role of psychology in occupational safety



Training 培训 11 Role Playing in Learning 从角色扮演中学习 Coaching 教练 20 Success Through NLP

online community

Coaching Insights for Performance Breakthroughs

以 NLP 取胜 如何更上一层楼

Facilitation 辅导 31 What do Facilitators do 辅导师都做些什么 42 References and Attribution

Current HR


Tell us

your most concerned topics


Pushing the Elephant up the stairs The role of psychology in occupational safety Henry Chamberlain Henry is an internationally experienced Industrial & Organisational Psychologist with more than 15 years experience in the field of assessment, talent management and organisation development. He is the President of the Hong Kong Psychological Society and the Chair Elect of the Division of I/O Psychology (DIOP). Additionally he serves as a member of the Departmental Advisory Committee of the Department of Managing and Marketing of the Poly University of Hong Kong. His career included roles as combat officer, Head of Organisation Development for the South African Army and Consulting Director for SHL Greater China.

把大象推到梯子上 心理学在职业安全中的角色


Hong Kong ’s construction industry is experiencing a boom phase. Wherever you look there are new buildings going up, new roads being built and new tunnels being constructed. Local and overseas construction companies are all vying for a piece of the construction pie and with more projects there are more workers… and more accidents.

香港的建筑行业正处于繁荣阶 段。无论你望向哪里,总是能看到正 在施工中的新建筑、新道路或新隧道。 本地的和海外的建筑公司都在争相抢 占这块“蛋糕”,越来越多的项目, 带来越来越多工人……同时还带来越 来越多的意外事故。

The Hong Kong Government has raised safety standards significantly and over the past 20 years the accident frequency rate has dropped from a whopping 302 per 1000 workers in 1992 to 49.7 in 2011. Over the same period the average number of fatalities has dropped from an average of around 58 per year to an average of around 18 per year (HK Housing Authority, 2012). Despite these remarkable improvements, safety standards in HK are still regarded by many as lagging behind the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom.

率 已 显 著 下 降, 在 1992 年,1000 名工人中有高达 302 名会涉及意外 事故,而到 2011 年,这个数字下降 至 49.7 名。同一时期内,平均遇险 死亡人数从平均每年大约 58 名下降 到平均每年大约 18 名(HK Housing Authority, 2012)。尽管已经有了这 些明显的改善,香港的安全标准仍然 被很多人认为落后于美国、欧洲和英 国。

The good news is that many construction co m p a n i e s a re ta k i n g s afet y m o re seriously and a good number of them have implemented occupational safety campaigns to drive safety awareness and lower the number of serious incidents, accidents and fatalities. This is evidenced


香港政府已经大幅地提高了安 全标准,在过去 20 年来,事故发生

好消息是许多建筑公司对安全越 来越重视,并且很多公司已经开展职 业安全活动来提高员工安全意识和减 少严重事件、意外和死亡的发生次 数。这些都可以从建筑工地里的标 语和横幅中略见一斑,比如像 Laing O’Rourke 的“零意外”、Kier 的“请 绕道”、Gammon 的“零伤害”, 还有 Leightons 的“为生而奋斗”。 此时你可能觉得以上的数据让人

by slogans and banners like “Mission Zero 印象深刻,但职业安全和工业与组织 (Laing O’Rourke)”, “Don’t walk by (Kier)”, 心理学究竟有什么关系?还有这个故 “Zero Harm (Gammon)” and “Strive for 事里的大象和梯子究竟在哪里呢? L-I-F-E” (Leightons) that are visible at 在过去十年里,为了提高安全, construction sites across Hong Kong. 香港在开展培训活动、监测过程和政 At this point you may think that the 策制定上做了很多功夫,但这些还不 statistics above are impressive, but what 足以把意外事故的发生率降低到大多 does occupational safety have to do 数西方国家的水平。很多措施是不能 with I/O Psychology? And where is the 长期适用的,它们就像是在推一只不 情愿的大象去爬梯子。这需要大量的 付出和资源,然而一旦停止了这些努 力,大象立刻就会从梯子上滑落下来。 这也许是因为大多数的安全项目都是 通过矫正行为来达到员工对安全规则 的服从,而不是让员工自身对安全做 出承诺(Mullen & Kelloway, 2009)。

elephant and the staircase in this story?

While the implementation of training programmes, monitoring processes and policies have done a lot over the past decades to improve safety, it was not enough to drive down accidents and incidents to the levels seen in many western countries. These practices don’t “In order to finally seem to be sustainable and they end up drive out accidents, being like pushing an unwilling elephant we need to go beyond up a flight of stairs. It requires massive compliance effort and resources and the moment the 为了从根本上杜绝意外的 pressure is released, the elephant will slip 发生,仅仅服从规则是不 back down the stairs. This may be because 够的” the most common safety programmes 所谓的基于行为的安全方法,也 are based on behaviour modification that 被称为 ABC 方法(事前预计,行为, aims to create safety compliance rather 结果),根据数据显示,这种方法可 than commitment from the work force 有效降低意外发生率(Mullen et al, (Mullen & Kelloway, 2009). 2009),但为了从根本上杜绝意外的 The so-called behaviour based safety 发生,仅仅服从规则是不够的。我们


a p p ro a c h , a l s o k n o w n a s t h e A B C a p p ro a c h ( A nte c e d e nt , B e h av i o u r, Consequence), has been instrumental in driving accident statistics down (Mullen et al, 2009), but in order to finally drive out accidents, we need to go beyond compliance. What is required i s a n a p p ro a c h w h e re p e o p l e w i l l voluntarily engage in and support safe

要求的是一种能够让人们自愿采取并 支持安全工作措施,让组织内每一个 人不需要总是靠制度、外部奖赏或惩 罚就能自觉承担安全责任的方法。换 句话说,要在行为习惯上有非常大的 变化。所以提高安全就是改变行为习 惯,而工业与组织心理学在帮助组织 理解和改变人类行为习惯上有着重要 的作用。

work practices, where everybody in the organisation will accept responsibility for safety and not require constant policing, external rewards or punishment. In other words, a radical change in behaviour is required. So, improving safety is all about changing behaviour and I/O psychologists have a significant role to play in helping organisations understand and change human behaviour.

“Improving safety is all about changing behaviour and I/O psychologists have a significant role to play in helping organisations understand and change human behaviour 提高安全就是改变行为习 惯,而工业与组织心理学 在帮助组织理解和改变人 类行为习惯上有着重要的 作用”

Systems theory teaches us that people are not mechanistic, rational beings. In fact, they can be quite unpredictable and irrational at the best of times. Systems theory further dictates that nothing operates in isolation; all things are interconnected. Thirdly it urges us to look beyond the presenting symptoms in order to identify and address the root causes of problems. (Senge, 1993)

系统理论告诉我们,人类不是机 械般、理性的存在。事实上,人类的 行为往往是难以预计和不理性的。系 统理论更进一步指出没有东西可以独 立运行;所有事物都是互相关联的。 另外它呼吁我们要跳出表面现象从而 识别和找出问题的根本原因。(Senge,

In practice this means that we have to 1993)


recognise that changing human behaviour is a complex undertaking and that true change cannot be achieved through simplistic, mechanistic “carrot and stick” approaches. The whole system needs to be aligned to support safety and we cannot expect people to work safely if the organisation’s strategy, leadership style, culture, processes and systems are not

在实践中,这意味着我们必须认 同改变人类行为是一个复杂的过程, 真正的改变是没办法通过简单的、机 械的“胡萝卜加大棒”的方法而达到 的。整个系统需要保持均衡一致来支 持安全的目标。假如组织的战略、领 导风格、文化、程序和系统不能与这 个目标保持一致,那我们不可能期望 组织里每一个员工都能安全地工作。

all aligned to support this goal. We also have to look at the dynamics of human behaviour and the factors that enable or obstruct people’s commitment to safety.

所以与常见的观点相反,提高安全的 方法并不是制定更多的安全规则、委 任更多的安全官员或是有效监管员工 对规则的服从。 最终的解决方法是创造一种安全 文化使员工们自愿地培养安全的行为 习惯,因为他们明白并相信它的重要 性,而且整个组织系统也能支持他们 这么去做。 这一切由一个充满说服力的愿景 和一个清晰的安全战略开始。这个愿 景和战略必须转化为与各层级相联的 具体行为。所有层级的领导都应该 支持相关的战略和成为行为的模范, 方针与程序(如奖励)与所期望的行 为会得到奖励应保持一致。最后,工 人们需要参与并投入到执行的过程当 中。如果人们体验到参与是有意义 的,并且他们感觉被授予对自身直接 利益相关的决策的权力,他们会更可 能投入到组织的愿景、战略和价值观 (Viljoen, 2008)。

So contrary to common belief the way to improve safety is not to make more safety rules, appoint more safety officers and to police compliance more effectively. The ultimate solution is to create a culture of safety where workers voluntarily participate in safe behaviours because they know and believe in its value and where the whole organisational system supports them in doing this. It all starts with a compelling vision and a clear strategy on safety. This vision and strategy has to be translated into specific behaviours that have to be cascaded to all levels. Leaders at all levels should support the strategy and model behaviours,


policies and processes (like reward) should be aligned to reward the desired behaviours and last, but not the least, workers need to be engaged and involved in the implementation process. If people experience meaningful involvement and they feel empowered to make decisions about things that affect them directly, they are more likely to be engaged with

为了创造员工对安全的参与和承 诺,我们要求领导层对于员工的安全 做出承诺,确保让各级领导参与进来 并给他们授权,同时保证提供清晰 惯常且持续的有关安全愿景和价值观 的沟通。如果这些要素不能到位,它 则变成一个不可持续的、基于服从的 方法,变得像是在用更多的萝卜、更 多的棍棒、更多的监管和更多的努力

the vision, strategy and values (Viljoen, 去推大象和防止大象从梯子上滑落下 来。 2008). In order to create engagement and commitment around safety, we require a strong leadership commitment to worker safety, engaging and empowering leaders at all levels, and clear, frequent and consistent communication of the safety vision and values. If these elements are not in place, safety becomes a nonsustainable, compliance-based approach; more carrot, more stick, more policing and more effort to push the elephant up the stairs en keep it from sliding back. Some observers may have doubts about the above, correctly thinking that most of the concepts described above are “western ideas” that may not work in an Asian environment. So, let me share a few recent experiences in HK. Over the past year I’ve been involved in a number


“In order to create engagement and commitment around safety, we require a strong leadership commitment to worker safety 为了创造员工对安全的 参与和承诺,我们要求领 导层对于员工的安全做 出承诺” 一些观察者可能会怀疑以上描述 的大多数的概念只是“西方理念”, 并不适用于亚洲的环境。所以,让我 来分享一些最近在香港发生的经历。 过去几年我一直在参与几个在香港的 建筑安全计划,支持并提供关于提高 项目安全的管理建议。在这些项目里, 所有项目主管都像在努力地“把大象

of construction safety projects in HK, supporting and advising management on actions to improve safety on their projects. In all of these projects managers seemed to struggle to “push the elephant up the stairs”. They perceived the problem to be with workers who did not seem to value safety, appeared lazy and obstructive and contractors who are not used to working to modern safety standards. However the results of an in-depth diagnosis told a different story. Data from three different projects indicated that workers were in fact safety conscious, that they actually wanted to work safely and that they wanted to contribute more and exert extra effort at work. However, they found it hard to do “the right thing” and were cautious to take initiative because of a blaming and punitive culture. The key blockages were not at the worker level, but in the leadership domain. These included a lack of alignment of the leadership team on the safety strategy and the priority of safety, inconsistent leadership practices promoting safety one day and production the next, insufficient and inconsistent messages on safety and compliance based “carrot and stick” approaches. Is it any wonder that workers


推上梯子上”。他们认为问题是出自 于那些不重视安全、表现懒惰的工人 和那些不习惯于在现代安全标准下工 作的承包商。 然而深度诊断的结果讲的却是另 一个故事。来自三个不同项目的数据 显示,事实上工人们是有安全意识的, 他们是想安全地工作的,他们想运 用额外的努力来为工作作出更多的贡 献。然而,他们发现很难去做“正确 的事情”,而且责备和惩罚的文化让 他们对主动做事保持谨慎的态度。关 键的阻碍并不在于工人层级,而在于 领导层。这包括领导团队关于安全战 略和安全优先级的理解不一致,不统 一的指挥导致一时提倡安全,一时提 倡成果,不充分和不一致的安全信息, 还有基于服从的“胡萝卜加大棒”方 法。难怪工人们会对管理层的意向产 生疑惑,以为管理层只关心工作产量。 所以,管理层自称安全是他们的 首要考虑的同时,他们的行动却与之 矛盾。他们未能创造一个关于改变现 状的清晰计划,系统和战略并不一致, 最重要的是,员工并没有获得授权和 参与到安全愿景和战略的实施当中。 这并不新鲜,事实上,这听起来跟大 概 20 年前由科特提出的 8 个改革失 败的原因(Kotter, 1995)并没有什么 差别。

were confused about management ’s intentions and that they concluded that management only really cared about production? So, while management professed that safety was their main priority, their actions contradicted this. They failed to create a clear case for change, systems and strategies were not aligned and most of all, people were not empowered and engaged in the implementation of the safety vision and strategy. This is nothing new, in fact, it sounds very much like the eight reasons why change fail, described by change guru, Kotter, almost 20 years ago (Kotter, 1995). There is, of course, no doubt that workers are not blameless. The average worker in HK is much older than in the rest of the world and they are often reluctant to change their ways. A high power distance culture (Hofstede, 1984) means that the hierarchy is respected and that workers are less likely to voice safety ideas and concerns. Furthermore a culture of taking shortcuts when no one is looking is deeply entrenched and wide-spread in the local construction industry. However, these were not the causes of the problem, they were at best, contributing factors.


“Is it any wonder that workers were confused about management’s intentions and that they concluded that management only really cared about production? 难怪工人们会对管理层的意 向产生疑惑,以为管理层只 关心工作产量” 当然,工人们也并非完全没有责 任。香港工人与其他地方的工人相比, 年纪要更大,他们往往不愿意改变他 们以往的工作方式。一个高的权力距 离文化(Hofstede, 1984)意味着阶级 是受到尊敬的,工人们不太可能反映 他们对安全的想法和担忧。而且一个 当无人监管时就走捷径的文化已经广 泛地深深植入当地的建筑行业。但是, 这些并不是问题的本质,它们最多只 是促进因素而已。 以上描述的结果与我同事在全球 范围研究的结果相似,它证明了“软 的东西实际上是最硬(困难)的东西” 这个想法——无论在哪都一样。它特 别强调了组织的领导力、系统思考的 方法和理解人类行为对于创造可持续 改变和成果的重要性。变革管理和人 类动态变化将会在未来几年变得越来

These results described above are 越重要,而且工业与组织心理学一定 similar to results found by my colleagues 将会为促进香港和亚洲地区可持续改 around the world and it supports the 革做出重要的贡献。 notion that “the soft stuff actually is “It specifically emphasises the hard stuff” – wherever you are. It the importance of specifically emphasises the importance organisational leadership, a of organisational leadership, a systems systems thinking approach thinking approach and the importance and the importance of of understanding of human behaviour in creating sustainable change and results. Change management and the human dynamics of change will become more and more important in the coming years and industrial/organisational psychologists must be ready to make a more significant contribution in enabling sustainable change in HK and Asia.

understanding of human behaviour in creating sustainable change and results 它特别强调了组织的领导力、 系统思考的方法和理解人类 行为对于创造可持续改变和 成果的重要性”


Role Playing in Learning

从角色扮演中学习 Jesse Covner Jesse has had a life long passion for role-playing and has served as the CEO for international gaming company EOS-SAMA since 2010. EOS-SAMA makes roll-playing games, board-games, and training simulation games. Before founding and leading EOS-SAMA Jesse worked in the booming tech industry in Silicon Valley and later the management consulting field in China.


这篇文章将探索一些关于在中国 This article explores some of the issues with using role-playing and role-playing 使用角色扮演游戏作为学习工具的问 games as learning tools in China, as well 题,同时还会提供一些让角色扮演更 as provide some useful techniques to 有成效的实用技巧。 make role-playing more effective. What is Role-Playing? It is the practice of assuming an identity, which is not your own, like in improvisational acting, within the context of a training exercise, coaching session, or recreational game. When do we role-play? You’ve probably been role-playing since you were a child and you first played a game of cops and robbers using your imagination. As adults some people Role-play for enjoyment, as when they play “Role Playing Games” (RPG).

“It is the practice of assuming an identity, which is not your own, like in improvisational acting, within the context of a training exercise, coaching session, or recreational game 它是在培训、辅导练习或休 闲游戏的情境中,呈现的一 种非自我身份的实践,像是 在即兴表演”

什么是角色扮演?它是在培训、 辅导练习或休闲游戏的情境中,呈现 In the work environment, role-playing 的一种非自我身份的实践,像是在即 can be used as practice in preparing 兴表演。 for specific tasks, such as a when a sales-woman role-plays possible client 我们什么时候进行角色扮演?从 interactions with a colleague who plays 小你可能就已经试过扮演某些角色, the part of a customer. Role-playing can 用想象力玩过警察抓小偷的游戏。当 also be used as a very effective tool to 某些成年人在玩角色扮演游戏的时 facilitate learning and development in a 候,扮演角色是为了享受乐趣。 variety of skill categories. In brief it can 在工作环境中,角色扮演可被用 be a Role-playing can be an impactful, 作为特定任务的事前准备练习,例如 interactive, social learning technique. 销售人员会让同事扮演顾客,从而练 How do we use role-playing in learning? 习如何与顾客沟通交流。角色扮演还


As a learning tool, it requires participants to “learn by doing;” it is an experiential technique that puts participants within an interactive role and has several advantages:

可以作为一种促进学习和提高多种技 能的非常有效的工具。简而言之,角 色扮演是一种有效的、互动的、社会 性的学习技巧。

我们怎么把角色扮演运用到学习 中?作为一项学习工具,它要求参与 Fun 者“从操作中学习”,让参与者在一 Role-playing produces interesting and 个互动的环境里体验角色。这种体验 exciting interactions between participants, 型技巧 具有若干优势: thus increasing the energy level of the participants 好玩 角色扮演能让参与者之间产生有 趣且兴奋的互动,从而提高参与者的 Often role-playing requires the 活力。 participants to put themselves within a real-world “frame” or story-setting in 体验性 which they must use there knowledge, 角色扮演往往要求参与者把自己 skills, and critical thinking abilities to solve problems, thus making the results more 放进一个真实世界的“框架”或设定 的故事情境中,通过利用自身的知识、 relevant to the participants. 技能和批判性思考能力来解决问题, Social 因此能让结果与参与者更相关。


Most role-playing involves interactions between multiple players. These 社交性 interactions provide opportunities 大多数角色扮演需要多个扮演者 for emotional involvement within the 的互动。这些互动能让参与者亲身体 training, which increases relevance and 会相关情感,进而增强关联性和记忆。 memory retention.


Empathy Role-playing requires learners to take



on a role... that means take on and “play” a different identity. This can help participants learn how to see issues from different angles, thus encouraging understanding and awareness of the feelings, beliefs, and logic structures of others. Role-playing can be used for many different types of learning points. High school teachers have used it to explain the effects of slavery in the United States before the Civil War. History teachers have used role-playing to simulate the challenges faced by historical figures. Sales managers in much of the world use role-playing to teach awareness of the customer’s needs. English-as-SecondLanguage teachers often use role-playing to give students practice at real-life application of language studies. Coaches and Managers use role-playing to better prepare their coachee to handle difficult interactions. Although role-playing is often used within learning events and programs throughout China, many role-playing facilitators encounter several implementation problems, of which some are specific to Chinese culture. Problems may include the following:

“take on and ‘play’ a different identity. This can help participants learn how to see issues from different angles, thus encouraging understanding and awareness of the feelings, beliefs, and logic structures of others 承担和‘演绎’一个不一样的 身份。这能帮助参与者学习如 何从不同的角度看待问题,从 而促进他对其他人的感受、信 念和逻辑结构的理解和认知” 色。这意味着承担和“演绎”一个不 一样的身份。这能帮助参与者学习如 何从不同的角度看待问题,从而促进 他对其他人的感受、信念和逻辑结构 的理解和认知。 角色扮演可以用来学习许多不同 类型的知识。高中老师可以用它来解 释在南北战争前,农奴制对美国的影 响。历史老师可以用它来模拟历史人 物所面对的挑战。大多数销售经理会 用它来传授对顾客需求的理解。教英 语的外语老师经常用角色扮演来让学 生在模拟真实生活的情境下练习使用 英语。教练和管理人员会用角色扮演 这种方式来帮助他们的学员或下属学 习如何处理人际互动方面的挑战。


在中国,虽然角色扮演被广泛地 使用在学习活动和培训项目当中,但 Role-playing requires participants attempt 许多角色扮演引导师经常会在执行时 to see things from another person›s point 遇到难题,以下是一些常见的问题: of view, which is difficult for some people. This kind of “acting ” does not come 对公开表演的恐惧 naturally to many people perhaps even 角色扮演要求参与者尝试用他人 most people. To risk a generalization, 的身份看待事情,但对某些人来说, many Chinese employees have little 这是比较困难的。因为,对于许多人, experience with acting as a part of their 甚至可能是大多数人来说,难以自然 formal education background. 地进行这种“表演”。冒着以偏概全 Getting participants to role-play involves 的风险来说,许多员工所经历的中国 encouraging the participants to expand 正式教育里并不包含表演。 beyond their comfort zones - to “break 为了让参与者扮演角色,培训师 the box”, which is challenging for both 需要鼓励他们勇敢闯出他们的舒适 participant and facilitator. 区,甚至要让他们打破陈规,这对参 与者和培训师都是一项挑战。 Disassociation and narration

Fear of acting/public performance

We o f t e n f i n d C h i n e s e r o l e - p l a y 脱离角色与表述 participants who do not have experience with role-playi ng wi ll di sassociate 我们经常发现那些没有角色扮演 themselves from the role they play, often 经验的中国参与者往往是在表述其行 by narrating actions rather than playing 为,而不是扮演其角色,这样常让他 the role. 们无法进入角色。 For example, during a simulated coaching session with an employee, the roleplaying manager should say something like; “Hi Mr. Wang.... let’s talk about your performance. What accomplishment do you feel most proud of from last


比如说,在一个模拟的辅导过程 中,扮演管理者的人本可以这样说: “王先生你好……现在我们来谈谈你 的工作表现吧。自上一个季度结束以 来,有没有哪些地方你觉得你做得特 别好?”然而,该名扮演者却这么说:

quarter?”. But instead, the manager will say; “I will ask the employee to sit down. Then I will ask him to talk about what he did last year”. Disassociation does not diminish the planning and thought that went into the role-play, but it does diminish the experiential and emotional benefits of the exercise.

Inadequate inference and extrapolation

“我会叫那个员工坐下,然后我会让 他谈谈上一年他做了些什么。”脱离 角色虽然并不会减少扮演者对角色的 计划和思考,但却会减少表演中的体 验和情感的效益。

不充分的推敲 当扮演着现实生活中的情景,参 与者经常无法深思他们角色行为的结

果。因为他们觉得这个模拟表演是“不 真实的”,所以他们无法应用合适的 When role-playing real-life situations, 常识或逻辑能力,进而无法运用真实 participants often fail to contemplate the 生活中的勤奋和期待。 results of their role-played actions. They fail to apply appropriate common sense 以下是一些处理和改善以上问题的方 and/or logic skills because they regard 法: the role-play simulation as “not real”, and hence, fail to apply real-world diligence and/or expectations. There are many ways to deal-with and ameliorate these problems. Below are some suggestions:

Colorful and detailed prepared roles The more “frame” the participant has, the easier it is to visualize the role he/she should play. Giving a detailed description of a character’s motivations - even if many of the motivations are not relevant to the game-play or learning points -

富有色彩的和详细准备的角色 有越多的画面和框架,参与者越 容易把所要演的角色形象化。给参与 者提供详细的角色动机描述——即使 很多动机与游戏或学习目标并不相 关——这将帮助参与者把角色展现出 来。此外,创造一些华丽的或突出的 角色性格能为如何演好这个角色提供 明显的提示。这将会给参与者带来更 多的乐趣。


表现管理技巧 大多数参与者的工作就是要被测

helps the participants act-out the part. Furthermore, creating flamboyant or outstanding character traits gives obvious clues as to how the character should be played. This will make role-playing more fun for the participants.

Performance management techniques Most participants already work in an environment where their work output is measured and evaluated. Hence, by incorporating performance measurement systems, such as competitive game elements and point-systems, the roleplay facilitator can focus the participants’ attention on the quality of their role play. Role-play acting judging (and rewards) can be used to increase the quality of acting, and thus increase the quality of participant involvement. Let participants know their logic and reasoning will be assessed and debriefed at the end of the role-play session.

“incorporating performance measurement systems, such as competitive game elements and point systems, the role-play facilitator can focus the participants’ attention on the quality of their role play 引入表现评价系统,例如竞争 比赛的元素和计分机制,角色 扮演引导师能让参与者集中精 力关注他们角色扮演的质量” 量和评估的。因此,通过引入表现评 价系统,例如竞争比赛的元素和计分 机制,角色扮演引导师能让参与者集 中精力关注他们角色扮演的质量。角 色扮演评价(和奖励)可以用来提高 表演的质量,从而提高参与者的投入 程度。让参与者知道在角色扮演的结 束部分,他们的逻辑推理将需要被评 估和汇报。


“Adversaries” and “Non-Player Character”

当有机会,让部分参与者扮演“敌 When possible, give some participants 对”的角色。而非玩家角色是一种专 “adversary ” roles. The non-player 门为阻碍其他玩家进度而设计的角 character (NPC) - is a participant who plays 色,它能引发一些创造性的压力并增 a role designed to impede the progress of 加参与者的情感投入。


the other players, which causes creative tension and increasing player emotional involvement.


在模拟角色扮演结束之前,进行 几次活动回顾往往是有帮助的。这些 回顾反思的中期休息机会能帮助参与 Mid-activity debriefs 者重新关注他们的目标和所扮演的角 Often it is helpful to conduct activity 色。 debriefs several times before the entire 对于高冲击力的学习活动和日常 role-play simulation is completed. These debrief “breaks” can be used to re-focus 辅导,角色扮演是一种很好的体验型 the participants on their goals and the 工具。但是为了让角色扮演学习活动 的效益最大化,尤其在中国,辅导员 roles they play. 必须明白使用这些技巧可能带来的困 Role-playing can be a great experiential 难。通过使用竞争比赛元素、鲜明有 tool for high-impact learning activities as 趣的角色,模拟对手和多次回顾的组 well as everyday coaching. But in order to 合方法,培训师能通过这些工具为中 get the most out of a role-playing learning 国学员创造一个高效的学习体验。 activity, the facilitator must understand the potential difficulties in using these “using a combination techniques, especially in China. By using of competitive game a combination of competitive game elements, vivid fun roles, elements, vivid fun roles, in-simulation in-simulation adversaries, adversaries, and frequent debriefs, a and frequent debriefs facilitator can use role playing techniques 使用竞争比赛元素、鲜明有 to create high-impact learning experiences 趣的角色,模拟对手和多次 for the Chinese participants. 回顾的组合方法”


Success Through NLP Coaching Insights for Performance Breakthroughs Daniel Smith Daniel Smith is the Chairman of The China NLP Society. He is a multi-Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of New Code NLP, and experienced coach beyond NLP. Mr. Smith completed five university degrees, including psychology, law and an MBA. He is currently a Doctoral Candidate, whose thesis has the working title, “Transferring Expertise”

以 NLP 取胜 如何更上一层楼


Around the world, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is mainly used by elite performers. Like giving you an instruction manual for your brain, NLP is a set of practical techniques, pragmatic strategies and powerful principles that you can use to be more effective in your personal and professional life.

放眼全球,神经语言程序学(后 文简称为 NLP)还是主要在精英圈子 中得到运用。就像是给你的大脑提供 一个指导手册,NLP 是让你在私人生 活和职业生涯中变得更有效率的实操 技术、实用策略和强大原理。

它由三个最重要的元素所组成: 神经学、语言和程序。神经系统调节 It encompasses the three most important 人体功能的运作,并对内在的情感感 components of human experience: 官和外在行为都有所影响。语言是沟 neurology, language and programming. 通的主要方式,而程序决定了自我构 The neurology regulates the functioning 建的世界。简单来说,NLP 探索了精 of the human body and affects both 神和身体之间的动态关系(神经)、 internal sensations and emotions and 语言(语言学)以及它们之间的相互 external behaviours. While the language 作用(程序)是如何影响人类的行为。 is the main form of communication, the programming determines the world one “NLP explores the dynamics has created for oneself. In a nut-shell, NLP between mind and body explores the dynamics between mind and (neuro), the language body (neuro), the language (linguistic) and (linguistic) and how their how their interplay (programming) affects interplay (programming) affects human behaviour human behaviour.

NLP 探索了精神和身体之间的

F u r t h e r m o re , i t i s a n a p p ro a c h to 动态关系(神经)、语言(语 communication and thinking aimed at 言学)以及它们之间的相互作 getting better results from ourselves and the people around us. Solution-focused 用(程序)是如何影响人类的 coaches and consultants around the 行为” world deploy NLP in order to achieve set 此外,它还是一种让我们与自己 goals and more effectiveness. Based on 或身边的人更好地沟通思考从而取得 modeling outstanding performers from 更好成果的方法。世界各地致力于解


a diverse array of domains, distilling those patterns is key so that they can be applied by others. NLP offers techniques, approaches and patterns that are used to reduce stress, improve relationships, enhance your personal charisma, learn faster and have the clarity, focus and awa re n e s s to m a ke h i g h e r q u a l i t y decisions. NLP makes high quality, tacit

决问题的培训师和顾问都开始用 NLP 装备自己,从而实现目标和提高效率。 关键是从各个领域出色人士的模型中 提炼出其独特的特征和规律,从而让 这些方法也适用于其他人。NLP 能提 供一系列的技巧、方法和规律,让你 降低压力、改善关系、提升个人领导 魅力、提高学习效率和变得头脑清晰、 注意力集中从而做出更高质量的决

knowledge explicit, accessible and 定。NLP 能让优质的隐性知识更清晰、 transferable. 易理解和可传达。 In the years that I’ve been involved with “NLP offers techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I’ve approaches and patterns encountered many powerful experiences. that are used to And you might have heard about how reduce stress, improve NLP can be used to cure phobias, increase relationships, enhance sales conversion rates and upgrade your personal charisma, leadership skills; how someone trained in learn faster and have NLP can be a more charismatic speaker, the clarity, focus and a more effective negotiator, and enjoy awareness to make higher better relationships at work and at quality decisions home. Since the 1970s, NLP has helped NLP 能提供一系列的技巧、 make the skills, talents and even genius 方法和规律,让你降低压力、 of outstanding individuals accessible to 改善关系、提升个人领导魅 the rest of us. I have been studying and 力、提高学习效率和变得头 working with NLP since 1996, applying it 脑清晰、注意力集中从而做 extensively in my business and personal 出更高质量的决定” life, and in training and coaching. I’d like 在我研究神经语言程序学的这些 to share with you some of my experiences 年里,我有许多神奇强大的体验。你 that you might be able to use yourself.


Public Speaking Earlier this year, I was working with a young management consultant who struggled with his presentation skills. He was very smart and successful, but was so terrified of public speaking that one time he had gone to the bathroom before an important presentation – and not come out until after the presentation

可能有听说过怎么用 NLP 来克服恐 惧、提高销售转化率、提升领导技能; 听说过一些人经过 NLP 的训练后,变 成一个有超凡魅力的演讲者、有说服 力的谈判家,或无论在家还是在工作 都有着融洽关系的人。自从 20 世纪 70 年代,NLP 让普罗大众有机会获 得那些杰出人才的技能、才能,甚至 是天赋。我从 1996 年开始学习和投 身工作于 NLP,无论是职业或私人生 活,还是在培训或辅导别人,都能广 泛地运用到 NLP。我很乐意向你们分 享一些我的经历,希望你们也能学以 致用。

was finished! This was a man who had something important to say, whose opinions were valued and time precious, yet someone who had a gaping hole in his skillset. Within just a few hours working together, he was routinely making confident presentations to groups around 公开演讲 Shanghai and launched into a new APAC 今年初,我和一个努力想改善自 role with both the confidence to perform with his existing abilities immediately and 己演讲技巧的年轻管理顾问一起工 the skills to continue to improve into the 作。他十分聪明和成功,但特别害怕 公开演讲,有一次他在一个重要的演 future. How did we do it? 讲前去了洗手间,直到演讲结束后才 Being at Your Best 出来!他是一个有想法、意见常常得 To start with, we spoke about some of the 到重视而且时间宝贵的人,但同时他 times that he was at his best. And he had 也是一个有技能漏洞的人。然而,只 many of them. So one of the first things 是经过几小时的合作之后,他变得能 that we did was to start building better 在上海各大企业前做出自信的展示, access to those states when he was at his 蜕变成既拥有能临场展现自身能力的 best; if he could be in the state he had 自信,又有改善未来的技能的新型亚 been while he played elite-level tennis 太地区人才。我们是怎么做到的呢?


when he next made a presentation, he 处于你最佳的状态 would be hitting clean winners all the 首先,我们先聊了一下他最佳状 way home. We also setup some specific 态的时候。他有许多这样的例子。所 habits, routines and gestures so that he 以我们首先做的事中有一件就是让他 could trigger himself into feeling more 学会更好地进入那些他曾经经历过 resourceful when under pressure. 的最佳状态;假如他能用他在打高手 A huge part of top performance is the 水平的网球赛的状态来做下一次的展 inner game – that it’s not as much about 示,他一定能战无不胜。我们还设计 having better skills as it is about being 了一些特定的习惯、日常行为和动作, able to better use the skills you already 从而他能在压力之下触发更好的自我 have. As Sian Beilock observes: “If you can 感觉。最佳的表现大部分取决于内心, manage to interpret your body’s [fear] 能够很好运用现有的技能比起拥有厉 response to the situation as positive, as a 害的技能更重要。正如 Sian Beilock call to action, you are likely to thrive. But 所观察到的:“如果你能正面地解读 if you interpret your body’s response as 你身体对情景的(恐惧)反应,那你 a sign that you are in a bad place with no 很可能会胜利。但如果你把身体反应 way out, the worries and ruminations that 解读成你无路可逃的信号,所产生的 result may send you into a ‘choke’.” But 忧虑和焦虑可能会让你‘窒息’。” beyond the powerful but basic strategy “If you can manage to of triggering more useful resources and interpret your body’s better interpreting the stress response of [fear] response to the his body, I wanted to share a strategy that situation as positive, as he could use to continue to raise the bar a call to action, you are of his performance in the years ahead.

likely to thrive 如果你能正面地解读你身体 对情景的(恐惧)反应,那 你很可能会胜利”

Points of View

When we are children, we think the world revolves around us. And, if we are lucky, for a period of time it really does! 但是在分享一个能找到更多有用资源 As we get older, we start to realize that 和更好解读身体压力反应的策略之


other people have feelings too – we develop empathy and come to understand how others think and feel. You might be familiar with the aphorism that challenges us to “walk a mile in another man’s shoes before judging him”; this is another expression of the concept that there are a number of different ways to look at things. You might call these “points of view” or “perspectives” or “angles”. My father said to me when I was in high school, “Sometimes you need to stand on the table to get a different perspective on things.” Points of view are part of our ordinary language, yet for most of them are left implicit. That’s where NLP comes in: By turning something that is generally tacit into something that is explicit, we make it far more useful. If we are having a conversation, you might think of there as being “my perspective” and “your perspective”. And things will look different from my position than they will from your position. From my position, I will see the world through my eyes, based on my experiences and biases and preferences. From your position, you will see the world through your eyes, based on your experiences and biases and preferences. These different perspectives could have vastly different opinions.


前,我想先分享一个他能用来长期持 续改善自身表现的方法。

观点与角度 当我们还是儿童的时候,我们认 为世界围绕着我们来转。而且,假如 我们够幸运的话,它在一段时间内还 真的是这样。随着我们长大,我们开 始意识到其他人也有感受——我们学 会换位思考和明白别人是怎么想和感 觉的。你或许记得那句要求我们“穿 着别人的鞋走一英里再来评论他”的 格言。这其实是换句话来说看待事物 是有多个角度的。你可能把这些称为 “看法”、“观点”或者“角度”。 当我高中的时候,我父亲曾跟我说: “有时你需要站在桌子上面来看到事 物的另一面。”观点存在于我们的日 常对话,但它们大部分是含蓄的。这 正是 NLP 该出场的时候:通过把一些 通常是隐藏的含蓄的东西变得明确清 晰,从而使得事情更利于自己。如果 我们正在交谈,你或许觉得当中存在 着“我的观点”和“你的观点”。而 且事物在我眼中和在你眼中是不一样 的。站在我的立场,我将基于我的经 历、偏好和倾向用我的眼睛看待这个 世界。而你也同样基于你的经历、偏

I’m going to label these two perspectives as “1st Position” and “2nd Position”. Having strong access to 1st Position ensures that we can have a sense of purpose, direction, and goals. Spending a lot of time in 1st Position can be emotionally engaging – if things are good, being in 1 st Position is the place to experience the highest highs, though if things are bad this is also where you feel the lowest lows. 2nd Position allows us to understand those around us, to have sensitivity, empathy and understanding so we can keep our stakeholders satisfied. Spending a lot of time in 2nd Position can be great for those around you, though leaves some people feeling like they have “lost their sense of self”. Yet something is missing here: Some people use a different perspective from either of these, don’t they? Have you ever met somebody who could understand what was going on, without getting emotionally involved? They might seem like a computer at times, the way they can be so objective, so rational, so cool, calm and collected. This is also an important perspective that I’m going to label the 3rd Position. Being so objective is immensely valuable since you can see things fairly and with proper perspective, so you can make sound decisions. Yet being stuck

好和倾向,站在你的立场上用你的眼 睛看待这个世界。这些不同的角度能 得出很不一样的意见。 现在我要把这两个角度标记为 “立场 1”和“立场 2”。站在“立 场 1”,我们能够有动机、方向、目 标的意识。花大量时间在“立场 1” 上会让我们投入感情——如果事情是 好的,用“立场 1”来看可以让我们 情绪达到高峰,然而如果事情是不好 的,那“立场 1”则让我们情绪跌到 低谷。而“立场 2“是能让我们理解 身边的人,学会敏感、换位思考和谅 解从而我们能让相关的人感到满意。 我们花大量时间在“立场 2”对其他 人来说很好,但是会让某些人觉得“失 去了自我”。这里还缺了一种情况: 部分人用的是与这两个都不一样的角 度来看的,难道不是吗?你曾经有遇 到过一些能不带任何感情而能理解周 围发生的事情的人吗?他们或许有时 看起来像是机器人,他们的做事方式 是那么的客观、理性、冷静、沉稳和 镇定。这就是我将要标记的而且很重 要的“立场 3”。变得如此客观是有 极大好处的,因为你能用合理的角度 公平看待事物,故你能做出很好的决 定。然而停滞在那里也会有问题,所 以我们需要的是找到一个平衡。


there is a problem too. What we need is to find a balance.


Using Points of View with Public Speaking My client who was afraid of public speaking was feeling pretty good by now. He could feel confident, charismatic, persuasive, able to bring his very best states to the presentation stage. So I had him imagine making a short presentation to the audience (of empty chairs in the boardroom). We started out with him watching himself make that presentation – such that he could see himself standing in front of the group of people, and could recognize the postures that the members of the audience were using. It was like he was watching it on a security camera – a clean 3rd Position. Once he could see himself out there, presenting to this audience, he stepped into 1st Position. He was speaking, and could see the audience responding to what he said. Then he stepped back out to the security box off to the side – so he could see himself and the audience again. It was important that out in 3 rd Position, he saw himself as a non-involved observer of someone who looked like “him” rather than personally identifying with the person on the stage.


我那个从前害怕公开演讲的客户 现在好多了。在演讲时,他能感到自 信、充满魅力、充满说服力而且能用 他最佳状态来示人。所以我让他对着 (会议室的空座位)想象自己在向观 众做一个简短的展示。我们首先让他 想象看着自己在做这个展示——从而 他能看见自己站在人群面前的样子, 能发现观众的姿态。那就像是他在一 个安全的镜头前,一个纯净的“立场 3”,看着这一切。一旦他能看到自 己在那里向观众展示,他进入了“立 场 1”。他在说话,并能看到观众对 他所说的是如何反应。然后他回到“安 全区”,从而他能再次看到自己和观 众。站在“立场 3”来看是重要的, 这样他能以一个无关的旁观者的角度 来审视一个长得像“他”的人,而不 是带着个人感情来看待舞台上的自 己。之后再让他坐到台下其中一个座 位,从而他能想象自己是一名观众。 当他在想象自己向新公司做自我介绍 的时候,他能想象自己是某个特定的 观众,坐在他们的位置想想他们对自 己所说的会做出怎样的姿势或手势。 当他回到“立场 3”,他会发现有些 他刚在做的事情是很有用的。

He then sat down into one of the seats that he had positioned to be a member of the audience. As he was imagining making an introduction of himself at his new company, he could imagine some of the specific members of the audience; sitting in their seat, he took on what he thought would be their posture and their gestures in response to what he was saying. When

当他发现他所做的一些动作是多 余的甚至是有碍的,此时一些核心的 措辞能产生强大的影响力。我不需要 告诉他应该做什么或说什么——他能 自己发现——并且当他用这些新信息 装备自己之后,他能迅速地找到更有 效利用自己肢体传达信息的新方法。 这一切只需几分钟。让我们回顾一遍, 首先他识别情景(在这里是公开演

he stepped back into 3 rd Position, he 讲),然后他进入“立场 1”(成为 recognized that there were some things 演讲者),感受到他所能看见、听见、 that he was doing that worked really well. 感觉的东西。下一步他回到“立场 3”, 就像变成一个导演或中立的旁观者, Some key phrases that had made a 然后去到“立场 2”(成为观众)。 powerful impact, while he noticed that 通过观众的角度,他在脑海里看了一 there were some gestures that he had 场他扮演展示者的电影。最后他再次 used that were unnecessary and even 回到“立场 3”,去自省他能做些什 got in the way. I didn’t have to tell him 么来提高演出的质量。提高你展示的 what he should do or say – he could 技巧能带来极大的好处。 see it himself – and armed with that new information, he quickly generated 成为一个好的演讲者能提升你作 new ways to use his body and get his 为领导的影响力,增强你在同事面前 message across more effectively. All of 的自信,还有提高你作为团队成员的 this took just a few minutes. To recap, first 价值。前文那个简单的过程能帮你实 he identified the situation (in this case 现这个目标。虽然在脑海里回想已经 making a presentation). Then he accessed 很有帮助,但假如你够勇敢的话,你 1st Position (being the presenter), noticing 还可以用录像帮你完成这个过程,那 what he could see, hear and feel in 样你就可以真实地看到观众所看到的 being there. Next, he came back to 3 rd 情景。你甚至可以用另一部录像机拍 Position, like being the director or a 下观众的反应,那样你就可以准确地 neutral onlooker, before moving to 2 nd 看到导演所看到的景象了。


Position (being the audience). From the perspective of the audience, he watched a mental movie of his performance as a presenter, as if he was a member of the audience. Then he returned to 3rd Position and asked himself what he could to do enhance the quality of the performance. Improving your presentation skills can be immensely valuable. Becoming a better speaker can increase your impact as a leader, your confidence with your peers, and your value as a member of the community. This simple process can help. Though a mental review is itself incredibly useful, if you are really brave, you might try doing this process with a video recording of yourself, so you can actually see precisely what the audience is seeing. You might even get a second camera to record the audience responses so you can see precisely and specifically what a director would be able to see.

Improving Sales and Negotiation Skills You can use the same process to enhance your sales and negotiation skills. Instead of having 2 nd Position represent the “audience” you could have 2 nd Position


改善销售和谈判技巧 你可以用同样的方法来改善你销 售和谈判技巧。不过“立场 2”则变 成你潜在顾客或谈判对象的角度,而 不再是观众的角度。我曾帮助一个客 户,他的谈判对象——关键供应商总 是同时有两个谈判代表而不是一个代 表。 所以他加了另外一个“立场 2”, 由此更好地理解这两人之间的关系, 并给他的谈判带来帮助。

与高要求的同事工作 和别人共事可以有很大的挑战 性。你有试过一段并不是按你希望的 方向所发展的关系吗?进行一次前文 的过程是一个发现更多选择和更好地 反应的一个方法,而这次是把别人放 到“立场 2”。无论是上级、直接上 司或是同事,这方法都能帮你更好地 理解对方是怎么想和感觉的,从而让 你处于主动的位置。我们常常以为自 己明白别人的想法:这过程能让你获 得更准确的理解,从而得到更好的成 果。 这个简单的过程能让你体验到神 经语言程序学所能带来的帮助。通过 对领导力、谈判和自我管理的广泛应 用,NLP 能帮助你,帮助每一个人改 善自己的表现,让生活有更高的质量。

as your potential client or negotiation partner. I did this process with one of my clients who regularly negotiated with a key supplier who would be represented by two people on the other side of the table rather than just one. So he added an extra 2nd Position chair and noticed that he found himself better understanding the relationship between those two

This simple process is a taste of what Neuro-Linguistic Programming can offer. With a wide array of applications to leadership, negotiation and personal management, NLP can help you as it helps individuals around the world increase their personal performance and enjoy a greater quality of life.

people – and used that understanding to his advantage.

Working with Demanding Colleagues Working with other people can be very challenging. Have you ever had a relationship that wasn’t working the way you wished that it would? One way to generate more options and the ability to respond better is to go through this same process, this time placing the other person in 2nd Position. Whether a superior, a direct report or a colleague, this process can help you better understand how the other person thinks and feels, to put you back in the driver’s seat. We often think we understand others: This process gives you access to even more precise information so that you can get even better results.

“Whether a superior, a direct report or a colleague, this process can help you better understand how the other person thinks and feels, to put you back in the driver’s seat 无论是上级、直接上司或是同 事,这方法都能帮你更好地理 解对方是怎么想和感觉的,从 而让你处于主动的位置”


What Do Facilitators Do? Dr. Roger Greenaway Dr. Roger Greenaway trains facilitators, educators, trainers and consultants to bring out the full benefits of active and experiential learning. He works with training organisations, training departments and educational institutions - worldwide. His Train-the-Trainer workshop was widely successful in Shenzhen in 2011 and he will be presenting another TTT in Shanghai in April of 2013.



“你怎样做辅导?”这个问题可 “How do you do facilitation?” is a bit of a conversation stopper. Ask this to a 能会让对话戛然而止。向辅导师提出 facilitator and I guarantee that you will get 这个问题,我保证你得到的是犹豫和 含糊其辞。 hesitation and evasiveness. 很多年来,我也对这个话题含糊 I (too) have spent many years being evasive on this point – and for a very good 其辞——但我有一个很好的理由:我 reason: which is that I like to be ‘learner- 想以学员为中心,并注意着这个学员 centred’ and pay attention to what 所做的事情(而非以辅导师为中心)。 the learner is doing (rather than being 在《领导之道》中,约翰·海德 facilitator-centred). 推崇那种能让团队说“这是我们主动 In the Tao of Leadership, John Heider 做的” 的团队领导者。这样的领导者 admires the kind of group leadership, 用的是近乎不被察觉的行为进行来工 which might result in the group saying ‘We 作和领导(如果有做的话),组员们 did it ourselves’. Such a leader is working 甚至都意识不到这些领导行为。 in such subtle ways that the group does 那么,在这种领导者近乎无形的 not notice what the leader is doing (if 领导风格中,你该怎么塑造自己呢? anything). 我希望下面的文章能对大家有 So how can you model yourself on a style 用,其内容是关于辅导者可以如何在 of leadership in which the leader is almost 辅导时不破坏团队学习中的自主性、 entirely invisible? 灵活性和多变的本质。 I hope the article below brings some useful clarity to what facilitators do without destroying the spontaneity, flexibility, and ever-changing nature of what it is like to facilitate learning in groups.

REVIEWING THE SITUATION What it is best to do as a facilitator


“So how can you model yourself on a style of leadership in which the leader is almost entirely invisible? 在这种领导者近乎无形的领 导风格中,你该怎么塑造自 己呢”

depends very much on the situation. Being tuned in to the ‘situation’ will help you make good choices about what to do. And the more you review in ways that encourage people to express themselves, the more you will be in tune with the ‘situation’. So it is very useful (and rewarding) if you can get this virtuous cycle going in which everyone, including

回顾情景 作为辅导员,最该做的事很大程 度上取决于具体情况。投入“情景” 当中将会帮助你更好地选择该做什 么。在回顾过程中,你越多地使用鼓 励人们去表达他们想法的方法,你越 能与“情景”保持协调一致。所以如 果你创造一个让每一个人,包括你自 己与所发生经历的保持协调一致的良

yourself, gets tuned in to what people are 性循环,这将是非常有用(和有回馈 experiencing. 的)。

7 SITUATIONS YOU CAN ANTICIPATE (You can plan for these)

7 种你能提前准备的情况

Some situations are quite predictable and can be anticipated. For example:


一些情境是可预料和提前准备的 . 比 1. You can anticipate the priorities for 如说 : what you need to do at the beginning, 1、你能预测项目在开始、中间和结 middle and end of a programme - which 束阶段,需要做的事情的优先次序。 is why I advocate designing reviews into a 这是为什么我主张在项目设计前要先 programme before you put the activities 设计回顾反思这部份的原因。 in place 2、你能预料某些活动将如何生成特 2. You can anticipate how certain activities 定类型的事件、经历和问题。 will generate particular kinds of incidents, 3、在成功或失败的经验的基础上, experiences and issues 你能预料你需要怎样引导不同类型的 3. You can anticipate how you might need 回顾 to facilitate a different kind of review following an experience of success or 4、你能预测你怎样能最好地促进一 个活跃的团队,一个沉默的团队或一 failure


4. You can anticipate how you can best 个积极者和沉默者并存的团队。 facilitate a loud group, a quiet group, a 5、你能预测当时间很短或者有多余 group with a mix of loud and quiet people 的时候,你能怎样进行最好的回顾。 5. You can anticipate how you can best 6、同时,团队的规模将决定何种类 facilitate a review when time is short and 型的辅导策略将会最可行。 when there is more time available 7、无论是一般的目标,或者由个人 6. And the group size will determine 的需求或目标,特定的学习目标会有 which kinds of facilitation strategy will 助于当前的学习。 work best 7. The current situation may lend itself to 所以,作为一个辅导者,在决定 working with particular learning objectives - whether from the general programme 你要做什么前,你可能需要考虑上面 objectives or arising from individual needs 7 个点。这里以问题的形式展示: or goals 1. 课程处于哪个阶段? So, before deciding what you are going 2. 这个活动将会提供何种回顾与引导 to do as a facilitator you may want to 机会? consider the above 7 points. Here they 3. 团队处于何种气氛? are again presented as questions: 1. What stage of the programme is it? 2. What reviewing opportunities will the activity provide? 3. What is the mood of the group? 4. How can I engage all participants (quiet or loud)? 5. How much time is available? 6. What works best with this size of group? 7. What opportunities are there for

4. 我怎样吸引所有参与者(活跃或沉 默的人) 5.共有多长时间? 6. 根据团队的规模,选择什么样的工 作最好? 7. 有什么样的机会能实现关键目标?


working on key objectives? And when you have thought this through and have come up with ‘Plan A’ you will be well advised to have a ‘Plan B’ (because things change and facilitation is mostly a responsive role). And a ‘Plan Z’ will be handy too: an emergency plan that will work in almost any situation.

当你已经详细考虑上面的问题, 并想出了一个 A 计划,你最好还要有 一个 B 计划,因为事情会变化,而且 辅导一般是反映式的。而 Z 计划也可 能会派上用途:找一个能在大多数情 况下都可以用的办法。

3 种难以预料的情况



(You can even plan for these too!)

1. 你在信息不明处

1. YOU ARE IN THE DARK You know very little about the event you are about to review. You are reviewing an event at which you were not present. (You may have less information than usual, but you can still prepare a review for these situations.) 2. THE UNEXPECTED U n ex p e c t e d e v e n t s o f t e n c a p t u re people’s interest and can become a more significant source of learning than the events you had planned or predicted. (You need to judge whether the surprise is a distraction or a welcome opportunity for learning.)


你对你将要回顾的事件所知甚 少。你进行回顾反思的活动是一个你 没有在现场的活动。(你可能拥有比 平时更少的信息,但你仍然能为这些 状况准备一些回顾)。

“Unexpected events often capture people's interest and can become a more significant source of learning than the events you had planned or predicted 意外事项经常能捕捉人们 的兴趣,而且有可能成为 一个比你准备或预测的材 料更有意义的资源”


2. 意外事项

All your options seem to run out. Or none of your options feel right. Or it feels like a brand new situation that you have never encountered before. You want to dial the facilitation hot line (or try strategy 5 described below).

意外事项经常能捕捉人们的兴 趣,而且有可能成为一个比你准备或 预测的材料更有意义的资源。(你需 要判断这个惊奇是让人在学习中分散 注意力还是让人受益的机会。) 3. 你感觉思路堵塞时 你没有什么选择了。或者没一个

选择让你感觉是对的。或者它看起来 似乎是一个你以前没遇到的局面。你 甚至都希望能有个“辅导技能热线” 1. BE A ROLE MODEL 了,(也许,你不妨尝试下面第 8 种 Remember that groups will tend to copy 策略)。 how you behave. So think about what you want learners to do and set a good 6 种促进积极学习的方法 example of what it is like to be an active 1. 成为一个行为模范 learner. Some examples: 记得,团队会倾向于模仿你的行 • If you are asking participants to set 为。所以考虑下你希望学员做什么, learning goals, you can declare your own 和建立一个积极学习的榜样。以下是 learning goals. 一些例子:


• You can join in active reviewing exercises • 如果你计划让学员建立自己的学习 as a participant (tasting your own 目标,你可以表明你自己的学习目标。 medicine may not always be a good move, but it often is). • 你能作为一个参与者,加入回顾练 习(“尝尝自己那套”未必总是一个 • Try to use demonstration rather than 好的举动,但它很多时候是真的)。 a pure verbal briefing. For example, with Action Replay you can demonstrate how • 尝试使用示范而不是一个纯粹的口 to use the remote control and conduct 头总结。比如说,通过“行为复现”


interviews before handing over the 方法,你可以在把遥控器麦克风递 给学员时示范怎样使用麦克风进行访 remote and the microphone. 问。 Watch out. While joining in as a learner can be an influential facilitation strategy, Joining in as a learner it can be too influential if there are not can be an influential also times when you let go, step back and facilitation strategy, leave space for others.

(but) it can be too influential if there are not also times when you let go… 当你以一个学习者的身份 加入,是一个有影响力的 辅导策略。但如果不懂得 什么时候放手、退一步, 并给予学员学习的空间, 那这些影响力就可能过犹 不及了。


The more different kinds of facilitation roles you take on (joining in, standing back, helping, not helping) the more confusing it can be for learners. The answer is not to cramp your style and limit yourself to one role. Quite the opposite: whenever it seems necessary, explain what your preferred role will be in the next learning process - and why. (This point is expanded later in ‘The Role 注意,当你以一个学习者的身份 of the Facilitator’ where I summarize John 加入,是一个有影响力的辅导策略。 Heron’s model) 但如果不懂得什么时候放手、退一步, The more successful you are in helping 并给予学员学习的空间,那这些影响 groups grow and develop, the more 力就可能过犹不及了。 you will want to adjust your role and 2. 描述你改变的角色 relationship to best serve the group and their learning objectives. Spell out how 你担任不同的辅导角色的种类越多 your role can change at different stages (加入,在后观望,帮助和不帮助), of group development and at different 学习者就越容易感到困惑。解决办法 stages of learning new skills. 并不是束缚你的风格和限制你只能扮


演一种角色。相反,无论什么时候, 一旦觉得有必要,解释在下一个学习 阶段你将要扮演的角色以及原因。 (这 What is NOT facilitative: 点在我总结了 John Heron 模式的《辅 • Stepping into a problem-solving 导者角色》中将被扩展) exercise with the solution. 你越能成功地帮助团体成长和发 • Being the main source of wisdom 展,你就会越想调整你的角色和关系, rather than letting participants look 从而能最好地帮助团队实现他们的学 to their own source of wisdom – their 习目标。直接告诉大家你的角色将会 experiences. 在不同的团队发展时期和学习新技能 3. LEAVE SPACE FOR LEARNING : Don’t be a space invader!)

的不同阶段进行转变。 • Filling in the silence while people are thinking about the question you have just 3、留下学习的空间:不要成为一个 asked. 空间侵略者 • Asking all the questions and not 什么并不属于辅导的范围: drawing out questions from learners. 带着解决方案介入一个问题解决 • Telling participants what they should 能力的练习 have done and should have learned. • 成为智慧的主要来源,而不是让参 • Generally being too busy, too helpful 与者参考他们自己的智慧来源——他 and too interfering. 们的经验。 Tell the teacher inside you to take a rest • 当人们考虑你刚刚提问的问题时, when you want participants to learn by 不给予让他们思考的时间 reflecting on their experiences. • 把所有的问题都问了,而没有让学 4. SHARE OUT OPPORTUNITIES AND 习者提出问题。 INVOLVE EVERYONE • 告诉参加者他们应该做什么和应该 Although a discussion circle looks very 学到了什么 democratic, a closer look usually finds • 过于繁忙,过于助人和过于干涉。 that the discussion is being dominated by


a few: it is effectively becomes ‘theatre in 在你想引导学生通过实践学习 the round’ with a few people performing 时,就请让你心中的为师欲望休息一 while the rest spectate. Of course you 下吧。 can try making it more participative by 4、分享机会和让每个人参加 persuading ‘spectators’ to get up ‘on 尽管讨论的过程看起来象是非常民 stage’, but it is smarter (and more 主,但是当你仔细地观察时,通常就 effective) to find ‘stages’ on which 会发现讨论是被少数人控制的:他有 everyone is happy to perform. See ‘Turn 效地成为“中心式舞台”,仅有少数 taking in Group Reviews’ for better ways 人表演,而其他人在一旁观看。当然, of sharing out opportunities and involving 你能通过劝导“观察者”兴奋起来“走 everyone. 上舞台”使得活动更多人参与。但是, 5. USE TRANSPARENT FACILITATION 更聪明(或者说更有效)的方法是, 发现每个人都乐意展示的舞台。“轮 If you face a facilitation problem and you 流进行小组回顾”这篇文章里面有更 feel a bit stuck and are wondering what 好的办法分享机会和使得每个人都能 will be the best course of action ... you are 参与。 not alone. For a start there are probably “If you face a facilitation different voices in your head - and you can problem and you feel a bit choose to tell the group about (some of) stuck and are wondering these voices.

what will be the best course of action ... you are not alone 如果你面对辅导难题,感觉 思路堵塞,并疑惑于什么才 是这个课程最好的行动,别 担心,你并不孤独”

And if you have no voices in your head, you can tell the group about that too. And there are the voices of the participants too. You are not throwing yourself at the mercy of the group. You are using a very deliberate strategy of presenting a problem to the group (a problem that 5、使用简单易明的辅导方法 might affect them more than it does you). 如果你面对辅导难题,感觉思路 And you are consulting with them about the best course of action. You are inviting 堵塞,并疑惑于什么才是这个课程最


them to be your facilitation advisory 好的行动,别担心,你并不孤独。开 committee... 始时,很可能有不同的声音在你的脑 子里,同时你能选择告诉学员这些(或 Mmmm - perhaps that one is a step 部分)想法。 too far, but I think you can see that s u c h a st rate g y i s ve r y co n s i ste nt 如果你头脑中并没有想法,你也 w i t h e m p owe r i n g l e a r n e rs to ta ke 可以告诉你的团队。参加者自然会说 responsibility for their learning. It is a bit 一些想法。你并不是将自己放在一个 more facilitative than saying ‘I haven’t a 受团队控制的位置上,而是用一个影 clue’. 响他们更多于你的难题在咨询怎样能 If you want to dig deeper into this approach of ‘over to you’, ‘what do you think?’ or ‘let’s work this out together’ then you may find some useful insights f ro m J o h n H e ro n i n t h e C o m p l e te Facilitator’s Handbook where he describes the value of moving around between three basic facilitation modes: hierarchical, cooperative, and autonomous. 6. DELEGATE FACILITATION Question. When you work with groups how many facilitators are there? Answer. Everyone! All influence each other’s approach to learning through their motivation, curiosity, support, example etc.

使培训更顺利地进行。你在邀请他们 加入你的辅导建议委员会。 嗯,可能这步稍微超越了一点, 但我觉得你能看到,这样的策略能授 权予学习者,让他们自己对学习负责。 这比直接说“我没有想法”更有辅导 效果。

Praise facilitative behaviour and give opportunities for participants to praise each other's facilitative behaviour 鼓励促进(学员的)辅导行为 并给予机会让参加者能称赞 其他人所表现出辅导行为 6、分配辅导任务

问题:当你跟一组人在学习时, So? Bring this to participants’ attention. 那里有多少位辅导员? Praise facilitative behaviour and give 答案:每一个都是辅导员!通过 opportunities for participants to praise


积极性、好奇心、支持、举例等,所 有人都影响着其他人的学习方法。 所 以? 让 参 加 者 注 意 到 这 个 事 情。鼓励促进辅导行为并给予机会让 参加者能称赞其他人所表现出辅导行 为。分配责任让学员互相辅导,比如 说,采用学习伙伴、教练(例如“守 Facilitating Experiential Learning 门员活动”)的形式,互相给予反馈 Most experiential learning theory is 或促进回顾。 each other’s facilitative behaviour. Assign responsibilities for facilitating eg using learning buddies, coaching (in ‘Goal Keepers’), giving feedback or facilitating reviewing (such as in Simultaneous Survey).

clear about what learners do after their ‘’experience’’: they reflect, interpret, and experiment. But experiential learning theory is less clear about what role (if any) facilitators should play in this process. The principles, strategies, and tactics of facilitation cannot be deduced from experiential learning theory alone: We also need a theory of facilitation. A facilitator who makes deliberate moves among Heron’s three modes of decision making (hierarchical, co-operative and autonomous) also frees up learners to be more mobile and responsible in how they exercise and share power. Such mobility helps to make debriefing and learning more dynamic, versatile, and effective.

辅导经验学习 经验学习理论基本都很清楚学员 们在“体验”之后该做些什么:他们 需要反思、理解和试验。但经验学习 理论却很少能把辅导师该在学习过程 中所扮演的角色说清楚。辅导的原理、 策略和技巧不能单从经验学习理论中 推断出来:我们需要一个属于辅导 的理论。辅导师可以根据 Heron 的 3 种决策模式(阶级、合作和自治) 做出有意识的行动,从而让学员在练 习和分权当中更加有能动性和更负责 任。这样的能动性有助于学员做汇报 和更灵活、多元、有效地学习。

More details of Heron’s model: 更多关于 Heron 模型的内容:


References and Attributions Conchie, S.M., Donald, I.J., Taylor, P.J. (2012). Promoting safety voice with safetyspecific transformational leadership: the mediating role of two dimensions of trust. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17(1), 105-115. Hofstede, Geert (1984). Culture's Consequences: International Differences in WorkRelated Values (2nd ed.). Beverly Hills CA: SAGE Publications. Hong Kong Housing Authority Site Safety Performance Statistics. http://sitesafety. Kotter, J.P. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 73, 59-67. Mullen, J.E., Kelloway, E, K. (2009). Safety leadership: A Longitudinal study of the effects of transformational leadership on safety outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 253-272. Senge PM.1993: The fifth discipline. UK: Random House. Viljoen, R.C. (2008). Sustainable organisational transformation through Inclusivity. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. Picture of the elephant on Page 2: Justyna Furmanczyk - Picture of the ladder on Page 2: Svilen Milev - Picture on Page 10: kenjonbro - Picture on Page 18: loco - Picture of the man with sticky notes on Page 19: bizior photography - Picture on Page 30: cantabrigensis -


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