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i .com www.iU91.com i 514.576.0923 438.764.9918 !"#$% &$ 514-518-3666 '('()**+ (ROYAL LEPAGE) !"#$%&'()$*+,-.-/012$30&44+05$6!7$ *8 9-.:$;<..+=$$>1514-649-9868 !?#@A8A@B?#B +..+C1-D&'E(&&F)G&H OFFER

Thomas Li ROCCABELLA 514-813-7043 lxdthomas@hotmail.com henrixiao 514-690-8685 !"#$%$&' ( ) ( ) 450.466.4888 1392-8200 Taschereau Boul., Brossard, QC J4X 2S6 gotravel0326 info@voyagespolaris.com voyagespolaris.com OPC : 703480 HSM Adult Education Centre !"#$%!&'()*')+,$'+'-./012$'#34!"#$&' $5*%#+.6$&'5*2/0$!$#'.%'!)$'/6*,.%5$'*7'8"$9$5'+6$'%*!'$0.:.90$'7*6'!)$&$'50+&&$&; WWW . HSMONTREAL . CA Canadian Citizenship card / Canadian Certificate Permanent Resident card / IMM5292 / IMM5688 Canada / Quebec Immigration documents Medicare card Drivers licence Hydro-Québec bill / Lease 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M & 4:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M ( 3711 Rue de Bullion, Montréal ) 3711 RUE DE BULLION, MONTRÉAL, QC, H2X 3A2 514-788-5937

www.yangrunqiu.com Super Visa Zhongbing Li 514.276.0000 !"#$"%#$$&$ !"#$"%#$$'$ "%&#!'$&()*+,-,../+(0+123(4.52,+67(89:;(<=<(!>$ ?@A#:.5B.,CD6 !""#$%&'(" )*&+,*(& -&'. :6-D5+2(+5(611@,65B+(C+(C.EE6F+1 !"#''%#=!&$ !"#%"'# $%% BGD65FH-+775+2IB6(((J+5A@651*65H-+775+2IB6((7DK+57D@H-+775+2IB6 !"#"$%&'$( 514! 825-0589 "#$%$&'#()*)#+),-./+ www.EstateMTL.com

485 McGill Bureau 200, Montreal (Metro Square Victoria) BoilyHandfield.com info@boilyhandfield.com (514) 866-1689 (514) 729-6001 1-800-361-1321 (514) 729-6077 www.jgfortin.com xiaohui@jgfortin.com cindy.duan@jgfortin.com

514-244-6709 www.visa4u.ca E-mail: jansonzj@gmail.com !"#$%&'("))"*('&"+,!#+) -./01102340(5$065"(708&!09'5($,&70 00000000000:;0<3904=/ !!" !!"#$%&"'()*"+*,(-.%("/0"1%2"3!440"5$)62*7&0"89":;#"3<= 0 0 514-835-2393 1800 BL René-Lévesque O. H3H 2H2 Tel : 514-835-2393 Email : andrew.tao@yes-imm.com https://college-ic.ca/ h Andrewtao1213 514-583-9566 www.jialicanada.com cangarynet@hotmail.com 1440 Ste-catherine west suite 404 Montreal H3G 1R8 QC Canada 1000 Boul Saint-Jean #202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5P1 Canada

Dr. Qian Jing Fang Dr. Zhu YuJia !"#$%#&'(&)*(%'+#,(& *(%'#&'() 1061 Rue Decarie, Suite 200, St-Laurent, H4L 3M8 514-747-9888 Cote-Vertu Pharmaprix Lim, SanHa Doan,Duy Chinh

RBQ 5669-4375-01 (EntrepreneurGénérale) (EntrepreneurÉlectricien) Réno-Dépôt GENERAL CONTRACTOR 514-546-8996 !"#$% #$%&'#%(%)*+,-*./0-+1 '23%(%2"%1+40/0** ! "#$%&#'&()#*+,--.)#/#0(1(-- 3#4'5#/#6%&7&8 A.W. Extermination www.sin oque bec.co m $600-$2300 514-691-3988 Anna Allan Guan 514.224.7979 guan@gescoassurance.ca Vannak Vong 514.806.1777 Vannak@gescoassurance.ca Peter Pan 514.806.6608 kypan@gescoassurance.ca GESCO Assurances Assurances de dommages et entreprises www.gescoassurance.ca 514.508.3955 Bureaude Finance Prosperite CAOBEC INC www.caobec.com !"#$$" %&'()*+(,,+, %&'()*+(-,&, 2130 RUE LEGER,LASALLE QC,H8N 2L8 EXTERMINATING SERVICES inc. C550279 GEORGE STAPPAS 220 JEAN TALON WEST.MONTREAL,QC H2R 2X5

Laurentians Sommet Saint-Sauveur Gaspesie Mont Miller
Saint-Bruno (Montérégie)
Mont Sainte-Anne (Capitale-Nationale)
Ski Mont Blanc (Laurentides)
ASSQ JoséeCusson
Sommet Saint-Sauveur (Laurentides)
Massif de Charlevoix (Capitale-Nationale)
Bromont (Estrie)
Mont-Orford (Estrie)

Mont Sutton (Montérégie)
Mont Miller (Gaspésie)
Station Mont-Tremblant (Laurentides)
Station touristique Stoneham (Capitale-

Station de ski Le Relais (Capitale-Nationale)

Massif du Sud (Chaudière-Appalaches)

” Chloé 2020 “