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Tommy Zheng Ageney Executive Officer (514) 823-9828 tommyzheng@icloud.com i ToZillion Realty and Enterprise Real Estate Ageney !" $%!"## &" !"##$%&'(&##)*+ ,(-.&/01&234',5#&67## #################89##:/;## )< Wendy Shi Kevin Lu www.vancouverkevinlu.com 778-320-3708 604-518-5578 Personal Real Estate Corp

168,000$ 1,135,000$ 1,600,000$ 315,000$ 799,000$ 110,000$ 199,000$ !"#$%$#$%!! 388,000$ 199,000$ 6,500$ 77,000$ 3,000,000$ 199,000$ 1,250,000$ ï 128,000$ 88,000$ !"#$%&!'()#$*+* ,,-.*/')*0)!#%12'"33)$ !"#$%&!'()#$*+*12"4%5(!#6*+* .7.8*12'39*:)#("%12'(!44!*;9*<78. !"#$%&!'()#$*+*12"4%5(!#6*+* .7.8*12'39*:)#("%12'(!44!*;9*<78= >)?* $%&!'()#$*+ @8A=*BC9*D(#)4$%:)E"#F?!G >)?* !"#$%&!'()#$*+ ,,8.*/')*H)4*;'$!(H)4 REMAX 3000 Inc. BF)#6)*IEE2J"3"K() 5(!#6L"4M*"#HMN)#H!#$*)$*!'$2#2E) H)*/D+OBP*Q'MJ)6*"#69 514-999-2918 www.timngo.com 9280 Boul. de L'Acadie , Montreal, Québec, H4N 3C5 !"#$%&#'%((!)%*%&#'+,#-Tim (Wu) Ngo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Claire Zheng xianhong.zheng@gmail.com (514) 608-5818 è ç !"#$"%&# "''"() *+ ,-+./"!.#"))-0"'"!.#.12"3!%/"!' 45678#.+!#9(%()(#0+.:#4478#.-22(.3#;< #=,> 514-806-6238 É 514.996.7066_ Amax Inspection Service Inspections Bouclier Shield Inspections 514-296-8762 !"#$%& '!"(')%* $+,')&*''-.%'/ !"#$%&'(#)!" !"#$%& 514-918-8077 yi.chen@royallepage.ca !"#$%&'( )*+*#,"%-!.&/0# &1&--!2# &1&--!2#342#567#89) 514-971-8628 $:;<$ =>6?86 !"#$%&#$'%())(&*#+,#-*,(*(&#./$#012 &#@/&A/A! 4"--B(!#C!&'#0!#-	!''&AD

i 514.576.0923 438.764.9918 514-434-6088 li1111@hotmail.com Achatetvente 438-680-5656 xinsheng21606@gmail.com $ 638,000 $ 638,000 $ 270,000 !""#$%&#'&#()*+,-./ 0122345+6#'&#$%&67(839.56 6*.'3:!;#"4< $ 398,000 ==> #95%?@ 9.*66*.'3()*+,?/3 $ 259,900 $ 774,000 !"#$%&'()*"+,-$ ./", 438-403-1985 realtormtl@hotmail.com realtormtl ô

438.924.5188 tingwang@charisma.ca !"#$%&"# http://www.iu91.com/43736 ' Sold StLaurent BoisFranc Lasalle Laval Griffintown Thomas Li ROCCABELLA 514-813-7043 lxdthomas@hotmail.com henrixiao 514-690-8685 !"#$%$&' ( ) ( ) !"#$ !"#$%%&'()&)) &'()*+,%%-*.+*./01*234)566076( 869:;*2:%<((6=*+*2:%>/:?? *+,"+,-./+!.01123+"+!4.0,5# !"#$% &$ 514-518-3666 '('()**+ (ROYAL LEPAGE) !"#$%&'()$*+,-.-/012$30&44+05$6!7$ *8 9-.:$;<..+=$$>1514-649-9868 !?#@A8A@B?#B +..+C1-D&'E(&&F)G&H OFFER OFFER

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485 McGill Bureau 200, Montreal (Metro Square Victoria) BoilyHandfield.com info@boilyhandfield.com (514) 866-1689 (514) 729-6001 1-800-361-1321 (514) 729-6077 www.jgfortin.com xiaohui@jgfortin.com cindy.duan@jgfortin.com

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