205AveVigerW.,suite401 Montreal,Quebec,H2Z1G2 PlaceD’armes Avocate/Attorney :(514)946-9894 :(514)635-6205 E-mail:marianne.lo@gmail.com Avocate/Attorney www.sinoquebec.com Journal Chinois Sinoquébec Sinoquebec Chinese Newspaper
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759,500$ 128,000$ 125,000$ é 90,000$ 309,000$ 150,000$ é é É 249,000$ 148,000$ ô 529,000$ 4,000$ 199,000$ 249,000$ 695,000$ pros@realtywang.com !"#$%$#$%!! 499,000$ 499,000$ 514.441.5351 yiranmtl@gmail.com 514.886.2568 zhu.lei928@gmail.com

Courtierimmobillier i 514.458.0032 quebechotelseller@gmail.com Claire Zheng xianhong.zheng@gmail.com (514) 608-5818 ç 514-434-6088 li1111@hotmail.com Achatetvente Notary, Title Attorney and Legal Advisor E-mail: info@notairetian.com 6300, avenue Auteuil, Suite 535, Brossard, QC, J4Z 3P2 Panama Allan Guan 514.224.7979 guan@gescoassurance.ca Vannak Vong 514.806.1777 Vannak@gescoassurance.ca Peter Pan 514.806.6608 kypan@gescoassurance.ca GESCO Assurances Assurances de dommages et entreprises www.gescoassurance.ca 514.508.3955

!!"#$%&'(")$*%+,"-!./"012)$*%',1/"34#"5)5 !"#$%&'"'!$()*+!) 514-831-1824 ,"&-!./012-*'3"1#45*3 Alexander cho !"#$%&'"'!$()*+!)$ 514-963-3448 5-*"#!6".,!)2#17!45" 8-")'!)!,$ !"#$ %&'"'!$()*+!)$:%;< 514-880-4908 !"#$%&'"'!$()*+!)$ 438-877-3131 Hui ling (Lynn) !"#$%&'"'!$()*+!)$ 514-996-8282 514-748-9441 514-747-9822 !! !4 !5 758-9699 961-6765 !"#$%&'()*+,-*."#/$0%&%-$&" 1!2"3,'+*(4$5*"67*8 9,&:7%*+*8";<")1=">)> SOLD >?2">@A"6'*"3,'+*(4$5*(4*"B,7+C*.8 B,7+C*.8";<")D#"!ED 1!2"3,'+*(4$5*"67*8 9,&:7%*+*8";<")1=">)> A@!(A@2"67*"4*."F,7G*$7H8" #$%&'*(I7G$G%*8";<")DJ"!ID NEW DONG MEI GUO i KL!?M""@>1(!>!> KL!?M""2A (2L!? C-7,N.7'',&OP,5" !"#$%& 514-260-5835 514-768-1124 '()&**$+,+-./0.12(&$*345( zhujiurumontreal $629,000 $799,000 $1,180,000 $34,850+ henrixiao 514-690-8685 !"#$%$&' É é â â $ 2,590,000 $ 1,499,000 $ 559,000 $ 519,000 $ 4,200,000 $ 1,230,000 $ 1,590,000 $ 490,000 !"#$%&'()$*+,-.-/012$30&44+05$6!7$ *8 9-.:$$;<..+=$$>1514-649-9868 !?#@A8A@B?#B +..+C1-D&'E(&&F)G&H SOLD É Î è

Tommy Zheng Ageney Executive Officer (514) 823-9828 tommyzheng@icloud.com i ToZillion Realty and Enterprise Real Estate Ageney Wendy Shi Kevin Lu www.vancouverkevinlu.com 778-320-3708 604-518-5578 Personal Real Estate Corp 514.550.5888 quanliangyu@yahoo.com 514.549.6328 Yvonnexwang@gmail.com 514.691.1688 cindypy.68@gmail.com 514.260.5835 jmvallieres2012@gmail.com 514.691.7068 yuting.xu6677@gmail.com 6678 Boul. Monk, Montréal Qc H4E 3J1 www.Im moExperts.com 514.829.6483 !"#!$%&' !"#!()*+,' !#-./0 BROSSARD T !"#$%&"

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> Jusqu' à épuisement des stocks!
M$NB(HK61JL,1CCC6 We are hiring all departements, experience is an asset Tel: 514 653 6145 On embauche pour tous les departements avec bon salaire, les personnes avec experience ont la priorite Tel: 514 653 6145 Fruits et Légumes / Fruits & Vegetable VIANDE / MEAT VI @AA OPQB((-D54 $4.15/kg Ib A 4 k /kg BAA OPQB(CD44 $12.97/kg Ib CDD OPQBHD44 $8.80/kg Ib CEFGG OPQB(-RHD66 Produi des É-U @DD lb $4.39/kg OPQB(-D44 Produits de la Chine AAH OPQB(,DK4 lb $1.94/kg Produit du Canada Produit du Mexiqu @FD OPQB5D54 lb $2.84/kg 4 ADD OPQB,5D44 lb $19.82/kg Par avion Produits de la Chin FE@BG OPQB(5RHD66 IDH OPQB(6DL4 lb $1.08/kg Produi d É-U Produits de la Chine DDH OPQB,DK4 lb $2.18/kg @DD lb $4.39/kg OPQB(-D54 Produits de la Chine POISSON / SEAFOOD N AND g @BD OPQB5D44 lb $3.51/kg ON FDD OPQBHD44 $6.59/kg Ib JBD OPQB4D44 $16.74/kg Ib @JD OPQB-D44 $3.95/kg Ib CAD OPQB(KD44 $8.58/kg Ib IKD OPQB(JD44 $10.34/kg Ib @IDD OPQB(,4D44 ea/ch G+!3'0$+!*(%*(2$!3=P(GE( !"##$!%RM0S*!(T"!(2$!3=P(GE( !"##$!%
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