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7,000$1,090,000$ project@realtywang.com é é é 20$200,000$ 1,590,000$ 95,000$99,000$ 70,000$928,000$ 228,000$ 35,000$ 220,000$ 228,000$ 89,000$ REMAX 3000 Inc. 3"%7.-/#$0*1!"#$"%&''()*+*,-"2%*#324"#3/#5%"5%/65(#('"89:;%<62)"$%*#$= 514-999-2918 www.timngo.com 9280 Boul. de L'Acadie , Montreal, Québec, H4N 3C5 !"#$%&#'%((!)%*%&#'+,#-Tim (Wu) Ngo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

Claire Zheng xianhong.zheng@gmail.com (514) 608-5818 !"#$!%&"&!$"'!()* 575GlengarryAv,Apt223,Mont-Royal,Montreal,QCH3R1B3 GlengarryAv,Mont-Royal,Montreal,QCH3R1B3 Marcel-MelocheRue,Kirkland,Montreal,QCH9J1K5DuFortRue,Montreal,QCH3H2R7 514.996.7066________________ Amax Inspection Service Shuman Wang Real Estate Broker 514-6606623 Linli Yan Real Estate Broker 514-8065712 Jiesi Zhou Real Estate Broker 514-2627709 $619,000 $580,000 $375,000 $518,000 $1,326,000 $239,000 Tonny Zhang 514-585-8826 stahome@live.com Best Standard Home Inspection Service !"#$ !"#$%%&'()&)) &'()*+,%%-*.+*./01*234)566076( 869:;*2:%<((6=*+*2:%>/:?? *+,"+,-./+!.01123+"+!4.0,5#

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NEW NEW NEW NEWNEW NEW Winvestor Immobilier INC. 514-419-3777 4926 rue Sherbrooke W. Westmount, QC, H3Z 1H3 winvestorimmo@gmail.com www.winvestorimmo.com .com/42478 NEW NEW NEW NEW PRICE é é é é é é é è 514-831-8831 514-712-6668 514-659-8677 Annie Li 514-268-2774 Dion Wang 514-831-9058 514-497-0796 Nicky Patsourakis 514-574-0317 514-583-0908 514-963-6890 Marc Melkonian 514-692-6333 514-550-2936 514-318-8451 514-619-7999 514-823-0328 Lieba Jacobson 514-349-5256 Andrew Garonce 514-654-4483 OFFER ACCEPTED NEW PRICE é é é NEW é é NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW NEW PRICE NEW PRICE ô NEWNEWNEW NEWNEW NEW NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW

Jason !"#$$%#$$!" Email:jasonyurealty@gmail.com 1225 Greene Ave Westmount QC H3Z 2A4 i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!"#$%&'("))"*('&"+,!#+) -./01102340(5$065"(708&!09'5($,&70 00000000000:;0<3904=/ !!" !!"#$%&"'()*"+*,(-.%("/0"1%2"3!440"5$)62*7&0"89":;#"3<= 0 0 514-835-2393 1800 BL René-Lévesque O. H3H 2H2 Tel : 514-835-2393 Email : andrew.tao@yes-imm.com https://college-ic.ca/ h Andrewtao1213 514-583-9566 www.jialicanada.com cangarynet@hotmail.com 1440 Ste-catherine west suite 404 Montreal H3G 1R8 QC Canada 1000 Boul Saint-Jean #202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5P1 Canada 514.550.5888 quanliangyu@yahoo.com 514.549.6328 Yvonnexwang@gmail.com 514.691.1688 cindypy.68@gmail.com 514.260.5835 jmvallieres2012@gmail.com 514.691.7068 yuting.xu6677@gmail.com 6678 Boul. Monk, Montréal Qc H4E 3J1 www.ImmoExperts. com 514.829.6483 !"#!$%&' !"#!()*+,' !#-./0

i 514.576.0923 438.764.9918

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Dr. Qian Jing Fang Dr. Zhu YuJia !"#$%#&'(&)*(%'+#,(& *(%'#&'() 1061 Rue Decarie, Suite 200, St-Laurent, H4L 3M8 514-747-9888 Cote-Vertu Pharmaprix Lim, SanHa Doan,Duy Chinh

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