6 minute read
Breathing Melody and Harmony into the Song of Life
By Jill Funke
Photos by Maggie Sweets Photography
Makeup by Megan Bertsch Beauty
Asymphony is a musical composition of typically four movements written for an orchestra. If Sioux Falls resident Heidi Goeller’s life took the form of a symphony, the movements would be the seasons of her life, with the orchestra comprised of all the people who bless her existence with their songs.
Heidi began music lessons at age seven with her musically active siblings. She recalls that making music in her household was commonplace: “When I had friends come over to my house, I discovered that I loved teaching them how to play songs on the piano.” Those early experiences revealed a passion for teaching and planted the seed that Heidi should become a music teacher when she grew up.
After earning a bachelor’s degree in Vocal and Violin Performance from the University of Sioux Falls, Heidi moved to Nashville, Tennessee. She taught private music lessons to over fifty students each week. In addition, she performed as a studio vocalist and violinist during recording sessions. Heidi is married to composer, orchestrator, and conductor Dan Goeller. When the couple became parents, Heidi’s musical emphasis shifted from teaching and performing to co-writing and co-producing musical projects with Dan. These works have been performed by churches, universities, community choirs, and orchestras worldwide.
The Ensemble
Heidi and Dan’s three children are Grace (19), Alli (17), and Leo (10). The Goeller children are all involved in music or theater. As their homeschool instructor, Heidi says, “I enjoy the opportunity to homeschool my kids, and it has been a privilege to see them learn and grow and discover the things they love. I am so grateful for that time I’ve had to share with each of them.”
Heidi explains her affinity for music: “Performing music is a unique opportunity to share truth and beauty with others. It brings me joy to share the talents God has given me with my community.” She adds, “Music has always been a special part of my life, and I am honored to be able to share that gift with others.”
Opportunities to share her gift continued to appear, as in 2009, Heidi was the female vocal soloist for the Christmas at the Cathedral concert series. Then, in 2013, she began serving as the concertmaster of the Christmas at the Cathedral orchestra. Heidi acknowledges, “I enjoy this opportunity to make meaningful music in a beautiful and sacred space and to be a part of an event that brings joy and hope to the Sioux Falls community.”
Creating Harmony
A conducting trip to Chihuahua, Mexico, in 2013 changed Dan’s life by introducing him to a program called “El Sistema,” the system. Using music as a tool to change the life trajectory of kids, they learn life skills by learning and performing music with excellence. According to Heidi, “Dan came back from that trip changed—and wanted to move our family of 5 to Mexico to be involved in a Sistema program. I convinced him that there were plenty of kids in need of a Sistema program in the city of Sioux Falls.”
In 2014, the couple launched Harmony South Dakota. This free after-school program that meets every afternoon of the school year started with 25 kids from Hawthorne Elementary. Today, Harmony has grown to 80 kids from many Sioux Falls schools. Several older Harmony students are pursuing music degrees and would like to teach at Harmony following college graduation.
Cooperation, perseverance, teamwork, and self-discipline are the life skills and concepts taught at Harmony. Students participate in choir, orchestra, and percussion ensembles and receive private lessons. Using the mindset of turning obstacles into opportunities and problems into possibilities, Heidi explains the most crucial aspect of the program by adding, “We make sure that students know that they are known, loved, and valued.”
Heidi wants children to experience beauty and goodness through music, which is part of every culture around the world and a universal language that connects people. She exclaims, “Music is a gift from God, and it can express things that words alone cannot. Music can paint vivid pictures in our minds, evoke emotions, take us on an adventure, or comfort an aching heart. It has the power to uplift and encourage, to soothe and calm, or to invigorate and energize. There would certainly be a gaping void in a world without music.”
Regarding the scientific benefits of music, Heidi explains, “Music is a powerful art form that uniquely engages both hemispheres of the brain at once. Studies have shown that musical experience for as little as 15 months leads to structural brain changes and improves motor and auditory skills. Children that play instruments for at least two years show enhanced cognitive control. Musical training sets up students for a better academic future.”
Tempo And Pitch
Not all songs are happy and upbeat. In June 2021, Heidi was completely shocked when she was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). A slightly enlarged lymph node on the back of her neck led to bloodwork that revealed CLL, which her oncologist estimates has existed for 5 or 6 years. CLL is slow-growing cancer typically treated when the patient becomes symptomatic, which means that since Heidi is physically feeling fine, she is in the “Watch and Wait” stage.
Heidi wasn’t content with inaction after the diagnosis. “It didn’t feel right to just sit back and do nothing, knowing this cancer was growing inside me. I decided to change my life radically.” She adopted a whole and primarily organic plant-based diet and paired it with daily exercise, doing what she could to reduce stress loads and spending time in prayer and meditation.
Grateful for the love and support from her husband, kids, friends, and family, Heidi feels that her faith has been strengthened tremendously since the diagnosis. “I refuse to live in fear—since I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ, is walking through each challenge right by my side.” In moments of doubt or despair, Heidi gratefully remembers the amazing things in her life as she says, “Gratitude is the secret to happiness.” n
Harmony Concert
Saturday, May 20 | 10:30 am
St. Joseph Cathedral School - 601 W 4th Street | Sioux Falls, SD
To become part of the Harmony community during the 2023-2024 school year, please go to HarmonySouthDakota.org to apply.
What's New: Crystal Erickson Agency
Keeping the family home in the family
By Virginia Olson | Photos by Kelly Middlebrooks
You have always been there for your family, and you will want them taken care of after you are gone. In the event of your passing, family income is reduced, and expenses can start to pile up, the largest of which is usually the home mortgage.
Mortgage Protection Insurance is an insurance policy for you, explains Crystal Erickson owner of the Crystal Erickson Agency.
“This insurance is designed to help pay off your mortgage or make monthly payments if anything happens. The money goes to you and your family, not the bank,” she said. “Many mortgages may rely on two incomes to pay the bill. If anything happens to one of the income earners, I help put a policy in place so the surviving spouse can continue living in the home and not worry about how to pay the mortgage.”
It is all about protecting home equity by making monthly mortgage payments.
“Mortgage protection insurance looks different to everyone, and that is why I offer options to my clients,” said Crystal. “It could be a life insurance policy, accidental death policy, critical illness, or disability income policy. It could be for a certain number of years or their entire lives.”
There is also a return of premium option when clients outlive the policy.
“They get all their money returned,” said Crystal. “Many of my policies also have living benefits riders at no additional cost. If the client is diagnosed with a critical, chronic, or terminal illness, they can receive an accelerated death benefit payable as a lump sum.”
Connecting with her clients and understanding their needs is a priority for Crystal.
“We talk about what they may already have in place and what they might look for. Then I shop around with over 30 different carriers to get the best product for their needs. Even if you don’t have a mortgage, I can still help you protect your family with insurance.”
Crystal says the application process isn’t complicated.
“Most applications can be done over the phone. It takes as little as 15 minutes for some applications with no blood work and no medical exams.”
Cost depends on age, medication, and health history.
“Mortgage protection insurance is more affordable than most people think.”
Crystal has been married to her husband Andy for 15 years. They have three children – Jackie, Rockley, and Esia. The family lives in Sioux Falls.
For more information about mortgage protection insurance, contact Crystal at ericksonagency.sfg@gmail.com or call her at 605.366.4559. n
Instagram: ericksonagency.sfg
Facebook: Crystal Erickson