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Couples Connection

Beating the South Dakota Winter Blues
A couples guide to planning a weekend vacation
By Chellee Unruh
Winters in South Dakota can seem long with the belowfreezing temperatures, piles of snow, and shorter days. It can be hard not to get a case of the South Dakota winter blues. Some people are affected by a real medical condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It is a recurring yearly condition bringing on depression caused by the short winter days. It disrupts our biological clock related to brain chemicals. Melatonin and serotonin, brain chemicals that affect sleep patterns and maintaining mood balance; are decreased due to the reduced sunlight hours in the wintertime. SAD occurs more commonly in women than men. When your partner is affected by SAD it can weigh heavy on your relationship. When you are both experiencing SAD, it could lead to some serious troubles in your relationship.
SAD affects about 5% of adults in the United States. While quite a few people strongly dislike South Dakota winters, for most it isn’t as extreme as developing SAD. Most of us just develop a simple case of the South Dakota winter blues. If you are a couple that finds yourself fitting into the winter blues category, there are things you can do to combat the blues like eating healthy and exercising regularly. Chasing the sunlight in a warmer destination is another way to beat the dark cloud feeling that winter brings. Yes, we are talking about packing your bags and taking a quick flight to enjoy a long weekend in a nice sunny spot! Fortunately, Sioux Falls has the advantage of having an airport that offers inexpensive flights to a lot of destinations that are reachable for a weekend or an extended weekend.
If you are in the mood to sit on a beach and soak up those rays, check out flights that connect from Sioux Falls to Florida or California. There are several locations in Florida and California to choose from depending on what part of the state you want to see and what activities you want to do like golf, beach, amusement park, etc.
And if you are the type of couple that prefers the mountains over the beach, hiking in some sunlit mountains or the desert can be a great option. Book a weekend trip to Denver, Phoenix, or Las Vegas.
Some couples just live for entertainment options and enjoy the nightlife. If this resonates with you, then book your weekend getaway to Nashville, Miami , Austin, or Las Vegas. These destinations have endless options for entertainment that can take you from the day well into the nighttime hours.
If you do decide to book a discounted flight, watch out for baggage fees. Those extra fees and possible surcharges are used to make up the low cost of the ticket.
We suggest fitting everything into a nice carry-on bag that is 9 x 14 x 22 and avoid the fees of checking a bag as well as the stress of your bags not arriving when you do.

Here is a quick list of space-saving ideas to pack for a weekend vacation.
• To maximize space, use dead space.
Comfortable shoes are a must-have, so fill the inside of those shoes with socks, underwear, or toiletries.
• Wear layers. You are going from cold to hot, so it is easy to layer up your clothes so that you have extra options when you arrive at your destination.
• Pick neutral accessories that go with a lot of outfits
• Roll your clothes as tightly as possible instead of folding them.
• Packing cubes are also a great way to save space and organize.
Now that you have ideas for where to go and what to pack, the most important tip we can give you is to plan your trip ahead of time. If you and your spouse develop a case of the winter blues, it can make it hard to get motivated to do much of anything! So be proactive and schedule a weekend vacation or two during the winter months to a sunny location and sing bye-bye to those winter blues! n

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GIVING BACK – In a Tax Efficient Way
Donating to the charitable organizations you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, it can also be deeply rewarding. People give to charity not only to support the causes they believe in, but also because helping others can make them feel happier and more fulfilled. Many are not aware that tax benefits exist for those who give.
You have a lot of options when making a charitable contribution; you can donate cash directly, send appreciated stock or use a donor advised fund. While each has its benefits and drawbacks, one option that works well for many older retirees is a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from a traditional IRA.
A QCD is a gift made to a charitable organization directly from your IRA. A check is made payable to the charitable organization in the amount that you request and sent by the custodian of your IRA to the organization of your choosing on your behalf.
When a retiree turns 72, the IRS requires them to start taking distributions from their IRA’s. These distributions are typically taxed as ordinary income. A QCD can satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year and reduce your income taxes. While the required minimum distribution age is 72, retirees who are 70 ½ or older are eligible to make qualified charitable distributions. Solutions says, “If done correctly, there are ways to reduce your tax burden and give to your favorite organizations.”
If considering a QCD, Richelle says there are some important points to remember:
• Contributions must be made directly from the IRA custodian or trustee to the charity.
• Contributions are limited to the amount that is taxed as ordinary income.
• Funds must come out of the IRA by the Required Minimum
Distribution (RMD) deadlines.
• The annual limit on QCD’s from all IRA’s cannot exceed $100,000 per individual.
Tax and financial planning should take place all year long. When it comes to charitable giving though, Richelle recommends taking the time now to review the tax laws and consider some strategies with your financial advisor and tax professional.

Richelle Hofer AWMA®, AAMS®, CRPC, ChFEBCSM Partner, CFS Wealth Advisor, RJFS
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SIOUX FALLS OFFICE 7408 S. Bitterroot Pl. Sioux Falls, SD 57108 P 605.357.8553
HURON OFFICE 280 Dakota Ave. S Huron, SD 57350 P 605.352.9490
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Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Cornerstone Financial Solutions, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services.
This information is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. It is not intended as tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Raymond James advisors do not provide tax services. Changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. Wishing You aWonderfulHoliday Season! FOR ADVERTISING: Jared Holsing: 605.728.9118 Max Haggar: 605.595.5320 Danielle Haugan: 605.929.2480 siouxfallswoman.net
