4 minute read
Germs are Gross, They Live on Your Hands!
Seven things you need to know about good hand hygiene
Sioux Falls Woman Magazine sat down with Charlotte Hofer to ask about SD Project Firstline and the new CDC training videos on infection prevention that are available to frontline healthcare workers and the public on their new website, sdprojectfirstline.org. But first, we just had to talk dirty...that is, we had to talk about the dirt and germs and bacteria that people often carry on their hands! 1. In general, how many infections are spread by hands?
About 80% of common infections! Germs get on hands and then people touch their eyes or nose and the germs enter the body. The most important way we can reduce the spread of infections is hand washing – so the CDC says to wash hands frequently with soap and water, or if unavailable, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, containing at least 60% alcohol. 2. Who has germier hands, men or women?
Scientists have found that a typical hand actually has 150 forms of bacteria, and women generally have a greater number than men! (University of Colorado study). 3. Are men’s restrooms cleaner, or women’s?
You may not believe this, but a study by Cleaning Industry Research Institute swabbed restroom floors and toilets, and from a germ standpoint, men’s restrooms are by far the cleaner! 4. Estimated global rates of washing hands after using the toilet?
According to the CDC, estimated global rates of handwashing after using the toilet are only 19% - far too low! And some people wash, but don’t use soap. That doesn’t count.
5. How many deaths a year could be prevented if everyone routinely washed their hands?
Researchers in London say that if everyone washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented! These are some fun facts to illustrate how important good hand hygiene is. The CDC recommends -WASH hands often, use soap, and wash for at least 20 seconds. Clean hands save lives, just like your mom said.
6. What is Project Firstline?
It’s a national CDC training collaborative on infectious disease control for frontline healthcare workers to STOP the spread of COVID-19, flu and other emerging diseases. The partners on it in our state are the SD Foundation for Medical Care, and the SD Department of Health and the CDC. We have 7 training modules from the CDC posted on our site. Anyone can take the video training – it’s absolutely FREE, whether you want to watch 1 video or a dozen! Just go to sdprojectfirstline.org, click the Training tab, and sign up with an email to get access to the CDC videos! Videos are short - about 5 minutes - so you can do them on a lunchbreak, they’re easy to understand, with timely information and the latest CDC science!

7. Final takeaway?
Preventing illness is important for everyone – from flu to the common cold, so we encourage everyone to get educated by watching the Project Firstline videos! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Now go wash your hands. n
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your holiday destination
The Goss Opera House
If you’re looking for the perfect holiday destination, look no further than Watertown, SD. Watertown, located just 100 miles North of Sioux Falls on I-29 is the perfect day trip or weekend getaway for all ages. Kick-off the holiday season by checking out the 25th Annual Holiday Lighted Parade the Friday after Thanksgiving and sticking around for a weekend full of shopping, good local cuisine, and a drive through the Optimist Club Winter Wonderland. Other holiday activities this year include breakfast with Santa at the Bramble Park Zoo, the Sherwin and Pam Linton Christmas Show at the Redlin Art Center, and A Christmas Carol along with The Nutcracker Ballet at the Goss Opera House. With all the happenings this holiday season you won’t want to miss out. Start planning your trip today!

Holiday Events
November 26
Downtown Lighted Parade, 6:30 PM November 27 - 28
Optimist Club Winter Wonderland, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM *Every Friday - Sunday until Christmas December 3 - 4
Sherwin & Pam Linton Christmas Show, Redilin Art Center December 9
A Christmas Carol, Goss Opera House 7:00 PM December 11
Breakfast with Santa, Bramble Park Zoo 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM December 18
The Nutcracker Ballet, Goss Opera House 7:00 PM