SIP Customer Magazine "CURVE" 1/2013

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curve eDItIon 01|13


orIGaMI Is LaaaaMe

CHRIS GILMOUR tHe toUGHest vesPa raLLy




OIL FOR WORLD CHAMPIONS SIP FORMULA RACE PLUS Fully synthetic premium 2-stroke oil, special oil for high-performance air and liquid cooled engines in though conditions.

Intro 03

INTRO News-Flash Christopher Gilmour Dates Giro Vespistico 2012 Vespa 946 Malossi Factory Visit SIP Dyno Scooter Tools ESC 2012/2013 Pulsar Project Vespa Roadtrip SIP Intern

04 06 08 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22

Dear SIP customers,

we are proud to present the first edition of our customer bulletin ‚CURVE‘. We would like to share some highlights of the last few months here at SIP with you. Including rallies, ride-outs, personalities and (of course) scooters! Finally a tactile alternative to our long established online blogs! Alongside letting you know what inspired and fascinated us of late, this is also a more convenient way to inform you about innovations in our shop and improvements to our service, such as new payment methods (Hello Amazon Payment!). This first issue will give you a look behind the scenes here and you’ll find a report on the SIP team's tour to Sardinia on our vintage Vespas. We plan to release a new edition of

‚Curve‘ two or three times a year. The magazine is free-of-charge and will be available in our shop in Landsberg, as well as included in all parcels. We hope you enjoy the reports and pictures and would like to hear your opinions, ideas and general feedback at this address: Enjoy the read! Oh, before we forget, the reason for the name of our new publication is simple: The curves of a coastal road are infinitely preferable to the geometry of your common motorway! Apart from that who can forget the curves of the beautiful Vespa herself and the “Bella Donna” who inspired them?

IMPRINT Editor and publisher: SIP Scootershop GmbH | Graf Zeppelin Str. 9 | 86899 Landsberg am Lech | Germany Phone: +49 (0) 8191 96999-60 | Fax: +49 (0) 8191 96999-70 E-Mail: | Print run: 20.000 pcs (german/english) Editorial staff: Sylvia Legath, Ralf Jodl (SIP Scootershop) Photos: see respective article Layout & graphics: 24sieben |

04 FLasH




Reason for celebration here in Landsberg: Through victory in the ‚2012 Classic Racing Championship‘ we have earned ourselves the honour of receiving the ‚Challenge Trophy‘, which is now on proud display in our shop. Boris Bannwitz rolled into the shop, recently at around midday, on a pair of in-line skates as if he was paying us a leisurely neighbourhood visit. He had started out on his journey, to bring us the ‚Challenge Trophy‘ for our victory in the 2012 German scooter championship, at 04.00 that morning to commence his trip home at 18.00 that very evening. 1600 km in one day! Respect is due....

Somewhere on this planet you can always find agreeable temperatures for a scooter ride. For example in Jakarta/Indonesia, where the shop of our loyal dealer partner Carlo is located. Most likely Carlo knew snow only from pictures before he came to Bavaria, and he certainly doesn’t have to endure below Zero temperatures in Indonesia. Small surprise he kindly declined our offer for a free ride on our GTS, even though he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms after one month without his beloved Vespa. Thanks a lot for your visit Carlo!

...has been on a journey, they have a story to tell. Especially when riding a Vespa from their home in Rome to the north Cape, in Norway, and then back again. These two must definitely have more than just a few stories to tell....8500 km, with a whole week of incessant pouring rain during part of them! This type of dedication makes a solid portion of enthusiasm for scootering essential, which of course all true ‚Vespisti‘ have in abundance! On their return leg they dropped in to pay us a visit here at the shop in Landsberg. We have nothing but respect for such feats of endurance and wish them both ‚Buon Viaggio‘!




VESPICTURE Send us your finest Vespa shots: The senders of the four pictures chosen each month will receive a SIP ‚Feeling Good‘ style cover for an iphone 4/5.



FLasH 05



VESPA CONNECTION VIETNAM Recently the German language TV station, Pro 7, made a report to be shown as part of their show ‚Galileo‘ highlighting the scooter scene in Vietnam. SIP-team man Moritz and his mate Specki were lucky enough to be able to accompany them, to properly satisfy our collective curiosity of the oldschool Vespa and Lambretta scooters still common there. The traffic situation in Ho Chi Minh City has a reputation as being a little chaotic and it also possesses the unofficial title of the two-wheeled capital of the world. There are probably more two-wheeled vehicles on the road here than anywhere else on the planet! We also got the chance to meet up with the people at ‚Scooter Connection‘.


SIP logo, blue/silver, size: L, 2050x840x1210mm part no.: SIP09500

15,97 €

TUcAnO URBAnO AThOS black, size: L, for men, 100% leather, part no.: TUR9805M


55,46 €


RED wInE cARTOn ROUGE Appellation Côtes du Rhône contrôlée 2011, 750ml, 6 pcs, 13.5% vol. part no.: SIP10209

46,22 €

06 story

Name Christopher Gilmour Place / Date of birth Stockport, England / 1973 Awards 2006: Newcomer-Award „Premio Cairo“ 2012: „Premio Michetti“ Exhibitions Chris Gilmour has been exhibiting his creations singly or in groups across the globe since the beginning of the millennium – one of the absolute highlights being in the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City.

story 07

origami is laaaame:


rigami is laaaame! While we sometimes even fail to wrap a parcel, Chris Gilmour builds fascinating pieces of art from wrapping material. All he needs for this: cardboard and glue. From Madonnas to tanks, from skate boards to a dentist‘s chair. Chris is building bicycles, telephones, wheelchairs and cars. Life-size, with an eye for detail and with love for precision. When asked about the criteria by which he chooses the objects he builds, he answers: „I choose objects that have a visual appeal and evoke a cultural resonance. My pieces usually invite the viewer to interact. But here a short circuit is caused: You want to open the door of a cardboard car or turn the wheel of a cardboard bike, but of course that is not possible.“ You actually might get the impression that Chris is performing in some sort of recycling art, when he refuses to use bronze, stone or steel to build his sculptures but gives existing, discarded materials a second life instead. The cardboard was free of the cultural, historic weight that a classical statue usually carries, he explains, and therefore left way more room for the viewers to project their own thoughts and ideas. As everybody knew the material and the themes he uses, it was easy for the audience to develop existing associations and find new ways and

possibilities to perceive the world. A kind of intuitive language. A simple thing as a common denominator across language-barriers and the borders of countries - A beautiful thought. The fact that his art is not only well perceived in Italy and the UK but all around the world supports this idea. A very similar effect by the way to that of the Vespa. The wasps are also uniting people from all over the world who share this very particular common passion for Vintage scooters. And Chris has built a Vespa, too. Of course. As well as a Lambretta and many more two-wheelers. Some wellknown, some rather exotic. There‘s a lot more to be seen on Chris Gilmour‘s website. Right now he‘s busy constructing an Aston Martin and we‘re already excited about his future projects. Maybe he‘ll build a Modern Vespa, too..?

Author: Sylvia Legath Photos: Marco De Palma Link:

08 Dates&Events




SIP Scooter Customshow


Attempt on the world record

Landsberg (Bavaria) SIP Scootershop would like to invite you to visit the ‚Motorscooter Customshow Landsberg 2013‘, which is being held at the ‚Speed‘ Go-Kart track, opposite the SIP premises. The interesting layout of the circuit allows ample space to display scooters and set up stalls etc., reminiscent of the ‚Mostra Scambia‘ at Imola in September! Alongside the custom show and parts fair we have also been able to organise a dyno-testing machine, an engine ‚build-off‘, an airbrushing demonstration by ‚Pfeil Design‘, live tattooing, dealer stalls, a Kiddies Corner, all-nighters and much more besides. Tickets are available in advance from our website.

Augsburg (Bavaria) The ‚RollerKö‘ event has its origins in the spring of 1985, when scooterists started to regularly meet up on the ‚Königsplatz‘ in the city centre of the Bavarian city of Augsburg. They were a bunch of ‚spotty adolescents enjoying the freedom that a Vespa can offer, during the best years of their lives‘ it says here. As has happened every year since, the tradition will resume in the April of 2013 on the ‚Königsplatz‘ in Augsburg from 12.00 midday, in front of the ‚Salamander‘ shoe shop. All metalbodied scooter models are more than welcome, not so the plastic things!

Steyr (A) On May 25 (12 p.m.) SIP customer Günter Schachermayr aka „Lumpi L'Incredibile“ will attempt on the world record at the Staffelmayr Guthofsschenke (Kegelprielstraße, Steyr): He will ride his Vespa vertically up a steel rope for 25m and then back down again. The attempt is officially registered for the Gunisses book of world records. Admission is free! These Austrian guys are really on their toes. Good luck, Lumpi!

www.rollerkö.de Further events: Further events:

Dates&Events 09




SIP Joyride


„Blechreiz“ 2013

Ammersee (Bavaria) The meanwhile legendary annual ride-out to the beautiful Ammersee, about 30 km west of Munich! If the weather turns out especially fine, do not forget to bring your swimwear! The exact date is yet to be decided, but it will definitely be taking place in either June or July. We will be starting off together from the shop in Landsberg and more information is available in our Facebook group (see below). A video documentation of last years fun can be viewed at :

Mindelheim (Bavaria) The ‚Vesperados‘ scooter club would like to welcome all fans of traditional scooters to their tenth metal-bodied scooter run, including drag-racing as part of the DBM (German metal-bodied scooter championship). Go south, young man(& woman)! 19Th - 21st of July, ‚Vesperados‘ Mindelheim metal-bodied and geared scooter rally.

Reutlingen (Germany) The summer run in August, that turns your scooter tour into a holiday! The run is being held over the first weekend in August on the premises of the 1. RMC Reutlingen (from Friday 2.8. to Sunday 4.8. after breakfast) and offers a Vespa cross race on an officially approved track, a ‚Kill-the Hill‘ competition, fun games, two allnighters, music & dance, the large ‚Hugo‘s breakfast buffet‘, on-site sausage van & beer-tent, permanent on-site shower & toilet facilities. For added amusement, and hygiene, there is also a ‚wave‘ swimming-pool within walking distance. Further events: Further events: Further events:

10 story


he day has finally arrived! The Rally was set to start on the 9th of September 2012. The Pinzgau V.C. had invited fellow scooterists on an eventful five-day Rally-tour of the Alps, based on the routes of traditional Rally-tours. As we finally reached Zell-am-See (apparently the secret Vespa capital of Austria) on Sunday afternoon we were greeted by a huge ‚GIRO‘ banner and more than a few familiar faces. The organisers had split the participants machines up into five separate groups: Le Fenomenale (1946 - 1954) Le Storice (1955 - 1964) Le Sportive (1965 - 1976) Le Nuove (1977 - 1995) Le Moderne (1996 - 2012) The technical checks were carried out by two specialist mechanics who had been hired to take care of us all over the whole tour. We, the Giroristi as we were now to be known, were able to load our broken-down Vespas into their back-up van which meant automatic disqualification from the stage, or try and fix it ourselves and by hook or by crook make it over the stage finishing line independently, not an easy choice to make! The first stage commenced at exactly 09.00 hrs. the following morning from the Zell-am-See market square and the toughest

story 11

thomas Knickmeier also took part in last years Giro vespistico on his 1954 Hoffmann ‚Polizeikönigin‘ vespa. He has since written an article for us detailing his experiences, which can be read in full-length in the blog area of our website. Here a few excerpts:

VESPISTICO European Rally of the year got under way. Through the main pedestrian precinct, naturally at walking-pace! Our individual times were checked and logged twice along each daily stage. Friday we were informed that the end of the first stage should be reached in exactly 220 minutes. Just 1 km before the checkpoint was reached they had erected signs showing its precise location, these signs were also the first confirmation that you had followed the directions correctly. Due to the special stages that also had to be completed within these time allocations, the riders of the Vespa models with headlamps mounted on their mudguards (Faro Bassi) has an especially difficult task keeping up due to their lack of overall power and relative unreliability. After all these old ladies are not as quick climbing mountains as the more modern Vespa Rally models. One of these special stages involved finding a small plaque located at the foot of a certain statue, situated on the market place of a small town along the way, this plaque had an inscription revealing the name of the statues sculptor, which was duly noted as the completion to the special stage. Another involved finding out the postcode of one of the many small Italian villages en-route, no internet research allowed!! (...) After five days of breathtaking Alpine panoramas, spiced with all kinds of technical challenges, not to mention the difficult weather conditions, we had found a winner. The trophy, with its

illuminated globe design covered with various Vespa models, was presented to Robin Davy as the overall winner of the 1st GIROVESPISTICO DELLE ALPI. Holger, who had previously passed the proverbial hat around, award the mechanics with some cash to share between themselves as a sign of gratitude from the competitors. This great pair of professionals were almost moved to tears, thanks again guys! A nice gesture and the GIRO was officially over! 77 participants, the toughest Vespa rally-tour of the year, 6 days, 4 countries, over 100,000 collectively ridden kilometres and 32 almost insurmountable Alpine mountain passes were behind us and I was able to be part of it all! During the speech that Franz held, he summarised “After the GIRO, is before the GIRO” and I will most definitely be taking part in 2014, that‘s for sure! Finally I would like to give huge thanks and respect to the whole team of organisers for their tireless attention to our needs, for all the help and support provided by other GIRORISTI, for all of the new friends we made and last but not least for the unforgettable experiences that will always belong to my permanent memories. Franz – You have set the standards-and they are the highest yet. Author: Thomas Knickmeier Photos: Thomas Knickmeier Complete report: www.

12 story




hen will the Vespa 946 finally come? Back in November 2011 Piaggio had the 946 (then called Vespa 46 ‚Quarantasei‘) on display at the EICMA/Milan. A little sensation and at the same time an homage to the first Vespa MP6 (1946). The Quarantasei is an exaggeration, aiming towards the Vespa‘s future regarding form and design. A meeting point of tradition and innovation, as Piaggio wants it to be. It is in fact the distillate, the essence of the world-famous Pontedera style. It‘s probably also a field test of Piaggio to see how far a new Vespa model could go ‚designwise‘ and to prepare the market for it. Although Piaggio didn‘t want to talk a lot about the launch of the 946 at the Intermot 2013, it is a sure thing that the new Vespa will come soon. It will be equipped with a new 125cc 3-valve engine - Brand new engine technology and a minimum of internal friction, such as a new drive with ‚roller rockers‘ (valve rockers with rolls at the cams‘ sliding surface). The sweet and short version would be that it has an air cooled engine on low-cost manufacturing base with economic fuel consumption and low emissions that is still quite as powerful as current liquid cooled engines. The 125cc comes with 8,7 kW (11,8 PS) at 8250rpm, the 150cc version has 9,7 kW (13,2 PS) at 8000rpm. Piaggio Germany plans to launch the model in the 2nd quarter of 2013. The new Vespa will come in black, white and yellow and supposedly cost round about € 8.000 without, € 9.000 incl. ABS. So you better start saving up some money right now...

Author: Ralf Jodl Photos: Ralf Jodl Link: www. Info:

story 13

tasty Italian dinner. Hospitality is a sacred thing on the Southern side of the Alps even in times of economic recession and stand-up Berlusconis. While Alessandra is responsible for sales and distribution at MALOSSI, her brother Andrea and his branch of the company MALOSSI engineering come up with the technical innovations and their realization from idea to serial production.

MALOSSI Factory visit in Bologna February 2013


a Famiglia – when it comes to the closest kinship, we usually think of home, tradition and sometimes also passion. That’s exactly what the 65 participants of the MALOSSI factory visit were able to witness in perfection during their trip on 25 and 26 February 2013. Being the German importer of the Italian cult brand, SIP Scootershop wanted to offer its dealer partners, team riders and press partners the opportunity to get their own picture of the production of Multivar, cylinder, exhaust and Co. The participants were welcomed Monday morning with a little reception at the SIP headquarters, followed by a 9 hour bus trip to Calderara di Reno near Bologna. Once the Brenner had been conquered, Alessandra and Andrea Malossi were waiting for their ospiti at the hotel with a

As the necessary manpower from developer to mould maker is right there inside the company’s walls, the development cycles of the MALOSSI products sometimes only take a couple of weeks. What a great asset in times of globalized companies. This leads to awesome products with the seal of quality “Made in Italy”. Supported by state-of-the-art machinery MALOSSI and their 50 employees supply the tuning scene from Vespa PX to the brand-new BMW 600 with shock absorbers, windshields, brake discs, racing cylinders and more. The company also benefits from their strong support of racing series. All SIP Scootershop partners that took part in this journey were happy to see that most members of the MALOSSI family took their time to say hello as patriarch Ugo as well as his brother Sandro and his son Ricardo were present too. At this point we would like to say a big thank you to MALOSSI for some interesting insights into an Italian traditional company which seems not to have run dry of their passion for scooter tuning even 83 years after its foundation. Moreover, here’s a big thanks to all fellow travellers who endured the admittedly tight schedule in order to get a good glimpse of the myth MALOSSI. Quite a lot of pictures to the MALOSSI factory visit can be found here:

Author: Martin Silberhorn Photos: SIP Scootershop Complete report: www.

1 4 s I P Dy n o


IP-Dyno is a software that helps you determine the performance of a scooter. It works very similar to the software of a dyno, only that with the SIP-Dyno, your test runs will take place on the street and not on the dyno. Instead of accelerating a massive metal cylinder like on a dyno, the scooter is being accelerated on the street while riding it. Put simply: get on your scooter and ride at full throttle. The quicker the acceleration of the scooter, the greater its performance. So the software has to determine how fast the scooter is accelerating and this is done the easiest way by the digital signal processing of the engine noises. Some of you will think now: “I see, the louder, the higher the

PERFORMANCE MEASURING 2.0 sIP-Dyno is a consequent advancement of the GsF-Dyno software by tom avsic:

performance of the engine, now that’s more of the common gibberish!” We all learned early through our mechanics career that this just isn’t so. Sound levels really are no indication for performance at all. The SIP-Dyno can measure the rpm of the engine. The faster the rpm increases, the better the performance of the engine (all other conditions being identical). Luckily, the gear ratio of our Vintage scooters remains the same as long as there is no shift of gears. This way, the speed can be calculated from the rpm just as you can then calculate the performance by the change of speed which equals acceleration. To obtain the most realistic performance value possible, it is recommended to enter the values of overall weight, tyre circumference and gear ratio as precisely as possible.

Improvements of the new version: Real time reporting: you can put the laptop on your lap, run the measuring and watch as the curve develops. Moreover, the reporting is more clearly arranged and more informative while the interface is also more user-friendly. Of course the SIP-Dyno comes for free just like the GSF-Dyno.

Author: Tom Avsic Info: Download:

HOW IT WORKS: steP 1: Start the audio recording, change into third gear at very low revs. steP 2: Ride towards the position of the microphone, also at low revs.... steP 3: ... when reached, fully-open the throttle and accelerate to the end of the rev-range. steP 4: As soon as max. revs are reached, close the throttle, pull the clutch and change into neutral. steP 5: Stop the audio recording. steP 6: Run the collected audio data through the SIP dyno App to receive a performance diagram

s IsPt o ar Py P 15 0


REV cOUnTER / SpEEDO PX80-200 E Lusso/`98/MY/`11 up to 199 km/h res. 125 mph, face: black part no.: 50000200

142,02 €



TOOLS ThE App FOR EVERy ScOOTERIST! Always in your pocket, our iPhone app offers great functions for scootering. When you are on the road, the facebook plugin allows you to tell your friends, where you are right now. The app also offers you a lot of great entertainment for the time that you don´t spend riding your scooter.

+ Various speedo designs with GPS and maximum speed display as well as further info

+ Routes: track your ride out route, post your current location on facebook (also auto posting) and measure the time you need to get to school or work

nEcK wARmER black, size: one size, unisex, 100% windbreaker part no.: TUR615WB

20,17 €

+ DB meter: Carry out a noise measurement of your scooter

+ Virtual degree disc: Helps you to adjust your ignition

+ Technology section with Vespa wiring diagrams an more

+ Light: Handy pocket torch for when you are on the road or in case of a breakdown

cOVER SIp IphOnE 5

+ Blogs and news directly on your iPhone

ultrathin cover, made from soft silicone“Feeling Good” Vespa, black

+ All SIP TV clips on your iPhone

part no.: 95911200

10,08 €

16 RaCes

ESC 2013


Class 1


09.05. - 12.05.

09.08. - 11.08.



31.05. - 02.06.

23.08. - 25.08.



14.06. - 16.06.

06.09. - 07.09.





# 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Persch, Maik (D) Neuberger, Benedikt (D) Kachel, Christian (D) Woldrich, Mario (A) Wernicke, Stefan (D)

NUMBER 175 109 111 103 181

POINTS 120 113 106 98 82

NAME NUMBER. Leibfarth, Robert (D), SIP-Team 205 B端ttner, Marco (D) 277 Rapf, Christian (A) 241 Krapfenbauer, Ulf (A) 297 Angleitner, Markus (A), SIP-Team 265

POINTS 115 109 108 93 89

Class 2 # 1 2 3 4 5

Class 3A # 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Poppen, Andreas (D) Lenkeit, Thomas (D) Fattorusso, Toni (D) Abbate, Marco (I) Kleist, Alexander (D)

NUMBER. 368 399 337 392 310

POINTS 122 119 107 99 73

NUMBER. 433 486 431 458 495

POINTS 110 104 100 72 61

NUMBER. 537 549 512 595 520

POINTS 123 119 91 84 80

NUMBER. 565 562 538 505 504

POINTS 114 93 58 28 28

NUMBER. 721 700 788 790 720

POINTS 122 107 101 75 73

Class 4 # 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Brosche, Roland (A) Holzer, Thomas (D) Maier, Christoph (A), SIP-Team Fischer, Jens (D) Putz, Andreas (D), SIP-Team

Class 5A # 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Maier, Christoph (A), SIP-Team Russegger, Patrick (A) Wolf, Achim (D) Zivanovic, Mike (SRB) Wertz, Matthias (D)

Class 5B # 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Dorner, Michael (A) Fritz, Dominik (D) Abbate, Valerio (I) Robillard, Benjamin (F) Kramer, Volker (D)

Class 7 # 1 2 3 4 5

NAME Menz (Schlingmann), Isabel (D) Legath, Sylvia (D) Bauer, Nina (D) Sperandio, Julia (D) Picker, Nicole (D)


MODERN | SIP EXCLUSIV PARTS | CLASSIC These three catalogues are available in a printed form or can also be perused at your leisure online. They cover pretty much all of the retail products we have available here at SIP. There is something there to suit every style of Vespa. The internet address is: Order Your catalogue:

18 story


story 19

The present project, titled ‚the Guardian‘, is not only gracing the front page of the March edition of ‚Scootering‘ magazine. This fullyframed, martially-styled custom scooter is also causing a furore on the internet.


ardly anything about this scooter reminds you of a traditional Vespa. Almost every single visible frame segment is decorated with various metal plates, silver, chrome and copper. The less obvious areas are also peppered with details that display an obvious technical ability and artistic finesse. The personality responsible for the creation of this futuristic looking scooter is called Cris Cofitis, born in Athens in 1962. He first studied engineering, then fashion design at the Veloudakis Fashion School. These origins inspired the creation of a large number of impressive and highly acclaimed pieces of art, somewhere between industrial design and abstract art. For him, all materials have their own individual attraction, be it silver, bronze or even the recycled constituents. He commenced with the ‚Pulsar Project®‘ early in 2011 and participated in the AMD world custom bikes championship. Equipped with a respectable placing in the top twenty and a lot of fresh inspiration, he dedicated himself to the art of customising vintage scooters. We have invited him along to our own custom show in Landsberg and if we are very fortunate, we may all get to catch a glimpse of his latest project 'Springer Sting', in its premier appearance in public. We are keeping our fingers crossed and await him and his team with great pleasure!

Author: Sylvia Legath Info:

20 story

sIP team goes sardegna


Sardegna, how beautiful it is there. Miles of sandy beaches, crystal water, winding country roads that lead along the bosom of the island, headlands that seem to tickle the Ligurian Sea, and the sun is continuously shining. With these lush images in mind, the 11 glorious SIP disciples set out towards their first milestone: Milan. On their Vespas they crossed the Swiss passes Flüela, Albula and Maloja through rain, wind and snow - to pick up their Austrian friend and companion Zini. Warmly welcomed by the local Vespa Club Milano at the Piazza Castello, they enjoyed the atmosphere of the southern metropolis with an aperitivo, homemade pasta salad and conversation in broken English. A big thank you to the club for accommodation, entertainment and food. Santa might come early this year and drop a ‚VorFreude‘ package for you.

Genoa is the next target on the map and except for a mysteriously vanished selector box gasket and a blocked gas cable the journey runs enjoyably smoothly. The boat is swaying heavily and the night on deck of the ferry to Olbia is accordingly unpleasant. Arriving on the island the next morning, the guys are heading right to the nearest beach to make up for the deficit with ass bombs, cold drinks and lying on the beach. Spontaneously and at a bargain price, they find a beautiful 3 star hotel overlooking the sea in Posada (Nuoro) and decide to spend the night there. Zini Zini, Arbatax, Zini Zini, we‘re departing!“ Armed with this hymn, the SIP team continues to Arbatax, where they are welcomed by the 3rd president of the Vespa Club Arbatax, who shows them their lovely accommodation and accompanies them to a fish restaurant close to

sIP Intern 21

SIP NEWSLETTER - MONTHLY FRESH A nEw ISSUE EAch mOnTh – ThE SIp nEwSlETTER! The trick - we will not bother you with general invitations to purchase but provide you only with information on new parts that suit your scooter model! In addition you get interesting scooter news and a glimpse behind the scenes at SIP Scootershop.

the harbor. Except for sawdust they also had delicious pizza and tuna there. The guys spent two days in this picturesque area, lying on the beach and riding through the hilly countryside. Grazie Marco. On the way back to Olbia, they encounter numerous wildfires and several highways were blocked for safety reasons. This shows once again how dangerous these endless days of sunshine can be, burning not only careless German skin, but also the surrounding area. Genoa, however, remains unharmed and the guys strike out for home. Some of them directly, some with a small pit-stop in Vicenza. Grazie a Cao and Nicola! In retrospect: a dream! Except for two clutches, a selector box gasket and a bottle of gearbox oil no spare parts were needed. The breakdown breaks were tolerably short and the SIP band was tightened by another weld. Anyone who believed that it was not possible to ride 2000km on the old scooters during a long weekend, was once again disabused... for the Vespa is rolling and will roll again next year. „Zini Zini, we‘re departing!“ Author: Christian Seidl Photos and Video: www.

If you do not yet receive our newsletter, make sure to subscribe to it right now. Of course you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

SIP CUSTOMER FEEDBACK First of all, loads of praise, I have been ordering from you guys for two whole years now- and everything has been absolutely great!!” (Philipp S., Vienna, A) Merci à toute l‘équipe SIP et la qualités de vos services :) (Thanks to all of the SIP team for your top quality service and assistance)” (Christophe H., Montmagny, F) Thanks very much for the delivery of the Classic Catalogue. It is the business!!! (Daniel B., St. Margarethen, CH) I don‘t think I have much to say, except for you guys are the best! Take care of my items please. And may you be blessed with the best too!! (Jumadir A., Singapore) You rock!! (Johann A.,Västerås, S) / Thanks very Much! Great Site! (Sylvain D., Marseille, F) Thanks for my last order, arrived a day early. I get quicker service from you in Germany than I do from ordering items from some parts of New Zealand. Thanks for your efforts (Glenn T., Waiki, NZ)

22 sIP Intern



Why are some people dwelling in poverty while we are so well off? Why do they have to suffer from famine, homelessness or floods while we have everything that we need. Scooterists help - for every online order, independent from the order amount.


sIP sCOOteRHOP DOnateD € 3.000,00 tO aRCHe Once again SIP Scootershop donated € 3.000,00 to ARCHE Landsberg. Just like last year, some members of SIP staff visited the residents of the local ARCHE and were cordially received there. In the afternoon they enjoyed coffee and cake and learned more about the ARCHE Landsberg, the people who live there and upcoming projects… Afterwards the SIP team had a chance to see the newly designed garden and bicycle parking spaces that were enabled by SIP’s donation of last year.

of the dents i s e r ith the many am w / Ger g r e SIP Te b ds E Lan ARCH

You can order from SIP using the following methods : With an ordering form or postcard, by fax, by phone and over the internet at our website – Orders received over the internet are processed immediately and where possible, despatched from our warehouse on the same day.

PaYMent We accept the following methods of payment: Credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Payment and Cash-on -Delivery (by DHL in Germany and Switzerland but also by UPS in many other European countries) for your third successful order we can also offer you the convenience of Direct Debit.

MInIMUM ORDeR It does not have to be a huge order every single time. A smaller minimum order price makes the individual ordering of smaller items also possible (Germany 15 €, Europe 25 €, Rest of the world 80 €)

sIP eXPRess SIP Express shipping. - Anyone who orders before 14.00 hrs. CET , using our SIP Express SPEED service (6 € surcharge) can be reassured that their order will be processed, packed and despatched on the same day using either DHL or UPS. It can also be sent using the UPS Express Saver service, whereby UPS guarantee the delivery of your parcel before noon on the following weekday.

sIP Intern 23


SIP SCOOTERSHOP ON FACEBOOK (as at March 2013) Add us as a friend on your Facebook account and benefit from exclusive Facebook offers and get the latest information which we only provide via this channel. We also ask our Facebook friends the versions or designs they like the best long before new products are planned. Get closer to the action and add our page to your Facebook account.

SIP SPEEDOS The delivery of our digital speedometers has finally got under way! Understatement is our speciality. – The new SIP rev-counters represent the answer to all scooterists dreams : A rev-counter and a speedo combined in one single component, while the appearance is as close to the original item as possible. Only an insider will be able to tell the difference. Order immediately!

SIP CUSTOMER OF THE MONTH We were quite surprised last week when Aslan and two of his friends from Scooter Force Krasnodar (Russia) showed up in our local store. They came by car, covering a distance of close to 3,000km, all the way from the Black Sea to Bavaria! On their tour through the SIP headquarters, Aslan was impressed with the huge stock SIP has available. On the other hand, we were more than happy to see some videos of the local Russian scootermatic racing scene and hope we can do our part in enlarging this scene during the coming years. Keep up the good work Aslan! All the best from the SIP Scootershop team!

we do care. Wir alle möchten in einer intakten und sauberen Umwelt leben und unserem Hobby Rollerfahren nachgehen. SIP Scootershop unternimmt eine Menge zum Schutz unserer Umwelt. A responsible approach towards the environment is another crucial element of our corporate philosophy.


UMWELTPAKT BAYERN BAVARIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PACT Der Umweltpakt Bayern ist eine Vereinbarung zwischen der Bayerischen Staatsregierung und der Bayerischen Wirtschaft. Er beruht auf Freiwilligkeit, Eigenverantwortung und Kooperation. The Bavarian Environmental Pact is an agreement between the Bavarian state government and the Bavarian economy. It is a voluntary, self-responsible cooperation.

Alle Versendungen per DHL verschicken wir CO2 neutral. Allein im Jahr 2012 konnten wir durch die gut 52.000 Pakete, die wir mit DHL GoGreen verschickt haben, rund 26.3 Tonnen CO2 kompensieren. All DHL shipments are climat-neutral parcel shipments for instance. Last year alone we were able to compensate 26.3 tons of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) by sending more than 52.000 parcels by DHL GoGreen.


100% ALTPAPIER 100% RECYCLING PAPER 2012 haben wir unsere Dokumentenhüllen von PEKunststoff auf 100% chlorfrei gebleichtes Altpapier umgestellt, ebenso alle Dokumente wie Rechnungen und Lieferscheine sowie Kartonagen. In 2012 we changed all our document sleeves, documents such as invoices and other paperwork as well as paper board containers to 100% recycled, chlorine-free paper.

Nicht erst seit Fukushima hat Atomstrom sein sauberes Image verloren. Strom aus fossilen Energieträgern belastet unsere Atmosphäre mit einem immensen CO2 Ausstoss. Wir haben den Strombedarf unseres Betriebsgebäudes in Landsberg komplett auf Ökostrom aus 100% Wasserkraft umgestellt. Nuclear power has lost its clean image long before Fukushima. Electricity made from fossil fuels harms our atmosphere by massive co2 emissions. We therefore switched the power supply of our headquarters in Landsberg to green electricity made from 100% hydro power.

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