3 minute read


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Running the Race with Faith… Walking in the the Promise of Another Level

One of the most frustrating and confusing things we encounter in our earthly journey is those times when we seem to be moving…without making progress. You understand, those times in your life when you have motion but no momentum to propel you forward, to cause you to advance and move to the next level of the abundant life that God has for you.

The Bible although not directly but certainly indirectly indicates that God’s desire for His Kingdom People is for us to be growing, advancing, moving from one level of grace to the next level of grace; from one level of victory to the next level of victory and from one level of abundant living to the next level of abundant living. There is nothing static, stale or stationary about our God and thus there should be nothing static, stale or stationary about your Christian journey. We are to grow from glory to glory and from faith to faith.

Let’s be real – this can be frustrating and this can tempt us and try us and influence us to give up, to walk away from our loved ones, our friends, our relationships, our jobs, our church and our futures. Many unfortunate men and women – unfortunate because they made themselves losers –have given up and quit because they did not understand what it takes to get to the next level. Listen, it takes more than time on the job to get the promotion to the next level. It takes more than being married to make a happy home and take your relationship to the next level. It takes more than showing up at church every now and then…showing up at Bible Study periodically…when things are not going right for you – to advance in the Kingdom of God and grow from glory to glory and move to the next spiritual level of faith and abundance.

So what does it take to get to the next level? How do you advance, go forward, improve, grow, and experience an entirely new level of miracles, signs, and wonders. How can we march toward our ultimate goal and achieve victory over nagging sins and see our families and loved ones win in life – over the challenges, trials and tribulations of this old world? What is it that you need to know, do or be –in order to get to the next level on your job; at school; in the church or in your relationships with others?


Serving the Lord of the Answered Prayers, Rev. Celeste Kelley

~ Table of Contents ~


By Linda Svacha, BCBC .....................................................................................................................................................................6

SISTAH Teen Mentoring Initiative

Teen Alternative Sex ...........................................................................................................................................................................8

Word on the Street – Dating & Relationship Principles

Dr. Diana Kirschner’s Dating Tips & Relationship Advice Newsletter ...................................................................................12

Living the Victorious & Blessed Life

Where Bondage Ends by Beverly Armstrong, LMSW ......................................................................................................................14 Living Through the Transformation by Regina Stone .....................................................................................................................16

A SISTAH’s Lifestyle – Life Coaching Principles

WOMEN’S MONTH FEATURE: Oscar Winning Actress Lupita Nyong’o ................................................................................18

On the Cover: LADY LEAH McNAIR

“Walking in the Manifestations of God’s Blessings as a Forefront Lady” ............................................................................20

Virtuosity – Marriage & Divorce Principles

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband by Venus Mason Theus .......................................................................................................23

Health & Beauty

Three Tips to Eating Healthier that will Change Your Life by Shelita Williams, R.N. ..............................................................26

A SISTAH’s Closet

How to Crate a Hot Wardrobe for this Cold Winter by LaQuisha Hall ....................................................................................27

Services & Business Network

ALTERNATIVES FOR GIRLS ..................................................................................................................................................................28

Soul SISTAHS Café of Reading & Poetry

FEATURE: Meet Playwright/Author T.T. Harris ..............................................................................................................................32 A Heavenly Decree by Wanda J. Burnside ......................................................................................................................................33 Inspirational Message: I’m Coming Back by Jamietra Hennington ...........................................................................................34 Purple Royalty by Ramelle T. Lee .......................................................................................................................................................35

Christian Events & Evangelism (C.E.E.) Network

I NEED JUST A LITTLE MORE JESUS: Erica Campbell ..................................................................................................................38

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