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Staying Connected
By Linda Svacha, BCBC
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 3:8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
God’s design was for people to be connected to Him and to others. God saw that Adam did not have a helpmate comparable to him, so He created Eve. Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in the garden. Life was good and fellowship was sweet. Satan did not like that and wanted to put a stop to it. He tempted Adam and Eve. They were deceived, disobeyed God’s command, and fellowship was broken. Today, sin is still the reason for broken relationships. The great news is that Satan did NOT win. God provided a way for fellowship with Him and others to be restored. Jesus’ shed blood on the cross provides restoration in all relationships. Christ can give us new beginnings.
God’s design to connect people together is truly amazing. The Bible is not kidding when it tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The brain actually produces a bonding hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin is released whenever you hold hands, hug, cuddle, kiss, do kind deeds, or have intimate talks. It is released in higher amounts during childbirth (parent/child bonding), and during orgasm (husband/wife bonding). This explains why people bond to others at different levels. The more loving the relationship, the stronger the bond will be. It is God’s desire for us to have lifelong connections so we can be there for each other.
Satan knows the power of loving, healthy relationships and that God uses family and friends as an avenue to pour His love on others. Knowing this, Satan tries to use the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life to demolish relationships. Pride, power, money, greed, and selfishness are all used to destroy. Think about it. Every time someone has an attitude, yells, degrades you, or harms you in any way, you begin to disconnect. For some reason, people think that these behaviors are OK behind closed doors. That is farthest from the truth. Our homes should be our safe haven, a place of refuge. It is never OK to yell, degrade, or harm someone emotionally or physically. As Christians, we should be able to work out our disagreements in a Christ honoring way.
We live in a culture where our families are falling apart. Divorce is ramped and parents are disconnecting from their children. It is time that we, Christians, no longer fall prey to Satan’s deception! It is time that we allow God to use us as a vessel to pour His love unto others, especially our families. Today is the day to be intentional!! What one thing can you do today to begin to be a vessel of love to everyone you come in contact with? To help you see where to get started, ask yourself:
Am I there for others: sharing the gospel, visiting the sick and those in prison, helping a single mother or the widow, feeding the poor, sending that card of encouragement, or just smiling at someone and telling them to have a nice day? Or, am I too busy with the things of this world that I have no time for others? Am I a true friend who when I see my friend getting involved in something that can harm her, I will do and say something to stop her or do I sit back and not say a word? When my children come to me for help, do I say in a tone, “What do you want?” or am I glad I am the one who they come to for help? When my children disobey, do I raise my voice and yell or with controlled emotions, follow through with consequences?
What kind of attitude do I have with my spouse? Is it one of selfishness or sacrifice? Do I gossip or do I only share with others what can be used for edification? When people are mean to me, do I respond back with the same behavior, or do I pray for them and show them the love of Christ. Allow God’s love to flow through you to those to your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and your church family. As you reach out to others, you will build new and wonderful relationships. God bless you as you touch the lives around you in the name of Jesus.
©2014 Linda Svacha – All Rights Reserved.
Linda Svacha is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor. She is the author of "Pass God's Legacy to Your Children: One Talk at a Time" which helps parents stay connected and communicate with their children in a way that their children are able to internalize God's values and carry them into their adult lives. She is the founder and director of Building Strong Families, Inc. which offers free counseling, classes, and seminars to help the family stay strong and united. She is married to John and they reside in Canton, MI. They have four married children and seven grandchildren who are all the love of her life.
For more information about her book or Building Strong Families, check out the following websites: Linda's book~ www.livingforhimllc.us and Building Strong Families ~ www.buildingstrongfamilies.us
We believe that God established the family unit; when it is strong and united, it can be powerful! When people grow up in healthy families that love the Lord, they can have full, abundant lives full of love and happiness that spills over into the hearts of others. Disunity and dysfunction cause weakness and it is, therefore, our desire to provide the family with resources and tools to keep them united. This site will provide you with information about free seminars and classes that are available to help you stay connected as a family.
Services are available for an array of venues, including churches, conferences, and even your home.