Women Of Excellence Magazine March 2022 Edition

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Table of Contents

Editor | Phenomenal Woman


March to a Healthy You


Tax Talk

Athlete of Month

09-10 Called to Serve a Purpose


17-18 Brown Beauty of Month


A Phleb.. What



Top 5 overused….


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Happy March Women’s History


M a ga z i ne e d i t o r


I am excited for many reasons for this month. First, I am turning the big 30-GREAT on March 14th paired with celebrating women across the globe for Women's History Month. Women have always been my nichè because oftentimes we are overshadowed by many thinking we cannot change a nation. I think it's time that those who think that small put the myth to an end because girls DO run the world! As I turn a year older I am reminded that in 11yrs old being an entrepreneur it took 10 years to break many records that I couldn't have done without collaborations and the support of other women. If you are a business owner understand you cannot wear yourself out trying to do it alone. It truly takes teamwork to make the dream work! This month W.O.E also takes time to highlight American Heart month. During such a high time of stress, we want to educate everyone on information to keep your heart healthy & strong while recognizing the signs of a not-so-healthy heart. Let's keep those hearts pumping for years to come because we all have a great purpose on this earth. I pray that this edition makes your heart smile in a great way!



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Phenomenal Woman BY M AYA A N G E LO U

We know that being a woman is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. But I want you to remember no matter where you are in life, never forget you are Phenomenal... Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

A hive of honey bees.


I say,


I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size

It's the fire in my eyes,

That's me.

But when I start to tell them,

And the flash of my teeth,

Now you understand

They think I'm telling lies.

The swing in my waist,

Just why my head's not bowed.

I say,

And the joy in my feet.

I don't shout or jump about

It's in the reach of my arms,

I'm a woman

Or have to talk real loud.

The span of my hips,


When you see me passing,

The stride of my step,


It ought to make you proud.

The curl of my lips.

That's me.

I say,

I'm a woman

Men themselves have wondered

It's in the click of my heels,


The bend of my hair, What they see in me.


the palm of my hand, They try so much

That's me.

The need for my care. But they can't touch

I walk into a room

'Cause I'm a woman My inner mystery.

Just as cool as you please,

Phenomenally. When I try to show them,

And to a man,

That's me. They say they still can't see.

The fellows stand or I say, Fall down on their knees. It's in the arch of my back, Then they swarm around me, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I'm a woman WOE MAGAZINE-2022


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Contrary to popular opinion, we were not created just to


consume resources, to eat, sleep, and take up space. God


designed us to make a difference in our life. This is God's


purpose for your life. We are all called for a purpose, which is: To Serve God; to serve in the Kingdom of God on earth; to help serve others. 2 Timothy 1:9 says "He saved us and called us to be His own people, not because of what we have done, but because of His own purpose"



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You, Yes YOU, were placed on this planet for a purpose. God saved you so that you could do His will for your life and live out your purpose. This is what we are called to do. We are healed to help others. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are saved to serve, not to sit around and wait on others to do something! You are called to the Kingdom to serve God. God has us here to fulfill His purposes. Once you are saved, God intends to use you for His Kingdom work in the world. You may think that being called by God is something only for pastors and preachers, but the Bible says every believer is called to serve. Your call to salvation included your call to service. Regardless of your job or career, you are called to service. Serving implies serious commitment and requires giving our life to serve God and others. When we give our lives in service to Christ and others, we discover the real purpose of living. Everybody wants to lead but nobody wants to serve. However, when you serve you lead, and when you lead, you are serving. Jesus shows leading from a new perspective. Instead of using people, we are to serve them. Jesus' mission was to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many. A true leader has a servant's heart. Servant leaders realize that they are not above any job to serve. Everybody wants to be great, but few people want to be humble and serve. When you humble yourself and serve, God will make you great! Don't believe me? Here's what the Word says, "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:" (Genesis 12:2 KJV).




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As we serve, God blesses us and makes us great. Yet, in our greatness, we still are called to be a blessing to our others. And the greater you are the more you are required to serve. Jesus came as a servant, and He challenged culture. To


Him, greatness comes from serving and giving of yourself to help others. Serving keeps us aware of the needs of other people and it stops us from focusing only on ourselves. When you serve others, especially those that are less fortunate than you, you soon realize that you are better off than a whole lot of other people. In other words, just as bad as things might be for you there is somebody else that is worse off than you. This helps us to be humble and when you are humble God will exalt you in due season. We have been saved to serve and we serve with a purpose and that purpose is to help where help is needed in the Kingdom of God. Everybody can serve somewhere in the ministry because there is enough work for everybody. In Matthew 20:28 Jesus says, "Your attitude must be like my own, for I, the Messiah, did not come to be served, but to serve and to give my life." Jesus came to serve not to be served. Most of the time, we are more interested in being served than being of service. Jesus said, "For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will," (John 6:38 NLT). Jesus' purpose was to do the will of God, not to satisfy people. When we follow Jesus, we should have the same purpose, to do the will of God regardless of what other people think we should do with our lives. One of my greatest heroes of all time, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best when he said... "Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."

Submit to your purpose in life and serve in it to the fullest! #Romans828



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Have you ever wondered... who is the person that is collecting your blood for your doctor's visits? Or, what is the name of the profession? Well, let me introduce you to the world of blood drawing and one of the most prestigious young women that have made it her career for over 20 years!! The woman I am speaking of is none other than Mrs. Willia Tubbs CCMA, CPI, PBT. Mrs. Tubbs is known to the profession as a Phlebotomist A.K.A vampire lady, or bloodsucker, or even what she has been called before, a daywalker! She is a bonafide stickin' and movin', in and out of her chair in 10 minutes or less, tube totin', blood spinnin' Phlebotomist but let's understand how she got this title and where it all started. Willia Tubbs, born Willia Jones, grew up in the small, yet big feeling town of North Chicago, IL. You know the place where R. Kelly says, "she was raised in Illinois, right outside of Chicago" yep that place. In her hometown, she always dreamed of a better life for her and her (at that time) three small children and thought the medical field was the place to be. Her dream of becoming a Registered Nurse came to a screeching halt when she learned that the waiting list for this particular class and the school she chose, would be a whopping 2 years! Not wanting to wait that dreadful time because she wanted to get started on her career right away, she stopped dreaming and found a job in a department store to keep the lights on, food on the table, and clothes on her children's backs. That is until one day a friend of hers explained that she started working for a school and they were looking for students who wanted to be in the medical field with less time in the classroom and less money out of their pockets. And that is where Willia began dreaming again. She quickly signed up for the course in Clinical MedicalAssisting which in her mind, close enough to Nursing and she would still have an opportunity to work with her passion of helping others. Fast forward to one year later and baby number four being born, Willia took the lead in her field as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, got a great job with her children's pediatric office, and soared. After working in the office for a year, she noticed there was a bonus to her workload and that was that she liked drawing blood the most out of any part of her job. Being the one they called on when ANYONE was having trouble drawing blood, Willia advanced in her career and took on more of the tasks in the other offices affiliated with the one she was currently working in. Two years later, while having lunch, another friend had introduced her to the world of traveling Phlebotomist and this meant more responsibility, more exposure, and of course, more money to take care of her family. With this newfound knowledge, Willia applied with the company formerly known as Interactive Health Solutions and took on this experience as a scared young lady but knew it was the right move to make.




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This gave Willia the chance to do two things she has NEVER done before...travel and vacation all at the same time! Never being out of her hometown, except to nearby cities, this was an eye-opening experience and gave her a new meaning of worth. That first year of traveling set the tone for her career and gave Willia the confidence she needed to become her boss today. She is now the owner of her own mobile phlebotomy company based in Glendale, AZ, and is putting together a school to teach the next generation the skills she learned on her journey. Over the years of places she has been, becoming a Clinical Medical Assistant concentrating solely on her Phlebotomy skills gave Willia the confidence to hone in on her craft which gave her the confidence to go after what she wants in life. The work she performs helps the patients because it helps the nurses and doctors do their job with ease. It takes someone with compassion, understanding, and a steady hand to perform the skills of a phlebotomist but it is all worth it in the end.

Words from Willia: It is always a pleasure to be the one to help patients with their healthcare team. I have helped patients from newborns to the elderly and every time it gives me joy when someone tells me, "I didn't even feel it going in!" I love what I do and who I have become in the interim. What I have been able to do since starting in this field, taking care of my children, providing them with the necessities in life, and especially taking them on trips with me, has been nothing more than a blessing. I am grateful that I have seen so much of the country as well as traveled to two other countries in these last 20 years. There is nothing I regret or take for granted what God has given me to understand the journey I have traveled. One of the best quotes she tells her now grown children is, "It doesn't take much to dream but it does take you to know you can and will have better once you start." Remember that what you put your mind to can ultimately make or break you. The Bible "A PHLEB.. WHAT???"says that "your tongue is like a two-edged sword" and "that life and death is in it" so continue to speak life into yourself and others and watch what God manifests into your life.



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As we get ready for summer it is important that we do our part to remain healthy. March is heart awareness month. Since the heart is the center of our health, it's important to know the facts about heart disease. Heart disease is becoming more common as the world changes. Today the world is facing many things that can cause stress to the heart. From unhealthy food choices to economic stress, even covid-19, although it's been 3 years. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in men and women. It is important to know the health of your heart to ensure you are not at risk for diseases or a heart attack. Regular exercise and diet are key to keeping the hearthealthy. Although genetics can sometimes play a part in the chances of developing heart disease, proper prevention can help lessen the chances of death. Below you will find the information provided by the Central Disease of Control that educates on what heart disease is and signs to prevent heart attack. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.1 About 659,000 people in the United States die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths.2 Heart disease costs the United States about $363 billion each year from 2016 to 2017.2 This includes the cost of health care services, medicines, and lost productivity due to death. CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE - Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing 360,900 people in 2019.4

- About 18.2 million adults age 20 and older have CAD (about 6.7%).3 - About 2 in 10 deaths from CAD happen in adults less than 65 years old.4

EARLY ACTION IS IMPORTANT FOR HEART ATTACK Know the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack. HEART ATTACK - In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.3 - Every year, about 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack.3 Of these, - 605,000 are a first heart attack3 - 200,000 happen to people who have already had a heart attack3 - About 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent—the damage is done, but the person is not aware of it.3 Please be sure to get your annual physical and practice healthy eating habits paired with exercise to keep your heart healthy.




STONE, JR Happy March Madness!!! W.O.E is always excited to feature athletes that are thriving in sports as well as making an impact to the community that they serve in excellence. W.O.E had an opportunity to speak with Joseph Stone,Jr a.k.a JoJo who resides in Georgia. JoJo thank you for being an athlete displaying excellence. Take a look at this up and coming football star's talents and wisdom. W.O.E salutes JoJo in his endeavors to come and accomplishments thus far.



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W: Outside of your sport, who are you? W: What does teamwork mean to you? J: I am someone who wants everyone to be J: Since there is no “I”in team you can always use successful and to feel good about a teammate's help to win the game. themselves. W: Do you see yourself playing this sport for life W: Why/how did you choose your sport? or as a professional? J: This sport keeps me on the go and gives J: Yes I see myself being a professional athlete. me drive. W: What are your goals for this sport now and in W: How long have you played your sport? the future? J: I have been playing since I was 5 years J: I want to earn my 5th star as well as win 2 old which is 11 years total. more state championships. W: What is your position and how important W: What advice would you give to newbies in is it to your team? your sport? J: I play multiple positions. My position is J:I would tell newbies to work hard and remain important because I have to make sure consistent. everyone is doing everything they should and ensure it’s done right. W: Do you have any exciting things in your life or sport that you’d like to share? W: What has this sport taught you? J: Right now playing football keeps me mellow so J: Sports have taught me to be accountable that’s what I’m focusing on. for my actions.

FOLLOW JOSEPH: Instagram: @josephstonejr Snapchat: @jojostonejr Twitter: @jojostonejr WOE MAGAZINE-2022


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Of the Month

Paris J. Pinkney is a young, ambitious, 22year-old trail-blazing realtor. She graduated from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign with a double major in Psychology and Communication in May 2021 and began

Paris J. Pinkney, BS.

her career in real estate shortly after. On top of graduating with honors, Paris is also a devoted lady of the Illustrious Alpha Kappa Alpha


Sorority, INC. She is dedicated to serving her

you're looking for a knowledgeable, active

community and uplifting others. When she first

realtor who always has their client's best

got into real estate, she worked as the Director

interest at heart, give this brown beauty a call!!!!

of Support for the prestigious and top-producing

She will go above and beyond to find you the

Pinkney Team Realty, which helped her get

home of your dreams. Paris can be reached at

acclimated to post-grad life and the real world.

815-641-0222, or any of her social media

After getting her feet wet, she was full speed


ahead in the real estate world. Licensed in November 2021, she hit the ground running and

INSTAGRAM: ParisJPinkney

has already closed 3 deals and won 2 listings!

FACEBOOK: Paris J. Pinkney ParisJ@ThePinkneyTeam.com Daphne@ThePinkneyTeam.com



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OK, CAN WE TALK?! So we live 80% in a virtual world as people every day which means most of the communication we are getting is via text or social media. While this is the new norm some words or phrases can be a serious overload. Let's talk about the power of influence. We can have a popular person, comedian or celebrity say one word or phrase then BAM becomes a status that is shared over and over. Don't get me wrong, some words and phrases are dope/funny/cute but after taking a casual stroll in the social media streets you're bound to see the same lines overused or heck overly abused. I'm sure right now as you read this article you are like hmmm I know a few that we can do away with or that we can minimize using. Some sayings or words are great for awareness to help and some phrases/words we can seriously throw away. Take a look at the below phrases/words and count the number of times you'd heard them in a day. Heck, even marketers for large corporations are grabbing the trends which obviously works to get the consumer's attention but like others, the companies move on to the next "catchy" thing to keep those consumers shopping.

TOP 5 OVERUSED WORDS/PHRASES 1: "I don't know who needs to hear this…….." Yeah, can you just say it already without the extra fluff?! lol…I know it sounds mean but really I'm JUST saying. 2: "It's the ______ for me" This is with good intentions but just give recognition to the thing that stands out without overuse of the "for me". 3: "Bruh/Bro" Ok, so we can ALL agree that this word has seriously become unisex?! Even Moms are being called "Bruh/Bro". What happened to the time when this was a male-only reference? 4:" Category" Ummm yeah, so we are now categorizing where we actually want attention on our photos? Got it! But seriously isn't the entire picture dope anyway since you posted it? Just wondering! 5: "Protect your/my peace" Listen, I am the first to admit I overuse this one. This is one of those phrases I said means well but every time we start to explain our why of not doing something it's something about tacking this to the explanation that feels so right! Use this one wisely!



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