Sisters In SL Magazine July 2020

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July 2020

Sisters in SL Magazine 4th of July

Golden Years

Ask Ivy Aging of the Brain

O’Canada Day


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Sisters in SL Magazine

CEO LETTER As we lead into summer, the sun is shining bright as the days get warmer and the nights are becoming more difficult to sleep due to the heat. My fan is constantly on full blast! In UK we don’t have AC in our homes, so we are relying on our trusty fans. It has been a fun few weeks for SISL with our members continuously growing daily and attending events. Celebrating Pride, boat parties and having fun creating community videos for Blossom Meadows! I am happy that we are able to help so many women and continue to keep a positive and friendly environment within SL. This is what keeps me going especially during this crazy time in RL. This issue is really dedicated to our US readers and members for July 7th American independence day. Sending our love and support to all those who will be celebrating with family and friends either in RL or SL. I hope that at least for some, you are able to socialise in RL and enjoy the beautiful weather but remaining safe as always! LOVE


a r o r u

Editor LETTER For many of us the summer is the best time of the year: siestas, vacations, adventures, relaxing... When I think about summer the only thought crossing my mind is water!!! Not the sea water as i‘m more of a mountain girl, I like the forest and the mountains, so for me summer equals river or lake bathing. This year...yeah I‘ll have to pass and just imagine myself under the waterfall water while I shower! RL has a tendency to just jump in whenever it pleases, and especially when one has a lot of projects going on, right? Yes, it seems I am no different, and I wish i knew how to use the law of “distraction” regarding that. Like...I do have a lake and a waterfall in SL...Rl go away, let me enjoy this :) Future projects, hell yeah!!! A bunch of them...Question is are you sisters ready for it? Sharing...sharing...sharing...that is the key word!!! Share love, share joy, share hugs!!! Life is short and summer shorter!!! Enjoy it!


Content 12 4th of July 16 Aleutia Interview 24 Stuff, stuff 34 O’Canada Day 40 Juvenile Arthrytis 48 Golden Years 60 Aging of the Brain 66 Lore’A Fashions 70 Self-Love Quizz 72 Feed a Smile 78 Zodiacs of the Month 80 Amerca Land of the Free 83 Ask Glami Ivy 88 What She’s Wearing


CEO Aurora Night Chief-in-Editor and graphics Rebellah Antoinette D‘Arcy Writers: Ayla J, Diamond Meness, Brea Santos, Addy Omena, Cinzia Barzane, Feuer Engeln, Rebellah A. D‘Arcy, Glammi Ivy Photographers: Ri, Fayah Rey, Addy Omena, Rebellah A. D‘Arcy, Mayza, Camila Astermann

Cover Photo by Mayza

Copyright Notice - Disclaimer This magazine and its content is copyright of Sisters In SL - © Sisters in SL Magazine 2020. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following: ◘ you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and noncommercial use only ◘ you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the magazine as the source of the material You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system. SL and Second Life are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Sisters In SL Magazine and the Sisters In SL group are not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.

What kicks off July and gives us all the feeling that summer is really here?

4th OF JULY Independance Day

Article by Ayla J Illustrations by Camila Astermann

If you live in the U.S. you have likely been celebrating this day since you were a kid with family trips to the lake or the beach and backyard BBQ’s. Of course this included mosquito bites, ants and some fierce sunburns before we fully realized the importance of sunblock! Many celebratory events have been cancelled, or will be. How do you go to a concert and social distance? Wearing a mask outdoors in the summer heat not for me, especially in the Texas heat. Found some good ideas for celebrating safely with your family: - Try a backyard campout . . set up tents, make smores, tell ghost stories. - Hand out white tee shirts and fabric paint and have a tee decorating contest. - Have a neighborhood parade with the kids decking out their bikes, wagons, and strollers. There are all types of games to buy - or make - to set up in the backyard. Ring toss, horseshoes, cornhole toss, croquet, or you can make your own. Check out the following link for more ideas and recipes! entertaining/g4463/4th-of-july-activites/


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The most important thing is to keep everyone safe and have a fun time. Here are a few obscure facts about the 4th, the Declaration of Independence and the men who signed it. Might make for a good trivia game! - The stars on the original flag were formed in a circle to show the equality of the colonies. - Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe died on the 4th. Adams and Jefferson died on the same day. - Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird...can you imagine the jokes?? - Americans eat somewhere around 150 million hot dogs and 700 millions pounds of chicken on July 4th. So ... in the spirit of 1776 - think about the following.. With all the fun and games and eating and ants and sun and mosquitos .. . please remember that we should all strive for unity. We are nothing without each other and when we lift our brothers and sisters in love and respect, we lift ourselves. Much more so than in 1776, there is a widely held belief that all humans are created equal and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.�


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Article and Illustrations by Addy Omena Sisters in SL Magazine

Discover the incredible history of this great brand

ALEUTIA-WAYBEYONDFASHION Fashion in SL is constantly growing, big brands work to bring the best from RL, to our second life. But few people know the stories behind each brand, how did it all start? We had the pleasure of interviewing one of the greatest female fashion designers in SL, Catalina Staheli, who told us how Aleutia goes beyond fashion, beyond SL. Let‘s get to know the incredible history of this great brand.

Hello Catalina, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to share Aleutia‘s story with our readers, it is great to have you here with us. Tell us a little about how it started, what motivated you to create a women‘s fashion store in SL? Four years ago, an opportunity arose for me to learn how to design. I was excited about it as I enjoy learning new things. The opportunity was also an interesting experiment to see if, from a very remote location in northern Alaska, I could create a business and make it profitable. The reason for this is that if I

could, I could turn around and teach others in the community to do the same. Too often those in the remote northern villages of Alaska are faced with very few options after high school. In my village, there were about 600 residents and only about 40 jobs. It makes employment difficult when residents have to leave their homes, families, and culture to go find work elsewhere. So there was a plan to create the store and see it make a profit, but there was a dream as well to help make positive change for my students, to give them more options for their future.


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Have you always been a fashion lover, or was it the opportunities you found here in SL that led you to work with that?

What was your biggest inspiration to define the style that the Aleutia brand represents?

I would say that where Aleutia is now is a creative outlet for I love everything about a designs that make a woman feel well put together look. I love good. Whether it‘s a nice maxi editorials where you can see dress to enjoy the summer in creativity and self-expression leap off the pages. or a beautiful mermaid bikini to Before I began designing, go play in the waves with, my designs are a reflection of a I had been a blogger and quote that I heard once. „Reach photographer in Second Life. While I still try to snap a picture for the moon. Even if you miss, now and again, the blogging had you still land among the stars.“ With each design, I am pushing to be put to the side just due myself to do more, to be better, to time constraints. Between and to create something new. teaching full time and keeping Aleutia going, I barely have time to refill my coffee sometimes. *chuckles*

Do you consider it important to follow events, news and fashion trends in RL for inspiration in your creations in SL? I do actually! I follow the trends in real life, keeping up with what the fashion world is doing and seeing what trends the bloggers and street stylers tend to delve into. However, this can be a bit dangerous as we all can find the same pictures on pinterest and I think part of what we as creators in SL need to do is to take the inspiration from what we see and then make it our own.

We know that SL is constantly changing, many updates and news all the time, in your opinion, how to keep yourself as a strong brand in the midst of constant changes?

Hmm.....that‘s a good question. I think it is, for me at least, in large part due to the amazing team I have working with me. Moonsoul Kiyori has been my blogger manager since the first year and I‘ve worked with others who have had the time to be inworld while I was at work teaching all day. Right now I am blessed to be working with the very talented Briony Writer Do you have a favorite fashion as well and the three of us form a designer? Anyone you admire, good, cohesive team. They give and who also inspired you as a me advice or their thoughts and we designer? make a decision on how to move Hmm....I‘d say Coco Chanel comes forward. to mind with her philosophies on life. She had such a remarkable spirit about her that just inspires me in so many ways.


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In your opinion, what is the importance of events for the fashion industry in SL? Do they really help with advertising and sales? I think events have a place in SL when it comes to exposure and helping showcase your work for those who may not have run across your name or store before. It‘s a very nice feeling when I get an IM from someone saying „Oh I found you at so and so“. Aleutia is a strong brand today, with a large number of fans in addition to the incredible creations, this is the result of dedicated work and certainly done with a lot of love. What do you love most about all of this? What is that moment in your work that makes you the happiest? I think what I love most is when I see people wearing things I‘ve created. The other day, the poster for Second Life‘s 17th Birthday came out and when I opened the poster, right there was one of my outfits and I didn‘t even realize I had started to cry until I felt the tears. I was so honored and amazed and humbled. It, to date has been

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the best moment about Aleutia for me. How do your work with Aleutia here in SL contribute to your projects in real life? Being a teacher these days comes with a laundry list of duties and the days can be long, the stress high, and the paperwork never ending. But, I absolutely love being a teacher. I love working with teenagers and seeing in their faces the hope of what tomorrow might bring. Like many teachers, I always end up spending money on school supplies, classroom needs, etc. You hear stories about teachers getting a second job to support themselves because the pay can be so bad depending on where you live and then on top of that, if you want to do projects with the kids or get supplies or things, it comes out of your own pocket too. And so I made the decision early on that Aleutia could help with that. 100% of the profits from Aleutia are used for purchasing school supplies, classroom things for teachers, providing professional development opportunities for teachers, and more.

When did you realize that you use your work here in SL to he children in real life?

It was a dream I had, to teach m students what I know and give th that foundation in 3D modeling s many of them love computer and games and showed a real intere learning more. And it would have another option for a life beyond t or leaving the community to try a

could it in Anchorage or Fairbanks, where often elp these village kids struggle with how big, noisy, and fast everything is. Too many try to do it, signing up for college classes or going my to training, only to end up back home hem in the village a few months later, too skills. So homesick or overwhelmed to make it. d video I had created an entire year long course, est in with weekly lessons and projects and e been offered it to the district I worked in, saying the mine „Here! Let‘s do this as an elective with and make the kids. Let‘s make this a way to create

new opportunities in this digital age that students can relate to and find paths forward in“. But it wasn‘t meant to be and in the end, helped me make the decision to wrap up my time in Alaska and move forward. And so even as we do this interview, I‘m in the process of moving on to a new adventure, where I‘ll be teaching in Thailand, still balancing life as a teacher and a SL content creator and still looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

Wow... your story is really incredible, I am very happy that you shared it with all of us, I am sure that many felt inspired by your journey, thank you very much. 21 Sisters in SL Magazine

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Stuff, STUFF and More Stuff Interview with „The Staff SL“ group owners Ahn and Alex

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Article by Ayla J Illustrations by Ri






Ahn Avion (skintrader.greyskin) and his partner Alex Avion (alexavion) are in charge of the stuff Groups and all events, hunts, sales and creation into this varied set of Groups. WEBSITE: LANDMARK The ‚stuff Groups Shopping Plaza, De Campion (63, 148, 72)

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How did you both run across One of the first hunts Second Life and what made I participated in was you stay? Womenstuff. I know Menstuff was your first group, but Ahn I heard about it from a friend back in the what gave you the idea for days of Yahoo! Chat. She had been looking for something more interactive than text role play expanding the Group? (RP). She had been in Second Life a couple of weeks prior to inviting me to check it out. My computer, at the time, wasn‘t cooperative with SL so I had only tried it for a few days, left, and returned about 6 months later when I heard that my favorite band was going to have a presence here. It took them 5 years to finally get here, but I was hooked on SL long before that.

Ahn Menstuff came about when the Make Him Over (MHO) group was being disbanded due to personal issues between the group owners. Rob Moonites (rob1977.moonites) and Ivy Maverick were part of the MHO management team and came up with the Menstuff group. When I returned to SL, the first Menstuff Hunt had already started. I was in a store looking at Alex I came to Second life after reading a story tattoos when I saw the Menstuff sign. I joined about it in a technology based magazine. Being the group and immediately jumped into the both a long time text based role player and an hunt. I spent a lot of time in group chat asking artist, the idea of a world where you could create for help with the hunt which eventually turned a visual „second life“ was like a dream come into offering help to others. My assistance in true for me. I came, looked around, loved what the group gained Ivy‘s attention and she made I saw and have never really left for more than me one of the group moderators. By the time a few days since. When I first came to Second Womenstuff and Homestuff came into the fold, Life „Flexi“ prims did not exist yet. The changes I had been made manager of all 3 groups. Rob in appearance and scale of SL over 15 years was the first to fade from SL to real life and, not has been amazing. too long after, Ivy as well. I‘ve been running the groups ever since. Alex I started designing under the Brocade Tiger brand not long after I started living in SL. I took part in the very first Menstuff hunt (and all of them since). I met Ahn when he was working as a Moderator and would come to my store to make sure I was set up and ready for the Hunt. Years later I am still designing with Brocade

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Tiger and he still has to make sure I have my hunt gift ready in time for the hunt to start. It was only after he and I became partners that I ended up as a ‘stuff group manager. Mostly I did that because running the group alone took a lot of Ahn‘s time and energy and I wanted to ease his load. Also I wanted to free up some of that time and attention for me. It worked. *wicked grin*

Can you give me a rundown of the rest of the groups? I know Womenstuff came next, then Homestuff and now recently, Posestuff and Kidstuff. Was it a natural progression of what your customers were tuned into? Ahn It can be difficult to know what our members would find most helpful or useful; it‘s

rare to get feedback. One of our team managers created a store catering to child avatars and that‘s where the idea of Kidstuff had come from. I had heard a pose designer mention that, in most style cards seen in blogs, that the pose creator is rarely given credit. I confess I hadn‘t even thought about that until the designer mentioned it. In an effort to show appreciation and credit to the hard work they do, Posestuff was created. A blogger can style up a work of fashionable art, but in the wrong pose, it will look hideous.

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Do you have certain times you enjoy setting up the sales, such as holidays seasons or in the summer or fall? Ahn I enjoy watching Alex in his creative process set up for various themes. Does that count? Anything visually artistic is Alex‘s specialty. I organize the box, he builds and decorates it.

Master‘‘ because he does the spreadsheets and the web pages and all the technical things that only make my head hurt. My job in the hunts is to make the hunt object look cute, run after LMs and give Ahn foot rubs to keep him from getting too stressed out. The Hunts are his baby and he puts a lot of work and time into them. After they start we both tend to have a couple weeks where we are pretty useless and just lay around in our sweats at our virtual home and relax.

Then there is the Plaza. I wandered around there for a bit and checked out the shops and the ambiance - which very much reminded Alex When it comes to the hunts, we try to do one every few months just to keep our me of my hometown antique and other stripshoppers and designers engaged. Because type malls. The fountain at the entrance is they do take a great deal of time to set up, we where you can join the different stuffGroups try to have them in months that are not as likely and get a link to the webpage for hunt hints to be real life busy. With holidays, people often and other info. Brick sidewalks and kiddie have real life things to do and are less often coin rides are a nice touch and it’s not loaded in SL. We try to aim for the times more people down with tons of prims and scripts which will be seeking entertainment and make the make it difficult to move around. hunts happen then. I tend to call Ahn the „Hunt


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The items on display at the HOME landing of the Plaza are quite varied, are they from your group hunts, or just things you enjoy? Alex Okay....I had to go land at the Landing point and look around to see what you were asking about. I am not sure I ever could tell. It looks normal to me but then I am not really an expert on being normal. I made the Plaza and shops to have a strip mall or craft fair sort of feel. There are billboards and banners for advertising and information. We have penny rides for the Kids, and various scooters and transports that shoppers can use to ride or race each other around on the streets. It‘s meant to be fun and also to encourage people to use the streets and see all the shops we have there. I do enjoy decorating and change up small details fairly often both on the Plaza and in our home. Halloween is my favorite holiday and tends to get very interesting when it comes to the Plaza decor.

How many shops are in the Stuff Groups Shopping Plaza? It is a gigantic strip mall of clothing, poses, furniture . . a great mix of vendors?!? How did that get started?

The concept was that there would be shop locations to represent all five of the ‚stuff groups. Something of a sample of what the groups have to offer. We try to make it fun for the renters and the shoppers, by having mini hunts and store decorating contests for the holidays. It has been harder to get the Pose and Kid‘s designers to engage so they tend to have a smaller representation then the other 3 groups, but I am ever hopeful for continued growth.

Any ideas for what could be next with the ‚stuff Groups? Ahn That‘s a very good question. We‘re always on the lookout to discover what can engage designers, their customers, and potential customers. Any and all that have any ideas are free to message me! Alex A few years ago we used to do a monthly themed sale and I rather miss doing those, even though they were a crazy amount of work. I am considering ideas on a new event on the ‚stuff Land Plaza but am still in the concept creating stage right now. I also would like to start up a small bi-Monthly Gacha area at the Plaza. I have the space set up for it and am working on the coding of the machines. I just need some interested Gacha makers. If your readers are interested in making a Gacha set, send them my way.

Ahn There are currently 35 stores at The ‚stuff Plaza - 14 Womenstuff, 13 Menstuff, 4 Homestuff, 2 Kidstuff, and 2 Posestuff. Alex As long as the ‚stuff groups have been going, they have had a „Lounge“ where designers can leave a free gift for group members as a teaser and sample of their wares. We needed land to place these Lounges and wanted to add a few select stores around them.

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Your comment about your BLOG Ahn & Alex, because we think we're interesting! . . I think that is a great statement! You ARE interesting which is why we wanted to do this article. I see both of you model, and there is AA Photography . . . with so many irons in the fire, which is your favorite? Ahn Though it may sound cheesy, it is no less true when I say that any part of it that Alex and I can do together is my favorite. Alex I used to really love the Modeling but a lot of its appeal has worn off for me over the past few years. To do well in modeling, you have to be engaging and know and please the right people. I am more of a grumpy introvert and just don‘t have the proper people pleasing personality to be a really good model. I get the same joy out of styling and blogging designs that i did out of modeling, perhaps even more because I can do and wear what i like and not what i am told to wear. I love SL photography. When I have a free hour or two inworld I almost always end up taking photos. The whole process engages my creative side and incorporates all the things I like best about SL, There is the travel to find the right looking location, the


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shopping for the props and costumes I want, the fussing and arranging to make it look just SO. More often than not the subject is Ahn and/ or myself. As a bonus, Ahn is a very creative writer and sometimes he sees my photo and gets inspired to write a short story about it. My enjoyment of making photos has even inspired Ahn to start working with photography as well. We recently both got to be in a virtual art gallery show together. I enjoy SL best when he and I get a chance to create something together, be it art, stories, role play or even a hunt.


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O‘Canada Day A Day of Celebration and Remembrance

Article by Diamond Meness Illustrations by Camila Astermann

July is among us everyone! Break out your BBQs, make those planned trips to the beach, or just sit back and enjoy the sun! Goodbye winter!! Hello Tan lines!But there is one thing that we look forward to in July more than anything else. Firecrackers!! That‘s right readers, in America, we are getting ready for our country‘s Independence Day: July 4th. But what about other places? Do they have an Independence Day? I wanted to find somewhere that was very much like the Americans when it came to celebrating their Independence Day while at the same time embracing our differences. What better country to choose than Canada. The similarities and differences are striking! Read on about Dominion Day!! No readers, that was not a mistake! Throughout this article you will read many facts regarding Dominion Day..ah..Canada Day, starting first with the name.

FACT: Canada Day was originally called Dominion Day.

Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. It is one of the world‘s most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations. The two official main languages spoken in Canada are English and French. This was due to the British conquest of French Canada in 1760. And their continued battle over Canada during that time. I have often referred to Canada as „Junior America“ as both The United States and Canada share historical and cultural heritages. The relationship between them is one of the most stable and mutually beneficial international relationships in the world despite it‘s past. However, there are many similar and identical traits between the two and public opinion polls have shown that Canada has been many 96% of American citizens favorite nation according to a poll conducted in 2012. In that same poll, during the Obama administration, 64% of Canadians had a favorable view of the United States, with 81% who had confidence in then President Obama to do the right thing when it came to international matters between the United States and Canada. How do they feel about our current president administration leadership? Let‘s just say, they still hold the American citizens in a favorable light.

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FACT: The first Prime Minister of Canada was Sir John Alexander Macdonald.

No national symbol i ubiquitous as Canada‘s maple where you go or where you see it, t will instantly put Canada in your mind. B for a few minutes to see how it all got started formed on July 1, 1867 by the British Parliamen time it was called the British North America Act. Th Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The next Governor General Lord Monck in 1868 encouraging the However, the first federally recognized “Dominion Day” w much like the United States, became independent from Bri changed to Canada Day.

So what do the citizens of Canada do for Canada Day? It‘s pre of the events will be held outdoors. They have fireworks and pa Many towns will hold these events in all provinces and territories and there are the citizenship ceremonies. What is a citizenship c person who is required to take the solemn oath before a judge or to become Canadian citizens. It is the final legal process that is re citizen who is over the age of fourteen. It‘s quite a long process t for three years in the last five years and completing Canadian inc there is also a test you must pass and prove that you can speak

Other events that happen on Canada day are many performanc Canada. This year, for 2020, Hudson‘s Cay and Team Canada Games. Canadians all over Canada are encouraged to wear going on at the games. They include Speed Sun-screening, Cream Eating, Sprinkler Jump, Freestyle Strutting, Pool No Artistic Sparker Dancing. This is due to the Olympic Gam Canadian athletes participating include Antoine Valois-F Sean McColl and Skylar Park. From the Sisters in Se all good luck during these events. Did You Know? The Capital

FACT: Canada borders the United States. The Border Stretches 5,525 miles. This is the world‘s longest binational land border. 36

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is as e leaf. No matter that big red maple left But let‘s step back in history d. The Dominion of Canada was nt by the Constitution Act or at that his Act allowed the merging of Ontario, t year, a proclamation was signed by e citizens of Canada to have a celebration. wasn‘t until 1879. After a while, Canada, itain, and in 1982, Dominion Day was officially

etty much the same as the United States. Most arades. They will also have carnivals and concerts. s, but more on this later. You will smell barbecues ceremony? It‘s much like the United States. A r citizenship official along with many others who wish equired for anyone wishing to become a Canadian that requires permanent resident status in Canada come tax return if you have worked. Then of course, and write in one of the official languages of Canada.

ces that happen in the 50 communities across a athletes will celebrate with the Canada Day Team Canada gear and participate in any events something called ‚The Burger Flip‘, Pairs Ice oodle Javelin, Synchronized Celebrating, and mes being canceled due to the pandemic. Fortier, Christabel Nettey, Jennifer Abel, econd Life Magazine crew, we wish you of Canada is Ottawa.

FACT: The annual festivities surrounding Canada Day did not come into effect until nearly a century later, after it was established in 1868.

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What do Canadians wear for Canada Day? All across America you will see citizens donning the “Red, White & Blue”. The same holds true for Canadian citizens. The Maple Leaf being front and center of it all, you will see other key features such as bold tones of red and black with pops of gold. This will be on t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies as well as a variety of other accessories for men, women, and children alike. To all our Canadian readers, you can go to Hudson‘s Bay stores at thebay. com to get your items, with a special Team Canada Tokyo 2020 kit that will be revealed at a later date. This year as well, many Canadian chefs will be hosting a ‚virtual cooking challenge‘ Other online activities will include games and trivia. Many Canadian musicians will begin doing online performances as well. Names include: Alanis Morissette, Avril Lavigne, and Sarah McLachlan. And, if you are still weary about going outside or being around large crowds due to the pandemic, there will also be a host of virtual fireworks shows to watch. Even during these challenging times, Canadians know how to party!!! Go Canada!! Poutine! Chips, curds and gravy - what‘s not to love? Canada‘s most famous dish was born in rural Quebec circa 1950. The recipe: hot chips, a sprinkling of cheese curds and a dousing of hot gravy. This very popular dish is made all around Canada, as well as gaining popularity here in the United States, and should be a staple for Canada Day Celebrations.


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Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month


Sisters in SL Magazine

Article by Brea Santos Illustrations by Camila Astermann

currently, at least 300,000 children and teenagers are dealing with some form of Juvenile Arthritis in the United States of America. Globally, according to research articles, there are more cases in the continents of North America and Europe. Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month is celebrated in the United States during the month of July. Juvenile Arthritis Global Awareness is celebrated on March 18 every year. Interestingly, I believe it has only been celebrated globally at a convention here in the states of Texas and Minnesota for only thirtyfive years. During the month of July, throw on the color blue to show your support for the youth that are dealing with this debilitating condition every day.

What is Juvenile Arthritis? Juvenile Arthritis is an umbrella term used to describe the inflammatory and rheumatic diseases that develop in children under the age of 16. Most kinds 41

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of JA are autoimmune or autoinflammatory diseases. That means the immune system, which is supposed to fight against foreign invaders like viruses and germs, gets confused and releases inflammatory chemicals that attack healthy cells and tissue. In most JA cases this causes joint inflammation, swelling, pain and tenderness, but some types of JA have few or no joint symptoms or only affect the skin and internal organs.The exact causes of JA are unknown, but researchers believe that certain genes may cause JA when activated by a virus, bacteria or other external factors. There is no evidence that foods, toxins, allergies or lack of vitamins cause the disease.

Types of Juvenile Arthritis Juvenile idiopathic arthritis- the most common form of juvenile arthritis and includes six types: oligoarthritis, polyarthritis, systemic, enthesitis-related, juvenile psoriatic arthritis and undifferentiated. Juvenile Lupus- an autoimmune disease that can affect the joints, skin, internal organs (i.e. heart, kidneys, lungs) and other areas of the body. The most common form is systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE. Vasculitis- This type of disease causes inflammation of the blood-vessels, which can lead to heart complications. Kawasaki disease and Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HCP) are the most common kinds in kids and teens. Juvenile myositis- an inflammatory disease that causes muscle weakness. There are two types: Juvenile polymyositis and juvenile dermatomyositis, which also causes rash on the eyelids and knuckles. Juvenile scleroderma- Scleroderma, which literally means “hard skin,� describes a group of conditions that causes the skin to tighten and harden. Fibromyalgia- chronic pain syndrome that can cause widespread muscle pain and stiffness, along with fatigue, disrupted sleep an other symptoms. It is more common in girls but rarely diagnosed before puberty.

Symptoms Joints may be red and swollen while being tender to the touch. Aside from the joints being stiff or harder to move or completing everyday tasks, the joints may give off heat similar to a fever. Pain can increase by staying in one position for a long period of time. The eyes can experience dryness, redness or sensitivity to light along with not 42 Sisters in SL Magazine

being able to see properly due to uveitis or chronic eye inflammation. Skin symptoms may include a scaly red rash (psoriatic), light spotted pink rash (systemic), butterfly shaped rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks (lupus) or thick, hardened patches of skin (scleroderma). The lungs can be affected by a shortness of breath and one might see heart trouble. Lastly, there might be complications with digestion.

Treatments The goal of treatment for a child or teen living with JA focuses on several areas. First and foremost, it is important to slow down or stop the swelling of the affected joint or joints while slowing the progression of the disease. Next, relieving symptoms while keeping pain under control helps improve the quality of life. Doctors also focus on trying to damage the joints or repair any damage to joints 43

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and/or organs. Improving the function of the joints and strength of them will allow these children to enjoy adulthood as much as possible. Finally, there is a focus on overall health and how it may be affected depending on the case. Traditionally, cortisone injections are done on the joint in an effort to ease some of the pain associated with the type of JA. Along with the use of corticosteroids, a doctor might incorporate the use of what is called a biologic or DMARDS. This class of drugs, which includes traditional DMARDS (methotrexate, sulfasalazine) and biologics, relieve symptoms by suppressing the immune system so it doesn’t attack the joints. Methotrexate is the most commonly used DMARD to treat JA. Traditional DMARDs may be available in pill form, but normally biologics are injected or given by infusion in a doctor’s office. Patients can learn to use products to help in mobility while using hot and cold therapy to aid with pain in a drug free approach. 44

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I chose to shine a light on this specific issue because I was born three months premature and diagnosed with Diplegic Cerebral Palsy at age three. Therefore, I have had to learn how to use braces, hand canes, and wheelchairs from a very young age. Moreover, I began to learn about the effects of developing arthritis as a child which is why now at only thirty years old, I have already had my right hip replaced. I want all my fellow Sisters In SL that have dealt with similar issues or have children with this issue to know that I stand with them and their families.

45 Sisters in SL Magazine


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Sisters in SL Magazine




Sisters in SL Magazine

den years

es of cinema in fashion

Article by Addy Omena Illustrations by Addy & Reb


Sisters in SL Magazine

In the 1930s, the way in which the actresses appeared in the films aroused immediate identification in the female audience and soon after, seamstresses and ateliers tried to reproduce the pieces desired by the clients. Since then, cinema has started to influence fashion.

The 50‘s fashion “golden years� was full of novelties, at that time fashion was seduced by romanticism and femininity, it was a time when sophistication and luxury were beginning to emerge, women were totally vain and taking care of their appearance was fundamental among them.


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A time that was also very influenced by cinematographic fashion, where the costumes that dressed great actresses of the time like Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn were loved and copied. Fashion and cinema have always had a very strong relationship, the costumes made for plays, films, and ballets, have an impact and become inspirations for the creation of collections by great designers. Costume plays a very important role in cinema and theater, as well as fashion due to the influence it has on costume designers. So we can say that there is an influence of cinema in fashion, just as there is an influence of fashion in cinema. Costume designers are professionals responsible for choosing and organizing the elements of composition of one or more characters of artistic productions, whether they are televised, theatrical or cinematographic. Many successes in world cinema were box office records for their costumes, many of them even winning an Oscar in the category. A great costume designer who stood out at this time was Edith Head. Edith was a Spanish teacher, but she loved design, after studying at the Chouinard Art School in Los Angeles, she was hired as a costume designer at Paramount Pictures in 1923, became a household name after the Oscar for Best Costume Design was created in 1948. She won a record eight Oscars for Best Costume Design between 1949 and 1973. Known for her unique work style and, unlike many of her male contemporaries, she often consulted a lot of the female stars she worked with. As a result, she was a favorite among many of the top female stars of the 1940s and 1950s, such as Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. She herself always dressed very clearly, preferring thick-framed glasses and conservative two-piece suits. The legendary costume designer of the golden years of Hollywood, was known behind the scenes for her frank personality and distinct personal style, among other curiosities, she only liked to use four colors in herself: black, white, beige and brown. Even today a great reference for the cinematographic market, in 2004, she was honored in the animation “The Incredibles” (Disney) inspiring the character “Edna Mode”.


Sisters in SL Magazine

Cinema is still a strong inspiration for great designers and big brands, and we can see in store windows and on the catwalks what we saw on the screens, and although we do not hear the names of the costume designers, all this it is only possible thanks to your work and talent. Now that we know a little more about this romance between fashion and cinema, I‘m sure that every time we watch a movie, we will think about who is the artist who designed the costumes.

Model and Photograph: Addy Omena Inspiration: Edith Head Received eight Academy Awards for Best Costume Design, more than any other person, from a total of 35 nominations. 1950 Black and White – The Heiress, 1951 Color – Samson and Delilah, 1951 Black and White – All About Eve, 1952 Black and White – A Place in the Sun, 1954 Black and White – Roman Holiday, 1955 Black and White – Sabrina, 1961 Black and White – The Facts of Life and 1974 – The Sting. Style: !lamb. DIY Haircut - Grayscale Pack A&D Clothing Glasses -Lennon- Dark N-core KATE Glitter The Secret Store - Juniper Blazer Coal/ Robin Pencil Skirt Coal

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53 Sisters in SL Magazine

54 Sisters in SL Magazine

Model and Photograph: Rebellah A D‘Arcy Inspiration: Elizabeth Taylor She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s, becoming one of the most popular stars in classic Hollywood cinema in the 1950s and 1960s. Style: *Dura-Girl*28 Just Because Christine Gown White Minimal Pearl long Earings

55Sisters in SL Magazine

Model: Sarahadam Photograph: Addy Omena Inspiration: Audrey Hepburn A cultural icon with lasting popularity. Its rise to national attention in the United States in the 1950s had a profound effect on American culture, as well as British culture, as well on women‘s behavior and dress. It was included in Variety‘s list of „100 Icons of the 20th Century“ and is number 34 on VH1‘s list of „200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons of All Time“. Style: Magika Hair - [01] Meadow KITJA - Sunglasses [JuneJewels] Pearl Necklace LYBRA . CRISTA Gloves Pure Poison - Daria Pumps Valentina E. Angelina Dress Black

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57 Sisters in SL Magazine


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Model and Photograph: Rebellah A. D‘Arcy Inspiration: Marilyn Monroe Film success, although her career spanned only a decade, her films grossed more than two hundred million dollars until her unexpected death in 1962. More than fifty years after her death, she remains considered one of the greatest icons of popular culture. Style: Deviant Behaviour - Abito Prurito White N-core Marlene Doux Vel Hairstyle


Sisters in SL Magazine

Aging Angst: The Brain 60

Article by Brea Santos Illustrations by Fayah Reyes Sisters in SL Magazine

n Ages As We Do 61

Sisters in SL Magazine

As most of you lovely sisters are aware, I recently reached an important milestone. On June 7th, I had my thirtieth birthday. While this is something to be grateful for, it is also very worrying. You know that saying... “After 30, start to worry.” Because, honestly everything begins to decline after one reaches the thirtieth year. I recall I had misplaced my bank card and had to order another one. I thought possibly it could be related to a medicine I am taking but then again, the big day was slowly approaching before I knew it plus I was at the time over the age of twenty which is when little slips start to occur and we will explore this idea further in this article. At around three pounds in weight, the human brain is a force of engineering with around a hundred billion neurons interconnected to billions of synapses. From the moment of gestation around three week, the brain begins to develop and continues until old age. According to an article in Medical News Today, during the first few years of life, a child’s brain forms more than 1 million new neural connections every second. The size of the brain increases fourfold in the preschool

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period and by age six reaches around 90 percent of adult volume. The frontal lobes – the area of the brain responsible for executive functions, such as planning, working memory, and impulse control – are among the last areas of the brain to mature, and they may not be fully developed until 35 years of age. Moreover, after age twenty, common memory changes start to occur that are not related to dementia.

Common Memory Changes - Difficulty learning something new: Committing new information to memory can take longer. - Multitasking: Slowed processing can make processing and planning parallel tasks more difficult. - Recalling names and numbers: Strategic memory that helps memory of names and numbers begins to decline at age 20. - Remembering appointments: Without cues to recall the information, appointments can be put safely in storage and then not accessed unless the memory is jogged.


Sisters in SL Magazine

Some studies have shown that older people have trouble with declarative memory or the ability to recall stored memories and facts while others state that seventy year olds can perform cognitive tasks just as well as a twenty year old. There are at least four occurrences that scientists have observed which happen during normal brain aging. - Brain mass: Shrinkage in the frontal lobe and hippocampus – areas involved in higher cognitive function and encoding new memories – starting around the age of 60 or 70 years. - Cortical density: Thinning of the outer-ridged surface of the brain due to declining synaptic connections. Fewer connections may contribute to slower cognitive processing. - White matter: White matter consists of myelinated nerve fibers that are bundled into tracts and carry nerve signals between brains cells. Myelin is thought to shrink with age, and as a result, slow processing and reduce cognitive function. - Neurotransmitter systems: Researchers suggest that the brain generates less chemical messengers with aging, and it is this decrease in dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine activity that may play a role in declining cognition and memory and increased depression.

For those who are unaware, serotonin and dopamine are happiness chemicals. Increased serotonin levels allow for more happy moments and better concentration. There is a reason why doctors are picky about the phrase you are what you eat. A handful of cashew nuts can give a person with depression a boost of serotonin and improve the mood. Diet is also important to the brain function. There are reports that those of us who might be obese could be aging our brains by at least ten years due to the fact that we enjoy pops, cakes, and junk foods. I am one of those people and have not ever been shy about it! While my love for unhealthy foods is quite evident, I could be shrinking my hippocampus which leads to poor brain function. The hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for changing short term memories into long term ones. With a shrunken hippocampus, a person may forget important memories from childhood. In an effort to combat memory loss, it is recommended that everyone pay close attention to their diet, remain active, possibly pick up an instrument, listen to music, and try to do memory exercises.


Sisters in SL Magazine

Now remember earlier in the article when I mentioned I lost my bank card. I still have no idea where the old one ran off to. At least now I can say, maybe it is just my age! You do not have to be up there in years in order to become forgetful. There are so many factors that can contribute to the brain aging prematurely. Your diet, family history, and certain medications are just a few factors to keep in mind. As always, do not be afraid to talk to a physician or family member if you are concerned about memory loss because this can mean your brain could be aging rapidly if you are not an older, wiser female.

65 Sisters in SL Magazine

lore‘a fashions interview with Loreleil Coeur


Article and Illustrations by Cinzia Barzane Sisters in SL Magazine

Lore‘a Fashion is emotion and wonder, the imagination to wear, without forgetting the needs of women and of today. Loreleil Coeur, fashion designer creates a world of wonders made of fabrics and prints originaly created by her. Giving life to clothes often inspired by a unique style. Today I am interviewing for the Sisters In SL Magazine, Miss Loreleil Coeur, who is the founder and creator of Lore’a Style fashion brand. In an attempt to shed some light on her brand and creativity in Second Life world, we will be touching both the easy and the difficult parts that an SL designer is facing day by day. 67 Sisters in SL Magazine

How would you describe yourself to introduce yourself to those who don‘t know you yet? Loreleil Coeur Nice to meet you, I am a simple person,I create just for my pleasure and I hope it will please others at the same time. When and how did your great passion for fashion start? Loreleil Coeur In 2014,after having passed my first modeling diploma. I wanted to create my own outfits and share my vision of French women, simple and elegant at the same time. Where do you get inspiration for your creations? Loreleil Coeur It will surprise you, in music! It is often she who inspires a color or a theme, the more joyful it is, the more colors and flowers, but I think like everyone else, our rl influences it too. To rejoice, to play, to excite and incite, to express points of view, to design the present, to create, to direct the future, to realize oneself, to share visions of life are desires, dreams... Are these still possible actions in everyday life of the complex changing and elusive society of the contemporary? Loreleil Coeur Good question! Second Life for me is not really a game. Behind every avatar is a real person and you don‘t go hurt the other. And of course we have to try to live our dreams as much as possible. So I live it in my own way, simply without dreaming of the impossible, just find pleasure in what I do. How do you see the woman in your collections? ( she smiles) Loreleil Coeur Sexy, but without revealing anything, a kind of mystery that men enjoy discovering. The woman for me is sweetness and strength at the same time. What are the biggest difficulties that a stylist encounters to emerge in the fashion world? Loreleil Coeur the visibility. It is hard to be seen in the world or being invaded by ads from the big brands. The hardest thing I perceive is the find a good event to participate in and get a chance to be known. Thank you for allowing my brand to be seen through our discussion, it is a pleasant idea and sincerely appreciable. Thank you for this interview. I am sure that you will enter the heart of our readers, for the love and passion you put into your every creation.


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Sisters in SL Magazine

Quizz by Feuer Engeln

So, what is Self-Love? It is honouring, respecting, and embracing ourselves while nurturing the magnificent being that we are. This is not an egotistical love, but rather, a sincere and genuine caring for the person that our Creator designed us to be. If you are unsure that you have self-love, take the quiz shared below, and see. Be sure to answer ALL of the questions honestly. 1. When you look in the mirror, do you usually notice the flaws about your appearance, body, and qualities rather than see the real beauty of everything about you? 2. When someone pays you a compliment, do you have a hard time accepting it or do you minimize the compliment? 3. When you make mistakes, do you beat yourself up profusely and have a hard time letting it go? 4. When you speak up for yourself, do you feel guilty afterward? 5. Do you feel bad or guilty about taking time for yourself when you know some things need to be done? 6. Do you consider yourself a failure just because you have not achieved a certain level of success? 7. When you feel stressed, do you turn to distractions like the computer or selfdestructive habits such as alcohol, drugs, or smoking? 8. Do you neglect your health by not going to the doctors or dentist when you need to?


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9. When someone criticizes you are you quick to defend yourself or do you fall apart like the world is ending? 10. Are you comfortable in your own skin? 11. Are you afraid to be alone with yourself without something to do or someone around? 12. Do you have a hard time setting boundaries and allow people to walk all over you? 13. When you have to make a decision, do you rely on friends and family members to tell you what to do instead of trusting yourself and your inner guidance? 14. Do you have a hard time making decisions when it comes to what you want or what you like? 15. When you are asked to do something you don’t want to do; do you say yes anyway because you feel bad turning them down?


Sisters in SL Magazine

Quizz Answers If you answered YES to: § 3 Questions or Less –

Good Job! You are doing a great job of listening to your gut and honouring yourself. Keep it up and know that you are worth it!

§ 4-7 Questions –

You are on your way to self-love. It sounds like you are asserting yourself in certain areas and listening to that inner voice. Speaking up and having integrity with yourself will build those muscles that protect your inner flame and your true essence. Keep working on the areas that speak to you.

§ 8-10 Questions –

You may begin to realize that you have a voice and a right to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Every time you assert yourself you are showing yourself love. Continue to remind yourself that you are worth it, and you have a right to speak up about how you are feeling. Practice makes perfect and baby steps are better than no actions at all.

§ 11-15 Questions –

Let me first remind you that you are a magnificent being and you deserve to take care of yourself and set boundaries with others. Take notice of the people that surround you. If they do not honour and respect you, then it is hard to do the same for yourself. Distance yourself from people that make you feel bad regardless if they are family members or lifelong friends.

Try to notice when you are critical of yourself and when that voice in your head is telling you that you are wrong. Noticing your thoughts is a great way to slow the snowball effect of self-abuse. You deserve to be treated like the masterpiece that you are, and it all starts with you listening to your inner voice, being gentle on yourself, and practicing self-care.

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73 Sisters in SL Magazine

Article by Rebellah A. D‘Arcy Illustrations by Mayza


Sisters in SL Magazine

Feed A Smile As time goes by and Second Life, this world of marvels and possibilities advances, in between graphics and technicalities, sometimes people with no agenda, happen to emerge. They have created a summer festival which is called “For the Love of Music” shortened version FML, with a lot of Live Singers from around the grid. Each donation was then further donated to the charity. This summer the KIKA Charity event is planned and those donations will go to Children’s Cancer Support. I was honored and blessed to have met them, and am thrilled to share their story with you. But let’s not make a big intro to all this and let these amazing people speak for themselves, although it seems Winter let Seli take the word. Suffices to say that she has covered both perspectives very clearly and accurate, given that she is speaking for both. So here we go... 75 Sisters in SL Magazine

1. Who are you, great charitable souls and how did you come up with the idea of starting the charity work in SL? Well ehm now I‘m not sure if I should be proud or humbled, that‘s really sweet of you but we‘re just SL artists that want to give back and make a difference through bringing the SL music community together. I think the idea was first born for me RL a few years ago. My son had leukemia when he was 4 and I started a fundraiser for the Swedish child cancer society at that point. When I first got into singing in SL as well I really wanted to do something specifically to help children through this amazing community of talented people. Winter and I talked about it and he has an amazing way of getting things done not just talked about. So we started talking to artists and booked the first summer festival, and that‘s when F.L.M or „For the Love of Music“ was


2. When was the first event that you created? Our first FLM festival was the summer one last september for Feed a smile. Winter:

3. What was the outcome? How did the people react to it? We were really happily surprised that we had such great turnout and the feedback was really good as well. Everyone has been really great in getting behind the causes that we back which is

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really heartwarming.

4. We all know that SL as nice as it is has some „black sheep“ that always have something negative to say about charity work. Was that your case too?

Actually in all honesty I haven‘t heard any negative feedback or talk that I can think of. I think people have really been supportive and excited about the idea behind it and both participating as artists and patrons. It‘s a question of taking ownership for all of us in the music community and coming together “for the love of music” to do something that makes a difference.

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5. What plans for the future charity events you have? We do the events seasonally and the next one will be the summer festival July 11th and 12th so that will be a summer boho festival feel sort of Woodstocky because let‘s face it I‘m a hippie freak lol. After that will be the Halloween one then Christmas etc. And of course we re-decorate and landscape the place and do it all up to fit the theme which is always a blast. Some will be feed a smile like we‘ve done previously but the summer one coming up will be for KIKA which is for Children‘s cancer support.


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6. Will you have the Pub open for the charity work as well or just for events? This spring we‘ve opened the PUB up on Monday‘s between 10am and 2pm slt which has really been awesome. Since we don‘t have a venue tip jar down on the festival land we do up in the PUB and it‘s job is sort of to help support the tier for the land so we can afford to keep it running and do the charity work.

7. Please let the readers know how can they help out during the charity and also outside of the events I‘d say the primary way for most people being able to help support is to come on over and enjoy the Festivals and all the awesome music when it‘s going on. Both during festivals as well as on Monday‘s up in the Pub. But even when we aren‘t hosting a festival we always have tip jars for charity out on the land so come on over enjoy the cozy areas down on the land with friends and maybe drop a tip in for whatever tip jar is out there usually it‘s feed a smile but sometimes we have others out as well. The land is always there and always available to hang out.

8. Finally, what would you like to tell our readers about your charity and the events themselves. Please also let us know when the next events will happen. Well...really don‘t know what else to say..I guess I would just like to say always remember that it doesn‘t take a lot to make a difference in someone‘s life and going to a charity event and participating in SL is a really cool and easy way to do just that. So mark your calendars for July 11th and July 12th cus it‘s gonna be a really fun one with some really awesome performers coming your way!

Thank you both, Seli and Winter for answering our questions and hope to see you all, in world, at the amazign KIKA charity event coming up!

SLURL: .:Maiden‘s Blush Cove:.F.L.M:., Gold Rush (190, 65, 1001)


Sisters in SL Magazine

Modality: Cardinal Element: Water Ruler: the Moon Season: Summer 4th Sign of Zodiac Metal: Silver Stone: Pearl, Opal Color: White, Yellow Anatomy: Breasts, stomach Keywords: gentle, conservative, feeling, nurturing, defensive, contemplative.

June 21 to July 22 80

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Modality: Fixed Element: Fire Ruler: the Sun Season: Summer 5th Sign of Zodiac Metal: Gold Stone: Ruby Color: Orange, Gold Anatomy: The heart Keywords: magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, open

July 23 to August 22


Sisters in SL Magazine

America land of The Free

Poem by Feuer Engeln

I wonder if you know what it‘s like to be them to have to carry your hands on the sides of your body because keeping them in the pocket of your hoodie would lead to speculation that you‘re carrying a weapon you‘re in no possession of eyes on you wherever you go warnings made over the radio demands from behind you „hands over your head where I can see them“ the sound of incoming sirens cue a scene they‘re far too familiar with as you sit in the audience, row M, popcorn in your hand, watching the star in suspense “but officer I am not carrying a weapon, look—“ … Boom. suspicion is justifiable for a bullet hole in their chest does that same rule apply to you? … I wonder if you know what it‘s like to be in the presence of another and sense the shift in their body as they do their best to distance themselves from you because apparently there‘s an imprint across your forehead that screams: DANGER ... you probably don‘t because it is you who shifts uncomfortably clutching a little tighter to your purse and wallet ... 82

Sisters in SL Magazine

Who was the first person who told you to stay away? … I wonder if you know what it feels like to have expectations already made for you they are nothing in comparison to the ones you are assigned at birth they are nothing like the expectations you are molded into as a child because unlike them, you are told you can accomplish anything you are told you can fight for what you believe in with no repercussions you are told you can become whoever you want to be and you never doubt it unlike you, they are the ones placed under the knees of blue in suffocation another by-product of history the expectations placed on them are ones that have been running through the vines of their family tree ever since its seed was planted on this foreign soil ... they are the very same ones that deem them INFERIOR LAZY DANGEROUS ... All attributes used to create a segregation amongst us people a definitive fine line that if one oversteps proclaiming unity and equity among us all prepare for the raise of a hand a baton enwrapped by fingers who are supposed to instill peace they‘ve reigned terror on the same people they‘re assigned to protect a contradiction, wouldn‘t you agree? „LAND OF THE FREE“ then why are so many of our people expected to succumb to oppression and dehumanization why‘ll the rest of us reside comfortably in our luxury and privilege? without worry of an invasion 8 shots released in deep sleep „WRONG HOUSE“ they said... but this is AMERICA right? ... I wonder if you have lived life being told you will fall under the same pattern as 83

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your ancestors that there is no way of breaking the chain ... I wonder if you know what it feels like to be treated as a token everyone loves displaying for attention but when the moment comes to fight their truth ... that attention ceases to exist ... I wonder if you realize your duty in this fight for justice but if you don‘t I congratulate you ... You have lived a life safe and sound away from interrogation FEAR STRICTNESS ALERTNESS You have lived a life where the colour of your skin does not predict your DESTINY it‘s formed a shield a layer that obliterates Accusation Gunshots Abuse Neglect and prejudice in its most destructive form ... to be born in this nation as white is the equivalent of getting a head start in the 400m relay we call life running gracefully with the most opulent shoes for support jumping over hurdles with an effortless ease coached by the best of the best Your privilege awards you the golden ticket tell me Why are you so reluctant in using it for justice? #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTER 84

Sisters in SL Magazine

Glami Ivy Granny “knows EVERYTHING“

Ivy is answering our readers questions

Dear Glammy Ivy, How and when do you know when enough is enough? There is a time when you move forward or get out . . . . how can you tell when a relationship isn’t worth the trouble anymore? Help me out of my agony Aunt! Stressed out Ann Dear Stressed out Ann, Relationships are a two-way street sweetie; it is all about give and take for both parties. If you are not receiving the fulfilment that you deserve from your relationship whether that be love, compassion, consideration, then hunny that is a clear indication that its time to move on! I have had my fair share of relationships where they have passed their expiry date and you wake up one morning, look in the mirror and yell “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” Deep down, you know how much you can handle and what you deserve. So, follow your heart. Dear Glammi Ivy,

My new Boyfriend Hates my SL daug Confused Momma Dear confused Momma,

You should not be taking in no dude wh daughter. Your kids comes first always! this boyfriend don’t work out? Who is g you? Your daughter! So cut the crap ou who loves you and your daughter for w There are plenty fish in the sea baby!

ghter... what do I do?

ho hates your ! What happens when going to be there for ut and find someone who you both are.

Dear Glammi Ivy, Please hide my name, I‘m writing because I am having a problem. Everybody I have talked to has told me to write to you. You see, Glammi Ivy, I am a one-man Lady. That does not mean that I have only had one Boyfriend in my life. But I have only had one boyfriend at a time. But it seems to me that some men don‘t believe that I can only have one boyfriend in SL. I am in the dancer business and All the men love me. Some of them literally throw themselves at me. I always have to say no, I have a man. One customer/ friend gave the impression that he and I had something going. He would send me IM‘s all of the time and would TP to wherever I was, and my boyfriend asked me about him. He said that he was confronted by someone online who told him that I had many Boyfriends at my workplace. I told him over and over that it was not true. But he did not believe me. Now, every time I log on, or take too long to answer my messages my boyfriend questions me. I can‘t deal with it. We have been together for two years. But now he wants to meet with me and the friend together! I told him that was unnecessary but now he thinks I must be guilty... What should I do? Fedup Money Shaker Dear Fedup Money Shaker, My dear, your boo should know that it comes with the territory that if his partner is working as a dancer, that men are going to fall for you. I’m sure you are a beautiful woman and he needs to get himself in order! It goes with the nature of the business and you shouldn’t feel like you have to prove yourself to him. He should trust you! If there is no trust, then its time you pick yourself someone who will put aside their insecurities and allow you to be yourself without having to worry about his sad ass.

Dear Glammi Ivy, I don’t like to wear panties in SL. I hate it. I like to feel free! My friends and family keep telling me that I need to wear it so no one cams and looks at my coochie, but I really don’t care! Is this bad? Free butterfly Dear Free butterfly, Baby, if you want to air out your coochie in SL, then you do just that! Everyone lives their SL how they want to and it really is your choice at the end of the day! Im sure your family and friends are looking out for you and probably don’t want no freaks to holler at you.. but ultimately, you choose how you want to live and dress in SL. So do you baby! Dear Glammi Ivy,

Are you unsure how to live your SL? Got caught up in a relationship and don’t know how to get out of it?

There is a guy who i have been da and his avatar is very out-dated. I personality, but he won’t update h the latest mesh head, mesh body, hasn’t changed his avi in years! I attractive and I’m embarrassed to says I’m shallow, but I just want h

Fed up of your partner never being online?

Dating a noob Jessica

Send your questions into me, your very own SL agony aunt and I’m sure I’ll help you feel better!

One thing I can’t deal with is a man an effort with his SL appearance! Th wanting to be intimate with hot, prett but expect us to be attracted to them doesn’t work! Women have needs to as much as a dude does! So I would Tell him you will revert to the noob b level and see how he takes that. I’m down to that Lelutka store and pick h head, I bet you will!


Dear Dating a noob Jessica,

ating for 4 months I love him for his his avi. My avi has , BOM skin but he want my partner to be o take pics with him. He him to look hot!

who doesn’t make hey will be flirting and ty updated female avi’s m the same way! It oo and want a hot avi d keep pushing it hunny! basic avi to match his m sure you will see him fly him up a Skylar or Luca

Dear Glammy Ivy, I have a problem, I live in New York and my partner of 3 years lives in Brisbane, Australia. I am finding it hard as I love her and care for her but I don’t see me moving over to Australia anytime soon and im scared I will loose her! Do you think we can last? Confused Long-distance Lover Dear Confused Long-distance lover, Some relationships in SL are only for SL. There are others that have been fortunate enough to bring their SL love to RL and this is truly beautiful. It doesn’t mean that you and your partner won’t work. You need to be mature and have that conversation with her “Do you think this will work if we move our relationship to RL?”. Hunny some relationships need to stay in SL. I have seen it turn ugly when the fantasy of SL is brought to reality and the two do not mix well. So be careful and be 100% sure of what you want. If it works in SL, keep it that way. What is meant for you, will be for you. much you can handle and what you deserve. So, follow your heart.

Yukiko Yeshto


Hair: Magika - Autumn Accessories: RAMA - College Bae Metal Glasses Cae :: Mantra Necklace :: Bloom :::ChicChica::: Pineapple drink REIGN.- FLORAL DEAN BUCKET BAG Clothes: -Sorumin- Flowered [Cosmic Dust] x Momoko - Vanessa Heels Sisters in SL Magazine

Yukiko Yeshto Hair: *barberyumyum*L13 Accessories: REIGN.- RAINBOW BOOM POPS MIWAS / Heart ring Clothes: cheezu. lizzy outfit bonbon - cher heels & socks


Sisters in SL Magazine

Aura Rose Fitzgerald Clothes: ::AU:: Tatum

92 Sisters in SL Magazine

Gara Beck adorsy - Stalia SET Maitreya/ Legacy CODEX_SELENE SEPTUM NOSE CHAIN Zibska Noir Packs Vols 19 & 20


Sisters in SL Magazine

Gara Beck Tattoo by GARDEN OF KU TATTOO PARLOR Mangula HUD [Unpack] Ava Set Short, Skirt, Bodysuit, Jacket MOVEMENT -I‘m a player bag LERONSO: Sunglasses „Gedbal“


Sisters in SL Magazine

Gara Beck - Blow-Up - Bento Open Mouth & Tongue HUD V1.2 Sintiklia - Hair Lady The Owl. Step into the Unknown SCANDALIZE. Hara NaaNaa‘s Trouble Necklace set poema - Zafira Eyeshadows Tattoo by GARDEN OF KU TATTOO PARLOR


Sisters in SL Magazine

Nerida Head : Lelutka Evo -Erin Skin - LIpstick : Moccino BeautĂŠ Swimsuit : Rapture Rings : Formanails Hair : Doux


Sisters in SL Magazine

Taraji Nola Swade DOUX - Elijah Hairstyle MAJESTY - Diamond Cateye Clear v2 MAJESTY - Sierra Shirt [orange] JustBECAUSE Roberta Skirt - 26White PareXSclt.Shar Boho Bag - White Pure Posion - Cherry Sandals [VEX] The Jubilee 24k BUENO- Committed Necklace ROSSI. Circle Of Life Hoops“


Sisters in SL Magazine


Sisters in SL Magazine

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