Sisters in SL Magazine May 2020

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long term mom Interviews with long term moms around the grid



Mars & Lyle have the answers

GRID NEWS ins and outs of SL Interview with Patch Linden “Mayor of Bellisseria”

psychology insights - motherhood

She’s a Bad Mama Jama

Blossom Meadows goes BeYou! ​ tarting from today Blossom Meadows offers BeYou kitted S homes for those who need them. Let us know whether you want a house, cottage or a skybox. Our offers come furnished and unfurnished.


Long-Term Mother‘s Day in SL............. 18 Cinco de Mayo....................................44 Parallel Universe Productions..............50


The Free Dove.....................................60 Bloodlines..........................................72 Patch Linden Interview........................81 She’s a bad Mama Jama.....................90 Spring Drinks Recipies........................94 What She’s Wearing..........................100

Editorial Team Aurora Night CEO Rebellah A. D’Arcy Editor-in-Chief/Graphician Serenaelia Villiers Team Assistant Writers: Diamond Meness Ayla Zhoy Gia Blossom Brea Santos Photographers: Fayah Rey Ri Camila Astermann

On the Cover

Diamond & June Meness Photo by: Diamond Meness

Letter from the CEO As we continue to live through this historic moment, the days begin to blur into one. We will all hopefully look back at this one day understanding this journey. My heart truly goes out to those who have lost loved ones. Those who are working deep in the field and those who have lost jobs due to this. I am sending you all love and light! This is an important time for us all to try and remain sane. Ensuring we find a reason to smile and get happiness from our days. Checking in on those we miss in RL and finding gratitude in being alive and healthy. As we have SL to get us through our days, really try and use this time

to have fun, build connections and appreciate the friends and family you have inworld. Mother‘s Day is approaching for some. In UK this was difficult to not physically visit family but we all found ways of connecting via video. Just to see that smile and hear those familiar voices made us all connect and reconfirm the love and appreciation we have for our mothers. SISL would like to celebrate our mother‘s by wishing you all a Happy Mother‘s Day! I wish you all good health and to remain safe and sane during this time Love Aurora

Letter from the Editor When one door closes usually at least two windows will open... I do feel it is happening the same for us right now during the lockdowns around the world. I feel like our lives have become so hectic and so senseless in some way, like robots, programmed to wake up, go to work, socialize, come home, sleep and start all over the next day, and now all we get to do is stand still. I have been blessed, until now to not have any member of my family getting sick or suffering from the Covid19, but that hasn‘t stopped me to feel the pain other families endured, or to mourn along with them the loss of a loved family member. Despite all the duress and craziness human values prevailed and it is now proven that when push comes to shove we can show a lot of “humanity symptoms“ despite the general belief that we are by default superior mammals.

It has been a sad Easter holiday for me, personally, as I felt more acutely the pain and sorrows around me, and even if this pandemic has separated us, my family has been with me all along the way. This issue of Sisters in SL is dedicated to all our heroes, also our personal ones. As Wade Boggs said: “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.“

Stay strong, stay positive and stay home! Rebellah

THANK YOU! At first, I was a bit confused about this disease rampaging around the world. What was it called? COVID-19 or Coronavirus? After some reading, I learned that COVID-19 is a new form of coronavirus (cold symptoms) that is extremely infectious. This virus specifically targets the respiratory system, causing mild to moderate respiratory illness for most people. However, it can be devastating to elderlies and people with underlying medical problems. Its transmission is simple: droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. Since there is no vaccine for this virus, it is recommended to

Article and illustration by Serenaelia Villiers

social distancing. I don’t know about you, but I have seen some change in people: a bit less prone to smiling, a bit more depressed, and a bit more aggressive. I am a big fan of fiction movies. Looking at the world around me, it almost feels like we are witnessing the shooting of a movie and the director will soon scream „CUT!“ Mind you, there are no zombies roaming the streets or some crazy person barging in my home to steal my food! However, when you realize that over 2.9 Millions people were diagnosed positive with COVID-19 and that over 206,000 people died from it, you can‘t help but wonder: who will be the director for this movie, because you know they will make one for sure!

But in all this darkness, some lights are shining brightly: doctors, nurses, police officers, firemen, cashiers, construction workers, government workers, scientists, professional cleaners, etc. They have continued to perform their duties to keep us wash your hands with fed, secure, and with a government that will soap, avoid touching allow us to get back to a normal way of life your face, and practice when all is done and a vaccine is found. respiratory etiquette (i.e. coughing into a The Sisters in SL and the Sisters in SL flexed elbow). The Magazine would like to extend a heartfelt hardest practice to thank you to all the front line workers around date has been the the world. Thank you so much for all you do. implementation of You are the true heroes in this battle.



Long-Term Mother‘s Day in SL What long term families want to share

Article by Diamnond Meness Khandr Illustrations by Camila Astermann, Diamond Meness

family values... If there‘s one thing that this current World Emergency has taught me, it‘s the value of family. Just six months ago, life as we knew it consisted of our children hanging out at the mall with their friends, parents stuck in the office from 7am to 11pm or whatever crazy hours that keep them away from their loved ones for extended time periods, or families basically

doing anything that didn‘t involve spending a lot of time together. Those days are gone for at least a little while and as we are all forced to stay home. But what a choice word. “Forced“. Why do we feel we are forced to stay home with our loved ones. It shouldn‘t feel like jail. We should take time now to reacquaint ourselves with our children and mates.


Mother‘s Day

See it as a blessing and joy and not as being locked up in the home. Yes, we are going through a very difficult time, but now is the time to rely on the support of our immediate family. My son recently asked me, what did I want to do for Mother‘s Day. Normally he would buy me a gift or surprise me with a trip out somewhere to a restaurant. Well, that‘s not possible this Mother‘s Day. So I told him dinner at home was fine. My! how things have changed for us all. So, as I reflect on Mother‘s Day coming up, that too will look a

lot different this year. No restaurants, no outings, no girls night out‘. Just mother‘s at home with their families. As a special tribute to Mother‘s Day in May, I wanted to ask some of the mothers in game who have been with the same child for many years what it‘s like to be a Second Life Mom. Most have been mother‘s with the same child 10 years or longer! And let me tell you, that is a long time, in Second Life to be committed to one person. So, how do they do it?

moms in sl are no different... As I was reflecting on their interviews, I noticed a repeat of many of the answers. It was truly amazing! It‘s the secret to longevity of Motherhood in Second Life readers!!! And we have it, right here in Sisters In Second Life Magazine! These amazing mothers and their children have graciously opened up their hearts to the readers and shared their Second Life family to us. We at Sisters In Second Life Magazine want to thank each and every one of them for sharing their world with us.

As a special gift to each other, I asked that each interviewee not share their answers, so this is the first time they will be seeing their answers. We hope that they find joy in what they read and see the incredible impact each mother has had on their child‘s life. We start with Calina Kestetine and her finish up with her daughter Alexandra Kestentine. What an amazing pair. Nearly 11 years together as mother and daughter! What a wonderful thing!

family portraits... What made you want to be a parent in Second Life Calina?

who is kind, generous and has a trusting heart that made me want to protect her. We really Calina - It was never something chose each other slowly over the course of our friendship. that I had planned until Lexi I adopted her in the autumn came into my life, actually, but of 2009, and it has been a what made me want to be her mother was the bond we formed wonderful nearly eleven years. - how easy and naturally I suddenly found myself behaving What is the bond? How have you made it work for so long? as a parent before I‘d even Is she like a RL Daughter to you adopted her. It just felt right. and how so? How did you choose your daughter and how long has she Calina - Our bond would be that we‘ve always been the same been your daughter in Second shade of weird - passionate Life? and unashamed of being total nerds. Our realities have brought Calina - Lexi is a free spirit

us in and out of SL, but we‘ve never lost that connection. We can stand in total silence, doing different things, and just enjoy being in each other‘s company. Of all of my children, I would say that she most feels like a genuine real life daughter to me, as I am very protective of her in a way I‘m not with very many people - in reality or here. Do you have children in RL and do they connect with your SL child? Calina - I have a stepson, but he doesn‘t play SL. I do, however, see the same adorable nerdiness in Lexi as I do in him

What advice would you give to new families just starting out? Calina - Don‘t try to force it. You will either click, or you won‘t and you will know. Start out as friends with no expectation of roles or behaviors, and let the chips fall where they may. Family finds each other if it‘s meant to be, and that kind of bond is near impossible to break. Tell us about the family as a whole, are there other siblings if so how does everyone get along.

Calina - The Kestentine family began with Lexi, my husband and I - but over the years has grown quite a bit. She has several siblings - Akira, Solince, What is a favorite Family Event Jazmyn, and Norvil are among that you share? the currently active in world - all of whom have been together for Calina - We used to make many years and get along great. RezDays a big to-do, but now The family as a whole is quite that we‘re old fuddy duddies, it‘s large, and we‘ve been blessed to a lot of just being at our home have the kind of bond that can playing games, chatting, and keep us together - in world and taking pictures. out.

Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your daughter. Calina - For years, she lived as a horse avatar, and one of the most precious memories I‘ll always have is how - no matter what type of party or place I would be at, she would always join me - dancing with this adorable prance that always charmed people. She‘s now a human avatar, and neither of us realized that she‘d chosen to resemble me until I took her profile photo. It still means alot to me. What made you decide to want parents or a mother on Second Life? Alexandra - I didn‘t initially, meeting Calina was one of those lucky days in my life, she helped me really become who I am, and helped me along in this scary world. How did you choose her as your

mother? What was it about her that made you say, yes....this is the mother for me. Alexandra - originally when I met Calina, I was a noob, and my main goal was to get a horse avatar on here and just run as a horse, I didn‘t want to be human, I needed an escape from RL. But as days went on we got really close, she even helped me purchase my first avatar! I never met someone so caring and helpful and I grew to trust her as a person. And then she asked me... to be her daughter... There were tears, and I gladly said “hell yea!” What is the bond? Is she like a RL Mother for you and how so? Alexandra - Calina is my best friend, and as close to a mother can be in rl. We talk both in and out of sl, and even though it‘s been over 10 years, we have both grown with each other. Her RL is my RL and even though we live so many thousand kms apart. We still are considered RL

as well. I go to her ALL the time for advice and help.

Do you have other siblings in the game, if so, how does everyone get along?

Did you transition (age up over the years) or were you always the same age. Why did you choose Alexandra - I‘ve had many this method? siblings throughout the years, some stay, others go. But it‘s Alexandra - no, I‘ve always been mostly always been me. I always the same age, i kinda considered welcome them in. We all have myself immune to age. I like to such a place to explore and the joke and say I found an Age Relic, less drama the better. but I often switch between Horse and human so I‘m the oldest Tell us your favorite story or weird one?.. haha a particularly special moment about your mother. What advice would you give kids looking for parents in Second Life Alexandra - I don‘t have one particular special moment. Alexandra - do not rush into it, The last 10 years+ have been there are some craziness out incredibly special, every day has there. Really get to know the been absolute luck and perfect people in your life, and don‘t in my eyes, and i hope everyone expect alot from there. Calina gets to meet someone in there met me on day 1 of me on SL and life on this place, like i met Calina I wasn‘t even looking. I was just a bored kid. But she really made me feel welcome, helped me learn all about this unfamiliar place. And we just got to really get to know one another.

Illustration Autumn

Our next family is mother Autumn Yap and her son Lamario Carpaccio. This is an interesting pairing. They started out as Aunt and Nephew and grew into a mother and son spanning 12 years!! We interviewed Autumn first. Same questions.

What made you want to be a parent in Second Life?

wasn’t to me, he was just misunderstood.

Autumn - I really wasn’t looking to be one but me and this kid just clicked. Everyone thought he was bad and he

How did you choose your son/ daughter and how long has he/ she been your son/daughter in Second Life?

Autumn - My son picked me. He was my nephew at first and he grew distant from his mom. We spent quality time together as aunt and nephew and just naturally moved into more of a parental figure.

heart, those are the keepers, the ones you should hang onto.

Autumn - I’d like to believe our bond is unbreakable and unconditional. We definitely have had it tested over the years but instead of letting anything break, we grew together not apart. I let my son know every chance I love him and am proud of him. I think it’s important that when you go through things or feel yourselves growing apart you work through it and don’t let anyone who feels good to you, motivates you, or is a positive force in your life to just disappear. When you find people who have your best interest at

What is a favorite Family Event that you share?

Do you have children in RL and do they connect with your SL child?

Autumn - I have one child What is the bond? How have in rl and no they don’t really you made it work for so long? Is communicate. My rl son doesn’t he/she like a RL Son/Daughter communicate with anyone on sl. to you and how so? Just me.

Autumn - We don’t roleplay a ton but we do love going exploring together especially when either of us are down. I also make sure to send him surprises on major holidays and we honor his late sl father annually. What advice would you give to new families just starting out? Autumn - To take your time and get to know people before inviting them into your heart as

a parent or kid. A lot of people over the years have asked me to adopt and I don’t know them at all. All my current kids I’ve known between 5- 12 years. Any of them becoming my kid just happened naturally. Tell us about the family as a whole, are there other siblings if so how does everyone get along. Autumn - I have a bunch of other kids, all that I’ve had for years. They all don’t claim each other and they all have different levels of needs as a kid. I try to make it clear I am here for them if they need me. I am not the best at checking up and reaching out to people but I do believe that all of my kids know I am just a IM, call, or text away when they need me or want to hang. Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your son/daughter.

Autumn - Every time we hang is always a good one. My faves are helping each other with the Brazy schools. Anytime I had to come pick him up from school for “acting up.” Of course it was never his fault. And also all the places we have explored together. We really have the best talks whenever we link. He is an awesome kid and I’m glad he was my first sl one ever, plus he gave me some awesome grandbebes <3. What made you decide to want parents or a mother on Second Life? Lamario - I wanted the family RP of it all. The feeling of a family on here I saw others have it I thought it was kinda cool. How did you choose her as your mother? What was it about her that made you say, yes....this is the mother for me. Lamario - This is funny it’s like fate brought us together my

mom was my aunt and I was a bad ass avie. I got a ban from all the kid sims, back then they stuck together so you got a ban from one for a serious offense the rest followed suit. So I had to make a new account. In my head I was thinking I’m not telling anyone who I was then I went to MAW that was the adoption spot back then and guess who walked in and I was shocked I started talking to her and told her who I was honestly and she said I’ll be your mom, man that was the best decision in all my SL. She was a great aunt so I knew she be a better mom. What is the bond? Is she like a RL Mother for you and how so? Lamario - I respect her like my real mom. She accepted me when I changed to a male avie. She accepted me in all my choices and decisions, always there to tell me from right and wrong but never degrading or tearing me down like a rl mom.

When my SL dad passed she picked up my pieces and helped me mend. She has been my backbone on here and my best friend. She understands my RP and accepts me for it. She never judges and is the best role player, lol. Did you transition (age up over the years) or were you always the same age. Why did you choose this method? Lamario - So I dont shape shift or age up, cause I like to rp kid and teen. I have a different avi for all my rp. My mom knows this and claims all my accounts. I choose this method cause dont like adult things on my kid avi and this way I can change into character. I don’t have ppl treating me like an adult on my kid avi and vice versa. What advice would you give kids looking for parents in Second Life Lamario - You really have to

find the parents that fit you, ones that mix well with who you are and your role play. There are some great parents out there and I say be honest, be open and most important be accepting not everyone is perfect but there is a family waiting for you. There will be some bumps and things might happen but respect the process. I love my mom, she’s the best and that’s real that is truly my heart.

Lamario - “There are so many in the 12 years lol. I remember I got caught starting a gang at hardknock lol. They wasn’t too happy.. I explained to my mom I didn’t recuit there but one of my people was there and she came to meet with them. They basically called me a delinquent! Why did they do that? The next thing I know.. her, my unks and my aunts family came on the school blowing everything up! I mean lit that school on fire! I don’t think they Do you have other siblings could come back on that sim in the game, if so, how does for a day lol .... She grounded everyone get along. me after that tho. I had to stay 20 meters away from her at Lamario - This too funny uumm all times lol. She was def not my mom has other kids. I mean letting them degrade me lol” we get along ima loner tho so I tend to stay to myself. I claim a few of them we always respect each other tho you have to be mature. Mom has a big heart, love her for it. Tell us your favorite story or a particularly special moment about your mother.

Illustration Valley

My next family is Valley and her daughter Kaylee. They have been together for 9 years in Second Life! These two were hard to get a hold of! But I am glad we got them included. Kaylee is an essential worker so I wanted to make sure I included her and her mom in this article. Kaylee we appreciate all you do!! Now on to their family interview!

What made you want to be a parent in Second Life? Valley - I have always been the nurturing type. I loved looking after people, animals, and prim babies. It was just a natural merge for me, to be a Mom in SL. I have been fairly blessed in SL. Always had my own land/house. I log in regularly and have always enjoyed being a part of the family community. How did you choose your son/ daughter and how long has he/ she been your son/daughter in Second Life. Valley - This will be our 9th year together as Mom and daughter. We really choose each other. We met through mutual people and we just clicked. We laugh at the same silly things, we love the same things in both worlds. Have the same morals and values and we usually have the same ideas. We both have no sense of direction, we both love

shopping. We try and match our nail colours in RL, even though she is half way around the world. She loves my spoilt pooch and I adore her chunky butt cat. When you know, you know. She’s my hot sauce to my burrito! What is the bond? How have you made it work for so long? Is he/she like a RL Son/Daughter to you and how so? Valley - Our bond extends out of SL. She is my best friend in both worlds. I think of her daily and we talk outside of SL nearly daily as well. I call her my “adopted Aussie daughter”. Our bond is a mother/daughter bond. I’m old enough to be her Mom and she’s young enough to be my daughter. I can’t imagine either life without her. There is nothing I would not do for her. She knows I’m here for her, any day or time. She is a huge part of my heart. It works because we

share common ground, and common interests. She’s always respected me, and I respect her. No matter what we are there for each other and always have each other’s back. We can trust and rely on each other. It’s honestly been easy and I’m honoured she called me Mom. Do you have children in RL and do they connect with your SL child? Valley - My family knows all about Kaylee, even my Mom. We send each other pictures in RL and my Mom is obsessed with her cat too, always asking how Kaylie is and what she’s been up too.

4th of July, Halloween and Christmas. We follow most monthly shopping events and family events. We love doing photography, decorating, movies, reading books and cool kid hunts. We also love family farming and cooking. We also belong to a really awesome dance academy that lets us dance as a family. What advice would you give to new families just starting out?

Valley - Know the person, take the trial really slow. I suggest at least a month or more. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions. Things like - Is this your main avatar? Ask them what they want and expect from you as a Mom and family? What is a favorite Family Event Get to know the person behind that you share? the screen. Do your hours match up? Valley - We have too many to Don’t ignore red flags. write down. We love celebrating Remember behind the screen is birthdays and special days a RL adult, even if you have the such as, Valentines, Easter, most adorable 3 year old avatar St Patrick’s, Australia Day, at your feet.

Don’t be guilt tripped into buying them everything they hint at. Sadly there are people who do play children avatars for the wrong reasons. Get to know your child’s friends. The people they hang around tell you a lot about them. Look in their profile or groups. If they have adult groups (you know the ones I mean ). It’s probably not a good sign. Look on the web tab on their profile. If they have had 12 name changes in 6 months this tends to be not a great sign either as often it indicates family hop. Most importantly spend quality time together, get to know each other and all the members of your family. The family that plays together, stays together. Tell us about the family as a whole, are there other siblings if so how does everyone get along. Valley - My family is the best part of my SL. We love farming and auctions. We love

celebrating special days. We attended story times when we could. We go to dance class every week. The best part is parents can join in. I always put my family first in SL no matter what. When we are online, we like to be together. We support our kids’ hobbies and interests and make it a priority to attend their special events. We love kid events and gacha . In our family we have Brad - my beautiful husband of 3 years-and the girls Daddy. We have Kaylie who has been with me for 9 years. My partner in crime and bestie bug. We have Taylin who RP’s a 2 year old. She was our GodBebe for over a year and now as fate would have it, our daughter and Kaylies Sister. She’s a sweet soul and we are thankful she chose us to be her parents and be a part of our family. We also have many long term friends and extended family that we have met along our way. Everyone gets along great. We have our own sim,

with plenty of room and no prim issues as we love to shop and decorate and tend to be prim hogs, (that’s what it’s like with 3 girls in one house). We love it just being the four of us oh, and Bob the goat. (He needs a whole Chapter to himself). Tell us your favorite story or a particularly special moment about your son/daughter. Oh my gosh, there are so many. 1. For over 9 years now Kaylie has zoomed into different animal faces and taken a picture of each animal she comes across. It could be a duck, snake, horse or a cow. They are seriously the most funny pictures and I’m sure she has about 60, each with a name. I keep saying she needs to make a photo book. 2. Once we moved and cleared the entire sim. Kaylie had forgotten. We saw her come online and go offline about 10 times. She messages me and

said she can’t see anything so she had to keep relogging. We laughed for a week. 3. I’m not a very good driver. It’s fairly well known. Once while in a community sim we caught the attention of the local police. I turned to Kaylie and said, “just act normal”. As quick as a flash. She turned into a huge tree avatar and stood with a bunch of prim trees on the side of the road. The police came and didn’t even realise she was a tree the entire time. 4. Kaylie once sent me a letter from camp and asked if she could bring a goat home as a pet. I asked her, “a what “. To which she sent me a picture and there were literally 200 goats rezed in the camp canteen tables and in the teachers beds. Lucky she knows that when she’s in trouble at school her Mom is called Mary, Mary Smith. The teacher is still looking for me. 5. Each year I take Kaylie to visit Santa. She promptly sits on his lap and screams blue murder

while I take a picture. I probably choose this method? have the funniest collection of Santa photos in SL. Kaylee - I stay around the 2 - 5 age range but occasionally like What made you decide to want to age shift into older youth for parents or a mother in Second more clothing and hair options Life? What advice would you give Kaylee - hmm didn’t really kids looking for parents in decide it just happened on its Second Life own without looking Kaylee - Be patient when How did you choose her as your choosing. Don’t rush it mother? What was it about her that made you say, yes... this is Do you have other siblings the mother for me. in the game, if so, how does everyone get along? Kaylee - I remember the first time i met her she was a friend Kaylee - Yes, a sister, we all get of a friend and we just clicked. along good. What is the bond? Is she like a RL Mother for you and how so? Kaylee - Yes she is. We have always been close in both worlds Did you transition (age up over the years) or were you always the same age. Why did you

Cover Photo Diamond Meness

Finally, I couldn’t finish this article without participating myself and interviewing my own daughter whom I’ve had since 2010. There’s something special about her. When me and my husband first got her and her sister, we just felt a connection. Her sister doesn’t play much anymore but she will always be our daughter. We always say our little Junie is her mother’s twin but her father’s equal. Here is our interview.

What made me want to be a parent in Second Life?

had a nice long talk about what we expected and what they expected. It was late when we I am a nurturer. Being a mother finished talking so we agreed is what I am at heart. So to try it and told them well it naturally when the time came was bedtime for them and told in Second Life I wanted to be them they could take their baths one. I came to Second Life to and go to bed. Well when they have a business. Once I got my got out to the tub they went businesses set up, I knew that I running down the hallway with wanted to have a family next. no clothes on… to their rooms and we were in shock! We How did I choose my daughter immediately took them to get and how long has she been my underwear and We daughter in Second Life? felt a sense of protection at that point. Me and my husband went to this “hole in the wall adoption What is the bond? How have I agency” place. Can’t remember made it work for so long? Is she the name of it. I saw this picture like a RL daughter to me and of these adorable twins on the how so? wall who had hair just like me and I knew they were the ones. Junie is a lot like me. She We were strict parents and always tries to find the best they allowed for a probationary in people, always tries to give period. So we decided to give it people a chance over and over a try. We clicked the board and and over again. I think that’s these two twins came up to us. a good quality to have. And We thought they were just the sometimes you get hurt by most adorable girls. We brought people like that. She really is them back to our home and we like a daughter to me in real life.

She can call me anytime she wants outside of Second Life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Telling you about our family as a whole, are there other siblings if so how does everyone get along.

Do I have children in RL and do I In our family it’s just me, Junie connect with my SL child? and her Father. Her other sister comes and goes. But mostly I have boys in Real Life. I never she’s an only child. And she had a daughter in Real Life. So likes it like that. Junie is the daughter I never had. Telling you our favorite story or a particularly special moment What is a favorite Family Event about our daughter that we share? Diamond - My favorite moment We DFS a lot! And She likes to is when we had our special sit go to a lot of camps. So if I am down time at the ice cream available I will sign up and be a shop. She had been gone for counselor. a while due to some real life issues and when she came What advice would I give to new back we had to re-connect. families just starting out? Advice that was given to me by my game mother Take your time. Don’t rush it. xxQueenPinkJuiceeyyxx. And If it’s meant to be it will be. I shared many things with her You have to really get to know about my Real Life. Things I a person to call them family. had not shared with her before. Jumping into it before being I think it made our bond even really sure will not work. We got stronger. I hope that it did 10 years invested. anyway. I feel it did.

- Our motto - “Leaving Is Not An insisted we have a bath... next Option!” thing she knew there were two butt naked toddlers running What made you decide to want through her house. At that parents or a mother on Second? moment my mama took us to get underwear and robes! That June - When i made the was when I knew this was my decision to RP a child in 2008 mama because of the caring I did not want to be an orphan spirit that was shown even inkid. After becoming a part of the world. She welcomed me and kid community I saw there were my sister with open arms with family units in the game and I only one condition... once we are felt I wanted that also. family.... We are always family. The motto she has always said How did you choose her as your is “Our family is forever”. mother? What was it about her that made you say, yes....this is What is the bond? Is she like a the mother for me. RL Mother for you and how so? June - My sister and I were posted on an orphanage board somewhere odd and unknown. We had experienced some really bad SL families and had nearly given up when we received a message from this couple who had no kids at this time. They had been together for a long time and I could sense they were intelligent and mature. We went home with them when mama

June - I feel our bond is that we are real.... we understand others alike. We are both compassionate. My mom is unique, there is none like her anywhere and she is my role model to be a better person. I lost my mother in RL and i feel i can go to my SL mama with anything regardless of my own real life she understands and is always there for me without any

judgments. Did you transition (age up over the years) or were you always the same age. Why did you choose this method?

so be aware of others. Do you have other siblings in the game, if so, how does everyone get along?

June - I have had siblings who moved on to other places but I June - I have changed from a 3 prefer being an only child. year old to an 8-9 year old and that was purely because i feel Tell us your favorite Story or a toddler has many limitations, a particularly special moment much more than a child of an about your mother. older age when it comes to roleplay activities. June - The most special moment to me was when my What advice would you give mom took me to an ice cream kids looking for parents in shop and talked to me about Second Life? things that had happened in her RL and I felt closer to her that June - My advice is to be day than ever before. I had RL patient‌ do a trial period and tears for us on that day. From get to know each other. If you that day to this day i feel closer don’t fit then try again. There to my mama than ever before in are some good people in SL SL and in RL. The bond between and some bad. Watch out for my mom and me is very special yourself and guard your heart. to me from 2010 until now 2020 You will know when the family with many years to come. for you comes in your life. There will be ups and downs but SL is just like RL‌ we all have feelings and RL things going on

So did you figure out what all of these longtime mother’s of Second Life found to be the secret to a healthy long relationship with the same child in Second Life yet? They’ve all said it over and over again. Don’t force it. Let it happen. Take your time, get to know them! Simple right? It really is! Motherhood is seeing the value of who you are as a person and taking everything you have learned over the years and then teaching your child to be the best person they can be. Encouraging them to be the best version of themselves. Teaching unconditional love, acceptance of self and of others, and having inner strength and the empowerment to endure all struggles and foster self confidence so that they can pass their lessons down for generations to come.

Happy Mother’s Day from Diamond Meness and from Sisters In Second Life Magazine!

Article by Brea Garcia Illustrations Camila Astermann



Tuesday May 5 2020, Cinco de Mayo celebrations will begin. In today’s trying times, the world is uncertain of how celebrations will commence. Due to the climate our world is in, we need to shine a light on all holidays and raise our glasses to victories. Speaking of victories, the story of Cinco de Mayo includes a victory over Napoleon Bonaparte or better known as Napoleon The Third.

The Battle of Puebla took place on May 5th, 1862. To begin, the year is 1861. Picture it, Mexico says let’s place a moratorium on all of our debts. According to Webster’s Dictionary, a moratorium is a delay placed on anything that is owed aka Mexico owed lots of money and other countries were not having it. In turn, the troops of the countries England, France, and the United States of America decided to invade Mexico as retaliation! Fast forward to the month of April and both England and the United States bow out gracefully. However, France had a little bit more power in the form of money from wealthy landowners in an

upset, those brave people defeated French troops on May 5th at the Battle of Puebla located near Mexico City. As the saying goes, “ Small victories are better than none.” Over a thousand members of the French forces perished in the battle, but this did not stop France from invading constantly for the next FIVE years. Although it took five more years for the French troops to be driven out, at least it happened. The Battle at Puebla became a symbol of Mexican people’s resistance to foreign domination.The attempt to establish a monarchy city, which was later renamed under Maximillian of Austria Puebla de Zaragoza, is the site while attempting to curb the of a museum devoted to the power of the United States in battle, and the battlefield itself is North America. maintained as a park. The day is Out of greed and the need for celebrated in the state of Puebla control, France is convinced with parades, speeches, and that a raid will defeat Mexico’s reenactments of the 1862 battle, troops. Enter the underdogs! though it is not much noticed in Mexico’s force is composed of most of the rest of the country. mestizo and Zapotec people with barely any equipment I really wanted to specifically with General Ignacio Zaragoza explore the celebration of Cinco commanding them. In a huge

de Mayo in the United States. Interestingly, I know that the country enjoys drinks and a love for the hashtag Taco Tuesdays. Personally, I studied the Spanish language and took a course that told of history so I celebrate it because it is a culture that I truly appreciate. In the United States, many states are home to large populations of people who have Hispanic descent. Some of the highest populations are in the cities of Los Angeles, Houston, and New York City. Therefore, these cities actually have parades to celebrate being proud. I have celebrated Cinco de Mayo once or twice because I enjoy conversation, a nice margarita or sangria, and a taco or four. Saying this brings me to my next thought. While doing my research, I came across a statement that should have shocked me but alas it did not. Unfortunately, in the

United States, Cinco de Mayo is terribly overshadowed by the American people’s love for beer and money. During this time, companies associated with the making of alcohol rush to get propaganda out to entice the masses to purchase a case of cerveza or two. Even if other countries do not celebrate Cinco de Mayo, it is probably an important holiday for friends of those citizens who do not recognize it as a holiday. Please do not confuse Cinco de Mayo with Mexican Independence Day which occurs on September 16th. Being proud of one’s heritage is something as women we should all celebrate. Being in Sisters in Second Life gives us all a chance to bond with glorious ladies from all over the world while learning about different cultures which forge life long bonds. We can all raise a glass to that! Can’t we ladies?



Fashion/ fashion/ FASHION and more....

Article by Diamond Meness Khandr

sisters in second life magazine has always been about promoting positivity of women in the second life community. part of that includes highlighting our favorite in fashion. well, have we got a good one for you, and we found it at the parallel universe production. We are all fans of Fashion reality shows right? We all have our favorites. Be it America’s Next Top Model, What Not to Wear, RuPaul’s Drag Race, or Project Runway, these shows bring fashion entertainment into our homes on a weekly basis and encourage us to go out and look our best, even in the Second Life community. We become obsessed each week picking our favorite designer or model or competitor who we want to see move on into the next round. Well, Parallel Universe Production has picked up on that and has produced their very own show called Style Superstar! But what exactly is Style Superstar? And who is the brainchild behind it? We are about to get to that. I was asked to go to the Style Superstar opening event and I was excited. It was so colorful and fun and promised to be really amazing. I wanted to know more. So I got the name of the creator of this amazing production, Ms Abby Alexander and had a sit down with her to learn all about her company.

Before we jump into what the Parallel Universe Production is all about, tell us about Abby Alexander. Who is she? What brought her to Second Life? Thank you for featuring me in your prestigious magazine , I feel very honored to get this opportunity to share my story with the very many amazing sisters in SL who are perhaps here for the same reasons that brought me and keep me in SL. I am very much like many of you, girls with big dreams, and a zeal to accomplish them. My family and friends mean the world to me. I really don’t think I would have been where I am right now without the help of so many people who have supported me throughout the journey. I am simply in love with the life I have been able to build for myself in Secondlife. The unique opportunities it provides for me every single day to connect with the world and create something that could last the test of time.

What is Parallel Universe Production? How did it come to be? What year did it start? Parallel Universe Production is a production house mainly focused on entertaining general audiences through our reality shows and pageants. We believe in creating realistic shows in all kinds of arts inworld whether it is music, fashion, dance or movies. I was just 3 days into the game, and this was back in 2017, when I met my friend Bella who became my partner in crime in PUP. She was a real estate agent for an RP community back then. I was this wide-eyed Alice who had just tumbled into the rabbit hole of SL You know how it is to be a newbie. Then one day i told Bella about ths idea to start a contest SL wide. She ofcourse said i was nuts! The darling that she is, she came along this ride wth me. What a roller-coaster ride has it been!

It has definitely not been an easy journey. I faced a lot of criticism from professionals in the industry but I guess I learned everything on the job and took me a lot of time to form the perfect team I have now. What are some of the productions that Parallel Universe does or have done over the years? We started with Ms Parallel Universe which is very much similar to other prestigious pageants on SL. Then we expanded to Power Couple which was a compatibility show for couples. And after that came The Viral Voice ,which is a reality series for professional singers in-world. And we are just wrapping up Style Superstar which is a fashion reality series for fashionistas. Miss Parallel Universe & The Viral Voice are our annual shows.

Our mission is to create a platform to shine a light on the amazing talent here in SL and we are very proud to say that not only our winners but also most of our contestants are also doing extremely well in their respective industries. Few examples are Amanda Day , Eva Madenwald who have gone on to win several titles after winning MPU and Maribol Inshan who is a celebrated name in music industry. Which is the most popular one and why? Oh the The Viral Voice has been by far and the most popular one . All our 9 episodes so far were completely sold out and you know that is like a live audience of 120 or 130 and that is excluding the contestants ! The show created a lot of buzz both in-world and in social

media. Things got really heated with supporters not only cheering for their favorites but also sometimes dissing the challengers of their favorites. But we understand how it is and just see it as an expression of their love for the artists.

the knowledge the contestants have in the field of fashion. The contestants undergo various themes as set and they need to prove themselves stylish at every occasion whether they are working out at a gym or going to a party. The winner is going to be decided by a combined Tell us a little bit about the score of public votes and judges current production you have score. Winner receives 5000 going on, the Style Superstar. linens & one year contract with What is it about and where did it Parallel Universe Production for come from? photo & video shoots. Okay, I am going to share a secret with you now. Shhh. I am addicted to RL reality shows !! Be it The bachelorette , America’s got talent or American Idol. So Style superstar is inspired by RL shows like Project Runway, America’s Top Model etc. The idea was to provide a platform for fashionistas who are not models but love fashion on Second Life. This is not a usual pageant as the judges do not solely judge the contestants on their outfits , poses and popularity. They also check

What’s to come for 2020? We started 2020 with Style Superstar and after that we have our annual shows Ms Parallel Universe and Viral Voice season 2 next . This year we are also adding Mr Parallel Universe alongside the Ms Parallel Universe. After that we plan to make more reality series on choreographers & fashion designers . By the end of the year, we plan to release movies which will be exclusively telecasted on SL as a very realistic theater experience

been there with me in personal life . We have our stage designers Bella & Sparky ,Bella looks after the decor and Sparky specializes in stage lighting and special effects and frankly, If someone was looking to have I can’t build a box . Then we have Ms Royalsun , who is a a career with you or wanted popular name in the fashion to participate in one of your productions, how would they get industry with her so many titles. She works on training and in touch with you? choreographing the contestants. Then we have Sophie Hector We just love it when we see who works in operations and passionate people approach coordination. We also have us to know how they can Dreamville Community as our also be part of our PUP venue partner , Any Productions family. Please just drop us & MFTB radio as media partners an email with your resume at and the photographs are done paralleluniversepageants@ by Markus Allan., or better still just get in touch with Sophie Hector when she is available and we Do you find running a business in Second Life difficult? How will surely see if we are a good do you manage your Second fit for you. Life business with your Real Life Tell us about your amazing team obligations. and how helpful they are to you. Yes, it can get really hectic. Oh even a single person There are all kinds of operational in my team is a gem. They and technical challenges that have not only supported me pop up every day which needs to professionally but also have be sorted out promptly. I have a for residents . The vision is for us to create some original entertainment content that you can look forward to every weekend.

full time real life job which is as challenging as my SL job. But I love the challenge they provide me in both lives. I kind of thrive on that rush. I do try to keep the shows on alternate weekends reserving two weekends for my real life . And of course I am blessed with this amazing team who have always stood by me through thick and thin.

episode in the shortest. What advice would you give the next person trying to break into the entertainment business on Second Life.

I believe that the first and foremost thing is that you should only do it if you think it would be fun, if you think you would enjoy doing it. And then I suggest that you get down How much work goes into to planning the minutest of putting together one of your details of your vision, write them productions? Is some more down and ensure your team involved than others and how understands it, no matter how big has your biggest production many times you have to explain been? it. And lastly, never hesitate to say no. It can sometimes be Like any business , we have hard - be polite, be respectful, to look at all aspects whether but do stand up for yourself and its marketing , sponsor what you believe in. -vendor -contestant- guest Well there you have it! Thank management or costings. Single you Abby for sharing your shows are comparatively easier incredible business with us. for us as compared to series You are indeed a successful where we have more than one and very busy business woman. episode as we have to keep Your empire is absolutely up with the in-world votes and keeping you busy but also in online votes & also create new the spotlight. I am very excited interesting content for each for you and for all that you have

Photosource Facebook going on. I can’t wait to see all the exciting things coming in the future. Readers! This is one to watch out for! And don’t forget to check out the entire first episode of The Style Superstar on their Facebook page located at videos/3570050376751937/

Woman of 2020


FREE DOVE Interview with Palomma Casanova

Article by Gia Blossom Illustrations by Ri, Gia Blossom

Free Dove, a well renowned name in Second Life. One of the very first places we all have visited at a certain time before we began our journey here. A place that has been there for more than a decade. One we expect that has been in existence on its own helping so many people all over the Grid. Back in the day, it was the first place that provided free clothing for newbies in Second Life. As the times have changed, so has Free Dove; walking hand in hand with the changes. The other day I visited the place after about 3 years to do more research for this article. You will be surprised I ended up getting almost all the group gifts and shopping with few of my

girlfriends. The place has mesh body compatible clothes as well. Free mesh body by eBody along with ideas to incorporate BOM Compatible skins. Free Dove umbrellas gifts from a number of famous brands like Masoom, Chop Zuey, EarthStones, Asteria, Ydea, Artizana are just a few names among many that come to my mind right now. You can look at the whole list here https:// I was honored to interview the brains behind

such a huge project that has been ongoing over the past fifteen years. The original Dove (Palomma Casanova) is a very humble lady, friendly, with a big heart to help everyone. She has been the only one who has been working to make Free Dove what it is today. At the beginning of the interview we talked about our real lives, the pandemic and precautions. Usually I never share my life beyond Second Life with anyone. However, in just the second meeting with her, I opened up completely. Her warmth and care seeped deep in me; which for reasons unknown I want you all to know as well. GB - When you started with Free Dove, what were your thoughts or inspiration to do it? And after so many years what’s the motivation to continue doing it? Dove: Well I came to SL in 2004, so I saw this girl from 2003, she was giving so much to the community... hold on, I tell you the name Misty Rhodes she gave

newbies so many items at that time everything was free and we were all together, sharing, it was great to share I learned that from her, that in a game you could do that. I took a year or so enjoying the game and getting better in it and thought I could use my land to put a freebie place with appearance items from known designers something that she was not doing she gave cars and all and houses, motorcycles there was another freebie location giving furniture and items but nobody gave clothing and I thought, I could always help that way because in RL I love fashion and was modelling. I could help that way becase we all looked good and slowly I was inviting others At first I was helping people with shapes and making them feel good. There was another land I had.. so I thought, let me call it FREE! My name is Dove in spanish “Paloma” so FREE DOVE and it became very popular. Not only that, to make it fun for me, I wanted to promote and also help the designer that shared their item, so that is why adding

a landmark on their free item is so mandatory for me. That way I could help on two points. The giver also and the one that receives and also I help myself to do something in SL that could be fun for me to do and that was the motivation and since the game was starting, I could help. Therefore I was the first person in SL that thought of this idea here.

but back then I did. I had a designing store, before prims were introduced in our clothes. I don’t have patience creating so I stopped the name was “A White Dove~Palomma’s Fashions”

GB: What was your most favorite creation. I understand all creations are like babies to a designer. But still your most favorite. Something you were GB: Have you tried making things proud to have made. in SL in the last 16 years? Dove: I painted in RL so I wanted to put my abstract paintings in Dove: I had people at that time the clothing I sold pretty good that were the initial makers but once prims were part of the of skin at Free Dove. I don’t designs, I thought errr, I can’t do building or designing now

do this!!! lol but they were from scratch it was fun while it lasted then after I closed, I put it cheap at 25L and people still bought

was in SL when this started, the marketplace back then it was not this way I saw many things invented or created back then

GB: That’s cool actually the concept of abstract paintings on sl is really nice and there are some stores who are imbibing it on mesh as well. I remember Petit Chat doing it.

GB: On a lighter note, you chose the second name as Casanova, why this name? Dove : No idea, just was a spanish last name. There are nice songs in spanish with that last name. It was one of the few last names we could choose at that time.

Dove: Maybe some day I could bring it as BOM you never know That is why I created by group The Palomma Style Fan Club but now I just have it at Free Dove At Free Dove you can write a for people that want to be in my message for Palomma. She group showed me a few latest ones. She finds it motivating to GB: Do you think for a designer continue with her project while who has only a marketplace her maximum effort goes behind store, it is easier to get more bringing quality designer’s customer awareness and does creations under the one roof. stores without a marketplace make it big in sl? GB: Sometimes people say RL took over SL, in so many years Dove: Well, my opinion, there must have been those especially as a shopper, no times. How did you get past people go to MP, and they want those? Or was your passion it to see it in world and many always a part of it that rl or sl people are more visual but is situations didn’t matter much. a good venue to have both I

Dove: Well, I am handicap, so SL helps me a lot. I wasn’t handicap when I started though. I think I stopped walking back in 2009 maybe, I don’t remember I modeled so I had another big business in SL called DoveVogue, which was one of the biggest modeling agency for 4 years, around 2005-2008. I spent a lot on fashion shows, I did 98 fashion shows. Rebel Hope was starting at that time. I had around 200 models. I taught modeling, because I was teaching it in RL. The shows were huge and used to be filled so much that sometimes sim crashed. At that time Free Dove

was small so this was my main thing. GB: Will you be interested in beginning teaching it again? Dove: No, well different times now I am older, more sick now, so the energy is not the same I suffer from a fatal disease I was born with but people don’t know because I don’t use it as an excuse. I never did. Now, maybe I talk more because people perceive my energy differently but I am a positive person. Dove lost her sister, Ingrid in

real life in the very early days. She wanted her to join a virtual life. Today in her memories she has created the beautiful park Sunflower Memories. At the park you can see a sunflower dancing under the umbrella of trees and meadows of sunflowers. She loves to landscape and create parks. Recently she created the Dove Zen Park that has the ongoing sale event. Dove: Since I give all free, I thought, let me do an event where people sell. These days there are so many events. Four years back there were only a few. was fun, just to hand on the top was all empty. One day after this friend left SL, I thought, I should make these bigger. The mega prims were allowed. So I made them 2 floor appts. And now have 12 apts in the tower. They are now 100L with 15 prims because they are well furnished. They used to be 75L but time passed and I had to increase. GB: Please tell me a little about the Goddess Romance Tower Rentals.

The twin towers are medieval looking for the outside but inside they have very modern furniture. The rental income Dove: The rentals are cheap earned is reinvested in the land because it’s for the newbies. I tier payments. At the moment had a tower a friend partner did she owns 2 sims. She likes for me. It was a cylinder that we these towers so much and the put on another cylinder on top memories associated with them until we got way up. And then we that we might see another tower used to hang there. That tower

very soon with a total count to three. And 3 also happens to be Dove’s favorite number. The owner of Active Urban Rentals, a friend, helps Dove with the scripting for security of these apartments. Dove loves to socialize and sometimes she might be undercover socializing, like celebrities. However, she is one of the most humble and down to earth celebrities I have met in SL. She loves to work in public relations. Hence, all her businesses will also proclaim the same. She likes to keep personal and professional relationships separate, which is a very good attitude if you have a business.

need people and I am christian and I love to spread the word of God. I dont preach but I have Jesus in my heart. In real life, Dove is suffering from a fatal disease called Sickle Cell. Inspite of the pain and all the things associated with it, she single handedly organizes events, has been owning Free Dove and the works. This also includes the rental business. Her helping attitude is what makes her so special. Quiet right there was a time in SL when people would come forward to help you. But lately the times seem to have changed. Yet, there are special people like Dove who are doing it, foregoing the real life situations and the second life hurdles.

GB: Don’t you think you have this luck with you, or something special with you ofcourse with GB: What are the other games hard work that makes any you play? business a success. Dove: I play WOW, Sims and Dove: I am a friendly person and HayDay. When one doesn’t work, way blessed, Gia. It is what I love leave it and go to another. Sims to offer to people. Sometimes I relaxes me. Helps you use your ask myself why God keeps me mind. These past days, I have here, but I love to help. People dedicated myself to learning

something new. In a week, I learned all the states of the USA and now I can identify them. I am also learning the flags of the world. Play some memory games which are something fun and different.

at Free Dove. Then I maintain and and all the social media- facebook, flickr among others. The Free Dove group now has 104,000 members.

We kept driving off topic sharing our real lives. SL might be a bed of roses and the land of dreams, but the rl stories are more heart touching. I shared my problems with her and she did hers. We talked about expectations in both worlds. We talked about assumptions in both worlds. She turned out to be someone I could talk with. We became a shoulder to each other. It’s a very rare quality in SL to share something so pure in a conversation with someone.

The popularity at Free Dove could be spoken with the number of visitors and the traffic displayed in search results. Plus the number of designers associated with the place. At any moment of time there are a minimum of 25 average number of people at the sim. GB: Let’s summarize the interview, how would you describe your journey in SL so far in a few words?

Dove: My first language is Dove: To tell you the truth I want Spanish so, trying to find to enjoy SL, I love having big words. “Extension of life”, lands and creating parks. It’s “Companionship”. “Enjoyment”, 15 years of Free Dove!! I would “Relieving of pain”, “Helps love to get more number of the in your mental capacity and best designers in SL. Right now creativity”, “Freedom”, “Artistic”. I am collecting all designers info and need to visit each store. I really hope the best for you There are over 150 designers in anything you do in SL. And

thank you for all the hard work you have put in for so many years. My words will fall short of the sentiment I have now for you, getting to know more about you. Summing up 16 years in an interview is not easy. It has been a huge pleasure and a huge honor to talk with you. I can certainly say at some later time in future. I knew Dove of Free Dove. You have inspired many and will inspire many more. You have touched souls as I said in the most simple ways.

The next time you visit Free Dove, don’t forget to mention that you are thankful to Dove and put in some donations for all her hard work, her efforts and her willingness to give free gifts. Relax in the park, “Sunflower Memories” or the “Garden of Butterflies” and remember the friends we made in this place. I share one deep soul connection with Dove. “Humans, not places, makes memories” - Ama Ata Aidoo

If you are looking for a game that lets you use your imagination to create your own persona and story, one that gives you a choice of races to choose from, and provides a massive support system BLOODLINES is the game for you! Simply put, it is a Second Life multi-player online role-playing game. That is where the simplicity ends and the fun begins.

Your ULTIMATE RP Adventure

BLOODLINES Ar ticle by Ayla Zhoy Illustrations by Ri

in the beginning... Since its inception in 2008 by Mars Bracken and Lyle Maeterlinck, BLOODLINES has evolved from the basic Vampire element to what is now a complex - and intriguing - group of the Human, Lycan, Angel and Demon players with their own array of HUD’s and attachments and their own regions which are unique to each faction.

Mars was in SL first (on another account) in late 2006 and was running a small business. Lyle came in a bit later and they formed a partnership Mars & Lyle: We had a very successful Halloween of 2007 - sold a lot of spooky trees and pumpkins! After that Halloween we decided we wanted to aim for something bigger, and we observed that (at the time) there were no real games in Second Life. There were no crafting games, no games with websites or rankings or stats - all things that tend to be engaging and fun components of games we were playing on consoles or PC. We both love vampires and gothic horror, and we already had a horror / fantasy store and customer base, so it was a fairly easy decision to try making a vampire game. That became BLOODLINES. I remember my noobie days in SL and one of the first things I was given was some garlic to ward off vampires. Sure enough, one night out dancing, I was approached and asked to be bitten. I immediately put my necklace on and that seemed to stop all but the most aggressive of players. Not only did this become an issue, it was also blown out of proportion by non-BLOODLINES players and became quite a controversy, perhaps causing some flak for individual players and BLOODLINES as a group. MARS & LYLE: In the early days there was a sort of panic about BLOODLINES among non-players. In early 2008 everything was peaceful and then boom, all of a sudden there were thousands of vampires sending bite requests in stores and malls all over SL. We didn’t intend on disrupting the fabric of society or anything, and the rapid spread surprised us as much as anyone! I think since then a few things have happened - for one, many other games sprouted up, normalizing games in SL. And we also made things like the Garlic Necklace and a few adjustments to how the game worked so that it might be a little less of a hassle for those who don’t want to play. But at the end of the day we can only really provide tools for people to roleplay, we can’t police their behavior. I think perhaps also players eventually codified some etiquette that made the game a little more friendly. The one thing every BLOODLINES player must purchase is a HUD for the race they choose to roleplay. There are 5 core systems: The Thirst - Vampire The Rage - Lycan The Virtue - Human The Ascent - Angel The Torment - Demon Each HUD has race specific items, such as fangs for Vampire play, claw marks for Lycans, etc. There is also the HYBRID race, which is a combination of traits from 2 different races

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as in, a mix of traits from an Angel or Demon is known as a Nephilim. Interesting, since the ancient Nephilim in the Old Testament of the Bible are sometimes refer as Fallen Angels, and were around before the great flood.

and then came legends...

MARS & LYLE: As with a lot of the developments in the game the hybrid options came from players requesting it. When BLOODLINES first started we didn’t have potions or even a way t transfer souls from player to player, so if you got a soul it was yours forever. Then based on p suggestions we released the Soul Reaper, Potions, on and on through the products and upda until you get to the Hybrid situation. For a long while it was just Vampire / Lycan hybrids, but we released Angels and Demons it made sense to create all the hybrid possibilities.

onfess a liking Rage and rment - they ant in their and design.

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BLOODLINES LEGENDS is the most recent release - a sort of game within the game - that requires only the LEGENDS HUD to play. This allows you to go on quests, collect resources by following a magic map, claim regions with a claim flag . .and more. Questing must be a good way to become more familiar with the game, and explore around the sims - for BLOODLINES players as well as LEGENDS only players. There is a backpack which starts with 32 pockets to collect resources, and you can add more by leveling up in the game. The five BLOODLINES sims are very well done and quite intriguing to explore. Each of the groups has its own sim and they are all appropriately designed for each race. MARS & LYLE: The sims have been a pet project for Mars since the early days, before Legends or Questing. We had a vampire RP area below our one store, and then when we added a sim and store for the Lycans we added another RP area. About 4 years ago we started doing little one-off quests down there, which eventually helped spawn the idea for the full-blown Legends crafting, harvesting and questing system. And it just seemed fun to have quests and stories and environments that were themed towards each race, and the different sensibilities and environments they might prefer.

I was able to ask Mars and Lyle if they were active players in the game - it seemed a shame to have devised such a fun game and not be able to play, here is what Mars said, speaking for them both: “We’re open about the fact that we aren’t active players, and there’s a few good reasons for that. For one, it wouldn’t be fair - any clan we joined would immediately be seen as getting favoritism, and we strive to always be egalitarian in how we deal with everything that goes on in-game. Secondly, we don’t have the time! As with a lot of creators in SL, building and scripting fills our schedules up, and releasing new content takes a priority over ‘living’ a Second Life. However, we do maintain a strong connection to our volunteer Liaisons and our players, and we read and file every suggestion and request for consideration when we’re doing updates, so we like to think that we are able to keep our head in the game, even if we’re not playing it on a day to day basis.”

This interview and my comments barely scratch the surface of what BLOODLINES has to offer its players. I don’t think you can fully appreciate the complexities of the game unless you decide to join the group and start the play. There are magical places to be found, charms to be gathered, spells to be cast and souls to reap . . . but these are things for another story.

GRID NEWS ins and outs of SL Interview with Patch Linden “Mayor of Bellisseria”

Article & Illustrations by Rebellah A D’Arcy

Thank you the time to interview w in SL Maga

Bellisseria May 2020 We will be trying to shed some light on the new happenings around Second Life, the new things that are going to brighten our days, future plans and of course we’ll be talking about the amazing new continent, named Bellisseria. For the readers who are not accustomed with what Bellisseria is, this new project is Patch’s baby, and the Belisserian citizens see him as their beloved Mayor. Patch and his team of Moles have been working hard since last April, - well way before that in reality, but from what was visible to us, to bring the Second life users the most beautiful continent ever. There are already 4 themes of homes available, we are looking forward to the release of the 5th theme which was already revealed at the Home and Garden Expo. The log homes are now available to everyone.

u for taking o do this with Sisters azine, Patch.

Dear Patch, please tell our readers a bit about yourself and your role in the development of the new “look” of Second Life; about the Moles team and about future plans regarding the new developments and projects that are planned. We know you can’t reveal too much but we’d love to know as much as you can tell us. Today, I am the Vice President of Product Operations for Linden Lab. Prior to that and even going back to my earlier days, I’ve always been deeply involved with Second Life and it’s Product Operations. Due to the length of time I’ve spent in, and working on this platform, I’ve been a stakeholder expert when it comes to it, both as a Product and a representative of Residents inside Second Life. One of the core values I embraced when I started working with Linden Lab was “Walk in

our Resident’s shoes”. I feel that guiding principle has been partly responsible for how we make decisions internally and how they impact all of you. I feel that leads to how I can help guide all of us towards the future and what Second Life can do for all of us as we go forward, both from a look and feel perspective to a business and product perspective. As for new projects on the horizons, I think you all know most of them already, so I won’t spend too much time rehashing them, but Premium Account features are high on that list. How did Bellisseria come to be? What was your vision and what made you want to give this new “face” to the old Linden Homes? Are there more themes planned to happen? One of the biggest pieces of feedback

we were receiving surrounding Premium Account features as we started working on them was the aging Linden Homes offering and a calling for us to update them. As I listened to that feedback I started to dig into more about what was wanted, features requests, theme suggestions, etc. Once I had a really good grasp on everything, we put together a scope for the project and we were given the opportunity to move forward with building our first home theme. There are more themes coming!

general population has changed. What made this open doors policy possible? I owe credit to Ebbe for this. Not long after he started, Ebbe encouraged us to increase that communication dynamic directly into the communities with Residents. Is Bellisseria supposed to resemble any real life continent?

Since Bellisseria started the communication Nope, it’s all a fabrication that has mostly dynamic between LL officials and the come out of Abnor’s head. :D

Will there be more new continents coming up? Yes, probably, if we don’t just end up connecting them all together. Does that make them all one big supercontinent then? *ponders*

lovely moles rezzed the atomic towers on one of the “undeveloped” regions at that time, but will there be any other themes in regard to the non human aspect or post apocalyptic styles? Nice try, I’m still not going to tell you. :P

What will the move to the cloud mean for SL On the financial aspect of Second Life, users? Will that affect them in any way? regarding the Second Life economy, how will the commercial sector develop in the Well this isn’t directly in my wheelhouse, future, given that Bellisseria is absolutely and I think it’s too early for us to know. non-commercial? Will there be parts of it I know that we hope for various things that will be opened to that or not at all? like better performance of course, and And if not then how will commerce be dealt that it will hopefully have positive effects with? on everything. As for direct impact to Residents beyond So, we’ve always had a commercial area improvements, we have a plan. I’d recently even spoken a little bit saying… “The less you notice, about it and hinted at what Millbank was the better of a job we’re doing supposed to be used for originally. Funny with completing the work!” enough, that hint led to a bit of a backlash of negative feedback and it makes me Will the continents be all take even more pause on trying to unify united? As it looks right some level of commercial capability in now on the map, Bellisseria Bellisseria (think more like Linden Homes is already connected to the for Businesses - or micro shops). If we do south of Sansara Continent it, we want to do it right. That includes my and the north of Jeogeot. Will abundantly cautious sense of priorities, the expansion encompass all the other which right now place emphasis on continents? And if so, will then all the water releasing more homes over diverging be sail-able? resources on to something else. They might be one day, if it makes sense to. Some of them are very far apart and making that bridge via land mass or even water could be difficult. We’re going to do our best to connect everything we can, where it makes sense. Sailing will always play some role in the connections in the same regard. I know we have been joking and teasing about multiple themes last year when the

Since we already came to the financial and commercial part of our interview, are there any plans to support the industries that have developed in SL over the years? The introduction of mesh in SL a few years ago made some stores close for good. There have been a lot of changes on the fees lately as well as the coming of the BOM that has made another lot of store owners close their businesses. Are there any fail-safe options for the smaller entrepreneurs?

This is a really deep set of questions, at least for me it is because I come from having been a fairly large content creator myself back in the day. It’s difficult to answer for me, because I want to do so compassionately and I don’t know if this is the right venue to answer it. I could practically make an entire interview out of talking about it. I suppose if I had to give a partial answer to it, I feel like there are safeguards that can be taken, and even in light of the fee increases we’ve seen over time, the cost of doing business has to adjust and being ready to scale with it is key. That’s my business hat talking, but also coming from the perspective of having been that Resident creator before. Second Life as a virtual platform requires a lot of computer power per se, and also a good graphic hardware. With all the beauty and technology we have available now is not hard to do, but will Second Life be even more graphic power oriented? I know it’s not mandatory for everyone to be in SL, but that would also limit the average population that doesn’t have a mid powerful PC to enjoy it to the fullest, or even to leave it be due to that.

little what that means? There are a lot of speculations about that and people are really curious… We’re calling it Premium+ :) It will be another level of premium membership that has additional features on top of what the normal premium membership level gives you today. Last, but not least, I know I have asked you about that name change option before, and the return of the last names, and I’m sure our readers would also like to know more about that, too. How will all that happen and what conditions are necessary in order to be able to get a name change? Will name changes be only available for Premium members or will they be available to anyone? All will be revealed along with answers to these questions when things are ready to go out the door. :) How did you discover SL, what made you stay this long, and did it have anything to do with your love for Disney?

I discovered Second Life during a time It’s a tricky balance to maintain. Wanting when I was sort of between MMO’s back to go out and make Second Life even more in the day. I had heard about Second Life beautiful and take advantage of the latest on a radio talk show when I was driving and best graphics hardware available today home from my then job. As I’ve always had would cause that bar to potentially move up. a certain affinity for all things Disney, and We’re always very cognizant of the choices having come from the land of the Mouse, we make when we work on things like along with the fact that I’ve always been rendering or content compatibility to ensure extremely creative, Second Life seemed like the most backwards compatibility we can a natural fit for me to stretch my creative offer. side. In Second Life I can come in and use my imagination to bring things to life, We have heard about the Super-Premium virtually of course. membership. If you could share with us a

I appreciate you taking the time to answer all these questions for us, I hope I havent been too “curious� regarding the future plans. This new face of Second life is a miracle happening that no one was ever expecting.


According to Webster’s Dictionary, motherhood is defined as the act of being a mother. This term started seeing its usage begin in the 1800s but re-read that definition again. Does that not sound so bland and generic? How is that motherhood gets such a general definition when I am sure that tons of ladies feel life if someone opened the dictionary and wanted to see an illustration of motherhood, it would be a portrait of themselves or someone that they love. Knowing this, what exactly happens to a woman’s body and mind while she is carrying a life inside of her womb and after the precious life is delivered into the world?

Article by Brea Santos Illustrations Rebellah Antoinette D’Arcy

OGY OF MOTHERHOOD Let’s dive into the topic using the wonderful world of psychology, shall we? In an article published by the University of British Columbia, motherhood can be challenging and change a woman emotionally due to the process of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. I know what you must be thinking. What in the world does that even mean? I gasped as I typed it myself. However, this process refers to the creation of new neurons in the hippocampus. Interestingly, the hippocampus is an area located in the brain that deals with all things emotional and cognitive. The hippocampus’ function slows dramatically during pregnancy and post-partum which leads to changes in one’s emotions and cognitive processing which is why some ladies experience a little thing we like to call “mom brain”. You know what that means right? After you have a bundle of joy, you might forget simple things or become easily distracted. However, once we age, women who are mothers gain more neurons than those ladies who have not become mothers yet. During gestation, a mother’s immune system adapts in order to maintain the pregnancy and support the developing fetus, but little research exists on neuroimmune changes associated with motherhood. Therefore, in order to find out more about the possible changes on the female brain during pregnancy and the postpartum phase, the University of British Columbia decided to conduct research on adult rodents to observe any changes in the brain. While studying the mice, the research team noticed a change in the shape of microglia or glial cells derived from mesoderm that function as macrophages (scavengers) in the central nervous system and form part of the reticuloendothelial system. This finding led to thinking that there may have been swelling on the brain which caused the neurogenesis. Strangely, the rats who were already mothers had a decrease in the process during pregnancy and immediately after but showed more signs of neurogenesis as they aged in contrast to those rats who had not given birth.

Of course, a woman’s body is going to change drastically once conception happens. However, we must remember that a change will come not only physically but mentally which is why some mothers experience depression after giving birth. Enter the magic hormone of oxytocin! Oxytocin is known as the love hormone which is what kicks in those motherly instincts before a baby has even arrived. It also triggers contractions and helps the production of breastmilk begin. Once your bundle of joy arrives, the emotions that flood along with the bonding from just cradling your child, is all thanks to oxytocin.

Oxytocin isn’t the only love chemical. Dopamine, the main currency of pleasure in the brain, plays an important role in early bonding too, for you and for your baby. As you hold, rock or feed your child, you both get a rush of this “reward” chemical. Celebrate your bodies ladies! Look at all we can accomplish as women. Not only can we bring life into the world, we can look amazing while doing it. Personally, I have not been blessed with an opportunity to become a mother yet, but I adore children. I think that a woman’s intuition and motherly instincts are hand in hand. So on May the 10th, for those wonderful sisters who have brought precious life in the world, pat yourself on the back and pour a glass of wine to celebrate. I know I will be loving my mother on that day because I could not ask for a better role model to model my mothering skills after once that time comes for me. If no one else tells you, I am so proud of you! You are strong and beautiful with so much to be thankful for. You are a true force of nature and your children are very lucky!

Spring Drinks getting ready for the hot days Article by RI

Rosemary Grapefruit Refresher

3 oz. vodka 2 grapefruits, juiced 1-2 oz. rosemary simple syrup depending on sweetness preference (Alternatively rosemary twigs) 6 oz club soda (optional) Shake vodka, grapefruit juice, and simple syrup well with ice. Pour in a glass and serve. If you’d like a bit more diluted grapefruit flavor, pour into a tall glass, and top with club soda. Alternatively, for a more innocent version you can simply enjoy it with flavoured sparkling water as well, I prefer elderflower or lemon and lime!

Passionfruit and Elderflower Fizz

Ingredients 1/2 cup elderflower cordial 3 passionfruit 1 lime juiced sparkling water Instructions Pour the elder flower cordial into a jug. Scoop the seeds from the passionfruit into the jug and add the lime juice. Top up with sparkling water to taste - I made mine up to a litre (4 cups) but you can do more or less according to your preference. Serve over ice.

Dalgona Coffee

Ingredients 2 tbsp instant coffee or espresso powder 2 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp very hot water 400ml/14fl oz milk Method Add the instant coffee, sugar and hot water to a medium mixing bowl. Using an electric hand-held mixer, whip the coffee mixture until it is light brown, fluffy and holds stiff peaks when the whisk is removed. Heat the milk, if desired, and divide between two heatproof glasses. Spoon dollops of the frothed coffee mixture on top and smooth out with a spoon. Serve at whichever temperature, beat down upcoming sunny days with some ice! Tip:- For a Friday afternoon dalonga, beat in 1-2 tsp of coffee liqueur into the coffee mixture. (This recipe has taken instagram and tik tok by a storm. Everyone’s making it and we all should too!)

Hydrate with style!

Top up your drinks with fresh juiced fruits, adding sparkling water (flavoured or plain) to fruit puree or juice will make you forget cola and will motivate your whole family to drink more liquids!

Strawberry Lemon Mimosa

INGREDIENTS 1 teaspoon strawberry puree 2 ounces lemonade 3 ounces champagne (chilled) INSTRUCTIONS Strawberry puree: in a food processor, add hulled and washed strawberries and puree. In a glass, add strawberry puree, followed by lemonade. Top off with champagne and serve with garnish of lime/lemon and strawberry slices for extra flavor.



Mother’s Day Exile - Smolder JustBECAUSE - Leena Dress - Maitreya Lara *AvaWay* - Blume Armlets Maitreya *AvaWay* - April Necklaces and Earrings (Yummy) - Theia Ring Set - Maitreya


Springtime JustBECAUSE - Layla Dress Lamb. - Babydoll .euphoric ~Felisja Beauty Set~[Genus] *AvaWay* - LEAH Bracelet *AvaWay* - LEAH - Necklace

Sunny Day Seniha - Gaby Set - Top Pink Cream Pie - Beth Capris Exile - Illyana Cae - Juno necklace **RE** - Esprit Belly Piercing - Butterfly - Maitreya .euphoric - Coquette Lipstick Applier


Cinco de mayo [Aleutia] - Maria Dress (Maitreya) IDTTY FACES - Genus Yes Maam Collection “”D!va”” Hair - “Mayumi3” (Type A)(Garnet) KUNGLERS - Simone necklace and earrings - Sapphire

Stealthic - Devotion (Browns) *LODE* Head Accessory - Avril Crown [pink] *Tentacio* Rafia bag pink Belle Epoque { Sheila } White


DOUX - Rehab hairstyle Asteria “Jinx” Necklace - Gold Scandalize. Ariella Top. Yellow Blueberry - Alicia - Flare Pants - White

Tableau Vivant - Mariposa hair Scandalize. Valvena Outfit [Black Bantam] Sleep Now Baby Boy RARE


Sintiklia - Hair Titania *Just BECAUSE* Rebel Dress - 18Lilac *Tentacio* Lavander bouquet

DOUX - Ava Hairstyle [L] [KuddelMuddel] Modekenner Eyewear Tentacio - summer festival bag Frayed - Fancy Beret - Fatpack AMITOMO - Special to me GACHA - Maitreya - 11 23. {sallie} Bookworm Girl - Lace-up Platform - white


DOUX - Tainy Hairstyle :::ChicChica::: Mineral water 25. {sallie} Bookworm Girl - Books with Strap - brown ON-LINE. SCHOOL LOOK / BERET GRAY Mossu - Gabrielle.Dress - Lacepack ISON - agnes cardigan REIGN.- MINI SLIPS- CORDUROY PACK

“Ready for a nice stroll down Ocean Drive but before stepping out I didn’t forgot my ice slush to stay cool as I look out waiting for Sisters”


Hair: AD - Kama - blacks Cynful #StayHome Necklace ROSSI. Circle Of Life Hoops Gold [VEX] The Jubilee Platinum Noelle Eternity Ring Platinum CandyDoll- Krista Romper Banana Pure Poison - Cherry Sandals

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