Sisters in SL Magazine June 2020

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June 2020

Sisters in SL Magazine Dolce Amore Regions

Pride Month Interview with Avalon Bouvier

Prince Legacy

Fathters Day Juneteenth

A Tradition Born Out of a Tragic Past

Richmond Survival Camp


Sisters in SL Magazine


Sisters in SL Magazine


Sisters in SL Magazine


Sisters in SL Magazine

CONTENTS Juneteenth

pg 18

Welcome Cyn

pg 24

Happy Children‘s Day

pg 28

Interview with Avalon Bouvier

pg 38

Father‘s Day pg 48 Pride Month pg 66 Fashion Trends

pg 74

Dolce Amore Beach pg 80 Prince Legacy pg 88 Richmond Survival Camp

pg 94

Covid-19‘s Strain and Effects

pg 102

Bloodlines II - Vampires and Humans pg 106 Sisters on the Catwalk pg 116 What She‘s Wearing pg 128 10

Sisters in SL Magazine


CEO Aurora Night Chief-in-Editor and graphics Rebellah Antoinette D‘Arcy Writers: Ayla J, Diamond Meness, Seren Villiers, Brea Santos, Gia Blossoms, Addy Omena, Cinzia Barzane Photographers: Ri, Fayah Rey, Addy Omena, Rebellah A. D‘Arcy, Mayza, Camila Astermann Copyright Notice - Disclaimer This magazine and its content is copyright of Sisters In SL - © Sisters in SL Magazine 2020. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following: ◘ you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and noncommercial use only ◘ you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the magazine as the source of the material You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system. “SL and Second Life are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Sisters In SL Magazine and the Sisters In SL group are not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.”


Sisters in SL Magazine



ummer is definitely ap to say soon we can en

These are testing tim positivity and ded

I am still on a special thank You have now

SISL have bee to enjoy! We sure to check i

As always, I’m ex grab your gin & ton Love


Sisters in SL Magazine


pproaching and I think we are safe njoy the weather a lot more!

mes for us all but I’m so happy to see dication to keep going during these times.

high from the Sisters on the Catwalk fashion show! A very you to Rebellah and the ladies for pulling this all together! w got me hooked and I can’t wait to see more for the group!

en working hard to create a family BeYou community for all now have a fun and interactive sim at Blossom Meadows! Be it out!

xcited to read the fabulous content the team put together! So nic, put your feet up and enjoy the mag!

a r o r u



Sisters in SL Magazine


Le t t e r

espite the fact that we are still in q had to get ready, it was an enjoya

Mostly I‘m on high speed through one of those months when breath

Mainly and oh hell yeah! our Fash was really holding my breath that Addy, Serenity, sceneris, Ayla, Ri, joining in and making this possible Not forgoten our amazing talented Jaq, Kryptonia, Addy, Serenity. TH we‘ll do it again)

A second highlight of the month h you Ayla for putting up with me an ready.

All in all great start of the summer

That being said I wish you all hea


Sisters in SL Magazine

quarantine in RL, our SL has exploded in events and things we have able time, worth every second.

hout my SL day, so I can get as much done as possible. May has been hing is optional...I‘m joking of course as I enjoyed every bit of it.

hion Show, sisters on the Catwalk...I admit it kept me on my toes and everything will happen as planned. Therefore a HUGE thank you to , Aurora, Spanky, Jiejie, Aura, Karen, Rose Athena, Gia, Aaliyah for e! d Ladies that stepped up to catwalk for us: Camila, Diamond, Lola, HAT SHOW WAS A M A Z I N G (oh yeah I can already hear you all...

has been the make-over of Blossom Meadows. Heaven of earth! Thank nd helping create the new BM that looks fabulous, it is now fully BeYou


alth, wealth, love and happiness! STAY HOME, STAY SAFE!



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Sisters in SL Magazine


Sisters in SL Magazine


A Tradition Born Out of a Tragic Pa


„Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day , Jubilee Day, Cel-Liberation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865. ... Texas was the most remote of the slave states, and the Article Cover Photo by PATRICE VIR Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, was not PRESTIGIOUS STUDIOS SL enforced there until after the Civil War had ended. Article by Diamond Meness Illustrations by Fayah Rey, Rebellah A. D‘arcy 18

Sisters in SL Magazine




upkeep of the male slaves In this picture you will see & children) as well as taking some noted things that speak care of the Masters wife, and to this celebration. In this children. The female slave was picture you will see the chains a total life !! and the breaking of the chains Last, the color black is worn which symbolizes freedom. to mourn the freedom and the uncertainties of future for the The first subliminal captured slaves, the tone is set where in this picture is freedom. you see the sun rays and them Second, is in slavery the looking up to the heavens, if African Americans were kept nothing more than one thing on the farm to tend to the land. that still stands True to this day America was built on the backs is that the African Americans of slavery and enslavement. In /slaves believed in God! this picture you see us in the Religion was very important fields on a country road. to us because it was the only Next, a symbolic thing that hope that we had for the future you will see is that there are 3 God‘s grace and mercy… different forms of hairstyle as consistently praying for the well as different shades of skin. master for they know not what they are doing nor the harm Then, you see the they were inflicted that would symbolization of the tree on continue for over 400 years.“ the back of the middle female which symbolizes the beatings xxQueenPinkJuiceeyyxx that were given to the backs of Resident aka Queen Pink slaves, also represented here is the tree of life and which Life starts with the woman and these women as slaves were life to the masters, the female slave had several duties to do including the upkeep of the house (cooking cleaning and 19

Sisters in SL Magazine

As we enter the month of June we are excited about many things. It‘s starting to get warm as we step outside and the bitter cold is replaced by a nice warm breeze as the sun heats our face. We can leave our coats in the closet and grab our sweaters and jackets again! Yes!! The year is half way over and many important events are happening. Father‘s Day is upon us. Secondary school is over for many kids and most are about to embark on a greater educational journey like college while some are finished with the education system and beginning their journey into their chosen lifelong careers.

During the 17th and 18th century in the continent of Africa, people were kidnapped and forced into slavery in the American colonies. They were forced to work for free. Most were taken to live on large plantations or farms. Through a system of restrictive codes, slaves were forced to become dependent on their „masters‘. They were prohibited from learning to read and write. Their very behavior and movement were restricted such as where they could go and how they could speak and act. Fact: Marriage between slaves was not legally recognized in the United States. Obedient slaves were rewarded while rebellious slaves were punished severely. Hierarchy among For others, it‘s also the wedding season! the slaves created a division among each The words ‚I do“ have been said more times other. This led to many slave rebellions this month than any other months in the and the deaths of many slaves. Over time, entire year. But while we reflect on all of Civil War broke out and anti slavery views these important life changing events, lets not were becoming established, but not as a forget about the past of one very important way to abolish slavery but to “preserve the event that changed the very foundation United States as a nation“. It was then on of the United States of America - Slavery. September 22, 1862 that Lincoln issued the June also represents a very important day Emancipation Proclamation. for African Americans. For on June 19, 1865, just two months after Robert E Lee surrendered in Virginia at Appomattox Court House, Union General Gordon Granger along with an army of federal troops gathered together in Galveston Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and took control of the state.

Not that this small article could begin to explain slavery in America, I will try my best to outline the importance of it that brought around Juneteenth and how it came about.

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Just to give a very brief background history, what is the Emancipation Proclamation? It was a proclamation issued on September 22nd by President Abraham Lincoln which declared that as of January 1, 1863, that ‚ all slaves in states currently engaged in rebellion against the Union “shall be then thenceforward, and forever free“. Now the Emancipation Proclamation was a very complicated document because it didn‘t actually free any of the approximately 4 million human beings that were still being held in slavery in the United States when he formally signed it. That‘s another story all together and honestly would take a very thick book to explain. This article is to explain how Juneteenth is celebrated and how this wonderful holiday is commemorated during the month of June all over the world. How wonderful it is to have something so amazing come out of something so tragic. Juneteenth is celebrated annually on June 19th. The original observants happened in Texas in the year of 1865 and included a prayer meeting and the singing of spirituals. It included prayer, feasting, song, and dance. They also wore new clothes as a way of representing their newfound freedom. In years that followed, other states joined in and by the 21st century, other traditions were added such as religious services, educational events, family gatherings such as picnics and festivals. Although not a Nationally recognized Federal Holiday, it became a recognized official state holiday in Texas in 1980 thanks to Al Edwards, an African American state legislator, and other states followed suit followed by many places outside the United States.


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So, what are some of the more traditional things that are observed at a Juneteenth celebration? Because it is celebrated all over the world, there are many different ways in which it is celebrated. The main staple of Juneteenth would have to be the barbecues. One of the main colors that stand out at a Juneteenth barbecue event is the color red. Why red? Red drinks and red foods symbolize resilience. One of these red drinks include red soda pop! They are a MUST have at many of the barbecues that are held during these celebrations.

on educating and self improvement. You will see fishing and even rodeos at some Juneteenth events. The elders will do story telling of their past experiences and another major component of this celebration is prayer. Rarely will you see a Juneteenth event without prayer. What do people wear during Juneteenth? As stated earlier. The first Juneteenth celebration, new clothing was worn as a symbol of recognizing their newfound freedom.

Therefore, dress was an important element as part of the early custom and in some places is still taken very seriously. With Meats include pork and beef. Sports, such participants in the parade, you will see as baseball are played, and at larger events many traditional African wear and clothing with bright colors of red, green, and black you will see many guest speakers that and yellow with beautiful jewelry. will give a speech that will mainly focus

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One of the wisest women I‘ve had the pleasure of knowing in this crazy world we call Second Life and have the pleasure of calling my Second Life mother is xxQueenPinkJuiceeyyxx Resident aka Queen Pink. I go to her with everything that any daughter would go to their mother about. I was telling her how important this article was to me not only about Juneteenth celebration but how important it was to get a visual across to have everyone see what I see as one of visual for this article, not just a picture, but as a powerful visual of my people when it comes to slavery. This Breaking the Chains Picture was special to me because my aunts got together, a collection of beautiful dark skinned women of different shades in game who reflected perfectly what Juneteenth represents when it comes to

power and strength. It is indeed a day of national and international pride that is growing when it comes to Juneteenth and it is taking on a more global recognition of what people of color have endured for many years. I can‘t say we are where we should be but I can definitely say we have come a bit of a ways from the days of slavery. The opportunities for African Americans are plentiful. We can get a quality education, a good paying job or be business owners and homeowners. We can choose who we want to love and where we want to live and eat. And yes, we can vote. Something our ancestors couldn‘t even dare to dream of doing, let alone freedom. So, Here‘s to Juneteenth! How will you celebrate?

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“It‘s a beginning” This is what Reb said to me with a smile, as soon as I started writing for Sister in SL. Good morning everyone. Summer has come, yay! I came here to spend some time with all of you. May I introduce myself? I am Cinzia Barzane, and I am a little crazy, enthusiastic, a dreamer and unpredictable! 24 Sisters in SL Magazine

Where am I? I live in a dream, magical world of Second Life that allows anyone to live aspirations, dreams and desires ... Above all passions! My biggest passion is fashion ... Second Life allows everyone to dare! I reached graduation shortly before Island. Its owner, John Noon, together Christmas in 2018 on my return with the great Morgan Darkrose and to Second Life after many years of the owner of RomaCapoccia Frengo absence. Real Life has a frenetic pace, Heron, are hosting us all for a full but relax and fun are guaranteed here! month of fundraising destined for The school where I studied Fashion Buzzi children‘s Hospital in Milan. allowed me to know and deepen The completely random choice was various sectors and my teachers have drawn during an event on Museum adopted me as a sister, I smile because Island. Lots of fun, but mostly a beautiful friend and an important awareness that dreams do come true, collaboration with many projects is in especially today as we are forced into sight .... a world quarantine. Second Life offers But let‘s proceed step by step. the opportunity to make yourself The renowned Academy is MyLight useful in the context of a game! and I had Caesar Langer and Samuel I would like to thank my beloved Saian as mentors. Sister group in SL, wonderful girls The idea, do you know how an idea who welcomed me with smiles, is born? The dream was to create an sympathy and a great desire to carry Agency dedicated to the male world of out projects all together. Trained, fashion. Obviously Caesar and Samuel collaborative staff, full of human are also part of it, together with warmth and tenderness. I believe in MyLight‘s splendid owner Lucemia, female complicity, so take a look and an important collaboration was born. you won‘t be disappointed! Those who are trained at the Mylight See you soon ,huggies Academy become models of Alaia Fashionable for Men. In the pipeline I Cyn (Cinzia Barzane) have many projects, including a week dedicated to fashion at the Museum

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“Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.” – James Dobson

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Photo by Fayah Rey


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“The greatest gifts you children are the roots the wings of independ

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Photo by Fayah Rey

u can give your of responsibility and dence.” – Denis Waitley

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“Cleaning your hou still growing up is like before it stops snow

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Photo by Rebellah A. D‘Arcy

use while your kids are ke shoveling the sidewalk wing.” - Phyllis Diller

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“While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.” - Angela Schwindt 34 Sisters in SL Magazine

Photo by Rebellah A. D‘Arcy

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“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” - Fred Rogers

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Photo by Rebellah A. D‘Arcy

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Article by Gia Blossoms Illustrations by Fayah Rey

Mon Jol

ie Cadea u

INTERVIEW WITH AVALON BOUVIER Avalon Bouvier, co-owner and curator of one of the well known destinations in Second Life, Mon Joli Cadeau. A romantic French themed destination for explorers and couples alike displaying art by artists around the grid. A versatile lady with multifaceted talents living in full spirit in both worlds. In this issue we will get to know more about the person, her work and her contribution to Second Life. Mon Joli Cadeau - Landmark - Woods/81/84/26 Effortless Events and Decor -

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GB: Avalon Bouvier, should I introduce you as the wonderful DJ, or the cofounder of Mon Joli Cadeau, or the owner of Effortless Events and Decor, or the blogger at Swank Events, or the chat moderator for Apple Falls or the.. That list truly goes on. A resume in Second Life so sound which is nothing but a fruit of her passion and what she loves to do. Or should I simply introduce you, as the most elegant, humble, hard working lady who knows how to find the perfect balance between work and life. From a third person point of view, I could go on and on about this amazing person. But, how would Avalon describe herself? Avalon: The same as I am in real life, driven, motivated, determined. I hope to be loving, patient and kind. A lot of people come to Second Life and this world changes them. You meet people angry and jaded. You hope that people just continue to be kind, gentle and patient. I refuse to give the people in Second Life any power over who I am as a person. GB: Please tell us more about your love, Yoh Boa. How did you two meet? When the spark happened? How do you keep the fire on? Avalon: About 8 years ago we met briefly at Tempura Gardens. Then about 4 years ago we met again at Fogbound Blues. The first time we met we were both partnered; the second time I was partnered and he was not. The third time we met was at Muddy’s in June 2018. Finally, we were both single, but we really didn’t start talking until September. Yoh and I crossed paths again in June of 2018 and had a few brief but great

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conversations. Then he was gone, as so many are in SL. The summer came and went and in September he appeared again at Muddy’s. We quickly dived into a conversation but I had to go , it was Saturday morning and my dad was coming over to make Salsa. Salsa, in North America, is traditionally made with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, garlic, paprika and spicy jalapeno peppers! It is served with nacho chips but I use it in all sorts of other dishes as well. Yoh was very enamored with the idea that I was creating my salsa with my dad. For Yoh, how much he loves his daughter, this is the moment he knew I was the lady for him. He told me later that he knew if I got to know him, I would love him. He was right! We love to walk together. We just walked 5 miles together while on phone talking to each other. And there is always something to talk about. He wants to walk 10 miles a day. But I can keep up till 8 miles. I will complete the rest of our three miles with him after this interview. He is American and I am Canadian. We try our best to stay away from politics. We much prefer to read a lot of books together.

GB: You must have talked about politics at some point of time. How did that go? Avalon: We differ on very fundamental levels. For example, National Health care. My view is that if all the people are willing to pay as they are able to keep everyone healthy. My taxes pay for education, health and core infrustructures. We do this because it‘s the right thing. But in the USA it doesn’t work that way.

We swayed back and forth the interview with real life topics like corona and health care services in different countries. I shared what my point of view and the corruption that trickles down its effects over the years that accumulates at the time of need. GB: Which is the latest book you read? Avalon: “Beneath the Scarlet Sky”, it’s set in Italy by Mark Sulliean. “Things You Cannot Say” by Kelly Rimmer. It is set in Poland during World War II. This week we are going to read “Water Dancer” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. GB: How do you choose your books? Avalon: We go back and forth in choosing books. Since I am a teacher librarian in real life, it‘s not really difficult for me to choose one. Sometimes it‘s either fiction and sometimes it‘s nonfiction. In the past year we have read about 12 books. GB: So, you both grow with each other too. Avalon: As Yoh says, “Steel sharpens steel”. I think it is a quote from the Bible. GB: Not many people can open up in their Second Life profiles. I for one, have a very professional resume for a profile. And you talk about friendships, relationships (both past and present), love and care. Avalon: I am not a character, I am me. Bodhi was a part of me, every day for seven years. We remain close, in fact Bodhi and I see each other once a week. Bodhi and Yoh write letters to each other. We are still very good friends. We are still talking about a day, when we are old and eating mushy peas and wearing diapers. Yes, I do talk a lot about my feelings. Bodhi pushes me to achieve more and Yoh stands by my side while I do so.

GB: Why Paris for Mon Joli Cadeau? Is it because it‘s a destination for lovers? Do we see that love displayed in the landscaping of Mon Joli Cadeau? Avalon: Yoh and I have very happy memories of Paris. I also speak French. I took Italian for 2 years. We both love to travel. I have seen Paris, Italy among other places. The landscaping for Mon Joli Cadeau was done in 3 days, an example perhaps of being driven! I love to decorate. GB: In the short time, you have been able to achieve so much with Mon Joli Cadeau. You have the best designers of the grid like “Chop Zuey” and “Flower Dreams” at your place. The beautiful ballroom parties. Giving artists a place to showcase their work. What is the success mantra? Avalon: Our plans were to have ballroom parties and art galleries where people could come to the parties and explore around the place looking at the various artwork by various artists of SL. But, now we have closed the doors to the ballroom as it is a full time job to manage hosts and DJs. It has never been difficult for us to attract artists. Yoh is in charge of the artists, he asks and they oblige. Once, we even had a waiting list. We do not invite artists with demeaning art work, instead those that are classy and elegant. There are few who have stayed on with us since the beginning. Yoh and I are a good team together. It is difficult to count on other people

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Mon Joli Cadeau, set in Paris is one of the featured destinations on the Destination Guide in Second Life. Mon Joli Cadeau means my lovely gift; started by Avalon and Yoh Boa. It features about 17 artists a month giving each artist their own space where they can showcase and sell their art. in SL. I feel like your success is make or break on the dependability of other people. So, we decided not to give up on the artists. Everybody thought it was a bad idea to give up on the ballroom. But we still get people as we are in Destination. Lots of photographers come by as well. Once a month we have a photo contest among the pictures posted in Mon Joli Cadeau Flickr Page.

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Each month, there is a gala organized to encourage more views for the featured artists. Pre-written paragraphs about the artists’ highlighted artwork are read by Avalon while she Djs as well. The paraphrases written describe the pieces in detail capturing the emotions and the style.This month Jamee Sandalwood, Jenny Ravendark, Jolie Parfort were featured. GB: There could be many creative ventures that could be taken up. Why choose art? What’s the innate passion behind it? Avalon: Yoh and I are both blessed world travellers. We both have been to Italy, Greece, London and Paris. We both love art. And this is something we could concentrate on contributing together. What we have found is that there are three categories of artists in Second Life. Photographers who do post photography work and that is an art which comprises about 90% of the total agglomeration of artists in SL. 8% makeup for the artists who work on an art from scratch. And the rest 2% are those who make art forms out of objects, prims, sculptures or even mesh. The second category is rare and the third is the rarest of all. There are a lot of galleries in SL. The artist community is mostly supportive of each other‘s groups. Any other organized activities have a cut throat competition in SL. However, this community is supportive and kind GB: How do you spend the spare time you have in SL? Assuming now that you have more time on hand. Avalon: I returned to Muddy’s Music Cafe as a Dj which I love to do. I have 4-5 sets a week. I have bi-monthly events at Elysium Theatre. I am also pre-booked for Djing at weddings by Aisle Be With You Weddings and Make It Perfect. I worked with Sisters in SL as an events coordinator for sometime. I resigned as I had a lot of things at hand. I had a teaching job at Police Academy for 22 hours. GB: I am probably going to ask you a very silly question. How do you feel about

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being interviewed for SIS Magazine? Avalon: I am very honored and thank you.

GB: You have a great voice. Have you tried singing in SL? Avalon: I used to sing with a friend. He used to play guitar and I used to sing along. But that was just where we used to find a crowd on voice. I never tried singing as a profession in SL. And I love what I do, I love to DJ. I know singers make a lot of money. There are many people who are solely into making money in SL. This being their full time job. I make enough in the sets which are added to the income from art galleries and stores to pay for the weekly tier for the land. GB: You are also a blogger for SWANK and a moderator for Apple Fall. Plus you have a landscaping and interior decors company. Please tell us something about that. Avalon: Yes, I was asked to join SWANK as a blogger this year. I love to decorate for people. Landscaping sims on various themes. You can look in my Flickr for a few samples. My charges are fairly reasonable. I charge 2L$ per prim am allowed to use. So, let‘s say here are 2500 prims available, and I can decorate with 2000 prims so it‘s 4000L$. GB: With the number of things that you are already involved in. How do you find the time to spend with your loving husband in SL? Avalon: Like I said, building a 1/4th sim just takes 3 days and decorating a room, like the ones you see in Flickr, takes me just an hour. We share a calendar where we mention what we are doing in real life and in Second Life. That is the reason I know he has gone fishing now.

With the varying time zones, it is difficult to maintain a long distance relationship. Even in our real lives we forget to spend time with each other as we are so engrossed to earn our incomes. The past few months have certainly given us a peek at what family is and how to spend time with a loved one. Avalon and Yoh have developed a way to communicate with each other and to be together overcoming the hassles of life. It is certainly a good habit we could adopt as well. GB: How would you say the road map is for a new artist in SL? Avalon:There are 20 different art groups for promotions. Plus there are social media platforms like Facebook, Flickr and Social Vr. Start at one gallery. Artists are usually invited from seeing their work in other galleries. GB: You are a RFL Dj as well. What does Relay for Life mean to you? Avalon: I have been involved in several RFL charity events, probably because a few members of my family have battled; some have won and some have lost. GB: What’s the one thing you have not done in SL and would like to do in future? Avalon: I would love to learn to be a better photographer/ blogger. It is funny I only started to really take decor pictures about a month ago and applied with Swank to blog, and was accepted right away! It is truly therapy to decorate a space and capture the perfect shot!

She is modest, kind, gentle and elegant. Everything she strives to be. She is a business woman with a heart of gold. As Yoh Boa says, “Avalon I‘m so proud to call you MINE. Your accomplishments in SL speak for themselves. What people won‘t see in this article is what an amazing person you are behind that pretty Avalon avatar. I‘m thankful everyday to share Laughter, Learning and Love with the „real“ Avalon. You are forever my Bride.”

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Article by Diamond Meness

Second Life Fathters Day


FATHER‘S D AY As a little girl, I always felt it was important to have my dad in my life. All little girls wanted a husband just like their father. After all, he was the provider. He took care of everything, right? At least that‘s how my age group was growing up. And although the households of today are not the same as they were of yesteryears, the concept of being daddy‘s little girl or his princess is still pretty important to many of us. 48 Sisters in SL Magazine

Daddy's little Princess

So this month of June, the month of Father‘s Day, many of us who still aspire to be that princess want to show appreciation to that loving attentive father figure who was there for us in our lives who showed us what to look for in a potential mate. And as we continue on in a world of lockdowns we are starting to slowly see the light at the end of the darkness that had so quickly swallowed up our days of enjoyment with our nights outs and social gatherings. Last month we showed tribute to

Mother‘s Day in May, this month, we show tribute to Fathers, in game who have been with the same child for many years in Second life just like their counterparts. And while it‘s easier for mother‘s to stay with a child longer, let‘s face it, women are nurturers by nature, it‘s truly amazing that these fathers have kept these bonds just as long and just as strong. Is the secret still the same? we posed the same questions to each, father and child, to see. Again, I want to thank each for opening up their hearts and homes and sharing their stories to Sisters in Second Life Magazine and the community of Second Life. We again appreciate you for your honesty. And just as before, we asked each to not share their answers with each other in the hopes that the first time they read the article it will be a special Father‘s day gift to each other from the Sisters in Second Life Magazine. Again, the impact is amazing. Enjoy!

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Photo by United Beck

We are starting with Michael and his daughter Sayuli. Funny story about this family. Michael reached out to me when I was searching to interview mothers first. He wanted it to be clearly understood. There were long term father‘s in game too! I had to explain to him that I was doing a mother‘s day interview and that I would try to do a Father‘s Day issue if allowed and he would be the first to be interviewed if permitted. Well here you go Michael!! To you and your lovely daughter Sayuli! Father and daughter since 2008! Twelve years guys!! What made you want to be a parent in Second Life? Michael - It‘s to be honest something I never thought about but one day I married the now ex wife and she had kids and Ifell in love with them and loved becoming a father and as they say the rest is history and it‘s something iIwould not change for anything. I love each and every one of them the same as in this family there is no such thing as a step child they are my daughters

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How did you choose your son/daughter? and how long has he/she been your son/ daughter in Second Life? Michael -I have a lot of kids i never listed them all and i really never picked them some picked me and the others there was just a connection that transformed into becoming family What is the bond? How have you made it work for so long? Is he/she like a RL

Son/Daughter to you and how so? special moment about your son/daughter? Michael -in making a family work not only in sl Michael - like with all of them the day i heard but rl you have to know it‘s give and take and them call me dad for the first time will always be you have to be able to understand each person a special day or the day they were born and i is different and you address each one as an held them for the first time. individual and per their own personality and above all listen to them and not pass judgment. Are you married in game? If so does your partner support your children and does Do you have children in RL and do they she have children of her own and how connect with your SL child? does a ‚blended‘ family work together? Michael -yes i have 2 amazing daughters and How long has she had her children? Tell sadly they no longer play sl us about your family. Michael - Yes i am Married to a wonderful lady What is a favorite Family Event that you and she has a daughter not sure for how long i share? know its been sometime and the blended family Michael - we have done so much over the is amazing it‘s what you make of it you have to years it‘s hard to say but myself and my 3 treat all the same you can not treat yours any daughters love playing table games with each better than the person you marry that has kids other and they love getting the best of me. It‘s as that will only create trouble and hard feelings not trying to win the game but get dad the best in our family i am told its mom that has to be we can. the one to crack down as i am told i spoil them not saying i do will not admit to it anyways and What advice would you give to new in our family as i said there is nor ever will be a families just starting out? step child they are as much my kids as if they have my DNA and will always be treated that Michael - get to know the person and make sure they will be a good fit sadly in sl there are way no matter what. some out there looking for a family for what they can get and not for being in a family never And now Sayuli... just jump into it as a lot of times you will get hurt and see if there is a connection with not only What made you decide to want parents or yourself but with them as well. a father on Second Life? Sayuli - Well to be quite honest I really didn‘t Tell us about the family as a whole, know I wanted one until he married my mom. I are there other siblings if so how does was skeptical about it at first. You see I lost my everyone get along? real dad in 2001. I never wanted to feel like I Michael - there are a lot of siblings and was trying to replace him. Over time I started everyone gets along as a family should now its calling him Popples. His personality is much not perfect but sometimes far from it as there like what my RL dad‘s. For me that is when are things that have come up but its how it is I knew that he was brought into my life for a handled that can make or break a family and reason. He is just an SL dad for him. United has never ever pick sides stay neutral as once you become a big part of real life as well. My RL start picking sides it only gets worse. husband and son love him beyond this virtual world. He is my dad, my husband‘s father-inTell us your favorite Story or a particularly law and my son‘s grandpa.


Sisters in SL Magazine

How did you choose him as your father? mesh well with them. For me I just knew I had What was it about him that made you say, been blessed with another dad. Don‘t rush it. Build a relationship of friendship. That is where yes....this is the father for me? Sayuli -He is absolutely the perfect fit of what it all starts. I would want in my life as a dad. United has Do you have other siblings in game, if so, filled my empty spot for that missing puzzle that I lost a while ago. Yes I am a dad‘s girl. I how does everyone get along? Sayuli -I do have other siblings in games. To love my dad very much and I always will. be honest I was a little scared. You see I don‘t like to share that part of my life with others. What is the bond? Is he like a RL father It isn‘t that I am afraid of him moving on with for you and how so? another child. I have a fear of him being hurt. Sayuli -*smiling as only a proud daughter United has the biggest heart I have ever seen can as I say* I believe I may have answered in a person besides my dad. So I guess you that question prematurely. He is my SL and can say until they prove to me they are worthy RL dad. My sl mom did one thing right and of him I hold myself at a distance, and make that is bring him into my life. I love him as unconditionally as any daughter with their dad. sure that everything is going to be okay. I love my siblings. I hope they feel just as blessed as It seems like yesterday when he walked into I do having him in my life. my life back in August of 2008. Did you transition (age up over the years) Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your father? or were you always the same age. Why Sayuli - I would have to say it is the day me did you choose this method? Sayuli - I met him as an adult and I stayed that and my husband got married here. My real dad had passed before I met Jamie. So he wasn‘t way. Although I do have a kid avatar in this able to walk me down the aisle. My dad United account. didn‘t only walk me down the aisle here on my What advice would you give kids looking sl wedding day to my rl husband. He drove the carriage and made sure we didn‘t have any SL for parents in Second Life? hiccups. A few years later Me and my husband Sayuli -The advice I would give is this. If you renewed our actual wedding vows here. United are looking for parents here I would actually stood proxy for my real dad. The great thing is take my time and get to know people and this. November 4, 2022 he will be walking me once you feel like a person fits what you are looking for, talk with them about how you feel. I down the aisle for a real reaffirmation of vows don‘t believe in taking on parents and leaving. to my husband. Almost every memory I have in here... He is a big part of it. Actually learn the person, and know if you

Our next family is Rhino Delacroix and Yue Hani Wu. This family is amazing! They are an extremely social family in Second Life and very active in the community from Social groups like Queen Lace and the Greek World to a Vampire Clan and the SL Navy. This is truly an amazing family. We start with the dad. 52Sisters in SL Magazine

Photo by Honey Dallas What made you want to be a parent in Second Life? Rhino - I love being a Parent in RL so I thought that I would try it in SL and give it a go

try to see the best in others. But there is more than one thing that Bonds us together over the years. It hasn‘t been easy but like with all relationships you have to work at it and Communication is a big part of it. There was a How did you choose your son/daughter? time that I thought that I had lost her because of something that I failed to do. as a father, But and how long has he/she been your son/ over time we worked it out and it has made daughter in Second Life? Rhino - She started as my Niece and then her our bond stronger and made us closer to each mother that she had at the time left the game, other. She is like an RL daughter we talk on but she kept coming around and spending time the phone, Facebook, We send things to each other for birthdays or just because we found with us. And she had told us that she wanted something the other would like. Parents so I and my wife talked about it and then we all talked about it and then she became Do you have children in RL and do they our Daughter she has been my mini-me for connect with your SL child? over 10 yrs Rhino - Yes I do and they talk through my mic and call each other sister What is the bond? How have you made it work for so long? Is he/she like an RL Son/Daughter to you and how so? Rhino - We both have big Hearts and always 53 Sisters in SL Magazine

What is a favorite Family Event that you share? Rhino - Our Paintball games she tries to come after me all the time but it doesn‘t always work out for her the way that she wants it to.

that she wanted me to marry her and not just walk her down the aisle.

Are you married in-game? If so does your partner support your children and does she have children of her own and how does a ‚blended‘ family work together? Rhino - Yes I am we have been married almost 12 years. My children are her children. She gave birth to them.

What advice would you give to new families just starting out? Rhino - For the new Parents be honest with the child and make sure that you have time to be a parent to them. Also except your child for who they are don‘t try to change them into How long has she had her children? what you want them to be as a child. For the Rhino - The same time that I have had them Child- if you have more then 1 account tell your parents they might be willing to have their child Tell us about your family. on both accounts. and make sure that you are Rhino - I have been married for almost 12 spending equal time on both accounts so that yrs to my wife Isabella. We have 2 girls Yue, your parents aren‘t looking for you all the time. Yesenia, and 4 boys Ethan, Warren, Xio, Angel. Our Family is a little bit all over the place. Tell us about the family as a whole, are Isabella, Yue, and Yesenia are a part of Queen there other siblings if so how does Lace, a Social Women‘s Group. I and Isabella are the King and Queen of Belle Morte and Rp everyone get along? Rhino - Our Family is from all walks of life that Vampire Clan. Yue is the CEO of Melanated is part of what makes us work well together as ENT Firm. Yesenia is Big Sister Charismatic of ΣΓΣ. Myself, Ethan, and Warren are a part a Whole Family. Yes, there are other siblings, They act like RL siblings do they love, care, and of US 4th Fleet SL a Navy RP group. Angel is Founder of Iota Omega Phi Fraternity, Inc., protect each other from people that are doing Exec. Producer and Co-Host of Straight - No them wrong. And they do get on each other‘s Chaser. Xiao- Helps build custom cars with his nerves. I treat my SL kids just like I do my RL brother Angel. kids. Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly And now for your daughter special moment about your son/daughter. What made you decide to want parents or Rhino - Well, you know most daughters want a father on Second Life? their dad to walk them down the aisle when they get married. But Yue went one step further Yue Hani Wu - Well I came to virtual to look for than that, She told me Poppa I need to talk to what I didn‘t have in real. I lost my grandfather you. I have something that I want to ask you. so in 2008 and he was my father. I came to sl in I said OK ask me and she was like no Poppa 2010 and I wanted to fill a void . I want to talk to you face to face. So I was like ok so she brought me to the house and we sat What is the bond? Is he like a RL father down and she said “Poppa will you marry us?” for you and how so? And I told her that I would do it. I was honored Yue Hani Wu - He is my rl father because our

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relationship has transcended so far pass this game. And I know I always got him .

Did you transition (age up over the years) or were you always the same age? Why did you choose this method? Yue Hani Wu - I was a td when I met him and I have grown over the year.. I am an avid role player and i knew i didn‘t want to be young forever

Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your father. Yue Hani Wu - It‘s a country song that he sings to me when it‘s a special occasion or I‘m having a bad day and that is always going to be something that stays with us.

Photo by Gregorian Lytton

What advice would you give kids looking for parents in Second Life? Yue Hani Wu - Take you time! like hang on let the bond come naturally and COMMUNICATE.

Do you have other siblings in game, if so, how does everyone get along? Yue Hani Wu - Yes, I have brothers i have had for over 20 years and sisters i have gained in the last 2 years or so. It‘s good we fight and love on each other like rl siblings

Our next family is Gregorian Lytton and his daughter Niurka Barbosa. This was a great read because Mr Lytton has no children in real life. So how does a Second Life dad create a bond with a daughter and keep such a long bond with no real life experience of fatherhood. It is truly amazing how strong the bond is with these two because he has been her dad for 13 years!!! What 55Sisters in SL Magazine

a blessing! Thank you Greg and Niurka for sharing your story with us. Mr Gregorian is a man of few words but you can tell the loyalty is strong with his family. What made you want to be a parent in everyone get along. Gregorian - Yes, there are two more daughters. Second Life? Gregorian - Have no children in RL and wanted They are tending to their RLs but when they do come on, everyone gets along. to experience role play. How did you choose your son/daughter? and how long has he/she been your son/ daughter in Second Life. Gregorian - I became friends with her first through SL, and then connected and became good friends with her in RL. She has been my daughter for 13 years.

Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your son/daughter. Gregorian - When she wasn‘t supposed to go to this party but went anyway. SO I showed up in house shoes, pajamas and with a belt.

Are you married in game? If so does your partner support your children and she What is the bond? How have you made it has children of her own and how does a work for so long? Is he/she like a RL Son/ ‚blended‘ family work together? How long Daughter to you and how so? has she had her children. Tell us about Gregorian - Our bond is based solely on the RL your family. friendship bond that we have fostered. In RL Gregorian - Not currently married. she is one of my best and most loyal friends. Next, we interviewed his daughter.. Do you have children in RL and do they What made you decide to want parents or connect with your SL child? a father on Second Life? Gregorian - No children. Niurka - I actually believe it just happens What is a favorite Family Event that you without expecting it. My mom Msv2Luv Lane share? (R.I.P.) introduced us and it just came natural to Gregorian - There is not one event specifically. us.. He was always there for me and protective Anytime we get to connect in SL is an event of me. When I got my heart broken the first time within itself. in sl he was the one there making sure i was ok and protecting me. And he made sure no one will get away with hurting me. What advice would you give to new families just starting out? Gregorian - Don‘t just add family members on How did you choose him as your father? a whim. Really get to know them, learn who‘s What was it about her that made you say, in your corner or who is just doing it for the yes....this is the father for me. namesake. Niurka - The way he treats women with so much respect. And always checking up on me Tell us about the family as a whole, in sl/rl as well. He has never been the type to be flirtatious with me. Again always treated me are there other siblings if so how does

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like his child. You can‘t help how things work out in sl, the bond the way people make you feel well he has been that father. The true ride or die for his child.

Niurka - Yes I do have more siblings, most of them are connected to my dad.

Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your father. What is the bond? Is he like a RL father Niurka - Omg there are so many of them...Well for you and how so? years agoI went clubbing with a group of my Niurka - We def have a bond for 13yrs. He is friends. And I didn‘t even notice that he was my SL dad for many years and that has been there until one of my friends was like isn‘t that the role he has played but in my rl he is my your dad....I looked and he was in front of me best friend. So one I can easily confide to SL or with a belt. A BELT!!! he made a big fuss that I RL without hesitation..knowing that he will tell was grounded and that I have not done dishes me how it is good or bad...will not sugar coat it or cleaned my room, in local club chat. Told me for yes there is a bond that no one will I had to go home now and started swinging the understand. We have been through things in belt.... our sl and rl life that at least we both have been OK another one for fun... I have always been there for one another....we have laughed... the daughter that dresses very sexy and cried, even argued...but at the end of that i will sometimes shows a lot of skin... So one night always be daddy‘s lil girl. I went to Anaconda with some of my sisters not related to him. And here he goes again Did you transition (age up over the years) checking up on me....When he sees what I had on. He adds on an entire body shield over my or were you always the same age. Why entire body and pushes me to a corner so no did you choose this method? Niurka - I was already grown. I was partnered one can see me. I had to tp home and change. to someone when he became my dad...thru the This is why I love my dad. He is so full of surprises but when it‘s down to business it‘s years I have gotten on little avatars..but then he wanted to keep me little forever that was not down to business. happening but yes I stay as an adult that had given him grand-kids. What advice would you give kids looking for parents in Second Life. Niurka - If you are looking for a parent on the grid. Let it come natural to you. There are people here who don‘t have any kids in rl but at least they get some type of fulfillment within the game. There is always that one person that you can feel that connection with that will guide you, protect you...advice you..and when you can find that all in one in a person it was meant to be... and that is what my daddy is to me. Do you have other siblings in game, if so, how does everyone get along?

57 Sisters in SL Magazine

Photo by Buck Harcassle

This last family is the shortest of all the families who have been together but I feel is the most heart touching. Sometimes, it‘s our real life event that will bring us together as family in second life. This is such a heartwarming and touching example. I saved this family for last because it touched my soul so every deeply as I could relate so closely to the loss. When you lose a son or daughter or parent in real life and you find that connection with someone in Second Life who takes that place so totally and completely, there is nothing greater but joy that can come from such a bond and connection. What this last family has will bring tears to your eyes as you read and for many of us, can relate to. Desi and Buck. You are what Second Life families all want to aspire to be. Thank you for your opening up. So deeply and sharing.

58 Sisters in SL Magazine

What made you want to be a parent in families just starting out? Buck - To take your time , do not pressure Second Life? each other , keep your expectations low at Buck - Honestly i didn‘t know this was a possible thing, I lost my youngest son in rl ,he first , get to know one another , build a bond was 6 yrs old. I was in a relationship and she and a trust. Allow each other to grow into this family. introduced me to a cute lil girl named Desi, this introduction hit me in the heart and i just fell in love with Desi. Tell us about the family as a whole, are there other siblings if so how does How did you choose your son/daughter? everyone get along? and how long has he/she been your son/ daughter in Second Life? Buck - I have another daughter Suri , Desi Buck - I did not choose Desi , Desi chose me and Suri came to me as a package and I and I was so happy and proud. I‘ve been her Love it. Suri and Desi are sisters for a LONG time. Daddy for seven years. What is the bond? How have you made it work for so long? Is he/she like a RL Son/Daughter to you and how so? Buck - We have a loving bond, we laugh at the same silly stuff, we make each other feel better on bad days and even feel better on good days , she is a light for me , she keeps me grounded and gives me joy everyday. We have made it work for so long because she accepts me for who I am and I give her freedom and space to be who she is and wants to be.

Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly special moment about your son/daughter. Buck - It‘s sad and happy at the same time, I had broken up with my partner and I told the girls why and that i loved them.With no hesitation they both told me they were going with heart was full at heart breaking time.

Are you married in game? If so does your partner support your children and does she have children of her own Do you have children in RL and do they and how does a ‚blended‘ family work connect with your SL child? together? How long has she had her Buck - I have 2 grown boys and I‘ve told them children? Tell us about your family. about Desi in here and they can see having a Buck - I am a single father in game, so if i daughter in here helps me. date or want to date anyone they have to pass the DAUGHTER test, my girls do not What is a favorite Family Event that you hold back and ask a lot of questions. share? Buck - We don‘t have just one special event. And finally Desi We make our time together special with What made you decide to want parents everything we do but i love father‘s day or a father on Second Life? because she makes me feel special. Desi - I miss having parents, My RL parents have both passed. I enjoyed SL but running What advice would you give to new around alone in this world was a bit lonely

59 Sisters in SL Magazine

and boring. So I wanted to meet new people who would enjoy RL family role play and enjoy my time in this SL world.

did you choose this method? Desi - I started at 2 moved up to 5 and stayed there. I Want to stay young only want to fill one hand not two.

How did you choose him as your father? What was it about her that made you say, What advice would you give kids looking for parents in Second Life? yes....this is the father for me. Desi - Well I had a momma name Mobaby and Desi - Always have good Communication, Relax and enjoy your time with your SL family. well she was dating buck. We played greedy alot and I gots attached to him quickly. They got Do not have high expectations. Treat them with Respect and don‘t judge. married for some time and well you know the SL drama. It ended I decided to keep Buck as my daddy and here we are tons of years later Do you have other siblings in game, if so, he is still my daddy and will be “forebers and how does everyone get along? ebers..” Desi - I have a lot of siblings but with my dad i just have one sister her name is foo foo Suri. What is the bond? Is he like a RL father for you and how so? Tell us your favorite Story or a particularly Desi - We have a very close bond. He holds special moment about your father. a very special spot in my heart. No one will Desi - Well there is this lil cute cowboy whose replace my RL Dad ( he has passed). But I can name is jack. He wanted to take me to a family say that I have the most caring, big hearted, oriented country concert. My daddy asked him loving, funny, beer drinking, karaoke Daddy in millions of questions. Then he started calling the SL world. him Flap Jacks. Every time i tell him Jack is coming over he says „ Oh NO not “flapJack” Did you transition (age up over the years) that little boy who wants my daughter“ or were you always the same age. Why

Anyone can become a father. You can simply do that by creating a life. But to shape that life, that takes someone truly special. That MAKES you a father. It‘s not enough to pay the bills or sign your name on your child‘s birth certificate. Being a true dad means you are there during the good and bad times. You are sticking around when times are hard. Not giving up on his family, his child and more importantly, himself. He would never abandon that child by claiming he ‚did the best he could‘. His goal is always to make his family proud because HE is the example that his children will have growing up and that means everything to him. Respect and future relationships for his sons and daughters will all hinder on how much he is involved in their lives. So this Father‘s Day, let‘s show our fathers and those who are father figures in our lives how much they have been a cornerstone in our lives. How important the foundation of their love and understanding is to us. And how important it is for us to even say the words..Happy Father‘s Day. Because it is! Happy Father‘s Day, from The Sisters in Second Life Magazine! 60 Sisters in SL Magazine


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63 Sisters in SL Magazine

From French, mode and Latin modu, the word fashion is the way or the way people live. Today the word is more related to the way of dressing: the way people dress means fashion. Therefore, fashion is everywhere, and it is very present in Second Life. It is common among residents to want to express what they are feeling, and show a little of what it is, or with what it identifies through its style. Many seek to dress the trends of each season, while others prefer movements such as punk, rock or even hippie, the important thing is that it is possible to live all styles in Second Life as well, and currently it is not necessary to spend much for that. Weekend sales events are increasingly common and offer a wide variety of fashion items, accessories and even decoration with prices under 100L, with the participation of large stores, the items offered are of quality and for all tastes. Here are some examples so that you can take advantage of the offers without missing a thing. - Saturday Sales: Is Weekly Weekend Sale Event, a group of creators setting out a weekend mainstore sale item, all Sale items between 50-75L - Fifty Linden Fridays: Every Friday, a group of designers will place an item at the front of their store marked down to 50L. - 60L$ Happy Weekend by ACCESS: Is weekly sales event on mainstore only, start Every - Saturday at 10am slt - Sunday 11:59pm slt. Energy Weekend price: On weekends, a group of designers provide their products at a fixed price of 50L. - Wanderlust Weekend: Every weekend, Customers will find specially 64 Sisters in SL Magazine

Live your style for less priced items from 25 rotated Creators. The sale last from the strike of midnight Saturday through till Sunday at midnight. The price of each item is 50L or less! - 30L Events: It is a weekend sales event, with a promotional price, each Saturday there is a list of 30 stores to explore. To check the list of participating stores for each weekend, you can join groups in world or follow events on Facebook, now let‘s go shopping!

Model Addy Omena KUNI - Amanda Hair (60L$ Happy Weekend) Kunglers - Shani earrings Belle Epoque Ursula Dress Pink (Saturday Sales) *Just BECAUSE* Kristy Capris 5Slate (Saturday Sales) [DZ] Millionheels 04-1 Simply Poised - One More R 65 Sisters in SL Magazine

Pride Month the inside-out look

66 Sisters in SL Magazine

Article by Ayla J Illustrations by Camila Astermann

On June 28th, 1969 Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson fought back against police who were running a raid at the Stonewall Inn - a Greenwich Village gay bar which was one of the few in New York City at the tie. These two transgender women of color stood up and fought back, throwing bottles or whatever they had at hand. The seeds of resistance were sown that night and there was no going back. Stonewall was a catalyst that over the years has resulted in the changing of laws. It has caused people to think, to speak up and come out of hiding in support of one another and to fight the views of a society which automatically looked at anything different as wrong. Globally, LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender), LGBTQ (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer) and other variants which include asexual, pansexual, intersexual, non-binary and questioning will remember and honor the events of that night in ‘69 with parades, proms, culture fairs, film festivals and local award ceremonies. That is the short list.

June is Pride Month for all! In looking for the meaning of PRIDE I found an intense and loving group of people who are fiercely loyal to one another and embrace diversity. I talked with an educator who believes that the PRIDE celebrations not only help define their community but help others realize there is no need for fear or hatred. They are as proud of their own accomplishments as they are of their fellow LGBT members, and that generosity of spirit extends beyond their own circles.

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One LGBT member explained that PRIDE education has helped him gain the acceptance from his family that he never thought possible. In turn, that has allowed him more self acceptance and a much more fulfilling life. As is true for all of us, being fulfilled in your own life allows you to have more empathy with the struggles of others. Your journey will give you the understanding you need to assist people who are still struggling to find 68 Sisters in SL Magazine

their way. LGBT Pride groups give you a support system where your differences are celebrated, and there is immense freedom in that. The journey has been a long one and there have been setbacks. Some feel that PRIDE should be more radical - reminiscent of the Gay Liberation movement of the 60’s and 70’s that shook people and made them pay attention. Radical or not, there have

The list goes on, and on - with each decade seeing its share of advances, and in some cases, defeat. - President Bill Clinton signed the This is not even close to a complete list, Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 which defined marriage as a union between one but to give you an idea: man and one woman. - November 2008 saw California’s - In 1970 the American Medical Association removed homosexuality from approval of Proposition 8, making same sex marriage illegal. their list of mental illnesses. - Ann Arbor, Michigan elected the first openly gay person - Kathy Kozachenko - PRIDE is key in the LBGT community. It represents the accomplishments of to it’s city council in 1974. many who have struggled over the years - July, 1980 saw the endorsement of a to be recognized and accepted for who homosexual rights platform at the they are. Pride means continuing to work Democratic National Convention. tirelessly for the betterment of not just - The state of Wisconsin outlawed yourself, but those people in your discrimination on the basis of sexual community. orientation in March of 1982. - In 1998 Coretta Scott King received This is what gets laws changed and backlash from black civil rights groups what helps people gain acceptance as a when she urged that community to join valued member of every community. the fight against homophobia. - The U.S. military can no longer ask an applicant their sexual orientation, nor can they force them to say. been many achievements since June of 1969 which reflect the hard work and dedication of many members.

Sometimes, when the Q is seen at the end of LGBT, it can also mean questioning. This term describes someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. 69 Sisters in SL Magazine

The word ‘pride’ means a feeling of satisfaction from one’s achievements or, collectively, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated. The word ‘pride’ is an integral cultural concept within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex (LGBTQI) community, representing solidarity, collectivity, and identity as well as resistance to discrimination and violence. Its associated symbolism (e.g., rainbow colors) communicates to individuals that LGBTQI members are welcome as valuable members of the community. P - Professionalism: To be competent, accountable, reliable and responsible, interacting positively and collaboratively with all colleagues, students, patients, visitors and business partners. R - Respect: To treat all others as you wish to be treated, being courteous and kind, acting with utmost consideration of others. I - Integrity: To be honest, trustworthy and ethical, always doing the right thing, without compromising the truth, and being fair and sincere. D - Diversity: To appreciate and celebrate differences in others, creating an environment of equity and inclusion with opportunities for everyone to reach their potential. E - Excellence: To be dedicated, motivated, innovative and confident, giving your best every day, encouraging and supporting others to excel in everything they do. The flag, with its eight colours (sexuality symbolized by hot pink, life by red, healing by orange, the Sun by yellow, nature by green, art by blue, harmony by indigo, and spirit by violet), Stonewall was not a celebration, like many contemporary Pride events, but a revolt against oppressive laws and stifling societal values — a revolt that encouraged us to speak up proudly instead of hide ourselves away. Our society understands in a general way that LGBTQ people exist and recognizes that there are some degrees of equality, but that it‘s still a work in progress to obtain legal protections across the board. For many people, “Pride Month“ means celebrating and accepting who we are and living freely and openly. Sources: University of California San Francisco Wikipedia:

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What are you waiting for? Authentic salon and spa experiences await you at our Urban Oasis located conveniently at the Ito Tokai sim. 73 Sisters in SL Magazine

74 Sisters in SL Magazine

he term tendency derives from the Latin tendentia, present participle and substantive plural name of the verb tendere, whose meanings are "to tend", "to lean towards" or to be "attracted to". In other words, they are signs that a culture projects unconsciously and can be captured and interpreted as future behaviors and preferences, which will be channeled by the fashion industry into goods and services. The fashion sector adopted the concept of trends to standardize production, increasing assertiveness in sales. Spinning, weaving, clothing and designers industries rely on technical advice from trend notebooks (cahiers) and coolhunting offices to outline what the population will want for the coming years. The result can be seen, for example, twice a year in Paris, at Premiere Vision, 75 Sisters in SL Magazine

the largest fair in the segment in the world, organized since 1973, bringing together more than 2600 exhibitors and 120 thousand professionals per edition. There are two ways in which fashion trends are developed and influence the market, one of them is called „boiling“ (bubble up) and the other „trickle down“. In the dripping trend proposals appear on the catwalks themselves through the designers‘ creations, so that they reach the consuming public, before they pass through other specialists in the subject, who polish these trends and transform them into information for the public. As is the case of opinion makers and fashion magazines, for example. Hence, this information is transformed into pieces and reaches major brands and, finally, department stores and popular stores. The opposite occurs in the boiling process. Trends appear on the streets. In this case, popular pieces are reinterpreted by stylists and opinion makers until they gain the influence of the media and reach the catwalks. This concept moves the world, and it is no different here in Second Life, where many stores, stylists, designers and events adopt it as an inspiration for their creations each season. This season is no different, so we can already find summer trends on store shelves around here as well. The colors chosen for the hottest season of the year range from more candy tones to the return of vibrant colors. White, mint green, papaya, salmon or coral, light blue or sky blue, orange, mellow yellow, nudes and sandy tones are some examples . Inspirations from the catwalk also count, basic elegance, feminine tailoring, with neckline and shapes, a lot of comfort and fabrics like silk, satin, knitting, lace, tulle, ruffles and transparencies. Handmade accessories, straw, crochet, the simple and the common appear exalted. The shoe model variations are diverse, scarpins, sandals, mules, sneakers and flat shoes, you can choose the one that best suits you. Now, with all the things that we have available here in Second Life, we can build our style for this season without difficulty and enjoy the summer in style. 76 Sisters in SL Magazine

TRUT Lazur SCAN Brow Blueb Suit P [DZ] M

TH Taren - Brunette ri Cocoa Jewels NDALIZE. Lules Top. wn berry - In Control Pants {Extra 2} Millionheels 04-1

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Tableau Vivant \\ Side pony - Browns (Kunglers) Shani earrings V1- obsidian *Just BECAUSE* Diana Dress - 9Yellow Ghee Metallic Laced Flats

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Tableau Vivant \\ Summer Hairplay Chinook Ombre (Kunglers) Shani earrings V2 - ruby OSMIA - Summer is coming.Straw Bag Beige Dead Dollz - My Boho Summer Bikini Bra/Thong Blush 79 Sisters in SL Magazine

Dolce Amore Beach A Day In The Sun with The Empress BellaTrix Lethal Article by Seren Villiers Photos by Karole Bastista


Sisters in SL Magazine


Photo by Seren Villiers

Dolce Amore. Italian for Sweet Love. And that is exactly what you will find when visiting Dolce Amore Beach! It can be in the form of meeting someone that is casually strolling down the sandy beaches, or falling in love with the calming atmosphere surrounding you. Dolce Amore Beach is more than just a beach; it is a paradise where you can relax, or enjoy the various activities available, or explore and discover little treasures such as a movie theater, or cuddling corners. Gorgeous home rentals are available, making it the perfect vacation or honeymoon location! Let us join The Empress BellaTrix Lethal, owner and CEO of Dolce Amore Beach for a little “tête-à-tête”.

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you to be a part of a family? Thank you so much for taking the time to talk a little bit about you and your wonderful Family to me is everything. I have 7 (and location Dolce Amore Beach Bella! Tell us a one on the way, gender unknown) very bit more about you. How and when did you beautiful babies: 3 boys and the rest are girls. In the time of my SecondLife, I was find out about SL? What would you say is the key motivation point to still being a part able to build a family with my partner Godric. I have been with Godric for four years. of SL? I came from IMVU, I heard about SL through That’s like a decade in SecondLife lol. I am not able to have children in my real life, so promotion on a site (I am not sure which SecondLife gave me that feeling of being site) that was some years ago. I came to a mother. My kids are my life here truly. SecondLife with my partner at that time. Since I parted ways with him I have always They mean so much to me. My baby Abigail found SecondLife to be a place of creativity. Project and my daughter of 16 glorious years Bunny Project are actual avatars I have always loved to design and build things. I have the eye for details (some have and my son Tatum Project, also an avatar baby. I also have my daughters Opal and told me hahaha), so creating something Ocean (zooby babies) who are my pride that was my SecondLife legacy was my and joy, and Galen and Gavin (also zooby motivation and also my ultimate goal. I babies). I have learned a lot in my time in am a giver, that would be something that SecondLife, things that have changed me describes me one hundred percent. in many ways but the most important thing I would say is that family is forever and they A SecondLife legacy. Love the way you are never to be left behind. Friends will worded that! Another form of legacy is always be supportive if they are true friends family. Family is a popular concept in SL. even if they do not agree with your choices. Can you share with us details about your I am blessed to have a few in my life that I family? Its size? Composition? How long would consider my family. A family does not have you been together? And what drives

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mean you are blood, or you come from the a person in ways I can’t explain. In a way, same mother or father; it means you share a I would say it made me more professional bond like no other, you support each other, driven and devoted. I give the best client care love each other, and always are there for to my tenants, they mean a lot to me and a each other, good or bad. I love my family lot of them have become friends. It has taken and all my kids. I am blessed to be a mother, me out of my comfort zone and has forced blessed those who consider me a mother to me to be more of a people person. them. I’m a mother bear always protecting her cubs. What drives me to be a family is I guess you do have to get out of your the constant fun we have when we’re blessed comfort zone to create what you have with the presence of each other. created! Managing a business or a sim is not a simple task. It requires time and Amazing. Having such a big family would organizational skills. How do you manage it definitely be rewarding! Everyone goes all? Any advice for those who wish to start a through life according to some personal similar activity? ideas, ideals, and with a specific attitude or Well, I have a wonderful manager. She philosophy. What would be the philosophy truly is my angel. I may be hard on her at that allows you to be who you are in SL? times, but it‘s because customer service Would you say your philosophy is different is and will always be number one in my between SL and RL? book. Jaqueline De Lethal helps with a lot So in SecondLife, I would say I’m more of the day to day business tasks such as sociable, as, in real life, I would consider showing properties, taking care of tenants myself as an introvert. I get awkward with and always making sure everything is up to large groups of people. I find peace in my my standards. She works hard for me. I trust own space. My philosophy in SecondLife her impeccably. Dolce Amore would not be is never giving up on something that drives what it is today without her. I have so much to you, never to be undetermined or feel that do in SecondLife besides run my beach and you can‘t do something, practice makes business. So she takes a lot of stress off me. perfect and if you set your mind to it, I would say always make sure the person you anything is achievable. Never let anyone tell choose is close to you and will always put in you differently or stand in the way of your 100 percent just like you would. success. Always put yourself first. Trust is definitely a requirement when hiring Listening and putting yourself first is a someone in such an important position! strength in my opinion. Every action, events, Dolce Amore. The name sounds so inviting, challenges, and accomplishments shape so promising. How and when did you create a person. How would you say creating and this wonderful location? Tell us where the managing Dolce Amore has shaped or idea came from and what it took to make it changed you? the fabulous destination it is today! Dolce Amore beach has made me a better Dolce Amore Beach is so much of who sim designer. It helped me create a peaceful I am as a person. I am a super romantic place for others to enjoy. It shaped me as individual. I love scenic views and details.

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Secondlife was lacking beaches at that time. was something I have been questioned about recently so I have added some surfing I closed Dolce Amore Beach for 11 hours waves and will be adding more. Dolce Amore straight and built Dolce Amore 1. The vision I had was in my head, nothing inspired me. I Sail Beach offers zip lining, hang gliding, surfing, movie cave, restaurant, dinner for just painted a picture in my head and came two overlooking the beach and all its beauty, up with something that, to this day, I think is Ferris wheel, volleyball, and more! Dolce truly remarkable. What makes it even more Amore also offers rentals, 27 beautifully remarkable is that others get to enjoy my decorated homes with additional prims. creation. Dolce Amore Beach is my biggest accomplishment in SecondLife. Dolce Amore Adult fun, cuddling spots, swimming, dolphin swimming, underwater area (still working on was not a cheap project. I spent well over 300,000 maybe 400,000L putting it together, this), and in the future, a lounge club, rezzing but the price does not mean anything to me. of boats, dancing, and sailable water within What does is the fact that to this day, it‘s been the 4 sims. featured in a lot of things, it‘s always shown That sounds absolutely amazing and also love and support, and it‘s a destination that I hope to keep open for many many years to a huge task ahead! I am sure you have encountered many challenges creating and come. managing such a sim. Can you share with us I hope so too! As a blogger, it is an amazing the most challenging situation you faced and the most rewarding accomplishment regarding place for blogging pictures! There are many beach sims in SL. Tell us what sets your apart Dolce Amore? Oh yes, my biggest challenge is returning the from the others (activities, etc). Dolce Amore has many things to offer. Surfing entire sim by mistake, and having to redo it

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again (laughs out loud and cries a little)! But sim in your inventory. I shiver to the thought! it provided me the opportunity to take the You promote Dolce Amore as “a romantic time to go over and perfect it, making it better beach for fun and flirting”. Can you explain to than it originally was. The most rewarding us what that entails? thing for me is the fact my group now has Romantic for me is taking time out of your day 700 members and so many people again get and unwinding with your loved one, taking to enjoy my creations, that is living in one of them dancing, having dinner overlooking a my beautiful homes and calling it home or beautifully landscaped place, spending time using the many locations on the beach. Not to cuddling as your listening to the waves of the mention the biggest reward ever was making ocean, or putting your settings on midnight friends whom I cherish to this very day. and just watching the water sparkle as you cuddle your loved one on a nice boat while I cannot even imagine how it felt to return the enjoying some intimate time.

I am also big on romance, so I know what Dolce Amore Beach offers many rentals, the you are talking about. Going on vacation is a prices range from 750L to 2500L depending thing a lot of people in SL like to do. You have on the size of the home. Our beautifully magnificent rental locations on the sim. Tell us designed bungalows are the cheapest. They a bit more about the various rental options we are 750L at this time. We have homes that are can find at Dolce Amore. And would you say big or small, so pretty much to fit all budgets. it would be a suitable destination for families I’m not greedy with prims either. For families, (more conservative type), even if the word I would suggest a rental as I allow children on “adult” is in the name? the rental homes, but not on the actual beach

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for obvious reasons of TOS. Each home is yourself into each decorating design. When parceled for full privacy, and pretty much all of walking around, it feels like we are in a them have a balcony of some sort so you can different world. It is so peaceful and the enjoy the beautiful view of the beach. Some landscaping is so realistic. Walk us through views are more beautiful than others but the your process. What feelings do you want way the sim was designed, all homes are to share when creating your locations? gorgeous and a must-see. Any particular designers that enable you to achieve the result? How hard is it to manage Couldn’t agree with you more on that fact! your land impact / prim count? Any little tips Your rental houses are beautifully decorated you want to share with us? and so inviting and I know you decorate each I get a calm feeling when I walk on the beach. one of them with care and love. What inspires I would say it‘s good for those who may suffer you when you decorate? Do you start with a from anxiety. It’s romantic, soothing, and specific idea or just run with the flow? relaxing. And that’s what I was thinking about Decorating has become such a passion so when creating and decorating. It‘s a place I pride myself on spending lots of money on just to unwind and take in all the scenery. only the best animations for my tenants. As No designers were the inspiration for my we all know, animations are everything. So beach. I mean, I shopped a lot for tropical when I start decorating, I get the concept I things and through the year’s Dolce Amore want in my head and dig through my massive has grown. I have changed things and added unorganized inventory lol. But in the end, the other things. Prim count is a little difficult when way they turn out is so stunning and they rent you have a homestead. I charge 200L for my very well. That makes it rewarding that others group. That‘s cheap, but it keeps my beach also enjoy the way I have envisioned a home. manageable. I check the land daily and return So I guess you can say I go with the flow and those prims people leave behind. But the work on an idea, and then make it a reality. group allows rez rights. I would say just keep It‘s my dream to be an interior designer in real an eye on things. Maybe one day SL will allow life. you to combine all prims within all properties you own lolol but one can dream. There are so many wonderful designers and creators in SL. We are very fortunate to have Yes, one can definitely dream and hope! Life such a talented designer community. Do you is such a wonderful adventure and most of have a favorite designer when you decorate us dream of future achievements or establish your rentals and why? future goals. Do you have any plans or I love nutmeg, Dutchie, Apple fall, EVH, U.S. dreams for Dolce Amore? Designs, Bazar, Trompe, DaD, Dust Bunny, I would love to add 3 more homesteads to MadPea, Stockholm&Lima, Bee designs, Dolce Amore one day just for open water and Redgrave. I’m a sucker for details and sailing. I am a water baby. I love the water animations. I love high-quality things. I don’t as I live in the desert and it‘s HOT here lol! care about the price too much as long as Secondlife is the place I can see the beach others are going to enjoy it as much as I anytime I want. My goal is to just continue would. being featured in magazines and more people It is inspiring to see how much you put seeing the creation of Dolce Amore beach

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and eventually being listed as a Surfing and sailing destination.

If you’re not able to reach her, you can always contact me BellaProject.Alpha

Such grand plans! I am sure we will all be on This has been such an enlightening interview the lookout for future announcements of these and I thank you for taking time from your very projects and closely follow the progress! Now, busy schedule to share information about if one wants to rent a house at Dolce Amore you and your beautiful destination location. Adult Beach, what would be the process? Any last word you would like to share with our Who should we contact? readers? First, you would go to the rental office and take a look at all the boards of the showcased I would just love to say thank you for taking homes. If you‘re interested in renting one the time to read about Dolce Amore beach and that I appreciate having the opportunity to or want to see it, simply click the board and teleport to the location. But please contact me be featured in SIS magazine. Please come to or my manager before doing so all homes are see my beach and say hello. I would love to see you all there. Thank you. protected with orbs. The first point of contact is my manager: SweetJakki.Xaris

Dolce Amore beach is definitely a destination worth visiting. It is comforting to know there are people in SecondLife like The Empress BellaTrix Lethal whose sole focus is creating an environment for the pleasure of others. From activities to having the ability to rent a home, Dolce Amore beach has been created to make you happy, relaxed, and loved. It was a pleasure getting to know BellaTrix on a more personal level and realizing how much of a caring individual she truly is. And that personality is definitely reflected on the design of her sims!

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Purple Reign The Legacy of Prince

Article by Brea santos Illustrations by Rebellah A. D‘Arcy


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Let me tell you a little story. I need you to imagine the scene in your head. Picture this… a three year old girl sitting on the kitchen floor of an apartment where her aunt’s parents resided and as soon as they yelled, “Sing that song baby by that one fella!” A few words to Diamonds and Pearls came out of her tiny mouth. Diamond and Pearl. Boy and Girl. That’s where it all began for me. Do I remember it? Absolutely not! But I remember a love for Prince Rogers Nelson as long as I can remember. I grew up on so many styles of music and from all different eras but my admiration and love for Prince has always transcended any other artist or any particular genre of music. Prince Rogers Nelson came into the world on June 7,1958 leaving his mark on Minneapolis, Minnesota. Being born to John, a pianist, and Mattie, a jazz singer; it’s no secret that music would be his calling later on in life. Music basically became his saving grace. He was bullied at school and his home life with his parents and younger sister Tyka was less than ideal. Their divorce in 1965 left Prince with a gift , his father’s piano. It was not until 1978 that the sex symbol cemented himself as a music icon that would eventually take the world by storm. Not only would he be known for his risqué lyrics and revealing pants with a surprise in the back, but his ability to keep the world talking by dancing to the beat of his own drum and playing it at the same time. 89

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By the year 1993, the icon and his then record label W.B were at odds over contract details. In an effort to stick it to the man, Prince became the Artist Formerly Known As Prince or the symbol. No one in the media even knew what to call him or what to make of the symbol which is believed to be an amalgam of the medical symbols for male and female which could also be an homage to the Saturday Night Live character Pat who is androgynous. To further this idea, there are lyrics from the song I Would Die 4 U.

“I‘m not a woman.

I‘m not a man. I am something that you‘ll never understand.“ When he wasn’t blessing our ears with his musical talents, he lived his life in the best way Jehovah would want. He shared his wealth with the world by giving to charity. One of the most important organizations that he devoted his time to was PETA. Prince believed that humans should treat animals with decency. Being a strict vegetarian, he not only donated money to the organization but he pinned a song Animal Kingdom that urges mankind to treat all living things with compassion. He also felt a deep connection with the next generation of future musicians and artists. Therefore, in February of 2011, he finished off a concert series in New York that would give 250,000 to each of the programs run by American Ballet Theatre and Uptown Dance Academy. ww

His biggest piece of activism came after the April 19, 2015 death of Freddie Gray, an African-American male who died in police custody in Baltimore, Maryland after he was arrested for carrying a knife. Due to lack of evidence, all six arresting officers were not charged with his homicide. Of course, his death sparked outrage in the city which led Prince to write the song 91

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Madonna. Even though he has Baltimore. The official music video contains footage of the actual protests. charmed quite a few ladies, he only Activism might have kept Prince busy married twice. According to folklore, he but he always made time for romance. spotted Mayte Garcia outside his tour He is the definition of a true ladies man bus and told Rosie Gaines, “There’s my future wife.” She was only 16 at the and boy did he court quite a few ! time of course. After she graduated high school, she became one of his Prince’s love for the ladies was very dancers on tour and the rest is history! evident in his dating history. He has The pair married on Valentine’s Day been seen with some of the most of 1996 and by October of the same beautiful and talented women in the world. Many of these gorgeous year, a son was on the way. Little Amiir beings happened to actually work or Boy George Nelson was only in the right alongside the musician. He has world for seven days before he died of dated Carmen Electra, Kim Bassinger, Pfeiffer Syndrome which is a genetic disorder that causes a fusion of bones and even the Queen of Pop herself,

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in the skull. The death of the little boy took a toll on the marriage and they I remember posting on my real life parted ways in 2000. But a year later, Facebook account about him having to Prince took a sexy strut back down the make an emergency landing because aisle to Manuela Testolini. By 2006, he had the flu. I was upset but knowing that relationship was over as well. how strong he is and health conscious, Funny story, even Prince has been I had faith it was just a hiccup and he rejected. Using his 2006 album release would be back to jumping on and off 3121, his songs Lolita and Te Amo stage risers in no time. Corazon divulged his feelings for the Ironically, my younger sister was the actress Salma Hayek. first person to post about his death on April 21, 2016. This man influenced During the course of his music my love of music, the color purple, and career, Prince released thirty-nine Cap’n Crunch cereal. I have a whole solo albums and three with his group discography in my closet and a Live New Power Generation or NPG. He in Las Vegas DVD. That day will be sold over a hundred million albums forever cemented in my memory as world-wide making him one of the the day the music died. My room has best selling musical artists of all sprinklings of him all around it. There time. His accolades included seven will never be another Prince. No other Grammy awards, seven Brit awards, artist could come close to the sound six American Music Awards (AMAs), that he has created in his lifetime. and four MTV Video Music Awards. But at the end of the day, he was still He earned an Academy Award or an human! He struggled with demons that Oscar for Best Original Song Score his fans had no idea about. To me, that for the Purple Rain film. Despite all makes him even more relatable and his achievements, he never took any loveable allowing his legacy to live on of it for granted. He was a practicing forever. Jehovah’s Witness and even went door to door to talk about his faith. His faith Long live THE SYMBOL! is probably what led him not to receive medical treatment when his health started to decline.

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Richmond Survival Camp Not Your Typical SL Camp

Article by Diamond Meness Illustrations by Ri 94 Sisters in SL Magazine

If there is anything that you will learn about Second Life is the scope of your game play is truly up to you. And the kid community in Second Life is huge! So what does the kid community do? Well there is school and daycare but there is also camp. Each year, there are many camps that open up on Second Life for kids to sign up and have fun. There are your typical camps and then there is Richmond Survival Camp. Believe me readers, there is nothing typical about Richmond Survival Camp. If you are looking to sit in a cabin all day and learn all the leaves on a tree, this is not the camp for you! If you want to hunt zombies and kill chickens or don‘t mind an occasional loss of limb, come sign up!!! 95 Sisters in SL Magazine

We sat down with Landon Edenbaum, lovingly known as Geo, one of the brainchilds behind Richmond Survival Camp to get the scoop on what it is about this camp that kids love so much. The deadly killer zombies, the islands infested with kid eating dinosaurs, or whatever crazy theme that Geo comes up with that brings these kids back in droves year after year that makes it so appealing. It was an amusing interview to say the least! And don‘t let the crazy answers to some of these questions fool you readers! These kids love this guy!!! He‘s a very humble person from what I gather who goes the limit to make sure these kids have everything they need. These kids pay NOTHING for camp! And being a camp counselor one year myself, his care for these kids knows no limits. Thank you so much Geo for taking the time to answer these questions. The Sisters in Second Life Magazine really appreciates your time.

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1 - How did you hear about Second Life? an adventure rather than a typical camp. Our What did you expect when you joined? first camp theme was getting lost on an island with Dinosaurs. It was only a small group of Geo - I first heard of and tried SL in 2004 50 of us but nonetheless it is still one of our because I saw a banner ad somewhere. I most memorable years yet. expected it to be more like a chat room with fancy avatars. I didn‘t really find it interesting RSC was supposed to be a one time only back then so my first stint in SL lasted only a thing. However the following year when summer came around we started seeing kids couple of months. who were part of that first group posting on 2 - Who is Geo! The kids love you a lot!. Facebook about how they wished RSC would happen again. Who is this person behind the Avatar!! Of course Kenzie and I had to give kids what Geo - I am just me. I can‘t pretend to be they wanted and from there RSC was made someone I am not even if people dislike into a yearly tradition. me for it. I think kids like me because they As for our vision for RSC, that is something haven‘t caught on that I dislike them and that I often talk about when RSC is mentioned is why I try to kill them every year. because it is what is most important to me and I am sure to Kenzie as well. RSC was 3 - You have a camp called Richmond always meant to be a place where kids who Survival Camp. Tell us about it. What often felt left out from larger more “popular” was your vision behind it? groups could come and feel like they fit in. Geo - RSC was something Mckenzie creator That is the main reason RSC has never had of Meshmerized and I started together, he cabins or teams etc. We wanted everyone was my godson at the time and we ran a to feel like they were part of a single team, school called Richmond Elementary which by a single family all working together for the the way plays a huge part in the story of this same cause rather than competing against year’s RSC. each other. At RSC everyone had to feel RSC came about one summer in 2014 out of like equals regardless of whether they were the blue. A lot of our students that year did store owners or not. I think we stressed this not make it into a summer camp that was a enough over the years and I truly believe it is very popular camp at the time. Kenzie and what kids love about RSC. I have to say that I were sad to see kids being so sad to see popularity will not get you anywhere at RSC, their friends going to camp and they were it will not earn you tokens and it will not help not. So we decided to do something special you stay alive. The only thing that will ensure for these kids and give them their own camp your survival is if you can work together they could come to. We immediately decided with your fellow campers to overcome any that our camp had to be different and that it challenges that are thrown your way. had to allow kids to have experiences which child avatars in SL are often excluded from. 4 You don‘t run your ‚typical‘ camp. For example combat RP was and still is That‘s awesome. It‘s never boring. Why something kid avatars are often not allowed is this? to participate in at some of the RP sims. So we decided that combat RP had to be part of Geo - As I mentioned before, it was very it. We decided that our camp was going to be important for us to make a camp that was 97 Sisters in SL Magazine

exciting and not like the rest. I think having unique stories that campers and counselors can immerse themselves into is the key.

feedback from Nakoma and our dear friend Nick Tamboia who wrote the last three camp stories and also wrote some parts of this story where I was unable to give it that excitement that it needed. Together they helped me bring 5 - Each term you have a new theme. those ideas out of my brain and into the story The theme this year is 3020, without which you can read today. letting out too many secrets tell us RSC 3020 will take campers through an about it? emotional rollercoaster in which they will say Geo - 3020 is very special to me. Every goodbye to their family and friends for the last year as RSC ends, the theme for the next time. In 3020 they will have the difficult task to year is picked. I had several ideas of what I work together with the only family and friends wanted to do, all involving an end of the world they have left to survive and save humanity or scenario. I took a lot of inspiration from the die honorably trying. Fallout games as well as zombie stories such as The Walking dead and the like. Coming up 6 - Tell us about some of your past camp with something unique though was hard but experiences that you have offered. one day it just simply hit me what I wanted Geo - This is our eighth camp. We have done to do. I started brainstorming and soon I had this whole story in my head which I was Dino Camp part 1 and 2, Zombie Camp, unable to put into paper as I am not a writer. Neverland Camp, Jedi Camp, Neverending Story and Narnia. Each had their own unique With the wonderful help of Joey who is an story lines. experienced writer we began writing the story in December. We also had a lot of great


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7 - Your kids never pay for camp! How do you pull this off? Geo - We rely on donations from the community. 8 - How many kids attend camp and what type of activities do they do? Geo - This year we are expecting 300 children and 60 counselors. They will engage in questing, role play, and of course fun out of character events.

Richmond Survival Camp? Geo - The community and the help people like Joey, Killi, Chloe and the counselors are willing to give without asking for anything. The great work that they do is what makes camp awesome.

11 -Last question...and only the true fans of Richmond Survival Camp will understand, “What‘s with the chickens Geo?“ Geo - Ah the chickens. The truth is that they 9 - You must have a lot of supporters. were meant to be a placeholder for NPC enemies while Killi scripted the system. As How do residents who are looking to contribute time or lindens or who would camp drew closer and time was running out for us to mesh an NPC we kind of just like to help or donate wish to do so? decided to keep the chickens and roll with Geo - The best place to follow all the it. Glad we did because there is nothing that information regarding camp is through our Facebook page. tormented the campers more than those chickens did and as you know my happiness RichmondSurvivalCamp/ is to see these kids being tormented. 10 - What are you most proud of about

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Thank you so much Geo for interviewing for Sisters In Second Life Magazine! We appreciate your time! I must say I think our readers have learned a lot and will be excited when camp opens up again. The lucky kids who made it in this round are excited to start their 3020 adventure soon. I know you can‘t wait as well!! Be on the lookout readers! Check their Facebook page daily for pictures and videos! Those wishing to donate to this amazing camp can get in touch with Landon Edenbaum inworld or check out the facebook page. Anyone who wants to know more about the Theme for this years Richmond Surivial Camp 3020 can watch the youtube links here: Storytime - RSC 3020: Prologue & Chapter 1: https://www. Storytime - RSC 3020: Chapters 2 & 3: watch?v=7BqkzMJ9jz0&t=11s Parents, if you want to make sure your kid gets signed up for the next round of Richmond Survival Camp, join their Facebook page and stay informed. They can get into the best camp on the grid... and who knows, they may even make it back home when camp is over...maybe!

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Illustration from

Fighters On The Frontline: COVID-19’s Strain On Mentalities and Resources Article by Brea Santos I used to enjoy sitting on the loveseat in my living room and seeing what was going on in the world. Right now, in today’s global situation, as soon as a person turns on the television set; he or she is bombarded by news reports and conferences discussing the possibility of day to day life returning to a “normal”. But sadly, what is normal? Healthcare workers choosing their callings over family well being. Patients sick with the virus sitting in the hospital alone. No celebrations. This affects us all but more than anyone, those in the medical field are feeling the pain mentally, physically, and emotionally more than any other set of persons. 102Sisters in SL Magazine

According to a recent Time Magazine ventilators for those who need help article, Americans are seeing an breathing, doctors and nurses are increase of 700 percent in cases of having to stay in other places in order mental distress as compared to the year to make sure their families are not of 2018 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. affected by the virus, which leads to Looking at the figures presented by the need for psychological sessions for Time Magazine, 70% of Americans workers more than likely over a Zoom are experiencing cases of stress and call. depression which is three times more Here is another question. How can than the United States saw back in we support frontline workers besides 2018. This causes me to wonder exactly offering free doughnuts and Crocs. The how many Americans are in the medical Facebook Live show Red Table Talk field struggling with the task of having that features Jada Pinkett Smith, her to help patients recover from the virus mother Gammy, and daughter Willow or ultimately not being able to save recently showed appreciation to those their lives while having to stay away wonderful workers. In one segment, from their own loved ones. a nurse named April spoke about Recently, there was an interview having to give her phone to a daughter conducted by Health Leaders Media and her uncle so they could say their with the President of the American last goodbyes to her dying mother. Association Of Critical-Care Nurses The Will and Jada Smith Foundation Megan Brunson, who helped shine a donated 50,000 to the hospitals that light on the toll the virus has on those were featured on the livestreams. working in critical care units. Brunson Coincidentaly, Sandra Bullock donated has a unique first hand point of view masks to April’s hospital which is since she works 12 hour shifts on the located in an underprivileged area and critical care unit. In the article, she she got to thank April for all her hard expresses that the personal protective work. gear or personal protective equipment Reading stories like the one told by adds a lot of strain while you’re working April really puts into perspective what because it’s hot and cumbersome. the world is up against. Knowing all Moreover, you’re washing your hands this, several websites are offering constantly until they are raw and advice to those who are working in it’s hard to communicate with other the medical field during such a trying doctors and nurses on your floor. time. First things first, medical workers Specifically in America, we are seeing a are encouraged not to watch reports critical shortage of personal protective or read a ton of printed materials equipment which makes it difficult for pertaining to the virus. It can make doctors and nurses to provide proper people more sad and anxious which care to those who are affected by could result in a loss of concentration. the virus. Along with the shortage of Next, calling family members and 103Sisters in SL Magazine

friends can ease stress levels. It must be hard not being able to be home with spouses and children. Another tip suggests to practice yoga or meditation which is logical because it helps calm nerves and create balance while allowing a person to focus. Do not be afraid to ask for help and use the resources made available such as on site counseling or video therapy sessions. No matter what, we all need to remember that this too shall pass. If you have been affected by the virus, know that there are people on your side that will listen and love you with open arms. Here at Sisters In SL Magazine, I know without a doubt that we may have frontline workers as members which makes this article even more important! Sisters know that we are here for you no matter what! You are a hero and lives could not be saved without you putting your own at risk. Peace will come on the horizon sometime soon, but until then, let’s lift each other up.

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What she‘s wearing! To the Moon and Back April Leotard 105Sisters in SL Magazine

Bloodlines II Vampires and Humans

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„The blood is the life!“ - Bram Stoker, Chapter 11, Dracula

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One of the most legendary and evil monsters of our imagination is the Vampire. Long before Bram Stoker published “Dracula” in 1897, Vampires were creatures of myth and folklore for centuries in most cultures. Our modern culture has taken the fabled Dracula to new heights with movies, novels, film, art, theater....and games. BLOODLINES is a wildly popular - and at times wildly maligned - game within Second Life. Some Second Life residents were quite annoyed with the seemingly constant bite bite requests from Bloodlines Vampires and there was a bit of an uproar for a while. The creators of BLOODLINES, Mars Bracken and Lyle Maeterlinck, fine tuned the existing HUDS, added a Nexus (more about that in a moment) and there was no longer the need for random bite requests.

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There are 5 HUD’s and they are as follows: The Thirst for Vampire Race The Virtue for Human Race The Rage for LycanRace The Ascent for Angel Race The Torment for Demon Race No matter which of the races you decide on, or which HUD you purchase - all players start out as Human. When you are attacked by another player you lose 5% of your humanity and that 5% is turned into either blood for a Vampire, Lumens for Lycens, Angels require Ether and Demons, Ichor. Until you join the BLOODLINES game, no more of your humanity can be taken. All the HUD’s contain wounds and marks for Humans but are now only cosmetic attachments. Vampire HUDS have bite marks and fangs. The Lycan HUD includes sets of claws and claw wounds, the Angel and Demon HUD’s have their respective wings, particle effects and animations. Each heads up display now contains a NEXUS OBJECT and this has been a welcomed game changer. There is now no need to wear your fangs or claws, bites or wings. This handy addition attaches automatically to the center of your avatar - and is invisible - both by default. The race specific items are now only cosmetic and worn for roleplay. You can wear fangs or any other creation from another designer and there are some gorgeous wings to be found! Perhaps the best part of this is you can add your own animations which will allow you to put your own twist of creativity to your avatar and your RP. Each player who has turned into one of the races has something in common they must all suffer - and survive - the nightly Curse. This will send Vampires out in search of Blood, Lycans will seek out Lumens, Angels must have their Ether and the Demons will crave their Ichor. Every night they each lose various 109 Sisters in SL Magazine

amounts of their essence and it must be replenished.

allegiance to your soul keeper then the last drop of blood (last 3% of humanity) must/should be his/hers. If you do not Unless you drink a Wormwood Potion, want to go the whole “lenght” of the the first person who attacks you 33 bites you may want to inquire if collects your soul as soon as you join your Liege owns a Spike (vampires), the game. The potion stops that - but Rampage Claw (Lycans), Absolver the first person who attacks you after (Angels) or an Displacer (Demons), you join will be the one who takes your a cute little tool that attaches to your soul. You can pledge your allegiance to hand and with one thrust you can lose them, or not - your choice. At this point, most of your humanity, except the last you no longer own your soul and if you 3%. After you got biten the last time, decide you don’t like your soul keeper you become a revenant (vampire and anymore you can chose another one. lycan), or a wraith (angel and demon). To be a bit more specific about the Only then you may tank up on your notion of the SOUL, as everyone race metrics to the fullest and be hearing it for the first time dreads the welcomed in the lines of your keen. consequences of losing it. It is merely As part of the RP these phases are a metric, as of course, your avatar called turning rituals, and they are a does not have a soul outside of the huge part of welcoming someone in Bloodlines system. Same as the blood, the clan/horde. Sometimes there are ether, lumens, ichor and cider, they are preparations and plans made, attire is also just metrics helping the players purchased . . and there is music and achieve their goals/survive. They are parties. More or less as a “marriage exchanged between players through into the darkness”, and with the same bites, vials, and or transfers. fuss and intensity. The bigger and the more prominent the clan the larger and There are several stages to becoming fussier the preparations. a fully fledged vampire. As previously stated, everyone starts as human. As for the Humans, they have been Depending on your RP or your speed actually the „blood bags“ till recently you want to go through it there are when they have got a massive update different tools that make that possible. on their powers and options through If you prefer to indulge in the long the Virtue HUD. Added option is now RP then you would be bitten not less called becoming an ELDER. However then 33 times, by the same person or there is no similarity to the other races „turnings“. The humans now have by different persons. If you pledged 110 Sisters in SL Magazine

the posibility to become an elder by it into cyder. However an elder is donating 20% of humanity and wearing undergoing the hurdles of the curse as the human HUD. Once you become well, while a “normal” human wouldn’t. and elder you may attack and take metrics from any race, and transform


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the BLOODLINES system. Bloodlines Legends You can now claim regions and become an explorer or even sovereign of a region with your Claim Flag. This extension of the game allows There is a built in Magic Map that a player to go on quests and gather helps you find resources on any resources. Anyone who is already in claimed region and you can use your BLOODLINES will get the LEGENDS discovered resources to do things like HUD free. New players can purchase cast spells, craft or you could collect this HUD and aren’t required to play in 112 Sisters in SL Magazine

something that will come in handy on a quest. Also it is worthy to mention that scavenging for new resources will be random and will not allow you to choose the resource you find. There are 10 region levels, and each one of them have between 16 and 29 items that can be used in the quests. They also have their own rarity levels, so sometimes you need to scavenge a few regions to get the resource you need. Each of the 5 regions has a Tower where you go to find a guide who will teach you about the quest specific to the race region. Some have specific

creation tools like ink stations on the Demons land. Those inks are components of a more advanced ink that would be crafted on the sim by adding more ingredients to it. The Lycans land has wood, you learn how to make the paper necessary to create the spells you would be writing with the ink. Also the demons land has mines, there you will get metals and coal, key compenents for creating and crafting other items. Throughout the sims there are objects and clues and different items you will interact with that help you complete these quests.

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There are always ways to gain or lose stamina, you will get experience points that help you to level up, you can collect treasures and mine for minerals. Legends seems a fun, interesting way to spend some down time in SL, especially for players who enjoy a good quest. The longer BLOODLINES is in world, the more things seem to change for the better. Players are allowed complete creativity with their characters and roleplay, and as Mars and Lyle said in the interview, changes are mostly player driven. There is a massive support system and their website is informative and clearly stated.

Game Guide Facebook Flickr

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115 Sisters in SL Magazine

Artist Corner A selection of pictures and images that soothe our eyes and sparkle our imagination

Ri‘s Imagery Burrow Coffee & Whiskey Co

Seren‘s Imagery Beautifully Abandon & Good Old Days

Sisters on t

What an amazing show, what a wondeful audi Thank you all for making this possible!

I‘ll let the pictures speak for themselves, more Please note these pictures are only some exce for more! Thank you sceneris for making the v 130Sisters in SL Magazine

the Catwalk

ience and what a great team to put this all together!

then a thousand words they have to show for! erpts from the whole show! Watch the youtube video video for Sisters in SL Magazine! 131 Sisters in SL Magazine

132Sisters in SL Magazine

Aura from Auradacious Designs and Karen from Piper Moda

Auradacious Designs 133Sisters in SL Magazine

Piper Moda 134Sisters in SL Magazine

Rose Athena from Athena Couture and Jiejie Emerald from Emerald Couture 135Sisters in SL Magazine

Athena Couture 136Sisters in SL Magazine

Emerald Couture 137Sisters in SL Magazine

Gia Fashions 138Sisters in SL Magazine

Pretty Rock Girl 139Sisters in SL Magazine

Marquesse by Addy 140Sisters in SL Magazine

Marquesse by Reb 141 Sisters in SL Magazine

Seren Villiers WILD Fashion & Beauty - BohoNYC Outfit Hair: Tableau Vivant - Belle hair - Fades Flower (head): *LODE* - Head Accessory Forgotten Wreath [white] Flowers (hand): *LODE* - Hand Accessory Chicory Bouquet Lipstick: . MILA . - Saint Sheer Catwa BOM [Berry] Bracelets: KUNGLERS - Lizia bracelets Tattoo: BodyCult Tattoo Lounge - Love Butterfly Belly Arms - Maitreya Applier Hud 142Sisters in SL Magazine

Seren Villiers JustBECAUSE - Nickie Top Hilly Haalan - Lara Bermuda Shorts - Maitreya Hair: Magika - Checkpoint Purse: Baby Monkey Shoes - Mindy Purse Belly ring: EarthStones - Belly Bugs Maitreya - Butterfly - Mid/Lo Necklace: EarthStones - Chakra Crystal Necklace Bracelet: EarthStones - Flora Bracelet (Soft)

143Sisters in SL Magazine

Seren Villiers WILD Fashion & Beauty - BohoNYC Outfit Hair: Tableau Vivant - Belle hair - Fades Flower (head): *LODE* - Head Accessory - Forgotten Wreath [white] Flowers (hand): *LODE* - Hand Accessory - Chicory Bouquet Lipstick: . MILA . - Saint Sheer Catwa BOM [Berry] Bracelets: KUNGLERS - Lizia bracelets Tattoo: BodyCult Tattoo Lounge - Love Butterfly Belly Arms - Maitreya Applier Hud 144Sisters in SL Magazine

Carolina Shoen Head: Nova by Lelutka Skin: Teresa by Mila Hair: Valentina by Doux Vika Puff Top by Rowne Darya Denim Skirt by Rowne Pearl Anna Earrings by Rama Neva Pearls Headband by LaGyo 145Sisters in SL Magazine

Karen M. Johnson Hair: Truth Nylah (Rainbow) Sunglasses: SHOOK - Lunari Glitter: La Mort - Small (Maitreya) Ears: PUMEC - Mesh Ears - Cry on Techno Rings: LIVIA - Azziza Bento Rings Outfit: GHEE - Crystal Bustier & Skirt (Daisy) Nails: Pikawa Bento Nails

146Sisters in SL Magazine

Katie Halliwell Clothing - Blueberry In Control Collection - Skirt, Top & Shoes Hair - TRUTH Beatrix Jewellery - (Yummy) Galaxy Ring Set & Erratic Hoop Earrings Silver

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