Sisters in SL March 2020

Page 50

Chakr asar eourbodyener gycent er s. Theyar el ocat edal lovert hebodyandar esemi i ndependentf r om eachot her ,al t houghi nt er connect edpert ot al .Ast hewhol e uni ver sei sj ustener gysoi sourbody.Wer eactt omoonphases,weat her ,ot herpeopl e' sener gy.Si ncemor et henahal fof ourbodyi sf or medofwat er~6065%,wet endt obepr onet ol oadandl oseandst or eorst uckourener gi esal lt het i me.

I nt ro du c t i on t o ch ak ra s

Chakr asar ewel ldef i nedpoi nt s/ r egi ons/ cent er si nourbodyt hatst or eandal l ow ci r cul at i onofener gi es i nor dert of uelourener get i cf i el ds.Shoul dt heybeover l oadedorunder l oadedwewi l lhavesympt omat i cr eact i onsori l l nessesorj ustdi st ur bancest hatcanbehar mf uli fnott r eat ed/ bal anced. Sameast heuni ver seourbodi esneedt obebal ancedi nor dert opr eventcat ast r ophes.Chakr asar epar toft hesubt l ebodynott hephysi calone.Theyar el ocat ed att hecount er par t soft hemaj orpl exusesofar t er i es,vei nsandner vesi nt he humanbody.Themeet i ngpoi nt s/t hecount er par t soft hesubt l ebody

Oneoft he met hodsused

t oacknowl edge

yourener gycent er si s

ar ecal l ednadi i s.Li f ef or ceandener gymovest hr ought henadi i s.

t hr oughmedi t at i on.I fyou

Ther ear e7mai n/ maj orchakr asknownt ot hegener alpopul a-

woul dvi si taheal ert hey

t i on,consi der edt obet hemosti mpor t antones,butt her e ar ewaymor echakr as,f oreachl evelofconsci ousness

haveaspeci alt oolt heyuset o

andevenf ort he2D( t wodi mensi onalr eal i t y) ,j ustnot

i dent i f yt heener gybl ockagest hey

al loft hem ar eusedi nr ei kiandener gyheal i ngunl ess

coul duseat uni ngf or k,ort heycoul d

t heheal eri sadvancedorhasaver ygoodknowl edge

uset hei rowni nt er nalscanni ngsyst em.

oft hoseener gi es.Theor i gi noft hechakr acomes

Ei t heroft hemet hodsusedar enotdange-

f r om Hi ndui sm t r adi t i on,al sowel lknown andusedi nt heJogi ni ant r adi t i ons.

r ousandt heydonoti mpl ybodyt ouchi ngatal l .

I ft r ansl at edi tmeanswhi r l poolor

Al sot hesemet hodsar enoni nvasi ve,t heheal er

vor t ex,butt akenf r om t he

woul dmai nt ai nanener gyf i el dsaf edi st ance.Ther e

Sanskr i tl anguagei ti sawor d

ar emanyexpect at i onsofhoworwhatshoul dsomeone

ofmovement ,i tl i t er al l y

r ef er st o"wheel "

f eel ,manyt heor i est hati fsomeonef el tsomet hi ngever yone

or"t ur ni ng",i t ' sa

needst of eelt hesame.Ther ei snosucht hi ngi nener gy

f l ui dmot i onal

heal i ng,wear eal ldi f f er ent ,ourbodi esar edi f f er ent ,mor esensi t i ve

wor d.

t osomesensor sandyetl esssensi t i vet oot her s.Ther ei snogener al

r ul eonhowsomeoneshoul df eelorwhatt heywoul dexpectt of eelabout

i t .Somemi ghtf eelat i ngl i ng,somemi ghtf eelahot / war m osci l l at i ngt empe-

r at ur e,somemi ghtexper i encevi si ons.Somet i mest heper soncoul df eelnot hi ng

atal l ,ener gyheal i ngdoesn' tmeant hati tt akespl acei nt henow,i t sr eact i onscoul d

bef el tevendaysaf t er .

The7Mai nChakr as Thechakr asi nt hehumanbodyst ar tatt hebot t om oft hespi neandext endupt ot hecr ownoft he head.Asment i onedabovet heyar esemi i ndependent ,t hatmeanst hatt heycanbebal ancedi ndi vi dual l ybuti foneget sunbal ancedal loft hem wi l lst opwor ki ngef f i ci ent l yhencenor ei ki / ener gyheal i ngwi l l concent r at eonl yononeoft hem,butal lwi l lbebal anced.Di sf unct i onal i t yofanyoft hechakr ascanl eadt o di sr upt i oni nt hebody,mi ndandspi r i tal lt oget her .Ther ef or ei si mpor t antt opr act i cemi ndf ul nessandmedi t at i ons dai l yaswel lasexer ci seandl ear nt or ecogni zet hesei mbal ancesassoonast heyst ar tt omani f est ,orevenbet t er bef or et heywoul dmani f est .Thei mbal ancesar eal socal l edener gybl ocks.

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