Awakening A Renewal of Mind, Body, and Spirit
I can remember exactly how I was feeling the first time I read this quote. Nothing seemed to be going right. My love life, my connection to family and friends, my health, and yes, even my desire to write. Being beaten up by life can cause us to retreat and isolate ourselves in order to survive. And that’s exactly what I was doing. I shut down. Put the guard up. And even though the world saw a smile on my face, I believe I was dying on the inside. That’s when it happened. That’s when, after reading this quote, I remembered. Have you ever felt that you were holding on to the very last part of yourself? After all, as women, we tend to give to everyone first, leaving mere scraps for ourselves to survive on. Our complaints typically fall on deaf ears, if we voice them at all. And day by day, we continue to give from an empty cup.
“She remembered who she was and the
game changed. ~ Lalah Delia
What women may not realize is that this is a long-term conditioning that has been passed from woman to woman. One that says our needs must come last in the big scheme of things that matter in our lives. Furthermore, it is without question, one of the hardest things to overcome. That belief that you are bad for putting your needs and wants first. It has taken me years to come to this realization, and it’s still something I struggle with. However, I have learned a few things that I would like to offer you; in the hope that this New Year brings you an...awakening.