march-april newsletter

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March-April 2012 Mercy justice highlights published every other month

EARTH Mercyhurst University Takes St. Francis Pledge Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, has become a Catholic Climate Covenant Partner by endorsing the St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor. The university offers a new major in sustainability studies and uses wind power to meet 100 percent of its electric needs. In 2007, President Tom Gamble joined several hundred college and university presidents in signing the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, which obligates Mercyhurst to a goal of carbon neutrality. Learn more about Mercyhurst’s sustainability efforts here.

Keystone Pipeline Advocacy Continues The Sisters of Mercy joined environmentalists and other activists in celebrating President Obama’s decision to reject a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Dozens of Sisters, coworkers, and college students participated in rallies and actions against this proposed pipeline at state hearings and at the White House. Nearly 300 people sent messages to President Obama through the Mercy email advocacy network, asking him to reject the proposed pipeline out of concerns about dependence on the “dirty” tar sands oil it would carry and about its passage through sensitive environmental and agricultural areas. After the president’s decision, dozens more signed petitions to members of Congress opposing efforts to get around the presidential rejection. Now the president has expressed support for building a shorter segment of the pipeline to carry a glut of oil between Cushing, Oklahoma, and Port Arthur, Texas. You may send him a message here to express your concerns and to urge him to ensure that this project gets a thorough review for its environmental and climate change impacts.

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