Studio Air Journal C

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Journal C Simrat Kaur Mehta 794105

C1 Design Concept 1.1 Initial design proposal

Our initial design proposal consisted of a column that was a representation of the behavioral characteristic of the growling grass frog and that of a Facade that represented the behavioral qualities of the plant. This proposal although had two successful key elements, column

Figure 1

Figure 2

(Fig1) and the facade (Fig 2),we lacked a seamless connection between the two. However, an iteration that was a combination of the column and the facade (fig 3) emerged as a better solution to our proposal.

Taking the feedback that we received from the interim presentation, we refined the iteration (figure4 ) further. With the proposal,

The key issues that were pointed out during the interim presenta-

we intended to design a space that invited people into the structure

tion were :

and use it as a collaborative space, restoring the place to its origi-


nal intend of it being a “meeting and a gathering� place.

The disconnect between the Facade and the Columns To fur-

ther explore the dynamic movements in the columns

Our proposed facade was intended to start from the first floor,


leaving the ground floor a more transparent place that instilled and

the >>

To have formulate a concrete argument about the usage of space To visualize it in the physical world.

encouraged a sense of community.


Figure 4

The design intend of the structure was to represent ‘growth’ through the form of the building and evoke Figure 5

an appreciation of ornament, as ornament plays an integral part in our design. The columns were not arranged in a strict order, as they defied the rules of classicism forming a new order of their own keeping in mind the characteristics of the precedents. However, additional to the feedback to the design that we received, there were also problems as seen in figure 6 and figure 5, such as the connection of the facade and the column and the connection of the slab and the facade that wasn’t addressed in the initial design proposal. Thus, moving forward we need to address the raised concerns and formulate a more defined structure

Figure 6

representing our design intention.

1.2 Concept and design refinement

The form of the building recalls the behavioral and char-

This decision of using different columns with varying siz-

acteristic qualities of the frog and the plant, abstracting

es and forms finds its root in our proposal for a new order

from it the intent of “growth” that is analogous to the de-

and the representation of growth.

velopment and the recent history of the city. The proposed design of the town hall aims to create a public open space

Since growth is dynamic, with several peaks and valleys,

that facilitates discussion and engagement of the com-

the different columns embody this thought process

munity with the structure,creating a new order that is not a misinterpretation of the past and disconnected from its

To create the smooth transition from the column to the


facade, along with varying column radii, we also had to

The design aims to strike a balance between public and semi private spaces by progressing onto the first floor that is enclosed by the facade in filled with glass. The building is a representation of “upliftment and growth’ that is coherently articulated by the form of the structure. To represent and successfully achieve these qualities, we changed and refined our design proposal taking the points

think about its strong connection that would be able to withstand loads. Since the columns are 3D printed, we

Figure 6

joined the column and the facade, thus making the form made out of pipes that are continuous from the column and the facade, making it one (fig.7). This enables and supports the design intent of creating a smooth transition with strong structural ability.

of feedback from the interim presentation. To formulate formal qualities of a building and create a smooth connection between the facade and the column, we decided to use different radius columns that varied with the openings in the facade/slab. Instead of using the same column with varying radii, we decided to use different columns each from a different species of iterations. Figure 7

Figure 8




2` Facade Figure 9: Continuous single pipe 3D printed


Exploded isometric diagram

1.3 Algorithmic diagram Column

1.4 Algorithmic diagram Facade


1.5 Column iterations













C2 Tectonic Elements & Prototypes After refining the overall form of the building, we thought about the form of the building and its engagement with the public in the interior spaces. In an attempt to create a dialogue between the user of the space and the building, we decided to integrate more detailing in the column as a structural ornament. For this, we generated more pipes on the column that created a intricate lattice of overlapping pipes. An appreciation of ornament is evoked by integrating the ornament within the structure of the column itself, creating a connection with the culture of the urban environment and the present demographic1. The detailed body of the column best expresses our ambition to create a figure of representation that best resonates in the structural and the construction process. This level of intricacy achieved by repeated overlap of the same algorithm, will be achieved in reality with the use of 6 axis Kuka robot, that 3D prints large objects. The detailing is also a representation of the possibilities of exploration that is possible through the use of 3D printer Kuka robotic arms, allowing us and the users to draw different interpretations through the possibility of mass customization and variation. .

Detail Model Scale 1:5

2.2 Prototype testing

Material Testing

We first started testing out materiality with metal wires to achieve the intricate curvy forms of the pipes. The test was a failure, because we realized through small exercises of bending and experimenting that the material was too stiff and moreover since our method of fabrication was 3D printing, the material was not appropriate for this method.

Material : 3mm metal wires Method of testing : manual bending of wires Method of fabrication : 3D printing Aim : Form finding exercise; testing the material qualities of the prototype Result: Not feasible for 3D printing; too stiff to use.

2.2 Prototype testing

After testing out the form of the column using wires, we tested our first fabrication prototype using a 3 axis 3D printer with ABS plastic filament as the chosen material. This prototype allowed us to explore 3D printing as a method of fabricating a 1:1 scale column. Even though we were able to achieve the level of accuracy with the detailing and the material was structurally rigid, there were several issues and problems that arose. Firstly, since this was a 1:20 test print, we were able to achieve the desired column in one piece as a whole, but to print a 1:1 column using a 3 axis printer would mean that we would have to print components and then join them together. Moreover, the 3 axis printer can only print up to 30 cm in height thus time taken to produce would increase. Secondly, even though the ABS plastic is strong and rigid, it fails to provide a smoother finish and is also an expensive material to use. Going forward from this, we have to resolve and explore the issue of material cost and investigation of using 3D printers for large scale 3D printers.

Material : ABS Method of testing : 3D printing Method of fabrication : 3D printing Aim : testing the materiality of the filament used; testing the method of fabrication. Result: 1. Structurally strong 2. Ease of fabrication 3. Time efficient 4. Desired effect

Prototype 3

Figure 1

Figure 2

Material : PLA Filament


Method of testing : 3D printing

1. Structurally strong

Method of fabrication : 3 axis 3D printer

2. Ease of fabrication

Aim : testing the materiality of the filament used; testing the method of fabrication. Comparing it

3. Time efficient

with ABS filament

4. Desired effect

Figure 3


Figure 4

To counter the problem of high material cost, we

produce a column in a much lesser time as com-

column and without compromising its struc-

used PLA filament as our material. The choice of

pared to ABS filament, we however had issues

tural capability, as is visible in figure (4).

material was governed with issues such as time

with its structural quality and the quality of finish.

As you can see in figure 2,3 the top part of the

efficiencies, cost and material finish. The outcome

The finish was more rough and messier. Since

column was more frail and weak as compared to

of this test was not as successful as we hoped it

PLA was thinner than ABS, it needed more support

the bottom which was a representation of how

would but it made us aware of more issues. Even

while 3D printing, thus it lead to a more strenuous

weak the material was. Thus, using this as our fi-

though we were successful at reducing cost and

task to remove the support without destroying the

nal material was not possible and was completely scratched off the list.

Figure 1 Step 1: The detail is in the initial stages of printing. The printer uses the filament which is then used to create the product layer by layer. Time taken for this was 27 hours.

Prototype 4 Material : ABS Filament

1. Structurally strong

Method of testing : 3D printing

2. Ease of fabrication

Method of fabrication : 3 axis 3D printer

3. Time efficient

Aim : To produce detail model

4. Desired effect

Figure 2 Step 2: The finished product is support by extra material that acted as “formwork� during the process of printing.

Figure 3 Step 3: The finish some marks affe

hed product. The support was taken out however it did leave ecting the finish of the product.

Figure 4 Detail : The accuracy of detail is maintained in the final product.

Since the end goal was to produce a 3D printed detail, Even though the product showed the intricate overlap of our 4th prototype was a result of this outcome. It is a the pipes, at some parts such as the lower half where the 1:10 chunk detail of the column in ABS filament.

intricacy was more tighter, the detail was more blurred

Although we were hoping to produce a 1:2 3D printed and fatter. It could be because of the scale of the model detail, given the short time span and the inability of the or also because of the complicated mesh that made up 3D printer, we couldn’t do it. However, this prototype is the model. a successful outcome of what we are trying to realize Overall, we were quite happy with this prototype as it in reality. This prototype uses the same ABS filament was almost able to achieve the deliverables of our exbut from a different brand, this change of company al- pectations of how it would it look in reality. lowed us to achieve a much smoother and high quality finished product. Even though it required support (fig 2) it was easy to remove but time consuming and it left marks on the column which were very hard to remove. The only remaining unresolved issue of this process of prototyping and production is the amount of time that is spent on 3D printing, there are alternative solutions to this such as the use of a 6 axis robotic arm for 3D printing that will not only reduce the time but also produce a 3m tall object in one whole. Unfortunately, given the short time frame for the project we were not able to test out this method of fabrication.

Figure 5 Detail : The accuracy of detail is maintained in the final product


2.3 1:1 scale fabrication

a. 3D model in Rhino; layers

Figure 1 Diagram representing the process of 3D printing by a KUKA robotic arm

b. system command; the file is prepared and ready to be sent to the robot controller

c. Robot controller

d. concrete agent and premixer

Our method of fabricating the columns and the facade

The above diagram explains the process from the 3D

to provide real time feedback allowing us

include the process of 3D printing using KUKA 6 axis

model in Rhino to its end product made by the robotic

fine tune the model according to the pa

robots with a cementitious material. With the advance-

arm. Industrial robotic arms like the KUKA or ABS are

are set by us. Since it makes its own pa

ments of technology and the intense research that is

the best methods of production to create the columns

tory of the robot it will make the whole

undertaken in this field, the ability to 3D print materials

because it has the flexibility of rotating more which

self efficient. However, there is still more

in cement is possible which gives us the freedom to re-

will help us achieve the level of detail and reduce the

is required in achieving the column in re

alize the columns as both structural and ornamentation

time of production drastically. Since the robots are self

process, since we have not prototyped t

elements in the building.

equipped with softwares and controllers it will be able

fabrication yet given the time and cost co

s to change and

arameters that

ath and trajecprocess more

e. The path of the robot.

e research that

eality with this

this method of

this project, we consider this method of fabrication the

onstraints of

most likely process.

2.4 Alternative approach 1:1 scale fabrication

Figure 1 Pattern followed by the KUKA robot.

Figure 2 3D printing in process.

Terra Performa, 2018 <> [Accessed 1 June 2018]

Terra Performa, 2018 <> [Accessed 1 June 2018]

Figure 3 3D printed components arranged in order

Figure 4 Layers of unfired clay

Terra Performa, 2018 <

Terra Performa, 2018 <> [Accessed 1 June 2018]

grams/terra-performa/> [Accessed 1 June 2018]

Our method of fabrication is to 3D print the columns and the facade with concrete as the chosen material. Although, prototype #4 was successful, we did find a few issues that we needed to address when we start constructing the structure, by keeping in mind factors such as feasibility of construction and cost effectiveness of production. Upon more exploration of additive manufacturing of large scale structures using a more sustainable approach towards fabrication that is cost effective and climatically responsive, we came across a research thesis project by Iaac that focuses on using unfired clay as a material for 3D printing that not only reduces the cost by a great measure but also responds to the climatic conditions in a more sustainable approach. This is an alternate approach to the chosen material ABS, that we desired to explore further, however due to the undesired qualities such as the lack of creating more intricate and tighter detailing, the inability of printing an object in whole and not small components and the problem of Figure 5 The finished product. Terra Performa, 2018 <> [Accessed 1 June 2018]

reducing the amount of time fabricating still remains. Even though we can not use this material for the structure, we certainly hope to explore and investigate the feasibility of construction.

C3 Final Detail Model Process of fabrication Step 1 : From 3D to laser cut ready

a. 1mm thick sections b. rendered detail c. 3mm thick sections

1. Our scope of 3D printing the detail in 1:5 was limited by

2. After we converted the model into one big mesh, we then contoured it in sections to

3. The 2

the time frame and cost of production, thus to fabricate the

prepare it for the laser cut file. At this stage, while we were contouring, we had to decide


detail we chose to laser cut the file. We opted to use box-

on the thickness of the material that best showed the intricate detailing. On comparing


board as a material for the easy of fabrication, efficiency of

the 1mm and 3mm contours (fig2.a & 2.c) we decided on using 1mm thick boxboard as

time and cost. We converted our 3D detail in to a mesh.

it best captured the intricate detailing of the column.

202 layers were then laid out, ready to be placed on the laser cut template. Red

s made on each layer for ease of constructibility which would fasten the time of

tion and help produce a much neater finished product.

4. 31 sheets of Laser cut box board

Step 2 : Assemblage

1. For ease of assembly we stuck masking tape 2. Take them out of the sheets in order of the 3. Placing it on a leveled base ` so that everything was in place.

7. Detail at 50% completion


8.To increase time efficiency and time management, smaller components are created.

9.Stacking smaller components

4. sta

acking it layer by layer

5. Rigid connection

6. PVA between each layer as a layer of adhesion

10. Completed.

Finished Model

C4 Learning objectives and outcomes Studio Air has by far been the most challenging studio

dialogue is visible in our usage of material ornamenta-

supporting architectural texts throughout

that I have ever done. This project has pushed my lim-

tion, which was symbolic of the demographic growth

acted as a catalyst, during our initial stag

itations of exploring new ways of thinking about the role

and the flora and fauna of Merri Creek region. Using

a critical argument for our proposal. The

of computation in architecture and its relevance in the

these softwares allowed us to physically visualize the

veloping our cognitive thinking through th

design process. In retrospective, my ability of thinking

form and gave us the freedom to further develop and

ment of the rich and persuasive argume

and processing design was more traditional and my de-

manipulate algorithms to suit our philosophy.

informed by the contemporary architectu

production, however upon completion of this studio,

The ability to keep changing and improving by creating

Through various exercises in Part A,B,C

through this project I have learnt to bridge the gap be-

multitudes of iterations is one of the major advantages

especially analyzing contemporary archit

tween the 2d and 3d realms.

of using parametric modeling. Furthermore, the ability

dents and drawing a technical analysis

of using Rhino and grasshopper gave us the opportu-

conceptual thinking allowed us to develop

Using softwares like Grasshopper and Rhino to devel-

nity to fabricate and produce small scale test models

help me look and analyze architecture fro

op and fabricate a new order for the Northcourt Town

that helped gain feedback and prototype. This method


hall enabled me to experiment and test various iter-

of modeling and continuous prototyping gave us a taste

ations based on parameters such as cost effective-

of how things are actually fabricated and created in re-

With this new digital design approach tak

ness, structural ability, form and time efficiency. In the

ality. The ability to mass customize using 3D printing

studio, I have started to overcome my init

process of creating a New Order for the town hall, we

enabled with the fast process of designing was one of

of understanding the foundations of algo

gained the ability to create a space that had a deeper

the most interesting skills to learn in the studio.

modeling, as new approaches and techno

sign process included 2D means of representation and

design philosophy through representational tools such

ate initial problems, however through th

as ornamentation, form finding and algorithmic

A thorough understanding of the complexity of relations

learning and exercises such as the re-eng

modeling. The use of parametric modeling to commu-

between architecture as an idea, with the means of

in Part B, I have gained and developed m

nicate and engage the user with structure by creating a

achieving it in reality was developed in this studio. The

over it.

t the semester

Although there are many advantages to the usage of

The biggest advantage I believe is its flexible ability to be

ges of forming

parametric modeling and fabrication, there are several

used in a spectrum of areas ranging from art installa-

ey aided in de-

fall backs to it that I encountered while prototyping and

tions to biomedical research. Parametric modeling and

he encourage-

building the final model. One of them being the limita-

fabrication is the future that we are living in right now

ents that were

tions of available material that were compatible with 3D

and through this studio course work and the project I

ural discourse.

printers. This is understandable because it is still a new

have been exposed to the tools of digital architecture

technology and there are several research projects that

and developed a foundation that I will further grow on.

of the studio

focus on the sole issue of materiality but through out

tecture prece-

the studio my main concern was its application to the

along with its

real world and if it could retain its structural capabili-

p skills that will

ty without exceeding cost and especially with constant

rom three per-

prototyping, I would love to explore and further understand the usage of the same computational techniques but however with more biodegradable and cost effec-

ken during the

tive material, such as the Terra performa material.

tial challenges

Cost was also a major concern, as fabrication was the

orithmic based

most costly aspect of the whole project. Cost was an

ologies do cre-

issue because it depended on various parameters such

he path of self

as the monopoly of 3D fabricators, cost of material and

gineering task

time which would not be much of an issue if we were

my initial grasp

to use a more traditional approach of construction and fabrication.

References : 1. Al Jassmi, Hamad, Fady Al Najjar, and Abdel-Hamid Ismail Mourad, “LargeScale 3D Printing: The Way Forward�, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering, 324 (2018), 012088 <> 2. Lim, S., Buswell, R., Le, T., Austin, S., Gibb, A. and Thorpe, T. (2012). Developments in construction-scale additive manufacturing processes. Automation in Construction, 21, pp.262-268. 3. Moussavi, F. and Kubo, M. (2008). The function of ornament. Barcelona: Actar.

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