My Queries on the Quest for architectural answers... (Ed.03)

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Vertical/Horizontal ?

WHAT IF: water treatment plants are towers? What good does it do to public infrastructure system? How do people adapt to the industrial space?

infrastructure + tower 2022 academic 04
| Industrial factory | North point. Hong Kong 2022 Spring, Individual Supervor: Fergus Comer, 52240671

machine workflow

Learning about how the facilities work are essential: the mechanism, water levels, machine dimensions, substance supply through pipes, etc.

robust module structure

The unique structural solution was to counter the limited footprint. Hence, it all start with a pair of diagonal corner cores.

Bridge & Space truss 07

The load path goes by:
Floor Plate Core Truss beam

working with machines

The meticulous design of structure allow flexible floor plate geometries. This especially favours the seperation and connection between factory area and office space.


high-tech transparent skin

Refined structural members according to strength allow varying transparency of the facade, machineries are then showcased.

Double-skin facade is applied due to environmental concern. Tensile fabric serve the functional use of blocking high-angle sun shade while allowing visual connection in multiple perspectives.

Refined members allow varying transparency of the facade, machineries are then showcased.

Double-skin Facade System

1. Fabric

2. Double Glazing

3. Spider Fitting and Connector

4. Wooden Flooring with Vinyl Finish

5. I Beam for Raised Floor

6. Insulation

7. 50mm Concrete Slab Floor

8. 200mm Steel I Beam

9. Steel Connector

10. CHS Steel Truss

11. Operatable Window

Glass Soffit with protruding escalator
Double Skin and Tensile Fabric

WHAT IF: Grinch

2020 1846 / ?
CARNIVAL EVENT SPACE | London, United Kingdom Summer 2019, Individual Superved by Pascal Bronner + Thmoas Hiller 14
brought Christmas back in the future? What does the frosted River Thames look like?
carnival event space | instruments personal Summer 2019
hot wassail sky pub Section / Elevation 18

The Chirstmas Tree houses all the instruments from Spring to Autumn, standing tall and proud on the flowing river water. There are also underwater tracks hiding beneath. When winter comes, tracks appear on the snow, the Tree opens up, finally all the instruments glides out through the tracks. Party starts!



“...Tree opens up, all instruments glides out through the tracks. Party starts!”


FreeRigid/ ?

Fall 2021, Collaboration with Crystal Yeung + William Chen

Superved by Prof. Paul Tse, 9094 4923

WHAT IF: messiness actually nutures a healthy community ? How do we amplify individuality? How does built environment allow art + culture to thrive?

Maker’s Hub | Wan Chai, Hong Kong
residential | mixed-use academic Spring, 2021

MAKERS: modern crafters

Wan Chai was once the biggest hardware hub in Hong Kong in the 70s. Facing the dwindle of hardware industry, as well as discovering the underlying new network of “Makers” in the area, we believe it is a good act to agglomerate people in this place for nurturing creativity.


The pixelated language is a deliberate gesture of exposing each individual unit - inspired by the exposed balconies we saw in Wan Chai. As residents customize their balconies into vibrant semi-public corners, the individuality of each creative dweller can be highly embraced.

3 Parties Clusters

Inherit the concept of influencing, 3 masses are arranged linearly.

Coliving massing is break down into clusters for better ventilation. Spaces are interlocked in plan and section, creating diversified spatial quality . To favour daylight coming from South East. Cascade Puzzle

For better ventilation and sunligh in private residence.

Johnsonton Road is identified as main entrance for public; Queen’s Road is for Makers. L-shape
devising coliving units 25
Deletion of boxels

3 users

Makers, Private Residents + the Public. They are the three major dwellers. People other than the makers are introduced into this program, in order to avoid it becoming an introverted village. We believe feedbacks from “outsiders” are important for innovations.

live residents makers public
residential area private apartments coliving hubs streetshop the arcade
3 rituals 3 users

sell make the grand market maker’s workshops


“Makers’ Village”

In contrast to metropolises where everything are scattered and connected by transportation system, a village is much more centralized. People live, work, and play within the community, creating a stronger bond with the village. The short distance between activities encourage casual encounters.


Wall Wall / / ?

Cultural Center | Pok Fu Lam Village, Hong Kong

Spring 2021, Individual

Supervised by Prof. Francesco Rossini

WHAT IF | a museum has no walls ?

Spring, 2021


site as membrane

The site is sandwiched between the old village and the city center - it has to take the role of becoming a transition medium.

A permeable membrane is my challenge towards all walls in the project. From the outter boundaries, to the inner partitions - they all must be on different level of permeability.

A wall defines the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. It acts as a seperator, giving the inside its privacy and isolation, and a varrier to limit physical movements.

A boundary is needed to define the cultural centre from the land. Yet it ought to be open and welcoming both to visitors and villagers.

In other words, I challenge mtyself to make the wall a “permeable membrane” in this project.


1. Main entry 2. Foyer / Open auditorium 3. Elevator 4. Mechanical Rooms 5. Library 6. Cafeteria 7. Children’s Playground 8. Auditorium 9. Carpark 10. Staff Room 11. Classroom 12. Exhibition Hall 13. Washroom 32
/ 1:200 elevation 34
1:100 partial model (chunk)
constructing. 36

constructing. . . 37

double curvature

/ Beam framing have been referenced from Toyo Ito; Column structure inspired by Kanagawa Institute of Technology Workshop by Junya Ishigami.

load-bearing columns


structural-stabling columns

pre-compressed tension columns

non load-bearing columns

AboveBelow/ ?

WHAT IF: distance is the biggest punishment to prisoners ? Are we bearing the burdens of prisoners, or vice versa?

PRISON | Siteless (wherever) Summer, 2021
Prison + Elevated Structure personal
Collaboration with Helen Mak, Jonathan, Truman Leung ARCH8 Idea Competition
Summer, 2021

Unseen Seen / ?

WHAT IF: “what is essential is visible to the eye” ? How do fabric behave under fluid force?

Spring, 2021

Artwork Garment, Scultpture, Photograph, Publication Spring 2021, Individual
Supervised by Debbie Lam, CUHK Fine Arts

Fabric Fluidity

The project started with an observation of how fabric has the dual quality of concealing and revealing at certain extent, often demonstrating illusions.

What IS underneath? What IF nothing is underneath?

In my explorations, fabric became the stage for ‘air’ / ’nothingness’ to perform.

1, 2
3 1. Inspiration: “Little Prince” 2. Device for Recreating Inspiration 3. Sketch on Fluid 4. Imaginative Scultpures (Plaster)

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