I [Heart] Drawing: Marvelous Mermaids

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Art Instruction

Figure Drawing

D R A W I NG marvelous M E R M A I DS Jane Davenport

Create a magical mermaid’s world of wonder and beauty! Artist and best-selling author Jane Davenport shared her unique system for drawing the figure in I ♥ Drawing: Fabulous Figures. In her new book, Marvelous Mermaids, Jane dives deep into the ocean to uncover the secrets of drawing these mythical ladies. Humans have always had a fascination with mermaids, and now you can learn how to easily draw and paint these sensuous sirens— perfectly proportioned figures, shimmering scales, and all. Draw the flowing tresses that are every mermaid’s trademark. Create mesmerizing facial features. Paint beautiful backgrounds to invite your mermaids to explore. As you learn to create these lovely sea nymphs and their watery worlds, you will gain confidence in drawing any female figure.

Fin-spiring Features

• A wide variety of step-by-step mixed-media projects

• Collage sheet with images you can



marvelous MERMAIDS

incorporate into your art

• Full-color stickers featuring Jane’s original art

ISBN: 978-1-68462-004-3

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Get Creative 6

$24.95 US • $33.95 CAN

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Get Creative 6

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Get Creative 6 An imprint of Mixed Media Resources 104 West 27th Street Third Floor New York, NY 10001 Connect with us on Facebook at facebook.com/getcreative6 Senior Editor MICHELLE BREDESON Art Director IRENE LEDWITH Design and Layout JANE DAVENPORT ___________________________________________________________________________ Chief Executive Officer CAROLINE KILMER President ART JOINNIDES Chairman JAY STEIN Copyright © 2020 by Jane Davenport All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage-and-retrieval systems—without permission of the publisher. The designs in this book are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of the retail purchaser and are under federal copyright laws; they are not to be reproduced in any form for commercial use. Permission is granted to photocopy content for the personal use of the retail purchaser.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Davenport, Jane, author. Title: Marvelous mermaids / Jane Davenport. Description: First edition. | New York, NY : Get Creative 6, 2020. | Series: I [heart] drawing | In series statement, “heart” appears as a heart symbol. Identifiers: LCCN 2019047162 | ISBN 9781684620043 Subjects: LCSH: Mermaids in art. | Drawing--Technique. | Painting--Technique. | Scrapbook journaling. Classification: LCC NC825.M37 D38 2020 | DDC 743/.87--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019047162 Manufactured in Singapore 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 First Edition

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This book is dedicated to the memory of the littlest mermaid, Tinsel. I wish to thank my great friends Kerry Sinagaglia and Cary Scholes for being administrators of the Jane Davenport Mixed Media Group on Facebook. Together we have built a large creative community full of fun, art, and kindness, and their daily assistance gives me the extra time I need to do fun things like write this book!

about the

author & artist

Hi, I’m Jane! I’m a professional artist, international workshop leader, best-selling author, art-supply designer, and art-journal evangelist. I live overlooking the lighthouse in Byron Bay, Australia’s most easterly point. Drawing has been the most useful life skill I have. I can untuck details and ideas from my imagination, which has served me well in all my creative endeavors. Sometimes my ideas can’t fit into words, but I can still express myself by taking a pen for a walk across paper. This is why I love teaching, writing, and designing art supplies. I’ve been described as a “generous teacher,” and I’ll wear that badge with honor. I am passionate about your creativity. I live a happier life because of my creativity and simply want that joy for others. See more at: www.janedavenport.com

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Contents About the Author & Artist_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Introduction________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Chapter One: Seas

the day

Get your mind and creative space ready for this artventure!_______________________________________________________ 10 Chapter Two:

Go with

the flow

Let’s see how to capture a mermaid’s sinuous movements in the water._____________________________________ 1 8 Chapter Three:



In this chapter we look at lovely mermaid faces in more detail.___________________________________________________3 2 Chapter Four:



Twisting, turning, and coy over-the-shoulder poses bring mermaids to life._______________________________50 Chapter Five:

Make a


Create beautiful backgrounds for our mermaids to inhabit.__________________________________________________________70 Chapter Six:

Mermaid Hair

don't care

We’ll learn ways of creating seaworthy styles for our mermaids._________________________________________________ 86 Chapter Seven:



These fun projects tie together all we have learned about mermaids so far!____________________________104

ocean______________________________________________________________________________________________________106 Project Two: Seems a little fishy______________________________________________________________________________________1 1 2 Project Three: Marie planktonette_____________________________________________________________________________________1 1 4 Project Four: Tell tails__________________________________________________________________________________________________________1 1 8 Project Five: Mermaids rock!_____________________________________________________________________________________________124 Project Six: Inky depths__________________________________________________________________________________________________________130 Project Seven: Rays of light_______________________________________________________________________________________________132 Project Eight: Sea foam___________________________________________________________________________________________________________134 Project Nine: Princess of whales____________________________________________________________________________________136 Project One:


Fin-Spiring Creative Prompts______________________________________________________________________________________________________138 Index_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________142

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introd u ction


You may ask why I have this endless fascination with mermaids. Is it their freedom and wildness? Oh, how I love to paint expressive backgrounds for them to inhabit! Maybe it’s their hair. I adore drawing those long, flowing, and tousled locks! Perhaps it’s their mysterious eyes. The furtive glances, knowing looks, and salty stares. Is it their languid forms twisting and turning with the flick of my paintbrush? Or could it be the underwater kingdom they rule and the hours I spend drawing the fish, seals, dolphins, and seahorses that share their world? Of course, it’s all of these things! And I know I’m not alone in my obsession with capturing mermaids on paper and canvas. Hence this book! The intention behind Marvelous Mermaids is to inspire creative exploration of mermaid realms as well as the sea nymphs themselves. Having taught many, many thousands of people to draw, I find that mermaids as a subject enlist a certain kind of freedom and artistic license in people, and I am hoping that you feel the same way. I find that they’re a really fun way of learning

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to draw the female figure in action, to expand your regular color palette and art supply choices, and to encourage the addition of layers to artwork. Always keep in mind with the mermaids you draw that you are their only human witness! So embrace the creative liberty that it gives you. This book is full of drawing shortcuts born from my countless hours of observation, practice, and teaching. I show you them in the hope that in trying them you fall in LOVE with drawing and gain confidence to the point that you feel free to draw whatever you like, whenever you like, however you like! If you’re already confident in your drawing, you know why you’re here (for the joy of it!). Maybe you’re here because you just love mermaids. If so, I hope I infect you with the joy of drawing and the love of journaling along the way.

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the day Get your mind and creative space ready for this artventure! It’s my hope that you enjoy this book from cover to cover, approach the lessons in order, and feel full of inspiration to create!

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take a breath The importance of creativity cannot be overstated. It stimulates the brain and yet relaxes the mind! It increases coordination and happiness. It lets us untangle complex emotions and streamline our thoughts. There’s no doubt that creating is wonderful stuff! But getting into that state of creativity can be a challenge in our busy lives. Here are some of my tips on how to warm up for art.

Swatches and blotches! Simply creating little squares, hearts, blobs, and stripes for each color in my art supplies does wonders for me. You will find them appearing everywhere in my journals! They can live as a reference or become backgrounds for other drawings.

Situate yourself among your art supplies. I find this a beautiful way to start my creative engine. I like to practice a little “art reiki” by casting my hands over my art supplies and “listening” for which ones prick at my intuition and want to get picked up first!

Repeat yourself. Pay attention to the shapes you like to doodle and look for any patterns. I love drawing little turned faces on everything. Sometimes a creative response is triggered by just drawing “your” doodle.

In a creative mood, but don’t know what to do or where to start? I like to open a journal and do a little doodling. I select one pen/pencil/pastel and start to add a little of it to every page. I usually start small and add little details, keeping my hand moving as I turn the pages and add little doodles here and there.


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Chapter title

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T wo

go with

the flow

Let’s see how to capture a mermaid’s sinuous movements in the water. Over years of teaching, I have come up with some fun solutions that will have you drawing mermaids wriggling through the waves!

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at the heart of it all In my book Fabulous Figures, I revealed my Heart Lines technique as a way to help build proportional figures. If you have that book, wonderful! It will give you a head start in drawing mermaid proportions with confidence. If you haven’t read it, the basic premise is that the female torso can be constructed with two equal-size love hearts. Heart Lines are intended as a support network for your drawings, not rigid rules. This is because there is infinite variety in the figure. However, we do need a starting point!

The head is about the height of the smaller heart, below.

Approximate Proportions

A smaller heart forms the top of the cleavage.

Torso From shoulder to thigh gap

Elbows most often sit at the waist.

Wrists usually line up with the base of the derriere.

An easy way to remember realistic proportions in the most basic terms is shown in the illustration on the right. Our whole torso is equal to: • the upper leg • the lower leg • the arms without hands.

UPPER LEG From thigh gap to knee

Knees are about halfway between the thigh gap and ankle.

In the Heart Lines Map I have gathered some tips as a handy reference guide for you. By combining the Heart Lines proportions with the Undulating Line technique I am about to show you, mermaids will be flowing from your pencils in no time!


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Draw shoulders under the heart shape.


LOWER LEG From knee to ankle

H ear T L ines M ap


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In this chapter, we look at lovely mermaid faces in more detail. Nothing really replaces years of observation and practice at drawing what you see, but I do have some shortcuts to help you build confidence and get you started!

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l adie s in wadin g So far we have drawn on plain paper. Now let’s make things more interesting by adding color! This technique builds on our basic faces. We’re simply going to draw on a painted background.

3. Paint an oval shape. If the colors are streaky, then you are doing things right!

1. Place a selection of flesh-colored matte acrylic paints on a mixing surface.

2. Combine the colors in a very loose way, but don’t blend them completely. Let your brush pick up several of the colors.

4. Mix really differing tones on your brush.

5. The more dramatic the colors in your strokes the better!

6. Fill a page with as many ovals as you can and let them dry completely.


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f o ur



Twisting, turning, and coy over-the-shoulder poses bring mermaids to life. We’ll also explore finishing moves for hands and arms!

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Dyna m i c twi s t The turned figure can be exaggerated even more! To give the illusion of a mermaid turning her shoulder away, but her hips toward you, we simply make a few tweaks.

1. Start with your Undulating Line.

2. Draw the upper torso with a Dynamic Twist pulling one way, and then reverse it for the lower torso.

3. Enjoy coloring your Dynamically Twisting mermaids!

The upper torso on this side is wider.

The lower torso on this side is wider.


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f i ve



In this chapter we create beautiful backgrounds to invite our mermaids to inhabit. Splashing some color on paper is a wonderful way to warm up your creative muscles! Let me show you some fun ways to do that.

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oceans o f C o lo r What better home to give our mermaids than one made of water? Watercolor, that is! You can spray the colors straight into your journal or onto sheets of watercolor paper that can be used to make a hand-bound journal. I like to make my own sprays from tubes of watercolor, but you can use inks or premade sprays, too.

1. Gather your supplies. You will need watercolor paints, spray bottles, a ball bearing or bead, and distilled water.

2. Squeeze some of the watercolor into the bottle. Add a small ball bearing, bead, or marble to act as a mixing ball.

3. Add some distilled water and screw closed. Mix the ingredients by shaking the bottle.

4. Make sure to label your sprays with the mixtures you have made. so you can repeat the magic if needed!

5. Test your sprays. If you want more intense color, open and add some more watercolor paint, mix, and test again.

6. Layer your colors. If you’re using

7. Play with the way you spray and angle your paper. Each change will create a different spray and drip pattern.

8. Let the paint dry and then spray again! Continue adding layers of color, letting them dry in between.

watercolor paper, you can make the paper as saturated as you like.


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Se v e n



In this final chapter I have some projects for you to try that tie together all we have learned and had fun with so far! Join me in creating a journal that tells a story before you even open it, conjure up some fishy tales, and discover that mermaids really do rock!

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P roject

I n ky

si x


This technique uses royalty-free images of scientific drawings to create intricate details. The examples I am using are mainly from Ernst Haeckel (https://commons. wikimedia.org/wiki/Kunstformen_der_Natur). I also made

a color laser copy of a face from one of my journals. You can paint a face and cut it out if you don’t have one to copy. You will also find elements from this project on the Collage Sheet at the back of this book.

1. Laser print copies of your royalty-free images of ocean creatures. I suggest black-andwhite copies so you can add your own color if needed.

2. Roughly cut out each element. Once you know which elements you will definitely use, you can cut more exacting details.

3. Have fun arranging the elements! Layer some of the pieces under the face and some over.

5. The matte medium acts as both glue and sealant as well as providing a texture to paint and draw on. Let everything dry completely.

4. Once you have your design finalized, paint on some matte medium and place each element down. Brush more matte medium on the top of each element.


• Add matte acrylic paint over the color-copied face to give it a more painterly and textured look. • Once the surface is dry, you can use markers, pencils, and watercolors to add more detail and volume. • Use a black marker or paint in the same color as your background to go around collage edges to blend them in. 130

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fin-spiring c r e at i v e p r o m p t s I want to leave you with some inspiration! In the Jane Davenport Facebook Group, I host regular monthly creative prompt challenges as a joyful way to encourage us all to create more. Drawing and painting in response to a daily prompt can be a great way to rapidly improve your art skills and have fun along the way without a huge time commitment. For this project, work through each of the mermaid-inspired prompts and create whatever comes to mind. You can spend as much or as little time as you like on each. Use the prompts as a warm-up, as something to do in transit, or as fin-spiration to create a masterpiece—the choice is yours!

1. Ladies in Wading 2. Diving Belles 3. Princess of Whales 4. Tell Tails 5. Have Mer-Sea! 6. In the Fishcoteque 7. Feeling Koi 8. Mermaid Hair, Don’t Care 9. Shell We Dance? 10. Never Was a Shore Thing 11. Pearls of Wisdom 12. Seems a Little Fishy to Me 13. Anemone Within 14. Look at Minnow! 15. General Porpoise 16. Feeling a Little Nauti 17. Yellow Sub-Marine 18. Kraken Me Up 19. Wave Hello


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20. She’s Just Jelly 21. Seal of Approval 22. Ocean Eyes 23. Resting Beach Face 24. Sea La Vie 25. What a Wreck! 26. Tip the Scales 27. Hook, Line, and Sink-her! 28. Have a Mar-i-time 29. Fish-ious Rumors 30. Bottom of the Ocean 31. You’re My Cup of Sea 32. Seize the Oppor-tuna-ty 33. Feeling Fintastic! 34. Marie Planktonette 35. Body of Water 36. Mermaid Fan Club 37. The Fairy Cod Mother 38. Sinking Feeling

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yo u a r e


Would you enjoy developing your skills and artistic confidence even further? If so, you are invited to join my online creative community on Facebook. Look for the “Jane Davenport Mixed Media Group.” I have also created exciting and fun online workshops that expand on the techniques in all of my books. The beauty of online workshops is that you get to study at your own pace, at your own convenience, and you can review the materials as often as you need to let each lesson sink in. Plus, you can learn in your pajamas! You can my creative community to share your homework and get answers to your questions on drawing and art supplies. For full details, go to my website:



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It’s such a pleasure to swim along with you for a bit on your creative journey! Always remember that there is no right or wrong in this artistic life. It’s all about the process. “Trust the Mess” is my mantra, and it means not just accepting mistakes and missteps, but welcoming them. They are part of the creative process, and you cannot develop as an artist without taking a risk. It’s only paper, after all! What a joy to spend time doing something that you love! Until we meet in a workshop or in my next book, keep on creating,

xoxox Jane

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Index A

fantastical hair 98–103 fish 112–113 floating in rainbow sea 80–81

arms 64–67 art, making 14 art journals 16–17



backbone 24–27 backgrounds bright 80–81, 114–117 floating in rainbow sea 80–81 head above water 84–85 monoprinting 78–79 shore lines 82–83 stencils 76–77 watercolor ocean 74–75 waves 72–73 bent arms 66–67 Birthday Suit technique 98–103 bright backgrounds 80–81, 114–117


hair brushing 58 colorful 96–97 crowns and headpieces 94–95 dramatic 90–91 fantastical 98–103 rising 92–93 undulating 88–89 hands 62–63 head above water 84–85 headpieces 94 Heart Lines 20, 58


Inky Depths project 130–131


collage 112–113, 118–123, 130–131 collage sheet 144–145 color, adding to faces 44–47 colorful hair 96–97 craft foam 134–135 creative prompts 138 creativity 12 crowns 94, 95

jaw 36 journals 16–17


manta rays 132–133 Marie Planktonette project 114–117 Mermaids Rock project 124–129 minimal face 34 monoprinting 78–79 movement 22–28


dramatic hair 90–91 Dynamic Twist 56



neck 36

eyes 38–39



faces color, adding 44–47 eyes 38–39 jaw 36 minimal 34 neck 36 placement of features 36 singing mermaids 40–41 size of features 36 sketchercizes 34–39 softly blended 114–117 symbols 34 tilted 48–49 turned 42–43


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Rays of Light project 132–133 rising hair 92–93 rock painting 124–129


scientific drawings 118–123, 130–131 sculpted story technique 106–111 Sea Foam project 134–135 Seems a Little Fishy project 112–113 shore lines 82–83 side glances 48–49 singing mermaids 40–41 sitting on rocks to brush hair 58 size of features 36 sketchercizes 34–39 sleeping eyes 38 spine 24–27 splash of mermaids 28–31 stencils 76–77 sticker sheet 146 symbols 34


Tell Tails project 118–123 tilted face 48–49 turned face 42–43


Undulating Line technique adding twist to 52–56 hair 88–89 movement 22–28 shore lines 82–83


Paper Ocean project 106–111 placement of features 36 Princess of Whales project 136–137 profile view 68–69 projects creative prompts 138 Inky Depths 130–131 Marie Planktonette 114–117 Mermaids Rock 124–129 Paper Ocean 106–111 Princess of Whales 136–137 Rays of Light 132–133 Sea Foam 134–135 Seems a Little Fishy 112–113 Tell Tails 118–123 prompts, creative 138



watercolor ocean 74–75 Wave Face 60–61 waves 72–73 whales 136–137

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Keep drawing, painting, creating, and imagining with these inspiring books. Find them in bookstores or online at: sixthandspringbooks.com.

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Art Instruction

Figure Drawing

D R A W I NG marvelous M E R M A I DS Jane Davenport

Create a magical mermaid’s world of wonder and beauty! Artist and best-selling author Jane Davenport shared her unique system for drawing the figure in I ♥ Drawing: Fabulous Figures. In her new book, Marvelous Mermaids, Jane dives deep into the ocean to uncover the secrets of drawing these mythical ladies. Humans have always had a fascination with mermaids, and now you can learn how to easily draw and paint these sensuous sirens— perfectly proportioned figures, shimmering scales, and all. Draw the flowing tresses that are every mermaid’s trademark. Create mesmerizing facial features. Paint beautiful backgrounds to invite your mermaids to explore. As you learn to create these lovely sea nymphs and their watery worlds, you will gain confidence in drawing any female figure.

Fin-spiring Features

• A wide variety of step-by-step mixed-media projects

• Collage sheet with images you can



marvelous MERMAIDS

incorporate into your art

• Full-color stickers featuring Jane’s original art

ISBN: 978-1-68462-004-3

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Get Creative 6

$24.95 US • $33.95 CAN

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