A01 logbook

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Week 1 Activity: Compression

In this week’s lecture, the teacher required the students to build a strong structure with at least 5cm high by using a piece of A4 paper to support a 15kg brick. As many structure showed from students, it seems the short cylinder is the best structure to support the brick.

The task from this week’s studio is to use less material to build a tower as high as possible. The tower is built by little wood blocks with an opening base to support the compression by tutor.

In our group, six by six pieces of wood blocks are provided to build the squared base of the tower. As the tower getting higher and higher, the wood blocks are reduced by four pieces for each side due to avoid the materials are exhausted and also the base is firm and unshakeable enough (Figure 1 &2). Figure 1

Figure 2

When the tower reaches to a certain height, it gets skinnier by using less wood block. The smaller and lighter top can avoid the excessive of pressure to the bottom of tower (Figure 3 &4). Two good examples show the tower getting smaller on the top is Pyramid and Oriental Pearl.

Figure 3

Constructing Environments


Figure 4

Siyun Yang

The materials run out before finishing builds the tower. Then the tutor destroys the bottom of the tower by get rid of those wood blocks in the middle. This shows how many materials that are wasted previously. The structure of the tower is very stable, there is not shaking when the wood blocks been removed. Those wood blocks can be used to re-build the top of tower (Figure 5&6).

As the tower getting higher and smaller, the less material is used. As Figure 7 shows, the top of tower is heading to the left, this is caused by the force area of the bottom of tower. The more wood blocks are removed, the less force area it is. Because the force from bottom is not balance, the spire would head to the light side makes it balance.

Figure 8

Figure 9

After finishing builds the tower, the wood blocks can be still removed from the bottom. Because the structure of squared base is stable enough, which means the tower can stand as Eiffel Tower with four legs. But once there is too many wood blocks taken away, the rest of wood blocks cannot support such tall tower anymore, the structure would be collapse.

Figure 10 Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 7

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

As the picture shows on the left, the wood block on the top assumes as the live loads, the loads transferred into the other two wood blocks. The loads travel in two directions to these two wood blocks and make they are ways down through this structure by other wood blocks which support them. Then it will be supported by the ground, so that means the whole structure is stable. However, it is another situation for the next picture. As the picture shows, the reaction force is opposite between left and right. This can be defined that the force of structure is heavier in the left. All forces are concentrated to the left, so the reaction force towards in the ground; but in the right side, there are three wood blocks support the structure, so the reaction force towards to the wood blocks.

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Mind Map for week 1 STRENGTH & STIFFNESS -

Different materials demonstrate different property Steel as an example which much stronger than timber Steel is strong in both compression and tension SHAPE


Flexible such as carpet Stiff such as concrete


Dimensional linear shaped Planner shaped Bohemian shaped such as brick or concrete





Sometimes were equally strong I compression or tension pulling apart, pushing together Others behave depending of the force that applied Anisotropic rather than isotropic materials Isotropic materials display similar characteristic no matter which direction the forces applied

Constructing Environments



Price and whether readily available Impact of manufacturer for material have on the environment How far does the material needs to be transported How efficiently does the material get use within the construction system

Siyun Yang





Solid system (e.g. The Great Wall) → build from stone, brick and mud structure → compression is the main structural action → very efficient Surface system (e.g. Opera House) → shell structure → planner structure Frame system → efficient way for transferring Skeletal system → Membrane system (useless in built environment) → use in sail (catch wind), sport → efficiently and cheaply Hybrid system (e.g. Beijing Olympics) → new in construction industry → structural frame or clapped in particular way


Roller joints


→ most important → loads transferred only in one direction → push, and move in that direction Pin joints



Fixed joints


Closure system Envelope system Structural system Service on mechanical system

Constructing Environments

→ common in the construction industry → truss system → complex joint to calculate from the point of view → Bending can occurred 698893

Siyun Yang

Week 2 Activity: Frame In this week’s lecture, the teacher required the students to build a structure of ‘water tank’ that can be supported by live loads as much as it can. The water tank is created by straws, pins and a plastic container. As many different structures showed from student, each straw is more stable by using two pins to fix on the container.

joints of two pieces of balsa wood. Triangle base is drawn by dark line container pins straw

The rough drawing that our group planned:

Multiple pins as a fixed joint connect every two balsa wood to make the structure more stable.

The task from this week’s studio is to use thin pieces of balsa wood that has cut from single piece of balsa to build a stable tower, reach to the ceiling. The thin piece of balsa wood is close to 1cm wide and 60cm long. In our group, the 1cm × 60cm long balsa wood piece is cut by 3 of 1cm × 20cm long pieces. We found that the triangle-base is the most stable structure than others, so the middle triangle is the main construction that would build up, and other three triangles are supported by the main construction. Double pins are used to fix on the The base of tower we are creating. Middle triangle as the main construction (red line) Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

The next step is to build up the tower. Three of 1cm × 60cm long balsa woods are connected together by 2 pins for each joint. To build the tower up, the ‘Z’ shaped is required between each long balsa wood.

Our group discussed that extends the ‘Z’ shaped when the tower getting higher and higher, but actually the material is not enough to use as supporting the tower to reach the ceiling. Therefore, a new plan is decided. Each 20cm high, a 20cm long balsa wood would be jointed between two long balsa woods (the 3 × 60cm long one), also a 60cm long balsa wood joint with the horizontal 20cm balsa wood (the one that connect between the long balsa wood) based on the outside triangle on the bottom. Two dimension view: big triangle is the tower small triangle is to support the tower (hypotenuse of small triangle is the support balsa wood) Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

However, the tower tilts to one side when it loses its holding by hands. Hence, our group is failed by building the tower with balsa wood. This tower can be collapsed without any external force, but the tutor and we still want to test which point can the whole structure collapse. As Figures show on the right, when the tutor subjects the tower to a variety of forces, the connecting balsa wood which shows as above two dimension view, collapse first. Also all the joints that does not have two pins are collapse as well. The idea of our group is to build a most stable strcutre – triangular body. The first and the most important problem is that every joint shoud be used two pins but in this tower, some joints did not; the second one is that the design of the tower has some problem such as those three outside triangles seem does not help for the whole structre; third problem is that the base of the whole structure is too small that it cannot support the tower to reach the ceiling.

Constructing Environments

Therefore, solutions for the tower to reach the ceiling can be: two pins are used for evey joint; extend the base to a suitable size such as 40 × 40 × 40cm instead of 20 × 20 × 20cm; for those three 3 × 60cm long balsa woods, it can be fixed by triangle for every joint shows on the right.


Siyun Yang





Solid system (e.g. The Great Wall) → build from stone, brick and mud structure → compression is the main structural action → very efficient Surface system (e.g. Opera House) → shell structure → planner structure Frame system → efficient way for transferring Skeletal system → Membrane system (useless in built environment) → use in sail (catch wind), sport → efficiently and cheaply Hybrid system (e.g. Beijing Olympics) → new in construction industry → structural frame or clapped in particular way


Roller joints


→ most important → loads transferred only in one direction → push, and move in that direction Pin joints



Fixed joints


Closure system Envelope system Structural system Service on mechanical system

Constructing Environments

→ common in the construction industry → truss system → complex joint to calculate from the point of view → Bending can occurred 698893

Siyun Yang

Glossary: Compression: a force that is extruded, pressed Tension: a force that is pulled Live load: a load that can move such as furniture, people Dead load: a load that cannot move such as wall Load path: a force path that pass through the structure by each connecting point Reaction force: a force that against with action force Joint: a point that connect materials

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Week 3

Building One: Lot 6 CafĂŠ

Building Two: Underground Car Park

It consists by an aluminum framework with glass doors and windows. A brick column is stood between each aluminum framework.

In situ concrete is used in the whole structure. The shape of ceiling looks like funnel due to the root of tree that grows above. Also the moisture can be transferred by the root to the ground.

Activity: on site In this week’s studio, tutor led us to walk around the campus where nine buildings have been visited. The built scale and the basic structural systems, construction systems and materials used of each building have been introduced by tutor as well. 7

6 5 4 8 3

2 1

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Building Three: Art West Student Centre

Steel beam is used in this structure. The main building consists by concrete and steel, but the roof in the front of building is zinc element.

Constructing Environments

Building Four: Stairs on West End of Union House

The stair is built by steel. A universe beam under the stair is to support the structure that the rope is joined by pin joint.


Building Five: North Court Union House

The membrane structure is obvious in this particular case. The tie is used to hold the structure stable.

Siyun Yang

Building Six: Beaurepaire Centre Pool

The hot rolled steel is used as the column for this structure. Concrete block is also used for the wall system.

Constructing Environments

Building Seven: Oval Pavilion

Building Eight: New Melbourne School Design

Oval Pavilion is still under construction. Sinks between every concrete wall is to keep the water away from the building due to the drainage system has not been completed.

New Melbourne School Design as a new architecture building that is another building that under construction. In the picture, an oblique beam (black line) goes through level 5 to 3 to hold those floor due to level 3-5 are out of building.


Siyun Yang

Mind Map from week 3



Strut → a slender element, carry load parallel to its long axis → load produces compression


Tie → attention element, put apart → a slender element but load produces tension




Beam -


→ horizontal element → carry vertical load using its bending resistance Slab/Plate → transfer load into two directions → a wide horizontal element, carry vertical load in bending (p.s. usually support by beam)


Use: walls, arches, paving Pattern → stretcher course → header course → brick-on-edge course → soldier course Mortar joints → vertical: perpends → horizontal: bed joints Joint finishing profiles → raked → ironed Photo from e-learning W03_m3 BRICKS → weather stuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lY → flush lQhkMYmE&feature=youtu.be


Panels wall → wall can also act as a bracing system → a deep vertical element where carry and transfer vertical or horizontal load Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang


BLOCKS Concrete blocks - Manufactured from cement, sand, gravel and water - Process involves mixing, moulding and curing - Used - walls → both load bearing OR → non-load bearing Concrete blocks vs. clay bricks - Concrete blocks → cement paste reduces in volumes as it hydrates and drying shrinkage occurs as water is lost to the atmosphere - Clay bricks → tend to absorb moisture from the atmosphere and generally expand (P.S. Movement joints are required for each material)



WEEK 3 -

Foundation → substructure of the building constructed partly & wholly below the ground in order to support the superstructure → loads of superstructure need to be transferred into footing system → which doesn’t exceed the bearing capacity of the solid Deep foundations → are used where soil conditions are unstable/soil capacity is inadequate → End Bearing Piles: extend the foundations down to rock or soil that will provide support for the building loads → Friction Piles: rely on the resistance of the surrounding earth to support the structure

Shallow Footings → are used where soil conditions are stable → required soil bearing capacity is adequate close to the surface of the ground → loads is transferred vertically from foundations to ground → Pad Footing: is isolated footings which Strip Footings help to spread a point load over a wider area of ground

Pad Footings

→ Strip Footings: loads from a wall or a series of columns is spread in a linear manner Constructing Environments



Siyun Yang

Week 4 Activity: Scale, Annotation and Working Drawing Conventions

Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions?

CASE STUDY BUILDING NAME: Oval Pavilion 1. TITLE BLOCK List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page. - Site plan - Project number - Scale - Drawing title - Description (with Revision, Date and Author)

Is there a grid? What system is used for identifying the grid lines? Yes, letter, line and number are used to identify the grid lines.

Why might this information be important? Those information show the main detail of the drawing of building and it makes easily to look at.

Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing. The annotation provides the specific detail of that part.

2. DRAWING CONTEN – PLANS What type of information is shown in this floor plan? Walls, doors, windows, section legend, code of section/plan, measurement.

Constructing Environments

What is the purpose of the legend? To make people easily understand the meaning of each symbol, code and floor plan.

‘3’ is the elevation reference which grid alignment it is; ‘A40-01’ is the drawing reference where shows that section in detail How are windows and doors identified? Provide an example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawings?


window Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What do these symbols mean?


The number specifies the type of doors/windows they are, or material it is, or the location it is.

Siyun Yang

Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan?

What types of levels are shown on the elevations? Illustrate how levels are shown in relation to the elevation.

What types of information on the elevations are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done.

Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why? Yes, it is to show the areas that have been revised.

3. DRAWING CONENT – ELEVATIONS What type of information is shown in this elevation? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan? - Vertical views - Shows outside of the building in detail such as height of the walls Are dimensions shows? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevation. Yes. It shows the height instead of width and length.

Constructing Environments

FFL is defined by finished floor level and RL is defined by roofing level. Is there a grid? If so, how/where is it shown?

The grid uses on elevations where can identify different sections on the following specific plans.


Those words are used to explain the information on the drawing in detail. Illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations. ‘EL’ stands as the extrnal timber lining ‘03’ is the number of this door ‘W01’ is the window number ‘2.03’ is the room number

Siyun Yang

Find where this elevation is located on the plan.

Provide examples of how different materials are shown on the sections.

D.1 S00.04

Dressed Timber

5. DRAWING CONTENT – DETAILS What sorts of things are detailed? - Fixtures - Finishes Are the details compressed using break lines? Why? Yes.

4. DRAWING CONTENT – SECTIONS What type of information is shown in this section? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan and elevation? - Cutout of the building - In vertical face

Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale.

Plywood Find where this section is located on the plans.

Block wall

Concrete wall Illustrate how the section drawing differentiates between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevation (beyond).

In section

Find the locations of these details on the plans, elevations and sections. In plan

Timber in section. In plan

In section In detail

Timber I elevation.

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Mind Map from week 4 SPAN & SPACING -


Span → distance is measured between two structural supports → can be measured vertical or horizontal supports → not necessarily the same as the length of a member Spacing → repeating distance between a series of like or similar elements → can be measured vertical and horizontal → is measured centre-line to centre-line





Spacing of the supporting elements depends on the spanning capabilities of the supported elements.

Constructing Environments


Live and dead loads will be carried from the slab into the beam Beam will carry the loads to these columns which will transfer the loads down into the foundation system Concrete → slab which spans in two directions → slab which spans the shortest distance between the supporting structure Timber → floorboards spanning from joist to joist OR → joist further apart (large span) Steel → lighter: joist a very closely spaced → heavier: joist a spaced further apart (stronger, its standing further) → steel framing systems take various forms, with some utilizing heavy gauge structural steel members and others using light gauge steel framing

Siyun Yang




Is cement that mixed with water it binds the sand and gravel aggregates together to make the hard, solid material Process that cement powder and water mixed is called hydration Formwork is used by supporting the liquid concrete temporary until it becomes hard → it can be built IN SITU or PRE CAST Reinforcement of concrete (reinforced concrete) → strong in compression, weak in tension → steel is added to improve its structural performance → often use to a fixed joint between slab and a wall

IN SITU CONCRETE - Is any concrete element that has been poured into formwork and cured on the building site - Requires the assembly of the formwork, placing and required reinforcement, as well as the pouring, vibration and the curing of the concrete - Once the concrete has been poured, there is a limited time before the concrete starts to harder and become unworkable - Used for structural purposes

Constructing Environments


IN SITU CONCRETE - Construction Joints → to divide the construction into smaller - Control Joints →elongation/shrinkage is proportional to the temperature differential, material coefficient and dimensions of the piece (P.S. both joints are potential weak points, keep avoid from water and moisture control) PRE CAST CONCRETE - Construction Joints → joints that necessary in construction when perhaps one material needs or others - Structural Joints → brackets or patch will be cast into place back to the factory OR → position on site

PRE CAST CONCRETE - Is any concrete element that has been fabricated in a controlled environment and then transported to site for installation - Much more standardized outcome that avoids many of the quality control issues associated with in situ concrete - Much faster rate - Uses → footings, retaining walls, walls systems, columns 698893

Siyun Yang

the canopy. The following picture is the section view (1:20@A1) of the right part of canopy.

Week 5 & 6 Activity: Structural Concepts In this week’s studio, our group built part of structure of Oval Pavilion that it has been explained briefly in week 4. - Structural elements and materials are used: Elements used for the building: Concrete – flooring/footing Timber panels – columns and beams Materials used for the model: Balsa wood – columns and beams Cardboard – footing - Structural joints In Oval Pavilion booklet, the structural joint it shows is called TRM-09 MITRE JOINT, but I could not find the standard form for that. -

The following picture is the simple section view (1:100@A1) of the right part of canopy that we used it to build our model in the scale of 1:20.

Fixings Steel base angle (black arrow) is used to fix on the concrete slab. The structure we built is the right part of

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Balsa wood is used to build the main structure. Timber stud framed is used in this wall system that smaller sections of framing timber meets the structural demands of the construction. It consists of: - top plates - bottom plates - vertical studs - cross bracing: the member between bays or at the corners of post beam junction is required to stabilize the structure

Foundations and Footings: Concrete slab Primary structure: - Vertical: stud wall, columns - Horizontal: slab concrete flooring, beams

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

The load paths diagram is shown on the right. The green arrow is the load of the structure, and black arrows are the paths of the load. The pair of red arrows that go up is because they have the reaction forces from ground; and the other pair of red arrows that go down is the loads transfer to the ground.

In contrast, the other group is also doing the canopy but left part. It can be seen that the height of both canopy are different – that group is much higher than us. In week 6’s studio, the tutor explained the error that our group did – vertical studs and cross bracings should fix between the timber columns but stick on their surface. The detail is shown on the right.



Other site in our studio Structural Systems & Elements: - Foundation system: concrete - Flooring system: concrete - Wall system: concrete, brick

Constructing Environments

- Electric system - Glass is used for windows


Siyun Yang

Mind Map for week 6 ROOFS Flat Roofs - Pitch 1° – 3° - Range types of roof


Concrete Roofs - Flat plates of reinforced concrete - Top surface is sloped towards drainage points - Entire roof surface finished with applied waterproof membrane Structural Steel Framed Roofs - Flat (e.g. metal deck, concrete) → combination of primary and secondary roof beams for heavier roof finishes → roof beams and purlins for lighter sheet metal roofing - Sloping → roof beams, purlins, lighter sheet metal roofing - Portal Frames → a series of braced rigid frames (2 columns & 1 beam) with purlins for the roof and girts for the walls → walls and roof are finished with sheet metal → column and beam are connected by rigid joints

Pitched and Sloping Roofs - Pitch >3° - Range types of roof

Slope - Low slope: <15° - Medium: 15° – 30° - High: 30° – 45°

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

TRUSSED ROOFS Are framed roofs constructed from a series of open web type steel or timber elements - Are manufactured from steel or timber components → fixed together to form efficient elements able to span long distances - Shape → slope & material is often depends on roofing material selected and functional requirements of roof Space Frames (less commonly) - 3D plate - Long spanning in two directions Light Framed Roofs (less popular) - Gable Roofs → vertical, triangular section of wall at one or both ends of the roof →consist of common rafters, rigid beams and ceiling joists, where the roof overhangs the gable end wall outriggers are used → materials: timber, cold-formed steel sections for major beams - Hip Roofs → vertical, triangular as gable roofs → common rafters, hip rafters, valley rafters, jack rafters, ridge beams and ceiling joists → materials: timber, cold-formed steel sections



Constructing Environments



- Are malleable, ductile and not brittle Types - Ferrous → iron: 4th most common element in the Earth - Non-Ferrous (Aluminum, Copper, Tin, Lead, Titanium) → more expensive (less common) → different quality such as less react with O2 - Alloys → combinations of two or more metals Considerations - React with each other - Galvanic series lists the metals in order of their tendency to give up ions to other metals and corrode - Keeping water away

Siyun Yang

Mind Map for week 7

REMOVE OPENING Using planned elements that are a potential opening (e.g. windows, doors) OR - Using unplanned openings in the building fabric but poor construction workmanship and deterioration of materials USE A SEALANT → placing a flexible silicone into the junction between door frame and window frame in adjacent wall USE A GASKET → wrapped around the entire module and gets compressed against the other module that prevents water penetration






Grading roofs → water is collected in gutters → Discharge the water to down pipes and storm water systems Overlapping cladding and roofing elements Slopping window and door sills and roof/wall flashings Slapping the ground surface away from the walls at the base of buildings



Constructing Environments



→ uses slope and overlaps → double cavity wall: consist by block and brick which water penetrates outside skin → head flashing: over the window head → sills flashing : water is carried away and runs down to the front surface → threshold: slop paving 1% Surface Tension & Capillary Action → uses a drip and break between surfaces to prevent water clinging to the underside of surfaces (e.g. window sill or parapet capping) 698893


Momentum → capillary break is for the water to drain → slopping surface is for drainage Air Pressure Differential → tendency for water to “pump” inside → air barrier on internal side can avoid water get in

Siyun Yang


Thermal insulation → reduces heat conduction Thermal breaks → reduces amount of conduction Double (triple) glazing → air spaces in between → reduces the flow of heat though the glazed elements



Reflective surfaces → reduces the flow of heat though the glazed elements (e.g. low-e glass) - Shading systems → shade surfaces (e.g. eaves) → prevent radiation striking the building envelope


Can be used effectively to capture walls during a sunny winter’s day so then warmth can released at night When temperature drop, the stored heat is released Materials used: → masonry → concrete → water bodies

Constructing Environments

CONTROLLING AIR LEAKAGE Strategies to stop air leakage: - Eliminating → an opening → water present at the opening → a force to move water through the opening - Wrapping the building in polyethylene OR reflective foil sarking to provide an air barrier - Weather stripping around doors and windows and other openings is necessary


Siyun Yang



Hardness → harder rubber resists abrasion → softer rubber provides better seals Fragility → low → will not shatter or break Ductility → high in heated state → varied in cold state Flexibility & Plasticity → high flexibility, plasticity and elasticity Porosity/Permeability → all rubbers are considered waterproof Density → appox. 1.5 × density of water Conductivity → poor conductivity of heat and electricity Durability & Life Span → very durable Reusability/Recyclability → high Sustainability & Carbon Footprint → embodied energy in natural rubber is very low → embodied energy in synthetic rubber is medium Cost → cost effective

Constructing Environments


Made from nature rubber tree Types & Uses → seals → gaskets & control joints → flooring → insulation (e.g. around electrical wiring) → hosing & piping



Technically a plastic Types & Uses → EPDM (gaskets & control joints) → Neoprene (control joints) → Silicone (seals)



Weather related damage especially sunlight Protection → avoid or minimize sun exposure

Siyun Yang







Hardness → medium-low Fragility → low-medium → will not shatter or break generally → can be fragile in degraded state Ductility → high in heated state → varied in cold state Flexibility & Plasticity → high Porosity/Permeability → many plastics are waterproof Density → low Conductivity → poor conductivity of heat and electricity Durability & Life Span → very durable (depending on type, finishing, fixing) Reusability/Recyclability → high for thermoplastics and elastomers → low for thermosetting plastics Sustainability & Carbon Footprint → embodied energy varies between recycled and not recycled → not renewable resource Cost → cost effective







Constructing Environments

Able to molded into different shapes Source made from elements → carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc, combined by chemical reaction into monomers → monomers combine with each other to form polymer

Thermoplastics are moldable when heated and become solid again when cooled. Can be also recycled. → polyethylene: insulation material → PVC: inexpensive, damage to the environment → polycarbonate: use for roofing, skylight Thermosetting Plastics can only be shaped once which limits their ability to be recycled. → melamide/laminex: uses for finishing surfaces, resistant to chemical attack, waterproof → polystyrene: insulation panels Elastomers refer to separate e-Module. → EPDM: waterproofing flat roof → Neoprene & Silicone: waterproof is important, help separate different metals.

Weather related damage especially sunlight Protection → avoid or minimize sun exposure 698893

Siyun Yang





Color Consistency → resist fading, especially when outside in Ultra → violet low (sunlight) → red dyes tend to be less stable in sunlight Durability → need to resist chipping, cracking & peeling Flexible/Plasticity → water based is more flexible than oil based Gloss → surface finishes can range from matt



Main purpose is to protect (and color) a particular element Clear paints are called lacquers or vanishes Components → binder: film-forming component of paint → diluent: dissolves the paint and adjusts its viscosity → pigment: gives the paint its color and opacity. Can be natural or synthetic.



Constructing Environments

Oil Based → used prior to plastic paints → very good High Gloss finishes can be achieved → not water soluble so brushes cleaned by turpentine Water Based → most common today → Durable & flexible → tools and brushes can be cleaned with water


Siyun Yang

Week 9 Activity: Off Campus This week’s studio we went to a site that has three buildings under construction. Those buildings are all for apartment used and the first six levels of building one and two will link together as public area for residents used such as barbeque, basketball area, swimming pool, gym, etc. Building one is completely finished which has 45 levels. Building two still has two more floors to finish, and it has 49 levels. Building three will be the highest one which plan to build 60 levels. Building four will have 31 levels that only one bathroom in each apartment but bigger living space. Also, it reaches to the ground water of Yarra River where just 80m below. Foundation pipers are 28m deep, and therefore the density of soil and waterproof issue should be considered.

Constructing Environments

The temporary structure of under construction building is the protection screen to protect workers. The level goes up, the screen goes up.


Props are to hold back the screen.

Siyun Yang

Steel bars are all around the edge.

Shoring poles are used to support the whole structure till concrete has cured enough.

Constructing Environments

All the reinforced concrete is in situ concrete. They put the mixture in there and let concrete form faster. They have different test of 1, 3, 7 and 28 days in situ concrete to check the ability of concrete.


Siyun Yang

Mind Map for week 9 COMPOSITE -



Two or more materials are combined in such way the individual materials remain easily distinguishable Formed from → remain bonded together → retain their identities and properties → act together to provide improved specific or synergistic characteristics, not obtainable by any of the original components acting alone Types → fibrous (e.g. products containing discontinuous or continuous fibres) → laminar (e.g. sandwich panels) → particulate (e.g. gravel and resins) → hybrid (e.g. combinations of two or more composite types)




Made from aluminium and plastic Common form → plastic core of phenolic resin lined with two external skins of thin Al sheet Common uses → a feature cladding material in interior and exterior applications Benefits: lighter weight, less expensive sheets, weather resistant, variety of finishes can be specified and ‘seamless’ detail can be achieved with careful cutting, folding, bending and fixing.

Constructing Environments




Made from cellulose (or glass) fibres, Portland cement, sand & water Common forms → sheet & board products (FC sheet) and shaped products such as pipes, roof tiles, etc Common uses → cladding for exterior & interior (wet area) walls, walls, floor panels Benefits: doesn’t burn, resists from water, rotting and wrapping




Made from a mixture of glass fibres and epoxy resins Common forms → flat and profiled sheet products and formed/shaped products Common uses → transparent or translucent roof/wall cladding and for performed shaped product such as water tanks, baths, swimming pools, etc Benefits: fire resistant, weatherproof, relatively light weight and strong

Siyun Yang


Made from combinations of solid timber, engineering timber, galvanized pressed steel Common forms → timber top and bottom chords with galvanized steel or engineering board/plywood webs Common used → beam (floor joists and roof rafters) and trusses Benefits: less amount higher efficiency, cost effective, easy to install





Constructing Environments


Made from polymers (plastic) with timber, glass or carbon fibres Common forms → often associated with moulded or pultrusion processed products Common uses → decking (& external cladding), structural elements such as beams and columns for public pedestrian bridges using glass or carbon fibres, carbon fibre reinforced polymer rebar Benefits → high-strength FRP materials with glass/carbon fibre reinforcements → provide a strength-to-weight ratio greater than steel → FRP composite materials are corrosion-resistant

Siyun Yang

Week 8 & 10 Activity: In Detail This week we are going to draw a 1:5 detail of Oval Pavilion to blow it up on a 1:1 A1 paper. The section that I picked is the function room roof.

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Annotated Drawings

EL-01: Compressed fibre cement cladding

There are annotations on the detail drawing. Each annotation corresponds to a description. The list below is the abbreviation of each annotation used in my detail drawing:

INS-01: Acoustic insulation (walls)

http://archrecord.construction.com/product http://fastbuildingsolutions.com.au/c s/productreports/2010/thermal/slideshow.a ompressed-fibre-cement/ sp?slide=5

AL-01: Aluminium fascia

Extruded Aluminium Fascia

Compressed fibre cement sheet


A high density sheet Suitable substrate for interior floor in wet areas or Suited for used in the cladding or external decks


High soundproofing qualities Uses: walls, ceilings in apartments or condos

AL-06: Flashing - A thin piece of impervious material - Can be prevent the passage of water - Part of weather resistant system

INS-08:Acoustic insulation (roof) RFS-01: Metal deck roof IL-03: Impact and fire resistant plasterboard

http://www.dynamicgutters.com/whe re-can-i-find-aluminum-fascia-cover/


Is extruded from aluminium Corrosion resistant Maintain free for eaves and soffit area

WPS-02: Inground sheet membrane INS-03: Thermal insulation (roof)

Constructing Environments

http://www.diynetwork.com/window s-walls-and-doors/all-about-the-differ www.kingspaninsulation.com.au



High fireproofing qualities Uses: integral garage ceiling, corridors, stairwells



Is combined with insulation and weather proof membranes to provide superior coverage in buildings

Siyun Yang

Paralled Flange Channel

Metal Deck Roof


Steel Angle

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Activity: Detail Volume

3D drawing of detail (actual sketch is attached at the back)

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

It should be careful for the gap between aluminium fascia and fibre cement cladding. The material of sealant chosen should be cautious otherwise it does not have effect of waterproofing at all.

The drip angle on the right side of drawing is to keep building avoid from water. Also the roof has a slope (it is easily to identify in 2D drawing) that the rainwater can be flew down but get into building.

Economic Implications of decisions: The durable and recyclable materials should be considered. The cheapest one is not always the best choice to choose due to its quality, and therefore the material that we choose should consider about its maintenance or replacement and whether long-term use.

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Mind Map for week DOORS


WEEK 8 -

Constructing Environments


Formers (silica) are the basic ingredient used to produce glass Fluxes help formers to melt at lower and move practical temperatures (e.g. Soda Ash, Potash, Lithium Carbonate) Stabilizers combine with formers and fluxes to keep the finished glass from dissolving to crumbling (e.g. Limestone, Alumina, Magnesia)

Siyun Yang


Aluminium fascia system: http://aluminiumrooflinesystems.co.uk/aluminium-fascias-soffits/ , accessed 15 May, 2014 Ching, Francis D.K. “Building construction illustrated” (4th Edition) (page 2.03) Fire resistant plasterboard: http://www.diynetwork.com/windows-walls-and-doors/all-about-the-different-types-of-drywall/index.html , accessed 15 May, 2014 Flashing: http://www.homeinspectionsvcs.ca/tips/roof-flashing-why-its-so-important-2/ , accessed 15 May, 2014 Metal deck roof: http://www.tegral.com/index.php?page=Flat-Roof-Decking , accessed 15 May, 2014 Newton, Clare. “Construction systems” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zTarEeGXOo&feature=youtu.be Newton, Clare. “Load path” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__V15j3IX4&feature=youtu.be Newton, Clare. “Structural connections” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxRdY0jSoJo&feature=youtu.be

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Appendix 1: Workshop Activities: Construction & Destructive Testing

Description of materials: Pine wood × 3 - Measurement: 1200 × 42 × 18 - Strong in compression - Knots can cause the weakness Plywood × 1 - Measurement: 1200 × 100 × 10 - Strong in compression if the thin edge is placed at top - Anti-cracking, anti-shrinkage and anti-distortion Nails - Straight and slender pieces of metal having one end pointed and the other enlarged and flattened for hammering into wood [Ching, 2008] - Used to join pine wood and plywood together Saw - Used to cut pine wood and plywood in piece - Downside cut of a handsaw is the most efficient way to cut straight Bench Hook - Used to place pine wood and plywood while cutting

Photo from: http://yksn1.1688.com/offerdetail/view_large_pics_1091464957.html

Photo from: https://www.cromwell.co.uk/shop/031704/mitre-blocks-bench-hooks

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Description of structural performance and failure mechanisms: The two-dimensions drawing of our team’s design is show on the right. The total span of the whole structure is 1050mm which is 50mm above the requirement. The height of structure is 400mm due to we thought that the supporting element in the middle of structure would be endured too much forces if it is too high. Plywood is fixed under pine wood by nails. Two of pines are vertically faced upon plywood. Another pine is cut into 8 pieces of 60 × 42 × 18 where are placed between of those two pine wood and the rest of it is fixed upon the structure. The applied failure load was 330kg and the maximum deflection was 55mm for our structure. Its first destruction is caused by a nail. The nail was not vertically fixed in pine wood but tilted and therefore the structure started to break by that point.

Constructing Environments


Siyun Yang

Comparison with other teams: Team 1: The design of their team was used some short pine woods to join other two long pine woods and the cut-plywood were fixed beside the structure. The structure is broke by the knot in the wood. It can be seen that knots affect a higher risk of structure.

Constructing Environments


Team 2: Their design is similar to team 1. The difference between these two teams is the area of their plywood placed. Cut-plywood was cross in the middle of the structure and therefore there was no any supporting element in the middle to endure the forces.

Siyun Yang

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