151120 sjb en sh presentation participatory budgeting in schools bepart

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PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS Youth Participation Resource Centre • well- established contact for youth participation projects in Germany since 2001 • a group of young people based in Berlin • want to make youth participation and youth engagement a reality

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS Youth Participation Resource Centre • give advice and support and provide networking for young people and youth projects across Germany • co-ordinates pilot projects relevant to youth participation

• provide committed young people with the opportunity to evolve, and introduces young people to political processes and encourages civic engagement

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS Youth Participation Resource Centre • target is to support youth projects working in an honorary capacity to become professional • hold training seminars and networking events, and supervise the setting up of the regional resource centres for youth participation • represent young people´s interests in the political arena

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS A way to bring children into a democratic process:  The city council assigns a budget for every school.  Elected students organize the whole process…  they make proposals on how to spend the money…  they discuss the proposals and try to organize supporters…  they vote for their favourites…  and they organize the implementation. Created by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the project is now led by the Servicestelle Jugendbeteiligung e.V.

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS Overview of the whole process Kick Off

Make proposals

Two to three weeks

Organize supporters Voting

Elaborate proposals Implementation

Two to three months

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 1. Budget The budget comes from: • City budget • school budget • third parties

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 2. Kick Off All students are informed about the process Coordinators are elected

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 3. Students make proposals Every student can make a proposal

A proposal must be signed by five supporters Coordinators gather the proposals

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 4. Adminitrations give feedback on veasibility City and school administrations give feedback The proposals and feedback are published

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 5. All students vote for their favourites The vote is conducted like an official election Every student has three votes

Coordinators organize the voting

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS 6. Students present the results to the city council Students and administrations will plan the implementation of the winning proposals Students present the winning proposals to the council Students take part in the implementation

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN SCHOOLS Main results of the processes • All students have taken part  25% made a suggestion,  More then 60 % support suggestions,  90% voter turnout! • 15 to 55 different suggestions • TOP-Suggestions :  Lockers,  Internet/WLAN,  Machines for hot drinks,  Chilling rooms

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