Child Povert y in Canada In 2019, nearly 1 in 5 (17.7%) Canadian children were reported to be living in poverty.[7] Over 1.3 million children lived in poverty across Canada, and 30,190 of them were children in New Brunswick. The province of New Brunswick had the sixth highest child poverty rate in the country (fourth if only considering the provinces and not the territories).
Can ada 17.7% 1,313,400
NB 21.7% 30,190
Figu r e 2: Nat ion al Rat es of Ch ild Pover t y (Un der 18), Af t er -Tax Cen su s Fam ily Low In com e M easu r e (CFLIM -AT), Can ada, Pr ovin ces an d Ter r it or ies, 2019 [8]
[7] Statistics Canada, Table 11-10-0018-01. After-tax low income status of tax filers and dependents based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family type composition, 2019. [8] Ibid.