Everyone Counts 2021: Moncton
Highlights from the Point-in-Time Homelessness Count
A Point-in-Time (PiT) Count is used to capture a current snapshot of homelessness in a community It involves a tally of people experiencing homelessness at emergency and domestic violence shelters, transitional housing, and unsheltered locations. It also involves a survey that sheds light on local lived experiences of homelessness and service needs The findings help communities track progress in reducing homelessness. A PiT Count is limited as it occurs at a specific moment in time and cannot capture hidden homelessness (e.g., couch surfing) The following data is derived from a PiT Count conducted in Moncton in April 2021
Sleeping Locations
55% visited
people were experiencing homelessness on the night of April 28, 2021. Male Female Two-Spirit Non-binary people were surveyed 215 108 68% 30% 2% 1% identified as Indigenous or of Indigenous ancestry 27% 80% 19% Heterosexual 8% identified as Veterans 27% lived in foster care or a youth group home prior to experiencing homelessness
50-64 years 65+ years 16-24 years (7%) 25-49 years (54%) (37%) (2%)
Emergency Shelter / Domestic Violence Shelter (56%) Unsheltered / Sleeping Rough (34%) Transitional Shelter / Housing (8%) 31% 18% 16% 16% 11% Con ict (family/roommate/other) Insuf cient income Con ict (landlord/tenant) Substance use Mental health 0 10 20 30 82% 76% 30% 27% 25% Rents too high Low income Mental health Poor housing conditions No Income Assistance 0 25 50 75
2SLGBTQIA+ Unsure (1%) At least Moncton PiT Count survey respondents reported living with these health challenges: The latest PiT Count survey data reveals that in a span of 12 months 78% 65% 43% 37% 37% Substance use Mental health Illness or medical condition Physical limitation Learning or cognitive limitations
an emergency
at least once (55%
Common Reasons for Housing Loss (30%
Common Housing Challenges
people) 30%
hospitalized at least once
= 32 people)