MATHEMATICS Courses offered: Mathematics HL: Analysis & Approaches Mathematics SL: Analysis & Approaches Mathematics SL: Applications & Interpretations
1. What is the nature of Mathematics at IB level? Our aims for all our courses will be to develop logical, critical, creative thinkers who can appreciate mathematics with a multicultural and historical perspective, transferring their skills to a variety of situations while communicating their results clearly and confidently.
2. What will be the approach to learning? Traditionally learning in Mathematics has been active; after a brief period of instruction, students complete many related questions in order to practise the application of mathematical techniques to problems. The difference in our approach is that the instruction is where possible replaced by an investigation that leads to the understanding of general principles; thus even when being introduced to the basic ideas, students are thinking rather than just absorbing. Moreover, rather than practising standardised questions, students are challenged by individual questions that oblige them to utilise several elements of theory in unfamiliar contexts, thus forcing them to think more deeply and to use their creativity. It is hoped that students, in the spirit of the IB Theory of Knowledge course, will begin to grasp deeper ideas that relate to the nature of Mathematics and its methodology. As well as enjoying the profound satisfaction that we have all felt when solving a difficult problem, they should also be fascinated by Mathematics.
3. What will be the subject content? A summary of each course is given below: Mathematics HL: Analysis & Approaches [AA] This course caters for students with an excellent background in mathematics who are competent in a range of analytical and technical skills. This course recognises the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep understanding of mathematics. There is a strong emphasis on the ability to construct, communicate and justify correct mathematical arguments. Students who take this option should have a strong interest in mathematics and/or expect mathematics to be a major part of their university studies. Students who wish to take Mathematics: analysis and approaches at higher level will have strong algebraic skills and the ability to understand simple proof. They will be students who enjoy spending time with problems and get pleasure and satisfaction from solving challenging problems.