What is the nature of Theatre at FC level?
The aims of the Theatre course at FC are to enable students to:
Explore theatre in a variety of contexts and from the different perspectives of actor, director, designer and audience. Understand and engage in the processes of transforming ideas into action. Develop and apply drama and theatre production, presentation and performance skills, working both independently and collaboratively. Understand and appreciate the relationship between theory and practice. What will be the approach to learning?
Students will be exposed to a range of dramatic materials. Different types of activities will also be used in class, such as: pair work, group discussions, debate, devising, and written assignments. There will be opportunities to develop language, skills and confidence through presentations. During the second half of the year, students may work on a class production.
What will be the subject content?
Skills and processes Drama and Theatre skills, as well as collaborative work will be introduced during the first unit of work. This focusses on the use of voice and physicality and how these are read by an audience to make meaning. Devising and production The second unit of work will focus on the collaborative process of creating theatre. Students will learn how to use production elements such as set, props, costume, sound and lights in their performances. 4.
What will be the nature of assessment?
Assessment will be both formative and summative. Students will be assessed on their performances, written assignments and reflections and their collaboration and engagement during classes.