SJI International Learning Future

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At the end of 2015, SJI International embarked on an ambitious project to articulate our Learning Vision for the Future. We were increasingly conscious of the dislocation between current educational practice and its outcomes and the needs of our students in the real world they would face. We wanted to do better. In a community such as ours with a High School numbering over 1040 students from Grades 7-12 from over 34 different countries, we knew we would have diverse perspectives on what that Vision should look like. As a result, we engaged in an 18 month process of consultation with students, parents, teachers and Board members. Each group fed into the dialogue which identified our core strengths as a school. We asked ourselves which elements of our programme we valued most highly and would not wish to lose. We continued by asking our groups what they believed was missing or needed to change. From this we articulated our Vision:

Remaining true to its holistic mission, SJI International is known throughout the world as an institution which encourages excellent learning through‌

Developing people for others with humility and a sense of social responsibility, through inspiring a genuine desire to engage with, and lead, service for the benefit of all, and further developing the programme to enhance students’ ability to feel confident and make principled decisions in their lives Valuing positive relationships based on mutual respect and empathy between all members of the community. Building a culture of care; developing long lasting relationships between balanced, fulfilled people who flourish in our community

Offering a holistic programme with a breadth of choices, to enable students to cultivate passions and develop leadership through experiences that challenge them to be courageous and develop in character

Building flexible, dynamic and environmentally sustainable school facilities that support and encourage learning

Offering a broad, flexible, personalised and authentic curriculum which develops skills for learning and for life (including technological and financial literacy), through opportunities that ignite curiosity; stimulating creativity, problem solving and collaboration

Encouraging Internationalism by developing a diverse community of people who are culturally, socially and environmentally aware, and who will act to make a difference to their local and global communities

We asked for volunteers from parents, students, teachers and Board Members to join our Learning Vision Leadership Team. More volunteers formed focus groups which then researched aspects of the Vision to find out what made current best practice, what the research had to say about developing the Vision and made recommendations for how we should proceed. Without the tireless contributions of many parents, students and teachers this Vision would not have been possible and they have our deepest thanks for their service to our school. This manifesto is the result of these efforts and we hope and trust it will be used to drive the school forward from its outstanding starting point. We know that in doing so we have acknowledged the need for significant change but remained true to our Mission which remains our focus and goal: Enabling students, within a Lasallian community, to learn how to learn and to learn how to live, empowering them to become people of integrity and people for others

What we believe... Enabling students within a Lasallian community...

KEY QUESTIONS How do we continue to encourage internationalism by developing a diverse community of people who are culturally, socially and environmentally aware, and who will act to make a difference to their local and global communities? We believe the best way to do this is to use external accreditation frameworks (e.g. CIS International Certification) to help develop our own standards for internationalism that suits our specific context.

In the past, SJI International has generally adopted multicultural and cross-cultural approaches to cultural understanding and learning. These approaches tend to encourage ‘shallow learning’ of cultural beliefs, practices and traditions. To develop ‘deeper learning’ of cultural beliefs, practices and traditions we propose that the school develops intercultural approaches to cultural learning and understanding. Such approaches are inquiry-based and experiential. They necessarily involve students sharing their heritage and background with the school community regularly, formally and informally. Through this, we aim to: • develop and celebrate diversity, constructing a deeper understanding of our own culture as well as the culture of others. • develop cultural empathy, and appreciate the benefits and challenges of co-existence and interdependency in today’s world.

PROPOSAL 1 A key role in the school be created in order to further internationalism across the school community. Key objectives of this role would be to move towards an ‘intercultural understanding’ of internationalism and to develop our own standards of internationalism that suit our unique context

As a school we have borrowed from multiple sources to develop a working definition of internationalism that encompasses four main areas; intercultural understanding, social justice and equality, environmentalism and language appreciation. How do we ensure that we value positive relationships based on mutual respect and empathy between all members of the community? How do we build a culture of care, developing long-lasting relationships between balanced, fulfilled people who flourish in our community?

What we recommend is... a. The creation of a role focused on developing internationalism as a core feature of our school. b. Develop our own standards of internationalism in consultation with external accreditation bodies such as the CIS International Certification. c. Move towards an intercultural understanding model rather than the current multicultural model

The evidence we have for this is... Evidence for the benefits, and indeed the necessity, of internationalism in education is widespread. In essence, the world our students are entering into after school today is qualitatively different from the world we as teachers and parents entered into in the past, and internationalism can be used to prepare our students more effectively for that world (Mansilla & Jackson, 2011). Indeed the concept of internationalism “sits at the heart of [the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s] educational policies and programmes” (Hacking et al, 2016). And while seen as desirable, is a complex and challenging concept for schools to develop. While the development of internationalism may occur by virtue of a school’s population, intentionality and momentum can be more easily sustained through the creation of a role to promote this. Key components of a strong internationalism programme often include aspects of leadership practices, professional development, curriculum, extracurricular events and relationships with the community. This complex and wholeschool approach requires sustained effort and investment. Recent evidence from other IB World Schools suggests the process of discussing, assessing and encouraging internationalism as a community may be more powerful than simply adopting an existing framework (Hacking et al, 2016). This would also allow us to develop criteria that respond to our unique Singaporean and international context. Hacking, E. B., Blackmore, C., Bullock, K., Bunnell, T., Donnelly, M., & Martin, S. (2016). The international mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international mindedness across the IB continuum. Department of Education, University of Bath. Mansilla, V. B., & Jackson, A. (2011). Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World. Chicago

PROPOSAL 2 With an appreciation that concern for the poor and social justice is a core Lasallian principle, integrate social justice issues into the curriculum more explicitly through the existing service programme and promote social justice initiatives which are student-led and involve the broader school community What we recommend is... a. We integrate social justice issues into the curriculum more explicitly through the existing service programme. b. Promote social justice initiatives which are student-led and involve the broader school community.

The evidence we have for this is... The importance of our core Lasallian principles are self-evident, but how we enact those principles are less straightforward. Examples of programs from other leading schools in this area indicate a high level of student participation and engagement with the broader school community and indicate a possible way forward. For example, the Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College in Sydney, Australia is an independent Catholic school for girls. This school runs the Mercy Action Group whose aim is “to promote and work for greater

What we believe... Concern for the poor and social justice is one of the five core Lasallian principles and therefore is a central component of an SJI International education. Through such an education, we aim to • understand the impact of inequality and discrimination, avoiding prejudice • appreciate the importance of standing up for one’s own rights and those of others • develop an awareness and understanding of the complex social, economic and political inter-connectedness of the world and the impact that changes can have on others Opportunities for learning exists both within and beyond the classroom. Future curriculum models may allow for project based or cross-curricular learning that incorporate a social justice component into student outcomes. At minimum, an appreciation of the social and economic inequalities that exist in our world should be emphasised where able in the curriculum. Alongside social justice projects within the curriculum, then specific opportunities (such as enrichment times, inclusion in induction programmes, social justice days) should be utilised. Beyond the classroom, social justice causes will be more authentic if they are studentdriven and result in real, sustainable change in both local and global communities. As with other service activities, opportunities to reflect are key. Examples from other schools include the establishment of cocurricular groups and the involvement of the student council in promoting and advocating for social justice issues.

justice and equality in our world”. The group is student led and has involved various social action causes including social justice days where students from various Catholic schools around the state meet and work on promoting awareness and advocacy for groups.

What we believe... Language provides a window into another culture. Through learning another language, students are immersed in other cultures and their way of thinking. Language also provides an opportunity for students to engage in discourse about different cultures in an accessible manner. By talking about other cultures’, food, celebrations, history etc., students are able to garner an appreciation of the similarities and differences that lead to a developed understanding of others. By sharing their own experiences from their mother tongue language, they are able to engage in discourse about their own culture.

PROPOSAL 3 Language appreciation and acquisition are key components of developing international mindedness in our school and must be encouraged through policy and professional development

PROPOSAL 4 Evaluate the potential benefits of moving toward a vertical tutoring system

What we recommend is... What we recommend is... a. Development of a mother tongue policy that encourages students to learn their mother tongue b. Further professional development of language teachers of the importance of cultural aspects of language acquisition, possibly using a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach

The evidence we have for this is... Singh and Qi’s (2013) investigation into international mindedness in the International Baccalaureate determined language acquisition to be key in the three pillars of international mindedness. Hacking et al (2016) also found language acquisition to be an important consideration in schools with highly developed international mindedness programs. Both of these pieces of research point to the benefit of a student valuing their mother tongue as a tool to engage in intercultural dialogue. Multi-lingualism, through the acceptance of mother tongue and additional languages, also demonstrates a schools’ commitment to international mindedness. Singh, M. & Qi, J. (2013) 21st Century International Mindedness: An Exploratory Study of Its Conceptualization and Assessment. Parramatta, NSW, Australia: Centre for Educational Research, Western Sydney University. Hacking, E. B., Blackmore, C., Bullock, K., Bunnell, T., Donnelly, M., & Martin, S. (2016). The international mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international mindedness across the IB continuum. Department of Education, University of Bath.

a. Conduct further research into vertical tutoring best practice

What we believe... The way in which our pastoral system is structured has an influence on the way relationships are developed in the school. There are both benefits and drawbacks of having either a horizontal or vertical tutoring system. Our belief is that a vertical tutoring system would have a net positive effect on both student and staff wellbeing although this will only be true if implemented carefully. The change from horizontal to vertical is difficult but with appropriate strategy, engagement and training, can be delivered effectively for the benefit of the whole school.

b. Pastoral and Academic teams work together to adapt a system that meets the needs of our school and learners c. Review the training and structural needs in order to deliver this successfully

The evidence we have for this is... Barnard, P. (2010). Vertical tutoring. Guildford: Grosvenor House. Schools where Vertical Tutor Groups work currently quote the following: • A greater family environment in the school, everyone is approachable, no “year group” cultures or perceived blocks against talking to older students • Tutors can be the tutors and the mentors – mentoring would not be extra. Peer mentoring happens naturally as older students talk to younger students (e.g. year 10 supporting year 8 and 9 with options) • Working with people of different age groups is a more normal social environment • It will help prepare more for the world of work • It gives better leadership opportunities to students • Allows greater opportunity for friendships in other year groups The first year implementing the Peer Mentoring Scheme where G11 students have mentored G7 students has been successful with both students, staff and parents noting the improvements in the quality of relationships between the students involved. This has been verified by the follow up survey.

What we believe... Our community is strongest when we are working together to achieve our Lasallian mission. As the school has expanded, community feel has been challenged and thus it has been harder to build strong and effective relationships between parents, teachers and students. We believe that through deliberate design and implementation of events and shared learning experiences, these relationships can be nurtured and developed further.

PROPOSAL 5 Create a collaborative parent/teacher/ student community through deliberate and meaningful interactions

What we recommend is... a. Help encourage the upskilling of parents to enhance relationships with their children through seminars/workshops run by teachers and counsellors b. Implicitly and explicitly teach the skills to our community that we know to be catalytic to positive relationships (e.g. active constructive responding) Deliberately c. design events and opportunities for positive interactions between our school community

The evidence we have for this is... “The availability of caring, supportive relationship partners and the resulting sense of attachment security are crucial for effective emotion and maintenance of mental health” (Attachment Theory) – Mikulincer, M. and Shaver, P. (2013). Adult Attachment and Happiness: Individual Differences in the Experience and Consequences of Positive Emotions. Oxford Handbooks Online. “The skills needed to developed relationships can be taught and have long-term benefits to individuals” - Kautz, T., Heckman, J.J., Diris, R., Ter Weel, B. and Borghans, L., 2014. Fostering and measuring skills: Improving cognitive and non-cognitive skills to promote lifetime success (No. w20749). National Bureau of Economic Research.

What we believe...

PROPOSAL 6 Be strategic and intentional about building relationships in the school by establishing norms of collaboration within the school community

Relationships are at the heart of any organisation. If these are nurtured well, organisations can flourish. How we structure and organise recognised ways of working within school has a direct impact on the development of these relationships between staff, students and the rest of the school community. Relationships can be enhanced through deliberate practice and structures that foster them.

What we recommend is... a. Further develop a “collegial culture” in which professionals talk about practice, share their craft knowledge, and observe and root for the success of one another b. To reduce ‘non-discussables’* and build professional trust by establishing norms of collaboration, recognising that this will have a qualitative direct impact on students c. Be strategic and intentional about building relationships in the school; Devote time for this

The evidence we have for this is... Much of this comes from Roland S. Barth, Founding Director of the Principals’ Center at Harvard University. He is author of Lessons Learned: Shaping Relationships and the Culture of the Workplace (Corwin Press, 2003).

between administrators and teachers are fearful, competitive, suspicious, and corrosive, then these qualities will disseminate throughout the school community.

Schools that have thriving, collegial, flourishing professional learning communities have permeating cultures that positively and directly affect every relationship in the community, especially (importantly) among students.

In short, the relationships among the educators in a school define all relationships within that school’s culture. Teachers and administrators demonstrate all too well a capacity to either enrich or diminish one another’s lives and thereby enrich or diminish their schools.”

“The nature of relationships among the adults within a school has a greater influence on the character and quality of that school and on student accomplishment than anything else. If the relationships between administrators and teachers are trusting, generous, helpful, and cooperative, then the relationships between teachers and students, between students and students, and between teachers and parents are likely to be trusting, generous, helpful, and cooperative. If, on the other hand, relationships

*‘Non-discussables’ are subjects that are sufficiently important that they are talked about frequently but are so laden with anxiety and fearfulness that these conversations take place away from the appropriate forum for feedback. They are the conversations that happen in the car park, the playground or at the dinner table at home. They are the ‘elephant in the room’ that need discussing if things are to improve but are avoided for fear of conflict.

What we believe... In order for wellbeing to be improved within our school context we must first understand where we are at. This should be done based on best academic practice in the field of wellbeing. With a clearer understanding of the current state of wellbeing within the school, we will be able to more accurately target the areas which are key to our community flourishing. Advances in the field of wellbeing and Positive Psychology have made great strides in recent years and its complementary nature to our Service Learning Programme present an opportunity to integrate cutting edge scientific research into our unique Lasallian culture.

PROPOSAL 4 Explore how we can measure wellbeing in an effective way which will help inform our practice learn how to learn...

What we recommend is... a. Evaluate different professional wellbeing assessment tools for use b. Obtain baseline wellbeing measures for students and staff and actively monitor wellbeing going forward using the recommended tool from a

KEY QUESTIONS How can we build a broad, flexible, personalised and authentic curriculum that develops skills for learning and for life (including technological and financial literacy). What sorts of facilities are flexible, dynamic, and environmentally sustainable, which encourage and support learning?

The evidence we have for this is... Norrish, J. (2015). Positive education: The Geelong Grammar School journey. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. The leading educational institutes driving the field forward recommend obtaining baseline wellbeing measures for students and staff before implementing any wellbeing improvements:

We believe that excellent learning is underpinned by dynamic and flexible resources that provide for a variety of engaging and authentic learning experiences. A school of the future must be able to evolve over time in response to pedagogical changes.

What we believe... In a world where information is freely available, a well-developed understanding of the ways in which knowledge is constructed and how reliability is built is essential. Students need to be able to confront a problem with a range of strategies for solutions developed through working in different disciplines with different methods.

PROPOSAL 1 A broad curriculum

What we recommend is... a. A common core – English, languages & maths taught in year groups b. A compulsory breadth of study to include a minimum 1 science, 1 humanity, 1 art & design for all students c. Introduce Computer Science IGCSE, World Religions IGCSE and IBDP and Design Technology at IBDP as optional subjects, and explore other options that tie into the promotion of environmental awareness and internationalism (e.g. IGCSE Global Perspective’s, IB Global Politics).

Therefore students need a balanced and broad curriculum. Without the essentials of knowledge and some key skills, deeper learning cannot occur. Literacy and numeracy are key to being able to communicate all knowledge effectively and with mastery. The ever more globalised world means that students who are able to function in at least two languages are more employable and versatile in almost all industries (in addition to the cognitive benefits of language acquisition). In addition, students need to be able to critically analyse information from a variety of disciplines. These skills are developed in many areas but crucially also in the sciences and social sciences, principally through the application of inductive and deductive reasoning. As a Lasallian Catholic school, spiritual life is one area we strive to develop and understand. We also hope to develop students who are able to engage with concepts of ethical behaviour which are derived from our common belief systems and making ethical choices in their lives. Therefore all students need to have a common grounding in the nature of World Religions and moral theory. Design thinking has started to be applied throughout a host of disciplines. The process of design enables students to be creative, adaptable and solution-

focused in the face of challenges and to grapple with technical complexity either in the material or digital world. Arts allow students to develop their creativity, access their emotions in pursuit of art production and develop their empathetic and analytical responses. Without the capacity to engage in different ways of knowing and thinking students will be unprepared to deal with the future world of work which does not replicate the industrial systems of the past. Future employability will rely on the capacity to collaborate across disciplines to manage information from a range of sources and disciplines to innovate and problem solve.

The evidence we have for this is... Association for Middle Level Education – “This we believe” states students need to: • “Become actively aware of the larger world, asking significant and relevant questions about that world and wrestling with big ideas and questions for which there may not be one right answer. 
 • Be able to think rationally and critically and express thoughts clearly. 
 • Read deeply to independently gather, assess, and interpret information from a variety of sources and read avidly for enjoyment and lifelong learning. • WEF 21st century Skills - Identifies common literacies • Investigation into the Common Core curriculum (US) demonstrates how critically numeracy and literacy are required throughout the broader curriculum • World Economic Forum: New Vision for Education, Unlocking the Potential of Technology 2015 Newmann, F.M. & Associates (1996). Authentic achievement: Restructuring schools for intellectual quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Avery, P.G. (1999), Authentic instruction and assessment. Social Education, 65(6), 368-373.

PROPOSAL 2 Expand our concept of foundational literacies What we recommend is... a. Foundational literacies such as digital citizenship, financial literacy and cultural and civic literacy to be included in an enhanced wellbeing program built according to age. b. ICT literacy (skills) to be included and integrated within the broader curriculum

The evidence we have for this is... World Economic Forum, New Vision for Education (Unlocking the Potential of Technology), 2015 World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs, January 2016 Catherine Steiner Adair: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age, 2014 Global Perspectives, A Framework for Global Education in Australian Schools, 2008 CIS (Eeqbal Hassim), Leadership of Intercultural Learning in Schools, 2016 UNESCO report: The importance of mother tongue-based schooling for educational quality Ministry of Education, Singapore. Character and Citizenship Education Programme World Economic Forum: New Vision for Education, Unlocking the Potential of Technology 2015

What we believe... Students at SJI International should be taught digital citizenship, financial literacy and cultural and civic literacy. This should be included in an enhanced wellbeing program built appropriately according to age group. ICT skills should be taught in all courses and assessed in conjunction with other subject-specific skills. It is no understatement to say that the advent of digital technologies have transformed the ways in which we access, process and communicate information. In order to be able to work effectively in the world, students must not just be able to use currently available technologies but be competent and confident in adapting to emerging technologies. To be employable in some industries they also need to be able to develop and contribute to the development of new technologies. Understanding one’s own culture and consequent civic responsibilities is an essential part of being an active and responsible citizen. Having a comprehensive understanding of home and host culture is therefore paramount as well as appreciating the role which is therefore incumbent upon people to play in their society. Shrinking public and private welfare systems, an aging population and shifting societal attitudes mean that major concerns have emerged around the world about the financial literacy of high school students. In order for our children to emerge as responsible financial citizens, it is necessary to equip them with an understanding of financial systems and principles which will impact each of their lives as soon as they leave school and even before. A lack of financial and digital citizenship poses significant risks to individuals in the future in terms of their personal security and financial health which must be mitigated against.

What we believe... A longer time frame in the timetable is needed to support extended projects, which enable deeper engagement and hence learning. The ability to plan for extended projects to take place across the year allows for the school to facilitate more authentic learning experiences and curriculum-integrated service projects etc. Grade 7 students come from a wide variety of elementary schools, and our aim is to expose them to subjects and ways of knowing and thinking skills that they may have never experienced before. This will facilitate making informed choices about personalising their learning in their options for Grade 8 to 10. This represents a common core, which will also continue into the IGCSE option years. The reasons for this have been expressed in Point 1. As well as including a common core which enables students to solve problems flexibly, at the same time there are advantages to a personalized curriculum. Student choice increases engagement and motivation. All students are different and have varying levels of engagement and interest in different subjects. Being able to take this into account when planning curriculum is important. One size does not fit all. Students reach academic ‘readiness’ in different subjects at different times. ‘Late bloomers’ are common and in other cases, children may be ready to access more complex material at a younger age. Therefore where possible, we should enable the curriculum to be designed for a student ‘by stage’ not age.

PROPOSAL 3 Create time for extended learning

What we recommend is... a. A block of time (e.g. 1 afternoon per week that can be used for longer projects, enhanced curriculum, Cocurricular activities etc.) b. A fixed curriculum for Grade 7 – including broad exposure to all ways of knowing and thinking/ subjects, to include first language, second language, science, global perspectives, maths, arts (range of), design (range of), PE c. 2x3 semester blocks (for instance, may adjust when logistical planning commences) from Grade 8 - 10 allowing classes to be chosen by ‘stage not age’ and allowing greater choice of options

PROPOSAL 4 Extend learning beyond school What we recommend is...

The evidence we have for this is... Bali Green Schools –“Jalan Jalan” program has led to student projects that have impacted on the wider community and the students to become leaders and change makers in_bali UNIS Hanoi have an early finish on Wednesdays with the intention of creating a balance in the students commitments and creating the space to fulfill their mission to create students “who will develop attitudes and values that focus on the rights and responsibilities of humans to care for and improve the communities in which they live”. Middle_School_Handbook_2016-2017.pdf The Island School in Hong Kong has a curriculum that includes passion projects and space for “exploration, elements and escape” Evidence for the value of a common core comes from our collective curriculum evaluation and research into a range of curriculums from around the world, including the IGCSE, MYP, US common core, The IMYC, Singapore Curriculum, Finnish Curriculum & Common Ground Collaboration. We identified the “must haves” in terms of ways of knowing and foundational literacies ( pdf) The proposed timetable of 2 x 3 semester blocks came from research into different schools timetables (as above) and from school visits in Singapore and also from collaborative time as a learning vision group creating different models and adapting them to reflect the collective knowledge of the group. In New Zealand, much work has been done, particularly after the devastating impacts of the earthquake in Christchurch on that new models of education look like. An executive summary can be access here The impact of student choice / autonomy on motivation can be understood by reading the works of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan including ‘Self Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-Being’ Redefining Curriculum, Instruction, and Concept-Based Learning. Erikson, H. Lynn, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2008 Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning Mike Schmoker Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development; 1 edition (January 21, 2011)

Explore the possibility of agreed (recognised, approved) self-directed courses as an optional part of the curriculum, increasing potential personalisation. This could include online courses or internships as examples.

The evidence we have for this is... The Association of Middle Level Education Successful Schools for Young Adolescents research. Social, community supported, visible, discussion based learning through storytelling (www. Most Likely to Succeed by Tony Wagner, Ch.6: Teaching, Learning and Assessing. Personalized Learning: What It Really Is and Why IT Really Matters personalized-learning-what-it-really-is-andwhy-it-really-matters Personalized Learning: Where it Came From, Why It Works, and How To Implement It i/319065219-personalized-learning-whereit-came-from-why-it-works-and-how-toimplement-it North Star Academy is cited by Ken Robinson in (2015 Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education (with Lou Aronica) World Economic Forum White Paper, January 2017. Realising Human Potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (An Agenda for Leaders to Shape the Future of Education, Gender and Work) Tapping the Power of Personalized Learning by James Rickabaugh Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (February 29, 2016) Education Week’s blogs > Vander Ark on

What we believe... Students should be supported in personalising and self-directing their learning in order to empower and sustain autonomous, life long inquiry. The most successful learning occurs when students are playing a leading role in their own education. Students should not be limited in the depth of their exploration but should have opportunities to develop their curiosity and individual passions, supported in genuine inquiry through exposure to a wealth of material beyond the confines of one syllabus. Learning should be active, purposeful and exploratory. Students should be able to investigate their own interests as well as broadening their personal understanding of the world. Learning should be made relevant to students who should experience early and continuous exposure to real-world elements and interactions. Collaborations with professionals, Universities and other relevant institutions enhance authenticity of the curriculum and provide increased awareness and the development of real world skills. Students at SJI International are currently provided with opportunities to choose some elective classes in the Sciences, Humanities and Arts, accompanying a common core of English, Languages and Maths. Innovation 12 On Ramps for Personalized and Competency Based Learning By Tom Vander Ark on February 8, 2016 6:00 AM Education Week’s blogs > Vander Ark on Innovation What is Curriculum? From Managed Instruction to Personalized Learning Tom Vander Ark on January 2, 2017 8:00 AM

PROPOSAL 5 Facilitate personal projects

What we believe... Our 21st century students will enter a job market that is different from the traditional workplace of the 20th century and of their parents and grandparents. They will need to be prepared to collect, synthesize, and analyze information; they will need to be prepared to work cooperatively with others to respond to changing social, economic, and global conditions. They will also be using technology to communicate their ideas, thoughts and final products. The traditional approaches that employ narrow tasks, rote memorisation, and simple procedures will not develop critical thinkers or effective writers and speakers. When students take part in complex and meaningful projects they are

preparing for engagement and collaboration that will sustain them in the future workplace. Engaging learning activities require application of classroom–gathered knowledge to real-world problems. An old adage states, “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” Inquiry-based learning gives students the tools to understand and to work cooperatively so that a small group supports the learning environment. Being able to pursue a topic of personal interest provides the conditions to develop personal and transferable skills, with no limits.

What we recommend is... Explore ways in which students can autonomously design their own inquiry-based projects of personal interest within the curriculum.

The evidence we have for this is... Imaginative+Curriculum+Network+Information+Note+2004.pdf The Beyond Average Initiative. Case Study: Roosevelt Innovation Academy: Archbald, D.A., & Newmann F.M. (1988). Beyond standardized testing: Assessing authentic academic achievement in secondary schools. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals. Enquiry and Project Based Learning: Students, School and Society 1st Edition David Leat Routledge; 1 edition (April 21, 2017) Buck Institute for Education -

PROPOSAL 6 Consider the best examination options for our context

What we recommend is... a. To remain with IGCSE but to examine whether other exam boards have more suitable qualifications with the same recognition level b. To ensure that the pedagogical approach to the teaching of IGCSE is meeting the remaining elements of our vision and applied in all subject areas c. Allow some IB courses to be commenced in G10 (limitations here imposed by the IBO – we must remain compliant)

The evidence we have for this is... Recommendations for the SJI International University Counselling team based on experience assisting SJI International students Students have left us at the end of Grade 10 or have not successfully completed the two years of the IB Diploma have been able to enter foundation programmes/ polytechnics on the basis of their IGCSE grades. Some examination boards offer more choices, for example in First Language Mother Tongue courses. Others may be more relevant as preparation for the IB Diploma than the CIE counterpart

What we believe... The IGCSE suite of provides students with practise revision and skills before they Diploma examinations

examinations a chance to examination sit the IB in Grade 12.

Examination boards besides the Cambridge examinations may provide a syllabus more suitable to our school and students. This may vary between departments. Not all students reach ‘exam readiness’ at the same time and thus we should apply a ‘stage not age’ approach as explained previously to when students sit final IGCSE examinations. While universities will consider students without the equivalent of IGCSE examination grades, they prefer having these grades, particularly for competitive courses like medicine. Students who may not be successful in the IB Diploma will need their IGCSE qualifications to apply for the next step in their education.

What we believe... The acronym VUCA is sometimes used to describe the world that our graduates will enter. It stands for a world that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. In other words, it is a world where students will not be able to learn one thing, or one skill and use it in a repetitive fashion. Trends in the US jobs markets show that those jobs where there is increasing needs are those which are non-routine in nature and interpersonal in style (although also, analytical shows the same trend to a lesser degree). Increasing automation means that the nature of jobs will change – that may be the only certainty we have. The implication of this for education is that students need to be adaptable, they need to be able to call on a range of problem solving strategies and they need not to be thrown by facing situations where the solution needs to be created as it is not immediately obvious. This means that they must be exposed to the same kind of problems within school in order to be appropriately prepared via smaller problems or larger inquiries. Intrinsic motivation in students is also improved when they are able to design their own inquiries, with curated resources as opposed to passive and mundane. Students can then learn to learn in the styles that suit them best and plan and implement their learning journeys. Where outcomes are not strictly delineated there is more scope for creativity and for the development of a wider range of skills, passions and challenge can nurtured.

PROPOSAL 7 Learning should be inquiry based

PROPOSAL 8 Focus on how we learn as well as what we learn

What we recommend is... Learning should be inquiry-based. i.e. it should focus on the students solving problems, placing them and their involvement at the heart of the learning. Activities should be designed intentionally where there may be more than one solution and/or where the solution may not be immediately obvious.

(Requires login) IBO Approaches to Teaching

What we recommend is...

World Economic Forum, New Vision for Education

a. Construct learning environments where the development of transferable skills and the understanding of key concepts predominate over the acquisition of knowledge.

Creative Schools, Ken Robinson, & Lou Aronica, Viking Penguin 2015 Common Ground Collaborative: Portals/School_Members/Resources/ Deliver/Moving_Towards_a_Guuided_ Inquiry_Approach.pdf Getting-the-Big-Idea-Handout.pdf Steve Jobs schools: Curiosity and Powerful Learning, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Aus Geography through enquiry. Margaret Roberts, Geographical Association, 2014. Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. Tony Wagner . Scribner; Reprint edition (February 10, 2015)

Our research suggests that there are four critical competencies associated with developing future-ready students. Those being: Critical Thinking Collaboration Communication Creativity Whilst it is true that foundational knowledge is still important, it should not be the sole focus of teaching but rather should be encompassed within a framework, which seeks to develop knowledge, skills and dispositions for effective learning.

The evidence we have for this is...

Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing our kids for the innovation era. Tony Wagner and Ted Dintersmith, Scribner; Reprint edition (August 16, 2016)

What we believe...

b. Learning in the classroom should prioritise collaboration as a necessary 21st century skill as well as a means for enhancing learning. Learning c. approaches should emphasise understanding of ‘how we got there’: metacognition.

The acquisition of highly developed collaborative skills does not happen accidentally but needs integrating with the approach to learning and planning for its explicit and implicit teaching and assessment. The benefits of collaboration seem obvious, but what is less obvious is the role of collaboration in creating a stronger perception of group cohesion and social responsibility, which is key to the Lasallian tenet of community. Students who learn how to learn sustainably – that is they are able to apply their approach to learning to a multitude of scenarios have a highly developed awareness of the process of that learning and their own specific learning styles, i.e through the learning process they have also become meta-cognitively aware. Metacognition is a fundamental skill in having a growth mindset and being able to respond positively to change and embrace the opportunities that it presents. Self awareness allows the learner to tolerate their own mistakes, encouraging them to constantly think and ask good questions and formulate strong inquiries. Engagement increases and the willingness to undertake tasks and improves when the learner is encouraged to think about what they can do to make their work more interesting to themselves.

What we believe...

The evidence we have for this is... Please also refer to the recommendations elsewhere in this manifesto where the nature of learning environments is discussed in far more detail Claxton and Lucas (2013) Redesigning Schooling Gillies, R. M. (2004). The effects of cooperative learning on junior high school students during small group learning. Learning and Instruction, 14(2), 197-213. Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing our kids for the innovation era. Tony Wagner and Ted Dintersmith, Scribner; Reprint edition (August 16, 2016) (Requires login) IBO Approaches to Teaching: Group0/d_0_dpatl_gui_1502_1/static/dpatl/guide-teaching-focused-on-effectiveteamwork-and-collaboration.html (Requires login) IBO Approaches to Learning guide-thinking-skills.html Louis, K.S., Kruse, S., and Marks, H. Schoolwide Professional Community. Fred Newmann and Associates (Ed.), Authentic Achievement: Restructuring Schools for Intellectual Quality. (Chapter 7 – School wide professional communities). San Francisco: JosseyBass, 1996.ollaborative overload. Rob Cross, Reb Rebele & Adam Grant. Harvard Business Review Jan-feb 2016 pp 74-79 Learning to learn. Erika Anderson. Harvard Business Review March 2016 pp 98-101 Effective Collaboration in Schools. Cheryl Doig. Think What we know about collaboration. Partnership for 21st Century Learning – Series_-_Collaboration.pdf

Decades of research have gone into trying to understand the stages of development of children. Piaget argued that children cannot learn until they reach the appropriate stage of development after which learning can proceed. He theorised that these stages are fairly consistent across cultures. Vygotsky, working at around the same time argued that there was far more variation between individuals and that learning would happen optimally in a stage called the ‘zone of proximal development’, i.e. that point where a learner cannot access material entirely independently but can do so with the guide of a skilful tutor. Neither theory accounts for all of the observations which are made around student learning but as models they are both useful to us. They are both founded in the idea that learning needs to be targeted to students who are ready or ‘at the right point’. It is acknowledged that this will not happen at the same point in time for all those of the same chronological age and as such learning should be differentiated according to learning readiness and also learning needs. Sometimes that differentiation means that learning should take place in a very different way from others. At other times, good differentiation means that students need a softer approach, a more structured approach, a more visual approach or many alternatives in between. Our goal should be to meet the students as far as possible where they are rather than trying to fit them into a system which dictates ‘where they should be’ in a fixed sense which does not appreciate that deep learning sometimes comes more slowly, or in a different way, although not less profoundly.

PROPOSAL 9 Recognise the differences in pupils’ readiness for learning What we recommend is... Recognise that learning happens continually and that understanding will be reached at different stages by different people. Learning should be organised such that it meets the needs of the learners without limiting them in any sense implicitly or explicitly.

The evidence we have for this is... Summit Sierra Schools: Carol Ann Instruction



(Requires login) Differentiated Teaching, Approaches to Teaching Group0/d_0_dpatl_gui_1502_1/static/ dpatl/guide-teaching-differentiated-tomeet-the-needs-of-all-learners.html Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas, Educating Ruby and Expansive Education

PROPOSAL 10 Encourage intellectual risk-taking What we recommend is... a. Deliberately expose students to situations where there is an element of intellectual risk to build confidence thinking ‘outside of the box’. In allowing the students the opportunity to build their confidence by being ‘exposed’ and ‘vulnerable’ and yet succeeding, we build longer term courage and resilience. b. Developing a shared language for character helps us in the academic classroom reflect on who students are and aim to become as human beings. It helps us to value people’s unique characters and use this in academic learning as well as outside the classroom.

The evidence we have for this is...

What we believe... In the real world, our students need to be prepared to tackle adversity. Schools (and parents) face a constant battle. We wish to ensure that we maintain a positive atmosphere for learning where students can find success, feel safe and grow as human beings. However, we do not wish to cocoon them to such an extent that they are unprepared for adversity in its many forms when they emerge. Deliberately planning within our curriculum for students to face challenges and take intellectual risks with confidence and positivity, enabling them to develop resilience in their endeavours is crucial. Understanding the factors which go into building a resilient person allow us to embed opportunities to face these problems in a supported and constructive way within our curriculum.

What we recommend is... Design courses which maximise opportunities for real world interaction, enhancing relevance and purpose for the students as well as developing future-readiness. To involve the public and private sectors as well as taking advantage of our own community connections through the school.

The evidence we have for this is...

Farrington ‘Academic Mindsets as a Critical Component of Deeper Learning’ Dweck ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’

Nagaoka et al ‘Readiness for College: The Role of Non-Cognitive Factors and

Students learn best when their learning is relevant to them. Understanding the purpose of learning in its wider context increases engagement, motivation and deepens learning. This relevance arises from the student establishing meaningful connections between the work they are doing in school and the real world. Therefore we need to design authentic learning opportunities that involve connection with the wider community. This could include short term internships, volunteer lectures from parents etc. Within the classroom, the approach used should strive to make the learning relevant to the time and place, involving real world tasks, real world audiences and developing real world tools as a result.

Long term, we know that research indicates that non-cognitive factors have a greater influence on development and long term success, health and wellbeing than more academic measures such as IQ.

Belfield et al ‘The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning’

Farrington ‘The Role of Non-Cognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance’ Gabrieli and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Non-Cognitive Skills and Education Policy, Research and Practice Considerations

PROPOSAL 11 Invest in developing an authentic curriculum

What we believe...

Overview of Building Authenticity: Defining Authenticity: Authentic Learning for the 21st Century: An Overview By Marilyn M. Lombardi Edited by Diana G. Oblinger ELI Paper 1: 2007 May 2007 The Big Picture schools:


Stamfords K12 Lab:

Duckworth et al ‘Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals’ Costa and Kallick, Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

Creative Schools, Ken Robinson, & Lou Aronica, Viking Penguin 2015 Improving schools through community engagement. Kathy Gardner Chadwick. Corwin. 2004

PROPOSAL 12 Incorporate Project-Based Learning What we believe... Project Based Learning is an approach which combines many of the approaches detailed thus far in these recommendations and provides a model with which they can successfully be implemented in classroom practice. Successful projects allow students to incorporate their own ideas into their learning in a structured way where the development of knowledge, skills, understanding and dispositions for learning are all developed in a planned and systematic way. Ongoing, formative

assessment deepens the learning and enables students to move forward without limits but with the support of an effective guide. Projects are authentic in nature and often collaborative. They can be designed with one subject group in mind or become an inter-disciplinary project where subjects combine (as in the real world) avoiding the ‘silo’ effect of teaching subjects in isolation. It allows us to give a consistent message from all faculties across the school when we design learning experiences in this way. It can also have the added benefit of exposing students to a broader range of disciplines and teachers from all faculties. A Project-Based Learning approach can also be used to engage with aspects of service and social justice very successfully which drives to the heart of our school’s mission.

What we recommend is... Incorporate Project-Based Learning as an approach, knowing that deeper understanding comes from exposure to material over longer time periods.

The evidence we have for this is... The Buck Institute for Education ( supports teachers worldwide to successfully implement project based learning One school group who has successfully modeled this approach over time is High Tech High Institute of Educational Sciences, Effects of Problem Based Economics on High School Economics Instruction (the study used Project Based Learning approaches) Pilot project held for 2 years at SJI International. A collaboration between Geography and Service (Grade 7) on Bintan Summary of research conducted on effectiveness of Project Based Learning: Harvard school of Education: Project Zero. Stanford Project Lab:

What we believe... Technology in the workplace has made the shift from useful to ubiquitous. As such, our students need to develop the skills to use technology appropriately, efficiently and effectively. The development of technological skills should be integrated throughout the curriculum so that they are learned in situ and ‘as needed’ rather than seen as a discrete subject. The curriculum for this will need to be dynamic to adapt to the rapid evolution of technology. Ensuring that teachers are given the support they need to move alongside the students and effectively support them will be crucial. Above all we want students to learn how to be safe, sensible and positive in the digital sphere as well as confidently adaptable. The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model should be used to assist teachers in deciding when to incorporate technology rather than use alternative approaches. In other words, when the use of technology serves to transform the learning by modification of the task or by redefinition where the task itself was previously impossible and is now made possible with the use of technology.

PROPOSAL 13 Integrate technology

What we recommend is... Technology integration throughout all subjects enhances the skills of students utilising technology effectively as part of their work.

The evidence we have for this is... Singapore MOE ICT masterplan overview


2013 microsoft partners in learning and pearson report World Economic Forum (2016) New Vision for Education, Unlocking the Potential of Technology

What we believe...

PROPOSAL 14 Assessment should foster learning What we recommend is... Assessment should have the purpose of enhancing learning, rather than generating grades. Therefore all assessment (except final, external examinations) should be relevant, varied and formative in nature.

Assessment can serve multiple functions but has one over-riding purpose, which is to create learning. John Hattie’s work has consistently shown the positive effects produced by the systematic and effective use of formative evaluation. Furthermore, many studies have demonstrated the value of formative comments as feedback for students over grades. In order for effective learning to occur, students must be clear about the goal of the task at hand, teachers must be aware of the position of that student in the learning and regular checks should be made by the teacher both formally and informally to gauge where the student is in that learning. This triggers feedback, which if delivered appropriately to the student, provides vital information guiding them in their next steps and is incorporated in the formation of new goals.

What we believe... This section includes overarching design principles that we believe are important in order to realise a school centred around dynamic, engaging and effective learning spaces for all members of the school community. We believe that considering the design of spaces solely in isolation would result in missed opportunities and a failure to achieve the wider goals of the Learning Vision. A number of the following general recommendations are explored in greater detail in relation to specific types of learning space later in this document.

Assessment (of various types) should be broad, covering not just subject specific content and skills but also transferable skills such as creativity and communication and dispositions for learning. Yong Zhao, Counting What Counts Dylan Wiliam, Assessment



John Hattie, Visible Learning For Teachers (Login required) IBO, Approaches Teaching


Costa and Kallick, Leading and Learning with Habits of Mind Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

It should be appreciated that not all outcomes can be measured easily or in the same manner and so tools and tasks chosen should be appropriate in nature for the objective at hand.

Overarching design principles • In support of our mission to help students to become people of integrity and people for others, who will be willing to lead and to accept responsibility in society, we believe that our school environment and facilities should exemplify responsible environmental stewardship. Students should develop a strong awareness of the environmental impact of our decisions and actions and should see this modelled in the design and daily operation of our school. • Every area of the school should have access to natural light and foliage; green spaces, outdoor and semi-outdoor environments provide stimulating learning environments.

Carol Dweck’s work on the growth mindset examines in more detail the ways in which we can help students to respond positively to assessment feedback, with the aim of utilising it to promote further learning rather than as a final judgment.

The evidence we have for this is...

PROPOSAL 15 Developing dynamic learning spaces

What we recommend is... i. Clustering of Learning Spaces Learning spaces should be clustered around flexible common learning areas. A number of teaching staff on the LV team have previous positive experience of working in these facilities. a. Common areas should incorporate (or permit configuration of) ‘campfire’, ‘watering hole’ and ‘cave’ zones. b. A variety of comfortable standing

and seated workspaces should be provided. c. Visibility should be permitted between spaces within a cluster. d. Acoustic solutions should be provided to realise a positive multicollaborative environment (ensuring that noise/spill does not hinder communication). e. Common spaces should be flexible and able to accommodate grade/ house assemblies. f. Meeting spaces for staff and students should be incorporated into wider learning areas. Spaces should be able to accommodate small student/staff groups and be suitable for small-scale presentations, oral examinations and other collaborative activities. g. Each learning space should provide for ≥3m2/student to allow for effective collaboration

What we recommend is... ii. Student Resource Centre and Production/Performance Spaces a. We should move from a traditional library facility towards a more multifunctional, community space. b. It should incorporate 4-zone design: campfire, watering hole, cave and makerspace. c. It should include industry relevant production facilities (audio/visual) for use by students and staff.

d. A variety of furniture styles should be provided to accommodate individual working, collaboration and instruction. e. Careful consideration of acoustic design is necessary to provide some quiet working areas. f. It should enable/promote wider community involvement (maker/ artist in residence). g. Arts performance/ Dedicated exhibition space(s) should be created.

The evidence we have for this is... 4-zone design:; Fisher 2016: Designing 21st Century Learning Environments: 7 key strategies that guide the design process (Reference sites) (Tan, 2016) folders/0B6q6SHnRzDEAbkNwekgwbllzSkk Making the most of flexible learning spaces English IOC, Language speaking exams, ToK presentations/discussions, drama and other subject-specific group work. Reference sites Singapore American School - student resource centre Google APAC (Singapore) - best practice workspace, canteen, meeting and collaborative space design. ISKL (

PROPOSAL 16 Classroom design What we recommend is... Classroom Design a. Classrooms should have reconfigurable dimensions and effective acoustic design, in order to provide the greatest flexibility to meet both current and future needs. b. Table/desk layouts should be quickly, easily and quietly re-configurable (by students) when required. Nonuniform spaces promote creativity and furniture should promote ease of movement around the space for students and teachers. Size/ shape of tables should promote flexible group configurations and differentiation, hence there should be variety in the types of furniture provided in each room. c. Workspaces must be ergonomically sound (including heights of work surfaces and comfort of chairs). Nonseated options should be possible to promote active and kinaesthetic learning. Desks and wall surfaces should be writable - students should have shared ownership of learning spaces. In addition, wall spaces should encourage interaction (see ‘Designed walls’), to promote collaboration, self-expression, creativity and imagination. d. Projection/display facilities should avoid creating a ‘front-facing’ room for effective learning. A practical/ active area for creative studying and learning should be provided in each room or within common learning spaces e. A review of existing classroom layout and new pilot classroom(s)

What we believe... We believe that classrooms at SJI International should be designed to facilitate and encourage active learning and collaboration, allowing both students and teachers to be creative and responsive to various activities, engaging them and creating opportunities for innovative expression of ideas. An environment for teaching and learning should be created that recognises and eases the restrictions and difficulties associated with just one single model of classroom furniture and layout.

should be carried out and include appropriate staff and student surveys to create a student-based learning area. See [1] for existing evaluation frameworks. f. Both teacher and student storage spaces should be integrated, according to the needs of faculty. Equipment should be designed so that it creates a workplace intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. g. Teachers’ desks and chairs should be moveable and designed to facilitate work with students (horseshoe etc.). Carpeted rooms should be considered to improve acoustic and aesthetic qualities of spaces.

What we recommend is... Technology for Learning in the Classroom Projection/display facilities should a. avoid creating a ‘front-facing’ room. b. Charging points alternatively could be built into the furniture or “flip out” from the classroom floor. c. Multiple wall-mounted displays should be provided to facilitate effective collaborative work. d. Screen sharing technologies to enable teacher to share with students, students to share in groups, and students to share with whole class. e. Handwritten, digital annotation should be available to all. f. Facilities to enable students as content creators should be provided (audio/ video recording facilities, high quality design and print, specialist hardware

What we believe... and software). g. Classroom technology should be common across all teaching spaces to enable easy movement of groups to most appropriate spaces. h. Wireless projection facilities should be the norm, to enable teachers to move freely around the room and not be tethered to a teacher desk. i. Capacity should be developed to harness developments in Internet of Things, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and wearable technology within the classroom (NMC Horizon long term trends). j. Technology should be used to reduce dependence on paper/printing for a cleaner environment.

All areas of the school should offer and encourage opportunities for learning that are authentic and relevant for our students. We must provide a range of varied and creative attractive spaces that students and staff want to engage with, to interact and discuss learning.

PROPOSAL 17 Extending learning beyond the classroom

‘We believe that all spaces in school should be learning spaces’ ‘Students should experience responsible environmental stewardship throughout school and incorporate these ideas into their learning’ Learning spaces should enable students to interact with their surroundings; they should encourage students to think about their environment, and be more than information displays. Where possible these installations should be renewed and refreshed on a regular basis to further encourage exploration.

What we recommend is...

The evidence we have for this is... Fisher 2016: Designing 21st Century Learning Environments: 7 key strategies that guide the design process (Reference sites) (Tan, 2016) folders/0B6q6SHnRzDEAbkNwekgwbllzSkk Making the most of flexible learning spaces How a Moveable Space Can Ignite Creativity in the Classroom

a. There should be intention behind any green spaces formed. Why is that plant chosen? What does it provide in terms of learning opportunities? (e.g. IB based discussions of palm oil vs chemistry production of palm oil based substances). b. Revamp and redevelop the existing canteen space to encourage students to use it as a social space. This is possible now the lunchtime is split. There is sufficient space to plant, display student art and sculpture, provide more comfortable and social seating conducive to small group interaction. This will have the added benefit of stopping students from sitting on floors and lockers in corridors. Design should be student led and include opportunities for students to learn some construction and maintenance skills. Lessons learnt from this exercise should be carried forward to any future design process. c. We already have existing areas such as those behind the chapel that we should look to utilise and develop. d. Look at sustainable technologies (water reclamation, solar power, novel technologies) create interesting spaces/features and cross-curricular learning opportunities. e. Construct a wooden sinuous walkway through the central green space in the centre of the school. Encourage students to walk through here rather than squash along the corridors on either side. A simple and cheap way to interact with the green spaces instead of being forced to avoid them. These could be built by students as part of a CCA. f. Celebrate Singaporean inventions such as vertical gardens and composting systems, the use of solar power. Integrate these into school design and add into the current school. g. Our school should model environmentally sustainable design and promote responsible stewardship.

The evidence we have for this is... Redesigning Learning Spaces Long-Term Trend: Driving EdTech adoption in K-12 education for five or more years (NMC Horizon Report K12 2016) S1kVDBB/view?usp=sharing BCA Green Mark

PROPOSAL 18 Providing an effective, inspiring and comfortable learning environment

Green Health: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS FOR HEALTHY KIDS Teaching and Learning Environments: Impact on student engagement and achievement The Impact of Sustainable Buildings on Educational Achievements in K-12 Schools

What we recommend is... a. Fully recognise the importance of natural daylight within learning spaces and its impact on student progress (incl. innovative design feat.) - NMC Horizon report

What we believe... We believe that the provision of an appropriate and comfortable physical environment is critical for effective teaching and learning. The availability of natural light, indoor air quality, comfortable acoustics and ergonomics, and access to outdoor and ‘green’ spaces have all be shown to have a significant impact on the people within that environment. We believe that we must fulfil these basic needs in order to be able to fully realise the aims of our learning vision.

b. Projection/displays must be adequate to not require removal of natural light c. Acoustic isolation - ingress of external noise and transmission of sound between spaces should be minimal. Standards for education exist ( d. Acoustic design of rooms must facilitate clear communication between students/teacher and be appropriate for the intended activity in each space (including multiple collaborative groups). Standards for education exist ( Nanyang Technological University: ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter Report 2012 The Impact of Sustainable Buildings on Educational Achievements in K-12 Schools

e. Recognise the importance of indoor air quality/fresh air - research into impact on academic achievement exists - NMC Horizon report

Science - gardens, hydroponics Eco-learning trail - The fabric of the building offers learning opportunities(Grey water etc.) ISKL - new build (light trays, cooled slab AC) Victoria School (Singapore) Park Royal (Singapore):

The evidence we have for this is... Redesigning Learning Spaces Long-Term Trend: Driving EdTech adoption in K-12 education for five or more years (NMC Horizon Report K12 2016) RWZQNS1kVDBB/view?usp=sharing learn how to live...

The evidence we have for this is... Redesigning Learning Spaces Long-Term Trend: Driving EdTech adoption in K-12 education for five or more years (NMC Horizon Report K12 2016) RWZQNS1kVDBB/view?usp=sharing Green Health: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS FOR HEALTHY KIDS Acoustics of Schools: a design guide Teaching and Learning Environments: Impact on student engagement and achievement The Impact of Sustainable Buildings on Educational Achievements in K-12 Schools

KEY QUESTION How can we offer a holistic programme with a breadth of choices, to enable students to cultivate passions and develop leadership through experiences that challenge them to be courageous and develop in character?

PROPOSAL 1 CCAs (sporting and non-sporting) What we recommend is... a. That students are encouraged to think about 3 different aspects when choosing the CCAs they follow. These will be: Leadership, Passion and Challenge. b. The student can periodically fill out diaries that will allow them to reflect on how they are progressing in the three categories. c. In order to have more emphasis on this tutors will question the students in 1:1 sessions on their development as well as looking through the online reflections. d. At the end of each term the form tutor can nominate people in their form group to receive an award for each of the three categories.

What we believe... SJI International already delivers a CCA programme that enables students to have a breadth of choice. There are ample choices for the students and most are able to choose an activity that will facilitate them in cultivating their passions. BUT…. We also believe that all students in the school do not take advantage of the different opportunities that are available to them. A lot of students stay within their comfort zone and make choices that could be seen as the ‘easy’ option. As a school we would like to see students not only take part in CCAs that allow them to follow their passion, but we would like them to progress in leadership as well. We believe that in order to have good transitions between each stage of school (Grades 7-8, IGCSE and IB) there needs to be consistency in the way we look at CCAs. To complete CAS the students need to write reflections on their activities so we believe that it is important to start this process in early years.

The evidence we have for this is... In his book Drive, Daniel Pink promotes a trifecta of intrinsic moticators:

What we believe... That students’ learning is enhanced by learning in different environments. Having students take part in adventurous trips will allow them to build character strengths and demonstrate courage: two of the qualities the Learning Vision statements highlight as key points in providing a holistic programme. If planned appropriately, students could also develop leadership skills. The programme will push students out of their comfort zone, and allow them to be taught ‘life skills’ (e.g. cooking and cleaning). These were aspects that were also highlighted during parent and staff initial meetings. The students will be able to build resilience to changes in circumstances. We also believe that an experience of this magnitude will build a stronger community within the students, which will facilitate positive education. Relationships between staff and students can also develop further than they would within the school constraints. Students will not only develop skills with a wealth of outdoor education opportunities, but this will also enhance curriculum pedagogy. Students can have a more kinesthetic learning experience, seeing things in the real world not just theory, this is especially true for subjects like Science and Geography.

a) Autonomy, or the desire to be self-directed - this is linked to the idea of developing student Leadership, as well as giving students the choice of selecting from a range of activities; b) Mastery, or the itch to keep improving at something that’s important to us - this links to our idea of Challenge, where students seek to try new and challenging activities to give them the best opportunities for further self-discovery; c) and Purpose, the sense that what we do produces something transcendent or serves something meaningful beyond ourselves - this links to our idea of Passion, where students are actively engaged in activities which they already know they love to do.

Mr Humphrey has worked at a similar outdoor education centre at his previous school, Tihoi Venture School:

We already know from our current systems of SMILES, NYAA Bronze and FCAS Awards, that our students are also motivated to participate in the holistic school programme if it leads to an achieved award/certificate at the end of the process. Our model seeks to modify the current system by focusing on the development of Leadership, Challenge and Passion.

He is strongly in favour of SJI International completing a similar programme, he has first-hand seen the benefits of this to both students’ character development and learning experience.

Finally, we are also aware of the significant importance that evidence of involvement in nonacademic activities plays in the university admissions process. Further developing our current holistic awards will be of great benefit to our students.

The evidence we have for this is...

We have also researched Timbertop (http:// and Dune School (http://www.

PROPOSAL 2 School without walls What we recommend is... To find a centre that can be used that will have both dorms and classroom areas. This will then be used for 2/3 weeks, with a rolling timetable (designed for individual groups) of Tutor Groups to attend. While at the centre, the students will follow a timetable that incorporates both curriculum lessons and outdoor education activities. The timing of this is subject to change depending on the outcome of the curriculum group. At the moment we recommend that this takes place at the end of Grade 8. We believe this time is most appropriate as the students are at a critical time in their personal development.

pdfs/brochure.pdf) and the programmes that they run. PHD Thesis on Timbertop and impact of extended education. ( cgi?article=2799&context=theses) Timbertop booklet - how they run their extended trip. Various teachers at SJI International have witnessed the development of students over the week long expeditions that already take place and we feel that this can be greatly enhanced by extending the experience by a couple of weeks. Provides evidence on the effectiveness of an extended programme: http://bit. ly/2igN4sk More evidence on the effectiveness of an extended programme: AIROutdoorSchool2005.pdf

...empowering them to become people of integrity & people for others.

PROPOSAL 1 SJI International to be a regional hub of Service Learning What we recommend is...

KEY QUESTIONS How do we develop people for others with humility and a sense of social responsibility who have a genuine desire to engage with and lead service for the benefit of all? How do we further develop the school programme to enhance students’ abilities to feel confident making principled decisions in their lives?

a. Set up a formal Service Learning Network in Singapore

What we believe... Service Learning is a unique and well established core element of learning at SJI International. Feedback from our community identifies Service Learning as a key feature of our school and it is closely associated with our Lasallian values and ethos. We wish to further extend this provision at SJI International so as to become a regionally recognised hub for Service Learning. Our promotion and celebration of Service Learning, and the achievements which we have made in this area, are under-represented.

b. Implement a bi-annual Service Learning/Character Development Conference for Lasallian schools (first event in 2017) c. Advancement and Communications Office to create promotional materials/resources and ensure that our programme is publicly advertised and recognised as a unique selling point of the school d. Present best practice at regional conferences

The evidence we have for this is... A collaborative approach (with us leading a sophisticated network) will positively impact Service Learning opportunities at SJI International and for other international schools in the region. Evidence from other regional networks (e.g. Professional Development in Singapore Schools) has seen similar dividends. Participation in regional Character Education and Service Learning has informed us of the necessity to lead such events in order to promote existing provision eg Positive Schools Conference; Lasallian Conference in Western Australia etc. Our publications and shared information to date, whilst successful, have not focussed on Service Learning and the impact on positive school culture. In studies of other schools/colleges (e.g. UWCSEA) publication of Service Learning was exemplary. learning/service We have enough expertise and experience to lead strong and engaging workshops and presentations, and must seek further opportunities to do so – evidence from previous presentations has given us positive feedback.

What we believe... We believe that the school’s moral foundations are built on values conducive to Service Learning. Our intention is to formalise and structure Service Learning provision in order to ensure its longevity and sustainability. In order for all staff to embrace the philosophy and ideals of Service Learning a rigorous infrastructure rooted in our mission and Lasallian values must be in place.


Further extend Service Learning as a core programme of our school What we recommend is...

PROPOSAL 3 Develop opportunities for ethical and principled decision making in the process of Service Learning What we recommend is...

a. Integrate and embed Service Learning in the curriculum using the school’s preferred Project Based Learning (PBL) approach

a. Develop and reflection and processes.

b. Develop rubrics and benchmarks for horizontal and vertical alignment of Service Learning

b. Develop explicit links to Wellbeing Principles in the experiential Service Learning programme.

refine formal self-evaluation

What we believe... We believe that students who actively and purposefully participate in Service Learning leave SJI International as well rounded and principled students. The process of giving back to others enables students to develop their moral code and become people of integrity. Students must undertake varied opportunities to develop their decision making skills in different contexts including moments of challenge and difficulty. Service Learning should embed and complement the standards we currently have in the school so as to ensure a consistent approach e.g. Approaches to Learning (ATLs), Wellbeing Principles, etc. This will create a more cohesive programme for students.

c. Widen sustainable Service partnerships with Lasallian Schools - establish formal Service Learning partner with De La Salle College Ashfield, in Sydney Australia (first partnership event in 2017) Strengthen the leadership and d. management capacity of the Service Learning team

The evidence we have for this is... Having trialled a PBL approach in Geography and Service Learning we know that this works well as a model, but must appropriately correlate with academic planning and curriculum development. Looking at models of best practice (e.g. American International School of Johannesburg - http:// we are mindful that SJI International needs to establish greater structure in this context ie providing progressive rubrics and benchmarks for student development in this (e.g. trials in Grade 9 have received positive feedback). In line with our priority to develop stronger Lasallian links it seems that Service Learning is an ideal and common focus for all Lasallian schools. An initial partnership with De La Salle College Ashfield has proved successful (based on parental feedback), with a formal exchange beginning in 2017 (Term 2) – see The success of our Service Learning provision has outgrown the current capacity in terms of leadership and management. It is necessary to review and develop this aspect to complement exponential growth.

The evidence we have for this is... The focus of the IB on reflection and self-evaluation as a form of learning shows how essential it is for our students to adopt the same approach in Service Learning – as championed by Cathryn Berger Kaye – an expert in this field. As the school begins to develop a cohesive approach to Wellbeing and Positive Education it is only right for us to seamlessly link it with Service Learning ideals. The focus of positive purpose being at the heart of Service Learning attests to this: https://

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