r y • S k a g i t C o u n t y Pa r k s & ity Libra C Recr n o n eati er V t n on ou Research Reserve • Recr e n i M r a u • t • eatio Es s l a e n c o i i n t v a r w N Se itho ay ent agit County • Kiwanis Club of B lla B k ut i S m f d o h a s urlin P Bo ub l ric • C n s t E l c rd gto ir i d r G n t d a s er n r k a e M t n i s r a D arme F • s rks n s• o n a y n r P o o e i V B n t t o a n • n u v r o r s e e M V k s t r • o on Skagit Kid Insider • Moun on lic W git C ciati a b o k s u S s P A ty on • own oun t B u r l i n g t o n Pa r k s & R e c r e a t i C n t i g ow • Ska on D n n o r n r e K i w a n i s C l u b o f M o u n t Ve tV oun M • e merc Burlington Chamber of Com
Week Week 1—July 1—July 8 8-11 -11 Jedi Jedi Training Training Field Trip: Trip: Ground Ground Zero Zero Gymnastics Gymnastics Field Week 2—July 15-18 Inventor’s Workshop Field Trip: Everett Children’s Museum Week Week 3— 3 July 22-25 Swim, Sand & Sun Field Trip: Trip: Birch Birch Bay Bay Waterslides Waterslides Field Aug. 1: 1: Tell Me Me a Story Story Week 4— July 29-Aug. Field Trip: Mount Vernon Library Week 5— August 5-8: Prehistoric Pursuit Field Trip: Little Mountain Park Week 6— August 12-15: Color Me Crazy Field Trip: Tri Dee Arts Week 7— 7 August 19-22: Treasure Hunters Week Field Trip: Trip: Lang’s Lang’s Pony Pony Farm Farm Field
MVPR (360) 336-6215
Dai Daily ly H Hours: ours: Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8: 8:00am-5:30pm 00am-5:30pm ((Program Program H Hours: ours: 9 9:00am-4:30pm) :00am-4:30pm) L ocation: Location: Hillcrest Hillcrest Park Park Ag e: Age: 5-11 511 years years old old Fee: Fee: $150 per week
Mount Vernon Parks and enrichMent serVices
1717 South 13th St., Mount Vernon • Parks, Programs & Reservations (360) 336-6215 • e-mail: mvparks@mountvernonwa.gov Online registration: https://apm.activecommunities.com/mvparks • website: www.mountvernonwa.gov
DiRecTOR’S MeSSAGe: Hi Everyone. Thanks to the almost 900 folks completing the Parks on-line survey and to the nearly 80 involved citizens attending the two Public Open Houses at Hillcrest Lodge. We received thousands of insightful comments on our Parks and Recreational programs. Now the work really begins as we start digging into the data and continue moving toward completion of our six year plan. Not sure about all Parks has to offer??... Please enjoy a fun tour through Mount Vernon Parks and programs via our new video located on our website at http://www.mountvernonwa.gov/parks... guaranteed to make you smile!! Have you seen the new Hillcrest Lodge Garden? Thanks to the amazing efforts of our Operations and City Work Program staff, the old fence is gone and the new stone and cedar fence is in place. It’s a beautiful upgrade in keeping with the natural setting of Hillcrest Park and provides so much more functionality for our Lodge users. Be prepared for some disruption on Little Mountain this summer as we break Bill King, Director ground on a 50 car trailhead parking lot and top-of-the-line Bicycle Skills Park located just off the main entrance to the park. We’ve partnered with the Mount Vernon Parks Foundation to realize a dream envisioned back in 2003. It will all be worth it when complete so folks have a safe place to park and unload the kids prior to hiking the trails or taking on the challenges of the new Skills Park. And beware of upgrades to the Bakerview Park entrance road (Repaving) and the installation of a nice 10’ wide sidewalk. This work is all scheduled to begin sometime this summer. As the weather continues to improve come on out and make a memory in our beautiful parks and trails.
Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation invites individuals with special needs to participate in our programs. Please call in advance if accommodations are necessary for successful participation. Scholarships are available and can be awarded at 50% of the program cost one time per year.
This baseball, basketball, and soccer program gives children a fun and positive first step into athletics. Through games and activities, campers explore balance, hand/eye coordination, and skill development at their own pace. For all half day camps, participants receive a t-shirt, ball, and a merit award. date/tiMe: June 24-28, 9am-12pm Fee: $109 aGes: 4-7 years Location: Hillcrest Park note: Participants should bring appropriate clothing, two snacks, a water bottle, running shoes and sunscreen.
Skyhawks multi-sport camp is designed to introduce athletes to a variety of different sports in one setting. For this program we combine (soccer, flag football and baseball) into one fun-filled week. Athletes will learn the rules and essentials skills of each sport along with vital life lessons such as respect and teamwork. For all half day and full day camps, participants receive a t-shirt, ball and a merit award. date/tiMe: June 24-28, 9am-3pm Fee: $135 aGes: 6-12 years Location: Hillcrest Park note: Participants should bring appropriate clothing, lunch, two snacks, a water bottle, running shoes, and sunscreen.
LiTTLe KicKeRS– SUMMeR SOcceR inSTRUcTiOnAL LeAGUe This league is a great introduction to the sport of soccer for your little one. These young players will be playing 3-4 to a side on micro fields. Soccer basics will be taught with games, drills, and tons of fun! No scores are kept for games, and coaches will emphasize FUN in their teaching of dribbling, passing and shooting. There will be two weeks of practices before three weeks of weekday evening games. Volunteer Coaches & team sponsors needed! REGISTRATION ENDS JUNE 14!! aGes: Littlest Kickers: Boys & Girls ages 3-4 years Little Kickers: Boys & Girls ages 5-6 years Practice: Practices will be outdoors, on weekday evenings & determined by the coaches. 1st Practice is week of July 14th. Coach will call you with 1st Practice day/time. GaMes: July 30, August 1, 6, 8, 13, 15 at Bakerview Park, times TBA Fee: $50 per participant, Fee waived with coaching parent team sponsors needed - $100 per team!
SKYHAwKS FLAG FOOTbALL Skyhawks flag football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.” Campers will learn skills on both sides of football including the core components of passing, catching, and de-flagging or defensive positioning - all presented in a fun & positive environment. The week ends with the Skyhawks Sports Bowl, giving participants a chance to showcase their skills on the gridiron! Participants receive a t-shirt, football and player evaluation. date/tiMe: July 22-26, 9am-3pm Fee: $135 aGes: 6-12 years Location: Hillcrest Park note: Participants should wear appropriate clothing and running shoes and bring lunch, a snack, a water bottle, and sunscreen.
SKYHAwKS cHeeRLeADinG cAMP Skyhawks cheerleading teaches young athletes all the essential skills to lead the crowd and support the home team. Skyhawks’ cheer camp will ensure that each camper will learn cheers, proper hand and body movements as well as jumping techniques. There is no stunting, just a big focus on fun while each cheerleader learns important life skills such as teambuilding and leadership. The week concludes with a choreographed performance. date/tiMe: August 5-9, 9am-12pm Fee: $109 aGes: 5-10 years Location: Hillcrest Park note: Participants should wear appropriate clothing/ running shoes, a snack, a water bottle, and sunscreen.
cHiLD AnD bAbYSiTTinG SAFeTY cLASS The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) program is a community education program that covers child safety and basic care techniques for infants and children. CABS stresses the priority to keep the babysitter and the children you care for safe. Some of the topics covered in the program: before the parents leave, playtime, telephone calls/stranger knocks, hand washing, meal times, bedtime, and providing emergency care (first aid and CPR). dates: Monday, June 24 tiMe: 9am-3:00pm age: 10 years and older Location: Hillcrest Park Skylight Room Fee: $50 Minimum: 10 instructor: Sheila Davis, Certified First Aid/CPR Instructor American Safety & Health Institute note: Bring lunch and a drink
USTA RecReATiOnAL TenniS SUMMeR cAMP This summer tennis camp helps kids learn basic tennis skills in a non-competitive atmosphere. Each session is filled with high energy games and fun camp activities for a summer camp that keeps kids laughing and active. Summer Tennis Camps are available in 1.5 hour and 4 hour blocks during the summer months. Each 1.5 hour session focuses on learning tennis skills, while our 4 hour sessions also include fun camp games + activities. Choose the way you want to play! dates: Mondays-Fridays, Sign up for one or more weeks! offered the weeks of: July 8th, July 15th, July 29th, August 5th, August 12th and August 19th 2 options: Lesson: 9:00am-10:30am $42/week camp: 8:00am-12:00pm $105/week age: 6-14 Location: Hillcrest Park North Tennis Courts reGister onLine onLY: www.rectennis.com/MtVernon cooper anderson (206) 939-0461
USTA FRienDS + FAMiLY TenniS Transform date night, game night or family night with our Friends + Family class! This program is a 1.5 hours that your family or group of four friends can participate in. We provide all of the equipment plus music, and an overall good time while you’ll learn the basics of tennis. No previous skill required! This program makes learning the basics of the game a fun, no-stress activity you can share with your whole squad. Come join us for an evening filled with fun on the tennis court. dates: Wednesdays: July 10th or August 7th tiMe: 6-7:30pm
age: All Ages Fee: $25 for a group of 4 Location: Hillcrest Park North Tennis Courts reGister onLine onLY: www.rectennis.com/MtVernon cooper anderson (206) 939-0461
22nD AnnUAL SKAGiT TenniS cAMP - FOR FUn-FiTneSSKnOwLeDGe This camp is taught by local area high school coaches and top players. Camp is open to youth ages 8-18 years old. All skill levels, beginners, intermediates and advanced are welcome! Prizes throughout the week make the camp fun! Bring your own racket and water bottle, also must wear tennis shoes. sign up by July 5th and receive a free camp t-shirt. days: Monday through Thursday, make-up day on Friday if needed. dates: July 22-25th & 26th as optional match day *Monday arrive at 8:30-9am to meet coach and get court assignment. Morning session: Ages 8-13 – Times: 9am-11am high school session: Ages 14-18 – Times: 12pm-2pm Fee: $85, partial scholarships available. Location: Mount Vernon High School Tennis Courts ages: 8–18 years of age instructor: MVHS Tennis Coach Jeff Leer and area coaches reMeMBer: Tennis racket, tennis shoes, water bottle each day.
ART cAMP FOR KiDS Come enjoy four days of artistic fun! This introductory camp will introduce each participant to the foundations of painting and drawing. The instructor works with each student for an individualized experience. The final day of camp will include an art show. This provides a platform for your child’s art achievements to be recognized, thus building confidence and self-esteem in the young artist. Each week will have different projects, so sign up for one or both. All supplies are included. registration deadline: 1 week prior day: Monday - Thursday dates: June 24 - 27 times: 8:45am – 10am cost: $65 per week ages: 4-6 years Location: VRC instructor: Julene Brogan Min/Max: 4/10
ART cAMP FOR YOUTH Come enjoy four days of artistic fun! This art camp will introduce each participant to a variety of painting and drawing techniques. The instructor works with each student to suit his or her skill level and to encourage their own unique artist style. An art show will be held the final day. The confidence student’s gain in their creativity will spill over into other aspects of their life and education. Examples of projects may include: canvas paintings, chalk and oil pastels, watercolor paintings, 3-D art and more. Each week will have different projects, so sign up for one or both. Space is limited. All supplies are included. registration deadline: 1 week prior day: Monday - Thursday dates: June 24 - 27 times: 10:30am – 1:00pm or 2:00 - 4:30pm cost: $90 per week ages: 7 - 14 years Location: VRC instructor: Julene Brogan Min/Max: 4/20
Teen ART cLASS This painting class offers a creative outlet and will help to develop your own artistic style! Create your own unique painting while listening to music. All skills sets are welcome and all supplies necessary to paint a 16”x20” stretched canvas in acrylic paint are included. registration deadline: 1 week prior dates: Tuesday, June 25 times: 5:30pm - 8:30pm
cost: $30 per day ages: 13 - 17 years Location: VRC instructor: Julene Brogan Min/Max: 4/25
FAMiLY PROGRAMS & eVenTS FAbULOUS 4TH OF JULY MUSic & FiRewORKS Food and music for the whole family! Bring your own food and BBQ or try one of our tasty food vendors at our Annual Music Festival at Edgewater Park. Music begins at 7:00pm topped off with a spectacular firework show at dark. Come with your friends and dance the night away or picnic with your family and enjoy the whole evening at Edgewater Park. You won’t want to miss the great music and enjoy the best seats in the house for the fireworks!! Location: 600 Behrens Road in Mount Vernon date: Thursday, July 4th 7pm-10pm Don’t forget your lawn chair and a flashlight to assist with leaving the show!
35TH AnnUAL cHiLDRen’S ART FeSTiVAL JULY 20, 2019 11:00AM-4:00PM This year’s event promises to be filled with quality local children’s entertainment and approximately 30 booths providing hands-on arts & crafts – and it’s all FREE!!! Concessions are available for purchase at the
event and you are welcome to bring your own lunch. This festival is supported by the City of Mount Vernon and many other generous businesses and organizations within Mount Vernon and the Skagit Valley. Bring the whole family, a picnic lunch and enjoy the whole day together at Hillcrest Park in Mount Vernon. If your organization or family would be interested in volunteering at a booth or being a part of the festival as a sponsor, please contact the Recreation Department at 336-6215, we would love to hear from you!
ADULT PROGRAMS Mount Vernon Parks & Recreation invites individuals with special needs to participate in our programs. Please call in advance if accommodations are necessary for successful participation.
inTRODUcTORY SPAniSH FOR ADULTS A friendly and practical introduction to the Spanish language for adult learners to provide a framework on which to build foreign language knowledge and the confidence to use it, to include: Pronunciation, Noun number and gender, Adjectival position and agreement, Verb formation, Basic vocabulary and an opportunity to continue learning Spanish at the end of the course. days/times: Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15pm May 15, 22, 29, June 5 weekly homework / online activities Fee: $50 per adult including all materials Location: Vaux Retreat Center instructor: Giles Kilvert, Spanish teacher at MV Christian School and has International teaching experience
PicKLebALL – A LiFeTiMe SPORT! Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States and around the world. Elementary school children to folks in their 90’s can all enjoy this game. The game combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. The game is played on a badminton sized court with a paddle and a plastic ball. No previous experience is necessary. Court shoes and the ability to freely move around the court is required. Child care is not provided. Days/Times are subject to change. dates: Mondays: April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20 time: 5:30pm-7:30pm ages: 14 years+ Location: Washington Elementary Gym Fee: $20
TAi cHi FOUnDATiOnS FOR eVeRY bODY Participants learn a simplified series of movements using Tai Chi principles. This class is an excellent introduction for those who are interested in Tai Chi and prefer a morning class. It is also excellent for Tai Chi or Qigong practitioners who wish to deepen their understanding of Qi. Wear loose fitting clothing. session 1: Fridays: April 26-June 14 time: 9am-10:15am ages: 15 years+
Fee: $80 Location: Hillcrest Park Recreation Building instructor: Bob Shapiro, a Tai Chi/Qigong practitioner for over 40 years, has been teaching Tai Chi for the past 20 years.
TAi cHi FOR HeALTH Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese exercise that has been a daily prescription for health and longevity for hundreds of years. Tai Chi focuses on balance, posture, relaxation, breathing, visual and mental concentration. The very graceful and fluid movements promote mind and body harmony. This class is open to new as well as experienced students. Yang Family Style Tai Chi Section 1. Wear loose fitting clothes. 8 weekly sessions. session dates: Mondays: April 29 - June 24 (no class on Labor Day) time: 6:00 to 7:15pm cost: $80 Min: 6 Location: Hillcrest Park Lodge, 1st class in Rec. building ages: Open to ages 15 and up instructor: Bob Shapiro
PUPPY bOOT cAMP Puppies 12 weeks to 8 months will learn doggie social skills, good manners, and basic commands including: sit, down, stay, leave it, give it, heeling and walking, wait at door, come when called and much more. Hand signals and verbal commands will be taught. Owners will learn how to handle jumping, nipping, and biting.
Learn the best potty training techniques as well as the most effective and humane ways to stop bad habits from setting in. Puppies will have fun doing confidence building exercises like tunnel runs and “walking the plank”. There will be a group play session at the end of class. Clicker training will be demonstrated, but use is optional. Well behaved children, 10 years and older, may attend with an adult. *Please provide a copy of current shot records.* Completed registration and forms are required 1 week prior to start of class. days/dates: Wednesdays for 6 weeks ~ session 1: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 session 2: June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3 time: 6:30-7:30pm Location: Hillcrest Park, Recreation Room Fee: $99 Min: 6 Max: 10 instructor: Carmen Williams, CPDT-ka, AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, Owner of Sunny Lane Dog Academy: www.sunnylanek9.com note: Please bring your dog on a regular collar (no choke chains) and 6-ft leash. Please bring your dogs favorite treats for the first class. For more information on any program or event through the Mount Vernon Parks & recreation department, call the administration office at (360) 336-6215.
Mount Vernon Residents! Enjoy the new...
Experience the new facility for FREE! The Skagit Valley Family YMCA and the City of Mount Vernon’s partnership allow opportunities for YOU and your FAMILY to enjoy the new facility for FREE!
These awesome opportunities include:
A drawing for FREE 6-month membership passes: Participants must be residents of Mount Vernon and can enter on the City of Mount Vernon’s website, via phone or in the Mount Vernon Parks & Enrichment office.
Opportunities for FREE walking on the new indoor track, sign up with MVPR in the Fall!
Swim Pass Eligibility
M.V.P.R. (360) 336-6215 Check out more details on our website: www.MountVernonWA.gov/parks
Movies begin at dusk Bring chairs or blankets to sit on Limited concessions available •
• •
Movie showings are weather dependent and may be cancelled without notice.
(360) 336-6215
Kids in Nature
Families Outdoors at Pomona Grange Park! Bring the kids outdoors for an afternoon of play, discovery, and exploration! Take a walk in the woods Explore the ecology of Friday Creek Discover stream life Go on a nature scavenger hunt Build a fairy house village Make a bagel bird feeder Meet the Treetures Learn about wildlife Play games Arts & crafts activities Interact with local natural resource staff and enthusiasts, and more!
Saturday, August 17th 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pomona Grange Park 5585 Old Highway 99 N. (adjacent to the Samish Fish Hatchery) FREE EVENT! Pre-registration is requested by Aug. 15th. Contact Kristi Carpenter at Skagit Conservation District: 428-4313 or email: kristi@skagitcd.org
To register for programs, click on “Education” at padillabay.gov
Summer programS at padilla Bay reServe For KidS Mini Explorers are the 3-5 year old learners. We look at a new topic each month, with stories, games, hands-on observations, art projects, and plenty of action. Call the Interpretive Center to register or register online. June 26 & 27, 10:00AM & 1:00PM Awesome Algae–Sometimes green, sometimes red or brown, algae offers food and shelter to estuary animals. July 17 & 18, 10:00AM & 1:00PM Mudflat Safari–Join us for an excursion on Padilla Bay’s mudflat. Bring a jacket and snug boots or shoes that tie. August 28 & 29, 10:00AM & 1:00PM Amazing Amphipods—Here’s one of the most important critters in the estuary food web. Sometimes called beach hoppers, these teeny crab-cousins are fun to catch -- especially if you’re a fish! Bring a jacket for the beach.
Junior Ecologists are 6-9 year olds who have fun exploring the estuary. Excursions to the beach, science experiments, games, art projects, and studying life in the bay–this program is guaranteed fun! Call the Interpretive Center or register online. June 14 & 15, 10:30AM-12:00 Noon Mudflat Safari–Join us for an excursion on Padilla Bay’s mudflat. Bring a jacket and snug boots or shoes that tie. July 19 & 20, 10:30AM-12:00 Noon Polychaete Worms–Worms are the coolest, especially when they live in the estuary mud. Become a polychaete expert and check out these amazing animals. Bring old shoes that tie or snug boots. August 30 & 31, 10:30AM-12:00 Noon Plenty of Plants –We’d be in big trouble without the producers. Find out all about estuary plants from tiny plankton to giant kelp.
Our programs are free and they fill up. To be among the first to be notified of new programs, sign up for our Newsletter email service. Click on “Newsletter” at padillabay.gov For FamilieS Mud Flat Safaris When the tide goes out at Padilla Bay, it goes all the way out! Come explore this huge expanse of mud, teeming with life. Come with old shoes that tie or snug boots. All ages welcome. The programs begin at the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, and end at Bay View State Park. Call the Interpretive Center or register online. Saturday, July 6 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm Tuesday, July 16 from 10:00am - Noon Friday, August 2 from 10:00am-Noon Tuesday, August 27 from 10:00am-Noon Beach Seines No need for SCUBA to see what’s living out there in the bay. Just meet on the beach at Bay View State Park and watch while we pull a fish net through the water. Bring boots or old shoes that can get muddy. No registration necessary. Thursday, July 11 at 11:00am Wednesday, July 31 at 2:00pm Friday, August 9 at 10:00am Tuesday, August 20 at 1:00pm Aquarium Tour and Fish Feeding Come and find out what’s new and exciting in our aquariums. Join aquarist, Mark Olson for a behind-the-tanks view of the system, and a close-up look at the amazing critters in the tanks. Saturday, August 24, 11:00AM.
10441 Bay View-Edison Rd Mount Vernon WA 98273 With questions please call 360-428-1558
The Skagit County Parks and Recreation Department and the Port of Skagit County are partnering with the Skagit Trail Builders in reestablishing the trails that were once active pathways used by the patients making their way from the old Northern State Hospital to the highly productive farm. Patients devoted their days dividing labor on the land--milking cows, tending cattle, leading sheep, raising pigs, baking bread, cultivating vegetables, nurturing orchards, and canning foods. There were two primary arterials for their daily pilgrimage to the farm, as a daily stream of farmhands traversed the Hansen Creek footbridges that bisected the hospital campus from the farmlands.
(360) 416-1350 www.skagitcounty.net/parks
“Creating Community through People, Parks and Programs”
From the Director’s Chair Director Brian Adams, Skagit County Parks and Recreation
The provisions from the extremely fertile farmlands sustained both the patients and staff at the hospital. In fact, the operations were so successful that surplus foods generated from the farming operations were disseminated to other Washington State facilities, including Western State Hospital and the State Penitentiary. The farming activities were prescribed to patients as an alternative to other more intensive treatments and the ‘compassionate farm therapy’ was a cutting edge program that proved to be tremendously successful. The landscape plan for the hospital campus and accompanying farmland were intensively planned. The Olmsted Bothers, pioneers of the landscape design profession, were asked to create a design for the layout of roads and pathways in a way that would capitalize on the beauty of the surrounding natural environment. The Olmsteds were world renowned with a strong resume’ of projects, including Central Park in New York City and the of the University of Washington campus. The way in which Olmsted paths and landscapes were created has long been acclaimed, with artfully woven trails opening to selected natural features, crafted
fastidiously to augment the serenity and create a restorative effect for its guests. As a trail volunteer, you are bringing back the elements of the Olmsted masterpiece and helping to repurpose the vision Olmsted had for those Northern State patients who took the dawn venture east towards the morning sun to toil the lands before returning toward the setting sun at the end of their labor intensive day on the farm. The park like setting was transformative to many patients, as they found a sense of meaning in their daily lives--strolling through the parklike landscape-following the sun as they circled in from one bridge and left on the other in seemingly orbital fashion. As Olmsted once said, “a bridge, a pathway, a tree, a pasture: any and all elements are brought together to produce a particular effect.” Your work at Northern State will help restore the paths that have a uniquely curative history. The users of this park will bring the trails back to life and reintroduce an orbital path from the farm to the Spanish styled hospital buildings of faded grandeur. Your volunteer efforts aren’t just about building another trail. Much like the patients before us, your sweat equity will help in re-creating esteemed and curative paths-artfully designed almost a century ago by the godfather of landscape architecture Join the Skagit Trail Builders, Skagit County Parks, and the Port of Skagit County in bringing back a piece of the Olmstead Legacy. Tools, refreshments, and restroom facilities will be provided. The sessions are family friendly and trail building training is free! Sign up to Volunteer for the following dates: Saturday May 11th at 10am and Saturday June 8th at 10am. Please meet at the NSRA Parking Lot at Helmick Road.
Looking for a few Good Volunteers!
2019 Skagit County Fair “Bringing Ewe Shear Entertainment”
August 7-10
Join us for the highlight of the summer! You won’t want to miss this celebration of Hometown Fun! There will be Live Music on 3 stages, a Carnival, Hypnotist, Magician, Eating Contests, Farm Animals, Great Food, a Beer Area, Butterfly Encounter, Museum of Curious Things, Planetarium & Much More!
Admission; $6 advance tickets, $7 all day Wednesday and Thursday! Friday and Saturday: $10 adult, $8 Seniors and Youth, ages 5 and under are always free
Fall Garage Sale September 20-21 Over 140 vendors, food, live music, Saturday Car Show, and much more! Vendor booths available!
Skagit County Fairgrounds Phone: 360-416-1350
Email: aricg@co.skagit.wa.us icg@co.sk Website: www.skagitcounty.net/fair
12 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available)
Youth Sports Camps & Leagu Days/dates: Tuesday – Thursday, June 25-27 Girls HiGH scHool summer BasketBall leaGue
Playing basketball this summer? This league is for teams wishing to keep their game fresh between participating in tournaments and camps throughout the summer. All 2019-2020 school year teams are encouraged to participate, which includes current 8th grade teams (2019-2020 freshmen). Divisions will be offered for varsity and junior varsity teams. The season consists of 8 games. Register by: Friday, May 24 Ages: 18 years and under Days/Dates: Monday & Wednesday evenings beginning June 3 & 5 Time: 6:00 to 9:30 pm Location: Mount Vernon H.S. and Skagit Valley College Fee: $485.00 per team
BoyS HigH SCHool “JV/C” summer BasketBall leaGue
Work on developing your team’s game and get ready for the 2019-2020 season! Divisions will be offered for JV and “C” Division teams. Current 8th grade teams are encouraged to participate (2019-2020 freshmen). The season consists of 8 games. Register by: Friday, May 24 Ages: 18 years and under Days/Dates: Monday & Wednesday evenings beginning June 3 & 5 Time: 6:00 to 9:30 pm Location: Mount Vernon H.S. and Skagit Valley College Fee: $485.00 per team
Girls HiGH scHool FastpitcH leaGue
Coming off its thirteenth season, this league will play an eight game season with all games on Wednesday nights. The focus is as a developmental league for high school teams to work on preparations for the 2020 season. The league is open to all players 18 years and under. Team rosters should be made up of players from the same school district. (The possibility of a small percentage of out of district players on a roster has not been ruled out.) Register by: Monday, June 3 Ages: 18 years and under Day/dates: Wednesdays beginning June 12 Time: 6:00 - 9:30 pm Location: Janicki Fields and/or Skagit Playfields Fee: $415.00 per team
tiGer Girls’ BasketBall camp
The Burlington-Edison High School coaches and players, fresh off another exciting season with head coach Brett McLeod are ready to share their experience and expertise. The Tiger Camp will feature individual instruction by the Tiger coaching staff and players, as well as contests and games with each participant receiving a commemorative camp basketball and T-shirt. Register by: Monday, June 24
Location: Burlington-Edison High School Fee: $70.00 Session I & $80.00 Session II & III (includes camp basketball & shirt) Session I: 1st-3rd Graders (Grade for 2019-2020 school year) Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 AM Session II: 4th - 5th Graders (Grade for 2019-2020 school year) Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Session III: 6th - 8th Graders (Grade for 2019-2020 school year) Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
tiGer Boys’ BasketBall camp
Skagit County Parks & Recreation welcomes back Burlington-Edison H.S. Boys Basketball Head Coach Chas Kok, his coaches and players to our Summer Camp schedule. They’re ready to share their many years of experience. The camp will include instruction, as well as contests and games. Each participant will receive a commemorative camp basketball and t-shirt. Register by: Friday, July 5 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available) Days/dates: Monday – Wednesday, July 8-10 Location: Burlington-Edison High School Fee: $80.00 (includes camp basketball & shirt) Session I: 2nd - 6th Graders (Grade for 2019-2020 school year) Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Session II: 7th - 9th Graders (Grade for 2019-2020 school year) Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Girls FastpitcH soFtBall camp
Girls’ Fastpitch is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States! Learn and practice basic fundamentals including throwing, catching, hitting, bunting, base running, fielding and more! Camp focus is on learning and FUN! Register by: Friday, July 5 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available) Ages: 6 - 13 years old Days/dates: Monday – Thursday, July 8-11 Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Location: Skagit Valley Playfields Fee: $60.00 (includes commemorative camp shirt)
with assistance from MVHS Baseball coaches, as well as other area High School & Youth coaches. Team coaches are college and high school area players. Participants will be divided into separate age/skill groups. Sign up, have fun and learn the proper mechanics and mental aspect of the great game of baseball! Register by: Friday, July 5 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available) Ages: 6 - 12 years old Days/dates: Monday – Thursday, July 8-11 Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Location: Skagit Valley Playfields Fee: $68.00 (includes commemorative camp shirt)
Boys BaseBall pitcHers camp
Learn the basic mechanics of pitching in a fun and non-threatening environment from knowledgeable coaches! Learn the fundamentals including proper throwing mechanics, wind-up, delivery, balance points, grips, defense and the mental aspects of pitching. Camp Director is Dennis Lind who is assisted by area High School coaches. Camp coaches include local college and high school area players. Register by: Friday, July 5 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available) Ages: 7 - 13 years old Days/dates: Mon. & Wed., July 8 & 10 Time: 12:30 – 2:00 pm Location: Skagit Valley Playfields Fee: $35.00 (includes commemorative camp shirt)
Special Events & Tournaments tiGer classic Girls BasketBall TouRnamenT (4TH - 8TH gRadeS)
This competitive girl’s basketball tournament has divisions in the 4th - 8th grades. Teams are guaranteed a minimum of four games. Individual awards for championship teams and team trophies for the top teams in each division. This popular spring tournament has a limited number of spots available so teams should inquire early about getting registered! Please note: Spectators will be charged a daily admission to watch the tournament w/ proceeds benefitting the BEHS Girls Basketball team. Girls FastpitcH pitcHers camp Girls Fastpitch Softball is growing and pitchers are needed! Come and learn Register by: Friday, May 10 the basic mechanics of fastpitch pitching, including wind-up, delivery, grips Days/dates: Saturday & Sunday, May 18-19 Time: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm and defense. Camp is a must for young and upcoming girls’ pitchers! Location: Burlington-Edison High School and Skagit Valley College Camp focus is on learning and FUN! Fee: $275.00 per team Register by: Friday, July 5 (Please note: Day of camp registration will be available) Ages: 7 - 14 years old oTHeR SPRing/SummeR eVenTS Days/dates: Mon. & Wed., July 8 & 10 Mount Vernon Invitational Time: 12:30 – 2:00 pm (June 15-16) Location: Skagit Valley Playfields Girls’ High School Basketball Fee: $30.00 (includes commemorative camp shirt) Tournament MVHS & Skagit Valley College Indian Summer Softball League Boys BaseBall camp (begins August 5-9) For your dollar, simply THE BEST COED, Men’s & Women’s baseball camp around! Learn the basic Skagit Valley Playfields fundamentals of throwing, hitting, Additional Information: Jody, this is a bit different of a listing you can bunting, fielding and base running in a put in the Special Events & Tournaments section. We won’t provide any FUN, positive, learning environment. detailed information for these two listings, except dates and locations. Last day of camp is games/jamboree Go ahead and bold the first line (tournament name) for each. day! Camp Director is Dennis Lind
For more information or to register with a VISA or MasterCard call SCPR at 360-416-1350. Skagit County Parks and Recreation • (360) 416-1350 • www.skagitcounty.net/parks “Creating Community through People, Parks and Programs”
Kiwanis Club lub of Burlington-Edison Burlington-
71st Annual Fred Stump Memorial Salmon Barbeque Rain or shine, we have you “covered”!
Berry Dairy Days Weekend
Friday, June 14 5pm-9pm @ Skagit River Park-1100 S. Skagit Street Saturday, June 15 11:30am-6pm @ Maiben Park-1011 Greenleaf Ave NEW! Free Kids Activities Saturday @ Maiben Park! Sponsored by Central Valley Assembly of God
$13 Full Meal*
Alder-grilled salmon with secret sauce, loaded baked potato, coleslaw, dinner roll, beverage, and ice cream To Go Orders! Interested in placing an order for your business? We deliver on Saturday between 11:30-5pm Contact Les @ 360-391-3721
* Money raised supports high school scholarships,
B-EHS Key Club, and various local charities and programs. Follow or message us on Facebook! https://fb.me/KiwanisClubBurlingtonEdison
31st B-E Kiwanis Golf Tournament “It’s All About the Kids” Friday, May 17 Shotgun start at Noon Thank you to our Major Tournament Sponsors 18 Hole Scramble @ Skagit Golf and Country Club
Raffles, Contests, Mens & Womens prizes, Hot Dog Holes, Beverage Carts, Silent Auction, Dinner and more! Sponsorship opportunities and/or golf team inquiries Edward.j.perry@lesschwab.com
and Dinner Sponsors
Join Us!
Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon: Building a Better Community
• Boys & Girls Club
• Friendship House
• Ghana Together AXIM Project
• I Can Fly Program
• Mount Vernon High School Key Club
• Camp Orkila (Centennial School)
• Safe Kids Car Seats
• Skagit Valley Herald Christmas Baskets
• Prayer Breakfast
• Adopt a Family
• Little Mountain Skills Center
• Summer Mobile Recreation Program
• MVPR Summer Outdoor Movies
• YouthNet
• Skagit County Community Action: WIC, Headstart & Spark
www.kiwanismv.net www.facebook.com/kiwanisclubofmountvernonwa
The Eliminate Tetanus Project 7856-001
• College Scholarships
Specializing in Trips, Tours & Adventures throughout the Northwest
G e t I n s p i re d ! G e t C o n n e c t e d ! G e t A c t i v e !
Wine Tours • PrivaTe TriPs • sPorTing evenTs • Canadian advenTures • BirThday ParTies • snoWshoeing • Cross CounTry skiing emPloyee/Team Building • TheaTer ouTings • hiking • overnighT exCursions • museums • Family-Friendly Programs • youTh TriPs
Spring / Summer 2019 Trips and Excursions. For specific details, times, prices, and to register go to www.recreationwithoutborders.com or call (360) 766-7109
Sunday, June 2
San Juan Island Artist Studio Tour
Monday, Aug 5
Whistler Peak to Peak Sight Seeing
Sunday, June 9
Kitsap Forest Theater “Newsies”
Wednesday, Aug 7
Argosy Locks Cruise
Monday, June 10
Adventures on Horseback
Saturday, Aug 10
Pasado’s Safe Haven Tour
Wednesday, June 12
Tacoma Art Museum & WA State History Museum
Sunday, Aug 11
Bard on the Beach “Shakespeare in Love”
Saturday, June 15
Whidbey Island Garden Tour
Sunday, Aug 11th
Summer Faire Historic Port Gamble
Sunday, June 16
Father’s Day at Washington Brewers Festival
Monday, Aug 12 Tuesday, Aug 13
Overnight at North Cascades Institute
Monday, June 17
Capital Building & Horticulture Tour
Wednesday, Aug 17
Explore the Georgetown Neighborhood
Saturday, May 4
Nifty Thrifty Tour
Friday, June 21
Taste of Tacoma
Olympic Peninsula Wildflower Tour
Sunday, May 5
Steveston Farmers and Artisan Market
Saturday, June 22
Bard on The Beach, “Shakespeare in Love”
Monday, Aug 19 Tuesday, Aug 20
Tuesday, May 7
Fanatical For Botanicals
Wednesday, June 26
Thunder Creek Hike
Wednesday, Aug 21
Grouse Mountain
Wednesday, May 8
North of the Border Outlet Shopping
Friday, Aug 23
Sip, Smell, & Savor Semiahmoo
Saturday, May 11
Leavenworth May Fest
Wednesday, Aug 28
UBC Botanical Gardens
Sunday, May 12
Mother’s Day Brunch & Wine in Woodinville
Friday, Aug 30
Vancouver Brewery Tour
Monday, May 13
Bistro 101 & Granville Island
Saturday, May 18
Chinese Cultural Arts Festival
Wednesday, July 3 Sunday, July 7 Wednesday, July 10
Sunday, May 19
Seussical The Musical
Tuesday, May 21
Methow River Rafting
Wednesday, May 22
Pilchuck Glass School & Chihuly Garden and Glass
Wednesday, May 29
Tunnels, Trails, & Ales
Get Out and Have Fun With Us! Call 360-766-7109 for more details and to book your trip today!
Friday, July 12 Sunday, July 14 Monday July 15th Wednesday, July 17 Friday, July 19 Monday, July 22 Thursday, July 25 Wednesday, July 24 Sunday, July 28th Monday, July 29 Tuesday, July 30 Wednesday, July 31
Point Defiance Park Walk Argosy Historical Sunday Cruise VanDusen Botanical Garden & Bloedel Conservancy Hells Gate Jet Boat Tour Mystery Wine Tasting Tour Sip Smell and Savor, The Best of San Juan Island Sauk River Rafting Sequim Lavender Festival Northwest Trek Dam Good Chicken Dinner & Ladder Creek Falls by Night Crushed Apples, Crumpets, & Coastlines Bard on The Beach, “Taming of The Shrew” Squamish Overnight with Mountains and Mines Seattle Underground & In The Clouds
SepTeMber TBA in September
Okanagan BC Wine Tour
Wednesday, Sept 4
Prison Pet Partnership Tour
Friday Sept 6
Camano Island Zipline
Monday, Sept 9
Haunted Trolley Tour in Vancouver, BC
Tuesday, Sept 10 Friday, Sept 20
Discover Scotland Tour
Wednesday, Sept 11
Crystal Mountain Gondola
Tuesday, Sept 17 Friday, Sept 20
3 nights in Tofino, BC
Wednesday, Sept 25
Woodland Park Zoo
Friday, Sept 27
Whatcom Wine & Cider Tour
Monday, Sept 30
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
Check out all our outstanding offerings at www.recreationwithoutborders.com justin@recreationwithoutborders.com • 1155 N. State St. #323, Bellingham, WA 98225 • 360-766-7109 • Justin Wallace/Eric Christensen Co-Owners
Thursdays in the Parks – Weekly Walking Adventures Thursdays, April 25 – May 23 Thursdays, May 30 – June 27 Thursdays, July 4 – August 1 Thursdays, August 8 – September 5 Thursdays, September 12 – October 10
calendar First Thursday Art Walks Mount Vernon Downtown Association 5/2, 6/6, 8/1, 9/5 2019, 5:00-8:00pm Join us for MVDA’s First Thursday Art Walks! MVDA First Thursdays showcase regional artists in downtown galleries and businesses. We invite you to stroll through the streets of downtown to enjoy art, food, and community. Themed art walks: 5/2 Children’s Art Walk, 8/1 First Thursday & Community Hang Up. (360) 336-3801 / mountvernondowntown.org
Mount Vernon Farmers Market Saturdays, May 18-October 12, 9am-2pm
Skagit Riverwalk Park in Downtown Mount Vernon The Mount Vernon Farmers Market supports local farmers and growers in a family-friendly environment that offers fresh, healthy food including locally grown produce and baked goods to the community. In addition, the Market features a variety of hand-made products along with live music, kid’s activities and cooking demonstrations. (360) 540-4066 www.MountVernonFarmersMarket.org
Burlington Parks & Recreation Summer Day Camps – June 24-August 29 (Times vary) SPORTS! NATURE! FIELD TRIPS! GAMES! ADVENTURES! Come and have a FUN summer with Burlington Parks & Recreation! Did you know there will be 31 different summer camps for ages 3-16yrs old to choose from? There is something for everyone! Full details can be found online at http://burlingtonwa.gov/parksandrec Phone: (360) 755-9649
Burlington Parks & Recreation Summer Nights Concerts Friday Nights July 12-August 16, 6-9pm Burlington Visitor Information Center (VIC) 520 E. Fairhaven Ave Six FREE outdoor concerts held in Downtown Burlington – JOIN US! Bring a blanket or low back chair and relax on the grassy knoll as you enjoy Bluegrass, Rock, Country, Blues, Cajun Rock/Zydeco Soul and Rockabilly! Both local and out of town bands will be playing for your enjoyment. http://burlingtonwa.gov/parksandrec Phone: (360) 755-9649
Skagit Watershed Letterbox Trail Skagit Conservation Education Alliance (SCEA) June 29-October 6, 2019 Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Letterboxing is a fun, exciting way for kids of all ages to explore the natural world and to learn about the Skagit Watersheds! Follow the clues to find the watershed-themed letterboxes hidden along the Upland Trail at the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Reserve. All you need is stamp (or a pen/pencil), a clue sheet, journal, outdoor attire and a sense of adventure! www.skagitcleanwater.org
Summer Sips: Arts & Ale Mount Vernon Downtown Association June 1st, 2019, 5:00-8:00pm
Downtown Mount Vernon Washington Beers & Ciders featured at local businesses & Pop-Up Bottle Shop from 5-8pm, VIP Check-in at 4:30pm. Taste fantastic Washington beer and cider, celebrate local artists, and check our special in-store events at your favorite downtown businesses. Visit our Pop-Up Bottle Shop and take a bottle or two home for your next barbecue. (360) 336-3801 / mountvernondowntown.org
Wellness Wednesdays Mount Vernon Downtown Association 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 12-12:45pm
Downtown Mount Vernon Invigorate your lunch hour on downtown’s beautiful Riverwalk Plaza. Each week features a unique workout brought to you by a different local fitness expert. Bring a friend and join us for some fitness fun in the sun! Wellness Wednesdays are held every Wednesday during the month of June. (360) 336-3801 / mountvernondowntown.org
Berry Dairy Days Burlington Chamber of Commerce June 14-16
Downtown Burlington On the third weekend of June, join us in Burlington for a weekend full of entertainment. Including fresh strawberry shortcake, food, craft vendors, spectacular fireworks show, a grand parade, Burlington BBQ Battle, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, live music, road run, nostalgic Berry Cool Car Show and more! Berrydairydays.com
Watershed Art and Discovery Day Skagit Conservation Education Alliance (SCEA) Saturday, June 29, 11am-2pm Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Play, create, and learn about estuaries and the wonderful creatures that inhabit our local ecosystems through fun interactive exploration and art! Join us for this FREE fun-filled afternoon for families and kids. Pre-registration requested at padillabay.gov. www.skagitcleanwater.org
Fabulous 4th of July at Edgewater Park Mount Vernon Parks & Recreation July 4, 7pm-dusk Music, Food, & Fireworks for the whole family! Music starts at 7pm with local bands, headliner at 9pm and spectacular fireworks at dark. M.V.P.R. (360) 336-6215
Children’s Art Festival Mount Vernon Parks & Recreation Saturday, July 20 ,11am-4pm Hillcrest Park There will be over 30 arts & craft booths, on stage entertainment, flowers, concessions, raffle & more. You won’t want to miss this FREE, hands on festival! M.V.P.R. (360) 336-6215
Downtown Chow Down & Sidewalk Sale Mount Vernon Downtown Association Saturday, July 27, 10:00am-5:00pm Downtown Mount Vernon Food trucks, beer garden, live music, and a host of family-friendly activities welcome you downtown! Shop MVDA’s Annual Sidewalk Sale and pick up something from one of your favorite shops. Come celebrate summer with us! (360) 336-3801 / mountvernondowntown.org
Skagit County Fair Skagit County Fairgrounds August 7-10, 10am-10pm Don’t miss the highlight of the summer, the 2019 Skagit County Fair, “Bringing Ewe Shear Entertainment.” Four days of wholesome fun featuring: A carnival, live music, 3 entertainment stages, magician, hypnotist, juggler, eating contests, farm animals, arena events, butterfly exhibit, great food, diaper derby, and much more! A great event for the whole family, don’t miss it! Phone: (360) 416-1350 Email: aricg@co.skagit.wa.us Website: www.skagitcounty.net/fair
Burlington Parks & Recreation “Marvel”ous Movies at Maiben Maiben Park – 1011 greenleaf Ave. Wednesdays: August 21st 8:30pm & August 28th at 8:20pm Bring your low back chair and warm blankets to Burlington’s favorite neighborhood city park to enjoy these FREE Outdoor Movies shown on a giant 20ft screen! Black Panther (Edited) on August 21 and Spider Man into the Spider Verse on August 28. Small concessions available. Phone: (360) 755-9649 Website: burlingtonwa.gov/parksandrec
Fidalgo Bay Day Skagit County Marine Resources Committee Saturday, August 24, 11:00am-3:00pm
Fidalgo Bay Resort, 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes Fidalgo Bay Day is a FREE, fun, educational event for the entire family. Lots of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy including: live marine critters, interactive educational displays, kid friendly craft activities, games, prizes, and tasty free samples of shellfish and chowders from local restaurants. For more information: www.skagit.mrc.org or Tracy Alker (360) 416-1462 10776-001