SWAN 2009

Page 1

2009 Nominees Jan Ellingson

2008 Winner Stephanie Hooper

Kathryn Bennett

Sue Krienen

Ginny Bode

Susan Duffy

i l l A Skagi t Women’s A supplement to the Skagit Valley Herald

e c an

k r o w t e &N

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Swan Award 2009

October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

S k a g i t Va l l e y H e r a l d P u b l i s h e r S t e d e m Wo o d

Inside this issue

S k a g i t Va l l e y H e r a l d E d i t o r

Celebrating Skagit businesswomen

C o l e t t e We e k s

Contributing Writers

The winner of this year’s Skagit Women’s Alliance & Network award will be announced at the Oct. 22 banquet.

A a r o n B u r k h a l t e r, Ta h l i a G a n s e r, Te r u L u n d s t e n , K a t e M a r t i n , Mar ta Mur vosh, Whitney Pipkin


Design and Production Philip Steinsiek

Copy Editor

T h i s y e a r ’s n o m i n e e s

G o r d o n We e k s

Kate Bennett......................... 6

Ginny Bode ........................... 8

Va l l e r i e F e l t u s

Susan Duffy........................ 10

Display Advertising Manager

Stephanie Hooper................ 13

Deb Bundy

Sue Krienen........................ 15

Cover Design Jody Hendrix

Advertising Director

Advertising Consultants Sandy Everett, Stephanie Fussell, H o l l e y G a r d o s k i , S t e p h a n i e H a r p e r, L e a h H i n e s , M a r c M c C o y, K a t hy S c h u l t z

Other features A word from the president ........... 17 Sales grow, but not hiring ............ 19

Advertising Operations Manager Monica Piercy

Swine flu vaccine a concer n........ 20

Ad Production

Working on vacation ................... 21

A s h l e y C r e r a r, J o d y H e n d r i x , G a b e M a n n i n o , C h r i s t i n a Po i s a l , Patricia Stowell

Recession hur ts charities............ 22

In a time when women were not active in business, Beatrice left her family home on Fir Island and married Arthur E Johnson. Together they opened Johnson Realty in 1936. Arthur was known to the community as Deafy Johnson as he was totally deaf. Beatrice worked by his side as a translator/interpreter and together their business grew to become the oldest Real Estate Company in the valley. Later their sons, Elliott & Keith joined the business creating a strong foundation for years to come. In 1956, grand daughter Danya Johnson was born. When she was two, the toddler accompanied her From left to right: Jenny Marriott 360-618-2507, Betty Jo Anzaldua 360-420-2449, Renee Eubanks 360-202-5695, father Keith as he showed a house. Danya Wolf Broker/Owner 360-708-8294, Suzanne Jenkins 360-941-2983, Katie Philbrick 360-770-1524 She left her teddy bear in the home, and the people decided to buy it (the house)! Danya and her sisters and cousins all worked in the Skagit farmlands summers, then transitioned to other jobs, college and their careers. In 1976 Danya became a realtor, and now owns and operates Skagit Tradition Realty LLC. Danya, Katie, Betty Jo, Suzanne, Jenny and Renee are dedicated to fulfill their clients’ real estate needs and are waiting to assist you.

3780 E. College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 www.SkagitTraditionRealty.com Ph: 360-424-0300 Toll Free: 1-800-697-4118 E-mail: homes@SkagitTraditonRealty.com Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009

Celebrating achievement Past SWAN Winners 2008..................... Jan Ellingson 2007...................... Pam Nelson 2006................ Maureen Harlan 2005................... Laura Cailloux 2004....................... Lisa Janicki 2003....................Mary Arendse 2002................ Debra Lancaster 2001....................... Laurie Gere 2000...................... Susan Cook 1999...................Shirley Osborn 1998....................... Linda Freed 1997.......................... Lola Lang 1996.............. Maureen Dickson 1995..................... Judi Knutzen 1994.........Dorothy Bluhm Urbick 1993.................... Judy Montoya 1992.................. Nanette Hough 1991...........................Pat Hyatt 1990.......................Carol Kirkby 1989.........................BJ Kendall 1988....................Cheryl Bishop 1987.................Geneva Sasnett 1986...................... Judy Menish 1985........ Carol Pritchard Poppe

SWAN award lauds woman’s career accomplishments



hen the 25th recipient of the annual SWAN Professional and Business Woman of the Year award walks across the stage at McIntyre Hall on Oct. 22, the moment will commemorate more than her own life’s accomplishments. Her award will mark the lasting power of Skagit Women’s Alliance and Network and the annual award that has honored Skagit’s business women for a quarter century. “This is our 25th anniversary; that’s kind of a big thing,� said Maureen Lama, public relations co-chair for SWAN. “It says a lot that we’ve been able to keep it going all this time.�

Each year, SWAN recognizes five women who work professionally in Skagit County. One of those five is named the Professional and Business Woman of the Year. Past recipients have been known to wear the SWAN lapel pin they receive every day at work. Participants are nominated by the community at large, and then they are invited to fill out an application with questions about their career and community contributions. Five finalists are then chosen and interviewed. The SWAN award is designed to laud a woman’s Continued on Page 5

Business as Usual Congratulations to each of the SWAN Business and Professional Women of the Year nominees. Business Bank is a proud supporter of those who make our communities such great places to live, work and play.


Front L to R: Karen Pitt, Nancy Knutson, Kristi Hennessy Middle L to R: Annaliza Calvert, Julie Hunter, Rose Hill, Robin Miller, Cindy Pettaway, Kris Tully Back L to R: Jana Woodmansee, Theresa Brown, Jennifer Steinke, Darcy Owings Martin, AJ Tokunaga

Your Local Partner with a Local Commitment


Swan Award 2009

October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

Continued from Page 4

Sharon Hansen said she was involved with SWAN within the career accomplishments and first years of the award. look toward her future. And She said the annual ceremony organizers hope that it will also has grown in the community to inspire young professionals the point where she no longer along the way. knows many of the nominees. Participants are asked to “We had 20 applications this describe their contributions and time; I knew a handful of them,” achievements in their profession, Hansen said. “Back then, I knew show how they’ve promoted pro- all of them.” fessionalism of women in busiShe said the community has ness, and relate their community grown the same way. At one service contributions. time, she could walk into a resLast year’s winner, Jan taurant in Mount Vernon and Ellingson, Executive Real know everybody. Now she knows Estate branch manager in Burl- just a few. ington, was honored at the ban“There’s some of us in my quet for her accomplishments generation that are still around,” as president of the Washington Hansen said. “But there’s so Realtors and her work intermany new faces. It’s incredible preting music for the deaf and the way it’s changed.” housing teenage girls overcomBut she said the award was ing gang membership, rape and just as big a deal 25 years ago prostitution. when she knew every nominee SWAN Sponsorship Chair as it is now.

About the banquet n What: Skagit Women’s Alliance and Network 25th annual award banquet. Winner to be announced at dinner. n When: 5:30 p.m., Oct. 22 n Where: McIntyre Hall, 2501 E. College Way, Mount Vernon n Cost: $35. Go to www. mcintyrehall.org

Congratulations SWAN Finalists

Stephanie Hooper Bayside Specialties, Inc.

From all your fellow members of SWIB www.skagitwomeninbusiness.com Since 1980 Skagit Women in Business (SWIB) has offered members opportunities for growth on both a professional and personal level through monthly meetings, guest speakers, and other educational programs. Each year SWIB provides scholarships to women in Skagit County returning to school after a break in their education. Join us at 7 a.m. the first Friday of each month at Hampton Inn in Burlington. Visitors welcome!

Susan Duffy Organizing Unlimited Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

For more information contact Kathy Larson at (360) 941-2019 or kathy.larson@pse.com October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009

SWAN finalist: Kathryn Bennett

Scott Terrell / Skagit Valley Herald

Kathryn Bennett outside the Leadership Skagit headquarters.

Made a career of helping others attitude has motivated scores of volunteers in her 25-year career managathryn Bennett knew service ing nonprofits. to others would become a Bennett was chief executive offilifelong pursuit when she cer of the Hawaii State Chapter worked her first “real job” at age 27 of the American Red Cross. She for the Casey Family Foundation in was responsible for Red Cross serOregon. vices throughout Hawaii, American The foundation aims to improve Samoa, Guam and the northern Marthe lives of foster children. iana Islands. She oversaw 150 staff “I loved the inspiration and excite- and more than 3,000 volunteers. ment of working with volunteers,” She has also been executive direcsaid Bennett, 63. “I never looked tor of the Leukemia and Lymphoma back.” Society of Washington and Alaska. As a child, Bennett was taken by These days, she brings her experher father to Rotary Club meetings. tise to her position as director of Her mother was also involved in Leadership Skagit, an organization community organizations. that develops leadership skills and Bennett has taken her family’s enables people to become more penchant for volunteerism and involved in the community. Program turned it into a career. participants attend nine months of “My family would say that I’ve intensive classes on Skagit County taken it to an extreme,” she said. industry, history and government serBennett’s ready smile and can-do vices. They also team up to complete By KATE MARTIN


Swan Award 2009

community projects. Bennett sees the program as an empowerment tool. The projects — usually with a nonprofit organization — are a vehicle for future community relations. “I think it gives them a view of the county that’s comprehensive,” Bennett said. “I think it’s a powerful tool as they progress in their career.” Two-thirds of Leadership Skagit participants happen to be women, Bennett said. She has long felt a drive to get more women involved in their community. She became a member of her local Rotary chapter in 1988, a year after the U.S. Supreme Court required the national organization to allow women as members. Since then, she has felt a duty to get women involved in chapters

October 13, 2009

Continued on Page 9 Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

Thanks For Making All Our Lives A Little Better. Whidbey Island Bank

Making Life A Little Easier MEMBER FDIC

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009

SWAN finalist: Ginny Bode

Scott Terrell / Skagit Valley Herald

Ginny Bode, one of five finalists for the Skagit Women Alliance and Network Professional and Business Woman of the Year award.

A passion for community service pital, Emeritus Assisted Living, Providence Foundation and Alaska ommunity involvement and Ocean Seafood. service is integral to Virginia Through her marketing and com“Ginny” Bode’s professional munications work for the companies life in marketing and communicashe has boosted their growth and tions. success by finding the essence of a As a volunteer Bode, 52, builds business and its mission and portrayHabitat For Humanity houses, has ing that to customers and the comsat on the Friendship House for the munity. Homeless Board of Directors and Diane Morton, Skagit Valley teaches Sunday school. Hospital outreach and development She has also incorporated her pas- assistant administrator, is a longtime sion for service into her working life. friend of Bode and has worked with As a public relations professional her professionally and while volunworking for the Burlington design teering over the years. and construction company Fisher & “Ever since I’ve know her, she Sons, she helps the company connect has been doing something with comwith local organizations for philanmunity service, whether it was on a thropic and community support. board or getting together and paintBode previously ran her own ing a house for Habitat for Humanmarketing company, working with ity,” Morton said. “She’s always a variety of local organizations, involved with something that makes including the Skagit Valley Tulip our community a better place to Festival, United General Hoslive.” By TAHLIA GANSER


Swan Award 2009

Bode, who lives in Mount Vernon with her husband, was born on Whidbey Island and graduated from Oak Harbor High School. She received a degree in art and humanities from Calvin College in Michigan. In the late 1980s, she began her own graphic design business, which grew into a marketing and communications company. In 2007, Bode became director of Marketing and Business Development for Fisher & Sons, which had been her longtime customer. As part of her job, she is responsible for corporate giving and community involvement. Bode said she is especially proud of a recent volunteer project she is working on with Habitat For Humanity — Skagit Women Build. Bode serves on the board and is the publicity chair for the project. Women

October 13, 2009

Continued on Page 9 Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

SWAN finalist: Kathryn Bennett Continued from Page 6

where she’s lived, including Bellingham, Spokane, Honolulu, Everett and Anacortes. Her current goal for the Anacortes Rotary is to double the number of women by 2011. “It’s exciting to see a membership that more closely represents the community,” Bennett said. She encourages women to take bold steps in their careers. “My advice is for women to be bold, to be secure in their abilities and to do jobs that have a lot of responsibility, and jobs that reach a lot of people,” she said. “The women I see every day have that capability.” While Bennett is a relative newcomer to the county — she and her husband moved

here in 2003 — Bennett has gotten deeply involved. She’s president of the Anacortes Rotary Club, a board member and treasurer of the Skagit Adult Day Care Board, president of the Anacortesbased Dr. Samuel G. Brooks Guild for the Seattle Children’s Hospital and a board member for the Anacortes Public Library Foundation. Maureen Enegren, executive director of the Mount Baker Chapter of the American Red Cross in Bellingham, said Bennett exudes enthusiasm and excitement. Bennett hired Enegren 25 years ago, and Enegren is a 2008 graduate of Leadership Skagit. “She’s pathologically positive,” Enegren said of Bennett. “I think that any community that she’s a part of is better because of her presence.”

SWAN finalist: Ginny Bode Continued from Page 8

Build, a group of all-female volunteers, is building a home in Sedro-Woolley for a woman and her four children. “The project has brought so many women together with so many different talents and walks of life. It has been challenging and rewarding — a valuable piece in the patchwork of life,” she said. That, she said, is one of the reasons she keeps giving. “I can’t imagine what my life or my work would be if I hadn’t been involved with the community because of all the wonderful people I’ve met. I feel lucky and blessed,” she said. She has also mentored other women develop their own careers or businesses. One of those people is Morton, who says Bode serves as an example to the rest of Skagit County’s residents. “For (Ginny), it’s a personal value to give back to the community. It’s not something she has to do, it’s just something she does as part of the community giving back,” Morton said. “We could use a lot more like her.”

Congratulations swan nominees!

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Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

Paint & Supplies

October 13, 2009

Marco soto, Builder Jamie Mcnett, architect


Swan Award 2009

SWAN finalist: Susan Duffy

Scott Terrell / Skagit Valley Herald

Susan Duffy relaxes with her Shitzu among the gift boxes she is assembling for women in need throughout the community. The boxes includes necessities like shampoo and toothpaste as well as a poem to encourage women.

Helping out wherever she’s needed business — Organizing Unlimited. The National Association of Prohen Susan Duffy read in fessional Organizers defines the field the newspaper that the on its Web site as those who enhance Humane Society of Skagit the lives of clients by giving them County needed a van to transport parameters on what to keep, what to animals, she began gathering donatoss and where to take action. tions. Organization has long been the When she heard about a local foundation of Duffy’s busy life effort to collect tabs off soda cans — from 12 years managing the books for the Ronald McDonald House in at Northwest Air Pollution Authority Seattle, she challenged students at an to five years of nearly perfect attenarea school to join her in the collecdance at her two children’s often tion effort. overlapping sporting events while When she heard about a hospithey were in school. tal in Lourdes, France, that needed Her son, Kirk Duffy, director of volunteers, she started saving up to Hawthorne Funeral Home in Mount make annual trips. Vernon, said his mother’s heart is “I try to help out wherever especially soft toward struggling needed,” Duffy said. “A lot of it I do women because of her time as a myself, because it gets done more single mother. quickly.” “She’s learned from that. I think It’s her desire to make life more making it easier for other women is efficient that inspired Duffy’s home an underlying reason for what she By WHITNEY PIPKIN



Swan Award 2009

does,” he said. This month, Duffy shared her techniques for organizing business papers with members of Skagit Women in Business. “When you’re organized, you can get so much more done and set aside time to have fun,” she said. Or in Duffy’s case, organization allows more time for general gooddeed-doing. Her tidy office is at times filled with bags of soda can tabs — she’s collected 500 pounds so far for Ronald McDonald House — or towers of wrapped boxes. The Christmas gift boxes are the fruit of a yearlong effort to collect items that women in need might be lacking, such as shampoo and toothpaste. Duffy is so organized that most

October 13, 2009

Continued on Page 12 Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

Women of the EDASC Board Join now! Make an impact on the local business community. Join the organization that reaches out to all Skagit County businesses. EDASC opens doors for members, provides a support network and wants you and your business to succeed. Join today. See the impact take shape. Call 336-6114 or visit our website at www.skagit.org for more information about joining EDASC and how it can benefit your business.

204 West Montgomery • PO Box 40 • Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Construction unlimited

Chrishaven Trees

Port of skagit

Janicki industries

"EDASC has become a very important component of both my professional life as well as my personal life. I've developed relationships which have contributed to my business as well as become my friends. Without the efforts and the events that the EDASC Staff and members put on, my business would not have networking power which allows it to grow in Skagit County." -Mary Antensen EDASC Board Member

"The success of EDASC is a reflection of the great staff, community & business leaders willing to serve as board members, as well as a participatory broad based membership. It's been an honor to serve as an EDASC board member for 6 years."

"Under Don Wick's leadership, EDASC has been the primary proponent of economic development in Skagit County over the last twenty years. The Port of Skagit's mission of "Jobs for Our Community" is dependent on EDASC's continued growth, support and advocacy of economic development in Skagit County."

"In today's business climate, our membership in the Economic Development Association of Skagit County is more important than ever before. EDASC accesses information and resources for Janicki Industries that our company needs to move forward quickly."


Peoples Bank

Fisher and Sons

"EDASC is a great opportunity to bring together the businesses in this area to support each other and network. Don Wick and the EDASC staff really understand the needs of current and future businesses in the Skagit Valley and are working to enhance our local workforce capabilities to meet those needs." - Sue Krienen EDASC Board Member

"EDASC supports women in business. I have been involved in business & agricultural lending in the Skagit Valley for 19 years. EDASC has always been a key partner & resource in serving my clients. I am proud to be associated with such a a quality organization."

"Fisher and Sons has been a member of EDASC for many, many years. We see their staff actively supporting and growing our business community every day."

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

-Sue Christianson EDASC Board Member

-Patsy Martin EDASC Board Member

-Lisa Janicki EDASC Board Member

-Stephanie Wood EDASC Board Member

-Alice Takehara EDASC Board Member

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009


SWAN finalist: Susan Duffy Continued from Page 10

Chambers said. “She just does of the 81 boxes she’s made this year will it because she be distributed by October to charities and wants to.” individuals throughout the community. But Chambers “I buy items throughout the year so I said Duffy does don’t know what it costs,” she said with a have a mischiechuckle. vous side. Women Duffy delivered 84 packages last year to in the soroptimist groups like Skagit Valley College Turning group are warned Point and Skagit County Women’s Proba- that if they ever tion, where one woman was so touched by give Duffy a key a poem included in her box that she told to their rooms, Duffy in tears that she planned to frame it. she’ll short sheet “The poem I put with them, ‘One flaw the bed. in women,’ is so they don’t forget their Chambers said worth,” Duffy said. “I try to find the people Duffy’s sense of who don’t have their hands out, who are in humor is all part need but don’t say anything.” of her outlook Linda Chambers, a fellow member of on life. Soroptimist International of Burlington, “She’s one a volunteer organization for business of those people women, said that just as Duffy likes to who gets up and meet women’s unseen needs, she shies looks forward to away from recognition. every day God “She’s not a person who ever wants to gave her,” she receive thank yous or pats on the back,” said.

“She’s not a person who ever wants to receive thank yous or pats on the back. She just does it because she wants to.” Linda Chambers, Soroptimist International of Burlington


2009 sWan

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Woman of the Year Finalists • KathrYn Bennett

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Swan Award 2009

Director, leadership skagit

• ginnY BoDe Marketing & Business Development Director, Fisher & sons

pM northwest, inc. provides safe and

• susan DuFFY owner, organizing unlimited

• stephanie hooper

dependable maintenance workforces to refineries. We create work environments where both women and men succeed. Serving Washington, Oregon, and Montana for over 50 years.

president/Co-owner, Bayside specialties

• sue Krienen general Manager, shell, puget sound refinery

linDa ChaMBers Co-owner & administration Manager, pM northwest, inc.

16878 state route 536 • Mount Vernon, Wa • 360.424.3209 October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

SWAN finalist: Stephanie Hooper

Walked through every door that opened By TERU LUNDSTEN


hen Stephanie Hooper entered the promotional advertising industry in 2003, she said she “walked through every door that opened.� Just six years later,

Stephanie Hooper, one of five finalists for the Skagit Women Alliance and Net-

Continued on Page 14 work Professional and Business Woman of the Year award.

Congratulations to all 2009 SWAN Business & Professional Woman of the Year nominees. Foothills Auto Center commends all women in business making significant contributions to the community in which we live. Pam Nelson

2007 SWAN Professional Business Woman of the Year 2009

1881 Bouslog Road at the George Hopper exit Burlington, WA 98233 Tel. 800-228-1207 / 360-757-7575 www.foothillstoyota.com Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009


SWAN finalist: Stephanie Hooper Continued from Page 13

Born in 1949 in Faversham, England, to an English mother and a she is a finalist for the 2009 Skagit Danish father, Hooper was raised in Women’s Alliance and Network Pro- Denmark and Vancouver, B.C. At 20, fessional and Business Woman of the she emigrated for the third time, to Year Award. Seattle, then moved in 1990 to CamaBayside Specialties, Inc., which no Island, where she raised two sons. Hooper co-owns with her husband She met Darrell Hooper, her secDarrell Hooper, has hundreds of cli- ond husband, at a singles’ conference ents from Lynden to Tacoma. Clients in Stanwood. They were married in vary in size from a national corpora- 1997. tion to a one-woman bookkeeping Darrell started Bayside Specialties service. in 1983. Stephanie joined his business “I love the people part,” said in 2003, and the couple moved to Hooper, “plus we meet a need,” for Burlington. promotional products to help busi“Skagit County is friendly to both nesses thrive. “We provide items that our personal and business lives,” are long term forms of advertising,” she said, “and it’s more centrally Hooper said. Such items include located.” branded pens, mugs and apparel, While Darrell focuses on product which become walking billboards availability, Stephanie does more when imprinted with a logo. networking and marketing. Bayside “But we don’t just sell items,” she Specialties is a member of four local continued. “We look for solutions. chambers of commerce as well as the What does the product DO for the Economic Development Association client? What works for one client of Skagit County. may not for another.” Bayside Specialties was recognized

Congratulations to all the SWAN Nominees from the women


A Special congratulations to fellow SWIB members Susan Duffy and Stephanie Hooper.



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Swan Award 2009

“SWIB is a wonderful resource for women, especially small business owners.” Stephanie Hooper

by the Burlington Chamber of Commerce as Small Business of the Year in 2006 and has won several other awards. In addition, Hooper has personally received several awards for her numerous volunteer activities. She became an ambassador for the Burlington Chamber of Commerce in 2005, and in 2007 became chair of the Ambassador Committee, which is made up of 90 percent women. She was named Ambassador of the Year in 2008. Hooper has also been recognized as Volunteer of the Year by EDASC in 2005 and Leadership Skagit in 2008. She graduated from Leadership Skagit in 2006. She now serves as recruitment chair on the board of the EDASC Foundation, which oversees Leadership Skagit. One local organization that is particularly meaningful to her is Skagit Women in Business. “This organization has been a delight from the first meeting I attended,” she said. She is a past president of the SWIB board and currently serves as its treasurer. “SWIB is a wonderful resource for women, especially small business owners,” she said, “and I’m very proud of its scholarship program.” In this challenging economy, Hooper said businesses need to be “ever-present.” “The last thing you should do is stop advertising. Evaluate different ways to do it, perhaps, but never stop.” Paraphrasing Henry Ford, she added, “To do that would be like stopping a clock to save time.”


October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

SWAN finalist: Susan Krienen

Enjoys working with people By MARTA MURVOSH


hen Susan Krienen was studying chemical engineering in college, she Matt Wallis / Skagit Valley Herald learned that she wanted to work with people, as well Sue Krienen, general manager of Shell Puget Sound Refinery, stands with the plant in the background. as chemical compounds. That desire ultimately led her to the position she holds today as general Continued on Page 16

North Homes Realty, Inc. Lori Banta 941-2553

“It’s because I really enjoyed working with people. (Growing up,) I loved chemistry and playing with the chemistry set.”

Margie Ernst, GRI, SRES,e-Pro 708-3198

Sandi Riley Assoc. Broker 770-8670

Christine Miller Sharon Stokes 333-1868 GRI, CFS 661-6164

Traci Cypher 708-9481

Anita Kohl Assoc. Broker 961-7795

Celia Miller 391-6065

Marlene Deasy, GRI Astrid Aamot 708-6116 661-6720

Jackie Lindeman CRS, CFS, GRI 770-9080

Donna Kurras 770-7596

Debra Winblad 421-3347

Judith Davis 333-1092

Susan Krienen Linda Dietrick Sandi Hocking Gish Sherry McLeod Solveig Atterberry Veronica Lopez 770-7553 708-1523 840-6771 961-7795 420-0696

526 E. College Way, Mount Vernon Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

360-424-2100 Swan Award 2009


SWAN finalist: Susan Krienen Continued from Page 15

manager of Shell Puget Sound Refinery. “It’s because I really enjoyed working with people,” Krienen said. “(Growing up,) I loved chemistry and playing with the chemistry set.” For the past three years, the 52year-old Burlington woman has run the Shell refinery at March Point, overseeing 450 employees, as well as an average of 200 contractors each day, and a $200 million operations budget. She was the first external person that Shell hired to fill the slot of refinery general manager. In addition to her professional responsibilities, Krienen sits on the boards of directors for both the United Way of Skagit County and the Economic Development Association of Skagit County. Her commitment to developing people’s potential has led her to mentor three women at Shell, provide leadership development training at her church and send Shell employ-

“She is really an excellent leader in our community. She listens so well. She’s got excellent judgment. She’s gracious. She’s really amazing.” Don Wick, EDASC executive director

ees through EDASC’s Leadership Skagit, a local program aimed at training community leaders. She also works with the Skagit Early Learning Coalition to improve children’s kindergarten school readiness. “She is really an excellent leader in our community,” said Don Wick, EDASC executive director. “She listens so well. She’s got excellent judgment. She’s gracious. She’s really amazing.” Krienen also coaches ice hockey and raises funds for various charities, including the MDA, formerly called

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Swan Award 2009

the Muscular Dystrophy Association. A mother of three — two sons, ages 26 and 16, and a daughter, 13 — Krienen also involves her children in many philanthropic and volunteer activities. “You can do most anything if you have your family support behind you,” she said. Growing up in Lansing, Mich., family encouraged Krienen, especially her microbiologist mother. After college, Krienen began working for Mobile Oil’s Paulsboro Refinery in New Jersey in 1979. As a chemical engineer, she got to walk around the plant checking in on equipment and fellow employees. “I’m very much energized by interacting with people,” Krienen said. The refinery manager, Dale Choate, told Krienen that she would make a good refinery manager, she said. Krienen began taking management classes and workshops, learning how to motivate people. She says she applies those lessons when working with the three women she mentors. She worked for Mobile, moving into management, until 2001, when she became a refinery manager for The Williams Companies in Memphis, Tenn. She tracked down Choate, who had since retired, to tell him. All in all, she’s worked for four different oil companies at six refineries. She said that she hopes that she can help other people with career development as she was helped. “I really feel that it’s my responsibility,” Krienen said.

October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

SWAN president talks about organization’s purpose after 25 years By AARON BURKHALTER


athy Larson says that being selected as one of the five finalists for the SWAN Business and Professional Woman of the Year award is a huge honor. And she doesn’t say that just because she’s president of the Skagit Women’s Alliance and Network. She’s seen both sides of it, as a finalist and a member of the organization selecting the top five Skagit-area women to recognize for the award. Unlike a lot of people, Larson was Continued on Page 18

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009


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on the board the same year she was named a finalist. She stepped down from her duties as a selector so she could be a finalist. “It’s an honor to be nominated by your peers, and it’s an extreme honor to be one of five finalists,” Larson said. Larson, who handles major accounts for Puget Sound Energy, said the award is a huge deal for Skagit women, even 25 years after the organization formed. “It may not be in all organizations out there, but in many organizations a glass ceiling does exist,” Larson said. While the business world has progressed in terms of gender equality, Larson said there’s still a place for an award that steps aside for a moment to honor the everyday contributions Skagit women offer to businesses in the community. “You’re involved, you’re busy, you set goals, you work to achieve


Swan Award 2009

“You’re involved, you’re busy, you set goals, you work to achieve them, you work to balance your work life, your family and your volunteer life. When somebody nominates you for what you’ve been doing in your normal work life, home life, community life, it’s a huge honor to be recognized for those efforts.” Kathy Larson, SWAN president

them, you work to balance your work life, your family and your volunteer life,” Larson said. “When somebody nominates you for what

you’ve been doing in your normal work life, home life, community life, it’s a huge honor to be recognized for those efforts.” Larson was recognized for rising through the ranks over 40 years at Puget Power, as it was called in 1969, when she started as a cashier. Today, she’s a key account manager at Puget Sound Energy. Larson raised three children to adulthood. She brought her two youngest to Skagit County as a divorced, single mom. Here she joined the community supporting the Tulip Festival, traveling as far as Australia to promote the event to the World Tulip Summit. It was her work through the Tulip Festival that she received her nomination for the SWAN award. Peter Goldfarb, who served on the Tulip Festival Board with Larson, nominated her. Larson said the community involvement is not only key to the SWAN award requirements, but to living a balanced life. “Being involved in the community as well as the hard work in your business life really does add a lot of balance,” Larson said.

October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

CEOs see sales growing, but many still not hiring By TALI ARBEL AP Business Writer

NEW YORK — An index measuring the expectations of 107 CEOs from among the nation’s largest companies was at its highest level this year, with more than half expecting sales to grow in the next six months — but their outlook for capital spending remained stagnant, and 40 percent predicted more job cuts. The Business Roundtable said in late September that its CEO outlook index rose to 44.9 in September from 18.5 in June. In March, the index stood at -5, its lowest reading since the survey began in 2002. A level below 50 is consistent with a shrinking economy. “Right now, we’re beginning to see sales trending up, but not to the level that translates into meaningful gains in capital spending or jobs,” said Ivan Seidenberg, chairman of the association and CEO of Verizon Communications. While 46 percent of CEOs in June expected sales to drop in the next six months, in the most recent survey, 51 percent expect sales to rise in the next six months. Meanwhile, 23 percent see no change and 26 percent expect a decline in sales. As for jobs, the survey of CEOs, whose combined companies have 10 million employees, showed that many still expect meaningful drops in unemployment. The country’s current jobless rate, at 9.7 percent, is expected to hit double digits this year and isn’t expected to return to a more normal level for several years. The survey showed 40 percent of the CEOs expect their company’s employment to drop in the next six months, while 47 percent see no change and 13 percent expect an increase. That’s only slightly better than last quarter’s expectations, when 49 percent saw a drop, 45 percent expected no change, and 6 percent predicted their workforce would grow. Employment growth “will take a Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

little longer than (it has in) the past because this has been a deeper recession,” said Seidenberg on a conference call with reporters. This was the first quarter showing an increase in demand, which was “a modest positive,” he said. If sales continue to grow, then employers may increase hiring 12 to 18 months from now, he said. Expectations for capital spending and hiring in the U.S. are modestly better than they were earlier this year, but remain weak. Only 21 percent of the CEOs surveyed expect an increase in capital spending, while 44 percent see no change and 35 percent expect declines. In June, 51 percent forecast drops in capital spending, and 12 percent saw growth. The 107 CEOs surveyed estimated that for the year, gross domestic product will shrink 0.9 percent. In June, they expected a 2.1 percent decrease for the year. The Business Roundtable is an

association of chief executive officers of some of the biggest U.S. companies, which combined have more than $5 trillion in annual revenue and nearly 10 million employees. It surveyed its members from Sept. 2 to Sept. 18.

“Right now, we’re beginning to see sales trending up, but not to the level that translates into meaningful gains in capital spending or jobs.” Ivan Seidenberg, CEO of Verizon Communications

Beyond Expectations


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October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009


Getting swine flu vaccine top business concern By CHRISTOPHER LEONARD AP Business Writer

When it comes to preparing for a swine flu outbreak, the top concern for most U.S. business leaders is getting enough vaccine for their employees, according to a recent survey. The Business Roundtable found that most businesses have a plan to deal with the flu, but don’t know how or when they will get enough doses of swine flu vaccine for their employees. The new vaccine will first go to the groups most at risk — children and young adults, pregnant women, the chronically ill and people caring for infants. Health care agencies also will be a top priority, with about 90,000 sites — mainly hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, county health departments

and pharmacies — expected to receive doses. Businesses outside of health care may have to wait months to offer the shot, if they get it at all. Business Roundtable President John Castellani said almost 90 percent of the industry group’s members — including several Fortune 500 companies — had a plan to deal with flu season that they have updated since the swine flu appeared in April. “Companies are on top of the situation,” Castellani said Sept. 30. Business owners are not the only ones worried about the costs and other damage from a potential outbreak. Another report released recently estimated that closing U.S. schools and day care centers because of swine flu could cost nearly $50

billion. The Brookings Institution’s Center on Social and Economic Dynamics estimated that the cost of closing all schools in the U.S. for four weeks would be between $10 billion to $47 billion. The Washington think tank called that a conservative estimate. The government is urging schools to close only as a last resort. But as of Sept. 28, there had been at least 187 school dismissals across the country affecting at least 79,678 students, the Education Department said. Companies are waiting to see how big the economic impact will be, and how much extra sick time they might have to grant, Castellani said. That all depends on the severity of the flu. Continued on Page 21

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October 13, 2009

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Continued from Page 20

About one-third of companies said they want more upto-date information about the flu’s severity, according to the Business Roundtable survey. The businesses were dissatisfied with the World Health Organization’s flu pandemic warning system, which tells how far the flu is spreading rather than how sick it is making people. Companies are stepping up their own efforts to communicate with employees, by e-mailing them updates on sick leave policies and referring them to sources where they can learn more about the flu, according to the survey. About 225 million doses of the swine flu vaccine are expected to be doled out through this winter. The federal government is covering the cost of the vaccines and related supplies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When the boss expects you to work on your vacation A: The only thing you can do is clarify expectations up front as much as possible. If you will not have Internet access, Adapted from an online discussion or if you don’t plan to check in even if with career advice columnist Lily Garcia. you do, then you must tell her. If it is Q: My boss is a total workaholic. We not a good time for you to take vacawork at a small company with only five tion, that is another story, and your boss employees, and when someone is on should exercise her prerogative to deny vacation, she fully expects him or her your vacation request. Otherwise, barto be checking e-mail and working on ring an emergency, she should leave you documents. When I’m on vacation, I’m alone to rest. on vacation. I don’t check voice mail or Q: I’m a contractor and I love my job e-mail. I don’t travel with a computer, but have challenges with the people, so I and many of the places I go don’t even am looking for a new one. How do I go get cellphone service. Whenever I return, to job fairs when my customers, clients there are angry messages about project and employer are present, soliciting x and memo y, even if they’re not due resumes? I feel as if I am missing a great for two weeks! It makes me dread being opportunity by not going. out and reluctant to take any time off, A: Show up at the job fair to accomeven when I’m sick. Now I try to have pany a friend “who is looking.” Stop everything she could possibly want done by your employer’s booth to say hello, before I leave, but even that doesn’t and introduce your friend as a potential seem to work. Thanks for any advice you applicant. This way you will have a perhave. fect excuse for your presence at the fair. By Lily Garcia Special to The Washington Post


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Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009


Recession delivers double blow to many charities By DAVID CRARY AP National Writer

NEW YORK — For many socialservice charities across America, the recession has delivered a staggering one-two punch. Sharp drops in donations and investment income have been coupled by soaring demand for their services. The casualties so far include countless needy clients losing assistance and thousands of nonprofit workers who’ve been laid off. Some local charities have shut down; even many of the largest nationwide operations have made painful cutbacks in staff, spending and programs. “Nonprofits are generally at the whim of the economy ... but we’ve never seen anything like this,” says the Rev. Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA. “Increasing numbers of our own volunteers and employees have been forced to become clients of our services.”

The cutbacks are forcing charities to rethink how they operate and make changes that are likely to outlive the recession. Nonprofits, like regular businesses, are learning to do more with less. Those that survive will emerge more efficient. “It gives you a mindset to be more creative,” American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown says. “We’re thinking even better and more innovatively than we were 10 months ago.” Numbers help illustrate the magnitude of the challenges. Giving to social-service charities fell by 12.7 percent in 2008, according to the Giving USA Foundation, and there’s been little evidence of a resurgence so far this year. Simultaneously, many state and local governments are cutting back on funding for nonprofits or delaying payments as they struggle to assemble their budgets. That double hit to charities’ revenue comes at a time when the nation-

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al poverty rate has reached an 11year high of 13.2 percent. Nonprofit officials hope giving levels will rise once the recession ends, but for now many are thinking hard about how to use their dwindling resources. “We can’t be in recession — there are too many people relying on us,” Brown says. Brown’s organization laid off 371 staff members across its national affiliates — 10.5 percent of its work force — and chose not to fill more than 200 vacant positions. To save money, it’s cut travel costs and promoted resource-sharing among its affiliates. World Vision, which aids disadvantaged children and families worldwide, has intensified efforts to thank donors and enable them, through high-tech improvements, to keep track of how their donations are used. And some local Salvation Army branches resorted to deploying their red kettles — normally reserved for the Christmas season — to raise money in July. “This is the most financially challenging period of time we’ve had,” says Major George Hood of the Salvation Army, who was among the national officials who opposed that move yet understood it because of the branches’ desperate financial situation. “We’re committed to doing whatever it takes to get the job done.” The American Red Cross in Greater New York cut its staff from 186 to 145 earlier this year as private donations fell by 25 percent. Leaders of the chapter insist that emergency response operations will not be affected, but say they will spend fewer resources on planning for future disasters. The chapter, like many across the Red Cross system, has always made extensive use of volunteers, and is now relying on them even more,

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Swan Award 2009

Continued on Page 23 October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

Continued from Page 22

spokeswoman Marianne Darlak says. Nationally, the picture regarding volunteering is mixed. Many nonprofits report a surge of volunteers, including recently laid-off people looking for meaningful tasks. Yet according to a report last month by the National Conference on Citizenship, based on surveys of 3,889 people, 72 percent of Americans have cut back the time they spend volunteering and performing other civic activities — largely because of the recession. Some charities are examining their priorities and scaling back. CARE, one of the biggest U.S.-based international aid organizations, is now focusing on empowering impoverished women. Its headquarters staff has been reduced by 43, and the remaining 255 employees saw their pay cut. “Absolutely, it’s a very useful process — to rethink and prioritize,” says Kymberly Wolff, CARE’s senior vice president for resource development.

“What many nonprofits do is become very scattered, trying to do all things for all people. This crisis has forced us to become very strategic, and concentrate on serving those who need us the most.” Some once-flourishing local charities have been unable to survive. Family Services of the Mid-South, a 115-year-old nonprofit, is closing this week after transferring a few of its programs to other agencies. The Destiny Foundation of Central Florida, which ran a children’s clinic, thrift store and food pantry in Orlando, has suspended its operations and may close. A recent survey by the Human Services Council of New York City, encompassing 244 local nonprofits, found that 60 percent had seen some decrease in public funding and 73 percent reported reductions in private donations. More than half had laid off staff in the past year, and 35 percent had eliminated programs. One of the city’s oldest and largest charities — the Brooklyn Bureau

of Community Service — has laid off about 50 of its 550 employees. It’s also eliminated a program that helped disabled people make the transition from welfare to work, and scaled down a program that’s helping kids from troubled homes avoid foster care. Reductions in both donations and city funding were to blame, says executive director Alan Goodman. “It’s like being nibbled to death by ducks — a little here, a little there,” he says. “The end result is we have less money and fewer staff.” Goodman says becoming “leaner and meaner” is of limited consolation when he looks at the big picture — and wonders if more government support is needed to rescue the charitable sector. “You’ll find a whole lot of smaller nonprofits will just go out of business — totally wiped off the face of the map,” he says. “Some of the most robust ones will weather the storm, but I don’t think anyone will come through it unscathed.”

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October 13, 2009

Swan Award 2009



Swan Award 2009

October 13, 2009

Published by the Skagit Valley Herald

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