6 minute read
— Bear Bryant, former football player and coach
Seamless, Authentic & Memorable
We mentioned during the arrival experience that the first impression is important. Even more so, is the last impression as it leaves a lasting imprint on our customers. The lasting impression on the final touchpoint of on the customer’s journey is going to define the customer’s loyalty in continuing to choose Jet Aviation for future visits.
It is our responsibility to prepare the departure of our customers. On the day before the departure, we must ensure that we gather all the information we need to deliver an exceptional customer experience such as reviewing the manifest, having the customer arrival time, amenities aboard the aircraft and review the profile preferences.
We make sure to provide a smooth passenger / crew experience, by not exposing what is going on behind the scenes. We’re hard at work putting everything together, but to the eye of the customer everything appears effortless.
We are facilitators and we are problem solvers. We want to be one step ahead of the customer so if something happens, we can adjust and adapt so that their experience still appears effortless, even though there may be a lot of complexity in the background. You need to be able to be highly adaptable.
Customer Service
— We anticipate the departure of our customers by being ready before the crew and passengers arrive at our location — All services are planned, arranged, and fulfilled as requested (coffee-tea-water, catering, ice, newspapers, GPU, fuel, etc…) — Be ready to provide material and equipment (carpets, luggage carts, umbrellas) and make sure they are within reach to be used in anticipation of the aircraft departure
Manage expectations
— We put a time behind timely (the fuel truck is arriving in 15min) — Focus on what we can do as opposed to saying no to the customer — Pro-actively communicate solutions and alternatives — Plan, arrange, and fulfill any request in preparation for the departure
Our Geneva and Zurich FBO Team offer a selection of over 1500 newspapers readily available for printing on site from PressReader.
Customer Experience
— The entire team works together and supports each other towards the successful departure of the customer — Support passenger and crew needs throughout the departure experience
— Communication is key when customers are travelling from one Jet Aviation location to another to enhance the departure experience — Updating all stakeholders associated with the trip as needed in the event of issues or unscheduled delays so the rest of their days travel logistics can be adjusted accordingly — Any follow up requests get completed for the customer (receipt sending via email for example)
Once the passenger has boarded the aircraft, never board the aircraft unless invited to do so. Once passengers are on board, we have handed their needs over to the crew.
Passenger comfort
— When waiting to depart, we show passengers to the lounge and offer beverages/amenities to enjoy
Baggage handling
— Always place bags on either hotel type trolleys, vehicle/golf cart or alternate luggage transportation — Make sure there are sufficient staff to load luggage — Before departure, make sure that all luggage is on board
Passenger transportation to aircraft
— Refer to section “Arrival experience”
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Refer to section” Arrival experience”
• Crew departure experience
Crew comfort
— The crew is normally expected to arrive at the FBO 1.5 – 2 hours prior to the planned departure — When crew arrive on site for departure, we show them around the FBO and offer beverages / amenities / assistance as needed
Baggage handling
— Refer to Baggage handling in Passenger departure experience
Flight services
— While the crew is setting up their flight documents, we can deliver crew luggage to the aircraft for their convenience — If a requested service is not possible, always have a backup plan (e.g.: 3 different newspapers if the one requested is not available) — Reconfirm all services have been completed for departure such as fueling, invoicing, catering — Communicate to the crew immediately when the passengers have arrived — Prior to services being completed, communicate status updates to the crew. This way we are able to manage the crew’s expectations — Print out the flight briefing documents and then place them in a Jet Aviation branded folder before the crew arrives. They are available through your regional
Marketing department — If the crew arrive early, we update the documents regarding weather conditions, parking position, etc...
Crew transportation to aircraft
— Refer to the ”Arrival experience” section
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Refer to the ”Arrival experience” section
When going through the screening process for passengers and crew, make sure to add a Jet Aviation luggage tag so it can easily be identified when picking up the items. This may speed up the process, especially if there is a lot of people and the screening area is being shared between different handlers.
• Invoicing
— Always ask our customer to review the bill before signing — When charging a credit card, ask for the customer’s preferred credit card to be used — Our team is open to constructive feedback and we ask how the customer’s experience was with us
• Last impressions
— Acknowledge our customers who are leaving by thanking them, wishing them a safe flight and say that we are looking forward to seeing them soon again at Jet Aviation
Best practices for the departure experience
• Arrival of customers for departure
Street side
We stand ready to serve when passengers and/or crew arrive street side. Our posture and body language reflects respect and a deliberate intention to assist. As appropriate, unless door staff or crew are available to open the vehicle door, reach out and open the driver / passenger door. Offer a welcome greeting by using the name of the customer where known and appropriate.
When the passengers are ready to depart, escort them to the aircraft, offering small talk only as welcomed.
Air side
We escort the passenger to the aircraft stairs in a safe manner. When crew is standing stair side, we stand to the opposite side of the stairs, bidding the passenger farewell.
Once the passenger has boarded the aircraft, and if the vehicle is still available airside we look inside the vehicle to ensure nothing has been left behind and if so, and advise the crew as necessary.
Delay / Cancellation
If a delay and/or cancellation occurs, and the boarding time will be delayed
— Keep the passenger / crew informed so they can manage their time and expectations — Provide a comfortable waiting area / conference room for the passengers as well as a refreshment or other amenities to make them more comfortable — Provide an update every 15 minutes so the passenger / crew knows what to expect regarding their new departure time — For a cancellation due to technical issues, provide the client with alternative flight (transportation) options by recommending our charter services — For maintenance issues related delays, we recommend our maintenance capabilities
Problem resolution
When handling a passenger / crew issue, we apologize when a situation occurs, and work to quickly rectify it. Always follow-up to ensure an acceptable resolution
— For a more detailed approach on how to resolve problems, please refer to the 6 steps of problem resolution found in the Problem Resolution Tool section
Taking responsibility and ownership of customer incidents and complaints is another opportunity in which we can shine. There will be times that a customer’s expectations will not be met. This is not a time to blame, make excuses or point fingers. It is time for action!
Customer Engagement
The departure experience left them completely satisfied and feeling more loyal. We created a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience and have crafted a Jet Aviation brand ambassador for our network.