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Our People
Everything speaks. Making a first impression might take just a few seconds, but it can have a long-lasting effect. During each interaction, your look and behavior create customer’s impressions about our level of competency and professionalism. Make a great impression by maintaining awareness of your attire and personal appearance. The key elements of our image are an approachable smile, immaculate grooming, classy style, and a positive attitude. With certain roles, you are provided with a set of uniforms to complete your look. If that is the case, following all uniform guidelines is essential.
Wearing a uniform can be a tool to distinguish ourselves from the customers. The role of the uniform goes beyond just how we look. It has the ability to communicate job roles and responsibilities for our customers and among ourselves that works to increase customer service communication and efficiency.
Our brand is built on trust and consistency which enables our customers to instantly feel at home at every Jet Aviation location. Following the uniform guidelines helps to create a look and feel at our FBOs that provides a great opportunity to display consistency, promote our brand and stand out from the competition.
Our consistent brand look and feel supports SAM by allowing the customers to instantly recognize us, the Jet Aviation brand and our team members. It quickly conveys that we are ready and available to serve our customers.
At the same time the uniform and the defined expectations provide convenience for you, promote unity, and create a sense of belonging. Take pride in the way we present ourselves. It is the responsibility of each team member to ensure that our appearance achieves the highest standard at all times. Uniforms can help build the professional personal image that makes you feel proud and confident during your workday.
The uniform is part of your tool kit supporting you to display your best performance and therefore should only be worn while travelling to and from work and being at work. If you opt for changing into uniform at work, ensure you are in uniform at your scheduled start time.