Travel West Iceland 2018-2019

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Ferรฐast um Vesturland 2018-2019


Table of Contents / Efnisyfirlit 4 18 28 34 68 100 112

West Iceland / Vesturland Akranes Hvalfjörður og Kjós Borgarfjörður Snæfellsnes Dalir og Reykhólasveit Service Index / Þjónustuskrá

West Iceland / Vesturland Akranes Hvalfjörður og Kjós Borgarfjörður Snæfellsnes Dalir og Reykhólasveit Service Index / Þjónustuskrá

Travel West Iceland - Ferðast um Vesturland 2018-2019. 1. tbl. 19. árgangur. Publisher / Útgefandi: Skessuhorn ehf. - Fréttaveita Vesturlands. Kirkjubraut 56, 300 Akranesi. Tel. 433 5500 - Editor / Ritstjóri og ábyrgðarmaður: Magnús Magnússon. Texts / Textagerð: Arnar Óðinn Arnþórsson, Heiðar Lind Hansson, Kristján Gauti Karlsson og Magnús Magnússon. Advertising sales / Auglýsingar: Markaðsdeild Skessuhorns. Photographs / Ljósmyndir: Alfons Finnsson, Björn Þór Björnsson, Chensiyuan / Wikipedia, Friðþjófur Helgason, Gunnhildur Lind Hansdóttir, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Heiðar Lind Hansson, Heimir Hoffritz, Kristján Gauti Karlsson, Kolbrún Ingvarsdóttir, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Magnús Magnússon, Mats Wibe Lund, Róbert Stefánsson,

Sumarliði Ásgeirsson, Steinunn Matthíasdóttir, Tómas Freyr Kristjánsson, Þórunn Reykdal, myndasafn Markaðsstofu Vesturlands, myndasafn Skessuhorns auk fleiri. Cover photo / Forsíðumynd: Biðukolla (Taraxacum officinale). Ljósm. Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir. Layout / Umbrot: Skessuhorn ehf. / Tinna Ósk Grímarsdóttir. Distribution / Dreifing: Skessuhorn ehf. Printed in 60,000 copies. Distributed in the Greater Reykjavík Area, information centers and various places in West Iceland and Iceland. / Skessuhorn ehf. Prentað í 60.000 eintökum. Dreift á höfuðborgarsvæðinu, til upplýsingamiðstöðva um land allt og á fjölförnum ferðamannastöðum á Vesturlandi og landinu öllu. Printed by / Prentun: Ísafoldarprentsmiðja.

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Welcome to West Iceland! Velkomin á Vesturland! West Iceland holds a diverse spectrum of nature and culture. Land and history are one in West Iceland and the tourism focuses on connecting history and culture to available services. Here are the settings of the famous Sagas, such as Sturlunga Saga, Egils Saga, Eyrbyggja Saga and Laxdæla, and folktales about trolls, elves and outlaws. Here is where stories happen and where stories are told. West Iceland is truly a land of stories – a complete Sagaland.The region offers diverse activities, among them cultural related tourist services, hiking trips, whale and bird watching, dog sledge rides, ATV-trips, cave explorations and glaciers tours, to name a few. You get to know the glaciers, literally inside and out, as well as churning hot springs. One could argue that within 24 hours one could experience a difference in temperature of 110°C, for example far beneath the surface of Langjökull glacier and then the churning hot water flowing from Deildartunguhver hot spring.A growing number of restaurants and various possibilities for lodging are also in the region. You don’t have to worry about food or sleep along the way. It is my sincere hope that Travel West Iceland will serve you well. Its chapters trail the districts in the region. The first chapter covers West Iceland in its entirety, following an introduction to Akranes, then Kjós, Hvalfjarðarsveit, Borgarfjörður and Snæfellsnes ending up in Dalir and Reykhólasveit. An event calendar is located within the booklet and a summary of services provided in each district. The booklet is adorned with numerous pictures of West Iceland and also includes accessible maps of chosen areas and towns. Enjoy!


Á Vesturlandi er fjölskrúðugt litróf náttúru og mannlífs. Land og saga eru órofa heild þar sem ferðaþjónustan leggur áherslu á að tengja menningu og sögu við þá þjónustu sem í boði er. Hér er sögusvið fornsagna á borð við Sturlungu, Egilssögu, Eyrbyggju og Laxdælu, þjóðsögur um tröll, álfa, huldufólk og útilegumenn. Hér gerast sögur og hér eru sögur sagðar. Vesturland er því sannkallað söguland. Ótal afþreyingarkostir eru í landshlutanum. Boðið er upp á menningartengda ferðaþjónustu, skipulagðar gönguferðir, hvala- og fuglaskoðun, fjórhjólaferðir, hellaskoðun og jöklaferðir svo eitthvað sé nefnt. Hér fær fólk að kynnast innviðum jökla sem og ólgandi hverum. Því má segja að hægt sé að upplifa 110°C hitamun sama daginn, t.d. langt undir yfirborði Langjökuls og svo ólgandi heita vatnið sem vellur upp á yfirborðið í Deildartunguhver. Mikill og vaxandi fjöldi veitingastaða og ólíkra gistimöguleika eru í boði í landshlutanum. Ekki þarf því að örvænta um mat eða gistingu. Það er von mín að Ferðast um Vesturland eigi eftir að nýtast vel á ferðalaginu um landshlutann. Ritið skiptist í kafla eftir byggðum. Fyrst er almennur kafli um Vesturland í heild sinni en næst kemur kynning á Akranesi, svo Kjós og Hvalfjarðarsveit, þá er haldið í Borgarfjörð, um Snæfellsnes og endað í Dölum og Reykhólasveit. Viðburðaskrá er að finna í ritinu auk yfirlits um þjónustu á hverju svæði. Fjöldi ljósmynda af Vesturlandi prýðir ritið, auk aðgengilegra korta af einstökum svæðum og bæjum. Njótið!

Magnús Magnússon, editor / ritstjóri





Hotel Húsafell is located at the edge of Iceland's central highlands. The hotel offers 48 elegant rooms, event and meeting facilities and a high end restaurant.

Geothermal baths, a golf course and playgrounds for kids are on the premises and guests can choose from a wide variety of activities, such as a tour to the Icecave in Langjökull (ranked Lonely Planet's #15 top activity in the world).

Nestled in an old-growth birch forest, the swimming pool and hot tubs in Húsafell are fed by a nearby geothermal spring.




Traditional Icelandic fare along with more international dishes are served in an inviting atmosphere for both lunch and dinner.

Húsafell is every hiker's dream. Dense woods, lava formations, mountain springs, ravines, glaciers and extraordinary wildlife at almost every turn. Check out our map with our top 10 hikes.

The camping site is located in the middle of Húsafell resort. Access to public restrooms, hot showers and a washing machine is included in the camping fee.

Húsafell Resort · +354 435 1551 · · Access to public included...




Sjúkrahús / Heilsugæsla Hospital / Health Care Centre

Kirkja Church

Bílaverkstæði Garage

Lögreglustöð Police

Bókasafn Library

Íþróttavöllur Sport Stadium

Upplýsingar fyrir ferðamen Infomation Centre

Apótek Pharmacy

Leikvöllur Playground

Bensínstöð Gas Station

Heitt vatn Hot Water

Ferja Ferry

Viti Lighthouse

Kalt vatn Cold Water

Flugvöllur Airport

Safn Museum

Almenningssalerni Public Toilet

Banki Bank

Pósthús Post Office

Hjólhýsasvæði Trailer Park

Hraðbanki ATM

Athyglisverður staður Place of Interest

Aðstaða fyrir húsbíla RV Facilities

Verslun Supermarket

Opið allt árið Open all Year

Fundaraðstaða Meeting Facilities

Reykingar bannaðar Non-smoking Area

Aðeins opið yfir sumarið Only Open in Summer

Golfvöllur Golf Course

Handverk Handicraft

Uppbúin rúm Made-up Beds

Hestaferðir Horseback Riding

Sumarhús Cottage Rental

Svefnpokapláss Sleeping Bag Accommodation

Fuglaskoðun Birdwatching

Farfuglaheimili Hostel

Herbergi með síma Rooms with Telephone

Veiðileyfi Fishing License

Sundlaug Swimming Pool

Herbergi með sjónvarpi Rooms with Television

Hundar leyfðir Dogs Allowed

Heitur pottur Hot Tub

Herbergi með sturtu Rooms with Shower

Hjólaleiga Bicycles Rental

Heimsókn í gróðurhús Greenhouse Visit

Aðkoma fyrir fatlaða Wheelchair Access

Fjórhjólaferðir ATV Tours

Húsdýr til sýnis Farm Animals on Display

Veitingar Restaurant

Tjaldsvæði Campsite

Útsýni Panorama

Aðeins morgunverður Breakfast Only

Bátaleiga Boat Rental

Gönguleiðir Walking Trails

Vínveitingar Licensed Restaurant / Bar

Jeppaferðir Jeep Tours

Þvottaaðstaða / þvottaþjónusta Laundry Facilities

Hvalaskoðun Whale Watching

Þráðlaust netsamband Wireless Internet Connection

Heimilisveitingar (bókaðar með fyrirvara) Meals Booked in Advance

Bátsferðir Boat Trips

Aðgangur að nettengdri tölvu Internet Access

Eldunaraðstaða Cooking Facilities

Bílaleiga Car Rental


Kreditkort (Visa / Mastercard) Credit Cards Accepted



Verið velkomin í upplýsingamiðstöð Vesturlands í Borgarnesi

Welcome to the Tourist Information Centre in Borgarnes


Í upplýsingamiðstöðinni við Hyrnutorg færðu gagnlegar upplýsingar um ferðalög og gistingu innanlands.

The Tourist Information Centre is located in the Hyrnutorg Shopping Centre and provides useful information about trips and accomodations in West Iceland.



finnur þú ýmsar upplýsingar fyrir ferðamenn - AFÞREYING - NÁTTÚRA - SÖGULANDIÐ VESTURLAND - MATUR OG GISTING

you find all kinds of information for visitors - ACTIVITIES - NATURE - WEST ICELAND SAGALAND - FOOD AND ACCOMMODATION









894 2500

437 2214

433 8000

435 6680

436 6888

433 9930

438 1881


Diverse Geology Fjölþætt jarðfræði West Iceland is diverse in terms of its geology. The region formation is mostly comprised of tertiary basalt formation. Other common minerals are glacial varve, dolerite and palagonite. The oldest stratum in West Iceland is about 13 million years old, located near Borgarnes. The strata is younger when turning northwest towards Stykkishólmur and southeast towards the active volcano zone in South Iceland. Two separated semi-active volcanic zones are in the region. One penetrates from Þingvellir national park to Langjökull glacier in the east, the other from Norðurárdalur in Borgarfjörður through Snæfellsnes Peninsula. The last volcanic eruption in West Iceland occurred near Hallmundarhraun in Borgarfjörður and Rauðhálsar in Snæfellsnes around 900 AD. Mossy lava beds are a common sight in the two zones, particularly in Húsafell and Snæfellsnes. Contained in the lava beds are impressive lava caves. Extinct volcanoes are numerous in the area. Notable ones are near Hafnarfjall, Sælingsdalur and Setberg in Grundarfjörður. Geothermal activity is widespread in West Iceland; most activity is in Borgarfjörður which is one of the most powerful low temperature fields in the country. The area around Reykholt is particularily active where the energetic Deildartunguhver hot spring is located. Additional geological wonders are the mineral springs in Snæfellsnes, the most famous at Ölkelda, and the glaciers Snæfellsjökull, Langjökull and Eiríksjökull.


Jarðfræði Vesturlands er fjölþætt. Þar er að finna jarðminjar frá öllum skeiðum í jarðsögu landsins. Meginhluti svæðisins samanstendur af blágrýtishraunlögum frá tertíertímabilinu en önnur algeng jarðefni eru hvarfleir, grágrýti og móberg. Elstu jarðlögin er að finna við Borgarnes. Þau eru um 13 milljóna ára gömul. Yngri jarðlög er að finna bæði í norðvestur í átt að Stykkishólmi, þar sem þau eru liðlega sex milljón ára gömul, og til suðausturs inn að hinu virka gosbelti á Suðurlandi. Á Vesturlandi eru tvö aðskilin gosbelti sem enn teljast virk. Annað teygir sig frá Reykjanesi um Þingvelli og upp undir Langjökul á meðan hitt liggur eftir Snæfellsnesi endilöngu og inn í Norðurárdal. Síðast gaus þar um 900 en þá rann Hallmundarhraun og hraun við Rauðhálsa í Hnappadal á Snæfellsnesi. Mosagróin hraun eru algeng sjón á báðum beltum, sérstaklega við Húsafell og á Snæfellsnesi. Þar er tilkomumikla hraunhella að finna. Krökkt er af kulnuðum eldstöðvum í landshlutanum. Þær þekktustu eru kenndar við Hafnarfjall, Sælingsdal og Setberg við Grundarfjörð. Í Borgarfjarðardölum er jarðhiti og er það svæði eitt af þremur öflugustu lághitasvæðum landsins. Mestur jarðhiti er í Reykholtsdal og Deildartunguhver, sem vafalítið er þekktasti hver Vesturlands (en hann er einmitt vatnsmesti hver Evrópu). Á Snæfellsnesi er fjöldinn allur af ölkeldum. Einna þekktust er sú sem stendur við samnefndan bæ í Staðarsveit. Önnur markverð jarðfræðiteikn eru Snæfellsjökull, Langjökull og Eiríksjökull.


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The Sagaland Fornsögur og þjóðsagnaarfur West Iceland is a Sagaland. Many of the most widely known settlers, according to the medieval Landnámabók (Book of Settlements), settled in the region. These were vikings such as Skalla-Grímur Kveldúlfsson, who settled Borgarfjörður, Auður the Deep-minded, who settled Dalir, and Eiríkur rauði (Erik the Red), who lived in Dalir but later established the first Nordic settlement in Greenland. Erik´s son, Leifur heppni or Leif Erikson the Lucky, was the first European to reach the North American continent, nearly 400 years before Christopher Columbus. Descendants of these settlers became the main characters of the Sagas; for example Egill Skallagrímsson of Egil´s saga, Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir and Kjartan Ólafsson of Laxdæla, and Gunnlaugur and Helga the Fair of Gunnlaug´s saga (The Saga of Gunnlaugur the Worm-Tongue). Many of the Icelandic Sagas were written in West Iceland and the great poet and historian Snorri Sturluson lived in Reykholt in Borgarfjörður. He was the author of the prose Edda and Heimskringla, which contains the history of the Norwegian kings.


Nokkrir þekktustu landnámsmenn Íslandssögunnar námu land á Vesturlandi. Þar ber helst að nefna Skalla-Grím Kveldúlfsson í Borgarfirði og Auði djúpúðgu í Dölum. Eiríkur rauði bjó vestur í Haukadal áður en hann nam land á Grænlandi. Í Haukadal fæddist Leifur heppni, sonur Eiríks, sem er talinn hafa fundið Vínland (Norður-Ameríku). Afkomendur landnámsmanna Vesturlands og fylgdarliðs þeirra urðu síðar meðal þekktustu persóna Íslendingasagnanna, t.d. Egill Skallagrímsson, Kjartan Ólafsson, Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir, Gunnlaugur Ormstunga og Helga hin fagra. Flestar Íslendingasögurnar voru skráðar á Vesturlandi, s.s. Egils saga, Sturlunga, Laxdæla og Eyrbyggja. Í Reykholti í Borgarfirði bjó Snorri Sturluson, hinn merki sagnaritari, skáld og höfðingi, höfundur Snorra-Eddu og Heimskringlu. Sagnaarfur Vesturlands er ekki aðeins fólginn í frásögnum frá miðöldum heldur einnig í þjóðsögum um undarlegt fólk, tröll, álfa, drauga, útilegumenn og dulræn fyrirbrigði. Af þessum sökum er Vesturland oft kallað Sögulandið.


Visit West Iceland Marketing Office Markaðsstofa Vesturlands Visit West Iceland is the official marketing agency for West Iceland, responsible for worldwide marketing and development of tourism in West Iceland. Visit West Iceland Marketing Office is the first point of contact for tourism, marketing, information and events in West Iceland. Visit West Iceland provides journalists, travel agents and other professionals with information and advice, help with planning itineraries and photos intended for media and public relations purposes. The Tourist Information Centre is run by the Marketing office and located at Hyrnutorg, Borgarbraut 58 - 60, Borgarnes. See more on Markaðsstofa Vesturlands er opinber markaðsaðili fyrir Vesturland, ábyrg fyrir markaðssetningu svæðisins á heimsvísu og þróun ferðamannaiðnaðar á Vesturlandi. Markaðsstofan er fyrsti tengiliður fyrir ferðaþjónustu- og markaðsaðila, upplýsingar og viðburði á Vesturlandi.

ͳ͹͹͹ Ǥ Ǥ

Markaðsstofa Vesturlands veitir fréttamönnum, ferðaskrifstofum og öðrum fagmönnum upplýsingar og ráðgjöf, hjálp við gerð ferðaáætlana og myndir ætlaðar til markaðssetningar og almanntengsla. Upplýsingamiðstöð Markaðsstofunnar er til húsa í Hyrnutorgi, Borgarbraut 58-60, Borgarnesi. Sjá nánar á

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Protected areas in West Iceland Friðlýst svæði á Vesturlandi Several areas in West Iceland are protected. A protected area is defined as an area of land or sea dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources. The key protected area is Snæfellsjökull National Park. Within the national park are many well-known natural treasures, such as Djúpalónssandur, Lóndrangar and Vatnshellir cave and Snæfellsjökull glacier. Just outside the boundaries of the park are protected areas such as the coastline between Arnarstapi and Hellnar and the Búðahraun lava field. Other protected sites and areas in West Iceland are, to name a few: Flatey island, Eldborg crater, the waterfalls Hraunfossar and Barnafoss and the birch woods at Húsafellsskógur and Vatnshornsskógur. Two areas in West Iceland are on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance; Andakíll and Grunnafjörður. Regulations for protected areas vary from area to area, making it necessary for travelers to acquaint themselves with local situations and follow the conservation code.


Á Vesturlandi eru nokkur friðlýst svæði. Friðlýst teljast þau svæði sem eru friðuð samkvæmt lögum um náttúruvernd. Til friðlýstra svæða teljast þjóðgarðar, friðlönd, náttúruvættir og fólkvangar. Eini þjóðgarðurinn á Vesturlandi er Þjóðgarðurinn Snæfellsjökull. Innan hans er að finna margar náttúruperlur, t.d. Djúpalónssand, Lóndranga, Vatnshelli og sjálfan Snæfellsjökul. Rétt utan þjóðgarðsins er Búðahraun, Bárðarlaug og ströndin við Arnarstapa og Hellna eru einnig friðlýst. Fleiri friðlýst svæði á Vesturlandi eru Flatey á Breiðafirði, Eldborg, Hraunfossar og Barnafoss og birkiskógarnir í Húsafelli og Vatnshorni í Skorradal. Tvö Ramsarsvæði er að finna á Vesturlandi; í Andakíl við Hvanneyri og í Grunnafirði í Hvalfjarðarsveit. Ramsarsvæði heyra undir alþjóðasamning um verndun votlendis, sérstaklega sem lífsvæði fyrir fugla. Á friðlýstum svæðum gilda umgengnisreglur, t.d. um veiðar og umferð, en þær eru breytilegar milli svæða. Mikilvægt er þekkja þessar reglur og virða tilmæli landvarða.

Drive my Car

Before you hit the road • Using seatbelts is required by law, also in the back seat. • Headlights are mandatory, night and day, even if the sun is shining. • As elsewhere, it is illegal to operate a vehicle after any consumption of alcohol or drugs. • Right-hand traffic is practiced in Iceland. • Route 1, the Ring Road, is the safest way to all regions in Iceland. • Most of the roads are not designed for higher speeds. Two lanes are the norm; one in each direction and gravel roads are quite common. • Always check, and or phone 1777 for the latest updates on weather and road conditions and road closures. • You cannot always rely upon road information on Google Maps to be accurate and up to date. • The use of hands-free equipment is an obligation when talking on a mobile phone and driving at the same time. It is recommended not to use the phone at all while driving.

On the road • Always respect the speed limit: 90 km/h for paved, and 80 km/h for gravel roads. In urban areas the limit is 30-50 km/h (signs indicate if the limit is higher). • Be aware of the road surface. Look out for the signs that indicate when the road is about to change from tarmac to gravel and slow down or risk losing control of the vehicle. • Most of the roads are not designed for higher speeds so exceeding the speed limit is dangerous and loose gravel can damage your windscreen. • Always stay on the roads. Off-road driving is illegal and high fines or imprisonment can be expected for offenses. Driving off-road can damage the delicate nature and leave marks for decades. • If you are planning on long trips, make sure to take short breaks and get out of the car to stretch, or even switch drivers. • When approaching a one-lane bridge, remember to be courteous to other drivers.

• When approaching blind curves, slow down and stay on the right side of the road. • When the wind is strong, park against it, or the doors might fly open. • Before getting out of the car to enjoy the scenery or take pictures, please find a safe place to park. Parking on the side of the road is dangerous. • Watch out for sheep on the roads and slow down when approaching it. • Do not ignore a “Road Closed” sign. It is there for a reason, summer or winter. • Follow these tips, and you will have a very nice trip here in Iceland.


Driving in Iceland can be a novel experience for those accustomed to wide freeways with multiple lanes. Right-hand traffic is practiced and most of the roads are not designed for higher speeds. Two lanes are the norm; one in each direction and gravel roads are quite common. Then there is the weather. Driving in the snow and the ice in the dark winter is quite different from driving in the summer.

In the winter • To drive in Iceland during the wintertime you must be prepared to drive on snowy and icy roads. Perhaps an organized tour with a driver and guide would be more appropriate. • Always check, and or call 1777 for the latest updates on weather and road conditions and road closures. • Road conditions can change rapidly and you could experience different conditions every 10 km due to difference in elevation. Even if the roads are clear of snow, they can be icy so adjust your speed to the conditions in hand. • If your car gets stuck in snow, call the emergency number 112. • If you have to leave your vehicle, please turn on the hazard lights. • Install the 112 Iceland app on your phone. • Have a paper road map by your side. • Keep your gas tank full.



Swimming pools in West Iceland Sundlaugar á Vesturlandi A number of public swimming pools, large ones and small ones are all over West Iceland, most of them outdoor pools. Locals and visitors use them all year-round for relaxation and exercise. Opening hours vary. Please check out the pools websites or Facebook pages, or call for up-to-date information.


Akranes Swimming Pool Jaðarsbakkalaug tel. / s. 433 1100 25 m outdoor pool, wading pool, waterslide, hot tubs, sauna and gym. 25 m útilaug, vaðlaug, vatnsrennibraut, heitir potar og gufubað. Bjarnalaug Swimming Pool Bjarnalaug tel. / s. 433 1130 12,5 m indoor pool and hot tub in pool garden. 12.5 m innilaug og heitur pottur í sundlaugargarði.

Hvalfjörður og Kjós

Hlaðir Swimming Pool Sundlaugin að Hlöðum tel. / s. 433 8980 17 m outdoor pool, wading pool and hot tubs. Heiðarborg Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Heiðarborg tel. / s. 433 8541 Small indoor pool. Lítil innilaug. Kjalarnes Swimming Pool Klébergslaug á Kjalarnesi tel. / s. 566 6879 16 m outdoor pool, wading pool, waterslide, hot tub and sauna.


Borgarnes Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Borgarnesi tel. / s. 433 7140 25 m outdoor pool, 12,5 m indoor pool, wading pool, waterslides, hot tubs and sauna. 25 m útilaug, 12,5 m innilaug, vaðlaug, vatnsrennibrautir, heitir pottar og gufubað. Brautartunga Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Brautartungu tel. / s. 848 1426 Outdoor pool / Útilaug.


Á Vesturlandi eru margar sundlaugar, stórar sem smáar. Flestar eru opnar árið um kring og heimamenn og ferðamenn nota þær bæði til slökunar og líkamsræktar. Afgreiðslutímar sundlauganna eru mismunandi. Þá má finna á vefsíðum eða Facebook-síðum lauganna eða með því að hringja í þær.

Brún Swimming Pool Sundlaugin Brún í Bæjarsveit tel. / s. 869 5889 Outdoor pool. Útilaug. Hreppslaug Swimming Pool Hreppslaug tel. / s. 437 0027 25 m preserved outdoor natural pool and hot tubs with water from hot springs. 25 m friðlýst náttúruleg útilaug og heitir pottar með vatni úr heitum hverum. Húsafell Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Húsafelli tel. / s. 435 1552 Two outdoor pools, hot tubs and waterslide. Tvær útilaugar, heitir pottar og vatnsrennibraut. Kleppjárnsreykir Swimming Pool Sundlaugin á Kleppjárnsreykjum tel. / s. 435 1140 25 m outdoor pool, hot tubs, sauna and gym. 25 m útilaug, heitir pottar, gufubað og líkamsræktarsalur. Varmaland Swimming Pool Sundlaugin á Varmalandi tel. / s. 437 1401 25 m outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna and gym. 25 m útilaug, heitur pottur, gufubað og líkamsræktarsalur.


Grundarfjörður Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Grundarfirði tel. / s. 430 8564 Outdoor pool, hot tubs and wading pool. Útilaug, heitir pottar og vaðlaug.

Hótel Eldborg Swimming Pool Sundlaugin Hótel Eldborg í Laugargerðisskóla tel. / s. 435 6602 Outdoor pool and hot tub. Útilaug og heitur pottur. Lýsulaugar Geothermal Bath Lýsulaugar á Lýsuhóli tel. / s. 433 9917 Outdoor geothermal pool/bath and hot tub. Útilaug og heitur pottur með vatni úr heitum hverum. Ólafsvík Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Ólafsvík tel. / s. 433 9910 12,5 m indoor pool and hot tub. Hot tubs and waterslides in pool garden. 12.5 m innilaug og heitur pottur. Heitir pottar og vatnsrennibraut í sundlaugargarði. Stykkishólmur Swimming Pool Sundlaugin í Stykkishólmi tel. / s. 433 8150 25 m outdoor and 12 m indoor pool, hot tubs, waterslide and wading pool. 25 m útilaug og 12 m innilauga, heitir pottar, vatnsrennibraut og vaðlaug.

Dalir og Reykhólar

Reykhólar Swimming Pool Grettislaug á Reykhólum tel. / s. 434 7738 25 m outdoor pool and hot tubs. 25 m útilaug og heitir pottar. Sælingsdalur Swimming Pool Sælingsdalslaug að Laugum tel. / s. 434 1465 25 m outdoor pool, wading pool, hot tubs and sauna. 25 m útilaug, vaðlaug, heitir pottar og gufubað.

Events in West Iceland 2018-2019 Viðburðir á Vesturlandi 2018-2019 Reykhólasveit

May 31st - June 4th / 31. maí - 3. júní

July 28th - 29th / 28. - 29. júlí

The Icelandic Forging Championship at Akranes Folk Museum / Íslandsmeistaramót í eldsmíði í Byggðasafninu í Görðum.

Reykhólar Days Festival at Reykhólar village / Reykhóladagar.

Vesturland / West Iceland

August 11th / 11. ágúst

June 2nd - 3rd / 2. - 3. júní

Fishermen‘s Holiday. Various events in West Iceland to celebrate the Fishermen‘s Holiday / Sjómannadagurinn haldinn hátíðlegur víða um Vesturland.

Dalir The Ólafsdalur Festival at Ólafsdalur Valley in Gilsfjörður / Ólafsdalshátíð í Ólafsdal í Gilsfirði. Borgarnes

June 17th / 17. júní

August 9th - 12th / 9. - 12. ágúst

Icelandic National Day celebrated throughout West Iceland / Þjóðhátíðardagurinn haldinn hátíðlegur um allt Vesturland

Plan B Art Festival / Listahátíðin Plan B.


August 17th - 19th / 17. - 19. ágúst

June 8th - 10th / 8. - 10. júní

The Norðurál Youth Tournament in Football / Norðurálsmótið í knattspyrnu.

Stykkishólmur Danish Days Town Festival / Bæjarhátíðin Danskir dagar. Akranes

June / Júní

August 17th - 19th / 17. - 19. ágúst

The Skarfavör Sea Swim / Skarfavararsund.

Irish Days Town Festival / Bæjarhátíðin Írskir dagar.

End of June / Í lok júní

The Aluminium Man Triathlon / Þríþrautin Álmaðurinn. Borgarnes June 30th / 30. júní

Brákarhátíð Town Testival / Brákarhátíð. Stykkishólmur June 30th / 30. júní

Icelandic National Costume Festival / Þjóðbúningahátíðin Skotthúfan. Akranes

July 5th - 8th / 5. - 8. júlí

Irish Days Town Festival / Bæjarhátíðin Írskir dagar. Hvanneyri July 7th / 7. júlí

Hvanneyri Festival / Hvanneyrarhátíð. Hellissandur & Rif July 13th - 15th / 13. - 15. júlí

The Hellissandur & Rif Town Festival / Sandara- og Rifsaragleði. Dalir July 14th - 15th / 14. - 15. júlí

The Home to Búðardalur Festival / Bæjarhátíðin Heim í Búðardal. Kjós July 22th / 22. júlí

Kjós Community Festival / Kátt í Kjós. Grundarfjörður July 27th - 29th / 7. - 29. júlí The Grundarfjörður Town Festival “Á góðri stund” (Good moment) / Á góðri stund í Grundarfirði.



Hvalfjörður August 25th / 25. ágúst

Hvalfjörður Days Festival / Hvalfjarðardagar. Borgarnes Oct. 6th / 6. okt.

The Borgarnes Sheep Festival / Sauðamessa. Grundarfjörður Oct. 10th - 16th / 10. - 16. okt.

Rökkurdagar Cultural Festival / Rökkurdagar. Dalir Oct. 20th - 21st / 20. - 21. okt.

Autumn celebration of the Society of Sheep Farmers in Dalir. Held in Búðardalur / Haustfagnaður Félags sauðfjárbænda í Dölum haldinn í Búðardal. Akranes Oct. 26th - Nov. 5th / 26. okt. - 5. nóv.

Vökudagar Cultural Festival / Menningarhátíðin Vökudagar. Rif

Oct. 26th - 28th / 26. - 28. okt.

The Northern Wave International Film Festival / Alþjóðlega kvikmyndahátíðin Northern Wave. Akranes Dec. 1st / 1. des.

Lighting of the Akranes Christmas Tree / Tendrun jólaljósa á Akratorgi. December annually / Í desember hvert ár.

Akranes Christmas Adventure / Jólaævintýri í Garðalundi. Akranes Lighthouse Advent Aura / Aðventustemning í Akranesvita. Middle of March annually / Um miðjan mars hvert ár

Irish Winter Days / Írskir vetrardagar.

Reykholt July 27th - 29th / 27. - 29. júlí

The Reykholt Chamber Music Festival in Reykholt, Borgarfjörður / Tónlistarhátíðin Reykholtshátíð í Reykholti í Borgarfirði.





Akranes is the largest town of West Iceland. A village and eventually a town, today populating over 7.000 people, began to emerge at the turn of the 20th century, as the fishing industry was modernized. The town is located on a small peninsula often called Skipaskagi, meaning “peninsula of ships”. The name is derived from a long tradition of fishing in the area. The name Akranes is however drawn from a period of corn farming on the peninsula centuries ago, Akra, meaning Acres. The peninsula was first settled around 900 AD by the Irish brothers Þormóður and Ketill, sons of Bresi. The Irish origin have since been cherished in the area and celebrated each year during the first weekend of July with a festival called Irish Days. Akranes offers various activities. A walk along the many footpaths around the town offers a good chance to witness the rich birdlife and the powerful waves breaking on the shores of the peninsula. A stroll along the beach Langisandur and an exploration of the vivid panorama at the top of the lighthouse at Breiðin, the westernmost part of Akranes, highlight the town´s atmosphere. A top 18 hole golf course is also in town. Akranes provides vital services for tourists, such as an information centre, restaurants, shops, accommodations and supermarkets. Welcome to Akranes!

Akranes er stærsti bærinn á Vesturlandi. Heimildir herma að nesið hafi fyrst verið numið um 900 af írskum bræðrum, þeim Þormóði og Katli Bresasonum og hefur írska tengingin löngum verið heiðruð af bæjarbúum sem árlega efna til „Írskra daga“ í byrjun júlí. Nafn bæjarins er dregið af frásögnum um akuryrkju á nesinu fyrr á öldum. Bærinn hefur einnig gengið undir nafninu Skipaskagi sökum aldagamallar sjósóknarhefðar. Þorp tók að myndast á Akranesi með vaxandi útgerð og þegar 20. öldin gekk í garð hafði myndast þar bær. Í dag búa á Akranesi yfir 7.000 manns. Ýmislegt er við að vera á Akranesi. Göngutúr um fjölmarga göngustíga bæjarins gefur gestum gott tækifæri til að fylgjast með fjölbreyttu fuglalífi staðarins og sjá kraftinn í briminu. Einnig er hægt að fylgjast með lífinu í Akraneshöfn, rölta í rólegheitum um baðströndina Langasand og skoða útsýnið af toppi Akranesvita á Breið. Einn besti golfvöllur landsins er einnig á Akranesi. Í bænum er að finna góða þjónustu við ferðamenn, svo sem upplýsingamiðstöð, veitingastaði, gistingu, verslanir og matvörubúðir. Velkomin á Akranes!




The Lighthouses at Breið Vitarnir á Breið Breið is the name of the westernmost point of the Akranes peninsula. The key symbols of Breið are the two lighthouses. The smaller one is among the oldest lighthouses in Iceland, built in 1918. The taller one, Akranesviti, was built in 1944 and put into service in 1947. Both offer great panoramic view of Akranes and its nearby area, especially Akranesviti, which has become popular tourist destination. Akranesviti is open every day from May 1st to September 15th from 10.00-18.00, but from September 16th to April 30th from 11.00-17.00 Tuesdays-Saturday.

Breið er ysti tangi Akraness. Tákn Breiðar eru vitarnir tveir sem þar eru. Sá minni er einn sá elsti á Íslandi, byggður árið 1918. Sá stærri, Akranesviti, var hins vegar reistur árið 1944 og tekinn í notkun árið 1947. Úr báðum vitum er frábært útsýni yfir Akranes og nágrenni, sérstaklega Akranesvita, sem er einn vinsælasti áfangastaður ferðmanna í bænum. Akranesviti verður opinn frá kl. 10.00 – 18.00 alla daga frá 1. maí og til 15. september, en fimmtudaga til laugardaga frá kl. 11.00-17.00 frá 16. september til 30. apríl.

AKRANES CAMPING - TJALDSVÆÐI Kalmansvík Akranes TEL: 895 0021 Visitakranes Open/opið: 1st April - 31th Dec / 1. apríl - 31. des. Visits outside of opening hours are also available

Gallerí Bjarni Þór í hjarta bæjarnis Opin vinnustofa og gallerí

Teikningar, málverk, vatnslitamyndir, skopmyndir Kirkjubraut 1, Akranes - - Sími 431 1964 / 857 2648


Stay West Accommodation Gallery Guesthouse Merkigerði 7 - Akranes Gallery Guesthouse is located in a charming old building, which has been recently renovated in the heart of Akranes. Walking distance from the town square, restaurants, cafés and supermarkets. Ŕ Free WiFi and access to fully equipped kitchen and spacious lounge. Ŕ Tandem bicycles free of use.

Akranes HI Hostel Suðurgata 32 - Akranes Akranes HI Hostel is situated in an old and respectable house which used to be the town’s pharmacy. It is located downtown, close to the town square. Ŕ The rooms are comfortable and nicely furnished, with or without en-suite facilities. Ŕ Our guests have access to free WiFi, two fully equipped kitchens and a spacious lounge.

Akranes Guesthouse Vogabraut 5 - Akranes Akranes Guesthouse becomes a nice guesthouse every year from June to August. The guesthouse is located close to the center of Akranes and is in a walking distance from restaurants and supermarkets. Ŕ Each room is nicely furnished with a private bathroom. Ŕ Our guests have access to a free WiFi and a fully equipped shared kitchen and TV lounge.

Borgarnes HI Hostel Borgarbraut 9-3 - Borgarnes Borgarnes HI Hostel is newly renovated and is located in the centre of Borgarnes next to the public park and a thermal pool with waterslides and hot tubs. Ŕ The rooms are comfortable and nicely furnished with or without en-suite facilities. Ŕ Our guest have acess to free wifi, fully equiped kitchen and spacious lounge and TV room.


Langisandur The beach Langisandur is a popular destination in Akranes. Known for its beauty, cleanliness and tranquility, Langisandur is certified as a Blue Flag beach, one of only three in Iceland. During warm summer days the beach attracts both locals and guests; they sunbathe, build sandcastles and even swim in the ocean. Many stroll along the beach, which takes around 30-40 minutes, to clear their minds and enjoy the seaside.

Baðströndin Langisandur er vinsæll viðkomustaður á Akranesi. Ströndin er ein af þremur Bláfánaströndum á Íslandi og þekkt fyrir fegurð sína og hreinleika. Heimamenn jafnt sem gestir sækja í ströndina á góðviðrisdögum til að sleikja sólina, reisa sandkastala og jafnvel synda í sjónum. Þá kjósa margir að ganga meðfram ströndinni, til að tæma hugann og njóta sjávarsíðunnar. Gönguferð meðfram Langasandi tekur u.þ.b. 30-40 mínútur.


Íþróttamiðstöðinni við Jaðarsbakka TEL: 433 1100 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 6-21 Sat. / lau - Sun. / sun. 9-18 Outdoor swimming pool, hot tubs and gym Útisundlaug, heitir pottar og þreksalir


Kaffihús með lífrænar vörur Certified Organic Café Matarbúr Kaju / Café Kaja

Stillholti 23, Akranesi - Tel: 840 1665 22

Dalbraut 1 Akranes TEL: 433 1200 Open / Opið: Mon / mán. - Fri. / fös. 12-18 Sat. / lau. 11-14 (Oct.-Apr.) Bókasafn, skjalasafn, ljósmyndasafn og sýningar Library, Museum, Exhibitions



The mountain Akrafjall is Akranes main landmark. It is relatively easy to climb and a popular destination for hikers. Akrafjall has two main peaks, Geirmundartindur (643 m) in the north and Háihnúkur (555 m) in the south. A hike to the top takes approximately two hours. Between the peaks is Berjadalur, a valley accessible for hikers. The trail begins at a car park on Akrafjall’s west side, close to Akranes. The short gravel path leading to the car park has an entry from Akrafjallsvegur (Route 51).

Akrafjall er eitt helsta kennileiti Akraness. Fjallið er talið auðvelt uppgöngu og er vinsæll áfangastaður göngufólks. Megintindar Akrafjalls eru tveir, Geirmundartindur (643 m) í norðri og Háihnúkur (555 m) í suðri. Á milli þeirra liggur Berjadalur, sem er aðgengilegur göngufólki. Göngutími upp fjallið er um tvær klukkustundir og liggur gönguleið frá bílastæðinu við vesturhlið Akrafjalls. Malarvegur liggur að fjallinu frá Akrafjallsvegi.

GARÐAVÖLLUR - LEYNIR GOLF CLUB Garðavöllur Golf Course Akranes TEL: 431 2711 Golfklúbburinn Leynir


course with 18 holes, which are rather challenging but in essence relatively fair to play. It is easy to walk and it´s par is 72. A driving range with a golf ball dispenser is located at Garðavöllur, along with a good practice green and areas. Visit and for further information. GARÐAVÖLLUR Á AKRANESI ER VINSÆLL GOLFVÖLLUR SEM REKINN ER AF GOLFKLÚBBNUM LEYNI. Völlurinn er 18 holu GSÍ-keppnisvöllur en hann þykir krefjandi og skemmtilegur og fremur léttur í göngu. Par vallarins er 72. Á Garðavelli er gott æfingasvæði með sjálfvirkri boltavél og góðri púttflöt.


Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á



Town festivals in Akranes Bæjarhátíðir á Akranesi


Popular festivals are celebrated annually in Akranes. Chief among them are Irish Days, where the locals celebrate their historical connection with Irish settlers. The festival is held during the first weekend of July and the town is decorated in green, orange and white colors for the occasion. Various events are arranged, including street grills, a small amusement park, street theatre, concerts, shows, outdoor markets and more. The Norðurál youth football tournament for eight-year old boys is held every June in Akranes. Around 180 teams will participate in the tournament this summer, which is one of the largest of its kind in Iceland. The tournament is a fascinating scene where the future footballers of Iceland score their first goals. Vökudagar (Waking Days) is a growing cultural festival in Akranes, held each year in early November. Art exhibitions, concerts, dance shows, plays and lectures are among the many events of the festival. Irish Winter Days in March is a smaller version of the summer festival where locals and visitors enjoy exhibitions, theatre and music.

Írskir dagar eru haldnir hátíðlegir á Akranesi fyrstu helgina í júlí ár hvert. Bæjarbúar fagna arfleifð sinni með því að skreyta bæinn í írsku fánalitunum til að heiðra írska forfeður sem fyrst námu land á Akranesi. Fjölbreytt dagskrá er á hátíðinni og má nefna götugrill, tívolí, götuleikhús, tónleika, dansleiki, sýningar og markaðstorg. Í júní fer fram hið árlega Norðurálsmót á Akranesi, en það er knattspyrnumót fyrir sjö og átta ára pilta. Alls hafa 180 lið frá 31 félagi boðað komu sína í sumar og er mótið eitt af fjölmennustu yngri flokka mótum landsins. Fjölskyldur keppenda fylgja þeim til Akraness og liggur við að íbúafjöldi bæjarins tvöfaldist á meðan mótið stendur yfir. Menningarhátíðin Vökudagar er haldin á Akranesi í byrjun nóvember ár hvert. Þá er boðið upp á fjölmarga viðburði víðs vegar um bæinn, svo sem listsýningar, tónleika, dans- og leiksýningar og fyrirlestra. Írskir vetrardagar fara fram í mars þar sem m.a. er hægt að njóta listsýninga, leiksýninga og tónleika.



Æðaroddi 36 Akranes TEL: + 354 616 9642

Vogabraut 5 Akranes TEL: +354 868 3332

Horse Centre Borgartún offers 1-2 hour riding tours in beautiful nature on the outskirts of Akranes. Our tours are a wonderful experience for all those who want to try riding the Icelandic horse. Whether you are novice or an experienced rider, young or old, these friendly horses with their nimble and willing nature are a pleasure to ride in their natural environment. We specialize in smaller groups with personalized service and we are open all year round. When the weather is not on our side we can always ride inside.

Open: 1st of June – 11th of August CREDIT CARD



Merkigerdi 7 Akranes TEL: +354 868 3332

Garðaholt 3 Akranes TEL: 433 1150




Sudurgata 32 Akranes TEL: +354 868 3332

Breið Akranes TEL: 894 2500 Visitakranes



Open / Opið: 15th May / maí - 15th Sept. / sept. 10:00-17:00 Opið fyrir hópa á öðrum tímum Guided tours/Leiðsögn: Mon./mán. - Fri./fös. at 14:00

Summer: Every day from 10am-6pm Winter: Tue-Sat from 11am-5pm

AKRANES ADVENTURE TOURS Faxabraut 3 Akranes TEL: 860 6133

GALITO RESTAURANT Stillholt 16-18 Akranes TEL: +354 430 6767/ +354 866 8442 The restaurant Galito is located in the same premises as Akranes City Hall. Galito Restaurant offers a wide variety of á la carte courses as well as group menus. There is a dining hall and bar facilities for 80 people.

Opnunartímar/Opening Hours: Mán.-Föst. / Mon.-Fri. 9-22 Lau. / Sat. 9-23 Sun. / Sun. 9-22

Kirkjubraut 2, Akranesi 25


Garðalundur Garðalundur is the name of Akranes reforestation ground. It is a popular and relaxing recreation area, with varieties of footpaths, benches, playgrounds and ponds. An impressive grilling pavilion is located in Garðalundur (for everyone to use, free of charge). Other attractions include playground equipment, a minigolf course, a beach volleyball court and a frisbee golf course.



Garðar Akranes TEL: +354 431 2711/ +354 896 2711 Open from 1st May - 30th Sept.

Esjubraut 9 Akranes TEL: + 354 823 2331

Garðavöllur, the Akranes Golf Course, is an 18-hole course in West Iceland. Renowned for its beautiful surroundings, good upkeep and excellent putting greens, the course is quite challenging. It has many bunkers in play, a fair amount of water and trees. For the past few years it has been one of the top 5 championship courses in the country. Very good practice area and service including club house and rent of golf cars and clubs.


Garðalundur, skógræktarreitur Akurnesinga, er vinsælt útivistarsvæði spölkorn frá Byggðasafninu og golfvellinum. Garðalundur er skjólsæll og skemmtilega skipulagður með gönguleiðum. Bekkir eru víða og þar er gott að fara í styttri gönguferðir eða skokka sér til heilsubótar. Á staðnum er stór grillskáli sem öllum er frjálst að nota. Enn fremur eru þar leiktæki fyrir börn á öllum aldri, t.d. minigolf brautir, strandblakvöllur og frisbígolfvöllur.

Thor Photography specializes in photography tours of the unique landscapes of Iceland, and has a permit as a Tour Operator from The Icelandic Tourist Board. It is our goal to get you to unique locations at the right time for the best photographic results. We have visited our favourite locations many times, and can offer advice and guidance regarding photography, if wanted or needed.


Akranes Service Index Þjónustuskrá Akraness Akraneskaupstaður / City Town Office Stillholt 16-18, Akranes Tel: 433 1000 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 9:30-12 and 12:30-15:30 Bjarnalaug (innilaug) Indoor swimming pool Laugarbraut 6, Akranes Tel: 433 1130 Open / Opið: Sept. / sept. - May / maí Saturdays / laugardaga 10-13 Bókasafn Akraness Library / Museum Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1200 Bókasafn, skjalasafn, ljósmyndasafn og sýningar Library - Museum - Exhibitions Free WiFi Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 12-18 Sat. / lau. 11-14 (okt. - apr.) Byggðasafnið í Görðum Garðaholt 3 Tel: 433 1150 Open / Opið: May 15th / 15. maí - Sept. 15th / 15. sept. 10-17. Opið fyrir hópa á öðrum tímum. Guided tours / Leiðsögn Mon. / mán. - Fri./ fös. at 14:00 Museum

Gallerí Bjarni Þór Kirkjubraut 1, Akranes Tel: 431 1964 / 857 2648 Opin vinnustofa og gallerí Teikningar, málverk, vatnslitamyndir og skopmyndir Gámaþjónusta Vesturlands Höfðasel 15, Akranes Tel: 435-0000 Open: 10-12 and 13-18 weekdays, 10-14 Saturdays Golfklúbburinn Leynir Garðavöllur, Akranes Tel: 431 2711 Golf club 18 hole golf course Héraðsskjalasafn Akraness Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1203 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 10-15

Matarbúr Kaju / Café Kaja Stillholti 23, Akranes Tel: 840 1665 Kaffihús og verslun með lífrænar vörur / Certified Organic café and store. Stay West: Gallery Guesthouse Merkigerði 7, Akranes Akranes HI Hostel Suðurgata 32, Akranes Akranes Guesthouse Vogabraut 5, Akranes Tel: 868 3332 Facebook: StayWest Accommodation in West Iceland Guesthouse - Hostel

Sundlaugin á Akranesi Akranes Swimming Pool Íþróttamiðstöðinni við Jaðarsbakka Tel: 433 1100 Útisundlaug, heitir pottar og þreksalir. Outdoor swimming pool, hot tubs and gym Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 6-21 Sat. / lau - Sun. / sun. 9-18 Tjaldsvæði við Kalmansvík Kalmansvík, Akranes Tel: 894 2500 Facebook: Visitakranes Upplýsingamiðstöð Akraness Tourist Information Akranesviti - Breið / Akranes Lighthouse Tel: 894 2500 Facebook: Visitakranes

Lesbókin Café Kirkjubraut 2, Akranes Tel: 863 5793 Facebook: Lesbókin Café Kaffihús / Café Ljósmyndasafn Akraness Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1204 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 10-15


Hvalfjörður og Kjós

Hvalfjörður and Kjós Hvalfjörður is one of the longest fjords in iceland and has a diverse landscape. The coastline includes spits and coves marked with rich birdlife. Hvalfjörður fjord itself is a special area with ample hiking opportunities, such as the popular trail of Síldarmannagötur. At the innermost part of the fjord, in Botnsdalur Valley, resides the 198 meter waterfall Glymur, the highest nonseasonal waterfall in Iceland. World War II unveiled the fjord as an important naval stronghold. The British and American armies built a naval base, which played a key role in the Battle of the Atlantic. At Miðsandur, some of the buildings and parts of the base are still intact. In the northern part of Hvalfjörður is Hvalfjarðarsveit, a rural district with about 640 inhabitants. It is bound by the scenic mountains of Skarðsheiði in the north, and the peaks of Botnssúlur in the east. Kjós is a beautiful and interesting area to visit. A few country roads lead from Hvalfjarðarvegur (Route 47) and one of them to Meðalfellsvatn Lake (Route 461). It is a charming area, especially in the summer and is blessed with a pleasant climate. The lake is also popular for fishing. A large number of summer cottages are there along with a small café. Kjós inhabits about 220 people in a rural area where agriculture is the primary line of work. Kjós has no actual township. The focus is centered on keeping the planning and development rural, environmentally conscious and to protect and utilize the area sustainably.


Hvalfjörður er einn lengsti fjörður landsins og landslag hans er fjölbreytt. Strandlengjan er margbreytileg með vogum og töngum þar sem finna má fjölbreytt fuglalíf. Fjöllin umhverfis hann bjóða upp á margar gönguleiðir, t.d. hinar vinsælu Síldarmannagötur. Í Botnsá í Hvalfjarðarbotni er að finna Glym, 198 metra háan foss, þann hæsta sem rennur allt árið á Íslandi. Í seinni heimsstyrjöldinni byggðu Bretar og Bandaríkjamenn flotastöð í Hvalfirði sem lék lykilhlutverk í sjóorrustunni miklu á Atlantshafi. Á Miðsandi er að finna athyglisverðar minjar frá stríðsárunum. Í norðanverðum Hvalfirði er Hvalfjarðarsveit, dreifbýlishérað með um 640 íbúa. Sveitin markast af tignarlegum fjöllum Skarðsheiðar í norðri og Botnsúlum í austri. kjósin er falleg og áhugaverð sveit heim að sækja. Margir skemmtilegir sveitavegir liggja út frá þjóðveginum og einn þeirra að Meðalfellsvatni. Þar er sumarfagurt og veðursælt og vinsælt er að veiða í vatninu. Fjöldi sumarbústaða er við Meðalfellsvatn og lítið kaffihús. Í Kjós búa um 220 manns allt árið á landbúnaðarsvæði þar sem búvöruframleiðsla er helsta atvinnugreinin. Enginn eiginlegur þéttbýliskjarni er í Kjósinni. Þar miðast skipulag við að byggð verði áfram dreifð, uppbygging hennar verði vistvæn og verndun svæðisins og sjálfbær nýting skipi háan sess í mannlífinu.



Bjarteyjarsandur, 301 Hvalfjörður TEL: 433 8831 / 433 8851 / 891 6626 Afgreiðslutími: Daglega frá 1. maí - 1. okt. milli kl. 11:00 og 17:00.

Þórisstaðir (Route 520), Hvalfjörður / \ʳÎx{Ên{ÎÊÈÇ£ÎÊUÊ Û> }i ÀJ} > °V


Hvalfjörður og Kjós


War and Peace Museum

A BRIDGE TO THE WEST tlf. +354 551 2783



(Route 5010 by way from Route 47) Hvalfjörður Tel. 430 3100

Meðalfellsvegur 50 Tel: 566 8099 / 897 2219 / 868 2219 Kaffi Kjós

Opið allt árið um kring Open all year round


Kaffi Kjós Cafe is located in the southern slope of Meðalfell where you can enjoy local refreshment in homey environment.


Grocery store, restaurant and bar.

Kalastaðir Hvalfjarðarsveit TEL: +354 433 8970 / +354 840 1225

Kaffi Kjós er staðsett í suðurhlíð Meðalfells, með góðu útsýni yfir Meðalfellsvatn. Þar er veitingasala, verslun og bar. Lögð er áhersla á að fólk geti notið veitinga í heimilislegu umhverfi.

Three fully equipped cottages close to the seaside. You can relax in the easy chairs or the hot tub on the veranda and enjoy the magnificent view over Hvalfjörður. Many recreational opportunities are in the neighbourhood: swimming, hiking, fishing, golfing or Seal-Watching. Ideal location for day trips to many of the tourist attractions in the south and west of Iceland.

Veitingar, kaffi og heimabakaðar kökur, hamborgarar beint frá bónda á Hálsi í Kjós, og ýmislegt fleira góðgæti. Kaldur á krana, rautt eða hvítt, allt eftir stemmningu. Verslun: Ýmsar nauðsynjar, sælgæti , ís og leikföng ofl.



- countryside beauty on crossroads - falleg sveit í alfaraleið

Welcome Verið velkomin

Hótel Laxárbakki Laxárbakki (Route 1) Tel. +354 551 2783


Þórisstaðir (Route 520) Camping Tel. 843 6713

Hestaleigan Draumhestar

Stóra-Aðalskarð Tel. 898 5569 / 848 5099

(Route 5010 by way from Route 47) Tel. 430 3100


Bjarteyjarsandur (Route 47) Tel. 433 8831 / 433 8851 / 891 6626

Hernámssetrið (Route 47) Tel. 660 8585

War and Peace Museum

Hvalfjörður og Kjós

Botn The valley in the bottom of Hvalfjörður has a straightforward name: Botn (meaning Bottom). It is home to Glymur, the highest nonseasonal waterfall in Iceland, with a vertical drop of 198 meters. Glymur is part of the river Botnsá, which runs from the lake Hvalvatn, beyond Hvalfell, which towers over Botn. Hvalvatn is one of the deepest lake in the country, approximately 160 meters at its deepest point. South of Hvalvatn there are four peaks named Botnssúlur. According to Icelandic legend the evil whale Rauðhöfði (Redhead), after drowning a priest’s sons, was bedraggled into Hvalvatn by the priest avenging his sons. The beast then died there in the water, hence the name Hvalvatn (literally Whale Lake). Innsti hluti Hvalfjarðar nefnist Botn. Þar er fallegur dalur sem er heimili Glyms, hæsta foss Íslands sem rennur allt árið, 198 metrar á hæð. Glymur er í Botnsá sem rennur úr Hvalvatni, handan Hvalfells sem gnæfir yfir Botnsdalnum. Hvalvatn er eitt dýpsta stöðuvatn landsins, tæpir 160 metrar þar sem það er dýpst. Suður af Hvalvatni eru fjórtindar fagrir sem nefnast einu nafni Botnssúlur. Samkvæmt íslenskri þjóðsögu endaði illhvelið Rauðhöfði ævi sína í Hvalvatni en skepnan hafði verið hrakin þangað af gömlum presti í Saurbæ í hefndarskyni fyrir að hafa drekkt sonum hans. Af þessu hlaut Hvalvatn nafn sitt samkvæmt þjóðsögunni.

Meðalfellsvatn Meðalfellsvatn lake gets its name from Meðalfell, 345 m high mountain towering over the water. To get to the lake from Hvalfjarðarvegur (Route 47), drive Route 461. Meðalfellsvatn is about 2 square km and is about 19 m deep. The lake holds fish and the most common catch is trout and, on occasion, salmon. Near the lake are a number of summer cottages and some reside there all year long. The lake is has real rural surrounding and there are a number of possibilities for outdoor activities and recreation. By the lake is a café, Kaffi Kjós. There you can rent boats and buy a fishing permits for the lake. Meðalfellsvatn dregur nafn sitt af Meðalfelli, 345 m háu fjalli sem gnæfir yfir vatninu. Að Meðalfellsvatni er ekið frá Hvalfjarðarvegi um veg nr 461. Vatnið er um tveir ferkílómetrar að flatarmáli og um 19 metrar þar sem það er dýpst. Þar er nokkur silungsveiði og jafnvel laxveiði og töluvert fuglalíf. Umhverfis vatnið er fjöldi sumarbústaða og í sumum þeirra er búið allt árið. Vatnið er í alvöru sveitaumhverfi og þar eru margir möguleikar til útivistar og afþreyingar. Við vatnið er Kaffi Kjós. Þar má fá hefðbundnar veitingar en einnig er hægt að leigja báta og fá veiðileyfi í vatnið.

SKRIDHUSKY Hlíðarbær 11 TEL: 777 8088

Bókaðu í gegnum netfangið:


Meðalfellsvegur 50 Tel: 566 8099 / 897 2219 / 868 2219 Kaffi Kjós

Hvalfjörður og Kjós

Hvalfjörður & Kjós Service Index Þjónustuskrá Hvalfjarðar og Kjósar Ferðaþjónustan Bjarteyjarsandi Bjarteyjarsandi Tel: 891 6626 / 433 8851 Veitingar - Gisting - Leiðsögn og fræðsla Bjarteyjarsandur Farm - Farm shop Restaurant - Camping - Guided Tours Hernámssetrið Hvalfjarðarströnd (Route 47) Tel: 433 8877 / 660 8585 Tjaldsvæði - Sundlaug - Hernámssetur Camping - Swimming pool - War Museum Hestaleigan Draumhestar Stóra-Aðalskarði Tel: 898 5569 / 848 5099 Opið allt árið / Open all year Hestaferðir / Horse riding

Hótel Laxárbakki Laxárbakki, 301 Akranes (Route 1) Tel: 551 2783 Hotel - Restaurant - Bar Hvalfjarðarsveit Innrimel 3, 301 Akranesi Tel: 433 8500 Kaffi Kjós Meðalfellsvegur 50 Tel: 566 8099 / 897 2219/ 868 2219 Café Þórisstaðir Camping Dragavegur (Route 520), Hvalfjarðarsveit Tel: 843 6713 Tjaldsvæði / Camping

Hótel Glymur Hvalfjörður (Route 47) Tel: 430 3100 Hotel - Restaurant



Borgarfjörður Borgarfjörður is a vast district in the middle of West Iceland, enclosed by a mountain range. It is essentially the home of the Icelandic Sagas, beautiful landscapes and agriculture. The area is covered with bluffs or “borgir”, which rise here and there out of the lowland, with moors and developed hayfields in between. The landscape is raw on higher grounds, with hills, mossy lava fields, extinct volcanoes and eventually mountains and glaciers. Lakes and popular salmon rivers abound in the district. The region consists of various attractions. To name but a few are the hot spring Deildartunguhver (Route 50), the crater Grábrók (Ring Road) and Hraunfossar (Route 518), a peculiar series of waterfalls streaming out of the lava field Hallmundarhraun. Numerous museums and exhibitions of all sorts can also be found in the area. Almost 3.900 people live in Borgarfjörður, majority of them in Borgarnes. Others live in the rural area, most at farms, but some in the university campuses at Bifröst and Hvanneyri. Some also live in Reykholt. Borgarfjörður er hérað sem nær frá Mýrum í vestri að Langjökli í austri. Fjölbreytt náttúra hér-



By the river Langá 5 km west from Borgarnes TEL: 437 1826 / 8653899 3899 1826/865 ensku husin

Snæfellsnesvegur 5 km west from Borgarnes TEL: 437 1826 / 865 3899 Lambalækur



aðsins laðar til sín fjölda gesta á ári hverju. Héraðið einkennist af klettaborgum sem rísa hér og þar upp úr jörðinni, með mýrarflákum og framræstu landi inn á milli. Þegar lengra er haldið inn Borgarfjörðinn taka við hálsar, mosagrónar hraunbreiður, kulnaðar eldstöðvar og að endingu fjöll og jöklar. Jarðhiti er nokkur í héraðinu og nýttur á ýmsan máta, m.a. í sundlaugum. Saga héraðsins er fróðleg og tengist Íslandssögunni sterkum böndum. Heimamenn eru duglegir við að heiðra söguna og er víða um héraðið að finna sýningar og söfn henni tengdri. Fjölmargar náttúruperlur er að finna í Borgarfirði. Nefna mætti Deildartunguhver í Reykholtsdal, vatnsmesta hver í Evrópu, gíginn Grábrók í Norðurárdal og Hraunfossa sem falla fagurlega undan Gráhrauni skammt frá Húsafelli. Í sama hrauni er hinn tignarlegi hraunhellir Víðgelmir Íbúar Borgarfjarðar eru nú nálægt 3.900 talsins. Flestir búa í Borgarnesi við gatnamót hringvegarins og Snæfellsnesvegar. Borgarnes hefur sinnt héraðinu sem þjónustumiðstöð í 150 ár og er þar að finna þjónustu af ýmsu tagi. Aðrir búa á bæjum í uppsveitum og þá býr drjúgur hluti í háskólaþorpunum á Hvanneyri og Bifröst og á sögustaðnum Reykholti.


Welcome to Borgarfjordur Velkomin í Borgarfjörð In Borgarfjordur: History / Miklar söguslóðir Natural wonders / Náttúrufegurð Salmon rivers / Laxveiðiár Swimming pools / Sundlaugar Museums / Söfn Restaurants / Veitingastaðir All necessary services / Fjölþætt þjónusta -


Glaciers in Borgarfjörður Jöklar í Borgarfirði Langjökull is the second largest glacier in Iceland and covers area of 953 square kilometers. Snowmobile tours to the glacier and snow vehicles are available in addition to popular trips inside it. The view from the summit is beyond compare. In the neighborhood of Langjökull rises the shapely glacier Eiríksjökull, the highest peak in West Iceland. The name is derived from the outlaw Eiríkur from Hellismannasögur. Eiríkur is believed to have somersaulted his way from the cave Surtshellir to Eiríksjökull, when escaping from farmers who had attacked him and his band of robbers. Ok, which was one of the smallest glaciers in Iceland, is in Borgarfjörður, south of Húsafell (Route 518). Ok is hardly considered a glacier anymore, as it’s ice cap has diminished with each passing year so it has just about disappeared. On Ok is Blávatn lake, highest lake in Iceland, at 1,114 m above sea level. Langjökull er næststærsti jökull landsins, 953 km² að flatarmáli. Boðið er upp á snjóbíla- og vélsleðaferðir upp á jökulinn, en einnig ferðir undir yfirborðið. Útsýnið af toppnum er óviðjafnanlegt og má þar sjá yfir nánast allt Vesturland.

Í nágrenni Langjökuls er hinn formfagri Eiríksjökull, hæsti tindur Vesturlands, 1.675 metra hár. Jökullinn dregur nafn sitt af útilegumanninum Eiríki sem segir frá í Hellismannasögu, en sá átti að hafa farið á handahlaupum á flótta frá Surtshelli að Eiríksjökli þegar bændur réðust að ræningjaflokki hans. Ok var einn minnsti jökull Íslands en telst varla til jökla lengur. Íshetta Oks hefur dregist svo mikið saman á undanförnum árum að hún er nánast horfin. Á Oki er Blávatn, hæsta stöðuvatn landsins, 1114 m yfir sjávarmáli.

Icelandic Goat Centre The home of the friendly Icelandic goat / Heimili hinnar vinalegu íslensku geitar Open farm and rose garden / Opið býli og rósagarður Local food store / Beint frá býli verslun

Guðrún Fjeldsted‘s

Riding School and Horse Rental

Hestaleiga og reiðskóli Guðrúnar Fjeldsted Riding seminars for children. / Reiðnámskeið fyrir börn. Horse rental tours for groups and individuals. / Hestaleiga fyrir hópa og einstaklinga. Góð aðstaða í nýrri reiðskemmu sem er sérhönnuð fyrir fatlaða og hreyfihamlaða. / Great facilities in a brand new riding arena, especially designed for wheelchair users and the disabled. EAI licensed riding school. / Starfsleyfi frá Umhverfisstofnun. Ölvaldsstaðir (Route 530 - 7 km. from Borgarnes) Tel. 437 1686 & 893 3886 -


Opið / Open: Jun. - Aug. / Jún. – Ágú. 13.00 - 18.00 Also open by request / Einnig opið skv. samkomulagi Háafell (Route 523) - Tel. 435 1448 & 845 2331 E-mail: -




1 Borgarnes is the service and commercial centre of Borgarfjörður. Borgarnes is on the crossroads of the Ring Road and Route 54, which leads to Snæfellsnes. It is located on the peninsula Digranes which, according to the Sagas, was first settled by the viking Skalla-Grímur in the 9th century. Borgarnes was established as a trading centre in 1867 and celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. It grew rapidly and by the middle of the 20th century it had



Bjarg Borgarnes TEL: 437 1925 / 864 1325 bjarg borgarnesi

Hyrnutorg Borgarbraut 58-60 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 2214

Small and cosy family-run guesthouse in a renovated old farmhouse on the outskirts of Borgarnes town. Studio apartment, rooms with shared facilities and a cottage.

The Tourist Information Centre is located in the Hyrnutorg Shopping Centre in Borgarnes and provides services for visitors to West Iceland. Free WiFi and a small shop with souvenirs, books, maps and postcards. From 1st June - 31st August open weekdays from 10-18, Saturdays from 10-16 and Sundays from 10-14. From 1st September - 31st May open weekdays from 9-17.



established itself as a town. Its current population is about 1.950 inhabitants. Borgarnes is known for its peculiar landscape, which is marked by high and low bluffs all around the town. The lower section of the town, or “the lower-town”, is a popular destination, with walking trails along the coastline, the famous Skallagrímsgarður garden, playgrounds, a good swimming pool, restaurants, museums and last but not least, the majestic Borgarnes church.


Borgarnes er þjónustukjarni Borgarfjarðar, á krossgötum hringvegarins og Snæfellsnesvegar. Nesið sem bærinn stendur á nefndist Digranes að fornu en samkvæmt Íslendingasögunum nam víkingurinn Skalla-Grímur land á nesinu. Borgarnes varð löggiltur verslunarstaður árið 1867 sem leiddi til bæjarmyndunar eftir aldamótin 1900. Borgarnes er frægt fyrir sérstakt landslag en helsta einkenni bæjarins eru háar og lágar klettaborgir sem sjá

má um allt nesið. Neðri hluti bæjarins, eða „neðri bærinn“, eins og hann er stundum kallaður, er vinsæll áfangastaður. Þar er að finna gönguleiðir meðfram ströndinni, hinn fræga Skallagrímsgarð, leikvelli, góða sundlaug, veitingastaði, söfn og síðast en ekki síst hina tignarlegu Borgarneskirkju. Íbúar Borgarness eru um 1.950 talsins.

BLÓMASETRIÐ GUESTHOUSE Skúlagata 13 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 1878 Handverk og birki tré 310 Borgarnesi Heimasími: 437-1664 Farsími: 849-4836 Netfang:

Accommodation in a home where warmth and quietness are key features. The guests share the kitchen, living room and bathroom. Free WiFi. There are 3 double / twin rooms and 1 family room. A cosy café / bar on the ground floor and a flower / gift shop. Walking distance from museums and restaurants. Please note that the owners of the guesthouse own a dog.




The serene Skallagrímsgarður garden in Borgarnes is a recreation area cultivated by the locals. The park has a special place in the hearts of inhabitants who use it for annual celebrations, most notably on June 17th, Iceland’s Independence Day, but also during the town festivals Brákarhátíð and Sauðamessa (Mass of Sheep). The park contains important artworks related to the history of the region, along with a famous grave mound deemed to be the burial place of the viking Skalla-Grímur, the settler of the area. The garden holds various paths, small patches of grass, a fountain, outdoor grills and benches. Skallagrímsgarður is the perfect place for peaceful stroll and a picnic. Skallagrímsgarður í Borgarnesi er fallegur lystigarður sem heimamenn hafa ræktað upp í áranna rás. Garðurinn skipar sérstakan sess í


hjörtum Borgnesinga og þjónar sem samkomustaður á hátíðum á hverju sumri, til dæmis á 17. júní, á Brákarhátíð og Sauðamessu. Merk listaverk er að finna í garðinum sem tengjast sögu héraðsins auk sjálfs Skallagrímshaugs þar sem talið er að landnámsmaðurinn Skalla-Grímur hafi verið heygður. Í garðinum eru fjölbreyttir stígar, grasflatir, gosbrunnur, útigrill og bekkir. Skallagrímsgarður er tilvalinn áfangastaður.


Brákarbraut 3 Borgarnes TEL: 437-2017 Opening hours: 18.00 - 24.00 A family restaurant and bar in the town of Borgarnes, located close to the harbour and the hotel. The menu consists of Filipino cuisine and Western cuisine. Dússabar is a must-visit in Borgarnes.


Kveldúlfsgata 27, Borgarnes / \ʳÎx{Ên{xÊ{£ÓÈÊUÊ v J À >}ÕiÃÌ ÕÃi° ÃÊ CREDIT CARD

Allt fyrir ferðalagið og sumarbústaðinn Everything for the outdoor life

Egilsholti 1, 310 Borgarnes Tel. 430 5500

The Borgarnes Transportation Museum Samgöngusafn Fornbílafélags Borgarfjarðar


the borgarfjörður vintage vehicle society transportation museum is one of borgarnes’ gems. Founded in 2011 by local enthusiasts, this museum has collected excellent examples of beautiful vehicles. Among them are 1930 Ford Coupé, 1936 Mercedes Bens and 1956 Ford Fairlaine; 1953 Farmal Cub and 1948 Allis Chalmers tractors and a 1947, 28 seat Ford bus. The museum is a must see for those who share an interest in vintage and classic cars. Samgöngusafn fornbílafjÉlags borgarfjarðar er Einn af áhugaverðari viðkomustöðum í borgarnesi. Félagið var stofnað af miklum myndarskap árið 2011 og hefur síðan vaxið og dafnað og safngripum fjölgað. Meðal þeirra eru bifreiðarnar Ford Coupé árgerð 1930, Mercedes Bens 1936 og Ford Fairlaine 1956; dráttar-

vélarnar Farmal Cub árgerð 1953 og Allis Chalmers 1948 og 28 manna rúta af gerðinni Ford árgerð 1947. Safnið er ómissandi viðkomustaður áhugafólks um bíla.


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 Sýningarnar eru opnar alla daga í maí - ágúst frá 13.00-17.00, á veturna á virkum dögum 13.00 – 16.00. Á öðrum tímum skv. samkomulagi. Leiðsögn. Exhibitions are open May-August every day 1-5 p.m. September - April  weekdays 1-4 p.m. Other opening hours according to pre arrangement. 

Safnahús Borgarfjarðar - Borgarnes Museum 



Blómasetrið - Kaffi Kyrrð Café – Accommodation – Gifts

Blómsetrið – Kaffi Kyrrð er einstakur staður þar sem hlýja og kyrrð ráða ríkjum. Á staðnum er boðið upp á fjölbreytilega gistimöguleika og kaffihúsið býður upp á léttar veitingar, gott kaffi og kökur í heillandi umhverfi. Lítil gjafavöruverslun er hluti af staðnum og við bjóðum ykkur velkomin í töfrandi heim.

Live • Lifið

Blómsetrið – Kaffi Kyrrð is a uniqe place where warmth and tranquiliy are key. We offer multiple accommodation options and at the café you can enjoy light meals along with great coffee, sweet cakes and waffles in a charming environment. A little boutique is part of the place and we welcome you to step into an enchanting world.

Love • Elskið

Enjoy • Njótið

„magical place“ „a delight and suprise“ „comfortable beds“ Skúlagata 13, Borgarnes - - Tel: 437 1878 - -



Baula is one of the scenic pyramid mountains that surround Borgarfjörður. It’s an almost 3 million years old rhyolite mountain and measures 934 meters in height. It is possible to hike to its top from Bjarnadalur (Route 60), but only for people in good shape, since its slopes are rather steep and challenging. But a big reward awaits those who reach the top: a spectacular view over West Iceland.



Hafnarskógur (Route 1) Borgarfjörður TEL: 437 2345 hotelhafnarfjall

Brákarey Borgarnes TEL: 862 6223 fornbilafjelag

Hotel Hafnarfjall is a small country hotel with 16 rooms and 5 bungalows with extraordinary view which honores nature and a relaxed atmosphere. All rooms have free WiFi.

3 km

Beautiful vintage cars, Open / opið: models, photographs, Jun.-Aug / júní-ágúst: stories and more. Every day / Alla daga 13.00 - 17.00 Fornbílar, módel, ljós- 1st Sep. - 31st May / 1. sept. - 31. maí: myndir, sögur og fleira. Sat. / lau 13.00 - 17.00



Egilsgata 6 & Brákarbraut 11 Borgarnes TEL: +354 860 6655

Borgarbraut 9-13 Borgarnes TEL: +354 695 3366

Egilsguesthouse offers accommodation in the old town in Borgarnes. At Egils Apartments, located at Egilsgata 6, we offer three Studio apartments. Each can accommodate up to 4 guests. At Egils Kaupangur, located at Brákarbraut 11, we offer seven rooms. Some with private bathrooms. Kaffi Brák is located at Brákarbraut 11 and it is open each day from 9-18 from 1st May - 31st August.


Baula er eitt þeirra fjalla sem hefur ásýnd pýramída í fjallahringnum í Borgarfirði. Það er líparítfjall og um 3 milljóna ára gamalt. Hæð þess er 934 metrar. Best er að ganga á fjallið frá Bjarnardal. Leiðin á toppinn er hins vegar brött og grýtt og einungis fær fólki í góðu líkamlegu ásigkomulagi. Góð verðlaun bíða hins vegar fjallgöngufólks á toppnum: frábært útsýni yfir Vesturland.


LANDBÚNA�ARLANDBÚNA�ARSAFN �SLANDS �SLANDS SAFN Sýnir sÜgu og Þróun íslensks landbúnaðar.

Fróðleg sýning fyrir unga semlandbúnaðar. aldna Þar sem Sýnir sÜgu og Þróun íslensks gamla ogsýning nýja sveitin mÌtast. Fróðleg fyrir unga sem aldna Þar sem gamla og nýja sveitin The Agricultural MuseummÌtast. of Iceland.

Where the past and present meet. The Agricultural Museum of countryside Iceland. Where the past and present countryside meet. Sumaropnun Summer Opening Hours 15.05 - 14.09: Summer Alla daga kl 11-17Hours Sumaropnun Opening Every -day from Alla 11 amdaga - 5 pm 15.05 14.09: kl 11-17 Every day from Winter 11 am - Opening 5 pm Vetraropnun Hours 15.09 - 14.05:Winter Fim-lau kl 13-17Hours Vetraropnun Opening Thur-Saturday 1 pmkl - 513-17 pm 15.09 - 14.05:from Fim-lau Thur-Saturday from 1 pm - 5 pm

Google Map: LandbĂşnaĂ°arsafn Ă?slands | +(354) 844 7740 Google Map: LandbĂşnaĂ°arsafn Ă?slands | +(354) 844 7740


UllarseliĂ° er verslun meĂ° vandaĂ° handverk UllarseliĂ° ernĂĄttĂşrulegu verslun meĂ°hrĂĄefni vandaĂ°meĂ° handverk Ăşr Ă­slensku, ĂĄherslu ĂĄ ullarvĂśrur. Ăşr Ă­slensku, nĂĄttĂşrulegu hrĂĄefni meĂ° ĂĄherslu ĂĄUllarseliĂ° ullarvĂśrur. is a high quality handcraftshop with products

Google Map: UllarseliĂ° | | +(354) 437 0077 Google Map: UllarseliĂ° | | +(354) 437 0077

from Icelandic material with an emphasiswith on wool and UllarseliĂ° is a high quality handcraftshop products the old handcraft techniques. from Icelandic material with an emphasis on wool and the old handcraft techniques. Sumaropnun Summer Opening Hours 15.05 - 14.09: Summer Alla daga kl 11-17Hours Sumaropnun Opening Every -day from Alla 11 amdaga - 5 pm 15.05 14.09: kl 11-17 Every day from Winter 11 am - Opening 5 pm Vetraropnun Hours

15.09 - 14.05:Winter Fim-lau kl 13-17Hours Vetraropnun Opening 15.09 - 14.05:from Fim-lau Thur-Saturday 1 pm kl - 513-17 pm Thur-Saturday from 1 pm - 5 pm


HespuhĂşsiĂ° er opin jurtalitunarvinnustofa Ăžar sem GuĂ°rĂşn BjarnadĂłttir litar eftir gĂśmlum HespuhĂşsiĂ° er opin jurtalitunarvinnustofa hefĂ°um. Ăžar sem GuĂ°rĂşn BjarnadĂłttir litar eftir gĂśmlum hefĂ°um. The Hespuhouse is an open studio where GuĂ°rĂşn

BjarnadĂłttir handisdyes yarn studio accordig to the old The Hespuhouse an open where GuĂ°rĂşn traditions with natural dyes. to the old BjarnadĂłttir hand dyesplant yarn accordig traditions with natural OpiĂ° sumariĂ° 2017 plant jĂşnĂ­,dyes. jĂşlĂ­ og ĂĄgĂşst alla daga* frĂĄ 12-18 OpiĂ° sumariĂ° 2017 jĂşnĂ­, jĂşlĂ­ og ĂĄgĂşst alla daga* frĂĄ 2017 12-18June, July & August Open summer

2018 every day* from2017 12-18 pm July & August Open summer June, every day* 12-18 pm utan Ăžess tĂ­ma *OpiĂ° eftirfrom samkomulagi og ĂĄ veturna. *Open uponutan request offtĂ­ma hours and in winter. *OpiĂ° eftir samkomulagi Ăžess og ĂĄ veturna. *Open upon request off hours and in winter.


Google Map: Hespa (For directions) Google Map: Hespa | +(354) 865 2910 (For directions) | +(354) 865 2910 &%)'#( N -/' ,% Ĺ?"g-#ĂŻ % ''/((# 6 0 (( 3,#| Welcome to the little secret CafĂŠ in Skemman Hvanneyri. &%)'#( N -/' ,% Ĺ?"g-#ĂŻ % ''/((# 6 0 (( 3,#| Welcome to the little secret CafĂŠ in Skemman Hvanneyri.


Sundlaugar í Borgarfirði


a number of swimming pools are in borgarfjörður and each has its own charm. Borgarnes Swimming Pool is the largest one. The pool is a popular stopover for travelers throughout the year. It has a 25 m outdoor pool, three water slides, hot tubs, wading pool, 12.5 m indoor pool, sauna with steam directly from Deildartunguhver and a sunbathing area. An access to a gym is also available for purchase. Hreppslaug Swimming Pool is the oldest swimming pool in Borgarfjörður, built in 1928 and protected by law. The natural pool has three hot tubs and has warmed folks in the community and visitors alike for 90 years. The pool’s small service house was once the home of the districts library and a small spinning mill. The pool’s distinction is its natural environment and the hot water that flows from sources close to the pool. Varmaland Swimming Pool is in a beautiful setting in a small village located in the middle of a geothermal area. The pool has spacious and bright changing rooms and shower facilities, a 25 m outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna, fitness room and a sunbathing area. A camping site and a playground are nearby. The beautiful surroundings offer enjoyable outdoor activities and walks. Kleppjárnsreykir Swimming Pool is a cozy swimming pool in a small rural village. The pool has a 25 m outdoor pool with hot tubs, sauna and a fitness room. Nearby attractions include a horse rental and a 9-hole golf course. Organically grown vegetables from the area are available for purchase nearby and the surroundings offer varied hiking possibilities. The pool is located in friendly and quiet surroundings and is an ideal place to enjoy. Húsafell Swimming Pool is one of the most beautiful swimming pools in Iceland, and benefits from its situation in the middle of the natural beauty of Húsafell. The pool has two outdoor pools, hot tubs and water slides. The surrounding landscape is unparalleled with sparse forests, lava and glaciers.

Known for its mild weather, Húsafell attracts a large number of tourists every year. nokkrar sundlaugar eru í borgarfirði og hver hefur sinn sjarma. Sundlaugin í Borgarnesi er þeirra stærst. Laugin er vinsæll viðkomustaður ferðalanga allt árið. Þar er 25 m útisundlaug, þrjár vatnsrennibrautir, heitir pottar, vaðlaug, 12,5 m innilaug, eimbað beint úr Deildartunguhver og góð sólbaðsaðstaða. Líkamsræktarsalur er einnig í miðstöðinni sem hægt er að kaupa aðgang að. Hreppslaug er elsta sundlaugin í Borgarfirði, byggð árið 1928 og er friðlýst. Laugin hefur yljað sveitungum og gestum í 90 ár og á sínum tíma var þar m.a. bókasafn sveitarinnar og einnig lítil spunaverksmiðja. Sérstaða laugarinnar er hið náttúrulega umhverfi og sírennandi heitt vatnið sem kemur úr uppsprettum rétt ofan við laugina. Sundlaugin á Varmalandi er í fallegu umhverfi í litlu þorpi sem staðsett er í miðju jarðhitasvæði. Í sundlauginni eru rúmgóðir og bjartir búningsklefar og sturtuaðstaða, 25 m útilaug, heitur pottur, gufubað, líkamsræktarsalur og sólbaðsaðstaða. Við laugina er tjaldsvæði með leiktækjum og fallegt umhverfið býður upp á skemmtilega útivist og göngutúra. Sundlaugin á Kleppjárnsreykjum er notaleg sundlaug í litlu sveitaþorpi. Þar er 25 m útisundlaug með heitum pottum, gufubaði og líkamsræktarsal. Í nágrenninu er hestaleiga og 9 holu golfvöllur. Hægt er að kaupa lífrænt ræktað grænmeti af svæðinu og þar eru fjölbreyttar gönguleiðir. Laugin er í vingjarnlegu umhverfi og tilvalinn staður til að njóta í rólegheitum. Sundlaugin í Húsafelli er ein fallegasta sundlaug landsins og nýtur þess einnig að vera í miðri þeirrar náttúruperlu sem Húsafell er. Þar eru tvær útilaugar, heitir pottar og vatnsrennibraut. Landslagið í kring er óviðjafnanlegt með gróskumiklum skógi, hrauni og jöklum. Þar er veðursæld mikil enda laðar Húsafell til sín fjölda ferðamanna á hverju ári.



Brákarbraut 13-15 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 1600

Bjarnarbraut 4-6 Borgarnes TEL: +354 433 7200

Open all year, daily from 10-21 With two exhibitions - about the settlement in Iceland and Egils saga - along with a bright and airy restaurant the Settlement center is the ideal stop in Borgarnes. It is locatated in the oldest buildings in Borgarnes. You go through the exhibits with an audio guide available in 15 languages. “Great place and super friendly staff” (Trip Advisor)

Among other things in the museum, there are two great exhibitions. One is Children Throughout a Century, which is a narrative of Iceland´s history in the 20th century; photographs play a major role. The other exhibition is called Oh to be a bird! and shows the birds of Iceland in very special surroundings, a sight to see. During wintertime the museum is accessible through the library.


Þorsteinsgata 1 Borgarnes TEL: +354 433 7140

Egilsgata 16 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 1119

The Sports Centre contains both an outside and an inside swimming pool, hot tubs, a steam bath which is fed with steam straight from the Deildartunga hot spring, a children’s pool and water slides. All in all, an excellent health spa. Open Mondays to Fridays from 6-22, Saturdays and Sundays from 9-18.

Hótel Borgarnes is a 3-star hotel located in the heart of Borgarnes.



Digranesgata 6 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 1920

Brúartorg 4 Borgarnes TEL: +354 437 1400

Geirabakarí is a bakery located in Borgarnes, only an hour‘s drive from Reykjavík. The bakery offers a variety of cakes and pastries as well as club sandwiches, hot sandwiches and soup of the day. It also offers good quality coffee and tea or hot chocolate. If you are not very hungry but longing for a treat then Geirabakarí is the place to go with its comfortable surroundings and an amazing view.

Ljómalind Farmers Market is a fair trade, regional and seasonal co-op. Its aim is to offer a great variety of high quality arts and crafts, it also offers delicacies most of which are straight from the farm. All products are made in West Iceland. Summer opening hours daily from 10-18 and winter opening hours daily from 12-17.



Hamar, 310 Borgarnes TEL: 433-6600

All year (closed for some holidays) CREDIT CARD



Skúlagata 17 Borgarnes TEL: +354 555 1400 Englendingavik Resaurant is open from May - October. Guesthouse is open all year. We put our emphasis on a relaxed and cosy atmosphere to go with the spirit of the old buildings by the Bay. As for food, we focus on locally sourced materials. It is a real treat to sit on the terrace in the sun enjoying good food and drinks in good company. Opening hours daily from 11:30-23 (or longer).



Krauma HVERINN - SÆLUREITUR Í SVEITINNI Kleppjárnsreykir Reykholtsdalur Borgarfjörður TEL: 571-4433 / 863-0090 hverinn-sælureitur

Icelandic cuisine Fresh vegetables grown by with the heat from our hot spring

Enjoy a luxury stay at a greenhouse farm in apartments, rooms or at a camping site. Home-cuisine restaurant offering fish and meat dishes, fresh homegrown salads and a soup buffet. Also a travellers market. Do you want to camp in a green house? Our “hobbit camping houses” welcome you. Open from the 23rd of March - 31st of September

150 m


150 m

3 km

150 m

1,5 km

N64°39.336 W21°24.150

Krauma is iceland’s latest geothermal bathing resort. This wellness complex features five outdoor baths fed by Europe’s higest flowing hot spring Deildartunguhver. The geothermally heated spring water is cooled to a perfect temperature using pristine, glacial meltwater from nearby Rauðsgil ravine. In addition to the baths Krauma features two saunas, tranquility space, restaurant and a bar. Krauma - náttúrulaugar við deildartunguhver opnuðu 2017. Krauma er heilsulind sem samanstendur af fimm náttúrulaugum með hreinu og tæru hveravatni úr Deildartunguhver, vatsmesta hver í Evrópu, og er kælt með vatni undan öxlum Oks, minnsta jökuls Íslands. Engum klór eða sótthreinsiefnum er blandað í vatnið en þess í stað er tryggð næg endurnýjun vatnsins í pottunum. Í Krauma eru einnig gufuböð og hvíldarherbergi, veitingastaður og bar.

Hraunfossar Restaurant-Cafe

A new restaurant at Hraunfossar Waterafalls in Borgarfjörður. We offer delicious dishes, hot and cold drinks, coffee, cakes and varieties of treats. Souvenirs, local handicraft and art and information centre for tourists. The ideal place to relax in and enjoy food in charming surroundings. Fishing licences on sale for Arnarvatnsheiði heath. Open all year round. Krauma-128x93.pdf 1 3/27/2018 2:31:58 PM

Sími: 435-1155 • • netfang: •


Veitingahús með meiru við Hraunfossa í Borgarfirði. Bjóðum upp á ljúffenga rétti, heita og kalda drykki, kaffi, kökur og fleira góðgæti. Minjagripir, „lókal“ listaverk og upplýsingar til ferðamanna. Frábær staður til að setjast niður á og njóta veitinga í heillandi umhverfi. Veiðileyfasala fyrir Arnarvatnsheiði. Opið allt árið.


Krauma is a natural geothermal bath & spa at Deildartunguhver, Europe’s most powerful hot spring.


At Krauma Restaurant you can enjoy Icelandic cuisine in a relaxing athmosphere with a stunning view of the hot springs.




Hvanneyri (Route 511) is a small university campus with about 270 inhabitants located 14 kilometers east of Borgarnes. Hvanneyri is the home of the Agricultural University of Iceland but the village has been a centre of agricultural education and research for decades. Due to its tradition, the Agricultural Museum of Iceland is situated in Hvanneyri . The museum is located in the old University cowshed, named Halldórsfjós. The wool gallery Ullarselið is also in Hvanneyri,


Varmabrekka 2, Borgarfjörður / \ʳÎx{Ên{xÊ{£ÓÈÊUÊ v J À >}ÕiÃÌ ÕÃi° ÃÊ CREDIT CARD


promoting ornaments and knits made by local craftswomen. Good walking trails are found all around Hvanneyri, and a hotel and a café. Trail maps are available at the museum and the university office. Þorpið Hvanneyri hefur í áratugi verið miðstöð menntunar og rannsókna á sviði landbúnaðar á Íslandi. Þar eru höfuðstöðvar Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands og Landbúnaðarsafns Íslands. Safnið er til húsa í


Í FRIÐLANDINU ANDAKÍL Velkomin á gestastofu okkar á Hvanneyri


IN THE ANDAKILL RAMSAR SITE Welcome to our visitor centre in Hvanneyri | | 00354 8447740


ColdSpot is a health, wellness and people-oriented travel organizer offering stress-free tours. Each tour is a combination of traditional travelling, physical activities, life coaching, exceptional experiences and temporary digital detoxing. Our mission is to provide you with a real break in order to recharge and reconnect, leaving you with a valuable take-away for life.


Lóuflöt 8 Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 869 1033

gamla kennslufjósi háskólans, Halldórsfjósi, en þar má fræðast á líflegan hátt um sögu íslensks landbúnaðar. Gallerí tileinkað íslensku ullinni, Ullarselið, er einnig á Hvanneyri. Þar bjóða handverkskonur í héraði upp á fjölbreyttar vörur. Á Hvanneyri er hótel og kaffihús og í nágrenninu er fjöldi góðra gönguleiða. Hægt er að nálgast gönguleiðakort í afgreiðslu háskólans á staðnum og á Landbúnaðarsafninu. Um 270 manns búa á Hvanneyri sem er í 14 km fjarlægð frá Borgarnesi.



Hvanneyri Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 868 8626 / +354 861 2945 Skemman Kaffihús

Hvanneyri Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 431 1414 /

Open: 1st June - 13th August, daily from 12-17, closed on Mondays.

Open: 1st June - 14th August

Follow the old stone path between the church and the cemetery and you’ll find a cosy café, located in the oldest house in the historical village of Hvanneyri. Our coffee is sourced from a small roastery called Reykjavik Roasters and our specialty are Belgian waffles with an Icelandic twist. We also offer other homemade treats.

Comfortable accommodation in the heart of Borgarfjörður in West Iceland. Hótel Sól offers accommodation at the campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland at Hvanneyri. There are many types of accommodation: studio/double room and one-, two- and three-room apartments. All have private bathroom and kitchen facilities. The premises were taken into use in 2014, and all furnishings are new.



Víðgelmir Lava Cave A guided tour to the lava cave Víðgelmir (Route 523) is among the most recent activities found in Borgarfjörður. The tour is operated by The Cave, a family owned business based at the nearby farm of Fljótstunga. Víðgelmir is known as the mightiest of Iceland’s caves. Just shy of 1600 meters/5250ft, the cave features amazing colours and lava formations that lurk in the depths of the earth. This makes for an experience not to be forgotten. The Cave, led by the adventure guide Hörður Míó, offers a family tour for all generations to enjoy. See more on www.


Ein athyglisverðasta nýjungin í ferðaþjónustu í Borgarfirði eru skoðunarferðir í hinn tignarlega hraunhelli Víðgelmi sem hvílir í Hallmundarhrauni í Hvítársíðu. Hellirinn er einn sá frægasti í landinu. Hann er um 1.600 metrar á lengd og einkennist stórum hvelfingum og fallegum dropasteinum sem fanga augað. Skoðunarferðir eru í höndum fjölskyldufyrirtækisins The Cave sem stýrt er af staðarhaldaranum Herði Míó. Boðið er upp á fjölskylduferðir fyrir alla aldurshópa um hellinn sem gerður hefur verið vel aðgengilegur. Sjá nánar á

Guðrún Fjeldsted‘s


Riding School and Horse Rental

Hallkelsstaðahlíð Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 862 8422 / +354 770 2025

Hestaleiga og reiðskóli Guðrúnar Fjeldsted Riding seminars for children / Reiðnámskeið fyrir börn Horse rental tours for groups and individuals / Hestaleiga fyrir hópa og einstaklinga. Góð aðstaða í nýrri reiðskemmu sem er sérhönnuð fyrir fatlaða og hreyfihamlaða / Great facilities in a brand new riding arena, especially designed for wheelchair users and the disabled. Open: 1st June - 31st December We offer 1-4 hour horse riding trips in beautiful surroundings for small groups. Riding lessons are also offered to individuals and groups. At Hallkelsstaðahlíð we breed, tame and sell horses. Guests have the opportunity to learn about Icelandic horses under supervision. Booking necessary by phone or through email. Fishing licences for the Hlíðarvatn lake are for sale and there is also a camping site.

Ölvaldsstaðir (Route 530 - 7. km. from Borgarnes) Tel. 437 1686 & 893 3886 -

VARMALAND SWIMMING POOL Stafholtstungur Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 437 1401


A restaurant offering hamburgers, pizzas, lambchops, hot dogs, hot and cold sandwiches, coffee, tea, beer and wine. There is a protected play area for children. Fuel station and car washing facilities available. During summer open Mon.-Sat. from 9-22 and Sun from 10-22. During winter open Mon.-Fri. from 9-21, Sat. from 9-20 and Sun. from 10-21.

Opið / Open: 1. jún. / Jun. - 19. ágúst / Aug. Mon.-Sun. / mán.-sun. 13.00-18.00


BAULAN Borgarfjörður tel: +354 435 1440

EAI licensed riding school. / Starfsleyfi frá Umhverfisstofnun.

Outdoor swimming pool with hot tubs. Beautiful hiking trails in the area.


+ 354 783 3600



Reykholt One of Iceland’s most notable historic sites is Reykholt (Route 518). In the years 1206-1241 Snorri Sturluson, a writer and chieftain, lived in Reykholt which still preserves cultural artifacts from that era. Among them is the ancient geothermal pool Snorralaug where Snorri is believed to have relaxed while resting from his to be historic writing. The cultural and medieval center Snorrastofa is located in Reykholt. Snorrastofa is the home of an interesting exhibition dedicated to the legacy of Snorri Sturluson. Guidance is offered to tourists, both by lectures and the new audioguide Snorri. A libray is also in Snorrastofa. The Church of Reykholt is also a popular concert hall where classical music plays the lead in the annual and ambitious Reykholt Chamber Music Festival at the end of July. A hotel is located in Reykholt in addition to a gas station with a mini-market. Reykholt í Borgarfirði er einn merkasti sögustaður Íslands. Þar bjó skáldið og höfðinginn Snorri Sturluson á árunum 1206 - 1241 og eru menningarminjar á staðnum frá þeim tíma. Má þar nefna hina fornu Snorralaug þar sem Snorri er talinn hafa slakað á og hvílt sig frá skrifum. Í Reykholti er starfrækt menningar- og miðaldasetrið Snorrastofa en þar er boðið upp á sýningar, fyrirlestra og leiðsögn fyrir ferðamenn. Nýtt leiðsöguapp, Snorri, var gefið út 2017. Öflugt tónlistarlíf er í Reykholtskirkju og sígild tónlist er í hávegum höfð á hinni árlegu Reykholtshátíð í lok júlí. Í Reykholti er að finna hótel og bensínstöð með lítilli matvöruverslun.



Reykholt Borgarfjörður Tel: +354 435 1260

Kleppjárnsreykir Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1140

Fosshotel Reykholt is a romantic country hotel in the legendary settings of Reykholt in Borgarfjordur. Once the home of historian and poet Snorri Sturluson, Reykholt is one of Iceland’s major historic sites. Bounteous in captivating scenery the area is full of lava fields, waterfalls, mountains, craters and caves. The hotel has a nice restaurant and a bar. The hotel is ideal for guests that like to relax in the countryside, enjoy reading, writing and are interested in extending their knowledge of the Icelandic cultural heritage.


Opið / Open: 1. júní / June - 19. ágúst / August Mon.-Sun. / mán.-sun. 9:00-18:00 A pleasant swimming pool, in close proximity to one of the most powerful hot springs in Europe, Deildartunguhver. An outside pool, hot tub and a gym.

Snorrastofa í Reykholti • Menningar- og miðaldasetur Cultural and Medieval Centre • Sýningin Saga Snorra The Exhibition Snorri’s Saga • Upplýsingamiðstöð Information Centre Snorralaug í Reykholti


• Hljóðleiðsögnin Snorri The Audioguide Snorri • Menningardagskrá Cultural Programs

Opening Hours from 10-21 Fossatún, Borgarfjörður • TEL: +354 433 5800 •

Open 1 April–30 Sept. Everyday 10–18 1 Oct.–31 March Weekdays 10–17 and on request

Snorrastofa s./tel. (+354) 433 8000


Opið 1. apríl–30. sept. daglega 10–18 1. okt.–31. mars virka daga 10–17 og eftir samkomulagi

Rock´n´Troll Bistro Café

ARNARVATNSHEIÐI - stangveiðiparadís á hálendinu

Tilvalinn st v fallegu kálar, umhverfi. Til leigu eru þrjú veiðihús og tv annar fyrir u.þ.b. 30 manns og hinn fyrir 17. Við skálana er aðstaða fyrir hross. Allar upplýsingar um veiðileyfi á heimasíðunni í síma 8925052 eða

Opið / Open 15. júní / June - sept. / Sept.

ARNARVATNSHEIÐI (heath) - anglers’ paradise on the Highlands of Iceland The peace cape makes a great place to catch trout. For rent: three fishing lodges and two cabins, one for ca. 30 people and one for 17. The cabins include horse f



Fishing licences sold at or at Hraunfossar Restaurant-Caf ATH! Aðeins er fært á jeppum um heiðina ATT! The heath is only accessible by SUV



Deildartunguhver Deildartunguhver in Reykholtsdalur valley is the most voluminous natural hot spring in Europe. Each second, the spring spews about

HREPPSLAUG SWIMMING POOL Laugabúð Skorradalur (at road 507) Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 437 0027 hreppslaug Open: 8th June - 13th August The Hreppslaug Swimming Pool, built in 1928 is run by the non-profit youth organisation “Íslendingur”. Hreppslaug is preserved as a cultural heritage. Water from hot springs close by, is led directly into the hot tubs and swimming pool. Opening hours: Tuesdays-Fridays from 18-22 and Saturdays-Sundays from 13-22. Closed on Mondays.


180 liters of water, nearly 100°C. The water is harnessed for housewarming in Borgarnes and Akranes. The gushing hot spring is beautiful to look at whilst driving towards it from the road Borgarfjarðarbraut (Route 50), close to Kleppjárnsreykir. Krauma natural geothermal baths and spa are at Deildatunguhver. Deildartunguhver í Reykholtsdal er vatnsmesti hver Evrópu. Á hverri sekúndu flæða um það bil 180 lítrar af næstum 100 gráðu heitu vatni úr Deildartunguhver. Vatninu er veitt til húshitunar í Borgarnesi og leitt um 64 km leið til hitaveitu á Akranesi. Vellandi hverinn er fagur á að líta en ekið er að honum frá Borgarfjarðarbraut (þjóðvegi 50), skammt frá Kleppjárnsreykjum. Krauma náttúrulaugar eru við Deildatunguhver.



Staðarhús Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1444 /

Kirkjuból Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1430/ +354 691 5120

Situated on an Icelandic horse farm, 17 km from Borgarnes. Free Wi-Fi and hot tub. Horse riding lessons and tours arranged during summer. Close to two main attractions in the area: Deildartunguhver thermal springs and Hraunfossar lava waterfalls. Langjökull Glacier, with its new ice cave is only an hour by car. There is also a cottage with three rooms, accommodating up to 6 people, only 400m from the guesthouse.

Hótel Á is an old farm refurbished as a restaurant and guesthouse, located between Reykholt and Húsafell. Our guests eat in a cow-shed and sleep in a barn. All 15 rooms have private facilities and free internet access. We serve a set menu for dinner, in the restaurant with a wonderful panoramic view over the river Hvítá. We like it quiet and easy going.

Experience the amazing LangjĂśkull glacier from the inside A rare, once in a lifetime opportunity

ykjavĂ­k e R d n a r te n e c ll fe m HĂşsa Daily departures fro

Find us:


Hraunfossar Hraunfossar eru ein fegursta náttúruperla Borgarfjarðar. Þar sprettur lindarvatn fram undan Gráhrauni, neðsta hluta Hallmundarhrauns, og myndar ótal litla fossa sem falla í Hvítá á um 900 metra kafla. Hraunfossar voru friðlýstir árið 1987 og einnig Barnafoss sem er í næsta nágrenni. Gönguleiðir liggja frá bílastæðinu að útsýnispöllum við Hraunfossa og Barnafoss.


Among the most beautiful natural gems in Borgarfjörður are the waterfalls Hraunfossar. Spring water emerges from the lava bed of Gráhraun lava field, forming countless little waterfalls falling into the river Hvítá over a 900 meters long area. Hraunfossar have been preserved since 1987, along with the nearby waterfall Barnafoss. Trails from the car park (Route 518) lead to viewing platforms.




Nes (Route / Þjóðv. 518) Borgarfjörður TEL: 435 1472 / 893 3889

Nes (Route / Þjóðv. 518) Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1472 / + 354 893 3889



Stóri-Ás Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 847 7051

at Hraunfossar Waterfalls Hraunsás 4 TEL: +354 862 7957 / +354 435 1155

Hestaleigan Áshestar er staðsett á bænum Stóra-Ási í Borgarfirði sem er í aðeins 9 km fjarlægð frá hinum vinsæla ferðamannastað Húsafelli.



Lækjarkot 311 Borgarnes Order at: Or Book on online booking (best price)

Litla Brekka Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 862 8946 / +354 437 1725

Open all year. Lækjarkot offers cottages with two compact bedrooms, a dining room with a kitchen, shower and WC. The cottages can accommodate up to 4 adults. Lækjarkot also offers twin rooms with a private entrance. Includes a kitchenette, private shower and WC. Furthermore we offer a family suite for up to 4 people. All our guests have access to free WiFi.

Meyjarskemman Litla Brekka offers accommodation in 1 double and 1 twin rooms with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities. Free WiFi. Located close to main attractions of West Iceland, the Golden Circle, Reykjavík, The National Park in Snæfellsnes and Keflavík airport. Excellent choice for couples travelling together.



Hvítárbakki 3 Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 785 1082 / +354 776 1152

Fljótstunga Reykholt TEL: +354 783 3600

Luxury in its simplicity in a beautiful comfortable house. The guesthouse is located in relaxing surroundings in the middle of Borgarfjörður. It offers six rooms, access to a living room, dining room, TV room, two bathrooms and a kitchen. Surrounded by a beautiful garden where there is a hot tub with water from the hotspring Deildartunguhver, which has great health benefits.

Hailed as the mightiest of Iceland´s caves, its diversity and grandeur is unrivaled. We offer family-friendly tours that all generations can enjoy, thanks to our all-new signature walkway and feature lighting. A visit to this amazing underworld makes for an experience not to be forgotten. Come and discover the beauty that lurks in the depths of the earth.



Reykholt Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 433 8000

Selsskógur Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 789 8442 Selsskogur

Opið/Open: 1. apríl / April 1 - 30. sept / Sept. 30 Alla daga / Every day 10-18


1. okt. / Oct 1 - 31. mars / March 31 Virka daga / Weekdays 10-17 Á öðrum tímum eftir samkomulagi / Otherwise by arrangement


Frekari upplýsingar er að finna á heimasíðu okkar:

A new restaurant and café at Hraunfossar Waterfalls. We bid you welcome and offer a buffet with a good choice of courses. Enjoy our coffee, cakes and sandwiches, hot and cold drinks as well as ice-cream. We have a big porch where you can enjoy the view and your meal. We also sell souvenirs and local art. Fishing licences for fishing at Arnarvatsheiði are available here.

Áshestar bjóða upp á 1 - 1 ½ klst. langa reiðtúra með leiðsögn í fallegri náttúru meðfram bökkum Hvítár. Fyrir þá sem ekki vilja fara í reiðtúr er boðið upp á 20 mínútna undirteymingu sem farin er í nágrenni við bæinn.

Opið / Open from 17. maí / 17th May - 1. okt. / 1st Oct.




Bifröst is a lively university campus located at the Ring Road. All essential services are found at Bifröst, such as a café, mini-market and a gym along with a year-round open hotel. The atmosphere is very family-oriented with a kindergarten playground. The surrounding area is filled with varied hiking routes, and is both unique and spectacular with shrubbery covered lava fields all around; an area that becomes especially magical when dressed in autumn colors. Bifröst í Norðurárdal er háskólaþorp sem iðar af lífi allan ársins hring. Þar er að finna alla nauðsynlega þjónustu í fjölskylduvænu umhverfi, kaffihús, litla matvöruverslun, líkamsrækt og leikskóla ásamt leiktækjum. Umhverfið er einstakt og fallegt með kjarri vöxnu hrauni allt um kring. Bifröst nýtur

sín sérstaklega vel í haustlitunum. Margar skemmtilegar gönguleiðir eru í nágrenni Bifrastar og er þar rekið hótel allan ársins hring.

Into the Glacier In Langjökull, Europe´s second largest glacier, you can enjoy one of Iceland´s most significant new attraction; one of the largest man-made ice caves of the world. There, guests can enjoy a stroll in the 500 m long ice tunnel, 30 m under the glacier. The led lighted ice walls offer a unique glimpse into the past, for the different colored layers show the changing weather in Iceland, not unlike annual rings in trees, providing the guests information on global warming. Trucks transport guests to the glacier where they gear up, put on their crampons and head into the glacier. Ísgöngin í Langjökli eru einn stærsti manngerði íshellir í heimi. Eftir göngunum geta ferðamenn farið um 500 metra, 30 metra undir yfirborði jökulsins, og virt fyrir sér sýningar, íslistaverk og jökulinn sjálfan í sinni margbreytilegu mynd. Í ísveggjunum má sjá mismunandi dökk lög sem endurspegla hin ólíku ár í íslenskri veðráttu, líkt og árhringir í tré. Heimsóknin í ís-

göngin er mögnuð upplifun og í raun einstakt ævintýri. Ferðamenn eru fluttir með átta hjóla jöklatrukkum frá jökulröndinni að göngunum þar sem þeir búast mannbroddum áður en þeir leggja af stað.



TEL: +354 831 0636

Sturlureykir Reykholt


TEL: +354 691 0280 (Hrafnhildur) +354 8916344 (Jonni) sturlureykirhorses / visiting horsefarm


Sleipnir is the worlds first 8 wheeled luxury glacial expedition vehicle. Sleipnir is custom built to access and travel the rugged glacial terrains of Iceland in comfort and style. It is the largest glacial vehicle in Iceland, and perhaps the world.


Stable Visit, Riding Tours, Natural Hotspring, Traditional Ryebred, Coffee, WC Open every day all year around.



Bifröst Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 433 3050 / +354 433 3030

Hraunsnef Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 0111

Hótel Bifröst contains 51 well-equipped, spacious guest rooms, all with superb views of the mountains and the lava fields. Guests are also provided with a wide range of activities: free access to gym & sauna, or they can take a brisk walk on the exciting lava tracks to the top of Grábrók crater or towards Glanni waterfall. At Bifröst you also find a small grocery store.

Opið / Opening Hours: 12:00-21:00 alla daga/daily CREDIT CARD


Reykholtsdal Borgarfjörður TEL: 435 1227 / 867 1988

Munaðarnes Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 525 8440 / +354 776 8008 We offer accommodation for 12 persons in 7 various room types with breakfast. Kitchen facilities for guests with all necessary utensils. / Gisting fyrir allt að 7 manns með morgunverði í fjölbreyttum herbergjum. Opið eldhús á staðnum með öllum nauðsynlegum áhöldum.

5 km


Munaðarnes Restaurant is a friendly and cosy restaurant in the heart of the Saga land. Our menu includes salmon, lobster soup, lamb, hamburgers and small dishes. You can either sit outside in our great environment or inside in our friendly and cozy restaurant or bar. WiFi access available. Outside we have a playground for children, a small football pitch and mini-golf.



Kópareykir 1 Borgarfjörður TEL: 842 5237

Oddsstaðir Borgarfjörður TEL: 864 5713 / 895 0913



Sheep & Horsefarm Kópareykir

Nálægt / near by

Signýjarstaðir sumarhús / Cottage Sumarhús til leigu. / Cottage with cooking facilities and hot tub. Glacier trips on Langjökull nearby, as well as lava caves. Waterfalls, Húsafell, Reykholt and hot spring Deildartunguhver. Golf courses nearby.

Einnig sumarhúsalóðir til sölu.

Open all year round

Tel: 435 1218 / 893 0218 -

GUESTHOUSE HVÍTÁ Hvítárbakki 7 Borgarfjörður TEL: + 354 588 9122 /+ 354 692 3048 Iceland Guesthouse Hvítá is nestled in the heart of Borgarfjörður. It is an ideal spot from which to discover all the beautiful nearby attractions. We offer a wide range of accommodation, from single to family rooms as well as a fully-furnished apartment for those who want more privacy. All family rooms have private bathrooms and modern facilities. Eight rooms have shared bathrooms. Beautiful mountain views in peaceful, tranquil surroundings.



Glanni and Paradísarlaut The waterfall Glanni in Norðurá river lies directly south of Bifröst. A path from the car park and service centre leads to a viewing platform featuring the waterfall. Shoals of Salmon can be seen resting in the water, before they charge up the waterfall. A short walk from Glanni will lead you to a small hollow called Paradísarlaut, a true paradise on earth, hence the name Paradise Hollow. Paradísarlaut is a small lava cup where a gentle brook runs through a beautiful gorge into a small pond, a magical oasis.

Icelandic Goat Centre The home of the friendly Icelandic goat / Heimili hinnar vinalegu íslensku geitar Open farm and rose garden /

Jun. - Aug. / Jún. – Ágú. 13.00 - 18.00 Háafell (Route 523) - Tel. 435 1448 & 845 2331 E-mail: -


Beint suður af Bifröst er fossinn Glanni í Norðurá. Gönguleið er frá bílastæði og þjónustuhúsi að útsýnispalli þar sem sést vel yfir fossinn. Laxagengd er í Glanna og oft má sjá laxatorfur í hyljunum þar sem fiskurinn dvelur áður en hann leggur í fossinn. Frá Glanna er stutt gönguleið að hinni friðsælu og fallegu Paradísarlaut. Paradísarlaut er hraunbolli þar sem lækur rennur um fallegt gljúfur og niður í litla tjörn. Nafnið Paradís á afar vel við þessa fögru vin í hrauninu.


Open: Monday-Saturday from 13:00-17:00

Swimming in Borgarfjörður

Borgarnes Swimming Pool / Sundlaugin í Borgarnesi - Tel. 433 7140 Mon.-Fri. / mán.-fös. Sat.-Sun. / lau.-sun.

06.00-22.00 09.00-18.00

Varmaland Swimming Pool / Sundlaugin að Varmalandi (Route 527) - Tel. 430 1401 Opið / Open: 1. júní / June - 19. ágúst / August Mon.-Sun. / mán.-sun. 9.00-18.00

Kleppjárnsreykir Swimming Pool / Sundlaugin á Kleppjárnsreykjum (Route 50) - Tel. 435 1140 Opið / Open: 1. júní / June - 19. ágúst / August Mon.-Sun. / mán.-sun. 9.00-18.00

Welcome to the pools! / Velkomin í sund!


Húsafell Húsafell is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Iceland and has been for decades. In the area, visitors will find a geothermal swimming pool and hot tubs, camping site, golf course, a Bistro restaurant, a mini market, a gas station, a hotel and many other facilities. Surrounded by a natural birch forest, Húsafell is set in a picturesque lava and glacial landscape, a place well known for its history and warm weather. Visitors can enjoy various outdoor activities and hiking trails, often accommodated by eerie figures sculpted by Húsafell´s own world-renowned artist, Páll Guðmundsson. In Guðmundsson’s open workshop is a stone harp, a marimba made of shards of rock, used by SigurRós. Hotel Húsafell is an exclusive 4 star hotel. The hotel features a fine dining restaurant serving a Nordic menu, influenced by international gourmet cuisine. While dining, guests can enjoy the panoramic view of the surrounding lava, glaciers, nearby mountains and ravines.

Húsafell er einn fjölsóttasti ferðamannastaður landsins og þar hefur verið rekin ferðaþjónusta áratugum saman. Á Húsafelli er tjaldsvæði, sundlaug, golfvöllur, Bistró-veitingastaður, lítil verslun, bensínstöð, hótel og ýmis önnur þjónusta við ferðafólk. Náttúra Húsafells er einstök. Fallegur birkiskógur liggur milli hrauns og jökla með tilkomumikinn fjallahring í bakgrunni. Veðursæld er mikil í Húsafelli og margar fallegar gönguleiðir er að finna á svæðinu. Í steinum við Gamla bæinn og í gilinu þar fyrir ofan er að finna höggmyndir eftir listamanninn Pál Guðmundsson. Í vinnustofu Páls er steinharpan sem SigurRós hefur notað. Hótel Húsafell er fjögurra stjörnu hótel þar sem áhersla er lögð á náttúru, sögu, afþreyingu og listir. Þar er fyrsta flokks veitingastaður með útsýni yfir fjallahringinn á Húsafelli, hraunið, gilin og jöklana í nágrenninu.



Flókadalur Reykholt TEL: +354 435 1461 / +354 692 1461

Giljar 320 Reykholt TEL: 691 8711/435 1118

Open: 1st June - 15th August A guesthouse located on a traditional Icelandic farm. Comfortable beds, good showers, soft towels and a very good breakfast. Dinner available, if booked in advance. Nice hiking paths in the area and a lot of farm animals. Close to Reykholt, Deildartunguhver and Hraunfossar.


Open by arrangement / Opnunartími eftir samkomulagi



Klettagarðar 1 104 Reykjavík TEL: +354 578 2550

Kleppjárnsreykir Reykholtsdalur Borgarfjörður TEL: 571-4433 / 863-0090 Open from the 23rd of March hverinn-sælureitur 31st of Sept.

Into the Glacier offers various tours to Iceland’s most significant new attraction, the man-made ice cave. The Ice tunnel and caves are located high on Iceland´s second largest glacier, Langjökull. You will get an amazing opportunity to explore the glacier and see it from the inside. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience where you will be taken to the hidden beautiful ice. Daily departures from Reykjavík and Húsafell.


150 m

150 m

3 km

150 m

N64°39.336 W21°24.150

1,5 km


Hotel Husafell Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 580 9900 Opening hours / Opnunartími: From 8:00 - 17:00

Open all year. The Old Farmhouse has three storeys. On the ground floor is a kitchen, dining room and a living room. On the second floor are three double rooms with private facilities. On the third floor are two double rooms and one bathroom. There is a hot tub on the veranda.


Húsafell Borgarfjörður TEL: + 354 895 1342

HÓTEL HÚSAFELL Húsafell Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1551 Brúarás Geo Center is an information center & restaurant only 2 km from the amazing Hraunfossar Waterfalls. An ideal stop for delicious refreshments, home made cakes and locally sourced food.

Brúarás (close to Hraunfossar) Borgarfjörður Tel: 435 1270



Húsafell Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1556

Húsafell Borgarfjörður TEL: +354 435 1552

Open/Open from 1st June - 31st August / 1. júní- 31. ágúst.



Borgarfjörður Service Index Þjónustuskrá Borgarfjarðar Blómasetrið - Kaffi kyrrð Skúlagata 13, Borgarnes Tel: 437 1878 Facebook: Blómasetrið - Kaffi Kyrrð Kaffihús - Gisting Café - Bed & Breakfast Borgarbyggð Borgarbraut 14, Borgarnes Tel: 433 7100 Borgarnes HI Hostel Borgarbraut 9-13, Borgarnes Tel: 695 3366 Facebook: Borgarnes HI Hostel StayWest Hostel Dagleið ehf. - Ferðaþjónusta Garðar S. Jónsson Árbergi, 311 Borgarnesi Tel: 894 0220 Hópferðabílar, 10 - 52 manna. Coach service


Háafell Geitabú Goat Centre Háafell Háafell, Borgarfjörður (Route 523) Tel: 845 2331 / 435 1448 Facebook : Háafell - Geitfjársetur / Goatfarm Opið býli og rósagarður / Open farm and rose garden. Beint frá býli verslun / Local food store. Guðrún Fjeldsted’s Riding School and Horse Rental Ölvaldsstaðir, Borgarnes (Route 530) Tel: 437 1686 / 893 3886 Hestaleiga og reiðskóli Riding School and horse rental Hespuhúsið Árnesi við Andakílsárvirkjun Þjóðvegur / Route 508/5113 Tel: 865 2910 (Guðrún) Opin jurtalitunarstofa / Open plant dying workshop

Colorful yarn kit store / Litríkt garn í pakkningum til sölu Open / Opið 1. Jun. - 31. Aug. Every day 12.00 - 18.00 Leiðarlýsing / Directions: www. Also open by request / Einnig opið eftir samkomulagi Hótel Bifröst Bifröst, Borgarfjörður (Route 1) Tel: 433 3030 Hotel - Restaurant Hraunfossar Restaurant - Café At Hraunfossar Waterfalls (Route 518) Tel: 435 1155 / 862 7957 Open / Opið: Allt árið / All year round. Veitingahús / Restaurant - cafe

Húsafell / Hotel - Travel Service Borgarfjörður (Route 518/5199) Tel: 435 1550 / 435 1551 / Hotel - Restaurant - Swimming Pool Golf Course - Mini Market Hverinn - Sælureitur í sveitinni Kleppjárnsreykir, Borgarfjörður Tel: +354 571 4433 / +354 863 0090 Accomodation - Camping Restaurant - mini market Into the Glacier Klettagarðar 12, Reykjavík Tel: +354 578 2550 Ice tunnels and caves in Langjökull Kaupfélag Borgfirðinga (KB) Egilsholti 1, Borgarnes Tel: 430 5500 Co-op store

Landbúnaðarsafn Íslands The Agricultural Museum of Iceland Hvanneyri, Borgarfjörður (Route 511) Tel: 844 7740 Open / Opið: Every day 11-17 (May 15th - Sept. 15th. / 15. maí - 15. sept.) Thu. - Sat. / Fim. - lau. 13-17 (Sept. 16th - May 14th / 16. sept. - 14. maí) Safnahús Borgarfjarðar Borgarnes Museum Bjarnarbraut 4-6, Borgarnesi Tel: 430 7200 Bókasafn og sýningar Library and exhibitions

Snorrastofa í Reykholti Reykholt, Borgarfjörður Tel: 433 8000 Menningar- og miðaldasetur / Cultural and Medieval Centre Sýningin Saga Snorra / The Exhibition Snorri’s Saga Upplýsingamiðstöð / Information Centre Hljóðleiðsögnin Snorri / The Audioguide Snorri Tónleikar / Concerts Opið / Open: 1. apríl - 30. sept. / April 1st - Sept. 30th: alla daga / every day 10-18 1. okt. - 31. mars /Oct. 1st - March 31st: virka daga / weekdays 10-17 og eftir samkomulagi / and on request Sundlaugin í Borgarnesi Borgarnes Swimming Pool Þorsteinsgata 1, Borgarnes Tel: 437 1444 Opið / open: Mán. - Fös. / Mon. - Fri. 06-22 Lau. - Sun. / Sat. - Sun. 09-18 Sundlaugin Kleppjárnsreykjum Kleppjárnsreykir Swimming Pool (Route 50) Tel: 435 1140 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 18. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 18th Alla daga / Every day 9-18

Sundlaugin Varmalandi Varmaland Swimming Pool (Route 527) Tel: 430 1401 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 19. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 19th Mán. - Sun. / Mon. - Sun. 9-18 The Cave Fljótstunga Tel: +354 783 3600 The mightiest cave in Iceland Ullarselið Hvanneyri Wool Centre Hvanneyri, Borgarfjörður (Route 511) Tel: 437 0077 Íslenskt handverk úr íslenskri ull / Icelandic craft made of wool Open / Opið: Every day 11-17 (May 15th - Sept. 14th / 15. maí - 14. sept.) Thu. - Sat. / Fim. - lau. 13-17 (Sept. 15th - May 14th / 15. sept - 14. maí)

Upplýsingamiðstöð Information Office Hyrnutorg, Borgarbraut 58-60, Borgarnes Tel: 437 2214 Veiðifélag Arnarvatnsheiðar Grímsstöðum II, Borgarfirði Tel: 892 5052 Veiðileyfi - Leiga á veiðihúsum og fjallaskálum Fishing Licences - Lodges and cabins for rent


Krauma - Geothermal Nature Baths & Spa, Restaurant Deildartunguhver, Reykholt Tel: 555 6066 Experience nature from its core




Snæfellsnes is the name of the long peninsula in the northwestern part of West Iceland. Snæfellsnes is a popular destination, especially for its geological uniqueness, with a glacier, lava fields, waterfalls, caves, mineral springs and craters along with a rugged coastline marked by cliffs and sandy beaches. The symbol of the area is the mysterious Snæfellsjökull glacier, which is located near the tip of the peninsula. Its mystique and majestic features have inspired many through the years, including the French writer Jules Verne and the Icelandic Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness. A National park was established around the glacier in 2001. Snæfellsnes is also known for its vivid wild-



Snæfellsnes TEL: 435 6844 / 863 5042 fjoruhusidhellnum

Eyja- og Miklaholtshreppur Snæfellsnes (Route 568, by-way from Route 54)

TEL: 435 6800 / 894 0648

Small Café at Hellnar‘s beautiful rocky seaside. The menu consists of light dishes, cakes, pies, soup and various refreshments. CREDIT CARD


life. All around it and in the surrounding bays of Breiðafjörður and Faxaflói, there are prosperous fishing grounds to be found. Breiðafjörður has many islands of all sizes where birdlife is seemingly rich. Various species can be seen in the area, such as the white-tailed eagle, but also more common ones like puffins. Whales and seals are also a common sight in the area. The population of Snæfellsnes is almost 4.000. Majority of the people live in the fishing towns of Ólafsvík, Grundarfjörður and Stykkishólmur. Others live in the villages of Hellissandur and Rif, as well as on farms in the countryside, especially in the southern part of Snæfellsnes.


Snæfellsnes er einnig þekkt fyrir fjölbreytt dýralíf. Góð fiskimið eru umhverfis nesið, á Faxaflóa og Breiðafirði. Sá síðarnefndi er þakinn fjölmörgum eyjum með fjölbreyttu fuglalífi. Fyrir vikið er hægt að sjá hinar ýmsu fuglategundir á svæðinu, til dæmis fágætar tegundir á borð við haförn en aðrar algengari, eins og lunda. Hvalir og selir eru einnig algeng sjón við skammt frá ströndu. Íbúar Snæfellsnes eru um 4.000. Flestir búa í sjávarplássunum Ólafsvík, Grundarfirði og Stykkishólmi. Hluti íbúa býr einnig í þorpunum Hellissandi og Rifi og á bæjum í dreifbýli, einkum á sunnanverðu Snæfellsnesi.



Lýsuhóll Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 435 6716

Snæfellsnes TEL: +354 848 2339

Six cosy, little summer cottages available, as well as rooms for rent all year round in two guesthouses with a hot tub. Restaurant on site. Horse riding tours offered. Swimming pool and hot tub nearby the farm.


Snæfellsnes afmarkast af Hítará í suðri og Gljúfurá á Skógarströnd í austri. Nesið er einn vinsælasti áfangastaður landshlutans en þangað heldur fjöldi ferðamanna árlega til að skoða stórbrotna náttúru svæðisins. Úfið haf markar nesið í vestri þar sem Snæfellsjökul sjálfan ber við himinn. Mörgum þykir jökullinn sveipaður mikilli dulúð og hefur hann með tignarleik sínum snortið heimsfræga rithöfunda eins og Jules Verne og Halldór Laxness, sem nýttu hann sem sögusvið í verkum sínum. Snæfellsjökull og nágrenni hefur verið hluti af þjóðgarði frá 2001. Jarðfræði svæðisins þykir einstök og fjölbreytt. Finna má hraunbreiður, gíga, hella, uppsprettur og athyglisverð náttúruundur sem gleðja augað.

Storytellers are local people on the Snæfellsnes peninsula that are ready to welcome people and tell stories, share knowledge and enrich the experience of visitors. You can enjoy guided history walks or visit storytellers almost anywhere in Snæfellsnes. We look forward to meeting you.



Þjóðgarðurinn Snæfellsjökull Snæfellsjökull National Park

GESTASTOFA AÐ MALARRIFI VISITOR CENTER AT MALARRIF Sími / tel: 436 6888 – 591 2000 Þjóðgarðurinn – Snæfellsjökull


Snæfellsjökull Snæfellsjökull glacier is Snæfellsnes’ primary landmark. The glacier’s highest peak is 1.446 meters and is visible from afar, e.g. from Keflavík airport and Reykjavík. Locals believe the glacier to be supernatural. The myth has inspired many novelists and poets, including Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness and French novelist Jules Verne. Hiking Snæfellsjökull is a unique experience and its summit offers a spectacular view in all directions. Organized trips onto Snæfellsjökull on snowmobiles are available from Arnarstapi. Snæfellsjökull er helsta kennileiti Snæfellsness og raunar alls Vesturlands. Hæsti tindur jökulsins er 1.446 metra hár og sést til hans víða, t.d. frá Keflavíkurflugvelli og höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Talið er að mikil orka streymi frá jöklinum og hefur hann orðið ýmsum skáldum og rithöfundum innblástur, svo sem nóbelsskáldinu Halldóri Laxness og franska rithöfundinum Jules Verne. Mikilfenglegt er að ganga á Snæfellsjökul, sem oft er nefndur konungur íslenskra fjalla, enda útsýnið af honum stórkostlegt til allra átta. Skipulagðar snjósleðaferðir á jökulinn eru farnar frá Arnarstapa.

On top of the world Á toppi heimsins Summit Adventure Guides is a collective of professional adventure guides, operating in Snæfellsjökull National Park in West Iceland. They arrange a selection of tours to Snæfellsjökull glacier and nearby areas, the glacier being the most prominent natural symbol of West Iceland. Summit’s specialties include ski tours, hiking, climbing and snowcat tours. Summit’s high standard of quality, small groups and all-inclusive tours is what makes them the adventure experts in Snæfellsjökull National Park. More information and booking on


Summit Adventure Guides samanstendur af hópi leiðsögumanna sem einblína á ævintýralegar ferðir um Snæfellsjökul og nærliggjandi svæði. Ferðirnar eru fjölbreyttar og skemmtilegar en leið-

sögumennirnir sérhæfa sig í skíðaferðum, göngum, klifri og snjóbílaferðum. Leiðsögumennirnir hjá Summit Adventure Guides leggja mikla áherslu á góða og persónulega þjónustu og bjóða því eingöngu upp á ferðir fyrir litlar hópastærðir þar sem allur nauðsynlegur búnaður er innifalinn. Frekari upplýsingar og bókanir á

Vatnshellir Cave The Vatnshellir Cave is among the most popular destinations in Snæfellsnes. Visits to the cave are arranged by the professionals at Summit Adventure Guides who have extensive experience in guiding visitors along natural wonders in Snæfellsnes. The

cave is an 8000 year old lava tube created in a volcanic eruption from a nearby Purkhólar crater family. The guided tours are operated all year round and are suitable for anyone looking for a fun and educative 45 minute cave tour. More information and booking on Vatnshellir er einn vinsælasti áfangastaðurinn á Snæfellsnesi. Hellirinn myndaðist eftir hraunflæði úr eldgosi sem varð í Purkhólum fyrir um 8000 árum. Reynslumiklir leiðsögumenn hjá Summit Adventure Guides bjóða upp á skipulagðar 45 mínútna ferðir um hellinn allan ársins hring. Hellaferð í Vatnshelli er skemmtileg og fræðandi upplifun fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga að kynnast myndun hraunhella og sögu þessarar einstöku náttúruperlu. Frekari upplýsingar og bókanir á



Lýsuhólsskóli / Lýsuhólslaug Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 433 9917 Lysuholslaug

Ólafsbraut 27 Ólafsvík Tel: 436 1012

Open: 21st May - 1st June (from 16-20) June - Sept. (from 11:00-20:30)

Veitingar, bílavörur og ýmsar aðrar vörur. Gas station, pizza and grill. Free


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Arnarstapi and Hellnar Arnarstapi and Hellnar are two beautiful villages located in the southwest of Snæfellsnes. Arnarstapi (Route 5710) lies south of Snæfellsjökull glacier. The coastline boasts unusual rock forma-

tions and diverse birdlife, creating valuable photo opportunities. The harbor is also a unique sight, still used by local and touring fishermen. Hellnar (Route 5730) is close to Arnarstapi and the villages are connected by a walking trail. The coastline of Hellnar is spectacular, with cliffs such as Valasnös, which protrudes into the surf, and the cave Baðstofa. Enginn sem ferðast um Snæfellsnes ætti að láta vera að heimsækja Arnarstapa og Hellnar sem búa yfir mikilli náttúrufegurð. Sunnan undir Snæfellsjökli er Arnarstapi, umvafinn sérstæðum bergmyndunum og fjölbreyttu fuglalífi. Þar er ágæt smábátahöfn og trillukarlar koma víða að til að róa á gjöful fiskimið við Snæfellsnes. Skammt frá Arnarstapa eru Hellnar. Fallega kletta er að finna við strönd Hellna á borð Valasnös, sem skagar út í brimið og hellinn Baðstofu. Falleg gönguleið er milli Arnarstapa og Hellna.

PRÍMUS CAFÉ Hellnar Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 865 6740 primuskaffi

Open May 20th - September 20th from 11-19. Open Oct 1st - May 14th from 11-15.


Prímus Café is a friendly coffee house in beautiful surroundings and is associated with the Visitor’s Centre of the Snæfellsjökull National Park at Hellnar. Our specialities are hearty soups, light homemade meals, sandwiches, fresh salads, cakes and lovely tarts. We welcome groups and offer special group menus on request.

Welcome to our farm!

Come ride with us and explore the nature nearby. We can offer small, modest cottages if you would like to stay overnight.

Horse Rental and accommodation Eygló and Hjörtur farmers at Stóri-Kambur

356 Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 852 7028 HorseRentalStoriKambur storikambur


Gatklettur The nature of Snæfellsnes has been a magnet for tourists, not only in recent decades but also over the centuries. Gatklettur arch rock west of Arnarstapi is among spectacular natural wonders in the area. It is a popular subject for photographers and has gained particular fame. In 1810, the Scottish mineralogist Sir George Mackenzie visited Arnarstapi and became amazed of Gatklettur and the peculiar coastline nearby which he said was especially picturesque and curious for geologist. In his book, Travels in Iceland, Mackenzie wrote: “On the whole, it is probable that a more curious range of cliffs is nowhere to be seen.” The coastline has been protected since 1979.



Böðvarsholt í Staðarsveit Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 435 6699

Brekkubær, Hellnar Tel: +354 435 6820

Open: 1st June - 31st August Böðvarsholt Country Hostel, is in the middle of everywhere on the south side of Snæfellsnes Peninsula. This is a good place to stay when cruising around Snæfellsnes, located near Snæfellsjökull National Park. We offer a small homey hostel with five bedrooms, 2-3 beds each, two shared restrooms w/shower, dining room for 20 people with fully equipped self catering kitchen and outside BBQ available for our guests.


Náttúra Snæfellsness hefur dregið að fjölmarga ferðamenn, ekki bara síðustu áratugi heldur um aldir. Gatklettur við Arnarstapa er ein margra náttúruperlna á svæðinu. Hann er vinsæll meðal ljósmyndara og hefur öðlast þó nokkra frægð. Árið 1810 heimsótti skoski jarðfræðingurinn Sir George Mackenzie Arnarstapa og varð uppnuminn af Gatkletti og strandlengjunni í kring sem hann áleit mjög myndræna og mjög áhugaverða fyrir náttúrufræðinga. Í bók sinni Travels in Iceland skrifaði hann um Gatklett og strandlengjuna: „Heilt yfir má segja að líklega hvergi sé að finna jafn áhugaverðar klettamyndanir og þar.“ Strandlengjan var friðuð árið 1979.

Open: 28 February - 31 October Accommodation in peaceful surroundings in one of Snafellsnes Peninsula most beautiful spots. Located right beneath Snæfellsjökull Glacier, a national park that is said to be one of the seven great energy centers of the earth. All rooms include a private bathroom and TV. The restaurant faces the ocean and offers Icelandic cuisine with an international flair. Various long and short hiking trails in and around Snæfellsjokull National Park. This hotel has everything people look for in a charming country hotel.



Snæfellsnes TEL: 435 6628 / 863 6628

Búðum 356 Snæfellsbæ TEL: 435 6700 HotelBudir

Open /opið: Allt árið / All year round CREDIT CARD

Snæfellsnes TEL: 435 6628 / 863 6628 - COTTAGE SNORRASTAÐIR Snæfellsnes TEL: 435 6628 / 863 6628

LANGAFJARAN COTTAGES Miðholt (with road 567) Snæfellsnes TEL: + 354 895 0798



Three studio cottages, located 55 km from Borgarnes. The cottages include a full kitchenette with microwave and refrigerator, bathroom with WC / shower, TV, terrace with outdoor hot tub and BBQ facilities. Sea and mountain views. The cottages can accommodate 4 people. An array of activities can be enjoyed on site or in the surroundings, including hiking.

Primus Café/Restaurant is located close to an old fishing village Hellnum on the Snæfellsnes peninsula, at the root of Snæfellsjökull glacier. The recently renovated Primus Café/Restaurant offers food, cakes, coffee and drinks and a bright and comfortable seating area with irresistible view of the sea. Open May 20th - September 20th from 11-19. Open Oct 1st - May 14th from 11-15.

Café - Restaurant

Hellnum Snæfellsnesi • Tel: 865 6740




Lóndrangar and Þúfubjarg Lóndrangar and Þúfubjarg (Route 574) are two impressive cliffs that are remnants of a volcanic crater on the southwestern shores of Snæfellsnes. Birdlife is rich in both cliffs and consist mostly of kittiwake, common murre and razorbill. Bird watching site is located at Þúfubjarg, allowing visitors to follow the life on the cliff and the beautiful sight at hand. Visitors are advised to be cautious at the cliff. From the high road to the cliffs is a ten minutes walk.

STÓRI-KAMBUR HORSE RENTAL Stóri-Kambur 356 Snæfellsbær

Opið / Open: 20. maí / May 20th - 20. sept. / Sept. 20th CREDIT CARD

SNÆFELLSJÖKULL NATIONAL PARK Visitor centre at Malarrif Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 436 6888/ +354 436 6860/+354 591 2000 Open: 19th april – 26th October, daily from 10-17 27th October – April/May, weekdays 11-16 The Visitor Centre is full of information and facts about life around the glacier. The theme of the display is the fishermen of the ancient fishing stations in the area and their use of nature as a means of livelihood. All senses are appealed to as guests are encouraged to taste, smell and try out various parts of the display. It is possible for visitors of any age to find something fun and interesting to do at the Visitor Centre.


Lóndrangar og Þúfubjarg eru tvö tignarleg björg sem eru leifar af gíg sem nú er horfinn. Mikið fuglalíf er að finna í þessum náttúruperlum og þar má sjá langvíu, álku, ritu og fleiri tegundir. Góð aðstaða til fuglaskoðunar er á Þúfubjargi en þar er líka hægt að njóta útsýnis að Lóndröngum og Malarrifi. Mikilvægt er fyrir gesti að fara varlega við Þúfubjarg. Tíu mínútna gangur er frá þjóðveginum að björgunum.

Be careful of the tide Aðgát skal höfð The shoreline of Snæfellsnes is beautiful but when dealing with the forces of nature you have to be careful. There are strong currents in the sea and tidal waves can appear out of nowhere. Tourists have to be very careful and keep a safe distance from the sea. If you keep safety first, a visit to the shores is a must when travelling around Snæfellsnes. Fjörur Snæfellsnes eru fagrar, en geta verið varasamar. Mjög gætir þar sjávarfalla og stórar öldur geta birst óvænt úr sléttum sjónum. Ferðamenn verða því að fara mjög varlega og gæta þess að gleyma sér ekki yfir útsýninu og fara of nálægt sjónum. Þá er voðinn vís. Ef aðgát er höfð í fyrrirúmi í fjörunum verður heimsóknin í þær sannarlega ánægjuleg.



Arnarstapi + Stykkishólmur + Dalir Tel: +354 695 9995 / 694 9513

Laugagerðisskóli Snæfellsnes TEL: +354 435 6602 / +354 897 1089 Open: 1st June - 15th August (winter upon request)

Go West offers a variety of guided tours; glacier hikes, lowlands hikes, bike tours and a tailored tour just for you. You can find us on TripAdvisor and Arnarstapi.

Friendly, family-run hotel, which can accommodate groups of 50 to 60 persons in 26 double / triple rooms in made-up beds or sleeping bag accommodation. 16 rooms have hand basins. All rooms have shared showers and toilets. The restaurant offers home-cooked meals, refreshments, coffee and home-made pastries. Horseriding tours along Löngufjörur, one of the most spectacular beaches in Iceland. Campsite and swimming pool.



Snæfellsnes TEL: 435 6789 langaholt

Vegamót Snæfellsnes TEL: +354 788 9100 Open: 1st June - 30th Sept., daily from 10-22 1st Oct. - 31st May, daily from 10-17 Rjúkandi Kaffi is our coffee shop which has a cosy, warm welcome. We have a great espresso coffee machine, homemade cakes and a café menu for hungry travellers. Rjúkandi Restaurant offers local cuisine with the best and fresh ingredients from mother nature, depending on what each month provides. The restaurant is open from 6 pm but has different closing hours, depending on the season.


Sjávar- & fiskrétta veitingastaður í fallegu umhverfi. Accommodation & seafood restaurant in beautiful surroundings.




Djúpalónssandur and Dritvík

Djúpalónssandur (Route 572) is a spectacular pebble beach surrounded by magnificent rock formations and covered with infinite black stones believed by some to have healing powers. Prosperous fishing village was formerly at the beach where fishermen tested their strength by lifting four peculiar rocks that still lie there. They offer guests an opportunity to prove their strength. The stones are: Fullsterkur (Full strength) weighing 154 kg, Hálfsterkur (Half strength) at 100 kg, Hálfdrættingur (Weakling) at 54 kg and Amlóði (Useless) 23 kg. From Djúpalónssandur, there is a 1 km trail leading to the cove Dritvík. From the mid 17th century to the 19th century, Dritvík had one of the biggest fishing villages in the country, with as much as 6070 ships operating during high season. Djúpalónssandur er falleg malarvík umlukin mögnuðum klettamyndunum. Á árum áður gengu sögur af reimleika á Djúpalónssandi en þar var lengi vel útgerð og verbúðalíf. Enn má sjá minjar um dvöl sjómanna þarna. Menn reyndu krafta sína með því að lyfta fjórum aflraunasteinum sem liggja undir Gatkletti þegar komið er niður á ströndina. Steinarnir eru Fullsterkur (154 kg), Hálfsterkur (100 kg), Hálfdrættingur (54 kg) og Amlóði (23 kg). Enn þann dag í dag reyna karlar og konur sig við steinana.


Frá Djúpalónssandi er gönguleið að Dritvík sem er í um eins kílómeters fjarlægð. Í Dritvík var ein stærsta verstöð landsins á miðri 17. öld og allt fram á þá nítjándu. Talið er að um 60-70 bátar hafi verið gerðir út þaðan þegar mest var.



Félagsheimilið Breiðablik, Eyja og Miklaholtshreppi TEL: +354 435 6680

Lýsudalur Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 693 4739 / +354 421 5252

Open all year from 9 - 15, 1st June from 9-17 Allt árið frá kl. 9 - 15, frá 1. júní kl. 9 - 17

Kast Guesthouse offers 27 rooms: 17 double rooms, 2 triple rooms and 2 family rooms with private facilities and 6 double rooms with shared facilities. The rooms are very spacious and it is easy to add extra beds if necessary. Internet access is available. The guesthouse has an excellent restaurant. Horseback riding tours offered during summertime.



Arnarstapi Snæfellsnes TEL: +354 435 6611 +354 615 1962

Miðhraun 2 Snæfellsnes TEL: 893 3333


Open daily from 12:00 to 19:00. Closed on Sundays.


SÖÐULSHOLT COTTAGES Söðulsholt Snæfellsnes

Helgafellssveit Snæfellsnes TEL: 438 1581 bjarnarhofn shark-museum

TEL: +354 895 5464 Come and taste the shark and see how it´s made

TRAÐIR GUESTHOUSE / CAMPING Snæfellsnesvegur 356 Snæfellsbær TEL: 431-5353 / 848-1613

Opening hours / Opið frá 08:00-23:00

Opið / Open: 9-20




Öndverðarnes Öndverðarnes (Route 579) is the westernmost point of West Iceland. It is covered with the lava bed of Neshraun, making the environment raw and picturesque. The impressive cliffs of Svörtuloft reside along the western coast of Öndverðarness. The cliffs are notorious in the history of fishing in Iceland since many ships have been wrecked near the cliffs. A fishing settlement was located at Öndverðarnes centuries ago. The well Fálki is among the last remnants of the settlement.

Snæfellsjökull Glacier Tours Stóri-kambur 356 Snæfellsbær

Opið frá 1. maí til 31. ágúst Open from 1st May till 31st August

Tel: +354 865 0061 - -


Öndverðarnes er vestasti oddi Vesturlands. Nesið er þakið hrauni sem gerir landslagið hrátt og myndrænt. Tignarleg björg Svörtulofta standa úr sæ á vesturströnd Öndverðarness. Svörtuloft eru alræmd í sögu sjósóknar á Íslandi en þar hefur fjöldi skipa farist í gegnum aldirnar. Byggð var á Öndverðarnesi forðum en þaðan var róið á gjöful fiskimið sem eru að finna út af ströndum. Þekktustu leifar byggðarinnar er brunnurinn Fálki.

EarthCheck The Snæfellsnes peninsula has been awarded environmental certification by the EarthCheck organisation since 2008. The certification confirms that the region is an environmentally conscious community that systematically strives for improvements in environmental issues in the spirit of sustainable work practices. Sveitarfélögin á Snæfellsnesi hafa hlotið alþjóðlega umhverfisvottun EarthCheck fyrir samfélög síðan árið 2008. Vottunin staðfestir að svæðið vinnur markvisst að umbótum í umhverfismálum samkvæmt stefnu um sjálfbæra starfsemi og gæðastjórnunarkerfi.


Vakinn er opinbert gæðakerfi fyrir íslenska ferðaþjónustu. Markmið með Vakanum er að efla gæði, öryggi og umhverfisvitund í ferðaþjónustu á Íslandi með handleiðslu og stuðningi, ásamt því að byggja upp samfélagslega ábyrgð ferðaþjónustufyrirtækja. Lista yfir vottuð fyrirtæki má finna á


Vakinn is the official quality and environmental system for icelandic tourism. The aim of Vakinn is to enhance the quality, safety and environmental awareness within Icelandic tourism as well as to develop a sense of social responsibility. Certified companies are listed on



Hellissandur The village of Hellissandur (Route 574) is probably the first Icelandic village to be called a fishing village. The area has been inhabited since the middle ages. A recently refurbished maritime museum is located in the village. By the museum stands the so called “Sjómannagarður” (The Fishermen’s Garden), where guests can experience traditional fisherman’s’ living quarters. Above Hellissandur is the church site Ingjaldshóll. The church, built in 1903, is the first concrete church in the country. Various services can be found in Hellissandur, including a restaurant, café, hotel, shops, gas station, camping site and accommodations. Offices of Snæfellsjökull National Park are located in Hellissandur. The town inhabitants are close to 400.

Hellissandur er sennilega fyrsta byggð landsins sem kalla mætti sjávarþorp en þar er talið að þorp hafi staðið síðan á miðöldum. Þar er merkilegt og nýlega endurbætt sjóminjasafn sem gerir sögu árabátaútgerðar skil. Við safnið er svokallaður Sjómannagarður þar sem gestir geta kynnst hefðbundinni þurrabúð sem voru hýbýli fólks í sjávarþorpum á fyrri tíð. Fyrir ofan Hellissand er kirkjustaðurinn Ingjaldshóll en þar er fyrsta steinsteypa kirkja landsins, reist 1903. Ýmsa þjónustu er að finna á Hellissandi á borð við veitingastað, kaffihús, verslanir, bensínstöð og gistingu. Þar má einnig finna nýlegt tjaldsvæði í hraunjaðrinum og þá eru skrifstofur Snæfellsjökulsþjóðgarðs í þorpinu. Íbúar Hellissands eru um 400.

Rif North of Snæfellsjökull Glacier is the small village Rif (Route 574) with 150 inhabitants. It is characterized by its grand harbor and prosperous fishery, dating back to the 17th century. Conditions for bird watching in Rif are very favorable, and attract many tourists every year. Many hiking trails lie from Rif including a popular one that connects Rif to Hellissandur, a 3 km walk through one of the largest arctic terns nesting in the country. At Rif is a shop, café, hostel and a professional theatre. Rif is also the home to the annual Northern Wave International Film Festival, now in its 11th year. Þorpið Rif er norður af Snæfellsjökli. Einkenni þorpsins er stór og góð höfn og er myndarleg útgerð starfrækt í þorpinu. Rif hefur raunar verið útgerðarstaður frá 17. öld. Við Rifsós er að finna góða aðstöðu til fuglaskoðunar sem laðar fjölmarga gesti til sín á hverju ári. Gönguleiðir er að finna frá þorpinu t.d. vinsæla leið sem tengir Rif við Hellissand, sem er


einungis í 3 kílómetra fjarlægð. Á Rifi er verslun, kaffihús, gistiheimili og atvinnuleikhús og þar er einnig haldin á hverju ári alþjóðleg kvikmyndahátíð. Á Rifi er eitt stærsta kríuvarp á Íslandi. Íbúar Rifs eru um 150.




Gilbakki Hellissandur TEL: +354 436 1001/ 864 6771

Útnesvegur Hellisandur TEL: +354 433 6929 / 844 2629

Gilbakki kaffihús

Open: May 1st - Sept. 30th

Open from 9:00 - 18:00

THE FREEZER HOSTEL & CULTURE CENTRE Hafnargata 16 Rif TEL: +354 833 8200

Open from 10:00 - 23:00 !



Ólafsvík Ólafsvík, a beautiful town that lies beneath the mountainside, is the second largest town on the Snæfellsnes peninsula with close to 1,000 inhabitants. Ólafsvík is a thriving fishing town, with a good harbor and related undertakings. This lasting fishing town has a beautiful garden dedicated to fishermen who have lost their lives at sea and a stately church. Pakkhús Museum, a folk museum, is located in Ólafsvík housing exhibitions and a store, including a farmers market where locals sell their handicraft. All necessary services can be found in Ólafsvík, such as a camping site, swimming pool, information service, health service, supermarket, restaurants and shops and a 9 hole golf course. Walking trails are found near the town including an enjoyable walk along the ravine Gilið up the mountainside known as Ólafsvíkurenni, named after the settler Ólafur belgur, which holds a viewing dial.

Eat, live, enjoy!

Ólafsvík er næststærsti þéttbýliskjarninn á Snæfellsnesi með rétt um 1.000 íbúa. Bæjarstæði eru óvíða fegurri en í Ólafsvík og fyrir ofan bæinn er Ólafsvíkurenni sem dregur nafn sitt af landnámsmanninum Ólafi belg. Í Ólafsvík er góð höfn, öflug útgerð og fiskvinnsla. Reisuleg Ólafsvíkurkirkja vekur athygli flestra en hún hefur einstakan byggingarstíl. Í bænum er einnig fallegur sjómannagarður þar sem þeirra er minnst sem týnt hafa lífi við störf á sjó. Fjölmargar góðar gönguleiðir liggja um Ólafsvík og nágrenni. Gaman er að ganga meðfram Gilinu og upp með Ólafsvíkurenni en þar má finna sjónskífu á stað sem kallast Bekkurinn. Í Ólafsvík er skemmtilegt verslunar- og verkháttasafn í gamla Pakkhúsinu. Þar er líka handverkssala íbúa Snæfellsbæjar. Í Ólafsvík er tjaldsvæði, veitinga- og kaffihús, verslanir, sundlaug, líkamsrækt, upplýsingamiðstöð ferðamanna, heilsugæsla, og önnur nauðsynleg þjónusta auk 9 holu golfvallar.

NÁTTSKJÓL Brautarholt 2 355 Ólafsvík TEL: 867 8807 / 436 1492

Open all year / Opið allt árið Ólafsbraut 19 | 355 Ólafsvík Tel, +354 436-6625 Follow us on facebook





Ólafsbraut Ólafsvík TEL: +354 433 6930

Ennisbraut 9 Snæfellsbær TEL: +354 433 9910

Opnunartími / Opening hours: Mán. / Mon. 7:30-21:00 Lau.-sun. / Sat.-Sun. 10:00-17:00

Summer Opening Hours: Daily from 11-18.



By the Waterfall Rjúkandi Ólafsvík TEL: +354 433 6929 / 844 2629

Kirkjutún 2 Ólafsvík TEL: +354 433 6929

Open: May 1st - Sept. 30th



Grundarfjörður Grundarfjörður (Route 54) is a lively town set in an astonishing environment, surrounded by the sea and great and majestic mountains reaching for the sky. Among them is the shapely Kirkjufell, considered by many the most beautiful mountain in Iceland. The town has about 850 inhabitants and various services and industries, the main one being fishing. Tourism has become another cornerstone in Grundarfjörður, particularly during the winter. Accommodations are available in Grundarfjörður all year round and entertainment is bountiful, including golfing, fishing,


whale watching, angling, hiking and horseback riding. Grundarfjörður er líflegur bær í fallegu umhverfi. Umhverfis Grundarfjörð standa mikil og tignarleg fjöll, þar á meðal hið formfagra Kirkjufell sem er af mörgum talið eitt fallegasta fjall landsins. Í Grundarfirði búa um 850 manns og er helsti atvinnuvegur bæjarins sjávarútvegur. Ýmis þjónusta og iðnaður er einnig í bænum og er ferðaþjónusta orðinn snar þáttur í atvinnulífinu, sérstaklega yfir vetrartímann. Fjölbreyttir gistimöguleikar eru í bænum en meðal afþreyingarkosta má nefna golf, veiði, hvalaskoðun, sjóstangveiði, gönguferðir, hestamennsku og margt fleira.

Hamrahlíð 9 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 824 3000



TOP OF THE DIAMOND This great tour takes about 3 hours. We take off from Arnarstapi in 4×4 truck and drive to the root of the glacier, that is a beau�ful path with historical places on the way. Snow Track Buggy will then take you higher up on the glacier, Snæfellsjökull. The glacier rises 1446 meters above sea level. The mountain is one of the most famous sites in Iceland. These are always fascina�ng excursions with amazing view.

Suður-Bár Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 847 8759

Personalized tours: We also offer and organize special tours for your perfect vacation in Iceland. Snæfellsnes Excursions Sólvellir 5, 350 Grundarfjörður Iceland +354 616 9090



Snæfellsnes 22

Majestic Nature – Diverse Wildlife – Friendly Community Grundarfjörður offers various accommodation, restaurants and cafés all year round as well as bountiful entertainment including swimming, hiking, golf, whale watching, bird watching, fishing, guided tours and walks.



Kirkjufell - Unique and photogenic Myndarlega fjallið


Kirkjufell at Grundarfjörður (Route 54) is one of Iceland´s most photogenic mountains. It´s shape is unique and photos of it can be found in various newspapers, magazines and all over the internet. One viewpoint in particular has been popular over the last year, with the Kirkjufellsfoss in front and Kirkjufell in the back. The oldest photo, taken from that point of view, which can be found on the web was taken by Guðmundur Ó. Sigmarsson from Hellissandur on July 9th 2006, and some might say this particular photo was the harbinger of these photos. Thousands of people have travelled a long way to take a photo of Kirkjufell from the exact same viewpoint. Kirkjufell við Grundarfjörð er líklega myndarlegasta fjall landsins. Ekki þarf að leita lengi á samfélagsmiðlum til að finna myndir sem ferðamenn, innlendir sem erlendir, hafa tekið af þessu formfagra fjalli. Talið er að ljósmynd sem Guðmundur Ó. Sigmarsson frá Hellissandi tók af fjallinu 9. júlí 2006 hafi hrundið skriðunni af stað, en það er elsta myndin sem finnst á samfélagsmiðlum tekin með

Kirkjufellssfossinn í forgrunni og fjallið í bakgrunni. Sú mynd fór víða og síðan hafa fjölmargir ferðamenn lagt leið sína að fjallinu til að taka mynd frá sama sjónarhorni. Slíkar eru vinsældir sjónarhornsins að fólk hefur komið frá fjarlægum löndum til að taka þannig mynd af Kirkjufelli.



Nesvegur 5 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 546 6808

Nesvegur 6 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 438 6893


Daily tours: December - October

Set in the quaint fishing village of Grundarfjörður, Hótel Framnes is your home on holiday. This waterfront hotel has a great sea view from the patio. Some rooms have a view over the beautiful mountain Kirkjufell, only 2 km from the hotel. Ideally located for visits on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. The hotel offers free WiFi.



Grundargata 59 Grundarfjörður TEL: 438 6446 59bistrobar

Hlíðarvegur 15 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 895 6533 / +354 562 6533 Set in the picturesque fishing village of Grundarfjörður, this guesthouse and hostel offers a choice of rooms with both shared and private facilities and also private apartments, all with free WiFi. Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and a common living room with TV. Its central location on the Snæfellsnes peninsula makes it an ideal stop from which to enjoy the beautiful landscape and the multitude of activities that this area has to offer.


Grundargötu 35, 350 Grundarfirði KAFFI EMIL Tel: 897-0124 / 868-7688

GAMLA PÓSTHÚSIÐ Grundargata 50 Grundarfjörður TEL: 430 8043 www.

Winter opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00 Summar opening hours: 8:00 - 18:00

Grundargata 35 Grundarfjörður Vinalegt kaffihús í Sögumiðstöðunni. Léttir réttir, súpur, TEL: 897 0124 kökur / 868 og 7688 heimabakaðar drykkir. Gott andrúmsloft þar sem gestir geta snætt, skoðað safnið og gripið í hljófæri. Double and single rooms with shared and private bathroom and kitchen in the center of Grundarfjordur.

Winter Opening Hours Friendly Café in the Heritage Centre in Grundarfjörður 10:00-17:00 with a great view of street life. The café offers coffee, soups, Summer Opening Hours home baked cakes and various meals. A wonderful place where 9:00-18:00 guests can eat, explore history and play some music.

Magnificent view.




Borgarbraut (by the Sports Centre) Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 831 7242

Hrannarstígur 3 350 Grundarfjörður TEL: 847-3303 / 868-7688

Open: 1st June - 31st August




Grundargata 35 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 438 1881

Sólvellir 6 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 690 4347


A campsite with beautiful surroundings and a marvelous view. Located next to the swimming pool, which is also the information centre for the campsite. Wheelchair-accessible bathroom with electricity for campers.

Open: 1st May - 30th September, daily from 9-18 1st October - 30th April, daily from 10-18 The Grundarfjörður Information Centre provides useful information about the area, offers internet facilities and houses Kaffi Emil. It also has two exhibits and an ongoing slideshow of photographs showing Grundarfjörður, past and present.

Folk artist with an open workshop and gallery. Open all year round. Advisable to call ahead (+354) 690 4347.



Sólvellir 15 Grundarfjörður TEL: 438 6770 Bjargarsteinnrestaurant

Borgarbraut 19 Grundarfjörður TEL: +354 430 8564 Open: 19th May - 20th August

Open for dinner / Kvöldverðaropnun

A small, comfortable outdoor pool in a prime location next to the campsite. Two hot tubs and a wading pool for children. Open Mondays - Fridays from 7-21 and Saturdays - Sundays from 10-18.



Stykkishólmur Stykkishólmur has about 1.200 inhabitants. During the summer the population grows when tourists converge to the town to enjoy its spectacular town image. Stykkishólmur has numerous well preserved old houses and a view over hundreds of small nearby islands in the bay Breiðarfjörður, which is the town’s main attraction. Two companies now provide boat trips on the bay. Activites in Stykkishólmur are plentiful, including golf, swimming, sailing and visits to museums such as the regional museum in the Norwegian House, the Volcano Museum and the Library of Water. The recently refurbished Icelandic Eider Center is located in Stykkishólmur, a museum dedicated to the common eider duck and eider down farming in Iceland. Stykkishólmur is rich in culture and hosts many events all year round. All necessary services are found in the town, e.g. restaurants, hotels and smaller lodgings, camping sites, a health centre, a spectacular swimming pool and grocery stores.



Aðalgötu 7 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 831 1806

Borgarbraut 8 Stykkishólmur Tel: +354 435 2100

The guesthouse stands on a hillside in center of the old town with a great view over Breidafjördur bay in the north and its numerous islands. A variety of rooms to suit singles, groups and families. The bed & breakfast offers quality beds, goose down duvets and delicate bed linens. It has a cozy and comfortable breakfast / sitting area where guests will find all necessary amenities. Bookings on


Í Stykkishólmi búa um 1.200 manns en á sumrin margfaldast sú tala þegar ferðamenn streyma að til að njóta fegurðar í bænum við eyjarnar. Umfangsmikil ferðaþjónusta er rekin í Stykkishólmi og er þar Breiðafjörðurinn aðalumgjörðinrn tvö fyrirtæki bjóða upp á bátsferðir út á fjörðinn. Í Stykkishólmi er að finna fjölda gamalla, vel varðveittra húsa og er bæjarmyndin því einstaklega fögur ásýndum. Afþreyingarmöguleikar í Stykkishólmi eru fjölmargir. Má þar nefna golf, sund, siglingar og heimsóknir á söfn og listagallerí bæjarins. Í Norska húsinu er byggðasafn Snæfellinga og skammt frá er Eldfjallasafnið og Vatnasafnið. Þar er líka Æðarsetur Íslands, safn tileinkað æðarfuglinum og dúntekju á Íslandi. Menningarlíf er öflugt og ýmsir viðburðir haldnir allan ársins hring. Stykkishólmur hefur upp á margþætta þjónustu að bjóða; veitingahús, hótel og smærri gististaði, tjaldsvæði, heilsugæslu, glæsilega sundlaug og matvöruverslanir.

Fosshotel Stykkishólmur is a 3-star hotel in a fishing village of Stykkishólmur, sometimes called the town of thousand islands. All rooms come equipped with a private bathroom, telephone, TV, WiFi and hairdryers. The atmosphere of this town is set by beautiful old houses that make you feel like a time traveler. It is an ideal destination for those who are visiting the Snæfellsnes peninsula or exploring the spectacular wildlife around the islands. Free parking and an excellent restaurant.



Sundlaugin í Stykkishólmi / Stykkishólmur Swimming Pool Borgarbraut 4 - Stykkishólmur - Tel. 433-8150

Sumaropnun / Summer (Júní - ágúst / June - Aug.): Mán. - fim. / Mon. - Thu. 07.05 - 22.00 Fös. / Fri. 07.05 - 19.00 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10.00 - 18.00

Vetraropnun / (Sept. - maí / Sept. - May): Mán. - föst. / Mon. - Fri. 07.05 - 22.00 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10.00 - 17.00 Heita og kalda vatnið í Stykkishólmi hefur mikla sérstöðu. Vatnið í heitu pottunum í Sundlaug Stykkishólms kemur beint frá borholunni og er því laust við klór. Það er ríkt af salt- og steinefnum og hefur fengið vottun frá Institut Fresenius í Þýskalandi. Vatnsböð þykja einstaklega góð við stoðkerfisvandamálum og húðsjúkdómum eins og psoriasis og exemi.

The hot and cold water in Stykkishólmur is considered quite unique. The water comes straight from the well, contains no chlorine and is rich in salt and minerals. Its quality and integrity has been certified by Institut Fresenius in Germany. Bathing is considered beneficiary for psoriasis and eczema patients.

Velkomin í sund! - Welcome to the pool! 93


Flatey The island Flatey is a picturesque village in the middle of Breiðafjörður. Today only two farms are inhabited on the island but other houses are used as country houses in the summer. The village image is well preserved and the houses maintained in its

LEIR 7 Aðalgata 20 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 894 0425 leir7ceramic Leir 7 creates and produces goods from the Icelandic clay found in the Fagridalur valley of Skarðsströnd, Dalir. Groups welcome. Light refreshments, fresh from the area, e.g. scallops, dried fish and kelp, are offered. Leir 7 is an Economuseum, which includes production workshops showing the production of goods from the raw material to the finished product.

original appearance and style. Most of them were built at the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th. Nowhere in Iceland is the atmosphere of the past as well preserved as in Flatey, giving the mystique feeling that time stands still. The ferry Baldur stops at Flatey on its way from Stykkishólmur to the West-Fjords. Í Flatey var miðstöð verslunar við Breiðafjörð á árum áður og mikil útgerð stunduð frá eynni. Í dag er búið á tveimur býlum í Flatey en eigendur annara húsa í þorpinu nýta þau sem sumarhús. Þorpsmyndin hefur verið vel varðveitt og er húsunum haldið við af myndarskap, en þau voru flest byggð í lok 19. aldar og upphafi 20. aldar. Óhætt er að segja að hvergi á Íslandi sé andrúmsloft fortíðar jafn vel varðveitt og í Flatey. Þar er eins og tíminn standi í stað. Á sumrin er rekið hótel í Flatey og staðið fyrir ýmsum uppákomum. Ferjan Baldur siglir frá Stykkishólmi að Brjánslæk með viðkomu í Flatey.



Hafnargötu 2 Stykkishólmur TEL: 438 1800

Bókhlöðustígur 19 Stykkishólmur TEL: 865 4516

Opið alla daga frá kl. 12-22 Opnunartími / Opening from 10:00-17:00




Nesvegi 1 Stykkishólmur TEL: 438 1830 nesbraudehf

Aðalgötu 6 Stykkishómur TEL: 433 8154

Bakaríið Nesbrauð er byggt á gömlum grunni, því rekið hefur verið bakarí í Stykkishólmi frá árinu 1904. Bakaríið er með veitingastofuleyfi og býður upp á nýtt brauð og bakkelsi, súpu og samlokur alla daga. Staðurinn tekur 50 manns í sæti inni. Einnig er boðið upp á veisluþjónustu og nestispakka.

Opnunartími / Open from 10:00-17:00

Gallerí Lundi Handverk eftir heimamenn – Local handicraft for sale Open all days / Opið alla daga: 12:30-18:00 (May-Sept.)

Aðalgata 2 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 554 7700 Hótel Egilsen stands by the harbour and is situated in a newly converted historic house in the heart of Stykkishólmur. Hotel Egilsen offers accommodation in small but very bright and comfortable rooms, with overhead power shower, iPad, and Coco-Mat beds. Every morning Greta´s famous homemade healthy breakfast is offered with fresh organic eggs from local farmers.



Aðalgata 20 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 896 1909 Smavinir

Frúarstígur 6 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 899 8369 eidercenter

Smávinir (Small Friends) is an open woodcraft studio. The artist, Lára Gunnarsdóttir, carves and shapes Icelandic birch and produces birds, angels and various small items.

The Icelandic Eider Center is a modern museum and knowledge center which invites visitors to learn about the eider duck and the fascinating methods of eiderdown farming, both in the past and present. Located in the town of Stykkishólmur in Breiðafjörður Bay, which is the home of large eider duck breeding grounds and the most extensive eider farming worldwide.



Borgarbraut 4 Stykkishólmi TEL: 433 8150

Hafnargata 4 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 517 5353

Sumaropnun / Summer (Júní - ágúst / June - August.): Mán. - fim. / Mon. - Thu. 07.05 - 22.00 Fös. / Fri. 07.05 - 19.00 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10.00 - 18.00 Vetraropnun / (Sep. - maí / Sep. - May): Mán. - föst. / Mon. - Fri. 07.05 - 22.00 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10.00 - 17.00


v/ Aðalgötu - Stykkishólmur Tel. 893 5588 / 438 1188 / 438 1530


The Harbour Hostel offers a range of hostel accommodation in mixed dorms, family rooms and private rooms. Keycardaccess. Great view over the harbour and Breiðafjörður Bay. Cooking facilities for self-catering. Free wireless internet access.



Breiðafjörður The bay Breiðafjörður is believed to have about 3.000 islands, islets and skerries. Tides there are strong with up to six meters variance between high tide and low tide. Breiðafjörður and the islands are renowned for their biodiversity, and are an important habitat for the White-tailed eagle. With its diverse landscape, bays and coves, Breiðafjörður is a vast natural resource. Many restaurants and hotels on the Snæfellsnes peninsula offer delicacies made of the catch found in Breiðafjörður.



Vatnsási 18 Stykkishólmur TEL: 438 1075

Höfðagata 11 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 694 6569

Vefsíða / Website: Opið allt árið/Open all year.


Talið er að Á Breiðafirði séu um 3.000 eyjar, hólmar og sker. Sjávarföll eru mikil í firðinum og er munur á flóði og fjöru allt að sex metrar á stórstreymi. Breiðafjörður og eyjarnar eru þekktar fyrir fjölskrúðugt lífríki og fjölda sjávardýra og fugla. Svæðið er til dæmis mikilvægasta búsvæði hafarnarins á Íslandi. Breiðafjörður, með sínu fjölbreytta landslagi, fjörðum, vogum og víkum, er sannkölluð matarkista. Í hana er sótt ógrynni hráefnis, allt frá skelfiski til fugla. Mörg veitingahús og hótel á Snæfellsnesi bjóða upp á sælkerarétti unna úr hráefni úr Breiðafirði.

Höfðagata is the oldest Bed & Breakfast in Stykkishólmur. Only a short walk away from restaurants, swimming pool and other services. Accommodation in double rooms with shared facilities. Also one double room with private facilities and a small apartment. All rooms with deluxe mattresses. Fluffy towels and hygiene basics included. Hot tub and barbecue in the garden!



Flatey Island Breiðafjörður TEL:+354 555 7788

Smiðjustígur 3 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 433 2254

Open: 28th May - 31st August Hótel Flatey is situated in the centre of the old village on Flatey Island, in the very heart of Breiðafjörður. The hotel’s dining room and guest rooms are in converted warehouses flanking the old market square. Guests can savour the unique ambience of the island in cosy and welcoming accommodation and enjoy good and healthy food.

Ferry Baldur crosses Breiðafjörður bay daily between Stykkishólmur in the north of the Snæfellsnes peninsula and Brjánslækur on the south side of the West Fjords. A ferry ride considerably shortens the route between the south and mid-west of the country and the West Fjords region and gives you the opportunity to enjoy eating on board a floating restaurant. The ferry has a stopover at Flatey Island.

HÓTEL FRANSISKUS Austurgata 7 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 422 1101



Hafnargötu 5 Stykkishólmur TEL: 433 8114

At the harbour Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 898 2028


The hotel offers 21 rooms, single, double and family rooms. The rooms have been beautifully designed with soft colours and a cosy atmosphere and they have a magnificent view over the harbour, the centre of the town, the mountains and towards the magnificent bay Breiðafjörður. The Fransiskus house was once a Catholic monastery and there is still a chapel inside the Fransiskus hotel, which is open to visitors.

Open: April - Sept. from 8:30-20:00. Winters: on request.

Opnunartími / Open from 10:00-17:00

Ocean Adventures offers two kind of tours: 1,5 hour Puffin tour and 2 hour Sea Angling tour. Visit the puffins and seals or catch your own dinner. We offer tours almost every two hours so everyone should find a time to join us for a unique and unforgettable experience.



Smiðjustígur 3 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 433 2254

Aðalgata 29 Stykkishólmur TEL: +354 438 1075

Be adventurous! Seatours offers daily tours from Stykkishólmur. Experience some bird watching and try the Viking Sushi - fresh scallops straight from the sea. If you plan to go to the West Fjords, our ferry Baldur brings you and your car the whole way across the Breiðafjörður Bay - and also gives you the opportunity to make a stopover on the very small, but charming, Flatey island. Come, see and conquer in the world of a thousand islands.

Open: 1st May - 30th September Víkurvöllur is a 9-hole golf course which lies south of Fosshotel Stykkishólmur. The club house is at the Stykkishólmir Campsite. The course makes for good walking, lies between two ridges and continues down to the beach. A well kept, challenging course.


Snæfellsnes Service Index Þjónustuskrá Snæfellsness


Apótek Ólafsvíkur Ólafsbraut 24, Ólafsvík Tel: 436 1261 Prescription drugs, OTC’s, vitamins & supplements, first aid, cosmetics Áningin Kverná - Ferðaþjónusta Kverná, Grundarfjörður Tel: 438 6813 / 865 4514 Bændagisting, tjaldsvæði, hestaleiga / Accommodation Horse rental - Camping Bjarnarhöfn - Shark museum Helgafellssveit, Snæfellsnes (Route 577) Tel: 438 1581 Facebook: Bjarnarhöfn sharkmuseum Come taste the shark and see how it is made

Byggðasafn Snæfellinga og Hnappdæla Regional museum of Snæfellsnes Hafnargata 5, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8114 / 865 4516 Eldfjallasafnið The Volcano Museum Aðalgata 8, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8154 Safn tileinkað eldfjöllum Museum dedicated to volcanoes Grundarfjarðarbær Grundargata 30, Grundarfjörður Tel: 430 8500 Heimagisting Skálholti Skálholt 6 (neðri hæð), Ólafsvík Tel: 867 9407 Gisting / Guesthouse

Heimagisting Ölmu Guesthouse Alma Sundabakki 12, Stykkishólmur Tel: 438 1435 / 848 9833 / 894 9542 Gisting / Guesthouse Local Storytellers Tel: +354 848 2339 We take pleasure in receiving guests to Snæfellsnes Sagnaþulir, sögufylgjur og svæðislóðsar taka glaðir á móti gestum á Snæfellsnesi Pakkhúsið - Byggðasafn Snæfellsbæjar Ólafsbraut 12, Ólafsvík Tel: 433 6930 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 31. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 31st Alla daga / Every day from 11-18 Byggðasafn og handverksgallerí

Regional museum and local handicraft Primus Café / Restaurant Hellnum, Snæfellsnes Tel: 865 6740 Facebook: primuskaffi Open May 15th - Sept. 30th From 10-20 Open Oct. 1st - May 14th From 11-15 Sker Restaurant Ólafsbraut 19, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 436 6625 Facebook: Sker Restaurant Veitingahús / Restaurant Snæfellsbær Klettsbúð 4, Hellissandur Tel: 433 6900 Snæfellsjökull Glacier tour Litli Kambur, Snæfellsbær Facebook: Snæfellsjökull Glacier Tours Instagram: Tel: +354 663 3371 Offers unforgettable sightseeing tours by snowcat and snowmobiles at 1446 m altitude at the top of Snæfellsjökull. GPS - 64°49’08”N 23°33’52”W Stóri Kambur Horse Rental and Accommodation Snæfellsnes (Route 574) Tel: 852 7028 Facebook: horserentalstorikambur


Stykkishólmsbær Hafnargata 3, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8100 Summit Adventure Guides Adventure Experts in Snæfellsjökull National Park Gufuskalar, Snæfellsbær Tel: +354 787 0001

Sundlaugin í Ólafsvík Ólafsvík Swimming pool Ennisbraut 11, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 9910 Opið / Open: Mán. - fös / Mon. - Fri. 7:30-21 Lau.- sun. / Sat.-Sun. 10-17 Sundlaugin Lýsuhóli Lýsuhóll Swimming Pool Lýsuhóll Snæfellsbær Tel: +354 433 9917 Opið / Open: 21. maí - 1. Júní / May 21st - June 1st 16-20 Júní - sept. / June - Sept. 11-20

Upplýsingamiðstöð Snæfellsbæjar Information Centre Ólafsbraut 12, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 6929 Opið allt árið / Open all year round Free WiFi Vatnasafnið Library of Water Bókhlöðustígur 17, Stykkishólmur Tel: 865 4516 Safn tileinkað vatni og veðri / Museum dedicated to water and weather


Sundlaugin Grundarfirði Grundarfjörður Swimming Pool Borgarbraut 19, Grundarfirði Tel: 430 8564 Opið / Open: Mán. - fös. / Mon. - Fri. 7-21 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10-18

Tjaldsvæðið Ólafsvík Hvalsá, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 6929 / +354 844 2629 Opið / Open: 1. maí - 30. sept. / May 1st - Sept. 30th

Þjóðgarðurinn Snæfellsjökull Snæfellsjökull National Park Tel: 436 6888 / 591 2000 Gestastofa að Malarrifi / Visitor Center at Malarrif

Sundlaugin Stykkishólmi Stykkishólmur Swimming Pool Borgarbraut 4, Stykkishólmi Tel: 433 8150 Opið allt árið / open all year round Söluskáli Ó.K. Ólafsbraut 27, Ólafsvík Tel: 436 1012 Veitingar, bílavörur og ýmsar aðrar vörur Pizzur og grill Gas station, pizza and grill Tjaldsvæðið Hellissandi Við Sandahraun, Hellissandur Tel: +354 433 6929 / +354 844 2629 Opið / Open: 1. maí - 30. sept. / May 1st - Sept. 30th


Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Dalir Dalir (The Valleys) is a district which forms the northern part of West Iceland. Dalir draws its name from the almost endless valleys surrounding the village Búðardalur, the main service centre of the area. Búðardalur (Route 60) is located by the fjord Hvammsfjörður, which connects the Ring Road to the Westfjords region. Dalir are rural in character as most of the inhabitants work in agriculture – sheep herding in particular. The population is about 670 people. Along with the valleys, the district consists of mountains, hills, bountiful rivers and a beautiful coastline, offering varied options for hikers, photographers and anglers. A beautiful panorama of Breiðafjörður can be seen from many places in the district, especially at Fellsströnd and Skarðsströnd coastlines (Route 590). Dalir is rich in history. They were settled by the daring Viking woman Auður djúpúðga (Aud the Deep-Minded) in the 9th century. The stories of her descendants who lived in Dalir are also accounted for in the Sagas, most famously in Laxdæla Saga. The discovery of the Western Hemisphere is tied to Dalir’s history in the Saga of the viking Erik the Red and his son Leif Erikson the Lucky. They lived in Dalir before sailing across the Atlantic to the West. The museum at Eiríksstaðir (Route 586) near Búðardalur is dedicated to their story.

Dalirnir liggja á krossgötum Vesturlands, Vestfjarða og Norðurlands, rétt utan hringvegarins. Í Dölum búa um 670 manns, þar af um 26 í þorpinu Búðardal við Hvammsfjörð, sem er þjónustumiðstöð héraðsins. Einkenni Dalanna eru þeir fjölmörgu dalir sem liggja inn til landsins frá Hvammsfirði. Höfuðatvinnuvegur svæðisins er landbúnaður þar sem sauðfjárbúskapur er fyrirferðamestur, en að auki skipar ferðaþjónusta stóran sess. Leiðir í Dali liggja úr Borgarfirði um Bröttubrekku, af Mýrum um Heydal, af Snæfellsnesi um Skógarströnd, af Ströndum um Laxárdalsheiði, Steinadalsheiði og Arnkötludal (Þröskulda) og leiðin til Vestfjarða er yfir Gilsfjörð. Landslag er fjölbreytt í Dölum. Svæðið einkennist af fjöllum, hálsum, fengsælum ám og fallegri strandlengju. Góða útsýnisstaði er að finna í Dölum, ekki síst á Fellsströnd og Skarðsströnd. Dalirnir eiga sér merka sögu. Landnámsmaður svæðisins var hin skelegga Auður djúpúðga sem nam þar land á 9. öld og byggði sér bú í Hvammi fyrir botni Hvammsfjarðar. Afkomendur eru frægar sögupersónur í Íslendingasögunum, einna helst í Laxdælu. Saga Dalanna tengist einnig landnámi Ameríku. Víkingarnir Eiríkur rauði og sonur hans Leifur heppni bjuggu í Dölum áður en þeir héldu vestur um haf og uppgötvuðu Nýja heiminn. Á Eiríksstöðum í Haukadal er lifandi safn sem er tileinkað landafundunum.



Búðardalur TEL: 767 2100

Brekkuhvammur 1 Búðardalur TEL: 865 3382 / 434 1449 thecastleguesthouse

Open all year. Opnunartími / Open from 8-22 CREDIT CARD


Dalir og Reykhรณlasveit


Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Búðardalur Búðardalur is Dalir‘s service centre, located at Route 60. Its main economic life is dairy processing and service for inhabitants and tourists. A good camping site is located in the village and further service for tourists includes a supermarket, a guesthouse, a café and a restaurant. The population of Búðardalur is about 260.



Nýp, Skarðsströnd 371 Búðardalur TEL: 00354 896 1930

Dalbraut 2 Búðardalur TEL: +354 434 1644

Open / Opið: 15. maí - 15. september CREDIT CARD


Þjónustukjarni Dalanna er þorpið Búðardalur við Hvammsfjörð. Vestfjarðarvegur, sem tengir Vesturland við Vestfirði, liggur í gegnum þorpið og setur það í alfaraleið. Megin atvinnuvegur íbúa er þjónusta við landbúnað og ferðafólk. Gott tjaldstæði er að finna í Búðardal en þar er einnig matvöruverslun, gistiheimili, kaffihús, veitingastaður og upplýsingamiðstöð fyrir ferðamenn. Íbúar Búðardals eru um 260.

Dalakot is a small guesthouse and a restaurant in the heart of Búðardalur. We offer one single room, five double / twin rooms and one triple room with shared facilities, one double room and one triple room with private facilities and a cottage for 4-6 people. Breakfast buffet is served every morning.

Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Eiríksstaðir The Sagas are held in high esteem at Eiríksstaðir in the valley of Haukadalur (Route 586). According to the Sagas, the Viking Erik the Red lived at Eiríksstaðir with his wife Þjóðhildur, but Erik became famous for discovering Greenland after being outlawed from Iceland. Their son, Leif Erikson the Lucky, was born at Eiríksstaðir. Like his father, he became famous for discovering North-America or Vinland around the year 1000. A lively museum is operated in the summer at Eiríksstaðir where guests can step back to the Viking Era. For more information check out



Saudafell 371 Búðardalur TEL: +354 846 6012 / 897 9603 / 434 1660 Saudafell Guesthouse

Laugum í Sælingsdal TEL: 434 1328/845 9952

Saudafell Guesthouse is a newly renovated old romantic farmhouse from the 19th century. There are 5 rooms with made-up beds on two floors to choose from with great view. Kitchen with all necessary equipment as well as a large living room area and 3 modern bathrooms. Breakfast is included and free WiFi in all rooms. Saudafell Guesthouse is an ideal place to enjoy the diverse landscape or simply relax.


Á Eiríksstöðum í Haukadal er sagan í hávegum höfð. Víkingurinn Eiríkur rauði bjó að Eiríksstöðum ásamt konu sinni Þjóðhildi samkvæmt Íslendingasögunum. Eiríkur er einna þekktastur fyrir að hafa fundið Grænland. Sonur þeirra, Leifur heppni, fæddist á Eiríksstöðum en vann sér til frægðar að uppgötva Norður-Ameríku eða Vínland um árið 1000. Á Eiríksstöðum er á sumrin opið lifandi safn í fornu, skemmtilegu tilgátuhúsi. Þar taka leiðsögumenn, klæddir að fornum sið á móti gestum. Eiríksstaðir eru við Haukdalsveg, skammt frá Búðardal. Sjá nánar á

Opið / Open: Júní / June - ágúst / August from 10:00-16:00

DALAHYTTUR Hlíð Búðardalur TEL: +354 586 1025 / + 354 869 8778 Dalahyttur offers three new huts with facilities for up to four in each unit. Each hut has kitchen facilities, a sitting area, bathroom and shower as well as a sleeping area. From the huts you can enjoy beautiful mountain views over three valleys, Vífilsdalur, Laugardalur og Hörðudalur. Dalahyttur is centrally-located and suitable for a few nights stay as well as for day trips to Snæfellsnes or the southern West Fjords.



Erpsstaðir Búðardalur TEL: 843 0357 / 868 0357 Rjómabúið Erpsstaðir

Haukadal 371 Búðardal TEL: 666 0434 Opið / Open: Júní / June - ágúst / August frá / from 9:00-18:00 CREDIT CARD

Dalir og Reykhólasveit At our lovely little farm Hólar you can expect to find a variety of animals, including; horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, a cow, ducks, sheep, chickens, turkeys, goats, a pig and even a raven! We would love to welcome you and show you around our farm, introducing you to Icelandic style farming. Feel free to pet the animals. Open: From 15 June to 13 August from 10.00 – 16.00 (closed Tuesday). Á sveitabænum okkar Hólum er að finna mörg dýr, þar á meðal hesta, hunda, ketti, kanínur, kú, endur, kalkúna, kindur, lömb, hænur, geitur, svín og jafnvel krumma! Verið velkomin í heimsókn til okkar þar sem þið getið skoðað, fræðst og jafnvel klappað dýrunum. Opið: Frá 15. júní til 13. ágúst frá kl. 10.00 – 16.00 (lokað á þriðjudögum). Admission / Aðgöngugjald: 0-2 years free / 0–2 ára frítt 2-18 years 1.000 ISK / 2–18 ára 1.000 kr. Adults 1.500 ISK / Fullorðnir 1.500 kr.

Hólar Búðardalur

TEL: +354 897 1674


Dalir og Reykhólasveit 106

Guðrúnarlaug Natural Pool Guðrúnarlaug According to Laxdaela Saga, GUÐRÚn ÓsvÍfursdóttir used to dwell by a geothermal pool in Laugar in Saelingsdalur (Route 589). The pool is also mentioned in Sturlunga Saga and seems to have been used a great deal, due to the water’s healing powers. The pool was rebuilt by locals in 2009 and named Guðrúnarlaug. It is open all year round. A little Viking cabin stands next to it, making it easier for visitors to change clothes before bathing.

Samkvæmt Laxdælu baðaði Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir sig í heitri laug að Laugum í Sælingsdal. Laugarinnar er einnig getið í Sturlungu en heimildir herma að hún hafi staðið þar uns hún hvarf undir skriðu á 19. öld. Laugin var endurgerð fyrir nokkrum árum af heimamönnum í Dölum og nefnd Guðrúnarlaug. Laugin er hlaðin eins og menn ætluðu að laugin hafi litið út að fornu, en við hana hefur einnig verið byggt skýli þar sem má hafa fataskipti.



Vogur, Fellsströnd Búðardalur TEL: +354 435 0002

Laugum í Sælingsdal TEL: 434 1465 / 780 2660

Vogur Country Lodge offers accommodation in 24 DBL rooms with private facilities and 4 suites, a cosy restaurant, living room, hot tub and sauna. Horse rental nearby. During summer, boat tours are offered on Breiðafjörður Bay. Hiking trails, beautiful nature and magnificent views. The perfect place for nature lovers.

Vefsíða / Website:



Hólar Búðardalur TEL: +354 897 1674

Þurranes Dalabyggð TEL: +354 867 7286


JÖRVI - LEIRVINNUSTOFA Jörvi Búðardalur TEL: +354 862 6102

Open: 8th June - 27th August

Dalir og Reykhólasveit

HÓTEL EDDA LAUGUM Laugar Sælingsdalur Búðardalur TEL: +354 444 4930

Opið / Open: 10. júní / 10th June - 31. ágúst / 31st August from 9:00 - 12:00




Seljaland Búðardalur TEL: +354 894 2194 / +354 434 1116 Open: 15th May - 15th August (and upon request)

Giljaland Búðardalur TEL: +354 434 1402

In Seljaland we offer accommodation for groups of 18-20 people. The old house takes up to 8 people and the three little cottages can fit maximum 6 people. In another building, we also have two family rooms for up to 3 people with bathroom facilities. A little restaurant that seats 30 people is located on these premises. Reservations must be made in advance.

Open: July 1st - August 25th Giljaland is an old farmhouse we have been renovating for a few years. Just recently we finished renovating an old hydropower station that now provides all the electricity we need. Accommodation in 5 rooms with made-up beds. Shared bathroom and cooking facilities. Giljaland is an isolated farm, where there is peace and quiet. Many hiking possibilities. We do our utmost to give our guests the help and attention that they need.


Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Reykhólasveit Reykhólasveit district is at the crossroads of West Iceland and Westfjords. It is a rural area that stretches from the fjord Gilsfjörður in the east to Kjálkafjörður in the west and forms the north coast of Breiðafjörður. The district is very mountainous with beautiful narrow fjords cutting into the mountain range. The more rural eastern part is where the majority of the almost 280 inhabitants of the district live. Most live in the small village of Reykhólar (Route 607). In Reykhólar is a museum, supermarket, gas station, restaurant and accommodation. Natural conditions in the district are seemingly prosperous, with the low tide shoreline of Breiðafjörður, inland marshes and countless islets and rocks off the coast creating a favorable environment for birds. The locals have been provident in utilizing the materials provided by nature. A kelp factory is operated in the village of Reykhólar and also a recent salt factory, where raw material is gained from the bountiful Breiðafjörður. Reykhólasveit er á krossgötum Vesturlands og Vestfjarða. Héraðið teygir anga sína frá Gilsfirði í austri til Kjálkafjarðar í vestri og myndar um leið norðurströnd Breiðafjarðar. Fjalllendi er mikið í Reykhólasveit, þar sem djúpir innfirðir Breiðafjarðar skerast inn í landið. Undirlendi er meira í austur-


hluta hreppsins þar sem meirihluti hinna rúmlega 280 íbúa svæðisins býr. Flestir búa í þorpinu á Reykhólum í Reykhólsveit sem er þjónustukjarni svæðisins. Þar er veitingastaður, matvörubúð, safn og gistheimili. Náttúra svæðisins er blómleg. Útfiri er hvergi meira á landinu en á þessum slóðum og er lífríkið á leirunum gósenland fugla. Víðáttumikið mólendi er einnig í nágrenni Reykhóla með mýrlendi, tjarnir og vötn. Af hlýst fjölskrúðugt fuglalíf. Heimamenn hafa enn fremur verið duglegir við að nýta það sem náttúra svæðisins hefur upp á að bjóða, t.d. í Þörungaverksmiðjunni á Reykhólum þar sem unnið er þang og þari úr Breiðafirði og í nýlegri saltverksmiðju Norður Salts á sama stað.

Reykhólahreppur Pleasure for the eye / Unaður augans Unaður augans

Information Centre / Upplýsingamiðstöð Information centre for visitors is located at Maríutröð road at Reykhólar village (Route 606, by-way from Route 607). / Upplýsingamiðstöð ferðafólks er í Gamla samkomuhúsinu við Maríutröð við afleggjarann að Reykhólum. - Tel. 434 7830 E-mail:

Grettislaug á Reykhólum

Swimming pool, hot tubs and campsite / Sundlaug, heitir pottar og tjaldsvæði

The Swimming pool is open all year round / Sundlaugin er opin allt árið Tel. 434 7738 - E-mail:

Birdwatching in Reykhólasveit Fuglalífið í Reykhólasveit The Birdlife is one of the main features of Reykhólasveitar. Countless species dwell in the area which is considered a great habitat for birds. Its low tide shoreline is a fertile feeding ground, one of the largest in Iceland. Few meters offshore are heaps of small islands and skerries, but inland are bluffs and rocks, both providing suitable locations for nesting. A recent survey suggests that almost 40 species can be seen during a one day bird watching session from Reykhólar. Special facilities for birdwatchers are located at Langavatn, just outside the village.

Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Eitt helsta einkenni Reykhólasveitar er fuglalífið. Ótal fuglategundir eiga þar samastað enda er náttúra svæðisins gósenland hvað fæðu og góða varpstaði varðar. Eitt mesta útfiri landsins er við vogskorna strönd svæðisins. Skammt frá landi er aragrúi af eyjum og hólmum en í landi votlendi, kletta- og heiðalönd. Talið er að á einum degi sé hægt sjá allt að 40 tegundir fugla. Besta skoðunarsvæðið er við Reykhóla. Gott skýli til fuglaskoðunar er við Langavatn, rétt neðan við Reykhólaþorp.

Handverksfélagi! ASSA Handverksfélagi! ASSA HANDVERKSFÉLAGIÐ ASSA ;-<&2=*->*-%$"1((


?30*'$+(*'(;-<&"2=*->*-%$"(( Álftaland ;-<&2=*->*-%$"1(( Króksfjarðarnesi @$A&)<#*)-$771(B-36'(CDE 380 Reykhólar ?30*'$+(*'(;-<&"2=*->*-%$"(( Located at Króksfjarðarnes @$A&)<#*)-$771(B-36'(CDE Reykhólahreppur (route 60) Tel. 892 7558 / 863 2363 !"#$%"&'()*%+,$-&(./0$#*%+10()*%+0-*2'( / Íslenskt handverk / /%23-4*'13%(+$"&( !"#$%"&'()*%+,$-&(./0$#*%+10()*%+0-*2'( Icelandic handicraft (5367(*%+(8-$*+( /%23-4*'13%(+$"&( Information desk Soup (5367(*%+(8-$*+( and bread 9*2:( Café 9*2:( F71>.37$%(G(

Opið / open: !"#$%$&'()$*+$,,-..$%$,/-.. maí - F71>.37$%(G( sept. kl 11.00 - 18.00



Inslusive in accomidation: Ready made beds. Spacious kitchen. Dining and living room. WiFi. Coffee & Te. Outdoor grill. Hot tub and sauna. Innifalið í gistingu: Gisting í uppábúnum rúmum, rúmgott eldhús, borðstofa og setustofa. WiFi, kaffi og te, útigrill, heitur pottur og gufubað.

Dalabyggð Miðbraut 11, Búðardalur Tel: 430 4700 Grettislaug Grettislaug Swimming Pool Reykjabraut 12, Reykhólar Tel: 434 7738 Opið / Open: Allt árið / All year Sundlaug, heitir pottar og tjaldsvæði Swimming pool, hot tubs and campsite

KM þjónustan ehf. Vesturbraut 20, Búðardalur Tel: 434 1611 Verkstæði - Verslun Dráttarbílaþjónusta Tow car - Garage - Store Reykhólahreppur Við Breiðafjörð Tel: 434 7880

Reykhólar HI Hostel Álftaland, Reykhólar Tel: 892 7558 / 863 2363 Hostel

Upplýsingamiðstöð Information Centre Maríutröð, Reykhólar (Route 606) Tel: 434 7830

Dalir og Reykhólasveit

Dalir and Reykhólar Service Index Þjónustuskrá Dala og Reykhóla

Hólar Farm Hólar, Búðardalur Tel: 897 1674 Facebook: Hólar farm minizoo in Iceland Húsdýragarður / Petting Farm


West Iceland Service Index Þjónustuskrá Vesturlands ACTIVITIES / AFÞREYING

Service Index / Þjónustuskrá

Áningin Kverná - Ferðaþjónusta Kverná, Grundarfjörður Tel: 438 6813 / 865 4514 Bændagisting, tjaldsvæði, hestaleiga / Accommodation - Horse rental Camping Bjarnalaug (innilaug) Indoor swimming pool Laugarbraut 6, Akranes Tel: 433 1130 Open / Opið: Sept. / sept. - May / maí Saturdays / laugardaga 10-13 Bjarnarhöfn - Shark museum Helgafellssveit, Snæfellsnes (Route 577) Tel: 438 1581 Facebook: Bjarnarhöfn sharkmuseum Come taste the shark and see how it is made Bókasafn Akraness Library / Museum Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1200 Bókasafn, skjalasafn, ljósmyndasafn og sýningar Library - Museum - Exhibitions Free WiFi Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 12-18 Sat. / lau. 11-14 (okt. - apr.)


Byggðasafnið í Görðum Garðaholt 3 Tel: 433 1150 Open / Opið: May 15th / 15. maí - Sept. 15th / 15. sept. 10-17. Opið fyrir hópa á öðrum tímum. Guided tours / Leiðsögn Mon. / mán. - Fri./ fös. at 14:00 Museum Byggðasafn Snæfellinga og Hnappdæla Regional museum of Snæfellsnes Hafnargata 5, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8114 / 865 4516 Dagleið ehf. - Ferðaþjónusta Garðar S. Jónsson Árbergi, 311 Borgarnesi Tel: 894 0220 Hópferðabílar, 10 - 52 manna. Coach service Eldfjallasafnið The Volcano Museum Aðalgata 8, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8154 Safn tileinkað eldfjöllum Museum dedicated to volcanoes Golfklúbburinn Leynir Garðavöllur, Akranes Tel: 431 2711 Golf club 18 hole golf course

Grettislaug Reykjabraut 12, Reykhólar Tel: 434 7738 Opið / Open: Allt árið / All year Sundlaug, heitir pottar og tjaldsvæði Swimming pool, hot tubs and campsite Guðrún Fjeldsted’s Riding School and Horse Rental Ölvaldsstaðir, Borgarnes (Route 530) Tel: 437 1686 / 893 3886 Hestaleiga og reiðskóli Riding School and horse rental Háafell Geitabú Goat centre Háafell Háafell, Borgarfjörður (Route 523) Tel: 845 2331 / 435 1448 Facebook : Háafell - Geitfjársetur / Goatfarm Opið býli og rósagarður / Open farm and rose garden. Beint frá býli verslun / Local food store Hernámssetrið Hvalfjarðarströnd (Route 47) Tel: 433 8877 / 660 8585 Tjaldsvæði - Sundlaug Hernámssetur Camping - Swimming pool War Museum Hestaleigan Draumhestar Stóra-Aðalskarði Tel: 898 5569 / 848 5099 Opið allt árið / Open all year Hestaferðir / Horse riding

Héraðsskjalasafn Akraness Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1203 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 10-15 Hólar Farm Hólar, Búðardalur Tel: 897 1674 Facebook: Hólar farm minizoo in Iceland Húsdýragarður / Petting Farm Into the Glacier Klettagarðar 12, Reykjavík Tel: +354 578 2550 Ice tunnels and caves in Langjökull Krauma - Geothermal Nature Baths & Spa, Restaurant Deildartunguhver, Reykholt Tel: 555 6066 Experience nature from its core Landbúnaðarsafn Íslands The Agricultural Museum of Iceland Hvanneyri, Borgarfjörður (Route 511) Tel: 844 7740 Open / Opið: Every day 11-17 (May 15th - Sept. 15th. / 15. maí 15. sept.) Thu. - Sat. / Fim. - lau. 13-17 (Sept. 16th - May 14th / 16. sept. 14. maí)

Ljósmyndasafn Akraness Dalbraut 1, Akranes Tel: 433 1204 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 10-15

Pakkhúsið - Byggðasafn Snæfellsbæjar Ólafsbraut 12, Ólafsvík Tel: 433 6930 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 31. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 31st Alla daga / Every day from 11-18 Byggðasafn og handverksgallerí Regional museum and local handicraft Safnahús Borgarfjarðar Borgarnes Museum Bjarnarbraut 4-6, Borgarnesi Tel: 430 7200 Bókasafn og sýningar Library and exhibitions Snorrastofa í Reykholti Reykholt, Borgarfjörður Tel: 433 8000 Menningar- og miðaldasetur / Cultural and Medieval Centre Sýningin Saga Snorra / The

Snæfellsjökull Glacier tour Litli Kambur, Snæfellsbær Facebook: Snæfellsjökull Glacier Tours Instagram: Tel: +354 663 3371 Offers unforgettable sightseeing tours by snowcat and snowmobiles at 1446 m altitude at the top of Snæfellsjökull. GPS - 64°49’08”N 23°33’52”W Stóri Kambur Horse Rental and Accommodation Snæfellsnes (Route 574) Tel: 852 7028 Facebook: horserentalstorikambur Summit Adventure Guides Adventure Experts in Snæfellsjökull National Park Gufuskalar, Snæfellsbær Tel: +354 787 0001

Sundlaugin á Akranesi Akranes Swimming Pool Íþróttamiðstöðinni við Jaðarsbakka Tel: 433 1100 Útisundlaug, heitir pottar og þreksalir. Outdoor swimming pool, hot tubs and gym Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 6-21 Sat. / lau - Sun. / sun. 9-18

Sundlaugin í Ólafsvík Ólafsvík Swimming Pool Ennisbraut 11, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 9910 Opið / Open: Mán. - fös / Mon. - Fri. 7:30-21 Lau.- sun. / Sat.-Sun. 10-17

Sundlaugin í Borgarnesi Borgarnes Swimming Pool Þorsteinsgata 1, Borgarnes Tel: 437 1444 Opið / open: Mán. - Fös. / Mon. - Fri. 06-22 Lau. - Sun. / Sat. - Sun. 09-18

Sundlaugin Varmalandi Varmaland Swimming Pool (Route 527) Tel: 430 1401 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 19. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 19th Mán. - Sun. / Mon. - Sun. 9-18

Sundlaugin Grundarfirði Grundarfjörður Swimming Pool Borgarbraut 19, Grundarfirði Tel: 430 8564 Opið / Open: Mán. - fös. / Mon. - Fri. 7-21 Lau. - sun. / Sat. - Sun. 10-18 Sundlaugin Kleppjárnsreykjum Kleppjárnsreykir Swimming Pool (Route 50) Tel: 435 1140 Opið / Open: 1. júní - 18. ágúst / June 1st - Aug. 18th Alla daga / Every day 9-18 Sundlaugin Lýsuhóli Lýsuhóll Swimming Pool Lýsuhóll Snæfellsbær Tel: +354 433 9917 Opið / Open: 21. maí - 1. Júní / May 21st - June 1st 16-20 Júní - sept. / June - Sept. 11-20

Sundlaugin Stykkishólmi Stykkishólmur Swimming Pool Borgarbraut 4, Stykkishólmi Tel: 433 8150 Opið allt árið / open all year round

Söluskáli Ó.K. Ólafsbraut 27, Ólafsvík Tel: 436 1012 Veitingar, bílavörur og ýmsar aðrar vörur Pizzur og grill Gas station, pizza and grill The Cave Fljótstunga Tel: +354 783 3600 The mightiest cave in Iceland

Service Index / Þjónustuskrá

Local Storytellers Tel: +354 848 2339 We take pleasure in receiving guests to Snæfellsnes Sagnaþulir, sögufylgjur og svæðislóðsar taka glaðir á móti gestum á Snæfellsnesi

Exhibition Snorri’s Saga Upplýsingamiðstöð / Information Centre Hljóðleiðsögnin Snorri / The Audioguide Snorri Tónleikar / Concerts Opið / Open: 1. apríl - 30. sept. / April 1st - Sept. 30th: alla daga / every day 10-18 1. okt. - 31. mars /Oct. 1st - March 31st: virka daga / weekdays 10-17 og eftir samkomulagi / and on request

Vatnasafnið Library of Water Bókhlöðustígur 17, Stykkishólmur Tel: 865 4516 Safn tileinkað vatni og veðri / Museum dedicated to water and weather


Veiðifélag Arnarvatnsheiðar Grímsstöðum II, Borgarfirði Tel: 892 5052 Veiðileyfi - Leiga á veiðihúsum og fjallaskálum Fishing Licences - Lodges and cabins for rent

GALLERY / GALLERÍ Gallerí Bjarni Þór Kirkjubraut 1, Akranes Tel: 431 1964 / 857 2648 Opin vinnustofa og gallerí Teikningar, málverk, vatnslitamyndir og skopmyndir

Service Index / Þjónustuskrá



Blómasetrið - Kaffi kyrrð Skúlagata 13, Borgarnes Tel: 437 1878 Facebook: Blómasetrið - Kaffi Kyrrð Kaffihús - Gisting Café - Bed & Breakfast Borgarnes HI Hostel Borgarbraut 9-13, Borgarnes Tel: 695 3366 Facebook: Borgarnes HI Hostel StayWest Hostel

Heimagisting Skálholti Skálholt 6 (neðri hæð), Ólafsvík Tel: 867 9407 Gisting / Guesthouse Ferðaþjónustan Bjarteyjarsandi Bjarteyjarsandi Tel: 891 6626 / 433 8851 Veitingar - Gisting - Leiðsögn og fræðsla Bjarteyjarsandur Farm - Farm shop Restaurant - Camping - Guided Tours

Hótel Laxárbakki Laxárbakki, 301 Akranes (Route 1) Tel: 551 2783 Hotel - Restaurant - Bar Húsafell / Hotel - Travel Service Borgarfjörður (Route 518/5199) Tel: 435 1550 / 435 1551 / Hotel - Restaurant - Swimming Pool Golf Course - Mini Market

Heimagisting Ölmu Guesthouse Alma Sundabakki 12, Stykkishólmur Tel: 438 1435 / 848 9833 / 894 9542 Gisting / Guesthouse

Hverinn - Sælureitur í sveitinni Kleppjárnsreykir, Borgarfjörður Tel: +354 571 4433 / +354 863 0090 Accomodation - Camping Restaurant - mini market

Hótel Bifröst Bifröst, Borgarfjörður (Route 1) Tel: 433 3030 Hotel - Restaurant

Kaffi Kjós Meðalfellsvegur 50 Tel: 566 8099 / 897 2219/ 868 2219 Café

Hótel Glymur Hvalfjörður (Route 47) Tel: 430 3100 Hotel - Restaurant

Lesbókin Café Kirkjubraut 2, Akranes Tel: 863 5793 Facebook: Lesbókin Café

Primus Café / Restaurant Hellnum, Snæfellsnes Tel: 865 6740 Facebook: primuskaffi Open May 15th - Sept. 30th From 10-20 Open Oct. 1st - May 14th From 11-15 Reykhólar HI Hostel Álftaland, Reykhólar Tel: 892 7558 / 863 2363 Hostel Sker Restaurant Ólafsbraut 19, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 436 6625 Facebook: Sker Restaurant Veitingahús / Restaurant Stay West: Gallery Guesthouse Merkigerði 7, Akranes Akranes HI Hostel Suðurgata 32, Akranes Akranes Guesthouse Vogabraut 5, Akranes Tel: 868 3332 Facebook: StayWest Accommodation in West Iceland Guesthouse - Hostel

Tjaldsvæðið Hellissandi Við Sandahraun, Hellissandur Tel: +354 433 6929 / +354 844 2629 Opið / Open: 1. maí - 30. sept. / May 1st - Sept. 30th Tjaldsvæði við Kalmansvík Kalmansvík, Akranes Tel: 894 2500 Facebook: Visitakranes Tjaldsvæðið Ólafsvík Hvalsá, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 6929 / +354 844 2629 Opið / Open: 1. maí - 30. sept. / May 1st - Sept. 30th

SHOPS AND STORES / VERSLANIR OG BÚÐIR Apótek Ólafsvíkur Ólafsbraut 24, Ólafsvík Tel: 436 1261 Prescription drugs, OTC’s, vitamins & supplements, first aid, cosmetics Hespuhúsið Árnesi við Andakílsárvirkjun Þjóðvegur / Route 508/5113 Tel: 865 2910 (Guðrún) Opin jurtalitunarstofa / Open plant dying workshop Colorful yarn kit store / Litríkt garn í pakkningum til sölu Open / Opið 1. Jun. - 31. Aug. Every day 12.00 - 18.00 Leiðarlýsing / Directions: www. Also open by request / Einnig opið eftir samkomulagi

Kaupfélag Borgfirðinga (KB) Egilsholti 1, Borgarnes Tel: 430 5500 Co-op store Matarbúr Kaju / Café Kaja Stillholti 23, Akranes Tel: 840 1665 Matarbúr Kaju / Café Kaja Kaffihús og verslun með lífrænar vörur / Certified Organic café and store Ullarselið Hvanneyri Wool Centre Hvanneyri, Borgarfjörður (Route 511) Tel: 437 0077 Íslenskt handverk úr íslenskri ull / Icelandic craft made of wool Open / Opið: Every day 11-17 (May 15th - Sept. 14th / 15. maí 14. sept.) Thu. - Sat. / Fim. - lau. 13-17 (Sept. 15th - May 14th / 15. sept. 14. maí)


Upplýsingamiðstöð - Information Office Hyrnutorg, Borgarbraut 58-60, Borgarnes Tel: 437 2214 Upplýsingamiðstöð - Information Centre Maríutröð, Reykhólar (Route 606) Tel: 434 7830 Upplýsingamiðstöð Akraness Tourist Information Akranesviti - Breið / Akranes Lighthouse Tel: 894 2500 Facebook: Visitakranes Upplýsingamiðstöð Snæfellsbæjar Information Centre Ólafsbraut 12, Ólafsvík Tel: +354 433 6929 Opið allt árið / Open all year round Free WiFi Þjóðgarðurinn Snæfellsjökull Snæfellsjökull National Park Tel: 436 6888 / 591 2000 Gestastofa að Malarrifi / Visitor Center at Malarrif

OTHER / ANNAÐ Akraneskaupstaður / City Town Office Stillholt 16-18, Akranes Tel: 433 1000 Open / Opið: Mon. / mán. - Fri. / fös. 9:30-12 and 12:30-15:30 Borgarbyggð Borgarbraut 14, Borgarnes Tel: 433 7100 Grundarfjarðarbær Grundargata 30, Grundarfjörður Tel: 430 8500 Hvalfjarðarsveit Innrimel 3, 301 Akranesi Tel: 433 8500 Reykhólahreppur Við Breiðafjörð Tel: 434 7880 Snæfellsbær Klettsbúð 4, Hellissandur Tel: 433 6900 Stykkishólmsbær Hafnargata 3, Stykkishólmur Tel: 433 8100

Service Index / Þjónustuskrá

Þórisstaðir Camping Dragavegur (Route 520), Hvalfjarðarsveit Tel: 843 6713 Tjaldsvæði / Camping

Hraunfossar Restaurant - Café At Hraunfossar Waterfalls (Route 518) Tel: 435 1155 / 862 7957 Open / Opið: Allt árið / All year round Veitingahús / Restaurant - cafe

Gámaþjónusta Vesturlands Höfðasel 15, Akranes Tel: 435-0000 Open: 10-12 and 13-18 weekdays, 10-14 Saturdays KM þjónustan ehf. Vesturbraut 20, Búðardalur Tel: 434 1611 Verkstæði - Verslun Dráttarbílaþjónusta Tow car - Garage - Store


Welcome to Akranes Guided tour all year round Mon-Fri at 2pm

Summer: every day from 10am-6pm

May 15 - Sep 15 open daily 10am – 5pm

Winter: Tue-Sat from 11am-5pm +354 433 1150 /akranesfolkmuseum /akranesmuseum /akraneslighthouse

+354 894 2500 /akraneslighthouse

#AkranesMuseum #AkranesLighthouse


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