Monthly crude steel production in the 66 countries included in the report, in thousands of tonnes. February 2016 642 625 20 0 432 334 1 317 3 362 75 76 1 928 175 602 665 329 50 1 087 386 598 379 13 081 70 25 50 72 2 370 2 587 156 281 40 5 666 1 969 41 8 154 1 065 15 8 25 1 330 0 6 366 8 809 339 2 434 95 70 45 1 85 1 110 3 180 360 52 25 475 912 1 360 185 375 255 2 175 58 515 6 940 8 355 5 300 240 1 500 235 81 085 390 39 429 120 412
February % change 2015 Feb-16/15 646 -0.6 603 3.7 48 -58.7 17 -100.0 424 1.9 332 0.6 1 283 2.6 3 512 -4.3 47 59.6 138 -44.9 1 970 -2.1 187 -6.6 551 9.4 767 -13.3 388 -15.2 50 -0.6 1 194 -8.9 409 -5.6 964 -37.9 438 -13.4 13 966 -6.3 72 -2.6 20 22.2 50 -0.9 71 1.6 2 279 4.0 2 493 3.8 210 -25.5 244 15.3 12 233.3 5 823 -2.7 1 587 24.1 53 -22.8 7 929 2.8 908 17.3 13 19.5 8 -2.9 27 -6.6 1 483 -10.3 36 -100.0 6 186 2.9 8 660 1.7 377 -10.1 2 667 -8.7 95 0.4 86 -18.9 53 -14.9 3 -69.7 82 3.6 7 -85.3 142 -22.3 3 511 -9.4 585 -38.5 17 209.8 41 -39.1 590 -19.5 1 233 -26.0 1 409 -3.4 209 -11.5 509 -26.3 216 18.2 2 342 -7.1 60 925 -4.0 7 201 -3.6 8 441 -1.0 5 049 5.0 251 -4.3 1 777 -15.6 321 -26.9 83 966 -3.4 402 -2.9 64 -38.8 465 -7.8 124 565 -3.3
2016 1 306 1 265 40 0 845 676 2 649 6 966 155 150 3 730 360 1 186 1 374 704 103 2 241 762 1 220 784 26 514 144 52 100 107 4 968 5 371 308 629 85 11 224 3 907 85 16 239 2 203 33 16 52 2 748 36 12 822 17 911 668 4 885 197 146 92 2 174 2 229 6 396 747 128 55 1 001 1 930 2 726 385 775 537 4 422 121 070 14 358 17 132 10 967 495 3 100 485 167 606 808 87 895 247 285
2 months 2015 % change 1 329 -1.7 1 238 2.2 96 -58.2 25 -100.0 911 -7.3 666 1.5 2 589 2.3 7 191 -3.1 119 30.3 263 -43.0 3 873 -3.7 361 -0.3 1 149 3.3 1 584 -13.3 815 -13.6 106 -2.7 2 468 -9.2 833 -8.6 2 028 -39.8 855 -8.3 28 499 -7.0 154 -6.1 24 111.8 95 5.7 139 -23.3 4 856 2.3 5 269 1.9 414 -25.5 491 28.2 20 325.0 12 036 -6.7 3 457 13.0 110 -22.8 16 528 -1.8 1 970 11.8 30 9.8 16 0.0 53 -1.9 3 114 -11.8 71 -49.3 13 445 -4.6 18 700 -4.2 763 -12.4 5 663 -13.7 192 2.3 160 -8.8 99 -6.6 4 -51.6 168 3.3 8 -73.9 273 -15.9 7 330 -12.7 1 190 -37.3 63 102.9 99 -44.3 1 211 -17.3 2 563 -24.7 2 774 -1.8 385 0.0 1 067 -27.4 440 21.9 4 667 -5.2 128 380 -5.7 14 707 -2.4 17 463 -1.9 10 981 -0.1 452 9.6 3 764 -17.6 689 -29.6 176 435 -5.0 824 -1.9 139 -37.4 963 -7.0 260 953 -5.2
Austria Belgium Bulgaria e Croatia e Czech Republic Finland France Germany Greece e Hungary Italy Luxembourg e Netherlands Poland e Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Other E.U. (28) (e) e European Union (28) Bosnia-Herzegovina e Macedonia e Norway e Serbia Turkey Other Europe Byelorussia Kazakhstan Moldova e Russia Ukraine Uzbekistan C.I.S. (6) Canada e Cuba e El Salvador e Guatemala e Mexico e Trinidad and Tobago United States North America Argentina Brazil Chile e Colombia e Ecuador e Paraguay e Peru e Uruguay e Venezuela e South America Egypt e Libya Morocco e South Africa e Africa Iran Qatar e Saudi Arabia (1) e United Arab Emirates Middle East China* e India e Japan South Korea e Pakistan e Taiwan, China e Thailand e Asia Australia New Zealand e Oceania Total 66 countries (2) (1) - HADEED only. (2) - the 66 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world crude steel production in 2015. e - estimated * China's February production figure is a worldsteel estimate based on the January and February production total provided by CISA.