2015 Safest Year On Record For Miners - March 2016

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2015 Safest Year on Record for Miners

Mining deaths in the United States fell to an all time low in 2015 due to a series of new safety regulations and classes. The fatalities associated with the industry topped out at an astoundingly low 28 deaths as opposed to the figure of 45 deaths the year before. Death tolls do not count those workers that are associated with other aspects simply those that are working in the mines.

Many are attributing the fall in deaths to what they are calling the Massey Effect. Following the disaster at the Massey Energy Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia that resulted in the death of 29 miners in 2010, more and more companies are opting to improved safety measures. These measures include better safety equipment, training, classes, and regulators to help make sure that operations are above grade and that they are as safe as possible.

More and more companies are working to lower that number even further of deaths associated with the industry and it is the hope of those in power that miners will be even safer in 2016. There are now more regulations and classes provided to help miners improve their safety while working and there are also more frequent checks to make sure that miners are following protocol and that mines are as safe as they can be. Only time will tell if 2016 is set to be a better year than 2015 but things are already looking up.

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