Skillings Mining Review Magazine April 2023

Page 24

EV vs. Conventional Cars: A Comparison of Minerals Used

The Iron Throne: Navigating The Volatile Global Iron Ore Prices


How Mineral Mining Companies are Recruiting Skilled Workers in the Competitive Job Market

Volume: 112. Issue.4. April 2023


Optiro is a resource consulting and advisory group. Our 5 core services are Geology, Mining Engineering, Corporate, Training and Software.

In eleven years, our team has travelled the world providing expertise to improve, value, estimate and audit the world’s minerals. Pound for pound we think you’ll find no-one delivers greater value –and BIG results.


24 Dystopian Underworld of Illegal Mining in South Africa: A Multifaceted Approach Needed for Sustainable Solutions

26 Digging for Talent: How Mineral Mining Companies are Recruiting Skilled Workers in the Competitive Job Market

31 Employment Growth and High Earnings in Mining Industry: A Look at Recent Trends and Future Predictions

32 Mining magnate Gina Rinehart Offers a Challenge to Industry Decarbonisation Opponents

35 Tesla Ventures into Mining Industry: Securing Sustainable Supply Chain for Batteries

36 The Iron Throne: Navigating the Volatile Global Iron Ore Prices

41 Why Iron Ore Prices are Soaring: The Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Mining Industry

42 Uncovering Riches: The Pros and Cons of Surface Mining for Mineral Extraction

46 Statistics

06 American Pacific Mining Corp Announces 2023 Drill Plans for Gooseberry Project in Nevada 06 Kentucky Coal Mine Closures Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts and Opportunities for Growth 08 Digging Deeper: The Future of Mining Engineering as a Career in the USA 10 Top 10 Expat Jobs with the Highest Pay 12 Unlocking the Potential of Processing Mineral Raw Materials: Boosting Efficiency and Profitability 16 EV vs. Conventional CarsA Comparison of Minerals Used 18 Balancing Environmental and Economic Priorities in the Minerals Industry: Discovering the Meaning of Sustainability 20 The surge in Copper Prices: China Optimism Boosts Metal to Highest Level Since June 23 Top Biggest Mining Companies in the World: Resilience, Sustainability, and Innovation Amidst Global Challenges
Content 3 April 2023

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MINING REVIEW NEWS ROOM Digital Monthly Magazine SMR Americas Monday Global Skillings Wednesday Skillings Equipment Gear Friday All funds are monthly $4.95 USD per month EV vs. Conventional Cars: A Comparison of Minerals Used The Iron Throne: Navigating The Volatile Global Iron Ore Prices Volume: 112. Issue.4. April 2023 DIGGING FOR TALENT How Mineral Mining Companies are Recruiting Skilled Workers in the Competitive Job Market

Integrated solutions that add value

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American Pacific Mining

Corp Announces 2023 Drill Plans for Gooseberry Project in Nevada

During the 2022 field season, a total of 2,889 soil samples were collected for silver (“Ag”) and gold (“Au”) analysis. The Gooseberry project database has been updated with assay findings.

The drilling schedule for 2023 has been modified and re-permitted in order to test new targets identified by soil geochemistry and integrated CSAMT geophysics conducted in 2022. In the first quarter of 2023, about 15 holes of up to 3048 meters (10,000 feet) of Phase II reverse circulation drilling are anticipated to begin. During the 2022 field season, a total of 2,889 soil samples were collected for silver (“Ag”) and gold (“Au”) analysis. The Gooseberry project database has been updated with assay findings.

“The 2022 CSAMT survey results revealed various structural characteristics that are not visible at the surface due to extensive soil formation within the volcanic host rocks,” said Eric Saderholm, President of the Company.

“Interestingly, silver anomalies in soils have verified these CSAMT abnormalities. These data sets were generated and assembled independently; but, when studied together, they demonstrate similar mineralization patterns throughout the property that run parallel to the known Gooseberry Vein,” Saderholm stated.

Kentucky Coal Mine Closures

Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts and Opportunities for Growth

Coal mining has a long history of playing an important role in the economy of Kentucky, which is located in the state’s central region. Nevertheless, because there is less of a market for coal, a lot of mines are being closed down, leaving communities to deal with the fallout.\ When a coal mine is shut down, the people who are impacted aren’t limited to the miners themselves. When a mine is shut down, it can have repercussions across the local economy, affecting everything from suppliers and contractors to companies that are financially dependent on the wages of coal workers.

The closing of a mine may have repercussions on the surrounding environment in addition to the effects it has on the economy. In many cases, coal mines leave behind a legacy of pollution in the form of polluted waterways and abandoned mining sites that present potential health and safety risks.

In order to address these problems, the state of Kentucky has established a number of initiatives that aim to assist local communities and the natural environment in adjusting to the changes brought about by the closing of mines. The Kentucky Department of Natural Resources has established a fund to clean up abandoned mine sites, and the Kentucky Coal Fields Endowment has developed funds to assist economic growth in towns that have been negatively impacted by the mining industry.

In spite of these efforts, it has not been simple for many people in Kentucky to make the move away from the coal mining industry. The economy of the state has been heavily dependent on the coal industry for a very long time; thus, some areas have been severely impacted by the loss of jobs and money.

Despite this, there is reason to have optimism towards the future. Many people working in the mining industry are interested in diversifying the economy of the state through the use of various forms of energy, such as natural gas and renewables.

6 April 2023
FloLevel Technologies

Digging Deeper: The Future of Mining Engineering as a Career in the USA

Mining engineering has long been a mainstay of the American economy, serving as an essential pillar for numerous sectors like the energy sector, the construction sector, and the industrial sector. However, in light of the proliferation of non-conventional forms of energy and the growing concern for the long-term viability of the natural environment.

some people have questioned whether or not a career in mining engineering is still a workable option. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the present situation of the sector as well as determine if mining engineering is still a worthwhile topic of study in the United States.

According to the projections provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States of America, employment of mining and geological engineers is anticipated to increase by 4% between the years 2019 and 2029, which is about as fast as the average growth rate across all occupations. It is anticipated that this rise will result from a variety of factors, such as the requirement for the development of extraction methods that are more effective, an increasing emphasis on the safety of workers, and the extension of mining operations to previously untouched areas.

The mining industry has traditionally been dominated by the coal mining sector; however, new opportunities are becoming available in sectors such as rare earth metals, lithium, and other elements that are essential for the manufacturing of electric vehicles and renewable energy technology. In the coming years, the expansion of the mining industry is anticipated to be driven in large part by the rising demand for the aforementioned commodities.

and training. It is anticipated that the need for materials that are essential to the development of technologies for renewable energy and electric vehicles will continue to rise, and mining businesses will require skilled engineers and technicians to assist them in meeting this demand.

Is it worthwhile to

pursue a degree in mining engineering in the US today?

Is it worthwhile to pursue a degree in mining engineering in the United States today? The answer is yes, but with certain qualifications. Even though there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in the sector, there are still a lot of opportunities for people who have the necessary abilities

The mining industry is seeing a transformation brought on by technical improvements, which is contributing to higher productivity as well as safety. Some mining corporations are beginning to implement automated mining technologies, such as self-driving trucks and drill rigs, in order to raise their level of productivity while simultaneously lowering the likelihood of experiencing an accident.

In a similar vein, the utilization of drones and other aerial surveying instruments is making it simpler to map and investigate mining locations, resulting in an increase in precision while simultaneously lowering the associated costs.

8 April 2023

The use of big data and artificial intelligence is also becoming increasingly prevalent in the mining industry. This allows companies to analyze vast amounts of data and make more informed decisions about everything from exploration and resource management to the maintenance of equipment and the safety protocols that must be followed. So, students who intend to pursue mining engineering should enhance their skills in the aforementioned areas in order to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Job market is another key issue

The current situation of the job market is another key issue that those who are interested in studying mining engineering should take into consideration. As the world continues to move toward a future that is more sustainable and ecologically conscious, many mining businesses are actively seeking candidates who are informed about sustainability and environmental protection and who are

passionate about these topics. As a result of this, graduates who are able to demonstrate a commitment to these areas may have an advantage when it comes to seeking a job within the business.

In addition, the mining industry provides a wide variety of employment options, including mine planning and design, equipment maintenance, safety management, and environmental compliance jobs, to name just a few of the available positions. Mining engineers can find employment with major enterprises, small and medium-sized firms, or even government agencies, offering graduates with a variety of prospective career options to pursue after graduation.

Education-wise, mining engineering programs often cover a wide variety of subjects, some of which are mining operations, geology, mineral processing, rock mechanics, and mine safety. 9 April 2023

Top 10 Expat Jobs WITH THE HIGHEST


As the globe grows more linked and globalized, an increasing number of people are looking for possibilities to work as expats abroad. While several businesses provide expat roles, the mining industry routinely provides high-paying possibilities. This article will look at the top ten highestpaying expat positions in the mining industry.

Mine Manager: A mine manager oversees all parts of the mining process, from exploration and development through production and marketing, as the leader of a mining enterprise. This is one of the highest-paying expat job in the mining business, with an average compensation of $160,000 per year.

A mine geologist is in charge of locating and appraising mineral resources in a certain area. They discover minerals and decide the best way to extract them using various methods like as geological mapping and geophysical surveys. This is a highly sought-after expat job in the mining industry, with an average compensation of $140,000 per year.

Mining Engineer: Mining engineers are in charge of creating and developing the mining process, from mine layout through mining equipment. With an average annual pay of $130,000, this is a profitable mining expat job.

A metallurgist is in charge of metal extraction, purification, and testing. They collaborate closely with mining engineers to ensure that minerals are efficiently mined and processed. With an annual salary of $120,000, this is a well-paying mining expat job.

Mine Surveyor: A mine surveyor is in charge of measuring and mapping out the mining site, as well as ensuring that the mining

operation goes as planned. This is a high-paying expat position in the mining business, with an annual income of $110,000 on average.

A mining technician works closely with mining engineers and operators to guarantee that the equipment and machinery are in good working order. This is a good expat job in the mining business, with an average income of $100,000 per year.

A mine electrician is in charge of installing and maintaining the electrical systems of a mining operation. This is a well-paying expat job in the mining business, with an annual income of $90,000 on average.

A mining safety coordinator is in charge of ensuring that all safety rules and regulations are followed at the mining site. This is a steady expat employment in the mining industry, with an average income of $80,000 per year.

An environmental manager is in charge of ensuring that the mining activity is carried out in an environmentally appropriate manner. With an annual pay of $70,000, this is a significant expat employment in the mining business.

Human Resources Manager: A human resources manager is in charge of recruiting, hiring, and managing a mining operation’s staff. This is a valuable expat position in the mining business, with an average income of $60,000 per year.

10 April 2023


Copper tubes with or without lining or industrial insulation for applications in:

• Drinking water and heating networks

• Underfloor heating and cooling

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• Cooling and air conditioning systems

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• Various industrial applications

Unlocking the Potential of Processing Mineral Raw Materials


The mineral mining business has been a vital contributor to the economy of the entire world for a very long time. This is because it supplies essential raw materials to a vast number of different industries. Despite this, the sector is facing a number of issues, some of which include falling ore grades, rising costs, and growing worries about the environment. Within this framework, the effective processing of mineral raw resources is essential to guaranteeing the long-term viability and profitability of the sector.

is to reduce the size of huge lumps of ore so that they can be processed more easily in smaller bits. Crushing and grinding, both of which take a large amount of energy, are the primary methods that are utilized to accomplish this goal. As a result, maximizing the efficiency of the comminution process is essential to both lowering costs and increasing profits.

It is vital to have a complete guide in order to unlock the full potential of the processing of mineral raw materials. This “book” ought to cover everything from the fundamentals of mineral processing to the most recent developments in related science and technology. Comminution, separation, concentration, and dewatering are only a few of the phases that are involved in the processing of raw materials, and it should provide a thorough overview of all of these stages.

Comminution, which refers to the process of decreasing the size of the ore particles, is an essential phase in the mineral processing process. The objective

The process of separation, which involves separating precious minerals from waste materials, is another essential step in the extraction process.

Methods such as flotation, gravity separation, and magnetic separation are frequently utilized in order to accomplish this goal. Each of these procedures has both advantages and drawbacks; selecting the appropriate one is dependent on a number

12 April 2023

of factors, including the nature of the mineral being processed and the kind of product that is wanted in the end.

Processing of mineral raw materials

Concentrator is the process of enriching the ore by eliminating impurities and increasing the content of the desired mineral. This is accomplished through the process of concentration. This objective can be accomplished by the use of a variety of processes, such as froth flotation, leaching, and electrostatic separation.

Last but not least, the process of dewatering entails extracting any excess water from the concentrate or tailings. The processes of thickening, filtration, and drying are among the most common ways that this goal might be accomplished. Using the most recent developments and technologies is necessary for the mineral mining sector if it is to increase both its efficiency and its profitability. For instance, sophisticated sensors and monitoring systems

are able to supply operators with data in real time on the various phases of the mineral processing cycle. This enables operators to improve performance while also cutting down on downtime.

In a similar vein, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms may be utilized to analyze massive volumes of data and recognize trends. This enables operators to make decisions that are more informed and boosts the overall efficiency of the process.

Additional technologies, such as enhanced process control, energy-efficient comminution equipment, and new flotation techniques, can also assist cut costs and increase profitability. Not only can the effective processing of mineral raw materials result in major economic benefits, but it is also an essential factor in reducing the negative effects that mining operations have on the surrounding environment. The business sector can lessen its impact on the environment and make a contribution to the ad-

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vancement of sustainable practices by cutting down on waste and improving its utilàization of resources.

In addition, the processing of mineral raw materials in an effective manner is necessary if one wants to fulfill the growing demand for key minerals that are employed in a variety of industries, including the technology sector, the renewable energy sector, and the transportation sector. Minerals such as cobalt, lithium, and rare earth elements, amongst others, are critical components of batteries, electric vehicles, and other new technologies. These minerals are referred to together as “rare earth elements.”

Processing mineral raw materials in a way that is both effective and efficient is becoming an increasingly important consideration as the demand for essential minerals continues to rise. By embracing the most recent innovations in technology and methodology, the sector is able to raise its output levels, lower its operating expenses, and lessen its negative effects on the surrounding environment, ensuring its long-term profitability and viability.

Yet, putting new technology and ideas into practice calls for a considerable financial investment as well as significant knowledge. To find a solution to this problem, the business world will need to work together with academic institutions, research facilities, and other important players to create and implement innovative technology and solutions.

Efficiency with which mineral raw materials are processed

In order to improve the efficiency with which mineral raw materials are processed, it is essential to have a comprehensive comprehension of the properties of the

ore as well as the desired end-product. With this information, operators will be able to select the most appropriate processing procedures and equipment, which will result in lower costs and increased productivity.

In addition, the good management of water, energy, and any other relevant resources is necessary for the efficient processing of mineral raw materials. For instance, a fundamental obstacle in many mining regions is a lack of available water, and maximizing the use of available water while also recycling it is essential to guaranteeing the long-term viability of the sector.

In a similar vein, the use of energy is a significant cost driver in mineral processing. In some operations, energy consumption accounts for up to fifty percent of overall operating expenses. The industry must adopt equipment that is more energy-efficient, develop systems for energy management, and investigate renewable energy sources in order to lower its overall energy usage.

In addition to focusing on technological advancements, the business must also place a premium on safeguarding people’s health and the natural environment. Mining operations can have a considerable impact on the ecosystems and populations that surround them; thus, it is necessary to ensure that mining methods are both responsible and

To guarantee that mining activities are carried out in a way that is both socially responsible and environmentally sustainable, the mineral mining industry needs to maintain tight relationships with the communities that are located near mines, as well as regulatory organizations and other interested parties.
14 April 2023

sustainable. To guarantee that mining activities are carried out in a way that is both socially responsible and environmentally sustainable, the mineral mining industry needs to maintain tight relationships with the communities that are located near mines, as well as regulatory organizations and other interested parties.

Unlocking the potential of processing mineral raw materials is essential to the mineral mining industry’s long-term viability and profitability, and it is a potential that has yet to be fully realized. It is necessary to have a guide that is all-encompassing and covers the many stages of mineral processing, including the most recent technologies and breakthroughs.

It is possible for the industry to improve its efficiency, lower its expenses, and lessen its environmental footprint if it adopts these technologies and processes. This will ensure the industry’s continued profitability and viability over the long run.

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A Comparison of Minerals Used

Nickel and copper are two metals that will play crucial roles in the transition to a greener future. Global demand for these metals is expected to skyrocket, thanks in part to the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage applications.

According to experts at the recent Future Of Mined Commodities Forum, while stainless steel remains the primary first use for nickel, batteries will be the primary engine of demand increase over the next two decades. Battery utilization is predicted to expand from 7% of the whole market in 2021 to 40% of nickel use by 2040. This increase will more than quadruple global nickel demand to six million tonnes per year. The relevance of energy storage in enabling greater usage of renewables will also play an important role in boosting demand.

Supplying rising nickel demand will be difficult, especially in an ESG-constrained world. Analysts estimate that an additional 1.65 million tonnes of nickel will be required for production between 2026 and 2038, with recycling playing a significant role in bridging the gap. Our current expectation is that EV recycling will recover 20% of the nickel demand for EVs by 2040.

New applications in green technologies

Similarly, copper is finding new applications in green

16 April 2023

technologies such as EVs, offshore wind, and solar. While copper has been used for thousands of years for its beauty and other features, its ability to conduct electricity will be the key driver of rising demand over the next 20 years and beyond. Experts predict that electrical applications in green technology will account for 40% of future demand growth.

Furthermore, copper’s environmental credentials extend beyond its involvement in low-carbon end users. The carbon intensity of producing finished copper is only one-quarter that of aluminum, and a major number of planned copper mining projects throughout the world will use low carbon intensity power sources.

For example, hydropower is nearly entirely used in Zambia’s Copperbelt and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In Chile, up to 50% of electricity is generated by hydro, wind, or solar, with over 90% of new capacity expected

to be renewable. Recycling will also play an important part in meeting future copper demand, with recycled feedstock expected to supply six million tonnes of the 16 million tonnes of additional total copper demand over the next 20 years.

To bridge potential supply shortages, the mining industry will need to change significantly to meet rising demand for nickel and copper. Because there are no new nickel mining projects being developed outside of Asia, battery producers will have to rely on recycling to fill the void. Furthermore, government measures and regulations will be required to encourage and propel recycling ahead.

The industry’s task is to ensure that supply of these vital metals maintains up with rising demand. The present prediction suggests a need for an additional 1.65 million tonnes of nickel to be produced between 2026 and 2038, according to analysts. Similarly, a 10-year supply shortfall

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of up to five million tonnes of copper will exist until 2031. To meet this demand, major investment in new processing capacity will be required in North America, Europe, and Asia.

One of the most important aspects to examine is the environmental, social, and economic consequences of mining these metals. The great majority of new capacity expansion in the last decade has occurred in Indonesia, with substantial environmental consequences. Current vows by Indonesia to restore deforestation and halt the expansion of coal-fired power plants would make replicating these growth rates extremely difficult. Thus, it is vital to guarantee that the mining industry follows ESG best practices

to limit the impact on the environment. Regionality and legislation will also be important factors in boosting nickel recycling. In Europe and the United States, there is an increasing emphasis on using locally produced raw resources. Battery recyclers in the United States are establishing factories near cell scrap generation, which will help to minimize Scope 3 emissions. Yet, government measures and regulations will be required to encourage and propel recycling ahead.

The move to a greener future is expected to fuel exceptional growth in demand for these important metals in the coming years. While recycling will be critical in satisfying demand, the mining industry will also need to

change in order to bridge potential supply gaps. Governments will need to support and promote recycling activities in order to reach a cleaner future, while also ensuring that mining adheres to ESG best practices in order to reduce environmental effect.

The move to a greener future is advancing, and demand for essential metals such as nickel and copper is likely to skyrocket in the coming years.

Nickel and copper are both important components of electric vehicles, which are growing more popular as buyers seek to lessen their carbon footprint. Furthermore, considerable volumes of these metals are required for renewable energy storage applications.

Balancing Environmental and Economic Priorities in the Minerals Industry

Discovering the Meaning of Sustainability

Mining is an indispensable component of contemporary society, as it provides the raw materials required for everything from structures and infrastructure to electronics and renewable energy technology. However, the sector is also linked to a number of environmental and social issues, such as greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and community dislocation.

In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on sustainability in the minerals business, which aims to strike a balance between the economic benefits of mining and the need to reduce its negative effects on people and the environment.

Sustainability in the mining business is the responsible extraction, processing, and use of natural resources with minimal impact on the environment and local communities. This involves decreasing carbon emissions, saving water, limiting waste and pollution, and providing local people

with social and economic advantages. Sustainability in the mining business involves a delicate balance between environmental and economic needs, which can be attained through innovative technology, responsible practices, and stakeholder participation.

Reducing the carbon footprint associated with mining and processing is one of the major obstacles in the minerals industry’s pursuit of sustainability. Energy-intensive mining and processing activities frequently rely on fossil fuels to power equipment and machinery. This leads to

18 April 2023

the generation of greenhouse gasses, which contributes to climate change. To address this issue, the industry is investigating alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and creating new energy-efficient technology.

Resource management & sustainability

Resource management is another significant part of sustainability in the minerals sector. This includes limiting waste and pollution, saving water, and ensuring that mining operations do not disturb natural ecosystems.

Recycling and reusing materials, as well as inventing innovative techniques for waste treatment and disposal, are examples of technology that the sector is investing in to help minimize waste and pollution. In addition, the sector strives to reduce water consumption in mining operations and develop water treatment and recycling technologies.

Providing social and economic benefits to local communities is another crucial component of the minerals

industry’s commitment to sustainability. Positive and negative effects of mining on local communities can be substantial. The industry strives to minimize negative impacts, such as community relocation and disturbance of traditional lifestyles, while emphasizing good ones, such as job generation and economic growth. This necessitates interacting with local stakeholders, including community members, governments, and non-governmental organizations, to comprehend their needs and concerns and to establish strategies for maximizing social and economic advantages while reducing negative impacts.

In the mining industry, the goal of sustainability is not just a moral obligation, but also a business one. Investors, customers, and regulators are putting increasing pressure on the business to decrease its environmental footprint and enhance its social and governance policies. Mining businesses that fail to address sustainability issues run the risk of reputational harm, legal and regulatory consequences, and capital inaccessibility.

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China Optimism Boosts Metal to Highest Level Since June

The global copper market is experiencing a bullish trend, with the metal’s price reaching its highest level since June. Copper prices have recently risen due to optimism about China’s economic growth prospects, as the country is the world’s largest consumer of the red metal.

The price of copper on the London Metal Exchange (LME) has risen to $9,170 per tonne, up 1.4% from the previous trading session, according to the most recent data. The increase in copper prices is reflected in the spot market, where the metal was trading at $9,160 per tonne, up 1.5% from the previous day’s close.

The copper price rally has been largely attributed to positive economic data from China, which has driven demand for industrial metals. The Chinese economy is showing signs of recovery, with strong industrial output and export numbers. Furthermore, the government of the country is actively investing in infrastructure projects to boost economic growth, which is a major driver of copper demand. Analysts expect copper prices to remain bullish as demand from China and other emerging markets remains strong. The growing adoption of electric vehicles, which require significant amounts of copper for their batteries and electric motors, is also driving copper demand.

The rise in copper prices is good news for mining companies

The rise in copper prices is good news for mining companies, which have been hard hit by the pandemic-induced drop in metals demand. Copper price increases are likely


to boost their profitability and allow them to invest in new mining projects. Copper demand has increased in the mining industry, with companies such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, and Glencore expanding their copper mining operations. Copper demand is expected to rise further as the global economy recovers from the effects of the pandemic.

Copper prices have recently risen to their highest level since June, owing largely to optimism about China’s economic growth prospects. Copper prices are expected to remain bullish, driven by demand from China and other emerging markets, as well as the growing adoption of electric vehicles. Copper price increases are good news for the mining industry, which has been struggling with low metal demand due to the pandemic-induced slowdown. {There are differing perspectives on China’s current demand for copper. According to, China accounts for nearly half of global copper demand, but there is no information on current demand.

However, it suggests that China’s reopening will boost copper demand, with reports predicting a 3.5% increase in total copper consumption in 2023. Furthermore, copper was trading above $10,000 per tonne in the first four months of 2022 before falling to a low of $6,955 in July, indicating high demand at the time.}

Furthermore, the rise in copper prices may benefit the economies of copper-producing countries. Countries such as Chile, Peru, and Zambia, for example, rely heavily on copper exports for economic growth. Copper price increases may aid these countries’ recovery from the pandemic’s economic slowdown.

However, the rise in copper prices may have some negative consequences, particularly for industries that rely heavily on copper as a raw material. Higher copper prices may raise the cost of production, resulting in higher consumer prices. Furthermore, higher copper prices may lead to an increase in copper theft, which is a widespread problem in many countries.

The rise in copper prices emphasizes the importance of environmentally friendly mining practices. Copper demand is expected to rise in the coming years, so it is critical to ensure that mining activities are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner. Mining companies must ensure that their operations have no negative environmental impact and that they use sustainable mining practices.

October 2022: $8,500 per tonne

November 2022: $8,700 per tonne

December 2022: $8,800 per tonne

January 2023: $8,950 per tonne

February 2023: $9,050 per tonne

March 2023

(as of 14 March 2023) $9,170 per tonne

Copper prices have recently risen to their highest level since June, owing largely to optimism about China’s economic growth prospects. Copper prices are expected to remain bullish, driven by demand from China and other emerging markets, as well as the growing adoption of electric vehicles.

Copper prices have recently risen to their highest level since June, which is good news for the mining industry and copper-producing countries. The price increase is being driven primarily by optimism about China’s economic growth prospects, as well as rising demand for copper from emerging markets and the electric vehicle industry. However, the price increase may have some negative consequences, and it is critical to use sustainable mining practices to ensure that mining activities do not harm the environment.

demic-induced slowdown. China’s industrial output has been steadily increasing, and the country’s export figures have been strong. Copper prices have risen as a result of the Chinese government’s investment in infrastructure projects such as new airports, railways, and highways.}

In addition to China, other emerging markets such as India, Brazil, and South Africa have experienced rapid economic growth, driving copper demand. Furthermore, the increasing use of electric vehicles is expected to significantly increase copper demand in the coming years. Electric vehicles require significantly more copper than traditional internal combustion engines, and their increasing popularity is expected to drive up copper demand.

Mining companies have welcomed the increase in copper prices, which have been struggling with low metal demand due to the pandemic-induced slowdown. Mining companies like BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, and Glencore have increased their copper mining operations to capitalize on the high prices. Copper price increases are likely to boost their profitability and allow them to invest in new mining projects.

China’s industrial output has been steadily increasing, and the country’s export figures have been strong. Copper prices have risen as a result of the Chinese government’s investment in infrastructure projects such as new airports, railways, and highways.

Copper prices are influenced by a number of factors, including supply and demand, commodity market pressure, and existing stockpiles. Because of its widespread use in all sectors of the economy, the price of copper is heavily influenced by the health of the global economy.

Furthermore, rising copper inventories can weigh on the metal’s price, while falling inventories can boost the metal’s price. Furthermore, emphasizes that unusually slow growth in copper supplies was caused by a combination of factors including low investment and declining ore grades. Finally, emphasizes that long-term copper prices are determined by supply and demand fundamentals.

{A number of factors have contributed to the rise in copper prices. The Chinese economy, the world’s largest copper consumer, has recovered strongly from the pan-

The rise in copper prices may have unintended consequences

However, the rise in copper prices may have unintended consequences. Higher copper prices may increase the cost of production for industries that rely heavily on copper as a raw material, resulting in higher consumer prices. This has the potential to slow economic growth, particularly in countries that rely heavily on copper imports.

Furthermore, higher copper prices may increase copper theft, which is a widespread problem in many countries. Copper theft can seriously harm critical infrastructure such as power grids, transportation systems, and telecommunication networks.

Copper prices have risen to their highest level since June, owing primarily to optimism about China’s economic growth prospects, emerging market growth, and the growing adoption of electric vehicles. While the price increase is good news for the mining industry, it may have an adverse effect on industries that rely on copper as a raw material. Adopting sustainable mining practices is critical to ensuring that mining activities do not harm the environment and that copper theft is avoided.

22 April 2023

Top Biggest Mining Companies in the World

Resilience, Sustainability, and Innovation

Amidst Global Challenges

In recent years, the mineral mining industry has experienced substantial growth, with numerous companies emerging as key players in the sector. According to recent data, the top 100 biggest mining companies in the world have demonstrated exceptional performance and dominance.

HP Group, an Australian-British multinational mining corporation, leads the pack with a market capitalization of over $180 billion. The company operates in thirteen countries and produces a variety of commodities, such as iron ore, copper, and petroleum.

Rio Tinto Group is an Australian-British multinational corporation with a market capitalization of over $125 billion. The company is a major producer of aluminum, copper, diamonds, and iron ore, with operations in more than 35 countries.

The market capitalization of China’s State Grid Corporation is greater than $100 billion. The company is involved in the transmission and distribution of electricity in China and operates in the energy sector.

Glencore, a Swiss multinational mining and commodity trading company with a market capitalization of over $50 billion, is another notable company. Coal, copper, and zinc are among the commodities produced by Glencore, which has operations in more than one hundred countries and produces these commodities.

B4 Anglo American plc UK/South Africa 77.9 5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. US 61.4 6 Glencore plc Switzerland/UK 57.8 7 Newmont Corporation US/Canada 54.3 8 Norilsk Nickel Russia 51.5 9 Barrick Gold Corporation Canada 49.5 10 China Shenhua Energy Company Limited China 47.7 11 Mineral Resources Limited Australia 25.7 12 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Australia 23.2 13 Jiangxi Copper Corporation China 22.9 14 Southern Copper Corporation Peru 21.3 15 Newcrest Mining Limited Australia 20.9 16 Teck Resources Limited Canada 18.4 17 Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd China 17.6 18 First Quantum Minerals Ltd Canada 16.6 19 MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC Russia 15.7 20 ArcelorMittal Luxembourg 14.9 *USD billion THE
MINING COMPANIES Rank Company Name Country Market Value* 1 BHP Group Australia 231.5 2 Rio Tinto UK/Australia 156.8 3 Vale S.A. Brazil 110.2 23 April 2023

Dystopian Underworld of Illegal Mining in South Africa


Illegal gold mining is a lucrative activity that attracts many unemployed people looking to make a fast buck. Miners generally work in abandoned mines, extracting gold with rudimentary tools and procedures.

These mines are frequently hazardous and lack basic safety measures, putting miners’ lives in danger. Furthermore, mining activities degrade the environment, including water pollution and soil erosion, exacerbating the problem.

South Africa has one of the greatest gold resources in the world, making it an attractive target for illegal miners. Thousands of illegal miners are said to be working in the country, making it difficult for government authorities to keep track of their activities. Illegal miners typically operate in syndicates, with some even using child labor to obtain gold.

South African government appointed National Task Team on Illegal Mining

The South African government has attempted to tackle the problem by instituting measures such as the National Task Team on Illegal Mining, but its efforts have met with minimal success. The illegal miners continue to work, and the situation is worse. Corruption exacerbates the problem, with some law enforcement agents collaborating with illicit miners for financial benefit.

South Africa’s dystopian underworld of illegal gold miners has far-reaching implications. It not only endangers the miners’ lives, but it also leads to organized crime, environmental degradation, and income loss for the government. As a result, it is critical that the government and mining industry stakeholders collaborate to develop a long-term solution to the problem.

Illegal gold mining in South Africa is a major issue that

requires immediate response. The government’s attempts to battle the problem and address the underlying concerns, such as unemployment and poverty, must be stepped up. Mining sector participants must also contribute by establishing responsible mining methods and supporting initiatives aimed at addressing the issue. Inaction will have disastrous effects for the country’s economy and social fiber.

Illegal mining is a global issue that affects many countries, particularly those with vast natural resources. According to the UN, illegal mining accounts for up to 30% of worldwide mineral production, with Africa and Asia bearing the brunt of the burden.

Illegal mining has serious and far-reaching implications. It not only endangers miners’ lives and harms the environment, but it also promotes organized crime and weakens the rule of law. Illegal mining proceeds are frequently used to fuel other illicit activities such as drug trafficking and human trafficking, creating a vicious cycle of criminality.

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the problem of illegal mining in South Africa, resulting in employment losses and rising poverty levels. Many unemployed people have turned to illicit mining as a way of survival, exacerbating the situation. Because of limits on mobility and resources, the pandemic has also made it difficult for law enforcement organizations to monitor and crack down on unlawful mining activities.

A diversified approach is required to solve the problem of illegal mining in South Africa and other countries. Addressing the core causes of the problem, such as unemployment

24 April 2023

and poverty, developing effective legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms, and encouraging responsible mining methods should all be part of this approach.

The mining industry must also contribute to the solution by ensuring that its operations are carried out in a responsible and sustainable manner. This involves putting safeguards in place to prevent worker exploitation, conserving the environment, and assisting local communities.

South Africa’s dystopian underworld of illegal gold miners is a huge concern that requires immediate response from all stakeholders. To establish a long-term solution, the government, law enforcement, mining sector participants, and civil society must all work together. Failing to act decisively will have disastrous ramifications for the country’s economy, social fabric, and residents’ well-being.

Illegal mining is a problem in South Africa that extends beyond gold mining to encompass other minerals such

as diamonds, platinum, and coal. Illegal mining practices, for example, have been linked to conflict diamonds, sometimes known as blood diamonds, in the diamond industry. These diamonds are frequently used to fund wars, terrorism, and other criminal operations, resulting in human rights violations and the loss of life.

Illegal mining activities in the coal mining business have been connected to the growth of zama-zamas, or illicit miners who operate in abandoned coal mines. These miners extract coal using primitive methods, which frequently result in accidents and environmental devastation. The problem has gotten so widespread that several mining corporations have hired private security organizations to defend their mines from illegal mining activities.

To tackle the problem of illicit mining in South Africa, the government has implemented a number of steps, including the formation of a dedicated task force to monitor and enforce unlawful mining activities. 25 April 2023

Digging for Talent

How Mineral Mining Companies are Recruiting Skilled Workers in the Competitive Job Market

The demand for skilled workers is rising as the mineral mining industry continues to expand. The industry has struggled to find and keep skilled workers, which can result in a talent shortage and have a detrimental effect on productivity. Skillings will examine the state of human resource hiring in the mineral mining sector today and go over tactics businesses can use

26 April 2023

The Mineral Mining Industry's Human Resources Recruiting Situation

According to a SME (Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration) study, the mining industry is experiencing a serious skills gap as a result of an aging workforce and a dearth of fresh talent. Over the following ten years, it is anticipated that this trend will continue, with the need for 80,000 new workers by 2030. Retaining current employees as well as attracting new talent is a challenge for mining companies.

Companies are having trouble finding the talent they need to meet demand due to an aging workforce and a decline in the number of young people entering the industry.

The fact that many young people are unaware of the career opportunities in the mining industry is one factor causing this problem. Only 17% of millennials, according to a survey by Ernest and Young (EY), would consider a career in mining. It may be challenging for businesses to recruit new talent due to this lack of awareness.

One of the most important industries in the world is the mining of minerals. The sector contributes significantly to the world economy by supplying everything from minerals like iron ore, copper, and nickel to precious metals like gold and silver. To keep things running smoothly, however, it needs skilled workers, just like any other industry.

The mineral mining sector has had a difficult

time finding and keeping skilled workers in recent years. Although the issue of a skilled labor shortage is not new, it has gotten much worse recently. Companies are having trouble finding the talent they need to meet de- 27 April 2023

mand due to an aging workforce and a decline in the number of young people entering the industry. Mineral mining companies are using human resources (HR) to create strategies to draw in and keep skilled workers as a solution to this problem. In this article, we'll look at the methods and techniques businesses use to find qualified employees for the mineral mining sector.

Creating a Powerful Employer Brand

Building a strong employer brand is one of the best ways to draw in skilled workers. A powerful employer brand effectively conveys the ideals, culture, and advantages of working for a specific organization. Companies that mine minerals are realizing the value of creating an employer brand that attracts potential employees.

To build their employer brands, businesses employ a range of strategies, such as writing compelling job descriptions, demonstrating their dedication to sustainability and safety, and emphasizing their employee benefits and training opportunities.

One of the biggest gold mining companies in the world, Newmont Corporation, has created an employer brand that highlights their dedication to sustainability, safety, and community involvement. They provide their staff with opportunities for training and development, a diverse and inclusive work environment, and a full range of benefits.

Using Online and Social Media Platforms

Social media and online platforms are now essential recruitment tools in the digital age. These platforms are being used by mineral mining companies to reach a larger audience and recruit qualified personnel.

Social media is being used by businesses to promote their cultures, values, and employment opportunities. To reach potential candidates and streamline the application process, they are also using online job boards and recruitment platforms.

For instance, Rio Tinto, one of the biggest mining companies in the world, uses social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter to share job openings and highlight their dedication to diversity and sustainability. They also make use of online hiring tools like Indeed and Glassdoor to speed up the application process and give potential employees more background on the business and its culture.

Offering benefits and compensation that are competitive

Another essential element in luring and keeping skilled workers in the mineral mining sector is providing competitive pay and benefits. Companies are realizing that in order to entice top talent and maintain their engagement, they must provide competitive salaries and benefit packages. Companies offer extensive benefit packages that include health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off in addition to competitive salaries. To assist staff members in developing their skills and advancing their careers, they are also investing in training and development programs.

One of the biggest mining companies in the world, BHP, for instance, provides its staff with a competitive compensation and benefits package that includes health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Additionally, they offer programs for training and development that aid in skill development and career advancement for employees.

28 April 2023

Collaborating with training programs and educational institutions

Companies are working with educational institutions and training programs to create a pipeline of skilled workers to address the shortage of workers in the mineral mining industry.

Companies are collaborating with academic institutions, technical training centers, and job-training programs to develop training courses that meet their particular requirements. To give students practical industry experience, they are also providing internships and apprenticeships. For instance, Teck Resources, one of the biggest diversified mining companies in the world, collaborates with universities and technical institutions to develop training programs that meet their particular requirements. They provide students with internships and apprenticeships that give them practical experience in the field and aid in the development of the skills necessary for success in the mining industry.

Companies are working with government organizations, business associations, and educational institutions to create training programs and apprenticeship opportunities. For instance, to address the skills gap in the industry, the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) in Canada collaborates with mining firms, governments, and academic institutions.

the value of creating an inclusive workplace for all workers. A workplace culture that values diversity and encourages inclusion is being promoted by businesses through the implementation of diversity and inclusion initiatives. Additionally, they are starting employee resource groups (ERGs), which give workers a forum to interact with others who have had similar experiences.

One of the biggest mining companies in the world, Anglo American, has created a number of ERGs, including Women in Mining, which offers opportunities for women to advance in the field and receive support. They have also started a number of programs, such as one to hire more women and people from underrepresented groups, with the goal of increasing diversity in their workforce.

Companies are working with government organizations, business associations, and educational institutions to create training programs and apprenticeship opportunities. For instance, to address the skills gap in the industry, the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) in Canada collaborates with mining firms, governments, and academic institutions.

The Mining Essentials program, one of the many initiatives and programs offered by MiHR, equips job seekers with the abilities and information required to work in the mining sector. They also provide training in a variety of fields, such as health and safety, environmental management, and mineral processing, through their Mining Industry Certificate program.

Making an Inclusive and Diverse Workplace

Not only is it morally right to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace, but it also aids employers in luring and keeping talent. Companies that mine minerals are realizing

The recruitment and retention of skilled workers is a significant challenge for the mineral mining sector. However, businesses are beginning to understand how critical it is to create plans for luring and keeping top talent. Companies are attempting to address the skills gap in the industry by building a strong employer brand, utilizing social media and online platforms, providing competitive pay and benefits, partnering with educational institutions and training programs, and creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

The mineral mining sector will need to continue making investments in finding and keeping skilled workers as the demand for minerals and metals increases. Companies can create a workforce that is prepared to take on future challenges and advance the industry by putting these strategies and methods into practice.

The challenge of finding and keeping skilled workers extends beyond the mineral mining sector. Around the world, many industries are struggling with it. The World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report 2020" found that many industries are having trouble locating the talent they require to keep up with technological advancements and shifting business requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic, according to the report, has made 29 April 2023

many industries' skills gaps even worse. Because of how quickly new technologies and digital tools are being adopted as a result of the pandemic, it is even more crucial for businesses to have a skilled workforce that can adjust to these changes.

The skills gap in the mining of minerals is particularly severe in fields like engineering, geology, and metallurgy. These are extremely specialized fields that call for higher learning and training. Companies are collaborating with academic institutions and technical institutes to develop training programs that are tailored to their particular requirements in order to address this challenge.

The Newmont Endowed Chair in Rock Mechanics and Ground Control was established through a collaboration between the Newmont Corporation and the Colorado School of Mines. The safety and effectiveness of mining operations depend on the research in ground control and rock mechanics that is funded by this program.

Companies are also investing in training and development programs for their current workforce as a means of addressing the skills gap. These initiatives support staff members' career advancement and the acquisition of new skills. They also offer a way for workers to advance into roles requiring more advanced skills, which may eventually help to reduce the skills shortage.

For instance, Freeport-McMoRan, one of the biggest copper producers in the world, has an extensive training and development program that combines classroom instruction, on-the-job training, and online learning. The program covers a variety of subjects, such as technical skills, environmental management, and safety.

In order to address the skills gap in the mineral mining sector, it is essential to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Companies can attract a larger pool of talent and increase employee engagement and retention by establishing a workplace that values diversity and promotes inclusion.

But starting diversity and inclusion initiatives isn't enough to create a diverse and welcoming workplace. The systemic

barriers that keep underrepresented groups from joining and rising in the industry must be addressed over time.

Women in Mining Canada, for instance, is a national organization that promotes women's involvement in the mining sector. They provide a variety of initiatives and programs, such as networking gatherings, mentorship programs, and professional development opportunities, aimed at increasing the representation of women in the field.

Due to the talent shortage in the mining sector, recruiting for human resources has taken on more significance. A SME study found that the mining sector is suffering from a serious skills gap as a result of an aging workforce and a dearth of fresh talent. Over the following ten years, it is anticipated that this trend will continue, with the need for 80,000 new workers by 2030. Retaining current employees as well as attracting new talent is a challenge for mining companies. Only 17% of millennials would consider a career in mining, according to an EY survey. It may be challenging for businesses to recruit new talent due to this lack of awareness. In this industry, HR plays a big part in luring in and keeping new talent.

This year, 2023, the country will need about 145,000 new workers, according to the Mining Association of Canada. Concerns about a labor shortage in the mining industry have been expressed by professionals worldwide. ye.commastmastmastmastmastmastmastmas, and. Additionally, there are not enough workers with the skills necessary to operate the sophisticated software and heavy machinery used in mining operations. Finally, mining is no longer a desirable career choice due to the difficult working conditions, remote locations, and lengthy workdays. A multifaceted strategy is needed to tackle the complex challenge of the skills gap in the mineral mining sector. Companies can attract and retain the qualified workers they require to succeed in a cutthroat global labor market by building a strong employer brand, utilizing social media and online platforms, providing competitive pay and benefits, collaborating with educational institutions and training programs, investing in training and development programs, and creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

30 April 2023
In order to address the skills gap in the mineral mining sector, it is essential to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Companies can attract a larger pool of talent and increase employee engagement and retention by establishing a workplace that values diversity and promotes inclusion.

Employment Growth and High Earnings in Mining Industry


During the years 2010-2017, the mining industry experienced expansion. According to the most recent data compiled from the mining industry, the decade spanning from 2010 to 2017 was one that saw substantial expansion. Several aspects of mining activity, such as extraction, production, and employment, are all exhibiting an upward trend, as shown by the data.

of 2012, the industry was showing signs of improvement, with 181,622 units being produced.

The number of units exported by the mining industry reached an all-time high of 85,996 in the month of April 2013. This statistic represents an increase of 24,120% when compared to the previous record low, which was reached in December 2010 and stood at 65,034 units.

The mining industry reported a total of 260,780 units of employment in January 2010, as well as 619,622 units of extraction, 160,916 units of production, 79,474 units of sales, 33,808 units of imports, and 84,644 units of exports. The succeeding months saw these data go through a period of mild fluctuation, with each month recording a value that was distinct from the previous month’s.

By May of 2010, the mining industry had reached a new peak in terms of the number of units extracted, recording 635,340 of them. A considerable increase in employment was also seen, with a total of 278,167 units, which represented the greatest amount seen during this time period. The manufacturing sector continued to report rising levels of activity, with production reaching its zenith in September 2011, when it was reported that 175,865 units had been produced.

The year 2012 was marked by a moderate slowdown across the board, with January registering the lowest number of units for both production and exports, with totals of 313,237 and 80,130, respectively. But, by March

Throughout the course of 2014, there was a consistent rise in the amount of mining that took place, with each month recording a larger number than the one before it. The year 2015, on the other hand, was marked by a slowdown in activity, with the month of December seeing the lowest number of units extracted, coming in at 679,347. This statistic indicated a decline of 0.95 percent when compared to the highest amount ever recorded, which was 728,814 units and was reached in April of 2012.

The mining industry continued to experience a volatility in activity throughout the ensuing months, with each month registering a different figure than the previous month. The year 2017 had a modest increase in activity, with the month of October having the highest number in extraction at 643,139 units. The year 2017 saw a little increase in activity.

The mining business is an essential part of the economy since it supplies raw materials for a variety of other industries, including the production of energy, building materials, and manufactured goods. The expansion that has been seen in this industry is a reassuring indication for the economy because it demonstrates an increase in economic activity as well as the development of new jobs 31 April 2023

Mining magnate Gina Rinehart Offers a Challenge to Industry Decarbonisation Opponents

Gina Rinehart, the mining tycoon, has issued a bold challenge to critics of the mining industry who urge for economic decarbonization. Rinehart, the chairman of Hancock Prospecting Group, has long been a supporter of the mining industry and its importance in the Australian economy.

In a recent interview, Rinehart discussed the industry’s issues, notably those related to the need for decarbonisation. Despite accepting the necessity of lowering carbon emissions, Rinehart chastised “anti-mining folks and fellow travelers” who would want to shut down the business in the name of decarbonisation.

According to Rinehart, the mining industry is crucial in providing raw materials for a variety of technology and goods, including renewable energy technologies. She

emphasized the importance of metals such as copper, nickel, and lithium in the creation of batteries used in electric vehicles and other renewable energy systems.

“Those who argue for a total shutdown of the mining industry in order to decarbonize the economy are mistaken,” Rinehart added. “They fail to recognize mining’s vital role in enabling technology that will ultimately help us cut our carbon emissions.”

32 April 2023

Gina Rinehart’s challenge to mining industry critics

Rinehart’s challenge to mining industry critics comes at a time when the industry is under heightened scrutiny and pressure to decrease its carbon footprint. Numerous environmental and community organizations have campaigned for tougher controls and greater accountability for the industry, which is one of Australia’s greatest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.

Rinehart, on the other hand, said that the industry is already taking initiatives to cut emissions and improve environmental policies. She noted mining businesses that have implemented renewable energy systems and invested in research and development to cut emissions.

“We recognize the need to reduce our carbon impact and are taking steps to do so,” Rinehart added. “But, we cannot just shut down the mining industry and expect the same results. We must collaborate to discover solutions that balance the need for economic growth with the need to cut carbon emissions.”

Rinehart’s challenge has prompted controversy and discussion inside the mining industry and beyond. While some have complimented her for her advocacy for the industry, others have chastised her for failing to see the harmful effects of mining on the environment and communities.

To lower their carbon impact and remain competitive in a changing market, mining companies will need to continue to innovate and adapt. This will entail investing in new technology and processes, as well as collaborating closely with government and community stakeholders to ensure that mining operations are environmentally friendly.

Decarbonizing the economy

While there is no doubt that decarbonizing the economy is an important goal, Rinehart’s challenge emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that recognizes the mining industry’s critical role in promoting economic growth and technological innovation.

As the world moves toward a more sustainable economy, the mining industry will face more pressure to lower its carbon footprint and reduce its environmental impact. The industry, on the other hand, has the ability to play a vital role in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies with the correct investments and partnerships.

Gina Rinehart’s challenge to mining industry critics is a rallying cry for the industry to continue to develop and adapt in order to meet the difficulties of a changing market. It is apparent that the industry has a critical role to play

“Those who argue for a total shutdown of the mining industry in order to decarbonize the economy are mistaken. They fail to recognize mining’s vital role in enabling technology that will ultimately help us cut our carbon emissions.” 33 April 2023
-Gina Rinehart

in the transition to a more sustainable economy, and that doing so will necessitate a collaborative and balanced strategy that considers the demands of all stakeholders.

One of the most common critiques leveled at the mining industry is its environmental impact. Mining operations have the potential to cause deforestation, land degradation, and water contamination. Heavy machinery and explosives can also produce noise and air pollution, which can be harmful to neighboring people.

The mining industry has come under increasing pressure in recent years to solve these environmental challenges. Many mining businesses have incorporated environmentally friendly methods such as employing renewable energy, conserving water, and improving waste management.

Rinehart claimed that the mining industry is a critical component of addressing the challenge of reducing carbon emissions. She emphasized the need of the industry accepting responsibility for its environmental impact and working to lessen its carbon footprint.

“We need to be honest about the environmental impact of our sector, and we need to seek to decrease that impact,”

Rinehart added. “But, we must also recognize the critical role that the mining industry plays in enabling the technologies that will help us minimize our carbon footprint.”

In addition to environmental concerns, the mining industry is under increasing economic pressure. Commodity price variations, as well as growing competition from emerging markets, have had a significant impact on the sector.

Rinehart emphasized that the mining industry is vital to the Australian economy and has the capacity to drive future economic growth and job creation. She emphasized that the industry must remain competitive in a changing market, which would necessitate investment in new technology and techniques.

“Despite the difficulties we confront, the mining industry has a promising future,” Rinehart remarked. “But, we must be proactive and invest in the technologies and processes that will keep us competitive in a changing market.”

Rinehart’s challenge has ignited a broader debate about the mining industry’s role in the transition to a more sustainable economy. While there are legitimate worries regarding mining’s environmental impact, many experts agree that the industry plays an important role in producing

raw materials for renewable energy technology.

The mining sector will need to continue to develop and adapt in order to meet the challenges of a changing market and lessen its environmental effect. Collaboration and engagement among industry stakeholders, as well as a commitment to sustainable practices and appropriate environmental management, will be required.

As the argument rages on, it is evident that the mining industry must find a way to reconcile the demand for economic expansion with the need to cut carbon emissions. The industry will be a significant actor in the transition to a more sustainable economy due to its crucial role in producing the raw materials required for renewable energy technology.

34 April 2023

Tesla Ventures into IndustryMining

Securing Sustainable Supply Chain for Batteries

The leading manufacturer of electric vehicles, Tesla, made recent announcements regarding its intentions to enter the mineral mining industry. This has caused a lot of people to ponder the following question: Why is Tesla getting into the mining business?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has stated that the move is being made with the intention of securing a sustainable supply chain for the company’s batteries. Batteries are an essential component of Tesla’s electric vehicles. The production of batteries requires a variety of minerals, including lithium, nickel, and cobalt, and Tesla has plans to mine some of these elements.

Since its inception, the company has been recognized for its unwavering dedication to environmental protection and the reduction of the carbon footprint caused by its business operations. By entering the mining industry, Tesla hopes to lessen its reliance on third-party suppliers and ensure that the minerals used in the production of its batteries are obtained in an ethical manner and are produced in an environmentally responsible manner.

In recent years, as the market for electric vehicles has continued to expand, there has been a heightened interest in the mining of minerals that are used in the production of batteries. The growing popularity of electric cars has resulted in an increase in demand for lithium-ion batteries,

which are an essential component of electric car power systems. The goal of Tesla’s expansion into the mining industry, in addition to lowering the company’s overall carbon footprint, is to achieve cost savings. Because it controls the entire supply chain, from raw materials to finished products, the company can eliminate the need for intermediaries, which could result in a reduction in the overall cost of manufacturing batteries.

However, Tesla is not the only company that understands the significance of securing a sustainable supply chain for battery minerals. Other companies include Panasonic, Panasonic Electric Works, and Panasonic Corporation. Besides Apple and BMW, there are a number of other companies that have made investments in the mining of these minerals.

The expansion of Tesla into the mining industry is still in its infancy, and the company has not yet provided any specific details regarding its mining operations. However, because of the company’s dedication to preserving the environment and cutting down on its carbon footprint, it is highly likely that its mining operations will place an emphasis on ethical and environmentally responsible practices.

The entry of Tesla into the mining industry is part of the company’s strategy to lower production costs while simultaneously securing a long-term, reliable supply chain for the materials used in its batteries. The importance of mining practices that are both environmentally responsible and ethical has never been higher as a direct result of the continued growth in demand for electric vehicles.

The entry of Tesla into the market is likely to increase the pressure that is placed on other companies to act similarly and make investments in environmentally friendly mining procedures.

In addition to this, the entrance of Tesla into the mining industry might also have a sizeable effect on the international mining market. The presence of Tesla in the industry has the potential to cause disruption in the traditional mining market and may even cause prices to fall as the demand for battery minerals continues to rise.

However, there are also concerns regarding the impact that mining has on the environment, particularly in regions where these minerals can be found in abundance. 35 April 2023

Navigating the Volatile Global Iron Ore Prices

36 April 2023

As professionals in the mineral mining industry, the global iron ore market is likely a topic of interest and importance. The price of iron ore is a critical component in the production of steel, which is used to build infrastructure and manufacture goods. The global demand for iron ore has been increasing in recent years, driven by emerging economies and infrastructure spending.

However, the iron ore market has been subject to significant fluctuations, which can impact the profitability and sustainability of mining operations. In this story, we will explore the reasons behind these fluctuations and offer strategies for navigating the volatile global iron ore prices.

Iron ore prices have been volatile in recent years, with China's demand being a major factor. In 2022, Beijing ramped up its campaign to stop iron ore prices from overheating, causing the price to plummet. However, in 2023, the spot price of iron ore is being pushed higher due to stronger Chinese demand and lower supply from the world's two biggest producers.

Iron ore has been one of the least volatile commodities in recent years and has outperformed metals and mining equities. However, China's zero COVID policy and slowing economic growth could affect its demand for iron ore. Traders are tempering their optimism about China's demand for iron ore, which is causing volatility in the market. Navigating these volatile global iron ore prices can be challenging for investors and companies alike.

One of the key drivers of the volatility in the iron ore market is the relationship between supply and demand. When demand for steel is high, the price of iron ore goes up, and when demand is low, the price goes down. Demand for steel is affected by a range of factors, including global economic growth, infrastructure spending, and consumer spending on goods. Therefore, any changes in these factors can impact the demand for steel and, in turn, the price of iron ore.

Another key factor in the iron ore market is the supply of iron ore. The production of iron ore is a complex and costly process that requires significant investments in equipment and infrastructure. The top iron ore producing countries are Australia, Brazil, and China, but other countries like India, Russia, and Ukraine have also increased their production in recent years. Any changes in the production levels of these countries can impact the supply of iron ore and, in turn, the price.

The volatility in the iron ore market has significant implications for the mining industry. Mining companies rely on the price of iron ore to determine the profitability of their operations. When the price of iron ore is high, mining 37 April 2023

energy, which could provide a source of diversification and stability in the face of changing market conditions.

As the world continues to shift towards renewable energy sources and alternative materials, the iron ore market is likely to face additional challenges and opportunities. While the demand for iron ore is likely to remain strong in the short to medium term, there are several factors that could impact prices and production levels in the future. Therefore, mining companies must remain vigilant and develop strategies to navigate the volatile iron ore market.

The global iron ore market is a critical component of the mining industry.

Fluctuations in the price of iron ore can have significant impacts on the profitability and sustainability of mining operations. The iron ore market is subject to a range of factors, including supply and demand, global economic trends, and geopolitical tensions.

Mining companies must develop strategies to navigate the volatile iron ore market, including developing long-term contracts with steel producers, improving efficiency and reducing costs, and exploring opportunities for diversification. With careful planning and a commitment to companies can generate significant revenue, but when the price is low, profitability can be challenging. Therefore, mining companies must develop strategies to navigate the volatile iron ore market.

One strategy that mining companies can use to navigate the iron ore market is to develop long-term contracts with steel producers. These contracts can provide a degree of stability in the face of price fluctuations by ensuring a steady stream of revenue for mining companies. Additionally, these contracts can allow mining companies to hedge against the risk of future price declines.

Another strategy that mining companies can use is to focus on improving efficiency and reducing costs. The production of iron ore is a costly process that requires significant investments in equipment and infrastructure. By improving efficiency and reducing costs, mining companies can increase profitability and remain competitive even in a volatile market.

Mining companies can also explore opportunities to diversify their operations. For example, many mining companies have begun to explore opportunities in renewable

38 April 2023
Iron ore has been one of the least volatile commodities in recent years and has outperformed metals and mining equities. However, China’s zero COVID policy and slowing economic growth could affect its demand for iron ore.

innovation, mining companies can navigate the volatile iron ore market and continue to play a critical role in the global economy.

The iron and steel sector is a crucial industry for the production of steel, which is essential for many other industries. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has explored the technologies and strategies necessary for the iron and steel sector to pursue a pathway compatible with its goals. However, the industry has been facing challenges due to production overcapacity and low utilization rates, which have pushed down prices of raw materials such as iron ore and coking coal.

This has caused mounting surpluses of both iron ore and coking coal. Prices for key steel-making raw materials have followed a similar trajectory. Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the world's iron and steel industries, making it an essential commodity. The IEA has also examined the role of critical minerals in clean energy transitions, including iron ore.

Moreover, mining companies can also leverage technology to optimize their operations and remain competitive in the volatile iron ore market. One example of such technology is automation, which can increase efficiency, reduce

costs, and improve safety. By leveraging automation and other technologies, mining companies can optimize their operations, increase production, and remain profitable in the face of fluctuating prices.

Another critical consideration for mining companies is environmental sustainability. The mining of iron ore can have significant impacts on the environment, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution. Therefore, mining companies must take steps to minimize these impacts and operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This can include implementing environmental management systems, engaging with local communities, and investing in renewable energy sources.

Another significant challenge for mining companies in the iron ore market is the regulatory environment. Governments around the world are increasingly focused on regulating the mining industry to ensure that it operates in a safe, environmentally responsible, and socially responsible manner. Mining companies must comply with a range of regulations, including those related to safety, environmental protection, and labor practices. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant fines, legal action, and reputational damage.

Geopolitical risks in the iron ore market

Mining companies must also consider geopolitical risks in the iron ore market. Political instability, trade tensions, and other geopolitical risks can impact the demand for iron ore and, in turn, the price. For example, changes in trade policies between major trading partners can have significant impacts on the iron ore market. Mining companies must be aware of these risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.

The iron ore market is subject to significant fluctuations, which can impact the profitability and sustainability of mining operations. Mining companies must develop strategies to navigate the volatile iron ore market, including developing long-term contracts with steel producers, improving efficiency and reducing costs, exploring opportunities for diversification, leveraging technology, and operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Mining companies must also be aware of geopolitical risks and comply with regulations related to safety, environmental protection, and labor practices. By doing so, mining companies can navigate the volatile iron ore 39 April 2023
Surveying at iron ore mine, Australia. (Photo by Mike St Maur Sheil/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images)

market and remain competitive in the global economy. In addition to these strategies, mining companies can also consider investing in research and development to identify new and innovative ways to extract iron ore. For example, there has been increasing interest in the use of autonomous vehicles, drones, and other technologies to optimize the mining process. By investing in research and development, mining companies can increase their efficiency, reduce costs, and remain competitive in the face of changing market conditions.

Mining companies can also leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize their operations. By analyzing data related to production levels, market trends, and other factors, mining companies can make data-driven decisions that increase efficiency and reduce costs. Artificial intelligence can also be used to optimize production levels, predict future demand, and identify potential areas for improvement.

Social license and talent management

Another critical consideration for mining companies in the iron ore market is talent management. Mining is a highly specialized industry that requires a skilled workforce. Therefore, mining companies must develop strategies to attract and retain top talent, including offering competitive salaries, training and development opportunities, and a positive work environment. By investing in talent management, mining companies can ensure that they have the skilled workforce needed to remain competitive in the volatile iron ore market.

Mining companies must also consider their social license to operate. Mining can have significant impacts on local communities, including displacement, loss of traditional livelihoods, and environmental degradation. Therefore, mining companies must engage with local communities and stakeholders to build trust and establish a social license to operate. This can include investing in community development programs, engaging in meaningful dialogue with local stakeholders, and implementing measures to minimize the environmental impacts of mining operations.

Iron ore prices are expected to ease in 2023, with some forecasts predicting a drop in prices. S&P Global Platts has moderately upgraded its average iron ore price forecast to $123.11/t for the March quarter and $117.53/t for 2023. The World Bank estimated that the iron ore price would

average $100/tonne in 2023, dropping from an estimated $120/tonne in 2022. Investing News Network predicts that prices will slide to US$85 in the first quarter of 2023 and hover around US$90 throughout the second and third quarters. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) also predicts a decline in iron ore prices, with an average price of US$95 per tonne for 2023. Trading Economics expects iron ore to trade at $125.25 USD/MT by the end of Q1 2023.

Navigating the volatile global iron ore market is a complex challenge for mining industry professionals. Mining companies must develop strategies to remain competitive, including developing long-term contracts, improving efficiency and reducing costs, exploring diversification opportunities, leveraging technology, operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, and investing in talent management.

By doing so, mining companies can navigate the volatile iron ore market and continue to play a critical role in the global economy while minimizing their impact on the environment and local communities.

40 April 2023

Why Iron Ore Prices are Soaring


Many people are perplexed by the fact that iron ore prices have been climbing steadily over the past few years. Iron ore is an essential mineral that should not be priced at such a premium. Iron is the most abundant metallic element in the cosmos, and it is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing of steel.

Iron Ore Prices Have At AllTime Highs: Here’s Why

Many people are perplexed by the fact that iron ore prices have been climbing steadily over the past few years. Iron ore is an essential mineral that should not be priced at such a premium. Iron is the most abundant metallic element in the cosmos, and it is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing of steel. As a result of the continued expansion of economies all over the world, there has been a rise in the demand for steel, which has led to an increase in the price of iron ore. In addition, transitory price surges can be caused when supply chains are disrupted as a result of natural disasters or political instability. Iron ore price is mostly determined by market forces like supply and demand, just as it is with the price of any other commodity. In spite of these shifts, iron will continue to be a major component of international trade and will continue to be a vital material for many different types of businesses.

Iron ore price hit an all-time high

The price of iron ore has hit an alltime high, which is prompting many in the mining business to experience a heightened level of stress. Over the course of the last few months, prices have surged due to a variety of factors, the most significant of which are rising demand and disruptions in supply chain. Since the beginning of the year, the price of iron ore, which is a critical raw material needed in the production of steel, has increased by more than fifty percent. This price increase can be attributed to a number of different variables, one of which being an in-

crease in demand from China, which is the largest user of steel in the world. As a result of China’s economy rebounding more quickly than that of other countries in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been a boom in demand for steel as the number of construction and infrastructure projects has increased. The already stressed supply chains have been put under further strain as a result of this increasing demand, which has led to a bottleneck in the market for iron ore. In addition, the epidemic has caused a disruption in the mining industry, which has led to a lack of both skilled workers and raw materials. 41 April 2023


The Pros and Cons of Surface Mining for Mineral Extraction

As we continue into 2023, the demand for minerals continues to grow, with industries such as electronics, construction, and renewable energy relying heavily on mineral extraction. However, mining is not without its challenges. In particular, surface mining - the practice of extracting minerals from the earth's surface - has both pros and cons that must be carefully considered.

Surface mining involves removing layers of soil and rock to access mineral deposits. This can be done through open-pit mining or strip mining. Open-pit mining involves digging a large hole in the ground to extract minerals, while strip mining involves removing strips of soil and rock to expose mineral deposits. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of surface mining is that it is generally less expensive than underground mining. This is because it requires fewer workers and less equipment. Additionally, surface mines are often more productive than underground mines because they can extract larger quantities of minerals at once.

Surface mining has long been one of the most widely used methods for extracting minerals from the earth. From coal and copper to gold and diamonds, surface mining has proven to be an efficient and effective way to tap into the planet's natural resources. However, this method is not without its drawbacks, and concerns have been raised about the environmental impact of this form of mining. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of surface mining for mineral extraction and examine some of the ways in which the industry is working to address its environmental impact.

Pros of Surface Mining

One of the key advantages of surface mining is that it is a cost-effective method of

42 April 2023

mineral extraction. Unlike underground mining, which requires expensive infrastructure and specialized equipment, surface mining can be carried out with relatively simple machinery. This makes it a more accessible option for smaller mining operations or those operating in less developed regions of the world.

Surface mining is also a more efficient way to extract minerals from large, open-pit mines. Because the ore deposits are close to the surface, it is easier to remove the overlying soil and rock and access the minerals below. This means that larger quantities of ore can be extracted in a shorter period of time, which is particularly important for mineral commodities that are in high demand.

Another advantage of surface mining is that it can have a positive impact on local economies. Mining operations often bring jobs and investment to communities, helping to stimulate economic growth and development. Additionally, the extraction of minerals can generate revenue for governments, which can then be used to fund public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Cons of Surface Mining

Despite its many advantages, surface mining is not without its downsides. Perhaps the most significant concern is the environmental impact of this form of mining. Surface mining can have a range of negative effects on the surrounding ecosystem, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. This is because the removal of overlying soil and rock can disrupt the natural balance of the environment, leading to a loss of biodiversity and reduced soil fertility.

Another issue with surface mining is the risk of accidents and fatalities. This is particularly true for large-scale mining operations, where heavy machinery and large quantities of explosives are used to remove overburden and extract minerals. 43 April 2023

While safety measures are in place to minimize the risk of accidents, there is always the potential for things to go wrong, which can result in serious injury or loss of life.

Surface mining is often criticized for its visual impact on the landscape. Open-pit mines can be enormous, often spanning several square miles, and the scars left on the land can be visible for decades or even centuries. This can have a negative impact on tourism, recreation, and property values in the surrounding area.

Addressing the Environmental Impact of Surface Mining

In recent years, the mining industry has made significant strides in reducing the environmental impact of surface mining. One approach that has been gaining traction is the use of reclamation and restoration techniques to rehabilitate mining sites after they have been exhausted. This involves restoring the site to its pre-mining condition by replanting vegetation, stabilizing soil, and creating habitat for wildlife.

Another approach that has been gaining popularity is the use of advanced technologies to minimize the environmental impact of mining operations. For example, some mining companies are now using drones and other remote sensing technologies to map out mining sites and monitor the impact of mining activities on the surrounding ecosystem. Additionally, new technologies are being developed to improve the efficiency of mineral extraction, reducing the amount of waste generated and minimizing the impact on the environment.

Surface mining is a complex issue with many pros and cons. While it is an important method for extracting minerals from the earth, it is also associated with a range of environmental and social challenges. However,

with continued innovation and investment, the mining industry can work to address these challenges and minimize the impact of surface mining on the planet and its inhabitants.

One promising development in the mining industry is the increasing focus on sustainable and responsible mining practices. This includes taking a more holistic approach to mining, considering the impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Many mining companies are now working to develop sustainability strategies that address the environmental impact of mining operations, while also promoting social and economic development in the communities where they operate.

Another important aspect of sustainable mining is stakeholder engagement. Mining companies are recognizing the importance of engaging with local communities and other stakeholders to ensure that their operations are responsible and sustainable. This includes consulting with local people to understand their concerns and priorities, as well as working to build trust and establish positive relationships with local communities.

While surface mining for mineral extraction has both pros and cons, it is clear that the industry is evolving to become more sustainable and responsible. By adopting innovative technologies, implementing reclamation and restoration techniques, and engaging with stakeholders, the mining industry can continue to provide valuable minerals to society while minimizing its impact on the environment and supporting local communities.

It is up to the industry as a whole to prioritize sustainability and responsible practices, and work together towards a more sustainable future for mining.

44 April 2023
One promising development in the mining industry is the increasing focus on sustainable and responsible mining practices. This includes taking a more holistic approach to mining, considering the impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Equipping the mining industry with legal services since 1893. ››
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january 2023 crude steel production

World crude steel production for the 63 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 145.3 million tonnes (Mt) in January 2023, a 3.3% decrease compared to January 2022.


Africa produced 1.2 Mt in January 2023, down 4.9% on January 2022. Asia and Oceania produced 107.5 Mt, down 0.2%. The EU (27) produced 10.3 Mt, down 15.2%. Europe, Other produced 3.3 Mt, down 17.5%. The Middle East produced 3.8 Mt, up 19.7%. North America produced 9.1 Mt, down 5.6%. Russia & other CIS + Ukraine produced 6.5 Mt, down 24.9%. South America produced 3.6 Mt, down 0.6%. The 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2021. Regions covered by the table: Africa, Asia and Oceania, European Union (27), Europe, Middle East, North America, Russia & other CIS + Ukraine, South America.


China is estimated to have produced 79.5 Mt in January 2023, up 2.3% on January 2022. India produced 10.9 Mt, down 0.2%. Japan produced 7.2 Mt, down 6.9%. The United States produced 6.5 Mt, down 6.8%. Russia

is estimated to have produced 5.8 Mt, down 8.9%. South Korea produced 5.5 Mt, down 9.8%. Germany produced 2.9 Mt, down 10.2%. Brazil produced 2.8 Mt, down 4.9%. Iran is estimated to have produced 2.7 Mt, up 27.7%. Türkiye produced 2.6 Mt, down 17.6%.

Table 2. Top 10 steel-producing countries

The 63 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2020. Regions and countries covered by the table: Africa: Egypt, Libya, South Africa. Asia and Oceania: Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan (China), Vietnam. CIS: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. European Union (27). Europe, Other: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom. Middle East: Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. North America: Canada, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, United States. South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

jan 2023 (mt) % change jan 23/22 jan-jan 2023 (mt) % change jan-jan 23/22 africa 1.2 -4.9 1.2 -4.9 asia and oceania 107.5 -0.2 107.5 -0.2 eu (27) 10.3 -15.2 10.3 -15.2 europe, other 3.3 -17.5 3.3 -17.2 middle east 3.8 19.7 3.8 19.7 north america 9.1 -5.6 9.1 -5.6 russia & cis + ukraine* 6.5 -24.9 6.5 -24.9 south america 3.6 -0.6 3.6 -0.6 total 63 countries 145.3 -3.3 145.3 -3.3
Table 1. Crude steel production by region
jan 2023 (mt) % change jan 23/22 jan-jan 23 (mt) % change jan-jan 23/22 china 77.9 2.3 79.5 2.3 india 10.9 -0.2 10.9 -0.2 japan 7.2 -6.9 7.2 -6.9 united states 6.5 -6.8 6.5 -6.8 russia e 5.8 -8.9 5.8 -8.9 south korea 5.5 -9.8 5.5 -9.8 germany 2.9 -10.2 2.9 -10.2 brazil 2.8 -4.9 2.8 -4.9 iran e 2.7 27.7 2.7 27.7 turkey 2.6 -17.6 2.6 -17.6 46 April 2023

CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION DECEMBER 2020. Source – World Steel Association

- the 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world crude steel production in 2019.

COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Austria 530 e 521 1.7 6 665 -10.2 Belgium 359 505 -28.9 6 119 -21.1 Bulgaria 40 e 43 -6.3 485 -14.3 Croatia 15 e 7 101.9 47 -32.0 Czech Republic 408 359 13.7 4 465 0.6 Finland 339 186 81.8 3 500 0.8 France 1 155 918 25.7 11 596 -19.8 Germany 3 137 2 835 10.6 35 658 -10.0 Greece 110 e 94 17.0 1 430 5.9 Hungary 90 164 -44.8 1 513 -14.5 Italy 1 500 e 1 404 6.9 20 200 -12.9 Luxembourg 113 97 17.3 1 886 -11.0 Netherlands 540 521 3.6 6 054 -9.1 Poland 680 e 642 5.9 7 890 -11.9 Slovenia 50 e 34 45.0 570 -8.5 Spain 891 765 16.4 10 934 -19.5 Sweden 410 376 8.9 4 409 -6.6 United Kingdom 710 e 550 29.0 7 185 -0.5 Other E.U. (28) (e) 680 e 642 6.0 8 180 -12.1 European Union (28) 11 757 10 665 10.2 138 786 -11.8 Bosnia-Herzegovina 75 70 6.5 759 -5.2 Macedonia 33 24 35.9 180 -24.8 Norway 41 40 3.2 624 0.5 Serbia 119 158 -24.8 1 456 -24.6 Turkey 3 403 2 893 17.7 35 763 6.0 Other Europe 3 671 3 185 15.3 38 782 3.9 Byelorussia 200 e 225 -11.2 2 490 -5.0 Kazakhstan 355 e 374 -5.0 3 835 -7.2 Moldova 45 e 35 28.2 465 18.7 Russia 6 110 e 6 159 -0.8 73 400 2.6 Ukraine 1 906 1 561 22.1 20 616 -1.1 Uzbekistan 80 e 84 -4.8 950 42.6 C.I.S. (6) 8 696 8 438 3.1 101 756 1.5 Canada 1 070 e 1 092 -2.0 11 078 -14.1 Cuba 20 e 22 -8.5 181 -21.4 El Salvador 8 e 8 -5.7 79 -22.5 Guatemala 25 e 26 -3.9 237 -22.6 COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Mexico 1 550 e 1 361 13.9 16 854 -8.3 United States 6 434 7 292 -11.8 72 690 -17.2 North America 9 107 9 801 -7.1 101 119 -15.5 Argentina 388 326 19.0 3 651 -21.4 Brazil 2 886 2 462 17.2 30 971 -4.9 Chile 105 e 109 -3.5 1 165 2.8 Colombia 110 e 97 13.5 1 126 -15.5 Ecuador 50 e 50 0.5 477 -21.5 Paraguay 3 e 3 -4.4 22 -17.5 Peru 105 e 91 15.8 671 -45.4 Uruguay 5 e 5 -7.2 47 -24.6 Venezuela 2 e 0 315.8 29 -43.6 South America 3 654 3 143 16.3 38 158 -8.4 Egypt 994 574 73.0 8 229 13.4 Libya 73 63 16.2 495 -18.4 South Africa 292 e 297 -1.5 3 877 -37.0 Africa 1 359 934 45.5 12 600 -10.1 Iran 2 660 e 2 224 19.6 29 030 13.4 Qatar 85 186 -54.3 1 218 -52.4 Saudi Arabia 440 664 -33.8 7 775 -5.1 United Arab Emirates 280 297 -5.8 2 722 -18.2 Middle East 3 465 3 371 2.8 40 745 2.7 China 91 252 84 692 7.7 1 052 999 5.2 India 9 796 9 383 4.4 99 570 -10.6 Japan 7 526 7 785 -3.3 83 194 -16.2 South Korea 5 952 5 880 1.2 67 121 -6.0 Pakistan 380 e 261 45.6 3 743 13.3 Taiwan, China 1 700 e 1 693 0.4 20 570 -6.3 Thailand 410 e 357 14.8 4 420 4.1 Vietnam 1 600 e 1 876 19 500 11.6 Asia 118 616 111927 6.0 1 351 117 1.6 Australia 473 449 5.4 5 490 0.0 New Zealand 59 57 3.8 586 -12.2 Oceania 533 506 5.2 6 076 -1.4 Total 64 countries (1) 160 858 151969 5.8 1 829 140 -0.9 (1) -
e - estimated
HADEED only. (2) 47 April 2023

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