2021 March Mining Review

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Could steel prices soon hit $1,000/ton in the new year? Covid Impact: Coal India to diversify into non-coal mininginareas2021 34 22 2021 MARCH IN REVIEW 110/03 PARTNERS IN MINING TRANSFORMATIONDIGITAL 14 2020 was a great year for iron ore mining

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AMERICAS 5 Iron ore price leaps into 2021 20 Komatsu’s new MC51 hard rock mining machine is all set to cut rock at Vale Garson by April 27 Copper price hits new high as covid cases sweep South America 34 Could steel prices soon hit $1,000/ton in the new year? 40 Quebec govt spares mining industry from new restrictions 42 .Alicanto Minerals Upper on Securing Tenure Covering Sweden’s Historic High-Grade Sala Silver Mine EQUIPMENT 6 The rise of robotics in mining 8 Tata Communications expands enter prise business via cloud, IoT services 10 Putting technology to work 14 The importance of partners in mining digital transformation 26 Exclusive Winners in COVID-hit econ omy: Thai Women Gold Panners! 39 Remote quarantine plan sparks mining worry 44 Mineworker COVID-19 death toll in South Africa Still Rising STATISTICS 46 Global crude steel output decreases by 0.9% in 2020 46 NOVEMBER 2020 crude steel produc tion GLOBAL 22 Covid Impact: Coal India to diversify into non-coal mining areas in 2021 28 Authorities warn of brewing space mining war among US, China and Russia 41 Daily desilting of critical importance to mine ponds www.skillings.net | 3

UNITED STATES $72 Monthly in US Funds $109 Monthly in US Funds 1st Class Mail OUTSIDE OF UNITED STATES $250 US Monthly for 7 - 21 day delivery $335 US Monthly for Air Mail Service SUBSCRIPTIONS SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW NEWS ROOM Digital Monthly Magazine SMR Americas Monday Global Skillings Wednesday Skillings Equipment Gear Friday All funds are monthly $4.95 USD per month Publisher CHARLES PITTS chas.Pitts@Skillings.net Acting Managing Editor ESHLIN VEDAN Contributing Editor PAVNEET LUBANA Pavneet.Lubana@cfxnetwork.com WebSite Administrator/ Web Architect VINOD KUMAR Media Producer STANISLAV PAVLISHIN Digital Reporters ALANA TRISTANBALDWINFRANKELWADECOOKAVAMICHELLE Creative Director MO SHINE Mo.Shine@cfxnetwork.com Director of Sales & Marketing CHRISTINE MARIE Advertising@Skillings.net Circulation & Subscriptions Subscriptions@Skillings.net MARCH 2021 VOL.110. NO.03 Skillings Mining Review of CFX Network LLC, publishes comprehensive informa tion on global mining, iron ore markets and critical industry issues via Skillings Mining Review Monthly Magazine and weekly. SMR Americas, Global Skillings and Skilling Equipment Gear newsletters. SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW (ISSN 0037-6329) is published monthly, 12 issues per year by CFX Network, 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184 Venice, Florida 34284 Phone: (888) 444 7854 x 4. Printed in the USA. Payments & Billing: 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184, Venice, FL 34284. Periodicals Postage Paid at: Venice, Florida and additional mail offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Skillings mining review, 350 W. Venice Ave. #1184 Venice, Florida 34284. Phone: (888) 444 7854 x 4. Fax: (888) 261-6014. Email: Advertising@Skillings.net. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ SUBSCRIPTION QUESTIONS: For renewals, address changes, e-mail preferences and subscription account status contact Circulation and Subscriptions: subscriptions@Skillings.net Editorial matter may be reproduced only by stating the name of this publication, date of the issue in which material appears, and the byline, if the article carries one. website: www.skillings.net 4 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW March 2021

Iron ore price leaps into 2021 AMERICAS

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On Monday, benchmark 62 percent Fe fines imported into Northern China (CFR Qingdao) were changing hands for $165.29 a tonne, up 3 percent on the day, according to Fastmarkets MB.

As unprecedented demand from China deepgovernmentcounteracteddemandsforcutsinthecountry's steel production, iron ore prices began the new year with a bang on Monday.

In December, raw materials from steelmaking reached their highest level since September 2011, after gain ing almost 80 percent during the year.

“Impact from the pandemic (on iron ore) was not as pessimistic as the market expected,” Zhuo Guiqiu, analyst with Jinrui Capital told “TheReuters:bigjump came after Vale lowered its shipments expecta tions and a robust Chinese steel demand in the fourth quarter.”

More than 1 billion tonnes of crude steel are projected to be forged by China in 2020, and iron ore imports are also operating at record levels of more than 1 billion tonnes per year.

The two-day online conference featured individuals who are at the front of chang ing the mining and exploration industries in order to have dialogue regarding new technologies, tools as well as advanced Scottanalytics.said the adoption of emerging technology was helped by the restric tions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with some digital transformation projects

The adoption of emerging technology was helped by the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with some digital transformation projects expected to be developed in three months for the next three to five years.

“There’s a lot of work that’s underway right now to really bring to the forefront a lot of automation and robotics to deal with enhanced data capture and execution of exploration programs and also within the mining environment,” he said in an inter view ahead of the symposium.

"COVID is a significant accelerator and robotics is no exception,”

Speaking at the IMDEX Xploration Technology Symposium, he highlighted that due to the development of autono mous haulage and drilling technology, the mining industry has been through a “trough of disillusionment” around robot ics and was moving towards the “plateau of productivity”.

The rise of robotics in mining


expected to be developed in three months for the next three to five years.“COVID is a significant accelerator and robotics is no exception,” he said.

There was capital available which funded new and emerging projects. This was a clear indicator of a boom in robotics which he added would lead to more jobs.

Mining has entered a robotics boom as developers are taking huge strides in AI, drone use, and technology for data capture and analysis that will improve safety and better manage mines, says Andrew Scott, executive chairman of Queensland Robotics.

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In Q3, as part of the expansion of its enterprise portfolio, Tata Communications Ltd signed up a number of Indian and global companies to provide cloud, mobility, video content, and Internet of Things (IoT) Duringservices.thequarter, the telecommu nications operator collaborated with UK-based ATP Media to broadcast live ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) tournaments through its global vid eo-connect network. "We will facilitate the super-fast transfer of live content in over 200 territories from on-site pro duction to broadcasters and onwards to ATP Media's global tennis audience," Tata Communications said after Q3.

Tata Communications said it has signed an agreement in India with a major coal mining and refining company that will integrate its IT infrastructure comprising hosting, security, and network services under the private cloud of IZO. The cloud platform will reduce technological costs, scalability of on-demand hardware, and enable customers to securely store and use “(Enterprise)data.customers are rapidly adopt ing the cloud and migrating workloads and apps from in-house data centres to the cloud… This is the reason why cloud and security are a big area of focus for us," said A.S. Lakshminarayanan, MD and CEO, Tata Communications.



Tata Communications expands enterprise business via cloud, IoT services

In order to meet the growing demand for internet connectivity by companies worldwide, the Tata group company has expanded its cloud platform and services called IZO. This will also help telco gain market share in the US and Europe.

Tata Communications said it has signed an agreement in India with a major coal mining and refining company that will integrate its IT infra structure comprising hosting, security, and network ser vices under the private cloud of IZO. The cloud platform will reduce technological costs, scalability of on-de mand hardware, and enable customers to securely store and use data.

Halcor is the copper tubes division of ElvalHalcor S.A. and together with four more companies form the copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. that specializes in the production, processing and marketing of copper and copper alloys products with dynamic commercial presence in the European and global markets. For more than 80 years, Halcor has been offering innovative and added-value solutions that meet contemporary client demands in fields, such as plumbing, HVAC&R, renewable energy, architecture, engineering and indus trial production.

The copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. is composed of six subsidiaries and seven associates/joint ventures, based in Greece, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, while it operates a total of five production plants in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey.

The copper segment of ElvalHalcor S.A. develops and distributes a wide range of products, including copper and cop per-alloy rolled and extruded products with Halcor being the sole producer of copper tubes in Greece. High quality in production is achieved through strict controls applied throughout the produc tion process. With a consistent quality focus, the company implements an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Management System and leverages high technologies and expert staff. As a result of the Group’s strategic investments in research & development, Halcor is recognized as one of the leading copper producers globally, setting new standards in copper processing. The company maintains a consistent focus on quality and environmental protection and a strong commitment to the principles of sustainable development. In this context, all production facilities in the Group’s plants leverage advanced technologies to bring in the market innovative products that are energy efficient and environmen tally friendly. For more information, please visit our website www.halcor.com

www.skillings.net | 9 HALCOR PRODUCTS Copper tubes with or without lining or industrial insulation for applications in: • Drinking water and heating networks • Underfloor heating and cooling • Gas and medical distribution networks gases • Cooling and air conditioning systems • Solar energy applications • Various industrial applications

Increasing use of digitisation and automation technology has great potential to increase performance and productivity; but the real challenges are ensuring that these technologies help resolve the key risks that threaten sustainability and that stakeholders realize that mine life and related economic activ ity will be extended by success.



Putting technology to work

Throughout an activity, equipment and personnel can be monitored, and can communicate more effectively, improving safety and productivity.

Global collaboration between mines, consultants and academics has lever aged seismic wave research into useful applications that boost site protection by separating vibrations induced by blasting from those that indicate pit

In management consultancy EY's 10 most relevant risks and opportunities for the mining and metals sector, a social license to operate holds its top spot. The economic lockdown required by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which it is estimated that millions of jobs have been lost, would only mean greater poverty, including in mining communities.

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STABLE AND REMOTE Technology definitely allows us to accomplish this, even though often the speed of implementation is inconsistent.


Remotely operated equipment allows drilling, loading and transport to be carried out, reducing the necessary manual labor and thereby reducing the safety and health risk.

Digitisation and automation innovations aim to make a vital difference at a high level where South Africa really matters: keeping the existing job prospects in the sector alive. We are currently not developing many new mineral ventures in a mature sector like ours, and in a challenging economic climate, which could replace our old mines. Rather, as they reach irreversible closure, we are witnessing a slow aging of Thisoperations.isinthe essence of mining; the deposit of minerals is always finite and can only be mined as long as its income exceeds its expenses. Rising efficiencies and lower costs while improving safety standards is an urgent priority, enabling mining operations to proceed in either deeper or lower-grade properties.

A South African mine is testing the use of hydrogen on the surface to power transport vehicles, reducing the carbon footprint and expense.

Digital technology improves planning and tracking, allowing operations to be safer and more effective.

More than ever, a comprehensive and integrated approach to the range of challenges and risks facing mines is now more relevant.

The provision of a mobile app and free internet connectivity to nearby areas was part of a local mining company project to promote stakeholder participation. This provided two-way contact between members of the community and the mine, helping to create an accurate, reliable and sensitive source of activity data. The inclusion of a digital platform enabled the creation of skills and education and opened a 'digital doorway' for work opportunities, educational connections, applications for bursaries and other opportunities in the area. Digital commu

In almost every area of mining and processing today, the use of sensors with digital capability enables the collection of "big data" for processing and analysis. As we strengthen our ability to obtain useful data from this material, all activ ities can be streamlined. For example, advances in geo-metallurgical modeling may provide comprehensive geological data to enhance the performance of plants on a daily basis. Mines may decrease power consumption and reagent usage by optimizing variables such as energy consumption and reagent volumes based on this data, lowering the cost per ton.


Technological progress is obviously not so much a challenge to mining workers as a critical lifeline, helping to maintain mining jobs for longer. However, this effect is practically indirect, and there fore invisible to observers. With digital technologies, there are other possibilities that could be more specifically applied to the social license issue, primarily related to communication.

The Digital platforms can promote interaction and cooperation by helping to encourage connections between mines, local small businesses, community groups and other stakeholders including Themunicipalities.ultimateobjective is not technol ogy, but rather digital inclusion and an improvement in local economies' eco nomic resilience and power. This makes it possible to more effectively share the potential benefits generated from mining locally through commercial transactions rather than charity handouts. The challenges facing communities close to mines in South Africa's underperform ing economy, further devastated by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, will gradually spill over into the mines them selves. Digital technologies can make a difference in bridging the many complex and potentially destructive divisions in an increasingly interconnected world.

12 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW March 2021 structure movement, for example. Similar study also leads to developments in the modeling approaches to earthquake site response for mines.



nication technology, often mandated by law as part of environmental and social permitting processes, is now being used to strengthen structured stakeholder participation processes. Innovations like this could be applied to promote local procurement, which is both an essential component of mining enforcement and a recurrent source of community frustration that increases the risks of social licensing.


FloLevel Technologies


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The importance of partners in mining digital transformation In the mining sector, the latest wave of Industry 4.0 has emerged with such revolutionary pace that it shocked even the more futuristic advocates. It has also implemented several new challenges while providing market and organizational enhancements. As a consequence, in a short period of time, mining companies and their suppliers have been checked to change their methods, innovations, and abilities.


Along list of applications that take advantage of stream data analytics, machine vision, remote sensing, teleoperation, and autonomous systems are involved in emerging technology in the mining environment. While all of them are for various uses and results, they follow a similar pattern: collecting and transforming data in digital format into appropriate decision-making information, often in real-time. Its technological and organizational aspects have been reshaped by the implementation of emerging technology into the conventional mining environ ment. New hardware, software, changes to operating procedures, as well as new skillsets in the workforce involve the design, implementation, and use of such Hardwaretechnologies.should be sufficiently robust to cope with the harsh mining environ ment to hold the latest generation of sophisticated devices such as sensors, antennas, and chips without damaging them. In a challenging data environment with machine learning, deep learning, and stream data mining algorithms that ingest and process ever-growing data volumes, software and (edge) computing platforms should be powerful enough to perform. Infrastructure, facilities, and services often need to be updated by engineering and organizational practices so that they can work efficiently and effectively on digital Finally,platforms.perhapsthe biggest obstacle is the incorporation and integration of new skills into the mining environment. The new digital architecture not only includes mining experience due to the multidis ciplinary nature of digitalization but also needs to be combined with telecommu nications, computer science, and system integration skills.

FRESH FRONTIERS FOR DATA AND KNOWLEDGE More than laying wires, plug-in boxes, and mounting antennas, the digital mining path takes and goes well beyond linking devices or analyzing datasets. Digital technologies are opening up new frontiers for the management of vast

and complex organizational processes through the use of data and Productivity,information.productivity, and protection remain, of course, essential KPIs for mining firms. It is therefore important to develop and implement digital mining technologies with a holistic, long-term view to ensure that mines continue to oper ate safely with higher productivity and profitability. A scalable and flexible ecosystem is therefore required to cope with the technology's rapidly evolving development without generating operational interference.

The amount of time needed to integrate fresh digital systems is one of the main challenges facing mines. Technology suppliers, system integrators, and service providers are instrumental in enhancing digital transformation in mining by accelerating readiness and transferring skills and knowledge to support the immediate needs of the industry.


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New partnerships have begun to be developed by mining companies, not only to expand their digital ecosystems but to leverage the experience and expertise that partners can offer. Working with partners will provide the mining sector with the ecosystem they need, as well as instant advice and technical skills. But one caveat exists: these partners must have significant experience in the mining sector as well. By developing and testing machinery that is digital-ready and can be operated remotely or autonomously, many equipment manufacturers have already embraced this industrial challenge. In order to obtain the right connectivity solutions to sup port their digital transformation, mining companies and their incumbent suppliers work together with network infrastruc ture companies and telecommunications operators to avoid the pitfalls of imple menting, integrating, and testing solutions by Komatsu,themselves.which tested and ranked the performance of their FrontRunner AHS on Nokia's private wireless network (LTE) infrastructure on its proving grounds in Tucson, Arizona, is a good example of such an integrated effort. By testing the capabilities of LTE and 5G networks to improve underground connectivity at its Tampere-based test mine, Sandvik is also evolving its underground solution. As pre dictable wireless connectivity is essential for mission-critical communications,


Examples include the Vale partnership in Brazil with Vivo, in Canada with Teck and Shaw, and in Peru with Minera Las Bambas and Telefonica.

In the digital transformation of mining and its further evolution, experience plays a fundamental role. It is often a challenge to get the first transformation right, and the industry needs to learn its lessons. One of Western Australia's first autonomous rail projects ended up being 80 percent above budget and four years delayed. It highlights the need to find strong strategic partners that can help navigate the new digital terrain, follow the rapid pace of development of technology and foresee potential pitfalls. The large CAPEX involved in digital trans formation also highlights that it is only a recipe for delays and cost overruns to run projects of this scope and complex ity in trial-and-error mode. A long-term asset is a partner with a long-term vision, expertise and experience in the mining field, and a willingness to make a sub stantial investment in the industry.

as well as for reliable data collection, transmission, and processing, it is crucial to succeeding in the digital mining race to partner with a telecom vendor with extensive experience with standardized 4G, LTE, and 5G network technologies.

Partners may also bring new assets that would normally be unavailable to a mining operator, such as the wireless radio spectrum required by a 4G/LTE or 5G network. Usually, getting access to that spectrum means either licensing it from a government agency partnering with a local mobile operator or from a spectrum-owned third-party supplier.

There are several mining operators that have recently teamed up to roll out private wireless networks with mobile operators.

The new digital architecture not only includes mining experience due to the multidisciplinary nature of digitalization but also needs to be combined with telecommunications, computer science, and system integration skills.

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Digitalization of mines is key to improving productivity, safety, and cost reduction rapidly; it's not a sprint, however. Signif icant investment in training and a long learning curve also come with it. Digital is now a mine-wide platform that requires strategic focus and partners with a holistic approach and good mining expertise to build the digital mine of the future, unlike operational technology projects of the past. The transformation to the linked digi tal mine will be a journey rather than a destination, as most of the early movers have experienced. But the expedition will be gratifying with the right travel compan ions on board and the big reward will be a secure, connected, efficient, and produc tive environment built for the next mining generation.


Komatsu’s new MC51 hard rock mining machine is all set to cut rock at Vale Garson by


The Komatsu machines were designed and then successfully tested underground at a nearby Australian mine in the end of 2020. Each unit can be controlled by one person; allows continuous rock excava tion. Throughout this prototype trial, tech nical and engineering support will be on standby to solve problems.

Charsley, who has been with Vale for 20 years, will work with the Garson Operations Team.

The MRE is expected to gradually cut through approximately 3.5 m of rock per move. "The 400 m trial should take about nine to 12 months at that rate, and continue into 2022."

The Vale News report adds that Komatsu's second machine was shipped in parts to Garson Mine in early 2021 with the success of the test in Australia. It is currently being installed and will be ready by April to cut rock, Charsley said.

Aphoto of the Vale's Komatsu MC51 hard rock cutting machine in the flesh was posted on the employee news hub of Vale Canada, valenews.ca, including some updated information to it.

Komatsu designed a series of prototypes and completed the first two commercial mechanical rock excavators for mechan ical rock (MREs). In Wollongong, a coastal city in Australia, the Komatsu machines were designed and then successfully tested underground at a nearby Australian mine in the end of 2020. Each unit can be controlled by one person; allows continuous rock excavation. Throughout this prototype trial, technical and engineering support will be on standby to solve problems.

In February 2020, Charsley, Project Lead and Principal Mining Engineer, Technology & Innovation, and his team decided to partner with Komatsu, one of the world's largest manufactur ers of industrial machinery, to supply machines and operators for a 400 m trial run at Garson.

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Coal India to diversify into non-coal mining areas in 2021 Coal India Limited (CIL) is all punched up to step into non-coal mining areas as well as make considerable clean technology investments in 2021 after dry fuel demand has remained low for most of 2020.

Covid Impact:


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State-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) is ready to expand into non-coal mining areas and make significant investments in clean technology in 2021 after dry fuel demand remained silent for most of 2020 in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic affecting economic activity.

"So, it (CIL) will make investments in renew able energy, get into aluminium and clean coal technology and will do a lot," Coal Secretary Anil Kumar Jain told PTI. In the coming year, Jain stated that CIL is also likely to move forward with its agenda to reach the production target of one billion tonnes byCIL2023-24.mayalso "go ahead with one billion tonnes agenda. It is getting approvals. It is gearing up to keep enhancing its production which was 603 million tonnes last year. It is taking upon itself bigger and bigger target. It will be able to achieve Prior to amend ments to the mining law, public sector companies had dominance in both coal exploration and mining.

In-spite all odds, including the slump in coal demand, by auctioning 19 blocks, the government opened up the country's mining sector to inde pendent players. Coal demand worldwide is projected to decrease by around 5% this year compared to 2019, while multiple sectoral challenges are expected to per sist in 2021, analysts said. "In 2021, we will try to get Coal India Ltd (CIL) to diversify into non-coal mining-related areas. It (CIL) will make major investments in sectors other than coal mining so that it is well prepared to make the transition away from fossil fuel.”

In 2020, as fuel demand declined due to sluggish economic activities in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the coal sector also faced rough weather.

one billion tonnes (production target) in 2023-24," he said. "The rest of it (the investment will be) to increase coal pro duction," he noted.

About 2020, Jain said that auction of "commercial coal blocks was number one achievement (in the coal sector). We amended the Act to ease several things".

There were as many as 76 bids received for 23 mines. Adani Enterprises, Vedanta, Hindalco Industries and Jindal Power are some of the large corporate groups who have bagged blocks.

There were up to 38 mines put up for auction, which also marked the clearing of the country's coal sector to private players. Participants from sectors such as pharma, real estate and infrastructure also participated in the bidding.

The government facilitated the mining plan, according to the secretary, and made it eco-friendly to promote ease of Initiativesbusiness.have been taken by the coal ministry to revisit old legislation with the target of increasingin the midst efficiency, ease of doing business, and opening up the coal sector to improve domestic coal production and reduce imports.

During the decommissioning or clo sure of mines, Sustainable Development Cell aims to foster environmentally sustainable coal mining and address environmental concerns. The policy framework for environmental mitigation measures, including the mine closure fund, is also formulated by the Cell.

Prior to amendments to the mining law, public sector companies had dominance in both coal exploration and mining. The Mineral Concession Rule of 1960 regu lated many aspects of coal mining and required changes to promote reforms in the coal sector.

The auction involved a total of 42 compa nies and 40 of them were private players.

Noting that the development of a sus tainable development cell was another accomplishment of the coal ministry, Jain said that it would ensure that CIL and other businesses maintain environmental standards and that mining star ratings are carried out.

The "fierce competition" was witnessed by the auction of coal blocks for com mercial mining and the nineteen blocks that went under the hammer will achieve total revenues of about Rs 7,000 crore per annum and create more than 69,000 jobs after they become operationalized.


"Since coal mining is a core activity we do not want there should be any slack ening in our endeavour to maintain the highest environment standards," the secretary said.

Analysts are of the opinion that demand will increase modestly in 2021 and prices are also expected to increase.

Coal use in 2021 is expected to increase by 3.8 per cent. India has one of the greatest potentials for increasing coal consumption in the medium term (to 2025) as electricity demand increases and more steel and cement are needed for infrastructure projects, according to the International Energy Agency.

As far as the demand for coal in 2021, Jain said it would depend on many things, including economic movements. Between 2018 and 2020, global coal consumption is estimated to have dropped by 7 percent, or over 500 million tonnes. In 2019, after two years of growth, global coal demand decreased 1.8 percent as coal power generation weakened globally, including in India.

Pramod Agarwal, Chairman of CIL, said the company plans to produce 650-660 million tonnes of coal this financial year while producing 334 million tonnes by November.

Coal demand in India and other Asian countries, including China, which are the major consumers of the fuel, is set to revive by 2021, Moody's Investors Service said in a report in October.

An official from the coal ministry who did not wish to be named said that due to the pandemic, almost all sectors of the coun try were hit and the coal industry was no different. Coal sales dropped as the power sector, a major dry fuel consumer, saw a decline in the middle of the lockdown, the official added.

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Thai Women Gold Panners!

“That’s 100 baht,” she exclaimed, pointing to grains worth about $3.30 after working with her gold panning partner, Boonsom Aeamprasert, for just a little more than 15 Womenminutes.are a rare bright spot for an econ omy hard hit by the decline of tourism in the midst of coronavirus travel con straints, with global gold prices near an all-time high.

Exclusive Winners in COVID-hit economy:

Srisuwanno raises her wooden pan with a cluster of gleaming specks trapped in the middle as the yellowish mud whirls away in the waters of Thailand's Sai Buri river.

The majority of Thailand's economy is struggling, with a 6.6 percent contraction expected this year by the central bank.


The deep south of Thailand, the scene of a decades-old Muslim separatist uprising, lacks the beach resorts, nightlife or temples that attract so many visitors to the Nevertheless,country. visitors coming to Sukh irin for hiking, kayaking and wildlife, however, are still an important source of income - at least during the pandemic hit.

“The gold panning business is doing well, especially during COVID-19,” said Sunisa, a 37-year-old who is a mother of two. “Panning gold is our main staple. We sell gold today, we are able to buy food to feed the family.” The name of the place - Gold Mountain - symbolic that in Sukhirin District, on Thailand's southern border with Malaysia, mining has gone on longer than anyone can recall! However, rising gold rates, up almost a quarter over the past year, have made this trade more lucrative.


“As the community was forced to shut down the attractions, we had to switch from welcoming tourists to digging and sifting for gold,” feels Wari Bantakit, 40, who is employed with a community tourism group. Only a shovel, a pan and a plastic squeezy bottle are used by certain gold sifters to suck up the grains - and of-course the occasional nugget. Others strive to locate the best opportunities by scrabbling using a snorkel mask, going underwater.

Among the gold panners, there are men, but miners said the drawing of gold is especially appealing to women. Tradi tionally, men collect wood and forage in the “Housewiveswoods. who used to sell stuff, vegetables, food to tourists were forced to stop,” said Wari. “They had to turn to gold panning. It’s become the main job.”

The majority of Thailand's economy is struggling, with a 6.6 percent contraction expected this year by the central bank.


As the second wave of coronavirus infections intensifies in South America, the world's top copper producing area, copper prices continued their momentum from the second half of 2020.

Copper price hits new high as covid cases sweep South America

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Although Peru's daily case load remains at 20% of its August high, authorities say more individuals have been hospital ized because many are waiting for serious symptoms to be checked.

As demand for bellwether metal rises on the back of fiscal stimulus expectations and recovery in industrial activ ities, copper prices have increased over recent months, but increasing covid-19 cases and lockdowns have also triggered a supply shortage for 2020's most traded metal Covid-19commodity.cases in Chile, the top copper producer, crept up through the holiday season, hitting 26 percent of the June 2020 peak in the region. A second wave of infections has yet to arrive across much of the world, authorities in Chile say. However, in some areas, including mine-rich Antofagasta, fast-filling hospitals have been forced to fly patients south to the capital, Santi ago, where there are still more hospital beds open. In Peru, the second-biggest producer, the situation is also dire. According to a report from the Peruvian Ombudsman's Office, hospitals in the capital, Lima, and nearby Callao, which together serve a population of 10 million, had just 16 ICU beds with ventilators accessible earlier last month.

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March delivery copper futures advanced 0.3 percent on the Comex to $3,652 per pound, surpassing a near eight-year high set in December.

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Authorities warn of brewing space mining war among US, China and Russia

Experts warn that a brewing war to build a mining base in space would be likely to see China and Russia combining forces to keep the US increasingly seeking to monitor extraterrestrial trade at bay.

The job is going to be difficult, they say, but a necessary one. "The moon could become the next Wild West without an international framework which includes all major space faring countries."

The Trump administration took an aggressive interest in space, declaring that by 2024 America would return astronauts to the moon and defining the Space Force as the US military's newest branch. It also proposed the Artemis Accords, the global legal structure for mining on the moon, to enable people to exploit the Earth's natural satellite and other celestial bodies for commercial purposes.

Historically, China has been removed in space from the US-led international order. It is not a participant in the International Space Station (ISS) program, and since 2011, NASA's ability to collaborate with it in space has been limited by US legislative provisions.

President Xi Jinping also made sure that China raised its flag on the Moon in Decem ber 2020, more than fifty years after the lunar surface was reached by the US.

"Sergey Saveliev, deputy general director for international cooperation of Roscosmos, said at the time, "There have already been exam ples in history where one country wanted to start occupying territories in its interest. Everyone remembers what came of it.

Economic experts Anne-Marie Slaughter and Emily Lawrence say: "America and China should cooperate in space." "If the US suc ceeded in coordinating space policy with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, it can now find a way to cooperate with China," they say.

The Artemis Accords were signed in Octo ber by Australia, Canada, England, Japan, Luxembourg, Italy and the United Emirates, spearheaded by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Instead of "global commons," the order classified outer space as a "legally and physically unique domain of human activity," opening the way for the moon to be mined without some kind of international treaty.


A different path was chosen by China, which made history in 2019 by being the first country to land a probe on the far side of the Moon. Beijing has been approaching Russia to jointly develop a lunar research base since the Artemis Accords were first announced.

"Unfortunately, by failing to engage Russia or China as potential partners, the Trump Administration exacerbated a national security threat and risked the economic opportunity it hoped to secure in outer space," says Elya Taichman, former legisla tive director for then-Republican Michelle Lujan "Instead,Grisham.outof fear and necessity, the Arte mis Accords have driven China and Russia towards increased cooperation in space," he Thewrites.firstto speak out was Russia's space agency Roscosmos, which compared the strategy to colonialism.

From 2009 to 2011, Slaughter, a former director of policy planning in the US State Department, believes that the team of Pres ident Joe Biden should distance themselves from Trump's agreements and instead follow a new path within the UN Outer Space Peaceful Uses Committee.

Slaughter and Lawrence wrote, "Biden can restore some of the global legitimacy of America by working to establish a multilat eral framework negotiated with all relevant parties that protects areas of common inter est while granting internationally accepted trade opportunities."

The race is underway. It's been some time; NASA has laid out a $28 billion proposal to launch in 2021 an unmanned moon mission, followed in 2023 by a crewed moon flyby, and in 2024 by a lunar landing. Similar to the ISS, NASA plans to create a permanent moon-orbiting base called the In 2018,




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Gateway. The agency hopes to create a base on the lunar surface from there, where it can mine the materials needed for the first astronauts to travel to Mars. In recent years, Russia has explored proposals to return to the moon, possi bly travelling deeper into outer space. In 2018, Roscosmos announced plans to build a long-term moon base over the next two decades, while President Vlad imir Putin vowed to launch a 'very early' mission to Mars. Not the first or the only nations to climb on board the lunar mining train are the US, Russia and China.

Luxembourg, one of the first countries to focus on the prospect of mining celestial bodies, formed a Space Agency (LSA) in 2018 to boost the exploration and commercial use of Near Earth Object Unlikeresources.NASA, research or launches are not carried out by the LSA. Its goal is to speed up cooperation between the space sector's economic project leaders, inves

Thoughts about harvesting Helium-3 from the Earth's natural satellite have also floated from both China and India. tors and other stakeholders. In November, the tiny European nation announced plans to establish a European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) to lay the groundwork for extra-terrestrial resource Aexploitation.programto start extracting minerals from the Moon by 2025 is also being funded by Luxembourg.

The mission, operated by the Euro pean Space Agency in collaboration with ArianeGroup, aims to harvest trillions of dollars worth of waste-free nuclear energy.

In the 21st century, Beijing has landed on the moon twice once, with further missions to come. Most projects in Canada have come from the private sector. One of the most notable was the collaboration between Northern Ontario-based Deltion Innovations and Moon Express, the first American private space exploration corporation to be given government approval to fly outside the orbit of Earth. In the works, space projects include proposals to mine asteroids, monitor space debris, construct the first human settlement on Mars, and the own proposal of billionaire Elon Musk for an unmanned red planet flight. Asteroids are riddled


US Nuclear and Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies (MIFTI) claim they are just a few years away from creating the first fusion power generator in the world with proven active fusion energy experiments under their belt. Fusion power releases up to four times more energy than fission and uses light, low-cost, safe, and sustainable fuel.

In just as little as seven months, a space craft with fusion-powered propulsion systems could hit the asteroid belt. It could be strong enough, according to Goldstein, to move the asteroid to an Earth orbit where extracting and trans porting these valuable resources to Earth will be far more effective.

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A metallic asteroid 140 miles wide and worth an estimated $10,000 billion made its closest approach to our world on December 5, 2020.

"If the US suc ceeded in coordi nating space poli cy with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, it can now find a way to cooperate with China," with iron ore, nickel and precious metals at far higher quantities than those found on Earth, making up a market estimated at trillions, geologists, as well as emerging firms, such as the US-based Planetary Resources, a company leading the space mining industry, claim.

"The reality of mining asteroids is closer than ever before, with NASA and other companies investing in and developing nuclear power for use in space travel and colonization," says Bob Goldstein, CEO of US Nuclear Corp.


CRU reports that in the fourth quarter of 2020, mill capacity rose by almost 18 percent from second-quarter levels. Over the same period, however, apparent net consumption increased by 21%, helping to explain the supply-demand gap that drove steel prices the

Could steel prices soon hit $1,000/ton in

new year? www.skillings.net | 35

Flat-rolled steel prices ended at an unprecedented high in 2020, an almost unlikely turnaround which was an incredible low seen in the spring when the U.S. economy was sickened by the coronavirus.

The benchmark price for hot-rolled steel was quickly approaching $900/ton as of mid-December, double the low seen in mid-August. It is rare for a business to recover so far in just four months. In terms of the pace of this price cycle, hotrolled coil prices continue to set records, CRU, the parent company of Steel Market Update, said. A lesson in the laws of supply and demand is the underlying reason for this sudden turnaround. The consump tion of steel has bounced back at a faster rate than the supply available. Not only has demand increased, but these increases have come at a time when stock levels have traditionally been low and restoration has been needed to meet increasing demand. In the second quarter, when the gov ernment ordered the shutdown of nonessential businesses to curb the spread of COVID-19, the steel mills were swift to idle furnaces and curtail production. They have been strategi cally judicious since then about how quickly they bring back the idled power. Moreover, unplanned outages were encountered by different mills that further disrupted development. Steel supplies, coupled with duties and tariffs that have prevented imports, have tightened to the point where some OEMs and produc ers are willing to pay a high premium to secure the raw materials that are urgently needed. Steel rates have gotten so high that imported materials, even with tariffs, are now affordable. Many buyers have started looking outside the country for alternative sources to fulfill their steel needs. The industry survey of the Steel Market Update on Dec. 7-9 showed that approximately one-third of buyers had already bought foreign steel and one-third intended to buy foreign steel, while only one-third planned to continue domes tic


'Foreignsourcing.steel is becoming increasingly common,' said one respondent. Some players are desperate, and at almost any price they have to purchase. In over a decade, I have not seen a demand like this. Until steel stocks, and thus costs, start to normalize, it's only a matter of time. The question is about when. Increased steel production that eases the tight supply should bring the new year. The November start-up of the new electric arc furnace (EAF) at Big River Steel in Osceola, Ark., which doubles the capacity of the mill, includes recent capacity additions. US. U.S. In early December, Steel announced that it was restarting the No. 4 blast fur

CRU reports that in the fourth quarter of 2020, mill capacity rose by almost 18 percent from second-quarter levels. Over the same period, however, apparent net consumption increased by 21%, helping to explain the supply-demand gap that drove steel prices so high. CRU predicts that supplies in 2021 will grow at a faster rate than demand and that steel prices will peak in mid-Q1. Meanwhile, the potential for hot-rolled sheets to reach the unusual $1,000/ton mark last seen in 2008 remains.

Every two weeks, SMU asks steel buyers how they see the chances of their compa ny's success in the current environment and in the future for three to six months.

nace at its Indiana facility at Gary Works. It is expected to follow similar announce ments by other mills.


In mid-December, the SMU Current Sen timent Index posted a rather robust +69 (see Figure 1), while the Future Sentiment was not far behind at +655. (see Figure 2).

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The steel landscape shifted in 2020 with the Blockbuster transactions. The Cleveland-Cliffs mining company purchased two of the largest integrated mills on the market, AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA, making it North America's largest steel sheet, plate, and slab manufacturer. Big River Steel, the newest and most advanced EAF minimill, was purchased by U.S. Steel, the old-line integrated steelmaker, with the goal of following a special "best of both" strategy. These combinations of suppliers of raw materials, conventional blast furnace steelmakers, and scrap recyclers have further blurred the market's competitive lines, making it even less stable for 2021.

"On the upside and downside, it's going to be a record year." "These prices are warranted by the national supply/demand imbalance coupled with the international supply/demand imbalance. For electric arc and simple oxygen furnaces, add higher raw material costs, and you have a perfect storm.


They are also asked to provide any input they may have when surveying steel buyers about their current and near-term feelings about the market. Few recent comments are here:

Present Sentiment plunged to -8 and Future Sentiment to +10 in the second quarter, shortly after the pandemic struck, to put those figures in perspective. The surprising turnaround in optimism to near record levels reflects the increase in the price and profitability of steel. The excitement can also be a sign of relief over the eventual use of vaccines for COVID-19.


"This is a blend of 2004 and 2008. They all scramble for steel, so they double up on orders. Even OEMs have clients who place multiple orders because they hedge their bets on who will get the final prod uct quicker for them. They will cancel their order with the other OEM when the end product ships to them, and then this will cascade back into the supply chain of steel. I truly see the potential setting up of the 2008 price curve. Note, during 2008, scrap and iron ore was also extremely strong. Look at what 2021 is predicted by the analysts. All looks very familiar. The tightness of supply is what is going to stop us from succeeding. If we can get steel, we cannot make a sale. Over there in the trenches, it's really ugly."We will be in pretty good shape once we get clear of the availability issues, which I expect to continue through February 2021."

Deputy Labor leader Richard Marles high lighted that quarantine is required as per the "Whyconstitution.haven'twe got the federal govern ment actually coming up with a plan which has quarantine arrangements around the country which allow stranded Australians to get home?" he told the Nine Network.

Mr Morrison said heavy industries, including mining, were major contributors during the pandemic to Australia's eco nomic results.

The national cabinet meeting of federal and state representatives on Friday is sched uled to resolve the proposal of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to use remote sites rather than CBD hotels.

Mr Morrison said heavy industries, including mining, were major contributors during the pandemic to Australia's eco nomic results.

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"We've got to be careful how we manage the health issues around COVID, that we don't put those sort of things at risk," he told 4BC radio on Friday.

The prime minister has cooled on the idea after consulting with locals in the central Queensland town of Gladstone, which is near to the site floated for quaran tined "Therearrivals.arealot of concerns being expressed up there," Mr Morrison said. "If the Queensland government wants to proceed with this then they're going to have to address those issues up there with the local community."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has raised fears that Queensland's drive to quarantine regional camps for foreign arrivals could disrupt the mining industry.

The state government requires national reforms to prevent highly infectious new strains of coronavirus being exposed to capital cities.

Remote quarantine plan sparks mining worry

As occupational health and safety has always been a vital part of mining activ ities, the QMA highlights that businesses have been controlling operations and pro cedures to restrict the spread of the virus.

To crack down on the second wave of the pandemic being faced in Canada, Quebec has announced new Covid-related restrictions that include a night-time curfew and the closing of certain nonessential workplaces. On January 6, Quebec reported 2,641 new Covid-19 cases, the average daily rate of new cases since December 25. The new steps will continue to take effect until 8 February.

To perform screening tests, several firms also have their own labs. “Nothing has been left to chance in the mining industry and, by allowing the mines to continue production, the government recognises that the actions taken by the industry have paid off, as evidenced by the small number of cases on mining work teams,” the association says. The QMA adds that the mining sector has always tried to ensure Quebec and other regions' socio-economic stability, which is why the government has listed it as one of the main sectors for economic recovery. This exemption for the indus try is the product of stringent steps introduced by the min ing industry to restrict the spread of Covid-19 on mining sites, the association says.


Quebec govt spares mining industry from new restrictions AMERICAS

the problem. Ideally, mines would have a pond monitoring function and a regular schedule for desilting operations. Strate gies include greater reuse of water from mines. It is mostly possible to observe the bank of silt building up once it fills about 40 percent of a pond's volume. With our proven technology, the desilting can be conducted effectively by just a couple of operators with required training,” he says. The cost of desilting will cover the recovery of the value of the minerals. On a turnkey contract basis, Integrated Pump Rental may supply the desilting service or rent the required equipment to the mine. For others, investing in their own SlurrySucker unit might make sense. “If mines wish to do the work in-house, training their staff and fully supporting the machinery, and all the necessary engineering and maintenance ser vices,” he says.

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Ideally, mines will have a pond mon itoring strategy and a daily desilting operations schedule. The in-house SlurrySucker system can readily address

As per Lee Vine, managing director of Integrated Pump Rental, whose company is always called upon to urgently attend to the processing of silted-up ponds, "While too much silt in these ponds can disrupt plant operations, this situation also raises the risk of over-topping which can lead to costly environmental damage." The issue can be easily solved by our locally developed SlurrySucker system.

"Ensuring adequate water storage capacity in the process ponds of the mines is necessary for optimal functioning of the mineral treatment plants, which requires periodic desilting."

Daily desilting of critical importance to mine ponds

42 | SKILLINGS MINING REVIEW March 2021 AMERICAS Alicanto Minerals Upper on Securing Tenure Covering Sweden’s Historic High-Grade Sala Silver Mine This project (Sala) was once the largest producer of silver in Europe, producing over 200 million ounces at grades of up to 7,000 grams per ton of silver.

AN OUTSTANDING CHANCE Peter George, Managing Director of Alicanto, said that the Greater Falun Project, and now the Sala Silver Project was an excellent opportunity that would have been pursued several years earlier if the geology had been known. Also if it had been not partially owned by companies concentrating on other ventures and jurisdictions. He added: “The presence of extensive high-grade copper-gold mineralisation with by-products of silver, zinc and lead at Falun has been well-established through both mining and exploration.”

“To now have Sala in our suite of projects is a significant addition to our portfo lio within the Bergslagen area.” Shares were up as much as 19 percent to A$0.13 intra-day, and after closing at A$0.096 at the end of January, the stock has been trading higher.


“However, the full potential in the Greater Falun area has yet to be unlocked.”

EXPANDING PROGRAM FOR DRILLING Alicanto has now begun an extended and fully funded drilling program in Greater Falun. As soon as drilling permits have been approved, the company intends to commence drilling at Sala.

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Once drilling permits have been approved, the company's ongoing drilling program at the Greater Falun Project will extend to include Sala.

After securing the tenure of the highgrade Sala Silver Project, Alicanto Minerals Ltd (ASX:AQI) traded higher. The high-grade Sala Silver Project is just 100 kilometres from its Greater Falun Cop per-Gold Project in Sweden. This project (Sala) was once the largest producer of silver in Europe, producing over 200 million ounces at grades of up to 7,000 grams per ton of silver. Sala was mined to just 318 meters below ground where it was thought to have been mined out at the time. But, mineraliza tion continues to remain accessible with historic (2012) step-out exploration inter secting 0.67 meters at 844 g/t silver and 16.3 percent lead at just 250 meters below ground. The project has extensive upside exploration with open mineralization at depth, along strike and through strati graphic sequence structural repetition.

Just 300 meters southwest of Sala, historical diamond drill holes in the parallel Prince Lode returned numerous mineralized drill hits, including 15.9 meters at 157 grams per ton of silver and 4.2 percent zinc, as well as 37.2 meters at 50 grams per ton of silver and 6.1 percent zinc. Four holes drilled in November 2012 indicate that Sala mineralization remains open at depth and intersected high-grade mineralization along the strike, including 0.67 meters at 844 grams per ton of silver and 16.3 percent lead at 250 meters below surface. As a result of structural folding of the same stratigraphic sequence as the Sala orebody and the Prince minerali sation, the Company has already found several new untested targets to the south west of Sala.

In South Africa, as a more infectious form of the virus sweeps through the region, the number of mineworker deaths due to COVID-19 has risen to 215. "The pandemic in our country is now at its most devastating," president Cyril Ramaphosa said a few days back. "As the country returns to work after the festive break, it is essential that all places of work ensure that they continue to have safety protocols in place and that these are rigorously adhered to." In March last year, South Africa went into a national lockdown to stem the spread of COVID19, and it took months for the country's mining industry to recover. COVID-19 mitigation measures were placed in place by the mining sector and binding legislations were enforced in May, following legal action by the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union to protect employees.

In the mining sector, according to sta tistics released in mid January by the Minerals Council of South Africa, the total number of positive cases had reached 21,627. In the Council's report, the number of active cases jumped to 981, up from 678. Just before Christmas, the industry's death toll from the pandemic had reached 200 and increased from 211 on Friday to 215 some time back.


South Africa has reported nearly 190,000 new coronavirus infections and more than 4,600 deaths from COVID-19 since New Year's RamaphosaDay,further commented. In Janu ary, more than 15,000 new cases and 416 deaths were reported, raising the com bined totals to 1,246,643 and 33,579.

According to Johns Hopkins University, South Africa has the 16th largest number of incidents, with the global count at over 90.7 million.

GLOBAL onWegolder.comthrivechallenges Azcon 44 Barr Engineering ........................... 17 CR Meyer 23 FloLevel Technologies 15 Fryberger....................................... 17 General Equipment Supplies ....... 05 Global Minerals Engineering 44 Golder Associates 44 Halcor ........................................... 09 Lake Superior Chapter ISEE 44 Malton Electric Company 44 ME Elecmetal ............................... 07 Minnesota Power ......................... 27 Mielke Electric Works 25 Naylor Pipe 48 Neo Solutions ............................... 13 Northern Engine & Supply ............ 44 Optiro 02 SEH 19 ADVERTISING INDEX MINEWORKER COVID-19 DEATH TOLL IN SOUTH AFRICA STILL RISING

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World crude productionsteelforthe 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 158.3 million tonnes (Mt) in November 2020, a 6.6% increase compared to November 2019. Due to the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of this month’s figures are estimates that may be revised with next month’s production update. In Asia, China produced 87.7 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, an increase of 8.0% compared to November 2019. India produced 9.2 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 3.5% on November 2019. Japan produced 7.3 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, down 5.9% on November 2019. South Korea’s crude steel production for November 2020 was 5.8 Mt, down by 2.4% on November 2019. In the European Union, Germany pro duced 3.4 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 14.8% on November 2019. Italy produced 2.0 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 3.2% on November

Turkey’s crude steel production for 2020 was 35.8 Mt, up by 6.0% on 2019. Africa produced 17.2 Mt of crude steel in 2020, the same as the 2019 production figure. Oceania produced 6.1 Mt of crude steel in 2020, down 1.4% on 2019.

Russia is estimated to have produced 73.4 Mt in 2020, up 2.6% on 2019. Ukraine produced 20.6 Mt in 2020, down 1.1% on 2019.

Global crude steel production reached 1,864.0 million tonnes (Mt) for the year 2020, down by 0.9% compared to 2019. Asia produced 1,374.9 Mt of of crude steel in 2020, an increase of 1.5% compared to 2019. China’s crude steel production in 2020 reached 1,053.0 Mt, up by 5.2% on 2019. China’s share of global crude steel production increased from 53.3% in 2019 to 56.5% in 2020. India’s crude steel production for 2020 was 99.6 Mt, down by 10.6% on 2019. Japan produced 83.2 Mt in 2020, down 16.2% on 2019. South Korea produced 67.1 Mt, down 6.0% on 2019. The EU produced 138.8 Mt of crude steel in 2020, a decrease of 11.8% compared to 2019. Germany produced 35.7 Mt of crude steel in 2020, down 10.0% on 2019. In the CIS, production was 102.0 Mt in 2020, up by 1.5% on 2019.

United States Exports to World of All Steel Mill Products in Thousands of Metric Tons 2019. France produced 1.1 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 3.7% on November 2019. In North America, the United States pro duced 6.1 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, a decrease of 13.7% compared to November 2019.In the C.I.S., Production is estimated to be 8.2 Mt in November 2020, up 7.0% on November 2019. Ukraine pro duced 1.7 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 30.8% on November 2019. In other Europe, Turkey’s crude steel pro duction for November 2020 was 3.2 Mt, up by 11.6% on November 2019. In South America, Brazil produced 3.0 Mt of crude steel in November 2020, up 11.2% on November 2019.


Crude steel production in North America was 101.1 Mt in 2020, down 15.5% on 2019. The United States produced 72.7 Mt in 2020, down 17.2% on 2019. The Middle East produced 45.4 Mt of crude steel in 2020, an increase of 2.5% on 2019. Iran is estimated to have produced 29.0 Mt in 2020, up 13.4% on 2019.


Annual crude steel production for South America was 38.2 Mt in 2020, a decrease of 8.4% on 2019. Brazil produced 31.0 Mt in 2020, down by 4.9% compared to 2019.


COUNTRY 2020NOV 2019NOV %CHANGENOV-20/19 2020 CHANGE% Austria 550 e 562 -2.1 6 023 -12.7 Belgium 530 e 628 -15.6 5 955 -17.9 Bulgaria 40 e 42 -5.4 443 -15.3 Croatia 0 e 0 0 -100.0 Czech Republic 413 348 18.8 4 054 -3.3 Finland 336 258 30.4 3 162 -3.8 France 1 149 1 109 3.7 10 441 -22.8 Germany 3 376 2 941 14.8 32 521 -11.6 Greece 115 e 115 0.0 1 252 -0.3 Hungary 111 163 -32.1 1 421 -11.5 Italy 2 049 1 986 3.2 18 702 -14.2 Luxembourg 175 e 178 -1.9 1 770 -12.5 Netherlands 554 545 1.7 5 514 -10.1 Poland 670 e 644 4.1 7 209 -13.3 Slovenia 50 e 51 -1.1 519 -11.8 Spain 1 133 1 019 11.2 10 043 -21.7 Sweden 400 e 309 29.5 3 978 -8.4 United Kingdom 702 542 29.6 6 481 -2.8 Other E.U. (28) (e) 455 e 699 -34.9 5 671 -32.9 European Union (28) 12 809 12 137 5.5 125 159 -14.6 Bosnia-Herzegovina 40 e 68 -41.5 465 -36.3 Macedonia 25 e 21 20.4 175 -18.4 Norway 65 e 53 23.6 592 2.0 Serbia 121 154 -21.2 1 337 -24.5 Turkey 3 220 2 886 11.6 32 360 4.9 Other Europe 3 471 3 181 9.1 34 930 2.3 Byelorussia 215 e 174 23.5 2 323 -3.0 Kazakhstan 330 e 363 -9.2 3 425 -8.9 Moldova 40 e 41 -2.4 401 12.4 Russia 5 855 e 5 746 1.9 65 182 -0.6 Ukraine 1 733 1 325 30.8 18 710 -3.0 Uzbekistan 70 e 52 34.6 846 45.4 C.I.S. (6) 8 243 7 701 7.0 90 887 -1.2 Canada 885 e 954 -7.2 9 858 -16.5 Cuba 15 e 23 -34.5 155 -25.5 El Salvador 7 e 10 -26.7 69 -26.1 Guatemala 20 e 27 -26.1 205 -26.6 COUNTRY 2020NOV 2019NOV %CHANGENOV-20/19 2020 CHANGE% Mexico 1 450 e 1 426 1.7 15 220 -10.6 United States 6 120 7 088 -13.7 66 073 -17.9 North America 8 497 9 527 -10.8 91 581 -16.7 Argentina 391 358 9.3 3 263 -24.4 Brazil 2 954 2 657 11.2 28 085 -6.7 Chile 100 e 113 -11.2 1 051 2.6 Colombia 95 e 86 10.8 1 007 -18.5 Ecuador 40 e 51 -21.3 418 -25.0 Paraguay 2 e 4 -44.0 17 -25.6 Peru 70 e 103 -31.8 528 -53.7 Uruguay 5 e 7 -27.5 41 -27.6 Venezuela 2 e 0 322.8 26 -47.7 South America 3 659 3 377 8.3 34 437 -10.6 Egypt 672 604 11.2 7 235 8.3 Libya 70 66 6.7 422 -22.4 South Africa 326 e 431 -24.4 3 584 -38.8 Africa 1 068 1 101 -3.0 11 241 -14.1 Iran 2 575 e 2 256 14.1 26 369 12.8 Qatar 81 174 -53.7 1 133 -52.2 Saudi Arabia 720 641 12.3 6 884 -8.5 United Arab Emirates 239 289 -17.1 2 442 -19.4 Middle East 3 615 3 360 7.6 36 829 1.4 China 87 660 81 191 8.0 961 158 5.5 India 9 245 8 933 3.5 89 393 -12.3 Japan 7 264 7 716 -5.9 75 669 -17.3 South Korea 5 760 5 904 -2.4 60 800 -7.2 Pakistan 370 e 260 42.3 3 352 10.2 Taiwan, China 1 565 e 1 650 -5.2 18 749 -7.5 Thailand 445 e 333 33.5 4 059 4.4 Vietnam 4 098 1 537 166.7 26 609 43.6 Asia 116 407 107526 8.3 1 239 789 2.0 Australia 450 448 0.3 5 017 -0.5 New Zealand 42 59 -28.7 526 -13.7 Oceania 492 508 -3.1 5 544 -1.9 Total 64 countries (1) 158 261 148 417 6.6 1 670 396 -1.3 (1) - HADEED only. (2) - the 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world crude steel production in 2019. e - estimated CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION NOVEMBER 2020. Source – World Steel Association www.skillings.net | 47

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