2023 Skillings March Mining Magazine

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Great Lakes Ports


Exploring the Challenges and Innovations of Underground Mining Operations

Coal Production Sparks

Resilience for Coal

Mining Jobs in the US

Volume: 112. Issue.3. March 2023 www.skillings.net Building the Mining Teams of Tomorrow, Today Interview
with Lindsey Schultz, the CEO of MRC Recruiting -P


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The World Steel Association publishes Sustainability Indicators 2022 report 06 New Regulations Announced by OSMRE 06 Comparing Mineral Resources: The Battle Between the USA and China 08 Top 5 Mineral-producing States in the US 10 Exploring Career Paths: Can Mining Engineers Find Success in the Oil Industry 12 Working Remotely for a US Company from Australia Everything You Need to Know 14 Landing a Mining Industry Job: Uncovering the Top Strategies ...........................................16 Unlocking Profit: The Most Lucrative Metals to Mine and Process 18 Interview: Lindsey Schultz, the CEO of MRC Recruiting 20 Canada’s REE industry: Exploring the Potential to Boost Rare Earth Production for US Supply.................................................................................... 24 Exploring the Vitality of Great Lakes Ports Shipping: Navigating the Waves of Prosperity 26 Top-Paying Jobs in the Gold Mining Industry 30 Coal Production Sparks Resilience for Coal Mining Jobs in the US ................................................. 32 Mining Engineering Graduates: Navigating Your Career Path in the Mining Industry 35 Exploring the Challenges and Innovations of Underground Mining Operations 36 Exploring the Perception of Poor Quality Iron Ore in Japan 41 Revolutionizing Mining Industry: A Look at the Latest High-Tech Innovations............... 42 Exploring Afghanistan’s Mining Industry 44 December 2022 crude steel production 46 Crude steel production December 2020 47 Content www.skillings.net 3 March 2023

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The World Steel Association publishes Sustainability Indicators 2022 report

worldsteel uses eight indicators to measure key aspects of the steel industry’s economic, environmental and social sustainability performance on an annual basis.

The steel industry’s CO2 emissions intensity is a key industry metric and so for the first time, worldsteel is now reporting separately the CO2 and energy intensity of steel manufactured using the blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) route, the scrap-based electric arc furnace (Scrap-EAF) route, and the direct reduced iron-based electric arc furnace (DRI-EAF) route. These are in addition to the global CO2 emissions intensity figure we have been reporting for many years.

Up until now the global average CO2 intensity and energy indicators represented a weighted average of the BF-BOF route and the scrap-based EAF route. This calculation also incorporates DRI-EAF production. The slight increase in the reported figures is largely explained by this adjustment in the methodology and does not represent an increase in the global trend of CO2 emissions and energy intensity; both remain largely stable.

Worldsteel members have been providing data for the eight indicators every year since 2004. A total of 104 steel companies and associations were included in this year’s data collection.

New Regulations Announced


It has been announced that the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) will be enforcing new laws designed to encourage sustainable mining operations.

This is a response to mounting worries about mining’s toll on nature and human health. The goal of the new rules is to make sure that business as usual doesn’t endanger anyone involved in the industry.

According to the OSMRE, the new rules will make the mining industry more open and responsible to its stakeholders. To do this, it will be necessary for businesses to disclose comprehensive data regarding the way in which their operations affect the natural world. The data must contain the material being mined, the mine’s location, and the mining techniques being employed.

The new rules will encourage environmental sustainability as well as transparency and responsibility. To do this, firms will be mandated to take environmental measures including cutting back on their use of water and other resources and their production of greenhouse gasses. The OSMRE has said that these rules will encourage the implementation of best practices in the mining industry while minimizing mining’s detrimental effects on the environment.

In addition, the new rules emphasize the significance of enterprises’ participation in reclamation and restoration projects. This means that after mining operations are over, the land and water resources must be restored to their pre-mining condition. Protecting the environment for future generations is a crucial part of achieving sustainability. The new rules are meant to safeguard our natural resources like land and water for future generations by increasing openness and responsibility.

The new rules aren’t meant to stifle the mining industry’s growth; rather, they’re meant to encourage the kind of responsible behavior that’ll be good for business and the planet in the long term. The OSMRE has stated that these laws are intended to ensure that all enterprises are held to the same standards and to establish a level playing field for all companies.

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s newly announced standards are a step in the right direction toward encouraging sustainable mining operations. These rules will ensure that our natural resources, such as land and water, are preserved for future generations while simultaneously increasing openness and responsibility. These rules are necessary for the mining industry’s long-term health and prosperity, so operators in the field must adopt them.

6 March 2023 www.skillings.net
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Comparing Mineral Resources The Battle Between the USA and China

The United States of America and China are two of the largest economies in the world and are both known for their rich mineral resources.

However, which country has more mineral resources has been a topic of debate for many years. In this article, we will compare the mineral resources of these two countries in terms of production, reserves, and diversity.

Production: China is the largest producer of minerals in the world, producing over 50% of the world’s total production. This is due to the country’s vast land area and its rich mineral deposits. On the other hand, the USA is one of the largest producers of minerals, ranking third in the world. The USA is known for its gold, copper, and silver production, and its well-developed mining industry contributes significantly to its economy.

Reserves: In terms of mineral reserves, China is also at the top, holding the largest reserves of minerals such as bauxite, tungsten, and antimony. The USA also has substantial reserves, particularly of gold and silver. The country also holds

Diversity: When it comes to mineral

diversity, the USA has a significant advantage. The country has a well-diversified mineral production, with significant production of precious and base metals, as well as industrial minerals.

China, on the other hand, has a more focused production, with the majority of its production being of base metals.

The importance of minerals in the global economy cannot be overstated, and the USA and China are both major players in the mineral industry. Minerals are essential for various industries, including construction, energy, electronics, and transportation.

Without minerals, many modern conveniences and technological advancements would not be possible.

One of the factors that contribute to the USA’s advantage in the mineral industry is its well-developed mining infrastructure. The country has a long history of mineral extraction and has a well-established mining industry that employs thousands of people. This infrastructure has allowed the USA to maintain its position as one of the largest mineral producers in the world.

On the other hand, China has focused on the development of its mineral industry in recent years and has made significant investments in exploration, production, and infrastructure. This has led to China’s rapid rise as the world’s largest mineral producer. The country has also become a major importer of minerals, helping to meet the demands of its rapidly growing economy.

It is also important to note that both the USA and China have made significant efforts to ensure the responsible and sustainable extraction of minerals. The mining industry is committed to re-

8 March 2023 www.skillings.net

ducing its impact on the environment and to preserving the earth’s natural resources for future generations.

The comparison between the mineral resources of the USA and China highlights the significance of both countries in the global mineral market. Both countries have significant resources and continued investment in the industry will drive economic growth and secure the supply of minerals for future generations. The competition between the two countries will drive innovation and advancements in the field, leading to a more efficient and sustainable industry.

The mineral resources of the USA and China are both significant and play a

crucial role in the global economy. The well-developed mining infrastructure of the USA and the rapidly growing mineral industry of China both contribute to the supply of minerals and drive economic growth.

The continued investment in mineral exploration and production by both countries is key to securing the future of the mineral industry and ensuring the supply of minerals for future generations.

In terms of geopolitical and global market issues, the mineral industry has significant implications. The availability of mineral resources can impact the balance of power between countries, and the control over these

resources can be a source of geopolitical tension. This is particularly true in regions where mineral resources are abundant but not evenly distributed.

The competition for mineral resources has also led to the creation of trade partnerships and alliances between countries. The USA and China are both major players in the global mineral market and their competition for mineral resources can impact the stability of the market.

The global mineral market is interconnected, and the demand and supply of minerals can impact prices and the stability of the market.Furthermore, the mineral industry has a significant impact on the global economy.

www.skillings.net 9 March 2023

Top 5 Mineral-producing States in the US

The United States is home to an abundant supply of minerals, and the extraction of these minerals drives economic growth and job creation. In this article, we will be exploring the top 5 mineral-producing states in the US, highlighting the minerals that are extracted and the impact they have on the economy.


Nevada is the leading mineral-producing states in the US, contributing over $7 billion to the economy in 2020. The state is famous for its gold production, but it also extracts other minerals such as silver, copper, and lithium. The extraction of these minerals provides employment for over 10,000 people in Nevada and helps drive the state’s economy. Nevada’s significance as the leading mineral-producing states in the US can be attributed to its rich gold deposits. Gold is a versatile and valuable mineral used in a variety of industries, including electronics, medicine, and jewelry.


Arizona is the second-leading mineral-producing states in the US, contributing over $5 billion to the economy in 2020. The state is renowned for its copper production, but it also extracts other minerals such as molybdenum, sand and gravel, and construction aggregates. The extraction of these minerals provides employment for over 8,000 people in Arizona and helps drive the state’s economy.

Arizona’s significance as the second-leading mineral-producing states in the US can be attributed to its vast copper reserves.


Utah is the third-leading mineral-producing states in the US, contributing over $4 billion to the economy in 2020. The state is known for its production of copper, but it also extracts other minerals such as gold, silver, and beryllium. The extraction of these minerals provides employment for over 6,000 people in Utah and helps drive the state’s economy. Utah’s significance as the third-leading mineral-producing states in the US can be attributed to its diverse mineral deposits.


Montana is the fourth-leading mineral-producing states in the US, contributing over $3 billion to the economy in 2020. The state is famous for its production of silver, but it also extracts other minerals such as copper, lead, and zinc. The extraction of these minerals provides employment for over 4,000 people in Montana and helps drive the state’s economy.

Montana’s significance as the fourth-leading mineral-producing states in the US can be attributed to its silver deposits. Silver is a valuable mineral used in various industries, including electronics, medicine, and jewelry.

New Mexico

New Mexico is the fifth-leading mineral-producing states in the US, contributing over $2 billion to the economy in 2020. The state is known for its production of potash and molybdenum, but it also extracts other minerals such as copper, silver, and lithium. The extraction of these minerals provides employment for over 3,000 people in New Mexico and helps drive the state’s economy. New Mexico’s significance as the fifth-leading mineral-producing states in the US can be attributed to its potash and molybdenum deposits. Potash is a valuable mineral used in agriculture as a fertilizer, while molybdenum is used in various industries, including steel production and electronics.

The top 5 mineral-rich states in the US play a crucial role in the country’s economy and the continued extraction of minerals is essential for its prosperity. Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, and New Mexico are the leading mineral-producing states in the US, each contributing to the country’s mineral production in a unique way. From gold and silver production in Nevada and Montana, to copper and potash in Arizona and New Mexico, these states provide a diverse and stable supply of minerals that are essential to various industries.

10 March 2023 www.skillings.net


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Exploring Career Paths Can Mining Engineers Find Success in the Oil Industry

The mining and oil industries share a number of similarities, including the need for natural resources and the use of complex processes to extract those resources. As a result, it’s not surprising that many mining engineers are curious about the potential for working in the oil industry.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential for mining engineers to transition into careers in the oil industry, the skills and experience that are transferable, and the factors that can impact success in this transition.

First, let’s consider the similarities between the mining and oil industries. Both industries require the extraction of natural resources, typically through the use of complex and challenging processes. Both also require engineers to manage operations, design processes, and implement safety measures to ensure that resources are extracted in a responsible and sustainable manner. In addition, both industries face similar challenges, such as changing regulations, fluctuating commodity prices, and the need to stay up-to-date with advances in technology.

Given these similarities, it’s not surprising that many mining engineers find success in careers in the oil industry. In fact, the transferable skills and experience that are developed through a career in mining can be highly valuable in the oil industry. For example, a mining engineer with experience in managing large-scale operations, designing processes, and implementing safety measures will be well equipped to take on similar responsibilities in the oil industry.

That said, there are also some key differences between the two industries that should be considered when making a transition. For example, the oil industry typically involves the extraction of liquid and gaseous resources, while the mining industry typically involves the extraction of solid resources.

This difference can require engineers to develop different technical skills, such as knowledge of drilling processes and oil production methods. In addition, the oil industry

is often subject to different regulations than the mining industry, so it’s important for engineers to be familiar with these regulations and to understand how they may impact operations.

Another factor to consider when making a transition from the mining industry to the oil industry is the current state of the industry. The oil industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, including fluctuating commodity prices, changes in regulations, and shifting consumer preferences. As a result, engineers who are considering a career in the oil industry should be aware of these challenges and be prepared to navigate them as they work to build a successful career.

Mining Engineer Specialization

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that there are also a

12 March 2023 www.skillings.net

number of specialty areas within the oil industry that may be of interest to mining engineers. For example, some engineers may choose to focus on offshore drilling operations, which require specialized knowledge and experience. Others may be interested in working with refining processes, where they can apply their skills in process design and optimization to improve the efficiency and profitability of oil refining operations.

Another important consideration for mining engineers who are considering a career in the oil industry is the potential for professional growth and advancement.

Additional courses or certifications

In terms of education and certification, it’s worth noting that many mining engineers already have the education and skills required to work in the oil industry. However, there may be additional courses or certifications that are specific to the oil industry that engineers should consider

pursuing. For example, some engineers may choose to pursue a Master’s degree in petroleum engineering, which can provide a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of the oil industry.

It’s important for mining engineers to network and build relationships within the oil industry. This can help them to better understand the industry and to identify opportunities for growth and advancement. Mining engineers can join professional organizations, attend industry events, and connect with other professionals in the oil industry to build their networks and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

Moreover, it is crucial for mining engineers who are considering a career in the oil industry to understand the ethical and environmental considerations involved. The oil industry has faced criticism in the past for its impact on the environment and its contributions to climate change.

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www.skillings.net 13 March 2023

Working Remotely for a US Company from Australia

Everything You Need to Know

The COVID-19 epidemic has contributed to the rise of the distant worker. Since it’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, a growing number of workers are looking for remote employment options. Working remotely for a US corporation can present its own set of issues and opportunities for Australian miners.

According to a senior mining consultant based in Sydney, “the mining business is a highly specialized field, and working remotely for a US company can be a wonderful way for Australian miners to extend their abilities and expertise.”

For Australian miners operating remotely, the difficulty of adjusting to several time zones is a major issue. It can be challenging to coordinate efforts with Australians due to the time difference between the two countries (usually 9-16 hours). The analyst explains, “Miners need to be aware of the time zone changes and adjust their schedules accordingly.”

The requirement for constant access to the internet and other forms of technology is still another obstacle. “Mining is a data-intensive sector, and miners operating remotely from Australia need to ensure that they have access to the equipment and infrastructure needed to accomplish their job successfully.”

Working remotely for a US company from Down Under has several advantages

Despite these drawbacks, working remotely for a US company from Down Under has several advantages. One advantage is that remote labor might give miners more control over their time. This can provide miners with the flexibility to work from home or anywhere else, improving their work-life balance.

In addition, Australian miners can gain access to intriguing new prospects in the mining business by working remotely for a US company. Common arguments are that working for a US firm provides Australians with the unique opportunity to gain experience in large-scale mining operations and exposure to cutting-edge mining technology.

In order for miners to make the most of their remote work opportunity, it is crucial that they maintain open lines of communication with their U.S.-based employer. It is suggested that miners be proactive in talking with

14 March 2023 www.skillings.net

their employer by asking questions and getting help when necessary. To paraphrase, “This will aid in making sure they can do their job well and advance in their careers.”

Australian miners who are interested in working remotely for a US Company can do so. But you need to know what those obstacles are and have a strategy to deal with them. Miners may make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime chance by coming up to speed and getting the help they need. Remote work in Australia is a fantastic opportunity for miners to maintain professional ties to the sector while also gaining valuable work experience and training from afar. It would be a great option for anyone interested in a varied and lucrative career in mining.

Remote miners working out of Australia must also be familiar with the country’s employment laws. This involves things like making sure you pay your taxes and comply with other regulations, as well as getting the appropriate visas and work permits. Before working remotely for a

US company, miners need to complete their due diligence and make sure they are fully compliant with all legal requirements. With this in place, “they will be protected and able to concentrate on doing their work to the best of their ability.” Consulting with an immigration attorney or consultant can help boost the likelihood of compliance. These experts may advise miners on how to comply with Australia’s regulatory requirements for remote work and make the process easier for everyone involved.

It’s also important for Australian miners operating overseas to be aware of the cultural variations they may face while on the job. Miners should be conscious of cultural differences between the United States and Australia and be ready to adjust to them.

“The mining sector is always changing, and working for a US company remotely from Australia can be a terrific way for miners to keep ahead of the curve and continue to advance in their careers.”.

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www.skillings.net 15 March 2023

Uncovering the Top Strategies

Landing a Mining Industry Job

Here, a mining industry expert shares his or her best advice on how to break into the field and find a job in mining businesses.Finding work in the mining industry is becoming increasingly difficult due to its rapid development and expansion. However, if you take the time to prepare, you can set yourself apart from the pack and land your dream job. Here, a mining industry expert shares his or her best advice on how to break into the field and find a job in mining businesses.

Connect, connect, connect

A person’s network is their most valuable asset in the mining sector. The more people you know, the better your chances are of getting hired. Go to conventions and meet other business people in your field. Participate in ongoing conversations by signing up for online forums and communities. Networking can help you get hired, learn about new prospects, and break into a new field.

Acquire useful knowledge and experience.

Skills and expertise unique to the mining business are essential for success. Having transferable abilities and experience can help you stand out from the crowd of applications. You could want to learn more about geology, mining engineering, and mineral processing by enrolling in classes or obtaining relevant credentials.

Personalize your application materials

It is essential to tailor your resume and cover letter to the position and

firm you are looking for in the mining industry. Make sure to include industry-specific keywords and phrases in your resume’s content to show that you’re qualified for the position you’re applying for. Your cover letter, like your resume, ought to be tailored to the specific position and firm you’re applying for and showcase your enthusiasm for the field.

Have no qualms with making humble beginnings

Work in the mining industry typically entails lengthy shifts of physical exertion. It’s important to be humble and eager to work your way up. Start at the bottom and work your way up by becoming a labourer, equipment operator, or technician.

Get the latest information about developments in your field

It’s crucial to keep up with the most recent developments in mining technology and industry practices. Subscribe to relevant publications, go to relevant events, and join relevant online communities to keep abreast

of developments. If you want to stand out from the crowd as a job prospect, show that you’re up-to-date on the latest advances in your field.

It might be difficult to get into the mining sector, but if you take the appropriate steps, you can improve your chances of getting hired. Prior to submitting your application for a job in the mining business, it is recommended that you conduct thorough research on the companies to which you are applying. Investigate the company’s backstory, mission, and core values to see if your interests and qualifications connect with theirs. You can then use this information to customize your application and show how well you understand the organization and its needs.

Willingness to move

Work in the mining sector is available in many countries across the world. You may need to be mobile if you want to find work in the mining business. Think about looking for work in several cities or even countries in case you end up having to relocate.

16 March 2023 www.skillings.net

Keep at it

If you’re looking for a job in mining, know that it may take some time and effort to find one. If you apply for a job and don’t hear back from the firm right away or if you get rejected, don’t give up. If you keep looking for work, connect with people in the industry, and expand your resume, you will find the position you’ve been hoping for.

Be cautious and careful.

Companies in the mining business are continuously on the lookout for workers that put safety first. In your application, highlight your dedication to workplace safety and include examples of your past successes in this area. You can position yourself

as a top candidate and advance your career in this exciting and rewarding industry by building your network, acquiring relevant skills and experience, customizing your application, being willing to start at the bottom, staying up-to-date with industry trends, researching companies, being willing to relocate, being persistent, and being safety-conscious.

Utilize the benefits of social media.

When looking for work in the mining business, social networking may be a great resource. Connect with other experts and learn about breaking developments in your field by joining a group on LinkedIn, Twitter, or another

social media network. Share relevant articles and resources to illustrate your knowledge and expertise, and highlight your abilities and experience on social media.

Adapt and change as needed.

Depending on market conditions, technical advances, and other variables, mining sector employment requirements are subject to change on a regular basis.

You need to be versatile and adaptable if you want to make it in this field. Keep an open mind, seek out new experiences, and adapt well to changing circumstances and methods.

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www.skillings.net 17 March 2023

Unlocking Profit

The Most Lucrative Metals to Mine and Process

Mining corporations are always on the search for the most lucrative metals to mine from the soil as the mining sector continues its rapid expansion. Because there are so many different metals to pick from, it can be challenging to narrow down which ones are the best candidates for devoting one’s time and energy to. In this article, we will discuss the most profitable metals to mine and process in order to maximize our earnings.


Gold For many years, gold has been seen as a safe haven for investors, and there is solid justification for this perception. It continues to be one of the most lucrative metals with the highest value and the most consistent demand, making it one of the most profitable to mine and process. Gold prices have stayed consistently high over the course of many years, making the commodity a stable investment option for mining businesses.


Copper is yet another very lucrative metal that is utilized in a wide range of businesses, such as the building and construction industry, the electronics industry, and the transportation industry. Copper’s demand is only projected to expand as a result of the growing need for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Mining businesses that are aiming to optimize their profits should consider selecting copper as their commodity of choice.


The production of stainless steel, which is used in a wide variety of products ranging from medical equipment to household appliances, requires nickel as an essential ingredient. Nickel is also an important component of stainless steel.

Nickel is a precious metal that is in high demand due to its excellent resistance to corrosion and its ability to sustain extreme temperatures.

18 March 2023 www.skillings.net


Due to the fact that lithium is used in batteries for electric vehicles as well as other electrical products, its significance has grown substantially during the past few years. It is anticipated that the demand for lithium will continue to climb due to the expansion of renewable energy and the push towards more sustainable transportation options. Because of this, lithium might be a potentially lucrative metal to mine and process because of its high demand.


Another lucrative metal that is in high demand due to its utilization in battery technology and other electronic applications is cobalt. It is anticipated that the demand for cobalt will increase over the next few years due to the growing popularity of electric vehicles and the increasing reliance on renewable energy. As a result, mining companies may find that investing in cobalt could result in a potentially profitable metal investment.

Gold, copper, nickel, lithium, and cobalt are among the most lucrative metals for companies in the mining sector that are aiming to optimize their earnings. However, the mining industry contains a wide variety of metals from which to choose.

Mining businesses may unlock the full potential of their operations and achieve success over the long term by investing in the aforementioned metals and concentrating on mining processes that are both efficient and environmentally friendly.

Mining businesses that want to optimize their earnings can maximize their profitability by investing in these metals and focusing on mining processes that are both efficient and sustainable.

Mining techniques that are environmentally sustainable not only lessen their effects on the surrounding environment, but they also boost operational efficiency, cut costs, and strengthen a company’s social license to operate.

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www.skillings.net 19 March 2023

Building the Mining Teams of Tomorrow, Today

Meet Lindsey Schultz, the CEO of MRC Recruiting - a company that's on a mission to build sustainable workforces for resource companies across the globe. With a family-run business model and a network of experienced recruiters, MRC Recruiting brings its expertise directly to hiring managers in a collaborative effort to achieve their recruitment goals.

Specializing in clear and specific communications, a fee structure that works within a client's budget, and a proven hiring process, Lindsey and her team are experts in the resource and mining industry and are committed to providing

Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to be the CEO of your family's mining recruiting company?

My Father, Robert Schultz founded MRC in 1984. He ran the business from our home for a number of years and I served in a variety of capacities over the years, I knew how to answer the phone “MRC this is Lindsey, how can I help you?” at the age of 7 and

only the best, qualified candidates to their clients. With a focus on human capital development and organizational development, Lindsey is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their goals and build high-performance teams.

transfer the call to the appropriate person. I coded resumes for Geology, Mining Engineering, Finance, whatever they may have been beginning in high school. Though, I never planned to join the family business.

I went to University and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Human Resource & Organizational Development, I wanted to be a consultant and help facilitate organizational change. After graduation, I interviewed with

a number of companies and in my impatient youth, became disillusioned with the opportunities available to me with little to no experience, but a lot of enthusiasm. My dad invited me to join the company … “until I figured out what I really wanted to do” … that was 18 years ago!

Upon officially joining MRC I worked with HR clients across industry and pursued an MBA. In 2008, the mining industry was booming and my dad

Interview 20 March 2023 www.skillings.net
www.skillings.net 21 March 2023

asked if I had interest in learning the mining side of our recruiting business. I of course said yes, and dove head first into learning everything I could about the world of mining. I took a mining 101 course, I visited clients’ mines, I read everything I could get my hands on.

It was not long before the fall of 2008 happened, I experienced my first mining industry ‘correction’ and the global financial crisis of 2008. This time allowed me to lean on my foundation in HR and I used my time to advise mining professionals on how to improve their resumes, cover letters, how to market themselves on LinkedIn, what to expect/how to prepare for interviews, and frame their job search for maximum success.

I spent the next year as things recovered building relationships with senior mining professionals and once they found jobs, they came back to me and MRC to help them build their teams. It was great fun!

I continued to take on a variety of searches with clients of all sizes all over the world, and began to influence and modernize our website, applicant tracking system, internal tools to help us be successful for both our clients and candidates. I also took on an active role in business development and strategic direction of our organization.

At the beginning of 2021

I was promoted to CEO. I continue to be a hands-on recruiter, business developer, leader/advisor/mentor to our team of skilled recruiters and volunteer my time with an array of mining associations and with students and non-traditional candidates in our industry.

What sets your company apart from other mining recruiting companies in the market?

MRC Recruiting has 40 years of experience, specifically in mining. We are a family-run corporation with a team of experienced recruiters who have both mining and human resource backgrounds. Our team focuses on the mining/ resource industry globally and can offer our services in both English and Spanish.

Our team has worked with exploration, junior, mid-tier, and major mining companies, we also routinely work with OEM’s, Mining Technology companies, Private equity firms, and Engineering Consulting and Contract Mining organizations.

We have enjoyed a wide array of search assignments from entry-level technical roles through management and up to board level.

We believe that the candidate experience is an essential component in our ability to recruit strong talent on behalf of our clients and work to ensure we have accurate details and feedback to provide throughout the process. We also feature a comprehensive database of qualified candidates and a proven track record of successful placements.

How do you stay informed and educated on the latest trends and developments in the mining industry?

We stay informed and educated on the latest trends and developments in the mining industry by attending industry conferences and seminars, reading industry publications

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and company press releases. We are members of numerous industry-related groups/associations and spend time volunteering with them.

We also take time to visit our clients- at their mine sites, plants, facilities whenever possible and use opportunities to go on mining field trips when offered through conferences. We view ourselves as connectors and are constantly networking with industry professionals.

We love the mining industry and believe that it offers many solutions for our modern world. We work tirelessly to understand how we can positively influence and help our clients and candidates grow and through this we also continue to expand our knowledge base.

Can you discuss any unique or innovative solutions your company has implemented to improve the recruitment process for both clients and candidates?

MRC has been around a long time! We’ve seen a lot of changes happen to the recruitment process. When my father, Robert Schultz started our company, many of our employees worked from our home, we had filing cabinets full of lead cards and resumes.

We also offer a streamlined application process for candidates, and take the candidate experience very seriously, we look at every single resume and inquiry that comes to us and work to provide timely feedback and/or connect directly with each applicant to better learn about their background and what they are looking for. We take the opportunity as often as possible to personally connect with high-potential candidates.

MRC is also certified in an assessment process that indexes how people naturally take action, approach tasks and work. We can use this with our clients and candidates to provide insight to how they work together and identify complementary styles and build high-functioning teams.

Our marketing slogan is: Building the mining teams of tomorrow, today. This is who we are, always looking forward to the future of mining and the future of our clients.

MRC Recruiting has 40 years of experience, specifically in mining. We are a family-run corporation with a team of experienced recruiters who have both mining and human resource backgrounds. Our team focuses on the mining/resource industry globally and can offer our services in both English and Spanish. We love what we do – we have selected our team because they also have a passion for connecting good people with good companies and understand the nuances of doing so.

I grew up fishing resumes out of the mail and admiring the fancy paper and letterhead they were sent on! Flash forward, we now use a fully customized applicant tracking and CRM system and our applicants use our streamlined online application process to apply for roles.

Beyond process changes … we love what we do – we have selected our team because they also have a passion for connecting good people with good companies and understand the nuances of doing so. Outside of our genuine interest in our jobs and focus the mining industry, we maintain a proprietary database of contacts, and we build long term relationships with them.

What do you believe to be the biggest challenges facing the mining industry today?

There are several … however, from my perspective the biggest challenge is social license to operate – the overall perception and/or knowledge of what the mining industry is responsible for is relatively poor outside of our industry. I believe we need to bring more (positive) awareness to our industry and what it is responsible for: agriculture, medicine, energy, recycling, technology, infrastructure, etc.

Mining and its products touch our lives everyday! Our world as we know it would cease to exist without it. We should actively be advocating for safe, sustainable mining practices and what mining brings to our lives. This would help to improve the image and knowledge base and help to attract talent (which we need), and ultimately improve our ability to innovate and solve other problems the industry faces such as the need to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and address environmental and safety concerns.

www.skillings.net 23 March 2023

Canada’s REE industry

Exploring the Potential to Boost Rare Earth Production for US Supply

The United States, in particular, has been searching for alternative sources of REEs after relying heavily on imports from China. This has led to an increase in the production of Canada’s REE industry and supply to the US market.

Canada’s REE industry is still in its infancy

Despite its potential, Canada’s REE industry is still in its infancy and has faced several challenges in its development. For example, the lack of infrastructure and funding has hindered the exploration and development of REE deposits in the country. Additionally, environmental concerns and the need for regulatory approvals have also slowed the progress of REE projects in Canada.

The mining industry is facing increased demand for rare earth elements (REEs) in recent years, as these elements play a crucial role in modern technology and industry. The United States, in particular, has been searching for alternative sources of REEs after relying heavily on imports from China. This has led to an increase in the production of Canada’s REE industry and supply to the US market.

Canada is home to several rare earth element deposits, including those in the Prairie Evaporite Formation and the B-Zone deposit of the Strange Lake complex. These deposits are known to contain high concentrations of critical REEs, such as neodymium and dysprosium, which are essential for the production of high-tech products such as permanent magnets and batteries.

However, the growing demand for REEs, coupled with the increasing political pressure to reduce dependence on China, has created a favourable environment for the development of REE projects in Canada. The Canadian government has already taken steps to support the growth of Canada’s REE industry, including funding for exploration and development projects and the establishment of a Rare Earth Element Office to coordinate efforts across government departments.

The private sector has also responded to the opportunities in the REE market. Several companies have already invested in REE projects in Canada, and new projects are being proposed regularly. These projects are expected to significantly increase the production of REEs in Canada, providing a stable and reliable source of these elements for the US market.

Canada has the potential to play a significant role in the global REE market. With its abundant REE deposits and supportive government policies, Canada is well-positioned to become a major supplier of REEs to the US and other countries. The development of Canada’s REE industry

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will not only benefit the country’s economy but will also contribute to the global efforts to reduce dependence on China for critical elements. The mining industry professionals in Canada and the US should continue to collaborate and invest in the development of REE projects to realize this potential.

Additionally, the development of Canada’s REE industry will create new job opportunities and boost local economies in the regions where REE deposits are located. It will also spur technological innovation and research and development in the REE sector, leading to new and improved processes for extracting and processing REEs.

However, the growth of the Canada’s REE industry is not without its challenges. The extraction and processing of REEs can have significant environmental impacts, such as water and air pollution, and the proper management of these impacts is essential. The industry must also ensure that its operations are socially responsible and that the local

communities are engaged and consulted throughout the development process. The development of the Canada’s REE industry must also consider the current global trade dynamics and geopolitical tensions. The US-China trade war and the ongoing tensions between the two countries have highlighted the need for reliable and diversified sources of REEs.

Another important consideration for the REE industry in Canada is the need for research and development to improve the efficiency and sustainability of REE extraction and processing methods.

It is essential that the REE industry in Canada and the US collaborate with international partners to promote the responsible and sustainable development of REE resources globally. This includes ensuring that REE supply chains are transparent, that labor and environmental standards are upheld, and that local communities are fairly compensated for the use of their resources.

www.skillings.net 25 March 2023

Exploring the Vitality of Great Lakes Ports Shipping

Navigating the Waves of Prosperity

For as long as anyone can remember, the Great Lakes have been a hive of economic activity, with shipping playing a crucial role in linking the Midwest to the rest of the world.

The Great Lakes ports have always been crucial to the development and success of the United States economy, Whether it be the iron ore and coal that drove the industrial revolution or the cereals and consumer products that fuel the modern economy. With an increase in international trade and business, the Great Lakes ports and shipping industry are more important than ever.

This essay will examine the development of this important industry, as well as its current condition and its prospects for the future.

The Great Lakes have a storied past in the shipping industry. The Great Lakes became one of the busiest maritime waterways in the world once the first commercial ships

began plying their trade on them in the late 1700s. The construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, the expansion of railroads, and the booming American steel industry all but guaranteed that shipping would continue to be a major economic force in the region for decades to come.

The ports and shipping industries of the Great Lakes continue to play an important role in the regional and national economies today.

Ports on the Great Lakes move more than 200 million tons of cargo worth more than $100 billion annually, as reported by the American Great Lakes Ports Association.

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Lake Ontario and Queen Elizabeth Way QEW Highway, Ontario, Canada stock photo

Everything from raw materials like iron ore and coal to completed products like automobiles and consumer electronics is transported in this shipment. The Great Lakes' ports are vital to the success of regional sectors including agriculture and industry by facilitating their access to global markets and ensuring a steady supply of raw materials.

In spite of these difficulties, the shipping and port industries on the Great Lakes are poised for growth in the next few years. Raw material demand is on the rise around the world, and so is the desire for efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industry are vital to the economy, but they are struggling to overcome a number of obstacles. The deteriorating condition of the nation's locks and ports is a major issue for the shipping sector. Because of their age, many of these buildings have not been updated or maintained in decades, despite the fact that they are still in use. This is a lengthy and costly procedure that necessitates a considerable financial and time commitment.

Competition from other types of transportation, such as rail and trucks, is also a problem for the Great Lakes ports and shipping business.

Transport businesses servicing the Great Lakes region see these sectors as increasingly appealing as they improve and become more efficient. The shipping sector and ports on the Great Lakes need to develop and invest in new technology and infrastructure to keep up with the

competition and meet the needs of its consumers for speed, reliability, and affordability.

In spite of these difficulties, the shipping and port industries on the Great Lakes are poised for growth in the next few years. Raw material demand is on the rise around the world, and so is the desire for efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options.

Additionally, the Great Lakes area has a history of invention and entrepreneurship and is home to a competent and committed workforce. Together, these resources and the industry's dedication to ongoing investments in infrastructure and technology will help keep Great Lakes ports and shipping in the forefront of global trade for decades to come.

The expansion of international trade is one of the most promising prospects for the maritime and port infrastructure of the Great Lakes. The raw materials and finished goods that are produced and transported via the Great Lakes region will be in high demand as economies across the world continue to develop and prosper.

This is a huge break for the shipping and port industry, allowing more people and companies to join the global economy. The ports and shipping sector of the Great Lakes are ideally situated to take advantage of this expansion because of the region's natural resources, advanced transportation networks, and highly trained labor force.

The rising need for eco-friendly modes of transport presents a further opening for Great Lakes ports and shipping companies. There is a growing need for environmentally friendly modes of transportation like shipping as both companies and customers become more conscious of the consequences of their actions.

The shipping and port industry in the Great Lakes region has a strong track record of ethical and environmentally

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friendly practices and is prepared to satisfy this rising demand.

The shipping and port industries on the Great Lakes are ideally situated to take advantage of emerging technologies. Digital technology, such as automation and data analytics, can be used to enhance productivity, cut expenses, and better serve customers. The shipping and port industries on the Great Lakes are already making investments in these technologies, and the more they advance and mature, the more value they will add to the sector and its customers.

Because of their importance in linking the Midwest to the rest of the country and the world, the ports and shipping industry on the Great Lakes are an integral aspect of the American economy. The industry is set up for future growth and success thanks to the expanding global economy, the rising demand for environmentally friendly transportation options, and technological innovations in the sector, despite the fact that it faces challenges from aging infrastructure and competition from other modes of transportation. The shipping sector and ports of the Great Lakes have a promising future that will contribute significantly to the economic growth of the region for decades to come.

Understanding the opportunities and threats facing the Great Lakes ports and shipping industry is essential for ensuring its continued success.

The deteriorating condition of the locks and ports is a major problem for the shipping sector. This is a difficult problem that necessitates a long-term commitment of manpower and materials for resolution.

The shipping sector and Great Lakes ports can only hope to overcome this obstacle by banding together with public and private entities to raise the money necessary for infrastructure improvements. Investment from the private sector, the formation of public-private partnerships, the introduction of user fees, and other means of producing revenue could all be used to finance improvements to the underlying infrastructure.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industries also face competition from other types of transportation. In order to keep up with the competition, businesses in this sector must constantly develop new products and implement advanced technological solutions. In order to accomplish these goals, it may be necessary to implement innovative technology, such as automation and data analytics. Fur-

thermore, in order to draw in new clients and keep the old ones, the shipping sector needs to get the word out about the many advantages of shipping.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industry faces significant difficulties from foreign competition. The Great Lakes ports and shipping business are increasingly challenged by foreign rivals due to the rise of global trade and international shipping corporations.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industry may face some difficulties competing in the global marketplace, but they have a number of advantages that will help them succeed.

The ports and shipping sector of the Great Lakes are in a prime position to take use of the region's natural resources, advanced transportation networks, and highly trained labor force. Customers have come to expect rapid, reliable, and cost-effective service from the Great Lakes ports and shipping industry, and by investing in technology, innovation, and sustainability, this can be maintained. For the Great Lakes ports and shipping industry to thrive, it is essential that it maintains productive relationships with businesses and groups across the globe. By doing so, the industry can better compete with overseas rivals

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and maintain its central role in the regional economy for the foreseeable future.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industry stands to benefit from continued investments in the expansion of both existing markets and the pursuit of new ones. Promoting the merits of shipping as a sustainable and environmentally responsible means of transportation may be part of this strategy, as may expanding trade with other nations, creating new products and services to satisfy the evolving demands of customers, and so on.

In order to succeed, the industry as a whole needs to reach out to complementary sectors, such as agriculture and manufacturing, in order to form alliances and collaborate on projects. There would be no thriving Midwest without the Great Lakes ports and shipping sector. Aging infrastructure, competition from other modes of transportation,

and the growing need for sustainable, environmentally responsible transportation all pose problems to the sector, but they also present opportunities.

It is critical to tackle these difficulties and make the most of these chances for the sector to thrive in the future. Investment in infrastructure enhancements, the introduction of cutting-edge technologies, and the cultivation of fresh markets and clientele are all viable options for doing this.

The Great Lakes ports and shipping industry is vital to the region's economy, and its continued growth and success depends on cooperation between government agencies, corporate partners, and other businesses.

The industry has a promising future, and it will continue to contribute significantly to the growth of the region for many years to come.

Top-Paying Jobs in the Gold Mining Industry

The gold mining industry offers a variety of job opportunities, ranging from entry-level positions to highly specialized roles. While many factors can influence a person’s salary in the industry, including experience, education, and location, certain jobs within the gold mining sector tend to offer higher compensation than others.

One of the top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry is the role of a mining engineer. Mining engineers are responsible for designing and developing new mining projects, as well as overseeing the day-to-day operations of existing mines. They must have a deep understanding of mining methods, geology, and environmental regulations, and possess strong technical and communication skills. The median salary for mining engineers in the gold mining industry is approximately $115,000 per year, making this a highly sought-after position.

Another top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry is the role of a geologist. Geologists play a critical role in the discovery and exploration of new gold deposits, and are responsible for mapping and analyzing geological data to identify areas with the potential for gold deposits.

They must have a strong understanding of geology and geophysics, and possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. The median salary for geologists in the gold mining industry is around $110,000 per year. The role of a metallurgist is also highly

compensated within the gold mining industry. Metallurgists are responsible for optimizing the processes used to extract gold from ore, and must have a deep understanding of metallurgical techniques, chemical reactions, and material behavior. They must be able to analyze complex data and develop effective solutions to problems that arise during the gold extraction process. The median salary for metallurgists in the gold mining industry is around $105,000 per year.

Other top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry include operations

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managers, safety engineers, and environmental specialists. Operations managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of gold mines, and must possess excellent leadership and organizational skills. Safety engineers are responsible for developing and implementing safety programs, and must have a deep understanding of industry regulations and best practices. Environmental specialists are responsible for ensuring that gold mines operate in an environmentally responsible manner, and must have a strong understanding of environmental regulations and best practices.

It’s worth noting that the salaries for these top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the mining company, the location of the mine, and the current state of the gold market. In addition, certain skills and certifications can increase one’s earning potential within the industry, so it’s important to continuously expand your knowledge and expertise throughout your career.

As with any industry, salaries in the gold mining industry can vary widely depending on a number of factors… including the size of the company, the location of the mine, and the current state of the gold market. However, there are a number of key positions within the industry that tend to offer higher-than-average salaries, making them well worth considering for those seeking a career in this exciting and dynamic field.

One of the top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry is that of a mining engineer. Mining engineers play a crucial role in the planning and development of new mines, and are responsible for overseeing the construction and operation of these facilities. They also work to identify and mitigate potential environmental impacts, and ensure that the mine operates in a safe and efficient manner. Mining engineers typically earn salaries in the range of $80,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on the size of the company and the location of the mine.

Another top-paying jobs in the gold

mining industry is that of a geologist. Geologists are responsible for identifying and evaluating new mineral deposits, and play a key role in the exploration and development of new mines. They use a range of sophisticated technologies and techniques to gather data on the composition and location of mineral deposits, and work closely with other team members to plan and execute drilling and sampling programs. Geologists typically earn salaries in the range of $75,000 to $125,000 per year, depending on the size of the company and the location of the mine.

Environmental managers are also in high demand in the gold mining industry, as companies seek to minimize their impact on the environment and meet growing regulatory requirements. Environmental managers are responsible for developing and implementing environmental policies and procedures, and work to minimize the impact of mining operations on local communities and the environment. They typically earn salaries in the range of $80,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on the size of the company and the location of the mine.

Other top-paying jobs in the gold mining industry include positions in safety, project management, and human resources. Individuals with experience and expertise in these areas can help ensure that mines operate safely and efficiently, while also supporting the development of new mines and the growth of the industry.

The gold mining industry offers a wide range of highly compensated job opportunities for individuals with the right skills and experience.

www.skillings.net 31 March 2023

Coal production in the United States has been on a rollercoaster ride over the past few decades, with demand and prices fluctuating significantly. Recently, the industry has faced a number of challenges, including competition from cheaper and cleaner sources of energy, declining demand, and regulatory pressures.

Coal Production Sparks Resilience for Coal Mining

Jobs in the US

32 March 2023 www.skillings.net

Despite these challenges, the coal mining industry remains an important part of the U.S. economy and provides a significant number of jobs in various parts of the country. One key factor driving the resilience of the coal mining industry is the fact that coal is still an important source of energy in the United States, especially for electricity generation. While the use of coal has declined in recent years, it still accounts for a significant share of the country's energy mix.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, coal accounted for about 20% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2020. This is down from a peak of 50% in the early 1980s, but it still represents a significant portion of the market.

Another factor contributing to the resilience of the coal mining industry is the fact that it is a relatively labor-intensive industry, with many workers involved in the production and transportation of coal. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were about 50,000 coal mining jobs in the United States in 2020, down from a peak of over 200,000 in the 1980s. Despite the decline, coal min-

ing remains an important source of employment in many parts of the country, especially in states like Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

The coal mining industry has also been able to adapt to changing market conditions in order to remain competitive. For example, some coal companies have invested in advanced technologies to improve the efficiency and productivity of their operations, including automated equipment and data analytics.

In addition, the industry has worked to diversify its customer base by exporting coal to countries around the world, including Asia and Europe. This has helped to cushion the impact of declining domestic demand and has allowed coal producers to maintain a steady stream of revenue. Despite these efforts, the coal mining industry is facing a number of challenges that could impact its

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long-term viability. One major challenge is the increasing competition from cheaper and cleaner sources of energy, such as natural gas and renewable sources like wind and solar. These alternatives are becoming more competitive as technology advances and costs decline, making it difficult for coal to compete on price.

In addition, the coal mining industry faces regulatory challenges at the federal and state levels. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has implemented a number of rules and regulations aimed at reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants, which has put pressure on the industry to reduce its environmental impact. These regulations have helped to drive down demand for coal and have made it more difficult for coal producers to operate profitably.

Despite these challenges, the coal mining industry remains an important part of the U.S. economy and provides a significant number of jobs in various parts of the country.

The industry has demonstrated a degree of resilience in the face of changing market conditions and regulatory pressures, and has worked to adapt and remain competitive. While the future of coal mining in the United States is uncertain, it is clear that the industry will continue to play a role in the country's energy mix for the foreseeable future.

and processing of coal. In addition, the industry supports countless other jobs in the supply chain, from equipment manufacturers to service providers.

Coal mining is also a major contributor to the country's GDP. According to the National Mining Association, the coal mining industry alone accounts for over $50 billion in economic activity and is responsible for over 400,000 jobs across the country. The industry also provides a significant amount of revenue for state and local governments through taxes and royalties.

Coal production is a vital link to mining jobs, productivity, and economic growth in the US. It is essential to the country's energy supply, GDP, and the livelihoods of thousands of Americans.

Moreover, coal production is essential for maintaining a stable and reliable energy supply in the US. The country is the world's second-largest producer of coal, and it accounts for more than 20% of the nation's electricity generation. The use of coal in power generation is essential to ensuring a reliable and affordable energy supply for American households and businesses. Despite the economic and energy benefits of coal production, the industry has faced increasing pressure in recent years due to concerns over climate change and the shift towards renewable energy sources. However, it is crucial to remember that coal production is an essential part of the American economy and that a balance must be found between environmental concerns and economic growth.

Coal Production: The Vital Link to Mining Jobs, Productivity, and Economic Growth in the US

Coal production is a critical aspect of the American economy and has been for over a century. The mining of coal not only provides jobs for thousands of Americans but also plays a crucial role in the country's productivity and economic growth.

The coal industry in the US employs over 50,000 individuals and generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. These jobs are not just limited to the mines themselves but also extend to the transportation, distribution,

The coal industry has been working to reduce its environmental impact by investing in new technologies and implementing stricter regulations. The industry is also working to develop technologies that can capture and store carbon emissions, making coal production more sustainable.

Coal production is a vital link to mining jobs, productivity, and economic growth in the US. It is essential to the country's energy supply, GDP, and the livelihoods of thousands of Americans. While we must continue to work towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, it is important to remember the importance of coal production to the American economy.

34 March 2023 www.skillings.net

Mining Engineering Graduates Navigating Your Career Path in the Mining Industry

The question of what to do after graduation is common for many new mining engineering graduates, and it can be especially challenging when navigating the job market in a specialized field such as mining engineering. In this article, we will outline some of the common post-graduation paths for mining engineers and provide tips on how to make the most of your degree.

Entry-Level Positions

One of the most straightforward paths after mining engineering graduation is to secure an entry-level position in the mining industry. These positions may include roles such as mine surveyor, mine engineer, or mine geologist. These positions allow you to gain hands-on experience and start building your professional network while working in the industry you studied. To maximize your chances of landing an entry-level position, be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to showcase your relevant skills and experiences.

Further Education

Another option for mining engineering graduates is to pursue further education, such as a Master’s degree or PhD. This can help you specialize in a specific area of the field, such as mineral processing or mine management, and increase your opportunities for advancement in the industry. Pursuing further education can also demonstrate your commitment to the field and set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs.

Consulting and Contracting

For those with a desire to work independently, a career in consulting or contracting can be a great option. In these roles, you will use your knowledge and expertise to advise mining companies on specific projects, processes, or regulatory compliance. As a consultant or contractor, you will have the flexibility to work on multiple projects and clients, providing exposure to a variety of experiences and opportunities for growth.

Research and Development

Another path for mining engineering graduates is to work in research and development. In this role, you will contribute to the advancement of the field by conducting research on new technologies, processes, or materials. This can involve working with universities, government agencies, or private companies. Research and development positions often require a strong background in the field and a passion for innovation and discovery.

Management and Leadership

For those interested in management and leadership, a career in mine management or operations can provide ample opportunity for growth. In these roles, you will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a mine and ensuring that it is running safely, efficiently, and in compliance with regulations. To advance in this path, you may need to gain experience in multiple areas of the industry, such as production, maintenance, and safety.

In addition to the options outlined above, there are other paths that mining engineering graduates can consider as they navigate their career in the mining industry.

Mining engineers can also work for government regulatory agencies, such as the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Another option for mining engineers is to work for companies that provide equipment and technology to the mining industry. For those with an interest in using their skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world, a career with a non-profit organization can be a rewarding option.

www.skillings.net 35 March 2023

Exploring the Challenges and Innovations of Underground Mining Operations

The mining industry is one of the most essential and challenging industries in the world. The extraction of minerals from deep underground requires complex and sophisticated technologies, as well as skilled professionals to operate and maintain them. Underground mining operations face numerous challenges, including safety, environmental concerns, and economic viability.

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However, the industry has not been one to shy away from these challenges, and the search for innovative solutions continues. In this article, we will delve into the challenges faced by the underground mining industry and the innovative solutions that have been developed to overcome them.

One of the major challenges faced by underground mining operations is safety. The miners work in hazardous conditions, and it is imperative that the mines are safe to work in.

The use of modern technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and digital monitoring systems, has greatly increased the safety of underground mines. In addition, the development of new technologies such as remote-controlled machines, teleoperated robots, and automated ventilation

systems has greatly reduced the risk of accidents in underground mines.

Another major challenge faced by underground mining operations is environmental sustainability. The extraction of minerals from underground mines can cause significant environmental impacts, including air and water pollution, soil erosion, and destruction of wildlife habitats. However, the industry has made significant efforts to reduce its environmental impact. For example, many mining companies are implementing sustainable mining practices, such as reducing the use of energy and water, recycling waste, and reusing materials.

Economic viability is another critical challenge faced by underground mining operations.

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The high capital costs associated with mining operations can make it difficult for mining companies to achieve profitability. The use of innovative technologies, such as computer simulations, digital mapping, and data analytics, has made it possible to improve the economic viability of underground mining operations.

In addition, the use of advanced drilling technologies, such as horizontal drilling and underground blasting, has made it possible to extract minerals more efficiently, thus reducing costs and increasing profits.

Another innovation in the underground mining industry is the use of underground mining simulation software. This software allows mining companies to simulate the mining process, from drilling and blasting to the extraction of minerals, in a virtual environment. This allows for a more precise and efficient approach to mining, reducing costs and minimizing the environmental impact of mining operations.

Moreover, the use of remote-controlled machines, teleoperated robots, and automated ventilation systems has greatly improved the safety and efficiency of underground mining operations. The use of these technologies has reduced the need for human intervention in hazardous environments, reducing the risk of accidents and improving productivity.

ment practices has further reduced the environmental impact of mining operations.

The underground mining industry continues to face numerous challenges, but the search for innovative solutions continues. The use of modern technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, simulation software, and advanced monitoring systems, has greatly improved the safety, environmental sustainability, and economic viability of underground mining operations. As the demand for minerals and resources continues to grow, the mining industry will continue to evolve and innovate, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

It is important to note that the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry are not limited to one specific region or country, but are a global phenomenon. The mining industry is a global industry, and the efforts to overcome the challenges and improve the efficiency of underground mining operations are being undertaken on a global scale.

The challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry are a global phenomenon, and the industry is facing increasing pressure to improve its efficiency, reduce its environmental impact, and ensure the safety of miners. The use of innovative technologies and practices, such as autonomous vehicles, simulation software, and advanced monitoring systems, is improving the efficiency of underground mining operations and ensuring a sustainable future for the industry.

In developed countries, the mining industry is heavily regulated, and mining companies are required to comply with strict environmental and safety standards. This has led to the development of innovative technologies and practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of mining operations and ensuring the safety of miners.

In addition, the use of advanced monitoring systems has allowed mining companies to monitor the condition of mines in real-time, ensuring that mining operations are safe and efficient.

Overall, the mining industry has also made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. The use of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, has reduced the energy consumption of underground mines. In addition, the use of energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and energy-saving ventilation systems, has also reduced energy consumption and emissions. The development of innovative recycling and waste manage-

In developing countries, the focus is often on improving the economic viability of underground mining operations. The use of innovative technologies and practices, such as digital mapping, data analytics, and advanced drilling technologies, has improved the efficiency of mining operations and increased the profitability of mining companies.

In both developed and developing countries, the mining industry is facing increasing competition from alternative sources of minerals and resources. The use of recycled materials and the development of new technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy sources, are

38 March 2023 www.skillings.net

reducing the demand for minerals and putting pressure on the mining industry to improve its efficiency and reduce its environmental impact.

The challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry are a global phenomenon, and the industry is facing increasing pressure to improve its efficiency, reduce its environmental impact, and ensure the safety of miners. The use of innovative technologies and practices, such as autonomous vehicles, simulation software, and advanced monitoring systems, is improving the efficiency of underground mining operations and ensuring a sustainable future for the industry.

The financial and political implications of the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry are also significant.

On the financial side, the use of innovative technologies and practices can lead to increased efficiency and profitability for mining companies. The reduction in energy consumption and emissions, as well as improved safety, can also lead to lower operating costs, which will increase the bottom line for mining companies.

However, the financial and political implications are not all positive. The development and implementation of new technologies can be expensive, and mining companies may struggle to secure the capital needed to invest in these technologies. In addition, the increasing regulations and environmental standards in the mining industry can increase the costs and complexity of mining operations, which can reduce profitability and competitiveness.

In the annals of politics, the mining industry is subject to significant scrutiny and criticism, especially in regards to its environmental impact and social responsibility. The use of innovative technologies and practices can help to improve the reputation of the mining industry and reduce its environmental impact, which will reduce the political pressure on the industry.

However, the continued use of fossil fuels and the extraction of minerals in sensitive ecosystems can lead to political conflicts and increased scrutiny, which will increase the political pressure on the industry.

The financial and political implications of the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry are significant and complex. The use of innovative technologies

www.skillings.net 39 March 2023

and practices can lead to increased efficiency and profitability, as well as improved environmental sustainability and social responsibility. However, the cost and complexity of these technologies, as well as the political pressure and criticism, will also have a significant impact on the financial and political landscape of the mining industry.

It is difficult to predict which regions and countries will benefit from the innovations and which will suffer from the challenges in the underground mining industry. However, some general trends can be identified.

Regions with a strong mining industry and a well-developed infrastructure are likely to benefit from the innovations in the underground mining industry. For example, developed countries with advanced technologies and skilled professionals are likely to benefit from the use of autonomous vehicles, simulation software, and advanced monitoring systems, which will improve the efficiency and safety of their mining operations.

On the other hand, regions with limited resources and infrastructure may suffer from the challenges in the underground mining industry.

For example, developing countries with limited access to capital and skilled professionals may struggle to implement new technologies and improve the efficiency of their mining operations. In addition, the environmental impact of mining operations may be more severe in these regions, leading to greater environmental degradation and decreased quality of life for local communities.

It is also important to note that the impact of the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry will vary depending on the specific minerals being extracted. For example, the demand for some minerals, such as rare earth elements, may increase as a result of technological innovations, leading to increased production and profits in the regions that produce these minerals.

However, the demand for other minerals, such as coal, may decrease as a result of alternative energy sources, leading to decreased production and profits in the regions that produce these minerals.

The impact of the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry will vary depending on the specific region and country, as well as the minerals being extracted. However, regions with a strong mining industry

It is also important to note that the impact of the challenges and innovations in the underground mining industry will vary depending on the specific minerals being extracted.

and well-developed infrastructure are likely to benefit from the innovations, while regions with limited resources and infrastructure may suffer from the challenges.

The challenges faced by the underground mining industry are numerous and complex. However, the industry has continued to strive for innovation, developing new technologies and practices to overcome these challenges. The use of modern technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, digital monitoring systems, and advanced drilling technologies, has greatly increased the safety, environmental sustainability, and economic viability of underground mining operations. As the mining industry continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting innovations and developments in the future.

40 March 2023 www.skillings.net

Exploring the Perception of Poor Quality Iron Ore in Japan

In recent years, Japan’s reputation as one of the world’s leading iron ore importers has taken a hit. Poor quality iron ore exports to the country’s steel mills have raised concerns about the final steel output. Japanese steel mills are major consumers of iron ore, therefore this problem has repercussions for mines all across the world.

Japanese people have long held the opinion that iron ore is of low quality. But new discoveries have thrust the problem into the spotlight. Experts in the field believe that insufficient ore grading methods, poor ore transportation techniques, and the use of Poor quality iron ore to minimize costs are to blame for the industry’s poor quality of iron ore.

Due to these causes, the grade of iron ore shipments to Japan has decreased, raising worries among steel manufacturers in that country. Iron ore is a crucial component in the production of high-quality steel products in Japan, and any deterioration in iron ore quality has a substantial effect on the end product.

A poor quality iron ore might have serious repercussions. Additional refining procedures add to the cost of producing steel, which in turn drives up the price paid by customers.

Japanese steel producers looking into the quality control methods

Japanese steel producers are looking into a number of potential responses to this problem. Increasing the quality control methods for iron ore exports is one option. Improved transportation methods and more stringent grading

procedures fall under this category. In order to lessen the impact of losing a single supplier of iron ore, it is possible to diversify those suppliers.

It’s safe to say that Japan’s widespread dissatisfaction with its iron ore is a major problem with far-reaching effects. To maintain a steady supply of high-quality iron ore, the mining sector as a whole must collaborate to identify the underlying issues and find permanent fixes.

Japan to solve the problem of poor quality iron ore.

There has to be more communication and cooperation between mines and steel mills in Japan to solve the problem of poor-quality iron ore. Therefore, there has been a call for increased dialogue between the two sectors to guarantee that the iron ore being mined is of sufficient grade for use in steelmaking.

It has also been proposed that cutting-edge technologies be used to enhance quality control procedures for iron ore exports. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to evaluate iron ore quality, spot problems, and determine how to fix them. These precautions will ensure that steel mills have access to high-quality iron ore, which will lower manufac-

turing costs and make the finished products safer for consumers.

Japanese steel mills rely on a steady supply of high-quality iron ore, therefore the mining industry is looking into new methods of supplying it. One strategy involves establishing new mines in places like Africa and South America.

These areas contain abundant high-quality iron ore reserves and may serve as a substitute for Japan’s present iron ore suppliers.

It will take a variety of strategies to solve the issue of poor quality iron ore in Japan. In order to maintain a steady supply of high-quality iron ore, the mining industry needs to collaborate with steel mills to find workable solutions.

The mining industry worldwide will gain from this development, not just Japan’s steel industry. These measures will help the industry increase the purity of iron ore, lower production costs, and guarantee the safety of the finished steel product.

The problem of poor quality iron ore’s reputation in Japan is both technical and reputational. If the mining industry wants to keep its customers’ faith and support, it must be open and honest about its actions.

www.skillings.net 41 March 2023

A Look at the Latest High-Tech Innovations

The mining sector is expanding as a result of technological development. High-tech Innovations are being implemented by mining firms today to improve operations and make the industry safer for workers. In this piece, we’ll investigate how recent technological developments are dramatically altering the mining sector.

Vehicles that can drive themselves

The introduction of autonomous vehicles was a game changer for the mining business. Because these vehicles don’t require a driver, they may go autonomously through mines, reducing the risk of injury to miners. They can run without a driver thanks to their sensors and cameras, cutting down on the potential for accidents and injuries. Research also indicates that productivity rises while using autonomous vehicles because they may operate nonstop.


Due to their adaptability and usefulness in tasks such as surveying,

mapping, and monitoring, drones have quickly become standard equipment in the mining sector. Companies in the mining industry can benefit from employing drones to survey the mine’s terrain and collect precise data for use in planning and optimizing their operations. Inventory and asset inspections are two other areas where drones can be utilized to cut down on expenses and increase efficiency.

Realities, both Virtual and Augmented

Companies in the mining industry are making use of VR and AR technologies to imitate and improve training in difficult environments. Virtual re-

ality allows miners to practice crucial skills like operating machinery and responding to emergencies in a riskfree setting. With the use of augmented reality, mine workers may get up-tothe-minute data about the health of the mine and its machinery, allowing them to make more informed decisions and increase safety.

Enhanced Analyses

Advanced analytics are also being used by the mining industry to improve productivity. Their operations can be better understood and potential problems can be pinpointed by collecting and analyzing data from sensors, equipment, and other sources. Companies

Revolutionizing Mining Industry 42 March 2023 www.skillings.net

in the mining industry can benefit from advanced analytics by cutting costs, increasing production, and decreasing downtime.


Mining firms are increasingly turning to robotic devices to carry out jobs that are too risky or complicated for humans to handle. Some mining corporations, for instance, use robots to check mines underground for potential dangers. Employing robots has helped mining companies cut down on injuries and boost productivity.

New high-tech innovations improve operations

New high-tech innovations are being adopted to improve operations and safety in the mining industry, which is undergoing a technological revolution. It’s no secret that the mining industry is making extensive use of cutting-edge technologies like autonomous vehicles, drones, virtual and augmented reality, advanced analytics, and robotics.

There is little doubt that the mining industry will undergo radical changes as a result of the introduction of new technological innovations.

While the mining industry stands to gain much by embracing new technologies, doing so is not without its share of difficulties. The expense of introducing such innovations is a major barrier to their widespread adoption. The high initial cost of these solutions— in hardware, software, and infrastructure—may be prohibitive for certain mining businesses, especially those with smaller operations.

Finding qualified people to run and repair these cutting-edge equipment is another difficulty. Professionals

with skills in data analysis, AI, and other cutting-edge disciplines are in high demand as the technology sector continues to expand. To guarantee that their workforce has the knowledge and ability to run and maintain these systems, mining companies should invest in training and development programs.

It is undeniable that despite these obstacles, technological advancements are making the mining sector safer, more efficient, and more productive. With the continued adoption of these technologies by mining businesses, the industry as a whole should see major advantages in the form of higher productivity, lower costs, and enhanced miner safety.

To maintain a competitive edge in the ever-changing mining industry, businesses must keep up with the newest technological developments and be willing to invest in them. Companies in the mining industry can use the power of technology to modernize their op-

erations and even disrupt the sector entirely with the correct investment and the right training.

It’s worth noting that High-Tech innovations aren’t simply helping long-standing mining firms improve their efficiency; they’re also making room for brand-new entrants. Previously inaccessible mines can now be explored and developed by smaller enterprises, expanding the market’s supply of valuable commodities.

In addition, technological advancements are assisting the mining industry in minimizing its effect on the natural world.

Drones and other monitoring technology, for instance, allow mining corporations to monitor and lessen the environmental impact of their activities. Using analytics, they can cut down on waste and emissions, maximize efficiency, and lessen their impact on the environment.

www.skillings.net 43 March 2023

Exploring Afghanistan’s Mining Industry

Afghanistan is a country that has long been recognized for the wealth of its natural resources, including the emeralds, lapis lazuli, natural gas, and oil that it possesses. However, in recent years it has come to light that Afghanistan’s Mining Industry possesses massive mineral deposits, the value of which is estimated to be anywhere from $300 trillion to $3 trillion.

In this article, we will present an in-depth guide to Afghanistan’s Mining Industry as well as conduct an in-depth exploration of the mineral resources that Afghanistan possesses.

Afghanistan’s Rich Deposits of Minerals and Metals

Mineral resources in Afghanistan come in an astonishingly wide variety and are found in very large quantities. It is well recognized that the country has significant reserves of several minerals, including copper, iron, gold, rare earth metals, lithium, and more. The lithium deposits found in Afghanistan, in particular, are thought to be among the greatest found anywhere in the world. Additionally, the nation is home to considerable amounts of rare and semi-precious stones, including emeralds, rubies, and sapphires, amongst others.

Afghanistan’s Mining Industry

Afghanistan is home to a significant amount of natural resources; yet, the country’s mining industry has been held back from developing for decades due to the country’s history of conflict and instability. In spite of this, over the past few years, the government of Afghanistan has been making efforts

to advance the industry by extending invitations to international investors to explore and develop the country’s mineral riches.

Additionally, in an effort to entice investment in the country’s mining industry, the Afghan government has passed a new mining law. The law offers advantages for foreign corporations to participate in the mining industry of the country, such as tax holidays and reduced royalties, which makes it more appealing for international businesses to do so.

Afghanistan’s Mining Industry Looking Toward the Future

There is cause for optimism regarding Afghanistan’s prospects for economic expansion given the government’s commitment to fostering the growth of the mining sector. Mining has the potential to both raise the country’s revenue and the number of employment available in Afghanistan, both of which would help the country become less reliant on outside assistance.

In spite of this, there are still obstacles that need to be conquered in the mining business in Afghanistan. The country’s infrastructure is still in its early stages of development, and there

are persistent concerns regarding the country’s safety. In addition, bribery and corruption continue to be problems in the country; for this reason, international businesses operating in the mining industry will need to be adept at navigating intricate political and cultural factors.

Companies in the mining industry who are interested in investing in Afghanistan’s natural resources ought to be aware of the dangers and difficulties that are involved. The history of conflict in the country has resulted in several sections of the country being contaminated with unexploded ordnance, which creates a considerable hazard for mining activities. In addition, the political and military climate in Afghanistan continues to be unstable, with the Taliban poised to retake control of the country in 2021.

There are, on the other hand, chances for mining corporations to make a positive contribution to the nation’s economic development and social improvement. The government of Afghanistan has made it abundantly clear that it is willing to collaborate with international businesses in order to develop the mineral resources of the country.

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Paul Kilgore
Paul Loraas


december 2022 crude steel production

World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 140.7 million tonnes (Mt) in December 2022, a 10.8% decrease compared to December 2021.


Africa produced 1.1 Mt in December 2022, down 8.9% on December 2021. Asia and Oceania produced 104.9 Mt, down 9.2%. The EU (27) produced 9.2 Mt, down 16.7%. Europe, Other produced 3.4 Mt, down 19.2%. The Middle East produced 3.7 Mt, up 0.4%. North America produced 8.8 Mt, down 9.9%. Russia & other CIS + Ukraine produced 6.2 Mt, down 28.4%. South America produced 3.3 Mt, down 3.8%. The 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2021. Regions covered by the table: Africa, Asia and Oceania, European Union (27), Europe, Middle East, North America, Russia & other CIS + Ukraine, South America.


China produced 77.9 Mt in December 2022, down 9.8% on December 2021. India produced 10.6 Mt, up 0.8%. Japan produced 6.9 Mt, down 13.1%. The United States produced 6.5 Mt, down 8.3%. Russia

is estimated to have produced 5.5 Mt, down 11.3%. South Korea produced 5.2 Mt, down 11.6%. Germany produced 2.7 Mt, down 14.6%. Türkiye produced 2.7 Mt, down 20.0%. Brazil produced 2.5 Mt, down 5.2%. Iran produced 2.7 Mt, up 3.3%.

Table 2. Top 10 steel-producing countries

The 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2020. Regions and countries covered by the table: Africa: Egypt, Libya, South Africa. Asia and Oceania: Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan (China), Vietnam. CIS: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. European Union (27). Europe, Other: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom. Middle East: Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. North America: Canada, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, United States. South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

dec 2022 (mt) % change dec 22/21 jan-dec 22 (mt) % change jan-dec 22/21 china 77.9 -9.8 1,013.0 -2.1 india 10.6 0.8 124.7 5.5 japan 6.9 -13.1 89.2 -7.4 united states 6.5 -8.3 80.7 -5.9 russia e 5.5 -11.3 71.5 -7.2 south korea 5.2 -11.6 65.9 -6.5 germany 2.7 -14.6 36.8 -8.4 turkey 2.7 -20.0 35.1 -12.9 brazil 2.5 -5.2 34.0 -5.8 iran 2.7 3.3 30.6 8.0 46 March 2023 www.skillings.net




France115591825.711596-19.8 Germany3137283510.635658-10.0

COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Austria530e5211.76665-10.2
Belgium359505-28.96119-21.1 Bulgaria40e43-6.3485-14.3
Greece110e9417.014305.9 Hungary90164-44.81513-14.5 Italy1500e14046.920200-12.9 Luxembourg1139717.31886-11.0 Netherlands5405213.66054-9.1 Poland680e6425.97890-11.9 Slovenia50e3445.0570-8.5
European Union (28) 11 75710 665 10.2 138 786 -11.8 Bosnia-Herzegovina75706.5759-5.2 Macedonia332435.9180-24.8 Norway41403.26240.5 Serbia119158-24.81456-24.6 Turkey3403289317.7357636.0 Other Europe 3 6713 185 15.3 38 782 3.9 Byelorussia200e225-11.22490-5.0 Kazakhstan355e374-5.03835-7.2 Moldova45e3528.246518.7 Russia6110e6159-0.8734002.6 Ukraine1906156122.120616-1.1 Uzbekistan80e84-4.895042.6 C.I.S. (6) 8 6968 438 3.1 101 756 1.5 Canada1070e1092-2.011078-14.1 Cuba20e22-8.5181-21.4 ElSalvador8e8-5.779-22.5 Guatemala25e26-3.9237-22.6 COUNTRY DEC 2020 DEC 2019 %CHANGE DEC-20/19 2020 % CHANGE Mexico1550e136113.916854-8.3 UnitedStates64347292-11.872690-17.2 North America 9 1079 801 -7.1 101 119 -15.5 Argentina38832619.03651-21.4 Brazil2886246217.230971-4.9 Chile105e109-3.511652.8 Colombia110e9713.51126-15.5 Ecuador50e500.5477-21.5 Paraguay3e3-4.422-17.5 Peru105e9115.8671-45.4 Uruguay5e5-7.247-24.6 Venezuela2e0315.829-43.6 South America 3 6543 143 16.3 38 158 -8.4 Egypt99457473.0822913.4 Libya736316.2495-18.4 SouthAfrica292e297-1.53877-37.0 Africa 1 359 93445.5 12 600 -10.1 Iran2660e222419.62903013.4 Qatar85186-54.31218-52.4 SaudiArabia440664-33.87775-5.1 UnitedArabEmirates280297-5.82722-18.2 Middle East 3 4653 371 2.8 40 745 2.7 China91252846927.710529995.2 India979693834.499570-10.6 Japan75267785-3.383194-16.2 SouthKorea595258801.267121-6.0 Pakistan380e26145.6374313.3 Taiwan,China1700e16930.420570-6.3 Thailand410e35714.844204.1 Vietnam1600e18761950011.6 Asia 118 616 111927 6.0 1 351 117 1.6 Australia4734495.454900.0 NewZealand59573.8586-12.2 Oceania 5335065.2 6 076 -1.4 Total 64 countries (1) 160 858 1519695.8 1 829 140 -0.9 (1) -
e - estimated
Spain89176516.410934-19.5 Sweden4103768.94409-6.6 UnitedKingdom710e55029.07185-0.5 OtherE.U.(28)(e)680e6426.08180-12.1
HADEED only. (2) - the 64 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world crude steel production in 2019.
www.skillings.net 47 March2023
CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION DECEMBER 2020. Source – World Steel Association

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