9 December 2015 USMA Specification Muffler, Black, Cadet MUFFLER, BLACK , 100% WORSTED WOOL, TRI-FOLD 100% Worsted Wool Black, Diagonal Weave Lightly Fulled Finish 12 inches x 50 inches long (exclusive of fringe) when tri-folded, final width of 4 inches Pressed seam to be stitched at least ¼ inch, (.25 inch) from edge to prevent raveling using three thread overedge, (10 stitches per inch) Ends to be left open and have approx. 1-¼ inch, (1.25 inch) length fringe weight approx. 2-1/2 lb/dozen. BARCODE SOW BAR CODE LABELS CHARACTERISTICS Three (3) of nine (9) format (code 39). The 3 of 9 format Bar Code on each label should be no less than one half inch (0.5”) tall and may be taller. 1. Shall be affixed to each individual package so that it can be read without opening the package, 2. Shall remain intact while warehoused, 3. Size of label dimensions and font used for printing should be large enough to be read, but not massive. Estimated size: two and a half inches (2.5”) by three and a half inches (3.5”). Suggested font size providing capitalized letters or numbers no less than one-eighth inches (1/8”) tall as typically found using Arial 12 Bold or Times
New Roman 14 Bold. 4. Same label applied in an obvious and consistent location on cartons containing multiple individual packages. 5. Each Bar Code should contain the following: BARCODE (with start and stop characters of *) STOCK NUMBER DESCRIPTION SIZE (if applicable) 6. A sample label for format is attached 7. Must submit sample of your label for evaluation of acceptability.
Justification to deviate from a Standard Army uniform item with an NSN
The requirement for this scarf is primarily for wear with the Cadet Black Parka. It is used as a dress item and not for field or tactical use. The Army black scarf is a knit scarf. It gives an informal and field wear appearance when worn with the Black Parka which is made from a similar fabric/material. The scarf procured from this specification also compliments the authorized Cadet Casual wear items as well so can be used as dual purpose.
2. The Army system does not have a scarf with this type of material. 3. This material offers a softer less abrasive wear than the knit material of the Army Scarf 4. The USCC Cadet uniform regulation and policies mandate this style of scarf and IAW with the USMA regulation the Academy Superintendent has the authority to prescribe the uniforms worn by the Corps of Cadets.