N-SSA Skirmish Line featuring the 150th national skirmish.
The N-SSA promotes the competitive shooting of Civil War firearms and artillery while encouraging the preservation of battlefields, artifacts, clothing and education of the period.
The Skirmish LineTM is the quarterly publication of The North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. Non-member annual subscriptions are available for $24 per year (U.S. Funds)
The N-SSA Corporate Seal and the magazine title, The Skirmish LineTM, are registered trademarks of the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. Reproduction in any form or manner without the expressed written consent of the N-SSA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited. All pages are copyrighted by the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. and The Skirmish LineTM magazine. Text and images in this publication are the property of the original owners (Authors). Text and images may not be published separately, in hard copy or electronically, without the expressed written permission of their owner(s). The authors and advertisers are responsible to secure the proper permissions and right to publish articles, photos, and illustrations not created by them. The North-South Skirmish Association, Inc., The Skirmish LineTM, and its staff are not responsible for copyright infringement. Please contact the Editor for questions relating to any matter, including but not limited to permission to copy materials herein.
Disclaimer: The North-South Skirmish Association does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication. The publisher also does not guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any product or service illustrated, mentioned, offered, or advertised herein. The publisher does not assume responsibility as to whether or not products or services advertised in this publication comply with all state or local laws which may be applicable in regard to the purchase or usage of such products or services.
Warning: The author(s), The Skirmish LineTM and its staff, and the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. cannot accept any responsibility for accidents or differing results obtained using techniques, products, and combinations thereof that will make results vary. Firearms should be checked before firing and periodically thereafter by a competent gunsmith and all manufacturer’s instructions and warnings must be followed.
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please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at n-ssaeditor@gmail.com.
Nmlra Member Benefits
Muzzle Blasts
Members of the NMLRA receive Muzzle Blasts, our monthly membership publication devoted to all aspects of the muzzleloading sport.
Scholarship Program
The NMLRA sponsors a scholarship program for its members and their dependents.
National Competitions
With your NMLRA membership card, you have the opportunity to attend two national championship matches in centrally located Friendship, Indiana.
Muzzleloading Education
Members of the NMLRA can take advantage of the Association’s Muzzleloading Education Program
Charter Clubs
The NMLRA has over three hundred muzzleloading charter clubs across the country, each with its own schedule of events and range times.
National Range
The Walter Cline National Range in Friendship, Indiana, is open to NMLRA members who wish to shoot–whether it be for a day or a weekend camping facilities are available at the range.
Territorial Competitions
NMLRA-sponsored territorial matches are held throughout the United States, and your NMLRA membership card allows you to participate in these events.
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Send in any photos or articles that you feel may be of interest to other N-SSA members. When sending photos, please include captions and the names of those pictured. Don’t forget to credit yourself as the writer. Submit all articles in text format (ex. Word, not a pdf). All photos must be at least 300 dpi (credit the photographer). Submit via e-mail to nssaeditor@gmail.com.
You will receive a return email confirming receipt. Winter 2025 Publication Submission Deadline February 1st.
the FiriNg LiNe
I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your unwavering dedication and support of our organization. The North-South Skirmish Association thrives because of your passion, camaraderie, and the sense of community you bring to every event, gathering, and publication.
As the editor, I’m constantly inspired by the wealth of knowledge, stories, and experiences that make up our membership. It’s through your contributions that we’re able to keep the spirit of the N-SSA alive in these pages. Whether you’re sharing insights on the preservation of our rich history, reflecting on memorable moments, or offering practical tips for fellow skirmishers, your voices are the foundation of our shared mission.
I’d like to take a moment to give a special shoutout to Davide Pedersoli for their generous support of the NRA Young Skirmisher Award. Their gift certificate of $1,500 to this year’s winner exemplifies the spirit of encouragement and investment in the future of our community. Contributions like this not only honor individual achievement but also help inspire the next generation of skirmishers.
With that in mind, I’d like to extend an open invitation to all members to consider writing articles or submitting information for future editions. Whether it’s a historical piece, team updates, event highlights, or even a personal anecdote, every contribution adds depth and richness to our publication. Don’t hesitate to share your perspective—it’s your voices that make this publication truly unique.
Thank you for everything you do to support the N-SSA and to keep our community vibrant and engaged. Together, we’re preserving history, fostering fellowship, and ensuring the continued success of our organization for generations to come. Until next time keep your powder dry and your shot’s X’s Eddie Davenport
Editor-in-Chief, The Skirmish Line Hannover Greys (11366V)
Welcome to all New Recruits
December 1, 2022 – March 27, 2023
North-South Skirmish Association National Commanders
*John Gilmer 1956-1958
*James Waters 1959-1962
*Albert Hardin 1963-1964
*Carl Jensen 1965-1970
Richard Corrigan 1971-1974
*Frank Schoch 1975-1976
*John Sharrett 1977-1982
*James McAleer 1983-1984
John Robey 1985-1988
*Royal Inge 1989-1992
Earl Coates 1993-1996
Gary Crawford 1997-2000
Earl Coates 2001-2004
*Charles Smithgall 2005-2008
Linwood McMahon 2009-2012
Phillip Spaugy 2013-2016
David Booz 2017-2020
Charles Kindle, Jr. 2021 -2024
National Commander
Dear N-SSA Members,
As my tenure as National Commander comes to an end, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared. Serving as your Commander has been one of the greatest honors of my life. Together, we’ve celebrated our shared passion for history, camaraderie, and marksmanship, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to lead this remarkable organization.
This year’s 150th National Skirmish was a particularly special milestone. To stand shoulder to shoulder with so many dedicated members during such a historic event was nothing short of inspiring. The success of the Skirmish—and indeed every N-SSA event—was made possible by the tireless efforts of our volunteers, unit leaders, and competitors. Your dedication to preserving our heritage and ensuring these events run smoothly exemplifies the best of what our Association represents. Thank you for your commitment, hard work, and spirit of unity.
As I pass the torch, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Dave Cole on stepping into the role of National Commander. I am confident that under his leadership, the N-SSA will continue to thrive and achieve even greater success. Dave brings a wealth of experience, dedication, and vision to this position, and I know he will guide us with skill and integrity.
As I look to the future, I am optimistic about what lies ahead for our Association. I encourage each of you to remain engaged, to recruit new members to carry on our traditions, and to continue striving for excellence on and off the field.
It has been my privilege to serve as your Commander, and I look forward to watching this extraordinary organization grow and succeed in the years to come.
Stay safe, and be well,
Deputy National Commander
Greetings Skirmishers
I would first like to thank Chuck Kindle for his leadership the past four years. Thanks Chuck!
The 150th Nationals were a great success, with thanks to the Host Teams, the Costume Committee and the 150th Civilian Task Force. The Skirmish was very well run and the 150th Task Force’s History Fair was very well received. Thanks to all of you!
I am looking forward to helping and serving the Association. Thank you all for your confidence in me.
See you soon on the firing line. Keep your powder dry and keep casting those bullets for the upcoming season!
Dave Cole Deputy National Commander
North-South Skirmish Association Contact List
National Officers
National Commander Charles L. Kindle, Jr. 419-346-6768 clk111@Roadrunner.Com
National Deputy Commander David Cole 703-362-7836 cole84_89@verizon.net
National Adjutant
Inspector General
Richard H. Clements 703-815-3861 nssa_national_adjutant@aol.com
Michael J. Santarelli 215-576-5358 1stpacavalry@gmail.com
National Paymaster Bette Ann Shepherd 443-375-2115 paymaster@n-ssa.net
Executive Secretary Sharon A. Myers 724-255-5830 execsecretary@n-ssa.net
Region Commanders & Inspectors
Allegheny Commander Douglas K. Walter 717-357-1134 dwalter47@comcast.net
Craig C. Shedd 570-423-1752 ccsmew@yahoo.com
Carolina Commamder Rex Cockerham 704-576-1652 racockerham@hotmail.com
Dave Jackson 828-712-1437 gaffergrip65@yahoo.com
Central VA Commander Ralph P. Shaw 804-400-9008 ltnup@embarqmail.com
Phillip E. Crabill 540-323-3970 pdcrabil@shentel.net
Above: Crew DeMille - 1st Place Junior BB Gun Individuals, Jeff Davis Legion
- 1st place A-2
Breech-loader/Carbine II
- 1st Place B Breech-loader/Carbine II
- 1st Place A-3
Breech-loader/Carbine II
- 1st Place Single-Shot Breech-loader
Nansemond Guards, Co A - with the Men of the West Trophy for 1st Place A-1 Smoothbore Team
Durell’s Independent Battery, Co A - 1st Place, Class A-3 Smoothbore Team
Knap’s Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Co A - 1st Place, Class A-2 Smoothbore Team
Nansemond Guards, Co C - 1st Place, Class C Smoothbore Team
1st Maryland Cavalry, CSA, Co A - 1st Place Spencer Team
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co A - 1st Place Single-Shot Breechloader Team
Nansemond Guards, Co A - 1st Place, Class A Single-Shot Pistol Team
Nansemond Guards, Co C - 1st Place, Class C Single-Shot Pistol Team
Nansemond Guards, Co B - 1st Place, Class B Single-Shot Pistol Team
- 1st Place A-2 Smoothbore
- 1st Place B Smoothbore
- 1st Place A-3 Smoothbore
- 1st Place C Smoothbore
- 1st Place A-1 Smoothbore Team, with the Men of the West Trophy.
1st Virginia Cavalry No 2 - with the Larry Beyer Memorial Trophy for highest aggregate artillery crew between the spring and the fall nationals.
1st Maryland Cavalry No 2 (Tim) - with the Ben T Cooke, Sr. Memorial Trophy for highest scoring Smoothbore Crew
Night Artillery Firing at the 150th Fall National!
1st Virginia Cavalry No 2 - with the Russell L Yeagy Memorial Trophy for highest scoring Rifled Crew
1st Maryland Cavalry, CSA - 1st Place, Class C (Howitzer) Artillery
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co A - with the William Francis Keys Trophy for 1st Place A-1 Musket Team and the Jack Rawls Memorial Trophy for 1st Place Musket-Carbine Aggregate
9th Virginia Cavalry, Co B - with the Franklin O Hayes Memorial Trophy for 1st Place B-1 Musket Team
120th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co A - with the Army of the Tennessee Memorial Trophy for 1st Place A-3 Musket Team
The Night Artillery target line is ready!
Michael J Rouch, 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - with the Ben Betterley Memorial Trophy for highest 50-yard Musket
Edward W. Schneeman, 8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry - with the Albert N Hardin Jr Memorial Trophy for highest Musket/Carbine Aggregate
Adam J. Bumford, 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - with the Larry Brockmiller Memorial Trophy for highest 7-gun Aggregate.
Nathaniel Lakatos, 2nd US Regular Infantry - 1st Place Young Skirmisher Award
Joel C. Rogers, Iredell Blues - with the Patrick E Felker Memorial Trophy for highest Musket Aggregate and the Walter T Felter Memorial Trophy for 2nd Place Grand Aggregate
Gary Bowling, Nansemond Guards - 1st Place Senior Skirmisher Award
John K. Snyder, 111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - with the Bruce C Warburton Memorial Trophy for highest Carbine Aggregate
Gary S Bowling, Nansemond Guards - with the Tom Blum Memorial Trophy for highest Revolver Aggregate; the Ernest W Peterkin N-SSA Grand Aggregate Trophy for 1st Place Grand Aggregate; and the Wade O Huffman Memorial Trophy for highest 5-gun Aggregate
Steven Levitsky, 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - with the Brian Haack Memorial Trophy for highest Smoothbore Aggregate
Terry Snider, 5th Virginia - 50 Year Membership Award
Paul Davies, Washington Blue Rifles - 50 Year Membership Award
Martin King, 5th Connecticut - 50 Year Membership Award
Rex Cockerham, 27th North Carolina Troops - 50 Year Membership Award
Fred Nelson III, 48th Virginia - 50 Year Membership Award
Kenneth Stiles, 9th Virginia Cavalry - 50 Year Membership Award
Paul Neese, 1st Rockbridge Artillery - 50 Year Membership Award
Lowell Shipe, 34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry - 50 Year Membership Award
Lanier Harrison, 44th Georgia - 50 Year Membership Award
Kasey Jo Bowser, 1st Place Ladies Semi-Formal Intermediate. Kasey’s dress is a sheer cotton with a small windowpane checked design. The dress has a boat neck, puff pagoda sleeves, and a cape of the same fabric. Accessories are a grosgrain ribbon belt, brooch and lace cap.
Amelia K. Magno, 1st Place Girls Informal and Potomac Region/John Elton Award. Amelia won in her cotton dress is a fabric made with a roller print, it has a boat neckline, puff sleeves, a yoked bodice, a gauged gathered skirt and a black silk apron. Required for regular competition, Amelia has the appropriate undergarments: chemise, drawers, cage and petticoat. She is going to study with her friend and carries her schoolbooks along.
Marylou Wells, Susan Brisbine/Special Project Award. Marylou’s inspiration for the patriotic quilt is from a pattern published in Peterson’s Ladies magazine, July 1861. The star field in the center numbers the states in the Union from 1861 to 1863. Further documentation is from an original quilt made by a Mary Rockhold Teter in 1861 and resides in the National Museum of American History.
Wesley Bowser, 1st Place Toddlers. Wesley is “breeched”, which means he is no longer wears infant or toddler dresses, but rather black silk trousers and jacket, a white blouse that opens in the back buttoned to his pants, and high-top leather boots.
Henry T. Magno, 1st Place Boys Best Visual. Henry is a well-dressed young boy wearing a wool vest and trousers with a buttoned fly, a checked blouse with a narrow band collar, and calico buttons. A little room for growth was left for longer wear. He wore black cloth boots.
Elizabeth Kobler - 1st Place Young Ladies Best Visual. Elizabeth took her first step into costume competition. Her dress is appropriate for a teen attending a formal dance. She chose a green plaid taffeta skirt, a green velvet bodice with a square neckline, pearl jewelry and a correct hairstyle for an 1860’s young lady.
Bowser, 1st Place Girls Semi-Formal. Scarlet is wearing a “walking dress” for a young girl. A pink cotton dress with a geometric pattern, velvet ribbon trim and a gauged skirt connected to a waistband, a bodice with cap sleeves and hook and eye closure. Required in regular competition, Scarlet has all of the appropriate underpinnings: chemise, drawers, cage and petticoat. Accessories are a white straw bonnet, white stockings and black leather slippers.
Bowen- 1st Place Infants Best Visual. Jonah, our youngest (3 mos. old) is sporting a Confederate uniform, a tiny model of his father. As a well-dressed soldier he wears cotton gray pants with yellow stripes, gingham blouse and gray kepi.
Kuhn, 1st Place Ladies
Regular & Elmer Venskoske Award. Anna is a first time competitor, she made an excellent showing wearing a two-piece combination of gold silk skirt and bolero jacket, trimmed with an embroidered ribbon and fringe at the armscye. She wore a complete set of correct undergarments. Her accessories are red leather side-laced boots, shell hair comb, a tortoise shell brooch with matching earrings, and a straw bonnet.
Weaver- 1st Place Girls Best Visual. Elizabeth Weaver, also a first-time competitor, wore a blue cotton dress with floral print and bonnet to match. A white apron covered Elizabeth’s dress to protect from soiling it at play or school.
(Tee) McGuire, 2nd Place Ladies
Regular and 2024 Delaney Award. Tee’s beautiful dress is a striped sheer cotton with a unique cross-over bodice, and a lace chemisette for modesty. The dress skirt is finished at the bottom with hem facing and braided hem protector. She wore a complete set of correct undergarments. Her accessories are a shawl, hair earrings, gloves, belt and a brown silk bonnet.
A big shout-out to all the folks who helped in putting on the 150th National History Fair. The displays were incredible, and it was great to see so many folks dressed up!
Nansemond Guards, Co A - with the 1st Place Class A-1 Revolver Team Trophy
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co B - 1st Place, Class B Revolver Team
General W.T. Sherman’s Bodyguard, Co A - 1st Place, Class A-3 Revolver Team
9th Virginia Cavalry, CSA, Co C - 1st Place, Class C Revolver Team
Rick Simmons, 14th Tennessee Infantry - Hand painted two backdrops for the History Fair Tent. Awesome job Rick!
The Robert L. Miller Award as Part of the N-SSA
Robert L. Miller (1911 – 1972) can legitimately be called one of the “Founding Fathers” of the N-SSA. Bob was a World War II veteran and worked most of his adult life as a designer at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, working primarily as a designer of postage and revenue stamps. Bob was one of the original eight members of Ernest W. Peterkin’s “Washington Blue Rifles” and participated as an N-SSA skirmisher for the rest of his life. More than this, Bob was a lifelong student and collector of Civil War uniforms and equipment remembered for his willingness to share both his collection and knowledge to further the study of American military history. He made invaluable contributions to many books and periodicals in the form of research and illustrations, not the least of which were the “Skirmish Line” and “Journal of the Company of Military historians”, where his drawings can be found in numerous issues.
Following Bob’s passing in 1972, the Robert L. Miller Memorial Award fund was established. This fund provides awards to individuals who make significant contributions to advancing the study of American military history. Besides the award made within the N-SSA, two other Robert L. Miller awards are made by the Company of Military Historians, and the Potomac Arms Collectors Association.
Within the N-SSA Skirmish Rules (Sec. 34.1) “The Robert L Miller Award was created to encourage historical research, production and the wearing of authentic Civil War clothing at N-SSA shooting events for public education of both participants and the general public”. The Miller Award competition is held during the Spring Nationals at 4 p.m. on Saturday at Memorial Park. The award may be won by any N-SSA member in good standing but may be won only one time by any individual. The award consists of a 2 ½” bronze medal bearing Bob’s likeness. Competitors for the award are to wear the same basic uniform conforming to their unit’s bylaws. The point system used to judge and award the Miller Award can be found in Table 34.1 of the N-SSA Skirmish Rules. The first competition of the Robert L. Miller Memorial Award was conducted in May 1974. Though not awarded every year, the Miller Award medal has been awarded 32 times since that date. The authenticity related competition has been expanded since 1974 to include the “Jack Rawls and Ernest Peterkin Awards” (N-SSA Skirmish Rules Sec. 34.2). This competition was created as an adjunct to also enhance public education of both participants and the general public. In this aspect of competition those individuals who, while not the highest scoring competitor (i.e., not the winner of the Robert L. Miller Award) have scored 100 points or more. The Jack Rawls award is presented to competitors representing Confederate units and the Ernest Peterkin award to competitors representing Union units. These competitive recognition awards are made, as appropriate, as part of the regular Spring National Miller Award competition. Finally, and again as part of the core mission of enhancing the education of both members and the general public, Skirmish Rules section 34.3 allows for a “Most Authentic Unit Award”. This competition is held at the Fall Nationals at Memorial Park at 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and competing units must appear with a minimum number of five of their unit members. Units appearing for this competition must appear in the uniform prescribed in their unit bylaws. Competing units, Union or Confederate, must receive at least 100 out of a possible 125 points, with the highest score above 100 points winning the competition. Each unit is allowed a spokesman to present the unit’s history and impression description to the judges of the competition. All judging for the competitions described above is performed by the N-SSA’s Uniform Committee, presided over by the Uniform Committee Chairman. Most or all the committee members are themselves previous winners of the Robert L. Miller Memorial Award. Besides acting as judges for these competitions, the Uniform Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the N-SSA both to the organization at large as well as to individual units. New, prospective, or probationary units can expect to be inspected for compliance with the section on “Uniforms” described in the Skirmish Rules when they appear for their Probationary Skirmish at an N-SSA National Skirmish. Existing units are also heartily encouraged to consult with the Uniform Committee when they contemplate changes to their uniform related unit bylaws. Finally, the Uniform Committee is heartily glad to offer informal consultation and advice to any N-SSA unit or individual member in the matter of uniformed appearance to achieve the N-SSA’s stated intention of “...presenting authentic appearance of the Civil War period...”. This article is intended to provide a description of the Robert L. Miller Award and related competitions, as well as to describe the role of the Uniform Committee. Additional and specific detail can be found in “Section 23: Uniform” and “Section 34: Uniform Competition” of “The Skirmish Rules of the North – South Skirmish Association Inc.”. A special note of acknowledgment and thanks goes out to Earl “Jerry” Coates, and Fred Gaede for their contributions.
Pictured here is the winner of the Robert L. Miller award 32nd Va, Wythe Rifles.
A Lubrication Conundrum
By Jim Van Eldik, Iredell Blues
A couple of years ago, I set out to equip my son-in-law for N-SSA skirmishing. He had shown keen interest for quite some time and had even attended a national event at Fort Shenandoah. The impetus for getting things moving came after I drove my Chevy pickup into the sidewall of the Hobby Lobby in Rome (Georgia, that is). Soon after my return home, the state authorities in Georgia announced they would prefer I no longer occupy the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle. Motivation became acute to activate my son-in-law as both a skirmisher and a transporter to skirmish events.
My son-in-law was “all in” for the idea, especially since I offered to equip him and cover all expenses—if he did the driving. Which brings us to the first step in any skirmisher’s journey: acquiring a musket. Over the years, I’d had great success with my Euroarms three-band Enfield. In fact, it helped lift both North Carolina’s Iredell Blues and Tennessee’s Forest Escort out of the doldrums of Class A-2 into the netherworld of Class A-1. So, to equip my son-in-law, I found an almost-new two-band Euroarms Enfield on the Forum. It promised to make setting up the new gun a “piece of cake,” so to speak. The Euroarms two-bander seemed to be the dwarf twin of my trusty three-bander.
But it was not to be. Upon testing it on the range using my standard musket rounds, the new Enfield sprayed the Minies all over the place. A few rounds even punched through the paper sideways. What could be the problem?
Naturally, I carried the new musket off to my workshop for an extensive study of its innards. After in-depth analysis, the problem became clear: the rifling was outrageously shallow. It was so faint you had to squint to see it at all. I’d liken the rifling depth to the thickness of Saran Wrap you find covering those pink cupcakes at Kroger. My dilemma: how do you get the Minie ball skirts to grab hold of such a tenuous purchase?
There are a number of pathways N-SSA members take to remedy such a situation. A common first response from many of our more affluent competitors is to run to a custom barrel maker for a new barrel or, if that’s not feasible, to Bobby Hoyt for a reline. Being of conservative Dutch Reformed stock, I was not inclined to do either. I had purchased an almost-new gun, and as the saying goes, I expected it to “dance with the pixies.”
The first solution I tested was increasing the powder charge, steadily raising it to 55 grains—the maximum my cartridge cases could hold. At the same time, I tried several different Minie balls: my usual Lyman traditional, the extra-long traditional Minie from Lee, and that shortened Lyman Minie that looks like a squashed witch’s hat. Eventually, my son-in-law was saddled with a hot round of nearly 60 grains of FFFg behind the Lyman traditional Minie. The resulting group wasn’t exactly tight, but at least all the rounds passed through the target nose-first.
Then, after about a year or two, inspiration struck. I can’t recall exactly what triggered it, but in a fit of nostalgia, my mind floated back to the serene days of my youth in Minnesota. This was back in the ’70s—before the good citizens burned down Minneapolis and adopted the Somali flag as their new state emblem. Back then, I was a fairly new black powder shooter and had acquired what I believe was the second of my many muzzleloaders. It was a Navy Arms version of the flintlock rifle Lewis and Clark carried on their trek to Oregon. Navy Arms had opted for a non-authentic .58 caliber musket barrel rather than the original .54 caliber.
Naturally, it wasn’t long before I tried a Minie ball in the gun. At the time, I didn’t know the N-SSA from a bundle of shingles, so instead of the usual N-SSA practice of coating the Minies with a thin layer of Len’s Lube or similar, I filled the base of each round with a gob of non-rancid Crisco shortening. To my surprise, the gun fired the Minies like a prince. However, as a dedicated round-ball shooter, I stuck with patched round balls of .562 caliber for decades.
Fast-forward fifty years: I found myself back at the range, this time with a variety of rounds, all stuffed with a gob of Crisco in the base. I started with the squashed witch’s hat Lyman Minies and a light charge of FFFg, and I was pleased with the outcome. Then I thought, “How will my old standard round—the traditional Lyman Minie with 35 grains of FFFg—perform?” To my amazement, I achieved a very tight group inside two inches.
Today, my son-in-law soars with the eagles on the musket range using this combination. As an aside, I was mostly convinced we were the only skirmishers in the N-SSA employing the Crisco solution—until the 149th. There, to my astonishment, a competitor shooting directly in front of me (using my bayonet as his ramrod perch, no less) loaded each round with a visible gob of Crisco. Target-wise, he was breaking everything in sight.
Before closing, I owe you an explanation. My theory (and it’s just a theory) is that the Crisco gob blasted from behind the bullet provides greater expansion power for the Minie ball than compressed air alone, resulting in better grip. Additionally, the extra lubricant from the Crisco creates a continuous seal that’s reinforced by the blast, increasing compression. Alternate theories are welcome.
Society of Color Bearers and Advance Guard
Proud D onors to the N -SSA
By Wayne Jordan, Charitable Giving Committee
As we approach the end of another year, many people turn their attention to supporting their favorite charities and nonprofits. If you are in a position to share with worthy causes , I hope that you’ll include the N-SSA on your donation list.
Although the N-SSA is mostly run by volunteers there is still a multitude of expenses that must be covered. Equipment, inventories of target material, general upkeep of facilities, and utilities are some of the many expenses. Capital improvements to make Ft Shenandoah and other ranges a comfortable place for members, families and friends to spend time are always limited by scarce funds. In recent years donations from our members have made a significant difference.
Will You Make a Donation to the N-SSA this Year?
You can fill out the form below and send it in along with a check to the address below. Or you can donate digitally through the N -SSA.org webpage by scanning the QR code below. Please be sure to provide your name and address when donating, and any special instructions regarding how you would like your money used. Usually, our donor s designate the General Fund. If you’d like a preaddressed envelope to send in your check, please watch your mail for our fundraising mailings (one was sent in September, the other in November)
A very good way to avoid paying taxes is to donate appreciated assets (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, etc.). No taxes will be due on the appreciation , plus you can deduct the total value of the donation on your tax return. The stock market has been hitting all time highs this year. You may be holding investments that will generate large tax liabilities which can be avoided by donating them directly.
You can also make a donation in memory of a person who was once connected to the N -SSA.
If you haven’t taken your RMD from an IRA account yet this year, please consider directing some of those funds to the N -SSA. If you are over 70 ½ you can donate directly from your IRA to charities. The tax savings from doing this can be enormous.
If you work at, or are retired from, a company that matches employee charitable donations, check with the benefits office to see if they’ll match your donations to the N -SSA. Some companies will even make grants to organizations that the ir employees recommend, and a few of our members have taken advantage of those programs.
Some of our members prefer to make donations in small, but frequent, increments. They set up a regular periodic transfer of funds from their bank or brokerage account to the N -SSA account.
The generosity of our members is a reflection of the value that so many of us put on the camaraderie, competition, and historical heritage that the N -SSA supports and preserves.
Thank you all for your support. I can be contacted to discuss donation ideas or strategies at wvjordan@aol.com or 703-407-2445.
We now have another way to make donations. The QR code can be scanned with your cellphone and it will take you to the official N -SSA website Donations page where you can quickly and easily make a donation by credit card or Paypal. After it takes you to the page, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the donate button. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, and email.
Or send in a check using the form below. Maybe you still have a return envelope from a recent mailing.
Would you like to mail in a donation now? Just print and send this form with your donation to : N-SSA , c/o Wayne Jordan, 8606 Eagle Glen Terrace, Fairfax Station, Va 22039
Name _______________________________
Amount of donation__________
Address _______________________________ City ____________ State ______ Zip_______
General Fund or Specific Purpose? _________________________________________________
All Checks should be made out to the N -SSA. All donors will receive a letter of receipt by mail. The N -SSA is a 501 c 3 organization and donations are eligible for tax deductions.
150th Nationals Individual Results
PIERCE, G 09700 90-01X
SMITH, L 05678 89-00X
ROBEY, T 05369 89-00X
SHAW, E 05725 88-01X
WARNER, L 12926 86-01X
TROST, R 04894 86-00X
ELSWICK JR, E 10509 86-00X
HEUER, D 02160 85-02X
SHEETZ, M 11983 85-01X
WOOD, R 01682 84-01X
WARD, J 14404 83-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 83-00X
LICHLITER, J 08885 83-00X
FLEES, L 08904 83-00X
BODNER, M 09996 83-00X
DAVIDSON, J 10816 83-00X
KEPPLER, A 03390 82-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 82-00X
MILES, E 00233 81-01X
MORTON, M 08905 81-00X
FAUCHER, J 12648 81-00X
DEAK, R 12879 81-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 81-00X
BALLA, S 06593 80-01X
HAYES, P 00037 80-00X
LAUER, M 02115 80-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 80-00X
MATTHEWS, W 03991 80-00X
KERR, T 14362
THOMAS, J 14315 83-00X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 82-00X
DAVENPORT, E 05494 82-00X
PATTON, M 05594 82-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 82-00X
COX, J 09666
SNYDER, K 06350
T 11171
GIBSON, D 06738 80-00X
CHAPMAN, A 12511 80-00X
SHAW, M 10358 79-02X
CRABILL, P 09531 79-01X
CHAPMAN, B 00148 79-00X
BLY, J 05109 79-00X
JOHNSON, D 07201 79-00X
TURNER, K 09092 79-00X
SITZMAN, K 09777 79-00X
TOBERGTA, K 11553 79-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 78-00X
DUTY, W 06546 78-00X
WARABAK, T 03490 92-00X
HENSHALL, J 11536 89-01X
BAUM, J 01876 88-02X
MINICUCCI, R 14368 88-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 87-00X
JONES, T 09770 87-00X
DIXON, D 02881 86-00X
SMITH, D 05699 86-00X
ANDREASON, K 13674 86-00X
JANKOWSKI, E 11943 85-01X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 85-00X
SANDERS, J 09309 85-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 84-01X
JORDAN, W 09447 84-01X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 84-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 84-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 84-00X
MINNEMAN, A 11127 84-00X
BITTLE, J 13860 82-02X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 82-01X
HANNULA, R 08450 82-00X
GIPE, E 08865 82-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 82-00X
WILLIAMS, R 14218 82-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 81-01X
PERSON JR, J 05166 81-00X
SCHULER, B 08540 81-00X
NOYALAS, J 08626 81-00X
COUMES, J 10696 81-00X
WHITE, C 12440 80-01X
SNYDER, J 06528 79-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 79-00X
MARVIN I, D 11609 79-00X
WALLACE, R 13399 79-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 79-00X
CHAPMAN, J 00145 78-01X
COMER, D 05318 78-01X
FJELD, D 10329 78-01X
PAYNE, J 12601 78-01X
WALTERS, E 05782 78-00X
SOARS, B 14432 85-00X
DAVIS, Z 13963 84-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 83-01X
SNYDER, T 13534 83-00X
WILL, A 13276 83-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 82-01X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 81-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 81-00X
JEZIOR, S 11949 81-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 80-01X
CONEY, K 09382 80-00X
BEALE, C 11547 80-00X
DOMINESSY, T 14483 80-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 79-02X
WARABAK, J 13497 79-01X
NEAL, R 14503 79-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 78-01X
MCLEOD, H 07373 78-00X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 78-00X
SEYMOUR, T 12510 78-00X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 78-00X
KINDLE, K 14284 78-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 77-01X
THOMPSON, S 14208 77-00X
KING, M 02894 76-00X
HORNE, N 12321 76-00X
BAUM, T 12421 76-00X
HEIZER, W 13115 76-00X
WISSINGER JR, G 13489 75-01X
PRELIASCO, A 09859 74-01X
PATTON, C 13118 74-01X
MCDANIEL, T 13785 74-01X
PETERSON, M 04898 74-00X
MERTZ JR, D 14291 74-00X
WITHAM, T 02655 73-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 72-00X
GONDER, M 14197 72-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 71-00X
NEWMAN, T 03934 71-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
PIERCE, G 09700 90-00X
REA, T 07403 89-01X
LAUER, M 02115 89-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 88-01X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 85-01X
KEPPLER, A 03390 85-01X
ROBEY, T 05369 85-00X
WOOD, R 01682 85-00X
SMITH, L 05678 85-00X
TROST, R 04894 85-00X
OLINGER, J 05564 84-01X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 84-00X
FAUCHER, J 12648 84-00X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 83-01X
TAYLOR, N 12661 83-01X
MATTHEWS, W 03991 82-01X
DAVIES, P 01143 82-00X
SHAW, M 10358 82-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 82-00X
FLEES, L 08904 81-01X
BALLA, S 06593 81-00X
MORTON, M 08905 81-00X
SHEETZ, M 11983 81-00X
CRUMP, J 00058 80-00X
VOLTAGGIO, C 02173 80-00X
BEST, W 02603 79-00X
LUNDIN, J 06700 79-00X
BODNER, M 09996 79-00X
C 06077
SCHELL, G 04466
J 09863 79-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 78-01X
REA, W 09506 78-00X
WARNER, L 12926 79-00X
MILES, E 00233 78-00X
SHAW, E 05725 78-00X
SCHMIGEL, K 06024 78-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 77-01X
HEUER, D 02160 77-00X
SITZMAN, K 09777 77-00X
CHAPMAN, A 12511 77-00X
DAVIDSON, J 10816 75-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 75-00X
LAKATOS, B 14229 75-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 74-01X
DIXON, D 02881 90-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 88-01X
BITTLE, J 13860 88-00X
PETERSON, J 12705 87-01X
BAUM, J 01876 87-01X
CONRAD, D 08873 85-00X
WINSTON III, L 13436 84-00X
GIPE, E 08865 84-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 83-02X
CHAPMAN, J 00145 83-01X
BARBER, J 05821 83-00X
HALE, B 07100 82-01X
KINNEL, E 08768 82-01X
WARABAK, T 03490 82-00X
NELSON, S 05858 82-00X
SNYDER, J 06528 82-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 82-00X
HILL, C 14189 82-00X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 81-00X
HUGHES, C 09627 81-00X
FISHER, W 12634 81-00X
WHITE, P 13686 80-01X
WELTHER, M 08571 80-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 79-01X
MINICUCCI, R 14368 79-01X
EPLER, R 10889 79-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 78-01X
ROBERTSON, A 01095 78-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 78-00X
SCHULER, B 08540 78-00X
MILLER, M 13428 78-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 78-00X
SMITH, D 05699 77-01X
BALDWIN, D 10654 77-01X
JONES, T 09770 77-00X
LINK, D 13494 77-00X
PERSON JR, J 05166 76-00X
BETHKE, K 10542 76-00X
AUSMUS, S 13258 76-00X
MATUSZEK, J 04947 75-01X
FIEBIG, J 08204 87-01X
WILL, A 13276 86-01X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 83-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 82-01X
WARABAK, J 13497 82-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 80-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 79-01X
HORNE, N 12321 79-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 78-01X
COX, A 09176 78-00X
WISSINGER JR, G 13489 77-01X
JEZIOR, S 11949 77-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 76-01X
CAHILL, E 06578 75-00X
HEIZER, W 13115 75-00X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 74-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 74-00X
BECKAGE, M 14045 72-00X
KING-BUKER, W 09284 71-01X
ROMAN, J 09405 70-00X
VANDERPOOL, F 05710 69-01X
CONWAY, J 08619 69-01X
WOMACK, T 10436 68-00X
SNYDER, G 14269 68-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 68-00X
PATTON, C 13118 67-00X
HUGHES, D 02028 66-00X
BRIM, W 07238 66-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 66-00X
LEASE, J 13247 66-00X
FITTERLING, C 14246 66-00X
PRELIASCO, A 09859 63-01X
SMITHSON, J 09976 63-00X
NOYALAS, A 14374 63-00X
SHIFLETT, A 06822 62-00X
SOKSO, J 13578 62-00X
RITENOUR, A 09989 61-00X
SMITH, R 07398 60-00X
WELTHER, B 00606 59-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
PIERCE, G 09700 180-01X
ROBEY, T 05369 174-00X
SMITH, L 05678 174-00X
TROST, R 04894 171-00X
WOOD, R 01682 169-01X
LAUER, M 02115 169-00X
KEPPLER, A 03390 167-01X
SHAW, E 05725 166-01X
SHEETZ, M 11983 166-01X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 166-01X
WARNER, L 12926 165-01X
FAUCHER, J 12648 165-00X
REA, T 07403 164-01X
FLEES, L 08904 164-01X
HEUER, D 02160 162-02X
MATTHEWS, W 03991 162-01X
MORTON, M 08905 162-00X
SHAW, M 10358 161-02X
BALLA, S 06593 161-01X
MILES, E 00233 159-01X
DAVIDSON, J 10816 158-00X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 157-01X
THOMPSON, E 10572 170-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 169-03X
COX, J 09666 169-02X
DAGUE, T 11171 169-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 168-01X
SMITH, J 10832 168-01X
PATTON, M 05594 168-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 168-00X
LITVINAS, M 09688 168-00X
SNOOK, D 09289 167-01X
SMITH, J 04688 166-00X
PLAKIS III, J 09575 165-01X
LAKATOS, N 14230 163-02X
ZDON JR, W 06629 161-02X
SCHELL, G 04466 160-01X
ARNETTE, M 05779 157-01X
GERRINGER, C 07511 156-01X
CLOWDIS, K 03901 154-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 157-00X
LICHLITER, J 08885 156-00X
SITZMAN, K 09777 156-00X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 155-01X
ELSWICK JR, E 10509 155-01X
LUNDIN, J 06700 155-00X
TAYLOR, N 12661 154-02X
CRUMP, J 00058 154-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 154-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 154-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 153-00X
LAKATOS, B 14229 153-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 152-00X
WARD, J 14404 150-01X
SCHMIGEL, K 06024 150-00X
HAYES, P 00037 148-00X
CRABILL, P 09531 147-01X
JOHNSON, D 07201 147-00X
DIXON, D 02881 176-00X
BAUM, J 01876 175-03X
WARABAK, T 03490 174-00X
BITTLE, J 13860 170-02X
GIPE, E 08865 166-00X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 166-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 165-02X
PETERSON, J 12705 165-01X
MIKLOS, M 14375 165-00X
JONES, T 09770 164-00X
SMITH, D 05699 163-01X
SNYDER, J 06528 161-00X
ANDREASON, K 13674 161-00X
BARBER, J 05821 160-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 160-00X
CONRAD, D 08873 160-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 159-01X
SCHULER, B 08540 159-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 159-00X
WINSTON III, L 13436 159-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 158-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 158-01X
BOOZ, D 01832 158-00X
FISHER, W 12634 158-00X
KINNEL, E 08768 157-01X
HUGHES, C 09627 157-01X
PERSON JR, J 05166 157-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 154-01X
NOYALAS, J 08626 154-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 154-00X
LINK, D 13494 153-00X
HILL, C 14189 153-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 152-02X
MILLER, M 13428 152-01X
BALDWIN, D 10654 151-02X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 151-01X
BETHKE, K 10542 151-00X
KITTEL, J 14113 151-00X
WELTHER, M 08571 150-00X
BOWSER, B 12463 149-02X
WILL, A 13276 169-01X
FIEBIG, J 08204 167-02X
WARABAK, J 13497 161-01X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 155-02X
HORNE, N 12321 155-00X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 155-00X
WISSINGER JR, G 13489 152-02X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 150-01X
ROMAN, J 09405 149-02X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 149-01X
NAPIER, D 12883 148-01X
WILKINS, T 12247 147-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 146-01X
BETHKE, R 08173 144-01X
BILLINGS, L 13880 143-00X
SOARS, B 14432 141-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 140-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 138-01X
KING-BUKER, W 09284 137-01X
CAHILL, E 06578 136-00X
SNYDER, G 14269 136-00X
KINDLE, K 14284 134-00X
CONWAY, J 08619 133-01X
SEYMOUR, T 12510 133-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 131-00X
SNYDER, T 13534 131-00X
SOKSO, J 13578 130-00X
DAVIS, Z 13963 130-00X
BAUM, T 12421 129-00X
LEASE, J 13247 127-01X
WOLFE, T 13350 126-02X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 126-00X
NOYALAS, A 14374 122-00X
WITHAM, T 02655 121-00X
BEALE, C 11547 119-00X
HUGHES, D 02028 118-00X
HOLMES, D 03580 118-00X
WOMACK, T 10436 117-00X
PATTON, D 13732 112-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
WENCHEL III, J 10621 87-02X
DAVIES, P 01143 87-00X
COCKERHAM, J 10961 87-00X
BALLA, S 06593 86-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 85-01X
SMITH, D 05699 85-01X
JR, W 06629 88-02X
SHAW, E 05725 88-01X
SCHELL, G 04466 88-01X
FLEES, L 08904 88-01X
SCHNEEMAN, E 03590 87-01X
PATTON, M 05594
J 09863
D 12466
PERSON JR, J 05166 85-00X
BAUM, J 01876 84-02X
BATLLE, T 06506 84-01X
SCHMIGEL, K 06024 84-00X
CLOWDIS, K 03901 83-02X
FEREK, L 12781 83-01X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 83-00X
ROHDE, G 07483 83-00X
SANDERS, J 09309 83-00X
RINDLER, J 13172 83-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 82-02X
DUTY, W 06546 82-02X
HUGHES, M 04354 82-00X
HAYES, P 00037 81-00X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 81-00X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 81-00X
MILLER, B 07296 81-00X
BODNER, M 09996 81-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 81-00X
BEST IV, A 13620 81-00X
LINTON, H 05509 80-01X
OSTNER, B 09473 80-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 80-00X
JOHNSON, D 07201 79-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 79-00X
WALTER, D 01022 79-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 79-00X
CONRAD, D 08873 79-00X
OLINGER, J 05564 78-01X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 78-00X
GIBSON, D 06738 77-02X
COX, J 09666 77-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 76-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 76-00X
RITENOUR, A 09989 89-03X
WINSTON III, L 13436 89-02X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 89-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 88-00X
SOARS, B 09168 87-01X
LOVELESS, M 07492 87-00X
PLAKIS III, J 09575 86-01X
THOMPSON, E 10572 86-00X
SHAW, R 05898 83-02X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 83-00X
SMITH, L 05678 83-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 83-00X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 83-00X
SMITH, J 10832 83-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 83-00X
EPLER, R 10889 82-01X
LITVINAS, M 09688 82-00X
WEITZ, W 10375 82-00X
CHAPMAN, B 00148 80-02X
WOLFE, D 07063 80-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 80-00X
MINNEMAN, A 11127 80-00X
HORNE, N 12321 80-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 80-00X
MINICUCCI, R 14368 80-00X
FISHER, W 12634 78-01X
THOMANN, M 12679 78-01X
CHRIST, J 11677 78-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 77-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 77-00X
JORDAN, W 09447 76-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 76-00X
BITTLE, J 13860 76-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 75-01X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 75-00X
JANKOWSKI, E 11943 75-00X
BOWSER, B 12463 75-00X
MILLER, M 13428 75-00X
HATFIELD, D 13217 74-01X
ROBEY, T 05369 74-00X
EBERSOLE, W 12413 91-00X
MCDANIEL, T 13785 87-01X
PATTON, C 13118 84-02X
SNYDER, G 14269 84-00X
SNYDER, T 13534 81-00X
NOYALAS, J 08626 81-00X
SMITH, R 07398 80-01X
SHAW, E 13865 80-00X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 79-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 78-01X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 78-00X
D'ALLESANDRO, R 04878 77-02X
DENNIS, M 08252 77-00X
BROOKS, P 12208 77-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 76-00X
HYLAND, L 08868 75-00X
ROHRBACH, J 12854 75-00X
DEAK, R 12879 75-00X
WILL, A 13276
KOMINEK, D 10776 73-00X
KARLSON, L 13351 73-00X
FITTERLING, C 14246 73-00X
KINDLE, K 14284 73-00X
RYAN, M 09005 72-00X WHITE, C 12440 72-00X
WITHAM, T 02655 71-01X
WOLFE, T 13350 71-01X
BEALE, C 11547 71-00X
JONES, J 12745 71-00X
OSTNER, S 14034 71-00X
KITTEL, J 14113 71-00X
DOMINESSY, T 14483 71-00X
NIPAR, J 00585 69-00X
VOLTAGGIO, C 02173 69-00X
VANDERPOOL, F 05710 69-00X
SCHMIDT, D 06959 69-00X
MCLEOD, H 07373 69-00X
BITTNER, T 10518 69-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
KEPPLER, A 03390 87-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 86-01X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 84-00X
COX, J 09666 83-00X
DUTY, W 06546 83-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 83-00X
CLOWDIS, K 03901 82-00X
BODNER, M 09996 82-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 82-00X
BALLA, S 06593 81-00X
MORTON, M 08905 81-00X
FEREK, L 12781 81-00X
ROHDE, G 07483 80-01X
HANNULA, R 08450 80-00X
RINDLER, J 13172 80-00X
WALTER, D 01022 79-00X
OLINGER, J 05564 79-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 79-00X
HALE, B 07100 78-01X
BATLLE, T 06506 78-00X
MILLER, B 07296 78-00X
DAVIES, P 01143 77-00X
GIBSON, D 06738 77-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 76-00X
PERSON JR, J 05166 75-02X
SANDERS, J 09309 75-02X
JOHNSON, D 07201 75-01X
SCHMIGEL, K 06024 75-00X
BOWLING, G 04634
W 09506
SNOOK, D 09289
A 11692
W 03991 77-00X
REA, T 07403 76-00X
J 14566
CONRAD, D 08873 75-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 75-00X
THROWER, K 12379 75-00X
KELLY II, P 05795 73-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 72-01X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 72-00X
BAUM, J 01876 71-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 71-00X
SMITH, D 05699 69-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 68-01X
JEZIOR, S 11949 68-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 66-00X
MINICUCCI, R 14368 92-00X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 88-01X
BOWEN, R 13426 88-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 87-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 85-01X
SOARS, B 09168 85-00X
FISHER, W 12634 81-00X
CHAPMAN, B 00148 79-01X
TROST, R 04894 79-00X
BARBER, J 05821 79-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 79-00X
WINSTON III, L 13436 79-00X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 76-00X
HATFIELD, D 13217 75-02X
ROBEY, T 05369 75-00X
LITVINAS, M 09688 74-01X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 73-00X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 72-01X
LOHMEYER III, J 06515 72-00X
CHAPMAN, A 12511 72-00X
RITENOUR, A 09989 71-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 71-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 70-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 69-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 69-00X
THOMPSON, E 10572 69-00X
PATTON, D 13732 69-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 68-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 67-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 66-00X
PETERSON, J 12705 66-00X
MOJICA, J 12993 66-00X
SMITH, L 05678 65-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 65-00X
HOLMES, D 03580 64-00X
COMER, D 05318 63-01X
LINDSTROM, A 08291 63-01X
SMITH, J 10832 63-00X
EPLER, R 10889 63-00X
MILLER, M 13428 62-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 89-02X
SNYDER, T 13534 86-00X
SNYDER, G 14269 85-00X
EBERSOLE, W 12413 81-01X
NOYALAS, A 14374 80-00X
AUSMUS, S 13258 76-01X
BAIRD, B 11000 76-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 75-00X
TAYLOR, N 12661 75-00X
PATTON, C 13118
C 12440
SANFORD, H 09613
KOMINEK, D 10776 70-00X
KISER, N 13492 70-00X
WARABAK, J 13497 70-00X
RHODES, M 14386 70-00X
CONWAY, J 08619 69-00X
HEIZER, W 13115 69-00X
WILL, A 13276 69-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 68-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 67-01X
ROBERTSON, A 01095 67-00X
HALL, T 08997 62-00X
BITTNER, T 10518 62-00X
SOKSO, J 13578 62-00X
SHEVA, J 05537 60-00X
WILLIAMS, R 14218 60-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 59-00X
KITTEL, J 14113 59-00X
COX, J 06302 58-00X
NOYALAS, J 08626 57-00X
HILL, C 14189 57-00X
WIEDENFELD, C 14260 57-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 56-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 56-00X
OSTNER, S 14034 56-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 54-00X
KING, M 02894 52-01X
BRIM, W 07238 52-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Carbine Aggregate Match Results - 5 Places Paid (Final)
SNYDER, J 06528 180-00X 1 O'BRYANT, K 11131 179-00X 2
SCHNEEMAN, E 03590 177-01X
04052 175-01X
ROUCH, M 11929 175-01X
KINNEL, E 08768 173-03X
SNYDER, K 06350 173-02X 7 CRUMP, J 00058 173-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 173-00X
BOWLING, G 04634 172-02X
ROGERS, J 12502 172-01X 11
SCHELL, G 04466 171-02X 12
BUMFORD, A 11692 171-00X 13 FLEES, L 08904 170-02X
M 05779 170-00X
02495 169-00X
W 06629 168-02X
REA, T 07403 166-01X
SELLARO, S 12403 166-00X
HOWARD, D 12466 165-02X
ROGERS, M 11409 165-01X
DIXON, D 02881 164-02X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 164-01X
SNOOK, D 09289 164-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 162-00X
DAGUE, T 11171 162-00X
SHAW, E 05725 161-01X
MILES, E 00233 161-00X
PATTON, M 05594 161-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 168-03X
BALLA, S 06593 167-00X
DUTY, W 06546 165-02X
CLOWDIS, K 03901 165-02X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 165-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 165-00X
FEREK, L 12781 164-01X
DAVIES, P 01143 164-00X
ROHDE, G 07483 163-01X
RINDLER, J 13172 163-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 162-01X
PERSON JR, J 05166 160-02X
COX, J 09666 160-00X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 159-02X
SCHMIGEL, K 06024 159-00X
MILLER, B 07296 159-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 159-00X
WALTER, D 01022 158-00X
BAUM, J 01876 155-03X
MORTON, M 08905 155-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 155-00X
JOHNSON, D 07201 154-03X
SMITH, D 05699 154-01X
CONRAD, D 08873 154-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 152-01X
ROGERS III, J 11046 152-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 150-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 148-01X
KELLY II, P 05795 148-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 146-00X
OSTNER, B 09473 144-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 141-00X
HAYES, P 00037 140-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 138-01X
BEST IV, A 13620 135-00X
ANDREASON, K 13674 133-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 127-01X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 124-00X
MARVIN I, D 11609 122-00X
BLY, J 05109 108-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 175-00X
SOARS, B 09168 172-01X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 171-01X
WINSTON III, L 13436 168-02X
CHAPMAN, C 00155 165-00X
RITENOUR, A 09989 160-03X
FISHER, W 12634 159-01X
LITVINAS, M 09688 156-01X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 156-00X
THOMPSON, E 10572 155-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 154-01X
MACATEE, W 10962 154-01X
ROHDE, M 12703 154-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 153-00X
TROST, R 04894 151-01X
OSTNER, G 13714 150-00X
HATFIELD, D 13217 149-03X
ROBEY, T 05369 149-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 149-00X
SMITH, L 05678 148-00X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 147-01X
BARBER, J 05821 147-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 147-00X
SMITH, J 10832 146-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 145-00X
LOHMEYER III, J 06515 143-01X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 142-00X
PLAKIS III, J 09575 140-01X
HORNE, N 12321 137-00X
MILLER, M 13428 137-00X
BOWSER, B 12463 135-00X
WITHAM, K 09765 134-01X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 134-00X
JORDAN, W 09447 132-00X
MOJICA, J 12993 132-00X
PETERSON, J 12705 130-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 128-01X
DICK, B 08649 127-01X
HOLMES, D 03580 125-01X
PATTON, D 13732 125-00X
EBERSOLE, W 12413 172-01X
SNYDER, G 14269 169-00X
SNYDER, T 13534 167-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 165-02X
BAIRD, B 11000 154-01X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 153-00X
NOYALAS, A 14374 148-00X
KOMINEK, D 10776 143-00X
WILL, A 13276 143-00X
NOYALAS, J 08626 138-00X
RHODES, M 14386 137-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 135-01X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 135-01X
ROBERTSON, A 01095 135-00X
WARABAK, J 13497 134-00X
BITTNER, T 10518 131-00X
TAYLOR, N 12661 131-00X
KITTEL, J 14113 130-00X
AUSMUS, S 13258
OSTNER, S 14034 127-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 125-01X
SANFORD, H 09613 125-00X
HALL, T 08997 123-00X
HILL, C 14189 121-01X
KING, M 02894 120-01X
HAMMES, D 12418 120-00X
BRIM, W 07238 114-00X
SOKSO, J 13578 113-00X
LINK, D 13494 112-00X
PETERSON, M 04898 111-00X
WOMACK, T 10436 108-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 105-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 103-00X
WOOD, R 01682 94-00X
HUGHES, P 02029 93-00X
WELTHER, B 00606 90-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 90-00X
CONWAY, J 08619 90-00X
MCDANIEL, T 13785 87-01X
150th Nationals Individual Results
OGDEN III, A 10627 91-01X
ROGERS III, J 11046 89-01X
PATTON, M 05594 89-00X
O'BRYANT, K 11131 87-01X
BODNER, M 09996 87-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 84-03X
BALLA, S 06593 83-01X
ZDON JR, W 06629 83-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 83-00X
REA, W 09506 82-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 82-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 81-02X
THOMPSON, E 10572 79-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 77-01X
DECOURCY, C 06077 75-01X
ARNETTE, M 05779 75-00X
KISER, J 06509 72-01X
FOX JR, E 09703 72-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 71-00X
MATUSZEK, J 04947 68-00X
BARBER, J 05821 63-01X
BATLLE, T 06506 61-02X
EPLER, R 10889 58-00X
MILES, E 00233 52-00X
KORLACH, P 10709 52-00X
STINSON JR, J 13196 44-00X
T 14445
RYAN, M 09005 84-01X
SOARS, B 14432 82-00X
TROST, R 04894 82-00X
KEPPLER, A 03390 81-01X
WILKINS, T 12247 76-00X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 74-00X
GIPE, N 04790 71-00X
BEST, W 02603 70-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 70-00X
COMER, D 05318 69-01X
PARCELL, J 13568 69-01X
WOLFE, D 07063 67-00X
WEITZ, W 10375 66-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 65-00X
OLINGER, J 05564 65-00X
DICK, B 08649 60-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 60-00X
HEUER, D 02160 56-00X
FRAONE, P 06358 55-00X
MILLER, M 13428 52-01X
FIEBIG, J 08204 49-00X
COX, J 09666 48-00X
WOMACK, T 10436 47-00X
KELLEY, R 13006 44-00X
LAKATOS, B 14229 86-00X
STILES, K 00526 74-00X
KRUGER, C 12619 68-00X
JEZIOR, S 11949 67-00X
MINICUCCI, R 14368 66-00X
KING, M 02894 64-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 60-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 60-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 56-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 55-00X
HAYES, P 00037 52-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 50-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 44-01X
BILLINGS, L 13880 42-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 41-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 41-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 38-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 37-00X
SHAFFER, S 11106 37-00X
KARLSON, M 13154 34-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 33-00X
KING-BUKER, W 09284 33-00X
ANDREASON, K 13674 33-00X
NAPIER, D 13585 32-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 32-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 29-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 28-00X
PICKENS, B 13712 28-00X
GASKILL, B 13897 25-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 23-00X
ZUMSTEIN, B 08483 20-00X
ACTON, M 13719 6-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
PATTON, M 05594 74-00X
BALLA, S 06593 74-00X
REA, W 09506 71-01X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 68-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 68-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 67-01X
O'BRYANT, K 11131 67-00X
THOMPSON, E 10572 65-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 63-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 61-01X
ARNETTE, M 05779 53-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 50-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 48-00X
KISER, J 06509 46-00X
DECOURCY, C 06077 44-00X
BODNER, M 09996 42-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 38-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 36-00X
BARBER, J 05821 5-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 71-00X
COMER, D 05318 68-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 66-01X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 62-00X
DICK, B 08649 59-02X
TROST, R 04894 59-00X
HEUER, D 02160 57-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 57-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 54-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 52-00X
SOARS, B 14432 46-00X
RYAN, M 09005 39-00X
COX, J 09666 38-00X
FRAONE, P 06358 37-00X
PARCELL, J 13568 36-00X
GIPE, N 04790 35-00X
BEST, W 02603 34-00X
KEPPLER, A 03390 23-00X
KELLEY, R 13006 17-00X
LAKATOS, B 14229 61-00X
KRUGER, C 12619 59-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 57-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 55-02X
SHAFFER, S 11106 52-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 43-00X
HAYES, P 00037 42-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 37-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 35-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 33-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 21-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 13-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
PATTON, M 05594 163-00X
BALLA, S 06593 157-01X
ROGERS III, J 11046 157-01X
O'BRYANT, K 11131 154-01X
REA, W 09506 153-01X
ZDON JR, W 06629 150-02X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 147-03X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 145-01X
THOMPSON, E 10572 144-01X
PAYNE, J 12601 130-00X
ARNETTE, M 05779 128-00X
DECOURCY, C 06077 119-01X
KISER, J 06509 118-01X
BATLLE, T 06506 111-02X
FOX JR, E 09703 110-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 107-00X
BARBER, J 05821 68-01X
MILES, E 00233 52-00X
KORLACH, P 10709 52-00X
STINSON JR, J 13196 44-00X
M 14375 131-01X
A 14327 51-00X
J 14404 6-00X
WILKINS, T 12247 142-01X
TROST, R 04894 141-00X
COMER, D 05318 137-01X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 136-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 136-00X
SOARS, B 14432 128-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 124-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 124-00X
RYAN, M 09005 123-01X
DICK, B 08649 119-02X
HEUER, D 02160 113-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 112-00X
GIPE, N 04790 106-00X
PARCELL, J 13568 105-01X
KEPPLER, A 03390 104-01X
BEST, W 02603 104-00X
FRAONE, P 06358 92-00X
COX, J 09666 86-00X
KELLEY, R 13006 61-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 49-00X
WOMACK, T 10436 47-00X
Seven-Gun Aggregate
BUMFORD, A 11692 1215-11X
PATTON, M 05594 1189-06X
SNYDER, K 06350 1177-12X
HARRIS, S 10496 1164-06X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 1102-08X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 1073-09X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 1066-03X
MIKLOS, M 14375 1062-04X
WAITS, B 02495 1048-09X
SCHELL, G 04466 978-06X
MACATEE, W 10962 933-03X
SHAW, E 05725 909-07X
BOWMAN, D 14438 812-02X
WEAVER, E 12609 522-01X
SCANLAN, T 05282 515-01X
LAKATOS, B 14229 147-00X
KRUGER, C 12619 127-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 103-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 99-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 97-00X
HAYES, P 00037 94-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 89-00X
SHAFFER, S 11106 89-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 84-02X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 71-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 68-00X
KING, M 02894 64-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 41-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 37-00X
KARLSON, M 13154 34-00X
KING-BUKER, W 09284 33-00X
ANDREASON, K 13674 33-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 32-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 23-00X
ZUMSTEIN, B 08483 20-00X
North-South Skirmish 150th National Skirmish, Aggregates Match
150th Nationals Individual Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
Breech-Loader Match Results - 2 Places Paid (Final)
PATTON, M 05594 92-02X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 89-01X
BEST IV, A 13620 85-01X
DIXON, D 02881 84-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 84-01X
HOWARD, D 12466 84-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 82-00X
SMITH, L 05678 81-01X
HANNULA, R 08450 81-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 81-00X
REA, W 09506 81-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 81-00X
SHAW, E 05725 80-01X
LICHLITER, J 08885 80-00X
FLEES, L 08904 76-01X
COX, J 09666 76-00X
DUTY, W 06546 74-00X
OLINGER, J 05564 73-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 73-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 62-00X
KINNEL, E 08768 83-01X
SHAFFER, S 11106 83-01X
ROHDE, M 12703 83-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 82-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 81-01X
BAIRD, B 11000 81-01X
DECOURCY, C 06077 80-01X
WELTHER, M 08571 78-00X
LITVINAS, M 09688 77-01X
OSTNER, G 13714 76-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 75-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 75-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 72-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 72-00X
HEUER, D 02160 71-00X
STILES, K 00526 68-00X
JEZIOR, S 11949 68-00X
BEST, W 02603 67-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 66-00X
MORELAND, J 05539 64-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 63-00X
MATUSZEK, J 04947 61-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 87-00X
SMITH, D 05699 83-01X
PATTON, C 13118 82-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 79-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 77-00X
HUGHES, D 02028 75-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 74-01X
SHAW, M 10358 66-00X
COMER, D 05318 63-00X
GASKILL, B 13897 62-01X
GIPE, N 04790 61-00X
PETERSON, J 12705 60-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 58-00X
CONWAY, J 08619 58-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 58-00X
SMITH, R 07398 39-02X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 27-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 177-03X
REA, W 09506 175-03X
PATTON, M 05594 173-02X
SNYDER, K 06350 173-01X
HOWARD, D 12466 171-00X
LICHLITER, J 08885 167-01X
DIXON, D 02881 166-01X
HANNULA, R 08450 166-01X
SMITH, L 05678 165-01X
COX, J 09666 164-03X
BEST IV, A 13620 162-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 161-01X
FLEES, L 08904 160-02X
HARRIS, S 10496 159-01X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 159-00X
SHAW, E 05725 158-01X
DUTY, W 06546 157-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 157-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 137-01X
SNYDER, J 06528 85-01X
SHAFFER, S 11106 174-01X
KINNEL, E 08768 172-01X
LITVINAS, M 09688 166-01X
WELTHER, M 08571 166-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 164-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 161-02X
OSTNER, G 13714 160-02X
DECOURCY, C 06077 160-01X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 159-01X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 157-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 157-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 151-00X
HEUER, D 02160 150-00X
BEST, W 02603 150-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 141-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 135-02X
MORELAND, J 05539 132-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 130-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 173-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 159-01X
ROGERS, M 11409 156-00X
SMITH, D 05699 151-01X
SHAW, M 10358 149-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 140-00X
CONWAY, J 08619 139-00X
HUGHES, D 02028 137-00X
DENNIS, M 08252 136-00X
GIPE, N 04790 135-01X
COMER, D 05318 133-00X
PETERSON, J 12705 133-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 130-00X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 73-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 63-00X
FJELD, D 10329 29-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
LEVITSKY, S 03726 93-03X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 93-00X
PATTON, M 05594 92-01X
FEREK, L 12781 90-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 88-02X
MATUSZEK, J 04947 88-01X
NEWMAN SR, J 12217 88-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 87-01X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 87-00X
MCBRIDE, M 07560 86-01X
WARABAK, T 03490 86-00X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 85-00X
HUGHES, P 02029 85-00X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 85-00X
THROWER, K 12379 85-00X
BETHKE, D 09761 84-01X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 84-01X
HUGHES, D 02028 83-00X
MCLEOD, H 07373 83-00X
KORLACH, P 10709 83-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 83-00X
SHAW, M 10358 82-00X
TAYLOR, N 12661 82-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 80-01X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 80-00X
LUNDIN, J 06700 69-00X
JANKOWSKI, E 11943 57-00X
GIPE, N 04790 17-00X
COX, J 06302 83-03X
KORLACH, H 09140 83-00X
COX, J 09666 83-00X
HILL, C 14189 83-00X
MEYER, F 12808 82-00X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 93-01X
WILKINS, T 12247 91-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 91-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 90-01X
LITVINAS, M 09688 89-02X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 89-02X
OSTNER, B 09473 89-01X
HENSHALL, J 11536 89-00X
SHAW, R 05898 88-02X
ADAMS, J 01977 87-02X
SMITH, L 05678 87-00X
WALLACE, R 13399 86-00X
COBB, T 06991 85-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 85-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 85-00X
HATFIELD, D 13217 84-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 82-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 82-00X
WARD, J 14404 82-00X
WOOD, R 01682 81-00X
SANDERS, J 09309 81-00X
WILLIAMS, R 14218 81-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 80-01X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 80-00X
LAUER, M 02115 80-00X
HESNAN, J 11483 80-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 80-00X
DOMINESSY, T 14483 80-00X
HAYES, P 00037 79-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 79-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 79-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 79-00X
HUGHES, C 09627 78-00X
KOMINEK, D 10776 77-00X
KLEIN, J 12999 76-00X
SHEPHERD, B 10453 75-00X
JENKINS, L 07414 74-00X
WARNER, L 12926 74-00X
BARVIAN, R 02811 73-00X
BRILL, D 12096 73-00X
MOORE JR, O 08724 90-01X
PERSON JR, J 05166 87-01X
BANE, F 13417 86-00X
PATTON, D 13732 84-00X
BITTLE, J 13860 83-01X
KARLSON, M 13154 83-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 82-01X
WICANDER, M 07736 82-00X
THOMANN, M 12679 82-00X
MCDANIEL, T 13785 82-00X
SHIPE, L 02703 81-00X
LOHMEYER III, J 06515 81-00X
BEST IV, A 13620 81-00X
ASKEW, N 13767 81-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 81-00X
KING, M 02894 80-01X
WITHAM, T 02655 80-00X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 80-00X
SHEDD, C 11380 80-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 80-00X
HARTMAN, J 01091 79-00X
CHRIST, J 11677 79-00X
NAPIER, D 13585 79-00X
GODWIN, W 13946 79-00X
FISHER, P 13005 78-01X
HANNULA, R 08450 78-00X
BROOKS, P 12208 78-00X
KRUGER, C 12619 78-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 78-00X
GASKILL, B 13897 77-00X
CONEY, K 09382 76-00X
BEALE, C 11547 76-00X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 76-00X
DAVIS, Z 13963 76-00X
WOLFE, D 07063 75-01X
WOMACK, T 10436 75-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 74-01X
MOJICA, J 12993 74-01X
CONWAY, J 08619 74-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
LEVITSKY, S 03726 92-02X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 92-01X
TAYLOR, N 12661 91-00X
MILLER, M 13428 89-01X
HUGHES, D 02028 89-00X
THROWER, K 12379 87-01X
PATTON, M 05594 86-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 85-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 84-00X
NEWMAN SR, J 12217 84-00X
MATUSZEK, J 04947 83-00X
FEREK, L 12781 81-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 80-00X
SHAW, M 10358 80-00X
KORLACH, P 10709 79-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 78-00X
WARABAK, T 03490 77-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 75-00X
HUGHES, P 02029 73-00X
LUNDIN, J 06700 72-01X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 68-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 62-00X
MCLEOD, H 07373 61-01X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 52-00X
GIPE, N 04790 49-00X
HARRIS, S 10496
PAYNE, J 12601 80-00X
MORTON, M 08905 76-00X
MEYER, F 12808 75-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 75-00X
PIERCE, J 14357 73-00X
COMER, D 05318
A 14572
J 06302
T 14362
BOOZ, D 01832 90-01X
WARD, J 14404 89-02X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 89-01X
BOWEN, R 13426 89-01X
WOOD, R 01682 88-01X
ROGERS, M 11409 86-00X
ADAMS, J 01977 85-00X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 85-00X
KLUTAS, R 04371 85-00X
SMITH, L 05678 84-02X
ELSWICK JR, E 10509 84-01X
SELLARO, S 12403 84-01X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 84-00X
HUGHES, C 09627 84-00X
COBB, T 06991 83-01X
SANDERS, J 09309 83-01X
WILKINS, T 12247 83-01X
OSTNER, B 09473 83-00X
HATFIELD, D 13217 82-00X
DOMINESSY, T 14483 81-02X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 81-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 79-00X
HAYES, P 00037 78-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 77-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 75-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 74-00X
COUMES, J 10696 74-00X
SHAW, R 05898 73-00X
WARNER, L 12926 73-00X
BARVIAN, R 02811 72-00X
FIEBIG, J 08204 71-00X
KLEIN, J 12999 69-00X
SHEPHERD, B 10453 66-01X
LITVINAS, M 09688 65-01X
PRELIASCO, A 09859 65-00X
LAUER, M 02115 64-00X
BRILL, D 12096 64-00X
FISHER, W 12634 61-00X
HOTTLE, C 14463 59-00X
WILLIAMS, R 14218 58-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 86-00X
PATTON, D 13732 86-00X
MOJICA, A 14063
HAYDEN, T 04467 82-01X
BEST IV, A 13620 81-00X
BANE, F 13417 80-01X
BEALE, C 11547 78-01X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 78-00X
NAPIER, D 12883 78-00X
PERSON JR, J 05166 77-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 77-00X
LOHMEYER III, J 06515 76-01X
JONES, T 09770 76-00X
WOMACK, T 10436 76-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 75-01X
WIEGAND, T 05493 74-01X
MCKEITHAN, O 06600 73-01X
LEASE, J 13247 73-00X
CONWAY, J 08619
SOKSO, J 13578 72-00X
DELK, G 13319 71-01X
SHEDD, C 11380 71-00X
KLEOVOULOU, K 13931 70-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 68-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 67-00X
SANFORD, H 09613 65-00X
BROOKS, P 12208 64-01X
NIEBUHR, G 09034 64-00X
HARTMAN, J 01091 63-00X
WITHAM, T 02655 63-00X
HOLMES, D 03580 63-00X
MCDANIEL, T 13785 63-00X
JEZIOR, S 11949 62-01X
BECKAGE, M 14045 62-00X
NOLTE JR, P 12736 61-01X
KELLY, J 12046 61-00X
BITTLE, J 13860 61-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 59-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
LEVITSKY, S 03726 185-05X
PATTON, M 05594 178-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 177-00X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 176-02X
TAYLOR, N 12661 173-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 172-01X
HUGHES, D 02028 172-00X
NEWMAN SR, J 12217 172-00X
FEREK, L 12781 171-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 168-02X
WARABAK, T 03490 163-00X
SHAW, M 10358 162-00X
KORLACH, P 10709 162-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 161-00X
HUGHES, P 02029 158-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 149-01X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 148-02X
MCLEOD, H 07373 144-01X
LUNDIN, J 06700 141-01X
WHIPPLE, T 09849 137-00X
MILLER, M 13428 89-01X
MCBRIDE, M 07560 86-01X
ZEBELEAN III, J 01820 85-00X
BETHKE, D 09761 84-01X
GIPE, N 04790 66-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 180-02X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 177-01X
WILKINS, T 12247 174-01X
ADAMS, J 01977 172-02X
OSTNER, B 09473 172-01X
SMITH, L 05678 171-02X
WARD, J 14404 171-02X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 171-01X
ROGERS, M 11409 171-00X
WOOD, R 01682 169-01X
COBB, T 06991 168-01X
HATFIELD, D 13217 166-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 163-02X
FIEBIG, J 08204 162-00X
HUGHES, C 09627 162-00X
SHAW, R 05898 161-02X
DOMINESSY, T 14483 161-02X
MACATEE, W 10962 161-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 160-00X
HAYES, P 00037 157-00X
BETHKE, R 08173 156-00X
LITVINAS, M 09688 154-03X
FOLK JR, W 01146 154-00X
ELSWICK JR, E 10509 151-01X
SELLARO, S 12403 151-01X
WARNER, L 12926 147-00X
BARVIAN, R 02811 145-00X
KLEIN, J 12999 145-00X
PATTON, D 13732 170-00X
BANE, F 13417 166-01X
PERSON JR, J 05166 164-01X
BOWMAN, D 14438 164-00X
BEST IV, A 13620 162-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 159-01X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 158-00X
LOHMEYER III, J 06515 157-01X
MOJICA, A 14063 157-00X
BEALE, C 11547 154-01X
WOMACK, T 10436 151-00X
SMITHSON, J 09976 150-01X
WIEGAND, T 05493
OSTNER, G 13714
CONWAY, J 08619
MOORE JR, O 08724
BITTLE, J 13860 144-01X
WITHAM, T 02655 143-00X
HARTMAN, J 01091 142-00X
LEASE, J 13247 142-00X
KLEOVOULOU, K 13931 140-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 140-00X
BAIRD, B 11000 139-00X
SOKSO, J 13578 138-00X
HANNULA, R 08450 137-00X
HOLMES, D 03580 136-00X
J 12601 159-00X
MILLER, B 07296 158-01X
MEYER, F 12808 157-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 157-00X
COMER, D 05318 156-00X
J 04688 120-00X
LAUER, M 02115 144-00X
SHEPHERD, B 10453 141-01X
BRILL, D 12096 137-00X
KOMINEK, D 10776 134-00X
ROMAN, J 09405 133-01X
FISHER, W 12634 133-00X
ARMSTONG, M 14388 131-00X
COUMES, J 10696 122-00X
CARGES, P 10777 116-00X
HESNAN, J 11483 80-00X
WHIPPLE, S 10136 72-00X
HUGHES, T 12667 66-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 136-00X
DELK, G 13319 134-01X
SANFORD, H 09613 134-00X
MOJICA, J 12993 133-01X
WOLFE, D 07063 132-01X
KRECIDLO, C 13670 121-00X
KING, M 02894 115-01X
LINK, D 13494 111-00X
ROHDE, M 12703 108-00X
WOLFE, T 13350 108-00X
KARLSON, M 13154 107-00X
MARVIN I, D 11609 103-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
SS BR/C2 (Unclassified) Match Results (Final)
150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 SS BR/C2 (Unclassified) Match Results (Final)
50-Yard SS BR/C2
50-Yard SS BR/C2
RINDLER, J 13172 92-02X
100-Yard SS BR/C2
100-Yard SS BR/C2
SS BR/C2 Aggregate
SS BR/C2 Aggregate
RINDLER, J 13172 92-02X
SHAFFER, S 11106 94-02X
SHAFFER, S 11106 94-02X
SHAFFER, S 11106 182-02X
SHAFFER, S 11106 182-02X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 91-00X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 91-00X
PATTON, M 05594 92-01X
PATTON, M 05594 92-01X
RINDLER, J 13172 180-02X
RINDLER, J 13172 180-02X
ROUCH, J 08082 90-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 90-00X
WOOD, R 01682 89-00X
WOOD, R 01682 89-00X
PATTON, M 05594 179-01X
PATTON, M 05594 179-01X
ROUCH, M 11929 90-00X
ROUCH, M 11929 90-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 88-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 88-01X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 178-01X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 178-01X
BUMFORD, A 11692 89-01X
BUMFORD, A 11692 89-01X
ROUCH, M 11929 88-00X
ROUCH, M 11929 88-00X
ROUCH, M 11929 178-00X
ROUCH, M 11929 178-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 89-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 89-00X
RINDLER, J 13172 88-00X
RINDLER, J 13172 88-00X
BUMFORD, A 11692 175-02X
BUMFORD, A 11692 175-02X
DAVIES, P 01143 88-02X
DAVIES, P 01143 88-02X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 87-01X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 87-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 175-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 175-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 88-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 88-01X
MIKLOS, T 13938 87-01X
MIKLOS, T 13938 87-01X
HARRIS, S 10496 173-01X
HARRIS, S 10496 173-01X
SHAFFER, S 11106 88-00X
SHAFFER, S 11106 88-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 87-01X
HARRIS, S 10496 87-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 87-01X
PATTON, M 05594 87-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 87-00X
BUMFORD, A 11692 86-01X
PATTON, M 05594 87-00X
SNYDER, J 06528 87-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 173-00X
BUMFORD, A 11692 86-01X
OSTNER, B 09473 86-00X
SNYDER, J 06528 87-00X
HERRICK, K 09158 87-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 173-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 171-01X
OSTNER, B 09473 86-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 84-01X
HERRICK, K 09158 87-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 87-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 171-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 170-02X
MIKLOS, M 14375 84-01X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 84-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 87-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 86-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 170-02X
WETZEL, J 09863 170-02X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 84-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 84-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 86-01X
ZDON JR, W 06629 86-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 170-02X
ZDON JR, W 06629 170-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 84-00X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 84-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 86-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 84-00X
ZDON JR, W 06629 170-00X
OSTNER, B 09473 168-00X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 84-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 83-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 84-00X
HOWARD, D 12466 84-00X
OSTNER, B 09473 168-00X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 167-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 83-01X
PATTON, D 13732 83-01X
HOWARD, D 12466 84-00X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 83-01X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 167-00X
DAVIES, P 01143 166-02X
PATTON, D 13732 83-01X
ROUCH, J 08082 83-00X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 83-01X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 83-00X
DAVIES, P 01143 166-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 166-00X
ROUCH, J 08082 83-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 82-01X
WENCHEL III, J 10621 83-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 83-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 166-00X
PATTON, D 13732 163-02X
WETZEL, J 09863 82-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 82-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 83-00X
SOARS, B 09168 82-01X
PATTON, D 13732 163-02X
WOOD, R 01682 163-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 82-00X
SMITH, J 04688 78-01X
SOARS, B 09168 82-01X
LOVELESS, M 07492 82-00X
WOOD, R 01682 163-00X
SNYDER, J 06528 161-00X
SMITH, J 04688 78-01X
DAVIES, P 01143 78-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 82-00X
OSTNER, B 09473 82-00X
SNYDER, J 06528 161-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 161-00X
DAVIES, P 01143 78-00X
SOARS, B 09168 77-01X
OSTNER, B 09473 82-00X
SCANLAN, T 05282 81-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 161-00X
SOARS, B 09168 159-02X
SOARS, B 09168 77-01X
SNYDER, J 06528 74-00X
SCANLAN, T 05282 81-00X
PATTON, D 13732 80-01X
SOARS, B 09168 159-02X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 159-01X
SNYDER, J 06528 74-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 73-01X
PATTON, D 13732 80-01X
BOOZ, D 01832 77-01X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 159-01X
HOWARD, D 12466 155-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 73-01X
SMITH, L 05678 72-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 77-01X
CAHILL, E 06578 77-00X
HOWARD, D 12466 155-00X
SMITH, J 04688 154-01X
SMITH, L 05678 72-00X
SHAW, E 05725 72-00X
CAHILL, E 06578 77-00X
REXRODE, J 12793 77-00X
SMITH, J 04688 154-01X
SHAW, E 05725 148-00X
SHAW, E 05725 72-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 72-00X
REXRODE, J 12793 77-00X
SMITH, J 04688 76-00X
SHAW, E 05725 148-00X
SMITH, L 05678 145-00X
OSTNER, G 13714 72-00X
HOWARD, D 12466 71-00X
SMITH, J 04688 76-00X
SHAW, E 05725 76-00X
SMITH, L 05678 145-00X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 144-01X
HOWARD, D 12466 71-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 70-00X
SHAW, E 05725 76-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 75-01X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 144-01X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 143-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 70-00X
BROOKS, P 12208 69-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 75-01X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 75-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 143-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 141-01X
BROOKS, P 12208 69-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 68-00X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 75-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 75-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 141-01X
BOOZ, D 01832 135-01X
BOWMAN, D 14438 68-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 66-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 75-00X
WOOD, R 01682 74-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 135-01X
BALDWIN, D 10654 134-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 66-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 61-00X
WOOD, R 01682 74-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 73-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 134-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 129-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 61-00X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 61-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 73-00X
SMITH, L 05678 73-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 129-00X
HALL, T 08997 122-01X
KUSMIERZ, S 12910 61-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 58-00X
SMITH, L 05678 73-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 73-00X
HALL, T 08997 122-01X
BOWMAN, D 14438 122-00X
BOOZ, D 01832 58-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 58-00X
BALDWIN, D 10654 73-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 71-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 122-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 102-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 58-00X
HALL, T 08997 54-01X
MIKLOS, T 13938 71-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 68-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 102-00X
CAHILL, E 06578 93-00X
HALL, T 08997 54-01X
LOVELESS, M 07492 47-00X
SCHELL, G 04466 68-00X
CAHILL, E 06578 93-00X
SCANLAN, T 05282 81-00X
LOVELESS, M 07492 47-00X
CAHILL, E 06578 16-00X
SCANLAN, T 05282 81-00X
REXRODE, J 12793 77-00X
CAHILL, E 06578 16-00X
REXRODE, J 12793 77-00X
BITTNER, T 10518 67-00X
BITTNER, T 10518 67-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
Single-Shot Pistol (Unclassified) Match Results (Final) 11/8/2024 9:34:50
150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
Single-Shot Pistol (Unclassified) Match Results (Final)
12.5-Yard Single-Shot Pistol
12.5-Yard Single-Shot Pistol
SHEPPARD, G 13370 97-03X
Single-Shot Pistol
25-Yard Single-Shot Pistol
BOWLING, G 04634 84-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 97-03X
REA, T 07403 97-02X
REA, T 07403 97-02X
SNYDER, K 06350 96-04X
Single-Shot Pistol Aggregate
Single-Shot Pistol Aggregate
BOWLING, G 04634 180-02X
BOWLING, G 04634 84-00X
PATTON, M 05594 83-02X
PATTON, M 05594 83-02X
BUMFORD, A 11692 83-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 96-04X
BUMFORD, A 11692 96-04X
BUMFORD, A 11692 96-04X
WAITS, B 02495 96-03X
BOWLING, G 04634 180-02X
REA, T 07403 180-02X
REA, T 07403 180-02X
BUMFORD, A 11692 179-05X
BUMFORD, A 11692 83-01X
REA, T 07403 83-00X
REA, T 07403 83-00X
WAITS, B 02495 82-00X
WAITS, B 02495 96-03X
BOWLING, G 04634 96-02X
BOWLING, G 04634 96-02X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 96-01X
BUMFORD, A 11692 179-05X
WAITS, B 02495 178-03X
WAITS, B 02495 178-03X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 170-01X
WAITS, B 02495 82-00X
FRITZ, E 00701 74-00X
FRITZ, E 00701 74-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 74-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 96-01X
FRITZ, E 00701 94-03X
FRITZ, E 00701 94-03X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 94-02X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 170-01X
FRITZ, E 00701 168-03X
FRITZ, E 00701 168-03X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 167-05X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 74-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 74-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 74-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 74-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 94-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 93-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 93-02X
SHAW, E 05725 93-02X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 167-05X
PATTON, M 05594 167-02X
PATTON, M 05594 167-02X
REA, W 09506 165-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 74-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 72-00X
CAMPBELL, G 01371 72-00X
REA, W 09506 72-00X
SHAW, E 05725 93-02X
REA, W 09506 93-00X
REA, W 09506 93-00X
JEZIOR, S 11949 91-01X
REA, W 09506 165-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 164-02X
MIKLOS, M 14375 164-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 163-02X
REA, W 09506 72-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 71-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 71-00X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 70-02X
JEZIOR, S 11949 91-01X
PYNN, M 14013 90-02X
PYNN, M 14013 90-02X
MIKLOS, M 14375 90-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 163-02X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 163-02X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 163-02X
SNYDER, K 06350 158-04X
SHEPPARD, G 13370 70-02X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 70-00X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 70-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 70-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 90-02X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 89-02X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 89-02X
MIKLOS, T 13938 88-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 158-04X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 157-02X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 157-02X
HEUER, D 02160 155-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 70-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 70-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 70-00X
HEUER, D 02160 68-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 88-01X
HEUER, D 02160 87-01X
HEUER, D 02160 87-01X
PAFFORD, M 10830 87-01X
HEUER, D 02160 155-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 155-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 155-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 153-00X
HEUER, D 02160 68-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 68-00X
MIKLOS, T 13938 68-00X
DOUGLAS, R 10846 67-00X
PAFFORD, M 10830 87-01X
HARRISON, R 10407 87-00X
HARRISON, R 10407 87-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 86-02X
HARRIS, S 10496 153-00X
DIXON, D 02881 150-00X
DIXON, D 02881 150-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 147-02X
DOUGLAS, R 10846 67-00X
DIXON, D 02881 66-00X
DIXON, D 02881 66-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 66-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 86-02X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 86-00X
BURGESS JR, J 02078 86-00X
GORSKY, R 10483 86-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 147-02X
MILES, E 00233 146-01X
MILES, E 00233 146-01X
COUMES, J 10696 142-02X
FOX JR, E 09703 66-00X
MILES, E 00233 65-00X
MILES, E 00233 65-00X
ADAMS, J 01977 64-00X
GORSKY, R 10483 86-00X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 85-01X
ROHRBACH, B 05969 85-01X
HUGHES, M 04354 85-00X
COUMES, J 10696
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 140-03X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621
ADAMS, J 01977 137-02X
ADAMS, J 01977 64-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 63-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 63-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 63-00X
HUGHES, M 04354 85-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 84-02X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 84-02X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 84-01X
ADAMS, J 01977
MACATEE, W 10962 130-00X
MACATEE, W 10962
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 127-00X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 63-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 62-00X
SNYDER, K 06350 62-00X
COUMES, J 10696 61-00X
CHAPMAN, K 03470 84-01X
DIXON, D 02881 84-00X
DIXON, D 02881 84-00X
PATTON, M 05594 84-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 126-00X
FOX JR, E 09703 126-00X
HARRISON, R 10407 121-00X
COUMES, J 10696 61-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 58-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 58-00X
HINES, T 08578 55-00X
PATTON, M 05594 84-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 83-00X
HARRIS, S 10496 83-00X
COUMES, J 10696 81-02X
HARRISON, R 10407 121-00X
HAMMES, D 12418 118-01X
HAMMES, D 12418 118-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 115-02X
HINES, T 08578 55-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 55-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 55-00X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 54-01X
COUMES, J 10696 81-02X
MILES, E 00233 81-01X
MILES, E 00233 81-01X
BOWEN, R 13426 79-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 115-02X
HEISEY, D 07003 110-00X
HEISEY, D 07003 110-00X
SHAW, E 05725 93-02X
NEWMAN JR, J 13621 54-01X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 50-00X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 50-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 44-01X
BOWEN, R 13426 79-00X
HINES, T 08578 78-00X
HINES, T 08578 78-00X
DOUGLAS, R 10846 78-00X
SHAW, E 05725 93-02X
NOLTE JR, P 12736 88-00X
NOLTE JR, P 12736 88-00X
PAFFORD, M 10830 87-01X
WETZEL, J 09863 44-01X
HEISEY, D 07003 43-00X
HEISEY, D 07003 43-00X
HARRISON, R 10407 34-00X
DOUGLAS, R 10846 78-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 78-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 78-00X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 77-00X
PAFFORD, M 10830 87-01X
GORSKY, R 10483 86-00X
GORSKY, R 10483 86-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 79-00X
HARRISON, R 10407 34-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 34-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 34-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 23-00X
KNIPSCHER, W 10825 77-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 75-00X
FOLK JR, W 01146 75-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 75-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 79-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 78-00X
WEAVER, E 12609 78-00X
BILLINGS, L 13880 73-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 23-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 18-00X
BOWEN, R 13426 18-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 16-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 75-00X
ADAMS, J 01977 73-02X
ADAMS, J 01977 73-02X
BILLINGS, L 13880 73-00X
HARTMAN, J 01091 71-00X
HARTMAN, J 01091 71-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 68-00X
BLAKLEY, S 11761 16-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 15-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 15-00X
BOWMAN, D 14438 68-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 64-00X
WIEGAND, T 05493 64-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
50-Yard Aggregate
BOWLING, G 04634 270-05X
SCHNEEMAN, E 03590 256-01X
BUMFORD, A 11692 252-02X
WAITS, B 02495 252-01X
ROGERS, J 12502 250-02X
O'BRYANT, K 11131 250-01X
HARRIS, S 10496 248-01X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 243-00X
PATTON, M 05594 243-00X
BEST IV, A 13620 242-00X
REA, W 09506 240-02X
BALLA, S 06593 240-01X
ZDON JR, W 06629 238-04X
DIXON, D 02881 235-00X
LYTTON, T 11048 235-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 235-00X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 233-03X
BATLLE, T 06506 332-04X
SMITH, J 04688 332-03X
G 04466 331-03X
DAGUE, T 11171 331-01X
BAUM, J 01876 330-06X
ROGERS, M 11409 330-03X
REA, T 07403 330-02X
ZDON JR, W 06629 329-04X
COX, J 09666 329-02X
PATTON, M 05594 329-00X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 328-02X
BALLA, S 06593 328-01X
REA, W 09506 328-01X
SHAW, E 05725 327-02X
WINSTON III, L 13436 327-02X
CRUMP, J 00058 327-01X
ARNETTE, M 05779 327-01X
J 09863 325-01X
M 09688 324-01X
LICHLITER, J 08885 323-02X
ROBEY, T 05369 323-00X
TROST, R 04894 322-01X
ROUCH, J 08082 322-01X
SNYDER, K 06350 232-03X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 232-00X
PERSON JR, J 05166 232-00X
DUTY, W 06546 231-02X
SCHELL, G 04466 230-01X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 228-00X
SOARS, B 09168 226-02X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 225-00X
MIKLOS, M 14375 225-00X
BATLLE, T 06506 224-03X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 224-00X
WETZEL, J 09863 223-01X
HEUER, D 02160 222-02X
HORNE, N 12321 220-00X
LAKATOS, B 14229 219-00X
TROST, R 04894 217-01X
PAYNE, J 12601 214-01X
ARNETTE, M 05779 213-01X
DECOURCY, C 06077 213-01X
REA, T 07403 210-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 210-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 210-00X
WENZEL, T 11287 210-00X
Grand Aggregate
BOWLING, G 04634 535-07X
ROGERS, J 12502 526-06X
SCHNEEMAN, E 03590 525-02X
WAITS, B 02495 519-04X
O'BRYANT, K 11131 511-02X
HARRIS, S 10496 507-03X
DIXON, D 02881 507-02X
BUMFORD, A 11692 506-03X
KINNEL, E 08768 504-05X
SNYDER, K 06350 502-05X
SNOOK, D 09289 497-04X
PATTON, M 05594 492-00X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 491-06X
ROGERS, M 11409 487-05X
BALLA, S 06593 485-02X
SCHELL, G 04466 484-05X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 483-05X
REA, W 09506 481-02X
ZDON JR, W 06629 479-06X
THOMPSON, E 10572 469-02X
BEST IV, A 13620 469-01X
LYTTON, T 11048 467-03X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 465-01X
TROST, R 04894 463-01X
ROGERS III, J 11046 463-01X
SOARS, B 09168 461-03X
LAKATOS, B 14229 458-01X
DECOURCY, C 06077 456-02X
ARNETTE, M 05779 455-01X
DUTY, W 06546 451-03X
PERSON JR, J 05166 451-02X
PAYNE, J 12601 451-01X
DAVIES, P 01143 450-01X
HORNE, N 12321 447-01X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 445-05X
BATLLE, T 06506 443-06X
WETZEL, J 09863 437-01X
HEUER, D 02160 432-03X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 423-00X
COX, J 09666 415-02X
Five-Gun Aggregate
BOWLING, G 04634
ROGERS, J 12502
WAITS, B 02495
BUMFORD, A 11692 861-04X
SNYDER, K 06350 849-06X
PATTON, M 05594 843-03X
REA, W 09506 841-09X
HARRIS, S 10496 838-05X
SCHELL, G 04466 837-05X
ZDON JR, W 06629 829-08X
ROGERS, M 11409 814-05X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 800-02X
BROCKMILLER, S 02488 796-06X
BEST IV, A 13620 793-02X
DUTY, W 06546 774-03X
LEVITSKY, S 03726 767-06X
HEUER, D 02160 765-05X
PAYNE, J 12601 761-01X
ROGERS III, J 11046 754-01X
COX, J 09666 742-05X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 737-01X
MIKLOS, M 14375 727-01X
MACATEE, W 10962 701-03X
FLEES, L 08904 674-06X
SHAW, E 05725 668-05X
SELLARO, S 12403 663-02X
SHAFFER JR, R 07194 642-01X
SMITHSON, J 09976 630-04X
BOWMAN, D 14438 622-02X
OSTNER, B 09473 619-03X
FOX JR, E 09703 571-00X
REA, T 07403 543-03X
THOMPSON, E 10572 469-02X
SCANLAN, T 05282 434-01X
GIPE, N 04790 307-01X
WEAVER, E 12609 295-01X
SHAFFER, S 11106 263-01X
SITZMAN, K 09777 259-00X
150th Nationals Individual Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Young Senior Skirmisher Match Results (Final)
Senior Skirmisher
North-South Skirmish Association 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Young Senior Skirmisher Match Results (Final) 11/8/2024 9:35:40 AM
NRA Civil War National Championship Match Results
LAKATOS, N 14230
BOWLING, G 04634 181-04X
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 179-03X
BOWLING, G 04634 181-04X
Musket Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
DEFRANCISCI, C 04052 179-03X
Place Competitor Score
Musket Aggregate - 3 Places Pd Place
OSTNER, S 14034
WAITS, B 02495 178-02X
HUGHES, M 04354 177-03X
FRITZ, E 00701 177-02X
DIXON, D 02881 176-00X
SMITH, L 05678 174-00X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 172-00X
LAUER, M 02115 169-00X
SMITH, J 10832 168-01X
FIEBIG, J 08204 167-02X
SHEETZ, M 11983 166-01X
SMITH, J 04688 166-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 165-02X
REA, T 07403 164-01X
FLEES, L 08904 164-01X
HEUER, D 02160 162-02X
MILES, E 00233 159-01X
BOOZ, D 01832 158-00X
ARNETTE, M 05779 157-01X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 157-01X
KINNEL, E 08768 157-01X
WEAVER, E 12609 157-00X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 155-02X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 155-00X
LUNDIN, J 06700 155-00X
HORNE, N 12321 155-00X
TAYLOR, N 12661 154-02X
CRUMP, J 00058 154-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 154-00X
MACATEE, W 10962 154-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 154-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 153-00X
LYTTON, T 11048 151-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 150-01X
HAYES, P 00037 148-00X
SPAUGY, P 03475 148-00X
CRABILL, P 09531 147-01X
JOHNSON, D 07201 147-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 146-01X
WAITS, B 02495 178-02X
112502 ROGERS J 185-3X
HUGHES, M 04354 177-03X
FRITZ, E 00701 177-02X
DIXON, D 02881 176-00X
204634 BOWLING G181-4X 311929 ROUCH M 180-3X
SMITH, L 05678 174-00X
KEPPLER II, H 00818 172-00X
Carbine Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
LAUER, M 02115 169-00X
Carbine Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
Place Competitor Score
SMITH, J 10832 168-01X
FIEBIG, J 08204 167-02X
106528 SNYDER J 180 211131 O'BRYANT K179
SHEETZ, M 11983 166-01X
304052 DEFRANCISCI C175-1X
SMITH, J 04688 166-00X
ROGERS, M 11409 165-02X
Revolver Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
REA, T 07403 164-01X
Revolver Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
Place Competitor Score
FLEES, L 08904 164-01X
HEUER, D 02160 162-02X
MILES, E 00233 159-01X
BOOZ, D 01832 158-00X
104634 BOWLING G182-1X 202495 WAITS B 172-2X 303489 MCDANIEL M171-1X
ARNETTE, M 05779 157-01X
MCDOWELL, G 07472 157-01X
Smoothbore Aggregate - 3 Places Pd
KINNEL, E 08768 157-01X
Place Competitor Score
WEAVER, E 12609 157-00X
103726 LEVITSKY S185-5X
CIARLANTE, R 10205 155-02X
KAPPER JR, F 01640 155-00X
209506 REA W 185-4X 304634 BOWLING G184-6X
LUNDIN, J 06700 155-00X
HORNE, N 12321 155-00X
NRA Aggregate - 1 Places Pd
TAYLOR, N 12661 154-02X
Place Competitor Score
CRUMP, J 00058 154-01X
BUMFORD JR, A 00713 154-00X
104634 BOWLING G719-13
MACATEE, W 10962 154-00X
ROGERS III, J 11046 154-00X
CAMERON JR, R 13082 153-00X
LYTTON, T 11048 151-00X
PELOQUIN, R 00413 150-01X
HAYES, P 00037 148-00X
SPAUGY, P 03475 148-00X
CRABILL, P 09531 147-01X
JOHNSON, D 07201 147-00X
PAYNE, J 12601 146-01X
9:27:53 AM
- 3 Places Pd
- 1 Places Pd
150th Nationals Team Results
149th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6,
150th Nationals Team Results
1449TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. B 0.0145.8210.080.0435.8
15MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. A 0.067.7108.2270.0445.9 16TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A 0.0125.8210.0158.4494.2
1710TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A 0.0148.6270.0116.9535.5
18CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A 0.083.3270.0210.0563.3
1919TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A 0.0210.0300.065.9575.9
20HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A 0.0104.8270.0210.0584.8
2121ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A 0.0210.0210.0165.1585.1 22HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A 0.0178.9270.0173.8622.7
2646TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A 0.0240.0210.0300.0750.0
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 SS Pistol Company Match Results - Final
150th Nationals Team Results
150th Nationals Team Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Artillery Match Results
11/8/2024 9:27:17 AM Page 2
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
150th Nationals Team Results
150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Artillery Match Results
North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. 150th National Skirmish, Oct 2-6, 2024 Artillery Match Results
11/8/2024 9:26:51 AM Page 2
Cleaning the New Harper ’s Ferry Single-Shot Pistol (Tom Crone’s Scrapers and LA Awesome Cleaning Solution)
Craig Goheen and Carl Kruger, 49th Virginia Volunteer Infantry
Gunpowder is the first explosive to be developed. It was probably formulated first during the late Tang Dynasty (9th century). The earliest recorded chemical formula for gunpowder dates to the Song Dynasty (11th century). In Europe, it was first described in 1267 in the Opus Majus by Roger Bacon.
Black powder consists of a mixture of sulfur, carbon (in the form of charcoal), and potassium nitrate (saltpeter). The sulfur and carbon act as fuels while the saltpeter is an oxidizer.
The various European powders all had slightly varying formulae for their powder. In Austria in the mid-19th century, there was a minimum of four different formulations depending on how the powder was to be used. Powder for firearms, cannons, mines, and target shooting all had different rations of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. Grain size also varied, and at times different types of wood were specified for charcoal production.
In his book, The Artillerist’s Manual, Colonel John Gibbon describes the various formulations used by the great powers of the day. Differing slightly from France and Prussia, the U.S. used a mixture of 76 parts saltpeter to 14 parts charcoal to 10 parts sulfur. There was also a second approved version using 75/15/10.
Gibbons goes on to describe the process of “combustion” and its byproducts. “The substances resulting from the combustion of gunpowder are nitrogen and carbonic-acid gas . . . sulfuret of potassium which produces the sulfurous smoke, and in part adheres to the sides of the bore.” (Gibbons, pg. 23)
Given this basic understanding of the chemistry of black powder, it becomes apparent that these byproducts, when exposed to ambient humidity, produce caustic acids that are extremely destructive to steel and iron. For this reason, the military authorities of the day published exacting regulations for cleaning and maintenance of firearms and took great care to ensure compliance.
The thorough cleaning and removal of black powder residue are critical to the preservation and performance of our guns. Speak to two skirmishers, and you will discover two different methods of cleaning and maintaining firearms after a match. Different shooters recommend the use of hot water versus cold water to scrub bores, various admixtures of Murphy’s Oil Soap, vinegar, and a myriad of other ingredients.
For this article, we focus on the Pedersoli reproduction Harper’s Ferry single-shot pistol, which the N-SSA recently approved for competition, and some tools to help the process.
(The Pedersoli Harper’s Ferry Single-Shot Pistol in Percussion)
Cleaning this pistol is like cleaning any other muzzleloader. What makes it a difficult and unique challenge is the patented breech. As we began this effort we noted that the Pedersoli reproduction Harper’s Ferry has a breech that is similar but not the same as a patented breech, per the following example:
(Cut Away View of a TC breech)
Before we started testing we spoke with Tom Crone, who had come up with some innovative aids in cleaning black powder guns. To our surprise, Tom had already devised a set of scrapers specifically designed for the Harper’s Ferry pistol.
We procured two of these sets and did some preliminary work with them. Based on that work and a line drawing of the patent breech that we received from Stefano Pedersoli, we went back to Tom and asked him to make us a “modified” inner scraper with an angled tip to match the diagram of the breech, shown below:
This drawing indicates that the patented breech is conical. As a result of our initial research efforts, Tom Crone redesigned the small scraper to be conical and fluted. Initial results with the scraper indicated that the diagram is “not exactly” like the actual production. The closed end of the patented breech is not flat or curved, and the angle of 118 degrees shown on the diagram is smaller than the actual angle of the breech end. After modifying Tom Crone’s fluted scraper of 118 degrees and consulting with him, we’ve concluded that the actual angle is closer to 135 degrees. We experimented with these, and although good, none of them was an exact fit for the end of the breech; our later modification seemed to the best fit.
to Right
We used Tom Crone’s .54 caliber bore scraper – the one he made specifically for the Harper’s Ferry Pistol. This one is about .005” smaller than the .54 caliber Mississippi scraper, as shown below.
Crone’s. 54 Caliber Harper ’s Ferry Scraper)
With that background, we are using two identical Pedersoli Harper ’s Ferry Percussion Single-Shot with Musket Nipple 1/4 x 28 pistols for testing.
As a caveat, we will not try to recommend one cleaning system or solution over another. Instead, we will describe our technique, and more importantly, the two-scraper system developed by Tom Crone used with LA Awesome Cleaning Solution.
Our “testing”, although not scientific, began with firing a pair of matching pistols, then cleaning them with and without Tom’s scrapers, with hot water and soap, available brushes and patches. Then using a bore scope and cleaning Solution.
Tom Crone #1, #2, and Modified #2 (Done by Us))
patches, we evaluated the cleanliness of the pieces. Following is a representative photo of one of the pistols’ bores after cleaning.
(Bore Prior to Shooting)
Starting with the newly cleaned pistols, we shot three relays of 10 shots each with both pistols, using the same percussion caps and powder. One pistol was intermittently brushed out; the other was not.
We photographed the bores of both pistols after firing the 30 rounds. The following photo is representative of both bores.
(Bore Before Cleaning)
We disassembled both pistols for cleaning. We cleaned each pistol.
The authors each have their own methods of cleaning firearms. For example, one of us used a mop and the other used a .30 caliber brush for the patent breech end. We also differed in the steps and the order of the cleaning process.
It is very important to properly clean our weapons, and it is not an easy task. Also, the character of the N-SSA makes it difficult to have a singular answer to how we should clean. Without writing a book, we are merely providing the tools and some of our experience to make this task easier. That said, we wish to highlight LA Awesome Cleaning Solution. We don’t think enough people know about it. This product removed fouling better than
anything else we have tried.
The design of the second-generation patent scraper matches the drawings of the patent breech, but the actual breech is different from the drawing.
The best cleaning result was achieved using LA Awesome Cleaning Solution, a .54 caliber brush and a .30 caliber brush, Tom’s modified scraper, Tom’s .54 caliber scraper, a .30 caliber bore mop, and significant elbow grease, per the photo below:
We’d like you to take away from this article the idea that you need to clean your weapons and clean them well. It is not an easy task, but there are talented folks like Tom Crone who are more than willing to help you with the tools if you ask.
We could not have written this article without the help of Stefano Pedersoli, who was always prompt and informative in replying to our requests beyond our expectations.
Tom Crone has become one of our favorite sutlers. He and his good lady are always there to help and do whatever they can. In this project, Tom was quick and happy to fabricate whatever he could for us to try. He made himself available at all times and never made us feel like we were asking too much. The tools he made for us were the same high quality as those he provides to all members of the N-SSA. Thanks, Tom!
And a tip of the hat to Marsha Resch for her editing assistance. P.S. Although we received satisfying results with the techniques and tools used, we are still not 100% satisfied. In the future, we plan to attempt to model the exact shape of the patented breech. We’ll also test a “ Tom Crone #3 – 135-degree patented breech scraper”.
(Cleaned Bore)
Doc Chambers Memorial Golf Tournament Celebrates 30 Years with Honoring of Bob Klutas
The Doc Chambers Memorial Golf Tournament was founded in 1994 by the late Irwin “Doc” Chambers, a member of the former 10th CVI of the New England Region. Doc organized the first event at the beautiful golf course of Cacapon State Park just 25 minutes north of the Fort in Berkley Springs. After his passing, the N-SSA Skirmishers continued to hold the event for several years, aptly naming it after its founder, Doc.
In 2000, Bob Klutas of the 1st PA Rifles Bucktails took on the role of coordinating the tournament. Under Bob’s leadership, the event grew and flourished for 23 years. Bob put his heart and soul into the tournament to ensure that the event would live on for all of those skirmishers who also have a passion for the game of golf.
In 2023, with participation starting to dwindle due to passing/aging participants and introduction of new skirmishing events, Bob decided to hang up his duties as the coordinator of the event. When I received the note from Bob that the event was to be concluded, I was devastated. When we formed our team, the 63rd NYSV of the Irish Brigade in 2013, I was looking for a way to meet and engage with other skirmishers around the N-SSA. I had heard of the event before but never participated when we were skirmishing with former teams. I found a flyer on a latrine door, reached out to Bob and registered for my first time playing in the Fall of 2013. I was paired with Glenn Rohde, Jamie Kronemeyer and the late Jack Richardson. I instantly found new friends who’ve become integral pieces of my N-SSA experience. If the tournament had this kind of impact on me, then I am sure it’s having that kind of impact on others. Bob agreed to transition the coordinating duties to me as opposed to ending the tournament.
This Fall, we held our 30th Anniversary Tournament and celebrated the milestone by naming our championship trophy after the man who kept Doc’s dream alive for so many year…The Klutas Cup. We unveiled the trophy at our awards ceremony in Memorial Park where Bob gave his standard short and sweet speech about the event and how much it means to those of us who participate. The Fall 2024 Klutas Cup was won by the 149th PVI. In all, we had 7 foursomes participate this year including the 1st PA Bucktails, 2nd VA, 11th NJV, 63rd NYSV, 42nd NY and a new team from the 9th NY Cav.
Skill prizes for Longest Drives (Men, Women and Seniors) included a pound of 3f blackpowder donated by Paul Carges of the 9th NY Cav, 10 lbs of lead donated by Fred’s Lead and 10 lbs of lead donated by Glenn Rohde of the 42nd NY. Each golfer received an engraved ball marker donated by myself and Ed Heilborn of the 63rd NYSV. Our most sought after skill prize was our closest to the pin challenge where David Bowen of the 63rd NYSV won his 2025 National Dues.
As the pictures illustrate, the event is a wonderful time. We would love to see it continue to grow. It has consistently grown by a team or two over the last couple of events. You do not need to have a full foursome to participate. You can register as a single golfer and be paired with a team to have fun. Who knows, you might just make lifelong friendships like I did. All tournament proceeds are donated to the N-SSA. This Fall we donated $300 to the organization from event proceeds. Why not combine your two favorite hobbies of golf and skirmishing while helping to support our beloved N-SSA at the same time? If you have questions, would like to register, want to donate a prize or sponsor the event, please reach out to me. Rich Ryan, 63rd NYSV, rich.j.ryan@gmail.com, (716) 725-2128. Come be part of the next 30 years of the Doc Chambers Memorial Golf Tournament.
Bob Klutas and the Fall 2024 Champs, 149th PVI with the Klutas Cup
The Magazine of the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.