The Skirmish Line - Spring 2016

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Spring 2016 This issue features:

Volume 62 ~ Issue 2 Spring National Photos & Results Regional News & Results 2016 National Officer Candidates 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016

The Skirmish LineTM is the quarterly publication of The North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.

Non-member annual subscriptions are available for $24 per year (U.S. Funds) Editor & Publisher Editor, Chris Branch ~ National Photography Officer ~ Ericka Hoffman Visit our website at: http:\ The N-SSA Corporate Seal and the magazine title, The Skirmish LineTM, are registered trademarks of the NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc. Reproduction in any form or manner without the expressed written consent of the N-SSA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited. All pages are copyrighted by the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. and The Skirmish LineTM magazine. Text and images in this publication are the property of the original owners (authors). Text and images may not be published separately, in hard copy or electronically, without the expressed written permission of their owner(s). The authors and advertisers are responsible to make sure that they have the permission and right to publish articles, photos, and illustrations that they did not create. The NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc., The Skirmish LineTM, and its staff are not responsible for copyright infringement. Please contact the Editor for questions relating to any matter, including but not limited to rights, if any, to copy materials herein. Disclaimer: The North-South Skirmish Association does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication. The publisher also does not guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any product or service illustrated, mentioned, offered, or advertised herein. The publisher does not assume responsibility as to whether or not products or services advertised in this publication comply with all state or local laws which may be applicable in regard to the purchase or usage of such products or services. Warning: Neither the author(s) nor the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. can accept any responsibility for accidents or differing results obtained using techniques, products, and combinations thereof that will make results vary. Firearms should be checked before firing and periodically thereafter by a competent gunsmith and all manufacturer’s instructions and warnings must be followed.


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Volume 62 ~ Issue 2 Spring 2016 Covering the News & Happenings of the N-SSA through the Spring Nationals in May of 2016. Visit Us at

On the Cover 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A 133rd Spring Nationals - May 2016

1st Place A-1 Musket Team William Francis Keys Trophy

1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate Jack Rawls Memorial Trophy

Change of Address Requests Please send all address changes to: Judy Stoneburner, N-SSA Executive Secretary PO Box 218 | Crozet, VA 22932-0218 If your household receives multiple copies that you’d prefer not to receive, please email You must include your Zip+4 to receive The Skirmish Line

In this Issue Women in Skirmishing 25th Anniversary Event ............................................ 1 National Commander’s Column ...................................................................... 4 Deputy Commander’s Column ........................................................................ 6 Meet the Staff Officer - Chester Lauck ............................................................ 7 2016 National Officer, Staff, and Committee Chair Contact List .................. 8 2016 National Officer Candidates ........................................................... 10 National Commander David T. Booz ........................................ 12 Frank Kapper Jr. ................................... 16 Deputy Commander Wade Huffman ...................................... 18 Paymaster James G. Baird ...................................... 20 Adjutant Joe Plakis, III ........................................ 22 Melinda Shaw ....................................... 23 Inspector General Philip E. Crabil ...................................... 24 Wayne D. Shaw ..................................... 25 The Zone-Out and the Lost Fish .................................................................... 26 The Unsung Skirmisher ................................................................................. 27 Memorial Park Name Request Form ............................................................ 28 Potomac Region News................................................................................... 30 Tidewater Region News ................................................................................ 33 133rd National Skirmish Photos & Results .............................................. 35 Costume Committee ....................................................................................... 36 50 Year Membership Award Form ................................................................ 73 Woods Patent Equipment.............................................................................. 75 Charitable Giving Helps the N-SSA: IRA’s ................................................... 78 Letter from the Editor .................................................................................... 80

In the Next Issue ...

Summer Edition Information & Deadlines: This edition will contain information and happenings through July 31st as well as details about the Fall Nationals. It will have a color cover and black & white interior. All member articles & photos must be emailed to no later than August 15th in order for the issue to be in the mail by August 30th. National Officer articles and advertising artwork are due by July 15th.

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Yes.It Rained.Again.Damnit ... Now that we got that out of the way … I had fun. And as shown in the following photo of the long forgotten and underappreciated Battle of Lake Shenandoah, those of us shooting around position 25 sure made the most of the rain! And to me, that is what being a member of the North-South Skirmish Association is about; an enjoyable 5 or 6 days spent with some of the best people I have ever known. So here is a quick view of some of the things I enjoyed most: Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats handing out the 50 year awards on Sunday morning. If one wishes to really understand what the N-SSA means to us, all you have to do is look into the eyes of those receiving their 50 year awards. You will see a half century of memories of great times and great friends; good shots and bad shots; many shared campfires with friends and family; and, as is inevitable, many vacant chairs. Yes, this way of life we call skirmishing sure has tremendous value to many.

Thanks to my good pard, Richard Wood, and his paper cartridge making expertise, I had the opportunity to shoot in my first Traditional Match. The participants in this match must shoot in their full uniform with proper accoutrements. Firearms used must be "as issued" with no modification to their rear or front sights. Cartridges must be of the style used during the war, which means that the tail of the cartridge must be torn off by your teeth before you can load the powder and then the "Burton Ball" into your rifle musket. I quickly came to understand the soldiers stories of powder caked and dry lips and mouth as the match progressed! It was a fun, yet educational experience. Speaking of tradition, the "Black Hats" of the First Maryland Infantry (CSA) continue to expand and improve on their very original and unique campsite. Their Sibley tent has been moved and, thanks to research by one of their members and another very accomplished skirmisher, Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Babits, a "California" style external firebox was installed in the hillside outside the Sibley tent. And not only is this camp full of period huts and such, it is home to some of the best fife and drum music to be found anywhere. Playing as the Second Maryland Fifes and Drums, these fine musicians are the lineal descendants of the original Field Music of the North-South Skirmish Association. While visiting the First Maryland's camp, I ran into my friend Rob Hodge. Rob is not only a proud member of the N-SSA, he ranks as one of the top American Civil War living historians and (Continued on page 5)


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preservationists in the country today. To top that off, he also is an Emmy award winner for his film on the Battle of Franklin. Rob and I are in the planning stages of an N-SSA hosted Living Historian / Re-enactor Open House to be held in conjunction with the 135th National Skirmish. A good man for sure, and one that I am proud to have in our ranks! The fine production staff of Blue Forest Studios was on hand to start capturing the footage to be used in the N-SSA's new recruiting and information video which should be available by the upcoming 134th National Skirmish (October 5th to the 9th). They were very impressed with the scope of our National Skirmish and even more impressed with the hospitality shown to them by our members. I most certainly was taken by their friendly, professional demeanor and I look forward to seeing the final results of their hard work.

National Commander Phil Spaugy

And last but not in the very least, thank you to all those skirmishers who attended the 133rd and stayed through the weekend. And a special thanks to Skirmish Director, Phil Crabil, and his staff for their work throughout the trying weather conditions on Saturday and Sunday.

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Were You There To Help? After heading home from the 133rd Nationals last month, I wanted to thank the host teams, Skirmish Director, Phil Crabil, and his and the National Skirmish staff for pulling off another successful, all be it very soggy, National Skirmish. After setting a record of over 24 days of rain in May, we were all fortunate the creek didn’t flood and make matters worse. Skirmishers shooting at a smoothly running National Skirmish is a lot like watching a duck calmly swimming across a peaceful lake. Everyone sees the duck as it moves across the water, but no one notices all the work and turbulence going on just below the surface as the he paddles like mad just to keep moving. When a National Skirmish is running well, targets are scored accurately; adequate numbers of line judges and safeties are on the line clear and assist shooters quickly; and the correct amount of target materials are delivered to every position on time and hauled away promptly after each team match. More importantly, Fort Shenandoah is a safe place for family, friends and guests, where the Provost Guards are on duty, trash is picked up daily, and the bathrooms are consistently checked and cleaned. Amazingly, all of this is done by N-SSA members, as we all take our turn at hosting a National Skirmish every 7+ years. I haven’t talked to many people that say they just can’t wait to volunteer to give up their shooting to work at the next Nationals, but there is a group of N-SSA members that do just that. Many members probably don’t realize that behind the scenes, there are numerous volunteers that give freely of their time and expertise to work every National Skirmish. They spend long hours preparing for and working each National Skirmish. Many times, they do this for years and years, often without the recognition they truly deserve. To them, it’s not about being recognized, it’s about seeing a need and taking ownership to make sure the need is taken care of. Many of these volunteers are the experts who train and coach the 100 to 150+ volunteers that come to Fort Shenandoah every spring and fall to take their turn as one of the host teams. Others work behind the scenes to plan, coordinate, and assist with executing the thousand and one little details that make a National Skirmish run smoothly. We hope to spotlight the amazing work that these and many other skirmishers do in upcoming editions of the Skirmish Line. Every member of the host teams has their own part to play in order to ensure the success of every National Skirmish. Some teams have tasks that require more up-front preparation prior to the actual skirmish such as target preparation, while and other teams’ jobs may seem to be complete before Sunday afternoon when the National Skirmish actually ends. Even though the duties of a majority of the host teams begin to taper off during the weekend, quite a bit of work still remains to be done until after phase two of the musket match is complete on Sunday afternoon. I would like to encourage as many as possible of the host teams to remain at the fort to help with these final tasks. The more teams that stay to help clean up, the quicker everyone can start heading home. Thanks! 6

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

MEET THE STAFF OFFICER By: Wayne Jordan Meet Chester Lauck, the Fort Shenandoah Emergency Coordinator. Chester is well qualified for the job based on his background as a long-time local resident, local Fire Chief, and Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator for the surrounding county. In addition, he has been a firefighter and medic for the last 45 years (starting at age 15), serving in several localities in Virginia. He has traveled the eastern and southern part of the country to assist in disaster relief and forest fire prevention. During the great flood at the 2014 Spring Nationals, Chester stepped up to help our elected officers deal with the many emergency scenarios that were arising. By the end of the weekend, he was signed up to be an official staff officer to help deal with future situations. Since then he has co-chaired the committee that revised, and also continues to update, the Emergency Plans for Fort Shenandoah. At Nationals, he also serves as the local community liaison, and works with our national officers throughout the week to anticipate and deal with any emergency scenarios that may arise, due mostly to weather and medical situations. Chester is a member of the Hazelwood Volunteers, along with his sons Josh and Jeremy. His wife, Becky, is involved in the dress competitions. He shoots a wide variety of weapons, but finds the smoothbore to be his favorite long gun. With his sons, he has purchased both a mortar and cannon. He says the mortar “is about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on”. At Chester’s home it is hard not to notice his unique hobby of collecting and maintaining antique fire engines – not models, but the real things. Among his collection is a 1939 American LaFrance 500, a 1961 ladder truck, and his newest Engine, a 1977 Ford. He says that skirmishing has given him an opportunity to spend quality time with his family and opened the door to meeting many new friends. He and his dad used to come to Fort Shenandoah when he was young to work at the Ruritan, but it wasn’t until he joined the N-SSA in later years that he realized how deep the camaraderie and commitment among N-SSA members ran. Congratulations, Chester Lauck, for being our first profiled Staff Officer. Meet the Staff Officer or Committee Chairperson is a new series that will be published in each edition of the Skirmish Line. The most recent N-SSA directory lists 31 Staff Officers and 21 Committee chairmen. This reflects the wide range of duties that must be performed to keep our organization running. Most of these volunteers are low profile people who work quietly behind the scenes, contributing an enormous number of hours of work to support the N-SSA each year. This series of articles is meant to bring them out of the background and share with our membership who they are and why they are in these jobs. Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer, Staff, and Committee Chair Contact List National Officers & Board of Directors

Staff Officers

National Commander - Phillip L. Spaugy 937-454-1846 PSPAUGY@AOL.COM

Artillery Officer - Robert T. West 757-508-3007 CANNONEER@COX.NET

Deputy Commander - Francis B. Kapper, Jr. 571-283-9958

Bivouac Officer - Robert E. Gorsky 410-795-2677 GORSBOB@AOL.COM

Adjutant - Carlton Layne Personnel Review Committee Chair 770-426-1918

Corporate Relations Officer -Allen Minneman 937-272-7520

Inspector General - Wade O. Huffman 410-916-4387

Executive Secretary - Judy O. Stoneburner 434-823-4772 Paymaster - James G. Baird

Historical Center Staff Officer - Bruce A. Allen 703-966-9277 SOUTHERNSHOOTER1@VERIZON.NET IT Manager & Sutler Officer - Linwood L. Mc Mahon 757-536-5187

Regional Commanders & Board of Directors

Judge Advocate / Solicitor - Brian G. Appelt 540-220-7707 BGAPPELT@VERIZON.NET

Allegheny - John V. Doyle 540-455-7909

Judge Advocate / Solicitor - Lars E. Anderson 703-967-1789

Carolina – James Rogers, III

Living History / Re-enactor Officer - Robert L. Hodge 703-944-6970

Central Virginia - Robert Hannula 2016 Election Chairman 571-221-2415 BOBBYHANNULA@JUNO.COM

Logistics - Todd H. Hess 717-398-5678

Chesapeake - David T. Booz 717-338-9379 Deep South - Lawrence E. Gibson 423-364-7157 LAWRENCE5650@GMAIL.COM


Ft. Shenandoah Emergency Coordinator - Chester T. Lauck 540-336-3938

Media Advertising Officer - Vicky L. Rowe Oversight Committee-Bulletin Board National Photography Officer - Ericka L. Hoffmann

Mid-Atlantic - Roger A. Gray 732-280-8159

National Registration Officer - Michael J. Bodner Visitor Committee 980-235-2342

Midwest - Eric S. Schuessler 216-990-5903 ESCHUES@AOL.COM

National Safety Officer - Brian J. Evans 540-662-8976 ICEMO@COMCAST.NET

New England - Paul R. Morgigno 860-302-2870 PAUL14CVI@ATT.NET

NRA Liaison Deputy - CWO-2 Frederic A. Behrens 804-598-2868 REDBARON13@VERIZON.NET

Northeast - Ronald J. Barvian 585-652-9625

NRA Liaison Officer - Craig Stanley 717-649-9461

Northwest - Charles L. Kindle, Jr. 419-346-6768 CLK111@ROADRUNNER.COM

Ordnance Officer/Medical Liaison - John Venskoske, Sr. 540-888-3349

Potomac - Davy Crockett, Jr. 570-888-8686 NANCYC@STNY.RR.COM

Program Staff Officer - Michael H. Jordan 540-533-2818

Tidewater - Linwood McMahon 757-536-5187

Property Manager - Timothy D. Scanlan 540-888-4334 NSSAPROPERTYMGR@AOL.COM

Western - Yancey Von Yeast

Property Management & Finance - John Scott Lynch 304-582-3977 SCOTTNSSA@AOL.COM

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Protocol Officer - Charles L. Kindle, Jr. 419-346-6768 CLK111@ROADRUNNER.COM

Community Relations / Property Mgmt - Gary J. Crawford 540-869-2896 USIMLT@HUGHES.NET

Provost Marshall - Robert S. Klutas 717-921-8660

Costume Committee - Sharleen Mullins 757-868-7844 SLWCARR@YAHOO.COM

Public Information Officer - Bruce W. Miller 248-258-9007 SPARTAN70@SBCGLOBAL.NET

History Committee - John P. Zebelean, III 410-747-4161 REBSHOOTER@AOL.COM

Range Officer - William H. Jordan 540-888-3970 BJ1502@WILDBLUE.NET

Insurance Committee - John W. Richardson 781-545-3926 JRICHARDSON@HISTORICFIREARMS.COM

Recruiting Officer - Melinda C. Shaw 215-913-0329

International Muzzleloading Committee - Errol W. Mc Lean

Revolver Range Officer – Chris De Francisci Marketing Committee Chair 540-840-2707 Sanitation Officer - Charles J. Wager 910-326-4833 WAGERL@SOC.MIL Signal Officer - David Cole 703-362-7836 Small Arms Committee Chair - John D. Holland, Jr. Traditional Musket Match Chair 716-824-5542 JH44NY@VERIZON.NET Statistics Officer - Matthew R. Bennett 540-869-2494 MBENNE1@MSN.COM Youth Program Coordinator - Frederick J. Schell 410-687-4173

Committee Chairpersons Awards Committee - Daniel Stedman 518-495-6382

Membership Committee - Kenneth L. Stiles Publications Committee - Sharon A. Myers 724-258-4807 Recreation - Joseph M. Fisher 717-614-0214 Rules - John S. Robey 937-399-3081 ROBEY1861@AOL.COM Uniform Committee - Mark E. Latham 603-382-7014 BALCHISS@HOTMAIL.COM

Veteran's Committee - George J. Schell 410-461-1670 GSCHELL516@CS.COM

Publications Skirmish Line Editor – Chris Branch

Webpage Administrator - Tony Ebersole

Charitable Giving – Wayne Jordan 703-407-2445

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016



Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 National Officer Candidates On the next few pages, you’ll find the nominations for National Officers which were received by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Robert Hannula. Candidates are presented in alphabetical order by office. Please take time to read and evaluate each candidate’s information before voting. In accordance with current N-SSA by-laws: ARTICLE III:



The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Inspector General, and Executive Secretary. Except for the Executive Secretary, the officers shall be elected by the membership from members in good standing of member organizations for terms of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected. Beginning in 1994, no one shall be elected to the same national office for more than two consecutive terms. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board. Officers elected by the membership shall receive no compensation except the reimbursement of bona fide expenses incurred on behalf of the Association. The six officers shall be known as National Officers, and, except for the Executive Secretary, shall be eligible to vote on all matters coming before the Board of Directors. SECTION 2 Officers and their duties are as follows:

PRESIDENT, having the title of COMMANDER, shall preside over meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors; be a member ex officio of all regular and special committees (except the Awards, Nominating, and Election Committees); perform all the duties usually pertaining to the office of President; perform other duties as may be assigned by the Bylaws. VICE PRESIDENT, having the title of DEPUTY COMMANDER, shall perform all duties of the Commander in his absence or at his request; perform other duties as may be assigned or directed by the Commander. SECRETARY, having the title of ADJUTANT, shall conduct official correspondence at the direction of the Commander or the Board of Directors; keep records of Association business, except as delegated to the Executive Secretary; maintain a roster of national and regional officers, committee chairmen, and staff officers; perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. TREASURER, having the title of PAYMASTER, shall perform normal duties of treasurer; collect all dues and other funds paid to the Association; serve as custodian of all Association funds; write checks in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors; keep an accurate record of all funds, and submit an accounting of same to the Board of Directors; submit records for auditing when so directed; be bonded for malfeasance and misfeasance in an amount set by the Board of Directors. The INSPECTOR GENERAL shall inspect to determine that participating individuals and organizations at National Skirmishes comply with the Skirmish Rules; inspect probationary organizations at National Skirmishes, and make recommendations as to their qualification for membership to the Board of Directors. appoint assistants from among the members, if necessary, to assist him in the performance of his duties.

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Commander

David T. Booz - Page 1 of 4


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David T. Booz - Page 2 of 4

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Spring 2016


David T. Booz - Page 3 of 4


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

David T. Booz Candidate for Commander

David T. Booz - Page 4 of 4

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Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Commander

Frank Kapper Jr. Candidate for Commander


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Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates Deputy Commander


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Skirmish Line

Wade Huffman Candidate for Deputy Commander

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Paymaster


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

James G. Baird Candidate for Paymaster

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Adjutant

Joe Plakis III Candidate for Adjutant


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Melinda Shaw Candidate for Adjutant

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates Inspector General

Philip E. Crabil Candidate for Inspector General


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Wayne D. Shaw Candidate for Inspector General

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


The Zone-Out and the Lost Fish By: Jim Van Eldik, Forrest’s Escort Last Brierfield skirmish I proved my worthlessness as an N-SSA recruiter. It was Saturday morning and like most competitors, I was totally zoned out trying to determine why my carbine rounds were wandering astray. You know how it is, the shots are going high, or they’re going low, or left, or right, or a combination of one or two or six of these. And for the life of you, you can’t tell if it’s your sight picture, or your squeeze, or your stance, or if it’s the light, or the wind, or some other daggone misery you haven’t thought of yet. On the other hand, I had already fired a winning score (43X) with my beloved Spencer, which was still leaning against the loading bench. The Spencer performed like a well-trained seal, which may seem kind of odd since when I bought the gun (for $140), it was kind of a junker. No it was REALLY a junker. The hammer spur was broken off; the loading lever was mutilated with a welded piece on it that doubled back to look like a Winchester lever; the stock line was broken off so the stock wobbled; there was no loading tube; the bullet guide was broken off and the spring missing; and the barrel was a rust pit. The breech area had the added feature of many huge dents, apparently made by someone hammering on it to unloosen a stuck breech. A bunch of parts from Dixie, other parts and new action from S&S, a Hoyt liner, etc., etc., and championship grade it became.

While I was sitting there pondering my miseries, a spectator walked up behind the ready area and started asking questions. I’m not sure of whom, but he was really interested in everything we were doing. Somebody took time to engage him - I’m not sure who. It might have been Bubba (Dave Thomas) who I think was loading across from me (I can’t remember for sure). It might have been Giles Chavois of the 44 th GA who wanders around a lot and does a lot of promoting, at least I‘m told he does - it does look like that’s what he‘s doing. Usually, I‘m too zoned to know for sure. Then again, it might have been somebody else. Anyway, apparently the guy asked about the Spencer. I remember the person talking to him, I think it was Giles but I’m not sure, mentioned that this was the gun featured in “Unforgiven.” This was the point where I got up and brought the gun over to the guy, showed him how it operates, told him about its history, and let him handle it for a bit, you know, really set the hook. No, I didn’t. I stayed in my seat and pondered my target shooting miseries. And the prime new member candidate for the N-SSA wandered away, most likely with the hook unset.


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

The Unsung Skirmisher By: Wayne Jordan Need a volunteer? Or a helping hand? This quarter’s Unsung Skirmisher is our first couple, Mark Elton and Robin Hildebrandt of the 7th Virginia. Mark is one of those guys who always seems to be standing there ready to pitch in when someone is needed. Or, if he offers a suggestion for something that should be done for the benefit of members at Fort Shenandoah, he will be the first volunteer to roll up his sleeves and get to work making it happen. Robin is often by his side assisting with the myriad projects that they take on. Robin was also honored at the recent National Skirmish for her work with helping run the National BB gun matches. When there was a controversy over the rules for kids attending the barn dance, Mark joined the Provost Guard to help review the rules. He and Robin starting spending their Saturday nights at the barn to help supervise the event; this after also working on reviewing other options for the kids such as a movie night and the status of the playground. Being on the Provost led to some sleep deprived days for Mark at the Spring 2014 National as he worked around the clock to ensure the safety of skirmishers and the cleanup that followed. Since the Veterans Skirmish needed last minute volunteers to help organize the prize table some years ago and Mark stepped up to help, he has done so each year and eventually became the Skirmish Director one year. When the regional BB gun competitions needed help, Mark and Robin were there to help organize and run them, even helping out other regions on occasion. Both have been long time participants in the costume contests, often outfitting several family members for competition. If a fellow skirmisher is working on a campsite project, like building a deck, Mark is likely to pick up a hammer and help out. Need a hand picking up lumber or hardware at Lowe’s? Mark and his truck are likely to give you a hand. Does his team need someone to take on an officer’s job? Mark is likely to be the guy who steps up. Mark’s family has been involved in the N-SSA since near its beginning, and has a heritage of volunteering. His father before him, John Elton, was a frequent volunteer. Now Mark and Robin’s son, Mackenzie, also helps out with many of these projects. It is only a matter of time before his young daughter, Klarissa, is also volunteering. In the words of Robin, “If you need a hand with something, all you’ve got to do is holler and Mark will be there.” The Unsung Skirmisher is a regular feature of the Skirmish Line. Each edition will highlight at least one N-SSA member who has done something above and beyond the call of duty for the benefit of the N-SSA and its members. It can be large or small. It can be a guest or family member. The purpose is not only to recognize these individuals, but to help motivate others to make that extra effort on behalf of their teammates and fellow N-SSA members. Be on the lookout for such an individual and nominate them for The Unsung Skirmisher column. Do you know someone who has given selflessly of their time for the benefit of others? Contact Wayne Jordan at or 703-407-2445.

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Memorial Park Updates Continue As we continue in the process of updating the Memorial Park stones for deceased N-SSA members, we need your help to ensure that those who still need to be memorialized are remembered. Please use this request form to add any names to the list still to be engraved. If you have any questions, you may email or


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Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


POTOMAC Region News


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Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Southampton Greys Skirmish Results - Fort Mahone, Capron, VA - April 1-3, 2016 Musket:

Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ........... 597.2 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................. 730.4 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ................. 832.0 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................. 891.2


Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ........... 367.6 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................. 527.9 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ..... 630.6 Nansemond Guards Co. B ............... 1058.3

Breechloader: Norfolk Light Infantry Co. A ................. 10.2 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................ 526.3 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ... 536.3

Revolver: Nansemond Guards Co. A ................. 127.8 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................. 153.2 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ..... 153.8 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ................. 157.9


Individual Results

50-Yard Breechloader 100-Yard Breechloader Breechloader Aggregate 25-Yard Smoothbore

50-Yard Musket:

Miles E .................... 87-1x Cameron, Jr. R ............ 85 Williams S .................... 83 100-Yard Musket: Miles E .................... 90-2x Williams E 78 Cameron, Jr. R 67 ........... Musket Aggregate Miles E 177-3x Williams E 159 Cameron, Jr. R 152 ......... 50-Yard Carbine Branch D. 87 Gallagher R. 75 Naquin C 74 100-Yard Carbine Gallagher R 77 Naquin C 62 Carbine Aggregate Gallagher R 152 Naquin C 136 Miles E 72-1x 25-Yard Revolver Branch D 94-2x Miles E 92 Deans G ................ 89 50-Yard Revolver Branch D 81 Miles E ............ 68 Deans G ..... 66-2x Revolver Aggregate Branch D .. 175-2x Miles E ....... 160 Deans G 155-2x


Smoothbore: Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ......... 141.9 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ... 192.6 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................ 193.8 Nansemond Guards Co. C ................ 242.9 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................ 247.0

Norfolk Light Infantry ......................... 43' 2" Tuckers Naval Brigade ...................... 56' 7" Old Dominion Dragoons .................. 131' 5"

Cameron, Jr. R .............. 77 Cameron, Jr. R ...................83 Cameron, Jr. R ............... 160 Naquin C ................ 90 Gallagher R ............... 64 50-Yard Smoothbore Gallagher R ................... 90 Naquin C ...................74 Smoothbore Aggregate Naquin C 164 Gallagher R 154 Grand Aggregate Miles E .............. 409-4x

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Tidewater Region News Submitted by: Judy Stoneburner, Region PIO

A trophy in memory of the co-founder of the Dismal Swamp Rangers, James “Jimmy” Poor, which sports his bronzed kepi, was presented to the Dismal Swamp Rangers 1st place Carbine team at their annual skirmish by Jimmy’s widow, Lee Poor. Pictured left to right: Steve Brockmiller, Victor Roach, Don Branch, Larry Brockmiller, Lee Poor, Gary Brockmiller, and DSR Commander, Mike Davenport

Tidewater Region Distinguished Service Award Seven years ago, one of our members started something small to raise money for cancer research. It started with a one-shot match and a couple of collection jars. Soon, teams did away with their one-shot match and just sold the cancer one-shot target. In 2009, to the amazement of many, $1,000 was raised! The money was donated to the Virginia Relay for Life. Since then, the amounts raised and donated continued to grow: 2010 .....$1,000 ...... North Carolina Relay for Life 2011 .....$1,800 ...... Cancer Treatment Center of America, Sloan-Kettering Hospital 2012 .....$5,000 ...... Kings Daughters of VA, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital (1st Cancer Skirmish) 2013 .....$6,000 ...... Virginia Relay for Life, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Hardison Sloan-Kettering Hospital. Several large donations also RecipientLeslie of the Tidewater Region helped increase the amount. Distinguished Service Award 2014 .....$8,000 ...... North Carolina Relay for Life, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Sloan-Kettering Research Hospital 2015 .....$10,000 .... St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research Hospital, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter, Huntsman Cancer Institute

In 7 short years, this region of 335 members has donated $32,000 to cancer research. Were it not for the vision and determination of Leslie Hardison of the 3rd North Carolina Cavalry, none of this would have happened. Leslie has donated much of his time and own money to make this happen. The Tidewater Region is indebted to Leslie for his efforts and is proud to show our appreciation by presenting him with the Tidewater Region Distinguished Service Award. Leslie Hardison receiving his award from Commander, Linwood McMahon, and John Sharrett. Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Dismal Swamp Rangers Skirmish Results - Fort Mahone, Capron, VA - March 18-20, 2016 Team Results Musket:


Smoothbore: Nansemond Guards Co. A ................ 244.3 York Rangers, 32nd VA Inf. Co. A .... 299.9 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................ 321.5

Nansemond Guards Co. A ................... 935.8 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ................. 1063.0 Tuckers Naval Brigade Co. A ............. 1070.6 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................. 1374.6

Breechloader: Norfolk Light Infantry Co. A ............... 305.9 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................ 418.0 York Rangers, 32nd VA Inf. Co. A .... 427.9

York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ....... 545.3 Nansemond Guards Co. A ................... 592.9 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................... 837.8 Mosby's Rangers Co. B ...................... 1092.3 Norfolk Light Infantry Co. A ................ 1111.8


Norfolk Light 1.................................... 37' 4" 2nd Virginia Cavalry 1 .................. 59' 9.75" Southampton 2 ............................. 79' 9.25"

Revolver: Nansemond Guards Co. A ................... 133.6 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ....... 196.0 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ................... 247.4 Nansemond Guards Co. B ................... 281.8

Individual Results 50-Yard Musket:


Corrigan J .................................. 92 Miles E ....................................... 91 Arnette M .............................. 87-1x

Revolver Aggregate: Branch D .............................173-3x Bowling G ............................168-2x 50-Yard Breech-Loader: Chapman C ................................ 88 Brockmiller F .............................. 88 Brockmiller S .............................. 86

100-Yard Musket:

Brockmiller G ............................. 91 Arnette M .............................. 90-1x Miles E ....................................... 89

Musket Aggregate:

Miles E ..................................... 180 Corrigan J ........................... 179-1x Arnette M ............................ 177-2x

50-Yard Carbine:

O'Bryant K............................. 87-3x Bowling G ............................. 87-1x Brockmiller G ........................ 87-1x

100-Yard Carbine:

Brockmiller F.............................. 87 Branch D ............................... 86-1x Brockmiller G ............................. 85 O'Bryant K.................................. 85

Carbine Aggregate:

O'Bryant K............................. 72-3x Brockmiller G ...................... 172-1x Branch D ............................. 170-1x

50-Yard Smoothbore: Brockmiller F .........................92-2x Cobb T ...................................92-1x Bowling G ..............................90-2x

25-Yard Revolver:

Branch D ............................... 98-3x Bowling G ............................. 93-2x Miles E .................................. 91-1x

Smoothbore Aggregate: Cobb T .................................188-4x Bowling G ............................184-2x

50-Yard Revolver:

Brockmiller F.............................. 78 Branch D .................................... 75 Bowling G .................................. 75

Grand Aggregate:

100-Yard Breech-Loader: O'Bryant K .............................89-1x Brockmiller S .........................89-1x Chapman C ..........................87-1x

Breech-Loader Aggregate: Brockmiller S .......................175-1x Chapman C .........................175-1x 25-Yard Smoothbore: Cobb T ...................................96-3x Bowling G ................................... 94 Brockmiller S .........................93-1x

Bowling G ............................506-4x Brockmiller F ............................ 503

Five-Gun Aggregate: Brockmiller F .......................851-2x

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

133rd National Skirmish May 18-22, 2016

133rd Nationals Staff Officers Skirmish Director - Phil Crabil, 11th Virginia Cavalry

Range Support Officer - Ron Evans, 7th New Jersey Volunteers 908-369-1802

Adjutant - Bill Tate, 11th Virginia Cavalry 540-278-1234

Registration Officer - Harry Jackson, 1st Regt. Engineer Troops 540-967-1910

Chief Announcer - Joe Heatwole, 11th Virginia Cavalry 540-271-2476

Revolver Range Officer - Emmerson Miles, 2nd Virginia Cavalry 804-306-2802

Individual Match Officer - Bob Peloquin, Harris Light Cavalry 201-691-9145

Sanitation Officer - Donald Rollette, Sr., Div. of Marines 410-859-3555

Logistics Officer - Tim Scanlan, 1st Maryland Cavalry Artillery Officer - Tim Scanlan

Statistics Officer - Gary Crawford, 1st Florida Cavalry 540-869-2896

Ordnance Officer - Ron Beeman, 1st Stuart Horse Artillery 410-247-4261

133rd Skirmish Director

132nd Skirmish Director

11th Virginia Cavalry

Nansemond Guard

Philip E. Crabil

Skirmish Line

Gary Bowling

Spring 2016


N-SSA Costume Committee The Costume Committee holds its competition during the spring and fall nationals each year and offers an informative workshop, known as The Sewing Circle, at absolutely no charge. All are welcome both at the workshop and the competition. Don’t care to compete? We would still love to see more people in civilian costumes around the fort during the nationals. It adds so much to the realism and grandeur of the weekend events! Also during each national competition, a smaller category is judged called the “Special Projects”. The workshops and special projects are a great start for both first-time and veteran competitors. This fall, The Sewing Circle will present, “Getting Back to Basics – Sewing Techniques”, in the Memorial Park (weather permitting) on Friday, October 7, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Upcoming Sewing Circle Topics: Spring 2017 - original bodices of the period; Fall 2017 - period hairstyles Upcoming Special Projects: Fall 2016 – Cotton under petticoat; Spring 2017 – Chemise; Fall 2017 – Headdresses

Fall 2016 Schedule of Events: Friday, October 7th 1:00- 3:00 p.m. .... Sewing Circle workshop at Memorial Park (weather permitting) Saturday, October 8th 11:00-12:00 ......... Registration: Infants, Children, Girls, Boys Civilian & Military Noon .................... Children’s Competition 11:00-12:30 ......... Registration: Young Ladies, Adults & Revolving Trophy Categories (immediately following children’s competition) For more information regarding the N-SSA Costume Competition and Sewing Circle, contact Sharleen Mullins, Committee Chair, at SLWCARR@YAHOO.COM or 757-868-7844.


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Costume Award Winners

1st Place Children's Visual

Atlee Kitts

Seamstress - Tiffany Kitts

2nd Place Children’s Visual

Honorable Mention, Children's Visual

Donald Kominek

Ryleigh Lauck

Seamster & Seamstress Kevin & Donna Coney

1st Place Infant's Regular, Elton Award,

1st Place Informal, Ladies Regular

1st Place, Ladies Intermediate

Caroline White

Maryanne Greketis

Becky Lauck

Seamstresses Cathy White & Kay Cogswell Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


BB & Pellet Team Competition


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

NRA Young Skirmisher & Senior Skirmisher Awards

NRA Young Skirmisher Award - 1st Place

NRA Senior Skirmisher Award - 1st Place

Christopher R. Hake

Michael F. Rouch

NRA Young Skirmisher Award - 2nd Place

NRA Senior Skirmisher Award - 2nd Place

Mike Mroz

Gregory P. Ogdan

Photo Not Available

Photo Below

Frank Kapper, Deputy Commander Phil Spaugy, National Commander Christopher R. Hake, 1st Place NRA Young Skirmisher Michael F. Rouch, 1st Place NRA Senior Skirmisher Gregory P. Ogdan, 2nd Place NRA Senior Skirmisher Skirmish Line

Spring 2016



Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

Individual Award Winners

Highest Musket Aggregate Patrick E. Felker Memorial Trophy

Jordan J. Rindler Highest Revolver Aggregate - Tom Blum Memorial Trophy 1st Place Grand Aggregate Ernest W. Peterkin N-SSA Grand Aggregate Trophy

Benjamin T. Waits


Highest Musket/Carbine Aggregate - Albert N. Hardin, Jr. Memorial Trophy Highest Carbine Aggregate - Bruce C. Warburton Memorial Trophy

2nd Place Grand Aggregate Walter T. Felter Memorial Trophy

James F. Hiler, Jr.

Alvin Bumford, Jr. Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Individual Medal Winners

DSCA Revolver, Bronze DSCA Breechloader, Bronze DSCA Five Gun, Bronze

DSCA Smoothbore, Bronze

Michael F. Rouch

110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Joel C. Rogers Iredell Blues

DSCA Five Gun, Bronze

Adam J. Bumford

149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place A-1 Revolver Team

1st Place B Revolver Team

Iredell Blues, Co. A

Nansemond Guards, 6th Virginia Infantry Co. E, Co. B

1st Place C Revolver Team

2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA Co. C


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place A-1 Carbine Team

1st Place A-2 Carbine Team

149th PA Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

2nd New Jersey Cavalry, Co. A

1st Place B-1 Carbine Team

1st Place B-2 Carbine Team

8th Regiment VA Volunteer Infantry, Co. B

Tuckers Naval Brigade, Co. B

1st Place C Carbine Team

8th Regiment VA Volunteer Infantry, Co. C Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners


1st Place A-1 Repeater Team

1st Place A-2 Breech-Loader Team

2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA, Co. A

Norfolk Light Infantry, Co. A

1st Place A-3 Breech-Loader Team

1st Place Single Shot Breech-Loader Team

149th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

1st Place B Breech-Loader Team

1st Place Spencer Team

2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA, Co. B

46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regt. Co. A Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place A-1 Smoothbore Team

1st Place A-2 Smoothbore Team

Nansemond Guards, 6th VA Inf. Co. E, Co. A

34th Bttn. Virginia Cavalry, Co. A

1st Place A-3 Smoothbore Team

1st Place B Smoothbore Team

1st Pennsylvania Rifles (Bucktails), Co. A

Harlan’s Light Cavalry, Co. B

1st Place C Smoothbore Team

8th Regt. Virginia Volunteer Infantry Co. C Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place Traditional Match

Union Guards


1st Place Mortar

2nd Place Mortar

Hazelwood’s Volunteers #1

Berdan’s 1st US Sharpshooters #1

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place A-1 Musket Team 1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate

149th PA Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

2nd Place A-1 Musket Team 2nd Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate

Harlan’s Light Cavalry, Co. A

4th Place A-1 Musket Team

21st VA Infantry, MD Guard, Co. A 5th Place A-1 Musket Team

111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

Team Award & Medal Winners

1st Place A-2 Musket Team

York Rangers, 32nd VA Infantry, Co. A

1st Place A-3 Musket Team

Palmetto Sharpshooters, Co. A

1st Place B-1 Musket Team

9th Regiment VA Volunteer Infantry, Co. B 1st Place C Musket Team

5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. C


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Special Awards & Appreciation

Certificate of Appreciation Outstanding Service to the N-SSA Assisting in the running of the Tenderfoot Matches

Certificate of Appreciation Outstanding Service to the N-SSA Assisting in the running of the Tenderfoot Matches

Walter Clark

Denise Clark

4th Virginia Infantry

4th Virginia Infantry

Distinguished Service Award Outstanding Service to the N-SSA Assisting in the running of the Tenderfoot Matches

Distinguished Service Award Outstanding Service to the N-SSA Assisting in the running of the Tenderfoot Matches

Patrick McGinness

Robin Hildebrandt

56th Pennsylvania Infantry

Skirmish Line

7th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals

50 Year Awards

Anthony Trovato, Jr.

R. Sherman Burres

John A. Peterson, Jr.

Michael Lauer

14th Virginia Cavalry

Cockade Rifles

15th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Co. A

111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Charles W. Andrews, Jr. Cockade Rifles


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Pioneer Patch, Gold Awards

Dave Cole

12th Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers

Karen Rawls

2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry

Katie Scanlan

1st Maryland Cavalry

Frederick Schell McNeill’s Rangers

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


2016 Spring Nationals


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

MORTAR MATCH RESULTS Place ...... Mortar............................................................... Shot 1 ........... Shot 2 ............ Shot 3.............. Shot 4 ............. Shot 5............ Total 1 ............ HAZELWOOD'S VOLS #1................................. 1ft-7.5in ......... 2ft-8in ............ 5ft-1.5in ........... 5ft-4.5in........... 6ft-5in ............ 21ft-2.5in 2 ............ BERDAN'S 1ST US SHARPSHOOTERS#1....... 2ft-2in............ 2ft-4in ............ 4ft-1.75in ......... 3ft-10.75in ....... 11ft-10.25in.... 24ft-4.75in 3 ............ 11TH NEW JERSEY VOL INF #2 ...................... 0ft-1.5in ......... 3ft-10in........... 9ft-1in .............. 8ft-8in ............. 9ft-0in ............ 30ft-8.5in 4 ............ 27TH VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS #1 ................... 2ft-10in .......... 4ft-3in ............ 4ft-6in .............. 8ft-4in ............. 13ft-2in .......... 33ft-1in 5 ............ 3RD US (WELLS) #1 ........................................ 0ft-9in............ 2ft-2in ............ 3ft-6.5in ........... 11ft-10in.......... 14ft-9.5in ....... 33ft-1in 6 ............ 7TH REGT VIRGINIA VOLS #1 ......................... 1ft-0in............ 5ft-6in ............ 4ft-11in ............ 10ft-7in............ 13ft-1in .......... 35ft-1in 7 ............ 1ST REGT ILL VOL LT ARTY #1....................... 2ft-8in............ 2ft-7in ............ 7ft-0in .............. 8ft-7in ............. 14ft-6in .......... 35ft-4in 8 ............ 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY REGT #1 .................. 2ft-2in............ 4ft-5.5in.......... 3ft-9in .............. 4ft-0in ............. 21ft-4.5in ....... 35ft-9in 9 ............ 8TH REGT VA VOLS #1 ................................... 0ft-11.5in ....... 5ft-1in ............ 7ft-7in .............. 10ft-5in............ 12ft-8in .......... 36ft-8.5in 10........... 5TH VIRGINIA VOL INFANTRY #1 ................... 4ft-3in............ 6ft-3in ............ 6ft-5in .............. 11ft-0in............ 10ft-3in .......... 38ft-2in 11........... 1ST PENN RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) #2 ................ 1ft-3in............ 5ft-9in ............ 10ft-1.5in ......... 10ft-9in............ 10ft-6in .......... 38ft-4.5in 12........... 3RD MARYLAND ARTY #1 ............................... 2ft-4in............ 3ft-11in........... 8ft-4in .............. 9ft-0in ............. 15ft-0in .......... 38ft-7in 13........... 7TH MICHIGAN VOL INF #1 ............................. 3ft-8.5in ......... 4ft-7in ............ 6ft-9in .............. 12ft-0in............ 12ft-0in .......... 39ft-0.5in 14........... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS #2 ............................ 3ft-9.5in ......... 4ft-11.5in........ 9ft-0in .............. 10ft-3.5in......... 12ft-1.5in ....... 40ft-2in 15........... 149TH NEW YORK VOLS #1 ............................ 4ft-2in............ 5ft-7in ............ 8ft-8in .............. 12ft-5in............ 13ft-4in .......... 44ft-2in 16........... 56TH PENN VOL INF #2................................... 3ft-0in............ 4ft-2in ............ 7ft-10in ............ 14ft-5in............ 14ft-10in ........ 44ft-3in 17........... PORTSMOUTH LT ARTY #1 ............................ 0ft-9in............ 3ft-11in........... 11ft-3in ............ 13ft-11in.......... 14ft-9in .......... 44ft-7in 18........... ROWAN ARTILLERY #1 ................................... 1ft-8in............ 5ft-11in........... 10ft-6.5in ......... 11ft-6in............ 16ft-4in .......... 45ft-11.5in 19........... 69TH NEW YORK ST VOLS #1 ........................ 3ft-1in............ 5ft-6in ............ 6ft-0in .............. 16ft-11in.......... 15ft-0in .......... 46ft-6in 20........... MANLY'S BATTERY #1 .................................... 4ft-4in............ 4ft-8in ............ 7ft-9.25in ......... 9ft-1in ............. 21ft-8.25in...... 47ft-6.5in 21........... 15TH IND BTTY OHIO LT ARTY #1 .................. 4ft-7.5in ......... 5ft-7in ............ 5ft-2in .............. 9ft-7in ............. 25ft-7.5in ....... 50ft-7in 22........... PALMETTO GUARDS CO.I, 2ND SC ................ 14ft-6in .......... 5ft-5in ............ 10ft-8in ............ 14ft-7in............ 18ft-1in .......... 53ft-3in 23........... 1ST PENN RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) #1 ................ 3ft-7in............ 5ft-0in ............ 4ft-2.5in ........... 9ft-11in............ 31ft-8in .......... 54ft-4.5in 24........... 2ND MARYLAND ARTY CSA #1 ....................... 3ft-6in............ 8ft-0in ............ 11ft-6in ............ 13ft-2in............ 18ft-11in ........ 55ft-1in 25........... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY #1 ........................... 25ft-11in ........ 9ft-11in........... 9ft-7in .............. 8ft-2in ............. 2ft-4in ............ 55ft-11in 26........... MOSBY'S RANGERS #1................................... 3ft-5in............ 3ft-5.5in.......... 4ft-0in .............. 20ft-7in............ 24ft-6in .......... 55ft-11.5in 27........... 14TH VIRGINIA CAV #1 ................................... 4ft-6in............ 9ft-5in ............ 14ft-8in ............ 13ft-4in............ 15ft-1.5in ....... 57ft-0.5in 28........... 9TH REGT NEW YORK CAVALRY #1 .............. 1ft-2.5in ......... 4ft-5in ............ 5ft-2.25in ......... 23ft-1.5in......... 24ft-4in .......... 58ft-3.25in 29........... 1ST VA VOLS (CORTNEY) #1 .......................... 0ft-6.5in ......... 2ft-4in ............ 13ft-2in ............ 16ft-9in............ 26ft-7in .......... 59ft-4.5in 30........... 5TH VIRGINIA VOL INFANTRY #3 ................... 2ft-9in............ 5ft-6in ............ 13ft-4in ............ 14ft-10in.......... 23ft-5in .......... 59ft-10in 31........... 12TH REGT US REGULAR INF #1 ................... 7ft-0in............ 7ft-3.5in.......... 12ft-7in ............ 15ft-7.5in......... 17ft-6.5in ....... 60ft-0.5in 32........... 3RD U.S. (8 INCH) (SMITHGALL)#1 ................. 6ft-3in............ 6ft-2.5in.......... 9ft-4in .............. 14ft-6.5in......... 24ft-3.5in ....... 60ft-7.5in 33........... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE #1 ....................... 3ft-10in .......... 5ft-0in ............ 6ft-9in .............. 20ft-10in.......... 27ft-10in ........ 64ft-3in 34........... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BTTY #1 ....................... 2ft-10in .......... 10ft-5in........... 14ft-6in ............ 14ft-9in............ 22ft-9in .......... 65ft-3in 35........... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS #1 ....................... 8ft-2.5in ......... 11ft-6.5in........ 12ft-4in ............ 15ft-8in............ 20ft-11in ........ 68ft-8in 36........... 7TH REGT VIRGINIA VOLS #2 ......................... 7ft-1in............ 7ft-11in........... 10ft-8.5in ......... 18ft-2in............ 25ft-10in ........ 69ft-8.5in 37........... 11TH NEW JERSEY VOL INF #1 ...................... 5ft-0.5in ......... 12ft-0.5in........ 11ft-6.75in ....... 17ft-5in............ 25ft-9.75in...... 71ft-10.5in 38........... BUNCOMBE RIFLES #1 ................................... 8ft-5in............ 11ft-5in........... 11ft-8in ............ 20ft-7in............ 20ft-4in .......... 72ft-5in 39........... WHEAT'S SPEC BTTY LA TIGERS #1 .............. 7ft-6in............ 8ft-9in ............ 14ft-0.5in ......... 18ft-10.5in ....... 24ft-11in ........ 74ft-1in 40........... 12 REGT PA RESERVES VOLS #1 .................. 3ft-5.25in ....... 8ft-4.5in.......... 9ft-3in .............. 23ft-10.5in ....... 30ft-10in ........ 75ft-9.25in 41........... ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS #1 ....................... 10ft-7in .......... 12ft-6in........... 18ft-4.5in ......... 3ft-3in ............. 31ft-10.5in...... 76ft-7in 42........... S0UTHAMPTON GREYS #1 ............................. 4ft-3in............ 2ft-10in........... 2ft-11in ............ 32ft-3in............ 37ft-0in .......... 79ft-3in 43........... NORFOLK LIGHT INF #1 .................................. 7ft-2in............ 9ft-6.5in.......... 15ft-2in ............ 25ft-3.5in......... 25ft-10in ........ 83ft-0in 44........... 110TH OHIO VOL INF #1.................................. 15ft-7in .......... 17ft-9.5in........ 17ft-9in ............ 21ft-8.5in......... 23ft-10.5in...... 96ft-8.5in 45........... 56TH PENN VOL INF #1................................... 9ft-6in............ 9ft-8in ............ 12ft-8in ............ 29ft-2in............ 36ft-0in .......... 97ft-0in 46........... MANLY'S BATTERY #2 .................................... 8ft-3in............ 9ft-5in ............ 11ft-8in ............ 33ft-10in.......... 35ft-7in .......... 98ft-9in 47........... GRAHAM'S BATTERY #1 ................................. 12ft-0in .......... 11ft-6in........... 11ft-7in ............ 29ft-8in............ 35ft-11in ........ 100ft-8in 48........... 7TH TENN INF REGT CSA #1 .......................... 6ft-10in .......... 11ft-6.5in........ 18ft-9in ............ 27ft-6in............ 36ft-6in .......... 101ft-1.5in (Continued on page 56)

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


MORTAR MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) 49........... WASHINGTON GRAYS #1 ............................... 8ft-4in............ 11ft-10in......... 14ft-0in ............ 28ft-6in............ 39ft-8in .......... 102ft-4in 50........... 12 REGT PA RESERVES VOLS #2 .................. 8ft-6.5in ......... 15ft-4in........... 14ft-11.75in ..... 17ft-10in.......... 47ft-2.5in ....... 103ft-10.75in 51........... 5TH VIRGINIA VOL INFANTRY #2 ................... 4ft-5in............ 16ft-11in......... 21ft-3in ............ 31ft-5in............ 32ft-9in .......... 106ft-9in 52........... 4TH KENTUCY CAVALRY #1 ........................... 11ft-10in ........ 11ft-7in........... 17ft-11in .......... 41ft-1in............ 27ft-8in .......... 110ft-1in 53........... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE #2 ....................... 11ft-7.5in ....... 19ft-9in........... 25ft-5in ............ 26ft-8in............ 30ft-1in .......... 113ft-6.5in 54........... MCNEILL'S RANGERS #1 ................................ 2ft-6in............ 26ft-3.5in........ 20ft-2in ............ 28ft-0.5in......... 41ft-6.5in ....... 118ft-6.5in 55........... 15TH REGT NJ VOL INF #2.............................. 2ft-9in............ 11ft-8.5in........ 21ft-4.5in ......... 23ft-6.5in......... 62ft-3in .......... 121ft-7.5in 56........... 3RD US (HIPPLE) #1 ........................................ 1ft-11.5in ....... 21ft-8in........... 22ft-6in ............ 36ft-9in............ 39ft-9in .......... 122ft-7.5in 57........... ROWAN ARTILLERY #2 ................................... 9ft-5in............ 20ft-1.75in ...... 22ft-9in ............ 28ft-6in............ 41ft-11in ........ 122ft-8.75in 58........... CO C. 2ND US SHARPSHOOTERS #1 ............. 2ft-3.5in ......... 7ft-8in ............ 20ft-7.5in ......... 38ft-6in............ 54ft-8in .......... 123ft-9in 59........... COCKADE RIFLES #1 ...................................... 11ft-6in .......... 11ft-10in......... 13ft-9in ............ 24ft-6in............ 70ft-7in .......... 132ft-2in 60........... HARDAWAY'S ALA BTTY #1 ............................ 15ft-2.5in ....... 31ft-4in........... 39ft-6in ............ 40ft-4in............ 46ft-7.5in ....... 173ft-0in 61........... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS #1.............................. 12ft-11.5in ..... 13ft-5.5in........ 38ft-7in ............ 48ft-11in.......... 60ft-10in ........ 174ft-9in 62........... 12TH REGT US REGULAR INF #2 ................... 23ft-0in .......... 31ft-0in........... 35ft-4in ............ 42ft-4.5in......... 46ft-11in ........ 178ft-7.5in 63........... 15TH REGT NJ VOL INF #1.............................. 14ft-0in .......... 20ft-4.5in........ 37ft-11in .......... 55ft-5in............ 58ft-6in .......... 186ft-2.5in 64........... 1ST NEW JERSEY LIGHT ARTY #1 ................. 24ft-4in .......... 31ft-2in........... 44ft-7in ............ 47ft-7in............ 48ft-7in .......... 196ft-3in 65........... 10TH MASSACHUSETTS BTTY #1 .................. 29ft-6in .......... 43ft-6in........... 54ft-9in ............ 55ft-9in............ 74ft-3in .......... 257ft-9in 66........... BATTERY C,1ST MICHIGAN LT ARTY ............. 13ft-9in .......... 65ft-3in........... 87ft-8in ............ 112ft-9in.......... 118ft-9in ........ 398ft-2in 67........... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY #2 ........................... 12ft-5in .......... 44ft-10in......... 110ft-3in .......... 125ft-4in.......... 125ft-4in ........ 418ft-2in


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


133rd National Skirmish, May 18 - 22, 2016 ~ TEAM MATCH RESULTS # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time Class A-1 Musket (10 Places Paid) 1 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 170.1............. 53.3 ............... 47.4 ............... 127.0 ........... 71.7 ...............469.5 2 HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ......................... 146.3............. 69.7 ............... 54.2 ............... 121.7 ........... 103.7 .............495.6 3 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......... 143.1............. 57.3 ............... 82.0 ............... 168.3 ........... 59.4 ...............510.1 4 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A .................. 159.0............. 73.2 ............... 81.3 ............... 116.0 ........... 90.6 ...............520.1 5 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................. 204.5............. 74.5 ............... 63.7 ............... 135.3 ........... 72.3 ...............550.3 6 WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A........................ 152.5............. 86.5 ............... 57.3 ............... 135.6 ........... 128.8 .............560.7 7 NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. A.. 172.8............. 92.6 ............... 86.1 ............... 119.5 ........... 98.1 ...............569.1 8 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ...................... 205.1............. 74.0 ............... 77.0 ............... 147.3 ........... 66.9 ...............570.3 9 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. A...................... 211.5............. 74.5 ............... 71.2 ............... 111.5 ........... 106.8 .............575.5 10 UNION GUARDS CO. A ........................................... 184.8............. 73.3 ............... 82.6 ............... 141.4 ........... 135.1 .............617.2 11 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A............... 223.9............. 85.2 ............... 108.4.............. 124.2 ........... 80.4 ...............622.1 12 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A ...................... 218.4............. 69.4 ............... 75.4 ............... 113.1 ........... 145.9 .............622.2 13 TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ......................... 224.4............. 102.1 ............. 101.4.............. 153.2 ........... 118.1 .............699.2 14 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................... 235.8............. 131.7 ............. 76.5 ............... 182.0 ........... 79.1 ...............705.1 15 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A................... 223.4............. 65.7 ............... 128.2.............. 161.9 ........... 127.6 .............706.8 16 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ......................................... 208.4............. 85.1 ............... 91.0 ............... 197.5 ........... 140.5 .............722.5 17 DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................... 293.9............. 77.2 ............... 128.0.............. 128.0 ........... 100.1 .............727.2 18 CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................... 236.2............. 113.2 ............. 111.9.............. 197.8 ........... 124.0 .............783.1 19 IREDELL BLUES CO. A............................................ 271.4............. 119.0 ............. 108.5.............. 215.6 ........... 113.1 .............827.6 20 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ......... 267.7............. 110.8 ............. 103.0.............. 173.5 ........... 195.0 .............850.0 21 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A ....................................... 285.9............. 81.4 ............... 115.8.............. 140.4 ........... 253.5 .............877.0 22 1ST NY DRAGOONS CO. A ..................................... 286.3............. 129.8 ............. 106.7.............. 226.4 ........... 133.5 .............882.7 23 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............ 345.0............. 103.9 ............. 105.3.............. 218.5 ........... 126.5 .............899.2 24 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............. 299.0............. 147.9 ............. 123.3.............. 199.3 ........... 138.4 .............907.9 25 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A .................. 316.0............. 122.7 ............. 135.1.............. 220.1 ........... 130.0 .............923.9 26 FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................. 287.9............. 138.1 ............. 146.4.............. 207.3 ........... 146.5 .............926.2 27 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A .................. 311.0............. 83.4 ............... 193.2.............. 238.1 ........... 138.3 .............964.0 28 CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A ..................... 328.0............. 132.3 ............. 139.3.............. 209.4 ........... 155.3 .............964.3 29 NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 284.9............. 100.0 ............. 104.0.............. 311.0 ........... 173.4 .............973.3 30 CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............. 311.0............. 167.9 ............. 133.5.............. 182.3 ........... 215.8 .............1010.5 31 11TH INDIANA ZOUAVES CO. A ............................. 278.2............. 122.9 ............. 127.7.............. 356.0 ........... 146.7 .............1031.5 32 MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A ..................................... 322.0............. 128.0 ............. 138.6.............. 260.0 ........... 194.5 .............1043.1 33 COMPANY D, 33RD VIRGINIA CO. A....................... 345.0............. 92.7 ............... 168.5.............. 248.6 ........... 203.5 .............1058.3 34 HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A ........................ 345.0............. 137.5 ............. 141.6.............. 245.5 ........... 188.8 .............1058.4 35 RICHMOND VOL. MILITIA CO. A ............................. 328.0............. 104.2 ............. 185.2.............. 245.4 ........... 195.9 .............1058.7 36 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................. 316.0............. 124.6 ............. 198.1.............. 236.8 ........... 187.5 .............1063.0 37 66TH NC REGT, CO C. CO. A .................................. 311.0............. 146.7 ............. 168.7.............. 254.3 ........... 196.7 .............1077.4 38 BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ........ 333.0............. 130.8 ............. 165.7.............. 263.3 ........... 197.9 .............1090.7 39 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......... 311.0............. 119.8 ............. 153.7.............. 258.2 ........... 267.3 .............1110.0 40 GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A......... 311.0............. 151.2 ............. 171.4.............. 311.0 ........... 188.7 .............1133.3 Class A-2 Musket (8 Places Paid) 1 ........ YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A .................. 204.5............. 108.9 ............. 84.4 ............... 165.0 ........... 102.0 .............664.8 2 ........ TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................... 289.8............. 110.5 ............. 96.5 ............... 108.9 ........... 142.8 .............748.5 3 ........ HANOVER GRAYS CO. A ........................................ 316.0............. 120.4 ............. 145.2.............. 190.9 ........... 115.8 .............888.3 4 ........ OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A........................ 297.4............. 126.6 ............. 99.4 ............... 212.2 ........... 180.9 .............916.5 5 ........ 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A ........................... 311.0............. 86.6 ............... 149.6.............. 206.3 ........... 176.9 .............930.4 6 ........ 56TH PA. VOL. INF. CO. A ....................................... 300.0............. 82.8 ............... 102.0.............. 251.3 ........... 223.9 .............960.0 7 ........ 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A .................... 384.0............. 133.0 ............. 111.4.............. 206.7 ........... 148.8 .............983.9 8 ........ 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................ 322.0............. 126.3 ............. 167.5.............. 240.1 ........... 178.2 .............1034.1 9 ........ KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 254.2............. 136.3 ............. 141.4.............. 296.1 ........... 241.6 .............1069.6 10 ...... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 300.0............. 125.0 ............. 156.5.............. 311.0 ........... 185.0 .............1077.5 11 ...... 13TH REGIMENT NC INFANTRY CO. A................... 333.0............. 130.9 ............. 169.3.............. 231.7 ........... 253.0 .............1117.9 12 ...... 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 345.0............. 118.5 ............. 130.0.............. 300.0 ........... 251.0 .............1144.5 13 ...... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A .................... 345.0............. 140.5 ............. 182.8.............. 294.3 ........... 190.3 .............1152.9 14 ...... HAMPTON LEGION, CSA CO. A .............................. 316.0............. 163.8 ............. 133.3.............. 300.0 ........... 241.6 .............1154.7 15 ...... 3RD MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A............... 339.0............. 196.3 ............. 157.0.............. 299.7 ........... 242.0 .............1234.0 16 ...... UNION VALLEY VOLS. CO. A .................................. 350.0............. 123.8 ............. 247.4.............. 311.0 ........... 216.5 .............1248.7 17 ...... 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ................... 291.6............. 138.3 ............. 252.1.............. 311.0 ........... 261.9 .............1254.9 58

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 18...... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BATTERY CO. A.................. 406.0 ............. 248.3..............156.4 ............. 220.3 ........... 240.0 ............. 1271.0 19...... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.............. 328.0 ............. 185.4..............170.1 ............. 390.0 ........... 221.0 ............. 1294.5 20...... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A.............. 361.0 ............. 169.4..............165.7 ............. 322.0 ........... 298.0 ............. 1316.1 21...... LANCASTER FENCIBLES CO. A ............................. 356.0 ............. 155.0..............194.9 ............. 322.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1327.9 22...... 14TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGT. CO. A .......... 333.0 ............. 181.5..............228.7 ............. 367.0 ........... 246.4 ............. 1356.6 23...... 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A .................................... 384.0 ............. 322.0..............201.5 ............. 322.0 ........... 181.2 ............. 1410.7 24...... 1ST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ................... 316.0 ............. 258.8..............251.7 ............. 356.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1500.5 25...... ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS CO. A......................... 367.0 ............. 212.7..............192.5 ............. 378.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1504.2 26...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................... 390.0 ............. 262.8..............270.0 ............. 333.0 ........... 254.4 ............. 1510.2 27...... 44TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............... 395.0 ............. 174.5..............226.4 ............. 412.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1525.9 Class A-3 Musket (12 Places Paid) 1 ....... PALMETTO SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ................... 333.0 ............. 171.5..............123.0 ............. 267.0 ........... 136.7 ............. 1031.2 2 ....... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.............. 345.0 ............. 119.2..............162.3 ............. 240.9 ........... 216.0 ............. 1083.4 3 ....... 1ST SC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.................. 333.0 ............. 112.0..............106.4 ............. 252.7 ........... 296.2 ............. 1100.3 4 ....... 7TH NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....... 311.0 ............. 132.5..............157.3 ............. 322.0 ........... 200.4 ............. 1123.2 5 ....... 1ST MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............... 378.0 ............. 134.7..............126.9 ............. 230.2 ........... 263.9 ............. 1133.7 6 ....... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A............ 350.0 ............. 154.4..............119.9 ............. 291.0 ........... 223.1 ............. 1138.4 7 ....... 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............... 384.0 ............. 140.8..............150.9 ............. 298.0 ........... 266.0 ............. 1239.7 8 ....... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................. 361.0 ............. 187.6..............171.5 ............. 255.7 ........... 268.9 ............. 1244.7 9 ....... MC NEILL'S RANGERS CO. A ................................. 339.0 ............. 172.4..............204.9 ............. 345.0 ........... 202.8 ............. 1264.1 10...... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A............... 322.0 ............. 151.1..............207.2 ............. 356.0 ........... 234.4 ............. 1270.7 11...... 1ST NJ LIGHT ARTILLERY CO. A ........................... 378.0 ............. 197.1..............227.8 ............. 311.0 ........... 159.1 ............. 1273.0 12...... 4TH MICH. VOL. INF. CO. A .................................... 406.0 ............. 201.8..............184.3 ............. 300.0 ........... 229.7 ............. 1321.8 13...... CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. A .......... 356.0 ............. 172.9..............207.1 ............. 300.0 ........... 299.9 ............. 1335.9 14...... ST. MARY'S LT. INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 367.0 ............. 198.3..............290.0 ............. 333.0 ........... 168.9 ............. 1357.2 15...... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................... 356.0 ............. 192.5..............307.0 ............. 333.0 ........... 191.0 ............. 1379.5 16...... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............ 350.0 ............. 262.0..............235.4 ............. 322.0 ........... 247.8 ............. 1417.2 17...... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A ................................. 350.0 ............. 181.5..............236.9 ............. 333.0 ........... 336.0 ............. 1437.4 18...... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. A ............. 373.0 ............. 146.8..............299.5 ............. 322.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1441.3 19...... 15TH REGT. NJ VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 390.0 ............. 300.0..............283.7 ............. 333.0 ........... 180.0 ............. 1486.7 20...... 6TH ALABAMA (RACCOON ROUGHS) CO. A ......... 418.0 ............. 161.5..............311.0 ............. 333.0 ........... 266.4 ............. 1489.9 21...... 37TH GEORGIA CO. A ............................................ 361.0 ............. 210.8..............242.7 ............. 356.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1524.5 22...... FIRST ROCKBRIDGE ARTILLERY CO. A ................ 384.0 ............. 174.8..............284.2 ............. 322.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1555.0 23...... 24TH GEORGIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .... 406.0 ............. 180.0..............286.1 ............. 367.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1557.1 24...... 118TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 373.0 ............. 251.8..............287.5 ............. 378.0 ........... 297.7 ............. 1588.0 25...... JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A .................................... 367.0 ............. 311.0..............276.8 ............. 345.0 ........... 299.0 ............. 1598.8 26...... BUNCOMBE RIFLES CO. A ..................................... 378.0 ............. 274.5..............288.5 ............. 333.0 ........... 336.0 ............. 1610.0 27...... 1ST TENNESSEE VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .............. 418.0 ............. 300.0..............256.6 ............. 367.0 ........... 279.9 ............. 1621.5 28...... 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A .............................. 406.0 ............. 322.0..............248.3 ............. 333.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1627.3 29...... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A .................. 429.0 ............. 228.7..............311.0 ............. 333.0 ........... 329.7 ............. 1631.4 30...... 1ST CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........... 395.0 ............. 260.6..............288.0 ............. 378.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1675.6 31...... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY REGT. CO. A ................... 418.0 ............. 282.3..............299.3 ............. 378.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1677.6 32...... MANLY'S BATTERY CO. A ...................................... 412.0 ............. 272.5..............311.0 ............. 412.0 ........... 294.3 ............. 1701.8 33...... 3RD NO.CAROLINA, LENOIR BRAVES CO. A......... 423.0 ............. 186.0..............378.0 ............. 423.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1710.0 34...... 11TH N.J. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 390.0 ............. 298.7..............311.0 ............. 322.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1711.7 35...... 1ST MARYLAND INFANTRY, CSA CO. A ................ 429.0 ............. 245.5..............271.4 ............. 378.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1713.9 36...... 8TH NY HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ......................... 418.0 ............. 300.0..............292.5 ............. 333.0 ........... 372.0 ............. 1715.5 37...... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A ...... 435.0 ............. 300.0..............311.0 ............. 345.0 ........... 336.0 ............. 1727.0 38...... CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A .................. 469.0 ............. 263.7..............311.0 ............. 356.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1753.7 39...... 19TH MICHIGAN INFANTRY CO. A ......................... 412.0 ............. 300.0..............322.0 ............. 378.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1766.0 40...... WASHINGTON GRAYS CO. A ................................. 429.0 ............. 277.1..............356.0 ............. 412.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1792.1 41...... PORTSMOUTH LIGHT ARTILLERY CO. A............... 395.0 ............. 322.0..............311.0 ............. 378.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1796.0 42...... HAMPTON HORSE ARTILLERY CO. A.................... 395.0 ............. 322.0..............322.0 ............. 390.0 ........... 372.0 ............. 1801.0 43...... 24TH MICHIGAN VOL. INF. CO. A ........................... 469.0 ............. 333.0..............333.0 ............. 390.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1879.0 44...... 1ST PA ARTILLERY CO. A ...................................... 418.0 ............. 121.4..............184.4 ............. 840.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1953.8 45...... 67TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............... 429.0 ............. 356.0..............345.0 ............. 423.0 ........... 426.0 ............. 1979.0 46...... BALTIMORE RIFLES, 1ST MD VOLS. CO. A ........... 440.0 ............. 333.0..............390.0 ............. 435.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1988.0 47 THOMAS LEGION CO. A ............................................ 451.0 ............. 423.0..............435.0 ............. 457.0 ........... 426.0 ............. 2192.0

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time Class B-1 Musket (6 Places Paid) 1 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................... 267.9 ............. 85.7................124.9 ............. 202.3 ........... 163.4 ............. 844.2 2 ....... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ........................................ 284.5 ............. 115.9..............97.3 ............... 193.7 ........... 180.4 ............. 871.8 3 ....... HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ......................... 248.3 ............. 110.7..............109.9 ............. 212.0 ........... 218.3 ............. 899.2 4 ....... 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ..................... 345.0 ............. 108.8..............150.5 ............. 152.5 ........... 148.0 ............. 904.8 5 ....... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. B .................. 345.0 ............. 123.4..............121.2 ............. 207.1 ........... 162.2 ............. 958.9 6 ....... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................... 322.0 ............. 134.7..............152.9 ............. 236.1 ........... 128.1 ............. 973.8 7 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.......... 297.4 ............. 111.0..............117.5 ............. 297.6 ........... 162.0 ............. 985.5 8 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. B . 316.0 ............. 117.6..............140.8 ............. 262.6 ........... 181.0 ............. 1018.0 9 ....... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................... 378.0 ............. 176.0..............126.4 ............. 305.0 ........... 189.1 ............. 1174.5 10...... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. B ....................... 356.0 ............. 168.0..............214.5 ............. 247.7 ........... 204.1 ............. 1190.3 11...... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. B ......................... 316.0 ............. 190.0..............120.3 ............. 345.0 ........... 253.9 ............. 1225.2 12...... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B .............. 350.0 ............. 125.1..............235.3 ............. 223.5 ........... 300.0 ............. 1233.9 13...... 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 339.0 ............. 205.2..............178.1 ............. 286.0 ........... 254.7 ............. 1263.0 14...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B ................................. 328.0 ............. 121.5..............203.1 ............. 356.0 ........... 286.0 ............. 1294.6 15...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................... 378.0 ............. 189.8..............231.6 ............. 345.0 ........... 372.0 ............. 1516.4 16...... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................. 395.0 ............. 175.2..............267.9 ............. 322.0 ........... 372.0 ............. 1532.1 17...... UNION GUARDS CO. B ........................................... 395.0 ............. 278.2..............237.6 ............. 333.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1597.8 18...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................... 423.0 ............. 300.0..............265.0 ............. 401.0 ........... 215.7 ............. 1604.7 19...... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. B ....................................... 435.0 ............. 311.0..............322.0 ............. 367.0 ........... 284.0 ............. 1719.0 20...... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.............. 469.0 ............. 356.0..............333.0 ............. 356.0 ........... 426.0 ............. 1940.0 Class B-2 Musket (3 Places Paid) 1 ....... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. B......................... 339.0 ............. 266.6..............258.2 ............. 345.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1526.8 2 ....... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 390.0 ............. 233.3..............356.0 ............. 367.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1646.3 3 ....... 15TH REGT. NJ VOL. INF. CO. B ............................ 406.0 ............. 333.0..............311.0 ............. 356.0 ........... 318.0 ............. 1724.0 4 ....... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. B ................... 418.0 ............. 243.6..............356.0 ............. 378.0 ........... 336.0 ............. 1731.6 5 ....... 11TH N.J. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 429.0 ............. 333.0..............345.0 ............. 378.0 ........... 336.0 ............. 1821.0 6 ....... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. B .................................... 412.0 ............. 333.0..............356.0 ............. 367.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1858.0 7 ....... 1ST MARYLAND INFANTRY, CSA CO. B ................ 395.0 ............. 356.0..............333.0 ............. 390.0 ........... 408.0 ............. 1882.0 8 ....... 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. B ................... 412.0 ............. 322.0..............356.0 ............. 412.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1892.0 9 ....... CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. B .......... 423.0 ............. 333.0..............412.0 ............. 446.0 ........... 372.0 ............. 1986.0 10...... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. B ............. 440.0 ............. 390.0..............446.0 ............. 423.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 2089.0 Class C Musket (2 Places Paid) 1 ....... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. C ........................................ 356.0 ............. 136.0..............200.5 ............. 299.0 ........... 177.1 ............. 1168.6 2 ....... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. C ....................... 339.0 ............. 145.6..............159.0 ............. 288.0 ........... 260.6 ............. 1192.2 3 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................... 350.0 ............. 165.0..............240.0 ............. 311.0 ........... 180.0 ............. 1246.0 4 ....... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. C .................. 373.0 ............. 212.0..............271.1 ............. 345.0 ........... 354.0 ............. 1555.1 5 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. C ......... 412.0 ............. 300.0..............311.0 ............. 356.0 ........... 390.0 ............. 1769.0 Class A-1 Carbine (7 Places Paid) 1 ....... 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 127.0 ............. 50.6................60.1 ............... 80.3 ............. 57.1............... 375.1 2 ....... HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ......................... 130.1 ............. 57.2................67.9 ............... 100.4 ........... 43.1............... 398.7 3 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................... 154.7 ............. 49.1................53.3 ............... 100.8 ........... 44.5............... 402.4 4 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. A . 146.3 ............. 49.5................62.0 ............... 75.5 ............. 71.0............... 404.3 5 ....... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................... 128.6 ............. 63.4................86.5 ............... 118.9 ........... 43.5............... 440.9 6 ....... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................... 162.1 ............. 66.5................66.4 ............... 108.3 ........... 50.0............... 453.3 7 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 171.4 ............. 43.3................77.0 ............... 122.2 ........... 61.0............... 474.9 8 ....... 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ..................... 169.1 ............. 74.6................58.9 ............... 117.6 ........... 89.0............... 509.2 9 ....... UNION GUARDS CO. A ........................................... 140.2 ............. 67.5................74.5 ............... 133.4 ........... 106.8 ............. 522.4 10...... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............. 166.9 ............. 56.2................87.0 ............... 115.7 ........... 98.5............... 524.3 11...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A ................................. 195.5 ............. 52.2................57.5 ............... 135.9 ........... 95.7............... 536.8 12...... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A ................. 240.3 ............. 101.8..............70.0 ............... 100.1 ........... 80.1............... 592.3 13...... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................ 209.4 ............. 74.0................59.5 ............... 182.1 ........... 92.6............... 617.6 14...... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A ....................................... 196.7 ............. 53.0................133.5 ............. 139.5 ........... 98.5............... 621.2 15...... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A............. 208.5 ............. 86.0................97.1 ............... 139.2 ........... 99.6............... 630.4 16...... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................. 210.4 ............. 88.7................57.0 ............... 221.2 ........... 102.0 ............. 679.3 17...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................... 244.8 ............. 88.3................98.3 ............... 122.8 ........... 145.9 ............. 700.1 18...... IREDELL BLUES CO. A ........................................... 281.7 ............. 77.8................62.9 ............... 225.8 ........... 85.4............... 733.6 19...... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ................. 284.7 ............. 128.9..............84.3 ............... 144.8 ........... 117.2 ............. 759.9


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 20 ...... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A..................................... 250.2 ............. 132.8 ............. 122.6 ............. 178.2........... 99.5 ............... 783.3 21 ...... 66TH NC REGT, CO C. CO. A.................................. 241.9 ............. 141.8 ............. 115.8 ............. 161.5........... 143.3 ............. 804.3 22 ...... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A ........................... 290.1 ............. 111.2 ............. 101.9 ............. 196.3........... 125.5 ............. 825.0 23 ...... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A.................. 275.9 ............. 114.8 ............. 110.5 ............. 228.8........... 123.6 ............. 853.6 24 ...... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................... 280.9 ............. 166.8 ............. 130.2 ............. 187.7........... 91.9 ............... 857.5 25 ...... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A........................ 318.0 ............. 86.7 ............... 101.5 ............. 264.9........... 105.9 ............. 877.0 26 ...... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ......................... 255.6 ............. 104.0 ............. 124.7 ............. 273.0........... 121.9 ............. 879.2 27 ...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A..................... 259.7 ............. 107.4 ............. 164.4 ............. 215.2........... 133.4 ............. 880.1 28 ...... 1ST NY DRAGOONS CO. A ..................................... 262.4 ............. 128.2 ............. 124.9 ............. 234.0........... 137.3 ............. 886.8 29 ...... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A......... 346.0 ............. 121.1 ............. 126.4 ............. 226.2........... 102.4 ............. 922.1 30 ...... DELAWARE BLUES CO. A ...................................... 250.1 ............. 102.1 ............. 97.9 ............... 237.2........... 282.6 ............. 969.9 31 ...... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 356.0 ............. 124.8 ............. 127.9 ............. 222.1........... 147.8 ............. 978.6 32 ...... CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............. 260.8 ............. 136.0 ............. 144.0 ............. 196.2........... 259.6 ............. 996.6 33 ...... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................ 318.0 ............. 159.0 ............. 154.0 ............. 279.7........... 277.9 ............. 1188.6 34 ...... 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 421.0 ............. 172.2 ............. 173.7 ............. 237.9........... 204.5 ............. 1209.3 35 ...... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ........ 375.0 ............. 209.1 ............. 165.4 ............. 318.0........... 218.8 ............. 1286.3 Class A-2 Carbine (6 Places Paid) 1 ........ 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................... 266.2 ............. 78.7 ............... 141.5 ............. 143.9........... 70.7 ............... 701.0 2 ........ 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ................... 145.9 ............. 73.4 ............... 122.8 ............. 182.4........... 177.2 ............. 701.7 3 ........ 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 282.5 ............. 102.9 ............. 78.8 ............... 183.5........... 61.7 ............... 709.4 4 ........ 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A............................ 190.1 ............. 84.5 ............... 125.9 ............. 231.6........... 88.2 ............... 720.3 5 ........ 11TH INDIANA ZOUAVES CO. A ............................. 337.0 ............. 88.8 ............... 77.2 ............... 121.8........... 104.5 ............. 729.3 6 ........ 56TH PA. VOL. INF. CO. A ....................................... 224.0 ............. 79.9 ............... 69.4 ............... 200.5........... 182.5 ............. 756.3 7 ........ FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................. 337.0 ............. 84.4 ............... 142.9 ............. 146.3........... 78.0 ............... 788.6 8 ........ 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A...................... 346.0 ............. 84.6 ............... 88.5 ............... 223.1........... 105.2 ............. 847.4 9 ........ KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 271.4 ............. 196.5 ............. 192.2 ............. 135.9........... 80.2 ............... 876.2 10 ...... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ....................... 337.0 ............. 138.1 ............. 129.4 ............. 199.3........... 81.3 ............... 885.1 11 ...... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 375.0 ............. 102.9 ............. 137.9 ............. 135.8........... 136.9 ............. 888.5 12 ...... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BATTERY CO. A .................. 337.0 ............. 173.9 ............. 130.6 ............. 174.1........... 128.0 ............. 943.6 13 ...... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A............................. 384.0 ............. 145.3 ............. 154.2 ............. 157.0........... 163.0 ............. 1003.5 14 ...... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................ 337.0 ............. 159.9 ............. 158.4 ............. 263.2........... 109.9 ............. 1028.4 15 ...... NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 328.0 ............. 136.1 ............. 198.6 ............. 233.0........... 149.5 ............. 1045.2 16 ...... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A .................... 356.0 ............. 122.0 ............. 129.2 ............. 244.0........... 196.5 ............. 1047.7 17 ...... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A........ 309.0 ............. 138.4 ............. 151.3 ............. 230.1........... 221.7 ............. 1050.5 18 ...... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ............ 384.0 ............. 154.9 ............. 192.6 ............. 205.1........... 197.6 ............. 1134.2 19 ...... 3RD NC CAVALRY CO. A ........................................ 412.0 ............. 171.1 ............. 232.2 ............. 274.4........... 181.9 ............. 1271.6 20 ...... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A............................. 337.0 ............. 208.9 ............. 279.9 ............. 375.0........... 127.7 ............. 1328.5 21 ...... 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A.................... 393.0 ............. 200.0 ............. 253.5 ............. 393.0........... 147.3 ............. 1386.8 22 ...... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A ................. 421.0 ............. 106.6 ............. 149.6 ............. 393.0........... 330.0 ............. 1400.2 23 ...... 4TH MICH. VOL. INF. CO. A .................................... 375.0 ............. 119.9 ............. 227.1 ............. 318.0........... 390.0 ............. 1430.0 24 ...... 44TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ................ 440.0 ............. 247.6 ............. 214.1 ............. 393.0........... 161.8 ............. 1456.5 25 ...... CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. A .......... 375.0 ............. 224.1 ............. 212.9 ............. 299.0........... 360.0 ............. 1471.0 26 ...... HAMPTON LEGION, CSA CO. A .............................. 412.0 ............. 160.8 ............. 337.0 ............. 356.0........... 330.0 ............. 1595.8 Class A-3 Carbine (7 Places Paid) 1 ........ 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 365.0 ............. 114.2 ............. 146.5 ............. 160.2........... 157.5 ............. 943.4 2 ........ PALMETTO SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ................... 356.0 ............. 129.0 ............. 137.6 ............. 201.2........... 178.9 ............. 1002.7 3 ........ 1ST SC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .................. 393.0 ............. 127.6 ............. 127.7 ............. 164.3........... 203.5 ............. 1016.1 4 ........ OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................... 459.0 ............. 167.1 ............. 163.9 ............. 233.1........... 217.5 ............. 1240.6 5 ........ 118TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 431.0 ............. 87.0 ............... 242.4 ............. 214.4........... 267.9 ............. 1242.7 6 ........ 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A .................................... 431.0 ............. 216.0 ............. 191.3 ............. 137.8........... 274.0 ............. 1250.1 7 ........ 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A ............................... 384.0 ............. 135.7 ............. 198.9 ............. 305.0........... 300.0 ............. 1323.6 8 ........ 11TH N.J. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 403.0 ............. 235.5 ............. 187.3 ............. 300.0........... 208.8 ............. 1334.6 9 ........ CHESAPEAKE ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .................. 421.0 ............. 179.6 ............. 237.5 ............. 337.0........... 183.7 ............. 1358.8 10 ...... BUNCOMBE RIFLES CO. A ..................................... 515.0 ............. 245.1 ............. 170.2 ............. 337.0........... 113.6 ............. 1380.9 11 ...... JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A .................................... 431.0 ............. 256.5 ............. 165.4 ............. 263.7........... 306.3 ............. 1422.9 12 ...... MC NEILL'S RANGERS CO. A ................................. 403.0 ............. 157.3 ............. 177.7 ............. 375.0........... 330.0 ............. 1443.0 13 ...... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 487.0 ............. 189.8 ............. 210.2 ............. 260.7........... 300.0 ............. 1447.7 14 ...... 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............... 365.0 ............. 240.0 ............. 206.2 ............. 393.0........... 300.0 ............. 1504.2 15 ...... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A ............... 440.0 ............. 229.6 ............. 287.7 ............. 273.2........... 289.0 ............. 1519.5 Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 16...... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. A ............. 403.0 ............. 240.5..............235.1 ............. 375.0 ........... 360.0 ............. 1613.6 17...... GRAHAM'S BATTERY CO. A ................................... 487.0 ............. 295.4..............259.5 ............. 318.0 ........... 269.1 ............. 1629.0 18...... 14TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGT. CO. A .......... 459.0 ............. 207.7..............337.0 ............. 375.0 ........... 360.0 ............. 1738.7 19...... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A .................. 506.0 ............. 300.0..............318.0 ............. 337.0 ........... 300.0 ............. 1761.0 20...... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A ...... 496.0 ............. 284.6..............356.0 ............. 412.0 ........... 274.1 ............. 1822.7 21...... 15TH REGT. NJ VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 450.0 ............. 318.0..............337.0 ............. 431.0 ........... 295.2 ............. 1831.2 22...... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................... 431.0 ............. 206.9..............412.0 ............. 393.0 ........... 415.0 ............. 1857.9 23...... 24TH GEORGIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .... 431.0 ............. 318.0..............273.8 ............. 393.0 ........... 480.0 ............. 1895.8 24...... 3RD U.S. REGULAR INFANTRY CO. A ................... 469.0 ............. 431.0..............318.0 ............. 375.0 ........... 330.0 ............. 1923.0 25...... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A .............................. 384.0 ............. 206.2..............92.2 ............... 356.0 ........... 925.0 ............. 1963.4 26...... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............ 506.0 ............. 337.0..............356.0 ............. 393.0 ........... 420.0 ............. 2012.0 27...... 8TH NY HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ......................... 487.0 ............. 412.0..............450.0 ............. 393.0 ........... 480.0 ............. 2222.0 28...... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY REGT. CO. A ................... 506.0 ............. 431.0..............487.0 ............. 412.0 ........... 420.0 ............. 2256.0 29...... WASHINGTON GRAYS CO. A ................................. 515.0 ............. 375.0..............487.0 ............. 506.0 ........... 420.0 ............. 2303.0 Class B-1 Carbine (4 Places Paid) 1 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................... 238.8 ............. 55.3................71.0 ............... 137.9 ........... 73.6............... 576.6 2 ....... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................... 219.1 ............. 84.6................88.7 ............... 177.0 ........... 116.9 ............. 686.3 3 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.......... 278.6 ............. 86.5................77.8 ............... 201.1 ........... 96.1............... 740.1 4 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. B . 346.0 ............. 114.5..............95.9 ............... 282.9 ........... 124.5 ............. 963.8 5 ....... HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ......................... 263.4 ............. 127.4..............211.9 ............. 270.3 ........... 122.0 ............. 995.0 6 ....... 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 318.0 ............. 98.0................182.5 ............. 239.8 ........... 227.8 ............. 1066.1 7 ....... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B .............. 365.0 ............. 119.2..............175.6 ............. 190.5 ........... 226.4 ............. 1076.7 8 ....... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................... 403.0 ............. 175.6..............113.9 ............. 203.8 ........... 214.2 ............. 1110.5 9 ....... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ........................................ 346.0 ............. 164.9..............169.8 ............. 173.1 ........... 299.1 ............. 1152.9 10...... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. B ......................... 356.0 ............. 103.1..............135.4 ............. 356.0 ........... 203.0 ............. 1153.5 11...... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. B .................................... 365.0 ............. 134.8..............134.9 ............. 318.0 ........... 330.0 ............. 1282.7 12...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B ................................. 393.0 ............. 153.0..............256.9 ............. 300.0 ........... 187.3 ............. 1290.2 13...... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. B....................... 393.0 ............. 249.5..............356.0 ............. 393.0 ........... 249.6 ............. 1641.1 14...... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. B ........ 459.0 ............. 223.3..............272.0 ............. 431.0 ........... 256.2 ............. 1641.5 15...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................... 469.0 ............. 300.0..............223.0 ............. 337.0 ........... 330.0 ............. 1659.0 16...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................... 431.0 ............. 236.3..............257.1 ............. 375.0 ........... 420.0 ............. 1719.4 17...... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.............. 506.0 ............. 337.0..............228.8 ............. 412.0 ........... 258.0 ............. 1741.8 Class B-2 Carbine (2 Places Paid) 1 ....... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. B......................... 412.0 ............. 230.6..............219.3 ............. 337.0 ........... 251.1 ............. 1450.0 2 ....... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ........ 393.0 ............. 229.6..............205.7 ............. 393.0 ........... 251.0 ............. 1472.3 3 ....... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 459.0 ............. 175.2..............224.3 ............. 375.0 ........... 330.0 ............. 1563.5 4 ....... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................. 469.0 ............. 393.0..............412.0 ............. 393.0 ........... 330.0 ............. 1997.0 Class C Carbine (1 Place Paid) 1 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................... 290.5 ............. 92.3................144.7 ............. 293.0 ........... 137.6 ............. 958.1 # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time Class A-1 Revolver (6 Places Paid) 1 ....... IREDELL BLUES CO. A ........................................... 64.1 ............... 16.0................31.0 ............... 28.7 ............. 139.8 2 ....... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................. 82.5 ............... 10.2................19.4 ............... 35.4 ............. 147.5 3 ....... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A ................. 92.3 ............... 14.0................23.2 ............... 20.4 ............. 149.9 4 ....... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............. 82.5 ............... 18.7................26.0 ............... 30.2 ............. 157.4 5 ....... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 74.3 ............... 15.1................27.3 ............... 43.1 ............. 159.8 6 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. A . 96.8 ............... 17.9................35.0 ............... 20.4 ............. 170.1 7 ....... 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ..................... 94.9 ............... 25.3................38.9 ............... 34.0 ............. 193.1 8 ....... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A........................................ 53.3 ............... 20.1................90.8 ............... 34.0 ............. 198.2 9 ....... 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 71.3 ............... 25.2................76.8 ............... 33.6 ............. 206.9 10...... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................. 121.2 ............. 19.3................38.2 ............... 37.0 ............. 215.7 11...... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A....................... 113.2 ............. 21.1................38.7 ............... 45.3 ............. 218.3 12...... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A............. 83.7 ............... 19.4................89.9 ............... 27.3 ............. 220.3 13...... 56TH PA. VOL. INF. CO. A ...................................... 102.7 ............. 17.0................80.5 ............... 32.4 ............. 232.6 14...... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................... 120.3 ............. 12.8................37.1 ............... 79.8 ............. 250.0 15...... MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. A..................... 106.3 ............. 17.7................82.5 ............... 69.2 ............. 275.6 16...... ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS CO. A......................... 117.9 ............. 22.1................53.8 ............... 82.6 ............. 276.4 17...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A ................................. 117.0 ............. 22.1................43.9 ............... 93.8 ............. 276.8 62

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 18 ...... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A...................... 100.1 ............. 33.6 ............... 78.7 ............... 77.4............. 289.8 19 ...... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A .................................... 107.3 ............. 18.6 ............... 96.5 ............... 69.4............. 291.7 20 ...... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A............ 128.3 ............. 22.3 ............... 84.0 ............... 62.3............. 296.8 21 ...... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ........ 129.5 ............. 20.4 ............... 93.4 ............... 67.0............. 310.3 22 ...... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A ............... 127.5 ............. 25.3 ............... 90.5 ............... 75.8............. 319.1 23 ...... 1ST NY DRAGOONS CO. A ..................................... 105.2 ............. 41.9 ............... 84.6 ............... 87.6............. 319.2 24 ...... JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A .................................... 119.9 ............. 23.5 ............... 94.0 ............... 86.5............. 323.9 25 ...... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A........ 137.8 ............. 25.3 ............... 104.0 ............. 62.3............. 329.4 26 ...... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A......................................... 109.6 ............. 23.1 ............... 108.2 ............. 110.0........... 350.8 27 ...... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................... 120.7 ............. 73.4 ............... 82.6 ............... 79.7............. 356.3 28 ...... KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 138.0 ............. 52.4 ............... 90.7 ............... 96.3............. 377.4 Class A-2 Revolver (3 Places Paid) 1 ........ 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................ 81.8 ............... 9.0................. 53.0 ............... 67.3............. 211.1 2 ........ 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................... 118.0 ............. 22.3 ............... 43.4 ............... 88.6............. 272.3 3 ........ 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 106.1 ............. 22.5 ............... 95.4 ............... 50.6............. 274.6 4 ........ 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A ....................................... 101.8 ............. 30.1 ............... 84.9 ............... 84.9............. 301.7 5 ........ WHEAT'S SPECIAL BTTN,LA TIGERS CO. A .......... 113.2 ............. 35.4 ............... 87.3 ............... 73.0............. 308.9 6 ........ TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ......................... 100.0 ............. 26.6 ............... 90.6 ............... 102.0........... 319.1 7 ........ 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A .................... 102.0 ............. 38.7 ............... 80.0 ............... 105.5........... 326.2 8 ........ 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A .................... 106.3 ............. 39.4 ............... 113.8 ............. 83.8............. 343.2 9 ........ 4TH MICH. VOL. INF. CO. A .................................... 118.1 ............. 70.3 ............... 90.0 ............... 69.8............. 348.2 10 ...... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A......... 121.7 ............. 88.0 ............... 140.6 ............. 87.2............. 437.4 Class A-3 Revolver (4 Places Paid) 1 ........ 3RD NC CAVALRY CO. A ........................................ 75.8 ............... 26.8 ............... 62.3 ............... 58.4............. 223.2 2 ........ 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A ................. 85.6 ............... 44.7 ............... 56.5 ............... 80.3............. 267.1 3 ........ 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A...................... 124.5 ............. 17.2 ............... 79.7 ............... 60.2............. 281.6 4 ........ CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............. 92.2 ............... 43.1 ............... 121.7 ............. 57.5............. 314.5 5 ........ 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ................... 135.5 ............. 28.4 ............... 84.0 ............... 78.5............. 326.4 6 ........ 1ST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A.................... 114.5 ............. 15.0 ............... 119.3 ............. 93.8............. 342.5 7 ........ OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................... 110.5 ............. 38.0 ............... 107.2 ............. 92.1............. 347.8 8 ........ 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......... 140.0 ............. 43.7 ............... 101.9 ............. 78.2............. 363.8 9 ........ TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................... 107.8 ............. 87.9 ............... 78.7 ............... 98.9............. 373.3 10 ...... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A ........................... 165.0 ............. 28.6 ............... 77.4 ............... 112.4........... 383.4 11 ...... ST. MARY'S LT. INFANTRY CO. A ........................... 112.8 ............. 59.8 ............... 105.8 ............. 124.6........... 403.0 12 ...... DULANY TROOP, 6TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A.. 107.7 ............. 68.3 ............... 113.8 ............. 114.3........... 404.1 13 ...... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 103.6 ............. 107.3 ............. 100.4 ............. 95.0............. 406.3 14 ...... 27TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................. 105.0 ............. 90.0 ............... 104.4 ............. 109.2........... 408.6 15 ...... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A .............. 127.3 ............. 94.0 ............... 119.6 ............. 68.1............. 409.0 16 ...... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A............................. 157.5 ............. 68.7 ............... 92.7 ............... 91.0............. 409.9 17 ...... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................. 120.0 ............. 89.9 ............... 127.5 ............. 82.6............. 419.9 18 ...... BUNCOMBE RIFLES CO. A ..................................... 157.5 ............. 115.3 ............. 87.2 ............... 83.2............. 443.2 19 ...... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A ........... 172.5 ............. 85.2 ............... 98.8 ............... 110.3........... 466.8 20 ...... UNION GUARDS CO. A ........................................... 142.5 ............. 104.2 ............. 113.5 ............. 119.4........... 479.6 21 ...... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A.................. 145.0 ............. 106.1 ............. 103.9 ............. 129.5........... 484.5 22 ...... 8TH MICHIGAN CAVALRY CO. A ............................ 164.0 ............. 97.2 ............... 127.7 ............. 114.0........... 502.9 23 ...... 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............... 165.0 ............. 87.2 ............... 146.3 ............. 157.5........... 556.0 24 ...... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............ 164.4 ............. 134.3 ............. 137.8 ............. 133.0........... 569.5 Class B Revolver (4 Places Paid) 1 ........ NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. B . 67.3 ............... 50.7 ............... 72.4 ............... 42.7............. 233.1 2 ........ 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B .............. 82.0 ............... 20.8 ............... 50.8 ............... 98.6............. 252.1 3 ........ 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ..................... 82.4 ............... 17.5 ............... 96.1 ............... 58.4............. 254.4 4 ........ 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 80.6 ............... 25.8 ............... 97.1 ............... 53.6............. 257.1 5 ........ IREDELL BLUES CO. B ........................................... 115.8 ............. 76.2 ............... 56.9 ............... 65.9............. 314.8 6 ........ 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. B .................. 105.3 ............. 27.5 ............... 86.4 ............... 98.3............. 317.5 7 ........ WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................... 114.6 ............. 80.1 ............... 81.9 ............... 45.9............. 322.5 8 ........ 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. B.................. 120.8 ............. 30.0 ............... 109.5 ............. 79.0............. 339.3 9 ........ YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B.................. 121.8 ............. 35.2 ............... 117.1 ............. 74.0............. 348.0 10 ...... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ........ 109.1 ............. 75.5 ............... 83.0 ............... 82.3............. 349.8 11 ...... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. B ................. 127.8 ............. 87.0 ............... 114.0 ............. 50.5............. 379.2 Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 12...... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. B ................... 142.5 ............. 25.5................98.3 ............... 118.5 ........... 384.8 13...... COCKADE RIFLES CO. B........................................ 121.1 ............. 46.5................119.6 ............. 107.8 ........... 395.0 14...... MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. B..................... 104.8 ............. 99.4................92.7 ............... 113.1 ........... 410.0 15...... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. B ....................................... 143.4 ............. 123.0..............111.2 ............. 136.9 ........... 514.4 Class C Revolver (1 Place Paid) 1 ....... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. C .............. 97.0 ............... 47.0................79.4 ............... 110.6 ........... 334.0 Class A-1 Breech-Loader (4 Places Paid) 1 ....... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............. 69.8 ............... 19.7................27.1 ............... 25.6 ............. 142.2 2 ....... 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ..................... 63.6 ............... 22.1................34.8 ............... 44.4 ............. 164.9 3 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................... 57.6 ............... 30.5................59.7 ............... 21.8 ............. 169.6 4 ....... IREDELL BLUES CO. A ........................................... 83.7 ............... 27.7................40.7 ............... 38.8 ............. 190.9 5 ....... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ............................... 77.5 ............... 49.5................46.0 ............... 51.5 ............. 224.5 6 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 65.4 ............... 28.6................93.2 ............... 37.5 ............. 224.7 7 ....... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A ................................. 89.1 ............... 29.8................74.4 ............... 32.1 ............. 225.4 8 ....... 56TH PA. VOL. INF. CO. A ...................................... 81.6 ............... 32.5................87.3 ............... 25.1 ............. 226.5 9 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. A . 73.6 ............... 34.0................71.7 ............... 52.2 ............. 231.5 10...... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A........................................ 106.5 ............. 35.2................59.3 ............... 38.1 ............. 239.1 11...... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. B......................... 104.6 ............. 62.5................49.0 ............... 39.9 ............. 256.0 12...... KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 109.7 ............. 59.0................51.3 ............... 38.2 ............. 258.2 13...... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 112.2 ............. 41.3................83.8 ............... 32.5 ............. 269.8 14...... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A ................. 126.9 ............. 30.9................93.6 ............... 46.8 ............. 298.2 15...... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................... 180.0 ............. 37.0................88.9 ............... 32.4 ............. 338.3 16...... 1ST NY DRAGOONS CO. A..................................... 118.4 ............. 42.3................105.4 ............. 87.1 ............. 353.2 17...... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 174.6 ............. 85.5................131.4 ............. 54.8 ............. 446.3 Class A-2 Breech-Loader (2 Places Paid) 1 ....... NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 138.6 ............. 31.4................98.9 ............... 43.0 ............. 311.9 2 ....... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................. 167.7 ............. 36.4................68.9 ............... 52.2 ............. 325.2 3 ....... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 225.0 ............. 56.5................59.3 ............... 69.5 ............. 410.3 4 ....... 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A ........................... 219.0 ............. 52.7................89.6 ............... 88.6 ............. 449.9 5 ....... 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A......................................... 202.0 ............. 26.9................35.9 ............... 194.2 ........... 459.0 6 ....... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A............ 264.0 ............. 71.6................194.0 ............. 44.1 ............. 573.7 7 ....... 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 177.7 ............. 85.1................191.0 ............. 120.8 ........... 574.6 8 ....... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................ 253.0 ............. 82.7................129.1 ............. 128.1 ........... 592.9 9 ....... 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ......... 270.0 ............. 72.4................167.6 ............. 106.8 ........... 616.8 10...... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........... 264.0 ............. 78.0................191.0 ............. 118.5 ........... 651.5 11...... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A ................................. 292.0 ............. 213.0..............270.0 ............. 216.0 ........... 991.0 Class A-3 Breech-Loader (3 Places Paid) 1 ....... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.............. 171.8 ............. 46.8................65.5 ............... 88.5 ............. 372.6 2 ....... 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A .................................... 247.0 ............. 43.7................85.8 ............... 47.2 ............. 423.7 3 ....... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ......... 140.1 ............. 45.6................180.0 ............. 68.1 ............. 433.8 4 ....... 11TH N.J. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 236.0 ............. 74.0................85.7 ............... 78.0 ............. 473.7 5 ....... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS CO. A .............................. 170.0 ............. 96.4................172.0 ............. 60.8 ............. 499.2 6 ....... LANCASTER FENCIBLES CO. A ............................. 213.0 ............. 43.5................152.6 ............. 95.3 ............. 504.4 7 ....... 7TH NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....... 213.0 ............. 65.5................213.0 ............. 53.1 ............. 544.6 8 ....... 4TH MICH. VOL. INF. CO. A .................................... 247.0 ............. 66.0................191.0 ............. 70.6 ............. 574.6 9 ....... 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A .............................. 236.0 ............. 63.2................141.1 ............. 151.0 ........... 591.3 10...... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ........ 219.0 ............. 56.7................202.0 ............. 198.0 ........... 675.7 11...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A .................... 264.0 ............. 115.3..............108.0 ............. 198.0 ........... 685.3 12...... 1ST PA ARTILLERY CO. A ...................................... 270.0 ............. 101.6..............202.0 ............. 234.0 ........... 807.6 13...... 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................. 315.0 ............. 170.7..............202.0 ............. 144.8 ........... 832.5 14...... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A.............. 309.0 ............. 130.9..............270.0 ............. 152.6 ........... 862.5 15...... HAMPTON HORSE ARTILLERY CO. A.................... 247.0 ............. 180.0..............270.0 ............. 170.0 ........... 867.0 16...... 1ST NJ LIGHT ARTILLERY CO. A ........................... 309.0 ............. 74.0................281.0 ............. 234.0 ........... 898.0 Class B Breech-Loader (2 Places Paid) 1 ....... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B .............. 71.0 ............... 29.5................88.4 ............... 104.5 ........... 293.4 2 ....... 56TH PA. VOL. INF. CO. B ...................................... 202.0 ............. 29.1................82.7 ............... 60.7 ............. 374.5 3 ....... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.............. 100.3 ............. 34.4................161.2 ............. 129.0 ........... 424.9 4 ....... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A......................... 191.0 ............. 41.0................164.1 ............. 54.1 ............. 450.2


Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 5 ........ 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ..................... 247.0 ............. 43.8 ............... 202.0 ............. 93.9............. 586.7 6 ........ YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B.................. 213.0 ............. 88.0 ............... 191.0 ............. 160.0........... 652.0 7 ........ NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. B . 208.0 ............. 61.6 ............... 202.0 ............. 198.0........... 669.6 8 ........ COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................ 281.0 ............. 73.1 ............... 202.0 ............. 198.0........... 754.1 Class C Breech-Loader (1 Place Paid) 1 ........ NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. A . 71.8 ............... 32.6 ............... 50.7 ............... 33.2............. 188.3 2 ........ HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ......................... 56.2 ............... 42.3 ............... 42.6 ............... 59.6............. 200.7 3 ........ 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......... 71.4 ............... 42.1 ............... 48.3 ............... 40.6............. 202.4 4 ........ YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A.................. 86.1 ............... 32.6 ............... 54.6 ............... 53.9............. 227.2 5 ........ 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A...................... 80.9 ............... 49.2 ............... 63.6 ............... 40.8............. 234.5 6 ........ WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................... 73.5 ............... 68.1 ............... 48.6 ............... 57.8............. 248.0 7 ........ 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 71.9 ............... 65.2 ............... 76.1 ............... 56.8............. 270.0 8 ........ UNION GUARDS CO. A ........................................... 94.0 ............... 41.2 ............... 77.6 ............... 77.3............. 290.1 9 ........ 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 60.4 ............... 55.0 ............... 106.2 ............. 68.6............. 290.2 10 ...... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A......................................... 110.1 ............. 52.3 ............... 84.1 ............... 47.7............. 294.2 11 ...... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................... 86.6 ............... 46.3 ............... 89.5 ............... 82.6............. 305.0 12 ...... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A.................. 75.8 ............... 34.6 ............... 62.8 ............... 158.3........... 331.5 13 ...... KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 99.8 ............... 47.2 ............... 102.6 ............. 92.2............. 341.8 14 ...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A.................................. 85.9 ............... 76.6 ............... 102.6 ............. 80.9............. 346.0 15 ...... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ......................... 90.5 ............... 55.3 ............... 69.5 ............... 135.1........... 350.4 16 ...... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............. 100.6 ............. 65.1 ............... 106.2 ............. 90.7............. 362.6 17 ...... 1ST NY DRAGOONS CO. A ..................................... 99.0 ............... 71.5 ............... 100.6 ............. 129.6........... 400.7 18 ...... 9TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ..................... 141.4 ............. 88.6 ............... 89.7 ............... 89.9............. 409.6 19 ...... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................. 123.5 ............. 66.0 ............... 101.2 ............. 125.1........... 415.8 20 ...... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 143.7 ............. 93.5 ............... 116.1 ............. 75.4............. 428.7 21 ...... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A........................ 124.0 ............. 60.8 ............... 77.3 ............... 174.9........... 437.0 22 ...... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A............ 162.4 ............. 66.3 ............... 123.3 ............. 108.0........... 460.0 23 ...... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A ........................... 133.5 ............. 53.6 ............... 178.8 ............. 94.8............. 460.7 24 ...... COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................ 126.1 ............. 99.7 ............... 104.8 ............. 134.8........... 465.4 25 ...... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................... 140.1 ............. 64.9 ............... 142.2 ............. 124.2........... 471.4 26 ...... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............. 147.5 ............. 106.0 ............. 162.4 ............. 105.8........... 521.7 27 ...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A..................... 180.0 ............. 103.2 ............. 198.0 ............. 174.6........... 655.8 Class A-2 Smoothbore (4 Places Paid) 1 ........ 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A.................. 157.1 ............. 62.7 ............... 109.9 ............. 58.3............. 388.0 2 ........ IREDELL BLUES CO. A ........................................... 103.0 ............. 75.0 ............... 118.2 ............. 125.7........... 421.9 3 ........ 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A............................. 91.4 ............... 79.5 ............... 114.0 ............. 160.4........... 445.3 4 ........ 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A .............. 228.0 ............. 68.5 ............... 90.0 ............... 74.4............. 460.9 5 ........ DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A ........... 115.8 ............. 67.5 ............... 83.3 ............... 206.0........... 472.6 6 ........ 11TH INDIANA ZOUAVES CO. A ............................. 135.3 ............. 64.5 ............... 216.0 ............. 71.4............. 487.2 7 ........ 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A............................ 168.1 ............. 70.0 ............... 202.0 ............. 47.9............. 488.0 8 ........ GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ........ 192.0 ............. 116.3 ............. 112.0 ............. 98.1............. 518.4 9 ........ MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A..................................... 149.8 ............. 88.6 ............... 150.2 ............. 132.5........... 521.1 10 ...... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A............................. 173.4 ............. 85.6 ............... 198.0 ............. 97.9............. 554.9 11 ...... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 216.0 ............. 109.7 ............. 143.0 ............. 106.1........... 574.8 12 ...... 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A .................................... 161.4 ............. 82.6 ............... 198.0 ............. 146.3........... 588.3 13 ...... WHITE'S CO, 35TH VIRGINIA CAV. CO. A............... 171.6 ............. 61.3 ............... 234.0 ............. 128.3........... 595.2 14 ...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................... 216.0 ............. 76.5 ............... 173.8 ............. 139.7........... 606.0 15 ...... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................. 252.0 ............. 108.3 ............. 93.7 ............... 180.0........... 634.0 16 ...... 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ................... 161.7 ............. 65.8 ............... 216.0 ............. 206.0........... 649.5 17 ...... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A.................. 204.0 ............. 109.5 ............. 122.1 ............. 283.0........... 718.6 18 ...... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A .................................... 173.7 ............. 151.4 ............. 168.6 ............. 231.0........... 724.7 19 ...... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A........ 240.0 ............. 93.8 ............... 216.0 ............. 206.0........... 755.8 20 ...... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A .................... 204.0 ............. 123.9 ............. 234.0 ............. 206.0........... 767.9 Class A-3 Smoothbore (5 Places Paid) 1 ........ 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ....................... 118.0 ............. 76.0 ............... 104.8 ............. 112.8........... 411.6 2 ........ 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.......... 122.6 ............. 90.5 ............... 198.0 ............. 92.6............. 503.7 3 ........ 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A...................... 179.0 ............. 83.3 ............... 88.7 ............... 159.5........... 510.5 4 ........ 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A .................... 204.0 ............. 101.2 ............. 136.8 ............. 95.7............. 537.7 5 ........ MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. A ..................... 125.2 ............. 105.9 ............. 140.8 ............. 206.0........... 577.9 Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 6 ....... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A ................. 204.0 ............. 78.0................135.9 ............. 180.0 ........... 597.9 7 ....... ROWAN ARTILLERY CO. A ..................................... 204.0 ............. 69.7................178.7 ............. 157.1 ........... 609.5 8 ....... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ......... 240.0 ............. 70.3................119.2 ............. 206.0 ........... 635.5 9 ....... 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A......................................... 204.0 ............. 90.5................180.0 ............. 172.1 ........... 646.6 10...... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................ 174.4 ............. 89.0................161.2 ............. 231.0 ........... 655.6 11...... CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............. 176.8 ............. 135.0..............174.6 ............. 206.0 ........... 692.4 12...... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................... 216.0 ............. 133.1..............138.8 ............. 206.0 ........... 693.9 13...... PALMETTO SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ................... 204.0 ............. 112.8..............180.0 ............. 206.0 ........... 702.8 14...... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A............ 143.8 ............. 166.0..............167.6 ............. 231.0 ........... 708.4 15...... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ............................... 192.0 ............. 94.4................176.6 ............. 257.0 ........... 720.0 16...... 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................... 216.0 ............. 198.0..............198.0 ............. 131.5 ........... 743.5 17...... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A .................. 216.0 ............. 115.9..............216.0 ............. 206.0 ........... 753.9 18...... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A............... 204.0 ............. 151.6..............147.7 ............. 257.0 ........... 760.3 19...... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A .............................. 240.0 ............. 174.0..............164.3 ............. 206.0 ........... 784.3 20...... 1ST MARYLAND INFANTRY, CSA CO. A ................ 156.7 ............. 122.0..............252.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 787.7 21...... DULANY TROOP, 6TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A . 252.0 ............. 142.9..............216.0 ............. 179.6 ........... 790.5 22...... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A ...... 240.0 ............. 157.3..............252.0 ............. 180.0 ........... 829.3 23...... CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A .................. 252.0 ............. 111.4..............216.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 836.4 24...... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............ 216.0 ............. 101.5..............270.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 844.5 25...... 27TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................. 204.0 ............. 158.6..............234.0 ............. 283.0 ........... 879.6 26...... 11TH N.J. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 264.0 ............. 111.2..............198.0 ............. 309.0 ........... 882.2 27...... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A.............. 240.0 ............. 180.0..............234.0 ............. 231.0 ........... 885.0 28...... 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................. 228.0 ............. 143.9..............234.0 ............. 283.0 ........... 888.9 29...... 3RD MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............. 288.0 ............. 198.0..............174.8 ............. 257.0 ........... 917.8 30...... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A ................................. 252.0 ............. 180.0..............234.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 923.0 31...... HARDAWAY'S ALABAMA BTTY CO. A .................... 228.0 ............. 198.0..............252.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 935.0 32...... 3RD U.S. REGULAR INFANTRY CO. A ................... 276.0 ............. 172.4..............216.0 ............. 283.0 ........... 947.4 33...... 37TH GEORGIA CO. A ............................................ 216.0 ............. 216.0..............306.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 995.0 Class B Smoothbore (4 Places Paid) 1 ....... HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ......................... 110.9 ............. 30.6................61.5 ............... 67.1 ............. 270.1 2 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................... 115.8 ............. 54.1................66.1 ............... 55.5 ............. 291.5 3 ....... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ........................................ 117.5 ............. 47.5................88.1 ............... 47.9 ............. 301.0 4 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B.......... 93.2 ............... 68.2................112.2 ............. 75.3 ............. 348.9 5 ....... NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. B . 151.8 ............. 57.5................119.0 ............. 79.2 ............. 407.5 6 ....... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................... 124.8 ............. 81.7................76.5 ............... 128.5 ........... 411.5 7 ....... 17TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. B .................. 142.5 ............. 68.0................90.3 ............... 123.0 ........... 423.8 8 ....... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. B......................... 143.3 ............. 98.0................98.0 ............... 88.4 ............. 427.7 9 ....... 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 167.4 ............. 81.0................108.5 ............. 89.5 ............. 446.4 10...... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................... 152.5 ............. 92.7................114.0 ............. 141.7 ........... 500.9 11...... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A........................................ 113.8 ............. 101.7..............161.2 ............. 166.3 ........... 543.0 12...... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. B........................... 192.0 ............. 151.2..............110.4 ............. 106.0 ........... 559.6 13...... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B .............. 159.3 ............. 102.2..............127.3 ............. 173.6 ........... 562.4 14...... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B ................................. 228.0 ............. 97.2................216.0 ............. 60.3 ............. 601.5 15...... UNION GUARDS CO. B ........................................... 168.7 ............. 136.7..............198.0 ............. 139.4 ........... 642.8 16...... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................. 192.0 ............. 105.2..............131.9 ............. 231.0 ........... 660.1 17...... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B ................. 192.0 ............. 102.9..............216.0 ............. 157.2 ........... 668.1 18...... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. B ................. 192.0 ............. 104.3..............234.0 ............. 161.6 ........... 691.9 19...... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. B ............................ 240.0 ............. 108.6..............234.0 ............. 141.5 ........... 724.1 20...... 4TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 252.0 ............. 104.7..............216.0 ............. 231.0 ........... 803.7 21...... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................... 240.0 ............. 100.2..............198.0 ............. 283.0 ........... 821.2 22...... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ........... 276.0 ............. 108.0..............252.0 ............. 206.0 ........... 842.0 23...... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. B ......................... 288.0 ............. 105.5..............252.0 ............. 206.0 ........... 851.5 24...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................... 252.0 ............. 234.0..............234.0 ............. 145.6 ........... 865.6 25...... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. B ................. 264.0 ............. 216.0..............183.6 ............. 206.0 ........... 869.6 26...... 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ......... 264.0 ............. 198.0..............270.0 ............. 257.0 ........... 989.0 27...... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. B ................... 288.0 ............. 216.0..............288.0 ............. 309.0 ........... 1101.0 Class C Smoothbore (1 Place Paid) 1 ....... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................... 72.2 ............... 99.5................76.7 ............... 165.5 ........... 413.9 2 ....... 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. C ......... 109.6 ............. 67.2................126.1 ............. 136.3 ........... 439.2 66

Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

TEAM MATCH RESULTS (Cont.) # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 3 ........ HARLAN'S LIGHT CAVALRY CO. C ......................... 130.2 ............. 53.9 ............... 172.7 ............. 104.8........... 461.6 4 ........ NANSEMOND GUARDS, 6TH VA INF. CO.E CO. C . 164.1 ............. 64.7 ............... 114.7 ............. 139.4........... 482.9 5 ........ COCKADE RIFLES CO. C ........................................ 252.0 ............. 103.9 ............. 306.0 ............. 283.0........... 944.9 Breech-Loader SS (4 Places Paid) 1 ........ 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............. 30.0 ............... 83.9 ............... 26.8 ............... 25.9............. 166.6 2 ........ WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................... 36.5 ............... 93.6 ............... 28.4 ............... 32.4............. 190.9 3 ........ 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A...................... 59.5 ............... 103.4 ............. 45.3 ............... 50.2............. 258.4 4 ........ 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A.................................. 58.5 ............... 86.1 ............... 59.7 ............... 57.9............. 262.2 5 ........ 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......... 38.4 ............... 102.4 ............. 45.7 ............... 77.6............. 264.1 6 ........ 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .............. 124.2 ............. 116.7 ............. 46.3 ............... 35.7............. 322.9 7 ........ 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A.................. 80.0 ............... 108.5 ............. 69.9 ............... 65.6............. 324.0 8 ........ KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A .............. 48.2 ............... 94.0 ............... 59.3 ............... 140.0........... 341.5 9 ........ 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A............ 105.0 ............. 137.4 ............. 40.3 ............... 77.1............. 359.8 10 ...... CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............. 67.3 ............... 162.6 ............. 56.0 ............... 76.0............. 361.9 11 ...... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A.................. 76.0 ............... 113.4 ............. 54.7 ............... 122.0........... 366.1 12 ...... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B...................... 99.8 ............... 132.1 ............. 71.5 ............... 81.1............. 384.5 13 ...... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............. 45.3 ............... 187.0 ............. 93.3 ............... 116.9........... 442.5 14 ...... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A..................... 106.0 ............. 169.0 ............. 87.6 ............... 88.6............. 451.2 15 ...... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................... 83.4 ............... 189.0 ............. 56.2 ............... 141.1........... 469.7 16 ...... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B.................. 96.0 ............... 230.0 ............. 55.2 ............... 92.9............. 474.1 17 ...... DELAWARE BLUES CO. A ...................................... 111.2 ............. 211.0 ............. 68.2 ............... 98.4............. 488.8 18 ...... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................. 157.9 ............. 168.9 ............. 81.5 ............... 215.0........... 623.3 19 ...... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A.................. 82.7 ............... 272.0 ............. 101.8 ............. 275.0........... 731.5 20 ...... DELAWARE BLUES CO. B ...................................... 300.0 ............. 300.0 ............. 92.5 ............... 147.1........... 839.6 21 ...... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ....................... 336.0 ............. 412.0 ............. 145.6 ............. 145.2........... 1038.8 Spencer (1 Place Paid) 1 ........ 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ................... 253.0 ............. 146.6 ............. 178.2 ............. 198.0........... 775.8 2 ........ 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A .................... 270.0 ............. 132.3 ............. 202.0 ............. 216.0........... 820.3 3 ........ 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A .................... 270.0 ............. 161.2 ............. 292.0 ............. 288.0........... 1011.2 4 ........ 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A ................. 315.0 ............. 259.0 ............. 292.0 ............. 288.0........... 1154.0

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016



Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Sharpshooter 13172 .....RINDLER, J ......... 91-02X 5858 .......NELSON, S ......... 91-00X 12424 .....HUFFMAN, C ...... 90-01X 8493 .......COOPER, T......... 90-01X 9447 .......JORDAN, W ........ 90-01X 1876 .......BAUM, J .............. 90-01X 2318 .......SEMPELES, G..... 90-00X 12781 .....FEREK, L ............ 90-00X 5369 .......ROBEY, T............ 89-02X 5509 .......LINTON, H........... 89-00X Sharpshooter 13172 .....RINDLER, J ......... 92-01X 2403 .......BONDURANT, C.. 90-01X 10483 .....GORSKY, R......... 90-01X 9777 .......SITZMAN, K ........ 90-01X 4594 .......KOCH, J .............. 90-00X 0148 .......CHAPMAN, B ...... 90-00X 10187 .....WETZEL, R ......... 90-00X 12217 .....NEWMAN, J ........ 89-02X 8493 .......COOPER, T......... 89-02X Sharpshooter 13172 .....RINDLER, J ......... 183-03X 8493 .......COOPER, T......... 179-03X 9863 .......WETZEL, J .......... 177-01X 12217 .....NEWMAN, J ........ 176-03X 9777 .......SITZMAN, K ........ 176-01X 1876 .......BAUM, J .............. 175-03X Sharpshooter 8186 .......WICK, G ................93-02X 10626 .....EBERSOLE, M ......90-02X 7483 .......ROHDE, G.............89-02X 0020 .......ANDERSON, L ......89-00X 0037 .......HAYES, P..............89-00X 7791 .......ROUCH, M ............89-00X 10572 .....THOMPSON, E......87-02X 4952 .......DISBENNETT, D....87-01X 9185 .......MARK, J ................87-00X

100-Yard Musket (9 Places Paid) # Expert 1 10572 ... THOMPSON, E .........95-00X 2 5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...............94-01X 3 5494 ..... DAVENPORT, E ........93-02X 4 3991 ..... MATTHEWS, W.........92-02X 5 4894 ..... TROST, R .................92-01X 6 10846 ... DOUGLAS, R ............92-01X 7 8239 ..... HILER, JR., J.............92-00X 8 11444 ... OGDAN, G ................91-02X 9 5725 ..... SHAW, E ...................91-01X

Musket Aggregate (6 Places Paid) # Expert 1 2488 ..... BROCKMILLER, S.....182-01X 2 0701 ..... FRITZ, E ...................181-03X 3 6629 ..... ZDON, JR., W............181-01X 4 10358 ... SHAW, M ..................180-03X 5 5494 ..... DAVENPORT, E ........180-02X 6 5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...............180-01X

50-Yard Carbine (9 Places Paid) # Expert 1 9372 ..... CHRISTENSEN, D.....94-00X 2 6350 ..... SNYDER, K ...............92-03X 3 7849 ..... COLEMAN, S ............92-01X 4 11692 ... BUMFORD, A ............91-03X 5 0713 ..... BUMFORD, JR., A .....91-02X 6 8239 ..... HILER, JR., J.............91-02X 7 7403 ..... REA, T ......................91-01X 8 12502 ... ROGERS, J ...............91-01X 9 11013 ... LAHMAN, J................91-01X

Marksman 2488....... BROCKMILLER, S.....90-00X 5509....... LINTON, H ................89-00X 10509 ..... ELSWICK, JR., E .......88-01X 1728....... SHARRETT,III, J........87-02X 7106....... TORDAY, A ...............87-01X 9929....... HODSON, F ..............87-00X 7859....... BAIRD, L ...................86-00X 6306....... ANDERSON, R..........85-01X 12429 ..... BACHMAN, K ............85-01X

Marksman 12379 ..... THROWER, K............176-00X 7063....... WOLFE, D .................173-02X 7472....... MCDOWELL, G .........173-00X 2978....... THOMANN, T ............172-02X 4947....... MATUSZEK, J ...........172-02X 10950 ..... ALLEN, J ...................170-00X

Marksman 12379 ..... THROWER, K............92-00X 2978....... THOMANN, T ............89-02X 4867....... OWSIAK, M ...............89-01X 4947....... MATUSZEK, J ...........87-01X 10696 ..... COUMES, J...............87-01X 2873....... CHIARIZIA, L.............87-01X 6306....... ANDERSON, R..........86-01X 9958....... EVANGELISTA, F......86-00X 7063....... WOLFE, D .................85-01X

Marksman 12837 ..... TALASKE, J ..............92-00X 7063....... WOLFE, D .................88-01X 7472....... MCDOWELL, G .........88-00X 12999 ..... KLEIN, J ....................88-00X 9643....... NEVLEZER, B ...........87-02X 11127 ..... MINNEMAN, A...........87-01X 12679 ..... THOMANN, M ...........87-00X 8830....... SHARISON, H ...........87-00X 10994 ..... WALTHALL, W ..........87-00X 10889 ..... EPLER, R..................86-01X


50-Yard Musket (10 Places Paid) # Expert 1 7100 ..... HALE, B ..................... 94-01X 2 6738 ..... GIBSON, D................. 93-02X 3 4466 ..... SCHELL, G................. 93-00X 4 0818 ..... KEPPLER, II, H .......... 92-01X 5 7791 ..... ROUCH, M ................. 92-00X 6 2488 ..... BROCKMILLER, S...... 92-00X 7 0701 ..... FRITZ, E .................... 91-02X 8 9688 ..... LITVINAS, M .............. 91-01X 9 2115 ..... LAUER, M .................. 91-01X 10 0713 ..... BUMFORD, JR., A ...... 91-00X

Striker 10490......... MOCKAITIS,II, A......... 88-00X 7851........... HARRELD, B .............. 87-01X 13361......... TETREAULT, R .......... 85-00X 6024........... SCHMIGEL, K ............ 84-01X 12457......... CLARK, D................... 84-00X 13082......... CAMERON, JR., R...... 84-00X 0585........... NIPAR, J .................... 81-01X 8910........... ASHLEY, J ................. 81-00X 13454......... LEIBICH, K ................. 79-00X

Striker 12348......... DURANT, M ............... 176-02X 7483........... ROHDE, G.................. 175-01X 2395........... SUTORIUS, C ............ 167-02X 12811......... MORGAN, R ............... 167-00X 10686......... MC CHESNEY, M ....... 165-01X 12793......... REXRODE, J .............. 159-00X

Striker 12348......... DURANT, M ............... 89-01X 7851........... HARRELD, B .............. 86-03X 7483........... ROHDE, G.................. 84-00X 2395........... SUTORIUS, C ............ 83-01X 10686......... MC CHESNEY, M ....... 81-01X 11000......... BAIRD, B .................... 81-01X 12811......... MORGAN, R ............... 81-00X 12042......... LOUGHMAN,JR., S .... 81-00X 7013........... CARNEY, R ................ 81-00X

Striker 7483........... ROHDE, G.................. 91-01X 12903......... TODD, J ..................... 90-00X 7851........... HARRELD, B .............. 88-02X 7373........... MC LEOD, H............... 88-00X 12348......... DURANT, M ............... 87-01X 11014......... EBERSOLE, T ............ 87-01X 12811......... MORGAN, R ............... 86-00X 13323......... VANAMBURG, D ........ 85-01X 12793......... REXRODE, J .............. 85-00X 4272........... EARLY, JR., G............ 85-00X

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Sharpshooter 7403 ....... REA, T .................. 97-02X 11221 ..... JONES, D.............. 95-03X 8868 ....... HYLAND, L............ 93-01X 11048 ..... LYTTON, T ............ 93-00X Sharpshooter 8493 ....... COOPER, T........... 81-00X 12466 ..... HOWARD, D ......... 78-01X 11048 ..... LYTTON, T ............ 74-00X Sharpshooter 8493 ....... COOPER, T........... 170-02X 12466 ..... HOWARD, D ......... 170-02X 11048 ..... LYTTON, T ............ 167-00X

25-Yard Revolver (4 Places Paid) # Expert 1 1143..... DAVIES, P ................ 97-02X 2 2495..... WAITS, B .................. 97-01X 3 12592 ... BRANCH, D .............. 95-02X 4 10846 ... DOUGLAS, R ............ 94-03X

50-Yard Revolver (3 Places Paid) # Expert 1 2495..... WAITS, B .................. 86-02X 2 3489..... MC DANIEL, M .......... 82-00X 3 4052..... DE FRANCISCI, C..... 81-00X

Revolver Aggregate (3 Places Paid) # Expert 1 2495..... WAITS, B .................. 183-03X 2 12592 ... BRANCH, D .............. 175-03X 3 4052..... DE FRANCISCI, C..... 175-02X

Striker 8830 .......... SHARISON, H .............134-01X 8482 .......... ANDERSON, E ............134-00X 12609 ........ WEAVER, E ................129-00X

Striker 8482 .......... ANDERSON, E ............67-00X 12633 ........ DENNIS, J...................64-01X 13242 ........ DEFILIPPI, S ...............64-00X

Striker 12379 ........ THROWER, K .............81-00X 8830 .......... SHARISON, H .............77-01X 12279 ........ LAYNE, J ....................77-00X 9929 .......... HODSON, F ................74-00X

Striker 10278 ........ FURLONG, D ..............167-03X 11667 ........ ALLEN, B ....................165-02X 11000 ........ BAIRD, B.....................161-00X 13082 ........ CAMERON, JR., R ......159-00X 6024 .......... SCHMIGEL, K .............156-01X 1142 .......... LITVINAS, C................154-01X

Striker 10278 ........ FURLONG, D ..............88-03X 11667 ........ ALLEN, B ....................87-02X 7851 .......... HARRELD, B ...............87-00X 7579 .......... POPE, D ..................... 83-00X 6276 .......... WILLIAMS, R...............83-00X 11000 ........ BAIRD, B.....................82-00X 5821 .......... BARBER, J..................81-01X 8990 .......... SNYDER, D.................80-00X

Single-Shot Pistol Aggregate (1 Place Paid) # Competitor 1 .....12592 ...... BRANCH, D ....... 138-00X

Marksman 2483 ...... GALLAGHER, R ........ 154-00X 10414..... BROCKMILLER, G .... 152-03X 8865 ...... GIPE, E ..................... 152-01X

Marksman 9090 ...... KUNSA, III, T............. 76-00X 4790 ...... GIPE, N..................... 67-00X 5725 ...... SHAW, E................... 66-00X

Marksman 10414..... BROCKMILLER, G .... 90-02X 8865 ...... GIPE, E ..................... 89-01X 2483 ...... GALLAGHER, R ........ 89-00X 2952 ...... LYNE, T .................... 88-02X

Marksman 2488 ...... BROCKMILLER, S .... 175-01X 9929 ...... HODSON, F .............. 174-00X 5509 ...... LINTON, H ................ 173-01X 6306 ...... ANDERSON, R ......... 171-01X 2873 ...... CHIARIZIA, L ............ 171-01X 1728 ...... SHARRETT,III, J ....... 164-03X

Marksman 2873 ...... CHIARIZIA, L ............ 89-01X 8802 ...... HAMILTON,III, J ........ 88-00X 10889..... EPLER, R.................. 87-00X 10901..... SMITH, W ................. 87-00X 9929 ...... HODSON, F .............. 87-00X 6306 ...... ANDERSON, R ......... 86-00X 2488 ...... BROCKMILLER, S .... 85-01X 11728..... MC DONALD, S ........ 85-00X

50-Yard Single-Shot Pistol (1 Place Paid) # Competitor 1 10414....... BROCKMILLER, G ..... 67-00X

Sharpshooter 9185 ....... MARK, J ................ 182-00X 7791 ....... ROUCH, M ............ 181-00X 0020 ....... ANDERSON, L ...... 178-00X 8873 ....... CONRAD, D .......... 177-03X 9958 ....... EVANGELISTA, F.. 177-00X 7483 ....... ROHDE, G ............ 172-03X

Carbine Aggregate (5 Places Paid) # Expert 1 8239..... HILER, JR., J ............ 185-03X 2 1614..... CORRIGAN, P........... 181-03X 3 4052..... DE FRANCISCI, C..... 180-02X 4 3991..... MATTHEWS, W ........ 180-02X 5 5494..... DAVENPORT, E........ 180-01X 6 8082..... ROUCH, J ................. 179-02X

25-Yard Single-Shot Pistol (1 Place Paid) # Competitor 1 12592 ..... BRANCH, D ............ 71-00X

Sharpshooter 9185 ....... MARK, J ................ 95-00X 9958 ....... EVANGELISTA, F.. 92-00X 7791 ....... ROUCH, M ............ 92-00X 8873 ....... CONRAD, D .......... 91-00X 0020 ....... ANDERSON, L ...... 89-00X 10414 ..... BROCKMILLER, G 88-01X 12062 ..... CLARK, W ............. 88-00X 11287 ..... WENZEL, T ........... 87-02X


100-Yard Carbine (8 Places Paid) # Expert 1 8239..... HILER, JR., J ............ 94-01X 2 1614..... CORRIGAN, P........... 93-02X 3 4052..... DE FRANCISCI, C..... 92-01X 4 2881..... DIXON, D .................. 91-02X 5 3991..... MATTHEWS, W ........ 91-01X 6 5494..... DAVENPORT, E........ 91-00X 7 9269..... MAGNO, T ................ 91-00X 8 8082..... ROUCH, J ................. 90-02X


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Sharpshooter 10358 .....SHAW, M.................. 177-01X 6783 .......DEANS, G ................ 176-02X

Breech-Loader Aggregate (2 Places Paid) # Expert 1 6629 .... ZDON, JR., W ........... 188-05X 2 12502 .. ROGERS, J .............. 183-04X

Sharpshooter 12085 .....ALTLAND, P ............. 96-02X 11127 .....MINNEMAN, A.......... 94-03X 7403 .......REA, T...................... 94-02X 3726 .......LEVITSKY, S ............ 94-01X Sharpshooter 9688 .......LITVINAS, M............. 93-01X 10483 .....GORSKY, R.............. 91-02X 8865 .......GIPE, E .................... 91-01X 7403 .......REA, T...................... 90-00X Sharpshooter 7403 .......REA, T...................... 184-02X 11127 .....MINNEMAN, A.......... 181-04X 10483 .....GORSKY, R.............. 181-03X

25-Yard Smoothbore (4 Places Paid) # Expert 1 4634 .... BOWLING, G ............ 97-03X 2 3390 .... KEPPLER, A............. 95-00X 3 5779 .... ARNETTE, M ............ 94-03X 4 11692 .. BUMFORD, A ........... 94-02X

50-Yard Smoothbore (4 Places Paid) # Expert 1 5093 .... GAMBLE, A .............. 94-02X 2 4688 .... SMITH, J .................. 93-02X 3 0480 .... MC MAHON, L .......... 93-00X 4 4634 .... BOWLING, G ............ 93-00X

Smoothbore Aggregate (3 Places Paid) # Expert 1 4634 .... BOWLING, G ............ 190-03X 2 5093 .... GAMBLE, A .............. 186-02X 3 0701 .... FRITZ, E ................... 185-03X

Striker 8173 .......... BETHKE, R ................. 172-02X 13082 ........ CAMERON, JR., R ...... 169-00X

Striker 10696 ........ COUMES, J ................ 88-02X 8173 .......... BETHKE, R ................. 86-00X

Striker 4778 .......... MCCORMICK, M......... 90-00X 4451 .......... BUCK, W .................... 88-01X 8571 .......... WELTHER, M ............. 87-01X

Marksman 12111 .... SCHNEIDER, E ........ 185-03X 10572 .... THOMPSON, E......... 184-03X 9863 ...... WETZEL, J ............... 182-04X

Marksman 10572 .... THOMPSON, E......... 93-00X 12111 .... SCHNEIDER, E ........ 91-00X 11873 .... LOUGHRY, J ............ 90-00X 5969 ...... ROHRBACH, B ......... 89-01X

Marksman 9863 ...... WETZEL, J ............... 96-02X 12111 .... SCHNEIDER, E ........ 94-03X 10572 .... THOMPSON, E......... 91-03X 10752 .... BENNETT, M ............ 91-01X

Striker 9199 .......... DEFILIPPI, J ............... 179-06X 8830 .......... SHARISON, H............. 179-02X 11585 ........ WESTERBECK, R ...... 175-00X

Striker 8830 .......... SHARISON, H............. 89-00X 11585 ........ WESTERBECK, R ...... 88-00X 9199 .......... DEFILIPPI, J ............... 87-03X 4431 .......... ANDERSON, J............ 87-02X

Striker 9199 .......... DEFILIPPI, J ............... 92-03X 8830 .......... SHARISON, H............. 90-02X 12597 ........ MC MASTER, B .......... 89-01X 12385 ........ DONNELLY, D ............ 89-01X

SS BR/C2 Aggregate (3 Places Paid) # Competitor 1..... 6629 ........ ZDON, JR., W ... 185-02X 2..... 7849 ........ COLEMAN, S .... 184-01X 3..... 11692....... BUMFORD, A .... 183-04X

Marksman 2386 ...... LAWLEY, E............... 178-00X 9777 ...... SITZMAN, K ............. 177-00X

Marksman 2386 ...... LAWLEY, E............... 91-00X 8461 ...... WELLS, JR., J .......... 87-01X

Marksman 3726 ...... LEVITSKY, S ............ 91-01X 9777 ...... SITZMAN, K ............. 91-00X 11409 .... ROGERS, M ............. 89-03X

100-Yard SS BR/C2 (3 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 7849 ........ COLEMAN, S.............. 94-01X 2 6629 ........ ZDON, JR., W ............. 92-01X 3 11692 ...... BUMFORD, A ............. 91-02X

Sharpshooter 4947 .......MATUSZEK, J .......... 91-00X 8790 .......HYNDSHAW,JR.,W .. 90-01X

100-Yard Breech-Loader (2 Places Paid) # Expert 1 11131 .. O'BRYANT, K ........... 94-03X 2 12502 .. ROGERS, J .............. 94-03X

50-Yard SS BR/C2 (3 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 1143 ...... DAVIES, P .............. 93-04X 2 6629 ...... ZDON, JR., W ......... 93-01X 3 11692 .... BUMFORD, A ......... 92-02X

Sharpshooter 11366 .....DAVENPORT,III,E .... 92-02X 10358 .....SHAW, M.................. 91-01X 6783 .......DEANS, G ................ 90-01X


50-Yard Breech-Loader (3 Places Paid) # Expert 1 6629 .... ZDON, JR., W ........... 95-05X 2 9688 .... LITVINAS, M ............. 93-02X 3 8025 .... WALSH, J ................. 93-01X

Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Five-Gun Aggregate (4 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ....... 0701 ....... FRITZ, E ........................ 884-12X 2 ....... 5093 ....... GAMBLE, A .................... 879-07X 3 ....... 0713 ....... BUMFORD, JR., A .......... 876-05X 4 ....... 2495 ....... WAITS, B ....................... 873-07X

Grand Aggregate (7 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ....... 2495 ....... WAITS, B ....................... 530-05X 2 ....... 0713 ....... BUMFORD, JR., A .......... 525-03X 3 ....... 0701 ....... FRITZ, E ........................ 519-07X 4 ....... 4052 ....... DE FRANCISCI, C .......... 518-06X 5 ....... 8239 ....... HILER, JR., J.................. 516-07X 6 ....... 1614 ....... CORRIGAN, P ................ 516-05X 7 ....... 5093 ....... GAMBLE, A .................... 516-04X

50-Yard Aggregate (7 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ....... 2495 ....... WAITS, B ....................... 264-04X 2 ....... 0713 ....... BUMFORD, JR., A .......... 261-02X 3 ....... 11046 ..... ROGERS, III, J ............... 258-01X 4 ....... 4052 ....... DE FRANCISCI, C .......... 256-02X 5 ....... 0701 ....... FRITZ, E ........................ 254-04X 6 ....... 9289 ....... SNOOK, D...................... 254-02X 7 ....... 8493 ....... COOPER, T.................... 254-01X

Place Gun/Crew Score Artillery, Smoothbore 1 ........ DIXIE ARTILLERY ..........................................49-2V 2 ........ 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY NO. 1 ......................46-1V 3 ........ HARDAWAY'S ALA BTTY NO. 1 .....................43-0V 4 ........ 3RD MARYLAND ARTY (RE-ENTER) .............39-1V 5 ........ 1ST MARYLAND ARTY, CSA..........................39-0V 6 ........ 1ST PA ARTILLERY........................................35-2V 7 ........ 3RD MARYLAND ARTY NO. 1 ........................28-4V 8 ........ 3RD U.S. (HIPPLE) .........................................19-2V


Senior Skirmisher Results (2 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ...... 7791 ...... ROUCH, M..................... 180-00X 2 ...... 11444 .... OGDAN, G ..................... 177-03X

Young Skirmisher (2 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ...... 13280 .... HAKE, C ........................ 152-01X 2 ...... 13380 .... MROZ, M ....................... 141-00X


Musket-Carbine Aggregate (12 Places Paid) # Competitor 1 ....... 8239 ....... HILER, JR., J.................. 363-05X 2 ....... 7791 ....... ROUCH, M ..................... 361-00X 3 ....... 5494 ....... DAVENPORT, E ............. 360-03X 4 ....... 11929 ..... ROUCH, M ..................... 357-02X 5 ....... 2488 ....... BROCKMILLER, S.......... 357-02X 6 ....... 3991 ....... MATTHEWS, W.............. 356-04X 7 ....... 6629 ....... ZDON, JR., W................. 356-03X 8 ....... 0713 ....... BUMFORD, JR., A .......... 356-02X 9 ....... 0701 ....... FRITZ, E ........................ 355-05X 10 ..... 9372 ....... CHRISTENSEN, D.......... 354-02X 11 ..... 11131 ..... O'BRYANT, K ................. 353-01X 12 ..... 1614 ....... CORRIGAN, P ................ 352-04X

Place Gun/Crew Score Artillery, Rifled 1 ........ 15TH IND BTTY OHIO LT ARTY NO.1 ............ 50-4V 2 ........ HAZELWOOD VOLS ...................................... 50-3V 3 ........ DULANY TRP 6TH VA CAV ............................ 50-2V 4 ........ 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS (DES)............................ 49-5V 5 ........ 3RD US (WELLS) ........................................... 49-3V 6 ........ 2ND MARYLAND ARTY ................................. 49-3V 7 ........ 3RD U.S. (SMITHGALL) ................................. 48-3V 8 ........ SOUTHAMPTON GREYS NO. 1 ..................... 48-3V 9 ........ 1ST VALLEY RANGERS ................................ 48-2V 10 ...... 5TH VA VOL INF NO. 2 .................................. 48-0V 11 ...... 7TH REGT VA VOL INF.................................. 45-2V 12 ...... 3RD U.S. (GALLOWAY) ................................. 45-2V 13 ...... 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS (ROB) ........................... 45-1V 14 ...... 10TH MASS BTTY GUN NO. 1 ....................... 44-0V 15 ...... MCNEILL'S RANGERS................................... 43-1V 16 ...... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS NO. 2 ..................... 43-0V 17 ...... 5TH VA VOL INF NO. 1 .................................. 42-2V 18 ...... 3RD U.S. (FULTON) ....................................... 41-2V 19 ...... 1ST NJ LT ARTILLERY .................................. 38-2V 20 ...... 1ST MAINE HVY ARTY .................................. 37-2V 21 ...... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY NO. 2 ..................... 37-2V 22 ...... CO G 23RD N.C. ST TROOPS ....................... 37-0V 23 ...... 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS (JAMIE)......................... 34-2V 24 ...... BUNCOMBE RIFLES...................................... 33-0V 25 ...... 2ND US SHARPSHOOTERS CO C ................ 31-0V 26 ...... 14TH CONN VOL INF..................................... 28-1V 27 ...... GRAHAM'S BTTY........................................... 27-0V 28 ...... WINSLOW'S BATTERY .................................. 26-0V Howitzer 1 ........ 3RD U.S. (SMITHGALL) ................................. 50-5V 2 ........ 3RD MARYLAND ARTY NO. 1........................ 49-3V 3 ........ ROWAN ARTILLERY...................................... 47-5V 4 ........ DULANY TRP 6TH VA CAV............................ 45-0V 5 ........ DIXIE ARTILLERY .......................................... 34-1V Rifled Howitzer 1 ........ 5TH VA VOL INF NO. 2 .................................. 41-2V



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Spring 2016

Skirmish Line

Woods’ Patent Equipments By Fred Gaede #8906, Hardaways Alabama Battery

By the close of the American Civil War, a number of precursors to the ‘brace systems’ of the 1870’s were emerging. Although the Mann’s patent system is perhaps the best known, another considered during the War was that developed by Oliver Evans Woods of Philadelphia. Woods submitted his original “Knapsack Support” system to Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs during the Summer of 1864. It was duly referred to a Quartermaster Board, which met sporadically between September and November of 1864 to consider Woods’ proposal. Although “favorably impressed” with the system, the Board estimated the additional cost of buying the framed knapsacks from Woods would be $750,000 per annum, and Woods was not willing to sell the rights to his system to the government. Consequently, nothing further came of the proposal until political friends of Woods finally prevailed upon Meigs to reconsider the “Knapsack Support.” Another Board was convened in January 1865 to examine its suitability for the infantry. That Board found it “well Figure 1 - U.S. Patent No. 54,807 adapted to the service, being much superior to those now in Woods Equipment System Accoutrements use.” Meigs also had it submitted to a Board of medical officers. Their report noted the system “consists of an addition to the Regulation Knapsack of several straps and hooks, which enable the Musket, Haversack, and Canteen to be suspended in front of the person, from a point near the shoulders.... The principle is a good one, and its adaptation to the Knapsack now in use would be an undoubted improvement in a hygienic point of view.” Note there is no mention of a cartridge box or bayonet scabbard, as the original concept involved only accoutrements provided by the Quartermaster Department. Meigs, perhaps also sensing the War was on its way to a conclusion, advised against adopting the system on purely fiscal grounds, citing the significantly higher cost than the then-regulation items. The Secretary of War concurred and Woods’ proposal was returned to him on May 29, 1865. With the War over by the time Woods received the declination, Woods knew the mountains of surplus accoutrements accumulating in the Quartermaster and Ordnance Department’s warehouses afforded him no chance of convincing the Army to buy his patented system, made new. Consequently he adapted his renamed “Woods Equipment System … to the regulation cartridge boxes, knapsacks, &c, &c, now stored in arsenals of the United States, and the advantages of equipments ‘much superior to those now in use’ can be secured by this Government without its being subjected to the expense of new equipage and accoutrements.” The components of the revised Woods system were standard Civil War Skirmish Line

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issue items, with tabs, hooks, and rings added so each item could be attached to an altered set of knapsack carrying straps. Further a hook was provided to sling the rifle musket to the system. With his new system now claiming U.S. Patent No. 54,807 (Fig. 1), granted on May 15, 1866, the system would now also incorporate Ordnance Department accoutrements. A photograph taken at Washington Arsenal of the complete system, including both Ordnance and Quartermaster items, is shown in Fig. 2. It appears, in his quest to get his system adopted, Woods had another series of photographs taken that compared his improvements to those used during the War. One of those is shown in Fig. 3, with Woods himself (at left) modeling his patented system. Note the deliberate way the regulation equipments were shown to look less military, and the knapsack in particular in a way to promote hernias since it rested lower on the back. Figure 2 - Woods’ Complete System On March 17, 1866, QMD General Meigs finally directed Colonel George Crosman, at Schuylkill Arsenal in Philadelphia, to prepare 200 sets of Woods’ Equipments. The colonel had to coordinate modifications to their accoutrements with the Ordnance Department. By the end of July, 1866, Crosman indicated to Meigs that the 200 sets were ready for “your instructions for the shipment of them to the points intended.” Records of which units received these trial sets and what reports were submitted were not located in the Archival record. However, a printed circular describing the mode of slinging the equipments indicated “In each box of accoutrements issued by the Chief of Ordinance [sic] will be found fifty each, of adapted cartridge boxes and bayonet scabbards. There will also be found in each box of accoutrements, a Card of Photographs. In Figure 1, it will be seen that on the haversack a Figure 3 Woods (left) modeling his system buckle and hook has been placed; on the canteen strap a hook; on the cartridge box a hook; and a hook on the bayonet scabbard.” On October 3, 1867 yet another Quartermaster Board recommended an additional 300 sets of Wood’s (sic), as well as an equal number of both Buchanan’s and Baxter’s knapsack suspension systems, be made and distributed for trial. The sets were completed at Schuylkill Arsenal by April, 1868 and readied for distribution. As before, their destinations and receptions are unnoted in the Archival record. Cartridge boxes adapted to the Woods system, with their distinctive hook (Fig. 4; see also Fig. 6), are occasionally seen at relic shows. Other than the addition of the hook, no other alterations were made to infantry cartridge boxes. The hook merely suspended the weight of a loaded box, which would have partially counterbalanced that of the knapsack. It was intended that the box be worn on the waist belt, 76

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which during the War had been found to promote hernias; shoulder belts were discarded. Despite its having been the mainstay during the War, the double bag knapsack was never implemented as intended after its adoption in 1855, with its ‘J’ hooks attached to the rifle waist belt. Even with additional strapping and a rearrangement of the ‘J’ hooks, the Woods alteration didn’t help it fulfill its mission any better in 1866. Although one could exist, the author has never been able to examine an example of a Woods altered knapsack. The “adapted ... bayonet scabbard” accompanying the Woods system was similarly changed with the addition of a hook (Figs. 5 and 6). Currently, only one example is known to the author. In 1880, there were in store a total of 896 “Bayonet-scabbards, 18 inch, black leather, Wood’s [sic] patent,” (894 of which were “Serviceable” and “Boxed”). These were included in the auction of surplus material at the New York Arsenal that year. Interestingly, Society of American Bayonet Collectors Founder, Robert Reilly, does not include a drawing of one in his seminal work on American bayonets and scabbards. Canteens of the Woods patent are seen occasionally at relic shows, but invariably misidentified. As can be seen in Fig. 2 at left, the strap was shortened considerably and a snap hook added. Consequently, dealers often label them as post-War cavalry canteens of undetermined pattern. In fact, they were never a regulation pattern, nor intended to be buckled to a saddle.

Only the cap pouch appears not to have needed any alteration to work with Woods’ system. However, soon thereafter its role as a percussion cap carrying accoutrement would cease, and both the Army and Navy would adapt it to carrying metallic pistol cartridges. While their origins were in items manufactured during the Civil War, Woods Equipments are more correctly considered as part of the efforts of the Army to create better load bearing systems after that War. The result would eventually be the brace systems of the 1870s. Hopefully this article will help skirmishers correctly identify the individual components when available for sale.

Figure 6 - Close-up of belt with ‘J’ hook

Figure 4 Cartridge box adapted to the Woods system

Skirmish Line

Figure 5 Adapted bayonet scabbard

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Spring 2016

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Skirmish Line

Spring 2016


Sometimes in life, unexpected things happen. It seems, however, that if you’re involved with the publication of the Skirmish Line, you get more than your share of unexpected happenings! Between work schedules, health issues, failing eyesight, power outages, and the joys of technology, it’s a small miracle that you’re holding this issue in your hands right now! There are many things I’d like to do with the Skirmish Line to make it more than just a reporting of scores and award winners. I want to include articles about skirmishers, such as the one in the last issue about Teddy Parker and Kent Snyder. I have a plethora of old Skirmish Line magazines cluttering my house. My plan is to extract some of the older articles from those issues and include one in each new issue along with more gun and shooting articles.

Going along with the need for new blood in the N-SSA, I need articles and stories from you that express to folks why they should join the N-SSA; stories about generations of skirmishers and how the love of the sport and the history were passed down; reasons why skirmishing makes your life richer. These are the stories that potential new recruits need to hear - the “why’s” of skirmishing, and in particular, why they should shoot with the N-SSA. So, in saying all that, I’d like to share with you how you can help get the Skirmish Line out on time: Send your articles to If you send it anywhere else, I may never see it. All articles should be in plain text format. What that means is, just type it up, don’t format your text, simply type it in. Nothing fancy. No numbered lists or bullets - they do some pretty strange things when they’re copied and pasted. If you’re sending a list, just use one tab between items, even if it looks like it doesn’t line up. Don’t use spaces, they take a really long time to remove. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it all lines up properly when I’m finished with it. If you send me a PDF file, please make sure you also send me the plain text file. PDF’s are helpful in that I can see exactly what you’re wanting your article to look like, however, I can’t easily extract the information to include it in the magazine. Photos, illustrations, etc. must be at least 300 dpi or the image will be rejected by the printer. If you are including a photo in your article, attach the original photo file, jpg format is best, and the highest quality possible and give it a descriptive name. When you insert the photo into your article and save it, the quality is greatly reduced. The higher the quality, the better. Please be sure to include a description of the photos as well which can be used as a caption. Don’t forget to include your name as the author of the article so that proper credit can be attributed. I appreciate all the kind words, encouragement, articles, suggestions, etc. that so many of you have been sending my way. My goal is for the Skirmish Line to improve and grow with each new issue. Thank you for helping me achieve that goal. Chris Branch, Email:

In the Next Issue ... Summer Edition Information & Deadlines: This edition will contain information and happenings through July 31st as well as details about the Fall Nationals. It will have a color cover and black & white interior.

All member articles & photos must be emailed to no later than August 15th in order for the issue to be in the mail by August 30th. 80

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Skirmish Line

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