The Skirmish Line - Summer 2016

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Summer 2016

Volume 62 ~ Issue 3

This issue features: 2016 National Officer Candidates Veterans Skirmish 134th National Skirmish Schedule Board of Directors Mtg. Minutes

131st Nationals 1st Place A-1 Musket Team 1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate The 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016

The Skirmish LineTM is the quarterly publication of The North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.

Non-member annual subscriptions are available for $24 per year (U.S. Funds) Editor & Publisher Editor, Chris Branch ~ National Photography Officer ~ Ericka Hoffman Visit our website at: http:\ The N-SSA Corporate Seal and the magazine title, The Skirmish LineTM, are registered trademarks of the NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc. Reproduction in any form or manner without the expressed written consent of the N-SSA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited. All pages are copyrighted by the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. and The Skirmish LineTM magazine. Text and images in this publication are the property of the original owners (authors). Text and images may not be published separately, in hard copy or electronically, without the expressed written permission of their owner(s). The authors and advertisers are responsible to make sure that they have the permission and right to publish articles, photos, and illustrations that they did not create. The NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc., The Skirmish LineTM, and its staff are not responsible for copyright infringement. Please contact the Editor for questions relating to any matter, including but not limited to rights, if any, to copy materials herein. Disclaimer: The North-South Skirmish Association does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication. The publisher also does not guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any product or service illustrated, mentioned, offered, or advertised herein. The publisher does not assume responsibility as to whether or not products or services advertised in this publication comply with all state or local laws which may be applicable in regard to the purchase or usage of such products or services. Warning: Neither the author(s) nor the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. can accept any responsibility for accidents or differing results obtained using techniques, products, and combinations thereof that will make results vary. Firearms should be checked before firing and periodically thereafter by a competent gunsmith and all manufacturer’s instructions and warnings must be followed.


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Volume 62 ~ Issue 3 Summer 2016 Covering the News & Happenings of the N-SSA through August, 2016. Visit Us at

On the Cover 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A 131st Spring Nationals - May 2015

1st Place A-1 Musket Team William Francis Keys Trophy

1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate Jack Rawls Memorial Trophy

Change of Address Requests Please send all address changes to: Judy Stoneburner, N-SSA Executive Secretary PO Box 218 | Crozet, VA 22932-0218 If your household receives multiple copies that you’d prefer not to receive, please email You must include your Zip+4 to receive The Skirmish Line

Skirmish Line

In this Issue Women in Skirmishing 25th Anniversary Event ............................................ 1 Letter from the Editor & Corrections from Issue 2 ......................................... 4 National Commander’s Column ...................................................................... 6 Deputy Commander’s Column ........................................................................ 8 Small Arms Committee .................................................................................... 9 Traditional Match Update ............................................................................. 10 2016 National Officer Candidates ........................................................... 11 National Commander David T. Booz ........................................ 12 Frank Kapper Jr. ................................... 16 Deputy Commander Wade Huffman ...................................... 18 Paymaster James G. Baird ...................................... 20 Adjutant Joe Plakis, III ........................................ 22 Melinda Shaw ....................................... 24 Inspector General Philip E. Crabil ...................................... 25 Wayne D. Shaw ..................................... 26 Meet the Staff Officer - Bruce Allen.............................................................. 27 New Recruits .................................................................................................. 28 TAPS ............................................................................................................... 29 2016 National Officer, Staff, and Committee Chair Contact List ................ 30 The Unsung Skirmisher - Bill Jordan ........................................................... 35 134th National Skirmish Schedule ............................................................... 36 Company Classifications................................................................................ 38 Merge ............................................................................................................. 42 Deep South Skirmish Results ........................................................................ 44 Tidewater Region News ................................................................................ 46 Veterans Skirmish .......................................................................................... 48 Prize Table Donations ............................................................................ 50 2017 Skirmish Dates ..................................................................................... 53 Membership Meeting Minutes ...................................................................... 54 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes............................................................. 56 Support the N-SSA with Amazon Smile ....................................................... 64

In the Next Issue ...

Fall Edition Information & Deadlines: This full-color edition will contain scores, awards, and photos from the Fall Nationals and officer election results only. National Officer articles, results, photographs, advertising artwork, and any related articles are due no later than October 15th. Summer 2016


Before anything else, I must apologize to Joe Plakis for failing to include his qualifications and statement for the position of Adjutant. Because of that error, I have included the full roster of candidates again in this issue for your consideration. There were several photo labeling errors as well which have been addressed below and on the next page. I appreciate those of you who let me know of the errors and I apologize to those who were affected.

Submission Guidelines & General Notes: Send your articles to If you send it anywhere else, I may never see it. All articles should be in plain text format. What that means is, just type it up, don’t format your text, simply type it in. Nothing fancy. No numbered lists or bullets - they do some pretty strange things when they’re copied and pasted.

If you’re sending a list, just use one tab between items, even if it looks like it doesn’t line up. Don’t use spaces, they take a really long time to remove. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it all lines up properly when I’m finished with it. If you send me a PDF file, please make sure you also send me the plain text file. PDF’s are helpful in that I can see exactly what you’re wanting your article to look like, however, I can’t easily extract the information to include it in the magazine and pdf images often turn out blurry when converted.

Photos, illustrations, etc. must be at least 300 dpi or the image will be rejected by the printer. If you are including a photo in your article, attach the original photo file, jpg format is best, and the highest quality possible and give it a descriptive name which can be used as a caption. Don’t forget to include your name as the author of the article so that proper credit can be attributed. Deadlines for the next issue will be published in each issue, just under the Table of Contents. Chris Branch, Email:

2016 Spring Nationals

50 Year Award

R. Sherman Burres 14th Virginia Cavalry


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 Spring Nationals

Award Winner Corrections

1st Place A-3 Smoothbore Team

1st Place B-1 Musket Team

1st Pennsylvania Rifles (Bucktails), Co. A

8th Regiment VA Volunteer Infantry, Co. B

Highest Revolver Aggregate - Tom Blum Memorial Trophy 1st Place Grand Aggregate Ernest W. Peterkin N-SSA Grand Aggregate Trophy

2nd Place Grand Aggregate Walter T. Felter Memorial Trophy

Benjamin T. Waits

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016

Alvin Bumford, Jr.


August Board Meeting Our August Board of Directors meeting was held at a very unique location – the Kernstown Battlefield on the southern side of Winchester. This was the first time in N-SSA history that one of our Board meetings was held on an actual battlefield in the conflict. However, this location was not without an N-SSA connection, as it was hosted by Past National Commander, Gary Crawford, and his lovely wife Donna. Gary is the President of the Kernstown Battlefield Association, and as such has been instrumental in protecting this very historic location for the education and enjoyment of future generations. I will have more on The Kernstown Battlefield Association later in this article. On Friday afternoon prior to the meeting, many of the members of the Board were treated to a very good and informative walking tour of the Kernstown Battlefield, led by noted author, history professor, and long time N-SSA member Jonathan Noyalas. While the minutes for this Board Meeting will be found elsewhere in this issue, I wish to highlight two very important Bylaws change proposals that will be voted on during the upcoming membership meeting which will be held during the 134th National Skirmish. BYLAWS CHANGE PROPOSALS TO BE VOTED ON DURING THE MEMBERSHIP MEETING ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2016

Proposal Number 1 MOTION to amend ARTICLE X, Dues of the BYLAWS by adding Section F (new) Individuals who are already members of member organizations, but who can no longer shoot due to age and/or infirmity, may maintain membership by paying reduced dues (in an amount to be set by the Board of Directors) for a non-shooting membership. Such membership status shall maintain all privileges of membership EXCEPT: Holding regional or national office, or Participating in individual matches, or as members of small-arms companies, or as members of artillery crews (including mortar). Non-shooting members shall have membership cards distinctly different from shooting members.

The above proposal recognizes that there are an increasing number of members who no longer wish to actively shoot, but want to remain a member of the association. This level of membership enables them to do just that. They can also act in skirmish host staff roles at a Regional and National level if they so desire. It is my view that if the above is approved, the door may be opened for some other types of non-shooting membership levels in the future. For example, some sort of corporate or auxiliary membership for those who wish to support the N-SSA, but have no desire to actively skirmish.


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Proposal Number 2 MOTION to amend ARTICLE II, Section 5 Current Bylaw

SECTION 5 All members in good standing of member or probationary member organizations in good standing shall be deemed to be members of the Association. These individuals must be fourteen years of age or older, and must not be members of any organization having as its sole purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force or violence the government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions. Proposed Bylaw (change in bold) SECTION 5 National Commander All members in good standing of member or probationary member organizations in good standing shall be deemed to be members of the Association. These Phil Spaugy individuals must be fourteen years of age or older, not convicted of any crime or subject to any other legal disability prohibiting his or her possession of a firearm, and must not be members of any organization having as its sole purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force or violence the government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions.

Yes, there was a situation (since handled) that caused the Board to propose the above bylaws change. It is important to remember that the most important duties of your National Officers and Board of Directors are to ensure, to the best of their ability, the protection of our members and the assets of the Association. Member units are urged to use due diligence when accepting new members. Remember that many of the gun club facilities we use to skirmish do not permit a person subject to the prohibitions referred to in the proposed bylaw provisions to hold club membership or to possess a firearm on club property. As always, questions on the above bylaws proposals should be directed to your regional commander, or by contacting me. Now, let us return to Kernstown. As mentioned before, N-SSA member (and Past Commander) Gary Crawford, along with his wife Donna, are very active in the in the preservation of this important piece of property. Today, the property (which includes the historic Samuel Pritchard house) is a virtual island of hallowed ground in the growing commercial area on the south side of Winchester. The location was the site of two major battles during the war: the First Battle of Kernstown on March 23, 1862; and the Second Battle of Kernstown on June 24, 1864. Besides these two major engagements, several smaller skirmishes were fought on the property. All told, more than 3,000 soldiers on both sides fell during these two engagements. There is little doubt that many of the fallen, both Federal and Confederate, lie there still, making this truly hallowed ground. Of particular interest to N-SSA members is that Lt. Colonel James Burton owned the Pritchard farm property after the war. It was Burton who, while working as the Acting Armor at the Harpers Ferry Armory, refined Claude Minie’s conical ball design into the 500-grain “Harpers Ferry or Burton” ball design used during the American Civil War.

While the Kernstown Battlefield site is only open on weekends, those N-SSA members wishing to visit during the week can contact Gary Crawford by email at and he MAY be able to open for your visit. That’s all for now, I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming 134 th National Skirmish. Until then take care, shoot well and travel safe!! Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Elections and Other Things Well the majority of our 2016 shooting season is now behind usm but we still have quite a few Regional skirmishes going on prior to and after the Fall Nationals this October to keep everyone busy. I would like to let everyone know that this past weekend (Labor Day), a good number of volunteers braved the heat to complete the replacement of the conduits that the target frames go in at the 100 yard line. Now all 25, 50 and 100 yard positions have new conduits and the target frames now line up much better with their firing line positions. Thank you to everyone that helped on this major undertaking! I know Bill Jordan has worked tirelessly with Tim Scanlan and others to have this work completed by this Fall Nationals. This upcoming 134th National Skirmish will also feature a celebration of the 25th anniversary of women joining the N-SSA as full members. On Friday October 7th at 5:30pm, there will be a special shooting event for women only on the main range. Please come out to cheer the participants on and be part of the celebration to recognize this important milestone! The membership meeting at the barn on Friday night will be a busy one, so all team commanders please be at the barn early so we can start the meeting promptly at 7:30pm. Two major items are the election of National Officers and a vote on a By-Laws change. All the National Officer positions will be voted on with each team getting a chance to make their choice. Central Virginia Regional Commander Bobby Hannula will be officiating the election and the vote counting. Good luck to all the candidates! Another item that will be voted on by the membership is the addition of a new class of membership. As a group, the NSSA has a growing number of experienced long time members that would still like to maintain their membership in the association, but are not able to fully participate in shooting activities due to medical or other reasons. The Board of Directors has recognized this, and has approved a proposal to modify the association’s By-Laws that would create a new non-shooting class of N-SSA membership. Since this is change to the association’s By-Laws, the proposal must be submitted to the membership for their approval. The exact annual dues amount and other conditions of this new membership class will be determined by the Board of Directors next year if this By-Laws change is passed. We also have a National Election in November that could very well determine the future of our sport and that of many other activities we hold true and dear to our hearts. Please make sure you fully understand what each of the three (yes I’m also including the Libertarians) major candidates have stated as their positions on a variety of issues important to you and your family. Most importantly, you then need to vote! It is the one thing as an American that we can do to make sure our voices are heard. After four years of writing to you all, this is my last Skirmish Line article as your Deputy Commander. I thank all the N-SSA members for their support and encouragement over the years, and I will continue to serve the association in any capacity I can, either elected or as a volunteer. Thank You, Frank Kapper Jr., Deputy Commander 8

Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Small Arms Updates - June, 2016 I am pleased to announce to the membership that there were two more new arms, a barrel, and a process, all approved at the 133rd National! First is an unbelievably high quality reproduction of a Merrill Rifle made and submitted by Bill McCarthy of the 56 th Pennsylvania Infantry. This rifle is nothing short of a work of art! As you may remember, Bill had built a reproduction of the Merrill Carbine, which had been approved at an earlier date. At that time, there was much interest expressed by the membership to have him build a reproduction of the Merrill Rifle. This rifle, with the barrel rifled by R.A. Hoyt, is a great candidate for use in the Single Shot Individual Matches and the Single Shot Breech Loading Team Match. There were only 770 Merrill Rifles purchased by the Federal Government during the Civil War. They are known to have been used by the 6 th Michigan Vol. Inf. at the Battle of Port Hudson, Louisiana in early 1863, the 21st Indiana Vol. Inf., along with some Wisconsin and Maryland troops. As you can imagine, the original Merrill Rifle is quite rare and difficult to add to any Civil War arms collection. For the majority of us who will never have an original Merrill Rifle, Bill McCarthy has given us the perfect opportunity to not only fill the empty slot in our collections, but to also have one we can actually compete with! Second is another very fine Model 1841 Rifle, aka “Mississippi,” built and submitted by Steve Buchanan of the 8th Virginia Infantry. This Mississippi represents what the N-SSA identifies as the “Type E” alteration with a long range rear sight. These alterations were originally done at the Harper’s Ferry Armory prior to the Civil War. As with the other arms Steve has submitted and had approved previously, this is also of the highest quality, both in the parts used and the overall workmanship. Third is a Model 1816 smoothbore barrel in .69 caliber for a Model 1816 Musket in the original flint lock configuration and submitted by Whitacre’s Machine Shop. This well-known business is owned and operated by Dan Whitacre of the Dulany Troop, 6 th Virginia Cavalry. Like Dan’s other submittals over the years, this barrel is very well done. Fourth, also submitted by Whitacre’s Machine Shop, is a “Process Approval” for re-barreling ArmiSport Chiappa breeches with Whitacre made barrels. The samples Dan submitted were very well done and meet the requirements of the N-SSA and the Small Arms Committee. Sincerely, John Holland Small Arms Staff Officer

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Traditional Match Update By: John Holland Chairman, Traditional Match Committee

The Traditional Match was put in place for those historically-minded member units and individuals who have consistently presented the most authentic representations of the common soldier of the American Civil War. The requirements of the match are that each team and individual be uniformed and accoutered absolutely authentically for the Civil War time frame. In addition to the uniform and equipment requirements, the rifles, rifle muskets, and muskets used must be exact replicas of original arms or unaltered originals. All arms used must be as-issued in regards to sights. The term “unaltered” means exactly that! You cannot use your regular skirmish musket with peep sights, high or low front and rear sights, etc. The recent Traditional Match at the 133 rd National saw some individuals who didn’t understand what unaltered meant as they had high front sights, and front sights that had been filed to a different shape than the original sight, etc. The “spirit of the game” is to do it as it was done some 150+ years ago. The cartridges used at this time are limited to the paper wrapped Burton Ball. Some individuals have taken this to a very high level of authenticity by creating actual period correct cartridge packs, complete with arsenal marked wrappers! One of these individuals is Ernie Wood of the Union Guard. Ernie not only did a picture perfect job of creating his cartridge packs, which included the proper wrapped containers of 12 musket caps, he also issued the packs to his entire team at the beginning of the match! As a volunteer Line Judge for the Union Guard, what I saw was a true step into the past. I watched as Ernie handed out the cartridge packs to his teammates, and they tore them open, and carefully placed the paper wrapped cartridges in the tins of their cartridge boxes. This was followed by opening the paper tubes of caps and putting them into their cap boxes. As the excitement grew, it was easy for me to visualize a real skirmish line forming during the Civil War! When the tower command of “Load and come to the ready” was given, the cartridges were torn open and the powder dumped down the barrels. The Burton Balls were removed from the cartridge paper as per government regulations, inserted into the muzzles and rammed home. The rifle muskets used by the Union Guard were all unaltered, as-issued originals, each of which had already “Seen the Elephant” over 150 years ago. It was quite interesting that, with original sights and original type ammunition, the Union Guard had no trouble hitting the targets! Watching all of this reminded me of why the N-SSA was formed. This Traditional Match is the ultimate honor to the memory of those valiant veterans of the American Civil War, and much more in the spirit of what our founders, Jack Rawls and Ernie Peterkin, had in mind in 1950. The Traditional Match is one of the lesser known “gems” of the N-SSA and needs the assistance of our Marketing Committee. I believe that this match has great potential for growth from the reenacting community once it is properly presented to them. I sincerely hope that our next generation of leaders who are about to hold office in the N-SSA will see the merit of this match and give it the help and time it needs to grow into what just may be one of our best recruiting tools!


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

2016 National Officer Candidates On the next few pages, you’ll find the nominations for National Officers which were received by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Robert Hannula. Candidates are presented in alphabetical order by office. Please take time to read and evaluate each candidate’s information before voting. In accordance with current N-SSA by-laws: ARTICLE III:



The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Inspector General, and Executive Secretary. Except for the Executive Secretary, the officers shall be elected by the membership from members in good standing of member organizations for terms of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected. Beginning in 1994, no one shall be elected to the same national office for more than two consecutive terms. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board. Officers elected by the membership shall receive no compensation except the reimbursement of bona fide expenses incurred on behalf of the Association. The six officers shall be known as National Officers, and, except for the Executive Secretary, shall be eligible to vote on all matters coming before the Board of Directors. SECTION 2 Officers and their duties are as follows:

PRESIDENT, having the title of COMMANDER, shall preside over meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors; be a member ex officio of all regular and special committees (except the Awards, Nominating, and Election Committees); perform all the duties usually pertaining to the office of President; perform other duties as may be assigned by the Bylaws. VICE PRESIDENT, having the title of DEPUTY COMMANDER, shall perform all duties of the Commander in his absence or at his request; perform other duties as may be assigned or directed by the Commander. SECRETARY, having the title of ADJUTANT, shall conduct official correspondence at the direction of the Commander or the Board of Directors; keep records of Association business, except as delegated to the Executive Secretary; maintain a roster of national and regional officers, committee chairmen, and staff officers; perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. TREASURER, having the title of PAYMASTER, shall perform normal duties of treasurer; collect all dues and other funds paid to the Association; serve as custodian of all Association funds; write checks in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors; keep an accurate record of all funds, and submit an accounting of same to the Board of Directors; submit records for auditing when so directed; be bonded for malfeasance and misfeasance in an amount set by the Board of Directors. The INSPECTOR GENERAL shall inspect to determine that participating individuals and organizations at National Skirmishes comply with the Skirmish Rules; inspect probationary organizations at National Skirmishes, and make recommendations as to their qualification for membership to the Board of Directors. appoint assistants from among the members, if necessary, to assist him in the performance of his duties.

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Commander

David T. Booz - Page 1 of 4


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David T. Booz - Page 2 of 4

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Summer 2016


David T. Booz - Page 3 of 4


Summer 2016

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David T. Booz Candidate for Commander

David T. Booz - Page 4 of 4

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Commander

Frank Kapper Jr. Candidate for Commander


Summer 2016

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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates Deputy Commander


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Wade Huffman Candidate for Deputy Commander

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Paymaster


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

James G. Baird Candidate for Paymaster

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Adjutant

Joe Plakis III Candidate for Adjutant


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Prior Service to the N-SSA: 2009-2015 – Served as Regional Commander for the Middle Atlantic Region 2007-2009 – Served as Deputy Regional Commander

2004-Present – Small Arms Committee 2010-Present – Assistant Youth Program Coordinator 2014-Present – Employee Review Committee 2013-Present – Marketing Committee 2000-Present – Middle Atlantic Region Youth Program Coordinator 2013 - Developed and Implemented the Practice Target Program at Nationals Personal Background Information: I joined the N-SSA in 1997 at the age of 15 as a member of the Hampton Legion, CSA. Currently I am a member of the 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. I have been married for 9 years to Jennifer Plakis, a member of the Hampton Legion, and have a two year old son, Joey. In 2005, I graduated from Gwynedd Mercy College with a degree in History, Business and Education. I taught for several years at schools for “at-risk” students. Currently I am the Co-Owner of AtoZ Air Compressor Inc. Candidate’s Statement: The N-SSA has been a staple in my life since I was a young child. I can remember coming down to the Fort and going to other Skirmishes at an early age, it feels as if I have been a skirmisher my whole life. The N-SSA has been like a family to me for so many years, that I have felt the need to serve and to pay back all that I have received. From an early age I sought out areas that I could help and lend a hand and that has been my goal ever since.

The highlight of my N-SSA membership came in 2015, when my 1 year old son and I, as MARegional Commander, had the opportunity to award my father his 50 year award. It is a memory that I will have for the rest of my life. It is also a memory that made me realize that I WANT MY 50-YEAR AWARD! I also want every person reading this to have the same opportunity. To make that possible we will have to come together as an organization, and refocus on what is truly important. Hard decisions might have to be made, and at times we as an organization will have to think outside of the box. That is my goal, if you choose to elect me to the office of Adjutant. My goal is to serve the Association to the best of my abilities, although you might not always agree with me you will always know where I stand. I will never ask you to do more than I am willing. All I am asking in return is for you to support the N-SSA in your actions and endeavors. Don’t just belong, get involved!

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates - Adjutant

Melinda Shaw Candidate for Adjutant


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2016 National Officer Candidates Inspector General

Philip E. Crabil Candidate for Inspector General

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer Candidates Inspector General

Wayne D. Shaw Candidate for Inspector General


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

MEET THE STAFF OFFICER By: Wayne Jordan Meet Bruce Allen, the Historical Officer of the N-SSA, whose main job is as curator of the A. C. Baird Historical Center. Also referred to as “the museum”, this is the building that faces the same parking lot as the entrance to the barn. While most everyone knows it’s there, most skirmishers have not yet toured the Historical Center. The purpose of this museum is to document the history of the N-SSA and the skirmishers who have built the organization into what it is today. “This is not a Civil War museum,” says Bruce. “It is here to preserve the history of the N-SSA and the artifacts that tell the story of the organization.” Bruce has been a member of the 7th Virginia since 2004, following in the footsteps of his father who was a member as far back as 1959. He has been involved in museum work all his adult life, first at Fort Ward Park in Alexandria, VA, and presently as the Museum Specialist of Ordnance for the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, VA. A few years ago when his predecessor at the N-SSA Historical Center needed some help, it only seemed natural to Bruce to step up and lend a hand. When the Historical Officer position became vacant, he was ready to take over. “I love history, and find it fascinating to review the old records going back to the inception of the N-SSA,” says Bruce. If you are a member of the N-SSA, make some time to tour the historical center. Bruce tries to keep it open as many hours as he can throughout each National Skirmish, usually Wednesday through Saturday afternoons and evenings. The hours will be posted on the door. If you have possession of any item or information that you think belongs in the museum, contact Bruce at Meet the Staff Officer or Committee Chairperson will be published in each edition of the Skirmish Line. The most recent N-SSA directory lists 31 Staff Officers and 21 Committee chairmen. This reflects the wide range of duties that must be performed to keep our organization running. Most of these volunteers are low profile people who work quietly behind the scenes, contributing an enormous number of hours of work to support the N-SSA each year. This series of articles is meant to bring them out of the background and share with our membership who they are and why they are in these jobs.

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Welcome New Recruits Allegheny Region Jeffrery Baudin........................................... 17th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry Nathaniel Chaplinksi.................................. 1st Pennsylvania Rifles (Bucktails) Dana Clark ................................................. 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers Joseph S. Emde ........................................ White's Company, 35th Virginia Cavalry Jonathan D. Fletcher ................................. Allegheny City Guards Victoria E. Hartman ................................... Allegheny City Guards Della B. Napier........................................... 6th Alabama (Raccoon Roughs) Emmeline Pasquerette .............................. 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers Rachel J. Urmann ...................................... Chartiers Valley Guards

Carolina Region William R. Archer ....................................... Buncombe Rifles Hal E. Davis ............................................... 24th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Karen D. Davis........................................... 24th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Jake Hayes ................................................ 27th North Carolina Troops Cathy A. Martin .......................................... Iredell Blues Alex McMichen .......................................... 24th Georgia Volunteer Infantry

Central Virginia Region David Drummond....................................... 11th Virginia Cavalry David L. Porter ........................................... 1st Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Morgan Shaw............................................. Harlan's Light Cavalry Robert Smith .............................................. Harlan's Light Cavalry

Chesapeake Region Brady J. Daniels......................................... Co. C, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters Casey C. Keener ....................................... Wheat’s Special Bttn, Louisiana Tigers Adam O'Breque ......................................... Mc Neill's Rangers Kenny J. Spence ....................................... Mc Neill's Rangers

Deep South Region Blair Eugene Clifford ................................. Deep South Region Recruit Co. Joshua Sasser ........................................... 4th Louisiana Infantry Delta Rifles Bruce Stevens, Jr. ..................................... 4th Louisiana Infantry, Delta Rifles

Mid-Atlantic Region Kenneth M. Cole, III ................................... 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Rush's Lancers Arthur M. Forgione, Jr. .............................. Co B 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry Eamon M. Grogan ..................................... 1st New Jersey Light Artillery Douglas Killian ........................................... 1st New Jersey Light Artillery Sue Killian .................................................. 1st New Jersey Light Artillery Robert Kirelawich ...................................... Hampton Legion, CSA Matthew Patrick ......................................... Hampton Legion, CSA John B. Person, Jr. .................................... 7th New Jersey Volunteers Summer M. Reynolds ................................ 3rd U.S. Regular Infantry John Sokso ................................................ 3rd U.S. Regular Infantry Paul Sternitzke........................................... 3rd U.S. Regular Infantry 28

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Mid-West Region John C. Ciccone ........................................Harris' Light Cavalry Matthew Conroy .........................................2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Northeast Region Andrew R. Holloway ..................................63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry Katrina L. Sanders .....................................9th Regiment New York Cavalry

Northwest Region Michael Moseley ........................................7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Roger W. Tack ...........................................24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

Potomac Region Michael Clarke ...........................................1st Maryland Infantry, CSA Jason Chisler .............................................Captain Simm’s Bttn. CSMC Daniel M. Clements ...................................Dulany Troop, 6th Virginia Cavalry Jeffrey Combs ............................................Chiswell’s Exiles Jeffrey Combs, II ........................................Chiswell’s Exiles Jason T. Eyler ............................................Baltimore Rifles, 1st Maryland Volunteers William Figueredo ......................................13th Confederate Infantry Stuart Israel ................................................8th Regt. Virginia Volunteer Infantry Kyle M. Miller .............................................2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA David Rich ..................................................Chiswell’s Exiles Stephen Michael Smith .............................Chiswell’s Exiles

Tidewater Region David L. Bennett ........................................Tidewater Region Recruit Co. Douglas F. Desrochers ..............................Washington Grays Keith H. Field .............................................Southampton Greys Joseph Harper ...........................................Tuckers Naval Brigade Richard Kerman .........................................Dismal Swamp Rangers Joseph M. Parcell ......................................3rd North Carolina Cavalry

TAPS Willam H. Altemus, Sr. ...................................Mosby’s Rangers Donn M. Falls..................................................49th Virginia Infantry, CSA Frank H. Garrett, Jr. .......................................Norfolk Light Infantry David Gramling ...............................................6th Wisconsin Volunteers Lee C. Hoffecker.............................................Iredell Blues Hugh K. Johnson ............................................2nd Kentucky Cavalry, CSA Irvin E. Ney, Sr. ..............................................44th New York Volunteer Infantry Pete O’Neill .....................................................13th Confederate Infantry Sam Rubin ......................................................Tammany Regiment Paul R. Walker, Jr. .........................................6th Alabama (Racoon Roughs) George Wiegand ............................................1st New York Sharpshooters

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 National Officer, Staff, and Committee Chair Contact List National Officers & Board of Directors

Staff Officers

National Commander - Phillip L. Spaugy 937-454-1846 PSPAUGY@AOL.COM

Artillery Officer - Robert T. West 757-508-3007 CANNONEER@COX.NET

Deputy Commander - Francis B. Kapper, Jr. 571-283-9958

Bivouac Officer - Robert E. Gorsky 410-795-2677 GORSBOB@AOL.COM

Adjutant - Carlton Layne Personnel Review Committee Chair 770-426-1918

Corporate Relations Officer -Allen Minneman 937-272-7520

Inspector General - Wade O. Huffman 410-916-4387

Executive Secretary - Judy O. Stoneburner 434-823-4772 Paymaster - James G. Baird

Historical Center Staff Officer - Bruce A. Allen 703-966-9277 SOUTHERNSHOOTER1@VERIZON.NET IT Manager & Sutler Officer - Linwood L. Mc Mahon 757-536-5187

Regional Commanders & Board of Directors

Judge Advocate / Solicitor - Brian G. Appelt 540-220-7707 BGAPPELT@VERIZON.NET

Allegheny - John V. Doyle 540-455-7909

Judge Advocate / Solicitor - Lars E. Anderson 703-967-1789

Carolina – James Rogers, III

Living History / Re-enactor Officer - Robert L. Hodge 703-944-6970

Central Virginia - Robert Hannula 2016 Election Chairman 571-221-2415 BOBBYHANNULA@JUNO.COM

Logistics - Todd H. Hess 717-398-5678

Chesapeake - David T. Booz 717-338-9379 Deep South - Lawrence E. Gibson 423-364-7157 LAWRENCE5650@GMAIL.COM


Ft. Shenandoah Emergency Coordinator - Chester T. Lauck 540-336-3938

Media Advertising Officer - Vicky L. Rowe Oversight Committee-Bulletin Board National Photography Officer - Ericka L. Hoffmann

Mid-Atlantic - Roger A. Gray 732-280-8159

National Registration Officer - Michael J. Bodner Visitor Committee 980-235-2342

Midwest - Eric S. Schuessler 216-990-5903 ESCHUES@AOL.COM

National Safety Officer - Brian J. Evans 540-662-8976 ICEMO@COMCAST.NET

New England - Paul R. Morgigno 860-302-2870 PAUL14CVI@ATT.NET

NRA Liaison Deputy - CWO-2 Frederic A. Behrens 804-598-2868 REDBARON13@VERIZON.NET

Northeast - Ronald J. Barvian 585-652-9625

NRA Liaison Officer - Craig Stanley 717-649-9461

Northwest - Charles L. Kindle, Jr. 419-346-6768 CLK111@ROADRUNNER.COM

Ordnance Officer/Medical Liaison - John Venskoske, Sr. 540-888-3349

Potomac - Davy Crockett, Jr. 570-888-8686 NANCYC@STNY.RR.COM

Program Staff Officer - Michael H. Jordan 540-533-2818

Tidewater - Linwood McMahon 757-536-5187

Property Manager - Timothy D. Scanlan 540-888-4334 NSSAPROPERTYMGR@AOL.COM

Western - Yancey Von Yeast

Property Management & Finance - John Scott Lynch 304-582-3977 SCOTTNSSA@AOL.COM

Summer 2016

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Protocol Officer - Charles L. Kindle, Jr. 419-346-6768 CLK111@ROADRUNNER.COM

Community Relations / Property Mgmt - Gary J. Crawford 540-869-2896 USIMLT@HUGHES.NET

Provost Marshall - Robert S. Klutas 717-921-8660

Costume Committee - Sharleen Mullins 757-868-7844 SLWCARR@YAHOO.COM

Public Information Officer - Bruce W. Miller 248-258-9007 SPARTAN70@SBCGLOBAL.NET

History Committee - John P. Zebelean, III 410-747-4161 REBSHOOTER@AOL.COM

Range Officer - William H. Jordan 540-888-3970 BJ1502@WILDBLUE.NET

Insurance Committee - John W. Richardson 781-545-3926 JRICHARDSON@HISTORICFIREARMS.COM

Recruiting Officer - Melinda C. Shaw 215-913-0329

International Muzzleloading Committee - Errol W. Mc Lean

Revolver Range Officer – Chris De Francisci Marketing Committee Chair 540-840-2707 Sanitation Officer - Charles J. Wager 910-326-4833 WAGERL@SOC.MIL

Signal Officer - David Cole 703-362-7836 Small Arms Committee Chair - John D. Holland, Jr. Traditional Musket Match Chair 716-824-5542 JH44NY@VERIZON.NET Statistics Officer - Matthew R. Bennett 540-869-2494 MBENNE1@MSN.COM Youth Program Coordinator - Frederick J. Schell 410-687-4173

Committee Chairpersons Awards Committee - Daniel Stedman 518-495-6382

Membership Committee - Kenneth L. Stiles Publications Committee - Sharon A. Myers 724-258-4807 Recreation - Joseph M. Fisher 717-614-0214

Rules - John S. Robey 937-399-3081 ROBEY1861@AOL.COM Uniform Committee - Mark E. Latham 603-382-7014 BALCHISS@HOTMAIL.COM Veteran's Committee - George J. Schell 410-461-1670 GSCHELL516@CS.COM

Publications Skirmish Line Editor – Chris Branch Webpage Administrator - Tony Ebersole

Charitable Giving – Wayne Jordan 703-407-2445

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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016



Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

The Unsung Skirmisher By: Wayne Jordan “Whenever I need help with any work on the range, Bill Jordan is always there ready to work.” says Property Manager, Tim Scanlan, about this edition’s Unsung Skirmisher. Whether it is general range maintenance or a major project, like re-setting all the fifty yard target frames with new holes and number markers, no one is quicker to show up, roll up his sleeves, and get to work than Bill. National Commander, Phil Spaugy, attested to Bill’s “leadership, knowledge, and tireless work effort” when recommending him for the N-SSA Award of Merit. “When meeting a new skirmisher, Bill will be there to offer sound advice and words of encouragement.” adds Phil, “He defines the very word ‘skirmisher’”. During Bill’s 48+ years of N-SSA membership, he has served the organization in many capacities including: Regional Commander, Skirmish Line Editor, National Range Officer, and membership on the Board of Directors and the Long Range Planning Committee. All these official volunteer positions are only an example of Bill’s approach to membership in the N-SSA. His dedication to the organization manifests itself in a thousand different ways as he constantly answers the call for volunteers to help with tasks both major and menial, whether assisting individual members or the N-SSA on the whole. His many hours of labor have also brought him the award of the Pioneer Patch. Bill Jordan of the Union Guards, for being the epitome of the dedicated and committed Skirmisher, and for exemplifying the type of member who has built the N-SSA into the organization it is today and helping ensure its long term future, you are recognized as the Unsung Skirmisher. The Unsung Skirmisher is a regular feature of the Skirmish Line. Each edition will highlight at least one N-SSA member who has done something above and beyond the call of duty for the benefit of the N-SSA and its members. It can be large or small. It can be a guest or family member. The purpose is not only to recognize these individuals, but to help motivate others to make that extra effort on behalf of their teammates and fellow N-SSA members. Be on the lookout for such an individual and nominate them for The Unsung Skirmisher column. Do you know someone who has given selflessly of their time for the benefit of others? Contact Wayne Jordan at or 703-407-2445.

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Summer 2016



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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Revised Company Classifications


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Revised Company Classifications (Continued)

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Revised Company Classifications (Continued)


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

Revised Company Classifications (Continued)

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Revised Company Classifications (Continued)

Merge By Ron Evans, CO, 7th NJV

Try to remove yourself for a moment from this arcane sport that we love so much and think of business. Suppose two small companies were in the same line of work, trying to produce the same product, beset with labor shortages, slackers and defaulters, and no clear vision of how to improve production or deliver the product on time. The owners of both companies would have one word in the back of their mind and that would be - merge. Likewise, two or more teams that merged would produce a stronger single team. Competition to be on the A team would incite competition within the team, boosting morale, and making the likelihood of an active B team a real possibility. Those members on the roster who pay their dues but are otherwise complacent about shooting would feel the pressure to show up and compete or find another team where complacency is accepted. Even though I have more than eight men on my roster, it’s a rare day when I can have eight on the line. I think this is a common problem. Reading about teams that are forced to permanently leave the field because they can’t even get five men on the line is a depressing fact of life. I think the biggest obstacle to merging is ego. If a team came to me and wanted to merge with my team but didn’t want to change their uniform, that would be fine. I don’t care. If another team was interested in merging with my team but didn’t want to lose their unit designation, again, that’s fine. My team would likely consider changing their unit designation so that we can have a more active and competitively aggressive organization. The bottom line is to get eight shooters on the line for every shoot and to have a growing B team to back it up. This is just one idea; but it may help to stem the chronic loss of members and restore the elan and regimental pride that was once evident on Sundays when, just behind the firing line, there was a nearly endless line of colorful regimental state, and national colors.


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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


3rd Georgia Volunteer Infantry Deep South Skirmish - August 27-28, 2016 Warm and sunny was the forecast, and hot and humid was the skirmish. However, no rain or thundershowers left a good weekend for all to shoot. The Brierfield Ironworks State Park has a covered range ready area which provided shade for all, and a few well-placed fans kept the air moving. Due to the excessive heat and humidity, the uniform requirement was waived for the weekend, so some hardy souls in wool rubbed elbows with those in shorts and a t-shirt. Common sense prevailed, and no injuries or heat stroke occurred.

Twenty-five individual shooters purchased targets, and up to thirty-five shooters participated in team events. The 24th Georgia Volunteer Infantry from the Carolina Region, and Tucker’s Naval Brigade, were welcome guests. Carbine Team showed seven teams on the skirmish line, with two out of region teams: the 24th GA and Tucker’s Naval Brigade were represented. Cecil Pinner and Jimmy Wyatt of Tucker’s are often at Deep South events. Carbine Team Results: Forrest Escort Company: First with 592.3 seconds 44th GA: Second with 613.2 seconds 14th Mississippi: Third with 985.7 seconds 24th GA: Fourth with 1270.7 seconds 20th GA: Fifth with 1276.9 seconds Tucker’s Naval Brigade: Sixth with 1281.4 seconds 4th LA: Seventh with 1412.0 seconds

Five Smoothbore teams participated: Forrest Escort Company: First with 442.6 seconds 44th GA: Second with 514.9 seconds 14th Mississippi: Third with 593.4 seconds There was a close race for third with only 3.1 seconds separating third and fourth place. 44th GA “B”: Fourth with 596.5 seconds 4th Louisiana: Fifth with 777.9 seconds

The Musket Team Competition provided an interesting wrinkle as, due to a “Wardrobe Malfunction” of the master stopwatch on the first relay, the command for the second relay became, “This will be a four minute and twenty second relay, starting and stopping at the sound of the horn.” It all worked out, and events continued with only a few moments of puzzlement. Third place Forrest’s Escort and second place 44th GA enjoyed the rarity of the exact same time on the last event, 9” discs at 100 yards: 167.8 seconds. Musket Team Results: The Mystery Timepiece for the 4 minute, 14th Mississippi: First with 853.1 seconds 20 second pigeon boards... 44th GA: Second with 861.0 seconds Forrest’s Escort Company: Third with 880.6 seconds 4th Louisiana: 4th with 962.1 seconds 24th GA: Fifth with 1163.1 seconds 20th GA: Sixth with 1512.2 44th GA “B”: Seventh with 1942.7

John McPherson of the 44th Ga focuses during the carbine match. Several varieties of carbines can be seen in the background. 44

Summer 2016

The hostile weather rule applied in the August heat. 14th MS - Can you pick out Nancy Hill? Skirmish Line

The Individual Competition had a total of 25 shooters participating in the various events, Lani Harrison of the 44th GA carrying away the greatest amount of Gold and Silver. 50 Yard Musket: 1st: Bob Propst 46 2nd: Josh Sasser 45 1X 3rd: Tom Penney 45

25 Yard Revolver: 1st: Lani Harrision 45 1X 2nd: Bill Dickerson 40 50 Yard Revolver: 1st: Lani Harrison 34 2nd: Bill Dickerson 9

100 Yard Musket: 1st: Lani Harrison 44 2nd: Bob Propst 40 3rd: Josh Sasser 39 Musket AGG: 1st: Lani Harrison 87 2X 2nd: Bob Propst 86 3rd: Josh Sasser 84 1X

Revolver AGG: 1st: Lani Harrison 79 1X Jim Pittman of Forrest's approves his shot

25 Yard Smoothbore: 1st: Rod Harbin 45 2nd: Jim Van Eldik 45 3rd: Tom Penney 45

50 Yard Carbine: 1st: Bob Propst 46 2nd: Lani Harrison 45 3rd: Russell McMahon 43

50 Yard Smoothbore: 1st: Rod Harbin 46 1X 2nd: Jim Koch 45 3rd: Tom Penney 43 1X

100 Yard Carbine: 1st: Josh Sasser 44 1X 2nd: Lani Harrison 44 3rd: Bob Propst 42 1X

Smoothbore AGG: 1st: Rod Harbin 91 1X 2nd: Jim Koch 88 1X 3rd: Bob Propst 84

Carbine AGG: 1st: Lani Harrison 89 2nd: Bob Propst 88 1X 3rd: Josh Sasser 87 1X

Grand AGG: 1st: Lani Harrison 255 3X Kirk Sanders of the 24th loads, spots, fires, recovers, and calls time after breaking the last target.

Compliments and Congratulations to the 3rd Georgia for putting on a superbly well run shoot under the handicap of a fine Deep South August day. Respectfully submitted, Bob Propst, 44th GA

Bob Kelley of the 4th Louisiana during the carbine match. 44th Ga A musket team, "between horn and hammer fall." Tom Penney and Dave Kennard closest to camera. Photo by Nancy Hill Skirmish Line

Summer 2016

Hoot Gibson, the smiling skirmish announcer.


Tidewater Region News Southampton Greys Skirmish Results ~ Fort Mahone, April 1-3, 2016 Submitted by: Judy Stoneburner, Region PIO Musket Match Results Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ............... 597.2 Nansemond Guards Co. A ...................... 730.4 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ...................... 832.0 Nansemond Guards Co. B ...................... 891.2

INDIVIDUAL MATCH RESULTS (CONTINUED) 50-Yard Carbine Branch D. ................................................. 87 Gallagher R. ............................................. 75 Naquin C. ................................................. 74

Carbine Match Results Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ............... 367.6 Nansemond Guards Co. A ...................... 527.9 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ......... 630.6 Nansemond Guards Co. B ...................... 1058.3

100-Yard Carbine Gallagher R. ............................................. 77 Naquin C. ................................................. 62

Revolver Match Results Nansemond Guards Co. A ...................... 127.8 Nansemond Guards Co. B ...................... 153.2 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ......... 153.8 2nd Virginia Cavalry Co. A ...................... 157.9 Smoothbore Match Results Dismal Swamp Rangers Co. A ............... 141.9 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ......... 192.6 Nansemond Guards Co. B ...................... 193.8 Nansemond Guards Co. C ...................... 242.9 Nansemond Guards Co. A ...................... 247.0

Breechloader Match Results Norfolk Light Infantry Co. A ..................... 10.2 Nansemond Guards Co. A ...................... 526.3 York Rangers, 32nd Va. Inf. Co. A ......... 536.3 Mortar Match Results Norfolk Light Infantry ............................... 43' 2" Tuckers Naval Brigade ............................ 56' 7" Old Dominion Dragoons .......................... 131' 5"

25-Yard Revolver Branch D. ................................................. 94-2x Miles E. .................................................... 92 Deans G. .................................................. 89 50-Yard Revolver Branch D. ................................................. 81 Miles E. .................................................... 68 Deans G. .................................................. 66-2x Revolver Aggregate Branch D. ................................................. 175-2x Miles E. .................................................... 160 Deans G. .................................................. 155-2x 50-Yard Breechloader Cameron, Jr. R. ....................................... 77

100-Yard Breechloader Cameron, Jr. R. ....................................... 83

INDIVIDUAL MATCH RESULTS 50-Yard Musket Individuals Miles E. .................................................... 87-1x Cameron, Jr. R. ....................................... 85 Williams S. ............................................... 83

Breechloader Aggregate Cameron, Jr. R. ....................................... 160

100-Yard Musket Miles E. .................................................... 90-2x Williams E. ............................................... 78 Cameron, Jr. ........................................... R67

50-Yard Smoothbore Gallagher R. ............................................. 90 Naquin C. ................................................. 74

Musket Aggregate Miles E. .................................................... 177-3x Williams E. ............................................... 159 Cameron, Jr. R. ....................................... 152


Carbine Aggregate Gallagher R. ............................................. 152 Naquin C. ................................................. 136 Miles E. .................................................... 72-1x

25-Yard Smoothbore Naquin C. ................................................. 90 Gallagher R. ............................................. 64

Smoothbore Aggregate Naquin C. ................................................. 164 Gallagher R. ............................................. 154 Grand Aggregate Miles E. .................................................... 409-4x

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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


Scenes from the 2016 Veterans Skirmish

The Skirmish Director and his right-hand staff.


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Veterans Skirmish Team Match Winners

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


2016 Veterans Skirmish Prize Table Donations The following sutlers, N-SSA members, and local businesses have most generously donated the following items to the prize table at the Veterans skirmish. We had well over 200 items donated. Their generosity has been overwhelming!

It takes a team to make the prize table happen. Special thanks to Judy Stoneburner, Executive Secretary, for helping to gather up prizes. The Elton family of the 7th Virginia – Mark, Robin and Mackenzie – always help to organize the prizes for distribution. This year they were aided by Ericka Hoffmann of Dulany Troop, and David Rich of Chiswell’s Exiles. There were many last minute donations of prizes made at the skirmish which did not all get recorded. I apologize for those that are not listed, but they all are now in the possession of a grateful skirmisher, and we thank you for your donation.

Thank you all for participating. Please let the donors know that their donations are appreciated. Wayne Jordan, Prize Table Chairman, Chiswell’s Exiles C-7 Jeweler’s Daughter – Susan - closed case pocket watch C-6 Regimental Quartermaster – George Loomis – N-SSA signs, DVDs, 400 musket caps C-5 Lodgewood - David and Danielle – Gonorrhea salve & lube C-8 S & S Firearms – Ed and Phil Siess – Flagpole carrier, rifle manuals, chevrons B-10 Romano – Larry and Laurlyn – T shirt B-9 Dixie - Lee Fry or Margaret - Lyman gun mat, gun cloth B-8 Ball Accuracy – Joe Fisher – 2 Wild Puppy lubes, bottle of Fire Clean B-7 North-South Tailor – Tom Witham – straw hat B-5 Charlie Hahn - Maynard nipple, 2 wooden field desks, brogans (size 9 ½ or 10) B-4 Whittaker – Dan – Maynard shell holder B-2 Morton Enterprises – Gerry and Lynn – refurbished 2 band musket case, pistol case F-3 Blue and Gray Relic – Mike Klinepeter – 22 lbs wheelweight lead (for carbines), 4 bullet displays E-2 Weber’s Weapons – Paul Weber – three bags of .678 balls E-4 Northeast Trader – John DeWald – 1000 patches, quart of MCM lube, .54 cal tubes E-9 Freischutz Shop – Bobby Hoyt – 2 $50 gift certificates F-1 Vinny Capone – Phil Sheridan carte-de-visite F-5 Tom Crone – Lee powder scale, variety of jags G-6 Dunlap Wood Crafts – Wayne Dunlap – Springfield and Enfield cleaning tubes G-3 Ed Knicely – 200 Winchester musket caps G-4 Moose Moulds – Sandy and Moose – 2 $25 gift certificates, Swiss army knife, Moose mould prep G-4 Shaker Style Woodcrafts – wooden Shaker box G-1 Parsley’s Buckles – Tim & Jami – N-SSA Veterans buckle A-2 Rebel Trading Post – Vern & Mary Lou – various shooting supplies A-1 Horse Soldier – Sam and Wes Small – World at War video series

TENTS ALONG THE CREEK Everything Confederate – Red and Grover – knife display

OTHER SKIRMISHERS Matt Cox – Chiswell’s Exiles – tube cleaning bags Wayne Jordan – Chiswell’s Exiles – assorted camping and shooting supplies, tin cup Sherm Burress – 14th Va Cav – 1st Edition set of Photo History of the Civil War books (1911), gun case Fred Herlinger – 12th Pa - block of pure lead Eric Shuessler – Sherman’s Bodyguard – 4 wood handled cleaning rods Jamie West – 1st Va – set of seven 12 lb mortar balls Back Creek Powder Shop – John Venskoske – 1000 caps Merit Optical – Ed Grant – Merit aperture eyepiece


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The prize table with the crew that set it up - Mackenzie, Mark, and Robin Elton; Ericka Hoffmann, David Rich, and Wayne Jordan. (standing beside or seated on the flatbed)

Jim Whitehouse – Allegheny City Guards – 2 T-handled cleaning rods Jon Loughry – Rowan’s Artillery – 800 musket caps John Vickers-Smith – Civil War anniversary bottle of Makers Mark Bob Hickey – 5th Va Cav – cavalry boots (size 10 – 11), chair Tom Walter – Pennsylvania Bucktails – Civil War encyclopedia, Civil War medical book Dan Keener – Wheat’s Tigers – 4 metal ammo boxes Jim Johnson – 2nd Va Inf – canteen, chair, .69 cal tubes 2nd Va Inf – Large bar of soft lead Ian Wright – 37th Ga – 1000 caps Paul – McGregor’s – cake Mike Ebersole – Harlan’s – 1 case of Track Lube jars John Sharrett – Carpenter Bee Trap Don Rollette – Ammo box, flask, 2F powder, bullet mould, trailer dump tank Craig Watson – 11th New Jersey – Matthew Brady book, Lyman loading press Pat McGinness – belt buckle Kenny Winklepeck – Dulany Troop – screwcap pistol tubes, musket tubes, loading trays Fletcher Pastore – Cockade Rifles – stopwatch, various tools Shaw Family – Harlans Light – Box of Navy Arms ball sealer Mark Elton – 7th Va – coffee pot and cups Harry Agnostis – cartridge box, buckles, knives (Continued on page 52)

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Summer 2016


2016 Veterans Skirmish Prize Table Donations (Continued)

BEER KEGS WERE DONATED BY: TIM SCHILDS AND THE 1ST MARYLAND ARTILLERY – Keg of beer in Memorium to Del Tullius, “Step Up and Toast the Veterans Corps” – at the Friday Night Dinner. R. PRESTON CHEW’S BATTERY AND THE LINTON FAMILY – Keg of beer donated in loving memory of Robert Linton, Sr. – at the Creek Party. MIKE EBERSOLE, HARLAN’S LIGHT CAVALRY - Dedicated to Johnna Ebersole for happily accompanying Mike Ebersole to the Veterans Skirmish for their 25th wedding anniversary. – at the Creek Party.

MUSKET RELAYS ON SUNDAY WERE DEDICATED TO: THE MUSKET MATCH – Is brought to you by McGregor’s Second Battery, CSA, and dedicated to the Skirmishers of the 2016 Veterans Skirmish. THE PIGEON BOARD - To the memory of AC Baird, “Y’all shoot in amongst them”, from Brian Baird THE HANGING TILES – The Roger Dale Bethke Memorial Hanging Jalopy Tile Event. These tiles are as big as jalopies so even an old skirmisher like Roger can hit them. Roger has never missed a Veterans Skirmish. Donated by the Bethke Brothers. THE HANGING PIGEONS - To the memory of Jack Rawls, who brought us this great sport of skirmishing – from Karen Rawls, 2nd Va Inf THE STAKE - To the memories of Pete Connor and Lee Connor, 67th New York, from Duff Connor and family THE 100 YARD TILES - To the memory of Bob Harden, 14th Va Cav, who was a dedicated member of the NSSA Veterans, from Karen Harden

WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE OR DEDICATE A KEG OR A MUSKET RELAY FOR 2017? Such dedications can be serious or humorous, can be for members past or present, or may be dedicated to an organization or group. Please contact Wayne Jordan, Chiswell’s Exiles, at to discuss options.

SPECIAL THANKS: Ben Harris, Dismal Swamp Rangers – Has donated hundreds of dollars from the sale of his books about N-SSA patches. He has a new edition for sale for any interested skirmishers.

Eddie Schneeman captaining the Monitor at the Creek Party.


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Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


North-South Skirmish Association Membership Meeting – Winchester, Virginia Friday, May 20, 2016 Approved by the Board of Directors, Saturday, August 6, 2016. Commander, Phillip Spaugy, called the meeting to order. National Adjutant, Carlton Layne called roll for teams that had not signed in during the membership meeting: 004-NW Huron Rangers Riflemen 034-MW 2nd Ohio Vol. Infantry 037-MA Forney’s Battalion, USMC 049-NW 15th Regt. VA. Vol. Cav. 094-NW 5th Btty Michigan Lt. Arty 123-NW 21st Michigan Vol. Infantry 152-PT Hart’s Battery, CSA

189-DS 4th Louisiana Inf. Delta Rifles 192-DS 4th Tenn. Inf. Harris Guards 221-WR Co. G. 114th Illinois Infantry 239-CR 38th NC Volunteers 250-DS 44th Georgia Infantry 977-WR Co. G. 1st US Sharpshooters

Deputy Commander, Frank Kapper offered the invocation. Commander Spaugy welcomed everyone to the meeting. He announced that the video production company taping the new recruitment video was on site for the weekend. He also announced that it had been reported that members were “vaping” in the ready area. As there is no rule concerning “vaping” at this time, he requested that all “vaping” be done outside of the ready area. Paymaster, James Baird announced that some of the team packets distributed contained the Fair Share Tax bill. He would like the teams to pay the bills as soon as possible. He further announced that the auditing of funds has been completed and the audit passed. The audit report is available for inspection and can be viewed in the Executive Secretary’s Office or see him in his campsite.

Skirmish Director, Phillip Crabill thanked the host staff officers and host teams for jobs well done. He asked that the membership give them a round of applause. Election Chair, Robert Hannula announced the 2017-2018 slate of the national officer candidates for the election to be held in the fall of 2016. The slate is as follows: National Commander: David Booz, Co C. 2nd US Sharpshooters and Frank Kapper, 5th Virginia Vol. Cavalry Deputy Commander: Wade Huffman, 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Adjutant: Melinda Shaw, Harlan’s Light Cavalry and Joseph Plakis, III, 149th PA Vol. Infantry Paymaster: James Baird, 49th Virginia Infantry, CSA Inspector General: Wayne Shaw, Harlan’s Light Cavalry and Phillip Crabill, 11th Virginia Cavalry

Property Manager, Tim Scanlan presented the membership a sample of a 6” beige tile. They are quarry tiles that are hard to drill and are for sale for $0.10 apiece. Provost Marshall, Bob Klutas thanked everyone for their cooperation that they have given the provost staff. Everything is (Continued on page 55)


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going very well. He announced that it had been five years since a citation had been given. He thanked his guards for the personal time that they have given to the provost squad. He said that there had been some traffic tie-ups on the bridge and he requested that everyone take it easy with the bridge personnel. Commander Spaugy announced that the Young Skirmisher and Senior Skirmisher awards would be presented during the Saturday evening awards ceremony, not at opening ceremonies on Sunday. He also thanked the Tidewater Region for the new lampposts, flowers and landscaping done in Memorial Circle. Every nationals this region does something to make Fort Shenandoah look good for our members and visitors. He asked that everyone keep Bobby Yates of the DSR in their prayers and all other members of our family that may be ill and cannot attend our events. Property Management Committee Chair, Scott Lynch reminded everyone that the workday at Fort Shenandoah would be held Saturday, June 18, 2016. We need help with weed whacking, painting and other clean ups. Please notify Jeff Hall of Washington Blue Rifles or Tim Scanlan know if you will be attending. Joseph Plakis, III, who coordinates the practice target program, presented the paymaster with $360.00 from sales of practice targets during this nationals. He thanked the volunteers for assisting with this project. He thanked Robert Hannula and Eric Schuessler, board members that assisted with the selling of targets this nationals. Recruiting Officer, Melinda Shaw spoke about the recruiting program. She announced that Fred Behrens is in Louisville at the NRA show, representing the N-SSA. She further stated that we always need people to volunteer at different events as well as we need help in the separate regions to help new people learn how to shoot. Staffs for the 134th, 135th, 136th and 137th meet at the back of the barn.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Judy Stoneburner Executive Secretary

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Summer 2016


North-South Skirmish Association Board of Directors Meeting Saturday, August 6, 2016 Kernstown Battlefield, Kernstown, Virginia

Minutes approved electronically, Thursday, August 25, 2016 National Commander, Phillip Spaugy at 8:00 a.m., called the meeting to order. Commander Spaugy recognized Past Commander Gary Crawford. Commander Crawford on behalf of the Kernstown Battlefield Association welcomed the board and guests to their very wonderful property that they are very proud of. The Kernstown association was very proud to be hosting the board meeting at the battlefield and he stated that the association was welcomed to use the facilities at any time. He spoke about the history of the estate, the battles that were fought on the property and announced that the visitor center and the artillery barn would be open all day. Deputy Commander, Frank Kapper offered the invocation and Commander Spaugy led the Pledge of Allegiance. Adjutant, Carlton Layne called roll and the following were reported as present: Commander, Phillip Spaugy Paymaster, James Baird Deputy Commander, Frank Kapper Inspector General, Wade Huffman Adjutant, Carlton Layne Executive Secretary, Judy Stoneburner

Region Commanders Allegheny – John Doyle Carolina – James Rogers, III Central Virginia – Robert Hannula Chesapeake – David Booz Deep South – Lawrence Gibson Mid-Atlantic – Les Flint (Deputy Cmdr) Midwest – Eric Schuessler

New England – Paul Morgigno Northeast – Ron Barvian Northwest – Charles Kindle Potomac – Davy Crockett Tidewater – Linwood McMahon (acting) Western – Yancey Von Yeast

Upon motion by Carlton Layne, the membership meeting minutes of Friday, May 20, 2016 were approved. Commander Spaugy opened the board of director’s meeting by welcoming all the attendees to the first North-South Skirmish Association board meeting to be held on an actual field of battle of the American Civil War. He spoke of the tour that was provided to the board by longtime N-SSA member, Jonathan Noyolas and he stated that the influence of the N-SSA and our members extends much farther than the skirmishes we are so well known for. We should be very proud of the people in our association that work so hard to remember the American Civil War, which is actually, what gave us the sport of skirmishing that we love so much. He then spoke on James Burton, whom resided at the Kernstown Estate for twelve years. He was well known for his work on modifying the original design of the “miniball”. He then thanked those involved in the dinner on Friday night and the lunch on Saturday. He thanked Tim Scanlan, Wade Huffman, Carol White, Chester and Becky Lauck and Judy Stoneburner.

Commander Spaugy reviewed his report that included three motions that required board action. Upon motion by Linwood McMahon to approve Craig Stanley of the Cockade Rifles as our National Program Officer effective November 1, 2016 the motion passed. Upon motion by Charles Kindle to approve Brandon Bowser of the 111th Ohio Volunteer Infantry as the National Protocol Officer effective November 1, 2016 the motion passed. Upon motion by Davy Crockett to approve Scott Harris of the 1st Florida Cavalry as the National Range Officer effective November 1, 2016 the motion passed. The actions to approve the recommended positions will greatly help the most important thing a commander can do when leaving office with continuity in the association. All the people appointed have been training for these positions so there will be a seamless transition for the next administration. In conjunction with the above, I ask that all other staff and committee chairs to notify the Executive Secretary as soon as possible if they wish to remain in their position in 2017. Should you choose to vacate your position, please try to have a recommendation for your replacement. This will be a great aid to the new commander in filling his staffing appointments and recommendations for 2017 and beyond. Commander Spaugy spoke with Jack Melton of the Civil War News publication in regards to possibly publishing the Skirmish Line. Mr. Melton reviewed at the budgetary numbers and he recommended keeping the current provider.


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After debate and amendments, Davy Crockett moved that the National Adjutant would act as the Chairman of the N-SSA Youth Foundation as part of their assigned duties. The Chairman will develop an annual Youth Foundation budget detailing N-SSA National BB Gun and Regional grant expenses to be submitted as part of the annual N-SSA budget approval process. The Chairman will be responsible for receiving, reviewing and recommending approval of all annual Youth Foundation fund grants issued to each N-SSA Region. Motion approved. Upon motion by Davy Crockett the N-SSA Youth Foundation allocate up to $100.00 per year, per region in the form of a monetary grant to further the goals of the N-SSA Youth Foundation. Grants approved by the N-SSA Youth Foundation Chairman will be paid to the Regional Paymaster. Davy Crockett amended the motion by adding the word “may allocate” Upon motion by Davy Crockett, the N-SSA Youth Foundation may allocate up to $100.00 per year, per region in the form of a monetary grant to further the goals o the N-SSA Youth Foundation. Grants approved by the N-SSA Youth Foundation Chairman will be paid to the Regional Paymaster. The amended motion passed. Inspector General, Wade Huffman reported that inspections have gone well to date, with a very few trigger pull failures and he commends the membership for their efforts in this area. His report included that during the musket match the firing of blank rounds and discharging a musket from other than, the shoulder at the end of an event has been observed. Once you have started the loading procedure you must complete it and the firearm should be discharged from the shoulder and be an aimed shot between the frames. It is our duty to make every effort to keep fired rounds within the confines of the range. He then discussed the number of teams that do not finish the pigeon board. He presented the chart that shows the number of competing team compared to the teams that finished and the percentage. The chart was based on the results of six (6) national musket events. Upon motion by Wade Huffman to change the number of pigeons on the backer from 32 to 24 the motion did not pass. Executive Secretary, Judy Stoneburner presented the 2017 Winchester skirmish dates to the board with additions and corrections for approval. Upon motion by Linwood McMahon, the 2017 Winchester dates were approved. Jan. 13-15, 2017 Mar. 24-26, 2017 April 7-9, 2017 Apr.21-23, 2017 May 5-7, 2017 May 17-21, 2017 June 9-11, 2017 June 17, 2017 June 23-25, 2017 July 7-9, 2017 July 14-16, 2017 Aug. 11-13, 2017 Aug. 17-19, 2017 Aug. 25-27, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 22-24, 2017 Oct. 4-8, 2017 Oct. 20-22, 2017 Oct. 27-29, 2017

Snowball Early Bird Chesapeake Spring Regional Potomac Spring Regional Central Virginia Regional Spring Nationals Cockade Skirmish Work Day at Fort Shenandoah Mason Dixon McNeill’s Rangers Veteran’s Skirmish Allegheny Regional Wainwright Skirmish Gator Skirmish Potomac Fall Regional Stonewall Brigade Fall Nationals Dulany Troop Halloween Skirmish




Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah Ft. Shenandoah

The draft of the Program for the 134th Nationals was presented for corrections and updates. The document is a working document until it goes to print. There were two changes to note: Registration will be open from 6:00 a.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday of the nationals. Provost will periodically patrol the area during the night. Friday, October 7, 2016 Inspection of probationary units will be 9:00 a.m. instead of 10:00 a.m. Motion to approve the updated/corrected program was approved.

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


The secretary provided the board members with the membership Gain/Loss Report to date. She reported that although the numbers are down that it is anticipated that we should pick up members in September and in October with the fourteen-month incentive. She then reported that even though the numbers are down from last year at this time, one of the goals of the new recruiting program had been achieved. Of the ninety-nine new members to date, the average age of the new recruits is 32 years of age. The secretary reported that the memorial stones in Memorial park were engraved prior to the Veteran’s Skirmish and the second engraving should be done by fall nationals. She reported that all names that have been submitted are on the stones or scheduled to be done. With the fall engraving, we are up to date. Commander Spaugy thanked Judy Stoneburner, Joseph Plakis and Linwood McMahon for working on this project in John Malarkey’s absence. Paymaster James Baird presented his report to the board. He presented the report that included the Statement of Income and Budget vs. Actual for the period January 1 thru July 15, 2016. Also included were the Balance Sheet, Statement of Restricted Funds and Statement of Cash Balances as of July 15, 2016. He further reported that our income for this year may not meet expectations but we have the cash or will have the cash to finish out our budget as expected. He did ask that everyone use moderation in expenditures for the remainder of the year. The January Board meeting has to be scheduled for a week later than expected. The inauguration has hits us again and it appears that the hotels in the D.C. area are taking it into the following week with double/triple room rates and five night minimum. As such, we have arranged with the Hyatt Place to hold the meeting February 4, 2017. They have given us a $79.00 room rate and some other freebees to make up for our inconvenience. Chesapeake Region Commander moved that the association make a $500.00 donation as a gift to the Kernstown Battlefield Association. The attendees made personal donations in the amount of $350.00 to be added to the gift. As a side note, $500.00 had already been budgeted for the meeting and was not used as the Kernstown Battlefield Association provided the meeting room at no charge. Commander Spaugy stated that it is very important to support local historical areas such as Kernstown.

During the January 2016, board meeting the board requested that the paymaster bring a proposal to the August meeting in regards to paying off the land loan that the association has. Jim provided the report to the board members. At this time, he reported that we could pay the loan off comfortably, in doing this we will then have to determine how much we want to maintain in the land fund, how we want to fund it and any changes to the funding we want to make. Should the board vote to pay off the loan by the end of the current year, the association will save approximately five years in interest. The motion was made to pay the land loan off by December 31, 2016. Motion passed. Jim Baird presented the annual range fees report. He stated that after review of the direct expenses and allocated operational expenses forecasted related to Range Use at Fort Shenandoah he determined and recommended that no change is necessary for 2017. Commander Spaugy presented the reports with no actions to be acknowledged by the board members. These reports were submitted by the Historic Officer, Public Information Officer, Registration Officer & Visitor Committee, Safety Officer, Charitable Giving Committee, Costume Committee and History and Education Committee. The board acknowledged the submitted reports. Paymaster, Jim Baird reviewed the submittal from Steve Light of the Washington Blue Rifles referencing the sales of the 150 Shooting Tips Manuals. Mr. Light did not recommend that we print a Volume III Shooting Tips Manual as the shooting tips material remaining in the Skirmish Line were thin. Davy Crockett, Potomac Region Commander presented the Rules Book in a mini version.

Robert Freeman of Washington Blue Rifles created the book and has provided the association with copies to sell. The books will be available at Doc’s Place during the fall nationals. Paul Morgigno, New England Region Commander, presented ten T-Shirts to Jim Baird for Doc’s Place to sell. Dan Stedman, Jack Richardson and Andy Lapatra donated the shirts. Proceeds to be donated to Doc’s Place. Bivouac Officer, Bob Gorsky presented his report. He reviewed old business that pertained to four campsites and reported that all was well with the campsite changes. Under new business Upon motion by Yancey VonYeast the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry be approved to locate to Site 8, area 6 the motion was approved. The 34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry 158-EN has requested to expand into Site 22, Area 5, which was recently assigned to 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles at the January 2016 board meeting. After discussion, Commander Spaugy called for a meeting with the 34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry and the 4th Louisiana to include, 58

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Bob Gorsky and Paul Morgigno. This meeting will be held at sometime during the upcoming 134th National Skirmish. After the meeting, the findings will be presented to the board for vote if necessary. Bobby Hannula, election committee chair announced that the 2016 officer candidate’s statements, photos and application were submitted to the Skirmish Line for publication. One statement was omitted from the magazine. Commander Spaugy instructed the Executive Secretary to provide all teams with a copy of the omitted statement. Carlton Layne was named as the observer in the election counts at the fall nationals. After action: The executive secretary notified and provided all teams by email or regular mail the missing candidate’s statement the week after the board meeting. Program Officer, Michael Jordan presented his report that included an item of old business.

He was asked to explore the possibility of changing the national program to a two phase, two-relay musket match. He reported that with the recent number of teams registering it would make sense to change. He reported that when this proposal was explored in the past, it did not make sense because the entries were much higher. Had this been done when the entries were higher he would have had to move teams from several regions including the Mid-Atlantic and Tidewater Regions to have even considered this change. The number of registrations for the musket match is now lower and using data from the spring nationals of 2016 only teams from the Central Virginia, Chesapeake, Allegheny and Potomac Regions would be changed to Phase II. The change would consist of moving 36 teams from Phase I to Phase II. With the proposed change, Phase I, Relay 1 would consist of 58 teams, Phase I, and Relay 2 would consist of 59 teams. Phase 2, Relay 1 would consist of 44 teams and Phase II; Relay 2 would consist of 44 teams. By the numbers, it is a possibility. He projected that Phase I musket match could concluded between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. The overall program could possibly end between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. Commander Spaugy stated that this could be a monumental change; he has requested that Michael Jordan provide the region commanders that have units that would be affected with a list of units. Bobby Hannula made the motion to attempt this change of moving to a 2 Phase, 2 Relay musket match program starting the spring nationals of 2017. Motion approved. Commander Spaugy thanked Michael for the excellent job he has done as the Program Officer for the past eight years. Michael personally thanked the board of directors, Commander Spaugy and Linwood McMahon for encouraging him to take the position. He stated that the board has come up with great ideas and have produced a fine program. He further stated that he appreciated the support of the board for the changes that have been made.

Jim Rogers, Carolina Region Commander opened the conversation on the proper way to number the revolver range during the nationals. After discussion by the board members and staff members, the following motion was presented. Davy Crockett moved to number the revolver range during the nationals from left to right. Motion carried. Commander Spaugy presented the report from Robert Klutas, Provost Marshall. The report included thanks to the 133rd Skirmish Director, his adjutant as well as the skirmish staff and Property Manager, Tim Scanlan. He reported that due, in large measure, to the active roles played by Provost Senior Deputy Jim “Odie” Odenheimer, Deputies Mark Elton, Pat McGinnes and the Provost Guards that the 133rd was a successful yet busy nationals. He thanked the company commanders for taking the responsibility of being first line provost, peacekeepers and rules enforcers seriously. Without their assistance and that of the membership-at-large, the enjoyment and safety of all would be in jeopardy. He reported that only five minor incidents were logged with no citations issued however, the cooperation of members, guests and visitors made the issuing of citations unnecessary. After discussion regarding the action item submitted to purchase reflective vest, it was determined that there are reflective vests already on the property for use. Small Arms Officer, John Holland presented his report of the small arms committee. He stated that the new process to review and inspect the small arms submittals is working very well. The new process allows the regional commanders and board members discretionary time to come by the office at their convenience to observe the arms much more comfortably and handle them easier. He thanked the board for this change. John stated that he receives many private communications from around the world from the Bulletin Board. These are particular questions regarding U.S. Civil War period arms. He mentioned that some members have a tendency to be a little carried away with their comments on the bulletin board. He reminded everyone that there is a system in place to take away BB privileges and in the future if there is a problem, we need to look to the Region Commanders to be involved with actions of the their regions members. We are half way through the year as of the date of this report, 6-04-16, during which time there have been 76 new Small Arms Individual Approval Cards issued, plus uncounted replacements for lost and damaged originals.

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


The following submittals were granted N-SSA Production Approval Status by the Board of Directors at the 133rd National. They will be added to the 2016 Production Approved Arms and Process List as an update for posting on the N-SSA website. 1 – U.S. Model 1841 Rifle, aka a Mississippi Rifle, Type E, .54 or .58 caliber - This arm is submitted by Steve Buchannan, N-SSA Comp. # 08301. As with his previously submitted and approved arms, this example is marked with a cartouche of “SB” for identification purposes. This example maintains the high degree of quality we have come to expect from Mr. Buchannan. As in the past, he only uses N-SSA approved barrels, processes, and sights. Arm approved. 2 – Merrill Breech Loading Rifle, .54 caliber – This reproduction is the last type Merrill Rifle with the button latch, and is submitted by William McCarthy, Comp. # 13024. It is marked inside the patch box lid “Wm. McCarthy, Agent” for identification purposes. Mr. McCarthy has previously submitted a reproduction of the Merrill Breech Loading Carbine, which was approved. This submittal also exhibits the same high quality Mr. McCarthy had shown us with his previous submittal. His Merrill Breech Loading Rifle also uses the same high heat resistant breech sealing neoprene type plunger, which he uses in his Merrill Carbine. If there are any concerns about gas leakage at the breech, Mr. McCarthy has informed us that his original plunger in his previously approved Merrill Carbine still seals perfectly and has yet to be replaced after being fired in excess of 1,000 rounds! Arm approved. 3 – Whitacre’s Machine Shop, Model 1816 Flint Lock Barrel, 69 caliber – This is a new product from the shop of Dan Whitacre, Comp. # 05757. This submittal uses Mr. Whitacre’s Model 1842 percussion breech with the bolster removed. This barrel will be a replacement for original arms. The breeching process is the same, which has been previously submitted and approved for Mr. Whitacre. Barrel approved. 4 – Whitacre’s Machine Shop Process Approval - Mr. Whitacre has had numerous requests to re-barrel ArmiSport breeches with barrels of his own manufacture. In keeping with the N-SSA’s request to have breeching processes approved, Mr. Whitacre submitted several samples of his barrels mounted on ArmiSport breeches. Process approved. IT Manager, Linwood McMahon reported that the results from the nationals was 80 plus pages and due to the large size was not attached to the board report. The results report was submitted to appropriate personnel and is on file. It was reported that during the spring nationals of 2016, the following were assigned positions: 205 musket teams, 159 carbine teams, 85 revolver teams, 56 breech loading teams, 121 smoothbore teams, 22 single-shot teams, 4 Spencer teams, 73 mortar teams and 53 artillery teams. There were 7,931 individual targets entered and labeled. Currently we are eight teams away from filling the smoothbore event at nationals. The contingency plan is if registrations are higher than the number of positions available that five to six teams will shoot on the far right side of the Revolver range.

Sutler Officer, Linwood McMahon reported that rentals received to date for 2016 total $15,187.00, which includes spring fees of $10,315.00 and $4,872.00 advance fall rental fees. Virginia State Taxes for the spring nationals remitted to date by Sutlers that do not have Virginia Tax IDs on file. He reported that several roof leaks in Section B were reported to the Property Management Committee. Property Management Chair, Scott Lynch reported that the report submitted was informational. He pointed out that there was a nice turnout at the work skirmish, with approximately 100 in attendance. He credited this to Jeff Hall and Scott Harris. Jeff has taken over the roll as project manager for Property Management Committee and he intends to have electronic sign-ups on the bulletin board where members can respond if they are attending and what area they would like to work on. He thanked Frank Kapper for providing the main support poles as well as a number of concrete light poles that will be used to illuminate the entrance area of the barn. He thanked the Dismal Swamp Rangers for replacing and upgrading the lighting in Memorial Park. Commander Spaugy commended the Tidewater Region for the work they have done at Fort Shenandoah. Linwood McMahon also thanked Tucker’s Naval Brigade and Tomlin Cobb for the work done on the lighting in Memorial Park. Scott continued and spoke on the possibility of wireless communications between the towers and the stat house. Tim Scanlan announced that the range would be closed the Sunday after the Gator through September 4, 2016 for range improvement. (August 28- September 4). The derelict camper issue has attracted a great deal of attention this year. Many teams have been most cooperative and a number of campers have been removed while other teams have been less cooperative and we are working with them to resolve the issues. Scott reminded everyone that the Property Management Committee would be re-inspecting the campsites after the fall nationals to check the progress and a follow-up report will be given at the January meeting. Bivouac rules state that all campers must have owner information located near the entrance of the camper. Protocol Officer, Chuck Kindle thanked the board for their cooperation and announced that he and Kathy would continue to do the medals and update the plaques. Commander Spaugy commented that it takes a great deal of work and dedication to make the awards ceremony successful and he was most appreciative of the work that Chuck has done.


Summer 2016

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Chris Defrancisci and Melinda Shaw presented the Marketing & Recruiting report. Chris reported on the loss of members and stated that the association is not quite as well known as we thought we were. We have taken some action through social media in the form of video and print. Melinda spoke on the filming of the upcoming new recruitment video and stated hat this video is different from the previous one. The film crew commented to Melinda that this was the most different type of film they had ever shot. The film crew was impressed with the kindness, the attention and the camaraderie that they saw at the fort and they felt very welcomed by the courtesy shown to them. The Marketing and Recruiting committee concentrated this year on the following areas: marketing, social media, video creation and print media. The N-SSA blog has been created on the N -SSA website under the heading Dispatches. The goal is to be the ultimate “go to” on American Civil War arms. Melinda spoke on the use of YouTube and building a library of video of information. Print media has gotten a tremendous response from the ads. The Civil War News, Artilleryman, Confederate Vet and the Banner are running N-SSA ads and the response has been good. This will have to be a continuous effort before we benchmark our publications. The initial feedback has been good. In the next six months, we will see the video released and the set-up of Instagram and YouTube and additional blog articles will be posted. Melinda shared the membership totals from previous years. We are building, we are currently under 3,000 members but I see our numbers rising and expect to see an increase over the next three years. We have members returning after multiple years absence and we welcome them back. We have thirty-four families that are interested in the association because of recruiting at the Gettysburg show. Melinda stated that if regions would like to purchase a recruiting banner for recruiting the cost would be $180.00 and they could contact her. Melinda and Chris show the board and attendees the first draft of the new video. Some items need to be added and moved around. They hope to have copies ready for distribution by the fall nationals. The chair recognized Tim Scanlan. He shared that Katie put together a women’s evening event as a fundraiser. Food was donated and the women had a paint night. The revenue from the registration paid for the instructor and paint supplies. The proceeds from the event were donated to the N-SSA for $270.00. The chair recognized Bill Jordan and he announced that this fall nationals would be his last nationals as range officer. He announced that Scott Harris would be taking over as the range officer and he was confident he would do a good job. He thanked the board for their support these many years and he was most appreciative. The general session continued following the executive session. Ron Barvian moved to approve actions taken during the executive session. Motion approved. Actions taken during session Submittals from the Awards committee were approved. Shooting awards to be presented during the fall nationals were approved. By-laws amendment to be presented for vote by the membership at the fall 2016 nationals. Eric Schuessler, Midwest Region Commander made the motion to hold a skirmishers flea market at a nationals during artillery match on the main range. This would be for skirmish, camping and lady interest items. This will bring in more spectators to the artillery match and skirmishers would have more money to spend at sutlers. Sutler Rule 40.7 prohibits sales outside of sutler’s row. Rules Committee Chair, John Robey presented the proposals for by-law and rules changes for action. RULE CHANGE PROPOSALS Present rule 16.2.2c: A guest may fire no more than one relay in each class of individual competition: musket, carbine, revolver, breechloader and smoothbore, and may not participate in artillery competition or company matches. Jim Rogers moved to approve proposed rule 16.2.2c: A guest may fire in individual matches, but not for score. He/she must be under the direct supervision of a member. A guest may not participate in artillery competition or company matches. Motion approved Bobby Hannula made the motion to make the individual practice target program part of the National Skirmish Program, and to staff it with national host staff personnel. Motion failed. Bobby Hannula moved to allow practice targets to be shot on the revolver range. Motion failed.

Davy Crockett moved to amend rule 39.1 to prohibit the use of electronic “vaping” devices in front of the safety line. Motion approved. Bobby Hannula withdrew the motion to rescind policy 2004.4 and to adopt a new policy 2016.3.

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Summer 2016


BYLAWS CHANGE PROPOSALS John Doyle proposed a motion that, after debate and amendment, was adopted to be voted on by the membership. ARTICLE X (DUES), Section F (new)

Individuals who are already members of member organizations, but who can no longer shoot due to age and/or infirmity, may maintain membership by paying reduced dues (in an amount to be set by the Board of Directors) for a non-shooting membership. Such membership status shall maintain all privileges of membership EXCEPT: 1. Holding regional or national office, or 2. Participating in individual matches, or as members of small-arms companies, or as members of artillery crews (including mortar). Non-shooting members shall have membership cards distinctly different from shooting members. By hand vote the amended proposal was approved. Yeah- 14 Nay- 3 By electronic vote for amendment proposal was approved. Yeah-14 No response-3 From Executive Session Current By-law Article II, SECTION 5 All members in good standing of member or probationary member organizations in good standing shall be deemed to be members of the Association. These individuals must be fourteen years of age or older, and must not be members of any organization having as its sole purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force or violence the government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions. Proposed by-law change in italics Article II, SECTION 5 All members in good standing of member or probationary member organizations in good standing shall be deemed to be members of the Association. These individuals must be fourteen years of age or older, not convicted of any crime or subject to any other legal disability prohibiting his or her possession of a firearm, and must not be members of any organization having as its sole purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force or violence the government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions. Wade Huffman moved to rescind rule 13.2.4 2 (classifications) By hand vote, the motion to rescind rule 13.2.4 -2 was approved. Yeah - 9

Nay - 8

There was no follow-up business necessary from the office of the paymaster. Conclusion and Comments from the board of directors Frank Kapper - Congratulations to Phil. Wade Huffman thanked Phil for his four years of service. Bobby – Enjoyed working with you Les - Commander’s shoot cancelled at Fort Ross August 26-28 Hoot - Inquired about the practice of throwing away un-shot targets at Fort Shenandoah. The response was that is not the case and un-shot targets go back into inventory. Jim R. - Pleasure to work with Phil and the rest of the board. Carolina will be having a skirmish Labor Day come down and participate. Eric – Keeping the seat warm for you Phil. Davy – Recommended that all invitations on the webpage should be in PDF format. Paul: It has been a pleasure serving Phil Yancey – Thanked Phil Chuck– A plaque will be presented for approval in January for the Smoothbore aggregate. Linwood – Welcomed Phil to the position of past commander. He announced that John Malarkey is on the road to recovery Judy – Phil you still have three months to work… Carlton -It has been a good run of 17 years working and it has been a pleasure working for you.


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Commander Spaugy’s final comments I have thought a lot about what I want to say. It has been an interesting four years and you the board of directors and our staff officers along with the various committee chairs are really what make this association operate so very well. The job of a commander is to keep things between the navigational beacons and not screw things up. You also have to be a fireman and be ready to make decisions that are in the best interest of the association. You must remember that you were a skirmisher before you were a commander; you are a skirmisher first as commander and will be a skirmisher after you are a commander. The commander’s position is all about supporting the people that you have the pleasure of serving and working with. Our members have made me laugh, shake my head in wonder and made me cry. However, the very best part of the job is having the honor and privilege of giving the fifty-year awards to our longtime members. One look in their eyes defines what a valued treasure the N-SSA really is. A couple of people deserve special recognition. Lars and Brian have used their wise counsel to get me through situations for the benefit of the association. I questioned years ago why we needed two judge advocates and honestly I do not know what I would have done without them. He thanked Tim Scanlan and said that you just let Tim do his job; he will communicate with you and let you know when he needs your help. He said that Katie was a big part of what we do and it helped him along. He thanked Judy Stoneburner and said to have someone that will right you when you are wrong, keep you between the beacons and make sure you are doing things right and he appreciated her. Last but not least, he thanked his wife, Amy, for her love and support. He stated that it had been a great run and he was happy to have served the association.

Davy Crockett moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:35 p.m. Motion approved.

Submitted this 18th day of August, 2016 Judy Stoneburner Executive Secretary

Skirmish Line

Summer 2016


SUPPORT THE N-SSA WITH AMAZON SMILE By Wayne Jordan This is the easiest way I know of to donate extra money to the N-SSA. It doesn’t cost you anything, but it brings funds into our organization. For every purchase you make under this program, Amazon will contribute ½ of 1% to the N-SSA. Given that a high proportion of our members and their families buy something from Amazon each year, this could add up to some significant cash flow. Especially during the upcoming holiday season and all the purchasing that comes with it, we should all try to capitalize on this program. Last week, I signed up for this program and it was very simple. Visit and you’ll see a page asking you to designate a charity to receive the donation from all your purchases. In the charity lookup box, type north-south skirmish association and then click on the search button. You must enter it exactly as shown, or it will not find us in the database. You should then see the N-SSA as the highlighted organization. Just click the Select button to confirm that this is correct. Now, whenever you log into the Amazon Smile website with your user name, it will have the N-SSA on record to get the contributions.

It is very important that you shop from the site at in order for the N-SSA to get donation credit. The page on your screen will look just like the regular Amazon site, except it will say AmazonSmile in the upper left corner (if you are a Prime member, it will have the AmazonSmile Prime logo displayed). It will also say Supporting: North-South Skirmish Association in the upper central part of the page, just under the search box. If you use bookmarks on your computer, setting up one for the Smile site will add convenience and ensure that you don’t forget to get credit for your purchases. At this point Amazon will give you the opportunity to download the Amazon Assistant which will add an icon to your browser and provide you shortcuts to access information about your orders and other relevant pages on the Amazon site. I suggest downloading it and then reviewing all the features to see which ones are of value to you. For the last few years, the N-SSA has seen a small trickle of AmazonSmile donations coming its way. I’m hoping that, by raising awareness of this program, the majority of our members and their families will begin using the AmazonSmile portal right away and that the Christmas shopping season will result in a much larger donation flowing back to our organization. Happy shopping! The next two paragraphs explain a few more details about using Amazon Smile and are largely copied from their website. The shopping experience is identical to with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the N-SSA. The purchase price is the amount paid for the item minus any rebates and excluding shipping & handling, gift-wrapping fees, taxes, or service charges. From time to time, Amazon may offer special, limited time promotions that increase the donation amount on one or more products or services or provide for additional donations to charitable organizations. Special terms and restrictions may apply. Please see the relevant promotion for complete details. Your existing account will be the same one used when you sign into AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same. AmazonSmile has the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as, including Amazon Prime member benefits. So, there is no need to make any adjustments or reprogram anything. Just remember to sign in at Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages. Recurring Subscribe-and-Save purchases and subscription renewals are not currently eligible. This article is part of an ongoing series highlighting ways to support the financial well-being of the N-SSA, and to help strengthen the organization to ensure its long-term future for the benefit of generations to come. Subjects will include annual giving, tax benefits, estate planning, and others. For any suggestions or questions, please contact Wayne Jordan, Charitable Giving Officer, at


Summer 2016

Skirmish Line

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