Spring 2017 In this Issue: Tribute to Wade Huffman 135th National Results History of the Tenderfoot Match
Volume 63 ~ Issue 2 Regional News National Host Staff Call to Duty 2017 Skirmish Dates
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A 135th National Skirmish 1st Place A-1 Musket Team William Francis Keys Trophy
The Skirmish LineTM is the quarterly publication of The North-South Skirmish Association, Inc.
Non-member annual subscriptions are available for $24 per year (U.S. Funds) Editor & Publisher Editor, Chris Branch ~ National Photography Officer ~ Ericka Hoffman Visit our website at: http:\ The N-SSA Corporate Seal and the magazine title, The Skirmish LineTM, are registered trademarks of the NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc. Reproduction in any form or manner without the expressed written consent of the N-SSA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited. All pages are copyrighted by the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. and The Skirmish LineTM magazine. Text and images in this publication are the property of the original owners (authors). Text and images may not be published separately, in hard copy or electronically, without the expressed written permission of their owner(s). The authors and advertisers are responsible to make sure that they have the permission and right to publish articles, photos, and illustrations that they did not create. The NorthSouth Skirmish Association, Inc., The Skirmish LineTM, and its staff are not responsible for copyright infringement. Please contact the Editor for questions relating to any matter, including but not limited to rights, if any, to copy materials herein. Disclaimer: The North-South Skirmish Association does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication. The publisher also does not guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any product or service illustrated, mentioned, offered, or advertised herein. The publisher does not assume responsibility as to whether or not products or services advertised in this publication comply with all state or local laws which may be applicable in regard to the purchase or usage of such products or services. Warning: Neither the author(s) nor the North-South Skirmish Association, Inc. can accept any responsibility for accidents or differing results obtained using techniques, products, and combinations thereof that will make results vary. Firearms should be checked before firing and periodically thereafter by a competent gunsmith and all manufacturer’s instructions and warnings must be followed.
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
Letter to the Editor: Skirmish Line June 24, 2017 Safety Issue - Carbine Barrel Lugs At the Spring Nationals, I was shooting a popular reproduction of a Model 1 Maynard when I noticed something was wrong with the headspace after chambering the 7th round on my 100 yard target. After closing the lever, I looked down and saw some shiny brass at the breech, which I recognized being a portion of the brass cartridge tube. Upon further inspection on the line, I observed a gap between the breech and the barrel; the headspace was about 3 times the normal 30 thousands necessary to form the gas seal when the breech is closed. I had the safety officer clear me after pointing out the problem to which he said good that you saw this and cleared the line rather than fire another round. Reflecting, if this had been the carbine team match, I doubt I would have caught the unseated cartridge. I would have fired and am unsure what would have happened; would the barrel have gone downrange with the bullet or would I have received a face full of burnt powder and escaping gas. Once off the line and after inspecting the Model 1 Maynard, I observed the barrel had moved forward of the rear barrel lug assembly and that there was a gap between the forward barrel lug and the barrel. Three photos are attached which visually confirm the disconnect between the barrel lugs and the barrel. While I am not a machinist and not sure if the lugs are welded or braised to the barrel; it appears what was intended to be a permanent connection between the barrel lugs and the barrel disengaged and was not indeed permanent. With the barrel lungs held firmly in place by the lever, the barrel moved forward from the previous firing creating the increased headspace. I do not know how to inspect the “weld” between the barrel and front and rear lugs, but I suggest competitors with reproduction Model 1 Maynard’s be aware of this occurrence. Watch your headspace and ensure each cartridge seats and seals with the breech as designed. If you notice any irregular headspace or erratic shots which could be caused by an incomplete gas seal—investigate before firing another round. My corrective action is to replace the barrel and not rely on a repair, especially without knowledge of the how and why this occurred. Respectfully submitted, Dennis Heuer 2160-V
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Volume 63 ~ Issue 2 Spring 2017 Covering the News & Happenings of the N-SSA from April 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017. Visit Us at
On the Cover 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A 1st Place A-1 Musket Team William Francis Keys Trophy 1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate Jack Rawls Memorial Trophy
Change of Address Requests Please send all address changes to: Judy Stoneburner N-SSA Executive Secretary PO Box 218 | Crozet, VA 22932-0218 If your household receives multiple copies that you’d prefer not to receive, please email You must include your Zip+4 to receive The Skirmish Line
In future issues ...
In this Issue National Commander’s Column ................................................................... 4 Meet the Staff Officer - Lars Anderson ........................................................ 5 Small Arms Committee ................................................................................ 6 Taps ............................................................................................................. 7 Tribute to Wade Huffman ............................................................................ 8 Welcome New Recruits .............................................................................. 10 Officer, Commander, Staff, and Committee Contacts ................................ 12 The Hand Salute ........................................................................................ 14 National Host Staff Call to Duty ................................................................ 15 Charitable Giving - Estate Planning .......................................................... 16 The Unsung Skirmisher ............................................................................. 18 135th National Skirmish Photos & Results................................................ 20 50 Year Awards .................................................................................. 22 Team Match Results ........................................................................... 24 Team Match Winners .......................................................................... 37 Individual Match Results ................................................................... 46 Individual Match Winners .................................................................. 49 Tenderfoot Match Results & Winners - Juniors................................... 51 History of the Tenderfoot Match ......................................................... 56 Tenderfoot Match Results & Winners - Seniors .................................. 58 NRA Young Skirmisher Award ............................................................ 64 The Youth .......................................................................................... 65 NRA Senior Skirmisher Award ............................................................ 66 Costume Competition Winners............................................................ 67 Regional News: Tidewater ...................................................................... 69 Potomac ........................................................................ 72 2017 Skirmish Dates ................................................................................. 77 EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION ..................................................... 78
These articles have been submitted and will appear as space allows:
Skirmish Line
General Freemont & Hall’s Carbine by A. M. Beck The Cap & Ball Gunfight by Jim Van Eldik Under Attack! by Jim Van Eldik Case for the Black Confederate Sharpshooters by Gary Yee Submit your articles to
Spring 2017
The 135th National is in the books! The host teams and Skirmish Director Erick Shaw did an amazing job. All of the matches went off on time and the host team was always quick to meet any needs of the skirmishers. Unfortunately, all of the positives were colored by the death of Wade Huffman, our National Deputy Commander. Wade was a wonderful man, a close friend, and a great skirmisher. I will have more comments about our friend in another article in this magazine. We come to Fort Shenandoah twice a year for our national contests. We come to see friends, to compete with our firearms, and honor our ancestors who fought in the Civil War. While some may wear blue and others gray (and some lucky ones green!), we are all Americans. Part of what we do helps to highlight our national history. When a nation forgets its history, it is in trouble. I was very pleased with how friendly and cooperative the vast majority of skirmishers were during the entire week. All of us put so much into this sport and I think that the best part is the friends we make. In what other sport do you find so many competitors willing to help you become a better skirmisher? Congratulations must go out to the many first place teams and individuals who earned medals on Saturday or Sunday. It was a great honor to salute and shake hands with each and every person who received an award at these ceremonies. I hope that more skirmishers will come to these programs to see who has won and to cheer on and support friends and acquaintances. The new format of two phases of musket with two relays in each worked very well. We had 202 musket teams signed up for this national and 176 actually shot. We still have room for many more musket teams before we have to go back to a third relay in one phase or another. The match that has grown rapidly and may need to be addressed in the near future is the smoothbore match. We currently have five person smoothbore teams. At the 135th membership meeting we discussed this. I suggested that we could go to eight person teams, or we could go back to four person teams. Four person teams would allow us to put two teams on one firing position. Many teams may not be able to have eight team members fire smoothbores. Please let your regional commander know your opinion on this subject. We may very well have to make a decision at the August Board meeting regarding the size of smoothbore teams. We have added a decent number of new skirmishers this year, and we believe that our recruiting efforts are paying off. However, we need to continue to recruit and let people know about the N-SSA. We are told that we are the “best kept secret in the shooting sports”. We need to become one of the best known opportunities in the shooting sports! Each and every one of us must try to recruit people into our ranks. We have a program to allow skirmishers, and others, to donate to the N-SSA. We raised almost $20,000 last year. This was wonderful. Can we beat that number this year? We know that not everyone can donate a lot of money but almost everyone can donate ten or twenty dollars. Please send your donations in at any time to our Paymaster, Mr. Jim Baird, and cite it as a donation. We need to keep this ball rolling and your donations are tax deductible since we are a 501(c)3. We have had people comment about the Sutler’s Area. The upgrade with paint was certainly needed but many skirmishers have complained that the sutlers close down too early. I think that it is a question of “what comes first, the chicken or the egg?” Sutlers say that people are not buying and so they close early to go to dinner, or back to their hotel. If you are an active skirmisher and shoot several firearms, it is hard to get to the sutlers until after dinner time. As a shooting organization I think that most of us like to look at what the sutlers have to offer, and perhaps even buy something. Let’s all of us try to bring the sutler area back to a busy and colorful spot with music and friendship! As I stood in front of the tower on Sunday morning at the 135th, I could not help but feel a great sense of pride, friendship, and hope for the future. There are so many good people in our organization, so many different skills, and so many willing to work for the betterment of the N-SSA. As I wrap this up, I cannot fail to thank Tim Scanlan for all of his work to get Fort Shenandoah ready for the Nationals. I am sure that Katie and Colin helped him, along with others, but Tim takes his responsibility very seriously and does a great job. Thanks, Tim. See you on the firing line! 4
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
MEET THE STAFF OFFICER By: Wayne Jordan Meet Lars Anderson, Judge Advocate/Solicitor of the N-SSA, also known as our Legal Counsel. In 1961 he wanted to participate in the Civil War Centennial events and, since his dad worked with some members of the Washington Blue Rifles, Lars joined the team and has been with them ever since. He has volunteered his time as legal counsel to the organization off and on for 25 years. Why does the N-SSA need a Legal Counsel? There are a wide variety of issues that constantly crop up which our Commander, Officers, and Board members need to evaluate, and in many cases there is a clear need for legal advice. In other cases there is a potential for legal issues to arise that could impact the N-SSA, and someone must evaluate that potential. The issues that must be reviewed range from minor to major. A couple of examples of major issues that Lars has worked on include undertaking the project of obtaining 501(c)3 nonprofit status for the N-SSA, which he worked on in the 1990s. The successful completion of that project has led to significant sums of money being donated to our treasury which has helped to keep our finances strong and stable. But it is a never-ending job since there are many IRS rules that must be properly followed in order to keep the nonprofit status. Lars is always on the lookout for anything that could jeopardize our status and is proactive about making sure that we stay in compliance. Another legal project that he spearheaded involved a series of complex land deals that are essential to the existence of our range at Fort Shenandoah. The N-SSA owns several different parcels of land and have also negotiated certain agreements to use part of the Venskoske farm. The Venskoskes sold their land to the Potomac Conservancy in order to preserve its undeveloped status, but they wanted to ensure that the N-SSA would always have necessary access to the right side of the range and the exit road, which they own. These provisions had to be properly documented legally in order to protect our organization in future years. There are plenty of routine issues that the Board needs to have reviewed throughout the year. Some of these are sensitive issues that are covered in the executive sessions at board meetings, such as personnel issues. Others might involve property such as disposing of old trailers. And there is no shortage of governmental compliance issues. Why does Lars take on this job? The N-SSA has been an important part of his life since he was a teenager. “I get to work closely with many friends on other N-SSA teams and get to give back something for all the fun the N-SSA has given me for decades”, he says. On the other hand, it does take up a lot of time, and with an organization of our size there will be difficult situations and the occasional difficult person that must be dealt with. Lars has been practicing law since 1970, first as a Navy procurement attorney and then for several decades in private practice. He enjoys it too much to retire. He shoots the musket, carbine, and revolver, and hopes some day to pick up a smoothbore and a single shot. Back in the 1960s he started relic hunting and collecting Civil War firearms. “Battlefields and campsites were accessible and not picked over, and the firearms were relatively inexpensive,” Lars says. He also bred horses and fox hunted for decades. He considers himself to be a “fanatic history buff”, and reads constantly. At one time he hoped his daughters would skirmish, but they found horses and border collie events to be more to their liking. Any final thoughts, Lars? “I have been fortunate to spend more than five decades on an N-SSA team, the Washington Blue Rifles, that has always been competitive on the firing line and has provided many individuals who have served as officers and staff members of the N-SSA.” Meet the Staff Officer or Committee Chairperson will be published in each edition of the Skirmish Line. The most recent N-SSA directory lists 29 Staff Officers and 17 Committee Chairs. This reflects the wide range of duties that must be performed to keep our organization running. Most of these volunteers are low profile people who work quietly behind the scenes, contributing an enormous number of hours of work to support the N-SSA each year. This series of articles is meant to bring them out of the background and share with our membership who they are and why they are in these jobs.
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
This Small Arms column will announce a revolutionary idea which many of our members may find quite unique and interesting. Ball & Williams Ballard Replacement Receiver
purchase or transfer of this frame. The description of “80% At the Spring National, the Small Arms Committee (SAC) finished” means that the breech submitted to the Board of Directors a newly made Ball & hole for the barrel and extractor Williams (B&W) Ballard half-octagon receiver for “Approval slot are cast solid and must be to use”. The Board, after individual inspection and review of drilled and properly threaded to the metallurgical documentation of the receiver, approved accept the original barrel; the the use of this receiver in the N-SSA’s competitive matches. extractor slot must be cut in; the lever/breech block linkage screw hole must be drilled and This new Ballard receiver was submitted by the N-SSA’s tapped for mounting; and the tang stock mounting screw very own Alvin Bumford, Comp. # 00713, 149th Penna. Bucktails, and is the end product of 2 ½ years of research hole must also be drilled and tapped. and development. The Ballard replacement frame is cast What can you use this receiver as a replacement for, you from 8620 steel, the same grade which is being used by may ask? As cast, it is able to be used for a B&W Ballard current manufacturers for frames of modern smokeless Carbine and a B&W Ballard Half-Stock Kentucky Rifle. powder arms. Alvin supplied copies from the manufacturer However, with a bit of radius work it can also be applied to a of the steel alloy certifications regarding the metallurgical B&W Full Stock Kentucky Rifle. The final cost of the receiver properties of the material used in the production of the will be determined by Mr. Bumford. If you have a cracked frame. frame on your favorite Ballard, and you want to resurrect it for shooting purposes, here is your chance to do so! The intent is to provide a replacement frame for those original frames which have been cracked and broken over their years of use. The purchaser will remove his original damaged frame, finish machine the replacement, and reassemble the arm. The replacement receivers are marked “A.B. (serial #) Black Powder Only” for identification purposes. At that point, if the arm is to be used in the N-SSA it will be required to be inspected for overall cosmetic and dimensional correctness, after which it will be issued a Small Arms Individual Approval Card. The reason is that once the original Ballard is reduced to parts, the reassembly on the replacement frame is no different than building a Ballard from scratch. This Ballard replacement frame, as submitted, has been cleared by the BATFE as an “80% Finished Frame”. This means there are no BATFE regulations regarding the
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
TAPS Thomas A. Allison .................................................. Iredell Blues Dr. James W. Carter .............................................. Palmetto Sharpshooters James F. Fisher ..................................................... 13th Confederate Infantry Melvin W. Forehand............................................... Mosby’s Rangers William Heuer ........................................................ 73rd New York Volunteer Infantry Wade Huffman ....................................................... 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Michael F. Hulbert.................................................. Manly’s Battery John Jacobs .......................................................... Union Valley Volunteers John K. Jewell ....................................................... 2nd Maryland Cavalry Robert MacKellar, IV.............................................. 15th Conn. Vol. Infantry & 37th Georgia Graham King ......................................................... CO G 23rd North Carolina State Troops Charles Rayburn Lee ............................................. 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
Homer B. McCall, Jr............................................... 15th Regt. New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Peter G. Mowitt ...................................................... Washington Blue Rifles Robert E. Parmenter .............................................. 1st Virginia Cavalry Regt. Arthur E. Preston ................................................... 8th New York Heavy Artillery Ellsworth “Ray” Rapine .......................................... 149th Pennsylvania Volunteers Johnathan R. Ray ..................... Tuckers Naval Brigade James H. Rucker, Jr. ................ 17th Virginia Infantry, CSA David L. Sheldon ...................... Battery C, 1st Michigan Lt. Arty Robert L. Smith ......................... 66th North Carolina Regt. Co C Roger Sterk............................... Tammany Regiment Walter H. Toward ...................... 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry William Wallace ........................ 11th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
A Tribute
Wade O. Huffman 11-10-1961 – 05-23-2017
This is something I never wanted to have to write. My dear friend, Wade Huffman suffered a severe heart attack early on Sunday morning of the 135th National. The immediate care given to Wade by those present was of the very best possible. Wade was immediately transported to the Winchester Medical Center, where he passed away on the evening of May 23, 2017. With the passing of Wade Huffman, the North-South Skirmish Association has lost one of the best members it has ever had. Those of you who knew Wade will understand when I say he was the most caring, generous, and kind person I have ever met. I am blessed to have had Wade in my life for the past 20 years. I first met Wade when, as Potomac Region IG, he volunteered to assist the Small Arms Committee. Wade was assigned to work with me. Our friendship was immediate, and that friendship never faltered in the ensuing years! Wade was extremely intelligent, very bright, and what I would call a “quick study.” In short time Wade officially became a Small Arms Inspector. A few years later when I was appointed to chair the Small Arms Committee, Wade very quickly became my “right hand man” in all things concerned with the Small Arms Committee. Once we were given a permanent office to work from, in no time at all Wade began doing small arms inspections for the membership at virtually every skirmish held at Fort Shenandoah. Wade was also completely cross-trained to take over the duties of chairman of the Small Arms Committee in the event of an emergency situation on my part. He was extremely capable and there was nothing he didn’t know about the operation.
Wade was generous to a fault, he never denied anyone anything. If you needed something, he always made time for you no matter how tired he may have been. He was also a member of the Ruritans, where you would see him at their stand, cooking on the grill in the back every morning there was a skirmish at The Fort. Wade was seemingly tireless, constantly working for the benefit and betterment of the North-South Skirmish Association. He was awarded both the Silver and Gold Pioneer patches for the hours he worked with the Property Management Committee. After Wade moved from Baltimore to Winchester to take care of his aging mother, he became fast friends with our Property Manager, Tim Scanlan. When Tim suffered a debilitating eye injury, Wade immediately stepped in and began assisting Tim with everything he possibly could. The Board of Directors very quickly saw what Wade was doing, without his ever having been asked. The Board formally appointed Wade as “Assistant Property Manager” with a stipend for his time working for the N-SSA. Wade never turned in any time cards or requested any monetary remuneration for the countless hours he put in. That’s the kind of person Wade was. We will never have another like him. Wade Huffman, my friend, until we meet again, may you Rest in Peace for all Eternity, and God Bless. With heavy heart, John Holland 8
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Losing a great man, a great skirmisher, and friend As most of you know, our Deputy Commander, Wade O. Huffman, passed away due to a major heart attack that he suffered early on Sunday morning at the 135th National. Skirmishers, emergency medical personnel and the hospital staff did all that they could, but the damage was too severe. Wade was taken off life support on Tuesday and passed very quickly.
I cannot remember exactly when I first met Wade. It was more than twenty years ago. I always found him to be a great friend and skirmisher. We had many of the same interests and had both served as National Inspector General. We frequently talked about Civil War firearms and could not wait to show each other our latest finds. We also talked a lot about N-SSA related matters, and I was thrilled when he said to me, “If you run for commander, I will run for deputy�. I knew that I could depend on Wade to always do his best, and he would never avoid a tough job or challenge.
Wade Huffman Deputy Commander
Wade will be greatly missed by his brothers, Clint and Matt, his girlfriend, Carol, and the Scanlan family. Their loss is greater than ours. While we realize that this life is only temporary, it is always difficult to lose someone. We will remember Wade as a gentle man who was always willing to help others. He was sincerely devoted to the N-SSA. He worked many hours at Fort Shenandoah when Tim Scanlan was injured, refusing compensation. I know that we will remember and honor Wade Huffman for a long time to come. Good bye, my friend. Dave Booz
Wade Owen Huffman Wade Owen Huffman, 55, of Frederick County, Virginia passed away Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at Winchester Medical Center. Mr. Huffman was born in 1961 in Washington, D.C., the son of the late Kenneth M. and Audrey C. Huffman. He was a graduate of Wheaton High School in Wheaton, Maryland. Wade was a printing press operator and a member of Gainesboro Ruritan, as well as an active member of the N-SSA (North-South Skirmish Association). Surviving are two brothers, Clint Huffman of Potomac Falls, Virginia and Matt Huffman of Keedysville, Maryland and beloved girlfriend, Carol White. Wade was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Clay Huffman.
Memorial contributions in memory of Wade may be made to N-SSA via their website at Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
Allegheny Region Steven D. Fisher .................................. Graham's Battery Samuel Lee Frye ................................. 2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry Shiloh Anne Gravatt............................. 2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry Mona Napier ........................................ 6th Alabama (Raccoon Roughs) Carolina Region Geoffrey William McDonald ................. Carolina Region Recruit Co. Chesapeake Region Charles R. Thompson.......................... 21st Virginia Infantry, Maryland Guard Edward J. Voorhaar ............................. St. Mary's Lt. Infantry Central Virginia Region Dakota G. Chavis ................................ 1st Virginia Cavalry Regt. Garret Michael Edwards ...................... Dixie Artillery Robert James, Jr. ................................ Harlan's Light Cavalry Jamie D. Miles ..................................... 5th Virginia Volunteer Cavalry Tammy S. Painter ................................ 5th Virginia Volunteer Cavalry Nicholas A. Pirkheim............................ Company D, 33rd Virginia Deep South Region Dennis G. Mattis .................................. 37th Georgia Michael L. Studer ................................ 3rd Regt. Georgia Volunteer Infantry (Continued on page 11)
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Mid-Atlantic Region Keith W. Andreason ............................. 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Charles R. Beck, Jr. ............................. Hampton Legion, CSA Thomas T. Neill, Jr. .............................. 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Midwest Region Sudy M. Graham ................................. 2nd Kentucky Cavalry, CSA Rodney L. Parmley .............................. Harris' Light Cavalry Jason A. Winkler .................................. First Rockbridge Artillery New England Region Kristina M. Brimlow .............................. 14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Nicholas H. Budzynski ......................... 67th New York Volunteer Infantry James Kevin Tinny .............................. Tammany Regiment Northeast Region Jim L. Griffo ......................................... 8th New York Heavy Artillery Christopher David Krecidlo .................. Northeast Region Recruit Co. Potomac Region David A. Clements ............................... Dulany Troop, 6th Virginia Cavalry Larry A. Deatrick .................................. 49th Virginia Infantry, CSA Brian Alan Gaydos ............................... 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Aaron P. Sparks ................................... 2nd Maryland Cavalry George William Stecklein..................... Potomac Region Recruit Co, Tidewater Region Zachary G. Deans ............................... Nansemond Guards, 6th Va Inf. Co.E Joel T. Firman ...................................... Rowan Artillery Edward D. Hofer .................................. Manly's Battery Jose Sein............................................. 66th North Carolina Regt, Co C. Paul W. White ...................................... 2nd Virginia Cavalry Kaye Williams ...................................... 7th North Carolina Volunteers Luke A. Wright ..................................... Richmond Volunteer Militia
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
National Officers, Regional Commanders, Staff, and Committee Contacts National Officers National Commander Past National Commander Adjutant Inspector General Executive Secretary Paymaster
David T. Booz Phillip L. Spaugy Melinda C. Shaw Wayne Shaw Judy O. Stoneburner James G. Baird
717-338-9379 215-913-0329 610-494-2530 434-823-4772 540-382-3213
Regional Commanders and Regional Inspectors
Allegheny Region Inspector Carolina Region Inspector Central Virginia Region Inspector Chesapeake Region Inspector Deep South Mid-Atlantic Region Inspector Midwest Region Inspector New England Region Inspector Northeast Region Inspector Northwest Region Inspector Potomac Region Inspector Tidewater Region Inspector Western Region Inspector
John V. Doyle Craig C. Shedd James H. Rogers, III Charles J. Wager Robert Hannula Phillip E. Crabill Edwin Thompson Michael L. Linton Lawrence E. Gibson Roger A. Gray Harry H. Gaul, Jr. Eric S. Schuessler Ian Egbert Paul R. Morgigno Richard M. Intravia Ronald J. Barvian Stanley Wawrzyniak Charles L. Kindle, Jr. Edward Walters Davy Crockett, Jr. Mark Elton Linwood L. Mc Mahon James T. Wilkinson, Jr. Yancey Von Yeast John T. Thatcher
Staff Officers Artillery Officer Bivouac Officer Corporate Relations Officer Emergency Coordinator Historical Center It Manager/Sutler Officer Judge Advocate/Solicitor Living History/Re-Enactor Officer
Robert T. West Robert E. Gorsky Allen Minneman Chester T. Lauck Bruce A. Allen Linwood L. McMahon Lars E. Anderson Robert L. Hodge
757-508-3007 410-795-2677 937-272-7520 540-336-3938 703-966-9277 757-536-5187 703-967-1789 703-944-6970
704-880-8324 571-221-2415 443-532-7841
216-990-5903 860-302-2870 585-652-9625 419-346-6768 570-888-8686 757-536-5187 618-210-5583
Spring 2017 Skirmish Line
National Officers, Regional Commanders, Staff, and Committee Contacts Staff Officers (Contined) Logistics National Photography Officer National Registration Officer National Safety Officer NRA Liaison Deputy Ordnance Officer/Med Liaison Program Staff Officer & NRA Liason Officer Property Mgt. Staff Officer Property Manager Protocol Officer Provost Marshall Public Information Officer Range Officer Recruiting Officer Revolver Range Officer Rules Officer Sanitation Officer Signal Officer Small Arms Staff Officer Statistics Officer Traditional Match Officer Youth Program Coordinator Skirmish Line Editor Skirmish Line Advertising Committee Chairs Award Committee Charitable Giving Community Relations Costume Committee Chair History Committee Insurance Committee Intl. Muzzleloading Committee Marketing Committee Membership Committee Chair Bulletin Board Admin Webpage Admin Personnel Review Chair Publications Committee Chair Recreation Chair Uniform Committee Veteran's Committee Chair Visitor Committee Chair
Skirmish Line
Todd H. Hess Ericka L. Hoffmann Michael J. Bodner Brian J. Evans CWO2 Frederic A. Behrens John Venskoske, Sr.
Craig Stanley Jeffrey C. Hall Timothy D. Scanlan Brandon S. Bowser Robert S. Klutas Bruce W. Miller Scott B. Harris Melinda C. Shaw Chris M. DeFrancisci John S. Robey Charles J. Wager David Cole John D. Holland, Jr. Matthew R. Bennett Phillip L. Spaugy Frederick J. Schell Chris Branch Don Branch
717-649-9461 703-901-3691 540-888-4334 419-274-9197 717-921-8660 248-258-9007 571-436-0343 215-913-0329 540-840-2707 937-399-3081 910-326-4833 703-362-7836 716-824-5542 540-327-8143
Nancy Crockett Wayne V. Jordan Gary J. Crawford Sharleen Mullins John P. Zebelean, III John W. Richardson Errol W. McLean Chris M. DeFrancisci Kenneth L. Stiles Vicky L. Rowe Tony Ebersole Carlton Layne Sharon A. Myers Joseph M. Fisher Mark E. Latham George J. Schell Michael J. Bodner
570-423-1070 703-407-2445 540-869-2896 757-868-7844 410-747-4161 781-545-3926 301-873-7110 540-840-2707
973-600-3777 540-409-7598 804-598-2868 540-888-3349 Wagerl@Soc.Mil Cole84_89@Verizon.Net Jh44ny@Verizon.Net
919-554-0244 717-222-9614 770-426-1918 724-258-4807 603-382-7014 410-461-1670 973-600-3777
Spring 2017
The Hand Salute By: Jim Magill The one thing that we do in Sunday morning formations during skirmishes at Fort Shenandoah and other N-SSA sites, is pay respect to our Flags with the Hand Salute. Those of us who have spent time in the armed forces notice that there are many different ways to salute. In my unit (the 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry) you can almost look around and tell who has been in the military – I count myself among those even though I spent four years in the Air Force.
I have discussed this “different” salute situation with several members of the unit, a couple of whom are West Point graduates. The people I’ve talked to have noticed the different styles, but no one seems to know what form the Civil War hand salute actually took, or even if it was done at all. After several hours of searching on the internet and other places, I’m still puzzled. I own a copy of an 1861 “Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the United States” that was passed down in my family. This manual has a section on saluting with a sword and with a rifle, but no mention of a hand salute. Googling “History of the Hand Salute” results in 715,000 hits. From some of these I’ve learned that the origin of the hand salute stems from raising the visor on a medieval helmet. Later, in the British army, soldiers were required to doff their hats and bow when passing an officer, but that became a problem when the enlisted ranks began to wear tall bearskin hats and shakos that had chin straps. At some point the hand was raised to touch the hat. British soldiers did this with the palm of the hand forward, with the exception of British sailors who were required to turn their palms downward. Sailors handled tarred ropes and their palms were almost always dirty, so their officers didn’t think it respectful to show dirty hands. One website said that the US Navy didn’t use a hand salute until the 1880s. Another said the hand salute did not appear in US Army manuals until 1914. One mid-19th Century quote said, “Marines don’t doff their hats to anyone.” Websites tell us that the British hand salute (palm forward) was used in the movie “Glory” and others say the US method was used in numerous other movies. Many reenactor websites attest that the British method is correct. Actually, the inspiration to research and write this article came last week as my wife and I were touring Appomattox. The National Park Service shows a film based on the 14
surrender ceremony. In that movie, a Yankee soldier is shown saluting General Grant as he arrives using the British salute. Maybe that is correct, but I can find no paintings or photographs made during the war to substantiate it. I have two large volumes of Civil War photographs and several smaller ones. There are no pictures of soldiers saluting. I’ll admit that I haven’t searched all 715,000 websites, but I have looked at a lot of them. I still have seen no periodcorrect evidence that a hand salute was used by either the Yankees or Confederates. If anyone can come up with some real evidence, I’d be very happy to see it. I can be reached at If you are interested in the current way a soldier in formation salutes, the following will explain. First of all, nearly all commands to troops in formation come in two parts. The first part tells what is to be done and the second part says when to perform it. The hand salute is always performed from the position of Attention. Even though the word “attention” is just one word, the command is “Atten-----shun” (actually that’s the Air Force version – the Army and Marine Corps version is “Ten----hut”). The position of Attention is heels together, toes spread at near 45 degrees, back straight, and hands with fingers folded near the seams of the trousers. The command to perform a hand salute is “Present ----Arms.” At the command, the right hand should come up in front of the body. As it rises the fingers should straighten so that the hand becomes flat, with the thumb beside the other fingers and the wrist straight. The upper arm should stop parallel with the ground and in line with the shoulders. The hand should stop with the index finger touching the bill of the hat or kepi, just above and to the right of the right eye. The hand should be angled slightly downward so that the palm is not seen from the front. Depending on the length of the forearm and the size of the hat brim, the forearm should be somewhere near 45 degrees in respect to the ground. To end the hand salute, the command is “Order ---Arms”. Troops return to the position of attention. Generally, the next command will be either “at ease” or “dismissed”.
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
National Host Staff Call to Duty 137th Nationals – Spring 2018 004-NW 024-NW 027-CV 032-NW 049-NW 079-CV 081-MA 091-CV
Huron Rangers 111th Ohio Vol. Inf. 1st VA Cavalry Regt. 24th Michigan Vol. Inf. 15th Regt. VA Vol. Cav. 1st Valley Rangers 3rd U.S. Regular Inf. 5th VA Vol. Cav.
138th Nationals - Fall 2018 001-TW 029-TW 071-AL 063-MA 075-MA 077-MA 086-TW 151-CH
Skirmish Director: Bobby Hannula, 1st Valley Rangers
1st Regt. VA Vol.s Mosby’s Rangers 7th West VA Vol. Inf. 149th PA Vol. Inf. 72nd PA Vol. Inf. 118th PA Vol. Inf. Washington Grays 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
1st Connecticutt Vol. Inf. Delaware Blues McGregor’s 2nd Battery McNeill’s Rangers 14th VA Cav. 15th Connecticut Vol. Inf. Tammany Regiment 6th Alabama Racoon Roughs
132-TW 145-CV 206-TW 207-DS 208-MA 242-AL 246-CH 256-AL
Skirmish Line
27th VA Vol. Inf. 11th Regt PA Vol Inf. 49th VA Inf. CSA 14th Conn Vol. Inf. 5th VA Vol. Inf. 7th Regt. VA Vol. 5th Conn. Vol. Inf
Southampton Greys Jeff Davis Legion Tuckers Naval Brigade 20th Georgia Vol. Inf. 6th PA Cav., Rush’s Lancers White’s Co. 35th VA Cav. R. Preston Chews Btty ANV Thomas Legion
Skirmish Director: Butch Spence, McNeill’s Rangers 171-CH 187-AL 218-Al 221-WR 230-DS 236-CH 257-CR 262-CR
140th Nationals - Fall 2019 080-CH 102-AL 110-PT 113-EN 135-PT 159-PT 172-EN
1st New York Dragoons 8th New York Heavy Artillery York Rangers 69th New York State Vols 7th North Carolina Vols 3rd North Carolina Cav. Berdan’s 1st US Sharpshooters Durrell’s Indpt. Battery
Skirmish Director: Mike “Beaver” Stoneburner, Mosby’s Rangers
139th Nationals – Spring 2019 076-EN 078-MA 092-PT 100-CH 112-EN 117-EN 124-EN 139-AL
098-NE 125-NE 146-TW 190-MA 202-TW 237-TW 264-CV 265-MA
Wheat’s Special Bttn. LA Tigers 2nd VA Vol. Inf. Allegheny City Guards Co G. 114th Illinois Vol. Inf. 37th Georgia Vol. Inf. Hardaway’s Alabama Battery 24th Georgia Vol. Inf. Iredell Blues
Skirmish Director: TBA 183-AL 203-MA 224-CR 228-PT 229-MA 245-PT 260-AL 261-CR
Spring 2017
17th PA Vol. Cav. 10th VA Vol. Inf. Co G 23rd NC State Troops Chesapeake Artillery, CSA Co B 1st PA Cav. Capt. Simms Bttn, CSMC Graham’s Battery Palmetto Sharpshooters
Charitable Giving
ESTATE PLANNING More Ways to Share Your Wealth With the N-SSA In the last edition of the Skirmish Line I discussed opportunities to leave a monetary gift behind through the terms of your will or revocable living trust. Leaving a legacy to the organization and the people with whom you have enjoyed so many hours and days of competition and camaraderie is often a satisfying way to make final use of assets you’ve spent your life accumulating. Here are a few more things to consider: LIFE INSURANCE – Do you have any old life insurance policies still in force, but that you no longer have a need for? Many of us bought such policies when we were younger and had young children, mortgages and other debts, and fewer financial assets. We had people and property that needed protection in case of tragedy. But now the kids have grown and moved on, you have investments and retirement funds, and that old insurance policy is still there but without much purpose. You can designate the N-SSA as the beneficiary of that policy. This is a low cost way to make a significant gift. You can designate these funds to be used in a way that you feel will benefit the organization. A large gift can be used for many purposes and can often be dedicated to the memory of yourself and/or anyone else you would like to see be remembered. The officers of the N-SSA would be happy to discuss your ideas of how you would like to see your money used in the future. This way you can make sure that the organization is prepared to use the money as you imagined and to ensure the proper tribute. To make this happen, all you need do is contact your insurance company or agent and ask for a new beneficiary designation form, fill it out, and send it back to the insurance company. In most cases this policy will pass outside of your will or trust and avoid probate. But you should consult with your tax advisor or estate lawyer to ensure that this is set up to move as easily and quickly as possible to the beneficiary and with the maximum of tax benefits. BANK AND BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS – Maybe you have an old account that you once stashed away for a rainy day, but you’ve never had to use it. This account, or part of it, can also be passed on to a charity like the N-SSA. This is a simple and straightforward donation to make. Bank accounts and CDs generally can be designated as payable on death to the organization. Brokerage and investment accounts often use a transfer on death designation. Just contact your bank representative or broker to discuss how to designate a charity as the heir of your account. You may also want to run it by your estate lawyer to make sure to maximize the tax benefits as well. (Continued on page 17)
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS – Many people are amazed to find that, after a life of saving for retirement and fretting about it the whole time, they have more retirement funds than they ever dreamed of. Sometimes it can even cause a tax problem when you forced to take too much money from an IRA or other retirement account. In a past article, I talked about the possible significant tax benefits of donating your IRA’s RMD to a charity instead of taking it in cash. But there may still be an abundance of money left over in the end, and that money can be highly taxed. Gifting part or all of a retirement plan to a charity can be one of the most tax smart ways to support a non-profit organization like the N-SSA. Whereas leaving this type of account to your heirs can often result in a significant amount of the money going to the federal and state governments for taxes, passing it directly to a charity can normally avoid all those taxes thus giving you the biggest bang for your money. To arrange this sort of gift, contact your plan administrator for a change of beneficiary form, name the N-SSA and any other beneficiaries and the percentage that each should receive, sign it, and turn it back in to the administrator. There are many types of retirement plans – defined benefit pensions, defined contribution plans, IRAs, 401k, 457, SEP, etc., which all have their own quirks. But your plan administrator can usually help you make these changes without much trouble. Again, check with your estate lawyer to make sure you are doing this the most tax efficient way. Remember that any amount that is passed to the N-SSA is helpful to the organization. Imagine how it could add up if all our members made even a small contribution. And don’t be afraid to designate a percentage of any asset or account to go to your favorite charity. Sometimes what sounds like a small token bequest of only a few percentage points of an account can turn out in the future to be a very significant amount while still leaving the bulk of the money to your primary beneficiaries. Wayne Jordan, Charitable Giving Committee
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
The Unsung Skirmisher(s) By: Wayne Jordan This edition’s Unsung Skirmisher is actually a group of skirmishers. Seven members of R. Preston Chew’s Battery and Co. C 2nd US Sharpshooters got together to substantially renovate the Happy Land children’s playground outside the pistol range last fall. The subject of the playground needing work came up at a Chesapeake Regional meeting and immediately people started volunteering. There were two driving reasons for the response. The first was to help out Walt Toward who had spent years maintaining the playground himself. Walt was in poor health and did pass away last fall. When the group decided to work on the playground, Mike Linton contacted Walt and asked him for permission to take over. Walt was happy for the support and helped with some of the planning. Secondly, there was a general feeling that the children who came to skirmishes needed a safe place to play and there were too many loose nails, splinters, and other hazards starting to appear. Safety was a serious concern. So the Linton family of Chew’s Battery – Mike, Harry, Tammy, and Anna – and the Wetzels of the US Sharpshooters – Ellen and Roger – along with Justin Mojica, rose to the occasion. They put together a plan to work on the train which needed nails and screws reset, rotted and broken wood replaced, and a new paint job. The cabin and porch needed similar work. The tower and fence were painted, and Tammy put the finishing touches on newly painted signs. New supports were added to the swing set. With careful planning and purchasing ahead of time, the group accomplished all this in one ten-hour work day. On the day the work was done, the group was happy to see Walt come by to visit and offer some final suggestions. Ellen and Roger Wetzel are veteran members of the N-SSA. Justin is a younger member of their team and he offered to help. “I was just a worker and did as I was told,” he says. All three of them have participated in work skirmishes in the past. Ellen was concerned about the deteriorating safety of some of the equipment and wanted to be proactive. The Linton family has a strong heritage of skirmishing. Tammy Nicodemus Linton unites two longtime skirmishing families covering four generations of skirmishers. Her daughter, Anna, started skirmishing two years ago at age 15. Mike and Harry are longtime skirmishers, as was their father, Bob, with a record of service to the N-SSA. In fact, Mike is the Skirmish Director for the upcoming Veterans Skirmish in July. Mike is particularly conscious of the need to bolster our membership and sees the playground as an integral part of a support system for families who want to skirmish. He also sees it as a place where young family members will have fond memories of a childhood that included visits to Fort Shenandoah, and, hopefully be a factor that leads to a lifetime of membership in the N-SSA. Mike also hopes that the organization will continue to look for more ways to invest in the youth who do come to skirmishes as they can be a big part of the future of the organization. Happy Land was originally built several decades ago. The name is a tribute to Happy Taylor who made it a reality. Walt Toward took over after Happy’s passing in the 1990s and made it a personal project for many years. Now the responsibility has passed to a new group of skirmishers. The need for maintenance is never ending. The Wetzels and Lintons would like to update and modernize the playground, in addition to providing regular maintenance. They do need a funding source to help them achieve their goals. Tax deductible donations can be made to the N-SSA with instructions to direct the money to the playground. 18
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Happy Land! The Fort Shenandoah Express underwent significant improvements including resetting nails and screws, replacing rotted and broken wood, and receiving a bright, fresh paint job.
The cabin and porch underwent similar repairs. The tower and fence were painted, signs were repainted, and new supports were added to the swing set.
The Unsung Skirmisher is a regular feature of the Skirmish Line. Each edition will highlight at least one N-SSA member who has done something above and beyond the call of duty for the benefit of the N-SSA and its members. It can be large or small. It can be a guest or family member. The purpose is not only to recognize these individuals, but to help motivate others to make that extra effort on behalf of their teammates and fellow N-SSA members. Be on the lookout for such an individual, pair, or group and nominate them for The Unsung Skirmisher column. Do you know someone who has given selflessly of their time for the benefit of others? Send their information along with a photograph (300dpi or more) to or call me at 703-407-2445.
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
135th National Skirmish May 17-21, 2017
Past National Commander Award
Phil Spaugy
National Commander
David Booz
Union Guards
135th Skirmish Director
Erick Shaw
Harlan’s Light Cavalry
Award of Merit
John P. Zebelean, III
Skirmish Director Star
McNeill's Rangers
Walter Zdon, Jr.
2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
135th National Skirmish May 17-21, 2017
Distinguished Service Award
Distinguished Service Award
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
1st Stuart Horse Artillery
Joseph Plakis, III
Larry Gibson
50 Year Award Group Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
50 Year Awards
Thomas Cutright, 27th Virginia Volunteer Infantry
Jeff Hall, Washington Blue Rifles
Edward R. Ham, 15th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
James E. Hardison, 3rd North Carolina Cavalry
Jeff Jackson, 8th New York Heavy Artillery
Bill Jordan, Union Guards
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
50 Year Awards
Arthur Kreutz, 8th New York Heavy Artillery
Skirmish Line
Sterling Neblett, Jr., Hanover Grays
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class A-1 Musket, 10 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 179.5 .................... 70.1 ...................... 65.4 ...................... 98.1 ...................... 82.2 ........................ 495.3 2 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................................... 166.0 .................... 89.8 ...................... 72.9 ...................... 93.6 ...................... 97.0 ........................ 519.3 3 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 168.2 .................... 68.5 ...................... 73.3 ...................... 111.2 .................... 109.4 ...................... 530.6 4 ................. UNION GUARDS CO. A ............................................................ 215.9 .................... 77.1 ...................... 117.2 .................... 106.6 .................... 65.9 ........................ 582.7 5 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. A ................................................ 196.8 .................... 82.0 ...................... 93.8 ...................... 124.4 .................... 90.4 ........................ 587.4 6 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 216.6 .................... 99.2 ...................... 84.4 ...................... 87.4 ...................... 108.2 ...................... 595.8 7 ................. DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 190.0 .................... 73.4 ...................... 85.0 ...................... 122.2 .................... 145.9 ...................... 616.5 8 ................. 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. A ....................................................... 192.0 .................... 49.5 ...................... 85.5 ...................... 131.7 .................... 158.1 ...................... 616.8 9 ................. 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................................. 206.7 .................... 72.7 ...................... 104.1 .................... 143.7 .................... 90.5 ........................ 617.7 10 ............... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............................. 213.0 .................... 99.7 ...................... 84.6 ...................... 143.9 .................... 114.1 ...................... 655.3 11 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ......................................................... 218.2 .................... 89.7 ...................... 94.2 ...................... 170.8 .................... 146.3 ...................... 719.2 12 ............... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................................ 238.8 .................... 106.2 .................... 137.4 .................... 107.3 .................... 133.4 ...................... 723.1 13 ............... 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................... 234.8 .................... 119.3 .................... 135.5 .................... 138.1 .................... 96.0 ........................ 723.7 14 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 218.5 .................... 102.1 .................... 120.6 .................... 143.3 .................... 162.4 ...................... 746.9 15 ............... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 305.0 .................... 92.5 ...................... 108.4 .................... 122.1 .................... 148.4 ...................... 776.4 16 ............... IREDELL BLUES CO. A ............................................................ 279.8 .................... 85.2 ...................... 131.6 .................... 144.7 .................... 142.8 ...................... 784.1 17 ............... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ....................... 217.7 .................... 92.7 ...................... 145.8 .................... 146.1 .................... 198.7 ...................... 801.0 18 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A........................................................ 258.1 .................... 119.0 .................... 114.0 .................... 115.2 .................... 210.5 ...................... 816.8 19 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 260.0 .................... 106.6 .................... 115.0 .................... 169.4 .................... 168.3 ...................... 819.3 20 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ....................... 266.6 .................... 75.9 ...................... 135.8 .................... 182.7 .................... 168.5 ...................... 829.5 21 ............... 66TH NC REGT, CO C. CO. A .................................................. 279.8 .................... 104.1 .................... 132.7 .................... 156.2 .................... 157.2 ...................... 830.0 22 ............... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A ..................................................... 269.2 .................... 148.9 .................... 112.4 .................... 206.5 .................... 95.1 ........................ 832.1 23 ............... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................ 265.2 .................... 111.9 .................... 126.6 .................... 252.1 .................... 114.4 ...................... 870.2 24 ............... 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................... 311.0 .................... 86.4 ...................... 134.5 .................... 183.9 .................... 155.6 ...................... 871.4 25 ............... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A................................. 305.0 .................... 78.8 ...................... 132.9 .................... 202.9 .................... 155.8 ...................... 875.4 26 ............... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ...................... 311.0 .................... 98.8 ...................... 164.5 .................... 167.0 .................... 145.8 ...................... 887.1 27 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ................................. 295.0 .................... 114.0 .................... 93.6 ...................... 216.1 .................... 173.8 ...................... 892.5 28 ............... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A.................................. 246.4 .................... 131.2 .................... 209.1 .................... 189.9 .................... 120.2 ...................... 896.8 29 ............... CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............................ 295.0 .................... 108.4 .................... 110.6 .................... 176.4 .................... 218.3 ...................... 908.7 30 ............... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 270.7 .................... 95.0 ...................... 145.8 .................... 246.2 .................... 169.8 ...................... 927.5 31 ............... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....................................... 256.5 .................... 118.4 .................... 130.2 .................... 237.8 .................... 192.0 ...................... 934.9 32 ............... NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A........................................ 286.5 .................... 90.5 ...................... 162.6 .................... 279.7 .................... 127.4 ...................... 946.7 33 ............... 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. A ........................................ 322.0 .................... 97.8 ...................... 161.2 .................... 186.2 .................... 180.2 ...................... 947.4 34 ............... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A................................. 328.0 .................... 130.7 .................... 149.0 .................... 192.6 .................... 148.9 ...................... 949.2 35 ............... RICHMOND VOL. MILITIA CO. A ............................................. 328.0 .................... 156.0 .................... 126.8 .................... 224.2 .................... 120.0 ...................... 955.0 36 ............... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 256.2 .................... 134.5 .................... 142.8 .................... 322.0 .................... 107.7 ...................... 963.2 37 ............... 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A ..................................... 311.0 .................... 109.1 .................... 142.3 .................... 191.2 .................... 213.7 ...................... 967.3 38 ............... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................................... 272.6 .................... 93.3 ...................... 186.7 .................... 266.9 .................... 154.2 ...................... 973.7 39 ............... WHITE'S CO, 35TH VIRGINIA CAV. CO. A ............................. 296.9 .................... 126.4 .................... 191.6 .................... 247.7 .................... 121.3 ...................... 983.9 40 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ........................................ 333.0 .................... 97.6 ...................... 176.5 .................... 180.8 .................... 232.3 ...................... 1020.2 41 ............... 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................ 350.0 .................... 155.1 .................... 117.0 .................... 259.3 .................... 226.2 ...................... 1107.6 42 ............... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................................... 356.0 .................... 186.7 .................... 123.5 .................... 189.2 .................... 270.7 ...................... 1126.1 43 ............... 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................................... 350.0 .................... 224.1 .................... 299.5 .................... 311.0 .................... 214.6 ...................... 1399.2
Photo: Terianne Carey 24
Photo: Terianne Carey Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class A-2 Musket, 8 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................................ 277.9 .................... 85.1 ...................... 81.4 ...................... 163.0 .................... 142.3 ...................... 749.7 2 ................. 3RD NC CAVALRY CO. A......................................................... 299.9 .................... 93.2 ...................... 109.4 .................... 153.7 .................... 178.1 ...................... 834.3 3 ................. R. PRESTON CHEW'S BATTERY CO. A ................................. 287.0 .................... 104.3 .................... 82.8 ...................... 163.7 .................... 212.8 ...................... 850.6 4 ................. 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A................................. 297.2 .................... 124.4 .................... 101.1 .................... 161.5 .................... 235.9 ...................... 920.1 5 ................. 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................................ 311.0 .................... 107.9 .................... 112.9 .................... 237.0 .................... 153.0 ...................... 921.8 6 ................. CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A .................................... 290.9 .................... 108.6 .................... 193.4 .................... 273.2 .................... 133.5 ...................... 999.6 7 ................. HANOVER GRAYS CO. A ........................................................ 322.0 .................... 132.8 .................... 190.7 .................... 198.5 .................... 156.4 ...................... 1000.4 8 ................. 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A ................................... 345.0 .................... 118.5 .................... 195.8 .................... 224.6 .................... 142.9 ...................... 1026.8 9 ................. KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A ............................. 345.0 .................... 105.5 .................... 113.1 .................... 345.0 .................... 118.7 ...................... 1027.3 10 ............... 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 300.0 .................... 145.1 .................... 159.4 .................... 242.1 .................... 203.5 ...................... 1050.1 11 ............... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 322.0 .................... 130.1 .................... 164.2 .................... 247.4 .................... 193.2 ...................... 1056.9 12 ............... 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .................................. 328.0 .................... 122.5 .................... 228.3 .................... 144.6 .................... 241.2 ...................... 1064.6 13 ............... 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................................... 328.0 .................... 126.7 .................... 185.4 .................... 203.3 .................... 223.4 ...................... 1066.8 14 ............... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................................... 339.0 .................... 87.0 ...................... 146.3 .................... 265.1 .................... 238.5 ...................... 1075.9 15 ............... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 356.0 .................... 113.6 .................... 128.4 .................... 162.8 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1096.8 16 ............... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A .......................... 345.0 .................... 182.6 .................... 242.9 .................... 205.1 .................... 141.5 ...................... 1117.1 17 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................... 333.0 .................... 113.5 .................... 201.4 .................... 300.0 .................... 180.5 ...................... 1128.4 18 ............... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A ............................. 333.0 .................... 133.2 .................... 122.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 243.8 ...................... 1143.0 19 ............... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ...................................... 322.0 .................... 155.8 .................... 235.6 .................... 240.5 .................... 217.9 ...................... 1171.8 20 ............... DELAWARE BLUES CO. A ....................................................... 373.0 .................... 204.8 .................... 176.9 .................... 175.2 .................... 243.1 ...................... 1173.0 21 ............... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 328.0 .................... 190.8 .................... 213.6 .................... 259.8 .................... 192.3 ...................... 1184.5 22 ............... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A .......................................... 311.0 .................... 170.9 .................... 186.1 .................... 236.4 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1222.4 23 ............... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A ............................................ 339.0 .................... 163.8 .................... 198.2 .................... 247.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1248.0 24 ............... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS CO. A .............................................. 316.0 .................... 184.0 .................... 209.6 .................... 291.7 .................... 248.3 ...................... 1249.6 25 ............... 2ND REGT. PA RES. CORPS CO. A ....................................... 378.0 .................... 194.8 .................... 297.8 .................... 199.9 .................... 179.6 ...................... 1250.1 26 ............... 17TH PA VOLUNTEER CAVALRY CO. A ................................ 384.0 .................... 195.4 .................... 142.5 .................... 249.3 .................... 279.2 ...................... 1250.4 27 ............... WHEAT'S SPECIAL BTTN,LA TIGERS CO. A ......................... 390.0 .................... 163.3 .................... 136.7 .................... 322.0 .................... 272.2 ...................... 1284.2 28 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A .............................................. 384.0 .................... 142.1 .................... 224.4 .................... 276.6 .................... 267.9 ...................... 1295.0 29 ............... 44TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................... 373.0 .................... 236.1 .................... 161.2 .................... 267.8 .................... 281.6 ...................... 1319.7 30 ............... 13TH REGIMENT NC INFANTRY CO. A.................................. 356.0 .................... 202.6 .................... 354.6 .................... 311.0 .................... 137.3 ...................... 1361.5 31 ............... ROWAN ARTILLERY CO. A ..................................................... 390.0 .................... 197.4 .................... 168.8 .................... 238.2 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1366.4 32 ............... LANCASTER FENCIBLES CO. A ............................................. 390.0 .................... 217.0 .................... 222.2 .................... 333.0 .................... 237.5 ...................... 1399.7 33 ............... COMPANY D, 33RD VIRGINIA CO. A ...................................... 356.0 .................... 173.3 .................... 208.8 .................... 345.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1455.1 34 ............... 1ST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ................................... 429.0 .................... 251.9 .................... 282.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 248.1 ...................... 1544.0 35 ............... ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS CO. A ........................................ 384.0 .................... 220.8 .................... 333.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1647.8 Class A-3 Musket, 12 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 333.0 .................... 123.6 .................... 140.5 .................... 165.8 .................... 235.6 ...................... 998.5 2 ................. 108TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 356.0 .................... 151.5 .................... 171.1 .................... 227.7 .................... 138.3 ...................... 1044.6 3 ................. CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. A......................... 339.0 .................... 117.9 .................... 157.0 .................... 285.4 .................... 149.2 ...................... 1048.5 4 ................. 27TH NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS CO. A ............................. 373.0 .................... 92.3 ...................... 124.8 .................... 202.2 .................... 258.0 ...................... 1050.3 5 ................. 14TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGT. CO. A ......................... 316.0 .................... 134.8 .................... 168.4 .................... 268.5 .................... 199.9 ...................... 1087.6 6 ................. CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A ................................. 333.0 .................... 148.4 .................... 182.8 .................... 291.0 .................... 174.5 ...................... 1129.7 7 ................. 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................................. 350.0 .................... 174.4 .................... 140.9 .................... 322.0 .................... 170.0 ...................... 1157.3 8 ................. DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A .......................... 345.0 .................... 183.9 .................... 148.6 .................... 294.3 .................... 208.7 ...................... 1180.5 9 ................. MC NEILL'S RANGERS CO. A ................................................. 367.0 .................... 164.0 .................... 156.6 .................... 256.5 .................... 276.8 ...................... 1220.9 10 ............... CHESAPEAKE ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ................................. 345.0 .................... 141.2 .................... 198.0 .................... 300.0 .................... 251.8 ...................... 1236.0 11 ............... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................... 345.0 .................... 170.9 .................... 209.3 .................... 299.0 .................... 221.6 ...................... 1245.8 12 ............... 7TH NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ...................... 345.0 .................... 170.0 .................... 163.0 .................... 275.3 .................... 293.4 ...................... 1246.7 13 ............... DIXIE ARTILLERY CO. A .......................................................... 367.0 .................... 209.7 .................... 192.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 155.3 ...................... 1257.0 14 ............... 19TH MICHIGAN INFANTRY CO. A ......................................... 367.0 .................... 140.8 .................... 209.4 .................... 268.3 .................... 283.2 ...................... 1268.7 15 ............... BUNCOMBE RIFLES CO. A ..................................................... 345.0 .................... 255.1 .................... 229.4 .................... 252.5 .................... 206.3 ...................... 1288.3 16 ............... 1ST CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 390.0 .................... 211.5 .................... 159.7 .................... 262.3 .................... 274.6 ...................... 1298.1 17 ............... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A .................... 367.0 .................... 142.7 .................... 199.3 .................... 294.8 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1303.8 18 ............... 73RD NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............................. 373.0 .................... 157.5 .................... 248.1 .................... 311.0 .................... 232.8 ...................... 1322.4 19 ............... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 367.0 .................... 211.5 .................... 242.2 .................... 253.3 .................... 261.7 ...................... 1335.7 20 ............... 37TH GEORGIA CO. A ............................................................. 384.0 .................... 189.1 .................... 196.5 .................... 297.1 .................... 271.5 ...................... 1338.2 21 ............... 24TH MICHIGAN VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................... 361.0 .................... 188.3 .................... 102.9 .................... 356.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1344.2 22 ............... 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............................. 345.0 .................... 206.6 .................... 206.7 .................... 333.0 .................... 274.6 ...................... 1365.9 23 ............... 1ST TENNESSEE VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ............................. 373.0 .................... 184.8 .................... 322.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 180.0 ...................... 1370.8
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results 24 ............... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A .............................. 345.0 .................... 179.9 .................... 367.0 .................... 300.0 .................... 185.2 ...................... 1377.1 25 ............... HARDAWAY'S ALABAMA BTTY CO. A ................................... 384.0 .................... 170.0 .................... 259.9 .................... 300.0 .................... 264.6 ...................... 1378.5 26 ............... FORNEY'S BATTALION, USMC CO. A .................................... 361.0 .................... 234.7 .................... 221.2 .................... 345.0 .................... 230.5 ...................... 1392.4 27 ............... 6TH ALABAMA (RACCOON ROUGHS) CO. A ........................ 373.0 .................... 169.3 .................... 333.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 191.7 ...................... 1400.0 28 ............... PALMETTO SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A................................... 361.0 .................... 227.2 .................... 187.4 .................... 378.0 .................... 255.0 ...................... 1408.6 29 ............... 1ST MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............................. 395.0 .................... 195.4 .................... 288.5 .................... 300.0 .................... 240.0 ...................... 1418.9 30 ............... FIRST ROCKBRIDGE ARTILLERY CO. A ............................... 395.0 .................... 176.8 .................... 234.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1427.8 31 ............... JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A ..................................................... 378.0 .................... 119.7 .................... 243.5 .................... 356.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1433.2 32 ............... CSS ALABAMA CO. A .............................................................. 418.0 .................... 236.2 .................... 259.6 .................... 322.0 .................... 217.5 ...................... 1453.3 33 ............... 1ST SC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ................................. 412.0 .................... 169.8 .................... 184.1 .................... 356.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1457.9 34 ............... 2ND MARYLAND CAVALRY CO. A.......................................... 367.0 .................... 168.1 .................... 259.7 .................... 333.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1463.8 35 ............... 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A..................................................... 367.0 .................... 245.6 .................... 237.8 .................... 311.0 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1479.4 36 ............... 8TH NY HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ......................................... 384.0 .................... 242.3 .................... 260.1 .................... 378.0 .................... 217.7 ...................... 1482.1 37 ............... 1ST PA ARTILLERY CO. A ....................................................... 356.0 .................... 169.4 .................... 311.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1505.4 38 ............... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A .................................................. 378.0 .................... 208.0 .................... 286.9 .................... 311.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1519.9 39 ............... 20TH GEORGIA VOL INF CO. A .............................................. 361.0 .................... 250.8 .................... 311.0 .................... 401.0 .................... 235.6 ...................... 1559.4 40 ............... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A ................................. 373.0 .................... 194.1 .................... 322.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1565.1 41 ............... 3RD U.S. REGULAR INFANTRY CO. A ................................... 361.0 .................... 244.9 .................... 311.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1567.9 42 ............... GRAHAM'S BATTERY CO. A ................................................... 406.0 .................... 233.9 .................... 282.0 .................... 286.4 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1580.3 43 ............... ST. MARY'S LT. INFANTRY CO. A .......................................... 418.0 .................... 203.1 .................... 345.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1595.1 44 ............... LAUREL BRIGADE, ANV. CO. A .............................................. 395.0 .................... 264.3 .................... 254.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1607.3 45 ............... MANLY'S BATTERY CO. A ....................................................... 384.0 .................... 244.5 .................... 322.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1613.5 46 ............... 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A ............................................... 412.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 206.0 ...................... 1618.0 47 ............... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................................... 378.0 .................... 251.8 .................... 229.1 .................... 390.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1638.9 48 ............... 13TH NJ VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................................................ 384.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 196.7 .................... 412.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1686.7 49 ............... 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 384.0 .................... 267.3 .................... 345.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1713.3 50 ............... HAMPTON HORSE ARTILLERY CO. A ................................... 440.0 .................... 231.2 .................... 356.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1737.2 51 ............... 2ND NJ VOLUNTEERS CO. A .................................................. 469.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 390.0 .................... 264.0 ...................... 1756.0 52 ............... 118TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 418.0 .................... 243.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 423.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1767.0 53 ............... 1ST REGT ENGINEER TROOPS, ANV CO. A ........................ 384.0 .................... 269.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 457.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1809.0 54 ............... WASHINGTON GRAYS CO. A ................................................. 423.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 378.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1882.0 55 ............... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY REGT. CO. A .................................. 435.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 423.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1890.0 56 ............... BALTIMORE RIFLES, 1ST MD VOLS. CO. A .......................... 435.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 390.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1913.0 57 ............... 67TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................... 429.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 390.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1932.0 Class B-1 Musket, 6 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................................... 197.3 .................... 98.3 ...................... 121.9 .................... 118.3 .................... 111.5 ...................... 647.3 2 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................................... 258.6 .................... 89.5 ...................... 159.4 .................... 140.6 .................... 123.8 ...................... 771.9 3 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ........................ 245.1 .................... 105.4 .................... 107.0 .................... 203.6 .................... 164.6 ...................... 825.7 4 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. B ................................................ 333.0 .................... 188.4 .................... 138.9 .................... 144.3 .................... 172.0 ...................... 976.6 5 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ......................................................... 285.1 .................... 82.2 ...................... 171.5 .................... 333.0 .................... 182.8 ...................... 1054.6 6 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 316.0 .................... 142.6 .................... 155.1 .................... 300.0 .................... 145.0 ...................... 1058.7 7 ................. 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. B ....................................................... 300.0 .................... 134.4 .................... 152.4 .................... 311.0 .................... 178.7 ...................... 1076.5 8 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B ............................. 328.0 .................... 161.1 .................... 169.3 .................... 300.0 .................... 155.4 ...................... 1113.8 9 ................. TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 345.0 .................... 203.9 .................... 168.0 .................... 221.6 .................... 205.9 ...................... 1144.4 10 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................................... 350.0 .................... 194.6 .................... 177.7 .................... 198.5 .................... 268.0 ...................... 1188.8 11 ............... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 356.0 .................... 213.1 .................... 244.9 .................... 252.2 .................... 195.4 ...................... 1261.6 12 ............... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B .................................................. 378.0 .................... 210.2 .................... 246.7 .................... 239.7 .................... 258.6 ...................... 1333.2 13 ............... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................................... 390.0 .................... 230.8 .................... 239.5 .................... 322.0 .................... 166.5 ...................... 1348.8 14 ............... COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................................ 390.0 .................... 161.1 .................... 201.9 .................... 322.0 .................... 299.8 ...................... 1374.8 15 ............... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ................................. 378.0 .................... 217.6 .................... 206.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 262.7 ...................... 1397.3 16 ............... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. B ....................................... 406.0 .................... 206.8 .................... 186.3 .................... 356.0 .................... 287.0 ...................... 1442.1 17 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................................. 412.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 213.7 .................... 247.0 .................... 243.1 ...................... 1448.8 18 ............... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. B ..................................................... 406.0 .................... 277.5 .................... 218.6 .................... 345.0 .................... 232.3 ...................... 1479.4 19 ............... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. B .......................... 429.0 .................... 244.5 .................... 221.1 .................... 367.0 .................... 260.1 ...................... 1521.7 20 ............... IREDELL BLUES CO. B ............................................................ 469.0 .................... 207.3 .................... 212.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1557.3 21 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. B ............................................... 406.0 .................... 179.6 .................... 296.5 .................... 390.0 .................... 318.0 ...................... 1590.1 22 ............... DELAWARE BLUES CO. B ....................................................... 418.0 .................... 242.1 .................... 356.0 .................... 378.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1730.1 23 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ....................... 469.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 280.6 .................... 345.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1763.6 24 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. B ........................................ 423.0 .................... 287.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 401.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1780.0 25 ............... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. B ....................................... 423.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1871.0
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class B-2 Musket, 3 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. B ........................................ 378.0 .................... 213.2 .................... 200.8 .................... 230.3 .................... 252.3 ...................... 1274.6 2 ................. CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. B ............................ 356.0 .................... 228.5 .................... 159.7 .................... 390.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1506.2 3 ................. 1ST TENNESSEE VOL. INF. REGT. CO. B ............................. 435.0 .................... 322.0 .................... 224.8 .................... 322.0 .................... 209.8 ...................... 1513.6 4 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. B........................................................ 469.0 .................... 284.0 .................... 193.9 .................... 345.0 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1627.9 5 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ............................................ 469.0 .................... 272.6 .................... 322.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 282.4 ...................... 1713.0 6 ................. CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. B..................................................... 406.0 .................... 272.6 .................... 280.6 .................... 435.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1748.2 7 ................. 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. B ...................................... 435.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 300.0 .................... 367.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1789.0 8 ................. 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. B ................................... 423.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1800.0 9 ................. WHEAT'S SPECIAL BTTN,LA TIGERS CO. B ......................... 440.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 311.0 .................... 354.0 ...................... 1817.0 10 ............... CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. B......................... 418.0 .................... 378.0 .................... 345.0 .................... 401.0 .................... 372.0 ...................... 1914.0 11 ............... CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. B ................................. 440.0 .................... 401.0 .................... 457.0 .................... 423.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 2111.0 12 ............... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. B ............................ 446.0 .................... 401.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 457.0 .................... 426.0 ...................... 2142.0 Class C Musket, 2 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................................... 300.0 .................... 110.5 .................... 174.3 .................... 292.2 .................... 250.4 ...................... 1127.4 2 ................. 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. C ........................................... 378.0 .................... 182.3 .................... 271.6 .................... 246.5 .................... 336.0 ...................... 1414.4 3 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. C ......................................................... 429.0 .................... 277.8 .................... 257.0 .................... 333.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1596.8 4 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. C................................. 469.0 .................... 278.0 .................... 237.2 .................... 345.0 .................... 269.2 ...................... 1598.4 Class A-1 Carbine, 7 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 112.6 .................... 44.0 ...................... 50.9 ...................... 94.2 ...................... 52.8 ........................ 354.5 2 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 120.9 .................... 50.7 ...................... 60.4 ...................... 70.0 ...................... 69.6 ........................ 371.6 3 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 167.6 .................... 45.6 ...................... 61.3 ...................... 84.2 ...................... 73.8 ........................ 432.5 4 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............................. 144.4 .................... 61.7 ...................... 66.5 ...................... 90.2 ...................... 78.5 ........................ 441.3 5 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. A ................................................ 152.3 .................... 72.8 ...................... 68.2 ...................... 90.5 ...................... 74.8 ........................ 458.6 6 ................. UNION GUARDS CO. A ............................................................ 159.4 .................... 55.6 ...................... 69.5 ...................... 117.2 .................... 79.5 ........................ 481.2 7 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................................... 140.0 .................... 54.1 ...................... 61.7 ...................... 121.7 .................... 113.3 ...................... 490.8 8 ................. 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. A ....................................................... 192.2 .................... 69.9 ...................... 57.2 ...................... 143.5 .................... 51.1 ........................ 513.9 9 ................. IREDELL BLUES CO. A ............................................................ 179.0 .................... 71.6 ...................... 65.2 ...................... 151.1 .................... 64.9 ........................ 531.8 10 ............... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A................................. 176.7 .................... 58.5 ...................... 108.6 .................... 129.5 .................... 71.1 ........................ 544.4 11 ............... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................................. 142.4 .................... 64.1 ...................... 69.0 ...................... 185.2 .................... 84.7 ........................ 545.4 12 ............... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 181.0 .................... 68.6 ...................... 110.7 .................... 94.1 ...................... 98.8 ........................ 553.2 13 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A........................................................ 187.3 .................... 54.8 ...................... 86.8 ...................... 190.2 .................... 64.3 ........................ 583.4 14 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A .................................... 236.1 .................... 99.2 ...................... 62.8 ...................... 116.7 .................... 94.7 ........................ 609.5 15 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ......................................................... 199.7 .................... 83.9 ...................... 74.2 ...................... 166.0 .................... 94.5 ........................ 618.3 16 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 204.8 .................... 84.2 ...................... 87.0 ...................... 176.1 .................... 85.5 ........................ 637.6 17 ............... COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................................ 193.1 .................... 149.7 .................... 85.5 ...................... 122.6 .................... 103.4 ...................... 654.3 18 ............... 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. A ........................................ 175.2 .................... 82.5 ...................... 117.5 .................... 155.3 .................... 126.3 ...................... 656.8 19 ............... 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................... 220.7 .................... 76.8 ...................... 67.0 ...................... 216.0 .................... 94.1 ........................ 674.6 20 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ....................... 270.9 .................... 64.7 ...................... 115.5 .................... 119.6 .................... 161.0 ...................... 731.7 21 ............... HANOVER GRAYS CO. A ........................................................ 255.5 .................... 96.2 ...................... 85.5 ...................... 165.7 .................... 130.7 ...................... 733.6 22 ............... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................ 245.5 .................... 121.2 .................... 113.9 .................... 186.1 .................... 75.3 ........................ 742.0 23 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ................................. 247.0 .................... 87.3 ...................... 101.9 .................... 201.7 .................... 106.3 ...................... 744.2 24 ............... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A.................................. 180.0 .................... 85.9 ...................... 126.7 .................... 232.3 .................... 146.7 ...................... 771.6 25 ............... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A................................. 309.0 .................... 98.2 ...................... 129.4 .................... 195.9 .................... 72.6 ........................ 805.1 26 ............... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ....................... 232.1 .................... 119.9 .................... 92.8 ...................... 247.3 .................... 113.4 ...................... 805.5 27 ............... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 272.1 .................... 108.5 .................... 125.5 .................... 137.8 .................... 162.1 ...................... 806.0 28 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 266.1 .................... 148.7 .................... 125.7 .................... 126.1 .................... 144.4 ...................... 811.0 29 ............... 66TH NC REGT, CO C. CO. A .................................................. 337.0 .................... 73.2 ...................... 107.7 .................... 177.7 .................... 123.2 ...................... 818.8 30 ............... DELAWARE BLUES CO. A ....................................................... 337.0 .................... 105.8 .................... 117.0 .................... 151.7 .................... 138.0 ...................... 849.5 31 ............... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................................ 273.7 .................... 275.8 .................... 100.4 .................... 107.0 .................... 115.5 ...................... 872.4 32 ............... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................................... 328.0 .................... 102.5 .................... 69.7 ...................... 178.8 .................... 199.3 ...................... 878.3 33 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ........................................ 253.2 .................... 109.8 .................... 90.2 ...................... 201.1 .................... 271.4 ...................... 925.7 34 ............... 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................... 346.0 .................... 103.9 .................... 104.2 .................... 221.9 .................... 152.7 ...................... 928.7 35 ............... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A ..................................................... 384.0 .................... 93.7 ...................... 118.3 .................... 233.3 .................... 103.3 ...................... 932.6 36 ............... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A .......................................... 244.1 .................... 117.0 .................... 154.6 .................... 175.4 .................... 281.6 ...................... 972.7 37 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A .............................................. 282.7 .................... 154.0 .................... 97.1 ...................... 318.0 .................... 148.1 ...................... 999.9 38 ............... 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................................... 356.0 .................... 122.2 .................... 123.7 .................... 268.0 .................... 208.1 ...................... 1078.0 39 ............... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................................... 393.0 .................... 155.8 .................... 160.7 .................... 232.8 .................... 360.0 ...................... 1302.3
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class A-2 Carbine, 6 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .................................. 227.0 .................... 93.0 ...................... 124.6 .................... 105.2 .................... 97.9 ........................ 647.7 2 ................. 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 164.6 .................... 74.7 ...................... 168.4 .................... 155.2 .................... 117.9 ...................... 680.8 3 ................. KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A ............................. 258.0 .................... 67.7 ...................... 88.6 ...................... 140.4 .................... 216.2 ...................... 770.9 4 ................. PALMETTO SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A................................... 289.9 .................... 84.2 ...................... 126.2 .................... 136.8 .................... 176.5 ...................... 813.6 5 ................. CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............................ 282.6 .................... 120.5 .................... 124.0 .................... 173.1 .................... 121.6 ...................... 821.8 6 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 309.0 .................... 83.0 ...................... 166.2 .................... 210.7 .................... 57.9 ........................ 826.8 7 ................. 3RD NC CAVALRY CO. A......................................................... 240.0 .................... 104.7 .................... 149.1 .................... 199.3 .................... 135.1 ...................... 828.2 8 ................. NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A........................................ 242.9 .................... 129.2 .................... 87.4 ...................... 176.8 .................... 199.6 ...................... 835.9 9 ................. 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................................ 299.0 .................... 131.1 .................... 140.8 .................... 167.7 .................... 107.6 ...................... 846.2 10 ............... 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A ..................................... 393.0 .................... 73.2 ...................... 106.7 .................... 182.6 .................... 110.8 ...................... 866.3 11 ............... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 309.0 .................... 113.9 .................... 126.2 .................... 237.1 .................... 131.0 ...................... 917.2 12 ............... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 375.0 .................... 123.1 .................... 115.0 .................... 224.0 .................... 122.5 ...................... 959.6 13 ............... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BATTERY CO. A ................................. 328.0 .................... 98.0 ...................... 128.5 .................... 242.6 .................... 177.0 ...................... 974.1 14 ............... ROWAN ARTILLERY CO. A ..................................................... 337.0 .................... 134.5 .................... 120.2 .................... 198.6 .................... 194.7 ...................... 985.0 15 ............... 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................ 384.0 .................... 132.2 .................... 151.7 .................... 143.5 .................... 175.5 ...................... 986.9 16 ............... 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 318.0 .................... 127.3 .................... 148.2 .................... 233.6 .................... 160.3 ...................... 987.4 17 ............... CO B 1ST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY CO. A......................... 346.0 .................... 152.1 .................... 201.6 .................... 193.0 .................... 133.7 ...................... 1026.4 18 ............... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....................................... 337.0 .................... 102.0 .................... 194.8 .................... 228.2 .................... 179.5 ...................... 1041.5 19 ............... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ...................................... 356.0 .................... 142.6 .................... 177.0 .................... 151.1 .................... 224.1 ...................... 1050.8 20 ............... 17TH PA VOLUNTEER CAVALRY CO. A ................................ 337.0 .................... 166.8 .................... 127.3 .................... 240.2 .................... 181.8 ...................... 1053.1 21 ............... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A ................................... 282.9 .................... 150.9 .................... 153.7 .................... 255.8 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1173.3 22 ............... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ...................... 346.0 .................... 173.5 .................... 190.0 .................... 300.0 .................... 179.0 ...................... 1188.5 23 ............... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A................................. 393.0 .................... 170.3 .................... 150.5 .................... 337.0 .................... 148.4 ...................... 1199.2 24 ............... MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. A .................................... 412.0 .................... 108.1 .................... 186.8 .................... 253.0 .................... 286.1 ...................... 1246.0 25 ............... 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A ............................................ 450.0 .................... 137.3 .................... 207.4 .................... 375.0 .................... 208.9 ...................... 1378.6 26 ............... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A .................................................. 403.0 .................... 127.8 .................... 188.1 .................... 221.6 .................... 463.3 ...................... 1403.8 27 ............... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................................. 346.0 .................... 148.6 .................... 190.8 .................... 318.0 .................... 450.0 ...................... 1453.4 28 ............... 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A .......................... 412.0 .................... 242.5 .................... 267.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 450.0 ...................... 1783.5 Class A-3 Carbine, 7 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. MC NEILL'S RANGERS CO. A ................................................. 309.0 .................... 121.4 .................... 118.6 .................... 136.7 .................... 183.9 ...................... 869.6 2 ................. 27TH NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS CO. A ............................. 365.0 .................... 136.5 .................... 163.1 .................... 177.5 .................... 115.0 ...................... 957.1 3 ................. 2ND REGT. PA RES. CORPS CO. A ....................................... 346.0 .................... 95.4 ...................... 131.2 .................... 244.9 .................... 200.7 ...................... 1018.2 4 ................. 14TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGT. CO. A ......................... 294.1 .................... 111.8 .................... 167.2 .................... 244.4 .................... 211.9 ...................... 1029.4 5 ................. CHESAPEAKE ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ................................. 318.0 .................... 150.5 .................... 151.9 .................... 223.4 .................... 189.0 ...................... 1032.8 6 ................. 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............................. 356.0 .................... 174.2 .................... 165.3 .................... 221.8 .................... 188.2 ...................... 1105.5 7 ................. CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A ................................. 412.0 .................... 99.1 ...................... 168.2 .................... 233.6 .................... 214.3 ...................... 1127.2 8 ................. SOUTHAMPTON GREYS CO. A .............................................. 346.0 .................... 142.9 .................... 173.7 .................... 272.3 .................... 193.8 ...................... 1128.7 9 ................. 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 375.0 .................... 180.0 .................... 163.8 .................... 240.6 .................... 202.0 ...................... 1161.4 10 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................... 431.0 .................... 108.5 .................... 233.3 .................... 280.2 .................... 176.1 ...................... 1229.1 11 ............... 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A..................................................... 337.0 .................... 153.8 .................... 166.8 .................... 356.0 .................... 226.7 ...................... 1240.3 12 ............... HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 296.7 .................... 168.2 .................... 156.6 .................... 318.0 .................... 326.1 ...................... 1265.6 13 ............... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................................... 384.0 .................... 159.4 .................... 175.9 .................... 393.0 .................... 161.2 ...................... 1273.5 14 ............... JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A ..................................................... 459.0 .................... 185.2 .................... 197.6 .................... 281.3 .................... 195.5 ...................... 1318.6 15 ............... 1ST REGT ENGINEER TROOPS, ANV CO. A ........................ 412.0 .................... 116.9 .................... 247.6 .................... 214.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1320.5 16 ............... 37TH GEORGIA CO. A ............................................................. 375.0 .................... 198.5 .................... 153.3 .................... 271.5 .................... 323.6 ...................... 1321.9 17 ............... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A .......................... 431.0 .................... 202.1 .................... 187.5 .................... 260.9 .................... 261.4 ...................... 1342.9 18 ............... 44TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................... 412.0 .................... 134.0 .................... 154.6 .................... 375.0 .................... 270.4 ...................... 1346.0 19 ............... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 412.0 .................... 183.4 .................... 227.0 .................... 300.0 .................... 237.4 ...................... 1359.8 20 ............... 7TH NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ...................... 328.0 .................... 213.5 .................... 146.3 .................... 252.1 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1359.9 21 ............... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................... 403.0 .................... 167.8 .................... 158.3 .................... 375.0 .................... 258.3 ...................... 1362.4 22 ............... 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................................... 403.0 .................... 156.5 .................... 238.0 .................... 375.0 .................... 190.4 ...................... 1362.9 23 ............... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................................... 459.0 .................... 136.3 .................... 147.2 .................... 393.0 .................... 237.0 ...................... 1372.5 24 ............... 20TH GEORGIA VOL INF CO. A .............................................. 431.0 .................... 205.5 .................... 143.6 .................... 375.0 .................... 222.9 ...................... 1378.0 25 ............... 1ST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ................................... 375.0 .................... 170.0 .................... 225.6 .................... 318.0 .................... 290.8 ...................... 1379.4 26 ............... 3RD U.S. REGULAR INFANTRY CO. A ................................... 412.0 .................... 164.6 .................... 133.1 .................... 337.0 .................... 360.0 ...................... 1406.7 27 ............... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A ............................. 450.0 .................... 165.7 .................... 272.8 .................... 337.0 .................... 209.9 ...................... 1435.4 28 ............... 63RD NEW YORK STATE VOL. INF. CO. A ............................ 365.0 .................... 200.6 .................... 205.2 .................... 285.8 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1476.6 29 ............... 1ST SC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ................................. 440.0 .................... 253.1 .................... 179.1 .................... 375.0 .................... 253.7 ...................... 1500.9 30 ............... 19TH MICHIGAN INFANTRY CO. A ......................................... 393.0 .................... 182.1 .................... 141.5 .................... 393.0 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1529.6
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results 31 ............... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A .................... 478.0 .................... 161.6 .................... 248.2 .................... 356.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1543.8 32 ............... 24TH MICHIGAN VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................... 459.0 .................... 143.3 .................... 234.8 .................... 242.8 .................... 480.0 ...................... 1559.9 33 ............... 2ND NJ VOLUNTEERS CO. A .................................................. 478.0 .................... 208.6 .................... 222.6 .................... 356.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1565.2 34 ............... 73RD NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............................. 421.0 .................... 268.6 .................... 160.4 .................... 356.0 .................... 360.0 ...................... 1566.0 35 ............... CSS ALABAMA CO. A .............................................................. 431.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 131.4 .................... 318.0 .................... 300.0 ...................... 1592.4 36 ............... 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A ............................................... 393.0 .................... 253.7 .................... 246.6 .................... 356.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1639.3 37 ............... 13TH REGIMENT NC INFANTRY CO. A.................................. 450.0 .................... 212.5 .................... 249.5 .................... 412.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1654.0 38 ............... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A ................................. 412.0 .................... 241.9 .................... 190.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1675.9 39 ............... BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A .............................. 421.0 .................... 244.3 .................... 375.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1782.3 40 ............... LAUREL BRIGADE, ANV. CO. A .............................................. 478.0 .................... 268.7 .................... 265.7 .................... 356.0 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1788.4 41 ............... 13TH NJ VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................................................ 534.0 .................... 223.3 .................... 393.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 299.8 ...................... 1806.1 42 ............... 6TH ALABAMA (RACCOON ROUGHS) CO. A ........................ 487.0 .................... 318.0 .................... 185.6 .................... 506.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1826.6 43 ............... ST. MARY'S LT. INFANTRY CO. A .......................................... 421.0 .................... 246.3 .................... 375.0 .................... 431.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1863.3 44 ............... 1ST TENNESSEE VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A ............................. 487.0 .................... 244.8 .................... 375.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 360.0 ...................... 1878.8 45 ............... 1ST MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A .............................. 478.0 .................... 230.7 .................... 300.0 .................... 450.0 .................... 450.0 ...................... 1908.7 46 ............... GRAHAM'S BATTERY CO. A ................................................... 459.0 .................... 337.0 .................... 468.0 .................... 468.0 .................... 450.0 ...................... 2182.0 47 ............... 15TH IND.BTY, OHIO LT ARTY CO. A..................................... 506.0 .................... 412.0 .................... 375.0 .................... 468.0 .................... 450.0 ...................... 2211.0 48 ............... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY REGT. CO. A .................................. 534.0 .................... 282.2 .................... 450.0 .................... 450.0 .................... 600.0 ...................... 2316.2 49 ............... WYTHE RIFLES CO. A ............................................................. 543.0 .................... 450.0 .................... 543.0 .................... 525.0 .................... 510.0 ...................... 2571.0 Class B-1 Carbine, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................................... 194.6 .................... 88.4 ...................... 79.1 ...................... 136.7 .................... 41.9 ........................ 540.7 2 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................................... 220.6 .................... 90.3 ...................... 97.9 ...................... 87.9 ...................... 87.5 ........................ 584.2 3 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. B ................................................ 233.1 .................... 67.9 ...................... 75.3 ...................... 164.2 .................... 98.3 ........................ 638.8 4 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ........................ 282.2 .................... 113.8 .................... 126.2 .................... 110.1 .................... 86.8 ........................ 719.1 5 ................. TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 309.0 .................... 125.4 .................... 106.2 .................... 125.6 .................... 241.6 ...................... 907.8 6 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 365.0 .................... 117.1 .................... 113.4 .................... 169.7 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1095.2 7 ................. 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B .................................................. 365.0 .................... 133.4 .................... 158.0 .................... 273.9 .................... 183.3 ...................... 1113.6 8 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ......................................................... 431.0 .................... 160.3 .................... 169.3 .................... 266.8 .................... 151.2 ...................... 1178.6 9 ................. 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. B ....................................................... 375.0 .................... 165.8 .................... 153.0 .................... 254.6 .................... 286.6 ...................... 1235.0 10 ............... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 421.0 .................... 183.5 .................... 143.2 .................... 318.0 .................... 186.9 ...................... 1252.6 11 ............... COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................................ 412.0 .................... 136.6 .................... 258.0 .................... 215.3 .................... 237.1 ...................... 1259.0 12 ............... 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. B ....................... 412.0 .................... 164.2 .................... 217.2 .................... 375.0 .................... 208.4 ...................... 1376.8 13 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. B........................................................ 412.0 .................... 177.3 .................... 206.2 .................... 393.0 .................... 198.7 ...................... 1387.2 14 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ....................... 440.0 .................... 170.1 .................... 281.2 .................... 412.0 .................... 186.4 ...................... 1489.7 15 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................................... 421.0 .................... 219.0 .................... 194.2 .................... 450.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1614.2 16 ............... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................................... 393.0 .................... 186.6 .................... 318.0 .................... 375.0 .................... 420.0 ...................... 1692.6 17 ............... IREDELL BLUES CO. B ............................................................ 543.0 .................... 218.1 .................... 267.9 .................... 412.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1831.0 18 ............... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. B .......................... 496.0 .................... 393.0 .................... 318.0 .................... 337.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 1874.0 Class B-2 Carbine, 2 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ................................. 403.0 .................... 173.5 .................... 175.3 .................... 265.9 .................... 225.5 ...................... 1243.2 2 ................. CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. B ............................ 384.0 .................... 279.5 .................... 190.2 .................... 279.3 .................... 285.4 ...................... 1418.4 3 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ............................................ 487.0 .................... 337.0 .................... 297.4 .................... 375.0 .................... 390.0 ...................... 1886.4 4 ................. MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. B .................................... 506.0 .................... 263.8 .................... 291.2 .................... 468.0 .................... 360.0 ...................... 1889.0 5 ................. 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................................. 525.0 .................... 356.0 .................... 450.0 .................... 393.0 .................... 330.0 ...................... 2054.0 6 ................. 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. B ........................................ 534.0 .................... 375.0 .................... 375.0 .................... 468.0 .................... 510.0 ...................... 2262.0 Class C Carbine, 1 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Total Time 1 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................................... 328.0 .................... 144.9 .................... 85.8 ...................... 103.0 .................... 90.4 ........................ 752.1 Class A-1 Revolver, 6 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. IREDELL BLUES CO. A ............................................................ 65.6 ...................... 17.9 ...................... 36.0 ...................... 16.4 ...................... 135.9 2 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. A ................................................ 77.7 ...................... 11.1 ...................... 22.3 ...................... 30.2 ...................... 141.3 3 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................................ 91.9 ...................... 23.1 ...................... 22.3 ...................... 29.0 ...................... 166.3 4 ................. BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ...................... 60.2 ...................... 23.0 ...................... 56.5 ...................... 29.7 ...................... 169.4 5 ................. 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. A ........................................ 68.2 ...................... 19.6 ...................... 42.1 ...................... 47.6 ...................... 177.5 6 ................. 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................................. 49.0 ...................... 22.4 ...................... 75.8 ...................... 40.7 ...................... 187.9 7 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 90.0 ...................... 20.0 ...................... 49.9 ...................... 49.4 ...................... 209.3 8 ................. 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A................................. 93.9 ...................... 16.9 ...................... 51.9 ...................... 46.8 ...................... 209.5 9 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............................. 86.4 ...................... 49.9 ...................... 46.2 ...................... 35.7 ...................... 218.2
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results 10 ............... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 108.0 .................... 13.1 ...................... 77.8 ...................... 31.6 ...................... 230.5 11 ............... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ...................................... 84.0 ...................... 22.8 ...................... 75.1 ...................... 60.2 ...................... 242.1 12 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ....................... 91.9 ...................... 18.3 ...................... 77.0 ...................... 58.9 ...................... 246.0 13 ............... 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................... 126.8 .................... 17.0 ...................... 52.8 ...................... 55.0 ...................... 251.5 14 ............... MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. A .................................... 91.2 ...................... 19.5 ...................... 91.3 ...................... 60.0 ...................... 261.9 15 ............... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................................... 95.4 ...................... 19.1 ...................... 112.1 .................... 49.6 ...................... 276.2 16 ............... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................................ 90.7 ...................... 24.1 ...................... 69.1 ...................... 103.9 .................... 287.7 17 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 116.0 .................... 32.3 ...................... 94.7 ...................... 47.3 ...................... 290.3 18 ............... 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. A ....................................................... 69.5 ...................... 69.6 ...................... 99.2 ...................... 71.8 ...................... 310.1 19 ............... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................................... 117.4 .................... 50.5 ...................... 63.6 ...................... 83.1 ...................... 314.6 20 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B ................................. 96.0 ...................... 60.6 ...................... 101.9 .................... 92.5 ...................... 351.0 21 ............... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................ 102.1 .................... 76.5 ...................... 85.9 ...................... 89.7 ...................... 354.2 22 ............... ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS CO. A ........................................ 119.8 .................... 77.5 ...................... 123.3 .................... 119.7 .................... 440.3 23 ............... 44TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................... 103.2 .................... 103.0 .................... 126.4 .................... 125.8 .................... 458.4 Class A-2 Revolver, 3 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 91.4 ...................... 13.5 ...................... 42.8 ...................... 39.4 ...................... 187.1 2 ................. 3RD NC CAVALRY CO. A......................................................... 93.9 ...................... 22.9 ...................... 66.2 ...................... 29.4 ...................... 212.4 3 ................. CHESAPEAKE ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ................................. 70.5 ...................... 52.4 ...................... 28.0 ...................... 85.6 ...................... 236.5 4 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. CAV. CO. A........................................................ 100.7 .................... 18.2 ...................... 98.3 ...................... 33.6 ...................... 250.8 5 ................. KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A ............................. 99.6 ...................... 24.6 ...................... 60.8 ...................... 90.5 ...................... 275.5 6 ................. 2ND NJ VOLUNTEERS CO. A .................................................. 106.1 .................... 24.1 ...................... 71.9 ...................... 82.7 ...................... 284.8 7 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ......................................................... 83.4 ...................... 69.7 ...................... 38.4 ...................... 106.8 .................... 298.3 8 ................. WHEAT'S SPECIAL BTTN,LA TIGERS CO. A ......................... 74.9 ...................... 29.2 ...................... 37.9 ...................... 165.0 .................... 307.0 9 ................. 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................................ 109.7 .................... 57.3 ...................... 82.2 ...................... 73.3 ...................... 322.5 10 ............... DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 136.1 .................... 34.8 ...................... 100.2 .................... 75.3 ...................... 346.4 11 ............... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A.................................. 93.4 ...................... 38.6 ...................... 116.7 .................... 103.8 .................... 352.5 12 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ........................................ 89.0 ...................... 74.5 ...................... 122.0 .................... 68.1 ...................... 353.6 13 ............... 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................................... 130.5 .................... 35.5 ...................... 103.4 .................... 96.8 ...................... 366.2 14 ............... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 128.2 .................... 29.3 ...................... 92.2 ...................... 118.8 .................... 368.5 15 ............... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A................................. 111.1 .................... 59.3 ...................... 94.0 ...................... 106.6 .................... 370.9 16 ............... 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 124.5 .................... 87.4 ...................... 87.6 ...................... 79.5 ...................... 379.0 17 ............... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A ................................... 99.6 ...................... 93.5 ...................... 109.8 .................... 96.6 ...................... 399.5 18 ............... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....................................... 117.7 .................... 85.9 ...................... 100.9 .................... 103.6 .................... 408.1 19 ............... 20TH GEORGIA VOL INF CO. A .............................................. 165.0 .................... 49.3 ...................... 135.0 .................... 120.8 .................... 470.1 Class A-3 Revolver, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. JEFF DAVIS LEGION CO. A ..................................................... 77.8 ...................... 28.5 ...................... 63.8 ...................... 67.8 ...................... 237.9 2 ................. 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ....................... 79.8 ...................... 29.4 ...................... 69.5 ...................... 67.9 ...................... 246.6 3 ................. 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A .......................................... 71.1 ...................... 28.2 ...................... 82.3 ...................... 74.1 ...................... 255.7 4 ................. CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............................ 111.3 .................... 25.3 ...................... 80.8 ...................... 68.2 ...................... 285.6 5 ................. 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A ............................. 115.2 .................... 38.0 ...................... 78.3 ...................... 87.7 ...................... 319.2 6 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 144.4 .................... 27.7 ...................... 54.3 ...................... 97.4 ...................... 323.8 7 ................. 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 95.7 ...................... 26.4 ...................... 123.7 .................... 92.6 ...................... 338.4 8 ................. CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A ................................. 119.6 .................... 59.3 ...................... 100.5 .................... 63.2 ...................... 342.6 9 ................. 72ND NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .............................. 132.9 .................... 32.4 ...................... 78.9 ...................... 102.6 .................... 346.8 10 ............... 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A ..................................... 118.4 .................... 64.9 ...................... 70.8 ...................... 99.1 ...................... 353.1 11 ............... 1ST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY CO. A ................................... 107.4 .................... 78.2 ...................... 78.1 ...................... 100.8 .................... 364.5 12 ............... 27TH NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS CO. A ............................. 100.5 .................... 91.6 ...................... 103.8 .................... 69.4 ...................... 365.3 13 ............... ST. MARY'S LT. INFANTRY CO. A .......................................... 110.8 .................... 73.0 ...................... 107.2 .................... 75.6 ...................... 366.6 14 ............... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A .......................... 129.3 .................... 37.1 ...................... 95.9 ...................... 124.2 .................... 386.5 15 ............... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................................... 141.5 .................... 73.3 ...................... 113.2 .................... 70.4 ...................... 398.4 16 ............... 19TH MICHIGAN INFANTRY CO. A ......................................... 122.9 .................... 103.0 .................... 73.6 ...................... 101.3 .................... 400.8 17 ............... 27TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 121.8 .................... 52.4 ...................... 110.9 .................... 115.9 .................... 400.9 18 ............... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................... 98.0 ...................... 111.7 .................... 107.1 .................... 90.6 ...................... 407.4 19 ............... BUNCOMBE RIFLES CO. A ..................................................... 163.5 .................... 40.2 ...................... 153.8 .................... 78.0 ...................... 435.5 20 ............... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................................. 139.9 .................... 95.0 ...................... 99.8 ...................... 122.0 .................... 456.7 21 ............... 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .................................. 125.9 .................... 113.7 .................... 107.7 .................... 126.7 .................... 474.0 22 ............... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A ................................. 125.5 .................... 119.7 .................... 132.5 .................... 119.2 .................... 496.9
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class B Revolver, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. B ................................................ 92.9 ...................... 19.7 ...................... 41.0 ...................... 31.8 ...................... 185.4 2 ................. IREDELL BLUES CO. B ............................................................ 60.8 ...................... 32.5 ...................... 81.3 ...................... 80.4 ...................... 255.0 3 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B ............................. 106.3 .................... 61.5 ...................... 87.7 ...................... 43.8 ...................... 299.2 4 ................. GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ....................... 94.2 ...................... 68.6 ...................... 76.9 ...................... 64.2 ...................... 303.9 5 ................. 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. B................................. 108.6 .................... 32.7 ...................... 84.4 ...................... 82.1 ...................... 307.7 6 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 91.1 ...................... 54.4 ...................... 80.9 ...................... 86.8 ...................... 313.2 7 ................. 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. B ........................................ 113.2 .................... 45.7 ...................... 101.2 .................... 97.2 ...................... 357.3 8 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ............................................ 102.7 .................... 82.9 ...................... 109.2 .................... 67.7 ...................... 362.5 9 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................................ 108.3 .................... 42.3 ...................... 122.7 .................... 94.5 ...................... 367.8 10 ............... MC GREGOR'S 2ND BATTERY CO. B .................................... 118.7 .................... 55.2 ...................... 106.6 .................... 106.1 .................... 386.6 11 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 135.0 .................... 105.0 .................... 79.5 ...................... 79.5 ...................... 399.0 Class C Revolver, 1 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. C ............................................ 131.1 .................... 72.0 ...................... 116.2 .................... 68.1 ...................... 387.4 Class A-1 Breech-Loader, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............................. 58.5 ...................... 15.8 ...................... 23.3 ...................... 28.4 ...................... 126.0 2 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 106.5 .................... 31.5 ...................... 36.6 ...................... 28.7 ...................... 203.3 3 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. A ................................................ 103.2 .................... 27.1 ...................... 55.1 ...................... 20.1 ...................... 205.5 4 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 108.5 .................... 33.6 ...................... 57.9 ...................... 27.2 ...................... 227.2 5 ................. KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A ............................. 79.2 ...................... 27.6 ...................... 35.2 ...................... 86.4 ...................... 228.4 6 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................................ 107.2 .................... 30.6 ...................... 79.6 ...................... 21.0 ...................... 238.4 7 ................. IREDELL BLUES CO. A ............................................................ 112.5 .................... 34.5 ...................... 55.3 ...................... 48.6 ...................... 250.9 8 ................. DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 119.3 .................... 52.0 ...................... 62.5 ...................... 57.1 ...................... 290.9 9 ................. 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A................................. 173.2 .................... 34.5 ...................... 51.3 ...................... 72.4 ...................... 331.4 10 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ........................................ 180.0 .................... 34.3 ...................... 61.9 ...................... 57.5 ...................... 333.7 11 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 142.9 .................... 45.3 ...................... 116.5 .................... 49.1 ...................... 353.8 12 ............... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................................ 202.0 .................... 45.8 ...................... 71.0 ...................... 44.3 ...................... 363.1 13 ............... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 196.0 .................... 28.4 ...................... 112.0 .................... 45.3 ...................... 381.7 14 ............... 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. A ....................................................... 191.0 .................... 42.0 ...................... 144.0 .................... 99.7 ...................... 476.7 15 ............... 13TH REGIMENT NC INFANTRY CO. A.................................. 258.0 .................... 148.0 .................... 281.0 .................... 108.1 .................... 795.1 Class A-2 Breech-Loader, 2 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A.................................. 85.2 ...................... 41.0 ...................... 122.6 .................... 104.0 .................... 352.8 2 ................. NORFOLK LIGHT INFANTRY CO. A........................................ 171.4 .................... 45.5 ...................... 165.5 .................... 41.8 ...................... 424.2 3 ................. 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 191.0 .................... 47.7 ...................... 106.0 .................... 97.5 ...................... 442.2 4 ................. 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 174.0 .................... 48.0 ...................... 118.5 .................... 119.3 .................... 459.8 5 ................. CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................................... 157.5 .................... 38.4 ...................... 150.5 .................... 234.0 .................... 580.4 6 ................. 12TH REGIMENT PA RESERVE VOLS. CO. A ....................... 241.0 .................... 45.6 ...................... 225.0 .................... 97.5 ...................... 609.1 7 ................. 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 208.0 .................... 56.8 ...................... 153.1 .................... 198.0 .................... 615.9 8 ................. 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A..................................................... 241.0 .................... 132.8 .................... 191.0 .................... 126.9 .................... 691.7 9 ................. 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................................... 219.0 .................... 40.9 ...................... 258.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 715.9 Class A-3 Breech-Loader, 3 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. SOUTHAMPTON GREYS CO. A .............................................. 180.0 .................... 48.6 ...................... 78.4 ...................... 79.6 ...................... 386.6 2 ................. 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 202.0 .................... 62.2 ...................... 100.8 .................... 46.0 ...................... 411.0 3 ................. LANCASTER FENCIBLES CO. A ............................................. 196.0 .................... 51.0 ...................... 191.0 .................... 45.6 ...................... 483.6 4 ................. 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 202.0 .................... 74.0 ...................... 191.0 .................... 73.0 ...................... 540.0 5 ................. 7TH NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS CO. A ...................... 177.4 .................... 55.3 ...................... 236.0 .................... 75.0 ...................... 543.7 6 ................. 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................ 219.0 .................... 109.6 .................... 107.1 .................... 152.5 .................... 588.2 7 ................. TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A .................................................. 180.0 .................... 99.8 ...................... 191.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 668.8 8 ................. 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 275.0 .................... 67.2 ...................... 167.8 .................... 161.0 .................... 671.0 9 ................. HAMPTON HORSE ARTILLERY CO. A ................................... 281.0 .................... 89.0 ...................... 213.0 .................... 92.3 ...................... 675.3 10 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A .................................... 258.0 .................... 74.8 ...................... 202.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 750.8 11 ............... 1ST NJ LIGHT ARTILLERY CO. A ........................................... 292.0 .................... 93.4 ...................... 247.0 .................... 120.4 .................... 752.8 12 ............... HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 219.0 .................... 174.9 .................... 224.0 .................... 161.1 .................... 779.0 13 ............... 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A ............................. 281.0 .................... 151.2 .................... 225.0 .................... 161.2 .................... 818.4 14 ............... 1ST PA ARTILLERY CO. A ....................................................... 270.0 .................... 122.0 .................... 247.0 .................... 234.0 .................... 873.0 15 ............... 1ST RICHMOND RIFLES CO. A ............................................... 309.0 .................... 173.0 .................... 225.0 .................... 166.8 .................... 873.8
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class B Breech-Loader, 2 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B ............................. 219.0 .................... 47.4 ...................... 168.3 .................... 198.0 .................... 632.7 2 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................................ 208.0 .................... 50.1 ...................... 202.0 .................... 180.0 .................... 640.1 3 ................. DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 286.0 .................... 87.2 ...................... 213.0 .................... 84.9 ...................... 671.1 4 ................. 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. B ................................................ 247.0 .................... 148.3 .................... 225.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 818.3 Class C Breech-Loader, 1 Place(s) Paid Class A-1 Smoothbore, 5 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 56.7 ...................... 40.9 ...................... 41.7 ...................... 46.5 ...................... 185.8 2 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. B ................................................ 67.2 ...................... 33.6 ...................... 63.3 ...................... 62.5 ...................... 226.6 3 ................. 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. A................................. 73.5 ...................... 62.4 ...................... 69.7 ...................... 50.1 ...................... 255.7 4 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 113.5 .................... 40.2 ...................... 46.0 ...................... 59.7 ...................... 259.4 5 ................. DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 83.4 ...................... 40.4 ...................... 73.4 ...................... 64.6 ...................... 261.8 6 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 72.3 ...................... 52.1 ...................... 75.2 ...................... 67.8 ...................... 267.4 7 ................. 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. A ......................................................... 97.4 ...................... 46.1 ...................... 97.7 ...................... 30.8 ...................... 272.0 8 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................................... 75.6 ...................... 57.0 ...................... 85.5 ...................... 89.9 ...................... 308.0 9 ................. IREDELL BLUES CO. A ............................................................ 106.5 .................... 56.9 ...................... 81.2 ...................... 67.3 ...................... 311.9 10 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 103.4 .................... 56.4 ...................... 100.5 .................... 85.4 ...................... 345.7 11 ............... HAZELWOOD VOLUNTEERS CO. A ....................................... 100.0 .................... 53.2 ...................... 129.1 .................... 67.8 ...................... 350.1 12 ............... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. A ................................ 116.9 .................... 49.7 ...................... 78.8 ...................... 122.3 .................... 367.7 13 ............... UNION GUARDS CO. A ............................................................ 102.7 .................... 54.7 ...................... 81.7 ...................... 170.2 .................... 409.3 14 ............... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................................. 89.0 ...................... 96.4 ...................... 100.4 .................... 124.4 .................... 410.2 15 ............... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. A ............................. 127.4 .................... 54.5 ...................... 90.1 ...................... 138.3 .................... 410.3 16 ............... TERRY'S TEXAS RANGERS CO. A ......................................... 110.3 .................... 79.3 ...................... 110.5 .................... 121.0 .................... 421.1 17 ............... 1ST MICH. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................ 127.1 .................... 55.1 ...................... 148.0 .................... 113.5 .................... 443.7 18 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 163.2 .................... 71.0 ...................... 92.7 ...................... 125.0 .................... 451.9 19 ............... KNAP'S BATTERY E, PA LT. ARTY. CO. A ............................. 112.2 .................... 74.5 ...................... 140.6 .................... 160.3 .................... 487.6 20 ............... HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 155.9 .................... 87.8 ...................... 99.1 ...................... 146.5 .................... 489.3 21 ............... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. A .......................................... 134.3 .................... 93.2 ...................... 167.8 .................... 103.1 .................... 498.4 22 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ................................. 170.6 .................... 63.0 ...................... 111.5 .................... 163.1 .................... 508.2 23 ............... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE CO. A ........................................ 131.1 .................... 131.9 .................... 288.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 782.0 Class A-2 Smoothbore, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 6TH KENTUCKY VOL. INF. CO. A ........................................... 204.0 .................... 60.3 ...................... 102.5 .................... 59.3 ...................... 426.1 2 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 168.9 .................... 53.0 ...................... 103.8 .................... 124.9 .................... 450.6 3 ................. GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. A ....................... 149.5 .................... 95.8 ...................... 93.0 ...................... 139.1 .................... 477.4 4 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. A ........................................................ 162.9 .................... 49.3 ...................... 157.1 .................... 112.9 .................... 482.2 5 ................. 19TH INDIANA INFANTRY CO. A ............................................ 146.5 .................... 83.7 ...................... 147.0 .................... 106.1 .................... 483.3 6 ................. 7TH TENNESSEE INF. REGT., CSA CO. A ............................. 146.5 .................... 86.5 ...................... 172.0 .................... 89.1 ...................... 494.1 7 ................. 1ST U.S. ARTILLERY CO. A..................................................... 216.0 .................... 91.5 ...................... 115.1 .................... 88.5 ...................... 511.1 8 ................. 3RD REGT. GA. VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................ 138.0 .................... 85.2 ...................... 156.4 .................... 131.6 .................... 511.2 9 ................. 15TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 192.0 .................... 88.8 ...................... 152.5 .................... 81.2 ...................... 514.5 10 ............... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. A................................. 178.1 .................... 95.5 ...................... 140.9 .................... 123.8 .................... 538.3 11 ............... 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................... 174.0 .................... 135.7 .................... 155.0 .................... 74.4 ...................... 539.1 12 ............... 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A................................. 174.1 .................... 90.3 ...................... 132.3 .................... 180.0 .................... 576.7 13 ............... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ...................................... 143.0 .................... 85.8 ...................... 234.0 .................... 137.6 .................... 600.4 14 ............... MOSBY'S RANGERS CO. A ..................................................... 192.0 .................... 84.3 ...................... 216.0 .................... 136.0 .................... 628.3 15 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. A .................................... 216.0 .................... 103.0 .................... 108.3 .................... 206.0 .................... 633.3 16 ............... 120TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 216.0 .................... 107.0 .................... 131.8 .................... 180.0 .................... 634.8 17 ............... 14TH MISS. INFANTRY REGIMENT CO. A ............................. 192.0 .................... 104.8 .................... 198.0 .................... 158.6 .................... 653.4 18 ............... WHITE'S CO, 35TH VIRGINIA CAV. CO. A ............................. 252.0 .................... 79.9 ...................... 164.4 .................... 206.0 .................... 702.3 19 ............... DURELL'S INDEPENDENT BATTERY CO. A .......................... 228.0 .................... 108.7 .................... 198.0 .................... 204.4 .................... 739.1 20 ............... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................................. 264.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 84.0 ...................... 744.0 21 ............... 9TH REGIMENT NY CAVALRY CO. A ..................................... 144.4 .................... 84.5 ...................... 216.0 .................... 315.7 .................... 760.6 22 ............... 1ST SC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ................................. 264.0 .................... 116.0 .................... 306.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 969.0 23 ............... CHISWELL'S EXILES CO. A..................................................... 276.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 1027.0
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class A-3 Smoothbore, 5 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .................................. 169.5 .................... 102.6 .................... 78.7 ...................... 126.9 .................... 477.7 2 ................. BATTERY C, 1ST MICH. LT. ARTY. CO. A .............................. 164.3 .................... 77.7 ...................... 128.5 .................... 107.8 .................... 478.3 3 ................. 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. A ........................................... 175.6 .................... 89.5 ...................... 149.0 .................... 135.4 .................... 549.5 4 ................. 14TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ............................................ 204.0 .................... 59.0 ...................... 175.0 .................... 134.6 .................... 572.6 5 ................. 7TH REGT. VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS CO. A .......................... 179.0 .................... 124.9 .................... 180.0 .................... 100.6 .................... 584.5 6 ................. 69TH NY STATE VOLUNTEERS CO. A ................................... 192.0 .................... 59.5 ...................... 198.0 .................... 138.7 .................... 588.2 7 ................. CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. A ................................. 162.0 .................... 100.3 .................... 149.7 .................... 177.9 .................... 589.9 8 ................. CO. C, 2nd U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ............................ 192.0 .................... 80.4 ...................... 198.0 .................... 129.9 .................... 600.3 9 ................. 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. B ............................................... 216.0 .................... 74.2 ...................... 107.3 .................... 206.0 .................... 603.5 10 ............... 14TH CONN. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 180.0 .................... 153.6 .................... 127.0 .................... 179.9 .................... 640.5 11 ............... PALMETTO GUARD CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. CO. A .................... 228.0 .................... 85.3 ...................... 198.0 .................... 141.0 .................... 652.3 12 ............... BERDAN'S 1st U.S. SHARPSHOOTERS CO. A ...................... 152.0 .................... 100.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 656.0 13 ............... 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. B ........................................ 240.0 .................... 146.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 73.8 ...................... 711.8 14 ............... 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A ................................... 228.0 .................... 153.0 .................... 145.6 .................... 206.0 .................... 732.6 15 ............... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS CO. A ................................................ 216.0 .................... 92.2 ...................... 234.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 748.2 16 ............... TAMMANY REGIMENT CO. A .................................................. 216.0 .................... 148.6 .................... 216.0 .................... 177.0 .................... 757.6 17 ............... 49TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, CSA CO. A.................................. 204.0 .................... 81.3 ...................... 245.5 .................... 231.0 .................... 761.8 18 ............... HARDAWAY'S ALABAMA BTTY CO. A ................................... 173.3 .................... 97.2 ...................... 288.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 764.5 19 ............... 149TH NY VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 240.0 .................... 116.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 778.0 20 ............... 11TH VA CAVALRY CO. A ....................................................... 216.0 .................... 68.6 ...................... 234.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 801.6 21 ............... 5TH CONN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................... 216.0 .................... 174.2 .................... 161.3 .................... 257.0 .................... 808.5 22 ............... 14TH TENNESSEE INFANTRY REGT. CO. A ......................... 192.0 .................... 111.4 .................... 252.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 812.4 23 ............... 37TH GEORGIA CO. A ............................................................. 228.0 .................... 152.6 .................... 252.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 838.6 24 ............... 27TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 228.0 .................... 150.3 .................... 288.0 .................... 180.0 .................... 846.3 25 ............... 2ND NJ CAVALRY CO. A ......................................................... 324.0 .................... 128.8 .................... 234.0 .................... 173.2 .................... 860.0 26 ............... 27TH NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS CO. A ............................. 252.0 .................... 174.5 .................... 234.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 891.5 27 ............... 10TH VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................. 240.0 .................... 234.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 896.0 28 ............... 3RD U.S. REGULAR INFANTRY CO. A ................................... 264.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 178.6 .................... 910.6 29 ............... 6TH PA CAV, RUSH'S LANCERS CO. A ................................. 312.0 .................... 126.6 .................... 252.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 921.6 30 ............... 1ST REGT ENGINEER TROOPS, ANV CO. A ........................ 228.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 270.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 953.0 31 ............... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BATTERY CO. A ................................. 288.0 .................... 179.9 .................... 234.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 958.9 32 ............... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS CO. A ....................................... 324.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 306.0 .................... 334.0 .................... 1216.0 Class B Smoothbore, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ........................ 69.3 ...................... 69.2 ...................... 106.9 .................... 32.6 ...................... 278.0 2 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. C ................................................ 112.7 .................... 56.3 ...................... 62.0 ...................... 75.9 ...................... 306.9 3 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................................... 105.8 .................... 51.3 ...................... 72.7 ...................... 116.0 .................... 345.8 4 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 103.5 .................... 104.3 .................... 127.5 .................... 82.9 ...................... 418.2 5 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................................... 143.8 .................... 43.9 ...................... 119.9 .................... 125.0 .................... 432.6 6 ................. UNION GUARDS CO. B ............................................................ 204.0 .................... 138.6 .................... 180.0 .................... 58.4 ...................... 581.0 7 ................. DISMAL SWAMP RANGERS CO. B ......................................... 216.0 .................... 87.3 ...................... 178.3 .................... 102.4 .................... 584.0 8 ................. 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY CO. B .......................................... 173.3 .................... 85.3 ...................... 180.0 .................... 151.6 .................... 590.2 9 ................. FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY CO. B ................................ 192.0 .................... 70.7 ...................... 216.0 .................... 116.1 .................... 594.8 10 ............... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. B ................................. 169.6 .................... 135.9 .................... 135.3 .................... 158.4 .................... 599.2 11 ............... 2ND VIRGINIA VOL. INF. CO. A ............................................... 153.2 .................... 64.2 ...................... 288.0 .................... 144.4 .................... 649.8 12 ............... 5TH VA. VOL. INF. CO. B ......................................................... 165.4 .................... 89.9 ...................... 177.5 .................... 231.0 .................... 663.8 13 ............... HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY CO. B ............................................ 131.3 .................... 111.3 .................... 216.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 689.6 14 ............... 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY CO. B ............................................... 204.0 .................... 144.5 .................... 252.0 .................... 109.8 .................... 710.3 15 ............... 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. B .................................................. 216.0 .................... 125.2 .................... 252.0 .................... 125.2 .................... 718.4 16 ............... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA CO. B ............................. 228.0 .................... 124.9 .................... 216.0 .................... 159.3 .................... 728.2 17 ............... COCKADE RIFLES CO. B ........................................................ 228.0 .................... 84.2 ...................... 234.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 752.2 18 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. B ................................. 192.0 .................... 94.9 ...................... 216.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 759.9 19 ............... 1ST STUART HORSE ARTY. CO. A ........................................ 180.0 .................... 86.2 ...................... 216.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 765.2 20 ............... YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. B ................................. 228.0 .................... 78.8 ...................... 216.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 779.8 21 ............... 21ST VA INFANTRY, MD GUARD CO. B................................. 228.0 .................... 148.6 .................... 252.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 859.6 22 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B .......................... 276.0 .................... 153.9 .................... 180.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 866.9 23 ............... 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. C ........................................... 252.0 .................... 120.6 .................... 288.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 891.6 24 ............... CHARTIERS VALLEY GUARDS CO. B .................................... 228.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 231.0 .................... 927.0 25 ............... GENL. W.T.SHERMAN'S BODYGUARD CO. B ....................... 216.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 949.0 26 ............... CO G 23RD NC STATE TROOPS CO. B ................................. 264.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 270.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 989.0 27 ............... 12TH REGT. U.S. REGULAR INF. CO. B................................. 240.0 .................... 468.0 .................... 306.0 .................... 309.0 .................... 1323.0 Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Results Class C Smoothbore, 1 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. NANSEMOND GUARDS CO. A ................................................ 108.7 .................... 41.9 ...................... 107.4 .................... 74.4 ...................... 332.4 2 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. C ........................ 136.7 .................... 57.4 ...................... 106.5 .................... 119.6 .................... 420.2 3 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. C ..................................... 240.0 .................... 113.1 .................... 234.0 .................... 206.0 .................... 793.1 4 ................. 13TH CONFEDERATE INF. CO. B ........................................... 264.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 288.0 .................... 257.0 .................... 1025.0 5 ................. COCKADE RIFLES CO. C ........................................................ 300.0 .................... 306.0 .................... 270.0 .................... 283.0 .................... 1159.0 Breech-Loader SS, 4 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ............................. 72.9 ...................... 21.4 ...................... 38.3 ...................... 34.1 ...................... 166.7 2 ................. WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. A ....................................... 81.7 ...................... 41.0 ...................... 76.5 ...................... 24.3 ...................... 223.5 3 ................. 2ND KENTUCKY CAVALRY, CSA CO. A................................. 93.1 ...................... 31.2 ...................... 75.4 ...................... 40.7 ...................... 240.4 4 ................. 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. A ..................................... 97.1 ...................... 39.5 ...................... 68.3 ...................... 44.5 ...................... 249.4 5 ................. 110TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A ........................ 146.2 .................... 36.4 ...................... 49.5 ...................... 38.3 ...................... 270.4 6 ................. YORK RANGERS, 32ND VA. INF. CO. A ................................. 112.5 .................... 30.9 ...................... 72.3 ...................... 64.2 ...................... 279.9 7 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY, CSA CO. A ................................. 170.4 .................... 58.0 ...................... 75.2 ...................... 73.3 ...................... 376.9 8 ................. 149TH PA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. B ............................. 141.7 .................... 90.2 ...................... 117.5 .................... 65.2 ...................... 414.6 9 ................. 111TH OHIO VOL. INF. CO. A .................................................. 191.0 .................... 53.9 ...................... 152.6 .................... 53.9 ...................... 451.4 10 ............... DELAWARE BLUES CO. A ....................................................... 170.6 .................... 68.8 ...................... 160.0 .................... 66.2 ...................... 465.6 11 ............... 8TH REGT VIRGINIA VOL. INF CO. B ..................................... 139.3 .................... 144.8 .................... 107.1 .................... 87.0 ...................... 478.2 12 ............... WASHINGTON BLUE RIFLES CO. B ....................................... 180.0 .................... 52.3 ...................... 155.8 .................... 110.2 .................... 498.3 13 ............... 29TH WISC VOLUNTEER INFANTRY CO. A .......................... 162.0 .................... 115.2 .................... 159.5 .................... 104.2 .................... 540.9 14 ............... 10TH MASS. BATTERY CO. A ................................................. 176.7 .................... 46.2 ...................... 225.0 .................... 216.0 .................... 663.9 15 ............... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) CO. A ...................................... 248.0 .................... 69.5 ...................... 159.3 .................... 216.0 .................... 692.8 16 ............... DELAWARE BLUES CO. B ....................................................... 214.0 .................... 94.5 ...................... 174.0 .................... 288.0 .................... 770.5 17 ............... 34TH BTTN. VIRGINIA CAVALRY CO. A ................................. 225.0 .................... 150.0 .................... 248.0 .................... 252.0 .................... 875.0 Spencer, 1 Place(s) Paid # Team Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Total Time 1 ................. 46TH ILLINOIS VOL. INF. REGT. CO. A .................................. 270.0 .................... 121.6 .................... 225.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 814.6 2 ................. 11TH REGIMENT, PA VOL. INF. CO. A ................................... 292.0 .................... 124.0 .................... 225.0 .................... 198.0 .................... 839.0 3 ................. 1ST REGT. ILL. VOL. LT. ARTY. CO. A ................................... 321.0 .................... 236.0 .................... 259.0 .................... 133.7 .................... 949.7
Photos: Tambi Dudley, Schuetzen Powder Energetics Inc. 34
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Artillery Match Results Artillery, Smoothbore Results: Place Gun/Crew Score 1 ................. HARDAWAY'S ALA BTTY (RE-ENTERY) ............................................ 48-4V 2 ................. DIXIE ARTILLERY ................................................................................. 46-3V 3 ................. HARDAWAY'S ALA BTTY ..................................................................... 46-1V 4 ................. 1ST MARYLAND ARTILLERY, CSA ..................................................... 40-3V 5 ................. MANLY'S BTTY (NO. 2) ........................................................................ 37-0V 6 ................. 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY (NO. 1) ........................................................ 36-3V 7 ................. 27TH VA VOL (SCOTT) ........................................................................ 34-3V 8 ................. 3RD US (HIPPLE) ................................................................................. 25-1V 9 ................. 1ST PA ARTILLERY .............................................................................. 23-0V 10 ............... ROWAN ARTILLERY ............................................................................ 10-0V Howitzer Results: Place Gun/Crew Score 1 ................. ROWAN ARTILLERY ............................................................................ 50-7V 2 ................. 3RD US (SMITHGALL).......................................................................... 50-4V 3 ................. DIXIE ARTILLERY ................................................................................. 44-3V 4 ................. 1ST FLORIDA CAVALRY...................................................................... 36-1V 5 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAV (TIM) ................................................................. 35-0V 6 ................. 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS............................................................................... 8-0V Rifled Howitzer Results: Place Gun/Crew Score 1 ................. 1ST MARYLAND CAV (KATIE) ............................................................. 48-4V 2 ................. 27TH VA VOL ........................................................................................ 34-1V 3 ................. MOSBY'S RANGERS ............................................................................ 21-1V
Artillery, Rifled Results: Place Gun/Crew Score 1 ................. 3RD US (SMITHGALL) ......................................................................... 50-5V 2 ................. 2ND VIRGINIA CAVALRY..................................................................... 50-3V 3 ................. 5TH VA VOL INF (NO. 2) ...................................................................... 50-2V 4 ................. DIXIE ARTILLERY................................................................................. 50-2V 5 ................. 3RD US (WELLS) .................................................................................. 49-5V 6 ................. 1ST VALLEY RANGERS ...................................................................... 49-4V 7 ................. SOUTHAMPTON GREYS (NO. 2) ........................................................ 49-3V 8 ................. CO G 23RD N.C. STATE TROOP ........................................................ 49-1V 9 ................. 7TH REGT VA VOL INF (NO. 1) ........................................................... 49-0V 10............... 1ST MARYLAND CAV (TIM) ................................................................. 48-3V 11............... 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS (DES).................................................................. 48-1V 12............... 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS. (ROB) ................................................................ 47-2V 13............... 12TH US REGULAR INF ...................................................................... 47-0V 14............... 3RD US (FULTON)................................................................................ 46-2V 15............... 3RD US (GALLOWAY).......................................................................... 45-1V 16............... 1ST NJ LT ARTILLERY......................................................................... 44-2V 17............... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS (NO. 1) ........................................................ 44-1V 18............... MANLY'S BTTY (NO. 1) ........................................................................ 44-1V 19............... 8TH REGT VA VOL INF ........................................................................ 40-0V 20............... 1ST VIRGINIA CAVALRY (NO .2) ........................................................ 39-0V 21............... 5TH VA VOL INF (NO. 1) ...................................................................... 38-2V 22............... 7TH REGT VA VOL INF (NO. 2) ........................................................... 38-1V 23............... 1ST MARYLAND CAV (TIM) (NO.2) ..................................................... 37-2V 24............... MCNEILL'S RANGERS ......................................................................... 37-1V 25............... 10TH MASS BTTY ................................................................................ 37-1V 26............... CO. C 2ND US SHARPSHOOTERS .................................................... 31-0V 27............... 1ST TENNESSEE VOL INF .................................................................. 28-1V 28............... BUNCOMBE RIFLES ............................................................................ 17-0V 29............... 2ND MARYLAND ARTILLERY.............................................................. 14-0V
Photo: Ericka Hoffman
Photo: Tambi Dudley, Schuetzen Powder Energetics Inc.
Skirmish Line
Photo: Ericka Hoffman
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Mortar Match Results Place Mortar Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3 Shot 4 Shot 5 Total 1............. WHITE'S CO 35TH VA CAV #1 ............................ 2ft-3in .............3ft-1in ............ 3ft-3in ............. 4ft-8in ............. 6ft-7in .............. 19ft-10in 2............. HARDAWAY'S ALA BTTY #1 ............................... 1ft-11in ...........3ft-4in ............ 5ft-7in ............. 7ft-4in ............. 7ft-8in .............. 25ft-10in 3............. HAZELWOOD'S VOLS #1 .................................... 2ft-9.5in ..........3ft-8.5in ......... 4ft-11in ........... 7ft-11in ........... 10ft-5in ............ 29ft-9in 4............. 27TH VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS #1 ...................... 3ft-11in ...........8ft-1in ............ 5ft-5in ............. 5ft-4in ............. 8ft-1in .............. 30ft-10in 5............. 1ST REGT IL VOL LIGHT ARTILLERY #1 ........... 2ft-10in ...........4ft-3.5in ......... 5ft-6.5in .......... 8ft-0in ............. 14ft-2.5in ......... 34ft-10.5in 6............. 7TH REGT VIRGINIA VOLS #2 ............................ 3ft-4in .............2ft-7in ............ 6ft-0in ............. 7ft-5in ............. 17ft-8.5in ......... 37ft-0.5in 7............. ALLEGHENY CITY GUARDS #1 .......................... 1ft-5in .............5ft-3.5in ......... 11ft-2.25in ...... 9ft-0in ............. 14ft-3in ............ 41ft-1.75in 8............. GRAHAM'S BATTERY #1..................................... 16ft-2.5in ........11ft-7in .......... 8ft-4in ............. 4ft-9.5in .......... 1ft-1in .............. 42ft-0in 9............. 2ND VIRGINIA CAVALRY #1 ............................... 2ft-8in .............5ft-3in ............ 12ft-1in ........... 12ft-8in ........... 12ft-6in ............ 45ft-2in 10........... 69TH NEW YORK ST VOLS #1 ........................... 5ft-4in .............7ft-2in ............ 8ft-3in ............. 8ft-9in ............. 17ft-7in ............ 47ft-1in 11........... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) #1 ........................ 5ft-0in .............5ft-6in ............ 9ft-9.5in .......... 9ft-5in ............. 17ft-8in ............ 47ft-4.5in 12........... WHEAT'S SPEC BTTY LA TIGERS #1 ................ 7ft-0in .............9ft-10in .......... 9ft-7in ............. 10ft-1in ........... 11ft-6in ............ 48ft-0in 13........... 3RD US (SMITHGALL) #1 .................................... 3ft-8in .............6ft-3in ............ 9ft-8.75in ........ 11ft-2.5in ........ 19ft-0.75in ....... 49ft-11in 14........... 2ND MARYLAND ARTY CSA #1 .......................... 4ft-9.5in ..........5ft-3.75in ....... 10ft-1in ........... 12ft-7.25in ...... 17ft-2in ............ 49ft-11.5in 15........... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS #1 ............................... 3ft-10.5in ........5ft-2in ............ 10ft-4in ........... 15ft-5in ........... 20ft-8in ............ 55ft-5.5in 16........... FORREST'S ESCORT COMPANY #1.................. 2ft-10in ...........7ft-0in ............ 13ft-11in ......... 15ft-2in ........... 16ft-11.5in ....... 55ft-10.5in 17........... ROWAN ARTILLERY #1 ....................................... 3ft-9in .............7ft-7.5in ......... 7ft-11.75in ...... 17ft-5.5in ........ 19ft-6in ............ 56ft-3.75in 18........... 1ST NEW JERSEY LIGHT ARTY #1 .................... 3ft-8in .............7ft-2in ............ 10ft-7in ........... 14ft-5in ........... 21ft-2in ............ 57ft-0in 19........... 3RD US (WELLS) #1 ............................................ 5ft-5.5in ..........7ft-1in ............ 14ft-0in ........... 14ft-5in ........... 16ft-6in ............ 57ft-5.5in 20........... 3RD US (HIPPLE) #1 ............................................ 2ft-3in .............5ft-6in ............ 9ft-4in ............. 11ft-4in ........... 30ft-10in .......... 59ft-3in 21........... TUCKERS NAVAL BRIGADE #1 .......................... 2ft-6in .............4ft-9.5in ......... 5ft-7in ............. 13ft-9.5in ........ 32ft-8in ............ 59ft-4in 22........... MANLY'S BATTERY #1 ........................................ 5ft-1in .............8ft-11.5in ....... 13ft-4in ........... 13ft-11.5in ...... 19ft-8in ............ 61ft-0in 23........... 10TH MASSACHUSETTS BTTY #1 ..................... 4ft-0in .............7ft-3.5in ......... 11ft-1.5in ........ 18ft-4.5in ........ 20ft-4in ............ 61ft-1.5in 24........... 1ST MARYLAND CAVALRY (KATIE) #2 .............. 5ft-7in .............11ft-2in .......... 16ft-5in ........... 19ft-2in ........... 18ft-3in ............ 70ft-7in 25........... BERNAN'S 1ST US SHARPSHOOTERS #1 ........ 2ft-11in ...........10ft-7in .......... 18ft-11.5in ...... 19ft-3in ........... 20ft-6.5in ......... 72ft-3in 26........... SOUTHAMPTON GREYS #2 ............................... 1ft-11in ...........7ft-9in ............ 17ft-1in ........... 21ft-6in ........... 24ft-4.5in ......... 72ft-7.5in 27........... 1ST VIRGINIA VOLS #1 ....................................... 3ft-4in .............13ft-0in .......... 13ft-7in ........... 14ft-1in ........... 28ft-8in ............ 72ft-8in 28........... 12TH REGT PA RESERVE VOLS #1 ................... 4ft-3in .............6ft-1in ............ 11ft-0in ........... 20ft-4in ........... 32ft-10in .......... 74ft-6in 29........... 5TH VIRGINIA VOL INFANTRY #1 ...................... 7ft-0in .............13ft-7.5in ....... 17ft-5.5in ........ 12ft-10.25in .... 23ft-10.75in ..... 74ft-10in 30........... CO. C, 2ND US SHARPSHOOTERS #1 .............. 11ft-7in ...........15ft-1in .......... 15ft-1in ........... 15ft-5in ........... 18ft-6in ............ 75ft-8in 31........... 4TH KENTUCKY CAVALRY #1 ............................ 0ft-11.5in ........10ft-6in .......... 10ft-5in ........... 23ft-3in ........... 33ft-0in ............ 78ft-1.5in 32........... 37TH GEORGIA INF #1 ........................................ 1ft-10in ...........9ft-7in ............ 10ft-2in ........... 27ft-2in ........... 34ft-1in ............ 82ft-10in 33........... 1ST PA RIFLES (BUCKTAILS) #2 ........................ 1ft-0in .............13ft-0in .......... 15ft-9in ........... 25ft-5in ........... 30ft-0in ............ 85ft-2in 34........... MCNEILL'S RANGERS #1.................................... 4ft-7in .............19ft-9.5in ....... 11ft-3.5in ........ 24ft-7in ........... 25ft-3in ............ 85ft-6in 35........... 9TH REGT NY CAVALRY #1 ............................... 26ft-3in ...........37ft-5in .......... 6ft-0in ............. 9ft-1in ............. 13ft-7in ............ 92ft-4in 36........... 7TH MICHIGAN VOL INF #1 ................................ 14ft-10in .........15ft-5in .......... 16ft-4in ........... 21ft-10in ......... 25ft-1in ............ 93ft-6in 37........... 15TH IND BTTY OHIO LT ARTY #1 ..................... 8ft-0in .............16ft-10in ........ 20ft-0in ........... 21ft-4in ........... 28ft-8in ............ 94ft-10in 38........... 14TH VIRGINIA CAV #1 ....................................... 7ft-4in .............10ft-4in .......... 21ft-11in ......... 32ft-10in ......... 25ft-6in ............ 97ft-11in 39........... OLD DOMINION DRAGOONS #1 ........................ 0ft-9in .............5ft-10.5in ....... 17ft-0.5in ........ 37ft-3.5in ........ 46ft-6in ............ 107ft-5.5in 40........... HARRIS' LIGHT CAVALRY #1 ............................. 6ft-0in .............11ft-6in .......... 16ft-2in ........... 31ft-0in ........... 44ft-0in ............ 108ft-8in 41........... 5TH VIRGINIA VOL INFANTRY #2 ...................... 4ft-6in .............14ft-4in .......... 14ft-11.5in ...... 33ft-9.5in ........ 41ft-9in ............ 109ft-4in 42........... MANLY'S BATTERY #2 ........................................ 2ft-4in .............24ft-3in .......... 23ft-10in ......... 28ft-2in ........... 31ft-7in ............ 110ft-2in 43........... PALMETTO GUARDS CO. I, 2ND SC VOL. #1 ... 9ft-3in .............18ft-0in .......... 25ft-3in ........... 33ft-5in ........... 32ft-9in ............ 118ft-8in 44........... 1ST VALLEY RANGERS #1 ................................. 11ft-4.4in ........12ft-1.2in ....... 22ft-9in ........... 36ft-0in ........... 52ft-0in ............ 134ft-2.6in 45........... 7TH REGT VIRGINIA VOLS #1 ............................ 13ft-8in ...........15ft-9in .......... 18ft-5in ........... 44ft-10in ......... 52ft-11in .......... 145ft-7in 46........... R. PRESTON CHEW'S BTTY #1 .......................... 11ft-5in ...........16ft-5.5in ....... 20ft-1in ........... 45ft-2in ........... 61ft-7in ............ 154ft-8.5in 47........... 27TH NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS #1 ............... 17ft-0.5in ........27ft-6in .......... 35ft-10in ......... 56ft-1.5in ........ 57ft-5in ............ 193ft-11in 48........... BUNCOMBE RIFLES #1 ....................................... 9ft-10in ...........39ft-5in .......... 41ft-7in ........... 46ft-4in ........... 59ft-10in .......... 197ft-0in 49........... 1ST NEW JERSEY LIGHT ARTY #2 .................... 17ft-6in ...........31ft-10in ........ 39ft-10in ......... 43ft-10in ......... 73ft-10in .......... 206ft-10in 50........... 12TH REGT PA RESERVE VOLS #2 ................... 8ft-8in .............35ft-1in .......... 44ft-8in ........... 59ft-6.5in ........ 80ft-6in ............ 228ft-5.5in 36
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Artillery & Mortar Winners
1st Place Howitzer, Class C Artillery
1st Place Rifled Howitzer, Class D Artillery
Rowan Artillery
1st Maryland Cavalry (Katie)
2nd Place Mortar "Buddy" Butler & Joe Robinson Memorial Trophy
Hardaway's Alabama Battery #1
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
1st Place A-1 Musket Team
2nd Place A-1 Musket Team
William Francis Keys Trophy
Robert Hughes Trophy
1st Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate
Washington Blue Rifles, Co. A
Jack Rawls Memorial Trophy
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
3rd Place A-1 Musket Team
4th Place A-1 Musket Team
Ed "Hog" Wilhelm Memorial Trophy
Hibler-Ninness Memorial Trophy
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
Union Guards, Co. A
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
5th Place A-1 Musket Team James F. Cauley Memorial Trophy
Nansemond Guards, Co. A
2nd Place Team Musket-Carbine Aggregate Walt Taylor Trophy
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry Co. A
Skirmish Line
1st Place A-2 Musket Team
1st Place A-3 Musket Team
A2 Musket Team Trophy
Army of the Tennessee Memorial Trophy
Forrest's Escort Company, Co. A
Harris' Light Cavalry, Co. A
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
1st Place B-2 Musket Team Medals
1st Stuart Horse Artillery, Co. B
1st Place B-1 Musket Team Franklin O. Hayes Memorial Trophy
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
1st Place A-1 Revolver Team
1st Place C Musket Team
1st Place Revolver Team Trophy
Stonewall Jackson Memorial Trophy
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. C 40
Spring 2017
Iredell Blues, Co. A Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
Skirmish Line
1st Place A-2 Revolver Team
1st Place A-3 Revolver Team
Harris' Light Cavalry, Co. A
Jeff Davis Legion, Co. A
1st Place B Revolver Team
1st Place C Revolver Team
Nansemond Guards, Co. B
Harris' Light Cavalry, Co. C
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
1st Place A-1 Carbine Team
1st Place A-2 Carbine Team
Alan Bilby Memorial Trophy
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Co. A
1st Place B-1 Carbine Team Medals
1st Place A-3 Carbine Team
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
McNeill's Rangers, Co. A
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
1st Place C Carbine Team Medals
1st Place B-2 Carbine Team
8th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. C
1st Maryland Cavalry, CSA, Co. B
1st Place A-3 Breechloader Team Medals
Southampton Greys, Co. A Highest Placing Repeater Team (1st Place A-1) Private’s Trophy
2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA, Co. A Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
1st Place B Breechloader Team
1st Place Single-shot Breechloader Team
2nd Maryland Artillery, CSA, Co. B
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
1st Place Spencer Team
1st Place A-1 Smoothbore Team
Men of the West Trophy
46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Co. A
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Team Match Winners
Skirmish Line
1st Place A-2 Smoothbore Team
1st Place A-3 Smoothbore Team
6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Co. A
1st Place B Smoothbore Team
1st Place C Smoothbore Team
110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
Nansemond Guards, Co. A
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Individual Match Results
50-Yard Musket Results, 10 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....12466 ... HOWARD, D .................... 94-01X 2 .....3590 ..... SCHNEEMAN, E .............. 93-02X 3 .....10414 ... BROCKMILLER, G........... 92-02X 4 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 92-01X 5 .....1614 ..... CORRIGAN, P.................. 91-02X 6 .....5779 ..... ARNETTE, M.................... 91-00X 7 .....12502 ... ROGERS, J ...................... 91-00X 8 .....3886 ..... STEDMAN, D ................... 90-02X 9 .....1143 ..... DAVIES, P ........................ 90-02X 10 ...6436 ..... DAVIS, K .......................... 90-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 12609 ... WEAVER, E ........... 92-03X 2386 ..... LAWLEY, E ............ 91-02X 2357 ..... HARPER, J............. 90-02X 11221 ... JONES, D ............... 89-02X 7937 ..... KINDLE, K .............. 89-02X 12999 ... KLEIN, J ................. 89-01X 8025 ..... WALSH, J ............... 88-01X 11536 ... HENSHALL, J......... 88-01X 2395 ..... SUTORIUS, C ........ 88-00X 9005 ..... RYAN, M ................ 87-01X
Marksman .................................... 11287 .... WENZEL, T.................... 91-00X 7472 ...... MCDOWELL, G ............. 90-01X 9274 ...... CAMPBELL, W .............. 90-00X 8571 ...... WELTHER, M ................ 87-01X 10832 .... SMITH, J ........................ 87-01X 11538 .... KEENER, D ................... 87-00X 8014 ...... SULLIVAN, B ................. 87-00X 11556 .... BROWN, J ..................... 86-00X 8291 ...... LINDSTROM, A ............. 85-00X 10686 .... MC CHESNEY, M.......... 85-00X
Striker..... ................................ 12510 ...... SEYMOUR, T ......... 91-01X 12616 ...... WILHELM, G .......... 87-00X 10776 ...... KOMINEK, D .......... 86-00X 12601 ...... PAYNE, J ............... 85-00X 3580 ........ HOLMES, D............ 84-01X 5581 ........ CHILDS, T .............. 83-02X 2944 ........ HOWARD, R .......... 83-01X 10517 ...... BITTNER, L ............ 83-01X 3175 ........ FLECHSIG, D ......... 83-01X 13429 ...... NEVLEZER, D ........ 82-03X
100-Yard Musket Results, 9 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....3590 ..... SCHNEEMAN, E .............. 92-00X 2 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 91-02X 3 .....4052 ..... DE FRANCISCI, C ........... 91-01X 4 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 90-01X 5 .....11131 ... O'BRYANT, K ................... 90-00X 6 .....6783 ..... DEANS, G ........................ 90-00X 7 .....5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .................... 89-01X 8 .....10869 ... CLARK, D ......................... 89-01X 9 .....9269 ..... MAGNO, T........................ 89-00X
Sharpshooter ....................... 8873 ..... CONRAD, D ........... 89-01X 10882 ... EYE, D.................... 89-01X 11718 ... LESTER, D ............. 89-00X 10223 ... MADERIOUS, J...... 88-02X 9531 ..... CRABILL, P ............ 88-01X 2873 ..... CHIARIZIA, L.......... 88-01X 8025 ..... WALSH, J ............... 88-00X 13065 ... LEWIS, D................ 88-00X 9059 ..... MARK, T ................. 87-00X
Marksman .................................... 12027 .... KAYE, G ........................ 91-00X 13082 .... CAMERON, JR., R ........ 90-01X 5597 ...... DAM, JR., J.................... 89-00X 12512 .... SHIRK, P ....................... 87-00X 11106 .... SHAFFER, S.................. 85-02X 4272 ...... EARLY, JR., G ............... 85-01X 12634 .... FISHER, W .................... 85-01X 8014 ...... SULLIVAN, B ................. 85-00X 8675 ...... ACORD, D ..................... 85-00X
Striker..... ................................ 12616 ...... WILHELM, G .......... 84-01X 0585 ........ NIPAR, J................. 83-01X 8619 ........ CONWAY, J ........... 82-00X 0297 ........ GIBSON, L ............. 81-01X 10776 ...... KOMINEK, D .......... 80-00X 13365 ...... KERSHNER, L ....... 79-00X 9630 ........ BAIRD, R ................ 79-00X 13417 ...... BANE, F ................. 78-00X 12510 ...... SEYMOUR, T ......... 78-00X
Musket Aggregate Results, 6 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....3590 ..... SCHNEEMAN, E .............. 185-02X 2 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 183-03X 3 .....12466 ... HOWARD, D .................... 183-01X 4 .....11131 ... O'BRYANT, K ................... 179-01X 5 .....1614 ..... CORRIGAN, P.................. 178-03X 6 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 178-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 8025 ..... WALSH, J ............... 176-01X 12999 ... KLEIN, J ................. 175-01X 9531 ..... CRABILL, P ............ 172-01X 2873 ..... CHIARIZIA, L.......... 172-01X 2357 ..... HARPER, J............. 171-02X 2395 ..... SUTORIUS, C ........ 171-01X
Marksman .................................... 12027 .... KAYE, G ........................ 172-01X 8014 ...... SULLIVAN, B ................. 172-00X 8571 ...... WELTHER, M ................ 170-03X 4947 ...... MATUSZEK, J ............... 169-01X 11556 .... BROWN, J ..................... 168-01X 10832 .... SMITH, J ........................ 168-01X
Striker..... ................................ 12616 ...... WILHELM, G .......... 171-01X 12510 ...... SEYMOUR, T ......... 169-01X 10776 ...... KOMINEK, D .......... 166-00X 8619 ........ CONWAY, J ........... 161-00X 10517 ...... BITTNER, L ............ 158-01X 12114 ...... HEUER, D .............. 158-00X
50-Yard Carbine Results, 9 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....9996 ..... BODNER, M ..................... 93-00X 2 .....2495 ..... WAITS, B.......................... 92-02X 3 .....9269 ..... MAGNO, T........................ 91-01X 4 .....3991 ..... MATTHEWS, W ............... 91-01X 5 .....10223 ... MADERIOUS, J................ 91-01X 6 .....10572 ... THOMPSON, E ................ 91-00X 7 .....11221 ... JONES, D ......................... 91-00X 8 .....5779 ..... ARNETTE, M.................... 90-02X 9 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 90-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4688 ..... SMITH, J ................ 91-02X 12609 ... WEAVER, E ........... 90-00X 6755 ..... BARTON, R ............ 88-01X 5699 ..... SMITH, D................ 88-00X 7847 ..... LAWRENCE, H ...... 87-00X 11556 ... BROWN, J .............. 87-00X 5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .......... 87-00X 11902 ... WETZEL, E ............ 86-00X 6637 ..... LINTON, M ............. 85-01X
Marksman .................................... 7937 ...... KINDLE, K ..................... 93-01X 12601 .... PAYNE, J ....................... 91-00X 12385 .... DONNELLY, D............... 90-01X 5969 ...... ROHRBACH, B.............. 89-00X 12379 .... THROWER, K ................ 88-00X 11612 .... NEWBERRY, T.............. 88-00X 7736 ...... WICANDER, M .............. 86-01X 4878 ...... D'ALLESANDRO, R....... 86-00X 12793 .... REXRODE, J ................. 86-00X
Striker..... ................................ 4605 ........ ELTON, M .............. 89-02X 3580 ........ HOLMES, D............ 87-00X 7373 ........ MC LEOD, H .......... 85-00X 2395 ........ SUTORIUS, C ........ 84-00X 9005 ........ RYAN, M ................ 84-00X 5795 ........ KELLY, II, P ............ 83-02X 7579 ........ POPE, D ................. 83-00X 11837 ...... HAWTHORNE, J .... 81-00X 12936 ...... TODD, J ................. 81-00X
100-Yard Carbine Results, 8 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....10752 ... BENNETT, M.................... 93-01X 2 .....8904 ..... FLEES, L .......................... 93-00X 3 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 91-02X 4 .....12502 ... ROGERS, J ...................... 90-02X 5 .....1614 ..... CORRIGAN, P.................. 90-01X 6 .....7849 ..... COLEMAN, S ................... 90-00X 7 .....10621 ... WENCHEL, III, J .............. 90-00X 8 .....9895 ..... CHABALOWSKI, R .......... 90-00X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4688 ..... SMITH, J ................ 89-01X 0037 ..... HAYES, P ............... 87-02X 5678 ..... SMITH, L ................ 87-00X 7194 ..... SHAFFER, JR, R ... 86-00X 13172 ... RINDLER, J ............ 85-01X 0233 ..... MILES, E ................ 85-00X 11609 ... MARVIN, I, D .......... 84-01X 5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .......... 84-00X
Marksman .................................... 0130 ...... MATTHIAS, R ................ 85-00X 1876 ...... BAUM, J......................... 85-00X 13324 .... MC CALLISTER, J......... 83-00X 4878 ...... D'ALLESANDRO, R....... 83-00X 1820 ...... ZEBELEAN,III, J ............ 81-00X 12793 .... REXRODE, J ................. 81-00X 6738 ...... GIBSON, D .................... 80-00X 3753 ...... REBERT, L .................... 80-00X
Striker..... ................................ 2395 ........ SUTORIUS, C ........ 83-01X 12999 ...... KLEIN, J ................. 83-00X 13489 ...... WISSINGER,JR,G . 80-00X 6358 ........ FRAONE, P ............ 79-00X 11106 ...... SHAFFER, S .......... 78-00X 13424 ...... COVILLE, D............ 77-00X 13115 ...... HEIZER, W ............. 76-01X 7013 ........ CARNEY, R ............ 75-01X
Carbine Aggregate Results, 5 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....8904 ..... FLEES, L .......................... 182-01X 2 .....10496 ... HARRIS, S ....................... 181-03X 3 .....2495 ..... WAITS, B.......................... 180-02X 4 .....5779 ..... ARNETTE, M.................... 179-03X 5 .....1614 ..... CORRIGAN, P.................. 178-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4688 ..... SMITH, J ................ 180-03X 5678 ..... SMITH, L ................ 172-00X 5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .......... 171-00X 12609 ... WEAVER, E ........... 171-00X 13082 ... CAMERON, JR, R .. 168-00X
Marksman .................................... 12793 .... REXRODE, J ................. 167-00X 12601 .... PAYNE, J ....................... 167-00X 1876 ...... BAUM, J......................... 164-00X 2386 ...... LAWLEY, E .................... 163-00X 4869 ...... RUGGIERO, L ............... 163-00X
Striker..... ................................ 2395 ........ SUTORIUS, C ........ 167-01X 12999 ...... KLEIN, J ................. 162-01X 13115 ...... HEIZER, W ............. 156-01X 7579 ........ POPE, D ................. 153-00X 11106 ...... SHAFFER, S .......... 150-00X
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Individual Match Results 25-Yard Revolver Results, 4 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....3489 ..... MC DANIEL, M................. 98-02X 2 .....2495 ..... WAITS, B.......................... 97-03X 3 .....6783 ..... DEANS, G ........................ 95-02X 4 .....8768 ..... KINNEL, E ........................ 94-02X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4390 ..... SCHAENER, W ...... 92-01X 1862 ..... SAGER, W ............. 92-01X 2488 ..... BROCKMILLER, S . 92-01X 6488 ..... RASINSKI, T .......... 92-00X
Marksman .................................... 2952 ...... LYNE, T ......................... 89-02X 4790 ...... GIPE, N.......................... 84-02X 6346 ...... BEEMAN, R ................... 84-01X 12425 .... HESS, D ........................ 84-01X
Striker..... ................................ 12418 ...... HAMMES, D ........... 82-00X 12609 ...... WEAVER, E ........... 74-01X 8204 ........ FIEBIG, J ................ 72-00X 8816 ........ KERN, W ................ 71-00X
50-Yard Revolver Results, 3 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....4634 ..... BOWLING, G.................... 83-01X 2 .....2495 ..... WAITS, B.......................... 82-01X 3 .....13552 ... CICCONE, J ..................... 81-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 12466 ... HOWARD, D .......... 80-00X 4390 ..... SCHAENER, W ...... 77-00X 7859 ..... BAIRD, L ................ 75-00X
Marksman .................................... 8830 ...... SHARISON, H ............... 68-01X 12153 .... PROCUNIAR,JR.,J ........ 68-00X 10882 .... EYE, D ........................... 66-00X
Striker..... ................................ 12609 ...... WEAVER, E ........... 66-00X 8204 ........ FIEBIG, J ................ 65-00X 12793 ...... REXRODE, J .......... 60-01X
Revolver Aggregate Results, 3 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....2495 ..... WAITS, B.......................... 179-04X 2 .....3489 ..... MC DANIEL, M................. 177-02X 3 .....3590 ..... SCHNEEMAN, E .............. 174-03X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4390 ..... SCHAENER, W ...... 169-01X 6509 ..... KISER, J ................. 163-01X 6488 ..... RASINSKI, T .......... 160-00X
Marksman .................................... 12153 .... PROCUNIAR,JR.,J ........ 152-00X 6346 ...... BEEMAN, R ................... 148-02X 9090 ...... KUNSA, III, T ................. 145-00X
Striker..... ................................ 12609 ...... WEAVER, E ........... 140-01X 8204 ........ FIEBIG, J ................ 137-00X 12418 ...... HAMMES, D ........... 127-00X
25-Yard Single-Shot Pistol Results, 1 Place Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 10414 ...... BROCKMILLER, G..............82-01X 50-Yard Single-Shot Pistol Results, 1 Place Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 13365 ...... KERSHNER, L ....................67-00X Single-Shot Pistol Aggregate Results, 1 Place Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 9090 ........ KUNSA, III, T .......................140-00X 50-Yard Breech-Loader Results, 3 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .................... 96-01X 2 .....12502 ... ROGERS, J ...................... 95-03X 3 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 94-00X
Sharpshooter ....................... 11409 ... ROGERS, M ........... 91-00X 9895 ..... CHABALOWSKI, R 90-02X 5494 ..... DAVENPORT, E .... 89-00X
Marksman .................................... 1113 ...... NOLZE, W ..................... 89-02X 9585 ...... HOOVER, L ................... 89-00X 4790 ...... GIPE, N.......................... 88-00X
Striker..... ................................ 2022 ........ MOIR, F .................. 84-02X 10483 ...... GORSKY, R ........... 84-00X 9820 ........ WILLIAMS, S .......... 84-00X
100-Yard Breech-Loader Results, 2 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 94-02X 2 .....12502 ... ROGERS, J ...................... 93-01X
Sharpshooter ....................... 12661 ... TAYLOR, N ............ 91-01X 3726 ..... LEVITSKY, S .......... 91-00X
Marksman .................................... 8578 ...... HINES, T........................ 88-02X 4790 ...... GIPE, N.......................... 81-01X
Striker..... ................................ 8252 ........ DENNIS, M ............. 85-00X 9849 ........ WHIPPLE, T ........... 82-03X
Marksman .................................... 4790 ...... GIPE, N.......................... 169-01X 9585 ...... HOOVER, L ................... 169-00X
Striker..... ................................ 9849 ........ WHIPPLE, T ........... 161-04X 12601 ...... PAYNE, J ............... 161-00X
Marksman .................................... 9158 ...... HERRICK, K .................. 93-01X 9090 ...... KUNSA, III, T ................. 93-00X 9289 ...... SNOOK, D ..................... 92-03X 9185 ...... MARK, J......................... 92-01X
Striker..... ................................ 1815 ........ GORMAN, JR., W .. 90-00X 13370 ...... SHEPPARD, G....... 89-02X 1585 ........ FOSTER, C ............ 89-00X 12592 ...... BRANCH, D............ 88-01X
Breech-Loader Aggregate Results, 2 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... Sharpshooter ....................... 1 .....12502 ... ROGERS, J ...................... 188-04X 9895 ..... CHABALOWSKI, R 180-03X 2 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 188-02X 5494 ..... DAVENPORT, E .... 177-00X 50-Yard SS BR/C2 Results, 3 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 4052 ........ DE FRANCISCI, C ..............96-04X 2 ....... 12578 ...... EGBERT, I...........................95-03X 3 ....... 12466 ...... HOWARD, D .......................94-01X 100-Yard SS BR/C2 Results, 3 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 9372 ........ CHRISTIANSEN, D .............93-02X 2 ....... 7849 ........ COLEMAN, S ......................93-01X 3 ....... 6350 ........ SNYDER, K .........................92-01X SS BR/C2 Aggregate Results, 3 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 9372 ........ CHRISTIANSEN, D .............184-04X 2 ....... 4052 ........ DE FRANCISCI, C ..............183-04X 3 ....... 12466 ...... HOWARD, D .......................183-01X 25-Yard Smoothbore Results, 4 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....5093 ..... GAMBLE, A ...................... 95-02X 2 .....4688 ..... SMITH, J .......................... 94-01X 3 .....2479 ..... BROCKMILLER, F ........... 93-02X 4 .....11444 ... OGDAN, G ....................... 92-02X
Skirmish Line
Sharpshooter ....................... 10572 ... THOMPSON, E ...... 94-02X 9813 ..... MORISCO, T .......... 93-02X 4894 ..... TROST, R............... 93-02X 2756 ..... HARRISON, JR,L ... 93-01X
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Individual Match Results 50-Yard Smoothbore Results, 4 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....0233 ..... MILES, E .......................... 94-00X 2 .....5282 ..... SCANLAN, T .................... 91-00X 3 .....0713 ..... BUMFORD, JR., A ........... 90-01X 4 .....4634 ..... BOWLING, G.................... 90-00X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4894 ..... TROST, R............... 91-01X 12217 ... NEWMAN, J ........... 90-01X 12369 ... CALDWELL, B ....... 89-02X 13172 ... RINDLER, J ............ 89-01X
Marksman .................................... 9289 ...... SNOOK, D ..................... 93-01X 9199 ...... DEFILIPPI, J .................. 89-01X 2944 ...... HOWARD, R .................. 88-01X 10808 .... WILSON, F .................... 88-01X
Striker..... ................................ 11483 ...... HESNAN, J............. 91-03X 2493 ........ MOORE, D ............. 88-00X 9777 ........ SITZMAN, K ........... 87-01X 11432 ...... HATFIELD, B.......... 86-00X
Smoothbore Aggregate Results, 3 Places Paid # .....Expert .. .......................................... 1 .....0233 ..... MILES, E .......................... 185-00X 2 .....4688 ..... SMITH, J .......................... 182-02X 3 .....0713 ..... BUMFORD, JR., A ........... 181-03X
Sharpshooter ....................... 4894 ..... TROST, R............... 184-03X 12217 ... NEWMAN, J ........... 180-03X 13172 ... RINDLER, J ............ 179-02X
Marksman .................................... 9289 ...... SNOOK, D ..................... 185-04X 9090 ...... KUNSA, III, T ................. 180-00X 9158 ...... HERRICK, K .................. 178-01X
Striker..... ................................ 11483 ...... HESNAN, J............. 173-04X 12592 ...... BRANCH, D............ 170-01X 9777 ........ SITZMAN, K ........... 170-01X
Musket-Carbine Aggregate Results, 12 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 10496 ...... HARRIS, S ..........................364-06X 2 ....... 3590 ........ SCHNEEMAN, E .................357-02X 3 ....... 1614 ........ CORRIGAN, P.....................356-04X 4 ....... 11131 ...... O'BRYANT, K ......................355-03X 5 ....... 8904 ........ FLEES, L .............................354-03X 6 ....... 9269 ........ MAGNO, T...........................354-03X 7 ....... 5779 ........ ARNETTE, M.......................353-03X 8 ....... 7791 ........ ROUCH, M ..........................351-02X 9 ....... 4052 ........ DE FRANCISCI, C ..............350-02X 10 ..... 12466 ...... HOWARD, D .......................348-04X 11 ..... 8025 ........ WALSH, J ............................348-03X 12 ..... 6436 ........ DAVIS, K .............................348-02X 50-Yard Aggregate Results, 7 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 2495 ........ WAITS, B.............................263-03X 2 ....... 12466 ...... HOWARD, D .......................262-02X 3 ....... 3590 ........ SCHNEEMAN, E .................259-02X 4 ....... 4634 ........ BOWLING, G.......................257-01X 5 ....... 8025 ........ WALSH, J ............................255-03X 6 ....... 12502 ...... ROGERS, J .........................255-00X 7 ....... 1614 ........ CORRIGAN, P.....................254-03X Grand Aggregate Results, 7 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 3590 ........ SCHNEEMAN, E .................531-05X 2 ....... 2495 ........ WAITS, B.............................523-06X 3 ....... 1614 ........ CORRIGAN, P.....................520-07X 4 ....... 12502 ...... ROGERS, J .........................519-03X 5 ....... 8025 ........ WALSH, J ............................517-06X 6 ....... 1143 ........ DAVIES, P ...........................513-06X 7 ....... 4634 ........ BOWLING, G.......................511-05X
Three generations on the line. Jake Hayes of the 27th N.C. Troops, Co B., is flanked by his grandfather, Foster Hayes, and his father, Stacy Hayes at the 2017 Spring Nationals. Foster has been skirmishing for nearly 48 years and was thrilled to have his grandson finally join him on the line. Photos & Article Submitted by Stacy Hayes
Five-Gun Aggregate Results, 4 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 12502 ...... ROGERS, J .........................883-08X 2 ....... 5093 ........ GAMBLE, A .........................877-06X 3 ....... 2495 ........ WAITS, B.............................869-08X 4 ....... 4634 ........ BOWLING, G.......................868-08X Young Skirmisher Results, 2 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 13655 ...... SCANLAN, C .......................155-00X 2 ....... 13584 ...... MILLER, K ...........................135-00X Senior Skirmisher Results, 2 Places Paid # ....... Competitor 1 ....... 1614 ........ CORRIGAN, P.....................178-03X 2 ....... 6783 ........ DEANS, G ...........................177-02X
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Individual Award Winners
Highest Musket Aggregate
Highest Carbine Aggregate
Highest Smoothbore Aggregate
Patrick E. Felker Memorial Trophy
Bruce C. Warburton Memorial Trophy
Brian Thomas Haack Memorial Award
Edward W. Schneeman
Larry J. Flees
Derek P. Snook
1st Place Grand Aggregate
2nd Place Grand Aggregate
Highest Musket/Carbine Aggregate
Ernest W. Peterkin N-SSA Grand Aggregate Trophy
Walter T. Felter Memorial Trophy
Albert N. Hardin, Jr. Memorial Trophy
Highest Revolver Aggregate
Scott B. Harris
Edward W. Schneeman
Skirmish Line
Tom Blum Memorial Trophy
Benjamin T. Waits
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Individual Medal Winners
DSCA Silver, Five Gun
DSCA Bronze, Five Gun
DSCA Bronze, Musket
DSCA Bronze, Breechloader
Eric Fritz
James F. Hiler, Jr.
Scott B. Harris
Daniel J. Stedman
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
17th Virginia Infantry, CSA
1st Florida Cavalry
14th Virginia Cavalry
DSCA Bronze, Carbine
DSSA Bronze
DSSA Bronze
Kreig O'Bryant
Adam J. Bumford
Marty Rogers
Southampton Greys
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Iredell Blues
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Results - Junior Individuals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Junior Individuals
1st Place Junior Individual BB Gun
2nd Place Junior Individual BB Gun
3rd Place Junior Individual BB Gun
Jake Polidore
Morgan Hale
Nathan Kendra
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Junior Individuals
4th Place Junior Individual BB Gun
5th Place Junior Individual BB Gun
6th Place Junior Individual BB Gun
Sadie Walsh
Aiden Hope
Loralai Ferrebee
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match - Juniors
All photos on this page by Terianne Carey Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Results - Junior Teams
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Junior Teams
1st Place Junior Team
2nd Place Junior Team
Jason Brennan Jr. ● Loralai Ferrebee Dixie McDonald ● Hattie-Mae McDonald
Bailey Branham ● Taylor Branham Dawson Napier ● Alexander Noyalas
3rd Place Junior Team
Corey Cox ● Klarissa Elton Jake Polidore ● Sadie Walsh
All team members listed in alphabetical order. Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
How the Tenderfoot Matches Got Started Air rifle shooting for children first started during the 9th Baughman Mill Skirmish in July, 1975 that was hosted by McNeill’s Rangers CSA. The skirmish took place in Caroll County, MD at John Shepherd’s farm. In 1970, when I became a member of McNeill's Rangers, each skirmish year would end with the discussion of having a shooting match for children, but nothing ever came of it. Then, in 1972, I volunteered to set up individual matches for children. That got me started to thinking we should have some shooting events for the children at the skirmishes as well. At that time, there was an article in the Skirmish Line by a unit in the Tidewater Region recounting that, during the winter, they would practice by shooting in a building with pellet rifles at 25-feet. They used Necco Wafer candies as their targets because, at that distance, it would be the same sight picture as though you were shooting clay pigeons at 50-yards. I thought that would be a great target for children to shoot with BB Rifles. I began working on a way to mount the Necco Wafers on carboard for the first event. The second event would be hanging Necco Wafers and the third event would be a stake event. At that time, teams were shooting stake events at the National Skirmishes. To test my targets, I would take my two sons, Fred and George, ages 8 and 7, and we would shoot each event to see if it would be possible for children to hit these Necco targets. To my satisfaction, the boys were able to hit both the wafers and the stake. At times, it took us 5-minutes for the wafers and 7-minutes for the stake, so these were the times I used for the new Children’s Skirmish Events. At a team meeting in 1974, I volunteered to be the 1975 Skirmish Director with the stipulation that we would include skirmish events for children. It would be a team match with teams being formed by drawing names. Some felt that there wasn’t enough time to include a children’s event. I suggested that we hold the Children’s Match at 6:00 pm, one hour after the
range closed. Some felt that there wouldn’t be enough children at the skirmishes to form teams. There were 45 children at the first air rifle skirmish with about 3times as many adults cheering them on. One member asked how much we were charging for the Children’s Skirmish. Because we were only awarding 3 medals for 1st Place, and because we didn’t know how many children might attend that 1st match, there was no charge. The three children that won at that first event were from the Delaware Blues, 49th Virginia Infantry, and McNeill’s Rangers CSA. Some skirmishers whose children shot that first event said that it was the first time their children were thrilled to go to a skirmish. From then on, McNeill’s Rangers have always had a skirmish for children. At the national level, children’s air rifle skirmishing did not start until the 101st National Skirmish, and individuals started at the 112th National. Submitted By Frederick J. Schell 1819-V McNeill’s Rangers CSA Youth Program Coordinator
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Then: The first children’s shooting event - 1975.
Now: Junior & Senior Tenderfoot Skirmishers - Spring, 2017
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Results - Senior Individuals
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Senior Individuals
1st Place Senior Individual BB Gun
2nd Place Senior Individual BB Gun
3rd Place Senior Individual BB Gun
Nicholas Price
Michael Bowen
Aeronwyn Lewandowski
4th Place Senior Individual BB Gun
5th Place Senior Individual BB Gun
6th Place Senior Individual BB Gun
Grant Ostner
Lucas Jenkins
Blake Curtin
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Senior Individuals
Photo Not Available
1st Place Senior Individual Pellet Gun
2nd Place Senior Individual Pellet Gun
3rd Place Senior Individual Pellet Gun
Thomas Buck
Wyatt Hale
Adam Kendra
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match - Seniors
All photos on this page by Terianne Carey Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Results - Senior Teams
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Tenderfoot Match Winners - Senior Teams
1st Place Senior Team
2nd Place Senior Team
Joshua Branch ● Blake Curtin Lucas Jenkins ● Simon Klinepeter
Aeronwyn Lewandowski ● Aine Lewandowski Michael Bowen ● Thomas Buck
3rd Place Junior Team
Charlie Becker ● Nicholas Ehrlich Grant Ostner ● Spencer Ostner
All team members listed in alphabetical order. Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
The NRA Young Skirmisher Award By: Wayne Jordan At each National Skirmish, the N-SSA awards the top two musket shooters age 18 and under with the Young Skirmisher Award. It is based on their aggregate individual musket scores. These two skirmishers will have their National dues paid next year by the sponsors of the award. This is one of many programs the N-SSA has been putting together to encourage young people to join and remain part of our organization.
The winners of the Spring 2017 National Young Skirmisher Award are
Colin Scanlan and Kyle Miller. Colin is 14 years old and the youngest skirmisher to ever win this award. He has been skirmishing since the beginning of the year with the 1st Maryland Cavalry. His parents are Tim and Katie Scanlan and both of his grandfathers and a grandmother also skirmish. He started by shooting the BB gun competition at age 4, and now has an interest in shooting all guns competitively. Kyle is 16 and has been skirmishing for one year with the 2nd Maryland Artillery. He is the grandson of Todd Hess, the Team Commander and National Logistics Officer. He enjoys hunting and shooting, and has also enjoyed growing up at Fort Shenandoah as have so many other kids whose families have been part of the 2 nd Md. This spring, the first place finisher was sponsored by Chiswell’s Exiles, who have contributed Colin’s 2018 dues. The second place finisher was sponsored by Mosby’s Rangers who have contributed Kyle’s 2018 dues. The NRA also lends its name to the sponsorship of these awards and provides the plaque listing the names of the winners. Sponsorship of the dues was started four years ago by the N-SSA Youth Foundation, and taken over since then by other team sponsors.
1st Place NRA Young Skirmisher Award
2nd Place NRA Young Skirmisher Award
Colin Scanlon
Kyle Miller
1st Maryland Cavalry
2nd Maryland Artillery
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
THE YOUTH MOVEMENT By: JP Plakis III This Spring Nationals ushered in another exciting Youth Competition. It is truly amazing to see how serious our future skirmishers take their shooting! The sights and sounds of competition are alive and well within this program which is a testament to all of the volunteers and staff that make it possible. That being said, I would personally like to thank Erick Shaw, Denise Clark, Walter Clark, and the entire 4th Virginia for their help and service in making this year’s competition a success. Every Skirmish Line, we are going to attempt to have an article that helps build a better understanding between our program and the competitors. Now I would like to take some time to answer some of the questions and comments that we hear from both the competitors and their parents. #1: “Are there rules for the Youth Competition?” Answer: Absolutely, the rules can be found in Section 36 of the National Rule Book #2: “Why is the deadline so early for registration?” Answer: Time is needed to enter the competitors into the computer program. Then we have to create teams, and print labels and competitor cards. #3: “I am not sure if my child is coming to Nationals or not, what should I do?” Answer: Since there is no late registration, the best thing to do is register them. The cost is only $1.25 for team and $1.25 for individual competition. #4: “My child is the only one from their team shooting, so we decided not to register them.” Comment: You can still register your child. We attempt to assign teams in the following order: Same team, Same Region, and when all else fails, we just assign them to a team. The idea is to have teams of 4 competitors any way possible. As always, I am already looking forward to the competition in the fall. There are some great changes coming down the pike, and we look forward to the sights and sounds of our future skirmishers. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to volunteer to help, feel free to email me at
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
NRA Senior Skirmisher Award Winners
2nd Place NRA Senior Skirmisher Award
Gerald Deans
1st Place NRA Senior Skirmisher Award
resulting in a sprayed group. Then the 10th round got stuck halfway down the barrel, and I was in store for more C02 and another write-up, when Larry Baird came to the rescue with his heavy brass rod.
As I was leaving the PA Turnpike going down the hill towards the 1-70 traffic light in Breezewood, I heard a crash and scraping sound. A driver in the far right lane told me the LP tank was dragging on my camper. I quickly made the turn and got on the berm to amend the problem, though the tank was scrap.
During the Revolver Team match, my LeMat revolver jammed after 4 shots in the 3rd event, and jammed again after 2 shots in the 4th event.
I was unable to start Bob's stopwatch on 3 separate occasions while timing for the other team.
While shooting revolver target, I inadvertently loaded a ball over a I found a gasoline leak on my Suburban after filling the tank in cylinder without a nipple, and it had to be blown out with C02, town. resulting in me getting wrote up. After posting a 50 yard musket target, the hook on my belt buckle Some critter (flea, spider, mosquito, bedbug, etc.) bit up my assbroke off, resulting in me having to use a bungee cord to hold up cheeks all weekend long overnight in the camper. my leathers. Sunday AM while dropping a deuce, the commode flooded from a previous user, giving me a free ball wash. After shooting my 100 yard musket target, I rested my musket against the scope while I talked with the safety, Tom Wiggen. The While tying to pick up targeting at the barn at 11:30am, we were only strong gust of wind on an otherwise still day blew over the delayed until 1pm. scope and musket. Gene "Jubal" Early #4272V After posting my 25 yard smoothbore target and coming to the Adjutant, 4th Ky. Cavalry, CSA line, I found the wrist on my smoothbore was cracked through, 66
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
2017 Spring Nationals
Costume Competition Winners
Henry T. Magno
Bo Butler
Amelia K. Magno
1st Place, Infants Best Visual Seamstress - Maryanne Greketis
2nd Place, Infants Best Visual
1st Place Toddler's Regular Competition, John Elton Award Seamstress - Maryanne Greketis
Emma Lauck
Belva Niessen
Patty Nethers
1st Place Young Ladies Best Visual
1st Place Ladies Best Visual
2nd Place Ladies Best Visual
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
2017 Spring Nationals
Costume Competition Winners
Emma Lauck
Tiffany Nethers
Becky Lauck
1st Place Young Ladies Best Visual
The Becky Wood Award
Honorable Mention - Ladies Intermediate Competition
Sharleen Mullins, hostess for Friday Tea and Workshop, with a young spectator.
A one man artillery crew. 68
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
REGIONAL NEWS - Tidewater Dismal Swamp Skirmish Musket Match Nansemond Guards Co. A Tuckers Naval Brigade Co. A York Rangers, Co A Old Dominion Dragoons Co B Revolver Match Nansemond Guards, Co A. York Rangers, Co A Nansemond Guards, Co B York Rangers, Co B Breechloader Match Norfolk Light Infantry York Rangers, Co A York Rangers, Co B Tuckers Naval Brigade Co. A 50 Yard Musket K. O’Bryant 94-1X E. Miles 91-3X G. Bowling 90-2X 50 Yard Carbine D. Conrad 88 C. Chapman 87 D. Clark 86 25 Yard Revolver M. Arnette 93-1X D. Branch 91-1X G. Bowling 90-1X 50 Yard Breechloader K. O’Bryant 92-1X F. Brockmiller 87-1X 25 Yard Smoothbore E. Miles 94-1X M. Arnette 92-1X F. Brockmiller 91-1X 50 Yard SS BR/C2 F. Brockmiller 87-1X S. Brockmiller 87-1X Grand Aggregate E. Miles 517-8X
596.4 866.7 890.7 1286.2 133.2 187.9 211.0 270.2 408.1 449.6 566.7 611.0
March 2017
Capron, Virginia
Carbine Match Nansemond Guards Co. A Hanover Grays Co. A York Rangers, Co A York Rangers, Co B Smoothbore Match York Rangers, Co A Nansemond Guards, Co B Nansemond Guards, Co A. York Rangers, Co B Mortar Match Tuckers Naval Brigade Southampton 1 Manly’s 2
690.8 763.2 769.2 1146.4 335.2 386.5 478.9 584.8 38’1.75” 57’5.5” 68’1.75”
Individual Results 100 Yard Musket K. O’Bryant G. Bowling D. Branch 100 Yard Carbine K. O’Bryant E. Miles G. Brockmiller 50 Yard Revolver E. Miles F. Brockmiller G. Bowling 100 Yard Breechloader C. Chapman F. Brockmiller 50 Yard Smoothbore D. Clark G. Bowling E. Miles 100 Yard SS BR/C2 S. Brockmiller D. Branch Five-Gun Aggregate F. Brockmiller
92 91 90-2X 92-1X 87-2X 87 78 75 74 88 87 94-1X 91-1X 87
89 88
Musket Aggregate K. O’Bryant 186.1X G. Bowling 181-2X E. Miles 178-4X Carbine Aggregate K. O’Bryant 176-1X E. Miles 172-4X G. Brockmiller 171-1X Revolver Aggregate M. Arnette 167-1X E. Miles 167 G. Bowling 164-1X Breechloader Aggregate F. Brockmiller 174-1X Smoothbore Aggregate D. Clark E. Miles G. Bowling SS BR/C2 Aggregate S. Brockmiller D. Branch
184-2X 181-1X 180-3X
176-1X 85-1X
844-4X (Continued on page 70)
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
REGIONAL NEWS - Tidewater Southampton Greys Skirmish Musket Match Nansemond Guards Co A Dismal Swamp Rangers Tuckers Naval Brigade Nansemond Guards Co B Revolver Match Nansemond Guards Co A York Rangers Tuckers Naval Brigade Nansemond Guards Co. B Breechloader Match York Rangers Co A Norfolk Light Inf. Rowan Artillery 50 Yard Musket S. Williams 90-1X E. Miles 89-1X C. Chapman 87-1X 50 Yard Carbine D. Heuer 90-1X F. Brockmiller 89-3X R. Propst 88 25 Yard Revolver F. Brockmiller 93-3X G. Brockmiller 89-1X E. Miles 83 50 Yard Breechloader R. Propts 84 D. Alford 83 G. Brockmiller 82 25 Yard Smoothbore S. Brockmiller 95-3X E. Miles 94.2X G. Brockmiller 93-1X Grand Aggregate G. Brockmiller 478-1X E. Miles 403-2X H. Sharison 280
690.1 727.0 742.7 1021.1 255.3 261.9 281.1 309.1 352.2 666.6 676.0
April 2017 Carbine Match Dismal Swamp Rangers Nansemond Guards Co A York Rangers, Co. A Nansemond Guard Co B Smoothbore Match Dismal Swamp Rangers York Rangers Co A Nansemond Guards Co A York Rangers Co B Mortar Match Manly's Battery 1 Tucker Naval Brigade 2nd Virginia Cavalry
Individual Results 100 Yard Musket C. Chapman S. Williams E. Williams 100 Yard Carbine F. Brockmiller G. Brockmiller E. Miles 50 Yard Revolver F. Brockmiller G. Brockmiller E. Miles 100 Yard Breechloader G. Brockmiller R. Propst C. Chapman 50 Yard Smoothbore D. Clark G. Deans G. Brockmiller Five-Gun Aggregate G. Brockmiller H. Sharison
87-1X 87-1X 84 87 84 82 75 72 67 86.1X 71 68 90 88 88
Capron, Virginia 506.2 545.2 683.1 861.5 150.2 151.8 163.8 211.4 19’8.75” 27’11” 35’6.5” Musket Aggregate S. Williams 177-2X C. Chapman 174-2X F. Brockmiller 162-1X Carbine Aggregate F. Brockmiller 176-3X E. Miles 164-1X G. Brockmiller 159 Revolver Aggregate F. Brockmiller 168-3X G. Brockmiller 161-1X E. Miles 150 Breechloader Aggregate G. Brockmiller 168-1X R. Propst 155 D. Alford 144 Smoothbore Aggregate E. Miles 181-3X G. Brockmiller 181-1X D. Clark 181
827-3X 280 (Continued on page 71)
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
REGIONAL NEWS - Tidewater Congratulations to the following individuals and teams from the Tidewater Region for their outstanding performance during the Spring Nationals 2017: Ben Waits ......................................... Tom Blum Memorial Trophy (Highest revolver aggregate) & Walter T. Felter Memorial Trophy for 2nd place grand aggregate. Pat Corrigan..................................... NRA Senior Skirmisher Award 1st Place Gerald Deans ................................... NRA Senior Skirmisher Award 2nd Place 2nd Virginia Cavalry ......................... Mortar 9th Place & Class A Rifled Artillery 2nd Place 3rd North Carolina ............................ Class A-2 Revolver 2nd Place & Class A-2 Musket 2nd Place 7th North Carolina Volunteers......... Class A-3 Musket 12th Place Dismal Swamp Rangers Co A ........ Class A-1 Smoothbore 5th Place & Class A-1 Musket 7th Place Hanover Grays Co A ....................... Class A-2 Musket 7th Place Nansemond Guards Co A ............... Class A-1 Revolver 2nd Place; Class A-1 Carbine 5th Place; Class A-1 Breechloader 3rd Place; Class C Smoothbore 1st Place; & James F. Cauley Memorial Trophy 5th Place Musket Nansemond Guards Co B ............... Class B Revolver 1st Place; Class B-1 Carbine 3rd Place; ClassA-1 Smoothbore 2nd Place; & Class B-1 Musket 4th Place Nansemond Guards Co. C .............. Class B Smoothbore 2nd Place Norfolk Light Infantry Co A ............ Class A-2 Breechloader 2nd Place Rowan Artillery ................................ Class C Howitzer Artillery 1st Place Southampton Greys Co A............... Class A-3 Breechloader 1st Place Submitted by: Judy Stoneburner, Tidewater PIO
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
September 9 - 11, 2016 Host Units: 49TH VA Inf, Chesapeake Arty, and Dulany Troop, 6TH VA Cav By: Colonel RD Freeman, USMC (W.B.R.) With fall looming right around the corner, skirmishers once again gathered at Fort Shenandoah to participate in this long awaited shoot. Hot weather greeted everyone on Saturday, but as with any hardship brought about by the weather – its ill effects were quickly overcome by the sound of laughter, the animated reacquainting of old friends, unabashed display of good cheer, and the overall feeling of a large scale family reunion. Unit commanders and the Region’s Staff held a meeting shortly after the Smoothbore Match on Saturday night. Being an election year, Region Staff members and candidates were voted upon accordingly. As a result of the elections, Davy Crockett will continue to serve as our illustrious Region Commander for the next two years!! Other winners from the election included: Lars Anderson - Deputy Commander; Rick Clements Adjutant; and, Mark Elton - IG. Regarding appointed staff positions, continued service shall be rendered by: James Baird Paymaster; and Rob Freeman - PIO.
A number of key initiatives were addressed regarding 2017: The next Region Meeting will be held on Jan 14TH at the Snowball. 5TH VA Vol Inf, & CSS Alabama are hosting the 114TH Potomac. The Spring Potomac will feature a stake event. The Spring National will NOT have staff members manning the Fort’s entry control point from midnight to 0500 on Friday & Saturday.
Failed motions by both the region & BoD: Changing the number of backer pigeons at Nationals from 32 to 24; adding practice targets to the National Skirmish Program; and allowing practice targets on the revolver range during National Skirmishes. From the Commander: New members are critical. Use the off season & recruit! Regarding range safety, everyone should read Skirmish Rule 28.7. Over the last two skirmishes, three negligent discharges occurred during snapping caps – unacceptable. Sunday morning was beautiful, weather-wise, but it was without question unique in several aspects. Being held on Patriot Day, the Fort’s colors were appropriately flown at half -staff. At 8:46 a.m. in remembrance of the 9-11 attacks, a minute of silence was observed. This was the moment when hijackers deliberately crashed Flight 11 into floors 93 through 99 of the North Tower (1 WTC). Also of note, during the opening ceremony was the absence of reciting the names of deceased skirmishers. Thanks to Divine Providence, no members “crossed over the river” since April’s Spring Potomac! Brian Evans did an exemplary job as Skirmish Director, and his staff performed admirably in providing an efficient, orderly, and safe skirmish for all who attended. Likewise, recognition of Tim Scanlan is merited as he continues to maintain and safeguard the “Crown Jewel” of the N-SSA in noteworthy fashion.
Editor’s Note: I apologize to the Potomac Region for failing to publish the Fall results in an earlier issue of the Skirmish Line.
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Total 464.3 559.5 616.8 659.9 685.3 686.3 848.0 1208.7 1361.7 731.0 830.3 843.6 1369.9
Total 138.6 158.3 185.0 203.5 207.3 287.3
Total 180.8 214.2 503.1 399.3 409.0 291.5 316.5
A-1 1 2 3 4 5 A-2 1 2 A-3 1 2 B 1 2 3 C 1
A1 A2 A3 B C
A-1 1 2 A-2 1 A-3 1 2 B 1 2 C 1
Total 307.5 376.9 386.0
A-2 1 2 A-3 1 2 B 1 2
618.9 718.4 1072.0 1177.0 555.2 685.8
Total 140.0 155.0 381.1 615.0 445.6
Total 280.1
Individual Match Results (Paid) Musket:
Expert 50 Yard 3590 SCHNEEMAN, E 4052 DE FRANCISCI, C 6637 LINTON, M
93-03X 91-00X 91-00X
8790 HYNDSHAW, JR. 91-01X 11066 RZEPKOWSKI, III 91-00X 5318 COMER, D 90-00X
8231 WARREN, G 8252 DENNIS, M 6955 TATE, B
87-00X 85-00X 84-01X
84-00X 83-02X 83-00X
100 Yard 3390 KEPPLER, A 7560 MCBRIDE, M 6506 BATLLE, T
91-01X 91-00X 90-00X
90-02X 88-00X 87-01X
6955 TATE, B 8865 GIPE, E 6221 BARTLETT, K
87-00X 87-00X 77-00X
86-00X 76-01X 76-00X
179-03X 178-01X 177-00X
Aggregate 3590 SCHNEEMAN, E 4052 DE FRANCISCI, C 7560 MCBRIDE, M Carbine: Skirmish Line
50 Yard 6637 LINTON, M 10223 MADERIOUS, J
88-01X 88-00X
155 CHAPMAN, C 12609 WEAVER, E
91-00X Spring 2017 88-00X
6955 TATE, B
12661 TAYLOR, N 12379 THROWER, K
89-01X 88-01X
12633 DENNIS, J 2978 THOMANN, T
82-00X 80-00X
6637 LINTON, M
100 Yard 3390 KEPPLER, A 7560 MCBRIDE, M 6506 BATLLE, T
91-01X 91-00X 90-00X
5318 COMER, D 10223 MADERIOUS, J 148 CHAPMAN, B 10187 WETZEL, R
90-00X 90-02X 88-00X 87-01X
6955 TATE, B
3934 NEWMAN, T
6955 TATE, B 8865 GIPE, E 6221 BARTLETT, K
87-00X 87-00X 77-00X
86-00X 76-01X 76-00X
REGIONAL NEWS - Potomac - Fall 2016
3590 4052 7560 Musket: Carbine:
3590 6637 4052 10223 6637 11066 3390 6506 7560 4052 6506 10223 3590 4052 4052 10223 7560 12775
Carbine: Revolver:
6637 3489 10223 10531 11066 818 6506 818 4052 3489 10223 4052 4052 3489 10223 818 12775 11048
Revolver: SS Pistol:
3489 11098 10531 Breach-Loader: 818 4466 155 818 6506 3489 4052 4466 6506 3489 10654 818 11048 4466 SS Pistol: Smoothbore: 11098 5725 Breach-Loader: 3390 4466 12413 155 6506 5725 6077 4466 3390 6506 10654 5725 4466 10223 Smoothbore: 4052 5725 4466 3390 12413
Aggregate SCHNEEMAN, E 179-03X DE FRANCISCI, C 178-01X MCBRIDE, 177-00X Expert M 50 Yard 50 Yard SCHNEEMAN, E 93-03X LINTON, M 88-01X DE FRANCISCI, C 91-00X MADERIOUS, J 88-00X LINTON, M 91-00X RZEPKOWSKI, III, W 87-00X 100 Yard 100 Yard KEPPLER, A 91-01X BATLLE, T 91-01X MCBRIDE, M 91-00X DE FRANCISCI, C 91-00X BATLLE, T 90-00X MADERIOUS, J 87-00X Aggregate Aggregate SCHNEEMAN, E 179-03X DE FRANCISCI, C 176-00X DE FRANCISCI, C 178-01X MADERIOUS, J 175-00X MCBRIDE, M 177-00X MOORE, K 168-01X 50 Yard 25 Yard LINTON, M 88-01X MC DANIEL, M 98-02X MADERIOUS, J 88-00X SVENSSON, S 96-00X RZEPKOWSKI, III, W 87-00X KEPPLER, II, H 95-00X 100 Yard 50 Yard BATLLE, T 91-01X KEPPLER, II, H 83-00X DE FRANCISCI, C 91-00X MC DANIEL, M 82-01X MADERIOUS, J 87-00X DE FRANCISCI, C 82-01X Aggregate Aggregate DE FRANCISCI, C 176-00X MC DANIEL, M 180-03X MADERIOUS, J 175-00X KEPPLER, II, H 178-00X MOORE, K 168-01X LYTTON, T 174-02X 25 25 Yard Yard MC DANIEL, 98-02X DRUEN, R M 64-00X SVENSSON, S 96-00X 50 Yard KEPPLER, II, H 95-00X SCHELL, G 91-02X 50 Yard CHAPMAN, C 90-00X KEPPLER, 83-00X BATLLE, T II, H 89-00X MC DANIEL, M 82-01X 100 Yard DE FRANCISCI, C 82-01X SCHELL, G 89-00X Aggregate BATLLE, T 88-00X MC DANIEL, 180-03X BALDWIN, DM 88-00X KEPPLER, II, H 178-00X Aggregate LYTTON, T 174-02X SCHELL, G 180-02X 25 Yard 25 Yard R DRUEN, 64-00X SHAW, E 93-01X 50 Yard KEPPLER, A 93-00X SCHELL, G 91-02X EBERSOLE, W 91-01X CHAPMAN, C 90-00X 50 Yard T BATLLE, 89-00X SHAW, E 87-01X 100 Yard DECOURCY, C 87-00X SCHELL, G 89-00X KEPPLER, A 83-01X BATLLE, T 88-00X Aggregate D BALDWIN, 88-00X SHAW, E 180-02X Aggregate Musket-Carbine Aggregate SCHELL, G 180-02X MADERIOUS, J 354-07X 25 Yard DE FRANCISCI, C 354-01X SHAW, E 93-01X SCHELL, G 345-03X KEPPLER, A 93-00X EBERSOLE, W 91-01X
50 Yard 5725 SHAW, E 6077 DECOURCY, C 3390 KEPPLER, A 74
87-01X 87-00X 83-01X
10223 MADERIOUS, J 179-07X 6955 TATE, B Individual Match Results (Paid) Shapshooter
8790 155 11066 12609 5318 4466
8231 12661 8252 12379 6955 1832
87-00X 89-01X 85-00X 88-01X 84-01X 83-00X
385 12633 10686 2978 3934 4712
84-00X 82-00X 83-02X 80-00X 83-00X 77-00X
10223 4466 148 9863 10187 5564
90-02X 88-00X 88-00X 85-00X 87-01X 82-00X
6955 11902 8865 12661 6221 23
87-00X 83-00X 87-00X 81-01X 77-00X 77-01X
10686 2978 3934 8252 11413 385
86-00X 83-00X 76-01X 78-00X 76-00X 53-00X
179-07X 175-02X
10686 MC CHESNEY, M 8252 DENNIS, M
169-02X 153-00X
6955 TATE, B 23 HALL, J
171-01X 159-01X
155 12247 12609 10572 4466 10181
91-00X 92-00X 88-00X 84-01X 87-02X 83-00X
12661 9863 12379 5318 1832 23
89-01X 84-00X 88-01X 76-00X 83-00X 74-00X
12633 12609 2978 13354 4712 12993
82-00X 82-00X 80-00X 28-00X 77-00X 16-00X
4466 10572 9863 12247 5564 254
88-00X 71-00X 85-00X 67-00X 82-00X 51-00X
11902 10994 12661 13417 23 9863
83-00X 87-02X 81-01X 67-01X 77-01X 63-00X
2978 12993 8252 13354 385
83-00X 43-00X 78-00X 21-00X 53-00X
175-02X 159-00X
23 HALL, J 10994 WALTHALL, W
159-01X 160-02X
92-00X 30-00X 84-01X 83-00X 90-02X 88-01X 71-00X 80-00X 67-00X 51-00X 86-00X 85-00X 159-00X 73-00X
9863 11098 5318 23 4712
4466 SCHELL, G 12247 WILKINS, T
12247 9199 10572 10181 5318 2078 10572 10686 12247 254 12609 5318 12247 254
5318 COMER, D 50 Yard 9199 DEFILIPPI, J 8865 GIPE, E 7560 MCBRIDE, M 5318 COMER, D 9863 WETZEL, J 2078 BURGESS, JR., J 10686 MC CHESNEY, M 8865 GIPE, E 10483 GORSKY, R 12609 WEAVER, E 7560 MCBRIDE, M 5318 COMER, D 254 PASTORE, F 8865 GIPE, E 5318 COMER, D
10994 13417 9863 4712 9500 10994
175-02X 30-00X 93-02X 91-02X 90-02X 88-00X 88-01X 80-00X 92-01X 92-00X 86-00X 85-00X 85-00X 73-00X 185-03X 175-02X
8865 GIPE, E 7560 MCBRIDE, M 9863 WETZEL, J
93-02X 91-02X 88-00X
8865 GIPE, E 10483 GORSKY, R 7560 MCBRIDE, M
92-01X 92-00X 85-00X Spring 2017
11098 5318 8173 4712
5318 4712 9500
5318 4052 11048 5318 6955 8173
84-00X 77-00X 76-00X 74-00X 64-00X 87-02X 67-01X 63-00X 65-00X 44-00X 160-02X
77-00X 91-00X 82-00X 64-00X
84-01X 65-00X 44-00X
GrandN/A Aggregate DE FRANCISCI, C 525-04X LYTTON, T 512-02X COMER, D 91-00X TATE, B 491-01X BETHKE, R 82-00X N/A
5318 COMER, D N/A N/A
8252 DENNIS, M 12993 MOJICA, J
12609 13354 12993 2978 3470 12993 8412 13354
153-00X 59-00X
82-00X 28-00X 16-00X 81-00X 73-00X 43-00X 51-00X 21-00X
12609 13242 2978 1142 3470 8412 12661 12609 2978 10453 3470
68-00X 50-00X 59-00X
86-00X 82-00X 81-00X 81-02X 73-00X 51-00X 79-00X 76-00X 68-00X 75-00X 50-00X 153-00X
86-00X 82-00X 81-02X
12661 TAYLOR, N 12609 WEAVER, E 10453 SHEPHERD, B
79-00X 76-00X 75-00X Skirmish Line
April 21 - 23, 2017 Host Units: 5TH VA Vol Inf, CSS Alabama By: Colonel RD Freeman, USMC (W.B.R.) With the passing of winter, skirmishers once again rendezvoused at Fort Shenandoah for the eagerly anticipated Spring Potomac Regional. Aside from taking stock of returning friends and acquaintances, as well as those who have passed on during the winter break, skirmishers enjoyed the Fort’s ranges by exercising their long idle arms. Mother Nature herself even took pity, and delivered a fairly comfortable and dry weekend! As with every Potomac Region, Unit commanders and the Region’s Staff convened a meeting in the Statistics Office after the Smoothbore Match. 2017’s Fall Potomac will be hosted by the Washington Blue Rifles & 12TH Regiment, US Regular Troops, with Davy Crockett as Skirmish Director. There will be another regional meeting on 9 July, after the skirmish, to review the “A” Package items for the subsequent August BoD Meeting.
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
Saturday, 17 June will be this year’s Work Skirmish. Last year’s effort experienced record setting attendance. As such, a ton of much needed TLC was spent on the Fort, and she looks better for it! It’s hoped that MORE members will partake this year and more improvements made! Sunday morning, departed skirmishers were honored with both rifle & cannon salutes for: John Jewell, 2D MD Cav; Pete Mowitt, WBR; Jim Fisher, 13TH Confederate. They ALL will be sorely missed. Kudos to the Skirmish Director, Mark Fleet and all who participated in supporting a well-run regional! From the Commander: I can’t over emphasize the absolute need for both individual members, and units, to actively recruit new skirmishers. We’re literally in a race against time, concerning the future of our sport, our culture – our association!! If you truly love any aspect of skirmishing, then SHOW IT by getting new blood.
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Skirmish Dates - 2017 Fort Shenandoah - Winchester, Virginia Skirmishes Approved by the Board of Directors August 6, 2016 Complete list was approved by the Board of Directors Saturday, February 4, 2017. Date July 7-9, 2017 July 7-9, 2017 July 7-9, 2017 July 8-9, 2017 July 14-16, 2017 July 15-16, 2017 July 21-23, 2017 July 21-23, 2017 July 28-30, 2017 July 28-30, 2017 July 29-30, 2017 Aug. 5, 2017 Aug. 11-13, 2017 Aug. 11-13, 2017 Aug. 17-19, 2017 Aug. 18-20, 2017 Aug. 18-20, 2017 Aug. 18-20, 2017 Aug. 25-27, 2017 Aug. 25-27, 2017 Aug. 25-27, 2017 Aug. 26-27, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 8-10, 2017 Sept. 15-17, 2017 Sept. 16-17, 2017 Sept. 16-17, 2017 Sept. 22-24, 2017 Sept. 22-24, 2017 Sept. 22-24, 2017 Oct. 4-8, 2017 Oct. 20-22, 2017 Oct. 20-22, 2017 Oct. 21-22, 2017 Oct. 27-29, 2017 Oct. 27-29, 2017 Nov. 3-5, 2017 Nov. 3-5, 2017 Nov. 10-12, 2017
Skirmish Line
Event McNeill’s Rangers 72nd New York Vol. Infantry 111th Ohio Vol. Inf. 120th New York Vol. Inf Veteran’s Skirmish Ft. Shenandoah 29th Wisc. & 56th Virginia 19th Indiana –MW Regional Terry’s Texas Rangers 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry 4th Michigan 14th Connecticut Vol. Infantry Board of Director’s Meeting Allegheny Regional 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Wainwright Skirmish Ft. Shenandoah 9th New York Cavalry 21st Michigan/7th Michigan 46th Illinois Vol Infantry Gator Skirmish 1st Florida Cavalry 3rd Georgia/44th Georgia Union Guards 4th Virginia 1st Pennsylvania Cav Co. B 149th New York Vol Inf Battery C Potomac Fall Regional Old Dominion Dragoons Palmetto Guard 15th Wisconsin & 114th Illinois 34th Virginia 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Stonewall Brigade Tidewater Regional – Norfolk Light Fall Nationals Ft. Shenandoah Dulany Troop Cancer Skirmish-Tidewater Commander’s Skirmish/Meeting 23rd North Carolina Halloween Skirmish FEC Last Chance Skirmish Homecoming
Spring 2017
Region CH NE NW EN
Location Ft. Shenandoah Dansville, NY Defiance, OH Saratoga, NY
WR MW NE MA NW EN Non Shooting AL MW
Bristol, WI Batesville, IN Fulton, NY Lancaster, PA Laingsburg, MI Glastonbury, CT Winchester, VA Ft. Shenandoah Pleasant Hill, OH
Erie, PA Maybee, MI Streator, IL Ft. Shenandoah Brierfield, GA Pleasant Hill, OH Hopkinton, MA Springtown, PA Dansville, NY Columbiaville, MI Ft. Shenandoah Capron, VA Statesville, NC Bristol, WI Reading, MA Centerburg, OH Ft. Shenandoah Capron, VA
Ft. Shenandoah Capron, VA Saratoga, NY Jacksonville, NC Ft. Shenandoah NBF State Park, TN Capron, VA Statesville, NC
Attention all Skirmishers Emergency Medical Information On the back of this page are Emergency Medical Information slips that you can cut out, fill in, and keep in whatever you use to carry and display your N-SSA Competitor ID Card. Multiple slips are provided should you wish to keep extra copies in your wallet, trailer, shooting cart, etc. The intent of these cards is to provide members with a free, and easy-to-use safeguard in the event of a medical emergency. This is especially important if you were to become incapable of communicating with team mates or medical/first responders (i.e. having a severe stroke, heart attack, and/or loss of consciousness). This information is NOT solicited by, nor will it be maintained by the N-SSA. It is your personal information - you update and safeguard it. Hopefully you will have it ready and easily found (example in your ID card holder!) should an actual emergency arise. If needed, additional Emergency Medical Information slips can be obtained at no cost in the National Secretary’s Office during National Skirmishes. Please take a few moments to take action on something as simple as this, something which could spell the difference between life or death.
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line
Skirmish Line
Spring 2017
Berdan’s 1st. US Sharpshooters (264-Central Virginia) is looking for members. Just like in 1861 when the Nation’s greatest marksman, Hiram Berdan, offered to raise a regiment of sharpshooters from all over the United States we are looking for members who want to shoot with a competitive team. A team that does not wear blue and does not wear gray. We wear green. Most of us came from other teams so no matter who you shot with before, you will be welcome. We are family oriented and dedicated to our competition and our uniform. If this sounds like you then give me a call or email. Terry Thomann, 540-842-2934,
Spring 2017
Skirmish Line