book for collectors or reenactors but a work to explain the complexities of Civil War Combat. How being issued a smoothbore or a rifle made a difference at certain times and under certain conditions at places like Mills Springs, Kentucky, Fort Donelson, and Shiloh. It did make a difference believe me. I have also compiled a list of each Union or Confederate Regiment what they were issued, carried in those Battles and in their own words how they liked their new Austrian Rifles or hated their old Flintlock smoothbores. Many N-SSA members have already helped me in finding out which Regiment got what. I have received letters and diaries describing Combat with these weapons and their beliefs. And they all said, except for the Irish Brigade, they want Rifles! Amen.
Thomas E. Johnson, Jr. passed away on October 13, 2021 Tommy was a long time member of the North South Skirmish Association. He was a member of the 2nd Virginia Cavalry and served as the Commander for many Years. He also served as the Central Virginia Regional Commander, National Adjutant, Executive Secretary and Sutler officer. The sutler area was named the “Thomas E. Johnson Jr. Sutler Area” in 2014 for his many years serving as the National Sutler Officer. He also owned the “Cavalry Shop” and made fine quality leather equipment and specialized in custom leather equipment. He loved to fish and relic hunt. He was also a sutler and had a stand at Fort Shenandoah and also set up at regional skirmishes. Tommy was one of those people that could multi-task and was able to do it very well. He was 89 years old. John A. Sharrett III Dismal Swamp Rangers Crossword Answer Key Across 2 – SHARPSBURG 4 – GETTYSBURG 7 – MILITARY 8 – SOUTH 9- LINCOLN 11- SHERMANS 15- UNION 16- WEAPON 17- SLAVERY 18- BRITAIN DOWN 1- LEE 3- UNIFY 4- GRANT 5- THIRTEENTH 6- BULLRUN 8- STOWE 10- WON 12- RAILROAD 13- SECEDED 14- BOOTH
16 Skirmish Line Fall 2021
11/8/2021 8:34:06 PM