Skirmish Line Spring 2022

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REMEMBERING JOHN ALLEN SHARRETT, III October 2, 1943 – January 9, 2002 “John is the most giving individual in the most subtle ways . . . He is a shining example of how to lead --- selfless, giving, knowledgeable and respected” ~~~ E. R. “Mike” Davenport, Commander Dismal Swamp Rangers


Now,.. wait...For...It. Wait for what? The next command from the tower ?? No. The heckling from behind the firing line. “Do

The Best You Can, John !” “Go-o-o-o Swamp Rats !! You too, John !!” John knew it was coming. And from where. So, he turned, curled his upper lip, and tossed that first spent cap in the direction of the “heckler”. Always a good sport, John could “take it”. And, given the opportunity, he could certainly dish it out. Actually, he LOOKED, quite literally, for those opportunities. The errant minie ball that somehow dropped out of the sky twenty yards in front of its target; the ramrod fired down range; the splinter of wood that blasted off the frame for all to see. Months later, these “trophies” would find their way on to a special plaque. Then, along with the requisite Top Gun designations, they were ceremoniously presented to their humbled recipients at our Annual Christmas / Awards Banquet. I remember the year John bestowed a unique --- truly one of a kind --- Swamp Rat Clock on that member who just couldn’t seem to make it to a Skirmish on time. (Yes. I still have it, thank you very much!)

“HAPPY EYES” The bantering was always good natured. It contributed immeasurably to the comradery and brotherhood our Club has enjoyed over the years. After John’s funeral service I overheard someone describe him as having “happy eyes”. Hadn’t thought of that. But I think she’s right. Remember “the snarl”? That curled upper lip? Somewhat canine in appearance, but not particularly threatening. You couldn’t take it serious because he always delivered it with a “twinkle”; with “happy eyes” you might say. Now, if John liked you, then you’ve likely been “snarled” at. John liked my children. My (then middle school age) daughter adopted that snarl. Practiced it --- in the mirror --- till she got it right. Then waited for the perfect opportunity. It came. John snarled, she returned fire. It was great and John loved it!

It should be noted here that the snarl has served my daughter well, professionally speaking. As a high school teacher, she will occasionally lob one in the direction of a deserving student. Thank you, John, for your contribution to public education!

29 Skirmish Line Spring 2022

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