April 2015
An Open and Affirming Congregation
Easter Resurrection Sunday April 5, 9 am • sanctuary Come celebrate the transformation of Good Friday to Easter, death to life !
INTERIM TRANSITIONAL CONGREGATIONAL GATHERING Sunday, April 19 Following morning worship The interim transitional journey celebrates the past, embraces the present and discerns the future. In that context it discerns the congregation’s gifts and strengths so it can build on them for a thriving ministry and mission. As part of the process it examines the congregation’s vision, reviews and reevaluates, to ensure that the vision is still living and that on it can be built a flourishing future ministry.
Maundy Thursday
Service of Communion and Tenebrae April 2, 7pm • sanctuary Maundy means commandment. RED CAN SUNDAY is April 1Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” is the focus of the day. WeTenebrae will be receiving on Passion story unfolds, means monetary Darkness. gifts As the April 5 for the Freeport candles are FACC, extinguished andArea darkness increases. At the end of the service one light is left burning, the Christ candle, Church Cooperative, emergency fund. whichwas is removed from view, then restored, for in the shadow $219.00 collected in March thanks of the cross the light to your generosity! Thank you!is eclipsed but not extinguished. 1
Join us to discuss STJ’s vision, Bringing the Healing Love of Christ to Our Community for the Glory of God. Come to share your experience and perspective and to hear other viewpoints. We will have coffee, tea, special treats - Middle eastern Baklava and more!
Proposed Timeline for the Interim Transitional Process 2015
Background question and purpose of interim transition How do we prepare for settled pastoral leadership? The process is based on Appreciative Inquiry where we celebrate and lift up with gratitude our story, our gifts, our strengths, and envision the future according to God’s call Also, as we get acquainted with current trends and the shifts taking place in our culture and world and therefore, church Celebrating/appreciating our story/history March 25: Lent – Our story/history – share and celebrate memories/stories of STJ Celebrating/discovering the present and who we are today Sunday, April 19 – Congregational Gathering What is our vision? Bringing the Healing Love of Christ to Our Community for the Glory of God Celebrating/appreciating Leadership gifts and shifts Sunday, May 3 – Congregational Gathering Leadership and decision making. How does it work in the church? How is it changing? Sunday, May 17 – Congregational Gathering Governance Structure, current trends and alternative ways, the gifts of the people Following the gathering: Council/leadership will develop a proposal with an alternative structure Share it with Congregation for a vote to live into the new structure Begin living/practicing new structure in September/October and amend Constitution Monday, June 8 – Council appoints search committee Training, preparing for search as a team with Kathy Lawes of Prairie Association Compiling the church profile, July and August Advertising position in UCC employment opportunities, beginning September Search takes about 9 months to a year Sunday, June 14 – Congregational Gathering Church Profile questions and answers Sunday, September ?? – Congregational Gathering Stewardship, Budget and Money, current trends Sunday, October ?? – Congregational Gathering Staffing toward a thriving ministry – whatever you give energy to grows Celebrating denominational relationships and resources Ongoing Celebrating new leadership and new direction in ministry After new pastor is called
OPEN AND AFFIRMING MINISTRY PRISM LIGHTHOUSE 3rd Monday of the Month • 6:30pm The LGBTQ support group will gather next on Monday, April 20. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity.
HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE School Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm
This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.
SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm
C.A.T.S—CAREGIVERS AND TODDLERS Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00am Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings from 10 am—11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts MUSIC MINISTRY S.O.S. BELL CHOIR & CHANCEL CHOIR Rehearsals are Thursday evenings Rehearsal is on Thursday nights for S.O.S., Sound of Spirit, Bell Choir, & Chancel Choir. S.O.S. rehearsal is at 5:30 pm, Bell Choir at 6:30 pm, and Chancel Choir at 7:15 pm. If you enjoy singing and would like to participate please contact Gina Bertram, Choir Director.
ADULT SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT LOF CLASS Sundays, 10:30—11:30am The LOF class, (Learning Our Faith), is discussing the popular book The Shack . Anyone who has previously read the book, but never had the opportunity to participate in a class discussion would really get a lot out of this experience. Anyone who has never read the book but has an interest in reading it would also like this class! Anyone who has read the book and already discussed it would probably get a lot of new insights into the book by coming. ALL of you are welcome to join us in the LOF classroom.
BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 9am • Chapel Hearth Room We are discussing the book The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, & A Jew by Suzanne Oliver, Ranya Idliby, & Priscilla Warner. All are welcome to join us! 3
MEN’S GROUP 1st Saturday of the month • 8am
We gather on the first Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. for about an hour and half. It’s coffee, donuts, and an early jump on the day. We have freewheeling conversations from what’s in the news to what’s new at church. Some discussion is serious and some is not so serious and much of it is peppered with laughter. Our next meeting is April 4th. This is Easter weekend. We will still plan to meet unless not enough regulars will be attending. Watch the announcements in the bulletin the prior Sunday for any changes. If you would like to know more about the group, talk to Hugh Knapp, Jim Drew, Jack Fox, Stan Smith, Don Franz, or Dave Rockey.
PING PONG Tuesdays, 9am • Fellowship Hall We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun! RESOURCE GROUP Thursdays, 9am Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the May Tidings on April 24.
APRIL BIRTHDAYS 4-01 4-06 4-07 4-10 4-11 4-13
4-14 4-15 4-16 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-26
APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 4-01 4-14 4-19 4-20 4-23 4-28 4-30
CARD CLUB 1st Monday of the month • 1pm We meet in Chapel Hearth Room. Our next gathering is scheduled on Monday, April 6th.
Mike & Susan Feagan Tim & Patty Weik Cliff & Diane Vowles Doug & Sue Valkema Clyde & Jeanne Cross Don & Ronnie Clock Richard & Sybil Scovill
There are not enough words to thank everyone for helping me work through a difficult time, but thank you for the cards, phone calls, visits at my home and all the other things that were done. It was very much appreciated. Anna Carroll
Jill Gastel Alyson Copus, Kirsti DeHahn Keith Moffatt Victoria Franz Sylvia Bomgarden, Karen Roemer Dennis Manus, Steve Spyrison, Tim Dutcher, Lanah Queckboerner Regina Bertram Kathryn Smith Cherryl Hinrichs Eric Olson, Jody Nieman Dan Wessel Grace Queckboerner Lavonne Wagenknecht, Darcy Dunham Larry Kuntz Betty Pruitt Rosie Cosgrove, Elijah Schrader
RED CAN SUNDAY is April 5 We will be receiving monetary gifts on the first Sunday of the month for FACC, Freeport Area Church Cooperative, emergency fund. $219.00 was collected in March Thank you! 4
John 18:1-24
2 Peter 1:1-21
John 18:25-40
2 Peter 2:1-25
John 19:1-30
2 Peter 3:1-18
The following is a list of our friends who cannot leave their residence and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them.
John 19:31-42
Jude 1-25
Oakley Courts: Deloris Burkhalter, John & Betty Heiden
John 20:1-18
Revelation 5:1-14
John 20:19-31
Revelation 21:1-27
John 21:1-25
Revelation 22:1-21
Stephenson Nursing Center: June Nagel, Lois Walz
Colossians 1:1-23
Romans 1:1-17
Colossians 1:24-2:19
Romans 3:19-31
Presence-St. Joseph: Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, Kathryn Cramer, Herbert Divan
Colossians 2:20-3:17
Romans 4:1-25
Colossians 4:2-18
Romans 5:1-21
1 Peter 1:1-25
Romans 6:1-23
In their homes: Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints
Parkview: Claire Biesemeier, Eunice Hildebrandt, Ardath Lei, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut
Kewanee Provena: Evelyn Dworak
1 Peter 2:1-25
Romans 7:1-25
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Pam Curry, Betty Carpenter
1 Peter 3:1-22
Romans 15:1-13
HOSPITILIZED: John Heiden, Betty Carpenter
1 Peter 4:1-19
1 Peter 5:1-14
FOOD FOR FACC In April, we will be collecting Ramen Noodles for Freeport Area Church Cooperative .
The deadline for submitting articles for
If you are looking ahead for sales, in May we will be collecting Mac & Cheese. Thank you!
the May Tidings is April 14
SERVING IN APRIL USHERS 4-02 Tim & Colin Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus (Maundy Thursday) 4-05 Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 4-12 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus 4-19 Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Joyce Robinson 4-26 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch GREETERS 4-02 Lorraine McMurray, Jeanne Koch
COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after worship, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name. APRIL COFFEE HOUR STAFF RELATIONS
4-05 Royce & Janet Piefer 4-12 Dana Underhill & Jackie Stewart
4-19 Sharon Simler & Rosie Cosgrove 4-26 Shirley Ifert & Marge Criddle WELCOMERS 4-02 Edith Rosenstiel & Jean Wurtzel 4-05 Lyle & Jane Krug 4-12 Bonnie Gennusa & Lisa Schubert 4-19 Doris Last & Jean Mahon 4-26 Carla Meyer & Diane Heilman NURSERY CHILDCARE 4-05 Tim & Angela Newkirk 4-12 Carla Meyer 4-19 Jill Kuntz 4-26 Marla Kreeger
4-05 Robert & Barbara Luedeke, Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Jean Mahon, Dennis & Pam Manus, Betty Mathews, Tom & Dianne Mathews, Lorraine McMurray 4-12 Carla Meyer, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Carolyn Moyer, Tim & Angela Newkirk, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Ruth Olson 4-19 Ed & Connie Orde, Lee & Nancy Otte , Diane Peterson, Royce & Janet Piefer Donna Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Dale & Kelly Priewe 4-26 Betty Pruitt, John & Paula Rawleigh, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dave & Debra Rockey, Ruth Rockey, Carl & Ellen Roderick, Edith Rosensteil
There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up. ― B. Meltzer 6
MARCH WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 3/01—150 3/08—127 3/15—150
YTD 2015
Payments made in February include interim pastor payroll which will be a recurring expense through the year. There were no significant non-recurring and/or non-standard expenses Payments NOT made in February 2015 that impact Net Income: Salaries for Office Admin, and Custodian The Stewardship Committee welcomes feedback on the new format. Do not hesitate to reach out to one of the members. Thanks! COUNCIL MINUTES • MARCH 9, 2015 Members present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Shelly Griswold, Jane Krug, Shan MacAdam, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Deb Rockey, Deb Scott, Patty Weik, Pastor Nayiri, ex-officio. Check-in: Members took a moment to “check-in” on their day. Opening Prayer: Pastor Nayiri February Minutes: Previously approved via email. Interim Transition Timeline: Council reviewed a proposed timeline for the interim transitional process and what steps we need to take to prepare for settle pastoral leadership. Several congregational gatherings are being scheduled to help us, with Pastor Nayiri’s guidance, to determine how to structure, budget and staff for our ministries and to define (or redefine) our mission and vision. Ministry Structure: The Council has decided to “freeze” the Ministries and Council terms as they now exist. We will check in with those members whose term would be ending and ask that they consider staying on for a few more months during this freeze. We will be using this time to reorganize and restructure how the ministries now exist and work. We will look at different ways of determining and using the gifts of the congregation to best serve our needs and vision. Council discussed several options and various ways to accomplish this. The goal is to accomplish the “work” of the ministries toward our vision by identifying and directing the spiritual gifts of the congregation. Financial Report: Discussed financial report, approved by consensus. Adjournment: Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Rockey Council Secretary 7
The Webelos I den of St. John’s Pack 839 just finished their service project for the citizenship activity pin. They spent a couple of hours on Saturday Feb. 28th stocking shelves at FACC. They organized a campaign during the month of February with the help of the members of St. John’s to collect non-perishable food items.
The boys started the day loading three shopping carts of food into a truck and taking it to FACC. They carried the food in and then took a tour to see what all happens there. After the tour, the boys got to work and quickly reorganized the shelves. The boys split into the corn,
bean, and pea teams. The boys and parents learned a lot about the services that FACC provides and many learned something even as basic as where the building is located. Many of us had never visited FACC before.
The adults worked up a sweat and the boys worked up an appetite. They were treated to donuts and orange juice.
The Cub Scouts want to thank the members of the St. John’s for their donations and all of the support that you give them.
St. John UCC Sunday
April 2015
Thursday 9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am TOPS 9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:00 pm Worship Maundy Thursday
Resurrec- 1:00 pm Cards tion Sun- 2:00 pm Staff meetday ing FACC Red Can Sunday 9:00 am Communion 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship
5:00 am City Elections 9:00 am Bridge 9:00 am Ping Pong 10:00 am CATS 3:00 pm Helix (5th6th) 6:00 pm CSA#839 6:30 pm Fellowship
9:00 am 9:00 am 5:15 pm 6:00 pm
9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix
Deadline 9:00 am Bible Study 2:00 pm Staff meeting 9:00 am Bridge 9:00 am TOPS 6:30 pm Council 9:00 am Ping Pong 6:00 pm Property MTG 10:00 am CATS Mgt. 3:00 pm Helix (5th6th) 6:30 pm Camera Club
9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir
9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Bridge 9:00 am Bible Study Ping Pong 9:00 am TOPS CATS Laycare Helix (5th6th) 6:00 pm Dinner FACC homeless shelter 6:30 pm CSA Leader meeting
9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir
Bank 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix
2:00 pm Staff meet- 9:00 am ing 9:00 am 6:00 pm Missions/ 10:00 am Growth 3:00 pm ministry 6:00 pm Vbs meeting 6:00 pm
4 8:00 am Men's Group
Bible Study 9:00 am Resource TOPS Group Worship 2:00 pm Staff RelaBoyScout tions leader 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:00 pm Stewardship 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir
9:00 am Worship 2:00 pm Staff meet9:20 am Kids Woring ship 6:30 pm LGBTQ 10:15 am CongregaSupport tional gathering & brunch 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix
Good Fri-
29 Bridge 9:00 am Bible Study Ping Pong 9:00 am TOPS CATS Helix (5th6th) CSA#839
9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir
10:00 am The Breakfast Club
25 8:30 am Prairie Association Spring Meeting, United Church of Byron
CHURCH STAFF Ministers: Members of the church Interim pastor: Nayiri Karjian pastor-interim@comcast.net In case of emergencies Pastor Nayiri’s phone is: 203.722.9174 Director of Children and Youth Ministry, and Technologies: Kevin Eckert kevin.eckert@comcast.net Youth Ministry Assistants: Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller, Madison Riddell Ministry of Church Life and Membership: Pam Wessel pamstjohn@comcast.net Choir Director: Gina Bertram Organist: Carole Bertram
OUR MISSION STATEMENT Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God. OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday 8:30am—12:30pm & 1:00pm—4:00pm Church office (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net www.stjohnuccfreeport.org www.facebook.com/stjohnuccfreeport AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGREGATION