ST. JOHN UCC Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God
A P R IL 2010
OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.
Church (815) 235-2824
Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
As the Spirit moves me…. It was while I was in seminary in the mid 1970’s that I began to be believe in a connection between our emotional pain/stress, unresolved grief, other life and psychological factors and our health. A few years later I learned of the Holmes/Rahe stress scale, which has proved accurate since the mid-1960’s. It assigns point values (i.e. – Christmas, 13 pts) to a long list of life stressors from the Christmas holidays to marital and sexual difficulties to vacations – and everything in between. Depending on how many “points” you accumulate in any given 12-month period, you can know how much more risk you have of having a serious illness in the next 24 month period. I have taken intensive seminars on mind-body healing and cancer counseling. I have read multiple other books by physicians and Phds, including books on how our beliefs affect our biology, the healing power of faith and prayer, and more. I have also reflected on the numerous healing stories of Christ’s ministry. However, it wasn’t until my recent health scare – a heart rate I thought was lower than good (frequently at 47-51 beats per minute – normal is between 60 & 100), combined with episodes of dizziness, that I have discovered how much my nearly 22+ years of deep prayer, meditation and spiritual practices have positively affected my heart. The Cleveland Clinic (a well-regarded medical center) has the following on their website, in an article on “Integrative Medicine and Heart Disease:” “Evidence of the role of emotional and spiritual health on coronary heart disease has been accumulating for years. Along with changes in diet and regular exercise, attaining emotional and spiritual health by reducing stress and addressing emotional issues might not only slow the progress of coronary heart disease, but even reverse its course.... 3
“Likewise, meditation can lead to decreases in blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension that are greater than those that occur during sleep or simple relaxation.... “A sizeable body of literature has demonstrated the benefits of religious practice on health. Brain imaging studies have shown that brain activity changes during prayer, and research has shown that blood pressure and heart rate can decrease.” All of the blood tests, stress tests, nuclear tests, and heart monitor indicated no correlation between my episodes of dizziness and my low heart rate. My primary doctor and the cardiologist both indicated I have a strong, healthy heart, without signs of narrowing or blockage of any arteries. They’re clean. I apparently have a heart that is like that of a very athletic person, whose heart rate has been lowered through extensive cardio-vascular, aerobic exercise. My years of deep prayer, meditation and spirituality seem to have had the same affect on me. As a humorous piece to this, when I had my first appointment with the cardiologist, the receptionist asked me what medications I’m on. I said, “None.” “None,” she said; “I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody come to an appointment with a cardiologist who isn’t taking any medications.” 60 years old – a healthy heart – no medicines – and no other health issues, to my knowledge. I am thankful to God and my parents for the genes I was given. But I am also aware that my faith, prayer, meditation and spirituality are part of the reason. I know I am proof of what an increasing number of medical studies are indicating – be a person who is deep in your faith, prayer, meditation and spirituality and it will give you a healthier heart and life. Maybe you can begin with prayer and by meditating on this verse of scripture: “Trust in God at all times, O people; pour out your heart before God.” Psalm 62:8 4
Suggestions for Getting Started 1)Tell your family you’re going to take some time for prayer and meditation 2) Turn off your answering machine, cell phone, regular phone, radio, television and anything that could interrupt your quiet 3) Find a place in your home – or outside if you are comfortable being seen in prayer in public – or come to the church – a place where you can relax and be with God 4) Practice deep, slow breathing through your stomach until you begin to feel the tension begin to leave your body, with your mind and muscles growing more supple and relaxed. 5) Sense the presence of God with you; or, at least, strongly believe that God is with you, even if you don’t feel as though you can feel God’s presence. 6) Say a prayer, such as the Lord’s Prayer, which you know well and can pray without constraint. 7) Spend time praising God! Offer repeated words of praise to God. For instance, one of the phrases with which I always begin my private prayer is: “Blessing and honor, wisdom and glory, honor, power and might be to God for ever and ever amen.” I also say the Gloria Patri and 4-5 other verses of scripture I have committed to memory. Spend time praising God! 8) Offer the prayers that are on your heart, in your mind and that you feel in your body and gut – the core or pit of your being.
Kevin’s Korner….. So you’ve been hearing the buzz. Changes are happening all around us. One of the big changes in my life has been the weight loss ministry here at St. John UCC. Things are going great for our first group. Together in eight weeks they have lost a 162 lbs. I’m so proud of this group and the effort they have put into changing their lives. This group will continue to meet and support each other along this weight loss journey. I’m looking forward to continuing to get to know everyone and to help support them through life’s struggles and temptations. I’m also looking forward to the new group that we are forming in April. This new group will also meet on Monday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 starting the 19th. Please contact the church if you are interested in joining this group. Now let me make you nervous for a minute. I take this group very seriously. Just ask any of our current members. I’m great at labeling excuses because I’ve used them all. Weight loss is difficult and it requires hard work. If you’re not 100% in you’re not going to succeed. Placing Christ first in your life means you will need to spend time with Him daily. It’s not going to be easy or quick, but it’s definitely rewarding. Christ wants you to succeed. He wants you to be healthy. Join us and learn how placing Christ First can change your life. Please feel free to call me for more info about this group 815-2180286. I hope you will join us and experience the true freedom found in Christ. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Technology Ministry 6
Dear Reverend Dutcher and Members of the Church Council, It is with much regret and sorrow that I tender my resignation of all music duties within St. John United Church of Christ. After much prayer, anguish, consultations with University of Dubuque’s Theology Seminary’s Pastor to Students, my academic advisor, and my counselor, and much more prayer, I have decided that I can no longer fulfill my calling in this church. My last service will be Easter Sunday which I think is fitting in light of the many trials I have endured lately. Although I will no longer be employed by the church, I still remain a member, and student in –care of this congregation. Thank you for the opportunity to serve God. Sincerely, Teresa Green
TAKING HIS “MASTER CLASS” From April 16-19, Pastor Dutcher will be taking his final class needed to become a registered practitioner of Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure®. In completing his registration requirements, he will have had 215 hours of classroom instruction, 125 hours of clinical practice or supervised internship, and 10 sessions from registered practitioners – at least 5 of which were from registered teachers, and more. He will continue to provide “free” sessions for members and active friends of the church as a part of his ministering to us, and as a part of our bringing the healing love of Christ to our community for the glory of God. Please contact him to make an appointment for a session. Justin Mapes will be preaching on Sunday, April 18, in Pastor Dutcher’s absence. 7
Members of St. John UCC Dixie Marklund—a retired pastor in another denomination, and has also served as a Chaplin, and as a teacher and director for a group home for developmentally disabled adults. Currently is a teacher in a private institution that serves mentally ill youth. Diane Heilman—her parents have had a big impact on her life. Their encouragement gave her a reason to attend St. John, and now she realizes what they meant by belonging to the St. John family. Norma Valkema—the wife of life –long member Don Valkema. she has been attending for years and is now becoming a member herself. They have 5 children, 15 grandchildren, and 6 greatgrandchildren. Thompson Brandt—Chicago native and Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Highland, has deep ancestral roots in Freeport dating over a century and a half ago. His great aunt was a member of St. John UCC in the 1950s and 1960s. Thompson’s family referred to her place of worship as Aunt Clara’s “modern church.” Among examples of community service in which Thompson has an interest are Freeport’s Community Concert Association, Lincoln-Douglas Society, Stephenson County Historical Society, Music Under the Stars, and Noon Rotary.
UPCOMING SPIRITUAL RETREAT We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, May 14th through Saturday afternoon, May 15th , for our next spiritual retreat. Please speak with Pastor Donnley if you have questions about or interest in the retreat. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the narthex.
SPRING ASSOCIATION MEETING Saturday, April 24! Mayfield Church! Stewardship! I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the Spring Meeting of the Prairie Association. Our sisters and brothers at Mayfield Congregational United Church of Christ in rural Sycamore will provide wonderful hospitality as we gather to take a good and faithful look at stewardship. The Rev. Robert Sherman, currently serving as intentional interim pastor at Bethany UCC, Freeport, will preach and lead a workshop on stewardship. We'll conduct our annual business meeting as well. Please mark your calendars for this important date in the life of the Association, and start inviting your delegates and lay guests as well. Registration materials will be available in the office at the end of the month
ST. JOHN MISSION TRIP 2010 – DEADLINE! The firm deadline for registering for this Mission Trip is Sunday morning, April 11th. Anyone wishing to go must have their $50 non-refundable deposit to Perry Cowan, Council President, Pastor Dutcher, or Kirsten Eckert, Staff Secretary, by the end of Fellowship Hour. Attending the mission trip are Donnley Dutcher, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Perry Cowan, Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Carol Ahrens, Barb & Duane McDonough, Denise Dykstra, Ionia Rice, Krista Hille, Jeanne Koch Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Michelle Cross, Kelsey Zettle.
CALLING FOR A CHURCH-WIDE BOOK STUDY You are invited to join in an extended book reading and study of the book, “If The Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus,” by Phillip Gulley. The Church Council will be reading, reflecting on and discussing one chapter a month beginning in May. The book will challenge our assumptions and understandings of what it is to “be” and “do” church. It is not being presented as a statement of what we “should” believe, but to help us re-evaluate and focus on Christ’s values and principals, so this “Body of Christ” is even more reflective of Him. We will be purchasing copies through at $16.50 per copy. We will place the order on Monday, April 12, to ensure the books arrival in time for the Council to read the introduction and first chapter before the May Council meeting. Some of the chapter titles are: If the Church Were Christian: - Affirming Our Potential Would Be More Important than Condemning Our Brokenness - Gracious Behavior Would Be More Important than Right Belief - Inviting Questions Would Be More Important than Supplying Answers - Meeting Needs Would Be More Important than Maintaining Institutions - This Life Would Be More Important than the Afterlife Pastor Dutcher’s goal is a minimum of 50 people reading this book!
Rise ‘N Shine
Easter Breakfast The Christian Education Ministry cordially invite you to breakfast on Easter Sunday, In Fellowship Hall 7:45-8:45am Please sign up on the bulletin board by Thursday April 1stth.
F ELLOW SHIP M INISTRY ALL CHURCH SPAGHETTI DINNER SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 4:30-7:00 PM We invite you to join us in Fellowship Hall for the Annual Spaghetti Dinner! Invite your friends, families and neighbors for an evening of great food and fellowship! Menu will include spaghetti and our delicious homemade meatballs, tossed salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for kids age 3-10 (2 & under are free). Carryouts will be available. Tickets will be on sale Sundays in the narthex beginning March 21st or weekday mornings in the church office. All proceeds go to the St. John General Fund. Sign up sheets for dessert donations and dinner help are on the Narthex bulletin board. Please see Lisa Ebbers with any questions.
The Spring Tea April 17th, 2010 Social time 10:45am
Tea Time 11:00am
Tickets are now available from Pam Wessel Adults $10
Children $5
“ N O C O OK ”
M AY 2 N D AT 12:00 P . M . A RELAY
We will feature recipes from our Cookbook “Tasteful Treasures”. Please sign up on the bulletin board so we know how many to anticipate and prepare for. All are invited to the potluck. If you would like to make your special recipe from the cookbook, let Pam know. Donations will be accepted and given to this year’s Relay for Life on June 18th.
P ROPERTY M ANAGEMENT M INISTRY ADOPT – AN – AREA Help make our church beautiful this spring and summer! The landscape and grounds need your tender love and care; be sure to sign up for an area to care for. You don’t have to be a master gardener to put some love into a much needed commitment. A little weeding, planting and trimming is all it takes to make St. John a beautiful place inside and out. 12
L AYC ARE M INISTRY Change! How do we handle it? Are we resigned to change, or do we grumble about it? A few weeks ago, Pastor Donnley changed the Order of Worship by putting the prayers earlier in the service. I heard some say it was fine, some said “ I don’t like it, but I’ll adjust” and one said “We pray before we eat, why not pray at the beginning of the service?“. Carole wants to serve as Organist only on a part time schedule. Teresa has resigned from her position as Choir Director to accept a new position at a church in Dubuque. Now that, my dear friends, can be a big change for us here at St. John. I called Comcast to have a service man come install the digital adapters I will need if I want to watch more than local channels on my TV sets. As we opened the cabinet on one TV, I took out an old VCR reminder - I laughed at the look on that young man’s face - and my granddaughter said “What is that?” In these days of CD’s, that old VCR reminder was something they had never used - now, we can’t get along without cell phones, Post-It notes and answering machines. I just hope I can continue to ‘keep up’! Change does inconvenience us. So, how do we want to handle it? We just do it! I read that hermit crabs twist their bodies into the spiral of empty shells. As they grow, they shed their shell for a larger one. How do they know when they need a bigger shell? Are they afraid to let go of the older one? I hope God helps us find room for growth and the changes occurring for us at St. John. I pray for our church and that God will give us the courage of the hermit crab to let go. I pray that we will have complete faith, that God never changes, and He will walk with us through all of our changes. Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry
S TEWARDSHIP M INISTRY Applying Bible Principles Under the Old Testament economy, people were required to give to God because this was also the means of providing the government. A theocracy was in place then, which meant that government was actually operating under the direct authority and leadership of God Himself. Today, we are under a different economy. However, we are still required to support the government. We may not like the way government operates. We may not agree with the policies of our governmental leaders. We may not even like the political process or the individuals involved in it. But God says that is not the issue. The issue is one of obedience. He says we are to pay our taxes to whom "taxes are due" (Romans 13:7). In spite of all the ills of government, God says that governmental agencies and government leaders are His "servants" and that they operate for our ultimate "good." So the question is not whether we agree with or even support the work and activities of our governments at the local, state and national levels. The question is one of whether or not we will obey God. You see, it's relatively easy to sing, "Oh, How I Love Jesus." It's far more difficult to demonstrate our love for Him by yielding to Him in full and complete obedience, especially when His commands are ones we do not care for ‚ like paying our taxes. If He is in charge, if He is Lord of our lives, then we will do what He tells us to do. As the little chorus states it so clearly, "I'll say, 'Yes,' Lord, 'Yes,' to Your will and to Your way; 'Yes,' Lord, 'Yes,' I will trust You and obey." Even when it comes to paying my taxes? Even when it comes to paying my taxes! "Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's" (Matt. 22:21).
MISSIONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY ~ Let’s Make Easter special Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items. Please bring your donations to church. We will also be receiving monetary donations on April 4th for the FACC emergency fund. $72.00 was collected in March. We can do better than that for April!
ONGOING ACTIVITIES BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We are studying the book, “Moments That Take Your Breath Away” by James W. Moore, come and join us.
CARD CLUB Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.
PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! April 29th we assemble the tidings.
TAU ALPHA April 19th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall
STITCH, SEW, &QUILT We will meet again in September
ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP The next gathering of the St. John’s Men’s Group will be Saturday, April 3rd, at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m., as we share a cup of coffee or two, some fellowship and conversation, and continue our discussion of male spirituality. Please join us!
COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship.. You won’t always get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring cookies, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 4 dozen to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. Thank you! YAHOOS WILL CHAIR IN APRIL 4/4—Laurie & Rick Ditsworth, Jim & Gwen Drew, Donnley & Sandy Dutcher, Bruce & Denise Dykstra, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Arnold & Mary Eder, Holly & Mike Edler, Kim & Brian Evans 4/11—Susan Feagan, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Jack & Diana Fox, Mary Frazee, Shirley Fritzenmeier, Clyde Fruth, Kristy Fruth, Melinda Fruth, Denny & Judy Garkey 4/18—Jack & Jill Gastel, Russ & Bonnie Gennusa, Audrey Gianquinto, Maida Gimple, Steve & Lorrie Gitz, Brad & Wendy Gusloff, Brian & Mary Hamon, Greg & Deb Hartman 4/25—Dick & Mary Heffner, John & Betty Heiden, Jean & Linda Heidenreich, John & Nettie Hendren, Eunice Hildebrandt, Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs, Tom & Sharon Hull, Shirley Ifert TAU ALPHA WILL CHAIR IN MAY 5/2— Steven Jennings, Sally Kahler, Larry & Connie Kaiser, Della Kirkpatrick, Donna Klapp, Sarah & Hugh Knapp, Jeanne Koch, Dan & Marla Kreeger
SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office. GREETERS April 4 – Janet & Royce Piefer April 11 – Wes & Joyce Robinson April 18 –Doris Last & Claire Biesemeier April 25 – Steve & Lisa Schubert WELCOMERS April April April April
4 - Ruth Rockey & Doris Roberts 11 – Ulan & Cindy Price 18 – Carol Ahrens & Dana Brill 25 – Ray & Jeri Nieman
NURSERY April April April April
4 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross 11 – Denny & Carla Meyer 18 – Anita Bicksler & Rachel 25 – Cherryl & Keith Hinrichs
USHERS 4/04 SERVANTS NEEDED, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 4/11 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith 4/18 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Ray & Jeri Nieman 4/25 Lee & Nancy Otte, & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch
DRIVERS April 4 – Lucille Lee
April 11 – Jack Criddle
April 18 – Mike Smith
April 25 – Don Valkema
If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!
ATTENDANCE 2/28 - 165 3/07 - 152 3/14 - 118 3/21 - 153
HOSPITALIZED; Joe Janshen, Helen Bose, Jerry Simler PRAYER CHAIN: Lee Ristow, Helen Bose, Annie Robey, Roland & Riker Veer DEATHS: Our deepest sympathy to the family of Louise “Pat” Conter who passed away on February 26th.
Thank you from the Norman Sleezer home for your donation of $285. It is much appreciated , your donation helps us reach our number one goal of giving top quality care to our young ladies. Sincerely Cara Williams. *************************************************************************** Thank you for your generous donation of $250 to support the 250 men and women of Emmaus Homes. We are truly grateful for your caring support and for choosing to be a partner with us in continuing to provide opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. Sincerely Lisa A. Drier ************************************************************************** Thank you for your donation of $445 to One Great Hour of Sharing in 2009. OGHS funding has supported disaster relief efforts around the world and recent years have seen great needs with devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chili and devastating flooding right here in the Midwest. Please consider these needs when donating this year. *************************************************************************** FACC would like to thank you for your support of food and personal items donated in 2009. The congregation generously donated $2,323.26 in 2009 and we are incredibly grateful. Peace be with you—Dean Wright *************************************************************************** Thank you so much for hosting the blood drive on Feb 3rd. With 4 units donated, we were not close to our goal of 18 at all. I am hoping to find a chairperson from your church who would like to help me with this drive. Gratefully Lynn Porter
April Scripture Readings 01
Isaiah 49:1-26
1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Isaiah 51:1-23
Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Isaiah 52:1-12
Hebrews 5:11-6:12
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Hebrews 6:13-7:10
Mark 11:1-11
Hebrews 7:11-28
Mark 11:12-33
Hebrews 8:1-13
Mark 12:1-27
1 Peter 1:1-25
Mark 14:1-31
1 Peter 2:1-25
Mark 14:32-72
1 Peter 3:1-22
Mark 15:1-41
1 Peter 4:1-19
Mark 15:42-47
1 Peter 5:1-14
Mark 16:1-18
2 Peter 1:1-21
Romans 5:1-21
2 Peter 2:1-22
Romans 10:5-21
2 Peter 3:1-18
Romans 15:1-21
1 Corinthians 15:1-34 20
PRESIDENT Perry Cowan VICE PRESIDENT Daryl Tessmann S E C R E T AR Y Carla Meyer T R E AS U R E R Vicki MacAdam C H R I S T I AN E D . Bill Condie CHURCHG ROW TH & MEMBERSHIP Perry Cowan FELLOWSHIP Vicki MacAdam M ISSIONS Carla Meyer PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Daryl Tessmann S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Jeanne Cross S T E W AR D S H I P Vicki MacAdam WORSHIP Patty Weik
ST. JOHN UCC COUNCIL MINUTES Members Present: Vicki MacAdam, Bill Condie, Carla Meyer, Perry Cowan, Jeanne Cross, Patty Weik, John Hendren, Daryl Tessmann, and Pastor Dutcher. Guests: Shan MacAdam and Keith Hinrichs. President Perry Cowan called the meeting to order at 6:27 pm. Pastor Dutcher opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes: Minutes of the February Council meeting were approved as presented. Financial Reports: The financial reports were reviewed. Daryl Tessmann moved and Carla Meyer seconded a motion to approve the reports as presented. Motion carried.
Shan MacAdam presented a recommendation from the Property Management Ministry for the purchase of a floor scrubber. The floor scrubber, a Gansy 25, was demonstrated at the church and several members had an opportunity to try it out. This company also has a hand held scrubber for use in small areas. The final cost of the scrubbers is between $2500 and $3000. Funding for the scrubbers will come from memorial funds or the building and grounds fund based on the Stewardship Ministry's recommendation. Vicki MacAdam moved and John Hendren seconded a motion that we purchase the scrubbers. Motion carried. Shan MacAdam also brought up that Monroe Glass has questioned if the church might want to install energy efficient glass and framework in the (east) front entrance doors. The estimated cost would be an additional $6000. There is no estimate available to the saving from installing the energy efficient glass. No action was taken. 21
There was discussion concerning the Boiler Fund. Bill Condie made a motion to close the boiler fund and split the current balance with $10,000 being returned to Endowment to replace a portion of the $20,000 that was borrowed, with the provision that these funds be available to the Council on request, and the remainder of the money transferred to the Building and Grounds Fund. Daryl seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pastor Dutcher read a letter from Teresa Green stating she was resigning as of April 4, 2010. Patty Weik moved and Daryl Tessmann seconded a motion to accept Teresa's resignation. Motion carried. It was decided the Council will meet on Saturday mornings to work on the Employee Handbook. The first meeting will be April 10 from 8:30 – 10:00 AM. Carla Meyer will send e-mail reminders. Pastor Dutcher suggested the need for a 'signature' ministry for our church. He has discussed this with the Mission Ministry to determine what we should pursue as a ministry. Pastor Dutcher presented a new book “If the Church Were Christian” to the Council. He felt the new Council could read this book and discuss a chapter as part of each meeting. It was decided to have the new Council members read and discuss this book. Pastor Dutcher offered to use his father's memorial money for the purchase of these books for the Council. The slate of candidates to fill the Council and Ministries was presented. Patty Weik moved and Vicki MacAdam seconded a motion to present this slate for election at the Congregational Meeting on March 21. Motion carried. The summer mission trip was discussed. Credit limits on both Pastor Dutcher's and Kevin Eckert's credit cards will be increased to $10,000 each during the time of the mission trip. Patty Weik moved and Vicki Mac Adam seconded a motion that the final date to sign up to go on the mission trip is April 11 due the arrangements that need to be made. Motion carried. 22
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm with the Mizpah Benediction. Secretary, Carla Meyer FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2010
3/01 General Fund Beginning Balance
GF Income
GF Income
GF Income
Less 3/19
GF Payroll & Compensation
GF Other Checks
GF Current Bills Outstanding
$17,876.98 $4,234.59 $996.01
3/19 Ending Balance Beginning Balance January 1, 2010
$ 22,247.31 $29,559.65
Building Fund Beginning Balance
BD Income
BD Income
BD Income
BD Checks
BD Current Bills Outstanding
Ending Balance
Boiler Fund Balance
$0.00 $28,664.30 $22,181.37