April Tidings 2012

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St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”




A PRIL 2012


OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is April 17th by noon. 2

AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME‌.. Fifty years ago, this summer, my brother and I were given a memorable lifetime gift. Our grandparents took us to England and Scotland, traveling over on the original Queen Elizabeth ship and flying back from Glasgow, Scotland on the relatively "new" Boeing 707. What a great vacation for two brothers, 16- and 12years-old. I still have so many wonderful memories of that trip. For instance, I clearly remember four of the great English cathedrals we visited - St. Paul and Winchester in London, and Lincoln and Salisbury. St. Paul Cathedral was still being repaired from the damage it sustained during WWII. I’ve felt a sense of awe, since I learned how long it took to build those churches. It required perseverance, commitment and sacrifice, from one generation to the next; with each preceding generation making their investment in the future, with no hope of seeing the results, themselves. For instance, it took 38 years to build the main portion of Salisbury Cathedral; then another 62 years before the tower and spire were completed. 100 years to build that church. It took longer for Canterbury Cathedral to be completed - 365 years! We are entering a season in the life of this church in which we need to make a strong investment in the future of our church, personally, financially and spiritually. In addressing the financial aspect of that investment, I do not know what kind of funds we will need. Like those who build those great cathedrals, some of us may not live to see the benefits of our investment in the future. But, then, we never reap or see the benefit of an insurance policy on ourselves, either. The benefit is a gift to others. So, it’s not about what we're going to get out of it. It's about how those who come after us are going to benefit from our commitment and sacrifice. 3

Most of us would make a significant sacrifice, if our sacrifice had the potential of improving, extending or, possibly, saving the life of a dear loved one or family member. Some of us would make a lifetime sacrifice, such as giving one of our kidneys. Many of us have said we would trade places with another - giving our life, if it meant saving their life. Our love has compelled us to say and do these things. Currently, our median age at St. John is 67-years-old. We have a 3-5 year window of making a potential live-saving impact on the future of this church. Without bringing new, younger members into the church, our median age will be 72 by the time that “window” closes. As Paul Nixon says, "Now" is so much more an important choice than later. We have significant projects we must complete - must complete, if we are to position ourselves for a stronger, more vital future. Some of those projects are ministry projects, which require no significant financial output. They require vision, creativity, shared effort, mutual commitment, common bonds of faith, and a love for what St. John has to offer our community and those who come after us. Other projected projects will cost money, such as installing a new sign outdoors, updating the chancel and narthex, so 18-35-yearsolds feel like they're walking into the present and future - rather than back in time. Updating our sound system, which has had no improvements in 6 years, is also necessary. (How many of you have upgraded your telephones, your computers and your cars in the last 6 years, even though you could have kept things as they were?) These special projects will be presented at a special meeting of the congregation on April 29th. A special fund drive may be required. But, remember, the purpose is to position ourselves for the future by doing what is necessary to make us a church for the coming generation. We know of churches in our community who are likely beyond their “window of opportunity.” We want it to be different for us. So, what will be required of you? … I cannot answer this you for, 4

specifically; for I know some of you are stretched and challenged financially in these days. $100 over the next 5 months could be a significant sacrifice for you. Yet, there are others of you for whom $1,000 to $5,000 would not be a sacrifice, at all. I urge you to prayerfully and faithfully consider making a gift that could be a sacrifice for you, as you would make for a dear loved one or family member. It is about making an investment in this church’s future, so that the distinctive and positive gift of life and faith that St. John Church has to give to our community continues to remain strong, vital and growing. In Christ – to the future and promise of St. John Church,

EASTER SERVICES April 5th April 6th April 8th

Maundy Thursday 7pm Good Friday 10am Rise and Shine Breakfast 7:45-8:45 am Easter Service 9am (no Sunday School)

Please sign up for the Easter Breakfast in the Narthex on the bulletin board or call the office.

SPIRITUAL RETREAT We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, May 20th through Saturday afternoon, May 21st , for our next spiritual retreat. This is a beautiful place for rest and spiritual rejuvenation. Please speak with Pastor Donnley if you have questions about or interest in the retreat. A sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the narthex soon. 5

Kevin’s Korner…

New Life This past month has been a big shift for me. Some great, some good, and some were more like a hiccup in this journey I find myself on. Let’s start with Paul Nixon. He is a great guy whom I enjoyed working with and will continue to for the foreseeable future. Paul has made some recommendations to me to help grow my ministries beyond where they stand today. One suggestion he made was to split my Middle school ministry. 5th -6th would meet on Tuesdays and 7th-8th would meet on Thursdays both from 3-5pm. This would be a great way to continue to reach more kids without the stress and confusion of packing the building with too many students at one meeting. Paul also suggested that with our changes to service time that we merge Sunday school with Children’s worship so that we create a fun time of worship and learning that is appropriate for our children. Christian education will continue to work with the Worship Committee to create this new and exciting ministry for our young ones. To me these changes would bring new life to our children’s ministry. Paul Nixon also mentioned making changes to my Sunday School class for the 5th-12th graders. He suggested that I meet with them following worship each week and go to lunch. This too is a change we will be working on for this summer. Before Paul’s visit I wasn’t nervous at all. After our first staff meeting on Monday I was a wreck. Paul had made some recommendations for our website and one of the parts I had struggled with, in the past, was making the website available on mobile devices. This is how the teen-30 something’s look stuff up. Our website was unavailable to them because it needed to be written in a special code. Something I had no idea how to do. 6

After talking with Donnley and the Growth committee it was decided that I go ahead and purchase a new website from a company that would create the mobile version for me, automatically. I began making the new website and it is up and running today @ www.stjohnuccfreeport.org. I’ll be working with the B.O.L.D. team to help them make desired changes along my various ministries. Big changes are underway and as a young man, and part of the teen-30 somethings group, I have to say it is a very exciting time to be part of St. John UCC. New Life is springing forth and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us. We just need to welcome the changes with open arms. For the most part I know we are ready to bring St. John into a new season of life. I can’t wait to do my part. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technologies Ministry

CHRISTIAN CAMP SCHOLORSHIP Our Christian Ed Ministry has some funds set aside for scholarships for Summer Camps. If your child would like to attend a Christian Summer Camp program and you would like some financial help please contact the office or a member of CE to find out how to apply. The cut off date for applications is April 15th.

CLEAN-UP DAY APRIL 7th 9am Please come and help Property Management clean up the church grounds, inside and out. We will be getting ready for spring and sprucing the place up. Starting at 9am and going until it’s done. Stay as long as you like or are able.


SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION April 29th This meeting has been called to present and take action on recommendations presented to the congregation by Paul Nixon, with whom we have entered into a “Church Coach” agreement through March 2013. One of his recommendations was to take up, again, our action on becoming an Open and Affirming Congregation, which was tabled by the congregation 5-6 years ago. At that time, the congregation separated the decision into two actions. The first action regarded whether affirmed St. John UCC being Open and Affirming “in concept.” (This action was affirmed.) The second action would have determined whether we were willing to make this known, publicly, in our community. This action was tabled. The congregation will act on this tabled motion. A vote will be taken, by written ballot, to declare ourselves Open and Affirming. If the motion is passed, the following statement will be adopted: St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, as a child of God. We invite all to join and participate fully in the life and ministry of this church. The other action to be taken is to address Paul Nixon’s recommendation for placing a new sign in front of the church and making changes to our church chancel and narthex. The vote will determine whether we proceed toward making these through whatever capital campaign may be required. An open forum for the prior discussion of these issues will be held on Sunday, April 22nd, following our 9 a.m. worship service. Members and friends of the church are welcome at both of these meetings. Voting on the motions at the April 29th meeting will be open to all confirmed members of the church. 8

LAYCARE MINISTRY “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:3 I don’t often pass on things that come to me via EMail, but this one is just to good to keep to myself. Now, I know that many of you, with computers, have seen this one - but let the ones who do not have computers enjoy some of this wisdom too. “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it. There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am seventy-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn seventy-eight. Anybody! Can grow older.! That doesn’t take any ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets.” We have heard that word change a lot lately and we will hear it again and again. We all need change. After listening to Paul Nixon for three days, I realized our Laycare Ministry needs to expand. What I need now is some people to help us in our ministry by making frequent calls on our members, and people who are not members, but all live in nursing facilities. Is that person you? Can you spare one hour a week to make someone smile? Can you spend some time with someone who loves to visit? If you can, please talk to me and I will be so happy 9

to acquaint you with our ministry. No meetings to attend! We just need your time throughout the week to visit those who can no longer get out. There are 168 hours in a week - can you spare one of those hours? You will be paid with smiles! A positive attitude is a spiritual gift! Peace and love, Marilyn Ruthe, Laycare Ministry Coordinator

MISSONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on April 1st for the FACC emergency fund. $220 was collected in March.

FOOD FOR FACC They have restructured the donation requests for FACC food pantry and in order to make things more streamlined they have given each church and assigned food item for each month. In April our food item to collect is mac and cheese. In case you are looking for sales to stock up May’s food item will be Grape Jelly.

MEALS ON WHEELS We are schedule for Meals May 21—25. If you would like to help deliver meals please contact the office or Sherrill Spaide.


S TEWARDSHIP M INISTRY Richard Longenecker wrote, “One of the more memorable expressions of antiquity is that of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the Roman statesman and orator, who in 63 BC lamented, ‘O tempora! O mores!’ — ‘Oh, what times! Oh, what standards!’” Those words could be uttered with authority today. Oh, what times! Oh, what standards! More and more, the defining line between the world’s system and true Christianity is becoming increasingly blurred. The differences between the forces of light and darkness are becoming more and more difficult to discern. All around us, instead of black and white, there seems to be a pallid gray tone to much of life. This is very evident when it comes to giving. Many Christians have adopted the world’s standards and allowed them to dictate what, when and how much they should give. As a result, they give when it is convenient, when they feel like it, or when they happen to have some money left over (which is very seldom). Even when God blesses them with financial prosperity, they somehow manage to spend it all on themselves in a spirit of selfishness. The Apostle Paul gave the first-century Christians this counsel: “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come” (1 Cor. 16:2). That’s good counsel for these times. As God blesses our lives and gives us the ability to earn more and more, our giving should rise in direct proportion to His provision for us. As managers and stewards of what rightfully belongs to God, we should see a direct relationship between income and giving. As one increases, the other should as well. Larry O’Nan wrote, Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? A thermometer only reports on the surrounding temperature. It has no ability to change its circumstances. It merely tells what currently is reality. A thermostat, on the other hand, not 11

only reports the temperature, but also triggers action that changes circumstances. A thermostat helps to regulate its environment. The steward who is not actively or aggressively distributing time, talents and treasure is missing out on the opportunity to change his environment through changing people’s lives. “Oh, what times! Oh, what standards!” said Cicero. But think about this: As we follow God’s instruction to give as He provides for us, we can make a difference. We can be “salt and light” in our lifestyles and in our use of His resources. We can be sanctified “thermostats” and be used by God to bring about divine changes in our “times” and in our “standards.” Will you?

FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY MOVIE There is a movie scheduled for April 22nd at 2pm. We will be watching “The Help”. Change begins with a whisper….this eye-opening portrayal of the civil rights movement is an award winning movie. Rated PG-13.

RELAY FOR LIFE This Year’s Relay is scheduled for June 15th. If you are interested in forming a team or being part of the event, please contact Pam Wessel here in the church office 235-2824 or Cathy Williams. There is also a need for High School volunteers to help set up and clean up for the Survivors Dinner. Please call the office for contact info.


O N G O I N G WAY S T O PA R T I C I PAT E I N THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH CHOIRS The adult Chancel Choir meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please come and join us if you have a love for music and enjoy making a joyful noise! The Bell Choir meets every Thursday at 6 pm. Please consider joining us. An ability to read music is helpful but not required.

BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. Please join us!

TAU ALPHA Please join us April 16th 1pm here in Fellowship Hall.

CARD CLUB Card Club will be meeting April 2nd at 1 pm.

PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!


RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings on Thursday, April 26th.

LEARNING OUR FAITH We meet in the Chapel Hearth Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour following service. Please feel free to join us.

MEN’S GROUP We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, April 7th at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!

STITCH SEW QUILT We welcome the snowbirds back as we have some catching up to accomplish at our 1:30p.m. Friday, April 13 meeting of the Quilt, Stitch and Sew Group. Bring your machines and plan another assembly line work shop.

MONTHLY PRAYER SERVI CE The Monthly Prayer Service for uplifting the mentally ill is at 6pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Rev. Carol Ahrens will be leading the service on April 11th in Chapel Hearth. This service is offered for those who struggle with mental illness as well as their loved ones and concerned others.


HELIX MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th) Thursdays after school 3-5 pm if there is no school we don’t meet HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th) Sunday April 29th 6-8pm

CHRIST FIRST WEIGHTLOSS This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 56 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.

WORKOUT NIGHTS Monday at 6pm will be a DVD workout open to everyone Free! Zumba with Jacqui Davenport on Wed 5-6pm and Zumba Toning on Friday evenings from 5-6pm . First Class is $5 Drop in rate after that is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.

HAVE A GOOD IDEA FOR BUILDING COMMUNITY BEYOND OUR WALLS? We need to expand our ministries beyond our walls. We are encouraging our members to form self-directed groups of 5 or more folks to focus on blessing others in Jesus’ name and on St. John’s behalf out in the community. Some of these could be short term or one time opportunities or on-going for the foreseeable future. Pray about it, be moved by the Holy Spirit and use your imagination. Let us know in the office what you come up with!


SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.

COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. APRIL—YAHOOS—Contact Pam to help 4/1 - Carol Ahrens, Mary Arnold, Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn, Alex and Nikki Bertram, Carole Bertram, Regina Bertram 4/8 - Easter Breakfast 4/15 - Greg & Anita Bicksler, Claire Biesemeier, Joyce Bloyer, Marsha Boll, Thompson Brandt, Dana Brill, Robert & Nichole Brinkmeier 4/22 - Pat Busker, Jim Burcham, Cassie Carter, Len & Liz Carter, Betty Carpenter, Ann Carroll, Eleanor Chance, Mavis Clark 4/29 - Don & Ronnie Clock, Bill & Lisa Condie, Phil & Barb Copus, Rosali Cosgrove, Perry & Martha Cowan, Jack & Marge Criddle MAY—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 5/6 - Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Valerie DeBoer, Dory DeFrane, Monty & Carolee Dietmeier, Todd & LaVonne Dietmeier, Cory & Annette Ditsworth, Laurie & Rick Ditsworth, Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth 16

GREETERS April 1 – Dean & Irene Amendt April 5 – Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m. – Ruth & Dave Rockey April 8 – Tom & Melinda Ferguson April 15 – Arnold & Mary Eder April 22 –Ray & Jeri Nieman April 29 – Kya Eckert & Rachel Bicksler WELCOMERS April 1 – Carol Ahrens & Cherryl Hinrichs April 5 – Maundy Thursday 7 p.m. – John & Betty Heiden April 8 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross April 15 – Sandy Dutcher & Mary Frazee April 22 –Marilyn Ruthe & Diane Heilman April 29 – Jane Krug & Carolyn Moyer NURSERY April 1 – Bonnie & Russ Gennusa April 8 – Carla Meyer, Dale & Thomas Priewe April 15 - Tim & Angela Newkirks April 22- Tom & Melinda Ferguson April 29 – Kirsten, Kya, Jeanne Cross USHERS 4/01 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 4/05 MAUNDY THURSDAY- Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 4/08 John Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 4/15 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 4/22 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch, Jane Krug 4/29 Doris Last, Diane Heilman, Sharon Simler, Ben Lee 17

DRIVERS W e have several drivers available, if you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on Friday, 815 -235-2824 and talk to Pam WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 02/26 - 160

03/11 -147

03/04 - 152

03/18 -146

SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that either can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Dorothy Miller and Laura Uthlaut at Parkview Nettie Hendren, Jim Fry and Nada Scheisser at Liberty Village Bob Heilman at Lena Living Center June Nagel, Joyce Kaiser and Holly Genant at Stephenson Nursing Center Betty Wessel at Provena In their homes are, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, Phyllis Cohen, Esther Dickman




PRAYER CHAIN: Wanda Hermann, Jennifer McCollum, Betty Wessel HOSPITALIZED: Cherryl Hinrichs, Joyce Kaiser, Betty Wessel, Joyce Veer, Deloris Burkhalter 18

DEATHS: Our prayers and condolences for the family of William Dickman who passes away March 9th. BIRTHS/BAPTISMS: Liam Matthew McNeil (grandson to Len and Liz Carter, son to Cassie Carter) was born on February 9th. He was baptized here at St. John on March 25th.

Thank you again for your continued support of FACC. We are truly grateful for your generous contribution of $380 you made in January—Dean Wright FACC ************************************************************************* Thank you for your generous gift of $400 received in the second half of the 2011 calendar year. Your support of CUE Seminaries are appreciated. Thank you for making theological education a vital ministry of your congregation. Kiely Todd Roska, Director of Chicago United Eden Seminaries ************************************************************************* Thank you for your kind and caring gift of $250 to help support he men and women of Emmaus whom we serve. You are helping us to provide the special services and rehabilitation programs that are needed to assist them with their daily routines as well as enhance the quality of care for them. - Lisa Drier Exec . Dir. ************************************************************************** To the food preparers and servers… Thank you from all of us to all of you for a great and “bountiful” luncheon. I apologize for giving you a skewed number of people. Little did I know. You came through with flying colors. Thank you again, The family of Randal Carpenter. 19

PRESIDENT Perry Cowan VICE PRESIDENT Bill Condie S E C R E T AR Y Deb Hartman T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROWTH M AR I L Y N R U T H E FELLOWSHIP Ben Lee MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Keith Hinrichs S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Joyce Robinson S TE W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Mary Arnold

St. John UCC Council Minutes 3-12-12 Members present: Perry Cowan, President, Mary Arnold, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Deb Hartman, Ben Lee, Ulan Price, Marilyn Ruthe. Pastor Donnley, Joyce Robinson, and Shan Macadam (joining Council next term) and Paul Nixon joined meeting later. February Minutes: Previously approved via email. Financial Report: Motion to approve by Marilyn Ruthe, 2nd by Mary Arnold. Discussion followed, motion carried.

Ministry Positions: Discussed nominations for open Ministry and Council positions. Motion made to add Bill C. to 2013 Council opening and to approve the list of nominations made by Lisa, 2nd by Mary. Discussion followed, motion carried. The nominations will be presented at the Congregational meeting 3-18-12, following worship. Paul Nixon Report: Paul Nixon gave an overview of his findings and preliminary recommendations thus far from the meetings with the focus and discussion groups. Adjournment: Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary 20

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING March 18th Call to Order: Perry Cowan, Council President Prayer: Pastor Donnley Nominations for Council and Ministry: The nominations for Council and Ministry and those positions still open for nominations were presented. Hugh Knapp made the motion to approve as presented. Barb Copus 2nd. Discussion. Motion carried. Wrap Up Report from Paul Nixon: Pastor Donnley presented an abbreviated summary of Paul Nixon’s final report. Part of our focus in “getting ready to multiply” will be on the under 35 crowd. Donnley referenced a book called “You Lost Me” that addresses the attitudes of young people toward church and religion right now. A significant statistic is that 70% of people under the age of 30 believe church is too judgmental. We (at St. John UCC) need to be accepting of diversity and have a definite clarity about our “boldness”. We have a 3-5 year window of opportunity due to our shrinking pool of members to attract, bring in and keep people of that age range. Along with specific suggestions, Paul Nixon gave timelines in which to accomplish them so that we will not lose our momentum. Lynn Schwandt suggested that we participate in the Kiwanis Club Kettlecorn Project by being a sponsor. This was approved by consensus of members present. Other Business: None Next Meeting: April 29, 2012 We will review information on funding for new projects and finish up our conversation of Open and Affirming action. Thank you to the young people in attendance for participating by being present and listening. 21

Closing Prayer: Pastor Donnley Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2012



General Fund Beginning Balance


3/05 3/12 3/19 3/12

GF Income GF Income GF Income Fundraiser - Spaghetti Supper

$ $ $ $

3/21 3/21 3/21

Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks Current Bills Outstanding

$ 19,586.42 $ 9,066.75 $ 3,773.80

5,383.67 8,680.23 5,455.00 1,441.00

3/21 Ending Balance $ 19,767.59 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010

$ 6,962.17


Building Fund Beginning Balance

$ 2,756.13

3/05 3/12 3/19

BD Income BD Income BD Income

$ $ $

307.00 246.00 427.00


Less BD Checks




Ending Balance

$ 3,249.73


April Scripture Readings 01

Mark 11:1-11


1 Peter 4:1-19


Mark 11:12-33


1 Peter 5:1-14


Mark 12:1-27


2 Peter 1:1-21


Mark 14:1-31


2 Peter 2:1-22


Mark 14:32-72


2 Peter 3:1-18


Mark 15:1-41


Revelations 1:1-20


Mark 15:42-47


Revelations 2:1-29




Revelations 3:1-22


Romans 5:1-21


Revelations 4:1-11


Romans 6:1-23


Revelations 5:1-14


Romans 15:1-21


Revelations 6:1-17


1 Corinthians 15:1-34


Revelations 7:1-17


1 Corinthians 15:35-58


Revelations 19:1-21


1 Peter 1:1-25


Revelations 20:1-15


1 Peter 2:1-25


1 Peter 3:1-22 23

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